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(For Adaptation Fund Board
Secretariat Use Only)


TITLE OF Increasing climate resilience through an Integrated
PROJECT/PROGRAMME Water Resource Management Programme in HA.
Ihavandhoo, ADh. Mahibadhoo and GDh. Gadhdhoo
TYPE OF IMPLEMENTING Multilateral Implementing Entity (MIE)
IMPLEMENTING ENTITY: United Nations Development Programme (UNDP)
LEAD EXECUTING ENTITY: Ministry of Housing and Environment
CO-FINANCING US$ 1,800,000.- (Government of Maldives, in kind)


Provide brief information on the problem the proposed project/programme is aiming
to solve. Outline the economic social, development and environmental context in
which the project would operate.

Geographic, Environmental and Socioeconomic Context:

The Republic of Maldives is an archipelago of 26 natural atolls and 1,192 small, low-
lying, coral islands distributed along a chain that extends over 860 km from north to
south in the Indian Ocean. The country has a combined land and sea area of
115,300 km2 and an Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ) of 859,000 km 2.1 With an area
in excess of 21,000 km2, the Maldivian atolls are the seventh largest reef system in
the world, and the largest in the Indian Ocean. Administratively, the country is
divided into 7 regions/provinces, 20 atolls, 192 inhabited islands2 and the capital
Malé. The total population in 2008 was estimated at 298,968 people3, over a third of
which live in Malé.

Statistical Yearbook of Maldives, 2006,
Inhabited islands are where the main population lives and distinguished from islands used for tourism and other
purposes, of which there are a further 168. The capital Malé is always treated separately and is not included
among the inhabited islands.
MPND 2008. Maldives at a Glance. July 2008.

The Maldives has a tropical monsoon climate, dominated by two monsoon periods:
the northeast monsoon from January to March and the southwest monsoon from
May to November. The southwest monsoon is the wetter of the two monsoons and is
typically the period when most severe weather events occur. Average annual rainfall
is 2,124 mm, with a gradient of increasing rainfall from north to south that varies
between 1,786 mm and 2,277 mm, respectively. Daily temperature varies between
23oC and 31oC, with a mean daily minimum temperature of 25.7oC, and a mean daily
maximum temperature of 30.4oC. Humidity ranges between 73% and 85% (National
Adaptation Program of Action, 2007).

The only conventional water resources available on islands in Maldives are confined
shallow groundwater aquifers, rainwater and small brackish/salt/fresh water ponds
on some islands. The non conventional water resources include desalinated water,
bottled water both from importation and local production. The main source of drinking
water across Maldives still is rainwater and desalinated water especially on Male
(capital of Maldives). In Villinigili and Hulhumale (two extended wards of Male), piped
desalinated water is supplied to households on a 24hr basis and accounts for 25%
coverage of safe secure water provision. In outer atolls, the main potable source of
water is rainwater harvested on roof tops. However, the main concern is absence of
water quality monitoring and assurance of water security measures on islands.
Groundwater aquifers on islands from north to south are severely contaminated with
untreated domestic wastewater discharged into ground due to absence of
appropriate wastewater disposal systems on islands. For example, from 20 samples
tested in north Ha.Dhidhoo, 30% of samples were identified with faecal coliforms; In
tests from Ha.Nolhivaram, out of 17 samples 33% were found polluted by faecal

The technology used in Maldives for water supply management includes low to high
technology, ranging from roof top rainwater harvesting to seawater desalination.
Water supply systems on outer islands are mainly from individual shallow hand dug
groundwater wells, household and community rainwater tanks and water
transportation on boats. Besides, there are no wastewater collections and treatment
systems, except on a number of newly built resorts. Sewage treatment systems that
are currently being designed and built are expected to minimize groundwater
contamination. These schemes i are financed mainly from national budget (public
sector investment-PSIP), loans, grants, development assistance and private sector

Problem Statement: The Climate Change-induced Problem

The primary problem addressed by this project is climate change-induced decline of

freshwater resources that is affecting the entire population of Maldives. Freshwater
resources are scarce in the Maldives. As surface freshwater is generally lacking
throughout the country (with the exception of a limited number of brackish water
swampy areas in some of the islands), the key problems pertaining to freshwater
security relate to the management of increasingly saline groundwater and
increasingly variable rainfall patterns.
Groundwater is a scarce resource in Maldives, due to the hydrogeology of the
country. The freshwater aquifer lying beneath the islands is a shallow lens, 1 to 1.5m
below the surface, and no more than a few meters thick. The thickness of the

groundwater aquifer in the islands is determined by the size of the island and the
permeability of the soil column. Adding to this is the critical determinant of net
rainfall recharge, which is becoming more variable in a changing climate. Over the
last few years the National Disaster Management Center has transported potable
water to many islands facing acute water shortages due to prolonged dry periods
costing over US$ 2 million every year.

Many freshwater aquifers are already stressed from over-extraction and face the risk
of total depletion. This already precarious hydrological system is further aggravated
by climate change-induced effects of sea level rise and flooding during extreme
weather events, which increases saltwater intrusion into the freshwater lens.
Salinization of groundwater is affecting the quality of life in the islands, as people
depend on groundwater for washing, bathing and other non-potable uses. Saltwater
intrusion is also affecting soil and vegetation, causing impacts on agriculture and
terrestrial ecosystems. In addition, groundwater is stressed from the effects of flood-
induced pollution, especially spillovers of septic tanks and spillage of human, animal
and household waste during periods of heavy rainfall and inundation.

Fig.1: Typical groundwater lens on a small coral island, prone to salinization

(Falkland, 2007)

Roof top harvested rainwater is the main source of drinking water available on
islands across Maldives. Overall, 77% of people in Maldives and more than 92% of
households in outer atolls use rainwater for drinking (MPND 2006). However, due to
limited storage capacity within house plots, householders can collect and store only
a small quantity of water (the average household storage capacity on islands across

Maldives is 2500 liters). In dry periods, many householders experience a shortage of
drinking water, which is due to shifting weather patterns and prolonged dry periods.
In such instances, the government is called upon to transport potable water to the
affected islands. Apart from water scarcity in dry periods, another major concern
associated with rooftop harvested rainwater on islands is the absence of means to
check water quality and employ biological or chemical water security measures: At
present, no facilities are available on islands to test rainwater quality. In addition, the
setup and design of existing rainwater storage facilities on many islands has proven
to be vulnerable to loss and damage from flooding and high wave incidences, as
demonstrated during events witnessed in 1987, 1991 and 1993.

Although the global average precipitation is projected to increase during the 21 st

century, a marginal decline in precipitation is projected for the Indian Ocean region
(Nurse and Sem 2001). The predicted changes in precipitation have the potential to
impact on rainwater harvesting across all the atolls. Drinking water shortages during
dry periods will therefore prove to be a significant challenge for the atoll population.

Information derived from Climate Scenarios:

The adaptation rationale of the proposed project is confirmed by a number of climate

change scenarios which are discussed in different sources:

 The First National Communication of Maldives to the UNFCCC (Ministry of Home

Affairs, Housing and Environment, 2001);
 The Climate Risk Profile for Maldives, which was developed as input to the
formulation of a National Adaptation Programme of Action (University of Waikato,
 A number of scientific publications about regional climate projections, which have
contributed to the 4th Assessment report of the IPCC (e.g. Mitchell, 2002;
Christensen, 2007)

The First National Communication analyzes IPCC emission scenarios IS92a and
IS92e to develop climate change scenarios using MAGICC and SCENGEN modeling
software for the years 2025, 2050 and 2100. The models project that by the end of
this century, the average mean temperature in Maldives will have increased between
2.0ºC and 3.8ºC, accompanied by sea level rise of 48cm to 95cm. The connection
between increasing temperature, rising sea levels and declining freshwater
resources was clearly made: The summary report highlighted that inundation of land
and associated saltwater intrusion due to the predicted sea level rise will reduce the
size of freshwater lenses and thus reduce fresh groundwater available in Maldives in
the future. In addition, increasing temperatures have been related to greater heat
stress of people and ecosystems, resulting in growing withdrawal of freshwater from
aquifers and surface storage facilities. While the climate models interpreted by the
National Communications project were not conclusive with regards to an overall
decline or increase in rainfall, analysis of observational rainfall data for Malé between
1969 and 1998 has shown increasing variability and an average slight decrease in
rainfall of 2.7 mm every year. Total annual rainfall for the meteorological station in
Gan (southern Maldives) shows an average decrease of 7.6 mm of rainfall per year.
The National Communication report concluded that “overall, local long term climate

recordings for the Maldives show that there is an increase in atmospheric
temperatures and sea level while a decrease in rainfall is observed.”

The Climate Risk Profile (CRP) for Maldives, which was developed as scientific input
to the formulation of a National Adaptation Programme of Action (Hay, 2006)
confirms the findings from the First National Communication. The CRP‟s analysis of
future climate risk is based on output from 4 global climate models (GCMs) and 6
different IPCC greenhouse gas (GHG) emission scenarios for an approximately 3.75
by 3.75 degree grid square, which covers a large portion of the Maldives. The
climate hazards that were analyzed are: 1) high sea levels; 2) extreme rainfall events
(both 3-hourly and daily); 3) drought; 4) extreme winds; and 5) extreme high air
temperatures. Combining observational data from Male atoll (Hulhule) with the
output from 4 GCMs, the CRP established a best estimate projection of the
maximum and minimum rates of change in future risk levels. In summary, the CRP
found that all evaluated climate risks, including sea level rise, extreme high air
temperatures, extreme rainfall events, and drought, are expected to increase over
time as a result of global warming. The CRP found relatively high confidence in
projections of maximum temperature, with annual maximum daily temperature
projected to increase by at least 1.5ºC by 2100. A maximum temperature of 33.5ºC
is currently a 20-year event in Maldives, but will likely have a return period of just
three years by 2025. With regards to sea level, the CRP found that the observed
long-term trend in sea level rise of 1.7 mm/yr (based on data for Hulhulé from 1989-
2005) confirms projections by climate models. Even more extreme high sea levels
are evident in the mean hourly sea level data, which show that maximum hourly sea
level is increasing by approximately 7 mm/yr, a rate far in excess of the observed
local and global trends in mean sea level. The CRP concluded that such
exceptionally high sea levels are associated with greater short-term flooding,
accelerated coastal erosion and salt water intrusion into groundwater. With regards
to rainfall, the CRP confirmed high variability in observed daily, monthly and annual
rainfall, including maximum rainfall, and no significant long-term trends. While
climate models produce inconclusive rainfall projections, observational data from
weather stations indicated considerable inter-annual and inter-decadal variability.

A number of recent scientific publications which have contributed analysis of regional

climate change models and scenarios to the 4 th assessment report of the IPCC
highlight the effects of rising temperatures and sea level rise on the hydrological
cycle in Maldives. A synthesis of 9 GCMs from Tyndall Center (Mitchell, 2002)
confirms projections in temperature between 2ºC and 3ºC, and divergent rainfall
projections (ranging between -20% and +20%) by the end of the century. The
regional projections for precipitation developed by Christensen et al. (2007) highlight
that annual precipitation changes across climate models for Maldives average out at
a median of a slight 4% increase, but that most models perform poorly in the
simulation of monsoon dynamics (which are the most relevant factor influencing
rainfall intensity and distribution in Maldives).

Ultimately, all analytical work on climate change models and scenarios for Maldives
to date has concluded that:
a) Temperatures will increase
b) Sea level will rise

c) Hydroclimatic variability and extremes will increase, and
d) Climate models are no reliable source of information to project rainfall trends.

While long-term observational data from hydro-meteorological stations across

Maldives confirm increasing rainfall variability, there is agreement among climate
change scenarios that increasing temperatures are causing a number of follow-on
effects on freshwater resources:

 Increasing temperatures result in greater heat stress of people and ecosystems,

and consequently in increasing water withdrawal from groundwater aquifers and
surface storage facilities.
 Increasing temperatures result in thermal expansion of sea water, which causes
sea levels to rise and more saline water to infiltrate into groundwater aquifers.
 Increasing temperatures offset a portion of rainfall-induced groundwater recharge
through effects of evapotranspiration (Jung, 2010; Wild, 2008). If future
precipitation remains the same as today, freshwater recharge is expected to
decrease due to an increase in evapotranspiration. Even if rainfall would increase
slightly (as indicated by some climate change models at a low level of
confidence), such gains would be offset by evapotranspiration in warmer

Project Target Area:

The proposed initiative will increase the resilience of freshwater resources through
an integrated management of ground- and freshwater resources in the islands of
Mahibadhoo (Alifu Dhaalu Atoll), Ihavandhoo (Haa Alifu Atoll) and Gadhdhoo (Gaaf
Dhaal Atoll). These three islands represent different geographical locations across
the country, are densely populated and have a flat topography varying between 0-
0.5m MSL. The geographical location and island settings are depicted in the
following table:

No. of
Longitude Latitude Population (2011)*
ADh. Mahibadhoo 72.969066 3.75722 361 2038
HA. Ihavandhoo 72.926103 6.953145 360 2640
GdDh. Gadhdhoo 73.456435 0.289472 543 2023
1264 6701

*Extrapolated from census data 2006, based on annual growth rates

ADh. Mahibadhoo

HA. Ihavandhoo

Fig.2: Target sites of the proposed project

GDh. Gadhdhoo

Fig.2: Target sites of the proposed project

After approval of the AF concept, an assessment mission was conducted to the 3
target islands to verify the situation of communities with regards to freshwater supply
(see Annex D). These assessments have confirmed that at present, the inhabitants
of Mahibadhoo, Ihavandhoo and Gadhdhoo rely on rain water for their drinking water
needs and on ground water for other purposes. However, due to shifting rainfall
patterns, the available quality and quantity of drinking water has been declining.
Ground water salinity is increasing markedly as an effect of reduced
recharge/increased outtake, sea level rise and high wave impacts. In addition, poor
sanitation facilities (especially unsecured septic tanks) have increased the
contamination of ground water sources and rendered this source of water virtually
unusable for domestic purposes. In consideration of these climate-related factors,
the Government of Maldives is obliged to introduce a systematic approach to the
integrated management of freshwater resources in a changing climate. The
proposed project represents the first example of an integrated water management
project which is based on principles of climate risk resilience and adaptive capacity.

Barriers to addressing the Climate Change-induced Problems:

In Maldives, similar to many other small island states, the limited natural water
resources have not been properly managed. There is no appropriate mechanism at
present for sustainable management of these resources. Freshwater undoubtedly is
a scarce resource which requires planned and regulated management. One of the
major issues that have continued for decades on islands is inappropriate wastewater
disposal and inefficient rainwater harvesting practices. MWSA (2001) reported that
there are significant problems with the currently used technologies used for waste
water disposal and also with the robustness of rainwater harvesting practices.

With regards to adaptive, integrated water resource management in Maldives, the

following barriers seem apparent:

1) Public financing shortfalls lead to insufficient coverage of islands with integrated,

climate-resilient water management systems

The Government of Maldives has undertaken substantial efforts to improve

freshwater security in a number of islands, using different financial mechanisms.
These include funding from the national budget (public sector investment-PSIP),
loans, grants, development assistance and private sector investments. Key players
who contribute loan and grant financing to water management projects include
WHO, UNICEF, UNDP, the World Bank, the Asian Development Bank, the Islamic
Development Bank, JBIC, JICA, and the Kuwait Fund.

With the exception of Male‟, Vilingili and Hulhumale, inhabited islands on Maldives
do not have a functioning water supply and distribution network available that can
ensure sufficient supply of safe freshwater during dry periods. This situation is rooted
in a lack of financial resources to ensure comprehensive coverage in such a widely
spread island nation; high initial investment costs for alternative water supply (e.g.
desalination); high initial investment costs for wastewater treatment installations; and
high operation and maintenance costs in connection with centralized water supply
and management schemes (with state subsidies required to keep them going).

At present, water utilities are being established in seven provinces across the
country, with utility managers in charge of developing and providing water supply,
sewerage and electricity services. However, these utility companies lack the capacity
to address the issues mandated to them by the government. As a result, the target
islands under this project do not have a functioning freshwater management system
that can buffer the effects of climate variability and change.

2) Lack of awareness about the impact of climate change on freshwater resources

Besides general aspects of environmental awareness (e.g. the impact of

environmental pollution on protective ecosystem services, the relationship between
water quality and public health, and the benefits of a clean environment to the
economy and society as a whole), there is limited awareness in most communities
about how climate change is affecting the reliability and quality of freshwater supply.
According to a stocktaking report by ADB (2005), capacity-building and awareness
raising activities across Maldives were more concentrated on hygiene education
rather than on an inclusive environmental health and management program to
develop widespread understanding of the interdependence between human activity
and fragile ecological and natural resources. In order to advance climate change
adaptation objectives, awareness programs need to propagate the following

 Freshwater is a natural resource which will become much more variable in a

changing climate;
 Interconnected freshwater collection and storage systems can be an effective
community-based climate change adaptation measure;
 Improper management of wastewater reduces the effectiveness of the ecosystem
(especially with regards to the filtration capacity of the groundwater aquifer and
the health of the coral reef) to buffer against the impacts of extreme weather
events; and
 Water users on inhabited islands, which are currently using decentralized,
individual systems, can benefit from interconnected, more robust and integrated
water management systems that can effectively buffer supply bottlenecks in dry

Key reasons why these messages are not yet propagated include weak political
coherence for the message of integrated adaptation planning; lack of trained
resource people available at island level who can guide inclusive participatory
processes on water management issues; lack of local NGOs/CBOs with experience
on integrated water resource management; and lack of adequate resource materials
that addres water resource management questions at the interface with climate
change and environmental protection.

3) Current practices of wastewater management undermine the resilience of natural

freshwater storage against climate change

Shortages of clean and safe freshwater during dry spells are common across the
country. As dry spells are becoming more pronounced with global warming, the
water stored in rainwater tanks and the natural groundwater lens is crucial. In
addition to unregulated extraction of groundwater from shallow aquifers, a major

challenge for the conservation and protection of valuable groundwater resources
during dry periods is the absence of appropriate means for domestic wastewater
disposal. Sewerage systems built on islands discharge frequently untreated onsite
and near shore, through brick masonry septic tank systems and near shore sewage
outfalls, which heavily pollute island groundwater aquifers and the coastal
environment with sewage. As such, these practices undermine the potential of the
aquifer to buffer against climatic extremes and store sufficient freshwater for the
affected island to make it through a dry spell without having to import bottled water.

Across Maldives, there are no large scale wastewater collections and treatment
systems, except on a few newly built resorts. After the 2004 tsunami, with loans from
development banks and support by donor agencies, sewerage systems have started
to be built with fair treatment (e.g. gravel bed filters, vacuum systems etc) and
central collection facilities with ocean outfalls. No considerations are still given to the
relationship between growing freshwater stress in a changing climate and
opportunities of wastewater reclamation and reuse. Hence, it is essential to connect
wastewater treatment planning to considerations of long-term freshwater supply, and
to make sure to treat the management of wastewater and the management of
freshwater in an integrated manner. If this connection is not made, the lack of proper
wastewater management planning will undermine all efforts of adaptive rainwater
harvesting and groundwater management schemes to buffer against climate-related

4) Institutional Capacity Barriers

Outside the capital Malé, the Maldives has a shortage of professional capacity in all
sectors and at all levels of environmental management, especially at the level of atoll
and island administrations. The Climate Change and Energy Department (CCED)
has limited staff and budget and its main role to date has been to develop climate
change & energy policies, programs, projects, oversee implementation of climate
change related projects and engage in the international climate change negotiations,
in which the Maldives is actively and successfully engaged. The Water and
Sanitation Department (WSD) is the lead government agency dealing with water and
sanitation policies and programmes in the country. The Environmental Protection
Agency (EPA), which is mandated to oversee the Environmental Impact Assessment
(EIA) process, amongst other functions, has greater human resources than the
CCED, but also suffers from severe technical capacity constraints. The EPA has few
staff who can evaluate the implications of proposed water management projects in
the context of a changing climate, or identify locally appropriate adaptation options in
the field of water supply management. Generally, there is little knowledge available
about the possible range of locally appropriate adaptation options for water
resources planning, including the costs and benefits of different high-tech and low-
tech options and how to combine them. These capacity gaps in climate risk planning
are even more apparent with authorities at the atoll and island levels, as historically
all development planning was done at the national level. Such capacity is
increasingly critical, given that many national planning and decision-making functions
will be devolved to the atolls and islands through a decentralization programme.

5) Insufficient Policy Implementation and Enforcement

Despite the existence of an Environmental Act adopted by the Peoples Majilis in

1993 for environmental protection, the apparent gap in the country‟s legal framework
is the absence of relevant laws and regulations that enforce better environmental
governance. Major causes of these weaknesses are the lack of stability within the
government system and absence of institutional mechanisms for environment
management at the community level. Written policy statements related to water
resources (e.g. groundwater aquifers) protection in the country have for the first time
been documented in 1989 in the First National Environment Action Plan, followed by
other policy level documents namely the Second National Environment Action Plan
1999, the First Health Master Plan 1996 – 2005, the Fifth National Development Plan
1997 – 2000, the Sixth National Development Plan 2001 – 2005, the Seventh
National Development Plan 2006 – 2010, the Five Year Activity Plan (MWSA) 2006 –
2010, the Water and Sanitation Master Plan 2008, the Maldives National Strategies
for Sustainable Development 2009, and the Third National Environment Action Plan

Despite the fragmentations, the key national policy on water and sanitation has
always been to provide access to safe drinking water and improved sanitation to all
Provision of access to safe water and adequate sewerage system to people in
became a constitutional right for the first time in 2008 under Article 23 of the new
constitution. Yet, despite the availability of proper policies, policy compliance and
enforcement is still weak across the country, which is mainly due to a lack of
infrastructure for pollution monitoring, trained resource people at island level, and a
shortage of finance for decentralized enforcement of compliance with environmental
and water management guidelines. The country needs to find a comprehensive
approach to the implementation of national water policy in highly decentralized
settings, giving proper consideration to good practices of climate-resilient water
governance that are suitable and appropriate for the situation in outer islands.

The proposed project is responsive to objectives spelled out in the Government of
Maldives Strategic Action Plan 2009, the 3rd National Environment Action Plan
(NEAP -3, 2009), the National Sustainable Development Strategy (NSDS 2009), and
the National Adaptation Programme of Action (NAPA, 2007). For details on policy
coherence, please see Part II, Section D of this project concept.

Project Objective:

The objective of this project is to ensure reliable and safe freshwater supply for
Maldivian communities in a changing climate.

Project Strategy:

The primary problem addressed by this project is a significant, climate change-

induced decline of freshwater security that is affecting vulnerable communities in
Maldives. As surface freshwater is generally lacking throughout the country, the key
problems pertaining to freshwater security relate to the management of increasingly
variable rainwater resources and increasingly saline and polluted groundwater. In
order to reduce the aforementioned barriers to effective climate change adaptation in
the water management sector, it is essential to reinforce the perspective of
Integrated Water Resources Management (IWRM) on inhabited islands. This will
ensure that measures responding to additional, climate change-related risks (such
as greater rainfall variability, unreliable recharge of aquifers, longer dry periods, and
increasing damage to infrastructure from extreme weather events) are addressed in
concert with a response to basic development problems (such as insufficient sewage
and wastewater treatment, lack of environmental awareness, lack of water
conservation, and lack of comprehensive stakeholder participation in the design and
monitoring of water management schemes).

Through the rollout of an integrated water resource management programme in HA.

Ihavandhoo, ADh. Mahibadhoo and GDh. Gadhdhoo, the project will ensure
consistent, safe and equitable access of all island communities to safe freshwater in
a changing climate. Through a targeted mix of the following investments, the project
will address the effects of variable rainfall, extreme weather events, salinization and
pollution of aquifers:

 Establishment of a sustainable freshwater supply system that incorporates and

integrates rainwater harvesting and desalination technology;
 Improvement of groundwater quality through artificial groundwater recharge and
better integration between freshwater and wastewater management;
 Increasing community participation in the development, allocation and monitoring
of freshwater use in a changing climate;
 Replication and up scaling of climate-resilient freshwater management


The following table has been prepared in alignment with the Adaptation Fund
Strategic Results Framework. For details of Outputs and corresponding activities,
please refer to Part II, Section A of this concept.


1. Establishment 1. Ground water 1.1 Artificial groundwater recharge
of integrated, aquifer rehabilitated systems established to protect
climate-resilient and freshwater groundwater resources from salinization
water supply and supply ensured in and improve aquifer yields in dry seasons
-management HA. Ihavandhoo, 1.2 Rainwater harvesting schemes
systems in HA. ADh. Mahibadhoo 3,717,893
redesigned, interconnected and
Ihavandhoo, ADh. and GDh. Gadhdhoo structurally improved to buffer climatic
Mahibadhoo and to provide reliable, extremes and ensure equal water supply
GDh. Gadhdhoo equitable and cost- for all households during dry periods
effective access to
safe freshwater in a 1.3 Production and distribution system for
changing climate desalinated water supply established
1.4. Existing wastewater management
systems redesigned and improved to
ensure sufficient quantities of safe
groundwater during dry periods

2. Increase 2. Strengthened 2.1. Community consultations on each

participation in local awareness and target island ensure participative design,
the development, ownership of sustainability and continued maintenance
allocation and integrated, climate- of integrated water resource management
monitoring of resilient freshwater
freshwater use in management 2.2.Targeted training events conducted in
a changing 40,000
each region to strengthen water user
climate participation and skills in adaptive,
integrated water resource management

3. Replication and 3. Improved 3.1.Training of technicians in the design,

up scaling of institutional capacity operation and management of integrated
climate-resilient to promote and water resource management systems
freshwater enforce climate-
3.2 Institutional mechanisms created to
management resilient freshwater 30,000
integrate adaptive management of
management on all freshwater resources into the design and
inhabited islands rollout of new water management projects
and schemes

3.3. Action plan developed and financing

mobilized to replicate integrated, climate-
resilient freshwater management on at
least 4 additional islands
Project/Program Execution cost 774,602
Total Project/Program Cost 8,285,000

Project Cycle Fee charged by the Implementation Entity (if applicable) 4 704,225
Amount of financing Required 8,989,225

Indicate the dates of the following milestones for the proposed project/programme


Submission of Concept to AF October 2010
Approval of the Concept by the AF Board December 2010
Commence Development of a Full Project January2011
Submission to AF of a Full Project Proposal June 2011
Start of Project/Programme Implementation November 2011
Mid-term Review (if planned) October 2013
Project/Programme Closing October 2015
Terminal Evaluation July 2015

On the request of the Government of Maldives, the project will be implemented by UNDP using the MIE
modality. UNDP is able to provide the following implementation services through its country office, regional
and headquarters networks: project identification, formulation, and appraisal; determination of execution
modality and local capacity assessment of the national executing entity; briefing and de-briefing of project staff;
oversight and monitoring of AF funds, including participation in project reviews; receipt, allocation and
reporting to the AF Board of financial resources; thematic and technical capacity building and backstopping;
support with knowledge transfer; policy advisory services; technical and quality assurance; and troubleshooting
assistance to the national project staff. The breakdown of specialized technical support services provided
through the MIE fee is provided in Annex A.


A. Describe the project / programme components, particularly focusing on the

concrete adaptation activities of the project, and how these activities contribute to
climate resilience. For the case of a programme, show how the combination of
individual projects will contribute to the overall increase in resilience.

COMPONENT 1: Establishment of integrated, climate-resilient water supply

and -management systems in Mahibadhoo, Ihavandhoo and Gadhdhoo

Component 1 focuses on the establishment of integrated water supply and -

management systems in Mahibadhoo, Ihavandhoo and Gadhdhoo to meet the
demand of reliable and safe freshwater supply in a changing climate. This effort will

a) the planning and installation of groundwater protection and recharge measures

using surplus rainwater and improved management of wastewater;
b) the redesign of existing rainwater harvesting schemes, including optimization of
total storage capacity to meet supply needs in dry periods; interconnection of
isolated units to ensure equitable water supply in dry periods; improvement of
structural integrity of rainwater collection and storage systems against extreme
weather events; integration of filter elements to improve safety of freshwater
c) the systematic improvement of septic tank maintenance and redesign of
wastewater management schemes to ensure sufficient quantities of safe
groundwater during dry periods and prevent polluted wastewater to undermine
freshwater stocks in time of climate-induced water scarcity
d) the application of desalination technology in the context of a diversified,
integrated water supply and distribution infrastructure, ensuring supply capacity
of at least 20 liters per person per day during dry spells and climatic extremes.

Under Component 1, the project will meet the domestic and economic water supply
needs of 1264 families, thereby covering the water needs of all targeted island
communities and benefiting 6209 people directly. This covers 24% of all rural
Maldivians who are currently dependant on unsecured individual household systems
outside of the capital zone.

After approval of the project concept by the AF Board, targeted assessment missions
were conducted on each target island over the course of March 2011. The
appropriate mix of the above components for each target island was established and
will be reconfirmed through additional stakeholder consultations determining the
location, setup, maintenance protocols and willingness to pay for integrated water
management services. For additional information on assessment findings and
technical design considerations, please refer to Annexes D (describing the baseline
situation) and E (describing design characteristics and technical options for the
proposed integrated systems).

With regards to overall design considerations, it is important to note that prior to any
construction activities, an Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) will be conducted

under the leadership of the Maldives Environment Protection Agency (EPA). For all
water resource planning purposes under this programme, the demand of water has
been calculated for a 30 year time horizon on the minimum supply of 20 liters per
person and day. This design integrates factors of population and economic growth,
as well as migratory trends to the targeted islands. Proper buffer allowances for
institutional and commercial demand, as well as basic pipeline losses have been
factored into demand-side calculations. This means that the beneficiaries of the
project do not only include the current population of the target islands, but also of
people who migrate to these islands in search of economic opportunities or for
reasons of increasing vulnerability.

Component 1 consists of the following Outputs and activities:

Output 1.1: Artificial groundwater recharge systems established to protect

groundwater resources from salinization and improve aquifer yields in dry seasons

Artificial recharge of groundwater is the process of adding water to an aquifer

through human effort. Under this project, the method of artificial recharge with
surplus rainwater will be used to control sea water intrusion into aquifers and reduce
pollution. Artificial recharge is recognized by many countries with recurrent water
scarcity problems (including Indian ocean islands, Caribbean and Pacific SIDS) as
an effective method to raise the ground water level and counter the intrusion of
saline or polluted water into aquifers. Groundwater recharge reduces surface runoff
which chokes storm water drains, and reduces flooding of roads. This reduces soil
erosion and improves the overall quality of groundwater. Finally, groundwater
recharge improves energy savings from groundwater extraction that is driven by
electrical pumps: A one meter rise in water level saves about 0.40 KWH of electricity.

In the context of the 3 islands targeted under this programme, a number of methods
have been evaluated which are potentially applicable to recharge aquifers and
thereby increase groundwater supply in a changing climate. These methods include
recharge pits, recharge trenches, recharge wells, dug wells, recharge through
handpumps, recharge shafts and lateral shafts with bore wells. It was found that the
most effective way to improve groundwater quality in the 3 target islands is the
collection of overflow rainwater from rainwater harvesting systems to selected
recharge pits and wells, coupled with systematic cleaning of septic tanks in
connection with newly designed sewage and wastewater treatment systems (under
Output 1.4). As spillovers of septic tanks during flooding events keep polluting
groundwater and would undermine any groundwater recharge efforts, it is vital that
septic tank systems are properly connected with sewage and wastewater treatment

Activities under Output 1.1 include:

 Conduct regular benchmark groundwater tests (minimum every 6 months) to

verify improvement of groundwater quality over the course of the project and

 Install provisions in new and existing rainwater harvesting systems (both in
individual households and public buildings) to capture and redirect excess
rainwater for purposes groundwater recharge.

 Install a critical number of recharge pits consisting of perforated concrete pipes

which are backfilled by gravel and sand to support infiltration: 700 household
recharge pits and 30 communal recharge pits in HA. Ihavandhoo; 275 household
recharge pits and 30 communal recharge pits in ADh. Mahibadhoo; and 495
household recharge pits and 30 communital recharge pits in GDh. Gadhdhoo.

Output 1.2: Existing rainwater harvesting schemes are redesigned, interconnected

and structurally improved to buffer climatic extremes and ensure equal water supply
for all households during dry periods

The prevailing rainwater harvesting technique in Maldives is the collection of

rainwater in simple vessels at the edge of the roof. Variations on this basic approach
include collection of rainwater in gutters which drain to a collection vessel through
down-pipes constructed for this purpose, and/or the diversion of rainwater from
gutters to containers for settling particulates before being conveyed to a storage
container for domestic use.

Basic elements of a
domestic rainwater
harvesting scheme
in the Maldivian
context (WHO, 2007)

When analyzed vis a vis the challenges posed by a changing climate - most notably
longer dry periods and more frequent and extreme weather events - the existing
rainwater harvesting systems in Maldives display a number of important drawbacks:

 They are not yet systematically laid out to incorporate greater water resource
needs and more uneven supply in a changing climate;
 They are largely disconnected from each other, thereby creating unequal
distribution of available freshwater during dry periods;
 Not all rainwater harvesting installations are making full use of the available roof
catchment area, thereby reducing freshwater yields;

 Public buildings are not yet systematically connected to central rainwater storage
 Not all rainwater harvesting systems are robust enough to withstand the impact of
extreme weather events, such as storms and swell waves.

The proposed project will address these shortcomings by optimizing household and
communal rainwater harvesting schemes on each island, and installing the minimum
required capacity to meet all communal freshwater needs in a changing climate:

 9,000 m3 in HA. Ihavandhoo;

 6,300 m3 in ADh. Mahibadhoo;
 6,300 m3 in GDh. Gadhdhoo.

Basic design considerations of improved rainwater harvesting systems are

summarized in Annex E, which follows from additional technical assessment
missions that were conducted on each target island during project preparation. The
basic design options that will be integrated into the rollout of improved rainwater
harvesting systems on each island are as follows:

Option 1: Increasing the capacity of individual rainwater harvesting tanks in each

household and optimizing water collection from individual rooftops. Connection of
water collection with carbon activated and UV filter systems, as well as existing
household piping and pumping networks. In this option, consumers are not required
to pay water tariffs.

Option 2: Communal rainwater harvesting through collection from public facility roof
areas (provided that land is available for large storage tanks). Pumping of raw water
to a central tank for filtration and UV disinfection and further distribution. Elevated
water tanks are required to distribute the water through gravity flow. This option will
require metered connection to households, and agreement on a water tariff.

Activities under Output 1.2. include:

 Verify design considerations with island communities, based on Output 2.1

 Define localities for the installation of additional rainwater harvesting and storage

 Design and install additional communal rainwater harvesting systems on public

buildings (schools, mosques, clubs, community centers, hospital, council houses,
etc.) with a large roof area covered with apposite roof materials and an economic
distance from a water treatment area

 Install a water transmission and storage system (including transmission pumping

pipeline running from a treatment site to elevated tanks providing a gravity
distribution system)

 Install additional disinfection devices to treat freshwater to WHO standards before

human consumption (using UV disinfection as close as possible to the
consumers and preferably at the elevated reservoir outlet point).

 Establish a distribution network to transport potable water produced at the
treatment plant (used for both rainwater and desalinated water) to elevated water
storage tanks located near the center of the island for subsequent gravity
distribution to consumers.

 Install flow meters in key locations of the distribution network to identify water

 Improve individual house connections to enable potable water intake from both
internal (household RWH) and external sources

 Improve water quality control in existing household rainwater harvesting systems by

incorporating additional components such as first-flush diverters, UV disinfectant
systems, inline demand pumps, improvement to gutter and downspouts, preliminary
filtration systems, and additional storage tanks.

 Optimize use of solar energy in communal rainwater harvesting systems by installing

solar-powered pumps wherever feasible and appropriate

Output 1.3: Production and distribution system for desalinated water supply

Desalination technology is a vital component of an Integrated Water Resource

Management (IWRM) scheme on the 3 target islands. Desalination is the only
technology that works independently from climatic factors and can provide
freshwater to the population irrespective of climatic extremes. Even in prolonged
times of drought, when rainwater harvesting systems do not yield sufficient quantities
of freshwater to the population, or in times of flooding, when saltwater infiltrates the
recharge wells of an inhabited island, desalination technology can ensure consistent
water supply. The diversification of different sources of freshwater supply is therefore
a vital consideration in the design of an integrated, resilient water resource
management system. The combination of rainwater harvesting, groundwater
recharge and desalination technology will generate the necessary diversification and
redundancy in the water supply system to ensure that no matter how the climate
develops, there is always a sufficient supply of safe freshwater for the local

The assessment mission conducted to the 3 target islands in March 2011 has
confirmed the need for sufficient desalination capacity to buffer times of insufficient
or unpredictable rainfall. As desalination is a comparably expensive option, both in
terms of fuel consumption cost and high carbon emissions (if run by diesel
generators as opposed to solar or wind power), the project does not propose to
make desalination plants the primary source of potable water on the target islands.
Instead, it is proposed to resolve shortages of potable water during climatic extremes
(drought, flooding, storm disasters) by tapping all available avenues with a view to
minimizing the overall production cost and environmental risk. As discussed
previously, the economically most resilient and viable approach is an integrated
water supply system which integrates community-based rainwater harvesting

systems, improved household rainwater harvesting systems, and sufficient
desalination capacity to supply the minimum water requirement in critical situations
of freshwater shortage. Under the proposed project, all potable water supplied by
these three independent systems will be directly connected to each household to
reach the overall aim of providing a safe and sustainable pipe-borne water supply
system around the clock. The selection of a particular source for operations at any
given time largely depends on the judgment of the operators and house owners;
Ideally, the least expensive household rainwater harvesting system should be in
operation during the rainy season and beyond, whilst moderately costly community-
based rainwater harvesting should commence operations immediately after the rainy
season has finished, supplemented by the more expensive desalinated water in
times of drought.

The required desalination capacity on the 3 target islands was calculated on the
basis of a minimum supply of 20 liters per person per day during times when no
alternative source of freshwater is available. At present, no desalination capacity is
available on HA. Ihavandhoo, whereas ADh. Mahibadhoo and GDh. Gadhdhoo both
have small desalination capacities of 10 m3 per day which were installed by the Red
Cross after the 2004 Indian Ocean Tsunami. This capacity, however, is not fully
operational due to a number of design and maintenance problems (see Annex D)
and therefore insufficient to satisfy communal water demand in times of climatic
extremes. To satisfy water demand of the 3 densely populated target islands, and
avoid costs of importing bottled water, the proposed project will install 90 m3 of
desalination capacity per day on Ihavandhoo and upgrade existing desalination
capacity on ADh. Mahibadhoo and GDh. Gadhdhoo from 10m3 per day to 60m3 per
day. Previous shortcomings in the operation and maintenance of desalination
systems (such as the non-availability of spare parts, intake clogging, affordability
limits of operations and high maintenance costs) will be addressed through a
participatory process in which the willingness of communities to pay for clean and
safe freshwater supply is factored into operations and maintenance protocols of
state-contracted water utility companies.

Regarding continued operation of desalination plants after the project has ended, the
Government of Maldives has recognized the need to systematize the follow-up
maintenance of water supply and sanitation infrastructure across the country. As a
result, the Government has established state-owned utility companies for all
provinces and transferred available water and sanitation facilities (including
desalination plants) to these utilities for continued and professional operation and
maintenance. The operation and maintenance of desalination plants is not a new
skill in Maldives; Following the 2004 Indian Ocean tsunami, a number of desalination
plants have been installed across the country, and the Ministry of Housing and
Environment continues to provide management and technical support to the new
utility companies to ensure their sustained and smooth operation. Under the
proposed project, the 3 target islands will be covered by 3 different utility companies.
The project will involve these utility companies from the very initial stages to ensure
that after the project has ended, operation and maintenance of water-related
infrastructure on these islands is continuously ensured, based on actual willingness
to pay for these services. So far, high initial investment costs have been a prohibitive
factor for many utility companies to actively invest in water supply and distribution
infrastructure; With AF financing reducing this barrier, utility companies have a

strong business case to engage in the continued operation and maintenance of new
infrastructure and draw up business models that meet the needs of the local
population. The technical skills of utilities to effectively operate and maintain
integrated water supply, storage, distribution and water quality testing will be
addressed by Output 3.1 of the project; Consultations between utility companies and
local communities to draw up participative water management schemes is targeted
under Component 2.

Activities under Output 1.3 include:

 Verify population data and growth rates provided by the 2006 census on each
target island and calibrate capacity of desalination plants to ensure minimum
provision of 20 liters per person and day by 2030

 Bring existing desalination capacity on Mahibadhoo and Gadhdhoo to a

functional state and upgrade to a total of 60m3 per day

 Install a new desalination plant on Ihabandhoo with a capacity of 90 m3 /day

 Connect distribution system for desalinated water with distribution, filtering and
collection systems for harvested rainwater

 Interconnect desalination plants with an environmentally safe wastewater

disposal system

Output 1.4: Existing wastewater management systems redesigned and improved to

ensure sufficient quantities of safe groundwater

The safe disposal of domestic and municipal wastewater/sewerage in densely

populated communities has always posed a challenge in the Maldives. Although
septic tanks are acceptable means of safe discharge of wastewater/sewerage to the
environment, the improper use of septic tanks, the faulty construction of septic tanks
or the flooding of septic tanks during periods of heavy rainfall and inundation can
create hazardous conditions for communities, causing communicable diseases such
as Cholera, Diarrhea, and Typhoid. Moreover, the use of septic tanks to dispose
wastewater/sewerage safely can pose a serious challenge to communities with
congested populations (such as the 3 target islands of this project) and may lead to
serious pollution of ground water sources to a level that makes it unfit for hygiene or
household uses.

The context in the target islands of Ha Ihavandhoo and Gdh. Gadhdhoo is no

exception to the above phenomena. The ground water sources in the above islands
have been badly deteriorated and become unfit for any domestic purpose due to
contamination from sewage and salinization. Therefore, it has become imperative to
find durable and lasting treatment process to dispose wastewater/ sewerage
generated by the communities in these islands to the environment with safe BOD
and COD levels. Without a systematic coupling of freshwater supply and wastewater
disposal systems, as demonstrated by this project, the wastewater problem will
continue to undermine any efforts of adaptive freshwater management. Hence, it is

crucial to demonstrate how such coupling can be undertaken, from the design and
planning to the maintenance and monitoring stages.

In the assessment phase of the proposed project, it was found that a new
wastewater treatment plant is currently under construction in Mahibadhoo by an
international contractor (Shin Nippon Air Technologies Co.Ltd.). The system has an
estimated cost of 4.3 million US$ and is planned to be completed by September
2011. A gravity wastewater conveyance system with 3 pumping stations has been
planned for transmission of sewage. Similar wastewater treatment plans (with costs
of around 6 million US$ per plant) are currently being planned for Ihavandhoo and

For the proposed project, as other financing sources have already been allocated to
address the investment costs for wastewater treatment plants on the target islands,
AF funds will not be used to install anaerobic digesters, conventional wastewater
treatment schemes or package plants with Membrane Bio Reactor technology.
Instead, AF resources will be used to ensure that unsecured septic tanks do not
continue to pollute groundwater and undermine groundwater recharge on the target
islands, and that the Government has workable design options on how to integrate
new wastewater engineering designs with climate-resilient freshwater supply and
storage, groundwater protection, and artificial recharge.

Activities under Output 1.4 include:

 Establish a cleaning protocol for septic tanks in connection with groundwater

quality testing and ensure regular cleaning of septic tanks before the wet season

 Ensure connectivity between sewage/wastewater management designs and new

freshwater supply/storage and distribution installations on each target island

 Provide workable design options to MHE on how to integrate climate resilient

freshwater supply systems (encompassing communal rainwater harvesting,
household-based rainwater harvesting, groundwater recharge and desalination)
with sewage and wastewater management schemes

COMPONENT 2: Increase participation in the development, allocation and

monitoring of freshwater use in a changing climate

While the bulk of project inputs will be programmed for tangible adaptation measures
that ensure adaptive management of freshwater resources on three densely
populated islands, the project is also aiming to develop capacity at government, atoll
and island level to increase water user participation in the planning, monitoring and
maintenance of climate resilient freshwater management.

In this context, it is important to note that the project will not establish new decision-
making structures. Instead, it will ensure equitable participation of local water users
in the new local governance structures that are currently being established across
the country. Maldives will be holding its first local elections in 2011 to elect local
authorities (councils) at island and atoll level. These councils will be established as

new constitutional bodies that have the authority to make their own local level
decisions. In this context, through Component 2 of the project, the project will ensure
that water users in local island communities can effectively engage with island
councils and water utilities on all issues related to freshwater governance. This
involves participation in technical training activities that explain the design and
functioning of the local water supply and –distribution system; participation in the
design of new agreements with water utility companies; and continued engagement
in the monitoring of local water supply quantity and quality.

Along these lines, Component 2 of the project will introduce a range of

communication, awareness and training activities which will enable public, private
and communal stakeholders (including water suppliers, planners and users) to
effectively engage with each other and participate in the inclusive development,
allocation and planning of water resource schemes on their home islands.

Output 2.1.: Community consultations on each target island ensure participative

design, sustainability and continued maintenance of integrated water resource
management schemes

In line with the IWRM approach to water management, stakeholder identification and
participation under the project will involve four steps:

1. Identifying key stakeholders from the large array of groups and individuals that
could potentially affect, or be affected by, changes in water management on each
2. Assessing stakeholder interests and the potential impact of the project on these
3. Assessing the influence and importance of the identified stakeholders in
sustaining integrated freshwater and wastewater management on each island;
4. Outlining a stakeholder participation and empowerment strategy (a plan to
involve the stakeholders in different stages of the project and beyond) in
alignment with the existing governance system.

Activities under Output 2.1. include:

 Facilitation of inclusive, participatory consultations between MHE, island councils,

community representatives, civil society organisations, utility companies and
project staff to present the project, verify assumptions and solicit additional
feedback on technical design issues

 Conduct a “willingness to pay”-survey on each island to guide the design of a

water supply service and maintenance scheme

 Devise a scheme to finance the continued operation and maintenance of

integrated water resource management systems on each target island after the
project has ended

 Integrate community representatives in project-related works, including

construction, operation, maintenance and water quality testing

 Conduct regular feedback sessions between MHE, island councils, community

representatives, civil society organisations, utility companies and project staff to
enable analysis of project experiences and lessons learned

Output 2.2.:Targeted training events conducted in each region to strengthen water

user participation and skills in adaptive, integrated water resource management

In all activities related to awareness, communication and training, the project will
adopt the principles of Integrated Water Resources Management (IWRM). IWRM is
widely recognized as a basis for the sustainable development, allocation and
monitoring of water resource use in the context of social, economic and
environmental objectives. The approach recognizes that water is a scarce natural
resource, subject to many interdependencies in conveyance and use. There is a
variety of different uses of water resources, and these uses are all interdependent.
The failure to recognize such interdependency, coupled with unregulated use, can
lead to water wastage and the unsustainability of water resources in the long term.
This, in turn, will reduce resilience to the pressures exerted by a changing climate.

IWRM is cross-sectoral in nature and entails a departure from narrow professional

and political boundaries and perspectives, broadening them to incorporate
participatory decision-making among all stakeholders that have a stake in water
supply, use and management on a targeted island. This means that different user
groups (households, farmers, businesses, public and private entities) can actively
influence strategies for water resource development and management. This brings
additional benefits, as informed users apply local self-regulation in relation to issues
such as water conservation, protection of aquifers and protection of sensitive
ecosystems from water-borne pollution far more effectively than central regulation
and surveillance can achieve.
In all participative processes facilitated under this project, the following perspectives
will be integrated (applicable for each island separately):

 All water (spatial);

 All interests (social);
 All stakeholders (participatory);
 All levels (administrative);
 All relevant disciplines (organizational);
 Sustainability (in all senses: environmental, political, social, cultural, economic,
financial and legal).

Across all components, this project will treat water as both an economic as well as a
social good, which is sensitive to climate-related shocks and stresses and therefore
needs to be managed responsibly. Output 2.2 is the main delivery vehicle to mobilize
stakeholders for IWRM and convey this message.

Activities under Output 2.2. include:

 In cooperation with other specialized UN agencies (WHO, UNICEF), conduct a

country-wide communication and awareness campaign about principles of
Integrated Water Resource Management

 Organize targeted consultations between island councils, water utility companies,

community representatives and the proposed project about IWRM design,
installation, operation and maintenance. These consultations and trainings will
benefit from UNDP Cap-Net‟s training materials and resources related to IWRM.

 Organizepublic debates and focus group sessions on the rights and

responsibilities of different water users with regards to communal water use and
water resource protection

 Arrange school presentations and field visits pertaining to water efficiency and
groundwater pollution issues

 Arrange study visits and field excursions of political authorities from all regions
and atolls to water supply, storage, treatment and distribution systems
implemented by the project;

 Prepare project briefs for political authorities, parliamentarians, utility companies

and industry representatives to highlight the economic, environmental and
adaptation benefits of the installed systems

 Prepare local media news items about the project in local language

 Prepare and/or adopt training materials (leaflets, brochures, posters, DVDs) to

describe the project in the context of IWRM and disseminate best practice IWRM
guidance materials and tools (using synergies with complementary IWRM
projects including the global project “Implementing Integrated Water Resource
and Wastewater Management in Atlantic and Indian Ocean SIDS”

 Ensure visibility of the project on public websites, Email groups and discussion

COMPONENT 3: Replication and upscaling of climate-resilient freshwater


Building on participative processes initiated under Component 2 of the project, and

drawing on the technical experiences in groundwater recharge, rainwater harvesting
and coupled wastewater/groundwater management generated under Component 1,
Component 3 will introduce targeted activities to enable the analysis, replication and
up-scaling of the project approach on other inhabited islands. This will entail a
campaign to present the findings from the project to different public entities, political
authorities, utility companies and development partners, as well as other atolls and
islands with similar degrees of vulnerability. This campaign will integrate all
administrative regions and aim at the replication of the project approach in at least 4
other inhabited islands. Exchange programmes to the target sites in Mahibadhoo,
Ihavandhoo and Gadhdhoo will be facilitated to promote learning and transfer of
experience on climate-resilient freshwater management (especially with regards to

the design of coupled rainwater harvesting/groundwater recharge schemes). At the
level of the central government, a consultative mechanism will be created that allows
the integration of project experiences into the design and rollout of new water
management projects and schemes.

In connection with this project component, it is important that the Government of

Maldives is willing to follow through on its commitment to adopting an integrated
water resources management approach as a key strategy to address a critical,
climate change-related challenge that lies at the heart of the country‟s survival.
Consequentially, the issue commands priority attention at the highest levels of
government. A concerted effort is under way to establish public-private partnerships
with utility companies and mobilize resources from public, private, bilateral and
multilateral sources to follow through with the constitutional obligation to provide
access to safe and reliable freshwater to every Maldivian. This is reflected and
formalized in a three year programmatic budget (based on the Strategic Action Plan).
With AF resources catalyzing additional private investments from utility companies to
operate and maintain climate-resilient freshwater supply and distribution systems, it
is expected that water management in Maldives will be able to draw on more
effective public private partnerships over the course of the next few years so as to
sustain the system in the face of climate change. Considering this conducive policy
environment, the Government has indicated very high confidence that co-financing
can be mobilized for the replication of the project approach on 4 additional islands
under Output 3.3 of the proposed project. If no additional investments from utility
companies can be mobilized, the fallback option will be the use of public financing to
leverage additional bilateral support, accompanied by continued technical and
financial support by the United Nations system.

Output 3.1.: Training of technicians in the design, operation and management of

integrated water resource management systems

The project will ensure that technicians from all utility companies that are currently
engaged in the planning and/or implementation of dedicated water supply, sewage
and drainage projects in Maldives are properly trained in the principles of climate-
resilient, integrated water resources management. Utility companies will be exposed
to the design principles employed by the project and visit the project sites. Targeted
training activities will include guidance on water quality testing, environmental impact
assessment, establishing connectivity and redundancy between individual water
supply options, establishing connectivity between freshwater and wastewater
systems, improving freshwater safety and quality, protecting groundwater resources,
and maintaining communal buy-in and cooperation in the continued operation and
maintenance of water supply systems.

Activities under Output 3.1. include:

 Selection of at least 5 representatives from each utility company to be trained

 Organizing exposure visits of utility companies to project sites, led by project

engineers and technical experts involved in the design of the integrated systems

 Conduct targeted training modules in IWRM, design of climate-resilient
freshwater supply systems, design of climate resilient wastewater management
systems, provisions to ensure long-term safety of freshwater, groundwater
protection, desalination design, operation and maintenance, environmental
impact assessment

 Evaluate training through feedback forms and interviews

 Assess and define targeted support actions for concrete utility companies to
improve the design of water supply projects which are currently in the pipeline

Output 3.2: Institutional mechanisms created to integrate adaptive management of

freshwater resources into the design and rollout of new water management projects
and schemes

In Maldives, there is no institutional mechanism which ensures that new water and
wastewater management projects are subject to technical reviews on the basis of
IWRM and climate resilience principles. Although the government solicits proposals
from utility companies, there are no technical screening safeguards which ensure
that the submitted designs are climate resilient, integrate the views of both water
users and providers on the target islands, and can be operated and sustained after
their installation is completed. Output 3.2 aims to establish a systematic screening
routine in the MHE which can ensure that every single new water and sewage
management proposal in Maldives can be reviewed and improved on the basis of
lessons learned from Mahibadhoo, Gadhdhoo and Ihavandhoo.

Activities under Output 3.2. include:

 Synthesize technical and non-technical lessons learned from the project and
make them available in a form suitable for practical screening purposes

 Evaluate existing proposals from water utility companies against principles of

IWRM and climate resilience, based on lessons learned from the project

 Provide technical assistance to MHE on the design and/or improvement of at

least 4 water resource management proposals

 Support the MHE in devising a systematic screening processes for new water
supply and wastewater management proposals (training of trainers)

Output 3.3.: Action plan developed and financing mobilized to replicate integrated,
climate-resilient freshwater management on at least 4 additional islands

The project will undertake a targeted effort to mobilize financing from other sources,
using AF funds as leverage to work with private utility companies and development
partners to replicate the project approach. Towards this end, a financing and action
plan will be elaborated to ensure that the AF-funded project can be expanded into a

fully-fledged water management programme that effectively connects with various
pilot initiatives in other islands.

Activities under Output 3.3. include:

 Conduct targeted consultations with MHE, utility companies and development

partners to define where the project approach should be replicated

 Undertake assessment missions on 4 additional target islands to evaluate the

economic, social and technical context for integrated, climate resilient water
resources management

 Frame and/or improve a project document for each island for discussion with
political authorities and potential financing partners

 Draft and approve a financing plan for 4 additional water resources management
projects which are designed and implemented on the basis of lessons learned
from this project

B. Describe how the project / programme provides economic, social and

environmental benefits, with particular reference to the most vulnerable

In terms of social benefits, the project will provide safe and reliable freshwater supply
to 1264 families (comprising 6701 people) who live on the 3 target islands of this
project.5 In relation to data from the updated MDG assessment (UNICEF, WHO;
2010), this represents 24% of all rural Maldivians who are currently dependent on
unreliable and unsafe freshwater supply and experience water shortages during dry
periods6. Through a dedicated Component focused on replication planning and
financing (Component 3), the project is aiming to integrate at least 4 additional
islands into a resilient water management programme, thereby benefiting at least
50% of all rural Maldivians who live outside the safe water capital zone and don‟t
have access to an improved water source.

As highlighted previously, the target islands under this project do not have integrated
water supply/waste water management schemes, and the inhabitants are compelled
to rely on uncertain supplies of rain water for their drinking water needs, and polluted
ground water for other needs. The lack of reliable rainfall quantities to produce
adequate and reliable volumes of safe drinking water, coupled with increased
contamination of ground water sources due to improper waste water and sewage
disposal, have rendered drinking water unreliable and groundwater supply

Updated calculation based on census data from 2006 (population status and growth rate on each island) and
related to rural water supply data provided by the new MDG country report: „Progress on Sanitation and
Drinking Water‟ (UNICEF, WHO, 2010).

In terms of economic benefits, the project will increase water management efficiency
on all 3 densely populated target islands, reducing energy requirements for
groundwater extraction and reducing the need to import/transport freshwater from
other places. In addition, the project will reduce costs to the public health system
from water-borne diseases, which are related to the use of groundwater from over-
used and polluted aquifers and rainwater tanks. Recent studies conducted by the
Maldives Water and Sanitation Authority (MWSA) showed that over 30% of rainwater
tanks and 40% of groundwater wells on a random sample of target islands were
faecally contaminated. Comparison of these data and health statistics therefore
confirms a direct correlation between unsafe rainwater harvesting and diarrheal
diseases. Furthermore, the project will ensure that salinisation of groundwater on the
target islands will be effectively reduced, thereby diversifying the different systems of
freshwater supply in times of need. This will improve the security of livelihood assets
in a changing climate.
Environmental benefits of the project include greater awareness across the country
about the sensitive interface between water resources and the health of coral reefs,
as well as tangible measures to reduce groundwater pollution and disposal of
polluted waste water on sensitive coastal ecosystems.

C. Describe or provide an analysis of the cost-effectiveness of the proposed project /


As discussed previously, the project will provide direct long-term, safe and reliable
freshwater supply to 24% of all Maldivians who live outside of the fully serviced
capital zone that encompasses Male, Hulhumale and Vilingili. Through a dedicated
replication and upscaling plan, the project will aim to systematically increase the
group of beneficiaries to at least 50% of all Maldivians who currently rely on unsafe
and unreliable freshwater supply. By integrating 30 year planning parameters for
population growth, economic growth and expected migratory shifts, the project will
maintain water supply efficiency for not only the present, but also future generations.
This is considered a critical impact of the AF investment in a country that is
extremely vulnerable to climate change impacts and continually more reliant on
imports to meet its basic needs.

This project represents a substantive impact for Maldives both in terms of the overall
number of beneficiaries served, but also in terms of economic return on investment.
Reducing long-term water insecurity in three of the most densely populated islands
reduces a number of follow-up investments, including:

- transport and import of freshwater in times of water shortage (at present valued
by the MHE at about 2 million USD per year);
- Public health costs from water-borne diseases, resulting from unsafe
groundwater and rainwater storage7;

According to MCST (2002) recent studies conducted by the Maldives Water and Sanitation
Authority (MWSA) showed that over 30% of rainwater tanks and 40% of groundwater wells
were faecally contaminated. Comparison of these data and health statistics confirms a direct
correlation of unsafe rainwater harvesting and diarrheal diseases.
- energy costs for the extraction of groundwater from depleted aquifers; and
- Reconstruction of insufficiently robust rainwater harvesting schemes after
extreme weather events

In this context, it is important to mention that at present, thousands of litres of bottled

water are imported into Maldives. The 2004 State of Environment report indicates
that between 1996 and 2003 there was a sharp increase in the volume of water
imported into the country. In 1996, nearly 1.2 million litres of mineral water was
imported; In 2003, the volume has jumped close to 6 million litres. With the effects of
global warming, this trend is projected to continue in an unabated manner.

Alternative project approaches have been considered, but deemed less cost-
effective and beneficial than the proposed course of action. As there are only three
major resources of water in Maldives (groundwater, rainwater and desalinated
water), a diversified approach that integrates all 3 types was considered the most
beneficial both in terms of diversity as well as cost efficiency. An exclusive focus on
desalination technology (with an upfront investment of approximately 7 million USD)
would have been an alternative to an integrated approach, but such a setup would
not yield a number of critical economic benefits: Exclusive, stand-alone desalination
would not address rising problems with soil and groundwater salinity (which is
relevant for agricultural uses as well); it would not address problems arising from
insufficient wastewater management (which is a key problem for public health as well
as the integrity of ecosystem services provided by coral reefs); and it would not build
on existing capacity that exists with rainwater harvesting technology that is already
established in all outer atolls. Considering the benefits of a diversified approach that
integrates an optimized mix of technologies in line with the specific context of each
target island, it was assessed that the proposed course of action would yield a more
sustainable return on investment and greater chances for replication.

In terms of cost-effectiveness, it is important to highlight that the proposed approach

integrates readily available, low tech adaptation options such as rainwater
harvesting, which can easily be adjusted to allow effective coupling with innovative
groundwater recharge, wastewater treatment and desalination technology.
Rainwater harvesting does not have a technology entry barrier for the Maldivian
market, and can easily be adopted in various shapes and forms to accommodate the
requirements of greater robustness and adaptive design.

In addition, the project is treating water as an economic good and prioritizes the
principle of community participation and ownership. Users who have been properly
involved and trained in integrated water management are much more likely to apply
local self-regulation in relation to issues such as water conservation, protection of
aquifers, and protection of coastal ecosystems from polluted effluents. In highly
decentralized settings such as Maldives, this approach is much more likely to result
in policy compliance than central regulation, surveillance and policing.

At the operational level, cost effectiveness of the project concept is reflected through
the following characteristics:

 Throughout the project, AF resources will be aligned with the financing and
delivery of project Outputs that have competitive procurement components to

ensure best value for money. In this regard, the project will apply best practices
identified by other, ongoing climate change adaptation projects (including the
LDCF-funded project “Integrating Climate Change Risks into Resilient Island
 The project will undertake a targeted effort to mobilize co-financing for
wastewater management-related components of the project. This will diversify
financial risks and retain focus on AF funds on activities which correspond to the
principle of additionality.
 The bulk of project financing will be directed to community-level activities and
connect directly to local opportunities for the procurement of goods and services.

D. Describe how the project / programme is consistent with national or sub-national

sustainable development strategies, including, where appropriate, national or
sub-national development plans, poverty reduction strategies, national
communications, or national adaptation programs of action, or other relevant
instruments, where they exist.

The proposed initiative is responsive to the Government of Maldives Strategic Action

Plan 2009, the 3rd National Environment Action Plan (NEAP-3, 2009), the National
Sustainable Development Strategy (NSDS, 2009) and the National Adaptation
Programme of Action (NAPA , 2007).

The National Adaptation Programme of Action of Maldives highlights 2 urgent and

immediate adaptation priorities which correspond to the focus of this project:

 „Enhance adaptive capacity to manage climate change related risks to fresh

water availability by appropriate technologies and improved storage facilities‟
(NAPA priority 4), and
 „Enhance adaptive capacity to manage climate change related risks to fresh
water availability by appropriate wastewater treatment technologies‟ (NAPA
priority 5).

The project is therefore fully compliant with 2 adaptation priorities which the
Maldivian government has highlighted as urgent and immediate. In addition to the
NAPA, integrated water resource management (IWRM) is featuring in various
national policy documents, including the first Health Master Plan (1996 -2005). Some
of the aspects identified include:

 Provision of sustainable freshwater on cost effective means

 Integrated water resource management and development of such strategies
 Development of water resource conservation strategies
 Establishment of groundwater protection zones on islands through land use plans

Similarly, the first (1989), second (1999) and third (2009) National Environment
Action Plan (NEAP) gave emphasis to the importance of integrated water resource
management across the country. The measures to manage water sector issues and
concerns through the Ministry of Housing and Environment (MHE) are outlined in the

Key sector goals:

a. Ensure access to safe drinking water and sanitation as a basic human right
b. Protect and preserve the country‟s vital freshwater resources
c. Provide legislative support to improve sector performance
d. Strengthen institutional and financial capacity to meet growing needs and
e. Enhance the role of private sector participation in the provision of water and
sanitation services
f. Introduce the use of renewable energy and other modern technologies to
minimize the cost of providing drinking water and sanitation systems and to
protect groundwater.

Key sector policies:

a. Prioritize provision of safe water and sanitation when designing developmental

b. Establish effective operation and maintenance procedures for water and
sanitation systems in the Maldives
c. Strengthen technical, financial and human resources capacity for water and
sanitation sector
d. Facilitate private sector investment in the water and sanitation sector
e. Enhance community and civil society participation in the water and sanitation
f. Improve water resource management to preserve environment

Key sector strategies

a. Increase rainwater and desalinated water capacity in the islands;

b. Ensure availability of safe drinking water and establish adequate sanitation
systems in the seven regions of the country;
c. Facilitate establishment of water stocks in designated regions of the country for
use in emergency or during disasters;
d. Establish a system to manage and maintain the water and sewerage systems
already established in islands through local governance systems;
e. Create a business‐ friendly environment for investing in the sector;
f. Conduct research on wastewater disposal technologies and assess the health
and environmental impacts of using treated wastewater for different purposes,
including recharging aquifers;
g. Strengthen and enforce protocols, procedures and capacity at water and
sanitation regulatory authorities;
h. Enact the Water and Sanitation Act of Maldives;
i. Develop land use plans, taking into consideration the protection of natural
freshwater resources;
j. Increase capacity at all levels for monitoring water quality, including establishing
island level monitoring capacity;
k. Develop water safety plans for the islands.

In addition, the project is fully aligned with UNDAF Outcome 1: “Communities have
access to safe drinking water and adequate sanitation and sustainably manage the
natural environment to enhance their livelihoods”.

E. Describe how the project / programme meets relevant national technical

standards, where applicable.

The project will comply with the following technical standards relevant to freshwater
and wasterwater management in Maldives:

 Drinking water guidelines (2006)

 Domestic wastewater guidelines (2006)
 Domestic and commercial effluent standards (2006)
 Guidelines on septic tanks and soakway construction, operation and
maintenance (2003)
 Guidelines and manual for rainwater harvesting in Maldives (2009)
 Guidelines on Integrated Water Resources Management

The design of all technical elements under the project will be conducted in such a
way to comply with these standards and ensure that there is thorough alignment with
existing best practices. With regards to the quality of freshwater provided by this
project, the following standards (approved by MHE according to WHO guidance) will

No Parameter Unit Maximum allowable limit

A Physical parameters
1 Colour colourless
2 Taste & Odour Not offensive
3 Turbidity NTU Less than 1
4 Electrical conductance μS/cm Less than 1500
5 pH 5.0 to 9.5
B Chemical parameters
1 Free chlorine Mg/L 0.08 to 0.2
2 Chloride as Cl Less than 250
3 Nitrates as NO Less than 50
4 Ammonia as N Less than 1.5

Tab.1: Freshwater standards applied by the proposed project

F. Describe if there is duplication of project / programme with other funding sources,

if any.

A review of on-going projects funded by development partners shows that there is no

duplication of the proposed project with other funding sources. With regards to NAPA
follow-up, the project “Integrating Climate Change Risks into Resilient Island
Planning in Maldives”, which is jointly funded by the LDCF, UNDP and the
Government of Maldives, focuses on coastal protection issues, thereby addressing

NAPA priority 1 („Integration of Future Climate Change Scenarios in the Safer Island
Strategy to Adapt to Sea Level Rise and Extreme Weather Risks Associated with
Climate Change‟) and NAPA priority 2 („Coastal Protection of Safer Islands to
Reduce the Risk from Sea Induced Flooding and Predicted Sea Level Rise‟). At
present, no projects are under way to address NAPA priority 4 („Enhance adaptive
capacity to manage climate change related risks to fresh water availability by
appropriate technologies and improved storage facilities‟) and NAPA priority 5
(„Enhance adaptive capacity to manage climate change related risks to fresh water
availability by appropriate wastewater treatment technologies‟). These NAPA
priorities represent the key focus of this project.

During the project formulation process, an assessment was carried out about any
complementary development efforts that are currently under way in the target islands
of Mahibadhoo (Alifu Dhaalu Atoll), Ihavandhoo (Haa Alifu Atoll) and Gadhdhoo
(Gaafu Dhaalu Atoll). All government stakeholders listed under section H of this
concept have been consulted, in order to avoid any potential duplication of efforts
and geographical coverage. The project development phase has ensured that any
initiatives that have been conducted on topics of rain- and groundwater management
in the past, such as the work financed by WHO and UNICEF after the 2004 Tsunami,
is adequately consulted and integrated into the project approach as appropriate. In
doing so, specific benefits are expected with UNICEF in the cross-sharing of
awareness materials on rainwater harvesting, waste management and IWRM and in
the training of island authorities, atoll authorities and utility companies.

A special effort will be made to coordinate with the GEF-funded project

“Implementing Integrated Water Resource and Wastewater Management in Atlantic
and Indian Ocean SIDS”, which has been submitted to the GEF CEO for
endorsement in September 2010. This global project, which will jointly be
implemented by UNDP, UNEP and UNOPS, incorporates a technical demonstration
component that is aimed at the protection of the freshwater lens of Thoddoo Island
from agro-chemical pollution and salinity. The project will employ IWRM principles,
and hence provide an ideal interface for coordination and cooperation. The proposed
AF project will thereby be able to benefit from inter-regional IWRM networks to share
knowledge, experiences and best practices, and draw on a range of relevant
awareness materials, training materials and policy guidelines on IWRM.

G. If applicable, describe the learning and knowledge management component to

capture and disseminate lessons learned.

As discussed in Part II, Section A of this project concept, the project will employ the
following learning tools (applied under Components 2 and 3):
 Local media news items in local language;
 Public & school presentations;
 School field visits;
 Public debates, focus group sessions;
 Water management briefs with industry;
 Water management briefs with tourism resorts and operators;
 Government newsletters;

 Awareness actions for parliamentarians;
 Awareness actions for water utilities;
 Training workshops and short courses for atoll, island and community officials;
 Field excursions and exchange visits between atolls and islands;
 Best practice guidance materials and tools;
 Websites and virtual fora; and
 Email groups and virtual discussion platforms.
Implementation of concrete adaptation actions on the ground will constitute the
primary learning experience, which will feed into all awareness, training and
knowledge management actions facilitated and conducted by the project. Apart from
consultative face to face meetings and interactive events, the project will also
prepare brochures, leaflets and posters on the effects of climate change on
freshwater resources, and on the relationship between water management practices
and the health of the coral reef ecosystem. Existing awareness materials on IWRM
will be adopted from existing sources (such as the global project “Implementing
Integrated Water Resource and Wastewater Management in Atlantic and Indian
Ocean SIDS”, see section F).

H. Describe the consultative process, including the list of stakeholders consulted,

undertaken during project preparation.

The scope of this initiative was defined in close consultation with the Minister of
Housing and Environment; the Maldives‟ Designated National Authority for the
Adapation Fund; the UNFCCC focal point; the GEF Focal Point and a range of
relevant UN agencies who provided baseline data and assessment information about
the target islands (UNOPS, UNICEF, WHO). The initiative is based on analysis and
recommendations of a number of official reports and studies, including:

 Draft technical concepts about methods of groundwater recharge, wastewater

management and rainwater harvesting that are applicable to the Maldivian
context (UNOPS, 2010);
 National IWRM Diagnostic Report (Environmental Protection Agency (EPA),
 Integrated Water Resource Management Report on 4 selected islands (MWSA,
 Selected case studies about water Management in Maldives (Mustafa M., 2009).

After approval of the project concept by the AF Board, an assessment mission was
conducted in all target islands to confirm assumptions of the project and concretize a
number of technical design issues with regards to Component 1 (see Annexes D, E).

The following stakeholders have been consulted in greater detail:

Stakeholders Roles/Responsibilities
1. Ministry of Housing and Environment (MHE) Integration of water and sewerage services
with new housing development projects;
land use planning (relevant for recharge

2. Ministry of Fisheries and Agriculture Ground water resource management; safe
disposal of agricultural pesticides and use of
fertilizers; promotion of water conservation
practices; use of alternative technologies.
3. Ministry of Finance and Treasury Resource mobilization and budgeting for
public policy delivery
4. Dept. Of National Planning/Statistical Dept Ensure water and sewerage services are
integrated into national plans; collecting and
disseminating relevant data.
5. Ministry of Economic Development (Invest Integrates water and sewerage delivery into
Maldives) public-private partnership schemes and
facilitates the mobilization of investments for
sector needs
6. Ministry of Health a. Centre for Community Health and
Disease Control: Responsible for disease
control and improvements of community
b. Maldives Food and Drug Authority:
Responsible for quality and safety of
imported and locally bottled water.
6. Ministry of Tourism Facilitates regulation of water and sanitation
services by EPA in tourism resorts
7. National Disaster Management Centre Facilitates provision of water and sanitation
services and coordinates with the MHE to
ensure water security of islands during
8. Ministry of Education (Schools) Promotes good hygiene practices and
ensures provision of safe water and
sanitation services to students, also during
times of water insecurity.
9. Private Sector Provides water supply and metering services
and improves access to safe water and
sanitation in all parts of the country through
contractual agreements with provincial
utilities‟ company.
10. Male' Water and Sewerage Company Delivery of water and sanitation services in
Male‟, and other regions
11. Provincial Utility Companies Provide utility style water supply, sewerage
and electricity services to inhabited islands
12. Island and atoll authorities Responsible for administrative services of
inhabited islands and overseeing the
operation/maintenance of public
13. Environmental NGOs Raise public awareness on climate change
and environment; Support participative
processes; improve environmental
14. UN Agencies: UNOPS, UNICEF, WHO Providing baseline data and input to field
assessment missions. Based on a request
by MHE, UNOPS can provide direct
implementation support services to
component 1 of the project

I. Funding Justification

The following section is a summary of the baseline and additionality reasoning for
each project component. They will be further expanded in the full project proposal
submitted for final approval by the Adaptation Fund. The full proposal will outline any
baseline development activities that are currently financed out of government funds
and traditional ODA, and specify the value these initiatives can add to those
outcomes that are financed with resources from the Adaptation Fund.

COMPONENT 1: Establishment of integrated, climate-resilient water supply

and -management systems in Mahibadhoo, Ihavandhoo and Gadhdhoo

Baseline (without AF resources):

As discussed in previous sections, the three target islands under this project are not
equipped with a climate-resilient water supply and wastewater management scheme.
Existing rainwater harvesting systems are largely disconnected and sub-optimal in
terms of their capacity and yield. Groundwater recharge is absent throughout the
islands, and aquifers are saline and heavily polluted from unsecured septic tanks. No
desalination capacity is presently available on the target island of HA. Ihavandhoo;
ADh. Mahibadhoo and GDh. Gadhdhoo each have desalination capacities of 10 m3
per day, which is insufficient to satisfy communal water demand in times of drought.
At present, the Government of Maldives has to supply bottled water (financed from a
national emergency fund) to all 3 islands in dry periods to ensure sufficient
freshwater supply. Although the government has undertaken efforts to include these
islands into a utility-driven water management scheme, the responses from the
private sector to date have not been positive on economic grounds (especially a lack
of consistent revenue from communities paying for water management services). As
a result, freshwater supply and distribution systems remain ill-conceived in terms of
their safety and collection/storage capacity, and are not able to meet the demands
imposed by climatic extremes. In combination, the lack of reliable rainfall, increased
salinity of soils and groundwater, and contamination of ground water sources with
waste effluents are rendering freshwater supply highly unreliable and ground water
supply highly unhygienic. Without AF support, the population of Mahibadhoo,
Ihavandhoo and Gadhdhoo will not have a reliable supply of safe drinking water in
the future. Wastewater effluent and sewerage management projects will fail to
protect groundwater as a vital buffer stock for hygienic, agricultural and household
purposes. Groundwater salinity will increase, affecting any agricultural use on these
islands adversely. Public health will continue to deteriorate in line with current trends
of diarrhoeal diseases on outer islands (MoH, 2009). Existing rainwater harvesting
systems will remain disconnected, preventing some households from meeting their
water needs during the dry season, while other households are still able to cover
their needs. In times of drought, potable water will need to be transported from the
capital to affected islands, incurring considerable costs to the public budget which
could easily be avoided.

Adaptation Alternative (with AF resources):

AF resources will be used to create a diversified, adaptive freshwater supply system

in three vulnerable, densely populated islands which is suitable for replication. This
system will be characterized by a) increased storage capacity to buffer the effects of
less reliable rainfall and lack of new freshwater supply during longer dry periods; b)
improved quality and safety of harvested rainwater based on improved collection,
treatment and storage systems; c) Improved robustness of interconnected rainwater
storage schemes, especially on public buildings; d) Improved production and supply
systems for desalinated freshwater; e) improved quality and quantity of freshwater
which is stored in the natural aquifer, both in terms of reduced salinity as well as
human contaminants; f) reduced contamination of household effluents which are
discharged to the environment and would otherwise damage the sensitive reef
ecosystem. In their integration, these elements provide a compound solution to a
number of critical climate and non-climate-related problems and a suitable model for
replication on other islands with similar vulnerabilities.

COMPONENT 2: Increase participation in the development, allocation and

monitoring of freshwater use in a changing climate

Baseline (without AF resources):

At present, although the Maldives have made some progress in improving the
stakeholder linkages within their water sector (especially between the public sector
and private water utilities), linkages between water planners and users are largely
fragmented on all inhabited islands. On the three target islands of this project, there
are only very few formal or informal linkages between water service providers and
water users, and water is not treated as a common social and economic good. As a
result, the drive and purpose required for integrated, climate-resilient water
resources management is lost and unsupported with dedicated human and financial
resources. There are no consultative processes which are able to connect the needs
of different water users and their actual willingness to pay for clean freshwater and
safe groundwater with utility requirements that would sustain the continued operation
and maintenance of integrated water management systems. Although capacity
development for environmental management with stakeholders at all levels is a
major component of the World Bank-supported Maldives Environment Management
Programme (MEMP), there are no plans for in-depth technical training on climate
change adaptation. The LDCF-funded project “Integrating Climate Risk into Resilient
Island Planning” is the only project currently under implementation that has a fully
resourced training and awareness component focusing on coastal zone adaptation.
No equivalent capacity development activities are currently undertaken in the water
management sector. The project “Implementing Integrated Water Resource and
Wastewater Management in Atlantic and Indian Ocean SIDS”, which has been
submitted to the GEF CEO for endorsement in September 2010, is aiming to
strengthen the capacity of government officials to fulfil their role in local, national and
regional IWRM processes. As such, it represents a key baseline initiative that the
proposed project can build on to create awareness about the interface between

climate change and water supply, and about the relationship between IWRM and
adaptive management of freshwater resources.

Adaptation alternative (with AF resources):

AF support will enable water users on the target islands to evaluate their freshwater
supply needs vis a vis the additional freshwater supply options provided by the
proposed project; contribute to the fine-tuning of the proposed integrated water
supply systems; and articulate their collective willingness to pay for the continued
operation and maintenance of water supply and management services. This will
enable the definition of a tariff system which can sustain the continued operation and
maintenance of integrated water management systems through government-
contracted utility companies. Through this project, political and community
representatives across all administrative regions in Maldives will be educated about
the impact of climate change on the reliability and quality of freshwater supply, and
enabled to consider freshwater as a natural resource which will become much more
variable and precious in a changing climate. The importance of maintaining
functional and safe rainwater harvesting operations will be emphasized, and
communities will be made aware that the flooding of septic tanks and the disposal of
untreated wastewater in near shore areas reduces the ability of the reef ecosystem
to filter contaminants and buffer against the impacts of extreme weather events.
Households will be empowered to participate in integrated water resources planning
on their home islands, and encouraged to view water resources as an
interconnected economic good that is valuable and needs to be managed jointly
rather than individualistically in a changing environment.

COMPONENT 3: Replication and upscaling of climate-resilient freshwater


Baseline (without AF resources):

Despite the absence of a comprehensive policy on water and sanitation, the

provision of safe water and improved sanitation to all Maldivians became a
constitutional right in 2008. As a result, the government is undertaking a number of
efforts to mobilize financing for desalination plants and develop partnerships with
water utility companies to increase the number of islands with safe freshwater
supply. Considerations of climate change and the new demands it imposes on the
layout of water supply and management systems are not yet integrated in these
discussions. The prevailing investment strategy is to meet baseline water supply
needs with whichever means possible (both technical and financial). This, in turn,
prevents a consistent perspective of integrated and resilient water resource
management to be realized in new projects. As a result, the development of water
management systems on inhabited islands is still patchy, both in terms of technical
approach as well as the consistency of the planning process. With limited
participation by different water users and without successful models of adaptive
design to draw on, development of freshwater management systems on inhabited
islands will continue to display a lack of integration, consistency and resilience in a
changing climate.

Adaptation alternative (with AF resources):

With AF resources, Maldives will be able to draw on concrete examples of integrated

water resources management which are based on principles of adaptive design and
equipped to handle the stresses exerted by a changing climate. As these systems
are building on available technology, they are suitable for decentralized planning in
remote settings and can be adopted by all types of islands. AF resources will enable
exchange programmes between Mahibadhoo, Ihavandhoo, Gadhdhoo and other
island authorities to promote mutual learning and transfer experience on how
freshwater can be managed in a rapidly changing environment. AF funding will
ensure that the planning and rollout of new water management projects is integrating
considerations of adaptive design, diversification of freshwater sources and functions
that preserve the integrity of the reef ecosystem. Finally, a fully resourced action plan
will enable the replication of integrated, climate-resilient freshwater management on
at least 4 additional islands.

A. Project / programme management arrangements.

The Project will be implemented through UNDP‟s National Execution Modality

(NEX), with the Ministry of Housing and Environment (MHE) serving as the
designated national executing agency (“Implementing Partner”) of the project. MHE
will have the technical and administrative responsibility for applying AF inputs in
order to reach the expected Outcomes/Outputs as defined in this project document.
MHE is responsible for the timely delivery of project inputs and outputs, and in this
context, for the coordination of all other responsible parties, including other line
ministries, local government authorities and/or UN agencies.

Upon the request of the Government of Maldives, UNDP will serve as the Multilateral
Implementing Agency (MIE) for this project. Services that UNDP will provide to the
Implementing Partner in support of achieving project Outcomes are outlined in
Annex A. UNDP‟s services will be provided by staff in the UNDP Country Office
(Male), UNDP Asia Pacific Regional Centre (Bangkok) as well as UNDP
Headquarters (New York).

A Project Board (PB), responsible to approve key management decisions of the

project and will play a critical role in assuring the technical quality, financial
transparency and overall development impact of the project, will be established as
soon as this project is approved. The PB will be composed of designated senior-level
representatives of the MHE and other key stakeholders as outlined in Part II/Section
H of this project document. A complete list of PB members and their designated
alternates will be provided after the project preparation phase has been completed.

The MHE will appoint a National Project Director (NPD), who will be designated
over the course of the project inception phase. The costs of the NPD role will be
borne by the Government of Maldives as in-kind contribution to the project.

National Project Manager (NPM): He/she will be a dedicated professional

designated for the duration of the project. The PM‟s prime responsibility is to ensure
that the project produces the results specified in the project document to the required
standard of quality and within the specified constraints of time and cost.

Project-Support: The NPM will be supported by a core team of technical and

support staff forming the Project Implementation Unit (PIU) located at the MHE to
execute project activities, including day-to-day operations of the project, and the
overall operational and financial management and reporting. At the target
demonstration sites, local coordinators will be recruited to oversee progress of
technical project components.

Project assurance: UNDP Maldives will support project implementation by assisting

in the monitoring of project budgets and expenditures, contracting project personnel
and consultancy services, and subcontracting and procuring equipment at the
request of the MHE. On the technical side, UNDP Maldives will monitor progress of
project implementation and achievement of project outcomes/outputs as per the
endorsed project document. A designated Programme Officer will be assigned in the

Country Office in Male to provide financial and technical monitoring and
implementation support services.

To deliver specific Outputs as outlined in the logical framework, MHE can delegate
such responsibilities to external partners (to be referred to as Responsible Parties)
through direct contracting. MHE will bear responsibility for the delivery of those
Outputs and put in adequate place measures to oversee such work. MHE has
already identified relevant institutions, including UNOPS, for the expedited delivery of
urgently required freshwater supply infrastructure on the target islands (relating to
Component 1 of the project). Such institutions will be contracted through appropriate
modalities (as advised by UNDP). The corresponding Letters of Agreement (LoA) will
be annexed to the project document that will be signed between UNDP and the
Government of Maldives after the AF project document has been endorsed.

The organigram of the project is as follows:

Project Board
Senior Beneficiary Project Executive Senior Supplier

MHE, LGA, MFT, NDMC, MMS MHE UNDP, Responsible Party(ies)

Project Director


UNDP Project Assurance

Project Management Unit
- E&E Assistant Resident - National Project Manager
Representative - Admin & Finance Assistant
- Programme Officer. - Technical support staff

B. Measures for financial and project / programme risk management.

Key risks underlying the project have been analyzed during the formulation phase in
connection with the target sites of the project. Over the course of the project, a
UNDP risk log will be regularly updated in intervals of no less than every six months
in which critical risks to the project have been identified.

No. Type Description Rating Risk Mitigating Actions
1 Institutional Effective engagement and Low No infrastructure
consensus building by different investments on target
water users, public and private islands without
stakeholders to agree on an comprehensive
integrated approach to participatory consultations
freshwater and wastewater involving island councils,
management community representatives
and utility companies
(Output 2.1 to precede
Outputs 1.1-1.4)
2 Institutional Human resources capacity Medium External recruitment of a
issues (e.g. staff turnover) in new NPM to head a
different government offices Project Management team
preclude effective engagement which is hosted in MHE
of particular stakeholders in
the project
3 Environmental Extreme weather events Medium Engineering safety plans,
during project implementation contingency plans for
damage construction works; construction

4 Institutional Delays in recruitment of High At the request of MHE,

qualified project staff may direct execution of
affect the timeframe of Component 1 by UN to
different project activities. avoid implementation
5 Financial Government is not able to Medium UN support in the
leverage sufficient co-financing combination, sequencing
to increase and upscale and mobilization of climate
project impact change financing

B. Monitoring and Evaluation arrangements including a budget of M&E

Project monitoring and evaluation (M&E) will be in accordance with established

UNDP procedures and will carried out by the Project team, verified by the MHE and
the UNDP Country Office in Male. Dedicated support by the technical adaptation
teams in the UNDP Asia-Pacific Regional Center and UNDP New York will be
provided on a regular basis. A comprehensive Results Framework of the project will
define success indicators for project implementation as well as the respective
means of verification. A Monitoring and Evaluation (M&E) system for the project will
be established, based on these indicators and means of verification. It is important
to note that the Results Framework in Annex B, together with Output indicators,
targets and means of verification, will be reconfirmed during the inception phase of
the project. Any changes to the Results Framework require approval by the Project

A Project Inception Workshop will be conducted within four months of project start
up with the full project team, relevant government counterparts, co-financing
partners, and UNDP. The Inception Workshop is crucial to building ownership for
project results and to plan the first year annual work plan. A fundamental objective of
the Inception Workshop will be to present the modalities of project implementation

and execution, document mutual agreement for the proposed executive
arrangements amongst stakeholders, and assist the project team to understand and
take ownership of the project‟s goals and objectives. Another key objective of the
Inception Workshop is to introduce the project team which will support the project
during its implementation. An Inception Workshop Report will be prepared and
shared with participants to formalize various agreements decided during the

A UNDP risk log will be regularly updated in intervals of no less than every six
months in which critical risks to the project have been identified. Quarterly Progress
Reports will be prepared by the Project team and verified by the Project Board.
Annual Project Reports will be prepared to monitor progress made since project
start and in particular for the previous reporting period. These annual reports include,
but are not limited to, reporting on the following:

 Progress made toward project objective and project outcomes - each with
indicators, baseline data and end-of-project targets (cumulative);
 Project outputs delivered per project Outcome (annual);
 Lessons learned/good practices;
 Annual expenditure reports;
 Reporting on project risk management.

Government authorities, members of the Project Board and UNDP staff will conduct
regular field visits to project sites based on the agreed schedule in the project's
Inception Report/Annual Work Plan to assess first hand project progress.

In terms of financial monitoring, the project team will provide UNDP with certified
periodic financial statements. Audits on the project will follow UNDP finance
regulations and rules and applicable audit policies. During project implementation,
Annual Work Plans (AWP‟s) and Quarterly Work Plans (QWP‟s) will be used to
refine project delivery targets and realign project work upon consultation and
endorsement by the Project Board.

The project will undergo an independent Mid-Term Evaluation (MTE) at the mid-
point of project implementation, which will determine progress being made toward
the achievement of outcomes and identify course correction if needed. It will focus
on the effectiveness, efficiency and timeliness of project implementation; highlight
issues requiring decisions and actions; and present initial lessons learned about
project design, implementation and management. Findings of this review will be
incorporated as recommendations for the final half of the project‟s term. A
summative terminal evaluation will be conducted 3 months before project closure.

The budgeted M&E plan is as follows:

Budget US$
Type of M&E activity Responsible Parties excluding project Time frame
team staff time
 Project Manager Within 4 months of start up
Inception Workshop (IW) 4,000
 Project Team Within 1 month of IW
Inception Report None
Measurement of  Project Manager Included in Start, mid and end-point of
Indicator status / Means PMU budget project implementation
of Verification
Annual and Quarterly  Project Team None Quarterly and Annually
Progress reviews  UNDP-CO
Project Board Meetings  Project Manager 10,000 At least twice a year
Periodic status reports  Project team 4,000 To be determined by Project
team and UNDP CO
Technical reports on  Project team 8,000 To be determined by Project
specific topics that arise  Consultants as Team and UNDP-CO
over the course of needed
project implementation
Mid-term External  Project team 20,000 At the mid-point of project
Evaluation  UNDP- CO implementation.
 External Consultants
Terminal Report  Project team At least 1 month before the
 UNDP-CO none end of the project
 External Consultant
Audit  UNDP-CO Following UNDP finance
 Project team regulations and rules
Visits to field sites  Project staff At all stages of project
 Government 40,000 implementation
Final Evaluation  Independent 6 months prior to the terminal
external Consultants tripartite review meeting.
TOTAL COST 114,000

D. Project Results Framework Analysis

A detailed Project Results Framework, including quantified Outcome and Output

targets as well as specific, measurable and time-bound indicators is provided in
Annex B of this project document.



name and position of the government official and indicate date of endorsement. If
this is a regional project/programme, list the endorsing officials all the participating
countries. The endorsement letter(s) should be attached as an annex to the
project/programme proposal. Please attach the endorsement letter(s) with this
template; add as many participating governments if a regional project/programme:

Dr. Mohamed Shareef

Minister of State for Housing and Environment
& Designated Authority for the Adaptation Fund
Date: 08 April, 2011
Ameenee Magu
Male‟ 20392, Maldives
Tel.: +960 300 4300
Cell: +960 7775640

B. IMPLEMENTING ENTITY CERTIFICATION Provide the name and signature of

the Implementing Entity Coordinator and the date of signature. Provide also
the project/programme contact person’s name, telephone number and
email address

I certify that this proposal has been prepared in accordance with guidelines provided by the
Adaptation Fund Board, and prevailing National Development and Adaptation Plans and
subject to the approval by the Adaptation Fund Board, understands that the Implementing
Entity will be fully (legally and financially) responsible for the implementation of this

Yannick Glemarec
Director, Environmental Finance, UNDP
Tel. and email: +1-212-906-6843;
Date: April 18, 2011

Project Contact Person: Gernot Laganda

Tel. and Email: +66 2288 2644;

Each Party shall designate and communicate to the Secretariat the authority that will endorse on behalf of the
national government the projects and programmes proposed by the implementing entities.


Annex A – UNDP fees for Support to Adaptation Fund Project

Annex B – Project Results Framework

Annex C – Project Budget

Annex D – Technical Baseline

Annex E – Design Considerations for an Integrated Water Resource

Management System

Annex F – Terms of Reference for Project Staff

Annex G – Project Milestones and Disbursement Schedule

UNDP Fees for Support to Adaptation Fund Project:

Increasing climate resilience through an Integrated Water Resource Management Programme

in HA. Ihavandhoo, ADh. Mahibadhoo and GDh. Gadhdhoo Island (PIMS 4582)

The implementing entity fee will be utilized by UNDP to cover its indirect costs in the provision of general
management support and specialized technical support services. The table below provides a breakdown
of the estimated costs of providing these services. Any additional Implementation Support Services (ISS)
which have been requested by the national entity carrying out the project (MHE) are reflected directly in
the project budget.

Estimated Cost
9 10
Category Services Provided by UNDP of Providing
Identification, Provide information on substantive issues in adaptation $ 35,211
Sourcing and associated with the purpose of the Adaptation Fund (AF).
Screening of Engage in upstream policy dialogue related to a potential
Ideas application to the AF.
Verify soundness & potential eligibility of identified idea for AF.

Feasibility Provide up-front guidance on converting general idea into a $105,634

Assessment / feasible project/programme.
Due Diligence Source technical expertise in line with the scope of the
Review project/programme.
Verify technical reports and project conceptualization.
Provide detailed screening against technical, financial, social
and risk criteria and provide statement of likely eligibility
against AF requirements.
Determination of execution modality and local capacity
assessment of the national executing entity.
Assist in identifying technical partners.
Validate partner technical abilities.
Obtain clearances from AF.
Development & Provide technical support, backstopping and troubleshooting $140,845
Preparation to convert the idea into a technically feasible and operationally
viable project/programme.
Source technical expertise in line with the scope of the
project/programme needs.
Verify technical reports and project conceptualization.
Verify technical soundness, quality of preparation, and match
with AF expectations.

9 This is an indicative list only. Actual services provided may vary and may include additional services not listed here.
The level and volume of services provided varies according to need.
10 Services are delivered through UNDP’s global architecture and 3 tier quality control, oversight and technical support

system: local country offices; regional technical staff; and headquarters specialists.
11 The breakdown of estimated costs is indicative only.

Estimated Cost
9 10
Category Services Provided by UNDP of Providing

Negotiate and obtain clearances by AF.

Respond to information requests, arrange revisions etc.
Implementation Technical support in preparing TORs and verifying expertise $316,901
for technical positions.
Provide technical and operational guidance project teams.
Verification of technical validity / match with AF expectations
of inception report.
Provide technical information as needed to facilitate
implementation of the project activities.
Provide advisory services as required.
Provide technical support, participation as necessary during
project activities.
Provide troubleshooting support if needed.
Provide support and oversight missions as necessary.
Provide technical monitoring, progress monitoring, validation
and quality assurance throughout.
Allocate and monitor Annual Spending Limits based on
agreed work plans.
Receipt, allocation and reporting to the AFB of financial
Oversight and monitoring of AF funds.
Return unspent funds to AF.
Evaluation and Provide technical support in preparing TOR and verify $105,634
Reporting expertise for technical positions involving evaluation and
Participate in briefing / debriefing.
Verify technical validity / match with AF expectations of all
evaluation and other reports
Undertake technical analysis, validate results, compile
Disseminate technical findings
Total US$ $704,225


Project Strategy Objectively verifiable indicators

Goal To increase the adaptive capacity of Maldivian communities to the adverse effects of a changing climate

Sources of Risks and

Indicator Baseline Target
verification Assumptions

Objective: Number of According to the 2010 Integrated water resource MDG assessment New island councils
Maldivians with MDG assessment for management systems on ensure continued
To ensure reliable and safe and reliable Maldives, 14% of all Ihavandhoo, Mahibadhoo and Reports from operation and
safe freshwater supply freshwater supply Maldivians living outside Gadhdhoo provide 24% of all water utilities and maintenance of
for Maldivian in any extreme the capital zone lack Maldivians who are vulnerable island councils integrated water
communities in a climatic condition reliable access to an to water shortages and management systems
changing climate improved freshwater degrading water quality in a through water tariffs
source and face water changing climate with a reliable
shortages during climatic supply of safe freshwater
Replication of the project on 4 Design and The GoM is successful
additional islands provides at investment plans in mobilizing additional
least 50% of all Maldivians who for freshwater public and private
are exposed to water shortages supply and financing for project
and degrading water quality in a wastewater replication
changing climate with a reliable management
supply of safe freshwater schemes

Field surveys

Sources of Risks and
Indicator Baseline Target
verification Assumptions

Outcome 1: Number of people 6701 people living on HA. 100% of the population living on Reports from Utility Companies and
living on HA. Ihavandhoo, ADh. HA. Ihavandhoo, ADh. utility companies island communities
Ground water aquifer Ihavandhoo, ADh. Mahibadhoo, and GDh. Mahibadhoo, and GDh. and island successfully negotiate
protected and Mahibadhoo, and Gadhdhoo are not able to Gadhdhoo will have councils operation and
freshwater supply GDh. Gadhdhoo meet their freshwater uninterrupted access to reliable maintenance schemes
ensured in HA. who have needs in a highly variable and safe freshwater supply of at Field visits which sustain the
Ihavandhoo, ADh. uninterrupted and changing climate. least 20 liters per person per day provision of clean and
Mahibadhoo and GDh. access to reliable at all times, including during safe freshwater
Gadhdhoo to provide and safe Water needs are met extreme climate events
reliable, equitable and freshwater supply through unreliable supply
cost-effective access to in extreme climatic of rainwater, which is
safe freshwater in a conditions frequently contaminated
changing climate through insufficiently
protected collection and
storage systems. Total
freshwater collection and
storage capacity on each
island is insufficient to
address water needs
during the dry season.
Groundwater is highly
saline and polluted and
unfit for domestic use.
Backup desalination
systems do not supply
the minimum
humanitarian water
requirements during
climatic extremes and
disaster events.

Sources of Risks and
Indicator Baseline Target
verification Assumptions

Output 1.1: Groundwater Perception with target By the end of the project, the EPA technical Island communities
quality population of all islands quality of groundwater in each tests of water recognize the value of
Artificial groundwater on each target that due to salinity and target island has improved to quality safe groundwater,
recharge systems island pollution, groundwater is levels that are safe for hygiene participate in the
established to protect unfit for consumption and and agricultural purposes Periodic water regular monitoring of
groundwater resources most household uses. testing from utility groundwater quality, and
from salinization and Ihavandhoo: 700 groundwater companies and/or ensure proper
improve aquifer yields in No current data available recharge pits and 30 community island maintenance of
dry seasons on the quality of recharge wells developed communities groundwater recharge
groundwater in target Gadhdhoo: 495 groundwater systems
islands recharge pits and 30 community Island council
recharge wells developed; report at project
Existing groundwater Mahibadhoo: 275 groundwater competition
recharge capacity: recharge pits and 30 community
3 recharge wells developed
Ihavandhoo: 0 m
Mahibadhoo: 0 m .
Gadhdhoo: 0 m

Output 1.2: Volume of Existing rainwater Improved rainwater harvesting Field visits Island councils,
rainwater collected harvesting capacity: and storage capacity will be community members
Rainwater harvesting and stored to 3 installed as follows: Reports from and utility companies
Ihavandhoo: 1,289m
schemes redesigned, supply safe and 3 utility companies agree on preferred
(households) + 105m 3
interconnected and clean freshwater Ihavandhoo: 9,000 m and island options of centralized
(communal) 3
structurally improved to during dry periods Mahibadhoo: 6,300 m . councils vs. decentralized
Gadhdhoo: no data 3
buffer climatic extremes Gadhdhoo: 6,300 m rainwater harvesting and
(individual systems only)
and ensure equal water allocate sufficient land
Mahibadhoo: no data
supply for all households All new rainwater harvesting for additional storage
(individual systems only)
during dry periods systems will be equipped with capacity
disinfection safeguards to
Most existing rainwater
ensure safety of water supply
harvesting systems have
insufficient capacities of
2,5 m per household and
lack proper disinfection

Sources of Risks and
Indicator Baseline Target
verification Assumptions

Output 1.3 Capacity of Existing capacity to The following minimum amounts Field visits Utility companies and
desalinated generate freshwater of desalination capacity will be island communities
Production and distribution freshwater supply supply from desalination: installed on each target island: Reports from monitor potable water
system for desalinated available during dry 3 island councils quality at least twice per
Ihavandhoo: 0m / day 3
water supply established spells, drought and 3 Ihavandhoo: 90 m and utility year and comply with
Gadhdhoo: 10m / day 3
flooding 3 Mahibadhoo: 60 m . companies their assigned
Mahibadhoo: 10m / day 3
Gadhdhoo: 60 m responsibility for the
maintenance of
Potable water quality levels will desalinization systems
be in conformity with WHO
standard at all times

Output 1.4 Number of planned 1 sewage treatment plant All sewage and wastewater EPA technical MHE can ensure that
wastewater under construction by a management systems which are assessments contractors engaged
Existing wastewater management and contractor in ADh. planned and/or constructed on under the current and
management systems sewage systems Mahibadhoo the 3 target islands integrate Sewage and planned wastewater
redesigned and improved which integrate 1 sewage treatment plant targeted measures to reduce wastewater management projects
to ensure sufficient targeted measures in design phase in HA. groundwater pollution management will integrate project
quantities of safe to reduce Ihavandhoo; design plans findings into the design
groundwater during dry groundwater All septic tanks on each target prepared by utility of new sewage and
periods pollution 1 sewage treatment plant island are cleaned at least twice companies wastewater
in design phase in GDh. per year to prevent groundwater management projects
Gadhdhoo pollution from flooding events
Island council Utility companies and
Sea level rise and reports island communities
unsecured septic tanks ensure proper
pollute groundwater and maintenance and
render it unsafe for functioning of
household uses wastewater systems

Sources of Risks and
Indicator Baseline Target
verification Assumptions

Outcome 2: Number of Willingness to pay for Integrated water management Willingness to pay Operation and
integrated water integrated water systems on all target islands survey maintenance of IWRM
Strengthened local management management services is are designed and installed systems can be
awareness and systems which are unknown based on community Reports from sustained on the
ownership of integrated, based on participation, and their utility companies following basis:
climate-resilient participatory No participatory planning operation and maintenance is
freshwater management planning between and design process for based on actual willingness to Infrastructure (Number of households)
systems water users and water supply and pay maintenance x (average cost value of
water providers management schemes status at the end willingness to pay) =
and can be of the project total running cost of the
sustained in line IWRM system
with actual
willingness to pay
for operation and

Output 2.1: Communal Willingness to pay for Integrated water resources Willingness to pay Utility Companies and
willingness to pay integrated water management systems on each survey island communities
Community consultations for continued management services is target island are designed and successfully negotiate
on each target island operations and unknown installed on the basis of Reports from operation and
ensure participative maintenance of community input, and their Island Councils maintenance schemes
design, sustainability and freshwater supply No participatory planning continued operation is aligned and utility which sustain the
continued maintenance of on each target and design process for with actual willingness to pay for companies provision of clean and
integrated water resource island water supply and the operation and maintenance safe freshwater
management schemes management schemes of the installed infrastructure Observations from
stakeholder (Number of households)
consultations x (average cost value of
willingness to pay) =
Total running cost of
IWRM systems

Sources of Risks and
Indicator Baseline Target
verification Assumptions

Output 2.2: Number of Limited awareness At least 1 IWRM training Training protocols Training materials from
Maldivians which across all islands and campaign is conducted in each global IWRM projects
Targeted training events are aware about atolls about the value of administrative region (7 total) to Attendance lists can be adopted to
conducted in each region their rights, roles water as both an strengthen dialogue between support training
to strengthen water user and responsibilities economic as well as water users and providers and Training materials purposes in Maldives
participation and skills in in the management social good, which is increase sensitization about the
adaptive, integrated water of freshwater sensitive to climate- economic, social and Feedback forms
resource management resources in a related shocks and environmental role of water in a
changing climate stresses and therefore changing climate
needs to be managed

Outcome 3: Number of fully Maldives has no Project approach is replicated on Design and The GoM is successful
financed follow-up integrated water at least 4 islands investment plans in mobilizing additional
Improved institutional projects which resources management public and private
capacity to promote and adopt the climate project in place that is financing for project
enforce climate-resilient resilient, integrated suitable for replication replication
freshwater management water resources and upscaling
on all inhabited islands management
demonstrated by
the project

Output 3.1: Number of staff No staff of public or At least 5 staff from each water Training protocols Utility companies
from water and private utility companies and sewage utility company recognize the value of
Training of technicians in sewage utility in Maldives has received currently active in Maldives are Attendance lists the training and
the design, operation and companies trained targeted training on trained in the technical principles designate senior
management of Integrated in the technical IWRM of integrated water resource Training materials technical staff to
Water Resource principles and skills management and recognize participate
Management systems required to design, basic design principles which Feedback forms
implement and make water supply and sewage
maintain climate- systems adaptive to a changing
resilient and climate
integrated water

Sources of Risks and
Indicator Baseline Target
verification Assumptions

Output 3.2: Number of new Maldives has no adaptive Each new water and wastewater Design plans Lessons learned and
water and sewage and integrated water management project that is design principles of the
Institutional mechanisms management resources management approved by the Government of Expert reviews project are sufficiently
created to integrate projects which are project in place that is Maldives is subject to technical codified to enable use
adaptive management of reviewed and suitable for replication reviews on the basis of IWRM Government by the Government in
freshwater resources into improved on the and upscaling and climate resilience principles feedback the approval and
the design and rollout of basis of lessons financing of new IWRM
new water management learned from the The government is not Documented projects
projects and schemes project able to draw on best approvals of new
practices in the adaptive projects MHE establishes a
management of systematic review
freshwater resources process for new water
management projects
that integrates lessons
learned from the project

Output 3.3 Financing allocated The government is not The government approves at Design plans Financing is mobilized
to new water able to draw on best least 4 new, fully financed from public and private
Action plan developed and management practices in the adaptive freshwater and/or wastewater Documented sources to replicate the
financing mobilized to projects which management of management projects on the financial project in other sites
replicate integrated, integrate climate freshwater resources to basis of lessons learned and commitments
climate-resilient resilient and enable systematic design principles replicated from
freshwater management integrated design planning and financing of the proposed project
on at least 4 additional and are approved additional projects
islands by the government
for implementation

Project Budget

Award ID: TBC after AFB approval

Project ID: TBC after AFB approval
Business unit MDV10
Increasing climate resilience through an Integrated Water Resource Management Programme in HA. Ihavandhoo, ADh. Mahibadhoo
Project title:
and GDh. Gadhdhoo Island
Implementing partner Ministry of Housing and Environment (MHE)
party/ Cost
Project Outcome/Atlas Activity Donor name Budget description Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4 Total (USD) Description

OUTCOME 1: Ground water aquifer rehabilitated and freshwater supply ensured in HA. Ihavandhoo, ADh. Mahibadhoo and GDh.
Gadhdhoo to provide reliable, equitable and cost-effective access to safe freshwater in a changing climate
Contractual Services 37,357 4,358 500 500 42,715 A
Output 1.1
Artificial groundwater recharge Materials and Goods 159,435 17,805 2,046 1,050 180,336 B
systems established to protect
In-country logistics 2,408 1,033 400 400 4,241 C
groundwater resources from
salinization and improve aquifer IT and Communications 800 100 54 50 1,004 D
yields in dry seasons
Sub-Total Output 1.1 200,000 23,296 3,000 2,000 228,296
Output 1.2 Contractual Services 360,931 316,789 9,946 7,966 695,632 E
Rainwater harvesting schemes
Materials and Goods 1,563,650 1,337,427 22,300 13,458 2,936,835 F
redesigned, interconnected and MHE /
structurally improved to buffer Responsible Adaption Fund In-country logistics 36,617 31,455 500 500 69,072 G
climatic extremes and ensure Party
equal water supply for all IT and Communications 8,802 7,448 54 50 16,354 H
households during dry periods Sub-Total Output 1.2 1,970,000 1,693,119 32,800 21,974 3,717,893
Contractual Services 423,494 176,350 9,083 7,905 616,832 I

Output 1.3 Materials and Goods 1,823,764 744,519 22,693 13,177 2,604,153 J
Production and distribution system In-country logistics 42,637 17,510 600 500 61,247 K
for desalinated water supply
established IT and Communications 10,105 4,146 150 100 14,501 L

Sub-Total Output 1.3 2,300,000 942,525 32,526 21,682 3,296,733

Output 1.4 Contractual Services 21,000 18,232 18,232 18,232 75,696 M
Existing wastewater management
systems redesigned and improved In-country logistics 200 413 413 413 1,439 N
to ensure sufficient quantities of
safe groundwater during dry IT and Communications 191 50 50 50 341 O
periods livelihood and
infrastructure Sub-Total Output 1.4 21,391 18,695 18,695 18,695 77,476
Sub Total Outcome 1 4,491,391 2,677,635 87,021 64,351 7,320,398

OUTCOME 2: Strengthened local awareness and ownership of integrated, climate-resilient freshwater

management systems
Output 2.1 Contractual Services 30,000 0 0 0 30,000 P
Community consultations on each
target island ensure participative Materials and Goods 6,000 0 0 0 6,000 Q
design, sustainability and
Travel 34,000 0 0 0 34,000 R
continued maintenance of
integrated water resource
management schemes
Sub-Total Output 2.1 70,000 0 0 0 70,000
MHE Adaption Fund
Contractual Services 3,000 2,000 1,000 1,000 7,000 S
Output 2.2
Targeted training events Materials and Goods 2,000 2,000 2,000 1,000 7,000 T
conducted in all atolls to
strengthen water user participation Travel 5,000 6,000 7,000 8,000 26,000 U
and skills in adaptive, integrated
water resource management Sub-Total Output 2.2 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 40,000
Sub Total Outcome 2 80,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 110,000

OUTCOME 3: Improved institutional capacity to promote and enforce climate-resilient freshwater management on all inhabited
Output 3.1 Contractual Services 4,000 3,000 3,000 0 10,000 V
Training of technicians in the
design, operation and Materials and Goods 3,000 4,000 3,000 0 10,000 W
management of Integrated Water Travel 3,000 3,000 4,000 0 10,000 X
Resource Management systems
Sub-Total Output 3.1 10,000 10,000 10,000 0 30,000
MHE Adaption Fund Contractual Services 0 5,000 0 15,000 20,000 Y
Output 3.2
Institutional mechanisms created
to integrate adaptive management Travel 0 5,000 0 5,000 10,000 Z
of freshwater resources into the
design and rollout of new water
management projects and Sub-Total Output 3.2 0 10,000 0 20,000 30,000

Contractual Services 0 0 0 10,000 10,000 AA
Output 3.3
Action plan developed and Travel 0 0 0 10,000 10,000 BB
financing mobilized to replicate
integrated, climate-resilient
freshwater management on at Sub-Total Output 3.3 0 0 0 20,000 20,000
least 4 additional islands

Sub Total Outcome 3 10,000 20,000 10,000 40,000 80,000

Project Execution, Monitoring and Evaluation

Contractual Services 3,000 24,000 5,000 24,000 56,000 CC
Materials and Goods 5,000 3,000 5,000 5,000 18,000 DD

Monitoring and Evaluation MHE Travel 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 40,000 EE

Sub-Total Monitoring &

18,000 37,000 20,000 39,000 114,000

MHE / Local Technical Staff 66,000 66,000 21,000 21,000 174,000 FF

Responsible Int‟l Senior Technical
Party 105,000 105,000 0 0 210,000 GG
Adaption Fund Engineer

PM National Staff 42,000 42,000 42,000 42,000 168,000 HH

Travel 12,000 12,000 12,000 12,000 48,000 II
Project Management Unit
Materials & Goods 3,500 3,500 3,500 3,500 14,000 JJ
MHE IT and Communications 4,000 4,000 4,000 4,000 16,000 KK
Miscellaneous 9,949 10,948 1,148 8,557 30,602 LL
Sub-Total Project
Management Unit
242,449 243,448 83,648 91,057 660,602
Sub-Total Project
Execution, Monitoring 260,449 280,448 103,648 130,057 774,602
and Evaluation
PROJECT TOTAL 4,841,840 2,988,083 210,669 244,408 8,285,000

Budget notes:

A. Contracts for the provision of groundwater provision in the three islands – small contractor for approx. 1555 artificial wells, and
Implementation Support Services for procurement, contracting, and logistics
B. Material cost associated with 1555 artificial wells
C. Appropriated cost of logistics and transport for equipment and materials for the duration of the project – includes a share of a project
boat, and project offices in each island
D. Communication and IT service costs for the project duration – includes appropriated costs of IT equipment and 10 laptop computers,
4 printer/scanner/fax A4 in island offices, as well as IT and communication consumables
E. Contracts for the provision of Rainwater harvesting in the three islands – small and medium contractors for the integration of
household and community rainwater systems and Implementation Support Services for procurement, contracting, and logistics
F. Correspondent materials for the integration of rainwater harvesting components of the project
G. Appropriated cost of logistics and transport for equipment and materials for the duration of the project – includes a share of a project
boat, and project offices in each island
H. Communication and IT service costs for the project duration – includes appropriated costs of IT equipment and 10 laptop computers,
4 printer/scanner/fax A4 in island offices, as well as IT and communication consumables
I. Contractual services for the provision of the integration of the desalination plant facilities into the island water network and the
installation of the desalination plant in the islands, with the correspondent intakes, and related infrastructure and Implementation
Support Services for procurement, contracting, and logistics
J. Correspondent materials for the integration of desalination water sources into the project
K. Appropriated cost of logistics and transport for equipment and materials for the duration of the project – includes a share of a project
boat, and project offices in each island
L. Communication and IT service costs for the project duration – includes appropriated costs of IT equipment and 10 laptop computers,
4 printer/scanner/fax A4 in island offices, as well as IT and communication consumables
M. Contractual services related to the pumping of 2 times per year of the septic tanks in each island for 4 years = 24 times; and
Implementation Support Services for procurement, contracting, and logistics
N. Appropriated cost of logistics and transport for equipment and materials for the duration of the project – includes a share of a project
boat, and project offices in each island
O. Communication and IT service costs for the project duration – includes appropriated costs of IT equipment and 10 laptop computers,
4 printer/scanner/fax A4 in island offices, as well as IT and communication consumables
P. Technical consultations on each target island between MHE representatives, island councils, community members, utility companies
and project staff. Includes a questionnaire-based „willingness to pay‟ survey
Q. Materials & catering for at least 3 consultations per island
R. Travel of project staff related to consultations with island councils, government authorities, utility companies
S. Facilitator/Trainer for IWRM workshops
T. Workshop materials (1000,- USD per region): Leaflets, brochures, DVDs
U. Travel costs for workshop participants
V. Workshop facilitation and resource people (2 workshops)
W. Training materials (maps, plans, handbooks, water quality testing kits)
X. Travel support to workshop participants
Y. Expert review and input to make new water management / wastewater management proposals climate resilient and integrates
Z. Exposure visits of government officials and private sector representatives to target islands
AA. Assessment missions to 4 islands for follow-up project design and planning
BB. Travel costs for assessment missions
CC. Costs for external mid-term evaluation, terminal evaluation, specialized analytical/technical reports as required
DD. Materials for Inception workshop and project launch, PB meetings, presentations to CC Council
EE. Travel & DSA for external evaluators and technical analysts
FF. 1 International Senior IWRM engineer and 1 International Electromechanical Engineer supporting the PMU and the project
GG. Monitor and Quality Assurance on each island: 3 civil/mechanical engineers in different disciplines (Water-Sanitation); 1 community
liaison officer and 1 logistics assistant. One engineer technical project officer in the PMU
HH. 1 National Project Manager (2500 USD per month), 1 Admin & Finance Assistant (1000 USD per month), 1 National Technical
II. PMU Travel for project monitoring, supervision, participation in technical consultations
JJ. PMU office consumables
KK. PMU communication costs (including 2 laptops, 1 fax/printer, cellphone)
LL. Contingency amount to address currency fluctuations

Cost Estimates for Contractual Services and Equipment on each target island
(excluding costs for transport, communication and technical supervision)

Preliminary Cost Estimate for Ihavandhoo Water Supply System-Table 1

Item Description of Item Unit Quantity Unit Rate in Amount in US
US $ $
1 Topographic Survey, water quality testing LS 1 10,000 10,000
2 Construction of Intake Facilities Nr 1 20,000 20,000
3 Construction of Intake pump house & generator house Nr 1 50,000 50,000
4 Supply and Installation of Intake pumps (3.75m3/hr, 10m Nr 2 20,000 40,000
5 Supply & laying of 110mm dia PE Raw water pipe line m 1,000 20 20,000
from Intake to WTP
6 Provision of Desalination Treatment Plant of 90 cum m3 90 3,700 333,000
capacity (Supply and installation)

7 Supply of 4 x 10 cum capacity CWT Nr 4 1,250 5,000

8 Construction of clear water pump house Nr 1 20,000 20,000
9 Supply and Installation of high lift pumps (4.5m3/hr, 30m Nr 2 20,000 40,000
head) to convey water to elevated tank
10 Construction of elevated tank 30cum, height 20m m3 30 1,000 30,000
11 Transmission line to ET, 90mm m 1500 15 22,500
12 Distribution network with PE pipes of dia. varying from m 18,000 10 180,000
90mm to 50mm
13 Supply and Installation of Generator 40KVA capacity Nr 2 25,000 50,000
including panels and necessary cable connections to
demand centers
14 House connections with water meter Nr 700 75 52,500
15 Administration Building 1 Nr m2 30 600 18,000
16 DI Valves, fittings & accessories LS 1 40,000 40,000
17 Improvement to household RWH system Nr 700 460 322,000
18 Improvement to roofs for community RWH system LS 1 50,000 50,000
19 Transmission pipeline 75mm to TP site m 5000 15 75,000
20 Low lift pumps Nr 6 15,000 90,000
21 Solar Panels Nr 3 85,000 255,000
21 Filtration system Nr 1 50,000 50,000
22 UV disinfection system LS 1 2,500 2,500
23 Raw Water storage tank m3 9000 79 711,000
24 PE pipe welding plant Nr 1 50,000 50,000
25 Groundwater recharge Nr 730 116 84,680
26 Water quality testing equipment kit Nr 1 400 400
27 Pumping of wastewater from septic tanks Nr 8 3,000 24,000
Grand Total 2,645,580

Preliminary Cost Estimate for Mahibadhoo Water Supply System: Table – 2
Item Description of Item Unit Quantity Unit Rate in Amount in US
US $ $
1 Topographic Survey, water quality testing LS 1 10,000 10,000
2 Construction of Intake Facilities Nr 1 20,000 20,000
3 Construction of Intake pump house & generator house Nr 1 50,000 50,000
4 Supply and Installation of Intake pumps (2.5m3/hr, 10m Nr 2 20,000 40,000
5 Supply & laying of 90mm dia PE Raw water pipe line from m 1,000 20 20,000
Intake to WTP
6 Provision of Desalination Treatment Plant of 50 cum m3 50 4,600 230,000
capacity (Supply and installation)

7 Supply of 2 x 10 cum capacity CWT Nr 2 - 0

8 Construction of clear water pump house and generator Nr 1 20,000 20,000
9 Supply and Installation of high lift pumps (3.0m3/hr, 30m Nr 2 20,000 40,000
head) to convey water to elevated tank
10 Construction of elevated tank 20cum, height 20m m3 20 1,000 20,000
11 Transmission line to ET, 90mm m 1500 15 22,500
12 Distribution network with PE pipes of dia. varying from m 12,000 10 120,000
90mm to 50mm
13 Supply and Installation of Generator 30KVA capacity Nr 2 20,000 40,000
including panels and necessary cable connections to
demand centers
14 House connections with water meter Nr 275 75 20,625
15 Administration Building 1 Nr m2 30 600 18,000
16 DI Valves, fittings & accessories LS 1 30,000 30,000
17 Improvement to household RWH system Nr 275 460 126,500
18 Improvement to roofs for community RWH system LS 1 50,000 50,000
19 Transmission pipeline 75mm to TP site m 5000 15 75,000
20 Low lift pumps Nr 6 15,000 90,000
21 Solar Panels Nr 3 85,000 255,000
21 Filtration system Nr 1 50,000 50,000
22 UV disinfection system LS 1 2,500 2,500
23 Raw Water storage tank m3 6300 79 497,700
24 PE pipe welding plant Nr 1 50,000 50,000
25 Upgrading of existing desalination plant LS 1 50,000 50,000
26 Water quality testing equipment kit Nr 1 400 400
27 Groundwater recharge Nr 305 116 35,380
28 Pumping of wastewater from septic tanks Nr 8 3,000 24,000
Grand Total 2,007,605

Preliminary Cost Estimate for Gadhdhoo Water Supply System: Table – 3
Item Description of Item Unit Quantity Unit Rate in Amount in US
US $ $
1 Topographic Survey, water quality testing LS 1 10,000 10,000
2 Construction of Intake Facilities Nr 1 20,000 20,000
3 Construction of Intake pump house & generator house Nr 1 50,000 50,000
4 Supply and Installation of Intake pumps (2.5m3/hr, 10m Nr 2 20,000 40,000
5 Supply & laying of 90mm dia PE Raw water pipe line from m 1,000 20 20,000
Intake to WTP
6 Provision of Desalination Treatment Plant of 50 cum m3 50 4,600 230,000
capacity (Supply and installation)

7 Supply of 4 x 10 cum capacity CWT Nr 4 - 0

8 Construction of clear water pump house and generator Nr 1 20,000 20,000
9 Supply and Installation of high lift pumps (3.0m3/hr, 30m Nr 2 20,000 40,000
head) to convey water to elevated tank
10 Construction of elevated tank 20cum, height 20m Nr 20 1,000 20,000
11 Transmission line to ET, 90mm m 1500 15 22,500
12 Distribution network with PE pipes of dia. varying from m 12,000 10 120,000
90mm to 50mm
13 Supply and Installation of Generator 30KVA capacity Nr 2 20,000 40,000
including panels and necessary cable connections to
demand centers
14 House connections with water meter Nr 495 75 37,125
15 Administration Building 1 Nr m2 30 600 18,000
16 DI Valves, fittings & accessories LS 1 28,959 28,959
17 Improvement to household RWH system Nr 495 460 227,700
18 Improvement to roofs for community RWH system LS 1 50,000 50,000
19 Transmission pipeline 75mm to TP site m 5000 15 75,000
20 Low lift pumps Nr 6 15,000 90,000
21 Solar Panels Nr 3 85,000 255,000
21 Filtration system Nr 1 50,000 50,000
22 UV disinfection system LS 1 2,500 2,500
23 Raw Water storage tank m3 6300 79 497,700
24 PE pipe welding plant Nr 1 50,000 50,000
25 Upgrading of existing desalination plant LS 1 50,000 50,000
26 Water quality testing equipment kit Nr 1 400 400
27 Groundwater recharge Nr 525 116 60,900
28 Pumping of wastewater from septic tanks Nr 8 3,000 24,000
Grand Total 2,149,784

Technical Baseline

A combined team of senior engineers from UNOPS and community development officers from UNDP
undertook a field survey visit to all three targeted islands from 14 th to 16th March 2011 to reconfirm the
physical characteristics of each island, inventorize existing facilities, take stock of immediate
requirements of the inhabitants, opinions and views of the islanders, and assess fresh- and wastewater
management initiatives which are proposed or currently under implementation.


1.1 General

It was confirmed that the most important and urgent priority requirement of the inhabitants in all three
islands is access to safe, secure, sustainable and non-interrupted potable pipe-borne water supply.
Canvassed inhabitants stated that they are prepared to pay a tariff charged to cover the operational and
maintenance costs of the system, this despite economical hardships faced by some. The islanders
consulted were fully aware of the quality of the existing groundwater, and that this has been seriously
contaminated by salinity intrusion and human waste, due to unsecured septic tanks. Traditional rainwater
harvesting is the primary source of drinking water for the inhabitants throughout the year particularly
during the rainy season. However, many are unable to store sufficient quantity of rainwater for the
prolonged dry season period due to inadequate land space in their individual plots to install large capacity
storage tanks. Moreover, they are understandably reluctant to use rainwater stored for a protracted period
of time as no facilities are on hand at island level for water quality testing. It was reported that currently
the dry period lasts for almost 5 to 6 months and there is a scarcity of safe drinking water during that time.

The current facilities in the three targeted islands, namely potable water supply, wastewater management
and groundwater recharge, are very similar. The degree of hardship experienced every year by inhabitants
during the prolonged drought periods are also similar. At present, no functional pipe-borne water supply
scheme or wastewater treatment system exists in these islands, and the inhabitants are obliged to rely on
traditional rainwater harvesting techniques for their drinking and cooking water requirements. Inhabitants
use contaminated shallow groundwater for other domestic water needs such as washing of clothes and
bathing. Imported and locally produced bottled-water is extensively utilized for drinking and cooking,
particularly during dry season, as reported by the inhabitants during the site visit.

The rainwater harvesting system adopted for isolated islands of the Maldives as a primary source for
drinking water is an acceptable low-cost solution with proven to provide good quality water, if the system
is maintained regularly to acceptable standards. The 2,500litres capacity PE storage tanks commonly
available to the islanders was reported by inhabitants during the site visit to be insufficient to cover the
entire dry period for a standard size family to cater for drinking, cooking, etc. In Ihavandhoo, current
figures provided by the MHE indicate that a total storage capacity on the island of approximately 134 m3.
The total roof area of privately owned buildings is 19,483m2 and 611m2 for public buildings.
Comparable information is currently being collated for Mahibadhoo and Gadhdhoo.

The inhabitants on all three islands are currently experiencing difficulties in storing large quantities of
water in a small plot of land for utilization during a prolonged dry period of four to six months period. In
addition, inhabitants are reluctant to drink water stored for a prolonged period of time as no disinfection
facilities have been incorporated in the rainwater harvesting system. Furthermore, this is compounded by

the lack of water quality testing equipment at island level. These three densely populated islands have
been experiencing a significant potable water crisis and serious sanitation issues due to lack of available
quality water as well as a proper wastewater disposal system. This has not only exposed these
communities and their children to communicable diseases such as diarrhea, typhoid etc. which in turn
may lead to other socio-economic effects such as loss of income, poor work turnouts, etc. in the long run.

1.2 Household Rainwater Harvesting

In the Maldives, rainwater collection is a generations old tradition which can be traced back to 3,000
years ago and has been a longstanding means of collecting high-quality water for domestic, drinking,
agricultural and other uses. Maldives used to receive relatively regular and substantial rainfall amounts,
however in the recent past declining and erratic rainfall patterns have become a major cause for concern,
as reported by MHE officials. Despite experiencing substantial seasonal rainfall across all islands,
inhabitants are becoming more and more reluctant to collect rainwater during the rainy season for year
round consumption, due to the lack of large volume storage facilities needed for such a purpose. The cost
of such large capacity storage tanks is high and it is technically complex to install such a tank on a small
plot of land provided to each family.

1.2.1 Maintenance of Rainwater Harvesting System

The rainwater harvesting system, installed by island communities, is a traditional one and no effort has
been made to upgrade the system to reflect recent innovations such as the incorporation of disinfection
facilities with easily installable UV-ray and other components such as leaf guard, leaf screen, roof washer
tank, etc. The removal of tree branches over-hanging the water capture area is not practiced regularly.
Installation of a small on-demand in-line pump is very valuable as the water could be made to flow
automatically into the water taps installed at each house for maximum convenience.

The first-flush diverter concept is practiced extensively, but without any systematic monitoring of the
quantity of water diverted on each occasion. Thus, some important modifications have to be incorporated
into the traditional household rainwater harvesting system with a view to improving water quality and
maximizing expediency.

1.3 Groundwater
The freshwater lens is available on all three targeted islands, lying 1.0 to 2.0 meters beneath the existing
ground surface in the coral that makes up the islands. A limited quantity is sandwiched between saline
water below and human waste above. The proximity of groundwater to the land surface, and the porous
nature of the sandy soil, makes it highly susceptible to pollution and contamination from human activities
and saltwater intrusion. Most islander households use individual septic tanks that are poorly built and
maintained. This has led to untreated sewage infiltrating and polluting the shallow fresh groundwater by
seepage and leaching. Thus, all three islands groundwater has been severely contaminated by human
waste. The contaminated groundwater is extensively used by the island community for bathing, washing
of clothes, flushing of toilets, etc. Usage of contaminated groundwater for bathing and washing of clothes,
presents a health hazard to inhabitants.

1.4 Desalinated Water Supply

Identical membrane reverse osmosis desalinization plants, with a production capacity of 10 m3 per day
each, have been installed aftermath of the 2004 Indian Ocean Tsunami in Mahibadhoo and Gadhdhoo.

The installation of these two plants was completed in 2006 / 2007 by the International Red Cross
Federation and handed over to the respective communities. These plants have not been functional for
more than a year due to several technical reasons. These include the non-availability of spare parts in the
country, intake clogging, insufficient funds to cover operation and maintenance costs, etc. The desalinated
water has been delivered to consumers through public standpipes for two hours each day whenever the
plant is in operation. The average monthly energy cost for operating the plant for 8 hours a day is
estimated at about MVR 30,000.00 (approximately USD 2,345.00), according to local sources

1.4.1 Mahibadhoo Desalination Plant

The desalination plant at this island is not in operation at present due to a problem associated with the
intake pump. This pump has since repaired and the plant is ready to resume operations. An OD 75mm PE
pipeline has been laid along the main road of the island from the desalination plant as a trunk main. A
total of seven (07) public standpipes have been installed at different locations within the island with
25mm diameter branch pipelines. Water has been supplied to consumers between 16.00hrs and 18.00 hrs
whenever the plant is in operation. The facilities incorporated in this water supply system are as follows:

 10 m3/day capacity RO desalination plant complete - 01 Nr

 Clearwater storage tanks, 10,000 litres capacity - 02 Nr
 Public standpipes - 07 Nr
 Recommended minimum quantity per capita consumption - 20litres
 Maximum quantity of water available per day - 10 m3
 Minimum water demand / day (2,110 x 20/1000) - 42 m3

The power required for the operation of the plant has been supplied by the island power station and no
tariff is collected at present for the supply of water. No standby provision is available for almost all
pumps except for the high lift installed at the desalination plant. The transmission pipelines already laid
for the present water supply system will be incorporated into the new project wherever feasible.

1.4.2 Gadhdhoo Desalination Plant

The desalination plant at this island is not in operation at present due to a problem associated with its
intake facility. The degree of salinity at its intake appears to be high at times for the plant to operate
effectively. Modifications to the intake are necessary to resolve this problem, according to the plant
operator. An OD 90mm PE pipeline has been laid along the main road of the island from the desalination
plant as a trunk main and ten (10) public standpipes have been installed at different locations within the
island with 25mm diameter branch pipelines. Water is issued to consumers between 16.00hrs and 18.00
hrs whenever the plant is in operation. The facilities incorporated into this water supply system are as

 10 m3/day capacity RO desalination plant complete - 01 Nr

 Clearwater storage tanks, 10,000 litres capacity - 04 Nr
 Public standpipes - 10 Nr
 Minimum quantity per capita consumption - 20litres
 Maximum quantity of water available per day - 10 m3
 Minimum water demand / day (2,850 x 20/1000) - 57 m3
 RWH storage tank, 5,000 litres capacity - 06 Nr

The power required for the operation of the plant has been supplied by the island power station and no
tariff is collected at present for the supply of water. No standby provision is available for almost all

pumps, except for high lift installed at the desalination plant. The transmission pipelines already laid for
the present water supply system will be incorporated into the new project whenever feasible.

1.5 Wastewater Treatment

The safe disposal of domestic and municipal wastewater / sewage to the environment in densely
populated communities, always posed a challenge in the past, prior to the introduction of septic tanks.
Though the septic tanks are an acceptable means of safe discharge of wastewater / sewerage to the
environment, the improper use of septic tanks (which discharge untreated or partially treated effluents)
may cause potentially hazardous environmental effects to the communities, risking an increased spread of
communicable diseases such as cholera, diarrhea, typhoid, etc. Moreover, the use of septic tanks to
dispose wastewater / sewage safely in an area housing a high-density population can pose a serious
challenge and may often lead to serious pollution of groundwater sources to such an extent that it can no
longer be used to meet the water needs of the communities.

Remote islands in the Maldives are no exception to the above phenomena, and the groundwater sources in
such islands have been badly deteriorated and become unfit for any domestic purpose due to
contamination from sewage and salinity intrusion. Therefore, it has become imperative to find a durable
and sustainable treatment process to dispose wastewater/ sewage generated by the communities in these
islands to the environment with safe BOD and COD levels. Functional wastewater treatment facilities are
not in existence in any of the three targeted islands at present and sewage is discharged into unsecured
and poorly built septic tanks that are prone to leaking and leaching into the shallow groundwater aquifer.

2.5.1 Mahibadhoo Sewage Treatment Plant (STP)

A new wastewater treatment plant is currently under construction at Mahibadhoo by an international
contractor “Shin Nippon Air Technologies Co. limited” at an estimated cost of US$ 4.3 million due to be
completed by September 2011. A gravity wastewater conveyance system with three dedicated pumping
stations has been planned for transmission of sewage. The depth of pipelines below the ground level is
limited to a maximum of 2.0m in view of the shallow ground water table and the minimum depth of the
pipeline is about 0.5m to create anticipated gravity flow. µPVC pipes have been used for the gravity
conveyance pipelines while PE pipes have been used for the pressure lines.

In addition, the treated sludge from the STP will be deposited by pumping into the sludge drying beds
located near the plants and naturally composted with the bio - degradable waste on the islands. Humus
generated from this composting process will be utilized to improve soil conditions on the islands and to
promote and increase agriculture and home gardens. The quality of effluent anticipated from the
anaerobic / aerobic sewage treatment system is in excess of BOD ≥ 20 and cannot be utilized for the
watering of plants and recharging of ground water in the islands. Thus, it has been planned to safely
discharge effluent into the brackish water at the periphery of the island with a suitably constructed outfall
structure. It would be possible to improve the quality of the effluent in the future with additional
secondary and tertiary treatment of the wastewater.

The µPVC pipes used for the gravity conveyance system are likely to crack under heavy loads and are
prone to leak through the socket and spigot type joints. In consideration of this situation, UNOPS would
use PE pipes for the new water supply transmission and distribution network in Mahibadhoo.

1.5.2 Ihavandhoo and Gadhdhoo STP
Government of Maldives MoHE officials confirmed that similar wastewater treatment plants have been
planned for Ihavandhoo and Gadhdhoo and the engineering designs have been already completed with
implementation anticipated in the near future. The estimated cost of each plant is about US$ 6.0million.

In consideration of the prevailing groundwater situation, the construction of wastewater treatment plants
for the three targeted islands are in the pipeline and will be financed by other means. Hence, and to avoid
unwarranted duplication of efforts, no action is required under this project for this particular component.
However some specific activities are required and will be undertaken through this project to integrate
cleaning mechanisms to improve groundwater pollution, and ensure synergies between the operation of
freshwater management and wastewater management systems.

1.6 Groundwater Recharge

The coastal areas of the targeted islands are very fragile and continuously threatened by migration of sea
water inwards and saline water intrusion into the shallow freshwater aquifer, primarily due to over
exploitation. In addition, leaking wastewater from household septic tanks contaminates the scarce
groundwater source.

No concrete initiatives have been taken to artificially recharge the ground water to reduce the likely
ground water pollution by saline water and wastewater. Only natural groundwater replenishment and
recharging is occurring during each rainy season at present.


Design Considerations for an

Integrated Water Resource Management System
on Ihavandhoo, Mahibadhoo and Gadhdhoo

1. General
The traditional rainwater harvesting system extensively practiced on all three targeted islands as a primary
source for potable water supply is becoming more and more unpredictable due to changes in rainfall
patterns. Thus, identifying an alternate fully independent option for the supply of drinking water is
imperative. A relatively expensive option is desalination, both in terms of fuel consumption cost, and high
carbon emissions if desalination plants are run by diesel generators as opposed to solar or wind power.
Under this scenario, UNOPS proposes to resolve this acute shortage of potable water by tapping all
available avenues with a view to minimizing the overall production cost and environmental risk with a
view to cutting carbon emissions. The economically viable approach of a combined water supply system
within the context of fully Integrated Water Resource Management (IWRM) consists of the following list
of sources:

o Community-based rainwater harvesting system

o Modernized household rainwater harvesting system
o Desalination Plant to supply the minimum water requirement only in critical situations

It is not intended that desalination plants become the primary source of potable water. That said, all
potable water supplied by the three independent systems recommended above would be directly
connected to each household to reach the overall aim of providing a safe and sustainable pipe-borne water
supply system operational around the clock. The selection of a particular source for operations at any
given time largely depends on the judgment of the operators and house owners. Ideally, the least
expensive household rainwater harvesting system should be in operation during the rainy season and
beyond, whilst moderately costly community-based rainwater harvesting should commence operations
immediately after the rainy season has finished, supplemented by the more expensive desalinated water.

2. Design Standards
It is important to select an appropriate design horizon in the planning and design of any infrastructure
project. In consideration of the Maldivian context and the nature and magnitude of municipal
infrastructure, this comprises a considerable amount of electromechanical equipment that having a
lifespan of not more than 20 years. Thus, it is appropriate to design an IWRM system for a midterm
period of 20 years with the option to expand it in the future.

2.1 Water Supply

The system will be designed in a manner to provide sustainable potable water to the consumers within the
supply area on a continuous basis under normal circumstances. The system in general will comply with
the following conditions:

 All inclusive consumption rates per person from each house connection are expected to vary
between 20 and 45 litres per day.

 Non Revenue Water (NRW) shall be limited to 5% for these new water supply schemes.
 No public standpipes to be provided as 100% house connections envisaged. Commercial and
industrial demand to be determined for each scheme individually as a percentage of population
water demand in conjunction with local trends, development patterns and historical records.
 Service coverage ratio will be 100% on completion of the project.
 Pumping efficiency will be in the region of 50% to 75%.
 Bulk water meters will be installed at all strategic locations including raw water, treated water
and reservoir outlets.

2.2. Pipelines
The design concept adopted for sizing the pipes for raw water transmission, treated water transmission,
distribution network etc. will be generally in compliance with the provisions set out by local
specifications and other internationally recognized standards.

Hazen Williams Pipeline Friction Factor (C) for various pipe materials are given below:

 DI pipe (mortar lined): New - 130

Old - 120
 PVC pipe: New - 140
Old - 130
 PE pipe: New - 150
Old - 150
 Velocity of liquid flow in pumping main will be limited to 1.5m/s.
 Losses at fittings and specials would be either computed separately item by item or
allowed as an overall percentage of 10 for DI, PVC and PE pipe materials.
 The size of the washout pipe will be between 1/3 and 1/6 of the diameter of the main transmission
 The normal depth of earth cover for the pipeline will be maintained at a minimum of 0.5m for 50mm
diameter and increased further for larger pipes according to local standards.
 Transmission pipeline capacity will be 1.20 times the daily average production capacity for the year
 Distribution pipeline capacity will be 2.0 times the daily average flow capacity for the year 2030 to
allow for the peak hourly flow.
 Residual pressure head at connections to distribution mains will be a minimum of 10m.

2.3 Storage Reservoirs

Service reservoirs in the form of elevated towers or ground level tanks have to be provided in the vicinity
of the supply area at the highest ground elevation to minimize construction costs. The shape of reservoirs
will be determined taking into account site conditions and cost. In consideration of the low-lying flat
nature of the islands in question, an elevated tank is required for the proper distribution of water by
gravity, with sufficient residual pressure. A maximum pressure of three bars would be allowed for in this
project with a minimum pressure of one bar.

 A minimum reservoir storage capacity of at least 30% of the daily average demand for the year
2030 including that of the clear water tank would be provided to account for the variable demands
from the consumers.
 The storage capacity of the elevated tank shall be limited to 20% of the daily average demand for
the year 2030 due to the high cost of construction.

 A dedicated transmission main for each service storage reservoir will be provided, if
economically viable.

The reservoir types of foundation, either pad or raft, will be determined based on the results of the
geotechnical investigations. The inlet, outlet, overflow and drain pipes will be provided for the tank.
Service access to the tank will be incorporated for maintenance purposes.

3. Area of Coverage
The shallow groundwater sources available for the inhabitants of these islands have been completely
contaminated by the intrusion of saline water and leaking from poorly constructed septic tanks. Hence, a
larger section of the population within the supply areas needs to be provided with potable water from the
proposed water supply systems. The coverage area will be 100% and the minimum per capita
consumption will be limited to 20 litres initially and gradually increased to 45 litres by 2030, as described
into the proposed strategy below.

3.1. Raw Water Source

Identification of the most appropriate and reliable raw water source of acceptable quality, adequacy in
quantity and optimal distance from the service area is of paramount importance to the development of any
cost-effective water supply system. Since the availability of surface water is virtually non-existent in
these islands and ground water is contaminated with salinity intrusion and fecal coli-forms, the use of
such sources for treatment cannot be considered favorably. In this context, the treatment of rainwater
collected through household / community level rainwater harvesting systems, supplemented by the use of
combined sea water desalination treatment through reverse osmosis process are considered advantageous.

Desalination has been in use successfully and is seen as a favorable option in bigger and more populated
islands such as the capital Male‟, Hulhumale‟, Villinigili and some tourists‟ resorts in the Maldives during
last decade due to the abundance of available seawater. The high energy costs and hi-tech operation of
such plants make desalination an unfavorable option for small and remote communities. While
desalination plants can provide the minimum potable water requirement in all conditions, the maximum
exploitation of low-cost and hassle-free rainwater harvesting in the targeted islands will be the main focus
of the project. Rainwater harvesting is a more environmentally sound option that protracted over reliance
on desalination plants with their inherent high running costs and problematic ongoing maintenance

3.2. Population Forecast and Water Demand

The daily production capacity of the proposed water supply system is primarily influenced by the
projected population and the corresponding daily water usage pattern of the affected community. The
actual population of the targeted islands for the year of 2000 and 2006 (census) has been obtained from
the Department of National Planning (DNP). The project population of each selected island has been
computed and presented below using the formula: [Pn = Po (1+R/100)n-1]

Where Pn - Population after n years

P0 - Population of base year
R - Annual population growth
N - Period

Ihavandhoo Mahibadhoo Gadhdhoo
Population 2000 2062 1714 1701
Population 2006 (census) 2447 1780 1439
Growth rate % 2.840 0.630 (2.78)
Growth rate % (Design) 2.500 1.750 1.750

Actual Population Projected Population

Rate in %
2000 2006 2011 2015 2020 2025 2030

Ihavandhoo 2.50 2062 2447 2640 2914 3296 3730 4220

Mahibadhoo 1.75 1714 1780 2038 2185 2383 2599 2835

Gadhdhoo 1.75 1701 1439 2023 2169 2365 2580 2813

Consumer Demand = 45 litres per day Total Water Demand in m3

Ihavandhoo 119 131 148 168 190

Mahibadhoo 92 98 107 117 128

Gadhdhoo 91 98 106 116 127

Consumer Minimum Demand = 20 lit per day Minimum Demand - Desalination Plant

Ihavandhoo 53 58 66 75 85

Mahibadhoo 41 44 48 52 57

Gadhdhoo 41 44 47 52 57

Based on the computation shown in the table above, the capacity of the proposed system for each island
per day will be as follows:
Ihavandhoo Mahibadhoo Gadhdhoo
Required Desalination Plant 90.0 60.0 60.0
Capacity of existing plant 00.0 10.0 10.0
Capacity of the proposed new plant 90.0 50.0 50.0

Consequently, the remaining potable water supply requirement shall be met from the community based
rainwater harvesting system.

Ihavandhoo Mahibadhoo Gadhdhoo

Community RWH system 100.0 70.0 70.0

Conflicting data from different sources on population figures for Gadhdhoo has emerged during
preliminary research, thus further investigation is recommended during the detailed design stage to
accurately determine the actual and projected population figures for this island.

4. Water Treatment Facilities - Desalination Plant
The desalination plant capacity of the proposed water supply schemes for the targeted three islands
Ihavandhoo, Mahibadhoo and Gadhdhoo is based on a design horizon of the year 2030. A limited usage
of potable water is estimated at 90 m3, 60 m3 and 60 m3 respectively each day. The plant capacity will be
designed to produce 3.75/ 2.5 m3/hour of fully treated water. The initial daily operating time of the plant is
estimated at about 14 to 16 hours in the year 2011 and gradually increases to 24 hours by the year 2030.
The saline water required for the production of drinking water has to be obtained from the ocean or
brackish lagoon or beach wells. The cost of desalination plant is significantly impacted by the degree of
water salinity. Hence, the location of the water abstraction point has to be carefully determined based on
detailed investigation and appropriate laboratory water quality analysis.

Desalination plants using different technologies such as multi-stage flash distillation (thermal distillation),
membrane process, ion exchange, freezing, etc. are available on the international market. Membrane
technology-based desalination plants consume relatively little energy for the amount of water produced.
The optimum cost (capital investment and energy consumption) for an effective desalination plant has to
be identified for this project during the detailed design stage. The proposed desalination treatment process
3 3
of the systems [90 m /day and 60 m /day] comprises the following major components of works:

o Intake works
o Raw water pumps to transmit water to the desalination plant (abstraction velocity shall be about
0.10m/s to facilitate fish escape, if direct abstraction from ocean or lagoon is opted for)
o Raw water conveyance main of OD 110mm / 90mm PN 10, PE 100 pipe (based on low velocity
abstraction) of about 1,000 m long
o Desalination plant of production capacity 3.75 / 2.50 m3/hour (maximum 24 hrs of operation)
o 40 /30 m3 capacity of clear water tank
o Clear water pump house and generator house (standby provision)
o Variable speed pumps with standby provision for direct pumping to supply area [or alternatively
30 / 20 m3 capacity elevated storage tank, 1.5km of OD 90mm PN6 PE80 pumping main and
standard centrifugal pump with standby provision for gravity distribution]
o Standby generator
o Concentrated safe wastewater disposal system
o Distribution system of pipe sizes varying from 90mm to 50mm PE 80, PN 6 pipes of about 18 /
12 km length
o Administrative building for operations and maintenance

Approximately 3.70 kWh of energy is required daily to run the desalination plant to produce one m3/day
of drinking water. The required power supply has to be obtained from the island power supply with
provision for a standby generator.

5. Water Treatment Facilities – Rainwater Harvesting (RWH)

Following an IWRM approach, the project will work closely with local authorities and utility companies
to ensure that the rainwater harvesting scheme and groundwater recharging activities are linked directly
with provision for safe disposal of wastewater. The project recommends rainwater harvesting systems as
the most feasible cost effective solution for isolated island communities in Maldives. This is a consumer
friendly and acceptable option already used by inhabitants. Thus the project will advocate for a rainwater
harvesting system as the primary option for supply of potable water with a desalination plant in addition

as a supplementary measure to ensure potable water security. Two possible rainwater harvesting systems
could be considered for this project:

o Individual household system

o Community-based centralized system

Household rainwater harvesting is extensively practiced in the targeted islands and the improvements
needed to this existing system will be discussed in more detail separately.

5.1. Community-Based Centralized System

The community-based centralized rainwater harvesting system is an essential extension of the traditional
household system, but with operations and maintenance carried out by properly trained personnel.
Rainwater will be collected from selected buildings (schools, mosques, clubs, community centers,
hospital, council houses, etc.) with a large roof area covered with apposite roof materials, an economic
distance from the water treatment area, etc. All rainwater transmitted to the central treatment area will be
subject to sand filtration / activated carbon, disinfection and dispensed to consumers through a
distribution network to individual households. The quality of water produced at the centralized water
treatment plant is expected to be very high and to conform to WHO standard at all times with the close
monitoring of all components of the system including roof catchment area by operating and maintenance

The total requirement of water for 90 days of continuous dry period shall be approximately (100 x 90 =
9,000) 9,000 m3 for Ihavandhoo and (70 x 90 = 6,300) 6,300 m3 for the other two islands of Mahibadhoo
and Gadhdhoo. This requirement may need to be adjusted during the design period if required based on
the actual population forecast.

5.2. Catchment Area

It is reasonable to assume that the improved household rainwater harvesting system would be used
exclusively by the islanders during the rainy season and rainwater harvesting from the centralized system
is needed only during the estimated dry period of up to 90 days. Thus the roof area required to capture
rainwater for the dry period consumption could be estimated from the formulae Q = CIA, where,

Q = Total rainfall volume

I = Rainfall
A = Roof area
C = Run off coefficient (this is taken as 0.85)

Roof area required for Ihavandhoo A = 9,000 / 1.407 / 0.85 = 6,400m2

Roof area required for the other 2 islands A = 6,300 / 2.124 / 0.85 = 3,490m2

Any excess water must be channeled through the groundwater recharge system (filtered
pits/well/infiltration) introduced by the project as much as possible at pre-determined times to improve
the groundwater quality and increase its quantity.

The public buildings managed by central and local governments with large roof catchment areas have to
be identified for collection of rainwater at 3 to 4 locations based on the Islands available infrastructure
facilities. These collection points shall be interconnected and water pumped to the central treatment plant
and subjected to filtration and disinfection. Both desalination and community based rainwater treatment

systems shall be located at the same place for ease of operations. A major challenge posed by this system
is the provision of a large cost effective raw water storage facility at a suitable location/s.

The sedimentation or clarification process is usually incorporated in conventional water treatment system
for the separation and removal of larger solid particles from the raw water. The raw water turbidity during
this process is anticipated to decline well below 10 NTU in order to maximize the benefits of filtration.
The rainwater utilized for this project would not have any heavy sediment and hence clarification process
is not required. Filtration is the most essential component of the water treatment process and the final
solid-liquid separation stage. The rainwater collected from the roof is anticipated to contain some finer
suspended solid matters with an average turbidity level of less than 5 NTU and it has to be removed
during the filtration process. Rapid gravity sand filtration system has not been considered for this project
due to its complexity in the backwashing process. Slow sand filter or other more advanced filters such as
a dyna-sand filter will be evaluated during the detailed design stage for incorporation.

5.3. Transmission System

The transmission pumping main of OD 90mm PN6 PE 80 pipeline running about 1.5km long may have to
be laid from the treatment plant site to the elevated tank provided a gravity distribution system is adopted
for the project. Similarly, OD 75mm PN6 PE80 pipeline of about 5km may be required for the
conveyance of raw water from rainwater harvesting storage tanks to the treatment plant site.

The single largest and most expensive component of the water supply system is the provision of large
capacity storage tanks for raw water produced from rainwater harvesting. It is proposed that raw water
storage tanks are provided in steel or HDPE prefabricated tanks. This will not only reduce the project‟s
construction costs but saves substantial time frame during implementation. Other available options such
as ferro-cement, buried hume pipes, etc. will be evaluated during detailed design stage.

5.4. Disinfection
The need to disinfect the final treated water before distributing to the consumers cannot be
overemphasized. Some of the current technical approaches available to provide effective drinking water
disinfection techniques are highlighted below:

o Chlorine is the most commonly used disinfectant as it treats larger organisms and offers residual
chlorine to cater for the tail end of the distribution system disinfection, but can be expensive with
its need for a specially trained operator; and its environmentally detrimental supply chain of a
potentially hazardous material;
o Boiling water over a biomass cook-stove, the most well known and reliable treatment method,
demands labor, and imposes high economic, environmental, and human health costs.
o UV rays disinfection

It is proposed that the proven cost-effective UV rays disinfection system will be used for this project to
disinfect final water. The disinfection location shall be as close as possible to the consumers and
preferably at the elevated reservoir outlet point.

5.5. Distribution Network

Potable water produced at the treatment plant (desalination and/or rainwater harvesting) will be
transmitted to the elevated water storage tank located at the center of the island for subsequent gravity
distribution to consumers. Alternatively, the pumping of water from the treatment plant directly to the

distribution system, with the aid of variable speed pumps, will also be evaluated. In the event the latter
option is selected, the need for elevated water tower would be eliminated from the system. Pipes made of
PE or PVC material will be utilized for the distribution and transmission lines.

WatCad software will be utilized for the sizing of various pipelines identified for the system. A minimum
pipe diameter of 90mm will be used for all major roads within the supply area and 63mm / 50mm
diameter for minor roads. The distribution network would be carefully planned to cover the entire
developed area and potential development areas. Minimum requirement for laying of a distribution line
along a particular street will be to have at least six houses per hundred meters.

The piping system will be incorporated with air valves and washout valves to improve pumping
efficiency and cleaning of pipelines respectively. Furthermore, isolation valves will be used in all
important stretches of the pipelines in order to isolate a particular section of pipeline during repair and/or
maintenance without affecting other areas of the network. Flow meters will also be used in key locations
of the distribution network to identify water losses.

5.6. House Connection

An individual house connection with a 19mm / 25mm pipeline from the water main to the household
incorporating water meters is proposed under this project. Potable water from both internal (household RWH)
and external sources would be connected to the same inlet pipeline to the household with a provision to
measure the quantity of water consumed from external source separately.

5.7. Improvements to Household RWH

Individual household rainwater harvesting systems are already practiced in these islands extensively by
utilizing traditional methods (collection, transmission, storing and distribution) with minimum or no water
quality control. This potentially causes health hazards due to the unchecked spread of water borne
diseases. The system may have been constructed without much technical input currently available in the
market. Under this program, it is proposed to upgrade the existing system to the present standard of
rainwater harvesting for potable water by incorporating additional components such as first-flush
diverters, UV disinfectant system, inline demand pump, improvement to gutter and downspouts,
preliminary filtration system, additional storage tank, etc.

5.8. Power Supply

Water pumps working with solar energy will be used for the pumping of water from the community
rainwater harvesting collection reservoirs to the treatment plant area. Similar pumps will be utilized for
transmitting the treated water to the relevant storage reservoir or directly to the distribution system. The
project will establish minor pump houses at each location where lifting of water is absolutely necessary.

The electricity requirements to run the system and plant shall be sourced from solar panel where possible
and economically viable; when a solar panel is inactive during the monsoon or overcast weather
conditions, power will be obtained from island grid.

6. Groundwater Recharge
The project will integrate groundwater recharging system to enhance the capacity of each household to
extract adequate groundwater to use for washing clothes and toilet flushing through a well or borehole
(with a pump). The groundwater recharging system should contemplate adequate measures to ensure that

no more human waste is leaking or leaching from existing septic tanks. It is highly desirable to empty all
the existing septic tanks and close them down with backfilling on completion of the proposed sewage
system (to be executed by the government selected contractors). This action will significantly contribute
to the gradual improvement of groundwater quality in the near future through persistent recharging
process. It is pertinent to mention here that the quality of the groundwater should ideally be clean enough
for bathing purposes. Some water is consumed by the users (with or without their knowledge) during the
bathing process, and this consumption of contaminated water may lead to health problems.

The groundwater recharge system will be adopted using simple techniques in 2 (two) options:

 Use overflow of rainwater during rainwater harvesting to selected wells

 Recycle the wastewater, after appropriate treatment, from the sewage treatment plant. It is
acceptable by Maldives Environmental authority that the BOD<20 can be discharged to sea
outfall. However, this water cannot be recycled for groundwater recharge; as this requires more
tertiary treatment to reduce the BOD<5.0. This treatment will be expensive in the context of the

Benchmark groundwater quality tests will be conducted for all 3 Islands and monitored each half year (or
annually) to verify the improvement of the ground water quality. Testing equipment shall be provided by
the project to the Utility companies or island community members in charge of the freshwater supply.
However, this groundwater will not be suitable for drinking purposes.

6.1 Benefits of Groundwater Recharging

The following benefits may be achieved from groundwater recharging:

 An ideal solution to water problems in areas having inadequate water resources.

 A solution to reduce the intrusion of saline water in agricultural land and to reduce groundwater
contamination by sewage, saltwater or other factors.
 The ground water level will rise.
 Mitigates the effects of drought.
 Reduces the runoff which chokes storm water drains.
 Quality of water improves.
 Soil erosion will be reduced.
 Saving of energy per well for lifting of ground water – a one meter rise in water level saves about
0.40 KWH of electricity.

6.2 Source of water used for recharge:

Rainwater harvesting supplemented by a quantity of quality water available for recharging during the
rainy season using the overflow from the rainwater harvesting tank. It is recommended to integrate the
system in each household and public facilities (Schools, Mosques, Health centers/Hospitals, Community
Centers etc.).

6.3 Number of groundwater recharge systems:

The main source of groundwater pollution is at household level and from public buildings on the islands.
Hence, groundwater will be recharged at household level and at community facility buildings.

 1.0 meter diameter and 0.50 meter length of perforated pre-cast pipe will be installed at household
level and filled by gravel/sand for infiltration. One in each household.
 1.5 meter diameter and 0.75 meter length of perforated pre-cast pipe will be installed at public
building facilities and filled by gravel/sand for infiltration. Several at each facility.

No. of Houses 1.0 dia 1.5 m dia

Haa. Ihavandhoo 700 700 30
Ada. Mahibadhoo 275 275 30
Gda. Gahdhoo 495 495 30

7. Wastewater Management Improvement

The project will include a small parallel component to the current government plan on the construction of
the wastewater systems in the three islands, as follows:

7.1. Integration of planned and proposed wastewater systems into the IWRM process
The project aims to ensure that the current planned wastewater systems espouse the principles and
components of a holistic IWRM process. Specifically the project will revise the designs planned for these
systems and will integrate the provision of proper wastewater management systems.

7.2 Cleaning the existing septic tanks:

The existing household septic tanks are the main source of groundwater contamination due to the lack of
appropriate sewage system in all three islands. The sewage construction system will be implemented by
other agencies appointed by the MHE. The project will assist the MHE to ensure that all sewage
construction contractors include additional provisions in contracts to allow for the following scope of
work: the cleaning up, flushing and filling with sand of all septic tanks (especially septic tanks open to
ground infiltration) to successfully recharge and protect the groundwater.

8. Island Layout Plans




9. Design Options for Integrated Water Supply System on Target Islands




Terms of Reference
Project Management

Project Board (PB)

The Ministry of Housing and Environment will be responsible for establishing the Project Board.
The board will meet at least twice a year, with more frequent meetings held when necessary.
The Project Board will be chaired by the Minister of Housing and Environment. The National
Project Director will be the Executive Member nominated by the MHE and is expected to be a
senior official not below the rank of Deputy Minister. The Members of the Project Board include
representatives from the Implementing Partner (MHE), UNDP, designated Responsible Parties
and other important stakeholders and Island Council members from the demonstration islands.
The list of PB nominees (including alternates) will be prepared and approved over the course of
the project inception workshop.


 Provide strategic guidance and direction to the project, ensuring it remains within any
specified constraints of time, scope and budget;
 Provide advice and guidance on efficient and timely execution of the project, when required;
 Establish policies when required to define the functions, responsibilities, and delegation of
powers for the implementing agencies and the Project Management Unit;
 Ensure that project‟s policy recommendations are integrated within the policies of respective
sectors each member represents;
 Address project issues as raised by the National Project Manager including approval of
major project revisions;
 Provide guidance and agree on possible countermeasures/management actions to address
major issues and risks;
 Ensure that AF resources are committed exclusively to activities that relate to achievement
of the project objective;
 Resolve significant conflicts within the project, and negotiate a solution to major problems
that may arise between the project and external bodies;
 Appraise the Project progress and make recommendations for next steps.

National Project Director (NPD)

The National Project Director (NPD) will be a state employee appointed by the Ministry of
Housing and Environment to be responsible, on behalf of the government, for the project. The
NPD will be responsible for overseeing overall project implementation on a regular basis and
ensuring that the project outcomes are achieved. This function is not funded through the project
and will be covered as in-kind contribution. On behalf of the Implementing Agency, the NPD is
accountable to the UNDP for the appropriate use of the project resources provided by AF. The

NPD, assisted by the National Project Manager, will report to the Project Board on the progress
of the Project. The NPD will be responsible for coordinating the flow of results and knowledge
from the project to the members of the Project Board.


 Review project activities, and their adherence to the work plan set forth in the project
 Approve project Annual work plans and budget revisions.
 Approve annual project status and financial reports.
 Ensure that Maldivian legislation, rules and procedures are fully met in the course of the
project implementation;
 Oversee implementation of Project Board directives;
 Facilitate government support to EIA processes;
 Report to UNDP and the Project Board on the use of the project resources and achievement
of the project outputs.

National Project Manager

The National Project Manager (NPM) is a full-time, project-funded staff who will be responsible
for the day-to-day management, administration, coordination, and technical supervision of
project implementation. He/she will implement guidance from the National Project Director and
Project Board, and lead the project team through the timely planning, implementation, and
delivery of project Outputs and Outcomes as indicated in the Strategic Results Framework. S/he
will be responsible for financial management and disbursements, with accountability to the
government and UNDP. The NPM will be appointed by the Implementing Agency and
coordinate with any technical staff who is provided to the PMU through direct implementation
support services from UN agencies (envisaged under this project for Outcome 1).

In carrying out her/his responsibilities, s/he will advocate and promote the work of adaptation to
climate change in Maldives and will also closely work and network with the relevant government
agencies, UNDP, UNOPS, the private sector, NGOs, and civil society organizations.


 Facilitate the day-to-day functioning of the PMU, supervision and coordination of PMU staff;
 Coordinate the distribution of responsibilities amongst team members and organize the
monitoring and tracking of all project management services;
 Manage human and financial resources provided by the project, in consultation with the
project‟s senior management, to achieve results in line with the Outcomes and Outputs
outlined in the project document;
 Plan the activities and inputs provided by the project and monitor progress against the initial
quality criteria;
 Mobilize goods and services to initiative activities, including drafting TORs and work

 Facilitate and organize events as determined in the Project Monitoring Plan, and update the
plan as required;
 Manage requests for the provision of financial resources by UNDP, using advance of funds,
direct payments, or reimbursement using the FACE (Fund Authorization and Certificate of
 Monitor financial resources and accounting to ensure accuracy and reliability of financial
 Prepare and submit financial and technical reports to UNDP on a quarterly and annual
 Manage and monitor the project risks initially identified, submit new risks to the Project
Board for consideration and decision on possible actions if required; update the status of
these risks by maintaining the Project Risks Log;
 Be responsible for managing issues and requests for change by maintaining an Issues Log;
 Prepare regular progress reports (progress against planned activities, update on Risks and
Issues, expenditures) and submit the report to the Project Board, NPM and UNDP;
 Prepare the AWP for the following year, as well as Quarterly Plans if required;
 Update the Atlas Project Management module if external access is made available;
 Work with all co-financing partners to ensure that their activities/programs are integrated and
complementary with those of the AF-funded project.
 Support linkage of project activities with related and parallel activities within MHE;
 Support the NPD in organizing Project Board meetings;
 Manage relationships with project stakeholders including NGOs, government agencies, atoll
and island councils and others as required.

Qualifications/ Requirements

 University graduate with at least 5 years working experience in project management within
the disciplines of engineering, environmental science, geography, or natural resource
 Sound understanding of water management issues in Maldives and basic knowledge of the
international climate change discourse
 Extensive business and information exchange contacts with national and international
partners involved in water resources and waste management planning;
 Excellent inter-personal, communication and negotiating skills
 Previous work experience in the country on issues relevant to the project
 Ability and willingness to travel within and outside the Maldives
 Demonstrable skills in office computer use – MS-Word, MS-Excel, Powerpoint
 Proven track record of project management and project team experience working with
government, NGOs, and other key stakeholders in Maldives
 Excellent verbal and written skills in English and Dhivehi

Administrative and Finance Assistant

The Administrative & Finance Assistant will undertake administration of the day-to-day
operations of the project office. The Administrative Assistant will report to the National Project


 Set up and maintain all files and records of the project in both electronic and hard copies
 Collect and inventorize project related data pertaining to stakeholder consultations
 Prepare minutes of meetings
 Organize Project Board meetings in coordination with the National Project Manager
 Establish document control and assurance procedures
 Compile, copy and distribute project-related reports
 Provide logistical support to the National Project Manager, and national/international
consultants in organising training events, workshops, and seminars
 Assist short-term consultants by organizing their travel schedules, arranging meetings with
different stakeholders, and booking hotel accommodations
 Prepare monthly leave records for the project staff and long-term national/international
 Provide support in the use of Atlas for monitoring and reporting
 Review layout, spelling and formatting of project-related reports in coordination with the
 Assist the NPM to monitor technical activities carried out by responsible parties
 Draft necessary correspondence with local and international project stakeholders


 At least 3 years of relevant administrative or program experience at the national or

international level
 Undergraduate degree and/or certificate in secretarial or computer training
 Demonstrated experience in using computers and office software packages, particularly
word processing and spreadsheets (MS Word, Excel)
 Knowledge of database packages and web-based management systems
 Excellent inter-personal and communication skills
 Proficient verbal and written English and Dhivehi skills

ANNEX G Project Milestones and Disbursement Schedule

Disbursement schedule:

Upon MoU signed

Jul-11 Oct-11 Oct-12 Oct-13 Oct-14 Total
(July 2011)
Project Funds 0 145,112 4,696,728 2,988,083 210,669 244,408 8,285,000
IA Fee 281,690 7,401 239,533 152,392 10,744 12,465 704,225
TOTAL 281,690 152,513 4,936,261 3,140,475 221,413 256,873 8,989,225

Transferred by Trustee in a Transferred by Trustee in 4 tranches

single tranch


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