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Review Questions

Chapter 13

1. What are the advantages of organizing data storage as separate files?

Flexibility: Organizing data storage as separate files allows for greater flexibility in

managing and accessing the data. Each file can be named and organized in a way that makes

sense for the specific type of data it contains, making it easier to find and work with.

Scalability: Storing data in separate files makes it easier to scale up or down as needed. New

files can be added to accommodate additional data, and files that are no longer needed can be

deleted without affecting other files.

Portability: Files can be easily moved or shared between systems, making it easier to

collaborate on projects or transfer data to different devices.

Security: Storing data in separate files allows for greater security, as each file can be

protected with its own set of permissions and access controls. This can help prevent

unauthorized access to sensitive data.

Backup and recovery: Separate files make it easier to backup and recover data, as individual

files can be backed up and restored as needed. This can be especially important in the event

of a system failure or data loss.

2. What are the advantages of organizing data storage using a database approach?

Improved data consistency: Databases enforce rules and constraints on the data, ensuring that the

data is consistent and accurate. This helps to prevent data inconsistencies and errors that can

arise when data is stored in separate files.

Efficient data retrieval: Databases use indexes and other techniques to efficiently retrieve data,

making it faster and easier to access large amounts of data.

Data integrity: Databases use transaction processing and locking mechanisms to ensure that data

is not corrupted or lost due to concurrent access or other issues. This helps to ensure data

integrity and prevent data loss.

Better data organization: Databases allow for the efficient organization of data into tables,

making it easier to manage and analyze the data.

Scalability: Databases are designed to handle large amounts of data and are highly scalable,

allowing for the storage and retrieval of massive amounts of data.

3. What are the effectiveness measures of database design?

Data Integrity: This refers to the accuracy, consistency, and completeness of the data. A well-

designed database should enforce rules and constraints on the data to prevent data

inconsistencies and errors.

Performance: This refers to the speed and efficiency of the database in storing, retrieving, and

manipulating data. A well-designed database should be optimized for performance, using

techniques such as indexing and normalization to improve data retrieval speed.

Scalability: This refers to the ability of the database to handle increasing amounts of data and

users. A well-designed database should be scalable, able to accommodate growth in data and

user demand.

Security: This refers to the protection of data from unauthorized access, modification, or

destruction. A well-designed database should have appropriate security measures in place to

protect sensitive data.

Maintainability: This refers to the ease of maintaining the database, including updating and

modifying the database structure and data. A well-designed database should be easily

maintainable, with clear documentation and well-structured data.

4. List some examples of entities and their attributes

Entities are objects or concepts that can be represented by data in a database. Attributes are

characteristics or properties that describe the entities. Here are some examples of entities and

their attributes:

Customer entity: name, address, phone number, email, customer ID, order history.

Product entity: product ID, name, description, category, price, inventory level.

Employee entity: name, employee ID, department, job title, hire date, salary.

Order entity: order ID, customer ID, order date, shipping address, total cost, order status.

Supplier entity: supplier ID, name, contact information, product categories supplied, delivery

lead time.

Student entity: student ID, name, address, phone number, email, enrollment status, GPA.

Chapter 14

1. Define HCI

HCI stands for Human-Computer Interaction. It is a field of study that deals with the design,

development, and evaluation of computer systems and other technologies that are intended to be

used by people. The goal of HCI is to make technology more usable, efficient, and effective by

considering the needs, abilities, and limitations of users. It encompasses a range of disciplines,

including computer science, psychology, sociology, and design. The ultimate aim of HCI is to
create computer systems that are easy and intuitive to use, and that enable people to accomplish

their tasks and goals in the most efficient and effective way possible.

3. What are the components of the term performance in the HCI context?

In the HCI context, the term "performance" typically refers to the effectiveness and efficiency of

human-computer interaction. It encompasses several components, including:

Task completion time: This refers to the time it takes for a user to complete a task using the

computer system. A well-designed system should minimize task completion time, enabling users

to accomplish their goals quickly and efficiently.

Error rate: This refers to the frequency and severity of errors made by users when interacting

with the system. A well-designed system should minimize the error rate by providing clear

feedback, preventing errors, and enabling users to recover from errors quickly and easily.

Learnability: This refers to the ease with which users can learn to use the system. A well-

designed system should be easy to learn, with clear instructions, simple interfaces, and consistent


9. What are the five objectives for designing user interfaces?

Matching the user interface to the task: The user interface should be designed to support the user

in completing the tasks for which the system is intended. This involves understanding the user's

goals, tasks, and context of use, and designing the interface to facilitate the most efficient and

effective interaction.
Making the user interface efficient: The user interface should be designed to minimize the time

and effort required by the user to accomplish their tasks. This includes designing clear and

simple interfaces, reducing the number of clicks or steps required to complete tasks, and

minimizing the need for users to remember information or navigate complex structures.

Providing appropriate feedback to users: The user interface should provide clear and timely

feedback to users about the status of their actions and the results of their interactions with the

system. This includes providing feedback when users make errors, confirming successful

completion of tasks, and providing progress indicators when tasks take longer to complete.

Generating usable queries: If the system requires users to search for or input data, the user

interface should be designed to make this process as easy and efficient as possible. This includes

designing intuitive and clear forms, minimizing the need for users to enter redundant or

irrelevant information, and providing suggestions or autocomplete features when possible.

Improving the productivity of computer users: The user interface should be designed to increase

the productivity and efficiency of users when using the system. This involves designing

interfaces that are easy to learn and use, minimizing the need for training or support, and

providing features that enable users to accomplish their tasks more quickly and effectively.

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