Course Outline ETI

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# Course Outline: Ethical Trading Initiative (ETI) 2-Day Workshop

## Overview
This 2-day workshop is designed to provide a comprehensive understanding of the Ethical
Trading Initiative's 9 Base Codes, which serve as the cornerstone for responsible business
practices across various industries. Day 1 focuses on creating awareness about these codes,
while Day 2 is geared towards practical implementation and updates of relevant documents
and policies.

## Description
- **Day 1:** Awareness of the 9 Base Codes in ETI
- Aimed to build a foundational understanding of the ethical standards that should be
maintained in a working environment according to ETI guidelines.

- **Day 2:** Practical Implementation and Document Updates

- Focuses on the how-tos of implementing these ethical standards within your organization
and ensuring that the existing policies align with the ETI Base Codes.

## Scope
- Explanation and interpretation of ETI's 9 Base Codes
- Strategies for practical implementation
- Compliance monitoring and evaluation
- Document and policy updates

## Who Should Attend

- Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) professionals
- Supply Chain Managers
- Human Resources Managers
- Compliance Officers
- Business owners involved in international trade
- Non-Governmental Organizations interested in labor rights

## Methodologies
- Lectures and presentations
- Interactive discussions and group activities
- Case studies
- Role-playing and simulations
- Workshops for document and policy review and updates


### Day 1: Awareness of the 9 Base Codes in ETI

#### Objectives
- To understand the importance and scope of each of the 9 Base Codes
1: Employment is freely chosen. ... 2: Freedom of association and the right to
collective bargaining are respected. ... 3: Working conditions are safe and hygienic. ...
4: Child labour shall not be used. ... 5: Living wages are paid. ... 6: Working hours are
not excessive. ... 7: No discrimination is practiced. ... 8: Regular employment is
provided. 9. Inhumane or brutal treatment is not permitted
- To gain insights into real-world application through case studies

#### Agenda
1. **Introduction and Overview**
- Explanation of the Ethical Trading Initiative (ETI)

2. **Understanding the 9 Base Codes**

- In-depth exploration of each code

3. **Importance of Each Code**

- How each code impacts workers and organizations

4. **Case Studies**
- Examination of real-world instances where these codes have been applied or violated

5. **Interactive Discussion**
- Open forum for questions and sharing of ideas

6. **Wrap-up and Summary**


### Day 2: Practical Implementation and Document Updates

#### Objectives
- To understand the practical steps involved in implementing the 9 Base Codes
- To review and update internal documents and policies for compliance

#### Agenda
1. **Review of Day 1**
- Summary of key takeaways

2. **Strategies for Implementing Each Code**

- Detailed plan and steps for implementation

3. **Monitoring and Compliance**

- Tools and methods for continuous tracking

4. **Workshop: Document and Policy Updates**

- Review existing documents and policies, and learn how to update them to comply with
ETI standards

5. **Interactive Workshop**
- Role-playing scenarios to simulate practical implementation
6. **Conclusion and Action Steps**
- Summary of the course and next steps for your organization

By the end of this 2-day workshop, attendees should be well-equipped to implement and
maintain practices that are in alignment with the Ethical Trading Initiative's 9 Base Codes.

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