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S. R.

Chandak English High School, Solapur

Std :-VI Subject :-English Marks :- 20
Date :10/10/2020 II Monthly Test 2020- 21 Time:1 hour
Q.1) Read the passage and answer the following. (5m)
You may have heard about a great human friend of ours– Dr Salim Ali. He had even
suggested that we should be given the status of the ‘National Bird’ of our country but the honour
went to our beautiful relative - the peacock. I am happy to tell you that I am the State bird of
Rajasthan. We have got ten sanctuaries for our protection but sadly, our number is still going
down. We used to live in all parts of India. But slowly the growing population of man pushed us
away from more than 90 percent of our home regions. We are afraid of hunters that kill us for
fun. We also die due to electric power-lines that we can’t see while flying. We are losing our
homes. Today, only the last 200 of us are left in the world. We need your support and love in
order to survive. Can you help us?

1) Who is the human friend of bustard?

2) Complete the following

a) ______________ is responsible for the loss of homes of Indian Bustard.

b) _______________ is the honour went to the peacock.

3) Write the opposites to the following on your own using appropriate prefix.

a) sadly x ---------------- b) going x -------------------

4) How will you help a bird to live happily? Explain.

Q.2) Read the poemand answer the following questions. (5m)

Morning light spreads

over the earth.
Once again, the Sky bows his head in respect,
For children are going to school.
The Sun, after his morning dip in the river
dressed up in his golden muslin turban
waits and smiles on one side of the road,
For children are going to school.
Through the green-topped branches,
Breezes sing their songs of blessings.
Fragrant flowers awaken the sleepy roads
with their melodies.
1) Who are going to school?

2) Which line in the given extract tells the meaning that the atmosphere is pleasant.

Complete the following.

3) The action of the breezes _______________________________________________________________

4) Why do you go to school? Explain.

Q.3) Do as directed. (5m)

1) Who teaches me English?(Identify the parts of speech and write its type)

2) There is no enemity in our group. (Identify noun and write its kind)

3) I have a good work (Identify adjective and write its kind)

4) Delhi is more populated than Kolkata. (Identify Degree of comparison)

5) Write other two degrees of given adjective.

a) ill/bad - ____________ _______________

Q.4) Writing skill. (5m)

1) Write a letter to your school principal to get a three days leave for your cousin’s marriage.
(points- days and date, study completion, when to return, complete books, etc.


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