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S. R.


Std :- VIII Subject :- English Mark :- 20
Date : 17/2/2021 Exam : IV Monthly Test 2020- 21 Time : 1 hr
Q.1 ] Read the passage and complete the activities: (5m)
In the poorer parts of New York, there was a colony where many struggling artists lived.
Among them were Sue and Johnsy. They had come to New York from different parts of the United
States. When they met, they found that they shared the same interest, and they became friends.
They shared a flat and set up a joint ‘studio’ trying to earn a living through art.
Johnsy was small, thin and not very strong. After spending a few months in New York, she became
ill with pneumonia. In those days, it was not easy to cure pneumonia patients. Though Sue looked
after her well, Johnsy, showed no signs of improvement.

1) The artists in the passage are and

2) The artists became each other’s friends because---------------(complete the sentence)

3) Write synonyms for- a) show b)easy

4) How do you select your friends? Explain.

Q.2] Read the poem and complete the activities: (5m)

What is this life if, full of care,

We have no time to stand and stare ?
No time to stand beneath the boughs
And stare as long as sheep or cows ?
No time to see, when woods we pass
Where squirrels hide their nuts in grass
1) Why does the poet call his life meaningless?

2) Write the pairs of rhyming words from the poem.

3) Pick out the line – that contains alliteration and explain it.

4) What would you have done if your life had no leisure? explain

Q.3 Do as directed: (5m)

1) They will visit the Taj Mahal. ( change to past perfect tense)

2) She has taken it well. (change to simple past tense)

3) I found my lost pen. (Add a question tag)

4) She opened ---------- door and took -----------orange. (use the correct articles)

5) We face problems bravely. (change the voice)

Q.4 Writing skill. (5m)

Expand the idea “Health is Wealth”

(Points-meaning, examples, importance, ways to get it, conclusion,etc.)

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