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Changing Breed Gift Encyclopedia

Table of Contents
Ajaba 3
General Gifts 3
Aspect Gifts Dawn 4
Midnight 5
Dusk 7
Ananasi 8
General Gifts 8
Aspect Gifts Tenere 13
Hatar 14
Kumoti 15
Faction Gifts Myrmidon 17
Viskr 18
Wyrsta 20
Kumo 21
Bastet 23
Common Gifts 23
Breed Gifts Homid 29
Metis 31
Feline 33
Tribal Gifts Bagheera 35
Balam 37
Bubasti 38
Ceilican 41
Khan 43
Pumonca 45
Qualmi 48
Simba 49
Swara 51
Corax 53
General Gifts 53
Tengu Gifts 59
Buzzard Gifts 61
Gurahl 61
General Gifts 61
Breed Gifts Homid 65
Ursine 67
Auspice Gifts Arcas 68
Uzmati 70
Kojubat 72
Kieh 74
Rishi 75
Hengeyokai General Gifts 77
Auspice Gifts Lantern 78
Fist 79
Mirror 80
Leaf 80
Pillar 81
Courtier 82
Kitsune 82
General Gifts 82
Breed Gifts Kojin 84
Roko 85
Shinju 87
Path Gifts Doshi 88
Eji 90
Gukutsushi 92
Kataribe 93
Ju-Fu 95
Mokolé 97
General Gifts 98
Stream Gifts Gumagan 101
Makara 102
Mokolé-mbembe 102
Zhong Lung 102
Auspice Gifts Rising Sun (Tung Chun/Vasanta) 103
Noonday Sun (Nam Hsia/Grisma) 105
Setting Sun (Tung Chun/Vasanta) 106
Midnight Sun (Pei Tung/Hemanta) 107
Shrouded Sun (Sai Chau/Zarad) 109
Decorated Sun (Nam Hsia/Grisma) 111
Eclipsed Sun (Sai Chau/Zarad) 112
Nagah 113
General Gifts 114
Breed Gifts Balaram 117
Ahi 120
Vasuki 123
Auspice Gifts Kamakshi (Spring) 126
Kartikeya (Summer) 128
Kamsa (Autumn) 130
Kali (Winter) 131
Nuwisha 132
General Gifts 132
Bitter Grin Gifts 141
Ratkin 141
General Gifts 141
Breed Gifts Homid 145
Metis 146
Rodens 148
Aspect Gifts Tunnel Runner 150
Shadow Seer 152
Knife Skulker 154
Blade Slave/Warrior 155
Freak Aspect Gifts Ratkin Engineer 157
Plague Lord 159
Munchmausen 161
Twitcher 162
Faction Gifts Nezumi 164
Rokea 166
General Gifts 166
Auspice Gifts Brightwater 170
Dimwater 173
Darkwater 176
Faction Gifts Betweener 179
Same-Bito 179
Gifts of the Ahadi 181
The Lost Breeds 183
Apis 183
General Gifts 183
Camazotz 185
General Gifts 185
Grondr 187
General Gifts 187
Ratkin Bard Gifts 188
General Gifts
Ajaba begin play with one breed Gift, one aspect Gift, and one Level One general Ajaba Gift from the list below.
Breed Gifts are functionally identical to those of the corresponding Garou breeds, with hyaenid using lupus Gifts. Ajaba
share a great number of Garou Gifts, though they often learn them from very different spirits.
• Eye of the Hunter (Level One) : As the Red Talon Gift.
(Source: W20 Changing Breeds, p.51→Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.185)
• Feral Grin (Level One) : With a snarl or a harsh glare, the Ajaba makes his victim uneasy and forces him to
back away, intimidated. A hyena-spirit teaches this Gift.
System (old version): By rolling Manipulation + Primal-Urge, the Ajaba adds one die to all subsequent Social
rolls for the remainder of the scene. If he rolls four or more successes, he adds two to his rolls. This only works on one
target at a time, and only for rolls meant to intimidate or coerce the target in some fashion. The difficulty of the roll is the
subject's Willpower, though it drops to 4 if she is already inclined to fear the Ajaba.
(Note: This is the Ajaba version of the Bastet Gift: Sweet Hunter’s Smile.)
(Source: Bastet, p.147→PGttCB, Revised, p.40)
System (new version): The Ajaba adds two dice to all attempts to intimidate others of equal or higher
Willpower. When attempting to intimidate lower-Willpower individuals, the Ajaba adds the two dice or her Primal-Urge
rating, whichever is higher. This Gift’s effects are permanent.
(Source: W20 Changing Breeds, p.51)
• Gift of Terror (Level One) : As the Red Talon Gift: Wolf at the Door. When used to target a group, the Ajaba
chuckles rather than howls.
(Source: W20 Changing Breeds, p.51→Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.185)
• Infectious Laughter (Level One) : As the Ragabash Gift.
(Source: W20 Changing Breeds, p.51→Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.185)
• Primal Anger (Level One) : As the metis Gift.
(Source: W20 Changing Breeds, p.51→Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.156)
• Sense Prey (Level One) : As the lupus Gift.
(Source: W20 Changing Breeds, p.51→Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.159)
• Crushing Jaws (Level Two) : By invoking this Gift and snapping her jaws shut on prey, the Ajaba gets a solid
hold that lasts until either the bone shatters or the hyena lets go (or dies). By using this Gift together as a group, several
Ajaba can shred even the mightiest opponent. A hyena-spirit teaches this Gift.
System: The player must succeed at a Strength + Brawl roll (difficulty 6) to get a firm grip, then spends a point
of Willpower. Each turn thereafter, the Ajaba automatically inflicts one health level of unsoakable aggravated damage as
her jaws crush bone and rend flesh. She may take no other action, save to voluntarily let go of her prey. While she is
locked in, all close-range attacks against her are made at –2 difficulty due to her relative immobility. Only death can pry
her loose against her will. The target cannot escape this grip unless he kills the hyena; her grip makes her an easy target,
but prevents him from escaping.
(Source: Bastet, p.147→PGttCB, Revised, p.40→W20 Changing Breeds, p.51)
• Curse of Hatred (Level Two) : As the metis Gift.
(Source: W20 Changing Breeds, p.51→Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.156)
• Gender Shift (Level Two) : As the Black Fury Gift: Man’s Skin.
(Source: W20 Changing Breeds, p.51→Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.173)
• Odious Aroma (Level Two) : As the Bone Gnawer Gift.
(Source: W20 Changing Breeds, p.51→Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.175)
• Pulse of the Prey (Level Two) : As the Ragabash Gift.
(Source: W20 Changing Breeds, p.51→Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.161)
• Clan Loyalty (Level Three) : As the Bone Gnawer Gift: Friend in Need.
(Source: PGttCB, Revised, p.40→Werewolf: the Apocalypse Corebook Revised, p.144)
• Clenched Jaw (Level Three) : As the Level Four Ahroun Gift.
(Note: Don’t ask me why White Wolf included to functionally identical Gifts, namely Crushing Jaws and Clenched Jaw,
both having the word “Jaw” in them, especially when they’re different Levels. It’s probably an editing error, but I’ve
included both for completeness’ sake. Storyteller discretion on which version to allow in the campaign. –Su-tehp)
(Source: W20 Changing Breeds, p.51→Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.172)
• Gift of the Skunk (Level Three) : As the Bone Gnawer Gift.
(Source: W20 Changing Breeds, p.51→Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.175)
• Laugh of the Hyena (Level Three) : As the Bone Gnawer Gift
(Source: W20 Changing Breeds, p.52→Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.175)
• Laughter of the Soul (Level Three) : The Ajaba’s barking chuckle worms into enemies’ minds, becoming a
harbinger of terror and madness. Fear-spirits teach this Gift.
System: The Ajaba laughs, and the player rolls Manipulation + Intimidation (difficulty of the victim’s
Willpower). One success makes the target uneasy, three induces shivering paranoia and anxiety attacks, and five send him
fleeing into the night screaming. Rolling three or more successes drives creatures capable of fear frenzy into that state,
unless they spend two Willpower to resist for the rest of the scene. Even then, they remain unnerved and jumpy.
(Source: W20 Changing Breeds, p.52)
• Culling the Weak (Level Four) Version One : By studying a foe or group of prey, an Ajaba can tell which one
of them is most ready to die. This Gift reveals states of sickness of the mind, body, and soul, helping the Rainmaker
choose her next victim. This magical awareness is a birthright passed down from Seb-at-Al. This vision can be pretty
abstract and open to interpretation. A young Garou on the verge of Harano is more likely to be spotted than an elderly wolf
with a healthy heart. Even so, the sight is quite accurate, and provides disturbing insights that a target may not even
recognize in himself.
System: The player rolls her Perception + Primal-Urge and spends one point of Gnosis. The difficulty depends
on the severity of the subject’s illness, or on the number of subjects nearby. Spotting a man with a bad liver is easy if he’s
alone (difficulty 5), harder if he’s in a crowd (difficulty 7), and harder still if he’s healthy but emotionally unbalanced
(difficulty 8). If more than one person in range is unhealthy, the magic picks out the sickest one. This disease may be
physical, mental, emotional, or spiritual, but should be significant. A minor case of the flu doesn’t qualify, though
pneumonia would. This Gift lasts one scene; its results, while accurate, depend on the circumstances of the story and its
(Source: Bastet, p.147→PGttCB, Revised, p.40)
• Culling the Weak (Level Four) Version Two : The Ajaba use the strength Gaia granted them to mark the weak
: and then allow their enemies’ very weakness to prepare them for the slaughter. This Gift is taught by a vulture-spirit.
System: Whenever an opponent who has not yet managed to injure the Ajaba during the scene attempts to attack
the werehyena, but fails to inflict any health levels of damage with that attack, they automatically lose one point of
Willpower and one point of Rage (if applicable).
(Source: W20 Changing Breeds, p.52)
• Gnaw (Level Four) : As the lupus Gift.
(Source: W20 Changing Breeds, p.52→Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.160)
• Gorge (Level Four) : As the Red Talon Gift.
(Source: W20 Changing Breeds, p.52→Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.187)
• Survivor (Level Five) : As the Bone Gnawer Gift.
(Source: PGttCB, Revised, p.40→Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.176-7)
• Withering Stare (Level Five) : As the general Bastet Gift.
(Source: W20 Changing Breeds, p.52→ W20 Changing Breeds, p.86)

Aspect Gifts
Dawn Gifts
• Beat of the Heart-Drum (Level One) : As the Wendigo Gift.
(Source: W20 Changing Breeds, p.52→Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.199)
• Finishing Blow (Level One) : A merely wounded enemy is an enemy that can still fight; dead, he can do no
more harm. This Gift, taught by a lion-spirit, helps the Ajaba finish her kills.
System: When attacking an enemy already suffering a wound penalty of at least –2, the player may spend one
Rage point (before rolling the attack) to double the Ajaba’s Strength for the purpose of determining damage.
(Source: W20 Changing Breeds, p.52)
• Lightning Reflexes (Level One) : As the Get of Fenris Gift.
(Source: W20 Changing Breeds, p.52→Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.180)
• Pack Tactics (Level One) : As the Ahroun Gift.
(Source: W20 Changing Breeds, p.52→Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p. 171 & Book of Auspices, p.122)
• Razor Claws (Level One) : As the Ahroun Gift.
(Source: W20 Changing Breeds, p.52→Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.171)
• Resist Pain (Level One) : As the Philodox Gift.
(Source: W20 Changing Breeds, p.52→Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.166)
• Sense Wyrm (Level One) : As the metis Gift.
(Source: W20 Changing Breeds, p.52→Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.156)
• Command Spirit (Level Two) : As the Theurge Gift.
(Source: W20 Changing Breeds, p.52→Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.164)
• Dancing with the Dawn (Level Two) : As the Fianna Gift: Flame Dance.
(Source: W20 Changing Breeds, p.52→Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.179)
• Shield of Rage (Level Two) : As the Ahroun Gift.
(Source: W20 Changing Breeds, p.52→Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.171)
• Spirit of the Fray (Level Two) : As the Ahroun Gift.
(Source: W20 Changing Breeds, p.52→Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.171)
• Teeth at Dawn (Level Two) : To act first is a sign of confidence and power; a hyena who has seized the
initiative in battle is nearly unstoppable. A jaguar-spirit teaches this Gift.
System: Whenever the Ajaba has the highest initiative in a combat turn, she adds two dice to each of her attacks
that turn. This Gift’s effects are permanent.
(Source: W20 Changing Breeds, p.52)
• Bloody Feast (Level Three) : As the Wendigo Gift.
(Source: W20 Changing Breeds, p.52→Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.201)
• Redirect Pain (Level Three) : As the Get of Fenris Gift.
(Source: W20 Changing Breeds, p.52→Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.181)
• Sense the Unnatural (Level Three) : As the lupus Gift.
(Source: W20 Changing Breeds, p.52→Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p. 159-160)
• Silver Jaws (Level Three) : As the Ahroun Gift: Silver Claws, save that it enhances bite rather than claw
(Source: W20 Changing Breeds, p.52→Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.171-2)
• Battle Fury Focus (Level Four) : The Ajaba enters a battle trance, minimizing the openings she leaves for
opponents. A mongoose-spirit teaches this Gift.
System: The player spends one Gnosis point and rolls Dexterity + Athletics (difficulty 7). The Ajaba can
reflexively dodge all attacks directed at her for the rest of the scene with a pool of three dice.
(Source: W20 Changing Breeds, p.52)
• Grasp the Beyond (Level Four) : As the Theurge Gift.
(Source: W20 Changing Breeds, p.52→Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.165)
• Stoking Fury’s Furnace (Level Four) : As the Ahroun Gift.
(Source: W20 Changing Breeds, p.52→Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.172)
• Bone Cracker (Level Five) : As the Get of Fenris Gift: Fenris’ Bite.
(Source: W20 Changing Breeds, p.52→Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.182)
• Strength of Will (Level Five) : As the Ahroun Gift.
(Source: W20 Changing Breeds, p.52→Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.172)

Midnight Gifts
• Beast Speech (Level One) : As the Galliard Gift.
(Source: W20 Changing Breeds, p.52→Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.169)
• Burning the Vision (Level One) : The Midnight can etch a moment into another’s memory, ensuring that they
can never forget so much as a single detail of what they see or hear. This Gift, taught by a servant of Helios, is often used
at the scenes of terrible atrocities against Gaia.
System: The Ajaba touches the one he wishes to force remembrance on and spends one Willpower point. The
target gains perfect recall of everything that happens during the scene until his dying day.
(Source: W20 Changing Breeds, p.52)
• Mental Speech (Level One) : As the metis Gift.
(Source: W20 Changing Breeds, p.52→Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.157)
• Mother’s Touch (Level One) : As the Theurge Gift.
(Source: W20 Changing Breeds, p.52→Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.164)
• Perfect Recall (Level One) : As the Galliard Gift.
(Source: W20 Changing Breeds, p.53→Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.169)
• Persuasion (Level One) : As the homid Gift.
(Source: W20 Changing Breeds, p.53→Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.153)
• Tears of the Heavens (Level One) : Raising his arms and reciting a spontaneous poem, the Ajaba calls down
the rain. A sky-spirit teaches this Gift.
System: The player spends one Gnosis point and rolls Wits + Expression (difficulty 8). Success causes rain to
fall across an area (Obligation) miles in diameter around the Ajaba for ten minutes per success.
(Source: W20 Changing Breeds, p.53)
• Bless the Rains (Level Two) : The Ajaba composes words of thanks to the rain falling around him,
complimenting it for sharing its bounty with the dry Earth. The rains respond with generosity. An ancestor-spirit teaches
this Gift.
System: The player spends one Gnosis point and rolls Wits + Expression (difficulty 7). The rain subsequently
restores one level of bashing or lethal damage to all non-Wyrm-tainted beings it touches, and renders the ground it falls on
unusually fertile. This Gift may only be used while standing in the rain, and the Ajaba can only empower a rainstorm
once : though the effects of the Gift strike everywhere that the same rains fall.
(Source: W20 Changing Breeds, p.53)
• Distractions (Level Two) : As the Galliard Gift.
(Source: W20 Changing Breeds, p.53→Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.169)
• Dreamspeak (Level Two) : As the Galliard Gift.
(Source: W20 Changing Breeds, p.53→Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.169)
• Scavenge (Level Two) : The Ajaba may safely consume and digest any physical object he can get into his
mouth, from carrion to pistols to toxic waste: his jaws can chew it, and his stomach can process it. A goat-spirit teaches
this Gift.
System: This Gift’s effects are permanent, though it costs a Gnosis point to eat anything that is actively
poisonous (such as toxic waste) rather than merely noxious or inedible. The Ajaba’s digestion destroys fetishes and other
empowered items, though supernaturally indestructible items may survive their transit. The Ajaba can even destroy an
opponent’s armor in combat, one bite at a time.
(Source: W20 Changing Breeds, p.53)
• Shadows of the Serengeti (Level Two) : As the Ajaba sings a song of his fallen Kin, their shadows rise from
the dust of the earth to lend their strength to his cause. A night-spirit teaches this Gift.
System: The player spends one Gnosis point and rolls Obligation (difficulty 8). For each success, one unearthly
shadow-hyena rises from the earth around the Ajaba, and aids him until the end of the scene. These shadows have the traits
of a normal hyena, save that they possess only three health levels. The shadow hyenas have physical presence, but they are
neither truly ghosts or spirits.
(Source: W20 Changing Breeds, p.53)
• Calling the Eshu (Level Three) : As the Fianna Gift: Faerie Kin. Ajaba use this Gift to summon taletelling
spirits to enlighten their packs.
(Source: W20 Changing Breeds, p.54→Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.179)
• Exorcism (Level Three) : As the Theurge Gift.
(Source: W20 Changing Breeds, p.54→Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.165)
• Song of Heroes (Level Three) : As the Galliard Gift.
(Source: W20 Changing Breeds, p.54→Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.170)
• Wisdom of the Ancient Ways (Level Three) : As the Philodox Gift.
(Source: W20 Changing Breeds, p.54→Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.167)
• Bitter Tears (Level Four) : Standing in the pouring rain, the Ajaba composes a spontaneous poem
expressing his sorrow at Gaia’s fallen state; the intensity of the rain redoubles, and it carries some measure of his sadness.
An ancestor-spirit teaches this Gift.
System: The player spends one Gnosis point and rolls Manipulation + Expression (difficulty 7). All humans
touched by the rain whose main dwelling is in a place with a Gauntlet of 7 or higher are seized with a great listless
melancholy so long as the rain lasts, suffering a –3 penalty to all dice pools. This Gift may only be used while standing in
the rain.
(Source: W20 Changing Breeds, p.54)
• Gift of Dreams (Level Four) : As the Galliard Gift.
(Source: W20 Changing Breeds, p.54→Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.170)
• Phantasm (Level Four) : As the Fianna Gift.
(Source: W20 Changing Breeds, p.54→Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.180)
• Fabric of the Mind (Level Five) : As the Galliard Gift.
(Source: W20 Changing Breeds, p.54→Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.170)
• Rain of Doom (Level Five) : Standing in the rain, the Ajaba points to a man-made object or building and spits
insults and curses at it, expressing his rage and disdain. The rain acts as acid when it strikes the structure, pitting concrete
and corroding steel. A pain-spirit teaches this Gift.
System: The player spends three Rage points and rolls Wits + Primal-Urge (difficulty 8). The successes gained
dictate how large a structure may be destroyed. Only one success would be necessary to tear down a cabin, three for three-
story house, or five for an office complex. This Gift may only be used when standing in the rain.
(Source: W20 Changing Breeds, p.54)
Dusk Gifts
• Blur of the Milky Eye (Level One) : As the Galliard Gift.
(Source: W20 Changing Breeds, p.54→Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.161)
• Fatal Flaw (Level One) : As the Shadow Lord Gift.
(Source: W20 Changing Breeds, p.54→Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.188)
• Laughter in the Night (Level One) : Like any good hyena, the Ajaba is much more dangerous once the sun
goes down : and far bolder in taking prey. A night-spirit teaches this Gift.
System: The character permanently adds one die to all Stealth rolls at night.
(Source: W20 Changing Breeds, p.54)
• Open Seal (Level One) : As the Ragabash Gift.
(Source: W20 Changing Breeds, p.54→Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.161)
• Scent of Running Water (Level One) : As the Ragabash Gift.
(Source: W20 Changing Breeds, p.54→Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.161)
• Spirit Snare (Level One) : As the Theurge Gift.
(Source: W20 Changing Breeds, p.54→Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.156)
• Spirit Speech (Level One) : As the Theurge Gift.
(Source: W20 Changing Breeds, p.54→Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.164)
• Whispers in the Grass (Level One) : The werehyena may move soundlessly through any natural environment;
grass bends without making any noise, and dry twigs break silently beneath her tread. A mouse-spirit teaches this Gift.
System: The player rolls Wits + Stealth, difficulty 6. Success reduces the difficulty of moving quietly in natural
environments by 3 (to a minimum of 2). This Gift has no effect in man-made environments.
(Source: W20 Changing Breeds, p.54)
• Ambush (Level Two) : When the Ajaba strikes from concealment, her blow burns with Rage, felling her
opponent in a single strike. A leopard-spirit teaches this Gift.
System: The player may spend one Rage point when making a surprise attack, after rolling damage, to double
the amount of damage inflicted before soak.
(Source: W20 Changing Breeds, p.54)
• Blissful Ignorance (Level Two) : As the Ragabash Gift.
(Source: W20 Changing Breeds, p.54→Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.161)
• Luna’s Armor (Level Two) : As the Child of Gaia Gift.
(Source: W20 Changing Breeds, p.54→Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.177)
• Sight From Beyond (Level Two) : As the Theurge Gift.
(Source: W20 Changing Breeds, p.54→Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.164)
• Taking the Forgotten (Level Two) : As the Ragabash Gift.
(Source: W20 Changing Breeds, p.54→Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.162)
• Paralyzing Stare (Level Three) : As the Shadow Lord Gift.
(Source: W20 Changing Breeds, p.54→Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.190)
• Pulse of the Invisible (Level Three) : As the Theurge Gift.
(Source: W20 Changing Breeds, p.54→Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.165)
• Smoky Passage (Level Three) : Having struck her blow for Gaia, the Dusk may easily escape before the
carnage she’s unleashed catches her in its jaws. This Gift allows her to leap through a wall as though it were made of
smoke, leaving behind only an unearthly ripple to mark her passage. A smoke-spirit teaches it.
System: The player spends one Gnosis point. The Ajaba may spring through any wall during that turn at her full
movement speed, so long as it is no thicker than (Ferocity) feet.
(Source: W20 Changing Breeds, p.54)
• Umbral Strike (Level Three) : As the general Ratkin Gift: Backbite.
(Source: W20 Changing Breeds, p.54→W20 Changing Breeds, p.186)
• Becoming the Night Jester (Level Four) : Though this Gift offers no power during the day, by night the
Dusk’s Crocas form takes on an aspect of ancient nocturnal terror : a primal, red-eyed, and black-furred hyena the size of a
polar bear. Hyena herself teaches this Gift.
System: At night, the character’s Crocas form adds one to its Strength, Dexterity, and Stamina. This Gift’s
effects are permanent.
(Source: W20 Changing Breeds, p.54)
• Echoes of the Asamando (Level Four) : Powerful Ajaba of the Dusk learn dark roads to victory, gleaning
wisdom from voices most would quail to hear. This Gift, taught by an ancestor-spirit, allows the Ajaba to speak and be
heard by the dead : and to hear their voices in return.
System: The character must kill to use this Gift : whether it is beast, or man, or monster that she slays is
irrelevant, but she must end a life to hear the Echoes of Asamando. Additionally, within a minute of enacting the kill, the
player must spend a point of Gnosis. For the rest of the scene, the Ajaba’s voice may be heard unmistakably across the
Shroud, and she can hear anything that nearby ghosts might say as clearly as though she stood in the Underworld herself.
(Source: W20 Changing Breeds, p.54-5)
• Open Wounds (Level Four) : As the Shadow Lord Gift.
(Source: W20 Changing Breeds, p.55→Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.190)
• Reach the Umbra (Level Five) : As the Silent Strider Gift.
(Source: W20 Changing Breeds, p.55→Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.193)
• Shadow Pack (Level Five) : As the Shadow Lord Gift.
(Source: W20 Changing Breeds, p.55→Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.191)

The Ananasi have a permanent tie to the spirit world in their link to the Mother-Queen, Ananasa. Through her
teachings, they have learned many supernatural powers that aid them in the world. Unlike their cousins, the Garou, or any
other Changing Breed, all of the Gifts that the Ananasi learn are taught to them by Ananasa. Through their Sylie : their
unique connection to her wisdom : each character can attempt to learn a Gift. Sometimes, Ananasa gives her children Gifts
they have not requested; the Ananasi know better than to question the wisdom of Mother. Otherwise, the Ananasi must
petition Ananasa while holed away in their Sylie, sometimes for days or weeks on end, waiting for an answer : and
sometimes they are denied.
The Ananasi are not taught the Gifts of the other Changing Breeds. Most of the time, the Ananasi learn the Gifts
that they are taught by their Mother. On the rare occasions they learn an outside Gift, Ananasa sends one of her non-spider
followers to teach the Ananasi directly. Similar to those of the other Changing Breeds, Ananasi Gifts are separated by the
borders of the Triumvirate, with each aspect having easier access to certain Gifts than to others. Ananasi begin play with
one General Gift, one Aspect Gift and one Faction Gift.
Ananasi can use their Gifts in any form unless otherwise stated.

General Gifts
• Balance (Level One) : As the Stargazer Gift.
(Source: Ananasi, p.85→W20 Changing Breeds, p.65→Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.195)
• Bind (Level One) : The Ananasi with this Gift is able to attach two objects together by means of a small
invisible bond. The bond between the objects cannot easily be broken.
System: The player spends one Gnosis point and make a Gnosis roll (difficulty 6). Anyone trying to separate the
objects must equal or beat the Ananasi's successes on a Strength roll (difficulty 7). The two objects that the character
wishes to bind must be in contact with each other, and the Ananasi must physically touch them both for the Gift to work.
(Source: Ananasi, p.85)
• Cling (Level One) : As the Uktena Gift: Spirit of the Lizard.
(Note: Ananasi, p.87 listed this Gift as Level Three. Its Level has been retconned in W20 Changing Breeds.)
(Source: W20 Changing Breeds, p.65→Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.197)
• Many Eyes (Level One) : The Ananasi is able to gain the spider's ability to view the entire world around them.
Their vision encompasses a 360-degree arc with their normal degree of visual acuity. Those looking directly at the Ananasi
notice no difference, but from the corner of their eyes it looks as though the Ananasi has a series of eyes all around her
head (or cephalothorax).
System: The player expends one blood point; the effect lasts for one scene. This Gift is, of course, mainly useful
in Homid, Pithus and Lilian.
(Source: Ananasi, p.85 & PGttCB, Revised, p.47 & W20 Changing Breeds, p.65)
• Resist Pain (Level One) : As the Philodox Gift.
(Source: Ananasi, p.85 & W20 Changing Breeds, p.65→Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.166)
• Resist Toxin (Level One) : As the Bone Gnawer Gift.
(Source: Ananasi, p.85 & W20 Changing Breeds, p.65→Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.174)
• Stolen Moments (Level One) : This Gift allows the Ananasi to literally steal away the last few minutes of
memories from another being. This Gift is normally used to preserve a werespider's secrets if they are accidentally
revealed, or to hide the fact that the Damhàn has fed on an unwilling donor.
System: The Damhàn must touch the target of this Gift and spend one Gnosis. A successful Gnosis roll against
the target's Willpower is required. Success means that the target has the last 15 minutes of his or her life erased from their
memories. There is no obvious way to retrieve those stolen moments, although certain extended rituals or Umbral quests
might do the trick.
(Source: Ananasi, p.85 & PGttCB, Revised, p.47 & W20 Changing Breeds, p.65)
• Web Haven (Level One) : The Damhàn creates a haven for the night, usually within their normal dwelling as
an added Level of security. This webbing anchors in the material world as well as in the Umbra, and works primarily as an
early warning alarm against potential attacks and as a warning that potential meals are nearby. This web must be spun, but
it does not appear as a regular web unless the Ananasi wants it to. It remains invisible to mundane senses, blending into the
System: The werespider must spend one blood point to create the web (unless in Crawlerling form) and make a
Gnosis roll, difficulty 7. The web covers roughly 100 feet per success. The anchor points for this web can be anywhere at
all, even in thin air. Anything touching this webbing sends vibrations to the Ananasi, warning them of approach. This web
offers no physical defenses against attack.
(Source: Ananasi, p.85)
• Web of Smoke (Level One) : This Gift creates a simple trap made from webbing. Once the webbing is
disturbed, it dissolves into a thick, noxious black smoke, which obscures the vision and smells worse than a hundred or so
rotted eggs. While not effective as a weapon, it has stopped many creatures from getting too far into an Ananasi's lair.
System: The werespider spends one blood point. The web is not sticky, and can appear as simple as a mass of
cobweb, or as an intricate, thick-stranded web obviously designed to keep out or capture intruders. Once anything touches
this web with enough force to break any of the strands, the web explodes into a thick dark cloud of smoke, momentarily
blinding anything in the immediate vicinity and causing a foul odor. Anyone caught in the cloud must roll Stamina,
difficulty 8, or immediately go into a convulsive fit of vomiting for one turn per point of the spinner's permanent Gnosis.
(Source: Ananasi, p.85)
• Burrow (Level Two) : As the metis Gift of the same name. The character must be in Pithus form to use this
(Source: Ananasi, p.85→Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.156)
• Hand Fangs (Level Two) : This Gift causes each limb to end in a very wickedly sharp point, much like a fang,
and allows the Ananasi to inject venom from each limb (roughly one dose of venom per hand).
System: The player spends one Gnosis point and rolls Stamina + Occult. The hand fangs last for a scene, and
inflict the Ananasi's Strength in aggravated damage, in addition to injecting venom.
(Source: Ananasi, p.86 & PGttCB, Revised, p.47-48 & W20 Changing Breeds, p.65)
• Man-Spider Form (Level Two) : Through extensive refinement of her shapeshifting capabilities, the Ananasi
learns to take on a “near-human” form. This Araneid form darkens the Ananasi’s skin and spots it with coarse, bristly hair.
Her eyes take on a reddish sheen, and her fingers terminate in small, sharp claws, while her reflexes are dramatically
System: The character assumes Araneid form in the same manner a Garou assumes Glabro. Its Attribute
adjustments are Strength +1, Dexterity + 3, Stamina +1, Appearance –1, and its claw attacks inflict lethal damage.
(Source: W20 Changing Breeds, p.65)
• Morphean Bite (Level Two) : The Ananasi by and large already have venom, identical in every way to that of
their most common spiders. Some are toxic and some are merely irritating. But with this Gift, the Damhàn can also attack
supernatural enemies who might have defenses against their natural venom. Anyone bitten by the werespider is knocked
unconscious immediately.
System: The character must inflict at least one Health Level of damage on his target after soak rolls; he then
makes a Gnosis roll against a difficulty equal to the target's Stamina (never higher than 9). If successful, the target
immediately succumbs, falling into a deep sleep for 12 hours per success. Any attacks on the target wake him, but loud
noise or strong smells aren't sufficient.
(Source: Ananasi, p.86)
• Replenishment of the Flesh (Level Two) : The Ananasi cannot regenerate as the Ovid do, but they can restore
their flesh through the use of their blood pool. However, this Gift provides the Damhàn with another option. The
werespider can summon spiders and insects into her body, assimilating the mass of these creatures into himself to heal the
wounds. Insects do not survive the process; they are simply eaten. In the case of spiders, the creatures merely become
another part of the Ananasi, replacing the spiders destroyed when the werespider was wounded.
Though the Ananasi keep this aspect of the Gift very secret, human flesh works just as well to mend wounds. The
meat must be fresh, uncooked and consumed orally in order to provide healing.
System: The character may take no other actions while using this Gift. The arachnid flesh devoured in this
process becomes a part of the werespider, as does the human flesh. Unfortunately for the human donors, they seldom live
through the process. The player need make no rolls for this Gift, but must spend one Gnosis point per Health Level
regenerated if human or spider flesh is consumed; if the character devours other insects, she must expend two Gnosis per
Health Level regenerated. While the spiders and insects do come when summoned, location makes a difference. It may
well take hours to get enough spiders and insects together to heal grievous wounds. The werespider cannot summon
humans with this Gift; she must make do with any that are handy (and that she can readily overpower).
(Note: While the three sources for Replenishment of the Flesh listed below are nearly identical, the version from
Ananasi, p.86 has additional details for this Gift.)
(Source: Ananasi, p.86 & PGttCB, Revised, p.48 & W20 Changing Breeds, p.66)
• Safety Line (Level Two) : The Ananasi is able to create an invisible strand of strong webbing to protect her
from a fall or other excessive motion. The strand is normally about eight feet long, but can be shortened to about three feet
or lengthened to about fifteen feet. It is capable of supporting twice the Pithus weight of the Ananasi that created it.
System: The character must make a Wits + Survival roll (difficulty 7); no blood point expenditure is necessary.
The strand's attachment must remain fixed, so the character's movements cannot take her beyond the length of the strand
without destroying the line. The line can be snapped by excessive weight, or by inflicting three Health Levels of damage to
it. The line has an effective soak pool of three dice.
(Source: Ananasi, p.86)
• Silencing Webs (Level Two) : This Gift generates a heavy caul of webs over the mouth on an enemy. These
webs can potentially smother a target, but are primarily used to keep the target from calling out warnings or biting the
System: The werespider spends one blood point and rolls Dexterity + Firearms, difficulty 6, to hit the target's
mouth. This same Gift can be used to cover a target's eyes or ears, but the difficulty increases to 7. The webs are of normal
(Source: Ananasi, p.86)
• Spines (Level Two) :The Ananasi using this Gift creates defensive spines on his exoskeleton, much like the
barbs of a porcupine. These spines break off fairly easily, remaining in the flesh of anyone who attacks the Damhàn in
hand-to-hand combat.
System: The character spends one Gnosis point to activate this Gift. While the spines remain, anyone striking the
Ananasi with bare flesh receives a dice pool of aggravated damage equal to the attacker's Strength. The Gift lasts for one
(Note: The description of this Gift on W20 Changing Breeds, p.66 refers to the Metis Gift: Gift of the Porcupine found on
Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.157. The systems for each version are identical.)
(Source: Ananasi, p.86 & W20 Changing Breeds, p.66)
• Tarantula's Kiss (Level Two) : The Ananasi may stiffen the hairs on his body, making them as hard as the
quills on a porcupine. Once they are hardened in this manner, however, the Damhàn can fire them away from his body in a
volley of arrowlike missiles.
System: This is primarily a defensive Gift, and the character doesn't have fine control over where the hair-arrows
go. The character must spend one blood point and roll Dexterity + Firearms, difficulty 6. Each success means one of the
hairs strikes a random target within thirty feet, doing Strength + 1 nonaggravated damage. The hairs are coated in a mild
toxin, which, while not fatal, is extremely irritating. Living targets struck by the hairs must make a Stamina roll, difficulty
8, or suffer from a painful, itchy rash that lasts for several hours. All Willpower rolls are at a +2 difficulty while the stings'
effect remains.
(Source: Ananasi, p.86)
• Waterwalk (Level Two) : Through intense concentration, the Ananasi is able to walk on water as though it
were a solid surface. The water does not become level or unmoving unless it is naturally calm, making it a difficult walk
for anyone in Homid form.
System: The Ananasi must make a successful Willpower roll (difficulty 7) before beginning the walk. If he is
unsuccessful, he cannot attempt the Gift again for the remainder of the scene. The character must continue to make
Willpower rolls each turn for the duration of the walk; if he fails his roll at any time, he can no longer stay on the water's
surface, and cannot attempt to Waterwalk again that that scene.
(Source: Ananasi, p.86)
• Blood Pump (Level Three) : This Gift allows the Ananasi to metabolize ingested blood more quickly than
System: The character spends one Gnosis point to activate this Gift; the effects last for one scene. While the Gift
is in effect, the character may spend as many blood points per turn as she likes, whether to gain more actions, heal herself,
use Gifts or whatever. Blood spent must be replenished in the usual way.
(Source: Ananasi, p.86-87 & PGttCB, Revised, p.48 & W20 Changing Breeds, p.66)
• Bug Lord (Level Three) : Ananasi using this Gift can summon vast swarms of insects and arachnids to an area.
The Ananasi can communicate with these insects, though the talk is likely to be very limited in concept. Nonetheless, the
summoned arthropods obey to the best of their abilities.
System: The player spends one Gnosis point and rolls Charisma + Animal Ken, difficulty 7. The number of
successes determines the size of the swarm (limited, of course, by the Storyteller's discretion as to how many insects are
available in the area). One success would summon enough insects to cover a person, while six or more successes can bring
enough insects to blanket a small office complex. The insects follow simple commands, such as "Eat that person" or
"Defend me." They are limited to their normal traveling speeds, and while they work in unison, the insects aren't really
bright enough to follow complex commands.
(Source: Ananasi, p.87)
• Catch The Wind (Level Three) : This Gift gives the Ananasi the ability to ride on the winds, gliding from
place to place with apparent ease. The character appears to be surrounded by an ethereal envelope, looking something like
a ghost floating in the air.
System: The character spends one blood point and makes a Stamina roll to become enshrouded with remarkably
fine, non-adhesive webbing. The character cannot hide this effect, as it is the means for the Gift to take hold. The Ananasi
has only limited control over the direction and speed that she travels; her maximum speed is equal to the current wind
speed, and her minimum is about half the current wind speed. The character can only rise fifty feet above her starting
elevation. The duration of the Gift is five minutes per success. Traveling against the wind requires the character to tack
into it much as a sailboat would, greatly slowing her progress.
(Source: Ananasi, p.87)
• Jump (Level Three) : As the Silent Strider Gift: Great Leap.
(Note: Ananasi, p.85 listed this Gift as Level One. Its Level has been retconned in W20 Changing Breeds.)
(Source: W20 Changing Breeds, p.66→Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.192)
• Part Webs (Level Three) : The Damhàn using this Gift can walk through any webbing, even the Great Web,
without actually disturbing the webs where they lay. This is very useful for moving through abandoned houses, and right
past the traps set by others of their kind.
System: The character rolls Wits + Alertness, difficulty 6, and spends one Gnosis point. One success is enough to
activate this Gift and it lasts for one scene.
(Source: Ananasi, p.87 & PGttCB, Revised, p.48)
• Slick Webs (Level Three) :This Gift allows the Ananasi to create an almost completely frictionless web. These
webs are often used to line the tunnels of their own webs or web traps, allowing them to keep a target from escaping them
System: The Ananasi spends one blood point and one Gnosis point to create this webbing; the web lasts until
burnt or otherwise destroyed.
(Source: Ananasi, p.87-88)
• Spider's Grace (Level Three) : As the lupus Gift: Catfeet.
(Source: Ananasi, p.88 & W20 Changing Breeds, p.66→Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.159)
• Spinnerets (Level Three) : All Ananasi can generate webs in their Crawlerling and Pithus forms, but this Gift
allows them to generate webs in any shape. The sheer volume of webbing created by a Damhàn in anything other than
Crawlerling form all but guarantees the capture of a target foolish enough to touch the stuff.
System: The Ananasi must spend one blood point to make a substantial amount of webbing, and at the discretion
of the Storyteller might have to spend more. While it's possible to cover a skyscraper in webs, it would require 20 or more
blood points to do so. The webbing created by this Gift is strong enough to stop a private jet in its tracks, provided it's
properly anchored in advance and there's enough of it.
(Source: Ananasi, p.88)
• Tick Body (Level Three) :The Ananasi using this Gift can concentrate blood within her form, much as elder
vampires do, thus allowing her to store more nourishment within the same volume.
System: There is no roll for this Gift; the character's blood pool simply becomes 5 blood points per rank. A Third
Rank Ananasi would thus have a blood pool of 15, while a Fifth Rank elder would be able to hold 25 blood points
altogether. Note that this Gift does not change the fact that an Ananasi can only spend 1 blood point per turn (without the
aid of the Gift: Blood Pump, of course).
(Source: Ananasi, p.88)
• Trap Door (Level Three) : This Gift allows the Ananasi to craft an Umbral "pocket" much like a trapdoor
spider's lair. Such lairs can be placed anywhere, whether deep wilderness or the sides of a skyscraper. The Nuwisha
“borrowed” this Gift some time ago, a fact which irks the Ananasi to this day.
System: Once the Ananasi has chosen a location, she must sacrifice one permanent Gnosis to create the Umbral
pocket, then roll Wits + Subterfuge (difficulty 7) to properly camouflage the "door."
(Note: Among the Nuwisha, this Ananasi Gift is known as Hidey Hole.)
(Source: Ananasi, p.88)
• Venom Bite (Level Three) : The character can use her fangs to inject a mutated venom into a target. This
powerful neurotoxin paralyzes the victim, leaving only the autonomic systems : heartbeat, breathing : unaffected. Unlike
regular spider venom, this toxin is immediate in effect, and capable of dropping even a raging Garou.
System: The character must first successfully bite the target, then spend a Gnosis point and make a Gnosis roll,
difficulty of the target's Stamina +4 (never above 9) for the venom to take effect. One dose of the poison is enough to
paralyze the victim. Two doses (administered separately, of course) can stop even the autonomic systems of the victim,
leading to death by asphyxiation or heart attack. This Gift is costly, and most Ananasi use it only when they are
outnumbered by their opponents. Certain supernaturals, such as vampires, can expel their own blood, which allows them
to remove the toxins. Ovid and other regenerating creatures can also heal themselves, but to cure themselves of the venom
requires enough time to regenerate four Health Levels of non-aggravated damage.
(Source: Ananasi, p.88)
• Entropic Bite (Level Four) : The character using this Gift injects a very powerful toxin into a target though
their bite. This necrotic poison is much like that of the Brown recluse spider, but is far faster in its effects. The flesh simply
dies wherever the bite occurs, and the toxins are strong enough to kill a full-grown human in fifteen seconds. Moreover,
the poison spreads, taking more healthy flesh each round.
System: The character must successfully bite a target first; then he spends two Gnosis points and makes a Gnosis
roll against a difficulty equal to the target's Stamina + 5 (never higher than 9). Once the necrotic venom enters the target's
system, the target immediately feels the agonizing burn of the venom in action. The target takes one unsoakable Health
Level of aggravated damage each turn; the poison stays in effect for one turn per success. The poison travels through the
bloodstream, killing red blood cells and all soft tissues as it goes. The remains of the victim who dies from this Gift are
soft enough for the werespider to "drink," and can be used to heal any wounds the werespider has suffered as if the
Damhàn were drinking blood. While this poison even works on vampires, they can expel their own blood : five blood
points minimum : to remove the toxins from their body. During this time, the vampire can take no other actions. Most
younger vampires can only "spend" one blood point per turn, leaving them completely vulnerable for at least five turns.
Other Ananasi are unaffected by this Gift.
(Source: Ananasi, p.88 & PGttCB, Revised, p.48 & W20 Changing Breeds, p.66)
• Hydraulic Strength (Level Four) : The Ananasi can metabolize the blood she drinks to dramatically increase
her strength.
System: For each blood point the werespider spends, her Strength increases by 1 for the rest of the scene. She
may spend up to (her Rank) blood points in this fashion.
(Note: Ananasi, p.89 has obsolete rules for this Gift.)
(Source: W20 Changing Breeds, p.66)
• Iron Web (Level Four) : The Ananasi can spin a web that is nearly transparent and remarkably durable. Many
Ananasi use this webbing to create their permanent lairs and Sylies.
System: The character must spend one Gnosis and make a Gnosis roll, difficulty 7 to activate the Gift before
spending blood points as usual to spin the webbing. The Iron Web made by this Gift is extremely tough and can last for
months, years, even indefinitely as long as the Ananasi keeps it properly groomed. The webbing is highly resistant to fire
and soaks damage as if it had the Ananasi's Homid-form Stamina. Each cubic foot of the webbing can resist five Health
Levels (after soak) of damage before breaking. Ananasi can consume this webbing and use it again after digesting it
properly, thus avoiding the need to spend more blood points on it.
(Source: Ananasi, p.88 & PGttCB, Revised, p.48)
• Preserve (Level Four) : This Gift lets the Ananasi create a special coating that keeps objects in a form of stasis
until the character needs them again. The object appears to have a soft, silky cocoon around it, preventing it from being
damaged by outside forces. Fire, physical force, even the ravages of time are kept out by this delicate weave. Only the
Ananasi who wove the cocoon can open it without special occult knowledge.
System: The character must expend one blood point and roll Wits + Rituals (difficulty 8) to create this weave.
The Ananasi can cover a single object of up to his Gnosis rating in square feet. The coating keeps the enclosed object in
stasis, keeping meat and other items fresh, and even maintaining living things in a coma-like slumber. The effect lasts until
the cocoon is broken; the exact means of cracking the cocoon are up to the Storyteller, but only supernatural power has a
chance of success.
(Source: Ananasi, p.88-89)
• Web Blanket (Level Four) : Ananasi using this Gift create a covering of webs over a target. These webs are
thick and sticky, actually springing from the body of the target itself, and covering the target in an airtight blanket of
webbing that prevents breathing and obscures all senses. It is a very unpleasant way to die.
System: The werespider spends one Gnosis and one blood point and rolls Dexterity + Medicine (difficulty of the
target's Willpower). Success means the target spontaneously begins generating the thick webs that completely cover the
target's body. Attempts to tear the webbing away are resisted by an effective Strength of 9. Burning the webs is a possible
solution, but the target covered by the webs takes the same damage as the webs themselves.
(Source: Ananasi, p.89)
• Carapace (Level Five) : The Ananasi generates a thick carapace of armor over her natural exoskeleton. This
armor allows for substantial additional protection, and regenerates if it is injured.
System: The Ananasi gains +4 Stamina for the purpose of soaking damage. The armor regenerates itself along
with the werespider's body and lasts for one scene. Though no roll is required, the character must spend one Gnosis point
to activate the Gift.
(Source: Ananasi, p.89 & PGttCB, Revised, p.48→W20 Changing Breeds, p.66)
• Survivor (Level Five) : As the Bone Gnawer Gift.
(Source: Ananasi, p.89→Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.176-7)
• Umbral Barrier (Level Five) : The Ananasi spins her web into the Great Web, strengthening the Gauntlet in
the designated area and making it far more difficult for any non-Ananasi to pass into or out of the Umbra in that location.
The webs generated by this Gift are intangible and invisible from the Gaia Realm, and merely look like another piece of
the Great Web from the Umbra.
System: The character must spend the appropriate number of blood points for the web she wants to build; in
addition, an expenditure of two Gnosis and a Wits + Occult roll (difficulty 8) is required. Each success increases the
Gauntlet rating between the Gaia Realm and the Low, Middle and High Umbras by one. These barriers are often used as
protection from invasion, and also as revenge against those who've slighted the werespider. This Gift's effects are
permanent, although from the Penumbra the added webbing can be torn away from the Gauntlet : an involved and difficult
(Source: Ananasi, p.89)

Aspect Gifts
• Groom (Level One) :This Gift allows the Ananasi to insure his appearance in any situation. No matter what the
circumstance : covered in mud, walking in a hurricane, anything : the character always looks his best.
System: This Gift is always active, and the character need do nothing to have it take effect. The Tenere becomes
immune to circumstantial Appearance penalties, although actual supernatural powers can overcome this Gift's protection.
(Source: Ananasi, p.89-90 & PGttCB, Revised, p.48→W20 Changing Breeds, p.66)
• Patience of Ananasa (Level One) : As the Nagah Kamsa (Autumn) Gift: Predator’s Patience.
(Source: W20 Changing Breeds, p.66→W20 Changing Breeds, p.163)
• Beneath Notice (Level Two) : The Tenere can make one object or a small group of objects blend into the
surrounding area.
System: The player spends one Gnosis point and rolls Manipulation + Subterfuge (difficulty 6). An active
searcher must exceed the number of successes on that roll to find the camouflaged object.
(Source: PGttCB, Revised, p.48→W20 Changing Breeds, p.66)
• Breath of Ananasa (Level Two) : The Ananasi is able to create a pocket of air that can serve as an alternate
breathing source for a temporary period. The character creates a wispy looking form that holds a small amount of air on or
near his head. If unused, the air slowly leaks out, deflating the form after only a few minutes.
System: The player rolls Gnosis (difficulty 6). The character gains an amount of air good for one minute plus
one minute for each success.
(Source: Ananasi, p.90 & PGttCB, Revised, p.48→W20 Changing Breeds, p.66)
• Camouflage (Level Two) : Through the use of this Gift, the Ananasi is able to blend any one object or small
group of objects into the surrounding area, coating them in a weblike substance that takes on the color and texture of the
things around it. Any character not actively searching the area overlooks the item as a natural part of the surroundings.
System: The character must expend one Gnosis point, and make a successful Manipulation + Subterfuge roll
(difficulty 6). The number of successes equals the number of successes that an active searcher must exceed to notice the
(Source: Ananasi, p.90)
• Mother's Look (Level Three) : As the Galliard Gift: Eye of the Cobra.
(Source: Ananasi, p.90 & PGttCB, Revised, p.48→W20 Changing Breeds, p.66→Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition,
• Reshape Object (Level Three) : As the homid Gift.
(Source: Ananasi, p.90 & PGttCB, Revised, p.48→W20 Changing Breeds, p.66→Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition,
• Understanding the Tapestry (Level Four) : The Tenere using this Gift can see the connections between items
that seem unrelated, thus making it easier to solve mysteries in which the items have played a part. As an example, the
Tenere could see a gun's connection not only to a murder, but to the murderer and his motive.
System: The player rolls Wits + Enigmas, difficulty 7. Each success reveals more of the story behind the items
and their connection. One success might indicate that the aforementioned gun killed Alex Williams in the third house on
Maple Street. Five successes, on the other hand, would reveal that Alex was killed by a man hired by his wife's lover in a
carefully laid out plan to cash in on the $1,000,000.00 life insurance policy; that the lover also has plans for getting rid of
Joe's wife in the near future, and that the hired gun is considering blackmailing the lover for more money. The character
can then use this information to avenge Mr. Williams, or to blackmail the guilty parties herself, or even to set them up in a
situation where they are forced to confront each other in a final conflict.
(Source: Ananasi, p.90 & PGttCB, Revised, p.48→W20 Changing Breeds, p.66)
• Web Sheet (Level Four) : The Damhàn using this Gift generates a very large web at amazing speeds, allowing
her to cover an entire area in strands of sticky webbing.
System: The character spends two blood points in order to cover an entire area roughly the size of a football
field. Anything caught in the webbing must break free using their Strength against the webbing's effective Strength of 9.
Ananasi are not affected by this Gift's effects.
(Source: Ananasi, p.90 & PGttCB, Revised, p.48)
• Spider on the Mirror (Level Five) : The Ananasi with this Gift is able to create exact duplicates of herself to
act as drones, suddenly turning into a one-woman army. The created drones are mindless, powerless entities, possessing
only the physical abilities of the Tenere that created them. Each of the duplicates will act only as directed by their creator,
following those directions to the letter. Once their instructed task has been completed, the created duplicates stop all
actions, awaiting further direction.
System: The Ananasi must make a Gnosis roll (difficulty 8). For every success, the character may create one
physical duplicate of herself. For each created duplicate, the Tenere must also pay one blood point. The character must
give verbal instruction to all the duplicates, who will immediately begin to carry out their assigned duty. Each duplicate
possesses the physical Attributes, Gifts, Talents and Skills of its creator, but its Mental Attributes are no higher than 1, and
Knowledges do not transfer. Once created, the duplicates will begin to disappear at an alarming rate. Beginning the fourth
turn after they are created, one duplicate will disappear every other turn, until only the original Ananasi is left.
(Source: Ananasi, p.90 & PGttCB, Revised, p.48-49)
• Thieving Touch of Spiders (Level Five) : As the Ragabash Gift: Thieving Talons of the Magpie.
(Source: Ananasi, p.90 & PGttCB, Revised, p.49→W20 Changing Breeds, p.66→Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition,

• Blood of Pain (Level One) : The Hatar turns her blood into a debilitating poison.
System: The werespider spends one blood point and wounds herself to produce the necessary blood. Anyone
who drinks it must make a Willpower roll (difficulty of the Ananasi’s Gnosis) or fall helplessly ill. To take an action, the
victim must make a Stamina (difficulty 6) roll each turn. The effects last for one scene or until the poison is neutralized.
(Source: PGttCB, Revised, p.49→W20 Changing Breeds, p.66)
• Wyrmling Kinship (Level One) : The user of this Gift can convince all Wyrm-affiliated creatures in a given
area to consider her an ally, or at least to ignore her.
System (old version): The character rolls Charisma + Primal-Urge, difficulty 8, to make the Wyrmlings more
inclined to conversation, rather than violence. Each success reduces the difficulty of all Social rolls with the Wyrm's
minions by 1. The Wyrmlings may attempt to resist this effect by rolling Willpower against a difficulty of 4 + the
Ananasi's successes.
(Source: Ananasi, p.90-91 & PGttCB, Revised, p.49)
System (new version): The difficulty of all Social rolls against Wyrm creatures is permanently reduced by 2, and
they become inclined to believe the werespider to be an ally if given the slightest justification to do so.
(Source: W20 Changing Breeds, p.66)
• Blood of Illusion (Level Two) : Much like the Gift: Blood of Pain, this Gift converts a werespider's blood into
an unusual toxin. In this case, the Ananasi's ichor induces hallucinations in anyone that ingests it.
System (old version): Afflicted characters must make a Willpower roll (difficulty of the Ananasi's Gnosis) or be
trapped in the hallucinations. Although the exact nature of the hallucination is up to the Storyteller, there's a chance that
the Hatar can influence the vision with a quick whispered suggestion. The illusion is entirely real to the affected target, but
cannot cause damage of its own, though characters can be deluded into harming themselves (for example, if they're
compelled to leap in front of an onrushing vehicle to save an "endangered friend"). The hallucination lasts for a number of
turns equal to the Ananasi's Gnosis.
(Source: Ananasi, p.91 & PGttCB, Revised, p.49)
System (new version): Affected characters must roll Willpower (difficulty of the werespider’s Gnosis) or suffer
violent hallucinations for the rest of the scene.
(Source: W20 Changing Breeds, p.66)
• Call of the Wyrm (Level Two) : As the Galliard Gift.
(Source: Ananasi, p.91 & PGttCB, Revised, p.49→W20 Changing Breeds, p.66→Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition,
• Corrupt (Level Three) : With this Gift, the Ananasi can make an object weaker. The Ananasi cannot destroy
the object, only accentuate the natural flaws, bringing out the entropy of the item and causing it to become more unstable
and more easily destroyed. This Gift is only effective against inanimate objects.
System (old version): The Ananasi must make a Gnosis roll as if it were a damage roll. If he successfully
"wounds" the object, the object loses one soak die or Health Level (Storyteller's option) for the scene.
(Source: Ananasi, p.91 & PGttCB, Revised, p.49)
System (new version): The player rolls Gnosis. Each success causes the target inanimate object to lose one soak
(Source: W20 Changing Breeds, p.66-7)
• Pulse of the Invisible (Level Three) : As the Theurge Gift.
(Source: Ananasi, p.91 & PGttCB, Revised, p.49→W20 Changing Breeds, p.67→Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition,
• Touch of Blood (Level Three) : This Gift allows the Hatar to use either of the Gifts: Blood of Pain or Blood of
Illusion through contact rather than ingestion. By simply having the character's ichor touch the target, the Ananasi can
affect her victim as if he had ingested her blood.
System: The system for determining the effects remains consistent with the respective Gifts, except that the ichor
need only touch exposed flesh on the target. Touch of Blood costs nothing to use, but does not change the cost of the other
(Source: Ananasi, p.91)
• Ill Wind (Level Four) : The Hatar using this Gift weakens the wall between worlds, allowing Banes to
materialize or affect a particular location with ease. Use of this Gift is not recommended for the weak of heart.
System: The character slices open an arm and spends three blood points, which are spread over the area to be
infested, and then rolls Intelligence + Occult (difficulty 5). Each success weakens the Gauntlet by 1 for the benefit of
Banes; this weak point lasts for one hour per success. The character has absolutely no control over the Banes who choose
to respond, and would likely be better off somewhere else, just in case.
(Source: Ananasi, p.91 & PGttCB, Revised, p.49→W20 Changing Breeds, p.67)
• Still Blood (Level Four) : The Ananasi's ichor can induce paralysis simply by touching exposed flesh. The
afflicted victim becomes weak even to the point of motionlessness.
System (old version): Characters that have been splashed by the ichor must make a Stamina roll (difficulty 6).
For every success below the Ananasi's permanent Gnosis, the affected character loses one point of Strength. Lost Strength
returns at a rate of one point per hour. Like the Level Three Gift: Touch of Blood, the ichor must be fresh from an open
wound on the Ananasi, and must touch exposed flesh.
(Source: Ananasi, p.91 & PGttCB, Revised, p.49)
System (new version): A victim splashed by the werespider’s fresh blood loses three points of Strength. The
victim’s Strength returns at a rate of one point per hour.
(Source: W20 Changing Breeds, p.67)
• Burning Blood (Level Five) : This powerful Gift lets the Ananasi change his ichor into the equivalent of acid.
The ichor can burn through metal, stone, and flesh at varying speeds; of course, the werespider remains immune to the
baleful effects.
System: Once the Ananasi has learned this Gift, he may activate it at will, with only an action's worth of thought.
The acidic ichor inflicts a damage pool equal to the character's permanent Gnosis rating, and is treated as aggravated
damage. Needless to say, anyone biting the Hatar is in for a very unpleasant surprise.
(Source: Ananasi, p.91 & PGttCB, Revised, p.49→W20 Changing Breeds, p.67)
• Touch of the Unweaver (Level Five) : The Hatar can prevent another creature from regenerating or healing
diseases with a touch.
System: The character rolls Intelligence + Medicine, difficulty equal to the target's Gnosis (or Willpower -2 for
creatures with no Gnosis) and spends two Gnosis points. Success halts the target's healing processes cold, and the victim
also suffers a +5 difficulty (with a maximum of 10) to resist diseases. Each success stops regeneration and other healing
for one day, or until the Gift is somehow nullified.
(Source: Ananasi, p.91 & PGttCB, Revised, p.49)

• Inspire (Level One) : This allows the Ananasi to pass along the spirit of creation to another around them. The
Kumoti can cause a particular target to suddenly fill with creativity, finding the right word to make a speech, discovering
the insight that had been eluding their artwork, or just finding the courage to state something hidden. This Gift has a
negative side as well, as the inspired individual can sometimes act rather foolhardily.
System (old version): The Kumoti must expend one Gnosis point and be within ten feet of her target. This Gift
does not make the target susceptible to suggestion; it merely enhances their creativity for a task that they would normally
do, but for one reason or another have never been able to accomplish before. Even the most foolhardy won't be driven to
self-destructive acts : unless, of course, they are already on the edge of the building ready to jump.
(Source: Ananasi, p.91 & PGttCB, Revised, p.49)
System (new version): As the Black Fury Gift: Breath of the Wyld.
(Source: W20 Changing Breeds, p.67→Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.173)
• Mother's Touch (Level One) : As the Theurge Gift.
(Source: Ananasi, p.91 & PGttCB, Revised, p.49→W20 Changing Breeds, p.67→Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition,
• Arachnophobia (Level Two) : The Kumoti may inflict an irrational fear of spiders on her victim; natural
arachnophobes are especially susceptible.
System: The player spends a Gnosis point and rolls Manipulation + Intimidation (difficulty of the target’s
Willpower). The effect lasts for one day per success, though victims may spend a point of Willpower to negate the fear for
one turn per point. Characters already afraid of spiders become catatonic until removed from the sight of a spider.
(Source: Ananasi, p.91-92 & PGttCB, Revised, p.49→W20 Changing Breeds, p.67)
• Insight of the Mother (Level Two) : As the Theurge Gift: Sight from Beyond.
(Source: Ananasi, p.92 & PGttCB, Revised, p.49→W20 Changing Breeds, p.67→Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition,
• Lead-Line (Level Two) : The character using this Gift, if he has something personal belonging to his prey, can
hunt down a single target, remaining on the trail despite almost any obstacles or attempts at obfuscation. A silvery thread
of energy leads the Ananasi to his prey, looking past illusions and continuing through any barriers that might be in the way.
System: The character rolls Wits + Investigation (difficulty 6 + any successes the target has achieved in attempts
to hide or cover his tracks) and spends a Gnosis point. If successful, the Kumoti can follow the "silver thread" of energy
anywhere. This Gift lasts until the Ananasi decides to stop the hunt, or until the target is located.
(Source: Ananasi, p.92)
• Alter Lilian (Level Three) : The Kumoti can shift his Lilian form around at will, sprouting new arms and legs
or "humanizing" his features. Although each new form must still be distinctly Lilian, and unmistakable for anything other
than a werespider when viewed as a whole, there's a lot of room for creativity.
System: The Ananasi must simply make a successful Willpower roll (difficulty 7); the alteration counts as an
action. The changes remain until the Gift is used again.
(Source: Ananasi, p.92 & PGttCB, Revised, p.49→W20 Changing Breeds, p.67)
• Sense Motion (Level Three) Version One :The Ananasi is able to go beyond the normal five senses, and
detect motion in the area around her. Unlike the Gift: Many Eyes, this Gift allows the character to sense any motion in her
normal area of perception, no matter the size of the object, the area's illumination, or even whether the target is invisible to
normal vision.
System: The character must expend one Gnosis point. Any movement in the area can be detected by a regular
Perception roll (difficulty 6) for the duration of the scene.
(Source: Ananasi, p.92 & PGttCB, Revised, p.49-50)
• Sense Motion (Level Three) Version Two : As the lupus Gift: Scent of Sight, but using motion-detection
rather than scent.
(Source: W20 Changing Breeds, p.67→Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.159)
• Mindblock (Level Four) : As the Silver Fang Gift.
(Source: Ananasi, p.92 & PGttCB, Revised, p.50→ W20 Changing Breeds, p.67→Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition,
• Nature of the Beast (Level Four) : This Gift reduces its victim from their normal temperament to a raw,
primal creature of their most base interests. The affected creature acts only toward the fulfillment of one simple, direct
emotion. If the target is at heart extremely selfish, he acts only for himself; if he's naturally doubtful, he becomes unable to
make a decision, constantly questioning everything around him; if he is perpetually angry, he becomes a raging beast
attacking everything in the area. All reason and logic will desert the target, focusing on the one emotion that drives them.
System(old version): The character must make a Gnosis roll, difficulty of the target's Willpower. The effects of
this Gift last for the scene.
(Source: Ananasi, p.92 & PGttCB, Revised, p.50)
System (new version): As the Theurge Gift: Feral Lobotomy, save that its effects wear off at the end of the
(Source: W20 Changing Breeds, p.67)
• Assimilation (Level Five) : As the homid Garou Gift.
(Source: Ananasi, p.92 & PGttCB, Revised, p.50→W20 Changing Breeds, p.67→Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition,
• Mass Confusion (Level Five) : This powerful Gift changes the perception of the individuals in the Kumoti's
immediate area. The Ananasi is able to confuse the participants, causing them lose track of where they are, who surrounds
them, and which direction they were facing. Friends can appear to be foes, physical objects can appear meters away from
their actual locations, and none of the senses can be trusted.
System: The Ananasi must expend two Gnosis points. For the duration of the scene, any individuals in the area :
whether they be Damhàn, Ovid, vampire, or other : must then make a Wits roll (difficulty 8) to take an action against any
selected target. If they make their roll, the action occurs as intended. If they miss their roll, the Storyteller must randomly
determine another target in the same area : excluding the Kumoti using the Gift : to which the action is redirected. This
Gift fouls attacks, speeches, Gift use, even dodges : all actions that focus on a specific target. The Ananasi that uses this
Gift is immune to its effects, but cannot take any other actions for the duration of the Gift; if he takes any action, the
effects of the Gift are canceled.
(Source: Ananasi, p.92 & PGttCB, Revised, p.50)

Faction Gifts
• Illusion of Size (Level One) : The Ananasi is able to project an aura that deceives those looking at the
Myrmidon are deceived into thinking that he is much larger than his actual size. The character does not gain any physical
benefit, but any character viewing him might give pause at the small man that now looks like an angry linebacker.
System (old version): The player rolls Manipulation (difficulty 6) against the opponent's Willpower (difficulty
(Source: Ananasi, p.92 & PGttCB, Revised, p.50)
System (new version): As the Shadow Lord Gift: Icy Chill of Despair.
(Source: W20 Changing Breeds, p.67→Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.190)
• Open Seal (Level One) : As the Ragabash Gift.
(Source: Ananasi, p.92 & PGttCB, Revised, p.50→W20 Changing Breeds, p.67→Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition,
• Hydraulic Strength (Level Two) : As the Level Four general Ananasi Gift. Myrmidons alone may buy this
Gift at Level Two.
(Source: W20 Changing Breeds, p.67)
• Might of Ananasa (Level Two) : As the Level Four general Ananasi Gift: Hydraulic Strength; the warriors are
certainly best suited to use power of this nature.
(Note: Ananasi, p.89 has obsolete rules for this Gift.)
(Source: Ananasi, p.92 & PGttCB, Revised, p.50→Ananasi, p.89→W20 Changing Breeds, p.66)
• Pincers (Level Two) : The Ananasi using this Gift grows powerful pincers on her first set of arms, much like
those of a lobster or crab. These claws are very sharp and very tough, capable of causing massive damage.
System: The player spends one blood point. The pincers form instantly, and are capable of doing Strength +4
aggravated damage. However, for the duration of the scene, the character is incapable of manipulating objects with any
effectiveness, as her claws have no fine motor skills.
(Source: Ananasi, p.92)
• True Fear (Level Two) : As the Ahroun Gift.
(Source: Ananasi, p.92 & PGttCB, Revised, p.50→W20 Changing Breeds, p.67→Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition,
• Scorpion Tail (Level Three) : The character using this Gift generates a huge, fully functional scorpion's tail,
complete with venom and stinger. This Gift may only be used in Lilian and Pithus.
System: The character spends three blood points to create the tail. The tail has a Strength equal to the Ananasi's
own and does Strength +2 aggravated damage when striking. The venom in the tail is either a powerful neurotoxin (which
most shapeshifters will shrug off, even if they find it uncomfortable) or the poison derived from another Gift. If a Gift
poison is used, the character must already know the Gift to generate the toxin and must activate the Gift as normal.
(Source: Ananasi, p.92 & PGttCB, Revised, p.50→W20 Changing Breeds, p.67)
• Weak Arm (Level Three) : As the Philodox Gift.
(Source: Ananasi, p.93 & PGttCB, Revised, p.50→W20 Changing Breeds, p.67→Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition,
• Blood Hunt (Level Four) : The Myrmidon may track down any one target she's encountered within the past
twenty-four hours, or any target that she has ever fed from before, regardless of distance.
System (old version): The character rolls Wits + Primal Urge, difficulty 7, and spends one Gnosis per scene of
pursuit. This Gift lasts until the target has been located, or until the Ananasi cancels it, whichever comes first. The
Myrmidon may track only one person in this way at a time.
(Source: Ananasi, p.93 & PGttCB, Revised, p.50)
System (new version): As the Ragabash Gift: Pulse of the Prey, save that the Ananasi must have encountered her
mark within the last 24 hours, or fed from him at some point in the past.
(Source: W20 Changing Breeds, p.67)
• Drying Bite (Level Four) : As the Ragabash Gift: Whelp Body.
(Source: Ananasi, p.93 & PGttCB, Revised, p.50→W20 Changing Breeds, p.67→Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition,
• Image of The Great Mother (Level Five) : This Gift allows the Ananasi to directly channel the power of
Ananasa into their form for a limited time. For a short period, the character's size doubles, mutating into a huge creature
that is similar to the Lilian aspect with four spider-like legs, and four human-like arms. The head grows eight red glowing
eyes, and has two huge fangs in place of the mouth, dripping a virulent poison. The entire body is covered in a thick,
chitinous armor. After the Myrmidon assumes this form, he is reduced to Crawlerling form for one week.
System: The Ananasi must spend two Gnosis points and roll Charisma + Rituals (difficulty 9). If successful, he
gains the following abilities: Strength +5, Stamina +6, Perception +2, and Appearance 0. Each of the arms ends in razor-
sharp talons, making fine manipulation impossible, but in battle doing Strength +2 aggravated damage. Any that view the
character in this form:including Ananasi and other Changing Breeds : must immediately roll Willpower, difficulty 7, or
suffer the effects of the Delirium. Ananasa does not like to be called upon in this way, and will always ask the Ananasi to
perform a special task at some point in the near future. The effects of this Gift last one scene, unless the Myrmidon
shapeshifts again before the scene's end.
(Source: Ananasi, p.93 & PGttCB, Revised, p.50→W20 Changing Breeds, p.67)
• Thousand Hands (Level Five) : Although Ananasi cannot usually use all their arms to the same effect, this
Gift allows Myrmidons to multitask with great efficiency. The Myrmidon may wield multiple weapons or make multiple
attacks with each one landing at full effect.
System: The Myrmidon need only spend a Gnosis point; for the remainder of the scene, he gains fifteen dice to
his dice pools only for the purpose of splitting actions. Thus, if the Ananasi had an attack pool of eight dice, he could not
attack with more than eight dice in his pool : but he could make three attacks: two with eight dice in each attack pool and
one with seven dice.
(Source: Ananasi, p.93 & PGttCB, Revised, p.50)

• Curse of the Great Web (Level One) : The Viskr using this Gift can make the way into and out of the Umbra
more difficult for one target, by adding invisible spirit-fibers that catch onto the Gauntlet and make passage more difficult.
System (old version): The Viskr touches his target and rolls Wits + Occult, difficulty 6. Success increases the
effective Gauntlet for that target by one for the duration of the scene.
(Source: Ananasi, p.93-94 & PGttCB, Revised, p.50)
System (new version): The Ananasi touches her target and the player rolls Wits + Occult (difficulty 6) in order
to increase the Gauntlet by 3 for the victim. The effects last for a scene.
(Source: W20 Changing Breeds, p.67)
• Scent of Sweet Honey (Level One) : As the Bone Gnawer Gift.
(Source: Ananasi, p.94→Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.174-5)
Shroud (Level One) : As the Level One Uktena Gift
(Source: PGttCB, Revised, p.50→W20 Changing Breeds, p.67→Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.197)
• Mindspeak (Level Two) : As the Level One Galliard Gift.
(Source: Ananasi, p.94 & PGttCB, Revised, p.50→W20 Changing Breeds, p.67→Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition,
• Minor Unweaving (Level Two) : The Viskr using this Gift can attempt to negate a Gift, spell or enchantment
by Unweaving the targeted effect. In so doing, the Viskr can unravel minor magical effects on any given target, or even
destroy a Gift in "mid-flight."
System (old version): This Gift only works on Level One Gifts, Disciplines, Sphere effects or other magical
abilities. The player rolls Dexterity + Occult and spends one Gnosis; he can even affect Gifts with an instantaneous effect,
but only if he has delayed his action to do so. This Gift only works against Gifts that are directed at a specific target, and
has no effect on Gifts that cause damage to large groups, or to the environment.
(Source: Ananasi, p.94 & PGttCB, Revised, p.50)
System (new version): Usable only on Level One or Two Gifts, Disciplines, Sphere effects, or other notably
minor magical abilities (such as weak spirit Charms). The player spends one Gnosis point and rolls Dexterity + Occult
(difficulty 6). One success negates the effect.
(Source: W20 Changing Breeds, p.67-8)
• Calcify (Level Three) : With this Gift the Viskr can cement a location within the Great Web, preventing
anything short of a major disaster from causing any change in the location. This is often used to protect areas of special
interest to the Ananasi.
System (old version): The werespider makes a Gnosis roll, difficulty 7. Each success grants the targeted item or
location three extra soak dice. This Gift can be used only on inanimate objects (even vampires and robots don't qualify),
and cannot affect areas greater than an acre. The effects last for one scene.
(Source: Ananasi, p.94 & PGttCB, Revised, p.50-51)
System (new version): The player rolls Gnosis (difficulty 7) and gives the targeted location or object three extra
soak dice per success. The area cannot be greater than one acre and the effect lasts for (Obedience) days.
(Source: W20 Changing Breeds, p.68)
• Cocoon (Level Three) : As the Level Four homid Gift.
(Source: Ananasi, p.94 & PGttCB, Revised, p.51→W20 Changing Breeds, p.68→Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition,
• Lesser Unweaving (Level Three) : As the Level Two Gift: Minor Unweaving, save that this Gift may affect
any single Gift or power of Level Two or lower.
(Note: As W20 Changing Breeds, p.68 effectively retcons Minor Unweaving to affect both Level One and Two Gifts and
assorted magical powers, I leave it to Storyteller discretion whether Lesser Unweaving still exists and can affect Level
Three Gifts and lower or whether it has been retconned out of existence. See also the Gift: Shattering below. –Su-tehp)
(Source: Ananasi, p.94→p.94)
• Attunement (Level Four) : As the Bone Gnawer Gift.
(Source: Ananasi, p.94 & PGttCB, Revised, p.51→W20 Changing Breeds, p.68→Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition,
• Brethren Call (Level Four) : The Ananasi is able to call others to her aid in a time of crisis. The character has
the choice of contacting the two closest Ananasi, or a massive quantity of nearby spiders. The Ananasi do not magically
appear, but are suddenly informed of the character's difficulty and location. If the character chooses to summon the local
spiders, they converge on the area en masse, with the single mindset of aiding the Ananasi in trouble. The spiders do not
gain magical intelligence, but within those limits do all they can to help the Ananasi who summoned them.
System (old version): The player must spend one blood point aim roll Willpower. The difficulty in contacting
other Ananasi, is equal to the distance (in miles) that the character is from their Sylie, divided by 10 (minimum of 3). The
difficulty in summoning the local spiders is 7, with every success summoning twenty spiders to the Ananasi's aid.
(Source: Ananasi, p.94 & PGttCB, Revised, p.51)
System (new version): The player spends one blood point and rolls Willpower (difficulty 7 to contact normal
spiders, 8 for Ananasi). 50 spiders respond per success.
(Source: W20 Changing Breeds, p.68)
• Greater Unweaving (Level Four) : As the Level Two Gift: Minor Unweaving, save that this Gift unravels any
single Gift or power of Level Three or lower, and the Gnosis cost is raised to two.
(Source: Ananasi, p.94→p.94)
• Shattering (Level Five) : The Ananasi employing this Gift unweaves the effects of a specific Gift or magical
enchantment on a target. The end result depends on the exact nature of what the previous Gift was meant to do, but this
could effectively destroy a fetish or reseal an opened caern.
System (old version): The Viskr rolls Intelligence + Occult, and spends three Gnosis. The difficulty is equal to
the level of the original Gift/rite/effect originally used, +4. (Countering a Level Five Gift would thus be at difficulty 9.) If
successful, the item or person affected by the power or enchantment is freed from its effects. Note that this is not always
beneficial; this Gift also works against Gifts such as Resist Toxin.
(Source: Ananasi, p.94 & PGttCB, Revised, p.51)
System (new version): As the Gift: Minor Unweaving, but costing three points of Gnosis and able to affect
strong magic, including Disciplines/Spheres/Gifts/etc. of up to Level Five.
(Source: W20 Changing Breeds, p.68)
• Summon Paradox-spirit (Level Five) : This powerful Gift not only brings a Paradox-spirit into the area, it
also suggests a target for the Paradox-spirit to punish. This Gift only works against targets that are suffering from Paradox
as it is, such as mages and those the Viskr has already marked via the rite: Summon Paradox.
System: The Viskr rolls Wits + Occult, difficulty 8 and spends 1 Gnosis Point. The number of successes
indicates the speed with which the spirit responds. Paradox-spirits are generally not offended by the use of this Gift, unless
the target is clearly no threat to the orderly progression of the universe. The punishments meted out by Paradox-spirits
range from merely annoying to instantly fatal, depending upon the severity of the offense. Occasionally the Paradox-spirit
may abduct its target to a pocket Umbral realm to be punished for an indeterminate space of time (or until he escapes or is
rescued). What the Paradox-spirit actually does when it arrives is up to the Storyteller to decide. More on the nature of
Paradox-spirits can be found in Book of the Weaver and Mage: The Ascension.
(Source: Ananasi, p.94)
• Web of Illusion (Level Five) : This powerful Gift enables the Ananasi to create an artificial reality in a secured
area. The appearance, sounds, and smells are all dictated by the character's will; everyone that enters the area sees, smells,
and hears the same things for the duration of the illusion. The Ananasi that creates the illusion can either remain to control
the confines, or pre-program the area to react in a particular way upon a particular event; there can never be more than one
pre-programmed action for any illusion.
System: The character must expend two Gnosis points, the first to create the structure of the illusion, and a
second to animate anything inside it. The character must then make a Manipulation + Primal-Urge roll (difficulty 7), with
each success adding to the difficulty to detect the illusion. Characters attempting to see through the illusion must make a
Perception + Subterfuge roll (difficulty 5 + the Ananasi's successes, maximum difficulty of 10). Characters automatically
see the illusion as it was prepared unless they have valid reason to believe otherwise. The illusion lasts a number of days
equal to the Ananasi's permanent Gnosis rating.
(Source: Ananasi, p.94 & PGttCB, Revised, p.51)

• Alter Mood (Level One) : With this Gift, the Wyrsta is able to slightly change the emotion of one person. The
change cannot be extreme, but it allows them to distort their target's emotion slightly, making a happy man overjoyed, a
sad woman depressed, or a blasé character apathetic.
System: The Ananasi must expend one Gnosis point and be within visual range of the target. The effect of this
Gift lasts for one scene.
(Source: Ananasi, p.94-95 & PGttCB, Revised, p.51→W20 Changing Breeds, p.68)
• Beastmind (Level One) : As the Level Two Red Talon Gift.
(Source: Ananasi, p.95 & PGttCB, Revised, p.51→W20 Changing Breeds, p.68→Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition,
• Blinding Spit (Level Two) : The Ananasi is able to spit her venom up to twenty feet, blinding her opponent
with a successful hit to the face. The venom causes a slight burning sensation, but does no real physical damage aside from
temporary blindness.
System (old version): The player spends one blood point, and must make a successful attack roll (Dexterity +
Melee, difficulty 8). The victim is blinded for a number of turns equal to the number of successes on the attack roll.
(Source: Ananasi, p.95 & PGttCB, Revised, p.51)
System (new version): The player spends one blood point and rolls Dexterity + Melee (difficulty 8). Success
blinds the victim for (Cunning) turns.
(Source: W20 Changing Breeds, p.68)
• Visceral Agony (Level Two) : As the Level Three Black Fury Gift.
(Source: Ananasi, p.95 & PGttCB, Revised, p.51→W20 Changing Breeds, p.68→Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition,
• Aura of Ananasa (Level Three) :There are none that can inspire fear like the Ananasi. By means of this Gift,
the character can cause any affected character in the area to enter a state of extreme horror and fright. The victims do not
automatically panic, unless something (which can be anything from a loud noise to a gentle scrape on the flesh) sets them
off. Of course, once one of them gets started, they all tend to go nuts quickly.
System: The player makes a Manipulation + Primal Urge roll (difficulty 7), and expends one Gnosis point,
creating tension and near-panic in anyone within a hundred-foot radius. Supernatural characters may resist with Willpower
(difficulty 7) to avoid the effects.
(Source: Ananasi, p.95 & PGttCB, Revised, p.51)
• Tick Body (Level Three) : As the general Gift.
(Source: Ananasi, p.95 & PGttCB, Revised, p.51→Ananasi, p.88→W20 Changing Breeds, p.68)
• Web Snare (Level Three) : The Wyrsta using this Gift spins a web trap, which will trigger under the right set
of circumstances, capturing an opponent.
System: The character spins a series of webs that are invisible to the naked eye, placing them in a certain
location; this costs one blood point. The snare can be used to trap a target, or to haul a target into the air or into a more
lethal trap. In order to properly hide a Web Snare, the character must roll Wits + Subterfuge, difficulty 7. Only one success
is needed.
(Source: Ananasi, p.95 & PGttCB, Revised, p.51)
• Blades of the Mantis (Level Four) : The character using this Gift grows longer arms, with long, wickedly
sharp blades, much like those of a praying mantis.
System (old version): The player spends one blood point; the character's first set of arms grows by roughly two
feet, developing scythelike blades which do Strength + 5 aggravated damage. The length and sharpness of these blades
makes them particularly easy to use (difficulty 5 to attack).
(Source: Ananasi, p.95 & PGttCB, Revised, p.51)
System (new version): The player spends one blood point and her first pair of arms extends two feet in length,
growing blades that inflict Strength + 4 aggravated damage (difficulty
5). The character loses three dice from all dice pools to do with fine manipulation. This transformation lasts for one scene,
and functions in all forms save Crawlerling.
(Source: W20 Changing Breeds, p.68)
• Wither Limb (Level Four) : As the metis Gift.
(Source: Ananasi, p.95 & PGttCB, Revised, p.51→W20 Changing Breeds, p.68→Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition,
• Razor Webs (Level Five) : By employing this Gift, the Ananasi can coat a target or person with very strong,
very thin, razor-sharp webs, causing severe damage to anything that touches them.
System (old version): The werespider can choose whether she spins normal webs or razor webbing. For every
blood point the character spends, she generates enough of these webs to cover a Crinos-sized target. If the target is simply
a doorway or the like, the web remains intact until it is attacked and suffers six health levels of damage; however, anyone
so much as brushing up against the web takes an unsoakable health level of damage (and accordingly more, depending on
how fast and hard the person hits the web).
If the target is a living being, any motion uses the target's Strength against them to cause damage. The character
attempting to break the webbing rolls their own Strength as a damage pool, and takes the result as unsoakable damage. If
he survives, he may then roll Strength to try to break the web. Once enough damage is done, the web shatters. All damage
done by these webs is aggravated.
(Source: Ananasi, p.95 & PGttCB, Revised, p.51)
System (new version): The werespider can choose whether she spins normal webs or razor webbing. She can
spin enough razor webs with one blood point to cover a Crinos-form Garou. Razor webbing inflicts one automatic level of
unsoakable aggravated damage to anything that comes into contact with it each turn, unless the victim holds perfectly still.
(Source: W20 Changing Breeds, p.68)
• Summon Net-Spider (Level Five) : As the Glass Walker Gift.
(Source: Ananasi, p.95& PGttCB, Revised, p.52→W20 Changing Breeds, p.68→Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition,

The Goblin Spiders

There is a long history of mistrust and violence between the Damhàn and the Kumo. The differences in their
cultures and beliefs prevent any real change in that history. There is too much bad blood, too much bad history for them to
ever reconcile.
The Kumo do serve Ananasa, but not in the same way that the Damhàn do. They serve to test and strengthen the
rest of the Ananasi. They are a necessary obstacle that most of the werespiders think of as a minor inconvenience.
The Kumo do not acknowledge Ananasa in the same way, but presumably the conflicts they create with the
Damhàn serve her purposes, just as everything else she does serves her purposes. This is only one of many secrets that
Ananasa has kept from her children.

Kumo Gifts
In addition to Kumo, Western Ananasi and Breed Gifts, the Goblin Spiders may learn Ragabash Gifts without
penalty. Storytellers may wish to allow Kumo to use Gifts of other tribes or Breeds that simulate trickery or mind reading.
All Kumo begin with three Gifts: one Ragabash, one Kumo and one for their breed.
• Nimbleness (Level One) : Kumo are known for their quickness and agility. This Gift, taught by a flea-spirit,
allows them bonuses with jumping and dodging.
System: By spending a Gnosis point, the Kumo may add two dice to any Athletics or Dodge dice pools for one
(Source: Hengeyokai: Shapeshifters of the East, p.76)
• Shadow Step (Level One) : This is an illusion Gift of Nareau allowing the Kumo to seem like she's in one area
when she's really not. Those who witness the Kumo activate this Gift see her fade from one location and reappear in
another, though in reality she hasn't moved at all.
System: The player rolls Dexterity + Subterfuge, difficulty 6. For each success, the Kumo will appear to be two
feet from her actual location. Opponents who realize that the image isn't the real Goblin Spider may still strike at the
invisible Kumo, although their difficulties increase by 3 (by 2 if they have heightened senses such as a lupus Garou's
wolflike sense of smell). The Gift lasts for a number of turns equal to the Kumo's Gnosis, and may only be used once per
(Source: Hengeyokai: Shapeshifters of the East, p.76)
(Note: Shadow Step and Shadow Sway seem to be the same Gift with different mechanics.)
• Shadow Sway (Level One) : The Kumo seems to blink from one location to another; in reality, she hasn’t
moved at all. A spirit-minion of Nareau teaches this Gift.
System: The player spends one Gnosis point and rolls Wits + Subterfuge (difficulty 6). The character appears to
be up to (Rank) yards from her true location per success. Those who realize her duplicate is fake suffer a +3 difficulty
penalty to attempts to strike her; Heightened Senses or similar reduces this penalty to +1. This Gift lasts for (Gnosis rating)
turns, or until the Kumo strikes an opponent; it can only be used once per scene.
(Source: W20 Changing Breeds, p.275)
(Note: Shadow Step and Shadow Sway seem to be the same Gift with different mechanics.)
• Spider Scurry (Level One) : As the homid Gift: City Running.
(Source: W20 Changing Breeds, p.275→Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p. 152; referred to as Climb like an Ape on
Book of the City, p.112)
• Fangs of Madness (Level Two) : As the Black Spiral Dancer Gift: Foaming Fury, although the Goblin Spider's
mouth doesn't drip with foam; this is merely another form of toxic attack available to the Wyrm-ridden Kumo. This Gift is
taught by a madness-spirit or a spider Bane.
(Source: Hengeyokai: Shapeshifters of the East, p.76→Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.427)
• Replenishment of the Flesh (Level Two) : The Kumo may summon local spiders into her body, adding their
mass to her own to heal her wounds. This Gift is taught by an ancestor-spirit.
System: The character may take no other action while absorbing the summoned arachnids. The Kumo heals one
Health Level per Gnosis point spent.
(Note: This Gift is essentially identical to the Ananasi Gift of the same name.)
(Source: Hengeyokai: Shapeshifters of the East, p.76)
• Spittle of Corrosion (Level Two) : The digestive fluids of the Kumo, when properly agitated, can be nasty
weapons, provided they hit their targets. This Gift allows the Goblin Spider to spit his fluids at opponents in hand to hand
combat. It is taught by a servitor of Marawa.
System: The Kumo must spend a Blood Point to heighten his digestive juices into a properly seething mess. The
player may then make a Dexterity + Brawl roll, difficulty 7, to hit a target with the acid. The damage dice are equal to the
Kumo's Stamina + 2, and the wounds caused are aggravated.
(Source: Hengeyokai: Shapeshifters of the East, p.76)
(Note: Spittle of Corrosion and Spittle of Corruption seem to be the same Gift with slightly different mechanics.)
• Spittle of Corruption (Level Two) : The Kumo may spit her digestive fluids at an opponent in combat. A
spirit-minion of Marawa teaches this Gift.
System: The player spends a blood point and makes a Dexterity + Brawl roll (difficulty 6) to attack an opponent
within 30 feet. The digestive spray inflicts (Stamina + 2) dice of aggravated damage.
(Source: W20 Changing Breeds, p.275)
(Note: Spittle of Corrosion and Spittle of Corruption seem to be the same Gift with slightly different mechanics.)
• Hideous Bite (Level Three) : As the Level Four Black Spiral Dancer Gift: Crawling Poison.
(Source: Hengeyokai: Shapeshifters of the East, p.76→Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.428)
• Snare of Beauty (Level Three) Version One : The Kumo delight in tricking their foes; this Gift, taught by
servants of Rati, makes the Kumo irresistibly beautiful and desirable to all onlookers, regardless of gender or sexual
System: The player makes a Manipulation + Occult roll, difficulty 7. The Kumo may raise her Appearance Trait
by one point per success for a period of three hours.
(Source: Hengeyokai: Shapeshifters of the East, p.76)
• Snare of Beauty (Level Three) Version Two : The Kumo becomes inhumanly beautiful and desirable. A spirit
servant of Rati teaches this Gift.
System: The player spends one blood point and rolls Manipulation + Occult (difficulty 7). The character’s
Appearance is raised by one dot per success for the next (Rank) hours.
(Source: W20 Changing Breeds, p.275)
• Web Tremors (Level Four) Version One : By concentrating on the spirit webs all around them, the Kumo can
sense when they're being watched or stalked. This Gift, taught by one of Marawa's folk, alerts the Kumo to any spies in his
immediate vicinity, including those in the Mirror Lands.
System: The player spends a Gnosis point and rolls Perception + Alertness, difficulty 7. With at least two
successes, the Kumo knows whether or not others are prowling around. With three or more successes, the Kumo may learn
more specific details (Storyteller's discretion).
(Source: Hengeyokai: Shapeshifters of the East, p.76-77)
• Web Tremors (Level Four) Version Two : Faint vibrations in the world of spirits warn the Kumo when she is
being watched or stalked. A spirit-servant of Marawa grants this Gift.
System: The player spends a Gnosis point. For the rest of the night, she gains three automatic successes on all
Perception rolls to spot anyone attempting to hide from her.
(Source: W20 Changing Breeds, p.275)
• Elder Wisdom (Level Five) : This revered Gift allows Kumo to commune directly with Marawa, Rati or
Nareau. It's somewhat risky in that if the Lord or Lady is out of sorts, they might choose to punish the Kumo. If they're
feeling more benevolent, they might impart some facts or advice appropriate to their idiom; for example, Marawa may
share a secret concerning how to destroy a certain foe. The Gift is taught by a servant of the malevolent trinity.
System: After performing an appropriate obeisance, the Kumo must expend one Gnosis and one Willpower
point. The player then rolls Charisma + Primal Urge. No less than three successes at difficulty 7 are required; the
Storyteller may require more. Success grants direct connection to the totem of choice; a botch has… imaginatively dire
(Source: Hengeyokai: Shapeshifters of the East, p.77)
• Megarachnid (Level Five) : Gathering the blessings of the Destroyer, the Kumo’s Pithus form swells to truly
nightmarish proportions, growing as large as a truck. A scorpion-spirit teaches this Gift.
System: The character’s Pithus form gains an additional +2 Strength, +1 Dexterity, and +2 Stamina. It inflicts the
Delirium as though the victim’s Willpower were one point lower than it truly is. The player must pay one point of Gnosis
when assuming the Pithus form to gain these benefits.
(Source: W20 Changing Breeds, p.275)

Common Gifts
The following Gifts may be learned by any werecat if she finds a teacher. They’re shared freely at taghairims (if
one has the proper Rank, of course) and have circulated throughout Bastet society. Naturally, a common Gift is not
necessarily easy to uncover if you never meet others of your kind. Although Jamak and other spirits occasionally pass
Gifts along, the source of most common Gifts are other Bastet.
• Banish Sickness (Level One) : Cats have long been renowned for their healing prowess. With a purr and a lick,
a skillful Bastet can cure minor diseases and chase venoms away. Although a Bastet never takes ill herself, this Gift is
helpful when a loved one is unwell.
System: Curing a simple illness like the flu requires a Manipulation + Medicine roll (difficulty 6). Severe
diseases and venoms demand a Gnosis point and a roll against difficulty 7. Chronic illnesses or really lethal poisons
demand two Gnosis points and a difficulty of 8 or higher. Vicious diseases that eat a victim alive, like AIDS, cancer,
leprosy, etc. may demand three Gnosis, or even remain incurable by magical means.
(Source: Bastet, p.96→W20 Changing Breeds, p.85)
• Catfeet (Level One) : As the Level Three lupus Gift, but infinitely easier for Bastet.
(Source: Bastet, p.96 & PGttCB, Revised, p.67→W20 Changing Breeds, p.85→Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition,
• Command Attention (Level One) : A werecat can call on his feline presence to draw attention the instant he
steps into a room. Everyone in a given space (a room, a clearing, whatever) will immediately stop what they’re doing to
notice the Bastet’s entrance. Their reaction from that point on will depend on what the character does, and upon their
feelings about him; an attractive Homid will get a different reaction than an angry Crinos-panther would.
System: The player rolls Manipulation + Expression (difficulty 7) to get everyone’s attention for one turn. This
Gift also reduces the difficulty of his next Social roll by 1 for every success he rolls for the Gift. This bonus only applies
once, upon entering the space.
(Source: Bastet, p.96)
• Diamond Claws (Level One) : As the Ahroun Gift: Razor Claws.
(Source: W20 Changing Breeds, p.85→Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.171)

• Dowsing (Level One) : By pawing or sniffing at the ground, the Bastet tries to locate nearby water sources
(underground streams, pipes, etc.). With luck, she’ll be able to tell whether or not that water is safe to drink.
System: A roll of Perception + Primal-Urge will determine the water’s location, if any exists within 100 feet of
the Bastet. The difficulty depends upon the water’s distance and quantity; a muddy puddle beneath debris would be 9,
while a pure rushing stream on the other side of a wall would be 5.
(Source: Bastet, p.96)
• Lick Wounds (Level One) Version One : As the Theurge Gift: Mother’s Touch, this power heals normal or
aggravated wounds (but unlike the Theurge Gift, can be used to heal oneself). This Gift may be used as many times as the
player wants, but each healing “lick” costs another Gnosis point. Bear in mind that even a cat may be loath to lick up toxic
waste or raw sewage! Some substances, like silver or Wyrm-poison, might damage the healer in proportion to her healing :
that is, by one Health Level per Health Level healed : if it’s still in or on the wound when she licks it.
(Source: Bastet, p.96 & PGttCB, Revised, p.67→Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.164)
• Lick Wounds (Level One) Version Two : As the Theurge Gift: Mother’s Touch.
(Source: W20 Changing Breeds, p.85→Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.164)
• Open Seal (Level One) : As the Ragabash Gift.
(Source: Bastet, p.96 & PGttCB, Revised, p.67→W20 Changing Breeds, p.85→Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition,
• Pathfinder’s Pride (Level One) : Cats have a remarkably good sense of direction. With this Gift, a Bastet may
improve that knack to find his way out of most kinds of mazes, deserts or woodlands. Worthy folk may learn this Gift from
bird-spirits, but no werecat willingly admits to it in public.
System: Invoking this Gift requires a Perception + Subterfuge roll. The difficulty depends on the area’s
complexity: a large flat desert or small forest would be 5 or 6, a vast expanse or complicated maze might be 7 or 8, and a
primordial rain forest would be 8 or 9. Magical confusion spells, like the Garou Gift: Trackless Waste, can be undone with
difficulties 9 or 10. Pathfinder’s Pride does not provide any kind of travel; the werecat merely discovers the way out :
getting to the exit is her problem.
(Source: Bastet, p.96-97)
• Razor Claws (Level One) : As the Ahroun Gift.
(Note: On W20 Changing Breeds, p.85, this Gift is known as Diamond Claws.)
(Source: Bastet, p.97→Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.171)
• Sense Magic (Level One) : As the Uktena Gift.
(Source: W20 Changing Breeds, p.85→Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.196-7)
• Sense the Truth (Level One) : As the Philodox Gift: Truth of Gaia.
(Source: Bastet, p.97 & PGttCB, Revised, p.67→W20 Changing Breeds, p.85→Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition,
• Sense Unmaker’s Hand (Level One) : As the metis Gift: Sense Wyrm.
(Source: Bastet, p.97 & PGttCB, Revised, p.67→W20 Changing Breeds, p.85→Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition,
• Silent Stalking (Level One) : This common trick allows a Bastet to move without making any sound. Even
squeaky or shifting surfaces, like wooden floors or piled twigs, can be passed over without noise.
System: The player rolls Dexterity + Stealth, difficulty 5. Failure renders the Gift unusable for the rest of the
scene. Note that this Gift doesn’t make the werecat himself invisible or silent in any way, nor will it prevent any damage
(broken twigs, for instance) in his wake : it stifles the sound of his footsteps, nothing more.
(Source: Bastet, p.97 & PGttCB, Revised, p.67→W20 Changing Breeds, p.85-6)
• Spirits’ Sight (Level One) : Although werecats cannot normally travel through the Gauntlet, this Gift allows
them to see through it for a short time. Plenty of good secrets can be discovered this way, but the Gift’s effects tend to
frustrate the hell out of the Bastet who can’t get through, like a cat watching a bird on the other side of a window.
System: The player rolls Perception + Awareness (difficulty of the local Gauntlet) and spends one Gnosis point
to look into the Penumbra. The Gift lasts one scene and ends if the Bastet is knocked unconscious.
(Source: Bastet, p.97)
• Treeclimber (Level One) : By extending and sharpening his claws, then invoking this Gift, a Bastet may travel
up or down any vertical surface, from tree bark to concrete. Leopards excel at climbing, and most kuasha teach this secret
System: Climbing this way requires a Dexterity + Athletics roll. Really hard or slippery surfaces, like ice or
steel, are difficulty 8, while easy ones like rock or bark are at difficulty 6. A character traveling this way moves at 10 feet a
turn or so, and may have to make new rolls if the circumstances change (in an avalanche, for example).
(Source: Bastet, p.97)
• Call Spirits (Level Two) : By speaking the ancient language of The-World-That-Was, a Bastet may
communicate with nearby spirits as if they normally speak her language. This Gift weaves between the Gauntlet and the
material world, and carries words both ways.
System: The player rolls Gnosis against the local Gauntlet. If she’s standing inside the Penumbra already, no roll
is necessary. Once she learns this Gift, the werecat understands spirit-speech for the rest of her life, although some truly
alien spirits might be beyond normal comprehension.
(Source: Bastet, p.97)
• Cat Sight (Level Two) : As the Level Three metis Gift: Eyes of the Cat.
(Source: Bastet, p.97 & PGttCB, Revised, p.67→W20 Changing Breeds, p.86→Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition,
• Eerie Eyes (Level Two) : As the Garou homid Gift: Staredown.
(Source: Bastet, p.97 & PGttCB, Revised, p.67→W20 Changing Breeds, p.86→Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition,
• First Slash (Level Two) : As the Level Two Ahroun Gift: Spirit of the Fray.
(Source: Bastet, p.97 & PGttCB, Revised, p.67→W20 Changing Breeds, p.86→Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition,
• Night Terror (Level Two) : By standing vigil over a sleeping person or animal, the Bastet can evoke the
famous cat-fear, causing his target to have nightmares for several nights running.
System: The werecat must sit beside his victim for several minutes while she sleeps, spend one Gnosis point, and
roll Wits + Occult or Enigmas (whichever is higher). If he rolls well, she’ll have nightmares for one night per success. Five
successes or more will cost the victim a temporary point of Willpower until she can sleep normally again. The Gift cannot
be reused on the same person until the original nightmares have passed.
(Source: Bastet, p.97)
• Night’s Passage (Level Two) : By attuning himself to the shadows from which he was born, a Bastet may walk
through dim or dark areas while effectively invisible. Others may hear him or spy him with magical sight, but until he
makes his move, the werecat remains hidden from view. This Gift even foils sudden lights, so long as some shadows still
exist to hide in.
System: By spending a Gnosis point and rolling Dexterity + Subterfuge or Occult (difficulty 7), the cat
effectively “disappears.” Although he’ll remain substantial, the darkness will mask his presence for the rest of the scene, or
until he attacks someone. At that point, the Gift disperses, and the Bastet is left with his natural hiding talents only.
Supernatural beings can use their own magics to detect the cat by rolling Perception + Occult, difficulty 8. Otherwise,
nothing short of total illumination will reveal the skulking werecat.
(Source: Bastet, p.97 & PGttCB, Revised, p.67→W20 Changing Breeds, p.86)
• Pulse of the Prey (Level Two) : As the Ragabash Gift.
(Source: Bastet, p.97 & PGttCB, Revised, p.67→W20 Changing Breeds, p.86→Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition,
• Sense Silver (Level Two) : As the metis Gift.
(Source: Bastet, p.97 & PGttCB, Revised, p.67→W20 Changing Breeds, p.86→Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition,
• Shriek (Level Two) : With an ear-splitting scream, the Bastet deafens everyone nearby. Careless shriekers
beware : your allies are not immune!
System: This Gift demands a scream, a Stamina + Expression roll (difficulty 7), and a mean streak. Everyone
within 10’ will be deafened for one turn per success, and will end up in a world of pain (plus 1 to all difficulties for the
(Source: Bastet, p.97 & PGttCB, Revised, p.67→W20 Changing Breeds, p.86)
• Summon Water (Level Two) : By calling upon the ancient affinity between Catkind and the waters, a Bastet
can create a bit of water in some place where none was before, or add to an existing amount of it. This Gift, known by
most desert cats, only creates pure water, not any other form of liquid.
System: By spending a Gnosis point and rolling his Manipulation + Survival, the cat creates a pool of water. The
difficulty depends on the circumstances: adding to existing water is difficulty 6; conjuring it into a dry place is difficulty 7.
Each success brings forth five gallons of fresh, clean water, which lasts until it is consumed.
(Source: Bastet, p.97)
• Swipe (Level Two) : As the Level Two Ragabash Gift: Taking the Forgotten.
(Source: Bastet, p.97& PGttCB, Revised, p.67→W20 Changing Breeds, p.86→Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition,
• Call the Pride (Level Three) : By moaning or crying out, the Bastet may summon the local cats (domestic,
wild or big cats, depending on where she is) to her aid. Although the Gift isn’t a life-or-death command, the summoned
cats will help the Bastet if they can. Some Bastet can summon other creatures as their “prides;” Bubasti often keep jackals
nearby, Qualmi summon birds, and Pumonca have been known to summon hawks, owls and alligators to their defense.
System: Roll Charisma + Animal Ken (difficulty 7). For each success, four normal cats or one large predator (if
any are nearby) respond at their own speed. The Gift can reach up to a mile; cats more distant than that won’t be much
help, anyhow. The Pride remains until it has performed one service, then departs. Variant creatures must be approved by
the Storyteller, and work just as cats do (four small or one large per success).
(Source: Bastet, p.97-8)
• Caper (Level Three) : By dancing around, a Bastet can charm bystanders into a semi-trance. This works in any
form, so long as the werecat invokes the Gift and dances for at least a turn. Violence breaks the spell, but subtle actions
like sneaking away remain unnoticed until the trance ends.
System (old version): A roll of Manipulation + Expression (or Dancing) and a spent Gnosis point set the charm
in motion. Anyone watching the werecat dance must roll his Willpower against difficulty 9 or be lulled into a genial daze.
Storytellers may simply make a single roll against difficulty 7 to reflect a large group of normal humans. The trance lasts
one turn per success, unless someone starts a fight or obviously steals something, in which case it ends immediately.
(Source: Bastet, p.98)
System (new version): The player rolls Manipulation + Expression, difficulty 3, and the character dances or
moves in a way designed to gain the attention of those around him. Any observer whose Willpower is equal to or less than
the successes rolled falls into a genial haze for so long as the Bastet continue to perform. Violence breaks the trance, but
subtle actions (such as the Bastet’s allies sneaking away or walking into a secured area) remain unnoticed.
(Source: W20 Changing Breeds, p.86)
• Cat Fear (Level Three) : Garou aren’t the only ones who command primal fear. By bristling and spitting, a
werecat can scare holy hell out of everyone nearby. Unfortunates suffering from ailurophobia (fear of cats) often go
catatonic with fear when confronted this way.
System: A successful Manipulation + Primal-Urge roll (difficulty 7) and a point of Gnosis can send everyone
within 10 feet per success into a panic. Supernatural creatures can resist with their Willpower (difficulty 7), but humans
and animals flee or fall into shock for one turn per success. Ailurophobes lapse into a coma for one day per success. This
Gift cannot be used in Homid or Sokto forms.
(Source: Bastet, p.98)
• Cheshire Prank (Level Three) : Why should Lewis Carroll have all the fun? It took a while, but enterprising
Bastet finally discovered the secret to disappearing from plain sight. Today, it remains a valuable but popular trick.
System: By putting on a wide grin, spending a Gnosis point, and rolling Charisma + Subterfuge (difficulty 7), a
Bastet may fade from view. The Prank takes three turns to complete. This invisibility lasts for the scene’s duration and
foils even magical perceptions. The Gift won’t dampen sounds, but any werecat who can’t move silently by this rank is in
big trouble, anyway. This Gift only works in Feline and Chatro forms, and changing forms ends the invisibility.
(Note: The inclusion of the Level Three Gift: Invisibility on W20 Changing Breeds, p.86 makes Cheshire Prank obsolete
since Invisibility can be used in any form, while Cheshire Prank can only be used in Chatro and Feline forms.)
(Source: Bastet, p.98)
• Command the Prey (Level Three) : By chittering slightly, a Bastet may, with this Gift, make her prey come to
her. So long as she stands still and chants, the victim will wander slightly dazed until he’s close enough to grab. Once the
cat moves, the trance is broken. Naturally, this Gift can be used for all kinds of hunting….
System: The Bastet player rolls Manipulation + Primal-Urge (difficulty 7) to command her target to approach.
Unless he can resist with a Willpower roll (difficulty 8), any human or animal will obey. Supernatural opponents with a
mind-empowering supernatural ability (if active when the Gift’s influence began) or more than five points of Rage resist at
difficulty 6. Otherwise, they’re attracted as usual. This only works against victims who were unaware of the Bastet’s
presence beforehand : as far as they know, they want to wander over that way. Once the prey is close, the werecat can
move in however she prefers; a leap, a distraction or an opening line all work equally well once the target’s in place. This
Gift does not work in combat.
(Source: Bastet, p.98)
Farsight (Level Three) : By concentrating on a reflective surface or summoning a spirit, the Bastet looks into
distant places. It helps if he’s been there before, but it isn’t essential. Once he finds what he’s looking for, he may watch it
for a while until, slowly, the Farsight fades.
System (old version): Invoking this Gift requires a Gnosis point, a Perception + Occult roll, and time to
concentrate. The roll’s difficulty depends on the werecat’s knowledge of his target. Although Farsight only spies on places,
not people, anyone there can be observed as usual. The cat sees the place as if from a bird’s-eye perspective : high enough
to see everything nearby, but close enough to discern objects. A Willpower roll (difficulty 6) allows him to “focus” on
certain things. The Gift lasts for one turn per success, and extends up to 30 miles distant.
Location Difficulty
Intimately familiar (home, girlfriend’s place) 6
Somewhat familiar (buddy’s house, vacation spot) 7
Visited occasionally (old elementary school) 8
Been there once 9
Only described, or seen in photos 10
(Source: Bastet, p.98)
System (new version): As the Uktena Gift: Scrying.
(Source: W20 Changing Breeds, p.86→Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.198)
• Freyja’s Blessing (Level Three) : The old Norse goddess of fertility and love traveled in a chariot drawn by
cats. Now she remembers the service by Gifting certain cat-folk with a profound fertility, which they may bestow upon
others if they wish. Although the Gift doesn’t ensure that a given mating will sire a Bastet kitten, many within the Folk
claim that without the Blessing, their kind might be virtually extinct.
System: By rolling Gnosis (difficulty 7) and calling upon Freyja, Gaia or Nala, the Bastet summons a fertility-
spirit into herself. By laying her hands on another’s belly, the werecat may pass the spirit into someone else who wants a
child. A male may use the Gift at +1 difficulty to sire some offspring with his next mating. If the roll succeeds, a child of
some kind will result. Whether that child carries the werecat gene depends on Nala’s (and the Storyteller’s) whim.
(Source: Bastet, p.98)
• Gift of Rage (Level Three) : By tapping into her inner Beast, the werecat may summon a Berserk frenzy,
lashing out at everyone within range until the Gift wears off. Sadly, this is usually a last-ditch tactic; most werecats use the
Gift only once.
System: To invoke a frenzy, the cat’s player rolls her Rage (difficulty 6). This sends her into a killing state where
tactics and mercy are impossible and all Health Level penalties are suspended. This rage lasts as long as there’s danger
around, and in this state, anyone present seems dangerous. The Thrall of the Wyrm ( Werewolf, page 201) applies to
werecats, too.
(Note: This Gift is not to be confused with the Nuwisha Gift of the same name.)
(Source: Bastet, p.98)
• Ignore Pain (Level Three) : By summoning up his inner reserves, the werecat can ignore the effects of his
System: A successful Stamina + Primal-Urge roll (difficulty 8) allows the character to ignore all Health Level
penalties for the Gift’s duration, even those from aggravated damage. Each success lets the Gift last two turns. If the Bastet
hasn’t healed by then, he’ll be in serious pain….
(Source: Bastet, p.98)
• Impala’s Flight (Level Three) : An essential Gift on the open plains, the Flight doubles the werecat’s running
speed. As the name implies, Bastet credit Impala with this wisdom.
System (old version): A successful Stamina + Athletics roll (difficulty 6) boosts the cat’s maximum speed to
double. It does not confer additional actions in the same turn. The Gift lasts two turns per success, and works in any form.
(Source: Bastet, p.98-9 & PGttCB, Revised, p.68 & W20 Changing Breeds, p.86)
System (new version): As the Silent Strider Gift: Speed of Thought.
(Source: W20 Changing Breeds, p.90→Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.191)
(Note: Yes, there are two different versions of Impala’s Flight in the same book and only 4 pages from each other. White
Wolf dropped the ball on the editing for this one. I almost missed this myself. –Su-tehp)
• Invisibility (Level Three) : As the Uktena Gift.
(Source: W20 Changing Breeds, p.86→Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.198)
• Purr (Level Three) : The ultimate tool of feline seduction: by softly purring near some person or animal, the
Bastet instills her with a desire to cuddle, pet and spoil him. So long as he treats his paramour well, she’ll want nothing
more than to shower him with affection for days at a time. Purr works in any form.
System: To set this charm in motion, the Bastet must purr audibly for at least a minute. The player spends a
Willpower point and rolls Charisma + Empathy (difficulty of the target’s Willpower). This Gift works on anyone, and
unless she has some reason to suspect a trick, the subject will believe her affections are genuine (soon, they may be).
Violence or unreasonable demands (“Go kill that vampire for me, sweetheart”) wreck the charm beyond repair : it’ll never
work on her again. The infatuation lingers for one day per success; the results may last a lifetime.
(Source: Bastet, p.99)
• Righteous Gaze (Level Three) : By staring into the heart of a liar, the werecat can break through his deception,
shaming him badly. Bagheera and Simba excel at this Gift.
System: The werecat must stare into her target’s eyes for at least a turn and accuse him of lying. On a successful
Perception + Subterfuge or Primal-Urge roll (difficulty of the target’s Willpower), the target not only confesses any lies he
may have told, but also loses one point of temporary Willpower per success and falls to his knees in tears. If the accused is
honest, the Gift merely makes him uneasy.
(Source: Bastet, p.99)
• Touch the Mind (Level Three) : As the Garou metis Gift: Mental Speech.
(Note: Bastet, p.97 refers to this Gift as Level Two.)
(Source: PGttCB, Revised, p.68→W20 Changing Breeds, p.86→Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.157)
• Attunement (Level Four) : Bastet who’ve set up Den-Realms use this secret to view their holdings from where
they stand. By going into a light trance, the werecat in question communes with the spirits in her territory and learns
what’s going on throughout the Den-Realm. Visitors, intruders or crises can be discovered long before they get too close to
the cat herself.
System: The player spends a Gnosis point and rolls Perception + Survival (difficulty 6). The more successes she
wins, the more she learns. On a botch, the spirits lie.
(Source: Bastet, p.99)
• Clawstorm (Level Four) : Any cat is at his most terrifying when cornered. This Gift allows him to become the
proverbial shredding machine. Anyone within reach had better be at peace with their gods!
System (old version): By spending one point each of Rage and Gnosis, the werecat gains three extra attacks that
turn (to a maximum of four, total : he cannot spend Rage for extra actions while using Clawstorm). Only slashing attacks
apply : he can’t perform elaborate maneuvers, shoot guns or travel more than 10 feet, although he could use edged melee
weapons. A Bastet may use Clawstorm as many times in a single combat as he has dots in Stamina.
(Source: Bastet, p.99 & PGttCB, Revised, p.68)
System (new version): By spending a point of Rage and Willpower, the Bastet makes four close-range attacks in
a single turn. He cannot spend Rage for any more attacks, or use this Gift more than (homid form’s Stamina) times per
(Source: W20 Changing Breeds, p.86)
• Fortuna (Level Four) : Cats love their friends, and they’re famous for their luck. This Gift allows them to
share some of that good fortune with others, or even to use a bit of it themselves.
System: For every point of Gnosis spent, the Bastet (or her friend) can call for one re-roll of the dice. If she
spends three Gnosis, she may re-roll the dice three times. Only one re-roll is allowed per task, and only if the first roll was
a failure or a botch. This Gift may only be used once per scene, but it lasts until all rerolling has occurred. This luck works
for whomever the werecat cares to give it to. Only one person at a time can receive this Fortuna : it can’t be given to a
number of people before an adventure begins.
(Source: Bastet, p.99)
• Spirit Claws (Level Four) : Another Den-Realm Gift, this one allows a werecat to attack from the Penumbra,
or to rip through the Gauntlet at an Umbral opponent, without stepping sideways. Naturally, he must be able to see his
opponent before he can hit him….
System: By rolling Gnosis against the local Gauntlet, the Bastet can slash through with a normal hand-to-hand
attack (+1 difficulty) without exposing himself to danger. Each attack requires a new roll against the Gauntlet. This Gift
can only be used within the cat’s own Den-Realm.
(Note: For metis Bastet, this Gift is easier to learn and can work anywhere. See the Bastet metis Gift: Spirit-Touch below.)
(Source: Bastet, p.100)
• Spitfire (Level Four) : With a wicked hiss, the werecat spits a stream of fire at his opponent. Crude, but
System: The player spends a Gnosis point and rolls Stamina + Athletics to hit a victim (difficulty 7). Each
success inflicts one aggravated Health Level of flame damage, which may ignite flammable items.
(Source: Bastet, p.100)
• Walking Between Worlds (Level Four) : Some tales claim that Coyote taught Bastet to step sideways; others
insist the trick was stolen from Garou. In any case, this Gift allows a werecat to walk into the Umbra as Garou do. This is
another Gift that easier for the Swara to learn than the others. That this talent is so common among the Swara is a closely-
guarded secret.
System: See Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, pp.309-310. The talent becomes natural once a werecat learns
this Gift. Once learned, this Gift is permanent.
(Source: Bastet, p.100 & PGttCB, Revised, p.68→W20 Changing Breeds, p.86)
• Wolf’s Terror (Level Four) : As the Ahroun Gift: Silver Claws.
(Source: Bastet, p.100 & PGttCB, Revised, p.68→W20 Changing Breeds, p.86→Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition,
• Future Warning (Level Five) : By sensing the whims of Fate-in-Motion, a Bastet may sense some impending
disaster. While not exactly precognition, the Gift grants vague insight into coming perils.
System: A good Perception + Primal-Urge (difficulty 6) roll wins the character a sort of “danger sense” for one
hour per success. This manifests as “bad feelings” whenever something nasty’s waiting nearby; it won’t tell her about the
five dakats waiting around the corner, but she’ll certainly feel like she ought to stop before she turns that corner….
Conspiracies, natural disasters, ambushes and festering rivalries can all be sensed ahead of time, though the outcome of
combat cannot.
(Source: Bastet, p.100)
• Jump to the Moon (Level Five) : The greatest of Bastet can return to Seline for short visits. By forming a
Moon Bridge from her Den-Realm to the moon, the werecat departs to the court of Luna. While there, she can breathe and
move about normally; so long as she’s careful, it’ll be a glorious stay….
System: Opening the Bridge requires 10 successes with a Wits + Enigmas roll (difficulty 8). Obviously, this
demands an extended roll, a bit of time (each roll takes one hour), and some great moonlit ritual. Seline must be invoked
and her servants called. The Gift can only be attempted once per night; if dawn comes before 10 successes are
accumulated, the ritual has been wasted. If the Bastet succeeds, the Bridge lasts for one night. Lunes come down to guide
the werecat and her guests to Seline’s body. The trip, it is said, is faster than thought : reaching or returning to the moon
takes only minutes. If the Bridge closes before the character returns, she must open another one from the moon.
(Source: Bastet, p.100)
• Perfect Passage (Level Five) : The ultimate stealth Gift; a werecat who knows this trick can travel over or
through any material obstacle without leaving traces. It’s said this Gift allowed the Bubasti to rob the tombs of the
Pharaohs long before any human could circumvent the traps and blocks.
System (old version): Using this Gift costs one Gnosis point per scene (or per hour if it’s a long trip), and
requires a Wits + Stealth roll (difficulty 5) each time the character encounters a new obstacle. Perfect Passage does not
render the cat invisible, but it dampens all sounds and scents, eliminates footprints, opens and closes doors, springs locks,
and shuts down security systems long enough for the cat to pass. When necessary, the character may even walk through
solid barriers as if they were smoke. Botching any roll during this journey has terrible results : the Bastet may be trapped
inside a wall, spotted by a security camera, scented by a guard dog, or worse. Some magical perceptions (Prime magicks,
Auspex) might betray signs of a Passage, but will not reveal one in progress unless the seeker makes a successful
Perception + Occult roll (difficulty is Bastet’s Stealth + 5). The Gift applies only to a single Bastet and anything she carries
in her hands or jaws.
(Source: Bastet, p.100-101)
System (new version): The player spends one Gnosis point and rolls Wits + Larceny (difficulty 6); the Bastet
(along with her clothing and any held objects) may pass through whatever non-living objects (including bullets and melee
weapons!) she wishes for five minutes per success. If she wishes to pick something up, it becomes solid to her : and
intangible to other objects : the second that she picks it up. She’s still visible, and is vulnerable to unarmed attacks.
Attackers wishing to use bullets or knives must surprise her or she takes no damage : and the Bastet’s own blows ignore
any non-living armor. She still breathes but cannot be affected by gasses.
(Source: W20 Changing Breeds, p.86)
Soothe/Summon Storm (Level Five) : Mighty werecats can call upon the weather spirits to whip up or disperse
a storm. The bigger the tempest, the harder it is to call up or put down. Doing so usually requires a long rite in which the
cat yowls and capers at the sky. Undoing what you have summoned requires another, harder effort. This Gift is said to be a
birthright from Nala herself.
System: Beginning this process requires two Gnosis points and a Manipulation + Survival roll. Once it’s in
action, stopping it requires another Gnosis point and a roll at 2 difficulty higher. Once a weather pattern has begun, it will
run its own course. This may take hours. Storms in unlikely locations (a sudden rainstorm in the desert, for instance)
require five or more additional successes. Botching during a storm-call can be unpredictable : and disastrous. The Bastet is
not immune to the forces she calls upon….
Storm Difficulty Successes Needed
Drizzle 6 One
Rain shower 6 Three
Thunderstorm 7 Five
Severe thunderstorm 8 10
Severe windstorm 9 15
Tornado/waterspout 9 20
Small hurricane 10 20
(Source: Bastet, p.101)
• Withering Stare (Level Five) : This Gift lets a werecat kill with a glance, a favorite trick of Simba lords and
wandering Pumonca. Using this Gift against other Bastet is considered deeply dishonorable, but it happens.
System: The werecat locks eyes with his target; the player spends a Gnosis point and rolls Rage. The difficulty is
the victim’s Willpower, and each success inflicts one aggravated Health Level of damage. Only a Willpower roll (difficulty
8) can soak the Stare, which twists the victim into agonized convulsions either until death or until the werecat grants
(Source: Bastet, p.101 & PGttCB, Revised, p.68→W20 Changing Breeds, p.86)

Breed Gifts
These Gifts are often considered a Bastet’s birthright; they’re rarely taught and hard to master unless the breed is your
own. Metis Gifts can’t be swiped at all : they’re the exclusive province of crossbreeds, and reflect their special relationship
to the Nyota Jamaa.

Homid Gifts derive from humans’ craft, ingenuity, society and talent for destruction : the legacies of the Maker and
Unmaker. Many animals and spirits instinctively respect a human, even if that respect verges into hostility. Many of the
Gifts bestowed on human-born Bastet link to this instinctive regard : and to the powers of creation and destruction that
have won it.
• Cat Claws (Level One) : By calling on her heritage, a Bastet in Homid or Sokto form can unsheathe her claws
and attack as if she was in beast-form.
System (old version): A simple Stamina + Primal-Urge roll (difficulty 7) brings out a cat’s claws. They remain
out as long as she cares to keep them, but look damned peculiar and hurt to use (+1 to all combat or Dexterity difficulties).
Once resheathed, they must be called forth again.
(Source: Bastet, p.101 & PGttCB, Revised, p.68)
System (new version): The player need not spend a Willpower point to enact this particular partial
transformation (see W20, p. 286), and the difficulty of the transformation is 6.
(Source: W20 Changing Breeds, p.86)
• Sweet Hunter’s Smile (Level One) : With a charming look, the werecat wins his target over; if that look shifts
into a snarl or a stare, the victim feels uneasy and may back away, intimidated.
System (old version): By rolling Manipulation + Primal-Urge, the Bastet adds a die to all subsequent Social
rolls for the remainder of the scene. This only works on one target at a time. Difficulty is the subject’s Willpower if she’s
hostile to the werecat, 6 in most situations, and 4 if she’s already inclined to like or fear him. At Storyteller’s option, the
player may add two dice if he scores four successes or more.
(Source: Bastet, p.101 & PGttCB, Revised, p.68)
System (new version): As the homid Gift: Persuasion.
(Source: W20 Changing Breeds, p.86→Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.153)
• Urban Hunter (Level One) : As the homid Gift: City Running.
(Source: W20 Changing Breeds, p.86→Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p. 152; referred to as Climb like an Ape on
Book of the City, p.112)
• Eavesdropper’s Ear (Level Two) : As the Shadow Lord Gift: Whisper Catching.
(Source: W20 Changing Breeds, p.86→Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.188)
• Jam Technology (Level Two) : As the Garou homid Gift of the same name. Garou sensing for the Wyrm at this
time will notice a slight shimmer coming from the werecat who uses this Gift, as the Bastet version invokes the power of
(Source: Bastet, p.101 & PGttCB, Revised, p.68→W20 Changing Breeds, p.86→Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition,
• Cowing the Bullet (Level Two) : As the Garou homid Gift of the same name.
(Source: W20 Changing Breeds, p.86→Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.154)
• Craft of the Maker (Level Three) : As the Garou homid Gift: Reshape Object.
(Source: Bastet, p.101 & PGttCB, Revised, p.68→Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.154)
• Babel’s Cure (Level Three) : By flexing Rahjah’s powers, a Bastet can translate any human language in her
vicinity. Invoking the Unmaker will turn everything into gibberish.
System (old version): To render languages either clear or unintelligible, the player rolls her Manipulation +
Linguistics (difficulty 6). This Gift works on spoken words, writing and even body language. Everyone within 50 feet will
understand all communications for the duration. Cahlash’s inversion of the Gift scrambles everything the same way. Either
version lasts for one turn (or minute) per success, and each can cancel the other out.
(Source: Bastet, p.101)
System (new version): As the Garou homid Gift: Speech of the World.
(Source: Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.154)
• Eavesdropper’s Ear (Level Two) : By listening carefully, a Bastet may hear things outside the normal human
range, or understand something spoken some distance away. This is said to be a Gift from Whispers.
System: A simple Perception + Enigmas roll (difficulty 6) boosts the cat’s hearing into the high and low sonic
spectrums, and adds two dice to her Perception Dice Pool for hearing rolls only. The Gift lasts one scene, and makes the
Bastet susceptible to sudden loud noises (which might inflict one to three Health Levels of normal damage in extreme
cases like explosions or high-frequency alarms).
(Source: Bastet, p.101 & PGttCB, Revised, p.68)
• Monkey’s Uncle (Level Four) : As the Glass Walker Gift: Doppelganger, although the Bastet can only take the
forms of humans, great cats or Bastet.
(Note: The version of Monkey’s Uncle found on Bastet, p.102 & PGttCB, Revised, p.68 is obsolete as it only let Bastet
assume the forms of other humans, not great cats or other Bastet.)
(Source: W20 Changing Breeds, p.86→Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.184)
• Tech Speak (Level Four) : As the Glass Walker Gift.
(Source: W20 Changing Breeds, p.86→Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.185)
• What’s the Password? (Level Four) : By communing with the odd spirits inside computers, a werecat can call
up the passwords to files, accounts or encryptions. Although few nature-bound Bastet know this trick, many of their city
cousins have at least heard of it. Most of those who do know it charge hefty favors for the teaching….
System: The player rolls Manipulation + Enigmas, spends a Gnosis point, and hopes the Net-Spiders will be
generous. These encounters should be played out : computer spirits can be pretty weird, and may want a bribe. The
difficulty depends on the target’s value. A successful Computer or Hacking roll can reduce this difficulty by 1 for every
two successes (same difficulties; see The Werewolf Players Guide, pages 194-199).
Information Difficulty
Checking accounts 5
Corporate records 6
Important documents, designer viruses 7
Secure accounts 8
Corporate secrets 9
Government secrets 10
(Source: Bastet, p.101)
• Black Friday (Level Five) : This dreaded Gift, the bane of the Information Age, allows a Bastet to crash a
computer network in seconds. By communing with Net Spiders (see “What’s the Password?”) and promising a few favors,
a lucky werecat can wreak system havoc without even touching a keyboard. It’s rarely done because of its tendency to
backfire (wiping out one’s own computer files!), but causes untold headaches for the programmers of Pentex.
System: The player rolls his Manipulation + Enigmas to convince the Spiders to do his dirty work. Obviously, he
has to have some way of reaching them first, such as a Gift, a short visit to the Penumbra, or a message typed into the
doomed system. Once the deal is set in motion, the Spiders eat the system’s data; a skillful data retriever can undo the
damage, but it’ll take days or weeks to fix. The Gift’s difficulty depends on the size and complexity of the system in
question. Protected networks add one to the amount of successes needed; magickal systems include Trinary computers or
Technomagickal networks (see Mage: The Ascension). A botch causes the Spiders to wreck your own data instead. Note
that this kind of tampering immediately sets off alarms on guarded systems; a would-be saboteur would be wise to
amscray ontopray!
Network Difficulty Successes Needed
Small Office 6 one-two
Large office 6 three-four
Small Corporate 7 four-five
Large Corporate 8 four-five
International/Government 9 five-10
Secret Government/Magickal 10 five-15
(Source: Bastet, p.102)
• Deny the Hungry (Level Five) : With a gesture or spray, a spiteful werecat can destroy crops and fertile land,
spoil food or toxify drinking water. Legend lays this Gift at the feet of the Bubasti, who were said to punish disrespectful
communities with famine and drought. Some Simba use it for the same reasons. Sadly, it’s easier to destroy than to create;
undoing this damage requires a different Gift altogether.
System: The player spends a permanent Rage point and rolls Wits + Primal-Urge (difficulty 7). Each success
withers one mile of crops, spoils a waterhole or lake, or renders one ton of food or drink unusable. Only the Redeem the
Waste Gift, a Rite of Cleansing, or powerful Life and Prime magicks (see Mage) can undo the destruction. Cropland will
remain infertile for a year, water will be poisoned for the same time. Spoiled food is rotten forever, and those who eat it
anyway will grow ill. These effects, and the casting of the Gift, clearly come from the Unmaker, and may be detected by
appropriate Gifts.
(Source: Bastet, p.102)
• Madness (Level Five) : As the Garou metis Gift.
(Source: PGttCB, Revised, p.68→W20 Changing Breeds, p.86→Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.157)

Unlike Garou metis, werecat crossbreeds are not outcasts, but embody mystical links to the primordial Jamaa.
Their Gifts reveal this deep connection and allow them elemental tricks no other Bastet can learn. For this, they’re admired
in public and envied in secret.
• Create Element (Level One) : As the Garou metis Gift. Most Bastet favor the five Oriental elements (fire,
wood, metal, earth and water), but those born in the Western Hemisphere often know them as earth, air, fire and water. An
Eastern Bastet may create raw ore and wood, but cannot conjure air. Neither version can create precious metals, refined
ores, gasses or poison.
(Source: Bastet, p.102 & PGttCB, Revised, p.68→W20 Changing Breeds, p.87→Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition,
• Sense Primal Nature (Level One) : As attuned as they are to the Jamaa, metis Bastet can easily sense whether
one of those entities has a strong influence on a person, place or thing.
System: This Gift works like the Level One Common Gift: Sense Unmaker’s Hand and/or the Garou Gift: Sense
Wyrm, except that it detects a strong affinity for Rahjah, Nala or Cahlash (Weaver, Wyld or Wyrm). Examples include
Banes (Cahlash), Technomagi (Rahjah) and some Garou (Nala, though some may tend toward the other two). However,
the difficulty is one higher than that of Sense Unmaker’s Hand.
(Source: Bastet, p.102 & PGttCB, Revised, p.68→W20 Changing Breeds, p.87→Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition,
• Blinding Moonbeam Gaze (Level Two) : By calling upon Mother Seline, the werecat shoots bright beams of
moonlight from her eyes. These don’t inflict real damage, but can blind or distract an opponent, and provide illumination
as well. Superstitious people often run away when confronted with a giant moon-eyed cat.
System: The player rolls Gnosis (difficulty 7). The light blasts forth on the next turn, and lasts for one turn per
success. The moonlight offers the illumination of a high-powered flashlight, and can blind an opponent during his next
turn if he’s surprised and hit in the eyes with the light (Dexterity + Brawl, difficulty 8).
(Source: Bastet, p.102→W20 Changing Breeds, p.87)
• Whisker Sight (Level Two) : By attuning herself to her surroundings, a metis Bastet can get a sense of her
surroundings. Anything within reach : even if it’s behind her, or invisible : is plain to all her senses.
System (old version): Roll Perception + Primal-Urge (difficulty 6). Success grants the character total sensory
perceptions within a 10 foot radius. This doesn’t automatically reveal hidden or invisible objects, but it allows her to try a
normal Perception roll to notice things that would normally be beyond her sight. The Gift lasts one scene.
(Source: Bastet, p.102 & PGttCB, Revised, p.68)
System (new version): The player rolls Perception + Primal-Urge (difficulty 7). This Gift lasts for one scene.
(Source: W20 Changing Breeds, p.87)
• Spirit-Touch (Level Three) : This Gift functions like the Level Four Common Gift: Spirit Claws, except that it
works anywhere.
(Source: Bastet, p.102→p.100)
• Fist of Cahlash (Level Three) : By channeling in raw destructive power, an angry Bastet can destroy any
material thing with a snarl. Although the Gift isn’t terribly effective against living (or undead) creatures, its potency can be
avowed by a multitude of puzzled technicians and drivers in various rainforest-clearing projects.
System (old version): The werecat’s player spends a Rage point and rolls her Rage against difficulty 6 (for
inanimate objects) or 8 (for living or undead beings). Each success either destroys 10 pounds (or 10 cubic feet) of matter,
or inflicts one aggravated Health Level. The latter damage can only be soaked by a Gnosis or Glamour roll (difficulty 6),
Spirit or Prime countermagick, or vampiric Fortitude. Affected targets literally burst or fly apart. The Fist cannot affect
spirit-matter of any kind; even Materialized spirits or ghosts are immune. New attacks require new rolls and expenditures.
(Source: Bastet, p.102 & PGttCB, Revised, p.68)
System (new version): The player spends a Rage point and rolls Rage against difficulty 6 (for inanimate objects)
or 8 (for living and undead targets). Each success destroys 10 pounds of contiguous matter, reducing it to dust. A canny
Bastet could use this Gift to weaken a building, or dispose of toxic waste. Used on a living creature, each success inflicts
one level of bashing damage. The Bastet must be able to see what she intends to destroy, and it must be close enough to
hear her snarl.
(Source: W20 Changing Breeds, p.87)
• Visceral Agony (Level Three) : As the Black Fury Gift.
(Source: W20 Changing Breeds, p.87→Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.174)
• Moon’s Gateway (Level Four) Version One : By calling upon a Lune for help, the Bastet opens a Moon
Bridge between caerns or Den-Realms. Such travel only occurs at night. The Gateway forms as a glowing fog, which
slowly swirls into the shape of the werecat’s intended destination. Anyone who wants to use the Bridge must enter before
the summoner. When she passes through, the Gateway disperses.
System: The player spends one Gnosis point per 100 miles and rolls Intelligence + Alertness (Intelligence +
Enigmas for the Qualmi). The Gateway’s difficulty depends on the werecat’s familiarity with her destination, from 5 for
her own Den-Realm to 10 for an unknown location or an Otherworldly Realm. The two travel points must involve either a
Den-Realm or some other mystical location (a caern, a Node or Chantry, a Horizon Realm, etc.). A botch lands the
traveler(s) in some strange or dangerous place. Traveling out of material reality is always tricky; those lost on such trips
are often lost forever….
(Source: Bastet, p.103 & PGttCB, Revised, p.68-69)
• Moon’s Gateway (Level Four) Version Two : As the Ragabash Gift: Open Moon Bridge.
(Source: W20 Changing Breeds, p.87→Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.162)
• Redeem the Waste (Level Four) : Part of a metis’ role is the salvation of despoiled wilderness. To do so, he’ll
often sniff around, paw at the earth, rub his scent around and urinate in various places, essentially claiming the place as his
own. While this isn’t a true Rite of Claiming, it resembles it in many ways. By dedicating himself to this land, he can
summon forth a healing power to save it from toxins and other desecrations.
System: The player rolls Manipulation + Survival (difficulty 7) and spends a Gnosis point. Each success makes
one square half-mile of damaged, cursed or barren land fertile again; uprooted trees won’t re-plant themselves, but new
trees and plants will rapidly grow. This healing is permanent until someone takes the time to despoil the land again.
(Source: Bastet, p.103)
• Wrath of Nala (Level Five) : This Gift whips up a wild storm that devastates the werecat’s vicinity. This
tempest springs up out of nowhere and lasts for five minutes or less, then calms and disperses. Nala herself teaches this
Gift in dreams.
System (old version): The Wrath works like the Level Five Common Gift: Soothe/Summon Storm, except that it
requires only five successes (difficulty 8). This conjures a severe thunderstorm which lasts only a few minutes and remains
beyond the werecat’s power once it’s in motion.
(Source: Bastet, p.103-4 & PGttCB, Revised, p.69)
System (new version): As the Hakken Gift: Divine Wind.
(Source: W20 Changing Breeds, p.87→Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.189)

The tribes’ tie with their primal past, these feral cats stalk the remaining jungles, mountains and forests where their
Kinfolk run free. This breed’s Gifts revolve around survival and have evolved through challenges both natural and
• Catfeet (Level One) : As the Level Three lupus Gift, but infinitely easier for Bastet.
(Note: W20 Changing Breeds, p.85 refers to the general Gift version of Catfeet as Level One while W20 Changing
Breeds, p.87 under the Feline Gift list refers to it as Level Two. I’m inclined to think the latter is a typo because how could
a general Gift involving feline grace be easier to learn than the version of the Gift for the feline breed Bastet? As that
makes no sense, I’m taking it on my own initiative to change the Level Two version of this Gift to Level One. –Su-tehp)
(Source: Bastet, p.96 & PGttCB, Revised, p.67→W20 Changing Breeds, p.85→W20 Changing Breeds, p.87→Werewolf
20th Anniversary Edition, p.159)
• Heightened Senses (Level One) : As the Garou lupus Gift.
(Source: PGttCB, Revised, p.69→W20 Changing Breeds, p.87→Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.158-9)
• Killer’s Leap/Pounce (Level One) : As the lupus Gift: Hare’s Leap.
(Note: Bastet, p.104 refers to Hare’s Leap’s previous name of Leap of the Kangaroo. PGttCB, Revised, p.69 & W20
Changing Breeds, p.87 refer to this Gift as Pounce.)
(Source: Bastet, p.104 & PGttCB, Revised, p.69→W20 Changing Breeds, p.87→Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition,
• Kitten’s Cry (Level One) : Also called “Pathetamew” for its pitiful sound, this Gift imbues the werecat’s voice
with a tone so pathetic that anyone who hears it goes out of his way to comfort her. This compulsion extends to attackers,
who break off hostilities unless they’re attacked in return. Most Bastet consider this a dirty but useful trick.
System: The Bastet’s player rolls her Manipulation + Expression; the difficulty depends on the circumstances
and the target. If the roll succeeds, the target immediately stops whatever he’s doing and offers sympathy for the werecat’s
pain. Some folks, of course, have no pity in their hearts. The Gift inspires hard-souled enemies to torment the Bastet even
more than they normally would.
Relationship Difficulty
Lover/relative 4
Friend 5
Passerby 6
Total stranger 7
Rival 8
Enemy 9
Foe in combat 10
(Source: Bastet, p.104)
• Mark as Mine (Level One) : By spraying a given area or object with urine and musk, a Bastet stakes a claim
on it. Any shapeshifter will know that a werecat has marked the place, and any other mystically-inclined being (a mage, a
vampire, etc.) will recognize the sign as a “Keep Out” warning. This usually lasts until someone else removes the Gift
with some other magic, or until the Bastet sees fit to destroy the Mark himself (not likely!).
System: This costs a temporary Gnosis point for each object or area treated. Anyone making a successful
Perception + Empathy roll will feel distinctly uneasy when coming within 10 feet of the Mark, as if they were trespassing
in someone else’s house or stealing someone else’s valuables. Through sensory magics, an intruder may actually see the
Mark, even after the spray dries, and may remove it through appropriate use of magical powers. The Bastet may remove
the Gift himself by spraying it a second time. This Gift does work on live creatures, but does not harm them in any way.
(Source: Bastet, p.104)
• Mine (Level One) : Rubbing against an object, the Bastet magically claims it as her own.
System: The player spends one Gnosis point. Anyone attempting the steal the object at any point afterward must
roll Willpower (difficulty 9) before doing so.
(Source: W20 Changing Breeds, p.87)
• Perfect Cover (Level Two) : Cats must excel at covering their tracks and lairs, especially in these dangerous
times. To help them, the spirits have passed this Gift on to the wild members of the race. By scratching around the place,
trail or object to be hidden, the Bastet obscures it from normal and magical view.
System: After the Bastet “buries” all traces of the hidden thing, the player rolls Perception + Survival and spends
a Gnosis point. From that point on, the place or object is safe from any form of mortal perception until it moves or is
moved. Any magical senses (including Awareness) scanning the area add 1 to their difficulty to notice the hiding place for
every success the player rolls. The difficulty of the roll depends on the size of the object and the surroundings: hiding a
haunch of deer in the underbrush would be 5, while concealing a cave entrance in a lightly-wooded area would be 9. The
Gift cannot conceal obvious objects, like a car on the side of the street, nor does it make things disappear. Rather, it uses
surrounding cover, like shadows and underbrush, to make the hidden spot seem overgrown. A letter on a table covered
with paper could be hidden, but a jewelry box on a bare mantle could not. A Bastet may use this Gift to conceal himself,
and many do.
(Source: Bastet, p.104-5 & PGttCB, Revised, p.69)
• Prehensile Tail (Level Two) : As the lupus Gift: Monkey Tail.
(Source: W20 Changing Breeds, p.87→Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.159)
• Whisker Sight (Level Two) :As the Level Two metis Gift of the same name.
(Note: Bastet, p.105 refers to the feline version of this Gift as being Level Three.)
(Source: PGttCB, Revised, p.69→Bastet, p.102)
• Chains of Mist (Level Two) : As the Uktena Gift.
(Source: W20 Changing Breeds, p.87→Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.198)
• Underbelly (Level Three) Version One : By sizing up a foe or obstacle, a feral Bastet can get a feeling for its
weakest point. Once that’s spotted, he can rip through most things with a good swipe.
System: By rolling Perception + Primal-Urge, the Bastet can find a weak spot on living (or once-living) beings.
Picking a weakness on a technological object requires Perception + Repair, while noticing a flaw in a natural one takes
Perception + Survival. Either way, the difficulty depends on the target’s toughness:
Subject Difficulty
Typical (man, computer, wall) 6
Sturdy (athlete, car, desk) 7
Powerful (vampire, heavy machine, boulder) 8
Reinforced (man in armor, combat vehicle, bank vault) 9
Each success adds one to the Bastet’s damage Dice Pool against that target for the scene. Spotting a weakness in a magical
object or mystical protection requires a Gnosis point in addition to the roll. This Gift doesn’t work against spirits of any
(Source: Bastet, p.105 & PGttCB, Revised, p.69)
• Underbelly (Level Three) Version Two : As the Shadow Lord Gift: Fatal Flaw.
(Source: W20 Changing Breeds, p.87→Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.188)
• Beast Life (Level Four) : As the lupus Gift.)
(Source: PGttCB, Revised, p.69→W20 Changing Breeds, p.87→Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.160)
• Ghosts at Play (Level Four) : By spraying around an area, the werecat can expose all nearby spirits. Although
the Gauntlet remains intact, any active spirit becomes visible, as if everyone in the vicinity had used the Level One
Common Gift: Spirits’ Sight.
System: The Bastet’s player rolls Manipulation + Enigmas against a difficulty of the Gauntlet. Success reveals
all spirits in the area. The range of the Gift extends 10 feet for every success the player rolls; the vision itself lasts for one
turn per success.
(Source: Bastet, p.105)
• Hand of Will (Level Four) : By willing things to move, the Bastet can lift objects or open barriers merely by
staring at them. A strong-willed Bastet can move even trucks and construction vehicles with her mind alone! King-of-
Beasts and Hatti favor this Gift, especially given the devastation brought about by human traffic.
System: Invoking the power of the will requires a Gnosis point and a Willpower roll (difficulty 7). Each success
gives the Bastet three points worth of Strength at range (see “Feats of Strength,” Werewolf, page 212). This power can
only move things, not punch or crush them, and the cat’s degree of control is limited. A typewriter can be shoved aside, but
not used. It’s possible to employ a bit of fine manipulation by raising the difficulty to 9, but this requires total
concentration. For each extra turn the object remains in motion, the werecat has to spend a point of Willpower to keep it
going. Once she sets it aside, the Gift ends.
(Source: Bastet, p.105)
• Judgment of Pestilence (Level Five) : In many ancestral lands, epidemics ravage both human and animal
populations. The Mistress of Catkind bequeaths this Gift to her feline children in an effort to channel the disease.
Communities who respect the cats’ Kinfolk and the land find pestilence banished from their homes; those who exploit
nature or hunt the great cats receive the disease in return. Nature’s balance must be maintained. This is yet another Gift
that is easier for the Swara, it is a Level 4 Gift for them.
System: This Gift doesn’t create a plague; instead, it moves it from one place to another. To do this, a cat spends
two Gnosis points and rolls Manipulation + Primal-Urge to absorb the sickness without harming herself. From there, she
carries it to a place she dislikes, then releases it by breathing into the night air. Once in motion, the disease runs its course
in the new location. Every survivor in the original community mysteriously recovers. A werecat who botches her roll
quickly dies, overwhelmed by the toxins in her blood.
(Source: Bastet, p.105)
• Revolt of the Land (Level Five) : As the Red Talons Gift: Gaia’s Vengeance.
(Source: Bastet, p.105 & PGttCB, Revised, p.69→W20 Changing Breeds, p.87→Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition,

Tribal Gifts
A collection of secrets from the elders of their kind, these Gifts are easy to learn : if you can find a mentor who
shares your tribal heritage. Otherwise, a cat would be hard-pressed to uncover the necessary lore. Bastet who come into
their own without the guidance of a tribal kuasha often learn these secrets later in life (that is, after character creation),
when and if they find a mentor from the same family.

Although the wereleopards range across Africa and Asia, their most refined Gifts come from the ancient lands of
India. There, the sages of the Folk have melded the disciplines of Hindu mystics with the ferocity and wisdom of the
leopards themselves. As they wander across the world, most Bagheera acquire a variety of secrets from the Common Gifts.
Their ancestral magics, however, draw a certain flavor from their homeland.
Humbaba’s Escape (Level One) : One of the tribe’s first and most valuable tricks, this Gift allows a
wereleopard to dislocate her limbs and slide through small openings. Though the Bagheera claim that the wise cat
Humbaba invented the trick, the Simba maintain that he originally learned it from mouse-spirits.
System (old version): The player rolls her Dexterity + Athletics to dislocate her cat’s limbs. The harder the
attempt, the higher the difficulty becomes. Undoing your wrist to get out of handcuffs would be difficulty 6, while
dislocating your spine and ribs to get through an air shaft would be 10. While the cat is out of joint, her Stamina rating
drops by two. Simple adjustments don’t cost any Gnosis, but large-scale body-shifts cost one point.
(Source: Bastet, p.105 & PGttCB, Revised, p.69)
System (new version): The difficulty of all rolls to escape bonds or slide through small gaps is permanently
reduced by two.
(Source: W20 Changing Breeds, p.87)
• Treeclimber (Level One) Version One : As the Common Gift of the same name. Leopards excel at climbing,
and most kuasha teach this Gift first.
(Source: Bastet, p.105→Bastet, p.97 & PGttCB, Revised, p.69)
• Treeclimber (Level One) Version Two : As the Stargazer Gift: Balance.
(Source: W20 Changing Breeds, p.87→Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.195)
• Lawgiver’s Legacy (Level Two) Version One : In the distant past, it is said that the Bagheera were intended to
be the arbitrators of the cat-folk. The position never materialized, but this Gift offers an edge to Bagheera trying to
exercise this ancient right with minimal force. With it, a panther can raise her voice to drown out all others without
actually shouting, and it adds a note of command that makes even Simba take the panther’s words seriously.
System: This Gift works like the Level One Common Gift: Command Attention, but the effects last for an entire
scene. Anyone who wants to contest the Bagheera’s authority must win a resisted Willpower roll with the panther
(difficulty 7).
(Source: Bastet, p.105 & PGttCB, Revised, p.69)
• Lawgiver’s Legacy (Level Two) Version Two : As the Philodox Gift: Command the Gathering.
(Source: W20 Changing Breeds, p.87→Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.167)
• Ojas Surge (Level Two) Version One : By channeling ojas, the mystical energy inside us all, a Bagheera can
boost his physical and perceptual abilities beyond their normal limits. To do so, he attains a posture and meditates for a
moment, then guides the ojas through his body, directing it to whatever his needs might be.
System: To perform the Gift, the panther must meditate first. This usually takes some time, and depends on
experience; it usually takes a First Rank Bagheera five turns (minutes) to center himself, while a Fifth Rank cat can do it in
one. As he attains this state, he rolls his Gnosis (difficulty 7). Each success he wins can then be applied as a dot in one or
all of the following Attributes: Strength, Dexterity, Stamina, Charisma, Perception or Wits. The Surge also brings a rush of
ecstasy, a tingling wash that sharpens the senses and lightens the heart. The Attribute bonuses last for one scene, and
cannot be “stacked.” The feeling of wellbeing lasts all day. The Surge can be done as many times as the Bagheera desires,
but each additional try after the first raises the difficulty by two and doubles the meditating time. If an attempt to channel
the rush fails, the cat gets depressed and cannot try again that day. A botch may provoke a frenzy.
(Source: Bastet, p.105-6 & PGttCB, Revised, p.69-70)
• Ojas Surge (Level Two) Version Two : By channeling the spiritual energy within himself, the Bagheera can
boost his physical and perceptual abilities to impossible levels.
System: To perform this Gift, the Bagheera must first meditate for (6 – current Rank) minutes, then the player
rolls Gnosis (difficulty 7). Each success may be used to boost one of the following Attributes by one dot for the rest of the
scene: Strength, Dexterity, Stamina, Charisma, Perception or Wits. The successes may be distributed as the Bagheera
wishes, and can raise Attributes beyond five dots. Multiple uses of this Gift do not stack.
(Source: W20 Changing Breeds, p.87)
• Cobra’s Dance/Eye of the Cobra (Level Three) Version One : Long ago, a panther named Tola entered into
negotiations with King Snake. After weeks of discussion and debate, the two came to an understanding of sorts. No one
knows what secrets Tola offered King Snake, but he learned this Gift as part of the exchange. The Dance allows a cat to
freeze prey with a glance. Some old Bagheera claim to know other secrets of the serpent folk, but if any other Gifts have
survived, they’re not well known.
System: To begin the Dance, a panther sways in place; the player rolls Manipulation + Expression and spends a
Gnosis point. This requires at least one turn spent dancing, and the effect lasts one turn per success. The roll’s difficulty
depends on the target: hypnotizing most animals is easy (5), while freezing a hostile vampire is anything but (10). To break
the spell, the target must win a Willpower contest with the cat (difficulty 8). Otherwise, he’s held stunned and helpless
until the Gift wears off. Once the Dance takes hold, the cat can do whatever she likes : such as leaving, talking or mauling
the target.
(Note: PGttCB, Revised, p.70 refers to this Gift by the Garou name of Eye of the Cobra.)
(Source: Bastet, p.106)
• Cobra’s Dance/Eye of the Cobra (Level Three) Version Two : As the Galliard Gift.
(Source: W20 Changing Breeds, p.87→Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.169)
• Weak Arm (Level Three) : As the Philodox Gift.
(Source: W20 Changing Breeds, p.87→Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.167)
• Traveler’s Tongues (Level Three) : As the Level Three Homid Gift: Babel’s Cure.
(Source: Bastet, p.106→p.101)
The Paradox of Time (Level Four) : To most followers of Hinduism, time is not the linear stream Westerners
believe it is. Rather, all times are one time, viewed from a perspective that shifts. In other words, it only appears to move
because we believe it does. A skilled Bagheera can employ this seeming paradox to utterly confuse an enemy or enlighten
a pilgrim. By showing him the relative nature of time, the panther can offer him a glimpse of his folly : or baffle him for
minutes on end.
System (old version): While the cat talks to his target in low, hypnotic tones, the player rolls Manipulation +
Enigmas against the target’s current Willpower rating. For each success, the subject’s perceptions skew slightly,
disorienting him for two turns. Until the Gift wears off, he subtracts three dice from all Dice Pools due to terminal
confusion. Mages who understand the Time Sphere are totally immune to this Gift’s effects.
(Source: Bastet, p.106)
System (new version): The player spends one Gnosis point and rolls Manipulation + Enigmas against a
difficulty of the target’s Willpower. For each success, the subject becomes disoriented for two turns, suffering a –3 penalty
to all dice pools. Mages with any dots in the Time Sphere are immune to this Gift.
(Source: W20 Changing Breeds, p.87)
• Potter’s Clay (Level Four) : As the Level Three Homid Gift: Craft of the Maker.
(Source: Bastet, p.106→Bastet, p.101 & PGttCB, Revised, p.70→Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.154)
• Part the Curtain (Level Five) : Like the Level Four Common Gift: Walking Between Worlds, this spell allows
a leopard to cross into the Near Umbra. This variation, however, lets her bring others across as well. The Mistress of
Catkind is said to have brought this Gift to several Bagheera elders during the British occupation of India. Working with
allies from the Swara and Khan, these old cats turned several staid English manors into shrieking chaos.
System: All systems resemble the aforementioned Gift, except that the Bagheera can take one additional ally
through for every point of Gnosis she possesses.
(Source: Bastet, p.106→p.100→Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.309-310)
• Shiva’s Might (Level Five) : In one of the most impressive feats of godlike destruction this side of a nuke, a
Bagheera may change into a form reminiscent of Shiva the Destroyer or Kali the Dark Mother (depending on the cat’s
gender). In a burst of holy light, the Bastet becomes a 12-foot-tall, six-armed Crinos-form werepanther wielding flaming
weapons. Until the ground is littered with bodies, this engine of feline wrath hacks everything around it : foe and
otherwise : into bloody giblets. Obviously, this is a last resort, but a very effective one.
System: The player invoking this godlike manifestation spends two Rage points and two Gnosis points, then
immediately rolls for frenzy (difficulty 3). If he wins five successes or more, the Bagheera springs into Crinos form, grows
three feet taller, and sprouts four more arms, each bearing a flaming weapon. This destroyer form, the Juddho, goes into a
sudden killing frenzy which lasts for one turn for every point of Rage in the Bastet’s permanent rating. If he fails, nothing
happens; a botch brings on a fox frenzy instead. The stats for Juddho form are:
Strength: +6
Dexterity: +3
Stamina: +6
Appearance: 0
Weapons: Strength +4 (aggravated)
No one is safe from Shiva’s Might : anyone in sight will be attacked. The Bagheera is totally incapable of any form of
rational communication or combat strategy. Until the Juddho form disappears, he knows only how to kill. In his mind, he
wanders through the hells of the Asura, slashing and biting everything he meets. When the Gift finally fades, the panther
drops to 0 Rage, assumes his breed form, and falls asleep for at least four hours.
(Source: Bastet, p.106 & PGttCB, Revised, p.70→W20 Changing Breeds, p.87)
It’s all too easy to see the werejaguars as raging defenders of their homelands; truthfully, though, many of their Gifts recall
the ancestral races from which they came : two tribes whose ferocity was matched by their perceptions and wisdom. The
magics this tribe calls its own meld the secrets of these lost ancestors with the living land and the fury in the Balam’s
hearts : a fury most jaguars are all too willing to take out on trespassers.
• Hunter’s Mists (Level One) : As the Black Furies Gift: Curse of Aeolus.
(Source: Bastet, p.106 & PGttCB, Revised, p.70→W20 Changing Breeds, p.88→Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition,
• Storm of Pests (Level One) Version One : By singing a plea to Tzinzie and his kind, a werejaguar can call up
a cloud of mosquitoes, gnats, biting flies, or some equally obnoxious bugs. These creatures don’t so much damage as
distract their prey, although they might, at the Storyteller option, carry diseases like malaria or yellow fever. By drawing
the victim’s attention to the biting pests, the Balam may prepare either an ambush or an escape.
System: The jaguar’s player rolls Manipulation + Survival. In most rainforests or coastal areas, the difficulty is
5. In other places, the difficulty rises to 7, and goes to 9 in areas where bugs are scarce. For each success, an area roughly
10 feet square is filled with flying bugs, reducing all Dice Pools by 2 for one turn per success. After that, the insects
disperse. The cat is not immune to bug bites, but usually knows what to expect and can act normally.
(Source: Bastet, p.106 & PGttCB, Revised, p.70)
• Storm of Pests (Level One) Version Two : As the Bone Gnawer Gift: Scent of Sweet Honey.
(Source: W20 Changing Breeds, p.88→Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.174-5)
• Pathfinder (Level Two) : As the Level Three Ragabash Gift.
(Source: W20 Changing Breeds, p.88→Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.162)
• Perfect Cover (Level Two) : As the feline Gift.
(Source: Bastet, p.104-5→PGttCB, Revised, p.70)
• Smoking Mirror (Level Two) : As the Level Three Common Gift: Farsight
(Source: Bastet, p.107→p.98)
• Terrors (Level Two) : As the Ahroun Gift: True Fear.
(Source: PGttCB, Revised, p.70→W20 Changing Breeds, p.88→Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.171)
• Ancestral Wings (Level Three) : According to their folklore, the Balam were once two tribes. One of the
original families, the Olioiuqui, had wings. By digging into this ancestral past, a werejaguar can invoke their Gift and fly
for short distances.
System: The player rolls Intelligence + Primal-Urge against difficulty 8 and spends a Gnosis point. If successful,
brightly colored wings burst from the Balam’s shoulders and carry him aloft. While winged, the cat can fly at 15 yards per
turn in any form, and may carry up to 200 pounds of additional weight. This Gift lasts for one scene (or one half-hour),
after which the wings atrophy and harmlessly drop off.
(Source: Bastet, p.107)
• Ancestral Wings (Level Three) (Version Two) : As the Black Fury Gift: Wings of Pegasus.
(Source: W20 Changing Breeds, p.88→Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.174)
• Touch of the Tree-Frog (Level Three) : By touching a victim with her paw, teeth or even spittle, a Balam can
paralyze him for minutes on end. Some jaguars take this opportunity to get away, or to deliver a warning; others make
more sadistic use of that time. This Gift stems from the tree-frog-spirits, whose fluids coat the arrows of the ancient folk.
System: The jaguar spends a Gnosis point to activate the Gift; once done, it lingers in her skin until she brushes
against someone. Unless the target makes a Stamina + Awareness or Primal- Urge roll (difficulty 8), he is frozen for one
turn per point of the Balam’s current Gnosis (the score she had before she cast the Gift). He may, if he’s lucky, break the
paralysis with a Willpower roll (difficulty 9); if not, he remains helpless for the duration.
(Source: Bastet, p.107)
• Wandering Forest (Level Three) : As the Red Talons Gift: Trackless Waste.
(Source: Bastet, p.107 & PGttCB, Revised, p.70→W20 Changing Breeds, p.88→Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition,
Vision Cloud (Level Four) : Among the old folk, the jaguars were respected for their insight. Many Olmecs and
Maya came to them for visions, and the tribe responded by evoking this ageless Gift. By calling to the spirits of the air and
the plants, a modern jaguar can still conjure the Vision Cloud, a swirling fog which wraps itself through the clearing or
cave, bringing mystic insights to those who seek them : and to those who do not.
System: By rolling Manipulation + Enigmas (difficulty 5) and spending a Gnosis point, the Bastet is allowed to
call up the Cloud from nothingness. This misty kaleidoscope fills an area up to 50 feet square and affects everyone without
breathing gear or magical protection : including the Bastet himself. The hallucinations which ensue are left to the
Storyteller’s discretion, but should foreshadow possible future events, reveal lost lore, or offer clues that clever characters
can decipher (see “Advanced Storytelling” in Werewolf 2 nd Edition, pp.59-61 & Werewolf: the Apocalypse Corebook
Revised, p.268-9 for ideas).
(Source: Bastet, p.107→Werewolf 2nd Edition, p.59-61 & Werewolf: the Apocalypse Corebook Revised, p.268-9→
PGttCB, Revised, p.70→W20 Changing Breeds, p.88)
Jungle’s Vengeance (Level Four) : By tapping into her ties with the land, a Balam urges the jungle to turn
against any invaders. The assault begins innocently enough, with vines that trip and swarms of hungry bugs; if the
outsiders don’t get the hint and leave, however, the Vengeance turns nastier. Pools of quicksand, poisonous plants and
insects and clouds of noxious gas spring into existence right in the invaders’ path. Ultimately, the Gift whittles a
determined force of trespassers down into a handful of desperate survivors : easy pickings for an angry werejaguar and her
System: The player puts a point of Rage and two points of Gnosis into the Gift, which then swells into a series of
scattered but purposeful events. Although the Storyteller has the final say about exactly what happens where and to whom,
the land and its pests begin a subtle campaign to drive invaders out. These events escalate from annoyances to fatalities as
the Storyteller desires. Although they won’t be powerful enough to destroy a band of supernatural foes, most mortals will
be driven to near-madness before the Gift runs its course.
(Source: Bastet, p.107 & PGttCB, Revised, p.70)
• Feed the Gods (Level Five) : By reaching out with his hand, a powerful jaguar can rip the heart out of an
enemy from a distance, pull it to his palm, and consume it in a burst of fire. This Gift kills the target if it succeeds. Only
strong magic can rebuild the ashes of the heart or grow another one in its place.
System (old version): The Balam’s player rolls Gnosis against difficulty 7, and spends two points of Gnosis as
well. The cat’s successes must double the target’s Stamina rating; any armor, magical defenses, or dots in Fortitude,
Glamour, the Spirit Sphere, Avatar or innate countermagick subtract one success for every dot of protection. Hence, this
Gift isn’t a very effective method of sacrificing supernatural beings. Against unarmored humans, however, it’s devastating.
The victim keels over and dies, as his heart flares into flame. It takes two turns to burn the heart into ash; by then, the
victim is irrevocably dead unless someone has the power to rebuild his heart from powder and return the soul to its body.
This Gift is totally useless against those already dead (but not undead : vampires can still be destroyed this way).
(Source: Bastet, p.108 & PGttCB, Revised, p.70)
System (new version): The player rolls Gnosis (difficulty 7) and spends two Gnosis points. If the werejaguar’s
successes amount to at least twice the target’s dots in Stamina, the target dies. Supernatural toughness (such as a vampire’s
Fortitude) subtracts two successes for every dot or level of protection.
(Source: W20 Changing Breeds, p.88)
• Heal the Wounded Land (Level Five) : As the Level Four metis Gift: Redeem the Waste.
(Source: Bastet, p.108→p.103)

The sinister shadowcats preserve their Gifts in riddles and puzzles. Although they occasionally learn new ones from spirits
like Whispers and Old Snapjaw, most tribal Gifts are passed from elder to younger. These Gifts are never taught to other
tribes : they’re hard-won ancestral lore, proudly protected by a system of taboos and punishments. A Bubasti who instructs
an outsider in their ways is hunted down and destroyed (see the Eater of the Dead Rite, Bastet, p.121).
• Alms to the Poor (Level One) : Beggars are an all-too-common feature of the Bubasti homelands. As a
kindness (and perhaps as a bribe to the gods), the shadowcats developed this secret, which allows one to conjure up a
small bit of food or money to give to a beggar. Naturally, the cat can use the “alms” for himself, but they taste slightly
bitter and leave the palm greasy if used for selfish means.
System (old version): The player spends a point of Gnosis and rolls his Gnosis against difficulty 6. Each success
creates a handful of food or cheap copper coins (no bills, silver or gold). Most Bubasti disguise this “miracle” by reaching
into a sack or box before sharing this wealth.
(Source: Bastet, p.108 & PGttCB, Revised, p.70-1)
System (new version): The player spends one Gnosis point to create a handful of food or a few coins in the local
currency (never more than a few dollars’ worth by local standards).
(Source: W20 Changing Breeds, p.88)
• Scholar’s Friend (Level One) : A simple yet helpful Gift, this secret allows a Bubasti to read a book, scroll or
tablet in any written language. This talent doesn’t teach the cat any new language, nor will it help him understand esoteric
concepts or missing bits of text. Even so, the ability to read anything set in front of you is a subtle yet powerful Gift.
System (old version): The shadowcat spends a Gnosis point, rolls his Willpower and begins reading. The
difficulty of the roll depends on the obscurity of the text:
Language Difficulty
Modern 5
Scholarly (Latin, Sanskrit) 6
Archaic or dead (Aramaic) 7
Common pictograms (classic Egyptian) 8
Obscure pictograms/code (Sigils of Mu) 9
Personal codes/lost cuneiform 10
Only one roll is allowed per reading session. The Gift lasts for one hour per success, and the cat must rest his eyes for
several hours after finishing. A failed roll doesn’t necessarily mean the werecat couldn’t read the text; it may mean that he
read it wrong. Storytellers are advised to keep the difficulty of the roll secret, and to base the information given on the
success of the roll. One success lets the cat get the general idea, while four successes or more indicate complete
(Source: Bastet, p.108-9 & PGttCB, Revised, p.71)
System (new version): The Gift’s effects are permanent. Coded messages remain written in code and cannot be
deciphered by this Gift alone.
(Source: W20 Changing Breeds, p.88)
• Dreamspeak (Level Two) : As the Galliard Gift.
(Source: PGttCB, Revised, p.71→W20 Changing Breeds, p.88→Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.169)
• Mousemaze (Level Two) : An unsettling spell of confusion, this Gift disorients a target until he blunders
around in a panic. Walls shift and close in, shadows lengthen, sounds drift to his ears from all corners, and familiar places
seem strange and threatening. Although the magic has no real effect on the person’s surroundings, his terror and confusion
send him into a frenzy, making him an easy target for the werecat lurking nearby….
System: The cat’s player rolls Manipulation + Empathy, with the target’s Willpower (or Rage, if higher) as a
difficulty. Success scrambles his sense of direction and relationship. The better the roll, the more confused the target
becomes. Three successes or more send him into a panic; werewolves and vampires must check for frenzy; mages must
make Willpower rolls or go into short Quiet; mere humans just freak out. This disorientation lasts about 15 minutes, then
slowly fades.
(Source: Bastet, p.109)
• Spirit Barrier (Level Two) : By employing the eldritch enigmas of Egypt, a Bubasti can wall an area off from
spirit-traffic. No spirit can move in or out of the warded place without the cat’s permission. Naturally, the stronger chaya
can shred this barrier like papyrus; still, the wisest werecats can erect stronger barriers than their youngers can….
System (old version): By spending a Gnosis point and rolling her Willpower against difficulty 8, the Bubasti
erects a barrier across an area no larger than 30 feet by 30 feet. Each success the player rolls raises the Gauntlet around the
area by 1 (maximum 10), and extends it so that the barrier exists in both the material and Penumbral worlds. This irritates
the spirits, and they can often tell who’s to blame. The Ward lasts one day per point of Gnosis in the cat’s permanent pool,
unless some spirit destroys it, which a chaya can do by rolling its Rage against the new Gauntlet rating. Three successes or
more will turn the Ward to spirit-dust.
(Note: Bastet, p.109 refers to this Gift as Spirit Ward, not to be confused with the Garou homid Gift of the same name.)
(Source: PGttCB, Revised, p.71)
System (new version): Under the rules found on W20 Changing Breeds, p.88, this Gift does indeed function as
the homid Garou Gift: Spirit Ward.
(Source: W20 Changing Breeds, p.88→Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.155)
• Banish Cahlash’s Brood (Level Three) : By calling upon the Father of Dark Spirits, a Bubasti may command
one of his brood to depart. Of course, powerful spirits or ones bound into fetishes won’t be easily dismissed; doing so may
demand great rituals or even a sacrifice. Small independent elementals or Banes, however, may be banished with slight
effort. Calling upon Cahlash has a price: Each time the werecat performs this Gift, his fur grows a deeper shade of black
and his actions become more…erratic. Garou or Bastet who Sense Wyrm on him will detect the Unmaker’s essence upon
him until he purges himself somehow. The more spirits he banishes, the deeper the taint becomes. For the Kahn it turns the
tiger’s pelt white instead of black. Unlike the shadowcats, tigers channel Rahjah to banish corruption.
System (old version): The cat’s player rolls Manipulation + Enigmas and spends a Willpower point to attempt to
dismiss a spirit. The difficulty is the spirit’s Gnosis, or its Rage if the latter is higher. Each success removes 10 points of
the spirit’s Power. Banishing a 30 Power spirit, then, requires at least three successes. Getting rid of a powerful spirit
might require an extended roll or two; a spirit bound into a fetish, meanwhile, sets the difficulty at 6 plus the fetish’s Level
(a Level 4 fetish would be difficulty 10, as would a Level 5). Sacrificing a bit of blood to Cahlash may add to the Gift’s
effectiveness; for every Health Level “spent” this way, the Bubasti lowers his difficulty by 1. The spirit isn’t under any
obligation to sit still during the process, and may attack the Bastet until either the werecat stops or the spirit disappears.
Nala help the werecat who botches this Gift; the Wyrm taint fills him utterly, and he must make a Rage roll, difficulty 6, or
frenzy. Atonement isn’t impossible, but ridding one’s self of the dark taint often requires a rigorous quest without Renown.
(Source: Bastet, p.109 & PGttCB, Revised, p.71)
System (new version): The player spends a Willpower point and rolls Manipulation + Enigmas against a
difficulty of the higher of the spirit’s Rage or Gnosis. Each success removes three points of the spirit’s Essence. Botching
the roll inflicts an immediate derangement of the Storyteller’s choice.
(Source: W20 Changing Breeds, p.88)
• The Many Tongues of Ptah (Level Three) : As the Level Three Homid Gift: Babel’s Cure.
System (old version): To render languages either clear or unintelligible, the player rolls her Manipulation +
Linguistics (difficulty 6). This Gift works on spoken words, writing and even body language. Everyone within 50 feet will
understand all communications for the duration. Cahlash’s inversion of the Gift scrambles everything the same way. Either
version lasts for one turn (or minute) per success, and each can cancel the other out.
(Source: Bastet, p.109→p.101)
System (new version): As the Garou homid Gift: Speech of the World.
(Source: Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.154)
• The Scarab’s Flight (Level Four) : By calling together the elements of her soul, a Bubasti can send them out
of her body for a while. The body itself enters a deathlike trance until the Scarab returns; although it doesn’t decompose,
all other signs (magical and otherwise) declare that the cat has died. The flying Scarab resembles an ordinary insect unless
inspected with magical senses, in which case it glows brightly.
System: Manifesting a soul into the beetle shape requires a Manipulation + Occult roll (difficulty 8) and a one-
Gnosis expenditure. From there, it takes wing from some orifice or crawls away unnoticed (Perception + Alertness,
difficulty 9 to spot). The body remains intact for one day per success, during which time the Scarab can reenter and
resurrect the cat. After the time limit passes, the body instantly decays, even if it has been preserved somehow.
(Source: Bastet, p.109)
• Deny the Hungry (Level Three) : As the Level Five Homid Gift.
(Source: Bastet, p.109→p.102)
• Arms of Darkness (Level Four) : As the Uktena Gift: Coils of the Serpent.
(Source: W20 Changing Breeds, p.88→Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.197)
• Shadow Brethren (Level Four) : As the Shadow Lord Gift: Shadow Pack.
(Source: PGttCB, Revised, p.72→Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.191)
• Shadowplay (Level Four) : As the Theurge Gift of the same name (found in the Werewolf Players Guide, 2nd
Edition). Unlike the werewolf Gift, the Bubasti does not have to mimic the shadow’s movements; once free, it can go
about its business as if it were a perfect duplicate of the Bastet. Also unlike the Garou Gift, some light must be present to
cast the shadow in the first place.
(Source: Bastet, p.109→Werewolf Players Guide, 2nd Ed., p.36→PGttCB, Revised, p.72)
• Spirit Wall (Level Five) : One of the greatest tricks a Bubasti learns is the art of calling together minor spirits
from around the area and forming them into a wailing Umbral wall. Such magics do not endear a cat to the spirits in
general, but by the time she achieves this Rank, a Bubasti should have enough sense to use such power wisely : and
enough power to protect herself when she uses it at all.
System: The player rolls Manipulation + Enigmas. The difficulty can range from 6 to 10, depending on how
many minor spirits are nearby. This takes two turns. To shape the assembled chaya into a wall, she spends two Gnosis
points and rolls a contested roll between her Willpower and the spirits’ (assume a Dice Pool of three dice for every success
the Bubasti scores on the earlier roll). If she succeeds, the resulting wall blocks spirits, imposes a Gauntlet of 10 and lasts
for one turn per success on the Willpower roll. If she fails, the spirits remain unbound, unformed and angrier than hell.
(Source: Bastet, p.109)
• The Fleeing Scarab (Level Six) : One of the Bubasti’s most obscure tribal secrets, this Gift allows a cat to
remove her soul, incarnate it, and send it out of harm’s way while her body dies. The soul, which often takes the form of a
flying scarab beetle, searches out an appropriate new host body, climbs into its mouth while it sleeps, and “lays” the old
soul into the new host. The Bubasti who knows this forbidden secret (and less than eight such cats exist) is theoretically
immortal, though such longevity is purchased in other beings’ lives.
System: Collecting the soul for transport requires three Gnosis points and a successful Manipulation + Occult
roll (difficulty 8). Failure traps the soul in the body as it dies (although the Gift may be tried up to three times if the cat has
enough time to do so). Once freed, the soul wings forth, searching for a host. It has 24 hours to find one before the soul-
essence scatters. Once a host is found, the beetle climbs into his mouth and tries to take the body over. This “possession”
demands an additional Gnosis point and a roll of the Bubasti’s current Willpower at the time of her death. This roll’s
difficulty is the host’s current Willpower + 3 (maximum 10). If successful, the Bastet takes over the body, retaining her old
memories and the host’s as well. If not, she can make one final try before her soul fades away forever. To retain command
of the host, the cat makes weekly Willpower rolls against the host’s original Willpower. Hence, the Bubasti rarely
commandeer supernatural creatures or stubborn individuals, at least for long. After a lunar month has passed in one body,
the host becomes a Bubasti with five points in the Past Life Background. Although all her previous Gifts are lost in the
process, her memories remain intact. Thus, she knows where to learn them again later. A botch at any point in the use of
the Gift sends the soul straight into the Oblivion spoken of by the Dead, so this magic is not lightly undertaken.
(Source: Bastet, p.109-110)

The Gifts of the “lost” Ceilican show their old affinity to the fae. Illusion, enchantment and other trickery inspire the arts
of the faerie cats, which mix wonder and terror in equal measure. Some talents have come to the fore in recent decades,
but the majority of the tribe’s Gifts retain their link to lost faerieland : fallen Arcadia, where dreams and reality were one.
Despite rumors of their extinction, these cats have no intention of following their allies into oblivion.
• Faerie Light (Level One) : As the Fianna Gift.
(Source: W20 Changing Breeds, p.88→Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.178)
• Mother’s Blessing/Curse (Level One) : Folklore holds that a cat had the ability to either bless or curse a
pregnant woman. In the case of the Ceilican, this legend is true. A kind Bastet can offer a boon to the mother, while a
spiteful one can harm her in some minor but memorable way.
System: This Gift’s effects are more psychological than physical, and get an extra boost from the way the
Ceilican acts toward the mother while offering his wishes. Setting things in motion demands a Gnosis point and a roll of
Manipulation + Occult (difficulty 7). While touching the mother’s belly, the cat either wishes her well or ill, usually in
some poetic rhyme. After that, some good or bad event befalls the woman or her child. Although the event itself is outside
the character’s control, the number of successes he rolls should reflect the power of the Blessing or Curse. Blessings can
include an easy delivery, unusual good looks or great health. Curses include breech birth, minor disability or poor
constitution. Once one event has occurred, the Gift is discharged.
(Source: Bastet, p.110)
• Satyr’s Wisdom (Level One) : By calling upon the talents of his tribe’s fae allies, a Ceilican can play any
musical instrument as if he’d been reared with it in his hands. Although this talent is fleeting, it can make one hell of an
System: With a Manipulation + Occult roll (difficulty 7), the cat gains a few temporary points in Expression,
Performance or the optional Singing secondary Skill. For each success, he adds one dot to the chosen Trait. This lasts for
as long as the Ceilican plays; afterward, the skill fades from his fingers until he either learns it for good or uses the Gift
(Source: Bastet, p.110→W20 Changing Breeds, p.88)
• Banish Burning (Level Two) : This Gift became necessary during the Madness, when sorcerers and witch-
hunters both tossed cats on the pyre to please demons and God. With it, the Ceilican may protect herself or a companion
from normal fire. While the Moon Mother and Mistress of Catkind originated this Gift, Burning Cat teaches it as well.
System (old version): Before the Bastet meets the flames, the player must roll Gnosis (difficulty 7) and spend
one Willpower point to protect the Bastet. If she succeeds, no nonmagical fire will hurt the Bastet for the Gift’s duration.
Magical fires reduce their effects by one Health Level for every success. Banish Burning lasts one scene, and does nothing
to protect the cat from smoke inhalation, oxygen deprivation or falling debris.
(Source: Bastet, p.110)
System (new version): As the Garou homid Gift: Master of Fire.
(Source: W20 Changing Breeds, p.88→Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.153)
• Sorcerer’s Blade (Level Two) : By casting this Gift on a weapon, a cat can enchant a blade so that it harms
supernatural beings. A favorite trick of swashbuckling Ceilican who wandered the open roads in bygone eras, this Gift
often comes from the King of Cats or Mistress of Catkind.
System: The player spends a point of Gnosis and rolls Manipulation + Occult (difficulty 6) while the cat cradles
the weapon in her hands. The blade then inflicts aggravated damage until the next sunrise. Although this Gift allows the
cat to enchant missile weapons, each bullet or arrow must be Gifted separately. Although the arrows may be reused, bullets
cannot be.
(Source: Bastet, p.110→W20 Changing Breeds, p.88)
• Data Flow (Level Three) : As the Level Three Glass Walker Gift of the same name.
(Source: Bastet, p.110→Players Guide to Garou, p.193)
• Faerie Kin (Level Three) : As the Fianna Gift.
(Source: W20 Changing Breeds, p.88→Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.179)
• Phantasm (Level Three) Version One : Twisting the fibers of illusion, the Ceilican create majestic nonsense
to baffle and entertain their companions : or horrors to torment their enemies. This secret obviously comes from forbidden
faerie lore, and can be quite powerful in the hands of a cat with an active imagination.
System: To cast a Phantasm, the player rolls Manipulation + Subterfuge and spends a Willpower point. The
resulting illusion lasts for one scene unless the cat chooses to dismiss it, and can extend through an area roughly 10 feet
square. Simple illusions are easy; the more complex the trick, the harder it is to perform. Although the illusions have no
solid form, a casual witness might be fooled into believing that a Phantasm was real.
Illusion Complexity
One success Minor lights and noises
Two successes Coherent and recognizable images or sounds
Three successes Complex, interweaving images and sounds
Four successes Vivid multisensory hallucinations
Five successes Indistinguishable from the real thing without examination
Illusion Difficulty
Single sound or flash of image 6
Complex pattern of light or sound (an object or conversation) 7
Complex moving pattern (a person speaking) 8
Complex active pattern (person walking, speaking and responding) 9
Complex active multi-pattern (group of people speaking, moving, reacting or all three) 10
(Source: Bastet, p.110)
• Phantasm (Level Three) Version Two : As the Level Four Fianna Gift.
(Source: W20 Changing Breeds, p.88→Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.180)
• Gift of Dreams (Level Four) : As the Galliard Gift.
(Source: W20 Changing Breeds, p.88→Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.170)
• Monkey’s Uncle (Level Four) : As the Level Four homid Gift of the same name.
(Source: Bastet, p.110→p.102)
• Small Cousin (Level Four) : Some Ceilican over-steeped in human culture call this Gift Blofeld’s Cat after
James Bond’s nemesis (who, they insist, was the white cat, not the man). This Gift allows a Bastet to physically become a
house cat. While this form can be limiting, it’s very unobtrusive. Best of all, it doesn’t hamper cat magic in any way, and
screens out routine mystic senses. Unless the victim subjects his housecat to a rigorous magical appraisal, the Bastet is free
to enter and observe whatever he likes.
System (old version): The Ceilican’s player spends a Gnosis point and rolls her Gnosis against difficulty 8; for
each success, the Ceilican can retain her feline form for one hour. During this time, her Physical Attributes become those
of a domestic cat, although her Social and Mental Attributes remain the same. She cannot speak, but can use any Gift that
her feline form will allow. Although a person who makes a successful Perception + Awareness roll (difficulty 8) might
realize that “there’s something weird about the cat,” her true nature remains hidden unless someone penetrates her disguise
magically (with Disciplines or True Magick, for instance). Attempts to do so add 3 to their difficulty. It should be noted
that few vampires or wizards bother to check every passing cat with magical sight unless they have some compelling
reason to be so paranoid (over and above their usual paranoia).
(Source: Bastet, p.110-111)
System (new version): This Gift grants a permanent alternative option when shifting into feline form. Housecat
form effectively has Strength and Stamina 1, and grants +2 Dexterity.
(Source: W20 Changing Breeds, p.88)
• Chariot of Lions (Level Five) : This less-than-subtle Gift lets a Ceilican conjure a chariot drawn by huge cats.
Like the craft of the goddess Freyja, this chariot is made of coarse-cut wood and covered with Nordic designs. The two
huge cats that pull it run as fast as the average car, and can, in a pinch, carry the Ceilican and one passenger into the air for
a few moments. Only the Mistress of Catkind teaches this Gift; learning it without her blessings is a grave insult.
System: The player rolls Gnosis against difficulty 8 and spends three Gnosis points. The chariot appears from
thin air and lasts for one scene, or for an hour : long enough to make a quick getaway, but not long enough to use as
regular transportation. By spending a Willpower point, the Bastet’s player may urge the chariot into the air for two turns;
each additional turn costs another Willpower point.
(Source: Bastet, p.111)
• The Madness of Crowds (Level Five) Version One : As tales from the witch-craze demonstrate, some
Ceilican indulge their darker appetites after sundown. The more sadistic of these games involve bystanders whipped into a
frenzy by this nasty secret, then set loose. By capering around a room or clearing, the Ceilican can stir up the wild side of
everyone nearby, causing an orgy or riot unless her “subjects” are unusually stubborn or controlled. The same Gift can
tame an angry mob, although it’s generally easier to start trouble than to end it.
System: The fae cat’s player rolls Manipulation + Empathy to turn the mood of a crowd her way. By adding a
Willpower point to the mix, she seizes control of their collective will. The difficulty of the task depends on the size of the
mob, and on how inclined it is to follow her suggestion. A packed nightclub is more likely to be led into an orgy than a
Baptist congregation (though the results of the latter might be more disturbing…). All targets must be within 700 feet
when the cat begins to use the Gift. Circumstances and surroundings may add or subtract from the overall difficulty;
calming a disturbance raises that difficulty by 2. A person caught up in the Gift can attempt to resist with a Willpower roll
(difficulty 7). The Madness lasts for one scene, and leaves the werecat’s control once in motion.
Size of Group Difficulty
Small group (2-20 people) 6
Medium group (20-50 people) 7
Crowd (50-100 people) 8
Mob (100-300 people) 9
Riot (300-500 people) 10
(Source: Bastet, p.111)
• The Madness of Crowds (Level Five) Version Two : As the Bone Gnawer Gift: Riot.
(Source: W20 Changing Breeds, p.88→Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.176)

The weretigers’ warlike nature is balanced by their cultural discipline. Their tribal Gifts tap into both violence and serenity,
tempering personal strength with refined skill. Traditional servants of the Maker, these fierce cats can invoke devastating
powers against the Asura and all their kind.
• Razor Claws (Level One) : As the Ahroun Gift.
(Source: PGttCB, Revised, p.72→Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.171)
• Rhino’s Favor (Level One) : By calling on the spirit of the rhino, a Khan may grow a temporary horn on her
skull. Although this protrusion is a bit unsightly, it allows the tiger to head-butt an opponent for considerable damage.
System: The Khan rolls Gnosis to grow the horn. This protrusion lasts for one scene, and allows her to gore
opponents for Strength +2 (aggravated damage, difficulty 7). Tiger skulls aren’t built for ramming, however; botching
such an attack inflicts normal Strength damage back on the Khan.
(Source: Bastet, p.112→W20 Changing Breeds, p.88)
• Skin of Jade (Level One) : Willing himself solid, a Khan might turn his skin to the hardness of jade. It’s said
that the spirit of the rock itself taught this Gift to Yu Kwan, a warrior in the service of the alchemist Ko Hung.
System (old version): By spending a Willpower point and rolling Gnosis (difficulty 7), the tiger gains an
additional two dice to his soak rolls. This Gift lasts one scene.
(Source: Bastet, p.112 & PGttCB, Revised, p.72)
System (new version): The player spends a Willpower point and gains two additional dice to his soak rolls for
the rest of the scene.
(Source: W20 Changing Breeds, p.89)
• Heart of Fury (Level Two) : As the Ahroun Gift.
(Source: Bastet, p.112 & PGttCB, Revised, p.72→W20 Changing Breeds, p.89→Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition,
• Ricepaper Walk (Level Two) : By attuning his inner energies, a Khan can walk across a light or fragile surface
without disturbing it, regardless of his form or weight. A 900-pound Crinos weretiger weighs no more than a wisp of paper
so long as he concentrates on this feat. Once his attention shifts, the Khan’s full weight returns.
System (old version): The player makes a Gnosis roll to activate the Gift. Once he does, the Khan must move
immediately at half his normal walking speed across whatever surface he wants to cross, and cannot stop. Any distractions
force the tiger to make a Willpower roll to keep his concentration; the louder the disruption, the higher the difficulty. The
tiger can’t carry any other living weight, although he may bear a significant amount of inanimate baggage.
(Source: Bastet, p.112)
System (new version): The player rolls Gnosis, difficulty 6. For a (successes x 3) turns, the Khan exerts no more
weight on the surface she stands on than a scrap of paper.
(Source: W20 Changing Breeds, p.89)
• Snarl of the Predator (Level Two) :As the Get of Fenris Gift
(Source: PGttCB, Revised, p.72→Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.180-1)
• Asura’s Bane (Level Three) : As the Level Three Bubasti Gift: Banish Cahlash's Brood, except that using it
turns the tiger's pelt white instead of black. Unlike the shadowcats, tigers channel Rahjah to banish corruption.
(Note: the original version of this Gift, as noted on Bastet, p.112 & PGttCB, Revised, p.72, was Level Four instead of
Level Three.)
(Source: W20 Changing Breeds, p.89)
• Maker’s Charm (Level Three) : As the Level Three Homid Gift: Craft of the Maker.
(Source: Bastet, p.112→Bastet, p.101→Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.154)
• Paws of the Raging Spirit Tiger (Level Three) : By channeling his chi energy through this Gift, a Khan may
wreath his paws or hands in crackling spirit power. Thus fortified, the tiger can rip through enemies in the spirit world
without stepping sideways to do it, so long as he can see them. Obviously, no spirit will teach a Bastet such a damaging
Gift; he’ll have to learn it from another Khan (and considering this Gift’s nature, the learning can be very dangerous!).
System: The Khan spends a Gnosis point and concentrates. The next turn, his paws or hands begin to smolder in
blue-white light. This light burns from blue to green to yellow to red. When it attains a pinkish hue, the Gift dissipates.
This takes roughly six turns.
(Source: Bastet, p.112 & PGttCB, Revised, p.72→W20 Changing Breeds, p.89)
• Dragonroar (Level Four) : Bellowing like a thunderclap, the Khan vomits a ball of fire on his foes. This
burning exhalation continues to blaze until either it or its target is consumed.
System (old version): This Gift costs one Gnosis point to perform and blasts out a fireball worth one Health
Level for each point of the Khan’s current (not permanent) Gnosis. A successful Dexterity + Brawl roll puts the fireball
where the tiger wants it. Anyone within 10 feet of the blast is burned unless he makes a Dexterity + Dodge roll (difficulty
8). If the target has already acted this turn, the Dragonroar inflicts its full damage. Next turn, it will burn for half that
damage, igniting anything flammable in its range. On the third turn, the Gift’s fire burns for one additional Health Level,
then dies. A fire begun by the Gift will burn like any normal blaze (see Werewolf, page 197).
(Source: Bastet, p.112-113)
System (new version): The player spends two Gnosis points. The fireball is aimed with Dexterity + Brawl, and
inflicts Ferocity levels of aggravated damage. In subsequent turns the target continues to burn for half the damage suffered
the previous turn (round down), until the flames gutter out.
(Source: W20 Changing Breeds, p.89)
• Call to Battle (Level Five) : As the Ahroun Gift: Strength of Will.
(Source: Bastet, p.112 & PGttCB, Revised, p.72→Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.172)
• Thousand-Thunder Strike (Level Five) : By slamming his paws together and invoking Rahjah or one of his
manifestations (Shiva, Pan Gu, etc.), an angry tiger causes a shockwave that can Level buildings or disrupt unclean spirits.
The King of Cats, in his more regal guises, teaches this Gift to worthy Khan.
System: The player spends two points of Gnosis and rolls Willpower (difficulty 7). Each success inflicts three
points of Power damage against Asura or other Banes, whichever side of the Gauntlet they might inhabit. This wave also
shakes structures in a 200-foot radius. The severity of the damage depends on the Khan’s successes: One breaks windows,
two crack plaster, three snap wood, four shatter concrete and five bend metal. The wave lasts only a moment, but can be
felt for a mile or more.
(Source: Bastet, p.113)

Khan Hengeyokai Gifts

Of all the tribes of the Bastet, only the Khan are found in the Beast Courts in any numbers. The werecats are too
clannish and solitary to adapt well to such a communal life, and even the Indian Bagheera disdain the hengeyokai in favor
of keeping their secrets to themselves. However, the great weretigers have always known that the Emerald Mother gave
them a sacred duty, and most would sooner cut away a limb than shirk their responsibilities. Ever-loyal to the Mother, the
Khan ruthlessly slew the humans who overstepped their bounds and as mercilessly destroyed any of the Centipede's spawn
that crossed their path.
The Court's tiger-soldiers begin play with three Gifts : one communal hengeyokai Gift, one breed Gift (use
Garou breed Gifts, or those found in Bastet), and one Khan Gift. Their Gifts tend to focus on arts of combat and purity,
although they also understand some tricks of stealth.
• Catfeet (Level One) : As the Level Three Lupus Gift, but, of course, infinitely easier for Bastet.
(Source: Hengeyokai: Shapeshifters of the East, p.70→Bastet, p.96→Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.159)
• Crushing the Centipede (Level One) : As often as the Khan are called on to battle the venomous spawn of the
Yomi Worlds, it's no wonder that they developed this Gift. By calling on the purity of Heaven, the Khan may make his
hands or paws almost impervious to damage, enabling him to strike spiny or acidic enemies without fear. The Gift is
taught by an elephant-spirit.
System: The player spends one Gnosis and rolls Stamina + Medicine, difficulty 6; for each success, the Gift's
effects last one turn. While the Gift lasts, the Khan receives five extra soak dice against damage applied to his hands or
paws. This Gift is most commonly used to smite foes who are harmful to the touch, although it also has some practical
uses outside of combat (snatching an object from a roaring furnace, for instance).
(Source: Hengeyokai: Shapeshifters of the East, p.70)
• Razor Claws (Level One) : As the Ahroun Gift.
(Source: Hengeyokai: Shapeshifters of the East, p.70→Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.171)
• Sense the Truth (Level One) : As the Philodox Gift: Truth of Gaia.
(Source: Hengeyokai: Shapeshifters of the East, p.70→Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.166)
• Gift of the Cricket (Level Two) : Although the Khan are mighty warriors, their first duty is that of gathering
secrets. This Gift is another trick designed to aid them in such affairs, permitting them to hear things through walls and
across streets as if they were in the very room of the sounds' origin. This Gift is taught by the unobtrusive cricket-spirit,
and the Khan honor their teacher in the name of the Gift.
System: The Khan nominates a point anywhere within 250 yards and the player rolls Gnosis, difficulty of the
local Wall. If successful, the Khan may eavesdrop on that very point for one turn per success. Note that the Khan must
have a very good idea of where the target area is; if she cannot see it from her current location, she must be reasonably
familiar with it. "The noodle shop where I had lunch" would be a reasonable request, while "Mituchi-san's 14th-floor
office," presuming the Khan has never been to the 14th floor of the building in question, would not.
(Source: Hengeyokai: Shapeshifters of the East, p.70)
• Heart of Fury (Level Two) : As the Ahroun Gift.
(Source: Hengeyokai: Shapeshifters of the East, p.70→Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.171)
• Pulse of the Prey (Level Two) : As the Ragabash Gift.
(Source: Hengeyokai: Shapeshifters of the East, p.70→Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.161)
• Paws of the Raging Spirit-Tiger (Level Three) : As the Khan Gift listed above.
(Source: Hengeyokai: Shapeshifters of the East, p.70→Bastet, p.112)
•Devour the Unclean (Level Four) : As the Theurge Gift: Spirit Drain. This Gift can only be used on Banes, but
the energy gained from doing so is purified somewhat by this power. It is taught by a tiger-spirit.
(Source: Hengeyokai: Shapeshifters of the East, p.70→Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.165)
• Punishment from the Moon (Level Four) : As the Ahroun Gift: Silver Claws.
(Source: Hengeyokai: Shapeshifters of the East, p.70→Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.171-2)
• Heaven Thunder Hammer (Level Five) : By channeling the power of Heaven itself, the Khan strikes out with
a blow that can shatter walls and splinter trees. The force of his strike is akin to a gigantic battering ram, smashing
through anything in his path. This Gift is taught by the Tiger General of the Ministers of Heaven.
System (old version): The player must spend three Rage and two Gnosis, and make a Strength + Primal-Urge
roll. The Khan's subsequent strike covers about a five-foot radius (reducing his difficulty to hit his opponent to 3 ) , and
adds a number of dice equal to his permanent Rage and Gnosis pools to his damage dice pool. Any other Gifts that affect
his paw strikes, such as Paws of the Raging Spirit-Tiger or Blaze Talons, also lend their aid to this blow.
After using this Gift, the Khan must personally ask permission from the Tiger General to use it again in a later
combat. Although this request is almost never denied, it can take some time to gain an audience.
(Source: Hengeyokai: Shapeshifters of the East, p.70-71)
System (new version): The player spends three Rage and makes a Strength + Primal-Urge roll (difficulty 3) to
hit everything within 10 feet directly in front of the weretiger. The attack adds the Khan’s Ferocity to its damage dice.
(Source: W20 Changing Breeds, p.89)

Simple, rugged folk as a rule, the sturdy Pumonca draw their magics from their connection to the land they wander. Unlike
many other nature-bound cultures, the solitary cougars pass lightly across the land, rather than living tightly bound to it.
This fleeting contact, and the hazards they encounter on their quests, have given rise to a collection of eclectic, timeless
• Mockingbird’s Mirror (Level One) : According to legend, an early Pumonca known as Three Spiders Climb
mastered the art of mimicry and ventriloquism, and passed the secret on to his friends. This secret lets a cougar imitate
whomever he wishes : birds, animals, humans, even machines : and allows him to throw his new voice for some distance.
As the name suggests, a mockingbird-spirit often passes the secret along, usually in return for food.
System (old version): The player rolls Manipulation + Subterfuge to imitate sounds within the normal human
vocal range. So long as he’s successful, his mimicry is flawless. If he tries to mirror sounds outside the normal range :
subsonic vibrations, explosions, high frequency whines, etc. : the cat must spend a Gnosis point and the difficulty is 7.
This Gift lasts roughly a scene, and sounds can be “thrown” up to 100 feet away from where the werecat stands.
(Source: Bastet, p.113 & PGttCB, Revised, p.72)
System (new version): As the Corax Gift: Voice of the Mimic.
(Source: W20 Changing Breeds, p.89→p.100)
• Sense Corruption (Level One) : As the metis Gift: Sense Wyrm.
(Source: Werewolf: the Wild West – Frontier Secrets, p.28→Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.156)
• Stone Belly (Level One) : As the Wendigo Gift: Buffalo Hide.
(Source: Werewolf: the Wild West – Frontier Secrets, p.28→p.12)
• Wanderer’s Boon (Level One) : Travel is hard, especially given the Spartan ways of the Pumonca. This Gift
allows a cougar to adapt to changing climates quickly, or to ignore the pangs of hunger or thirst for some time. Bird- and
bear-spirits pass this Gift along.
System: By rolling Stamina + Survival and spending a Willpower point, the player allows her werecat to do one
of the following things: ignore the worst effects of normal heat and cold for a week; go one day without water; or go three
days without food. The difficulty for the roll is 6, although harsh conditions (blizzards, droughts, heat waves, etc.) can
raise it by two or more. The Gift can be repeated, but the difficulty rises by one each time it’s performed in succession.
(Source: Bastet, p.113 & PGttCB, Revised, p.72→W20 Changing Breeds, p.89)
• Coyote’s Tongue (Level Two) : The Trickster has a way with words. No matter how outrageous his claims
might be, people tend to believe them. With this Gift, a cougar can borrow this glib talent. Anything he says, while the
magic’s in motion will sound convincing to anyone who hears. It’s exceedingly dishonorable to use this Gift on fellow
Native Americans. The white men, however, are such liars that Coyote’s Tongue is simple justice.
System: The player rolls Wits + Manipulation (difficulty 6). For the rest of the scene, everything the cat says will
sound like Gospel Truth. A suspicious listener might be able to shake the Gift’s effects (Willpower roll, difficulty 8) if the
Pumonca’s statements are too outrageous to believe; otherwise, his words seem completely convincing.
(Source: Werewolf: the Wild West – Frontier Secrets, p.28-29)
• Raincalling (Level Two) : The spirits of wind and weather are the best friends and worst enemies a Pumonca
can have. This Gift, which came from a pact between Old Stone Face and the East Wind, allows a cougar to call forth rain.
The shower is more a drizzle than a thunderstorm, but it can cool a hot day, water crops or dampen an empty creek bed in
System: The cougar’s player rolls Manipulation + Survival and spends a Gnosis point to call forth rain. The
difficulty depends on the conditions: humid, overcast skies are difficulty 6, while dry, clear skies raise it to 10. If there
aren’t any clouds in sight, the Gift could take some time to manifest. The intensity and length of the shower depends on
the successes rolled; one success might get a brief drizzle, while five successes would make it rain fairly hard for an hour
or so. This Gift inflicts no damage and cannot flood most areas.
(Source: Bastet, p.113)
• Speak with Wind Spirits (Level Two) : As the Wendigo Gift.
(Source: GttCB, Revised, p.72→W20 Changing Breeds, p.89→Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.200-1)
• Spirit of the Fish (Level Two) : As the Uktena Gift.
(Source: PGttCB, Revised, p.72→W20 Changing Breeds, p.89→Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.198)
• Stonework (Level Two) : As the Level Three Homid Gift: Craft of the Maker, except that it only affects stone,
dirt, clay and glass, employs a Manipulation + Survival roll, and reshapes the object permanently.
(Source: Bastet, p.113→ Bastet, p.101→Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.154)
• Bayou’s Embrace (Level Three) : As the Red Talon Gift: Quicksand.
(Source: W20 Changing Breeds, p.89→Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.187)
• Bayou Shambler (Level Three) : Deserts and mountains aren’t the only places Pumonca roam. So-called
“swamp cats” know the Southern wetlands well. By crooning to the spirits of the bayous and calling upon any favors
owed, a Pumonca can call forth a swamp elemental, dripping with plants and ooze, to assist her. While the creature retains
its own free will, a Shambler is disposed to be friendly to the cat and hostile toward anyone in her way.
System: The player spends two points each of Rage and Gnosis to animate the Shambler, and rolls Willpower
against difficulty 7. The resulting creature is semi-intelligent at best, smells terrible, and lasts for three turns per success.
Suggested Shambler Traits are:
Attributes: Strength 4, Dexterity 2, Stamina 5, Wits 1
Abilities: Alertness 1, Brawl 3, Stealth 3
Health Levels: Two per success, and no penalties apply. Once its Health Levels are gone, the Shambler falls apart.
(Source: Bastet, p.113)
• Thunderbolt (Level Three) : A pact with the spirits of the storm allows some Pumonca to call down a
thunderbolt. So long as at least one cloud hangs in the air, the cougar can call down lightning. Most cougars learn this
mighty spell from Thunderbird himself.
System (old version): The cougar’s player spends a point of Rage to summon a bolt of lightning, and rolls
Dexterity + Survival to hit the target. Under normal conditions (partly cloudy skies, human-sized target), the roll’s
difficulty is 8; large targets or stormy skies can decrease it to 7 or 6, while dry conditions or unusually small targets can
raise the difficulty to 9 or even 10. The bolt inflicts two Health Levels worth of fire damage for every point of the
werecat’s Gnosis. Even if the Thunderbolt misses its victim, it’s still a terrifying experience to be on the receiving end of a
lightning strike. Would-be victims to roll their Willpower against difficulty 8 to avoid running in fear.
(Note: This Gift is known as Sky Father’s Anger in Werewolf: the Wild West – Frontier Secrets, p.29 and uses slightly
different mechanics.)
(Source: Bastet, p.113 & PGttCB, Revised, p.72)
System (new version): The player spends one Rage point and rolls Dexterity + Survival to aim it (difficulty 8 in
relatively clear conditions, difficulty 6 during a storm). The bolt inflicts (Cunning) dice of lethal damage.
(Source: W20 Changing Breeds, p.89)
• Walk Unseen (Level Three) : As the Uktena Gift.
(Source: Werewolf: the Wild West – Frontier Secrets, p.29→Werewolf: the Wild West, p.164)
• Call Elemental (Level Four) : As the Uktena Gift.
(Source: W20 Changing Breeds, p.89→Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.198-199)
• Clawstorm (Level Four) : As the Level Four Common Gift.
(Source: Werewolf: the Wild West – Frontier Secrets, p.29→Bastet, p.99)
• Element-Folk Favor (Level Four) : Old Stone Face made many allies among the elemental spirits, and
performed many favors for their kind before passing on. The ageless spirits remember his good deeds by aiding those who
invoke their ancient ancestor. A Pumonca who performs this Gift can call up an elemental spirit (see Werewolf, pages 266-
267) for help. Once it arrives, the spirit will do what it can to assist the cat; after it finishes one task, the spirit departs.
System: The player rolls Manipulation + Enigmas and spends a Gnosis point to summon the elemental. The
roll’s difficulty is that of the local Gauntlet. The spirit, if it appears, will be friendly toward the cat, so long as she reminds
him of her blood-link to Old Stone Face. No other tribe warrants the same kindness; in fact, Bubasti who have tried to
swipe this Gift have been destroyed by the angry elemental spirits they called up. When the first service named has been
finished, or when one hour has elapsed, the elemental departs peacefully.
(Note: This Gift is also known as Call Elemental.)
(Source: Bastet, p.113 & PGttCB, Revised, p.72)
• Great Peace (Level Four) : Often, war is not the answer to a problem. Fighting may feed the enemy even if the
battle is just, and sometimes old foes must put aside their weapons, sit down and talk. This Gift may end a fight, brushing
aside angry passions and replacing them with a soothing calm. The Great Peace cannot force people to stop hating, but it
will make them stop fighting, if only for a few moments. Old Stone Face uses this secret to unite the Pumonca, and later to
effect a truce with the Garou.
System: The player rolls Charisma + Empathy and spends one Gnosis point for every five combatants (not
counting the werecat) in the area. The difficulty depends on the nature of the fight: a mere argument is difficulty 5; a
brawl, 6; a skirmish, 7; a battle, 8; a duel or grudge match, 9; a genocidal bloodbath, 10. If the roll succeeds, all
combatants step away from each other and lower their weapons. A warrior who wants to resist the Gift must roll his
Willpower (or Rage, if he has any) against difficulty 8. Otherwise, everyone within 10 yards per success stays his hand and
listens to what the Pumonca has to say. From there, it’s up to the peacemaker to talk sense to them. The
Gift lasts one minute per success; after that, the fight begins again unless the cougar has convinced the others to stop for
(Source: Werewolf: the Wild West – Frontier Secrets, p.29)
• The Hungry Earth (Level Four) : The Mother is not at peace. Some Pumonca know how to rouse her enough
to show her displeasure. When this Gift is employed, the ground shakes, opens or gives way, covering tracks, sealing
passages or burying the cat’s opponents alive.
System: Depending on the cat’s environment, this Gift takes many different forms: among hills or mountains, it
causes an avalanche; in the swamps, it begets quicksand; in deserts and plains, it causes the ground to open up beneath a
target. To invoke these disasters, the cat’s player rolls Manipulation + Survival, with the difficulty being the area’s
Gauntlet +2 (maximum 10) and spends a Rage point. The exact effects are up to the Storyteller, but often affect a 100-foot
radius for each success rolled. If the attack causes damage, assume that the victim takes two or three normal Health Levels
for each success. Some attacks, like falling rocks, are more deadly, but may allow the target a Dexterity + Athletics roll
(difficulty 6-8) to get clear.
(Source: Bastet, p.114)
• Bringer of Winds (Level Five) : As the Level Four Red Talons Gift: Sandstorm; however, the Pumonca
summons a storm strong enough to do actual damage. The Gift’s targets must soak five dice of damage from wind-blown
debris, as well as an extra die for every success on the Pumonca’s Manipulation + Survival roll. Additionally, if the targets
fail a Strength + Survival roll (difficulty 8); they are swept away by the winds, to land later in a place of the Storyteller’s
choosing (or whim) up to four miles distant.
(Source: Werewolf: the Wild West – Frontier Secrets, p.29→Werewolf: the Wild West, p.158)
• Earthspeaking (Level Five) : By sifting dirt and calling on the spirits within the ground, a puma receives
visions of things that have happened in the area. These insights can help her follow trails, “witness” past events, or learn
where things came from or went. Bird-spirits often pass this Gift along, but some worm and elemental chaya do their part
too, especially if the Bastet’s questions serve the spirits’ ends.
System: The Pumonca concentrates while chanting a single question and a plea. While she does, the player rolls
Perception + Enigmas to see into the past. Success reveals the answer. The more distant the event, the higher the difficulty,
unless it left impressions so vivid that they never fade (like the Trail of Tears), which might reduce the difficulty by one or
two. Events that occurred more than a year ago require a Gnosis point to “see.” The vision comes from the perspective of
the ground nearby, which might make details hard to read (imagine a worm’s-eye view of a murder); some dreams pass
emotional impressions, too, leaving moods that can last for hours.
Time Elapsed Difficulty
A week 4
A month 5
Six months 6
A year 7
10 years 8
50 years 9
100 years + 10
(Source: Bastet, p.114)
Thunderbird’s Cry (Level Five) Version One : As the Level Five metis Gift: Wrath of Nala, except that the
storm may last for up to an hour if the player’s roll exceeds five successes.
(Source: Bastet, p.114 & PGttCB, Revised, p.72)
• Thunderbird’s Cry (Level Five) Version Two : As the Hakken Gift: Divine Wind.
(Source: W20 Changing Breeds, p.89→Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.189)
• Earthquake (Level Six) : An old and desperate secret known only to a handful of living cats, this pact allows a
Pumonca to shake the earth Herself, wrecking roads and crumbling buildings. Although the epicenter of the quake is fairly
small, the tremors can be felt for miles.
System: As the Gift: The Hungry Earth, except that an Earthquake requires two Gnosis points and two Rage
points, affects one mile, and causes damage proportionate to the cat’s successes (one success can break windows; two
would crack plaster; three crumble asphalt, four shatter concrete, and five buckle metal).
(Source: Bastet, p.114)

Insight and enigmas. Perception and misdirection. The Qualmi may be a small tribe in both stature and numbers,
but they make up for their size with the strength of their riddling magics. Most Qualmi Gifts and rites involve riddles and
guessing games. In many cases, the best defense a target has is to figure out what the werelynx is doing and counter it with
another riddle before the enigma takes shape. As a rule, Qualmi respect anyone who can out-guess them; the best way to
make friends with a lynx is to beat her in a riddling contest. The names given to Qualmi Gifts reflect their fondness for
metaphor; a trick rarely does what its name implies.
• Breakfast of Stones (Level One) : As the Level One Pumonca Gift: Wanderer’s Boon.
(Source: Bastet, p.114→Bastet, p.113 & PGttCB, Revised, p.72→W20 Changing Breeds, p.89)
• Turned Fur (Level One) : As the Wendigo Gift: Camouflage, save that the cat must discard any clothing and
gear before the Gift takes effect : the lynx is the only thing that changes color.
(Source: Bastet, p.114 & PGttCB, Revised, p.72→W20 Changing Breeds, p.89)
• No Hidden Thing (Level Two) : By reading the riddles of the world as mystic patterns, a Qualmi can discover
answers that aren’t immediately obvious to mortals. It’s hard to hide things from a lynx!
System(old version): This Gift combines the Level One Common Gifts: Spirits’ Sight, Dowsing, Pathfinder’s
Pride, Sense the Truth, Sense Unmaker’s Hand and Cat Sight. The roll is Perception + Enigmas, and the difficulty ranges
from 5 to 9, depending on what the lynx is looking for and how well it’s hidden. The Qualmi must spend one Gnosis, but
retains the use of this Gift for the entire scene.
(Source: Bastet, p.114)
System (new version): The character permanently adds three dice to all Enigmas rolls.
(Source: W20 Changing Breeds, p.89)
• Wind from the West (Level Two) : Words can be as ephemeral as the Pacific fog; by making them dance and
shimmer, a Qualmi can lead a less-clever opponent into a mental maze, then leave him there to puzzle his own way out.
This takes the form of a series of high-speed riddles designed to tie folks’ minds into knots. Most Qualmi are especially
pleased to find someone clever enough to avoid this mental snare.
System (old version): As the Level Two Bubasti Gift: Mousemaze, except that the roll is Manipulation +
Enigmas, and does not cost a Gnosis point. To counter the confusion effect, the target might try to figure out the puzzle
(Wits + Enigmas) before it takes effect. Oddly enough, it pleases most Qualmi when a victim can think for himself; this
often leads to a riddling contest, with the loser becoming confused by the magic. To simulate this exchange, see
“Gamecraft” in Werewolf (page 223), and raise the difficulty by one after each turn. When it reaches 10, check the final
result: if someone wins and another loses, the loser suffers magical confusion; if both lose, they’re both confused; if both
win, neither is confused. Most Qualmi take defeat well under these circumstances, and can be very generous losers.
(Source: Bastet, p.114 & PGttCB, Revised, p.72-3)
System (new version): The player rolls Manipulation + Enigmas (difficulty equals the target’s Willpower).
Success scrambles the target’s sense of direction and relationship; three or more successes send the target into a panic,
forcing Changing Breeds to check for frenzy and normal humans to flee in terror. Shapeshifters who have the option
succumb to fox frenzy as a result of this Gift. The Gift’s effects last for 15 minutes.
(Source: W20 Changing Breeds, p.89)
• Drop of Sea (Level Three) : Qualmi are renowned shapeshifters; this Gift, which allows them to take a variety
of forms, demonstrates why.
System: This Gift combines the powers of the Level Four Homid Gift: Monkey’s Uncle and the Level Five
Swara Gift: All the Beasts Under the Sun, with the following differences: The roll is Manipulation + Subterfuge (difficulty
7); the animal shapes run from hare-sized to bear-sized; and an observer who makes a Perception + Enigmas roll
(difficulty 9) may see the werecat for what she is. If he wants to undo the magic, he may ask the transformed werecat a
riddle (see “Gamecraft); if she can’t answer it, she changes back to her old form immediately.
(Bastet, p.114-5)
• Nighttime Web (Level Three) : As the Level Three Common Gift: Cheshire prank, except that it works in all
forms and does not require a grin.
(Bastet, p.115)
• Song of the Earth Mother (Level Three) : As the Shadow Lord Gift.
(Source: W20 Changing Breeds, p.89→Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.190)
• Wisdom of the Ancient Ways (Level Three) : As the Philodox Gift.
(Source: PGttCB, Revised, p.73→W20 Changing Breeds, p.89→Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.167)
• Chill of Early Frost : As the Wendigo Gift.
(Source: PGttCB, Revised, p.73→W20 Changing Breeds, p.89→Werewolf: the Apocalypse Corebook Revised, p.154)
• Dancing on Air (Level Four) : As the Level Four metis Gift: Moon’s Gateway, except that the roll is
Intelligence + Enigmas for the Qualmi.
(Bastet, p.115)
• Still Breeze Blowing (Level Four) : Like the Lupus Gift: Elemental Gift, this magic allows a Qualmi to
conjure a spirit to shift the elements to her advantage. Dwelling in the North as they do, most members of this tribe favor
air and ice elementals over fire or earth.
(Bastet, p.115)
• Call Down the Stars (Level Five) : Sometimes the best answer to a riddle is force. This Gift recalls the days of
Strange Owl Woman, when the white men dragged iron monsters across the open lands. By confusing the spirits inside
machinery with a staggering riddle, the lynx causes fires, power generators and other sources of combustion to explode.
This tends to fix most problems for good.
System: The player rolls Manipulation + Enigmas (difficulty 7) and spends a Willpower point to drive the riddle
home. If she succeeds, the power source : be it gas, coal, wood, electricity, kerosene, whatever : ignites. The exact effects
are left to the Storyteller; small fires may flare for one or two Health Levels per success, while car gas tanks or steam train
furnaces might blow for four Health Levels per success. Some combustion must be involved : a canister of gasoline will
not explode on its own. No Qualmi has dared to find out what would happen if the spirits of nuclear power plants were
confused; the results might poison the entire land.
(Bastet, p.115)
• Water’s Vision (Level Five) : Water sees everything. By learning to see as the water does, a Qualmi can look
through barriers to see what lies beyond them. Walls, vaults, the Gauntlet : nothing stops a Qualmi who wants to see
around them.
System: Seeing through barriers requires a Perception + Primal-Urge roll against the local Gauntlet rating. For
each success, the lynx can see 100 feet without obstruction. Every object, from stone walls to living bodies to the Gauntlet,
appears translucent and immaterial. Unfortunately, it’s often hard to pick one thing out from among the series of see-
through patterns; it often requires a Perception + Alertness roll to notice details. This vision stops at ground Level,
although the cat can see into basements or cellars if her sight extends far enough. This power lasts one turn per success.
(Bastet, p.115 & PGttCB, Revised, p.73→W20 Changing Breeds, p.89)

Ferocious and inspiring, the magic of the lion-folk drives inferior creatures to their knees : literally. Although
there are a few benevolent tricks in a Simba’s bag, most of them are geared towards mastery, not subtlety. Fast, impressive
and loud, many of these magics rely on imposing his will on others. The Simba who cannot master such an easy task is not
long for this world.
• Majesty (Level One) : The first trick a good king learns is how to impress his subjects. By employing the
ancient right of command, any Simba may demand respect and expect to get it.
System (old version): Like the Level One Common Gift: Command Attention, except that it lasts a whole scene
and involves Manipulation + Intimidation. Other Simba are immune to its effects.
(Bastet, p.115→p.96 & PGttCB, Revised, p.73)
System (new version): As the Rokea Gift: King Fish.
(Source: W20 Changing Breeds, p.89→W20 Changing Breeds, p.203)
• Submit (Level One) : The second trick in a ruler’s arsenal is the ability to make his subjects obey whether they
want to or not. By mastering their bodies, a Simba can force others to fall to their knees or roll over on their backs in
submission. They can say whatever they like, but their reactions betray their cowardice!
System (old version): Like the Philodox Gift: Roll Over, although Simba of Ranks One or Two will have to
spend two Gnosis to use it. The Gift won’t change a target’s mind, but it will master his body if the player rolls at least
three successes in a resisted Willpower roll (difficulty 7). This lasts one turn per success. Simba are immune to this Gift if
it is used by one of their kind.
(Source: Bastet, p.115-116 & PGttCB, Revised, p.73)
System (new version): As the Black Fury Gift: Kneel.
(Source: W20 Changing Breeds, p.89→Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.173)
• Armor of Kings (Level Two) : As the Level Children of Gaia Gift: Luna’s Armor.
(Source: Bastet, p.116 & PGttCB, Revised, p.73→W20 Changing Breeds, p.90→Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition,
• Heart of Storms (Level Two) : As the Get of Fenris Gift: Might of Thor.
(Source: W20 Changing Breeds, p.90→Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.181)
• Rallying Challenge (Level Two) : By sending her inner power outward, a Simba may rally herself to
accomplish things normally outside her range. With a shattering cry, she raises her physical strength or force of personality
to unusual heights.
System: Like the Level Two Bagheera Gift: Ojas Surge, except that it only boosts Strength, Stamina or
Charisma, takes one turn (and a thunderous roar) to achieve, and can only be done once per scene.
(Source: Bastet, p.116)
• Sun Claws (Level Two) : The Simba’s claws and fangs burn with an intense, smokeless golden flame.
System: The werelion spends a turn igniting his fury and the player spends one Rage point. For the rest of the
scene, the Simba’s claw and fang attacks inflict two additional points of damage; used against vampires, these attacks
inflict levels rather than dice of aggravated damage. However, the difficulty to regenerate while this Gift is active is raised
by 1.
(Source: W20 Changing Breeds, p.90)
• Coup de Grace (Level Three) : As the Black Fury Gift.
(Source: W20 Changing Breeds, p.90→Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.173)
• Fireroar (Level Three) : As the Level Three Khan Gift: Dragonroar.
(Source: Bastet, p.116→p.112-113 & PGttCB, Revised, p.73-4)
Shadow the Moon’s Light (Level Three) : There is a time for everything, even for stealth. As nocturnal hunters,
the catkings have perfected a secret which allows them to dim the light as they approach. While it can’t actually extinguish
the moon, this Gift stifles natural, magical and technological lights equally well.
System: To dim the local lights, the werecat’s player rolls Manipulation + Stealth. The dimness lasts for one turn
per success.
Light Source Difficulty
Weak (torches, lamps) 6
Bright (fires, moonlight) 7
Harsh illumination (headlights) 8
Powerful lamps (halogen bulbs, yard lights) 9
Overwhelming (spotlights, sunlight) 10
(Source: Bastet, p.116)
• Wrath of Kings (Level Three) : As the Silver Fang Gift: Wrath of Gaia.
(Source: W20 Changing Breeds, p.90→Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.194)
• The Bountiful Dominion (Level Four) : A ruler must be prepared to provide for his subjects. By laying this
Gift upon the land, a Simba can make the local crops grow quickly, the soil turn fertile and the waters run clear. This Gift
comes from the hand of Manu T’Chaa, who ended a famine with his wisdom and passed the secret to his descendants.
System: As the Level Four metis Gift: Redeem the Waste, except that the magic doubles crop growth and health,
purifies water immediately, and costs one Gnosis per success.
(Source: Bastet, p.116→ p.103)
• King of Beasts (Level Four) : As the Philodox Gift: King of the Beasts, except that it affects all animals within
300 feet.
(Source: Bastet, p.116 & PGttCB, Revised, p.74→W20 Changing Breeds, p.90→Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition,
• Command the Multitude (Level Five) : Like the Level One Gift: Submit, except that it affects everyone in a
200-foot radius and requires a Gnosis point. To make things easy, the Storyteller may simply have the player roll three
successes with Willpower (difficulty 9) to dominate a strong-willed crowd. Lesser foes, like normal humans or animals,
reduce the difficulty to 6.
(Source: Bastet, p.116→p.115)
• Obedience (Level Five) : As the Shadow Lord Gift.
(Source: PGttCB, Revised, p.74→W20 Changing Breeds, p.90→Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.191)
Rising Sun (Level Five) : It is said that the lion carries the sun in his heart; the saying may contain more truth
than poetry. Some powerful Simba can cause the land around them to blaze with sunlight, even at night. According to
tribal caliah, Taa Mlimba used this magic to drive the vampires from his lands ages ago. Although it’s not as effective
against the undead as true sunlight, this Gift is certainly potent.
System: Conjuring sunlight requires two Gnosis points and a Charisma + Primal-Urge roll (difficulty 7). Once
this is done, the surrounding rock and earth begin to glow. Each turn, the light grows brighter, until the rocks blaze like the
sun; after six turns, it fades away. This light, blinding as it is, doesn’t hurt most living things, and leaves the rocks stone
cold; against vampires and other things that fear the sun, however, the Gift inflicts one additional cumulative aggravated
Health Level for every turn after the first (one during the second turn, two during the third, etc.). Thus, at its height, the
light causes five Health Levels of damage. While this damage may be soaked with Fortitude, most Kindred will remember
such an encounter….
(Source: Bastet, p.116-117)
• Royal Privilege (Level Six) : This deeply despised trickery allows an ancient and powerful lion to steal another
werecat’s Gifts, even those which traditionally belong only to that tribe or breed. Black Tooth has gathered a lot of his
power through this deadly secret. Those who’ve met him claim he invokes his “privilege” by killing other Bastet, then
taking their secrets from their spirits as they die. While there may be other Bastet who know the Gift, they don’t have
many friends.
System: This Gift comes from the Unmaker, and may be restricted to one or two corrupt old lions in the
Storyteller’s domain. Using it is simple, yet difficult: To learn a new Gift, the werecat who knows it must be killed. As the
victim dies, the Simba invokes this terrible power, ripping the secrets from the dying flesh. This requires two Gnosis and a
Manipulation + Occult roll. The difficulty is the dying cat’s Rank +5. For each success, the lion may learn one Gift he
didn’t know before, providing the slain Bastet knew it instead. To “keep” these Gifts, the Simba must pay experience
points for them; a stolen Gift that remains “free” can be used once, then forgotten. Only Simba know this trick : some
Bubasti have tried to acquire it, but have died in the process.
(Source: Bastet, p.117)

It’s easy to underestimate the Swara. Most people do. They’re not particularly strong, and their Gifts concentrate
on misdirection and speed. Although they’re faster than any other creature on land, the Swara’s general skittishness and
shy behavior lead other werecats to underestimate their equally quick and subtle minds.
As rovers, Swara tend to pick up many Common Gifts, and learn secrets from many other tribes : including the
Garou. Unbeknownst to most Bastet, the children of Damaa walk the space beneath the world. In the Umbra, they traffic
with the spirits and learn many of the ancestral Gifts usually reserved for the dogs. These Gifts, too numerous to mention,
place them close to the werewolves when it comes to spirit-savvy. Most Theurge Gifts can be considered Swara tribal
secrets of the equal Rank, in addition to the ones offered below. This wisdom is not common knowledge among Catkind;
for the rambling cheetahs, it’s helpful, even essential, to remain underestimated.
• Blissful Ignorance (Level Two) : As the Ragabash Gift.
(Source: W20 Changing Breeds, p.90→Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.161)
• Diamond Claws (Level One) : As the Level One Common Gift: Razor Claws. This magic is especially helpful
for the Swara, who wear these claws down through daily use.
(Source: Bastet, p.117 & PGttCB, Revised, p.74→W20 Changing Breeds, p.90→Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition,
• Impala’s Flight (Level Three) : An essential Gift on the open plains, the Flight doubles the werecat’s running
speed. As the name implies, Bastet credit Impala with this wisdom.
System (old version): A successful Stamina + Athletics roll (difficulty 6) boosts the cat’s maximum speed to
double. It does not confer additional actions in the same turn. The Gift lasts two turns per success, and works in any form.
(Source: Bastet, p.98-9 & PGttCB, Revised, p.68 & W20 Changing Breeds, p.86)
System (new version): As the Silent Strider Gift: Speed of Thought.
(Source: W20 Changing Breeds, p.90→Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.191)
(Note: Yes, there are two different versions of Impala’s Flight in the same book and only 4 pages from each other. White
Wolf dropped the ball on the editing for this one. I almost missed this myself. –Su-tehp)
• Sense the Unnatural (Level One) : As the lupus Gift.
(Source: PGttCB, Revised, p.74→W20 Changing Breeds, p.90→Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.159-160)
• Walking Between Worlds (Level Two) : As the Level Four Common Gift of the same name. That this talent is
so common among the Swara is a closely-guarded secret.
(Source: Bastet, p.117→p.100→W20 Changing Breeds, p.90→Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.309-310)
• Weight of a Heart (Level Two) : As the Swara know, the weight of emotions comes from the weight of the
heart. Making the heart swell creates euphoria, while shrinking it generates terror or despair. By working the weight of
another being’s heart, a Swara can induce crazy mood swings from a distance. Nothing diffuses a fight faster than making
the aggressor walk away in near suicidal depression. Tales credit this Gift to Hatii, who knows the ways of the heart better
than most people do.
System: A Manipulation + Empathy roll changes the target’s mood. The more radical the shift (from joy to
sudden weeping), the higher the difficulty. Even so, this is an easy Gift to use : its difficulties range from 4 to 8. The
victim : if even aware that something has changed his mood from the outside : can resist the Gift with a Willpower roll at
difficulty 8. Otherwise, the Gift lasts one scene, and inflicts no damage.
(Source: Bastet, p.117)
• Clearwater Passage (Level Three) : By turning herself into liquid, a Swara can pass through barriers without
fully passing into the Umbra. Like water, she trickles through cracks, seeps around obstacles and soaks through materials.
Once she reaches the other side, the cheetah reforms into a solid shape and continues on her way. It’s said that Shi’a the
Water Ghost taught this Gift to the Swara elder Nyolo in return for a kiss. He nearly drowned, but survived her embrace
long enough to pass the Gift to his friends before joining his love beneath the waves.
System: The player spends a Gnosis point and rolls Stamina + Enigmas (difficulty 7) to turn her Bastet into
water, and the cat remains in that state for two turns per success. While liquid, she cannot be harmed by any physical
attack except fire (from which she takes the usual aggravated damage). She may reform at any time, but must use the Gift
again to turn into liquid again. If she’s been “absorbed” while in a watery state, the Swara bursts out of the material when
she turns back into solid form.
(Source: Bastet, p.117)
Dance of the Chaya (Level Three) : One of the greatest favors a Bastet can offer a spirit is the chance to ride in
his skin for a while. Although most cats would never consider such a “loan,” many Swara see voluntary possession as a
service, not a chore. This Gift, which begins with a frenzied dance, allows a chaya to enter the werecat and “take control”
for a while. The spirit gets a body to ride, and the werecat gets certain… benefits. The Dance is seen more as an act of love
or affection than of servitude : a sentiment few Bastet would ever understand.
System: A smart cheetah performs a spirit calling before he starts the Gift, and scans the Umbra to see who
responds before opening himself to the possession. More often than not, the cat will be familiar with the ghost or spirit
before he offers it a ride. Once the Dance has begun, the player rolls Charisma + Enigmas, difficulty 7. The Gift lasts
about two turns per success, and allows the Swara to do things that would usually be impossible : wild contortions, great
feats of strength, flight, etc. The exact effects of the Dance will depend on the spirit, the Bastet, their circumstances, and
the relationship between the three, but should emphasize drama over game systems.
(Source: Bastet, p.117 & PGttCB, Revised, p.74)
• Messenger’s Fortitude (Level Two) : As the Silent Strider Gift.
(Source: W20 Changing Breeds, p.90→Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.192)
• Speed Beyond Thought (Level Two) : As the Silent Strider Gift.
(Source: W20 Changing Breeds, p.90→Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.193)
• Ghost Caress (Level Four) Version One : This secret, called the “Ghost Caress” because most people blame
ghosts for its effects, recalls the time when all things were still one. By tapping the spirits that bond objects together, the
Swara can send sensations across a distance. To use the Gift, a cheetah must hold something that contains the essence of
the person she wants to affect; locks of hair, prized possessions, or items of clothing are good examples. Focusing her
intentions on the item, she does whatever she wants done to the item, not the target. A sympathetic pulse passes between
the two objects and, if the cat has been successful, transfers a feeling from the item to the target. Although the magic can’t
physically harm someone, it can drive him nearly crazy as phantom pains or pleasures wash over him without noticeable
System: To reach across space, the Swara’s player spends a Willpower point and rolls Gnosis. The difficulty
depends on the distance between the Bastet and her target. Whatever she does to her focus from that point passes the
sensation on to the person on the receiving end. Each success gives her one action to perform. When those actions are
done, the spell ends. This Gift passes sensations only, not damage; it can send the feeling of being slapped, but it will not
do harm. Likewise, it cannot move the target at all; a Swara who simply lifts a handkerchief cannot lift the person who
owned it.
Distance Difficulty
Nearby (one mile) 7
A ways off (two to five miles) 8
Distant (six to 10 miles) 9
Really distant (10 to 50 miles) 10
(Source: Bastet, p.117-118 & PGttCB, Revised, p.74)
• Ghost Caress (Level Four) Version Two : The Swara may use sympathetic magic to send sensations across a
distance. Although the magic can’t physically harm its target, it can drive him mad as phantom pains or pleasures wash
over him without apparent cause.
System: The player spends a Willpower point and rolls Gnosis. At short range (within a mile) the difficulty is 7,
while at maximum range (50 miles) the difficulty is 9. The Swara selects another person in her presence to act as her
‘focus.’ Whatever she does to the ’focus,’ the target feels. This Gift’s effects last for one turn per success.
(Source: W20 Changing Breeds, p.90)
• Judgment of Pestilence (Level Four) : As the Level Five Feline Gift of the same name.
(Source: Bastet, p.118)
• Speed Beyond Thought (Level Four) : As the Silent Strider Gift.
(Source: PGttCB, Revised, p.74→Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.193)
• All Beasts Under the Sun (Level Five) : As the Black Fury Gift: The Thousand Forms.
(Source: Bastet, p.118→Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.163)
River of Blood (Level Five) : The soil of Africa has been bathed in the blood of its inhabitants for millions of
years. A Swara can call that spilled blood together through the soil and give it form, creating a pool, a river, a mass of
tentacles, or a variety of other things. This bond to blood seems to be limited to African soil; if a Swara has ever used this
Gift outside his native land, no tales of the event survive.
System (old version): It costs a Rage point to pull a large amount of blood together. A successful Manipulation +
Primal-Urge roll is also required. The roll’s difficulty depends on location; a place that’s seen a lot of bloodshed (a
watering hole, the site of a massacre, etc.) is only 7, while a remote mountain peak would be 10. It takes several turns for
the blood to coalesce into solid form; once it does, the cheetah can work it into any of the following shapes: a wall, a
column, a shower, a geyser, a pool, a river, a rope, a bridge, or a mass of “arms” which wrap the target in a liquid embrace.
All forms have Strength or Health Levels based on the cat’s successes. For each success, the blood attains two dots of
Strength or two Health Levels. Although it remains liquid, the River of Blood can be as solid as thick sand or as fluid as
water. This Gift lasts for one scene, then the blood drains back into the earth. The Swara who performs the Gift will be sad
for hours afterward; the blood of immeasurable death has passed through his hands.
(Source: Bastet, p.118 & PGttCB, Revised, p.74)
System: The player spends a Rage point and rolls Manipulation + Primal-Urge (difficulty 7, or 5 for a notable
site of bloodshed). It takes a three turns for the blood to coalesce; once it does, it will assume any form the Swara
demands. All forms have Strength and health levels equal to twice the successes rolled. This Gift lasts for one scene.
(Source: W20 Changing Breeds, p.90-1)

Corax have their own Gifts, taught to them by the Sun in mistaken thanks for "rescuing" his position in the
celestial hierarchy. Raven has also sweetened the pot for his children with an extensive range of Gifts to choose from.
The Corax downplay the rumors that they have managed to steal the secrets of every single Garou Gift as well,
and would dismiss those stories as slander except for one thing: The stories are pretty much true. There aren't many Garou
Gifts out there that the Corax haven't uncovered the details of. Mind you, not every Garou Gift is suitable for use with the
beak-and-feathers getup, but once a Corax reaches suitable Levels of experience, odds are he's picked up most of the tricks
in the werewolves' book.
(The sad thing is, of course, that the Garou know that their code has been cracked by the Corax, but they haven't
been able to uncover much more than a few Corax recipes in return. It drives them nuts : and the Corax like that just fine.)
All Corax start out with three Gifts. Corax Gifts are directed toward uncovering and passing along information :
and getting out alive with the latest news. Corax possess no breed, auspice or tribe Gifts : they have only a unified Corax
list. Homids may begin with three Gifts selected from among Enemy Ways, Morse, Open Seal, Persuasion, Spirit Speech,
Voice of the Mimic and Word Beyond. Corvids may begin with three Gifts selected from among Enemy Ways, Raven’s
Gleaning, Scent of the True Form, Spirit Speech, Truth of Gaia, Voice of the Mimic and Word Beyond.

General Gifts
• Enemy Ways (Level One) :This is a danger sense. Taught by one of Grandfather Thunder’s Stormcrows,
Enemy Ways is more than just a heightened (and reasonably accurate) sense of paranoia. Instead, it provides solid
information on what immediate peril a Corax faces.
System (old version): With a successful Perception + Stealth roll (difficulty 6) the Corax can pick up hints as to
the nature of enemies in the area. Usually a Corax who uses this Gift successfully can pick out the number and type of his
opponents; with five or more successes sometimes more can be learned.
(Source: Corax, p.75-76 & PGttCB, Revised, p.80 & Frontier Secrets, p.19)
System (new version): The player rolls Perception + Primal-Urge, difficulty 7. Success grants knowledge of the
number and nature of hostile entities within (Wisdom x 20) yards, with more successes granting clearer information.
(Source: W20 Changing Breeds, p.99)
• Morse (Level One) : There are messages that need to move faster than any Corax can fly, and there are times
when neither computer nor phone is a safe method of information transfer. At times like that, a Corax still has a method of
getting his message to his nearest fellow wereraven, namely, the use of this Gift. By merely tapping out his message onto
any hard surface and using this Gift, a Corax can make sure that someone out there gets his message right now : because
there may not be time for a later. This Gift is taught by a machine-spirit.
System (old version): With this Gift, the Corax can tap out a Morse code message on any surface and, by
spending a Gnosis (and succeeding on a Wits + Empathy roll, difficulty 8), have the nearest Corax hear the message clear
as day. Of course, the receiving Corax might not know Morse code, but that's the sort of risk you've got to take.
(Source: Corax, p.76 & PGttCB, Revised, p.80 & Frontier Secrets, p.19)
System (new version): The player spends a Gnosis point, ensuring that the nearest Corax will hear (and
understand) the message clearly. With a difficulty 8 Wits + Expression roll, the message can instead be directed to the
nearest Gaian shapeshifter of any breed.
(Source: W20 Changing Breeds, p.99)
• Open Seal (Level One) : As the Ragabash Gift.
(Source: W20 Changing Breeds, p.99→Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.161)
• Persuasion (Level One) : As the homid Gift.
(Source: W20 Changing Breeds, p.99→Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.153)
• Raven's Gleaning (Level One) : Raven's Gleaning takes advantage of the legendary Corax predilection for
bright, shiny objects. In essence, a value detector, the Gift allows a Corax to look at a shiny object and, at a glance,
discover whether or not it's worth picking up. Raven himself, or a raven-spirit acting under orders from the big guy,
teaches this Gift.
System (old version): Raven's Gleaning costs a point of Gnosis, and requires a Perception + Subterfuge roll
(difficulty 5). A single success merely gives a yes/no answer as to whether the item is worth snatching. Additional
successes can give the Corax an idea of value, composition, craftsmanship and so on.
(Source: Corax, p.76 & PGttCB, Revised, p.80→W20 Changing Breeds, p.99)
System: The player spends a point of Gnosis, bestowing instinctive knowledge of whether or not a specific
object the Corax can perceive is of value (this may indicate financial or practical value, or that it will be in some way
useful in the future : the Corax doesn’t know which).
(Source: W20 Changing Breeds, p.99)
• Scent of the True Form (Level One) : As the Philodox Gift.
(Source: W20 Changing Breeds, p.99→Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.166)
• Spirit Speech (Level One) : As the Philodox Gift.
(Source: W20 Changing Breeds, p.100→Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.164)
• Truth of Gaia (Level One) : As the Philodox Gift.
(Source: (Source: W20 Changing Breeds, p.100→Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.166)
• Voice of the Mimic (Level One) :This Gift allows the Corax to imitate any sound or voice she has heard.
Voices and accents are all covered by the scope of the Gift, as are machine noises, crashes, gunfire and any other noise you
can imagine. Voice of the Mimic is taught by a mynah-spirit.
System (old version): The Gift requires a Perception + Expression (or Mimicry) roll, with the difficulty based
on the complexity of the sound.
(Source: Corax, p.75 & Hengeyokai: Shapeshifters of the East, p.96 & PGttCB, Revised, p.80 & Frontier Secrets, p.20)
System (new version): This Gift’s effects are permanent.
(Source: W20 Changing Breeds, p.100)
• Word Beyond (Level One) : When traveling through the Umbra, Corax often feel the need to leave
information for their fellow birds. After all, it's common courtesy to inform a relative that the old safe road now leads right
into a nest of Pattern Spiders, right? Unfortunately, there's a dearth of writing materials in the Umbra, which means only
that the Corax had to find an alternate method of leaving their missives. That's where this Gift : which allows a Corax to
create a recognizable sigil out of whatever's handy : comes in. A spirit in service to Coyote teaches this Gift (when he feels
like it).
System (old version): In the Umbra, the Corax (by rolling Wits + Expression, difficulty 6) can create a marker
out of available materials for any other Corax who come by. The number of successes indicates the complexity of the
message that can be encrypted into the marker, which can be decrypted by another Corax rolling Perception + Occult
(difficulty 7).
(Source: Corax, p.76 & PGttCB, Revised, p.80 & Frontier Secrets, p.20)
System (new version): The player rolls Wits + Expression (difficulty 6) to create a marker out of nearby Umbral
materials. The number of successes indicates the complexity of the message that can be encrypted into the marker; one
success would suffice for simple concepts such as “danger” or “safe haven,” while five successes could convey complex
concepts equivalent to a short essay. Non-Corax cannot read these markers.
(Source: W20 Changing Breeds, p.100)
• Carrion's Call (Level Two) : As much as their other functions obscure the fact, the Corax still feed on : and are
intimately linked to : death and the dead. Furthermore, the Corax have a nigh-sacred duty relating to the corpses of the
slain that demands that Raven's children be able to find the freshly slaughtered. This Gift tells a Corax when a fresh corpse
is nearby, and inexorably leads the wereraven to the site where the body rests. This has its ups and downs : clever fomori
are more than happy to murder innocents to attract the attention of Corax with this Gift. After all, once Carrion's Call has
been issued, the Corax has no choice but to eventually, somehow, respond. Carrion's Call is taught by a vulture-spirit.
System: A Corax can hear Carrion's Call by rolling Perception + Empathy (difficulty 6) and spending a point of
Gnosis. The Gift's range is up to a mile per success.
While a Corax does not need to respond to Carrion's Call immediately, he has no more than 24 hours in which to
do so or else Raven himself will punish the Corax for dereliction of duty. This punishment takes the form of stripping the
Corax of one permanent Honor Renown, as the transgressor has clearly ignored honor's demands by refusing to heed the
(Source: Corax, p.76 & W20 Changing Breeds, p.100)
• Messenger’s Fortitude (Level Two) : As the Silent Strider Gift.
(Source: W20 Changing Breeds, p.100→Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.192)
• Omens and Signs (Level Two) : Corax can find symbolic portents in their surroundings without even trying :
but this Gift helps. The world is full of omens, after all, but a Corax with this Gift knows where to look for them. This Gift
is taught by a Stormcrow.
System: To find an omen in her surroundings, the Corax rolls Wits + Occult (difficulty 6). However, Corax have
to be careful not to abuse this Gift. Otherwise, they start to mistake false omens for true : proof positive that the universe
doesn't like to give away all of its secrets.
(Source: Corax, p.76 & Frontier Secrets, p.20)
• Razor Feathers (Level Two) : One of the Corax' few combat-related Gifts, Razor Feathers operates only when
the Corax is in Rara Avis form. Most predators aware of the Corax think, incorrectly, that the wereravens are easy prey. If
a Corax has been taught this Gift, suddenly the odds creep a whole lot closer to even.
The primary effect of Razor Feathers is to make the feathers along the edge of the raven's wing hard and sharp as
steel. The hardened feathers are strong enough to parry knives or claws, and are sharp enough to slice easily through
unprotected flesh : or even stronger materials. Razor Feathers is taught by a steel-spirit.
System (old version): To access this Gift, the Corax spends a point of Gnosis and rolls Stamina (difficulty 6).
The number of successes indicates the number of turns that the effect holds. Feathers affected by the Gift take on a
metallic sheen, and some say they even glow softly with an eerie white light. With Razor Feathers active, the Corax can
use the Wing Swipe maneuver (PGttCB, Revised, p.165).
(Source: Corax, p.76 & PGttCB, Revised, p.80)
System (new version): The player spends a point of Gnosis, enabling Wing Swipe maneuvers for the rest of the
scene (see Wing Swipe, W20 Changing Breeds p. 214).
(Source: W20 Changing Breeds, p.100)
• Sky's Beneficence (Level Two) : More than one human has commented with supreme annoyance at birds'
uncanny ability to deliver payloads from altitude. This Gift, reputedly one of the first Raven granted his children, allows
Corax to take that aptitude and turn it into something with more practical applications. Simply put, Sky's Beneficence
allows a Corax to drop a package of any sort (including the stereotypical) onto a target no matter how high the altitude of
the Corax. Obviously, depending upon the Corax' current altitude and the size of the payload, the drop may actually
damage whatever the payload lands on. Any aerial spirit can teach this Gift.
System: Sky's Beneficence requires nothing but a Perception + Melee roll (difficulty 7). If this Gift is used, the
Corax automatically takes into account factors like crosswinds, precipitation and so on, meaning that the difficulty of the
roll is always 7.
The limitations on this Gift are twofold. The first is that the Corax has to be, obviously, fully airborne when using
Sky's Beneficence. In other words, Homid-form Corax need not apply. The other factor is that the Corax needs to be able
to see her target, else she will not be able to deliver her payload properly. This Gift can be used in conjunction with other
Gifts, however.
(Source: Corax, p.77 & PGttCB, Revised, p.81 & W20 Changing Breeds, p.100)
• Sky's Shadow (Level Two) :There's little that is more frustrating than a creeping sensation that you're being
watched. This Gift allows a Corax to bestow that feeling on the target of her choice without necessitating that the Corax
herself tail her victim. Sometimes the Gift creates the shadow of a large bird that follows the target everywhere; other
times, it just imbues a sense of pure paranoia. At first glance, Sky's Shadow might not seem like a terribly effective Gift,
but nervous men make mistakes : and this Gift can make even the strongest-willed man nervous. Any bird spirit can teach
this Gift.
System: The Gift implants in the target the certainty that he is being watched, with the feeling lasting a day for
each success on a Manipulation + Intimidation roll (difficulty 7). The Gift costs a point of Rage to activate.
While under the Gift's influence, the victim is constantly aware of the shadowy eyes of unknown figures upon
him. This takes away from his ability to concentrate, and he's at +1 difficulty on all Willpower- and Mental-related rolls as
long as the Gift's effect lasts.
(Source: Corax, p.77-78)
• Speech of the World (Level Two) : As the homid Gift.
(Source: W20 Changing Breeds, p.100→Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.154)
• Swallow's Return (Level Two) :Corax usually know where they're going. That's more or less part of the
package that comes with the spirit egg, after all. However, there are times when a Corax is too tired or too badly injured to
navigate himself back home. That's when he turns to this Gift. Swallow's Return is nothing less than an autopilot, bringing
the Corax safely back home even while the wereraven sleeps or heals. A swallow-spirit teaches this Gift.
System: A Corax wishing to make use of this Gift must give up a point of Gnosis and trust his luck, also making
a Wits + Empathy roll (difficulty 6). Swallow's Return only brings the Corax home : no alternate destination can be
inserted : and the definition of "home" can occasionally get a Corax in trouble.
(Source: Corax, p.78 & W20 Changing Breeds, p.100)
• Taking the Forgotten (Level Two) : As the Ragabash Gift.
(Source: W20 Changing Breeds, p.100→Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.162)
• Tongues (Level Two) : As the homid Gift.
(Source: Players Guide to Garou, p.185; Werewolf Players Guide, 2 nd Ed., p.43→35; Dark Ages: Werewolf, p.142)
• Whisper Catching (Level Two) : As the Shadow Lord Gift.
(Source: W20 Changing Breeds, p.100→Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.188)
• Wire Sitter (Level Two) : As the Ragabash Gift: Spider’s Song.
(Source: W20 Changing Breeds, p.100→Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.161)
• Dark Truths (Level Three) : This Gift allows the Corax to uncover a secret truth or character flaw of an
observed subject. As you might expect; Corax love to use this Gift. There's even a game related to Dark Truths that some
wereravens play: One Corax uses the Gift on a mortal (in, say, a bar); the other contestants then have to try to wheedle that
same secret out of the mark without using Dark Truths. A fly-spirit teaches this Gift.
System: To utilize Dark Truths, the Corax spends a Gnosis point and rolls Perception + Enigmas (difficulty 7).
With a success, the Corax acquires knowledge of one of his target's deep dark secrets. While this Gift doesn't turn loose the
sort of secrets that are useful in combat, it does pry loose all sorts of interesting blackmail material.
(Source: Corax, p.78 & Frontier Secrets, p.20)
• Dead Talk (Level Three) : There are secrets you just can't get from a dead man's eyeball. There are times when
you need more than just a stiff’s last sight. At those difficult times, being able to hold a conversation with, or at least get a
few straight answers out of, the spirit of the deceased increases the Corax' information-gathering possibilities
exponentially. A vulture-spirit teaches this Gift, though supposedly some wraiths can teach it as well.
System: The Corax, by spending a Gnosis point and rolling Perception + Occult (difficulty 8), can hear and
speak to a recently dead body (no more than 24 hours dead). The corpse's willingness to talk is determined by the number
of successes, but no matter how many successes the Corax achieves, all he'll get is the body's mechanistic response to his
questions. Odds are, the corpse's ghost is long gone.
(Source: Corax, p.78 & Frontier Secrets, p.20→W20 Changing Breeds, p.100)
• Eyes of the Eagle (Level Three) : One of the few Corax Gifts available in any form, Eyes of the Eagle allows
the wereraven's vision to pierce fog, smoke, cloud and darkness. When this Gift (yet another example of Helios' largesse)
is called upon, the Corax can suddenly see through anything short of a solid object. To the eye, night becomes as day, fog
becomes transparent as air, and smoke turns clear as glass once Eyes of the Eagle is invoked. In addition, this Gift can be
used to extend the range of a Corax' sight, which makes it useful when paired with Sky's Beneficence. Eagle-spirits teach
this Gift.
System (old version): This Gift requires the expenditure of a single point of Gnosis, and a Perception +
Alertness roll (difficulty 6). The effect of the Gift lasts for as many minutes as there are successes rolled. The expenditure
of a Willpower point extends the effect from minutes to hours.
(Source: Corax, p.78 & PGttCB, Revised, p.81)
System (new version): The player spends one Gnosis point to enjoy this Gift’s benefits for a scene. Adding a
Willpower point extends the duration until the sun next rises.
(Source: W20 Changing Breeds, p.100)
• Flight of the Swift (Level Three) : Ravens aren't the fastest fliers out there. They admit this, and don't have a
problem with it under most circumstances. However, on those rare occasions when a Corax finds himself chased by
something both airborne, faster and nastier than he is, the Corax gets a little envious of his faster, smaller cousins.
That's where Flight of the Swift comes in. In essence, it's a set of afterburners that a Corax can hide under her
feathers, giving her the wherewithal for an extremely speedy escape. A swift-spirit teaches this Gift.
System: All this Gift does is allow a Corax to double his rate of speed. Corax normally fly at up to 35 mph, so a
Corax calling upon Flight of the Swift can reach up to 70 mph. Using Flight of the Swift requires the sacrifice of a point of
Rage and a Dexterity + Flying roll (difficulty 5). Multiple successes can allow a Corax to go even faster than he is
supposed to go by the Gift's parameters.
(Source: Corax, p.78)
• Hummingbird Dart (Level Three) : This Gift is most often utilized in conjunction with Razor Feathers, in
which case it makes for a devastating weapon. Hummingbird Dart permits a Corax to pluck one of her own feathers and
throw it like (as one might guess) a dart. The feather flies straight and true, unencumbered by anything so petty as the laws
of physics and the strictures of aerodynamics. A hummingbird-spirit teaches this Gift.
System (old version): The Hummingbird Dart requires that the Corax spend a point of Rage and then roll
Dexterity + Melee (difficulty 5). If a Corax chooses to use this Gift after calling for Razor Feathers, the results can be
vicious. A Razored Hummingbird Dart is, in essence, a throwing shiv that does aggravated damage, and should be treated
The thrown feather does Dexterity +3 dice of damage.
(Source: Corax, p.78 & PGttCB, Revised, p.81)
System: The player spends one point of Rage. For the rest of the scene, she may make Dexterity + Melee
(difficulty 5) attacks out to 50 feet away, with (Dexterity + 3) base lethal damage. With Razor Feathers active, this damage
is aggravated. This Gift can only be used in Corvid and Crinos form.
(Source: W20 Changing Breeds, p.100)
• Larder of the Shrike (Level Three) : Shrikes are notorious for killing more than they need, then storing the
corpses for later use. Shrike-spirits can share the knowledge of the benefits that can accrue from such behavior.
Essentially, this Gift allows the Corax to store food : and anything else, like, say, a corpse:in perfect condition for up to a
year, so long as the stored item is allowed to hang free in the Corax' "larder."
System: By spending a Gnosis and succeeding on a Willpower roll (difficulty 6), a Corax can use this Gift on a
hunk of meat (or vegetables, though few Corax have deigned to do so) to preserve it nearly ad infinitum for future use. For
as long as the Gift's effect lasts, neither rot nor bloat affects the stored items : including dead bodies.
Living items cannot be placed into a state of suspended animation by this Gift, which only affects dead things.
Vampires and Risen don't fall under Larder of the Shrike's purview either, unfortunately.
(Source: Corax, p.79)
• Mynah's Touch (Level Three) : The Corax often brag that they've uncovered all of the Garou's secrets. That
isn't quite accurate, but with Mynah's Touch, the Corax come a lot closer to achieving their boast than the Garou would
like. Simply put, this Gift allows a Corax to know the details of any Garou Gift of Level Three or below, providing that the
Corax has actually seen a Garou successfully use the Gift in question. This knowledge flees the instant that the Corax
actually uses the "borrowed" Gift, but in the meantime, an impressive body of knowledge is there for the taking. This Gift
is only taught by mynah-spirits.
System: The use of this Gift demands two points of Gnosis, as well as a Wits + Alertness roll (difficulty 6). If
there are any successes, the Corax using the Gift can now pick and choose knowledge of a single Gift from the entire list
of Garou Gifts lower in Level than he is. Naturally, the Corax must pay whatever costs and make whatever rolls are
associated with his "borrowed" knowledge. The Storyteller is also free to stipulate that certain Gifts simply cannot be
duplicated by this Gift, particularly those that are the secrets of various camps or taught only by Avatars of various mighty
(Source: Corax, p.79 & PGttCB, Revised, p.81 & W20 Changing Breeds, p.100)
• Scrying (Level Three) : As the Uktena Gift.
(Source: W20 Changing Breeds, p.100→Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.198)
• Sense the Unnatural (Level Three) : As the lupus Gift.
(Source: W20 Changing Breeds, p.100→Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.159-160)
• Sun's Guard (Level Three) : Given to his children by Raven after the great misadventure with Helios, this Gift
serves to protect Corax from excessive heat. After all, the ravens got away with being burned to a crisp on the outside the
first time; next time, the Corax might not be so lucky.... To no one's surprise, an Avatar of Raven teaches this Gift.
System (old version): Raven's Guard costs two points of Rage, and also demands a Stamina + Primal Urge roll
(difficulty 6). Each success is a turn during which the Corax is immune to flames literally up to and including those of the
surface of the sun. This includes regular flames, magickally conjured fire, and even balefire.
(System (new version): As above except W20 Changing Breeds, p.100-101 specifically states that this Gift does
not provide protection from balefire.
(Source: Corax, p.79→W20 Changing Breeds, p.100-101)
• Airt Sense (Level Four) : This is the same as the spirit Charm, and can be taught by any type of spirit
possessing that particular Charm.
System (old version): The Corax using Airt Sense must spend one Gnosis point and roll Perception + Occult
(difficulty 7) to utilize it. The understanding of the ways of the Umbra granted by this Gift halves travel time through the
spirit world.
(Source: Corax, p.79 & PGttCB, Revised, p.81 & Hengeyokai: Shapeshifters of the East, p.98 & Frontier Secrets, p.20)
System (new version): As the Common Charm: Airt Sense.
(Source: W20 Changing Breeds, p.101→Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.366)
• Bloody Feather Storm (Level Four) : Particularly
favored by the Tengu of Asia, this Gift causes the wereraven’s feathers to rain down on everyone beneath him in a deadly
razor-storm. This Gift is taught by a monsoon- or hurricane-spirit.
System: The Tengu must be in the air when using this Gift. The player spends three Gnosis and two Rage as his
action for the turn. The feather storm causes Dexterity + 4 dice of lethal damage to everything beneath the Tengu within a
15 foot radius. Those caught in the storm must roll three successes on a Dexterity + Athletics roll (difficulty 8) to avoid
this damage. If Razor Feathers is active, this damage is aggravated.
(Source: W20 Changing Breeds, p.101)
• Flight of Separation (Level Four) : When the Corax can’t outrun an enemy, confusion is the best stratagem.
The Corax explodes into an entire murder of ravens, which take off in all directions : but only one is the true wereraven.
An avatar of Raven teaches this Gift.
System: The player spends two Gnosis points. Enemies must make a Perception + Enigmas roll (difficulty 3 +
wereraven’s Honor, maximum 9) to determine which bird is the original. The fake Ravens created by this Gift vanish when
the sun next rises; until then, they continue to fly as far and as fast as the Corax could.
(Source: W20 Changing Breeds, p.101)
• Gauntlet Runner (Level Four) : With all the time the Corax spend popping in and out of the Umbra, it's no
surprise that they've acquired a trick for lowering the Gauntlet and making the trip back and forth immeasurably easier.
After all, when you need to get into the Umbra fast, lowering the Gauntlet before you start makes life a lot easier. Any
Wyld-spirit can teach this Gift.
System (old version): A roll of Wits + Enigmas (difficulty 8) reduces the Gauntlet by 1 for every two successes.
The area affected can be up to 20 feet on a side, but no matter how successful the Corax is on her roll, she must still use a
reflective surface to enter the Umbra.
(Source: Corax, p.79 & PGttCB, Revised, p.81 & Frontier Secrets, p.20)
System (new version): A roll of Wits + Enigmas (difficulty 8) lowers the Gauntlet within 20 yards by one point
for every 2 successes for the rest of the scene.
(Source: W20 Changing Breeds, p.101)
• Helios' Child (Level Four) : Occasionally, the Sun deigns to lend a bit of himself to a Corax in need. This
present takes the form of a ball of lambent flame that materializes in the Corax' hand. This fire doesn't burn the Corax, but
will ignite anything it touches (effective temperature: 1000 degrees Fahrenheit; doing damage akin to that of a chemical
fire. See Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, page 258 for details). One of Helios' spirit-servants teaches this Gift.
System: To summon Helios' Child, the Corax first asks Helios for help. The Gift can be called upon at any time,
day or night, but the request must be made of Helios before anything else happens. Of course, various Corax have various
definitions of what constitutes a "request," and Corax theologians point to the continued workings of this Gift as proof that
Helios does in fact have a sense of humor. Beyond the request, the Corax must burn two points of Gnosis and close his
eyes for a brief second (and roll Manipulation + Subterfuge, difficulty 7). When the Corax opens his eyes, if the Gift has
functioned properly, a little piece of the sun will be resting in his palm, ready for use.
(Source: Corax, p.79 & PGttCB, Revised, p.81-82)
• Vulture's Feast (Level Four) : One of the great advantages of being a carrion eater is that your dinner plate is
rarely empty. There's roadkill everywhere just waiting for you to dig in. What happens, however, if you want something a
little fresher? After all, who knows how long that hunk of ex-squirrel has been hanging out in the passing lane?
Vulture's Feast allows a Corax to rot flesh with a touch, regardless of whether the target meat is dead or alive.
Obviously, this is not a Gift to be used lightly, but there are times when even the most peaceable Corax has no recourse but
to turn someone's face into a mass of decaying suppuration. A vulture-spirit teaches this Gift.
System: The exercise of Vulture's Feast requires the expenditure of a Willpower point and two Gnosis. The
Corax must then make a successful Dexterity + Brawl roll (difficulty 5) in order to touch his victim, then he must succeed
on a contested Stamina roll. If he wins, the flesh he's currently touching becomes withered, dead and rotted; the victim
takes one Health Level of aggravated damage for each success the Corax has left.
Only Corax in Homid can make use of this Gift. Corax who become too fond of using Vulture's Feast are often
easily turned to the Wyrm, so anyone who gets a reputation for using Vulture's Feast frequently will find himself watched
carefully by his fellow wereravens.
(Source: Corax, p.79-80 & PGttCB, Revised, p.82)
Deceptive Demise (Level Five) : The Corax uses this Gift to fake her death and distract her enemies. She
disappears in a feathery cloud, leaving behind only a bit of blood and ash : but no body. This Gift is taught by a fox-spirit.
System: The player spends one Gnosis point and one lethal health level. The character immediately steps
sideways when this Gift is used.
(Source: W20 Changing Breeds, p.101)
• Gift of Eyes (Level Five) : The Corax' duty of drinking the eyes of the slain can inflict a montage of supremely
horrific images upon those who tend to their duties. In many cases, those images are the Corax' burden, to suffer with in
silence. That's not always the case, however. With Gift of Eyes, a Corax can pass along a vision from an eye he's drunk to
any non-Corax he chooses. The image is transferred in all its glory and gore, just as the Corax himself first saw it.
Unprepared viewers may faint or scream; prepared ones may find clues or details they need in this glimpse of a dead man's
last seconds. Raven or one of his spirits teaches this Gift.
System: The expenditure of a pair of Gnosis points and a contested Willpower roll against the intended victim
are what's needed to effect a Gift of Eyes. The Corax can transfer any memory he's devoured with no distortion or dilution
of the image.
(Source: Corax, p.80)
• Kiss of Helios (Level Five) : As the Ahroun Gift.
(Note: W20 Changing Breeds, p.101 lists this Gift as Level Four, but the Gift: Helios’ Child allows a Corax to ignite his
hand only and is a Level Four Gift (see above). Both the Ahroun and Corax versions of Kiss of Helios allows a Garou or
Corax to ignite their entire bodies. As the Ahroun version of this Gift is Level Five, then the Corax version of this Gift is
likely Level Five as well. Whether or not Helios’ Child has been effectively retconned out of existence and replaced by a
Level Four version of Kiss of Helios or whether Helios’ Child remains as a Level Four Gift and Kiss of Helios remains as
a Level Five Corax Gift is up to the Storyteller. –Su-tehp)
(Source: W20 Changing Breeds, p.101→Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.172)
• Moments of Eclipse (Level Five) :There are times when a Corax must make a near-supreme sacrifice,
voluntarily severing his connection to the Sun. The reasons for doing so are few, but always drastic. Perhaps the Corax has
been chained with gold, and needs a few minutes in which to work an escape (or else he'll die a horrible, agonizing death),
or maybe he needs to prove his "worth" to a gang of vampires he's trying to infiltrate. Regardless, this is not an action that
any Corax should ever take lightly, and Helios himself notices if a wereraven abuses this Gift. After all, he's the one who
teaches it.
System: Given by Helios reluctantly (and some say, at the last minute) to his new acquisitions, this Gift allows a
Corax to sever his connection to the Sun temporarily : 10 minutes for every success on a Willpower roll (difficulty 7) after
the expenditure of 2 points of Gnosis. If the roll is a success, the Corax is suddenly cut off from Helios. This has both
positive and negative effects. On the plus side, the Corax is no longer vulnerable to the pernicious effects of gold for the
duration of the Gift's effects. On the other hand, for so long as the Corax is cut off from Helios, she cannot use Rage.
(Source: Corax, p.80)
• Portents (Level Five) : Taught by a wind-spirit, this Gift is a sneak peek at the most important events of the
near future. There's no greater secret than what is to happen, and as a result Corax will sell their own kidneys for a look at
the future.
System: The player must spend two Gnosis points and roll Intelligence + Enigmas (difficulty 8). In addition, he
can nominate an area of interest (say, the future of a local charity house or Magadon's CEO) or just try for a general event.
If he succeeds, the Corax can see a future event with clarity. Though the future is mutable, the Corax sees the most likely
event. Any visions that follow are purely the Storyteller's discretion.
(Source: Corax, p.80 & PGttCB, Revised, p.82→W20 Changing Breeds, p.101)
• Theft of Stars (Level Five) : In some Native American legends, Raven was responsible for placing the sun,
moon and stars into the sky. However, what Raven giveth, Raven can take away:or at least borrow with the help of the
Corax. This Gift has a truly terrifying effect, rendering the target completely unable to see any light derived from a natural
light source (the sun, moon or stars). Victims of this power are reduced to stumbling around in a bizarre twilight, if not
absolute darkness. Helios' Avatar teaches this Gift, but only to Corax whom the Sun trusts in its use.
System: A point of Willpower and a point of Rage are needed to activate Theft of Stars, as is a contested
Willpower roll with the victim. If the Corax wins the roll, her victim is immediately plunged into darkness, as no natural
light registers with his eyes. Artificial light (lamps, fire, etc.) registers just fine, but who's got their lights on in the middle
of the day? The effects of Theft of Stars last a single hour, but that's usually more than enough.
(Source: Corax, p.81→W20 Changing Breeds, p.101)
• Thieving Talons of the Magpie (Level Five) : Identical to the Fifth Level Ragabash Gift, Thieving Talons was
taught to the Garou by the Corax. Of course, you don't find too many Garou admitting that these days.
(Source: Corax, p.81 & Frontier Secrets, p.20→W20 Changing Breeds, p.101→Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition,
Tengu Gifts
The Tengu have gathered a great many Gifts from other sources, but have learned the hard way that what makes
a reliable trick for other hengeyokai may work poorly for a Tengu. Their arsenal of most dependable Gifts is a mix of the
tricks shared with their Western cousins and a few offerings given them by the Ministers of Heaven. In keeping with the
First Mandate, the Tengu gladly winnow out the greatest mystic secrets : and often find themselves sharing them with their
fellow hengeyokai, sometimes to their chagrin. Generally speaking, Tengu begin play with a breed Gift, a Tengu Gift, and
a common hengeyokai Gift : whether they are part of the Courts or not.
• Crane's Wisdom (Level One) : As the Philodox Gift: Truth of Gaia.
(Source: Hengeyokai: Shapeshifters of the East, p.96→Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.166)
• Sweet Words (Level One) : As the homid Gift: Persuasion. This Gift is a Tengu favorite for spreading false
(Source: Hengeyokai: Shapeshifters of the East, p.96→Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.153)
• Voice of the Mimic (Level One) : As the Corax Gift.
(Source: Corax, p.75; Hengeyokai: Shapeshifters of the Eastp.96 & PGttCB, Revised, p.80)
• Courtly Speech (Level Two) : As the Level Three common hengeyokai Gift.
(Source: Hengeyokai: Shapeshifters of the East, p.96→p.109)
• Shoulder Cracker (Level Two) : The Tengu always keep an eye open for portents of the future. This Gift,
named after the scapulomancy practices of China, certainly helps that along. The Tengu with this Gift can read the future
in the circling of birds, in the patterns of flame and smoke, or in almost anything. However, wereravens who use this trick
too frequently start misreading their surroundings, finding entirely false portents and believing them to be true. This Gift is
taught by a Stormcrow.
System: For the Tengu to find an omen in her surroundings, the player rolls Wits + Occult (difficulty 6).
(Source: Hengeyokai: Shapeshifters of the East, p.96)
• Slicing Feathers (Level Two) : Although still not as potent warriors as the Hakken, Khan or Same-Bito, the
Tengu have their ways of felling foes. This Gift is one of them. Usable only in Crinos form,
Slicing Feathers makes the Tengu's feathers as hard and sharp as a steel blade. In effect, his wings become weapons
capable of parrying knives or claws, or opening flesh as easily as could a katana. The Gift is taught by a Metal elemental.
System: The player spends a point of Gnosis and rolls Stamina (difficulty 6); the feathers retain their keen edges
and strength for one turn per success. While this Gift is in effect, the Tengu's primaries take on a metallic sheen, glistening
faintly with a half-visible ghost-fire. Slicing Feathers inflict aggravated damage.
(Source: Hengeyokai: Shapeshifters of the East, p.96)
• Yoshitsune's Sword (Level Three) :The rumors of the Tengu's expertise at teaching the art of swordplay are
fairly well-founded. In fact, with the use of this Gift, a raven-shifter can increase a companion's sword skill to Levels that
the Tengu himself may well be thoroughly incapable of reaching. This Gift is taught by an ancestor-spirit.
System: The Tengu must touch the recipient's fighting arm and the player makes a Wits + Melee roll, difficulty 5.
If this succeeds, the Tengu may spend Gnosis points to raise his companion's Melee dice pool; every point thus spent adds
a die to the dice pool for the duration of the scene.
(Source: Hengeyokai: Shapeshifters of the East, p.97)
• Bloody Feather (Level Three) : The Tengu with this trick in her arsenal is dangerous indeed. Using this Gift,
she may pluck one of her own feathers and hurl it like a dart or bo shuriken. When hardened with the Gift: Slicing
Feathers, these projectiles are unquestionably deadly. This Gift is taught by a dragonfly- or hummingbird-spirit.
System: The player must spend a point of Rage and then roll Dexterity + Melee (difficulty 5). The thrown
feather does Dexterity+3 dice of damage. If the Tengu is currently using the Gift: Slicing Feathers, this projectile does
aggravated damage, punching through armor, flesh and bone with ease.
(Source: Hengeyokai: Shapeshifters of the East, p.97-98)
• Airt Sense (Level Four) : As the Corax Gift.
System (old version): The Corax using Airt Sense must spend one Gnosis point and roll Perception + Occult
(difficulty 7) to utilize it. The understanding of the ways of the Umbra granted by this Gift halves travel time through the
spirit world.
(Source: Corax, p.79 & PGttCB, Revised, p.81 & Hengeyokai: Shapeshifters of the East, p.98)
System (new version): As the Common Charm: Airt Sense.
(Source: W20 Changing Breeds, p.101→Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.366)
• Bloody Feather Storm (Level Four) : The last ditch tactic of many Tengu, this power rains down a veritable
blizzard of Razored Feathers. Anyone in the target area beneath the Tengu, friend or foe alike, will likely be punctured by
a deadly hail of knife-edged pinions. This Gift is taught, appropriately enough, by a monsoon- or hurricane-spirit.
System: The Tengu must be airborne, must spend three Gnosis and two Rage, and may take no other action that
turn. The rain of feathers inflicts Dexterity + 4 damage dice over a fifteen-foot-square area; anyone within must score three
successes on a Dexterity + Dodge roll (difficulty 8) to escape or be automatically struck. Again, if the Tengu is using the
Gift: Slicing Feathers at this time, the damage is aggravated.
(Source: Hengeyokai: Shapeshifters of the East, p.98)
• Deceptive Demise (Level Five) : As part of the great practice of deceiving humans into accepting the strangest
things as "hengeyokai weaknesses," the Tengu sometimes had to fake their deaths:spectacularly. However, the trick they
learned to do so also proved to be useful when dealing with persistent bakemono, Kumo or other enemies. Simply put, the
Tengu who activates this Gift disappears in a cloud of feathers, leaving only a spatter of blood or some ashes on the
ground to mark their passing. Although not always totally convincing (after all, it doesn't leave a body), it makes for a
quick last-ditch exit when necessary:and the advent of heavy machine guns has provided one more situation in which the
theatrical demise can have the desired effect. This Gift is taught by a fox-spirit.
System: The Tengu must spend a Gnosis point to activate this Gift; she also loses one Health Level to provide
the blood or ashes appropriate to her faked death (unless the wound would kill her, in which case she's probably lost a
convincing amount of blood anyway). Once the Gift is activated, the Tengu instantly and automatically steps sideways into
the Mirror Lands, where she may appear in the form of her choosing. Most Tengu prefer to land in raven form and take to
the Umbral air immediately, although a few enjoy hanging around to watch their foes scramble about and brag of their
(Source: Hengeyokai: Shapeshifters of the East, p.98)
• Thieving Talons of the Magpie (Level Five) : As the Ragabash Gift.
(Source: Corax, p.81 & Hengeyokai: Shapeshifters of the East, p.98→W20 Changing Breeds, p.101→Werewolf 20th
Anniversary Edition, p.163)

Buzzard Gifts
Traitors and quislings to everything that the Corax are and stand for, these tainted creatures are referred to by the
Corax as Scabs or Buzzards…when the Corax deign to mention them at all. Even Raven and Helios have turned their
backs on these pathetic creatures of the Wyrm.
Buzzards cannot learn the following Gifts: Raven's Gleaning, Truth of Gaia, Word Beyond, Sky's Beneficence,
Swallow's Return, Sun's Guard, Helios' Child, Moments of Eclipse or Theft of Stars. However, they more than make up for
it with their own Gifts, stolen from or taught by Banes and fallen bird-spirits.
• Targeted Heave (Level One) : A trick swiped from real buzzards, Targeted Heave may well be the most
disgusting weapon in the Scabs' arsenal. When cornered or just feeling ornery, a Buzzard can call upon this Gift and heave
up the contents of his stomach : digestive juices and all : at a target up to 10 feet away.
System: The results of this Gift are very similar to the fomori power: Stomach Pumper. The attack does two dice
of damage if it hits (Dexterity + Athletics to hit, difficulty 7), but any victim struck must expend a point of Willpower to
keep from stopping whatever they are doing and start gagging.
(Source: Book of the Wyrm, 2nd Edition, p.138)
• Poisoned Flesh (Level Two) : By calling upon Poisoned Flesh, a Buzzard can taint the meat of a corpse :
anything from a roadkill squirrel to a human body : so that it is poisonous. Even a Corax' legendarily tough digestive tract
can't do anything with the garbage this Gift leaves behind; it's sheer poison.
System: The Buzzard invests a point of Willpower and spits on the target corpse. With a successful Manipulation
+ Occult roll (difficulty 7), the corpse is poisoned, and it will remain poisoned until the last bits of flesh are flensed away
by the elements. Shapechangers indulging in any portion of a cadaver tainted with this Gift get violently ill for a period of
24 hours unless she succeeds on a Stamina roll (difficulty 9, two successes needed); mortals take three Health Levels of
damage. The symptoms include vomiting, dizziness (so flying is out), and occasionally hallucinations. Plus, if she botches
the Stamina roll, the unfortunate gourmand smells of the Wyrm for the duration of her sickness.
(Source: Book of the Wyrm, 2nd Edition, p.139)
• Plague Feather (Level Three) : Calling upon Plague Feather allows the Buzzard to distill sickness into a single
one of his pinfeathers, pluck it, and leave it behind as a trap for the unwary. The first three people to have skin contact with
the feather then run the risk of falling terribly ill. Children in particular are vulnerable to Plague Feathers, as they're the
most likely to find a big, black shiny feather on the ground an irresistible plaything.
System: Using Plague Feather involves the expenditure of a point of Gnosis and a point of Willpower, as well as
a successful Manipulation + Occult roll (difficulty 8). At that point, the feather is imbued with the power of sickness, and
will transfer that contagion to the next three people to touch it. Resisting the disease the feather spreads requires the same
roll as does fighting off the effects of Poisoned Flesh.
(Source: Book of the Wyrm, 2nd Edition, p.139)

Gurahl Gifts
General Gifts
These Gifts, taught to the Gurahl by Gaia and by the three aspects of Bear, mirror the special place the werebears
occupy as protectors, defenders, nurturers and healers. Unless otherwise specified, bear-spirits or spirit-servitors of Mangi,
Ursa Major and Ursa Minor teach these Gifts.
• Desperate Strength (Level One) : As the Bone Gnawer Gift.
(Source: W20 Changing Breeds, p.114→Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.174)
• Fiddlefish (Level One) : By invoking this Gift and scooping her hand (or paw) into a river, stream or other
body of water where fish may be found, a Gurahl can guarantee herself a nutritious dinner. Using this Gift presents the
Gurahl with a fish large enough to satisfy her hunger. If a Gurahl overuses this Gift (particularly if she returns to the same
spot over and over), Gaia’s disapproval of the implied greed or laziness manifests in a failure to procure a meal. While two
or more Gurahl may each acquire a fish from one spot through using this Gift, an individual Gurahl may not snare more
than one fish through the use of Fiddlefish unless she moves at least a half mile up or downstream from the original
casting place.
System: So long as she attempts to acquire a single fish, a Gurahl does not need to spend Gnosis or make a roll
for this Gift to succeed. If the Gurahl wishes more than one fish and makes the effort to relocate to another spot, the player
may roll Dexterity + Athletics (difficulty 6) to see if Gaia blesses the Gurahl with additional fish. Success means that the
Gurahl gains another large, tasty fish. Failure results in no additional fish, while a botch means that Gaia is displeased with
the Gurahl, who must then make appropriate restitution before trying to use the Gift again. Until a Gurahl atones for a
botched attempt at invoking this Gift, future uses of Fiddlefish fail automatically.
(Source: Gurahl, p.101 & PGttCB, Revised, p.91)
• Healing Tongue (Level One) : As the Garou Theurge Gift: Mother’s Touch. Ursa Major taught this Gift to the
Gurahl, who passed it on to the Garou, who know it by a different name.
(Source: Gurahl, p.101 & PGttCB, Revised, p.91→W20 Changing Breeds, p.114→Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition,
• Ignore Wounds (Level One) : As the Garou Philodox Gift: Resist Pain. This Gift comes to the Gurahl from
Mangi, the Death Bear. The Gurahl, in turn taught the Garou how to petition Bear for the Gift, which the werewolves
renamed and claimed as their own.
(Source: Gurahl, p.101 & PGttCB, Revised, p.91→W20 Changing Breeds, p.114→Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition,
• Nature's Plenty (Level One) : This Gift allows a Gurahl to locate sufficient food, healing herbs or other useful
vegetation to feed or tend to an individual creature in need of his ministrations. Regardless of the seasons, enough of the
required plants or herbs may be found, even if they are hidden under deep snows or only grow in inaccessible places. A
raven-spirit teaches this Gift.
System (old version): To activate this Gift, the player rolls Perception + Primal-Urge (difficulty 7). One success
is sufficient to lead the Gurahl to food or healing herbs, but not both. If a Gurahl seeks to find both herbal remedies and
food plants, at least two successes are necessary (one for each class of vegetable matter sought). No successes means that
the Gurahl cannot find any suitable plants in the vicinity of the Gift’s activation, while a botch leads the Gurahl to non-
nutritious or even toxic plants (Storyteller’s discretion).
(Source: Gurahl, p.102)
System (new version): The player spends a Gnosis point and rolls Perception + Survival, difficulty 7.
(Source: W20 Changing Breeds, p.115)
• Sense Pattern Breaker (Level One) : As the Garou metis Gift: Sense Wyrm.
(Source: Gurahl, p.101→W20 Changing Breeds, p.115→Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.156)
• Sentinel's Warning (Level One) Version One : The use of this Gift allows a Gurahl to become alert to the
presence of threats or hostile forces or individuals in his protected lands. The Gift manifests in the Gurahl’s consciousness
as a feeling of unease and discomfort. Unlike the Merit: Danger Sense, which is always “on,” this Gift requires a
conscious effort to activate it in order for it to work. Both mortal and supernatural dangers trigger the effects of this power,
making it impossible for the Gurahl to determine the precise nature of the threat involved. A raven-spirit teaches this Gift.
System: To invoke this Gift, a Gurahl must roll perception + Alertness and spend a point of Gnosis. The Gift’s
effects last for one scene per success rolled. No successes means that the Gift fails to function. A botch produces false
triggers which can send the Gurahl off on a wild goose chase.
(Source: Gurahl, p.102)
• Sentinel's Warning (Level One) Version Two : As the Ratkin Tunnel Runner Gift: Danger Sense.
(Source: W20 Changing Breeds, p.115→p.188)
• Ursa's Cleansing (Level One) : As the Bone Gnawer Gift: Resist Toxin.
(Source: Gurahl, p.102→W20 Changing Breeds, p.115→Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.174)
• Wyld Resurgence (Level One) : As the Black Fury Gift.
(Source: W20 Changing Breeds, p.115→Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.173)
• Calm (Level Two) : As the Children of Gaia Gift.
(Source: Gurahl, p.102 & PGttCB, Revised, p.91→ W20 Changing Breeds, p.115→Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition,
• Grisly Aspect (Level Two) Version One : By using this Gift, a Gurahl assumes a truly frightening aura,
augmenting his height, mass and general appearance. If a Gurahl uses this Gift while in full Crinos form, the effect is
terrifying. Gurahl often invoke this Gift to dishearten opponents before a battle; in some cases, the effect is so traumatic
that an enemy flees without engaging in combat. Besides enhancing a Gurahl’s horrific appearance, this Gift also enables
the user to emit a pheromone that invokes a panic response among herbivores and arouses dread in even the most
voracious carnivores. By provoking an enemy to flight, a Gurahl often manages to avoid having to battle an opponent
head-on. This Gift is useful in cases where enemies are not Wyrm-creatures but are merely misguided or petty attackers.
This Gift is especially effective against hunters and poachers.
System: To activate this Gift, the player rolls Charisma + Intimidation (difficulty equal to the target’s
Willpower). One success causes the target creature to falter in his tracks, often rethinking his intent to attack the Gurahl.
Three or more successes routs the victim completely, sending him into a headlong rush to escape the terror that has
suddenly manifested in his presence. No successes means that the Gurahl fails to evoke the proper fearsome aspect, while
a botch results in an immediate attack by the enraged (and often panicky) target. The use of this Gift while in Crinos form
has occasionally resulted in the sudden death of human victims from heart failure.
(Source: Gurahl, p.102)
• Grisly Aspect (Level Two) : As the Ahroun Gift: True Fear.
(Source: W20 Changing Breeds, p.115→Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.171)
• Roused to Fury (Level Two) : As the Children of Gaia Gift: Para Bellum.
(Source: W20 Changing Breeds, p.115→Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.177)
• Survival of the Bear (Level Two) : As the Silent Striders Gift: Adaptation.
(Note: Gurahl, p.103 refers to this Gift as being Level Three.)
(Source: PGttCB, Revised, p.91→Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.192)
• Treeshake (Level Two) : This Gift allows the Gurahl to procure ample food for one or more individuals simply
by grasping the trunk of a tree and shaking acorns and other edible tree-fruits to the ground where they can be gathered up
and eaten. The tree does not have to be a fruit-baring tree in order to give forth food, nor does it have to be “in season.”
System (old version): The player rolls Strength + Rituals (difficulty 7) and spends a Gnosis point. One success
provides enough food to feed one individual. More successes add to the bounty of the harvest.
(Note: PGttCB, Revised, p.91 omitted the proper difficulty target.)
(Source: Gurahl, p.103)
System (new version): The player spends one Gnosis point, and produces enough food to sate (Succor)
(Source: W20 Changing Breeds, p.115)
• Calm the Savage Beast (Level Three) : As the homid Gift.
(Source: W20 Changing Breeds, p.115→Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.154)
• Dreams of Buri-Jaan (Level Three) : This Gift allows the Gurahl to send out a series of spirit calls or dream
visions to a known cub which she has chosen to mentor. The dreams and visions so produced both act as a summons and
provide directions to the new Gurahl, leading her (if she listens to them) to her Buri-Jaan. An ancestor-spirit teaches this
System (old version): The player spends a Gnosis point and rolls Wits + Occult (difficulty equal to the distance
his dreams have to travel according to the table). Additional points of Gnosis can strengthen the power and persuasiveness
of the dreams or visions. The Gurahl usually performs this Gift at least once every three days until the arrival of the
targeted cub. It is possible to send dreams without a clear target on the chance that a Gurahl cub is “out there” waiting for
some direction; in this case, all difficulties are increased by two, to a maximum of 10.
Distance separating Buri-Jaan and Cub Difficulty
Less than a mile 4
Up to 10 miles 5
Up to 100 miles 6
Up to 250 miles 7
Up to 500 miles 8
Up to 1000 miles 9
More than 1000 miles 10
(Source: Gurahl, p.103 & PGttCB, Revised, p.91-92)
System (new version): The player spends a Gnosis point and rolls Wits + Occult (difficulty determined by the
distance between the two : difficulty 4 if the cub is within a mile, up to difficulty 9 for a cub over a thousand miles away).
Alternately, spending two Gnosis points allows the character to send dreams and visions to an unknown cub actively
seeking guidance.
(Source: W20 Changing Breeds, p.115)
• Ease the Fevered Mind (Level Three)Version One : With this Gift, a Gurahl can minister to victims of
emotional or spiritual trauma. In this fashion, Gurahl may treat victims whose minds have fractured into multiple
personalities, guide schizophrenics back from their delusional realities and heal traumatized or abused individuals.
Regardless of whether a patient suffers from physiologically based mental illnesses or from stress- or trauma-related
problems, the use of this Gift can temporarily remove or ease the effects of many common Derangements. Through
repeated use of this Gift on that same individual, and by expending Willpower over an extended period of time, a Gurahl
can permanently remove a Derangement.
System: For each success in a Perception + Medicine roll (difficulty 7), the Gurahl may suppress his target’s
insanity, emotional turmoil or Derangement for one scene. By amassing 20 successes over an extended period of time
(with no intervening failures or botches), a Gurahl may succeed in the permanent removal of a Derangement or mental
disease. No successes means that the Gurahl has failed in using the Gift to calm or sooth her patient, while a botch inflicts
the targeted Derangement upon the Gurahl herself for as long as the Storyteller deems it necessary to overcome it. Gurahl
may not apply this Gift to themselves. Although a Gurahl may sometimes effect miraculous cures of mental illnesses
through the use of this Gift, unless the root cause of the problem is addressed, the Derangement or trauma may recur.
(Source: Gurahl, p.103-104 & PGttCB, Revised, p.92)
• Ease the Fevered Mind (Level Three) Version Two : As the Children of Gaia Gift: Lover’s Touch.
(Source: W20 Changing Breeds, p.115→Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.178)
• Survival of the Bear (Level Three) : As the Silent Strider Gift: Adaptation.
(Source: W20 Changing Breeds, p.115→Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.192)
• Heart of the Mountain (Level Four) : As the Get of Fenris Gift.
(Source: W20 Changing Breeds, p.115→Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.181)
• Hide the Bear (Level Four) : As the Homid Gift: Bury the Wolf.
(Source: W20 Changing Breeds, p.115→Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p. 154-5)
• Masking the Hunted (Level Four) : Through the use of this Gift, a Gurahl can employ available terrain to
form a secure sanctuary for individuals or creatures who are pursued by hunters. Brush thickens, bushes clump together
into impassable growths and grasses conceal tracks or else flatten in such a way as to produce a false trail. Olfactory
stimuli add to the effect of this Gift, leading astray those creatures who hunt by scent. Though the duration of this Gift is
brief, it usually lasts long enough for a victim to elude her pursuers. The Gurahl may mask up to 12 humans or large
mammal-sized individuals (or up to twice as many smaller creatures) with this Gift. A bear-spirit teaches this Gift.
System (old version): The player rolls Manipulation + Stealth (difficulty equals the Perception + Alertness of
the hunter) and spends a point of Gnosis to enact this Gift. A single success is necessary for the Gift to have its effect.
Additional successes result in a longer duration and a more thorough false trail. No successes indicates that the attempt to
provide secure cover fails, while a botch draws the hunter to the Gurahl using the Gift as well as to those under her
(Source: Gurahl, p.104 & PGttCB, Revised, p.92)
System (new version): The player spends a point of Gnosis and rolls Manipulation + Stealth (difficulty 7). The
Gurahl may hide up to 12 targets, including himself, for one hour per success.
(Source: W20 Changing Breeds, p.115-116)
• Gaia's Breath (Level Five) : Only the wisest and oldest Gurahl may learn this powerful Gift, which remains
their most closely guarded secret. By using this Gift, the Gurahl can return the departed spirit to a dead werecreature,
bringing it back from death. In the early times, Gurahl rewarded those among them who sacrificed themselves for others,
either to provide food for human Kinfolk or who gave their lives in the protection of others. No known instances exist of
this Gift being conferred on non-Gurahl, nor has Gaia’s Breath ever been used on any Gurahl who has been dead for more
than a few hours.
System: The player must spend a point each of permanent Gnosis and Willpower, then roll Charisma + Occult
(difficulty of 6 + the number of hours since death, not to exceed a maximum of 10) in order to entice the departed spirit
back into its dead body, infusing it with the breath of life. Only one success calls back the spirit, but leaves the body in an
Incapacitated (as if with aggravated damage) state unless treated with magical healing. Additional successes restore lost
Health Levels on a one-for-one basis. Missing body parts are not restored through the use of this Gift, although other Gifts
may be used to regenerate lost limbs or eyes. Failure to achieve any successes means that the Gurahl is unable to recall the
spirit to the body. A botch summons a malicious spirit (usually a Bane of some kind) into the body. Only one attempt may
be made on a single werecreature at any time. Ever.
(Source: Gurahl, p.104 & PGttCB, Revised, p.92→W20 Changing Breeds, p.116)
• Gentle Soul (Level Five) : The werebear’s nature as a bringer of comfort and release from pain finally
overwhelms the Rage simmering within. A servant of Gaia Herself teaches this Gift.
System: The character is no longer subject to the Curse (see W20, p. 262); her Rage never leaks out to alienate
those around her.
(Source: W20 Changing Breeds, p.116)
• Great Grandfather's Summons (Level Six) : In a time of great need or dire emergency, this powerful and
rarely used Gift enables the Great Grandfather (or Ancient One) to send out a summons to all Gurahl, calling them to his
side so that he can inform them of the reason for his call. The summons is so powerful that it can even awake Gurahl who
are locked in the sleep of hibernation. Gurahl need not respond to the summons, and some in fact, refuse or ignore the call
of the Ancient One. Most Gurahl, however, gather together healing items, weapons and food, then travel to where the
Great Grandfather waits for them. This is the Gift which resulted in the mass awakening of many Gurahl when the Storm
Eater was loosed.
System: The player sacrifices three points of Gnosis and one point of Rage. No roll is necessary.
(Source: Gurahl, p.104)
Breed Gifts
Breed Gifts Mirror the Gurahl’s connection to either her human or ursine Kinfolk. While it is possible for a homid Gurahl
to learn Ursine Gift (and vice versa), she does so as if the Gift were one Level higher. Thus, a homid Gurahl must be at
least Rank Three to learn Weather Watch, for instance.
Homid Gifts
The Breed Gifts of homid Gurahl pertain to dealing with humans and their creations. In some cases, these Gifts endow the
Gurahl with the ability to shape and control the natural world, much as the humans seek to do. Ancestor-spirits usually
teach these Gifts, unless otherwise specified.
• Master of Fire (Level One) : As the Garou homid Gift.
(Source: W20 Changing Breeds, p.116→Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.153)
• Persuasion (Level One) : As the Garou homid Gift. Use of this Gift has enabled many Gurahl in Homid form
to act as teachers and leaders among their human Kinfolk.
(Source: Gurahl, p.90 & PGttCB, Revised, p.92→ W20 Changing Breeds, p.116→Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition,
• Ursa’s Light (Level One) : This Gift allows the Gurahl to draw down light from the stars to use as either a
directional beacon or to provide illumination for an area. Although the constellations of the Great and Little Bear need not
be visible in the sky for the Gift’s effectiveness, their presence enhances the Gift’s power. An ancestor-spirit teaches this
System: The Gurahl reaches toward the sky, as if to gather light from the stars. A successful Charisma + Occult
roll (difficulty 6) by the player causes the Gurahl’s hands to fill with a soft, white light (about the intensity of moonlight)
that can either illuminate an area of 100 square feet or else cast a penetrating ray of light for 100 yards. If the
constellations of Ursa Major and Ursa Minor happen to be in the sky at the same time the Gift is invoked, the intensity of
the light doubles as well as the range. This Gift only works at night.
(Source: Gurahl, p.90 & PGttCB, Revised, p.92→W20 Changing Breeds, p.116→Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition,
• Climate Control (Level Two) : This Gift enables the Gurahl to alternate the temperature in her immediate
vicinity from five to twenty-five degrees in either direction, thus enabling her to make a circle of relative warmth or
coolness around her that can encompass up to five human-sized individuals. In certain situations, the use of this Gift can
mean the difference between survival and death from hypothermia or heatstroke. A migratory-bird spirit teaches this Gift.
System: The player rolls Manipulation + Primal Urge (difficulty 6). A single success enables the Gurahl to alter
the temperature by five degrees while additional successes allow her to either increase the amount of change in
temperature (in five degree increments) or expand the area to include additional creatures (one more per success).
A targeted individual can roll Willpower (difficulty 8) if she does not wish to endure the temperature change.
(Source: Gurahl, p.90 & PGttCB, Revised, p.92→W20 Changing Breeds, p.116→Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition,
• Dolorous Countenance (Level Two) : Similar to the Garou Homid Gift: Staredown, this Gift allows the Gurahl
to assume a facial expression baleful enough to cause opponents to back away in shame and submission, in some cases
leaving the vicinity entirely.
System: The player rolls Charisma + Empathy (difficulty 7) and spends a Rage point. One or two successes so
cows the target that he retreats from the area for one turn for each success (although the target can make a
Willpower roll [difficulty 8] to resist). Three successes causes the target to flee the area entirely, returning only
after the Gurahl has departed.
(Note: PGttCB, Revised, p.92 & W20 Changing Breeds, p.116 both state that this Gift works exactly as the Gift:
Staredown [found in Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.154], which has slightly different mechanics than the system
stated above.)
(Source: Gurahl, p.90 & PGttCB, Revised, p.92 & W20 Changing Breeds, p.116)
• Sense Need (Level Three) : By opening her senses to the world around her and listening to the unvoiced
sounds of suffering and despair, a Gurahl can focus on the often silent call of someone in need of rescue or succor. The
legends of many people (and of some Changing Breeds) contain stories in which the timely appearance of one of the bear-
folk saved the life of a lost child, wounded warrior or stranded elder. Gurahl use this Gift in their role as protector of Gaia's
children. An ancestor-spirit teaches this Gift.
System (old version): The Gurahl clears her mind, and her player rolls Perception + Empathy. A single success
allows her to "hear" the call or feel the pull of someone who needs help so long as that individual is within a mile
of the Gurahl. Additional successes extend the range by ten-mile increments, to a maximum of fifty miles. No
successes means that the Gurahl fails to sense anyone's troubles while a botch sends the Gurahl on a wild goose
chase, often resulting in a needless brush with danger. If no one who needs the Gurahl's help is within range, the
Gift registers this fact.
(Source: Gurahl, p.91 & PGttCB, Revised, p.92)
System (new version): The player rolls Perception + Empathy. The number of successes rolled determines how
the clarity of the pull she feels toward an individual in need within (Succor) miles, if one exists.
(Source: W20 Changing Breeds, p.116)
• Shape Matter (Level Three) : As the Garou Homid Gift: Reshape Object. The Gurahl originally learned this
power from Gaia and used it as the basis for teaching humans how to fashion tools (without the magic, of course). The
werebears also taught this Gift to the Garou, who renamed it and claimed it for their own.
(Source: Gurahl, p.90→Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.154)
• Spirit Shield (Level Four) : Unlike the Garou homid Gift: Spirit Ward, which causes spirits to feel uneasy in
the Garou’s presence, this Gift distinguishes between friendly (or neutral) and unfriendly spirits in its manifestation. By
tracing a sigil in the air above her head, the Gurahl creates a mystical aura around her that acts as a “do not disturb” sign
for friendly and non-malicious spirits. Bear-spirits may ignore the aura, though in most cases they do not willingly intrude
upon the shielded Gurahl. In the presence of hostile spirits, such as Banes, the aura becomes more intimidating, actively
discouraging malevolent spirits from attacking the Gurahl.
System: (Breedbook: Gurahl version) The player spends one Gnosis point and rolls Manipulation + Rituals
(difficulty 7). Friendly spirits in the vicinity of the Gurahl see the resulting aura and respect the Gurahl’s desire for privacy,
maintaining their distance. Hostile spirits who attempt to attack a shielded Gurahl lose one die from their Dice Pools for
every success made on the roll to raise the shield.
System: (PGttCB, Revised Version) The Gurahl rolls Manipulation + Rituals (difficulty 6). Each success on
this roll causes spirits who attack the Gurahl to lose one die from their die pools.
(Source: Gurahl, p.91 & PGttCB, Revised, p.92)
System: (W20 Changing Breeds Version) As the Garou Homid Gift: Spirit Ward.
(Source: W20 Changing Breeds, p.116→Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.155)
• Ursa’s Coat (Level Four) : Similar to the Garou Homid Gift: Cocoon, this Gift surrounds the Gurahl with a
heavy coat of protective fur colored like a starry night. This glimmering armor provides the Gurahl with protection against
fire and poisonous gases as well as rendering him extremely difficult to damage. Ursa Major teaches this Gift.
System: (Breedbook: Gurahl version) The player spends one Gnosis point. Attacks against a Gurahl thus
clothed in Ursa's Coat must do damage equal to the Gurahl's Stamina + Rituals to cause any harm. By spending
extra Gnosis, a werebear may extend the duration of Ursa's Coat for one scene per Gnosis point expended. The
Gurahl can move while armored, but at an effective Dexterity of 1.
System: (PGttCB, Revised Version) The character spends a Gnosis point and attacks after that must do damage
equal to the Gurahl’s Occult + Rituals to penetrate. Spending an additional point of Gnosis extends the effect for one
scene. The Gurahl is at a -1 penalty to Dexterity while “wearing” the coat.
(Source: Gurahl, p.91 & PGttCB, Revised, p.92)
System: (W20 Changing Breeds Version) As the Garou Homid Gift: Cocoon.
(Source: W20 Changing Breeds, p.116→Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.155)
• Charismatic Presence (Level Five) : The Gurahl exudes a compelling aura of attraction to humans. In the first
days, the werebears sometimes used this Gift to place themselves at the center of tribal bear-cults in Europe, Asia
and North America. They were thus able to form strong ties between Gaia and their human Kinfolk.
System: The player rolls Charisma + Empathy (difficulty 8). The number of successes indicated the size of her
following, according to the following table. Affected humans (who must be within sight of the Gurahl as she uses
the Gift) will not take any hostile action toward the Gurahl unless the Gurahl somehow breaks their trust, and
they are willing to listen to whatever she has to say (-3 difficulty to any Social rolls).
Number of Successes Size of Following
1 5 individuals
2 10
3 20
4 50
5 100+
(Source: Gurahl, p.91)
• Fearless Unveiling (Level Five) : Similar to the Garou homid Gift: Part the Veil, this Gift enables the Gurahl to
show himself in Crinos form to a specified human without invoking the Delirium. This makes it possible for the Gurahl to
render assistance to or otherwise act with normal humans without driving them mad. In most cases, once the need for
using the Gift passes, the Gurahl must perform the Rite of the Ban to insure that the affected human does not remember
what she has seen. This does not prevent the human from experiencing the Delirium at a later date, if she sees a Crinos
Gurahl (or any other werecreature) without the benefit of this Gift.
System (old version): The player spends a point of Gnosis and rolls Charisma + Empathy (difficulty 6). The
effect lasts until the human leaves the presence of the Gurahl.
(Source: Gurahl, p.91 & PGttCB, Revised, p.92-93)
System (new version): As the Garou homid Gift: Part the Veil.
(Source: W20 Changing Breeds, p.116→Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.155)
Ursine Gifts
The Gifts of the ursine Gurahl emphasize a close connection to nature and, in particular, a deep and abiding
knowledge of the earth itself. These Gifts tend to complement the natural abilities of the Gurahl’s bear form or else
enhance her ties with the wilderness. Most of these Gifts are taught by bear-spirits, unless otherwise specified.
• Create Element (Level One) : As the Garou metis Gift.
(Source: W20 Changing Breeds, p.116→Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.155-6)
• Heightened Senses (Level One) : As the Garou lupus Gift.
(Source: Gurahl, p.91 & PGttCB, Revised, p.93→W20 Changing Breeds, p.116→Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition,
• Voice of Woe (Level One) : This Gift enables the Gurahl to use her voice as an early warning system to alert
other creatures (including other werebears) in the vicinity to the presence of danger. Regardless of their species, each
animal hears the cry of the Gurahl, understands its meaning and acts accordingly. The sound mimics that of a Gurahl cub
in distress; hence, other Gurahl and some bears may come to the aid of the user of the Gift, while other creatures may
simply flee from the implied danger.
System: The player spends a point of Gnosis and rolls Charisma + Primal Urge (difficulty 6). One success sends
the cry to all creatures within five miles. Each additional success expands the range of the Gift's effect by another five
miles, up to a maximum of fifty miles. No successes indicates that the Gift has failed, while a botch sends an inappropriate
signal to creatures in the vicinity. Other Gaian shapeshifters who hear the call know a Gurahl is in trouble, and roughly
what direction he’s in and how far away. Depending on the type of shapeshifter and its relationship to the Gurahl, this may
or may not be a good thing for the werebear issuing the call.
(Source: Gurahl, p.91 & PGttCB, Revised, p.93→W20 Changing Breeds, p.116)
• Burrow (Level Two) : As the Garou metis Gift.
(Source: Gurahl, p.91 & PGttCB, Revised, p.93→W20 Changing Breeds, p.116→Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition,
• Weather Watch (Level Two) : With this Gift, the Gurahl can sense changes in the weather and make
predictions about approaching storms or other significant weather patterns with some accuracy. The Gurahl need have no
knowledge of meteorology, climatology or other human means of weather forecasting.
System (old version): After the Gurahl spends one full turn gazing at the sky and smelling the air, the player
spends a point of Gnosis and rolls Perception + Primal Urge (difficulty 6). A single success allows her to
determine major changed in the weather (such as approaching storms or periods of drought). Additional
successes add specific detail to the Gurahl's predictions, such as how soon a storm will strike, how long a dry-
spell will last or the direction a tornado is turning. No successes means the Gift fails; a botch gives the Gurahl
false information.
(Source: Gurahl, p.91-92 & PGttCB, Revised, p.93)
System (new version): The Gurahl permanently gains five extra dice on Survival rolls to predict the weather.
(Source: W20 Changing Breeds, p.116)
• Pull of the Chosen Land (Level Three) : This Gift allows a Gurahl to find the quickest route to his
protectorate regardless of where he is. If the Gurahl has been forcibly relocated to an unknown location, he may still make
his way back to familiar territory, following an internal compass that leads him home. An earth-spirit teaches this Gift.
System: The player spends a point of Gnosis and rolls Perception + Primal Urge (difficulty 7). This Gift works in
the Umbra as well as in the physical world.
(Source: Gurahl, p.92 & PGttCB, Revised, p.93→W20 Changing Breeds, p.116)
• Shelter of the Earth (Level Three) : This Gift makes it possible for the Gurahl to "disappear" amid the local
landscape, making use of tall grasses, trees or other features of the terrain as camouflage. Rapid movement while so
concealed gives away the Gurahl's presence and location, but slow travel is possible without breaking the natural cover.
This Gift is taught by many prey animal spirits that rely on camouflage.
System (old version): The player rolls Dexterity + Stealth (difficulty 6) and spends a point of Gnosis. A single
success provides the Gurahl with minimal camouflage; three or more successes indicates that the Gurahl remains
completely concealed by the local terrain. If there is no reasonable cover available, the Gift auto-fails and the
Gnosis is still lost. A botch means that the Gurahl only thinks she is hidden, while in reality, anyone looking for
her can find her easily.
(Source: Gurahl, p.92 & PGttCB, Revised, p.93)
System (new version): The player spends a Gnosis point and rolls Dexterity + Stealth (difficulty 4). The Gift
doesn’t function if no cover is available.
(Source: W20 Changing Breeds, p.116)
• Gnaw (Level Four) : As the lupus Gift.
(Source: Gurahl, p.91 & PGttCB, Revised, p.93→W20 Changing Breeds, p.116→Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition,
• Sweet Swarm of Vengeance (Level Four) Version One : The Gurahl can summon a swarm of angry bees to
surround and harry an enemy. Depending on local conditions, as few as a dozen or as many as a thousand enraged bees
respond to the werebear's call. The type of swarm that arrives on the scene depends on local availability, but may consist
of honeybees, wasps, hornets, or any other indigenous bee. The swarm follows the Gurahl's direction, attacking any
individual targeted by the werebear who summoned it. Depending on the size of the swarm and the victim's vulnerability
to stinging attacks, the bees may serve as a distraction nuisance or may cause the victim's death due to anaphylactic shock.
System: The player spends a point of Gnosis and rolls Charisma + Animal Ken. A single success results in the
arrival of up to a hundred bees, while additional successes increase the size of the swarm. Five successes can
rouse an entire swarm of bees from their winter torpor. No successes results in the failure of the Gift, while a
botch summons the bees, but directs them at the Gurahl rather than at their intended target. The swarm appears
within a minute of being summoned. The bees can simply harry an opponent or cause serious injury (or even
death by severe allergic reaction).
(Source: Gurahl, p.92 & PGttCB, Revised, p.93)
• Sweet Swarm of Vengeance (Level Four) Version Two : As the Bone Gnawer Gift: Infest.
(Source: W20 Changing Breeds, p.116→Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.176)
• Bear’s Bounty (Level Five) Version One : Like the Garou metis Gift: Totem Gift, this power comes from the
Gurahl’s relationship with his totem spirit, Bear. By pleading his case to one of the three aspects of Bear, the Gurahl can
gain his totem’s favor in the form of some appropriate Ability or assistance. Ursa Major, for example, might provide
emergency shelter for the Gurahl or open up an avenue to safety. Mangi, the Death Bear, might endow the Gurahl with the
ability to strike down an enemy with a single blow. Ursa Minor might send a bear cub to the Gurahl to act as a guide
through unfamiliar lands.
System: The player spends a point of Gnosis and rolls Charisma + Rituals (difficulty 6). If he fails this roll,
nothing happens, and the Gurahl may not ask again for one hour. If the player botches, however, the Gurahl has offended
the spirit in question, and he must make the proper acts of contrition and repentance before asking again.
(Source: Gurahl, p.92)
• Bear’s Bounty (Level Five) : As the Garou metis Gift: Totem Gift.
(Source: W20 Changing Breeds, p.116→Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.158)
• Call the Cave Bear (Level Five) Version One : Similar to the Garou lupus Gift: Song of the Great Beast, this
Gift enables the Gurahl to summon her prehistoric (and extinct) Ancestor, the cave bear, to come to her aid. The creature
arrives from the spirit world and returns to its place of origin when its task is done. This Gift only works if the Gurahl is in
a secluded wilderness area.
System: The player rolls Charisma + Primal-Urge (difficulty 6) and spends a point of Gnosis. The cave bear who
answers the summons remains for one scene. Only one such creature will come at any one time. While materialized, the
cave bear has the statistics of a Bjornen Gurahl with maximum statistics (Str 9, Dex 3, Sta 9).
(Source: Gurahl, p.92 & PGttCB, Revised, p.93)
• Call the Cave Bear (Level Five) Version Two : As the Garou lupus Gift: Song of the Great Beast.
(Source: W20 Changing Breeds, p.116→Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.160)

Auspice Gifts
These Gifts represent Luna’s blessings, given to the Gurahl at the time of their creation. Because Gurahl, if they
live long enough, experience all auspices as they age and develop, it is eventually possible for most Gurahl to learn all of
these Gifts.
Learning Auspice Gifts
In the old times, Gurahl learned Gifts from the various auspices over the course of a lifetime. They no longer
have the leisure to do that. In all likelihood, the Apocalypse will arrive before newly emerging Gurahl have had the time to
experience all of Luna’s personality phases. This urgency has driven many Gurahl to seek knowledge of Gifts outside their
current auspice. With some difficulty, therefore, it is possible for Gurahl to acquire Auspice Gifts not normally available to
In game terms, a Gurahl character may pay the experience point cost for learning a Gift outside her auspice or
breed (Level of Gift x 5) and acquire a Gift of any Level available to her Rank.
The Gifts associated with the new moon emphasize the inquisitive and sometimes playful nature of the First Cub,
for whom the auspice is named. Of course, a bear’s idea of “play” does not always imply harmless behavior.
• Open Seal (Level One) : As the Garou Ragabash Gift.
(Source: Gurahl, p.93 & PGttCB, Revised, p.93→W20 Changing Breeds, p.116→Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition,
• Walk Like a Man (Level One) : This Gift enables a Gurahl in Ursine, Bjornen or Crinos form to alter her
footprints (already humanlike) to resemble exactly a human step. With this ability, a Gurahl may create a false trail to
confuse and confound pursuers. An ancestor-spirit or a fox-spirit teaches this Gift.
System (version one): The player rolls Dexterity + Stealth (difficulty 6). One success enables the Gurahl to
leave humanlike footsteps for the duration of the scene. Additional successes increase the duration of the Gift (an
additional scene for every additional success). No successes means that the Gurahl cannot alter her footprints.
(Source: Gurahl, p.93 & PGttCB, Revised, p.93)
System (version two): The player rolls Dexterity + Larceny, difficulty 7. This Gift’s effects lasts for one scene.
(Source: W20 Changing Breeds, p.116)
• Cajole (Level Two) : A Gurahl may acquire some item or piece of information simply by coaxing the targeted
individual. Expressions of wide-eyed innocence usually accompany the activation of this Gift. Objectives of this Gift can
include anything from food and clothing to means of transportation, secret information or promises of sanctuary. Bear-
and dog-spirits as well as a Gaffling of Ursa Minor all teach this Gift.
System: The player rolls Charisma + Empathy (difficulty 6) One success enables the Gurahl to obtain something
minor (either an object or a piece of knowledge) from his target. Additional successes increase the importance or
significance of the item or information wheedled from the target. The larger the gift or service requested, the more
successes needed; five successes will cajole a human into giving up house and home. No successes means that the Gift has
no effect, while a botch angers the target, making it almost impossible to acquire anything from him.
(Source: Gurahl, p.93-94 & PGttCB, Revised, p.93 & W20 Changing Breeds, p.117)
• Pulse of the Prey (Level Two) : As the Garou Ragabash Gift.
(Note: There was confusion as to whether this Gift’s entry in Breedbook: Gurahl was referring to the lupus Level One
Gift: Sense Prey or the Ragabash Level Two Gift: Pulse of the Prey [known in earlier editions as Sense of the Prey]. As
this is a Level Two Gift and the Arcas auspice is the Gurahl equivalent to the Ragabash and that the Players Guide to the
Changing Breeds refers to the Ragabash Gift, it’s evident that this Gift refers to Pulse of the Prey. Hey, it only took White
Wolf four editions and twenty years to realize that having two different Gifts named Sense Prey and Sense of the Prey
would confuse people! –Su-tehp)
(Source: Gurahl, p.94 & PGttCB, Revised, p.93 & W20 Changing Breeds, p.117→Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition,
• Safe Passage (Level Three) : This Gift allows the Gurahl (and those with him) to move through the land
without leaving any discernible traces of his passing. He does not leave footprints or mark the landscape in any fashion,
nor do those who travel with him. A bear- or fox-spirit teaches this Gift.
System: The player spends a Gnosis point and rolls Dexterity + Primal-Urge. A single success means that the
Gift works for the Gurahl himself, while additional successes allow him to expand the Gift to other individuals on a one-
for-one basis. The Gift lasts for one scene.
(Source: Gurahl, p.94 & PGttCB, Revised, p.93 & W20 Changing Breeds, p.117)
• Trackless Waste (Level Three) : As the Red Talon Gift.
(Source: Gurahl, p.94 & PGttCB, Revised, p.93 & W20 Changing Breeds, p.117→Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition,
• Favor of Ursa Minor (Level Four) : As the Garou Ragabash Gift Luna's Blessing.
(Source: Gurahl, p.94& PGttCB, Revised, p.93 & W20 Changing Breeds, p.117→Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition,
• Rejuvenate (Level Four) Old Version : As Gurahl (or any creature, for that matter) age, they tend to forget
the playfulness of their youth. This Gift combats the burden of age, bodily decrepitude, mental fatigue or world-weariness
by imbuing its recipient with a renewed zest for life. Sometimes, this refreshing of the spirit manifests physically, by
making the target feel and seem younger than her actual years. Although this Gift does not literally make the recipient
younger, it does promote a desire to re-live the joys of childhood, and it often leads to a change in lifestyle that prolongs
the illusion of youth and freshness. A Gaffling of Ursa Minor teaches this Gift.
System (old version): The player rolls Wits + Rituals (difficulty of the target’s Willpower). Each success causes
the recipient to experience a temporary boost to one or more appropriate Traits, subject to the discretion of the Storyteller.
Additional temporary dice may be added to Abilities such as Athletics or Primal-Urge or may return a point of lost
Willpower to the subject of the Gift. In other cases, the effects of the Gift may manifest through roleplaying, as a formerly
jaded individual suddenly becomes interested in his surroundings again. The feeling of rejuvenation lasts for anywhere
from one scene to one week, according to the judgment of the Storyteller. This Gift cannot be used on young people or
animals; only the weary of body or mind can benefit.
(Source: Gurahl, p.94)
• Rejuvenate (Level Four) New Version : As the Black Fury Gift: Breath of the Wyld, save that its effects last
for (Succor) days.
(Source: W20 Changing Breeds, p.117)
• Humiliate (Level Five) : By delivering a verbal assault, the Gurahl can psychologically devastate a group of
opponents. In most cases, the loss of self-esteem engendered by this Gift causes the victims to back down from a fight or
flee the vicinity. Even if the opponents manage to stand their ground and fight, their attacks suffer from the belief that they
will fail. A bear-spirit teaches this Gift.
System: After the Gurahl verbally castigates her target (which may consist of up to five individuals), her player
rolls Charisma + Intimidation (difficulty 8). One success enables the opponents to continue their intended attacks on the
Gurahl, but every action suffers a penalty of two dice. Two or three successes cause the opponents to back down from the
confrontation. Four or more successes means that the victims flee from the area. This Gift is a stronger and more
permanent form of Dolorous Countenance, since it affects multiple targets. In addition, its effects persist for several days,
sometimes leaving the victims (if they fail a Willpower roll) with a permanent aversion to the Gurahl who humiliated
them. This Gift only works on sentient creatures; it has no effect on animals, spirits who lack the concept of feeling
ashamed or Wyrm-creatures, including fomori and Black Spiral Dancers. While fomori and Black Spiral Dancers are
certainly sentient (if insane in many cases), this Gift cannot affect them as they are sworn foes of Gaia and will not back
down from a fight with any of Gaia’s servants.
(Source: Gurahl, p.94)
• Natural State (Level Five) : With this Gift, a Gurahl can cause a patch of land to revert to its “natural” state of
wilderness. Cultivated fields reject their carefully planted crops and erupt in tall grass and wildflowers; cabins (and their
furnishings) lapse into ruin; clear-cut land becomes filled with saplings. While most Gurahl use this Gift to heal land that
has suffered the ravages of over-civilization or exploitation, a few werebears delight in the sheer chaos caused by
“trashing” a poacher’s camp or an executive’s cabin in the country. An earth-spirit teaches this Gift.
System (old version): The player spends a point of Gnosis and rolls Manipulation + Repair (difficulty 6). The
number of successes determines the extent to which the targeted area reverts to its original state. One success causes only
minor reversals to the area while five successes can level a small building. The user of this Gift can affect roughly 100
square feet of terrain.
(Source: Gurahl, p.94 & PGttCB, Revised, p.93)
System (new version): The player spends a Gnosis point and rolls Manipulation + Primal-Urge (difficulty 8).
The number of successes determines the degree of reversion the land undergoes in an (Honor x 20) yard radius.
(Source: W20 Changing Breeds, p.117)
The full moon brings with it the Gifts of the warrior. Most Uzmati Gifts focus on enhancing combat abilities,
both offensive and defensive. While the Gurahl do not have the same reputation for warlike fierceness as the Garou, their
talents in battle can prove formidable : particularly when motivated by the need to protect someone or something.
• Slash of the Death Bear (Level One) : As the Ahroun Gift, Razor Claws. The Gurahl calls out to Mangi as he
sharpens his claws.
(Source: Gurahl, p.94 & PGttCB, Revised, p.93 & W20 Changing Breeds, p.117→Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition,
• Ultimatum (Level One) : By winning a contest of wills against his opponent, a Gurahl may deliver an
ultimatum which reduces actions of that enemy to a choice between two alternatives. (“Come and get me or else flee like
the coward you are!”) This Gift enables the werebear to dictate the form of attack (or lack thereof), thus giving him an
edge over his enemy. A wolverine- or rattlesnake-spirit teaches this Gift.
System (old version): The Gurahl must get the opponent’s attention, then succeed in a contested Willpower roll.
If he succeeds, the Gurahl may present a pair of options to his enemy, who must then comply with one or the other and
may take no action not specified by the Gurahl. The Gurahl cannot make one or both demands clearly suicidal to his
(Source: Gurahl, p.94 & PGttCB, Revised, p.93)
System (new version): The player spends a Gnosis point and makes a contested Willpower roll (difficulty 6).
Success allows the Gurahl to present an enemy with two choices, and the opponent must follow one or the other. The
Gurahl cannot make either of these commands suicidal or directly harmful to the opponent, nor may they both amount to
slight rewordings of the same action.
(Source: W20 Changing Breeds, p.117)
• Mangi's Strong Arms (Level Two) : The Gurahl’s classic “bear-hug” gains strength through this Gift, enabling
her to squeeze her opponent to the point of unconsciousness or death. A Gaffling in the Death Bear’s service, a bear- or
death-spirit teaches this Gift.
System (old version): The Gurahl concentrates on drawing Mangi’s favor, taking a full action to do so. The
player spends a point of Gnosis and rolls Strength + Primal-Urge (difficulty 6). Each success adds one die to the Gurahl’s
damage for a successful grappling attack. All damage must be expended at once, but the werebear may activate this Gift
before combat and wait until she has grappled her opponent to inflict damage with it.
(Source: Gurahl, p.94-95 & PGttCB, Revised, p.93-94)
System (new version): The Gurahl spends an action in concentration. Then the player spends a Rage point and
rolls Strength + Primal-Urge (difficulty 6). Each success adds one die to the Gurahl’s damage on his next successful
grappling attack.
(Source: W20 Changing Breeds, p.117)
• Threaten (Level Two) : By standing erect and roaring a challenge, the Gurahl increases her ability to
intimidate an enemy, forcing him to cower in terror or retreat from battle altogether. A bear-spirit (usually that of a grizzly
or Kodiak) teaches this Gift.
System (old version): The player rolls Charisma + Intimidation (difficulty of the target’s Willpower + 2,
maximum difficulty of 10). One or two successes force the enemy to cower in terror, while three or more successes cause
the target to turn and run. Five successes can incite a frenzy in werecreatures and vampires (i.e. supernatural creatures
capable of succumbing to frenzy) or cause a human or other normal creatures to fall into a coma (or drop dead) from
(Source: Gurahl, p.95 & PGttCB, Revised, p.94)
System (new version): The player spends one Rage point and rolls Charisma + Intimidation (difficulty of the
victim’s Willpower + 2, maximum 9). Three or more successes cause the victim to flee in terror for (Honor) turns; fewer
simply induce fear, producing a –1 penalty to all actions for the same duration.
(Source: W20 Changing Breeds, p.117)
• Crush (Level Three) : This Gift delivers the devastating damage of a bear hug at a distance. This attack can
break bones and crush internal organs. At the very least, it forces all the air of the victim’s lungs, rendering him
unconscious. A Gaffling of Mangi teaches this Gift.
System (old version): The player rolls Strength + Brawl (difficulty of the victim’s Dexterity + Dodge). The
attack lands as a normal claw strike, and inflicts aggravated damage. Additional successes add to the Gurahl’s roll for
damage on a one-for-one basis. The victim can attempt to soak damage normally, however, if he has taken at least three
Health Levels of damage after soaking, he temporarily loses consciousness from having the wind forced from his lungs.
(Source: Gurahl, p.95 & PGttCB, Revised, p.94)
System (new version): The player may make grapple attacks out to a distance of (Honor) yards, as a permanent
(Source: W20 Changing Breeds, p.117)
• Silver Claws (Level Three) : As the Ahroun Gift.
(Source: Gurahl, p.95 & PGttCB, Revised, p.94 & W20 Changing Breeds, p.117→Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition,
• Delay the Death Bear's Coming (Level Four) : This Gift allows a Gurahl or a designated individual the
capacity to sustain massive damage without dying. While the use of this Gift does not enable the recipient to engage in
combat or strenuous activity, it does keep the target alive long enough, in most cases, to allow for normal or magical
healing to take place. A Jaggling in service to Mangi or a cockroach-spirit teaches this Gift.
System: The player spends a point of Gnosis and rolls Wits + Occult (or Medicine) at a difficulty of 6. Each
success grants the targeted individual an additional Incapacitated Health Level, thus making it possible to sustain normally
fatal damage without dying. The Gurahl may use this Gift on herself, although she may not do so if she has already
reached Incapacitated.
(Source: Gurahl, p.95-96 & PGttCB, Revised, p.93 & W20 Changing Breeds, p.117)
• Strength of the Earth (Level Four) : As the Get of Fenris Gift: Hero's Stand.
(Source: Gurahl, p.96 & W20 Changing Breeds, p.117→Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.181)
• Engulf the Prey (Level Five) : The Gurahl draws on his connection to the earth, causing the ground beneath an
enemy’s feet to open up, swallowing the victim whole or trapping her so that she cannot escape further attacks. This Gift
can encompass an entire group of foes, provided they are within close proximity to each other. An Earth-spirit teaches this
System: The player spends a point of Gnosis and a point of Rage, then rolls Wits + Primal-Urge (difficulty 9). If
successful, a yawning pit opens beneath a targeted foe (or foes). The chasm is approximately 15 feet (5 meters) across and
at least 50 feet (15 meters) deep. Victims may attempt to avoid the pit by rolling Dexterity + Dodge (difficulty 9). Three
successes are necessary for them to jump aside. One or two successes indicates that the victim has fallen partially into the
pit. The chasm closes almost immediately after opening, trapping (and crushing) anyone inside. Even enemies only partly
caught in the pit take eight dice of (soakable) damage from the impact caused by the closing of the rift, and they cannot
extricate themselves unless they perform an appropriate Feat of Strength to do so. A victim whose legs are caught (and
probably crushed) may not take any actions involving movement (such as fleeing), while trapped arms prevent the use of
most weapons. Those caught fully in the pit take 10 lethal Health Levels (not dice!) of damage, and they are buried alive.
Unless reached quickly or able to free themselves (such as with the Gift: Burrow), living victims will soon suffocate.
(Source: Gurahl, p.96)
• Rage of the Mother Bear (Level Five) : The Gurahl may invoke a white-hot anger which endows her with
uncommon rapidity of movement and action. This Gift allows a Gurahl to take multiple actions during battle or to perform
in emergency situations which require fast responses and desperate measures (such as pulling a companion out of the path
of a speeding car or falling tree). A Jaggling of Ursa Major teaches this Gift.
System: The player spends a point of Gnosis and rolls Dexterity + Rituals (difficulty 6). Each success gives the
werebear one additional action. The werebear must take all her actions in the same turn, or they are lost.
(Source: Gurahl, p.96 & W20 Changing Breeds, p.117→Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.181)
The Gifts associated with Kojubat Gurahl often involve some form of lore-gathering or artistry, since these
werebears specialize in preserving the traditions and stories of their Changing Breed. Communication with Gaia's
creations (both animate and inanimate) allow the Kojubat access to much hidden lore and otherwise unattainable
• Beast Speech (Level One) : As the Garou Galliard Gift.
(Source: Gurahl, p.96 & PGttCB, Revised, p.93 & W20 Changing Breeds, p.117→Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition,
• Stonesight (Level One) : The Gurahl can examine a stone or large rock, seeing “through” it to determine its
use, composition or potential. Of particular use to werebears who work with stone (as sculptors or builders), this Gift also
gives the viewer information such as whether or not a stone contains minerals or fossils. An Earth-spirit teaches this Gift.
System (old version): The Gurahl concentrates on the targeted stone, while her player rolls Perception +
Enigmas (difficulty 7). A single success reveals one essential fact about the stone’s composition (“It’s outer surface houses
a crystalline interior”). Additional successes contribute more information (“The shape of an eagle in flight lurks within the
stone’s heart”). No successes means that the Gurahl can determine nothing useful about the stone, while a botch gives
entirely false information.
(Source: Gurahl, p.96-97 & PGttCB, Revised, p.93)
System (new version): The player rolls Perception + Enigmas (difficulty 5) to learn about the stone. The more
successes gained, the more in-depth the knowledge.
(Source: W20 Changing Breeds, p.117)
• Eyes of the Soul (Level Two) : By concentrating on her inner vision, a Gurahl may look beyond the outward
façade of an individual and determine that person or creature’s true form. Similar to the Garou Gift: Scent of the True
Form, this Gift allows the Gurahl to see the precise nature of the targeted individual. In this fashion, a Gurahl may identify
members of other Changing Breeds, fomori, vampires, faeries, mages, HIT Mark cyborgs, demons or persons possessed by
wraiths or spirits. (As for the Imbued, see below.) A falcon- or vulture-spirit teaches this Gift.
System (old version, see Note): The player rolls Perception + Primal-Urge (difficulty of the target’s Willpower).
A single success will identify a normal human or animal; two successes will detect a vampire, changeling, demon,
mummy, or Fera; three successes will detect a human-seeming HIT Mark cyborg or similar infiltrator robot; four successes
are needed to sniff out a mage, ghoul, or fomor. The Imbued register as normal humans to this Gift. Unfamiliar scents
aren’t automatically recognized: the user of this Gift that has never encountered a Rokea before might not immediately
recognize the scent she detects as “wereshark.”
(Note: PGttCB, Revised & W20 Changing Breeds says that Eyes of the Soul works exactly as Scent of the True Form.
Breedbook: Gurahl uses the above mechanics.)
(Source: Gurahl, p.97 or PGttCB, Revised, p.94 & W20 Changing Breeds, p.117→Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition,
• Song of Terra (Level Two) : By touching the earth and concentrating on the sensations, a Gurahl may “hear”
something of the recent history in that place. Depending on how hard he listens, the werebear may discover what has
transpired in the immediate vicinity within the past 24 hours (or longer, in some cases). Use of this Gift enables a Gurahl
to uncover evidence of significant occurrences, such as acts of violence, conversations or the passage of creatures across
the chosen piece of ground. An Earth- or hare-spirit teaches this Gift.
System (old version): The Gurahl places himself in an appropriate position (either standing with unshod feet in
full contact with the ground, prone with an ear to the ground or kneeling with some skin-to-earth contact). When the player
spends a point of Gnosis and rolls Perception + Primal-Urge (difficulty 8), the Gurahl establishes a connection to the earth
that enables him to learn about one or more events that have taken place within the recent past. One success provides the
Gurahl with the most significant happening within the last 24 hours. Further successes extend the time period by 8 hours
per success (up to a maximum of 48 hours) or, at the Storyteller’s discretion, provide information about other events in the
same vicinity. A failure provides no information, while a botch gives a false accounting of what has happened on the spot.
(Source: Gurahl, p.97 & PGttCB, Revised, p.94)
System (new version): The player rolls Perception + Primal-Urge (difficulty 6) and spends a Gnosis point. The
Gurahl hears the most significant event to occur on that spot during the last (successes rolled) days.
(Source: W20 Changing Breeds, p.118)
• Mind Sight (Level Three) : This Gift enables the Gurahl to read the surface thoughts of an individual creature
possessing an intelligence greater than that of an animal. The Gurahl may not probe the target’s mind or uncover any
knowledge that the target wishes to keep hidden. A Chimerling or air-spirit teaches this Gift.
System (old version): The player spends a point of Gnosis and rolls Wits + Empathy (difficulty of the subject’s
Willpower). Each success gives the Gurahl access to one “idea” foremost in the target’s mind. No successes means that the
werebear cannot read the thoughts of her target, while a botch gives her a false reading. This Gift works on supernatural
creatures as well as humans, although vampires, mages, changelings and members of other Changing Breeds may resist
the Gurahl’s attempt to read their minds by spending a point of Willpower.
(Source: Gurahl, p.97-98 & PGttCB, Revised, p.94)
System (new version): The player spends a Gnosis point and rolls Wits + Empathy (difficulty of the subject’s
Willpower). This mind-reading lasts for (successes rolled) turns.
(Source: W20 Changing Breeds, p.118)
• Mind to Mind (Level Three) : Similar to the Garou metis Gift: Mental Speech, this Gift differs in that it does
not require a dreamlike state for its effect. The Gurahl simply makes a mental call to those individuals he wishes to contact
and, if they are willing, establishes a connection with their minds. An Ant-spirit teaches this Gift.
System: The player rolls Manipulation + Expression (difficulty of the subject’s Willpower) and spends a point of
Willpower for each individual he wishes to contact. If an individual wants to resist this form of mental communication, she
must spend a point of Willpower. The Gurahl and all those involved in the linking may communicate with each other as if
they were speaking aloud. Individuals inside the link may perform other actions, but they suffer a one-die penalty to
accomplish actions which require concentration to accomplish. Each person must be within line of sight to maintain the
communication. The effect lasts until the Gurahl breaks the link or all members leave the area of visibility.
(Source: Gurahl, p.98 & PGttCB, Revised, p.94)
System (new version): As the Garou metis Gift: Mental Speech.
(Source: W20 Changing Breeds, p.118→Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.157)
• Probe Thoughts (Level Four) : More intrusive than the Gift: Mind Sight, this Gift enables the Gurahl to
uncover hidden information in the target’s mind. The belief by many tribal people that bears have the ability to read minds
may have come from witnessing or experiencing the use of this Gift. A Snake-spirit teaches this Gift.
System: The player spends a point of Gnosis and rolls Wits + Empathy (difficulty of the subject’s Willpower).
For every success, the Gurahl may uncover one thought that lies below the surface of her target’s mind, even if the subject
deliberately attempts to suppress the thought. Use of this Gift on supernatural creatures, including the Imbued, requires a
point of Willpower to be spent as well as Gnosis.
(Source: Gurahl, p.98 & PGttCB, Revised, p.94 & W20 Changing Breeds, p.118)
• Shadows by the Firelight (Level Four) : As the Garou Galliard Gift.
(Note: This Gift is known as “Shadows by the Firelight” or “Shadows by the Fire Light,” depending on the Edition.
(Source: Gurahl, p.98 & W20 Changing Breeds, p.118→Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.170)
• Aversion Therapy (Level Five) :Gurahl use this Gift to rehabilitate wrongdoers or force those who cause great
harm to stop performing certain actions. In essence, the werebear taps into the individual’s emotions and links one or more
of them with the thought of performing the forbidden deed. For example, an arsonist might have his thoughts of setting
fires linked with uncontrollable sadness. So as long as he even considers burning something, he is rendered helpless by
wracking sobs and inexplicable feelings of loss. Such a linkage, once established, lasts for a year and a day.
System: The player spends a point of Gnosis and rolls Wits + Empathy (difficulty of the subject’s Willpower). If
the Gurahl uses this Gift on other supernatural creatures, the Gurahl must spend a point of Willpower to do so.
(Source: Gurahl, p.98 & PGttCB, Revised, p.94 & W20 Changing Breeds, p.118)
• Prophetic Vision (Level Five) : Gurahl lorekeepers credit this Gift for providing the earliest warning of the
War of Rage, even though many werebears ignored or misinterpreted the omens drawn from its use. By entering a deep
trance, a Gurahl may send his mind beyond the barriers of time and catch a glimpse of what the future may hold. Words as
well as visions come to the werebear, warning or alerting him to things that have yet to transpire. Unfortunately, these
images, while vivid and often dramatic, require interpretation. Many who use this Gift fail to understand what they have
seen and heard. Gurahl believe that the disturbing images and phrases that seem to penetrate current uses of this Gift
herald the impending Apocalypse. Only an avatar of Phoenix teaches this Gift.
System: The Gurahl assumes a meditative state, while his player rolls Perception + Enigmas (difficulty 9). The
player may spend Gnosis to lower the difficulty at the rate of one per Gnosis point. Almost immediately, the werebear
begins to sense words and images, many of them distorted or extremely cryptic. The Storyteller should not make these
“visions” of the future impossible to fathom, but she should try to challenge the player by leaving many avenues of
interpretation open. No successes means that a vision or message from the future fails to come to the Gurahl, while a botch
gives the werebear a false vision or warning.
(Source: Gurahl, p.98-99)
Gurahl in their Kieh auspice pay particular attention to matters of healing and of the spirit world. In many ways,
they serve as ministers to the bodies and souls of Gaia’s creatures.
• Diagnose (Level One) :By studying an individual, the Gurahl can determine the target’s general state of health,
frequently enabling her to identify any ailments or diseases present in the person’s body. A bear-spirit teaches this Gift.
System (old version): The Gurahl concentrates on her target, and her player rolls Perception + Medicine
(difficulty 7). One success allows her to assess the general health of the target, while additional successes enable her to
home in on specific diseases such as lung disorders, stomach ailments, viruses and chronic problems. No successes means
that the Gurahl cannot determine anything about the individual, while a botch produces a false diagnosis (which could
prove dangerous to the target).
(Source: Gurahl, p.99)
System(new version): The character can take Medicine actions to diagnose patients in only a single turn of
inspection. This Gift’s effects are permanent.
(Source: W20 Changing Breeds, p.118)
• Spirit Speech (Level One) : As the Garou Theurge Gift.
(Source: Gurahl, p.99 & PGttCB, Revised, p.94 & W20 Changing Breeds, p.118→Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition,
• Refresh (Level Two) : The Gurahl may enable a target to ignore wound penalties until the end of a combat,
thus aiding in victory and survival for that individual. A bear-spirit teaches this Gift.
System (old version): The Gurahl must be within touching distance of her target but does not have to touch that
individual. The player spends a point of Gnosis and rolls Wits + Medicine (difficulty 6 for herself and 7 for another
person). Each success temporarily “hea1s” a Health Level of damage, whether aggravated or normal, though the target
may still take additional damage after the Gift is activated. The damage returns after the combat at the rate of one Health
Level per turn until healed magically or through normal medical treatment.
(Source: Gurahl, p.99 & PGttCB, Revised, p.95)
System (new version): The Gurahl must touch her target. The player spends a Gnosis point; the target suffers no
wound penalties until the end of the combat.
(Source: W20 Changing Breeds, p.118)
• Sense the Unnatural (Level Two) : As the Garou lupus Gift.
(Source: Gurahl, p.99 & PGttCB, Revised, p.95 & W20 Changing Breeds, p.118→Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition,
• Exorcism (Level Three) : As the Garou Theurge Gift.
(Source: Gurahl, p.99 & PGttCB, Revised, p.95 & W20 Changing Breeds, p.118→Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition,
• Name the Spirit (Level Three) : As the Garou lupus Gift.
(Source: Gurahl, p.99 & PGttCB, Revised, p.95 & W20 Changing Breeds, p.118→Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition,
• Spirit Healing (Level Four) : The Gurahl not only serve as Gaia’s healers in the physical world, they also have
the ability to repair damage done to Umbral spirits. This Gift allows a Gurahl in the Umbra to replenish the Essence of a
"wounded" spirit. A bear-spirit teaches this Gift.
System (old version): The Gurahl must be in the Umbra to activate this Gift, which requires a roll of Charisma +
Occult (difficulty of the spirit’s Willpower). If the roll succeeds, the Gurahl may transfer a temporary point of his own
Gnosis to the spirit, which it converts into five points of Essence. The Gurahl may spend as much Gnosis as he deems
necessary and can afford. Use of this Gift usually puts the spirit in the Gurahl’s debt, allowing the werebear to call upon
the spirit for assistance in the future.
(Source: Gurahl, p.99 & PGttCB, Revised, p.95)
System (new version): The player rolls Charisma + Occult (difficulty of the spirit’s Willpower). Success allows
the Gurahl to spend Gnosis to restore the spirit’s Essence, at a rate of two Essence per Gnosis spent.
(Source: W20 Changing Breeds, p.118)
• Spirit Shape (Level Four) : The Gurahl may assume the countenance and form of a creature native to the
Umbra, appearing to other spirits as one of their own kind. In this fashion, a werebear can travel in parts of the Umbra
which might otherwise prove inimical or hostile. A Coyote-spirit teaches this Gift.
System (old version): The Gurahl must enter the Umbra in order to invoke this Gift. Once the Gurahl is past the
Gauntlet, the player rolls Appearance + Enigmas (difficulty 7) and spends a point of Gnosis. The Gurahl’s body then
assumes the appearance of an Umbral creature, usually a Jaggling of some sort. In parts of the Umbra controlled by the
Tapestry Maker, the Gurahl may take the form of a Pattern Spider. A single success allows the Gift to take full effect, while
no successes means that the Gurahl cannot alter her appearance. A botch means that the Gurahl assumes a spirit-form
whose presence attracts a number of hostile spirits. The Gift remains in effect until the Gurahl leaves the Umbra.
(Source: Gurahl, p.99)
System (new version): This Gift only functions in the Umbra. The player spends a Gnosis point and rolls
Appearance + Enigmas (difficulty 7). The Gurahl’s body then assumes the desired appearance for (Wisdom) days. The
Gurahl can will the Gift to end earlier if he requires.
(Source: W20 Changing Breeds, p.118)
• Restore Sanity (Level Five) : This Gift allows the Gurahl to completely restore the mind of an individual who
has suffered an immense mental catastrophe or who has been deliberately driven insane by an enemy. Unlike the Gurahl
Gift: Ease the Fevered Mind, this Gift does not affect chronic mental states or permanent forms of insanity; it simply
restores a traumatized mind to its former state. A Jaggling of Ursa Major teaches this Gift.
System: The player rolls Wits + Empathy and spends a point of Gnosis. Only one success is necessary to bring
the Gift’s recipient back from the edge of fear or trauma-induced madness. The effects of this Gift are permanent unless
something else occurs to shatter the subject’s mind again. This Gift cannot heal certain permanent Derangements (such as
metis disfigurements or a Malkavian’s madness), although with five successes, the Gurahl can cure Harano.
(Source: Gurahl, p.99)
• Image of the Sky Bear (Level Five) : The Gurahl’s body glows with the light of the Great She-Bear, outlining
his form with seven pinpoints of light that correspond to the seven stars of Ursa Major. Using the borrowed power of the
spirit of the Great She-Bear, the Gurahl may perform extra acts of healing or protection, depending on the circumstances.
A Jaggling of Ursa Major or the Incarna herself can both teach this Gift.
System (old version): The player spends a point of Gnosis and rolls Wits + Rituals (difficulty 6) to call down the
image of the Sky Bear. He may use the power thus gained (and represented by the Gurahl’s starry outline) for up to seven
actions to heal wounds (even aggravated), add temporary Health Levels or provide the equivalent of body armor. Each
such action causes one of the seven pinpoints of light to “blink out,” signaling the expiration of the Gift. The effects,
however, last until lost through incurring damage.
(Source: Gurahl, p.99-100 & PGttCB, Revised, p.95)
System (new version): The player spends a Gnosis point and rolls Wits + Rituals. The Gurahl may then touch
targets and instantly heal five levels of lethal or bashing damage, heal three levels of aggravated damage, or grant the
target mystic armor (equivalent to Kevlar body armor) for the rest of the scene. One of the points of light on the Gurahl’s
body goes out each time he uses this Gift’s benefits; when all the lights are extinguished, so is the Gift.
(Source: W20 Changing Breeds, p.118)

Naturally, the Rishi’s Gifts reflect the wisdom of age and the ability to properly adjudicate situations. They allow
the Rishi to keep peace among his own kind, mortals and other Changing Breeds alike.
• Befriend (Level One) : With this Gift, the Gurahl can alter the emotions of a potentially hostile individual so
that the target responds to the werebear with a friendlier attitude than he originally had. A Gaffling of Ursa Minor or a dog-
spirit teaches this Gift.
System (old version): The Gurahl assumes a non-threatening physical attitude, and his player spends one Gnosis
and rolls Charisma + Empathy, opposed by the target’s Willpower. Success reduces the hostile target’s feeling toward the
Gurahl to neutral, while additional success move the individual’s emotions in more positive directions. Zero successes
indicate failure, while a botch adds to the target’s hostility.
(Source: Gurahl, p.100 & PGttCB, Revised, p.95)
System (new version): The character adds one automatic success to all attempts to make a good first impression.
This Gift’s effects are permanent.
(Source: W20 Changing Breeds, p.118)
• Truth of Gaia (Level One) : As the Philodox Gift.
(Source: Gurahl, p.100 & PGttCB, Revised, p.95 & W20 Changing Breeds, p.118→Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition,
• Compel Truth (Level Two) : By using the force of his presence, a Gurahl may force a targeted individual to
speak only the truth as she perceives it. A falcon-spirit teaches this Gift.
System: The player spends a point of Gnosis and rolls Wits + Empathy (difficulty of the target’s Willpower). The
target must refrain from lying for one minute for each success gained. Failure means that the Gift has no effect, while a
botch only seems to work.
(Source: Gurahl, p.100 & PGttCB, Revised, p.95 & W20 Changing Breeds, p.118)
• Presence of the Great Bear (Level Two) Version One : Similar to the Garou Philodox Gift: King of the
Beasts, this Gift allows the Gurahl to cause nearby bears (one at a time) to assist her and follow her instructions.
System (old version): The player rolls Charisma + Animal Ken against a difficulty that depends on the Gurahl’s
relationship with the target bear. The bear must be within 100 feet of the Gurahl for the Gift to work. The duration is one
Relationship Difficulty
Sibling 3
Kinfolk 4
Protected creature 6
Strange bear 8
Angry or hostile bear 10
(Source: Gurahl, p.100 & PGttCB, Revised, p.95)
• Presence of the Great Bear (Level Two) Version Two : As the Philodox Gift: King of Beasts.
(Source: W20 Changing Breeds, p.118→Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.167)
• Waken (Level Three) : The Gurahl may arouse an individual from supernatural sleep or unnatural slumber,
including bringing a vampire out of torpor, awakening a Gurahl from hibernation caused by Bhernocht and even triggering
resurrection in mummies. Recipients may not appreciate the awakening. A fox- or thunder-spirit teaches this Gift.
System (old version): The player spends a point of Gnosis and rolls Wits + Rituals (difficulty 6). The Gurahl
must spend a point of Willpower to bring a Gurahl out of sleep caused by the Rite of the Long Sleep.
(Source: Gurahl, p.101 & PGttCB, Revised, p.95)
System (new version): The player spends a point of Gnosis and rolls Wits + Rituals (difficulty 7).
(Source: W20 Changing Breeds, p.118)
• Ways of the Tapestry (Level Three) : This Gift allows the Gurahl insight into how pieces of a puzzle or a
mystery fit together, and it can cast some light on how an event fits into the Gurahl’s past, present or possible future. A
cloud- or Weaver-spirit teaches this Gift.
System: The player tolls Wits + Enigmas (difficulty 8). Each success gives the Gurahl an important fact about
the problem confronting him. The Storyteller should present these facts as hints rather than direct statements, but should
not be so cryptic as to be indecipherable.
(Source: Gurahl, p.100 & PGttCB, Revised, p.95 & W20 Changing Breeds, p.119)
• Bestow Ursa's Blessing (Level Four) : A Gurahl may call down the favor of the Great Bear on an individual of
her choosing, granting that person or creature some tangible bonus or piece of good fortune. A Jaggling of Ursa Major
teaches this Gift.
System (old version): The player rolls Wits + Occult (difficulty 6) and spends a point of Gnosis while describing
the specific nature of the blessing she wishes to bestow. This boon can take the form of an automatic success in some
endeavor of the recipient, or it may manifest as a temporary addition to one of the target’s Attributes (such as an extra die
in Strength or Intelligence). If the Gurahl wishes to make the blessing a permanent one, she must sacrifice a point of
permanent Gnosis to do so.
(Source: Gurahl, p.101)
System (new version): The player spends a Gnosis point and rolls Wits + Occult (difficulty 7) while describing
the blessing she wishes to bestow. This may be an automatic success when attempting a particular endeavor, or a one-point
bonus to an Attribute. The blessing lasts for (Wisdom) hours.
(Source: W20 Changing Breeds, p.119)
• Quell Mob Rage (Level Four) : By speaking calmly and deliberately, the Gurahl can dispel the anger of a
crowd, disperse lynch mobs or stop a riot before it starts. A manatee- or Weaver-spirit teaches this Gift.
System (old version): The player rolls Charisma + Leadership (difficulty of the highest Willpower among the
members of the target group) and confronts the angry crowd (which may consist of up to 50 individuals). Each success
causes a step-down in hostility of one degree (i.e. hostile crowds become discontented, discontented mobs become neutral,
and neutral groups tend towards friendliness). If the Gurahl rolls more than three successes, he may further manipulate the
crowd to accept his own beliefs or ideas in place of the ones that sparked the initial anger.
(Source: Gurahl, p.101 & PGttCB, Revised, p.95)
System (new version): The player rolls Charisma + Leadership (difficulty of the highest Willpower rating in the
crowd). The degree by which (Succor x 30) individuals reduce their hostile mood depends on the successes rolled.
(Source: W20 Changing Breeds, p.119)
• Oath of the Great Bear (Level Five) Version One : Similar to the Philodox Gift: Geas, this Gift enables the
Gurahl the ability to cause an individual or group oath to be binding. The oath cannot force the oathsworn to act in ways
detrimental to himself but can compel anything else within the target’s capabilities. A Jaggling in service to Ursa Major
teaches this Gift.
System: The player spends a point of Gnosis and rolls Manipulation + Leadership (difficulty of the target’s
Willpower). To affect a group, the Gurahl must roll against the difficulty of the person in the group with the highest
Willpower. Targets who break the oath lose a point of Willpower per day until that Trait reaches zero followed by some
other Trait or Attribute. This process continues until the target dies, returns to the oath’s terms or successfully requests the
Gurahl to release her from the oath.
(Source: Gurahl, p.101 & PGttCB, Revised, p.95)
• Oath of the Great Bear (Level Five) Version Two : As the Philodox Gift: Geas.
(Source: W20 Changing Breeds, p.119→Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.168)
• Words of Doom (Level Five) : This Gift enables a Gurahl to curse an individual (or an allied group of
individuals up to five in number), punishing them for some gross misdeed. Some werebears believe that the origin of the
Silver fangs’ tribal insanity resulted from a curse placed upon them for their part in the War of Rage. Gurahl who use this
Gift tread a thin line between serving Gaia and becoming a tool of the Pattern Breaker, since the pronouncement of a curse
upon an individual or group often reflects adversely upon the speaker, touching her spirit with darkness. A worm-spirit
teaches this Gift.
System: After the Gurahl states the terms of the curse, the player rolls Wits + Occult (difficulty 9) and sacrifices a
point of permanent Gnosis to seal the effect. The words used must specifically describe the terms of punishment along
with the means for lifting or escaping the curse (“You and your descendants shall never know unsullied happiness until
you return that which you stole from my people.”). If the nature of the curse is particularly harmful, detrimental or far-
reaching, the Storyteller may require that the Gurahl character give up two or even three points of permanent Gnosis
instead of one.
(Source: Gurahl, p.101)

Hengeyokai General Gifts

The following Gifts are shared freely among the Beast Courts of the Emerald Mother. However, they aren't fully
accessible to outsiders; one must follow the Way of Emerald Virtue to receive such teachings. Hengeyokai pledged to their
Breeds may still be offered these Gifts in return for services offered to the Courts, but as a general rule, not every
shapeshifter in the East will necessarily know that many of these Gifts. Starting characters who are allowed to choose from
the communal hengeyokai list may instead choose an auspice Gift in keeping with their role (Lanterns may choose from
Philodox Gifts; Fists, Ahroun; Mirrors, Theurge; Leaves, Ragabash; Pillars, Galliard).
• Balance (Level One) : As the Stargazer Gift.
(Source: W20 Changing Breeds, p.284→Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.195)
• Create Element (Level One) : As the metis Gift. Hengeyokai in tune with the appropriate elements (see
Hengeyokai: Shapeshifters of the East, p.51) can summon "moon" as an element; this manifests as pure moonlight,
providing illumination and often some measure of comfort.
(Source: Hengeyokai: Shapeshifters of the East, p.108 & W20 Changing Breeds, p.284→Werewolf 20th Anniversary
Edition, p.155-6)
• Mindspeak (Level One) : As the Galliard Gift. This Gift is commonly shared among newcomers to the Courts
as the most basic form of universal communication.
(Source: Hengeyokai: Shapeshifters of the East, p.108 & W20 Changing Breeds, p.284→Werewolf 20th Anniversary
Edition, p.169)
• Sense Imbalance (Level Two) : This Gift allows the hengeyokai to focus her perceptions on the balance
between the Three, discerning any local imbalances of energies : whether those of the Triat, or those of Yin, Yang and
Yomi. She may, for instance, learn that the Weaver is particularly strong in one area, or that the taint of Yomi is oddly
absent from one hovel in the midst of a slum. This Gift is taught by any spirit servant of the Emerald Mother.
System: The player rolls Perception + Occult; like the Gift: Sense Wyrm, the difficulty depends on the strength
of the relative forces in the area. Kuei-jin smell of the strongest Chi in their bodies, and those with powerful P'o have a
decided Yomi taint to them.
(Source: Hengeyokai: Shapeshifters of the East, p.108)
• Sense Wyrm (Level One) : As the metis Gift.
(Source: W20 Changing Breeds, p.284→Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.156)
• Blaze Talons (Level Two) : One of the war arts of the hengeyokai, this Gift enables the shapeshifter to ignite
his hands or paws (or even wings, in the case of Crinos-form Tengu with Razor Feathers), granting his blows the ferocity
of a wildfire. Shapeshifters using Blaze Talons are often wondrous to behold, as their strikes trace whirling patterns of
flame around them. This Gift is taught by a flame-spirit or fire elemental.
System: The player spends a point of Gnosis and makes a Strength + Primal-Urge roll, difficulty 6. The flame
lasts for two turns per success. The flame adds one damage die to all physical strikes, and can cause vampires to flee in
instinctive fear. Even if the shapeshifter using this Gift is striking with fists, his damage is aggravated.
Same-Bito, Nagah and Zhong Lung must learn this Gift as Level Three; their deep ties to water preclude any
greater affinity to flame.
(Source: Hengeyokai: Shapeshifters of the East, p.108-109 & W20 Changing Breeds, p.284)
• Courtly Speech (Level Two) Version One : When acting as an envoy, hengeyokai find it only polite to speak
in the tongue of one's host. This Gift allows a hengeyokai to speak any of the Changing Breed tongues as if he were a
native. The nuances of a Hakken growl, the pheromonal cues of the Kumo, even the electrical speech of the Same-Bito :
this Gift grants mastery of all. However, it does not grant knowledge of written symbols, nor does it work on human
language. The Gift is taught by a crane-spirit.
System: The player rolls Charisma + Linguistics, difficulty 7; only one success is required for fluency in the
desired tongue. The fluency lasts for a scene.
(Source: Hengeyokai: Shapeshifters of the East, p.109)
• Courtly Speech (Level Two) Version Two : As the homid Gift: Speech of the World.
(Source: W20 Changing Breeds, p.284→Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.154)
• Resist Temptation (Level Two) : As the Stargazer Gift.
(Source: W20 Changing Breeds, p.284→Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.195)
• Sense Balance (Level Two) : As the Level Three Philodox Gift.
(Source: W20 Changing Breeds, p.284→Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.167)
• Clarity (Level Three) : As the Stargazer Gift.
(Source: W20 Changing Breeds, p.284→Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.196)
• Part the Wall (Level Three) : This Gift allows hengeyokai that cannot normally gain easy access to the Yang
World to do so as easily as the Garou.
System: The character may step sideways as if she were Garou. This Gift’s effects are permanent.
(Source: W20 Changing Breeds, p.284→Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.309-310)
• Waking Dream of Unity (Level Three) :This Gift was devised when the simpler Gift of Mental Speech proved
to be too inefficient for regular courtly use. It, too, places a group of hengeyokai into silent communication by sending
waking dreams into their minds, but is much easier to utilize. Most Gai'nan know this Gift, and use it to communicate with
the entire court at a time. It is taught by a Chimerling or spirit official serving the Ministers of Heaven.
System: The hengeyokai need only spend one Willpower point to place up to 30 characters as needed into silent
communication; of course, all participants must be present for this. Everyone included in the dream can act with some
clarity; their dice pools are reduced by only one die. The hengeyokai can bring unwilling subjects into the dream, too, but
must make a Manipulation + Expression roll (difficulty of the target's Willpower); if this roll fails, the dream ends.
(Source: Hengeyokai: Shapeshifters of the East, p.109 & W20 Changing Breeds, p.284)
• Exorcism (Level Four) : As the Level Three Theurge Gift. The Yama Kings frequently send their spirit
minions to plague the hengeyokai courts; as a result, the knowledge of banishing evil spirits is shared freely among the
(Source: Hengeyokai: Shapeshifters of the East, p.109 & W20 Changing Breeds, p.284→Werewolf 20th Anniversary
Edition, p.165)
• Mindblock (Level Four) : As the Silver Fang Gift.
(Source: W20 Changing Breeds, p.284→Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.194)
• Part the Wall (Level Four) : This Gift is shared among hengeyokai who cannot normally step sideways:
notably, the Khan, Nagah, Zhong Lung and Same-Bito. It allows them to walk into the Mirror Lands as easily as their
more fortunate cousins do.
System: The hengeyokai can now step sideways normally, just as Garou can. This ability becomes automatic
once the hengeyokai learns this Gift.
(Source: Hengeyokai: Shapeshifters of the East, p.109)
• Walking the Bone Road (Level Four) : Assuming the character is able to step sideways, she may step
sideways into the Yin World as easily as she normally does the Yang World. A death-spirit teaches this Gift.
System: This Gift’s effects are permanent; the character chooses which world she enters when stepping sideways
from the physical realm.
(Source: W20 Changing Breeds, p.284)
• Elemental Gift (Level Five) : As the lupus Gift.
(Source: W20 Changing Breeds, p.284→Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.160)
• Way of Ten Thousand Cities (Level Five) : As the homid Gift: Assimilation.
(Source: W20 Changing Breeds, p.284→Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.155)

Auspice Gifts
The Beast Court sentai Auspices are similar, but not identical, to the Auspices of the Garou. Each has its own list of
traditional powers, which characters are free to explore or ignore as the needs of their sentai dictate.
• Fangs of Judgment (Level One) : As the Philodox Gift.
(Source: W20 Changing Breeds, p.284→Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.166)
• Persuasion (Level One) : As the homid Gift.
(Source: W20 Changing Breeds, p.284→Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.153)
• Scent of the True Form (Level One) : As the Philodox Gift.
(Source: W20 Changing Breeds, p.284→Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.166)
• Truth of Gaia (Level One) : As the Philodox Gift.
(Source: W20 Changing Breeds, p.284→Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.166)
• Command the Gathering (Level Two) : As the Philodox Gift.
(Source: W20 Changing Breeds, p.284→Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.167)
• King of the Beasts (Level Two) : As the Philodox Gift.
(Source: W20 Changing Breeds, p.284→Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.167)
• Strength of Purpose (Level Two) : As the Philodox Gift.
(Source: W20 Changing Breeds, p.285→Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.167)
• Mental Speech (Level Three) : As the metis Gift.
(Source: W20 Changing Breeds, p.285→Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.157)
• Wisdom of the Ancient Ways (Level Three) : As the Philodox Gift.
(Source: W20 Changing Breeds, p.285→Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.167)
• Roll Over (Level Four) : As the Philodox Gift.
(Source: W20 Changing Breeds, p.285→Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.167)
• Take the True Form (Level Four) : As the Philodox Gift.
(Source: W20 Changing Breeds, p.285→Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.168)
• Geas (Level Five) : As the Philodox Gift.
(Source: W20 Changing Breeds, p.285→Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.168)
• Strength of Will (Level Five) : As the Ahroun Gift.
(Source: W20 Changing Breeds, p.285→Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.172)

• Falling Touch (Level One) : As the Ahroun Gift.
(Source: W20 Changing Breeds, p.285→Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.170-171)
• Inspiration (Level One) : As the Ahroun Gift.
(Source: W20 Changing Breeds, p.285→Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.171)
• Pack Tactics (Level One) : As the Ahroun Gift.
(Source: W20 Changing Breeds, p.285→Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.171)
• Razor Claws (Level One) : As the Ahroun Gift.
(Source: W20 Changing Breeds, p.285→Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.171)
• Resist Pain (Level One) : As the Philodox Gift.
(Source: W20 Changing Breeds, p.285→Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.166)
• Shield of Rage (Level Two) : As the Ahroun Gift.
(Source: W20 Changing Breeds, p.285→Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.171)
• Snarl of the Predator (Level Two) : As the Get of Fenris Gift.
(Source: W20 Changing Breeds, p.285→Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.180-181)
• Spirit of the Fray (Level Two) : As the Ahroun Gift.
(Source: W20 Changing Breeds, p.285→Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.171)
• True Fear (Level Two) : As the Ahroun Gift.
(Source: W20 Changing Breeds, p.285→Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.171)
• Combat Healing (Level Three) : As the Ahroun Gift.
(Source: W20 Changing Breeds, p.285→Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.171)
• Thunder of Susano-o (Level Three) : As the Get of Fenris Gift: Might of Thor.
(Source: W20 Changing Breeds, p.285→Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.181)
• Wind’s Returning Favor (Level Three) : As the Stargazer Gift.
(Source: W20 Changing Breeds, p.285→Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.196)
• Wrath of Gaia (Level Three) : As the Silver Fang Gift.
(Source: W20 Changing Breeds, p.285→Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.194)
• Full Moon’s Light (Level Four) : As the Ahroun Gift.
(Source: W20 Changing Breeds, p.285→Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.172)
• Stoking Fury’s Furnace (Level Four) : As the Ahroun Gift.
(Source: W20 Changing Breeds, p.285→Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.172)
• Kiss of Helios (Level Five) : As the Ahroun Gift.
(Source: W20 Changing Breeds, p.285→Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.172)

• Liar’s Face (Level One) : As the Ragabash Gift.
(Source: W20 Changing Breeds, p.285→Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.161)
• Persuasion (Level One) : As the homid Gift.
(Source: W20 Changing Breeds, p.285→Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.153)
• Spirit Snare (Level One) : As the Theurge Gift.
(Source: W20 Changing Breeds, p.285→Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.164)
• Spirit Speech (Level One) : As the Theurge Gift.
(Source: W20 Changing Breeds, p.285→Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.164)
• Umbral Tether (Level One) : As the Theurge Gift.
(Source: W20 Changing Breeds, p.285→Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.164)
• Battle Mandala (Level Two) : As the Theurge Gift.
(Source: W20 Changing Breeds, p.285→Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.164)
• Call to Duty (Level Two) : As the Philodox Gift.
(Source: W20 Changing Breeds, p.285→Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.166-167)
• Command Spirit (Level Two) : As the Theurge Gift.
(Source: W20 Changing Breeds, p.285→Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.164)
• Name the Spirit (Level Two) : As the lupus Gift.
(Source: W20 Changing Breeds, p.285→Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.159)
• Liar’s Craft (Level Three) : As the Ragabash Gift.
(Source: W20 Changing Breeds, p.285→Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.162)
• Pulse of the Invisible (Level Three) : As the Theurge Gift.
(Source: W20 Changing Breeds, p.285→Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.165)
• Umbral Camouflage (Level Three) : As the Theurge Gift.
(Source: W20 Changing Breeds, p.285→Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.165)
• Web Walker (Level Three) : As the Theurge Gift.
(Source: W20 Changing Breeds, p.285→Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.165)
• Blurring the Mirror (Level Four) : As the Theurge Gift.
(Source: W20 Changing Breeds, p.286→Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.165)
• Grasp the Beyond (Level Four) : As the Theurge Gift.
(Source: W20 Changing Breeds, p.286→Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.165)
• Scent of Beyond (Level Four) : As the Philodox Gift.
(Source: W20 Changing Breeds, p.286→Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.167-168)
• Spirit Drain (Level Four) : As the Theurge Gift.
(Source: W20 Changing Breeds, p.286→Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.165)
• Spirit Ward (Level Four) : As the homid Gift.
(Source: W20 Changing Breeds, p.286→Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.155)
• Malleable Spirit (Level Five) : As the Theurge Gift.
(Source: W20 Changing Breeds, p.286→Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.166)
• Ultimate Argument of Logic (Level Five) : As the Theurge Gift.
(Source: W20 Changing Breeds, p.286→Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.166)

• Blur of the Milky Eye (Level One) : As the Ragabash Gift.
(Source: W20 Changing Breeds, p.286→Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.161)
• Open Seal (Level One) : As the Ragabash Gift.
(Source: W20 Changing Breeds, p.286→Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.161)
• Scent of Running Water (Level One) : As the Ragabash Gift.
(Source: W20 Changing Breeds, p.286→Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.161)
• Whisper Catching (Level One) : As the Shadow Lord Gift.
(Source: W20 Changing Breeds, p.286→Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.188)
• Blissful Ignorance (Level Two) : As the Ragabash Gift.
(Source: W20 Changing Breeds, p.286→Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.161)
• Pulse of the Prey (Level Two) : As the Ragabash Gift.
(Source: W20 Changing Breeds, p.286→Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.161)
• Spider’s Song (Level Two) : As the Ragabash Gift.
(Source: W20 Changing Breeds, p.286→Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.161)
• Taking the Forgotten (Level Two) : As the Ragabash Gift.
(Source: W20 Changing Breeds, p.286→Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.162)
• Monkey Tail (Level Three) : As the lupus Gift.
(Source: W20 Changing Breeds, p.286→Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.159)
• Pathfinder (Level Three) : As the Ragabash Gift.
(Source: W20 Changing Breeds, p.286→Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.162)
• Umbral Camouflage (Level Three) : As the Theurge Gift.
(Source: W20 Changing Breeds, p.286→Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.165)
• Umbral Dodge (Level Four) : As the Ragabash Gift.
(Source: W20 Changing Breeds, p.286→Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.162)
• Whelp Body (Level Four) : As the Ragabash Gift.
(Source: W20 Changing Breeds, p.286→Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.162)
• Paws of the Newborn Cub (Level Five) : As the Silver Fang Gift.
(Source: W20 Changing Breeds, p.286→Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.195)
• Thousand Forms (Level Five) : As the Ragabash Gift.
(Source: W20 Changing Breeds, p.286→Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.163)

• Beast Speech (Level One) : As the Galliard Gift.
(Source: W20 Changing Breeds, p.286→Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.169)
• Call of the Wyld (Level One) : As the Galliard Gift.
(Source: W20 Changing Breeds, p.286→Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.169)
• Heightened Senses (Level One) : As the lupus Gift.
(Source: W20 Changing Breeds, p.286→Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p. 158-159)
• Infectious Laughter (Level One) : As the Ragabash Gift.
(Source: W20 Changing Breeds, p.286→Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.161)
• Mother’s Touch (Level One) : As the Theurge Gift.
(Source: W20 Changing Breeds, p.286→Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.164)
• Perfect Recall (Level One) : As the Galliard Gift.
(Source: W20 Changing Breeds, p.286→Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p. 169 & Book of Auspices, p.101)
• Call of the Wyrm (Level Two) : As the Galliard Gift.
(Source: W20 Changing Breeds, p.286→Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.169)
• Command the Gathering (Level Two) : As the Philodox Gift.
(Source: W20 Changing Breeds, p.286→Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.167)
• Distractions (Level Two) : As the Galliard Gift.
(Source: W20 Changing Breeds, p.286→Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.169)
• Dreamspeak (Level Two) : As the Galliard Gift.
(Source: W20 Changing Breeds, p.286→Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.169)
• Sight From Beyond (Level Two) : As the Theurge Gift.
(Source: W20 Changing Breeds, p.286→Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.164)
• Eye of the Cobra (Level Three) : As the Galliard Gift.
(Source: W20 Changing Breeds, p.286→Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.169)
• Song of Heroes (Level Three) : As the Galliard Gift.
(Source: W20 Changing Breeds, p.286→Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.170)
• Song of Rage (Level Three) : As the Galliard Gift.
(Source: W20 Changing Breeds, p.286→Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.170)
• Song of the Siren (Level Three) : As the Galliard Gift.
(Source: W20 Changing Breeds, p.286→Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.170)
• Bridge Walker (Level Four) : As the Galliard Gift.
(Source: W20 Changing Breeds, p.286→Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.170)
• Gift of Dreams (Level Four) : As the Galliard Gift.
(Source: W20 Changing Breeds, p.286→Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.170)
• Fabric of the Mind (Level Five) : As the Galliard Gift.
(Source: W20 Changing Breeds, p.286→Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.170)
• Wall of Granite (Level Five) : As the Philodox Gift.
(Source: W20 Changing Breeds, p.286→Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.168)

• Breath of the Wyld (Level One) : As the Black Fury Gift.
(Source: W20 Changing Breeds, p.286→Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.173)
• Lightning Reflexes (Level One) : As the Get of Fenris Gift.
(Source: W20 Changing Breeds, p.286→Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.180)
• Master of Fire (Level One) : As the homid Gift.
(Source: W20 Changing Breeds, p.286→Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.153)
• Perfect Recall (Level One) : As the Galliard Gift.
(Source: W20 Changing Breeds, p.286→Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p. 169 & Book of Auspices, p.101)
• Persuasion (Level One) : As the homid Gift.
(Source: W20 Changing Breeds, p.286→Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.153)
• Flame Dance (Level Two) : As the Fianna Gift.
(Source: W20 Changing Breeds, p.286→Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.179)
• Sight From Beyond (Level Two) : As the Theurge Gift.
(Source: W20 Changing Breeds, p.286→Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.164)
• Staredown (Level Two) : As the homid Gift.
(Source: W20 Changing Breeds, p.286→Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.154)
• Wuxing (Level Two) : As the Stargazer Gift.
(Source: W20 Changing Breeds, p.286→Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p. 195-6 & Tribebook: Stargazers Revised,
• Exorcism (Level Three) : As the Theurge Gift.
(Source: W20 Changing Breeds, p.286→Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.165)
• Open Moon Bridge (Level Three) : As the Ragabash Gift.
(Source: W20 Changing Breeds, p.286→Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.162)
• Scent of the Oathbreaker (Level Three) : As the Philodox Gift.
(Source: W20 Changing Breeds, p.286→Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.167)
• Song of the Siren (Level Three) : As the Galliard Gift.
(Source: W20 Changing Breeds, p.286→Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.170)
• Attunement (Level Four) : As the Bone Gnawer Gift, but when learned, the Courtier must decide whether the Gift
functions in the city or the wilderness. The “city” version is identical to the Bone Gnawer Gift; the “wilderness” version is
similar, but the roll required is Perception + Survival.
(Source: W20 Changing Breeds, p.287→Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.176)
• Beast Life (Level Four) : As the lupus Gift.
(Source: W20 Changing Breeds, p.287→Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.160)
• Bridge Walker (Level Four) : As the Galliard Gift.
(Source: W20 Changing Breeds, p.287→Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.170)
• Head Games (Level Five) : As the Galliard Gift.
(Source: W20 Changing Breeds, p.287→Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.170)
• Geas (Level Five) : As the Philodox Gift.
(Source: W20 Changing Breeds, p.287→Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.168)

Kitsune simply adore magic. Any trick is better with a Gift thrown in; success is sweeter when elders offer
lessons as reward, and Rank more prized because of the new power Gaia grants with each tail. In a scant few millennia,
the Foxes have coaxed the spirits to grant them a wide array of tricks, picked up hedge magic, reinvented an entire branch
of witchcraft, and stolen, toyed with and abandoned the Bastet's Gift-swiping ability.
Foxes call their magic as a whole Jyu-ho. Gifts are still Gifts (Tamamono in their speech). Hedge magic they
name Yojutsu, and their own brand of runic sorcery, Ju-Fu. All Gifts not described in full are taken from Werewolf: the
Apocalypse, 20th Anniversary Edition (unless otherwise specified).

General Gifts
The Kitsune have a fair amount of communal Gifts, but not as much as one might expect from the sorcerous
Foxes. This stems largely from their devotion to their Paths : once a Gukutsushi has begun learning the tricks of mind-
mysticism, the more "vanilla" Gifts shared by all his brethren seem less enticing. The shared Gifts of the Foxes reflect
their mysticism as a race, as well as their infamous penchant for mischief.
• Chi Sense (Level One) :The Kitsune can open herself to the flow of Yin and Yang, carefully feeling the flow of
Chi in the world around her. A Kitsune can make good use of this Gift to become an accomplished fang shih (a practitioner
of feng shui). This Gift is taught by any spirit of the Middle Kingdom.
System (old version): The player rolls Perception + Occult; the difficulty and information received depend on
the local distribution of Chi. For instance, being able to tell that a graveyard is high in Yin would be about difficulty 3 or 4
(if not common sense), while discerning surreptitious sabotage of a laboratory's Chi flow might be difficulty 8 or 9.
(Source: Hengeyokai: Shapeshifters of the East, p.169 & PGttCB, Revised, p.103-104)
System (new version): The player permanently adds one die to any Gift or Rite which inspects or alters the
environment around the Kitsune.
(Source: W20 Changing Breeds, p.130)
• Ishin Denshin (Level One) Version One : The Kitsune can communicate telepathically with others of her
kind. Both Foxes must possess the Gift and be willing conversationalists. The Kitsune find it very difficult to lie through
this Gift (its name means "Mind-to-Heart Communication"), and therefore use it less often than one would expect. Ishin
Denshin is taught by snake-spirits.
System: The player rolls Perception + Empathy (difficulty 6) while the Kitsune gazes into the other Fox's eyes.
No effort is necessary to sustain contact once established, but any prolonged distraction (such as combat) will break the
link. For each success of the initial roll, the connection will survive one round of combat or single scene of confrontation
without breaking.
(Source: Hengeyokai: Shapeshifters of the East, p.169 & PGttCB, Revised, p.104)
• Ishin Denshin (Level One) Version Two : As the Galliard Gift: Mindspeak.
(Source: W20 Changing Breeds, p.130→Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.169)
• Scent of Running Water (Level One) : As the Ragabash Gift.
(Source: Hengeyokai: Shapeshifters of the East, p.169 & PGttCB, Revised, p.104 & W20 Changing Breeds,
p.130→Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.161)
• Moon Dance (Level Two) :The Kitsune becomes completely invisible provided no moonlight falls on her. She
may step in and out of moonlight as many times as she likes, appearing and vanishing over and over. Lunes teach this Gift
(and presumably included the exception to keep an eye on the little tricksters). This Gift cannot be used during daytime.
System: The Kitsune spends one Gnosis point; however, the effect lasts an entire night. This Gift does not mask
a Fox's scent, sound or any other sensory cues; just vision.
(Source: Hengeyokai: Shapeshifters of the East, p.169-170 & PGttCB, Revised, p.104 & W20 Changing Breeds, p.130)
• Sense Magic (Level Two) : As the Uktena Gift.
(Source: Hengeyokai: Shapeshifters of the East, p.169 & PGttCB, Revised, p.104 & W20 Changing Breeds,
p.130→Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.196-197)
• Spirit Speech (Level Two) : As the Theurge Gift.
(Source: Hengeyokai: Shapeshifters of the East, p.169 & PGttCB, Revised, p.104 & W20 Changing Breeds,
p.130→Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.164)
• Ghost Speech (Level Three) Version One : As the Doshi Gift.
(Note: The Doshi learn this Gift at Level Two. The General version of this Gift is learned at Level Three.)
(Source: Hengeyokai: Shapeshifters of the East, p.170→Hengeyokai: Shapeshifters of the East, p.165 & PGttCB, Revised,
• Ghost Speech (Level Three) Version Two : This Gift allows Kitsune to speak with inhabitants of the Yin
Realm : the Dark Umbra. It is taught by ancestor-spirits and spirits associated with death.
System: The Kitsune may speak in a tone that carries across into the Yin Realm, and hear any responses to her
(Source: W20 Changing Breeds, p.130)
• Puppeteer's Secret (Level Three) :All Kitsune pick up a few illusions, and a few fox tricks. Not being noticed
is the most important of both. This Gift won't turn the Nine-Tails invisible; even better, it makes him one of the crowd. If a
Fox using Puppeteer's Secret is standing around the police station, everyone just knows he's part of the squad. At the Party
meeting, everyone assumes he's a faithful, if dull, member. Wherever he goes, he's been there for years:he's the familiar
face; the friend of a friend; the loyal, nameless supporter; the small-timer trustworthy because he hasn't an angle to call his
own. Deer and other well-camouflaged spirits (whose mortal representatives blend into the scenery or die) teach this Gift.
System (old version): For starters, the player rolls Charisma + Subterfuge (difficulty 7). The Kitsune should be
wearing at least a rough approximation of what everyone else is : a suit won't encourage the confidence of dock-workers :
and keep up fairly appropriate behavior (as a janitor he can sweep the same patch of floor forever, but safecracking will
draw too much attention). This need not be a major effort : Puppeteer's Secret will cover all the things a disguise can't
except ignorance : but as a rule, the less the Nine-Tails says and does, the better. If the Fox begins to step outside his
assumed character, the Storyteller may ask for additional skill rolls: Wits, Charisma or Manipulation plus Streetwise,
Etiquette, etc., to allay suspicion.
(Source: Hengeyokai: Shapeshifters of the East, p.170 & PGttCB, Revised, p.104)
System (new version): The player rolls Charisma + Subterfuge, difficulty 6. If the Kitsune begins to act
suspiciously given her attire and the situation, or otherwise draws attention to herself, the Storyteller may demand a fresh
roll to keep the Gift from breaking.
(Source: W20 Changing Breeds, p.130-131)
• Shadow-Fan-Flowers (Level Four) Version One : as the Gukutsushi Gift.
(Note: The Gukutsushi learn this Gift at Level Three. The General version of this Gift is learned at Level Four.)
(Source: Hengeyokai: Shapeshifters of the East, p.170→Hengeyokai: Shapeshifters of the East, p.168 & PGttCB, Revised,
• Shadow-Fan-Flowers (Level Four) Version Two : One creature within the Kitsune’s line of sight sees a vision
and believes. The illusion is perfectly detailed with color, light, and motion. Chimerlings teach this Gift.
System: The player spends a point of Gnosis and rolls Manipulation + Enigmas (difficulty of the victim’s
Willpower). Supernatural targets may roll Willpower (difficulty 9) to realize the illusion is false only if given compelling
reason to suspect its falsity.
(Source: W20 Changing Breeds, p.131)
• Possession (Level Five) : The Kitsune may abandon her physical form to take over that of another. It is the
most famous, and most infamous power the Nine-Tails wield. Humans across Asia rightly fear it. This Gift is taught by
lesser Incarna of Luna or one of Fox's brood, if at all.
System: The Fox must be in contact with the victim, the victim's hair or nail cuttings, or a personal token of
extreme importance to the victim (wedding ring, favorite toy, etc.). She burns a Gnosis point to assume a completely spirit
form, then a Willpower point to overcome the host, then the player rolls Manipulation + Occult (difficulty of the target's
Shen can resist at this point (and once a day from then on) with Stamina + Occult (difficulty of the Kitsune's
Willpower). Humans : with the assistance of priests, sages, witch doctors, hedge mages, shen, friends keeping vigil : can
resist the intruder once a week with straight Stamina (difficulty of the Kitsune's Willpower). The Gift: Exorcism can be
used to counter Possession. If successfully exorcised, the Kitsune returns to her physical form.
(Source: Hengeyokai: Shapeshifters of the East, p.170 & PGttCB, Revised, p.104 & W20 Changing Breeds, p.131)

Breed Gifts
Kojin are strongest when speaking and dealing with humans, weakest when trying to cope with spirits or the
wilderness. Most of their Gifts take advantage of the specialty; a few protect them from hostile shen and natural foes.
• Persuasion (Level One) : As the homid Gift.
(Source: Hengeyokai: Shapeshifters of the East, p.163 & PGttCB, Revised, p.104 & W20 Changing Breeds,
p.131→Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.153)
• Seduction (Level One) : A Nine-Tails with this Gift holds a powerful attraction for mortals, and can cause
humans to fall in love with her : not always intentionally. This Gift is taught by a cloud- or rain-spirit.
System (old version): The player rolls Charisma + Subterfuge; the target resists with a Willpower roll (both
difficulty 6). Each success increases the depth of emotion; one is a mild crush, five or beyond a haunting obsession. The
Storyteller is encouraged to surreptitiously roll this for pure mischief or subplot every now and then, particularly if the Fox
uses the Gift often.
System (new version): The player spends one Gnosis point and rolls Charisma + Subterfuge (difficulty 6) in a
contested roll against the victim’s Willpower (difficulty 7). The more successes the Kitsune wins by, the deeper the target’s
(Source: Hengeyokai: Shapeshifters of the East, p.163 & PGttCB, Revised, p.104 & W20 Changing Breeds, p.131)
• Smell of Man (Level One) : As the homid Gift. This Gift is particularly useful for Kojin new to the wilderness.
Smell of Man can scare off wolves, bears, owls and other predators, and because it affects natural foxes as well, saves the
Kitsune the trouble of fighting over territory he passes through.
(Source: Hengeyokai: Shapeshifters of the East, p.163 & PGttCB, Revised, p.104 & W20 Changing Breeds,
p.131→Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.133)
• Jam Technology (Level Two) : As the homid Gift.
(Source: Hengeyokai: Shapeshifters of the East, p.163 & PGttCB, Revised, p.104 & W20 Changing Breeds,
p.131→Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.153-4)
• Silver Tongue (Level Two) : As the Fianna Gift: Glib Tongue.
(Source: Hengeyokai: Shapeshifters of the East, p.163 & PGttCB, Revised, p.104 & W20 Changing Breeds,
p.131→Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.179)
• Staredown (Level Two) : As the homid Gift.
(Source: Hengeyokai: Shapeshifters of the East, p.163 & PGttCB, Revised, p.104 & W20 Changing Breeds,
p.131→Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.154)
• Disquiet (Level Three) : As the homid Gift.
(Source: Hengeyokai: Shapeshifters of the East, p.163 & PGttCB, Revised, p.104 & W20 Changing Breeds,
p.131→Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.154)
• Reshape Object (Level Three) :As the homid Gift.
(Source: Hengeyokai: Shapeshifters of the East, p.163 & PGttCB, Revised, p.104 & W20 Changing Breeds,
p.131→Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.154)
• Speech of the World (Level Three) : As the homid Gift.
(Source: W20 Changing Breeds, p.131→Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.154)
• Tongues (Level Three) : The Fox can read and write any language encountered, even obscure or forgotten
tongues and scripts. This Gift is taught by a wind-spirit.
System: The player rolls Intelligence + Linguistics (difficulty 5 for one language, +1 for each additional roll) and
spends one Willpower point. This ability lasts until the next sunrise.
(Source: Hengeyokai: Shapeshifters of the East, p.163 & PGttCB, Revised, p.104-105)
(Note: Speech of the World and Tongues may be the same Gift with slightly different mechanics (i.e. Linguistics vs.
• Forgetfulness (Level Four) :Kitsune with this Gift can erase information or memories of an event from the
target's mind. This tactic is sometimes the only way the Veilless ones can keep their secrets. Forgetfulness is taught by fog-
or mist-spirits.
System: The player spends one Gnosis and one Willpower point, then rolls Manipulation + Subterfuge (difficulty
6). The target can resist with a Willpower roll, difficulty of the Kitsune's number of tails +3.
(Source: Hengeyokai: Shapeshifters of the East, p.163 & PGttCB, Revised, p.105 & W20 Changing Breeds, p.131)
• Spirit Ward (Level Four) : As the homid Gift.
(Source: Hengeyokai: Shapeshifters of the East, p.163 & PGttCB, Revised, p.105 & W20 Changing Breeds,
p.131→Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.155)
• Assimilation (Level Five) : As the homid Gift.
(Source: Hengeyokai: Shapeshifters of the East, p.163 & PGttCB, Revised, p.105 & W20 Changing Breeds,
p.131→Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.155)
• Call to Allies (Level Five) : Asia is crisscrossed with supernatural allegiances and rivalries, old scores and old
debts. Parts of this web on like "sides" can call on each other in times of danger or crisis. This Gift is the Kitsune's ultimate
distress call. Her Batsu, Clan, and sentai will certainly hear and feel it, but it will also affect unknown allies and friendly
neutrals in the area. (It's even possible for a Fox to Call to Allies and bring down a horde of Kuei-jin vampires upon the
enemy, strange as that would seem to her Garou cousins). Local spirits, shen and tuned-in mortals sense the Fox's distress
or pain and hear her voice, growl, scream (or death rattle) for an instant. The imperiled Fox's location is clear to them, and
the beacon of her fear and Rage will become brighter the closer the rescuer approaches. What each entity receiving the call
does is entirely up to them : spirits that are tied to a location may do what they can from where they are, neutrals who wish
to remain so will, and hengeyokai who choose to ignore can. However, because the shen you rescue today may save you
tomorrow, most who do hear will act. The situation must be very grave indeed for the Kitsune to make such a request;
false alarms anger spirits and shen alike. This Gift is taught by an ancestor-spirit.
System: Call to Allies costs nothing and the Kitsune need not roll; the player declares the Call and the Fox
suffers the consequences.
(Source: Hengeyokai: Shapeshifters of the East, p.164 & PGttCB, Revised, p.105 & W20 Changing Breeds, p.131)

Kitsune born to four feet are masters of hunting, sensing and tracking magics. With a little more wisdom and effort,
the Roko fine-tune their instincts to work with more spiritual and elemental Gifts as well.
• Burrow (Level One) : As the metis Gift.
(Source: Hengeyokai: Shapeshifters of the East, p.164 & PGttCB, Revised, p.105 & W20 Changing Breeds,
p.131→Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.156)
• Cricket Leap (Level One) : As the lupus Gift: Hare’s Leap.
(Note: Hare’s Leap was originally known as Leap of the Kangaroo before the W20 edition.)
(Source: Hengeyokai: Shapeshifters of the East, p.164 & PGttCB, Revised, p.105 & W20 Changing Breeds,
p.131→Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.158)
• Heightened Senses (Level One) : As the lupus Gift.
(Source: Hengeyokai: Shapeshifters of the East, p.164 & PGttCB, Revised, p.105 & W20 Changing Breeds,
p.131→Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.158-9)
• Scent of Sight (Level Two) :As the lupus Gift.
(Source: Hengeyokai: Shapeshifters of the East, p.164 & PGttCB, Revised, p.105 & W20 Changing Breeds,
p.131→Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.159)
• Sense Imbalance (Level Two) : The Kitsune can sense if any one of the Triat has upset the balance in the area.
She knows if the Weaver is too strong, or if the Wyld is lacking. A servant of the Emerald Mother teaches this Gift.
System: The player rolls Perception + Occult (difficulty 6) to evaluate the area’s spiritual balance.
(Source: Hengeyokai: Shapeshifters of the East, p.108 & PGttCB, Revised, p.105 & W20 Changing Breeds, p.131)
• Ten Chi (Level Two) Version One : The Roko can feel himself in relation to Gaia and always know in which
direction he travels : regardless of where he may be in the Middle Kingdom, Yin or Yang Realms. In addition, the Fox
carries his "territory" with him anywhere. Natural foxes and other animals sense this, and allow him passage through their
domains without challenge. Other Roko will generally do the same. This Gift is taught by Crane-, Goose- or other
migratory bird-spirits.
System: The Roko spends a Gnosis point and knows the following: Whether he is in the Yin, Yang, Yomi or
physical Realm, where the meaningful "cardinal points" are, and what direction home is from where he stands.
(Source: Hengeyokai: Shapeshifters of the East, p.164 & PGttCB, Revised, p.105)
(Note: W20 Changing Breeds, p.131 lists this Gift as Level Three.)
• Blind (Level Three) : The Roko can strike an enemy blind for one day. The loss of sight is accompanied by
stinging pain. This Gift is taught by a porcupine-spirit.
System: The player spends one Gnosis and rolls Manipulation + Medicine (difficulty 7). The target resists with
Stamina (difficulty 7) and must be within striking range of the Kitsune.
(Source: Hengeyokai: Shapeshifters of the East, p.164 & PGttCB, Revised, p.105 & W20 Changing Breeds, p.131)
• Catfeet (Level Three) : As the lupus Gift.
(Source: Hengeyokai: Shapeshifters of the East, p.164 & PGttCB, Revised, p.105 & W20 Changing Breeds,
p.131→Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.159)
• Name the Spirit (Level Three) : As the lupus Gift.
(Source: Hengeyokai: Shapeshifters of the East, p.164 & PGttCB, Revised, p.105→Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition,
• Ten Chi (Level Three) Version Two : The Kitsune always knows where he is, in whatever Realm he occupies,
by feeling his relationship to Gaia. Additionally, wherever he stands becomes his territory; natural animals sense this and
allow the werefox to pass without challenge. Migratory bird-spirits teach this Gift.
System: The Kitsune may spend one Gnosis to know what Realm he stands in, where the cardinal directions are,
and in which direction his home lies.
(Source: W20 Changing Breeds, p.131)
(Note: Hengeyokai: Shapeshifters of the East, p.164 & PGttCB, Revised, p.105 lists this Gift as Level Two.)
• Carrion Clothes (Level Four) : Wild foxes sometimes catch birds by pretending to be dead; wild Foxes catch
larger prey in like manner. This Gift cloaks the Kitsune completely in the trappings of death : no aura, no breath, no pulse,
no telltale movement; the faint smell of first rot emanates from a Roko thus disguised, and a conviction that the body is
dead creeps into the minds of those affected. Even those with magically sharpened senses may be mistaken : possibly for
the last time. This Gift is taught by the spirits of flies, flesh- grubs and other insects in the recycling trade.
System (old version): The player spends a Gnosis point and makes a Stamina + Stealth roll (difficulty 7). The
Gift will hide small motions only; visible attacks, creeping corpses and Gifts that involve gestures or speech will break the
spell. Mortals and inexperienced shen may be slow to realize what they're dealing with, however : the first thought may be
that the body is undead, rather than living. Shen with special senses may roll Perception + Occult (difficulty9) to realize
the spirit remains.
(Source: Hengeyokai: Shapeshifters of the East, p.164 & PGttCB, Revised, p.105)
System (new version): The player spends a Gnosis point and makes a Stamina + Larceny roll (difficulty 7). The
Gift hides only small motions, such as breathing or cracking an eyelid to look about; any greater movement breaks the
(Source: W20 Changing Breeds, p.131)
• Forest Lord (Level Four) : As the lupus Gift: Beast Life.
(Source: Hengeyokai: Shapeshifters of the East, p.164 & PGttCB, Revised, p.105 & W20 Changing Breeds,
p.132→Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.160)
• Elemental Gift (Level Five) : As the lupus Gift.
(Source: Hengeyokai: Shapeshifters of the East, p.164 & PGttCB, Revised, p.105 & W20 Changing Breeds,
p.132→Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.160)
• Song of the Great Beast (Level Five) : As the lupus Gift; of course, depending on where in the Middle
Kingdom the Kitsune is when she uses this Gift, anything from yeti to whale-sized carp or even the dreaded Lower
Dragons could answer the call.
(Source: Hengeyokai: Shapeshifters of the East, p.164 & PGttCB, Revised, p.105 & W20 Changing Breeds,
p.132→Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.160)

The rarest Kitsune are raised by and among the supernatural, and are deeply attuned to such forces. Shinju Gifts
concentrate on using that special awareness to the greatest advantage.
• Flow of Aura (Level One) : The Kitsune has a feel for "personality of place" and the psychic impressions left
on an area by strong emotion. Walking across a field, she might sense a century-old battle. In a house, every room might
hold a different scene of births, deaths, sickness, argument, grief, joy or thanksgiving. This Gift is taught by wood- and
System (old version): The player rolls Perception + Empathy (difficulty 7). With one success, the Shinju has a
vague idea of past events ( this house is drenched with death) , with three, more detail emerges (this house was the site of a
massacre about two centuries ago; a betrayal was involved) with five or better, she senses the precise emotional texture
and depth (this house was the site of a massacre two centuries ago, a trusted servant let the soldiers in the house, two
lovers died right where I'm standing, a baby cried over there among the bodies for half an hour before the killers got to
him. . . ).
(Source: Hengeyokai: Shapeshifters of the East, p.164 & PGttCB, Revised, p.105)
System (new version): The player rolls Perception + Empathy (difficulty 6). The more successes gained, the
more the Fox picks up about the nature of the area’s aura and what caused it. One success might reveal that a building has
a foreboding atmosphere; five might reveal that it is actively haunted by the ghost of a traveling student who took his own
life there.
(Source: W20 Changing Breeds, p.132)
• Scent of the True Form (Level One) : As the Philodox Gift.
(Source: Hengeyokai: Shapeshifters of the East, p.164 & PGttCB, Revised, p.105 & W20 Changing Breeds,
p.132→Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.166)
• Sense Wyrm (Level One) : As the metis Gift.
(Source: Hengeyokai: Shapeshifters of the East, p.164 & PGttCB, Revised, p.105 & W20 Changing Breeds,
p.132→Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.156)
• Call to Duty (Level Two) : As the Philodox Gift.
(Source: Hengeyokai: Shapeshifters of the East, p.164 & PGttCB, Revised, p.105 & W20 Changing Breeds,
p.132→Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.166)
• Imperial Authority (Level Two) : Shinju know their place in the society : the top. They can take advantage of
this by gazing into another's eyes and exerting their personality. An animal will fawn and defer to them. A human will
immediately assume that the Fox is of a higher caste, better family, senior management, low-number Party membership :
whatever is appropriate. Shen of weak will are similarly affected. This Gift is taught by Dragon-, Phoenix- or other animal
spirits accustomed to royalty.
System (old version): The player rolls Charisma + Intimidation (difficulty 6). Shen can oppose with a Willpower
roll (difficulty 7).
(Source: Hengeyokai: Shapeshifters of the East, p.164-5 & PGttCB, Revised, p.105-6)
System (new version): The player rolls Charisma + Intimidation (difficulty 6, or 9 against other shen).
(Source: W20 Changing Breeds, p.132)
• Past Whispers (Level Two) : While Flow of Aura grants the Kitsune psychometric insight about the emotional
past of an area, this Gift lets the Shinju tune in on the very thoughts impressed on a place. Fragments of thought (those
spoken aloud, in particular), if intense enough at the time, can still be heard echoing years later. Wind-spirits and
Epiphlings teach this trick.
System (old version): The player rolls Perception + Occult (difficulty 8). As with Flow of Aura, the greater the
number of successes, the greater detail the Fox receives.
(Source: Hengeyokai: Shapeshifters of the East, p.165 & PGttCB, Revised, p.106)
System (new version): The player rolls Perception + Occult (difficulty 7). The more successes gained, the more
detail is revealed.
(Source: W20 Changing Breeds, p.132)
• Distant Whispers (Level Three) Version One : Much like the metis Gift: Mental Speech , but with a typically
Fox twist: The Shinju speaks his message into the wind, a stream, a fire, the bare ground or other element, and the target
hears the Kitsune's voice coming from a like source nearby. Storms are particularly popular vehicles : talking thunder
satisfies the Shinju sense of drama. This Gift is taught by any Elemental spirit.
System: The player rolls Charisma + Empathy (difficulty 8). The Fox may communicate over a distance of 20
miles per success, provided the element she chose for a carrier is present at both ends. The conduit will not allow mind-
reading and will not work with strangers (unless the Fox has a personal token of the target, such as fingernail clippings or
a wedding ring), but permits Social Abilities to be used on the receiver, provided no visual cues are necessary.
(Source: Hengeyokai: Shapeshifters of the East, p.165 & PGttCB, Revised, p.106)
• Distant Whispers (Level Three) Version Two : As the metis Gift: Mental Speech, but the Fox speaks into a
river, ground, fire, or other element and the target hears her voice coming from a similar source nearby. Storms are popular
vehicles for this Gift.
(Source: W20 Changing Breeds, p.132→Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.157)
• Eyes of the Cat (Level Three) : As the metis Gift.
(Source: Hengeyokai: Shapeshifters of the East, p.165 & PGttCB, Revised, p.106 & W20 Changing Breeds,
p.132→Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.157)
• Wisdom of the Ancient Ways (Level Three) : As the Philodox Gift.
(Source: Hengeyokai: Shapeshifters of the East, p.165 & PGttCB, Revised, p.106 & W20 Changing Breeds,
p.132→Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.167)
• Roll Over (Level Four) : As the Philodox Gift.
(Source: Hengeyokai: Shapeshifters of the East, p.165 & PGttCB, Revised, p.106 & W20 Changing Breeds,
p.132→Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.167)
• Scent of Beyond (Level Four) : As the Philodox Gift.
(Source: Hengeyokai: Shapeshifters of the East, p.165 & PGttCB, Revised, p.106 & W20 Changing Breeds,
p.132→Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.167-8)
• Imperial Obligation (Level Five) : As the Philodox Gift: Geas.
(Source: Hengeyokai: Shapeshifters of the East, p.165 & PGttCB, Revised, p.106 & W20 Changing Breeds,
p.132→Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.168)
• Marionette (Level Five) : The Kitsune can make her target do anything she wants by mimicking the desired
action. Snake-spirits teach this Gift.
System: The player spends a Willpower point and rolls Manipulation + Subterfuge (difficulty 7). The victim may
resist with a Willpower roll (difficulty 7); if he fails, the Kitsune controls him for one turn per success.
(Source: Hengeyokai: Shapeshifters of the East, p.165 & PGttCB, Revised, p.106 & W20 Changing Breeds, p.132)

Path Gifts
The Sorcerers have more Jyu-ho to call their own than any other Path : arguably more powerful Gifts, as well.
This power comes (inevitably, in the World of Darkness) with a price: The Doshi are tainted, very slightly, by at least one
of the tricks they've stolen and the shen they first learned it from....
• Blessing the Blade (Level One) Version One :With this Gift, the Sorcerer calls on a local spirit to inhabit a
blade for a short time, infusing it with supernatural power. The Nine-Tails may do this instantly, for immediate use, or
prepare a blade ahead of time. Outside of combat, this Gift functions only if activated with a specific enemy in mind.
Special cloth or leather wrappings restrain the spirit until the enemy's name is spoken by the bearer. Only one such weapon
can be carried at a time. This Gift is taught by a fire-spirit.
System: The player spends one Gnosis and rolls Wits + Rituals (difficulty 7). The weapon will do aggravated
damage against other shen for one scene only.
(Source: Hengeyokai: Shapeshifters of the East, p.165 & PGttCB, Revised, p.106)
• Blessing the Blade (Level One) Version Two : The sorcerer calls on a local spirit to inhabit a blade for a finite
time to enhance it with supernatural power. If prepared in advance, special wrappings restrain the spirit until the bearer
speaks an enemy’s name. Only one such weapon may be carried at a time. This Gift is taught by a fire-spirit.
System: The player spends one Gnosis point. The weapon does aggravated damage for one scene only.
(Source: W20 Changing Breeds, p.132)
• Breath of Yu-Chiang (Level One) : Exactly as the Black Fury Gift: Curse of Aeolus; Yu-chiang is the Chinese
God of the Sea-Wind.
(Source: Hengeyokai: Shapeshifters of the East, p.165 & PGttCB, Revised, p.106 & W20 Changing Breeds,
p.132→Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.173)
• Sense Magic (Level One) : As the Uktena Gift.
(Source: Hengeyokai: Shapeshifters of the East, p.165 & PGttCB, Revised, p.106→Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition,
• Sense Wyrm (Level One) :As the metis Gift.
(Source: Hengeyokai: Shapeshifters of the East, p.165 & PGttCB, Revised, p.106 & W20 Changing Breeds,
p.132→Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.156)
• Shroud (Level One) : As the Uktena Gift.
(Source: W20 Changing Breeds, p.132→Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.197)
• Spirit Snare (Level One) : As the Theurge Gift.
(Source: W20 Changing Breeds, p.132→Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.156)
• Spirit Speech (Level One) : As the Theurge Gift.
(Source: Hengeyokai: Shapeshifters of the East, p.165 & PGttCB, Revised, p.106 & W20 Changing Breeds,
p.132→Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.164)
• Blood Omen (Level Two) :The Fox can divine the future by ritual sacrifice. Most commonly, the Fox will read
the entrails of the victim, but there are also traditions of signs in burnt-offering smoke and scapulimancy. Legend has it
that the Doshi stole this secret from the Black Spiral Dancers (who practice it with great enthusiasm using wolf, human,
and Garou captives). The Sorcerers insist they never use hengeyokai (or wolves, or anyone's possible Kinfolk) for
divination. As for humans, well : in times of crisis Kitsune ask more questions of Gaia and fewer of each other....
Black Spiral Dancers find their answers through the power they serve; Doshi are extremely careful to dedicate
the ceremony to Celestines, Incarna and totems opposed to the Wyrm, influential in their area, and not offended by a little
System: The player rolls Intelligence + Enigmas (difficulty 9 : difficulty 7 with humans or shen, shame on you),
and spends one Gnosis. The more successes, the more detailed and accurate the Information : provided the entity asked is
willing and able to reveal the future. (Local spirits have local answers.)
(Note: The Black Spiral Dancer version of this Gift is identical but is listed as Rank Three in Book of the Wyrm, 2 nd Ed. I
have determined that the Book of the Wyrm, 2nd Ed. listing of this Gift as Level Three is erroneous.)
(Source: Hengeyokai: Shapeshifters of the East, p.165 & PGttCB, Revised, p.106 & W20 Changing Breeds, p.132)
• Command Spirit (Level Two) : As the Theurge Gift.
(Source: Hengeyokai: Shapeshifters of the East, p.165 & PGttCB, Revised, p.106 & W20 Changing Breeds,
p.132→Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.164)
• Ghost Speech (Level Two) : Through the Gift: Spirit Speech, Kitsune can communicate with spirits in the
Yang Realm; this Gift allows them to talk with the denizens of Yin. This Gift is taught by ancestor-spirits and those
associated with Yin or deathly influences (e.g. a local mountain-spirit whose territory is mostly tombs).
System: When in the Yin Realm, the Doshi can speak to spirits there as naturally as to Yang spirits in that Realm.
Wraiths and other once-human residents may still present linguistic challenges (and intelligence problems). When the
Kitsune is in the Middle Kingdom, Yin spirits and wraiths that can normally speak across the Wall find it easier to talk to
her. (For Wraith crossover purposes, treat all Kitsune with this Gift as mediums.)
(Note: The Gukutsushi learn this Gift at Level Two. The General version of this Gift is learned at Level Three.)
(Source: Hengeyokai: Shapeshifters of the East, p.165 & PGttCB, Revised, p.106→p.104)
• Name the Spirit (Level Two) : As the lupus Gift.
(Source: Hengeyokai: Shapeshifters of the East, p.166 & PGttCB, Revised, p.106 & W20 Changing Breeds,
p.132→Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.159)
• Shadows at Dawn (Level Two) : As the Uktena Gift.
(Source: W20 Changing Breeds, p.132→Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.198)
• Sight from Beyond (Level Two) : As the Theurge Gift.
(Source: Hengeyokai: Shapeshifters of the East, p.166 & PGttCB, Revised, p.106 & W20 Changing Breeds,
p.132→Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.164)
• By the Light of the Moon (Level Three) : The Kitsune can see any creature touched by moonlight, no matter
what mundane skill or magic they use to hide. Bat-spirits teach this Gift.
System: The player spends one Gnosis point and rolls Perception + Alertness (difficulty 6). All moonlight-
touched beings within (successes x 20) feet are revealed to the Kitsune.
(Source: W20 Changing Breeds, p.132)
• Exorcism (Level Three) : As the Theurge Gift.
(Source: Hengeyokai: Shapeshifters of the East, p.166 & PGttCB, Revised, p.106 & W20 Changing Breeds,
p.132→Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.165)
• Pulse of the Invisible (Level Three) : As the Theurge Gift.
(Source: Hengeyokai: Shapeshifters of the East, p.166 & PGttCB, Revised, p.106 & W20 Changing Breeds,
p.132→Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.165)
• Spirit Ward (Level Three) : As the homid Gift.
(Source: Hengeyokai: Shapeshifters of the East, p.166 & PGttCB, Revised, p.106→Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition,
• Swarm of Servants (Level Three) : This is one of a Doshi's most bizarre powers; from the fur of his tails he
may summon armies of tiny vermin to do his bidding (mice, lice, beetles, frogs, grasshoppers, whatever the caster wishes).
The spirits of such creatures teach this Gift, if the Kitsune will only stop scratching long enough. Vermin-spirits teach this
System: The player spends one Willpower point and rolls Stamina + Occult (difficulty 8). Each success
summons 25 of the beasts; they are under the mental control of the Doshi. Though the swarm must stay within 20 feet of
the Kitsune, they can harass foes (-1 to the victim's Dice Pool per 25 creepers) and perform simple tasks (at Strength 1 per
10 creepers).
(Source: Hengeyokai: Shapeshifters of the East, p.166 & PGttCB, Revised, p.106 & W20 Changing Breeds, p.132-133)
• By the Light of the Moon (Level Four) : The Kitsune can see any hidden creature by moonlight. This includes
Obfuscated Kin-jin, invisible Kuei-jin, spirits in the Penumbra, mages, changelings, hengeyokai and well, anything. This
Gift is taught by owl- and bat-spirits.
System: The player spends one Gnosis point and rolls Perception + Alertness. The Storyteller sets the difficulty,
taking into account things like distance, crowds, attempts to hide physically hide the size of the invisible creature. The
effect lasts until moonset, but the Kitsune must roll each time she tries to pick out another hidden form.
(Source: Hengeyokai: Shapeshifters of the East, p.166 & PGttCB, Revised, p.106-7)
• Fooling the Tiger (Level Four) : As the Theurge Gift: Ultimate Argument of Logic.
(Source: Hengeyokai: Shapeshifters of the East, p.166→Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.166)
• Grasp the Beyond (Level Four) : As the Theurge Gift.
(Source: Hengeyokai: Shapeshifters of the East, p.166 & PGttCB, Revised, p.107 & W20 Changing Breeds,
p.133→Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.165)
• Spirit Drain (Level Four) : As the Theurge Gift.
(Source: Hengeyokai: Shapeshifters of the East, p.166 & PGttCB, Revised, p.107 & W20 Changing Breeds,
p.133→Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.165)
• Spirit Ward (Level Four) : As the homid Gift.
(Source: W20 Changing Breeds, p.133→Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.155)
• Feral Lobotomy (Level Five) : As the Theurge Gift.
(Source: Hengeyokai: Shapeshifters of the East, p.166 & PGttCB, Revised, p.107 & W20 Changing Breeds,
p.133→Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.165)
• Malleable Spirit (Level Five) : As the Theurge Gift.
(Source: Hengeyokai: Shapeshifters of the East, p.166 & PGttCB, Revised, p.107 & W20 Changing Breeds,
p.133→Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.166)
• Seal of Inari (Level Five) : Doshi, suspicious by nature, learned early to take nothing and no one at face value.
Using this Gift, a Sorcerer can secretly brand any shen or mortal he encounters : as a warning to others, as a request for
protection, as a death mark : with sigils only Kitsune can see. The ghostly red or black symbols appear to hover just above
the skin : over makeup, clothing, body armor or other coverings : and are distinct at any distance (even if rather small) if
the bearer's head is visible. Spirits such as Chimerlings and Epiphlings may share this Gift if they feel like it; Doshi rarely
teach it to each other.
System: The player rolls Manipulation + Occult, difficulty 8. For each success, the Sorcerer may inscribe one
character of his choice on the subject. Other Kitsune see the Seal without effort, and will usually act in accordance with
the warning or request.
(Source: Hengeyokai: Shapeshifters of the East, p.166 & PGttCB, Revised, p.107 & W20 Changing Breeds, p.133)

Kitsune warriors walk a difficult Path : usually right into the physical danger Foxes least like. Their Tamamono
are well-suited for the long hunt, lone fighter and last survivor.
• Falling Touch (Level One) : As the Ahroun Gift.
(Source: Hengeyokai: Shapeshifters of the East, p.166 & PGttCB, Revised, p.107 & W20 Changing Breeds,
p.133→Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.170-1)
• Razor Claws (Level One) : As the Ahroun Gift.
(Source: Hengeyokai: Shapeshifters of the East, p.166 & PGttCB, Revised, p.107 & W20 Changing Breeds,
p.133→Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.171)
• Resist Pain (Level One) : As the Philodox Gift.
(Source: Hengeyokai: Shapeshifters of the East, p.166 & PGttCB, Revised, p.107 & W20 Changing Breeds,
p.133→Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.166)
• Sense Hostility (Level One) :Eji using this can sense the presence of hostile beings within (roughly) 100 feet.
A fox-spirit teaches this Gift.
System: The player rolls Perception + Alertness (difficulty 6). This Gift must be used voluntarily; it isn't a
"danger sense."
(Source: Hengeyokai: Shapeshifters of the East, p.166 & PGttCB, Revised, p.107 & W20 Changing Breeds, p.133)
• Bolt (Level Two) : The Eji can call on great forces to devastate his opponent. A lethal bolt of lightning, fire, ice,
wind (or more exotic element:depending on the teacher's nature) strikes the enemy. Elemental spirits teach this Gift.
System: The player spends one Rage point and rolls Dexterity + Occult (difficulty 6). The target takes
aggravated damage equal to the number of successes; the range is 50 yards.
(Source: Hengeyokai: Shapeshifters of the East, p.166 & PGttCB, Revised, p.107 & W20 Changing Breeds, p.133)
• Enduring Warrior (Level Two) : Eji with this power heal as quickly as their hengeyokai cousins. This Gift is
taught by a bear-spirit (some say because the Okuma lent the Eji this Gift to help the Kitsune survive the next War of
Shame; some people will say anything...).
System: The Kitsune spends one point of Rage. From that point, she recovers one Health Level per turn, exactly
as do Garou. The effect lasts out the scene.
(Source: Hengeyokai: Shapeshifters of the East, p.166 & PGttCB, Revised, p.107 & W20 Changing Breeds, p.133)
• Pulse of the Prey (Level Two) :As the Ragabash Gift.
(Note: This Gift is known as Sense of the Prey in earlier editions of Werewolf. Hey, it only took White Wolf four editions
and twenty years to realize that having two different Gifts named Sense Prey and Sense of the Prey would confuse
(Source: Hengeyokai: Shapeshifters of the East, p.166 & PGttCB, Revised, p.107 & W20 Changing Breeds,
p.133→Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.161)
• Spirit of the Fray (Level Two) :As the Ahroun Gift.
(Source: Hengeyokai: Shapeshifters of the East, p.166 & PGttCB, Revised, p.107 & W20 Changing Breeds,
p.134→Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.171)
• Call of the Dead (Level Three) Version One : The Kitsune's attunement to Yin enables them to interfere with
a being's vital energies. Exposure to the negative forces of the darker Umbra causes chills, injury, confusion, and even
serious damage in living creatures (among other things). Rare water- and cold-spirits teach this Gift; it is uncommon.
System: The player spends 1 Rage and 1 Gnosis point and rolls Stamina + Occult (difficulty 8). Animals (such as
humans), halfway creatures (hengeyokai, changelings, etc.) and Yang-Realm spirits suffer damage as per the chart below;
the victim loses Health Levels to the given point, regardless of Stamina. Yin creatures and spirits take no harm from the
Gift, and (at the Storyteller's discretion) may be strengthened or even healed by its effects. Kindred of Humanity 6 or
higher and Kuei-jin aspected to Yang take damage; their darker-souled cousins do not.
Successes Effect
1 The victim is functional but in pain from headache, chills and aching joints. He may find it difficult
to concentrate. (A Willpower roll is necessary to continue any complex mental or intense
physical activities successfully.)
2 The victim is Injured, experiencing fever, sprains and cramps.
3 The victim is Wounded. At this Level, convulsions wrack his body and the damage is inflicted by
his own muscles tearing him apart.
4 The victim is Crippled. Hypothermia and seizures set in, and humans will probably die by end-of-
scene if left unaided. Sturdier victims are only Wounded, but the damage is aggravated.
5 The victim is Crippled with aggravated damage. Humans die instantly.
(Source: Hengeyokai: Shapeshifters of the East, p.166-167 & PGttCB, Revised, p.107)
• Call of the Dead (Level Three) Version Two : The Kitsune uses Yin energies to disrupt the vital energies of
the living with just a touch. Ice-spirits teach this Gift.
System: The player spends one Rage point and rolls Stamina + Occult (difficulty 8). Living creatures, spirits,
vampires with Humanity 6+, and Yang-aspected Kuei-jin suffer lethal damage equal to the successes rolled. Five or more
successes instantly kills human targets.
(Source: W20 Changing Breeds, p.134)
• Song of Fear (Level Three) : The Eji has such disciplined control of her fear that she may release her fox
frenzy on other beings. Caveat vulpes: Garou and similar professional berserkers will not be happy with the Kitsune who
uses Song of Fear on them. Enemies react with undying vengeance. Allies (even should the Fox have saved their life by
forcing them to run) often seek retribution or sever contact. This Gift is taught by a hare-spirit.
System: The player rolls Manipulation + Intimidation (difficulty of the target's Willpower). Each success sends
the running in terror for one turn.
(Source: Hengeyokai: Shapeshifters of the East, p.167 & PGttCB, Revised, p.107 & W20 Changing Breeds, p.134)
• Weak Arm (Level Three) : As the Philodox Gift.
(Source: Hengeyokai: Shapeshifters of the East, p.167 & PGttCB, Revised, p.107 & W20 Changing Breeds,
p.134→Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.167)
• Elemental Meld (Level Four) : This Gift transforms the Eji into any one of the physical elements : water, fire,
earth or air : and allows her to merge with and move through larger bodies of it. This is useful before the fight, in
surveillance, and after, as a near-perfect escape route. (Imagine, for instance, a water-Fox following the Pentex tanker
through the sea, or the cornered Kitsune sinking into the earth before the eyes of the hunters.) With more skill (on attaining
Rank Five) the warrior may transmute into more difficult, secondary elements : mist, electricity, moonlight, metal and the
like. Elemental spirits teach this Gift.
System: The Kitsune spends a point of Gnosis and rolls Manipulation + Gnosis (difficulty 8). The Kitsune must
be in contact with the desired element to change (and changes on contact, therefore fire and lightning do not harm her),
and will revert to her natural form on leaving it. On taking the new form, she will acquire its immunities (water is
bulletproof, air can escape from anything but hermetically sealed spaces) and limitations (water can be frozen, fire needs
oxygen, etc.). Her "body" remains the same size and in one piece, but may stretch out, flatten or distort to go around
obstacles; she may move at her normal rate. Silver, radioactivity and toxic waste harm her as normal, and will bar her
progress; under no circumstances can she become the last two without having joined the Wyrm. While merged with the
element, the Kitsune is very difficult to detect (no body heat, no smell...) and observers need special senses and a
successful Perception + Alertness (difficulty 9) roll to spot her.
(Note: This Gift is known as Element Meld in Hengeyokai: Shapeshifters of the East, p.166.)
(Source: Hengeyokai: Shapeshifters of the East, p.166 & PGttCB, Revised, p.107-108 & W20 Changing Breeds, p.134)
• Sorcerous Bite (Level Four) : The Eji can transmute his teeth to any substance he desires. Silver and jade are
the most common, but as the teeth are supernaturally strong and rigid no matter what is chosen, wood, fire, ice and even
water are possible. This Gift is also taught by elementals.
System: The player spends a Gnosis point and rolls Stamina + Primal-Urge (difficulty 6). Silver teeth will not
harm the Kitsune so long as they stay where they're supposed to be : if he is forced to bite himself, he's affected as much as
any enemy would be.
(Source: Hengeyokai: Shapeshifters of the East, p.167 & PGttCB, Revised, p.108 & W20 Changing Breeds, p.134)
• Dragon Ally (Level Five)Version One : Kitsune warriors can find help in the least expected places. With this
Gift, an Eji can call forth a mighty fighter from the elements surrounding him. There must be a substantial amount of the
raw material available : strong winds, not merely air; a fair-sized pool or stream, not puddles. The creature takes the shape
of a dragon, and is formed entirely from its parent force. Not surprisingly, Elementals teach this Gift.
System: The player spends 1 Rage point and makes a Gnosis roll (difficulty 8). For every success on the Gnosis
roll, the "dragon" has five feet of length, five Health Levels, two soak dice, and does two dice of aggravated damage. It
may attack with one bite and one body slam per turn. (For example, Wu Bingshu calls forth a dragon from a bonfire and
rolls three successes. The blazing creature is fifteen feet long and has fifteen Health Levels; its bite inflicts six dice of
damage, its tail lashes out for another six, and it has six effective soak dice against all attacks. The Kuei-jin are in trouble
Dragon allies are friendly toward their creator; this may be because if the Kitsune stops concentrating on their
Ally's existence, it disappears. (The Eji may take only the simplest actions in addition to maintaining the Dragon.) The
creature will vanish regardless at the end of scene or if it loses all its Health Levels; each time the dragon loses a Health
Level, it also loses a foot of length, until gone entirely.
(Source: Hengeyokai: Shapeshifters of the East, p.167-8 & PGttCB, Revised, p.108)
• Dragon Ally (Level Five) Version Two : As the lupus Gift: Song of the Great Beast, save that it summons forth
a dragon made of one of the elements.
(Source: W20 Changing Breeds, p.134→Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.160)
• Fire Immunity (Level Five) : As the Ahroun Gift: Kiss of Helios.
(Source: Hengeyokai: Shapeshifters of the East, p.168 & PGttCB, Revised, p.108 & W20 Changing Breeds,
p.134→Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.172)

Dreamweavers are best known for the pictures they paint in the minds of others. Yet Gukutsushi study all the
weaknesses of sanity : memory, passion, ego : to brace or break open as they see fit.
• Blur of the Milky Eye (Level One) : As the Ragabash Gift.
(Source: Hengeyokai: Shapeshifters of the East, p.168 & PGttCB, Revised, p.108 & W20 Changing Breeds,
p.134→Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.161)
• Clear the Mind (Level One) : As the Children of Gaia Gift: Calm.
(Source: Hengeyokai: Shapeshifters of the East, p.168 & PGttCB, Revised, p.108 & W20 Changing Breeds,
p.134→Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.177)
• Mother's Touch (Level One) : As the Theurge Gift.
(Source: Hengeyokai: Shapeshifters of the East, p.168 & PGttCB, Revised, p.108 & W20 Changing Breeds,
p.134→Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.164)
• Open Seal (Level One) : As the Ragabash Gift.
(Source: Hengeyokai: Shapeshifters of the East, p.168 & PGttCB, Revised, p.108 & W20 Changing Breeds,
p.134→Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.161)
• Dreamspeak (Level Two) : As the Galliard Gift.
(Source: Hengeyokai: Shapeshifters of the East, p.168 & PGttCB, Revised, p.108 & W20 Changing Breeds,
p.134→Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.169)
• Fan-Shadow-Robe (Level Two) Version One : The Kitsune can alter her appearance. This Gift does not allow
perfect, detailed control : the Fox may not duplicate another's appearance exactly, reproduce complicated patterns,
garments (i.e. uniforms) or equipment, for instance : and does not cloak the Dreamweaver's actions. (Her arms are where
they appear to be, but the gun may seem to be a democracy leaflet...) Chimerlings and illusion-related spirits (someone has
to be in charge of heat haze) teach this Gift.
System: The player rolls Manipulation + Empathy vs. the target's Willpower. There is no limit on the number of
beings affected. Obviously, however, the fewer witnesses, the smaller the chance of one getting lucky and seeing through
the disguise. Fan-Shadow-Robe (supposedly named after the props Bai Mianxi first used to enhance the effect) lasts one
(Source: Hengeyokai: Shapeshifters of the East, p.168 & PGttCB, Revised, p.108)
• Fan-Shadow-Robe (Level Two) Version Two : The Kitsune can change her appearance. She can’t precisely
duplicate the appearance of another, however, or perfectly replicate complex patterns or garments (such as military
uniforms). Chimerlings teach this Gift.
System: The player rolls Manipulation + Empathy, with the difficulty depending on how radical the Kitsune
wishes the change to be (6 to change hair and eye color, 8 to appear as a different build and ethnicity entirely). The
alterations last for one scene.
(Source: W20 Changing Breeds, p.134)
• Silver Tongue (Level Two) : As the Fianna Gift: Glib Tongue.
(Source: Hengeyokai: Shapeshifters of the East, p.168 & PGttCB, Revised, p.108 & W20 Changing Breeds,
p.134→Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.179)
• Taking the Forgotten (Level Two) : As the Ragabash Gift.
(Source: Hengeyokai: Shapeshifters of the East, p.168 & PGttCB, Revised, p.108 & W20 Changing Breeds,
p.134→Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.162)
• Distant Whispers (Level Three) : As the Shinju Gift.
(Source: Hengeyokai: Shapeshifters of the East, p.168→p.165 & PGttCB, Revised, p.108 & W20 Changing Breeds,
• Ebisu's Fingers (Level Three) : As the Ragabash Gift: Gremlins, but named with a twist: Ebisu is a Shinto
luck god and the Patron of Honest Work. To the Kitsune way of thinking, machines take work away from honest laborers;
this Gift puts it back.
(Source: Hengeyokai: Shapeshifters of the East, p.168 & PGttCB, Revised, p.108 & W20 Changing Breeds,
p.134→Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.162)
• Liar’s Craft (Level Three) : As the Ragabash Gift.
(Source: W20 Changing Breeds, p.134→Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.162)
• Shadow-Fan-Flowers (Level Three) : One entity within the Dreamweaver's sight sees a vision and believes.
The illusion is perfectly detailed; the Gukutsushi directs motion, color, light, everything. The Gift is taught by Chimerlings
and other spirits of dream and illusion.
System: The player spends a point of Gnosis and rolls Manipulation + Empathy vs. the target's Willpower. The
viewer may free himself from the dream only by finding a crack in the enchantment : a flaw in the vision : and convincing
himself that it is not real. This is extremely difficult. Mundane humans may have no chance at all, if the Storyteller desires.
All others may escape with a Willpower roll (difficulty 9) once they have a good reason to disbelieve.
(Note: The Gukutsushi learn this Gift at Level Three. The General version of this Gift is learned at Level Four.)
(Source: Hengeyokai: Shapeshifters of the East, p.168 & PGttCB, Revised, p.108)
• Moon-Fan-Face-Shadow (Level Four) : As the Glass Walker Gift: Doppelganger.
(Source: Hengeyokai: Shapeshifters of the East, p.168 & PGttCB, Revised, p.108 & W20 Changing Breeds,
p.134→Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.184)
• Whelp Body (Level Four) : As the Ragabash Gift.
(Source: Hengeyokai: Shapeshifters of the East, p.168 & PGttCB, Revised, p.108 & W20 Changing Breeds,
p.134→Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.162)
• Madness (Level Five) : As the metis Gift.
(Source: Hengeyokai: Shapeshifters of the East, p.168 & PGttCB, Revised, p.108 & W20 Changing Breeds,
p.134→Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.157)
• Mist on the Water (Level Five) : As the Fianna Gift: Fog on the Moor.
(Source: W20 Changing Breeds, p.134→Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.180)
• Violation (Level Five) : As the Ragabash Gift.
(Source: Hengeyokai: Shapeshifters of the East, p.168 & PGttCB, Revised, p.108 →Werewolf 2nd Edition, p.119)

Power carries tales; tales carry power. Kataribe Gifts let them find and communicate with anyone and everyone
with a story that somebody might one day need.
• Beast Speech (Level One) : As the Galliard Gift.
(Source: Hengeyokai: Shapeshifters of the East, p.168 & PGttCB, Revised, p.108 & W20 Changing Breeds,
p.134→Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.169)
• Fable (Level One) Version One : With this Gift, the Kataribe may use her natural expressive abilities and will
to sway an audience. By telling an appropriate story, singing the right song, etc., she can plant a suggestion into the hearts
and minds of listeners. (For example, Sondok sings a ballad of reverence for the earth at a folk festival; the attendees find
themselves voting Green in the next referendum.) Bird-spirits (Nightingale in particular) favor Kataribe with this Gift.
System: The player spends a Willpower point and rolls Manipulation + Empathy. Listeners are influenced by the
experience for a number of days equal to the Fox's Manipulation + Performance dice pool. This Gift will not work if the
targets are forced to listen, nor when the Kitsune is not actually in the room; recordings and broadcasts of the tale have no
(Source: Hengeyokai: Shapeshifters of the East, p.168 & PGttCB, Revised, p.108)
• Fable (Level One) Version Two : The Kataribe uses her expression and will to sway onlookers. By telling a
tale or singing a song, she can plant a suggestion in the minds and hearts of listeners. Nightingale-spirits teach this Gift.
System: The player spends a Willpower point and rolls Manipulation + Empathy (difficulty 7) to plant a faint
compulsion in the listener’s head, which lingers for the Kitsune’s Chie in days. Recordings and broadcasts cannot carry
this Gift’s magic.
(Source: W20 Changing Breeds, p.134)
• Mindspeak (Level One) : As the Galliard Gift.
(Source: Hengeyokai: Shapeshifters of the East, p.168 & PGttCB, Revised, p.108→Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition,
• Perfect Recall (Level One) : As the Galliard Gift.
(Source: W20 Changing Breeds, p.134→Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.169)
• Truth of Gaia (Level One) : As the Philodox Gift.
(Source: Hengeyokai: Shapeshifters of the East, p.168 & PGttCB, Revised, p.108 & W20 Changing Breeds,
p.134→Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.166)
• Centipede's Beckoning (Level Two) : As the Galliard Gift: Call of the Wyrm.
(Source: Hengeyokai: Shapeshifters of the East, p.168 & PGttCB, Revised, p.108 & W20 Changing Breeds,
p.134→Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.169)
• Distractions (Level Two) : As the Galliard Gift.
(Source: Hengeyokai: Shapeshifters of the East, p.168 & PGttCB, Revised, p.108 & W20 Changing Breeds,
p.134→Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.169)
• Lore (Level Two) : The Kataribe can access the memories of other Bards, living and dead, to find specific
information about an artifact, location, person, etc. (This is similar to Wisdom of the Ancient Ways, but brings up stories,
riddles, mnemonics, nursery rhymes, songs, and the like : things Kataribe would treasure, but not necessarily obviously
useful.) This Gift comes from Tortoise-, Elephant- and other long-lived, deep thinking spirits.
System: The player rolls Intelligence + Rituals; the Storyteller sets the difficulty based on the obscurity of the
information. The Fox must have a personal contact with the subject : sight, touch, her own memories : or the Gift will not
(Source: Hengeyokai: Shapeshifters of the East, p.168-9 & PGttCB, Revised, p.108)
• Silence (Level Two) : The Kitsune can completely silence an area so that no sound can be heard whatsoever.
Lake- and mountain-spirits teach this Gift.
System: The player spends two Gnosis points and rolls Manipulation + Stealth (difficulty 8); the area of effect is
five yards in radius per success. Any Gifts or other actions which require sound to work will cause the two users to make a
resisted Gnosis (Chi or another appropriate Trait if not Bête) roll (difficulty 6) The winner's action takes precedence over
the loser's, but the Silence will continue except for that interruption. The effect lasts one scene, or until the Bard is
rendered unconscious.
(Source: W20 Changing Breeds, p.134)
(Note: Hengeyokai: Shapeshifters of the East, p.169 & PGttCB, Revised, p.109 list this Gift as Level Three.)
• Speech of the World (Level Two) : As the homid Gift.
(Source: W20 Changing Breeds, p.135→Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.154)
• Tongues (Level Two) : As the Kojin Gift.
(Source: Hengeyokai: Shapeshifters of the East, p.169→p.163 & PGttCB, Revised, p.108)
• Seek (Level Three) : This Gift opens contact with a local spirit, whom the Kitsune may ask for the location of
any one individual. Spirits will answer correctly if they can; if the individual is outside their territory they will say so. The
spirits of predatory animals teach this Gift.
System: This Gift requires the expenditure of a Gnosis point to reach the desired spirit (waived if the Fox is
standing at the questioned one's feet, lair, shrine, etc.) and the player must roll Wits + Occult (difficulty 6).
(Source: Hengeyokai: Shapeshifters of the East, p.169 & PGttCB, Revised, p.108-9 & W20 Changing Breeds, p.135)
• Uzume Sings (Level Three) : Kataribe voices are particularly beautiful; with this Gift they become
paralyzingly so. A skilled bard may hold an enemy at a standstill purely with the power of song, or entice him forward to
his doom. Nightingale- and snake-spirits teach this Gift.
System: The player spends one Gnosis and rolls Charisma + Performance (difficulty of the target's Willpower).
For every success rolled, the victim remains in the Kitsune's power one turn:she must roll again when the first successes
run out, but need not spend more Gnosis. The victim may be held completely motionless, or (if the singer desires) slowly
follow the sound. If the Kitsune leaves or stops singing, the spell ends after the current duration runs out.
(Source: Hengeyokai: Shapeshifters of the East, p.169 & PGttCB, Revised, p.109 & W20 Changing Breeds, p.135)
• Wisdom of the Ancient Ways (Level Three) : As the Philodox Gift: Wisdom of the Ancient Ways.
(Source: W20 Changing Breeds, p.135→Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.167)
• Kuei Dance (Level Four) : This Gift calls on the dead to bear witness, usually to the manner of their death,
occasionally to the events of their lives. This magic compels truth, not cooperation : but as most Restless ones are
frantically eager to have their lives remembered, deaths avenged, graves tended and true stories known, few refuse. The
Dance may take any form : the Kataribe may begin a story and have the ghost step forward to continue the tale, act out the
events of the story in mime or dance and let the ghost appear in its part, or (and this is the best for convincing others the
tale is true) begin a song or narration that readies the audience for the experience, then let them see the ghost's very
memories around them. This Gift is taught by ancestor-spirits.
System (old version): The player spends a Willpower point and rolls Gnosis + Empathy (difficulty 8) for the
Nine-Tails to establish contact with the spirit. To communicate the deceased's memories to the audience, she rolls
Manipulation + Performance (difficulty 6). The more successes, the better the testimony comes across to the audience.
This Gift will work only on the dead who have retained some semblance of themselves in the next life. This includes
hengeyokai ancestors, wraiths, Spectres and all manner of hungry ghosts. Kuei Dance cannot call up the living. Souls that
have been reincarnated since death will not appear. The Gift may even work on Kin-jin and Kuei-jin if the Kataribe is
powerful enough (Rank Five and up); their bodies do not travel with them, and they return unharmed (though likely very
angry) at the end of the scene.
(Source: Hengeyokai: Shapeshifters of the East, p.169 & PGttCB, Revised, p.109)
System (new version): The player spends a Willpower point and rolls Gnosis + Empathy, difficulty 8, to
establish contact. This Gift works only if the deceased lingers in some spiritual form, such as a ghost or ancestor-spirit.
The more successes rolled, the more coherent the ghost’s performance.
(Source: W20 Changing Breeds, p.135)
• Shadows by the Firelight (Level Four) : As the Galliard Gift.
(Note: This Gift is known as “Shadows by the Firelight” or “Shadows by the Fire Light,” depending on the Edition.
(Source: Hengeyokai: Shapeshifters of the East, p.169 & PGttCB, Revised, p.109 & W20 Changing Breeds,
p.135→Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.170)
• Assimilation (Level Five) : As the homid Gift.
(Source: Hengeyokai: Shapeshifters of the East, p.169 & PGttCB, Revised, p.109 & W20 Changing Breeds,
p.135→Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.155)
• Fabric of the Mind (Level Five) : As the Galliard Gift.
(Source: Hengeyokai: Shapeshifters of the East, p.169 & PGttCB, Revised, p.109 & W20 Changing Breeds,
p.135→Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.170)

Perhaps the most intriguingly distinct Kitsune trick is the art of Ju-Fu, the paper magic. The Foxes were
bewitched with the idea of paper when they first found it : much as humans across Asia revere the substance. In Japan,
paper is a religious symbol, and it is part of funerary rites across the Middle Kingdom. In Japanese, kami is a homophone
for both spirit and paper, and the Kitsune use the term to refer to their paper-spells just as they refer to the Kami, the spirits
of Gaia made flesh. (In Werewolf terms, kami : lowercase and italic : refers to Kitsune Ju-Fu spells, while Kami,
uppercase, refers to the entities described in the Werewolf Storytellers Handbook and Possessed.)
Ju-Fu Gifts are purchased at a cost of (level x 7) experience points; unlike traditional Gifts, they are not bestowed
by spirits, but must be learned from another Fox. The kami (folded-paper spells) used to cast them may be prepared in
advance, but each costs at least one Gnosis point to make, limiting the potential for stockpiling. Where a Ju-Fu Gift lists no
other cost, it only costs the Gnosis point necessary to make the kami.
See Hengeyokai: Shapeshifters of the East, p.170-173 for further details.

Abusing Ju-Fu
Storytellers beware: Some players being the unscrupulous creatures they are, they may try to get you to allow
them to mass-produce kami between game sessions : maybe even trying to rationalize having twenty, thirty or a hundred
kami fully prepared for any emergency!
As no properly busy Kitsune has this kind of free time or Gnosis to spare, this is clearly an abuse of the rules that
interferes with the spirit of the story. Such players are clearly drawing down the Wrath of Heaven, and you are encouraged
to tell them "no" in as firm tones as necessary.
• Element Child (Level One) : The Kitsune can create a small amount of one of the basic elements by
destroying a kami bearing that element's symbol. The Kitsune prepares the kami by writing a mandala showing the
elements in relation to each other. When he wants to activate the kami, he must fold it into an appropriate shape (airplane,
shuriken, water bomb or the like) and throw it where he wants it to be.
System: The player spends a Gnosis point and rolls Gnosis (difficulty 6) at the time of preparation. In most other
respects, this Gift is identical to the metis Gift: Create Element.
(Source: Hengeyokai: Shapeshifters of the East, p.171)
• Lantern (Level One) : In Japan, will-o'-the-wisps are considered the work of foxes. By crafting a paper lantern
or similar kami, the Kitsune can later infuse it with an eerie light. The light may take the appearance of captured lightning,
moonlight, an evil reddish glow, or whatever effect the Fox had in mind when creating the kami.
System: The player rolls Gnosis, difficulty 6; the Gnosis cost is one. The light is exactly as bright as that of a
mundane paper lantern, and lasts for a scene or until the lantern is destroyed.
(Source: Hengeyokai: Shapeshifters of the East, p.171 & W20 Changing Breeds, p.135)
• Paper Speech (Level One) : By crafting an origami figure or special pictogram of a specific creature or
animal, the Kitsune may communicate with such creatures at will, apparently in their native tongues. When she activates
the kami, an illusion of the represented creature overlays the Kitsune's own image in the subject's mind; the Fox's speech is
then translated into the appropriate language of scent, body language, and so on. The Kitsune herself hears the creature's
responses as Kitsune-go in her own mind.
System: The player spends a Gnosis point and rolls Intelligence + Animal Ken (difficulty 6) for the Kitsune to
craft the kami. This can be used to speak other human or hengeyokai tongues, although the roll is Intelligence + Empathy,
the difficulty rises to 8, and the Gnosis cost is two points. The duration is one scene.
(Source: Hengeyokai: Shapeshifters of the East, p.171-2)
• Umekochi's Mouth (Level One) : Named for the Japanese goddess of food, this trick allows a Kitsune to craft
a small paper cup, dish or other container that can hold four times as much volume as it should.
System (old version): The player rolls Gnosis, difficulty 7; the Gnosis cost is one.
(Source: Hengeyokai: Shapeshifters of the East, p.172)
System (new version): The player rolls Gnosis (difficulty 6).
(Source: W20 Changing Breeds, p.135)
• Attraction (Level Two) : This trick lets a Kitsune attract or repel a certain type of animal by creating an
appropriate kami. For instance, the Fox might craft a tiger-repelling kami to travel safely through tiger territory, or fashion
a paper firefly to summon enough fireflies to eerily light a graveyard.
System: The player rolls Manipulation + Animal Ken, difficulty 7; the number of successes indicates the relative
strength of the kami. The Gnosis cost is one for insects or vermin, two for most animals, and three for large or dangerous
animals such as tigers or water buffalo, and will not work against shen in animal form. The kami is activated by spitting on
(Source: Hengeyokai: Shapeshifters of the East, p.172 & W20 Changing Breeds, p.135)
• Eyes of the Wall (Level Two) : This trick really creates two kami: the Fox takes a paper and cuts a hole in it,
leaving the cut-out hole someplace useful. The Kitsune can then put her eye to the hole in her half of the kami to see what
the cut-out would "see." She can even get each side's view by looking through alternate sides of the hole. Kitsune who fly
kites as a hobby are particularly enamored of this trick.
System: The player spends two Gnosis and rolls Gnosis, difficulty 7, when creating the two-in-one kami. The
stolen view lasts for a whole day and a night.
(Source: Hengeyokai: Shapeshifters of the East, p.172)
• Labyrinth (Level Two) : By hiding this kami in a room and speaking a word of binding, the Kitsune can
prevent anyone from leaving. A person who climbs out the window finds himself coming back in through the door, and so
on. People can still enter the room as usual : leaving is the tricky part. As the Kitsune must be present to activate the effect,
he is trapped inside along with any other prisoners until the kami is destroyed.
System: The player rolls Wits + Enigmas, difficulty 8; the Gnosis cost is three.
(Source: Hengeyokai: Shapeshifters of the East, p.172)
• Silver Sigil (Level Two) : This trick is much like the Fianna Gift: Glib Tongue. The Kitsune can write "badge"
on a piece of paper : and the target will see a badge of some sort. She can write "passport" on a scroll of birchbark and get
through customs without a hitch. The kami cannot be changed, but it will affect as many people as necessary for the
duration of a scene. Combat or other significant distractions end the effect, as does destroying the kami.
System: The player rolls Gnosis, difficulty 7, and spends a Gnosis. The kami is activated when human eyes first
rest on it; at that point, the Fox is considered to be using the aforementioned Fianna Gift and the effects last for a scene.
(Source: Hengeyokai: Shapeshifters of the East, p.172 & W20 Changing Breeds, p.135→Werewolf 20th Anniversary
Edition, p.179)
• Banishment (Level Three) : This kami is used against spirits who have traveled from their home realms. By
brandishing the pictogram and demanding that the spirit return home, the Fox may force devils back into the Yomi World
or Crab Soldiers back into Umi, for example.
System: The player invests three Gnosis and rolls Gnosis, difficulty 7, during the kami's creation. As the Kitsune
activates it, the player must make a contested Willpower roll against the wayward spirit; if he succeeds, the spirit is
immediately forced back into its native Realm (or into the Mirror Lands, in the case of Realmless spirits that are
materialized in the physical world). Unfortunately, this cannot be used to split a bakemono's possessing Bane from its
mortal host.
(Source: Hengeyokai: Shapeshifters of the East, p.172)
• Paper Beast (Level Three) : This kami is always fashioned in the form of an origami animal and with the
pictogram of an animal painted across it. When the Kitsune spits on the paper, the replica immediately grows to the full
size and likeness of its "original", and obeys the Kitsune's commands.
System: The player invests two points of Gnosis and rolls Gnosis, difficulty 7. The resulting creature has all the
strength and capabilities of its model beast; paper elephants may lift logs, tigers fight with all the appropriate strength and
fury, and so on. However, since the beast is still paper, it only has one Health Level. The Kitsune may only create mundane
animals, although legend tells of seven-tailed Foxes who could create paper phoenixes and the like.
(Source: Hengeyokai: Shapeshifters of the East, p.172 & W20 Changing Breeds, p.135)
• Beast Shape (Level Four) : The Kitsune may take the form of the animal represented by this kami. Apart from
the need to prepare the spell beforehand, and the specific duration (one scene), this Gift is identical to the Black Fury Gift:
The Thousand Forms.
System: The player must spend two Gnosis and roll Dexterity + Animal Ken, with a difficulty dependent on the
form chosen.
(Source: Hengeyokai: Shapeshifters of the East, p.172 & W20 Changing Breeds, p.135→Werewolf 20th Anniversary
Edition, p.163)
• Walk (Level Four) : This last-minute escape route allows the Kitsune to vanish from sight as she tears the
kami, reappearing in the Mirror Lands in the form of her choice.
System: The player must invest four Gnosis in a kami and roll Gnosis, difficulty 7, to prepare this charm. Once
the Nine-Tails activates the power, stepping sideways is instantaneous and automatic.
(Source: Hengeyokai: Shapeshifters of the East, p.172)
• Kidnap (Level Five) : One of the dirtier tricks in the Kitsune arsenal, this allows a Fox to abduct a person or
shen into the Umbra. It matters little where the Kitsune is standing at the time; a Fox in the Mirror Lands can pull a target
in with him, while a Fox in the physical world can either throw his target into the Umbra while remaining behind himself,
or vanish along with the unfortunate victim. The Kitsune hurls the kami at his target while crying a word of activation; if
the Fox is in the Umbra at the time, the paper literally appears from nowhere, striking the target. As the target vanishes in a
flash of light and smoke, the now-blank piece of paper drifts slowly to the ground....
System: The player must invest two Gnosis in the kami and seal it with a Gnosis roll, difficulty 8. To activate the
kami, the Fox must make a Gnosis roll, difficulty of the local Wall; however, only one success is necessary.
(Source: Hengeyokai: Shapeshifters of the East, p.172)
• Paper Flesh (Level Five) : This Ju-Fu trick is identical to the Level Three sorcery: Paper Beast, save that the
summoned creature becomes flesh and blood in all respects.
System: The kami requires three points of Gnosis and a Gnosis roll at difficulty 7. The summoned creature has
full statistics, full Health Levels, and is real in every way; however, once slain, or at the end of the scene, it reverts to a
powerless paper form.
(Source: Hengeyokai: Shapeshifters of the East, p.173 & W20 Changing Breeds, p.135)

Sun and his allied spirits grant the Mokolé many Gifts. Mokolé can learn Gifts from each other, from spirits or
from Mnesis. The rules for learning them from another Mokolé or from a spirit are the same as for Garou, except that
many spirits which help Garou are not friendly to Mokolé. Such spirits, such as Wolf, Bear, Porcupine and the like will not
usually help Mokolé. However, the Mokolé may yet make some kind of deal with them : or failing that, threaten them in
some way.
Gifts can be learned through Mnesis, if the Gift is present anywhere in the Mokolé’s Mnesis line (Storyteller’s
option). The character must go into a Mnesis trance, then spend as much time entranced as it would take to learn the Gift
from another Mokolé. Then she must make a Mnesis roll and score a number of successes equal to the Level of the Gift
(she must, of course, be of high enough Rank to learn the Gift she seeks). If she succeeds, she learns the Gift. Experience
point costs are the same as normal. To learn Mokolé Gifts, the difficulty is 8. With non-Mokolé Gifts it is 9 or 10.
A beginning Mokolé starts with two Gifts, one for her solar auspice and one from the Generic list. A weresaurian
who spends time with others of his stream may later learn “stream” Gifts.
General Mokolé Gifts
• Falling Touch (Level One) : As the Ahroun Gift. Normally taught by a spirit of the Dragon Kings or Bird
(Source: Mokolé, p.79 & PGttCB, Revised, p.117 & W20 Changing Breeds, p.148→Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition,
• Fatal Flaw (Level One) : As the Shadow Lord Gift.
(Source: Mokolé, p.79 & PGttCB, Revised, p.117 & W20 Changing Breeds, p.148→Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition,
• Find Land (Level One) : By focusing his attention onto the balance of land and water, the Mokolé can locate
the nearest fixed land amidst the waters of swamp or sea. This Gift is taught by a turtle-spirit.
System: The player makes a Perception + Survival roll, difficulty 6. One success indicates the direction of the
land. Three successes indicate the distance; five allow the Mokolé to tell whether the land is dangerous or contaminated.
(Source: Mokolé, p.79)
• Find Water (Level One) : As the Gift: Find Land, save that the Mokolé can find any water within twenty
miles, and likewise tell if the water is contaminated if he achieves enough successes. This Gift is taught by a lizard-spirit.
(Source: Mokolé, p.79)
• Inspiration (Level One) : As the Ahroun Gift.
(Source: Mokolé, p.79 & PGttCB, Revised, p.117 & W20 Changing Breeds, p.148→Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition,
• Razor Claws (Level One) : As the Ahroun Gift; needless to say, this only works in Archid form.
(Source: Mokolé, p.79 & PGttCB, Revised, p.117 & W20 Changing Breeds, p.148→Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition,
• Scent of Sweet Nectar (Level One) : As the Bone Gnawer Gift: Scent of Sweet Honey. It is taught by a bee-
(Source: Mokolé, p.79→Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.174-5)
• Sense Dissolver (Level One) : As the metis Gift: Sense Wyrm.
(Source: Mokolé, p.80 & PGttCB, Revised, p.117 & W20 Changing Breeds, p.148→Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition,
• Sense Moon (Level One) : This Gift enables the user to detect a child of the Moon - usually a fellow
shapechanger (save for Corax, Ananasi or Nuwisha). This Gift is taught by a Moon-spirit.
System: The player rolls Perception + Occult, difficulty 7. With three successes, he can tell what kind of moon
creature is involved; five allows a rough estimate of rank and abilities. This Gift is taught by a Sun-spirit.
(Source: Mokolé, p.80)
• Sense Prey (Level One) :The Mokolé knows the trick of locating prey animals in a given area. An alligator-
spirit teaches this Gift.
System: The player spends a Willpower point, and rolls Perception + Primal-Urge, difficulty 7. Each success
leads the Mokolé to enough prey for one meal: enough successes can feed an entire clutch.
(Source: Mokolé, p.80)
Shed (Level One) Version One : By quickly shedding his outer skin, the Mokolé can escape an enemy’s hold or
slip through a tight area. A lizard-spirit or snake-spirit teaches this Gift.
System: By making a successful Dexterity + Primal- Urge roll (difficulty 7), the Mokolé can either automatically
escape any grappling attack, or lower the difficulty of escaping restraints or slipping through tight squeezes by 2.
(Source: Mokolé, p.80)
• Shed (Level One) Version Two : As the metis Gift.
(Source: W20 Changing Breeds, p.148→Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.156)
• Sight of the True Form (Level One) : As the Garou Gift: Scent of the True Form. This Gift is taught by a spirit
of the Predator Kings.
(Source: Mokolé, p.80 & PGttCB, Revised, p.117 & W20 Changing Breeds, p.148→Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition,
• Speed of Thought (Level One) : As the Silent Striders Gift, save that the Mokolé must spend two Gnosis
points rather than one to activate the land speed.
(Source: Mokolé, p.80 & PGttCB, Revised, p.117& W20 Changing Breeds, p.148→Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition,
• Tailbiter's Mumble (Level One) : The Mokolé may bite her tail in her mouth and roll any distance desired as
quickly as her human form runs. This Gift is taught by Hoopsnake.
System: The Mokolé must be in Suchid or Archid, and spend a Willpower point; apart from that, the movement
bonuses are automatic.
(Source: Mokolé, p.80)
• Talk (Level One) : This Gift permits the Mokolé to speak any human language he knows while in Suchid or
Archid form. This Gift is taught by a bird-spirit.
System: No roll is necessary; the Mokolé becomes automatically capable of speech in all forms. With a
successful Mnesis roll, difficulty 8, the Mokolé can also speak any of the other Bête’s languages for the duration of a
(Source: Mokolé, p.80)
• Axis Mundi (Level Two) : By attuning himself to the land, the Mokolé can learn precisely where Sun is in
relation to Earth. A Sun-spirit teaches this Gift.
System: The player spends a Gnosis point; the Gift automatically grants knowledge of the exact time, season, the
Mokolé’s placement on the Earth, and the direction that he is facing.
(Source: Mokolé, p.80)
• Blessings of the Nest (Level Two) : Hissing a blessing in the Dragon Tongue, the Mokolé bestows a gift of
fertility. In addition to ensuring conception on most recipients, the Gift also removes impotence from those who suffer
from it and grants fertility to the normally barren. A rooster-spirit teaches it.
System: The player spends one Gnosis point. This Gift’s power is insufficient to make metis fertile.
(Source: W20 Changing Breeds, p.148)
• Reptoid Form (Level Two) : Through careful refinement of her shapeshifting capabilities, the Mokolé learns
to assume a form between Homid and Archid. This “near-man” form, roughly equivalent to the Garou Glabro form, lacks
hair, has tough, lightly scaled skin, and sports small but sharp claws. It can only pass for human at a distance, under heavy
clothing, or in poor light, but still avoids the size and subtlety issues associated with Archid. This Gift is taught by
System: The character assumes her new form in the same manner as a Garou assuming Glabro. Its traits are:
Strength +2, Stamina +2, Appearance –2, and it can make claw attacks for lethal damage.
(Source: W20 Changing Breeds, p.148)
• Sense Gold (Level Two) : As the Ahroun Gift: Sense Silver, save that it detects the presence of gold.
(Source: Mokolé, p.80 & PGttCB, Revised, p.118 & W20 Changing Breeds, p.148→Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition,
• Silver Claws (Level Two) : As the Ahroun Gift. No common “Gold Claws” variant exists; the Mokolé have
fought against other shapeshifters much more often than they’ve fought against each other.
(Source: Mokolé, p.80 & W20 Changing Breeds, p.148→Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.171-2)
• Stinking Breath (Level Two) Version One : The Mokolé can breathe out stinking gases that repel anything
that breathes, making them flee. This Gift is taught by a garbage-spirit or a monitor lizard-spirit.
System: The Mokolé spends a Gnosis point and breathes on her enemies. Air-breathing creatures (obviously, the
undead are immune) are repelled by the smell and try to flee the encounter, unless they successfully make an opposed
Gnosis roll against the Mokolé’s Gnosis.
(Source: Mokolé, p.80)
• Stinking Breath (Level Two) Version Two : As the Bone Gnawer Gift: Odious Aroma.
(Source: W20 Changing Breeds, p.148→Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.175)
• Tides of Lust (Level Two) : This Gift is most common among the Gila monsters and Mexican beaded lizards
of the American Southwest, the Unktehi, who learn it from a rooster-spirit. It gives them power over the tides within
someone’s body.
System: The Mokolé begins to dance and rolls Rites + Expression, difficulty 7. If the target already loves
someone else the difficulty is 8, or 9 if the target is very old or attracted to the same sex. The number of successes
determines the number of hours that the person will be unnaturally lusty. Impotence, if any, disappears, the target becomes
fertile if ordinarily sterile (unless the target is metis, of course), and the target also becomes a little more open-minded
about potential partners. Even so, the Mokolé must still seduce the person through roleplaying, as this Gift does not
implant obvious desire : it merely removes barriers.
(Source: Mokolé, p.80)
• Waxwork Monster (Level Two) : Brought to light recently by the Shining, this Gift lets a Mokolé take
advantage of the fact that “dinosaurs are extinct” to hide in plain sight even in Archid form. Essentially, the Mokolé takes
on the appearance of a model or dummy. A tuatara-spirit teaches this Gift.
System: The Mokolé spends a Gnosis point and rolls Stamina + Expression. For each success, he can freeze in
place for one hour unnoticed by anyone. In Suchid form, he appears to be a stuffed crocodile; in Homid form, he seems to
be a mannequin or waxwork. In Archid form the Mokolé appears to be a life-size fiberglass or cement dinosaur model, but
cannot cause the Delirium unless he moves or speaks. Some Shining will even carry around a small label designating the
species of dinosaur that they are supposed to be. Of course, the “statue” will arouse suspicion if there is not supposed to be
a statue in the place where the Mokolé is hiding. Whole clutches have concealed themselves this way as roadside
attractions and the like.
(Source: Mokolé, p.80)
• Bark of the Mudpuppy (Level Three) : This Gift allows the Mokolé to bark loudly at any one person or
object, shattering glass, splintering light wood or even opening wounds on a living being. This Gift is taught by
System: The bark does one Health Level of aggravated damage, but automatically strikes its target. There is no
actual cost.
(Source: Mokolé, p.80)
• Dragonfear (Level Three) Version One : This Gift invokes an aura of menace so terrible that the Mokolé’s
Archid form is capable of inducing the night-fear in any creatures, supernatural or otherwise. This Gift is taught by
System: The Mokolé spends a Rage point to invoke the fear for one scene; all witnesses become subject to the
Delirium. Note that the other creatures may roll Wits + Occult to move up on the Delirium Chart as usual. However,
creatures created to be immune to the Delirium, such as fomori, can still experience the effects of the Delirium when this
Gift is used.
(Source: Mokolé, p.81)
• Dragonfear (Level Three) Version Two : As the Ahroun Gift: True Fear.
(Source: W20 Changing Breeds, p.148→Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.171)
• Dragon’s Breath (Level Three) :This Gift allows the Mokolé to spit fire, as do the Dragon Kings. This Gift is
taught by Dragon himself.
System: The player spends one Rage per burst and rolls Dexterity + Brawl (difficulty 8); the flame has a range of
30 feet and inflicts two Health Levels of aggravated damage. If the roll succeeds, the creature can spend additional Rage;
each point spent inflicts two additional Levels of aggravated damage.
(Source: Mokolé, p.81 & PGttCB, Revised, p.118 & W20 Changing Breeds, p.148)
• Walking Between Worlds (Level Three) : Mokolé with this Gift are finally able to breach the Gauntlet and
enter the Umbra. Most typically, they go into water instead of using a mirror in order to step sideways. This Gift is taught
by any spirit who knows how to materialize in the physical world.
System: Once this Gift is learned, the Mokolé may step sideways just as Garou do.
(Source: Mokolé, p.81 & PGttCB, Revised, p.118 & W20 Changing Breeds, p.148→Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition,
• Attunement (Level Four) : As the Bone Gnawer Gift.
(Source: Mokolé, p.81 & PGttCB, Revised, p.118 & W20 Changing Breeds, p.148→Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition,
• Cocoon (Level Four) : As the Homid Garou Gift. Mokolé adepts often use the Cocoon to protect them when
sleeping the Sleep of the Dragon.
(Source: Mokolé, p.81 & PGttCB, Revised, p.118 & W20 Changing Breeds, p.148→Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition,
• Serenity (Level Four) : As the Children of Gaia Gift.
(Source: W20 Changing Breeds, p.148→Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.178)
• View the Seed (Level Four) :This Gift comes from the belief that all things are but a dream of the idea or
object that birthed them. It allows the user to see the “seed” of anything, from the parents of a child to the mastermind of a
plot. Note that some things result from the growth of several “seeds.” A Mokolé looking at America, for instance, could
see any number of things (John Locke in his study, Native Americans planting maize, Africans bought with Boston rum...).
The Gumagan are most likely to learn this Gift, which is taught by Finch.
System: The Mokolé rolls Perception + Mnesis, difficulty 7. If the thing to be seen is outside the Mnesis of the
Mokolé’s line, the difficulty is 8. In the case of truly alien causes and effects, the difficulty could be 9 (Vhujunka plotting
to sail into the Deep Umbra, etc.).
(Source: Mokolé, p.81)
• Grasp the Beyond (Level Five) : As the Level Four Theurge Gift.
(Source: Mokolé, p.81 & PGttCB, Revised, p.118 & W20 Changing Breeds, p.148→Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition,
• Song of the Great Beast (Level Five) : As the Lupus Gift. Usually the Dinosaur Kings will teach this Gift only
to suchids, and they can use it to summon dinosaur Great Beasts. Note, however, that such monsters as sea scorpions and
giant sharks also lie within Mnesis, and if the Kings decided to teach these Songs, then they could do so.
(Source: Mokolé, p.81 & PGttCB, Revised, p.118 & W20 Changing Breeds, p.148→Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition,

Stream Gifts
• Songlines (Level One) : This Gift covers the landscape with songs. The Gumagan can navigate from one end
of Bandaiyan to the other using legends. This Gift is taught by an ancestor-spirit.
System: The Gumagan sets out on a journey and begins the Song. He rolls Gnosis and adds to the number of
successes the number of sacred songs he knows. The difficulty is 6 in his tribe’s territory, 7 outside. In lands other than
Bandaiyan, it is 10. The number of successes is the number of times by which the distance is divided when calculating the
length of the trip.
(Source: Mokolé, p.81)
• Dreamwalk (Level Two) : The Gumagan may use her connection to the Dreaming to lower the Gauntlet. A
Dreamtime-spirit teaches this Gift.
System: The Gumagan must concentrate on the spirit world for a full turn; for the duration of the very next turn,
the local Gauntlet is lowered by two. There is no need for a reflective surface to step sideways.
(Note: Bunyip learn this Gift as Level One, all other tribes and shapeshifters learn it as Level Two; see Rage Across
Australia, p.116 & Past Lives, p.83)
(Source: Mokolé, p.81)
• Bunyip’s Boom (Level Three) : The Gumagan may reach into Mnesis and imitate the mournful cry of the
Bunyip. This Gift is taught by servants of Mu-ru-bul Tu-ru-dan the Bunyip.
System: The player spends one Gnosis and rolls Charisma + Performance (difficulty 7). The Gift affects all non-
Gumagan within earshot. Those affected lose one temporary point of Willpower per success, and cannot regain Willpower
until they have retreated from the Gift user’s immediate area (roughly earshot) or until the scene ends. No victim can be
affected by this Gift more than once in any sunset-to-sunrise or sunrise-to-sunset period.
(Note: This Gift is now known as Lonesome Voice of the Bunyip (see Rage Across Australia, p.116→Past Lives,
p.83→Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.394-5)
(Source: Mokolé, p.81)
• Landspeak (Level Three) : The Aboriginal folk of Bandaiyan know the land as a series of interconnected
songlines, the Ways of the Law. By listening carefully, Gumagan can hear the songs of the earth. A servant of Ngalyod the
Rainbow Serpent teaches this Gift.
System: The Gumagan puts his ear to the ground or into a waterhole. He then makes a Gnosis roll, difficulty 6.
The number of successes is the number of miles within which he can hear The Song. He will know what the Earth thinks
of events on its surface within this area. If he makes a Mnesis roll instead, he can hear echoes of the past. Note that this
Gift is not considered eavesdropping, but rather overhearing the Earth’s commentary.
(Note: The Bunyip version of this Gift can be found in Rage Across Australia, p.116 & Past Lives, p.83-84)
(Source: Mokolé, p.81)
• Nightmare Mnesis (Level Four) : The Gumagan can overcome any foe with Mnesis, forcing them to
remember the atrocities committed on the Aboriginal peoples and animals of the land. This Gift is taught by a Bunyip
System: The Gumagan looks into her foe’s eyes and makes a Mnesis roll, difficulty of the opponent’s Willpower.
If she succeeds, the foe will remember lifetimes of slaughter, torture, rape and defilement. He must make a Willpower roll
check, difficulty 7, or fall into despair (usually Harano). Many who have been struck by this Gift have harmed themselves
or sought to atone for the crimes they recall.
(Source: Mokolé, p.81)
• Billabong Walk (Level Five) : The Gumagan goes into any body of water suitable for his varna (fresh or salt
for salties, waterholes or streams for perenty) and emerges from another such body any distance away. He must have
bathed in the water where he plans to emerge before using this Gift. This Gift is taught by servants of the Bunyip.
System: The Gumagan submerges himself entirely and spends two Gnosis. He then reappears in the target body
of water.
(Source: Mokolé, p.81-82)
• Bloody-Mindedness (Level Five) : The Gumagan can “point herself” at a chosen goal or foe, a “life-enemy.”
She will pursue this goal until death and beyond. This Gift is taught by servants of Mu-ru-bul Tu-ru-dun the Bunyip.
System: The Gumagan spends two Willpower points. Afterward, she neither eats nor sleeps unless she wishes to
do so. She may add two to her dice pools for any task related to her goal. The sheer intensity of her search will usually
frighten anyone into helping her: Bloody-Minded Gumagan are often on the edge of frenzy every minute. She may not be
persuaded to abandon her quest by any supernatural means (treat as the Merit: Iron Will). In combat against her life enemy,
she will gain one extra attack per round, with the difficulty of attacks against her target reduced by one. She may not
dodge attacks from any other combatant, but her dice pool to soak damage is doubled.
(Source: Mokolé, p.82)

• The Thousand Arrows (Level Three) : This Gift allows a Makara marksman to greatly multiply his missiles in
mid-flight; an archer can send a swarm of arrows, and a machine gun spits forth a cloud of bullets. This Gift is taught by a
System: The Makara spends one Gnosis point and one Rage. Whatever firearm, bow, crossbow or hurled weapon
he is using gains the benefit of firing full auto (Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.294), but the difficulty to hit is
raised by two rather than three.
(Source: Mokolé, p.82)
• Great as a White Hill (Level Five) : As the Fianna Gift: Gift of the Spriggan. It is taught by a monkey-spirit.
(Source: Mokolé, p.82→Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.147)

• Beak of the Finch (Level Three) : This Gift is taught by Finch, the master of adaptation. Finch helps Mokolé
adapt to new situations in order to survive. They do so by reshaping themselves into a form which can accomplish a goal.
System: The Mokolé spends a Gnosis point and rolls Mnesis + Survival. She then exerts herself towards the
desired change. To grow fins, she jumps into the water and starts paddling. To grow a long neck, she would stretch. This
Gift cannot create anything new, but can adapt existing body parts to new situations. Arms could grow into wings, but a
new pair of limbs would not appear from nowhere. Likewise, lungs could become gills, but to breathe air again, the
Mokolé would have to change back. The effects last for one scene per Gnosis point spent.
(Source: Mokolé, p.82)
• Heat Wave (Level Three) : The Mokolé can bring the heat of Lord Sun to burn his enemies. Many can stand
chill, but no living thing can stand endless heat. A Sun-spirit teaches this Gift.
System: The Mokolé dances the Steps of the Sun and spends one Gnosis. She then rolls Wits + Expression,
difficulty 5 if it is warm, 6 if cool and 8 if cold. If below freezing, the difficulty is 9. The difficulty drops by 1 for every
hour of dancing, and increases by 1 if the Mokolé cannot dance except with hand motions (due to injury or imprisonment).
For each success, one mile of territory surrounding the Mokolé is heated to heatwave temperatures (130˚ F). Any creature
vulnerable to heat will lose one die from their dice pools per hour. The effects last for one hour per Gnosis point spent.
They cannot last for more than one hour after sunset.
(Source: Mokolé, p.82)
• Walk into My Eyes (Level Four) : This powerful Gift allows weakness to become strength. The Mokolé have
been endlessly persecuted: under some circumstances, this can be an advantage. An ancestor-spirit teaches this Gift.
System: The Mokolé stares into the eyes of a foe and rolls Mnesis. The difficulty is 5 for a relative (including
Nagah, Corax and Kin), 7 for a being who shares even one common ancestor (anyone born human, any saurian, and any
Changer), and 9 for something completely alien. For each success, the foe is overwhelmed for one turn by memory as he
sees all of life from the Mokolé’s point of view. During this time he will not attack the Mokolé (although he may defend
himself if attacked) and will not be able to use any specific Gifts or powers of his own kind (such as Garou-only Gifts,
shapeshifting, or vampiric Disciplines). After returning to himself, the target is often profoundly changed. Reactions vary:
Garou have withdrawn into eternal Harano, while a Sabbat Priscus blessed by this Gift ended his unlife after seeing what
he had lost centuries ago. The Storyteller should determine fairly what each target would do.
(Source: Mokolé, p.82-3)

Zhong Lung
• Chi’ih Ming (Level One) Version One : Chi’ih Ming is an old word meaning balloon, and using this Gift, a
Mokolé may walk on air at normal walking pace. A bird-spirit teaches this Gift.
System: The player spends a Gnosis point and rolls Dexterity + Athletics. One success is enough to activate this
(Source: Mokolé, p.83 & Hengeyokai: Shapeshifters of the East, p.104)
• Chi’ih Ming (Level One) Version Two : This Gift, taught by a bird-spirit, allows the Zhong Lung to walk on
System: The player spends a Gnosis point and rolls Stamina + Athletics. Each success allows her to walk or run
on air for one minute.
(Source: W20 Changing Breeds, p.280)
• Dragon's Milk (Level One) : As the Theurge Gift: Mother's Touch, save that the Zhong Lung must mingle his
own blood with that of the wounded. A water-spirit is the usual teacher. Other Mokolé can not learn this Gift even from a
Zhong Lung directly.
(Source: Hengeyokai: Shapeshifters of the East, p.104 & W20 Changing Breeds, p.280→Werewolf 20th Anniversary
Edition, p.164)
• Shou (Level One) : As the Level Three Philodox Gift: Wisdom of the Ancient Ways. Shou is the wisdom
of ancestors; invoking this Gift provides tidbits of advice and information (one per success on the Gnosis roll). This is a
common Gift among all Zhong Lung, taught by an ancestor-spirit.
(Source: Mokolé, p.83 & Hengeyokai: Shapeshifters of the East, p.104 & W20 Changing Breeds, p.280→Werewolf 20th
Anniversary Edition, p.167)
• Breaking the Tomorrow Wall (Level Two) :This is a basic soothsaying Gift, taught by a crane-spirit.
System: After the Zhong Lung burns a bird feather, the player spends one Gnosis point and rolls Perception +
Enigmas, difficulty 6. The Zhong Lung can then peer into the future and obtain one general fact or insight per success
(Source: Hengeyokai: Shapeshifters of the East, p.104)
• Clap of Thunder (Level Two) : As the Shadow Lord Gift. The Great Dragons are revered as bringers of rain
and thunder, and the Middle Dragons share in their power.
(Source: Hengeyokai: Shapeshifters of the East, p.104 & W20 Changing Breeds, p.280→Werewolf 20th Anniversary
Edition, p.189)
• Send the Dream (Level Three) : As the metis Gift: Mental Speech.
(Source: Hengeyokai: Shapeshifters of the East, p.104 & W20 Changing Breeds, p.280→Werewolf 20th Anniversary
Edition, p.157)
• The Dragon's Tongue (Level Three) : This Gift calls down a strike of lightning on a specific opponent. A
storm-spirit teaches this Gift.
System (old version): The player spends a Willpower point and rolls Strength + Intimidation, difficulty 6. Each
success inflicts one die of aggravated damage on the chosen target.
(Source: Hengeyokai: Shapeshifters of the East, p.104)
System (new version): The player spends a Willpower point and rolls Strength + Intimidation (difficulty 7). The
target suffers one level of aggravated damage per success.
(Source: W20 Changing Breeds, p.280)
(Note: This Gift is the same as the Rising Sun and Noonday Sun Gift known as Dragon’s Tongue.)
• Anger of the Wani (Level Four) : As the Level Five Wendigo Gift: Invoke the Spirits of the Storm; however,
upon using this Gift, the Zhong Lung falls into a day-long sleep, offering his dreams to the Dragon Princes as thanks.
(Source: Hengeyokai: Shapeshifters of the East, p.104 & W20 Changing Breeds, p.280→Werewolf 20th Anniversary
Edition, p.201)
• Harmony of the Soul (Level Four) : As the Children of Gaia Gift: Serenity. The Zhong Lung often use
this Gift to keep peace at their courts, particularly when "honored visitors" are present.
(Note: This Gift is referred to by the original Children of Gaia name Serenity on Mokolé, p.83)
(Source: Hengeyokai: Shapeshifters of the East, p.104→Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.178)
• Sleep of Si Wang Mu (Level Five) : A rare and treasured Gift taught by one of Si Wang Mu's servitors, this
Gift allows the Zhong Lung to fall into hibernating sleep in which he adds years to his natural lifespan.
System: The player spends a permanent Gnosis point then rolls Stamina + Enigmas, difficulty 7. The Zhong
Lung falls asleep for three days per success. Each three day stint of sleep adds a dozen years to his lifetime.
(Source: Hengeyokai: Shapeshifters of the East, p.104)
• A Thousand Secret Faces (Level Five) : While willing to share sage advice on many subjects, use of this Gift
is a closely guarded secret among the Zhong Lung. While it's not true shapeshifting, the Gift bestows on the user an almost
perfect illusion of her choosing. Even mystics and other Zhong Lung find it impossible to peer through the facade without
the use of supernatural powers (and even then the difficulty rises to 9). The Zhong Lung may take on any human
appearance, with favorites being young maidens, children and old men. In this way, she can gather information and secrets
unsuspected. An ancestor-spirit teaches this Gift.
System: The user spends one point each of Willpower and Gnosis, then rolls Manipulation + Subterfuge,
difficulty 7. The deception lasts for one day per success, although the Zhong Lung may dispel the illusion at any time.
(Source: Hengeyokai: Shapeshifters of the East, p.104-105)

Auspice Gifts
Rising Sun (Tung Chun/Vasanta)
• Bellow (Level One) Version One : The Mokolé can shake the swamps with his powerful voice, terrifying all
who hear him. A crocodile-spirit or alligator-spirit teaches this Gift.
System: The player spends a Rage point and rolls Rage or Willpower. Difficulty is the target’s Willpower: if the
roll is successful, then the listeners react as per the Delirium Reaction Chart, using the target’s Willpower minus the
number of successes after the first as a guide.
(Source: Mokolé, p.83 & PGttCB, Revised, p.118)
• Bellow (Level One) Version Two : The Mokolé releases a powerful and terrifying reptilian roar. This Gift is
taught by a crocodile-spirit.
System: The player spends one Rage point and rolls permanent Rage (difficulty of the target’s Willpower). If
successful, the target reacts as though afflicted by the Delirium. Subtract the Mokolé’s Glory from the target’s Willpower
before consulting the Delirium chart. Other shapeshifters can spend one Willpower point to resist the Gift’s effects for the
rest of the scene.
(Source: W20 Changing Breeds, p.148)
• Eye of the Raptor (Level One) : By calling on her feathered cousins’ talents, the Mokolé gains the ability to
see for a number of miles as if the distance were a mere twenty yards or so. This Gift is taught by a bird- or raptor-spirit.
System: The player rolls Perception + Alertness (difficulty 8). The number of successes equals the number of
miles the character can see clearly, although it does not grant the ability to see through obstacles.
(Source: Mokolé, p.83 & PGttCB, Revised, p.118 & W20 Changing Breeds, p.148)
• Master of Fire (Level One) : As the homid Gift.
(Source: W20 Changing Breeds, p.148→Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.153)
• Paint the Meadows (Level Two) Version One : The Mokolé can utter pitiable moans to lure her prey. Usually
used from hiding, this Gift is suitable for hunters and fighters. Blue Jay teaches this Gift.
System: The player rolls Wits + Expression; the difficulty is either 5 or the target’s Willpower (whichever is
higher). For each success, the victim moves closer for one turn; if the victim is harmed, the Gift’s effects end.
(Source: Mokolé, p.83 & PGttCB, Revised, p.118)
• Paint the Meadows (Level Two) Version Two : The Mokolé may utter pitiable moans and groans to draw prey
closer. Margay-spirits teach this Gift.
System: The player rolls Wits + Expression (difficulty of the target’s Willpower). The victim moves closer for
one turn per success; if the victim is harmed, the Gift’s effects end.
(Source: W20 Changing Breeds, p.148)
• Sense Silver (Level Two) : As the Ahroun Gift
(Source: Mokolé, p.83 & PGttCB, Revised, p.118 & W20 Changing Breeds, p.148→Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition,
• Dragon’s Tongue (Level Three) Version One : This enables the Mokolé to call lightning down on a target.
This Gift is taught by a Lightning-Bringer.
System: The player spends a Willpower point and rolls Strength + Intimidation, difficulty 6. Each success
inflicts one die of aggravated damage on the target. The difficulty may be increased at the Storyteller’s option if there is no
storm, no clouds, the Mokolé is inside, or other unfavorable conditions are present.
(Source: Mokolé, p.83)
• Dragon’s Tongue (Level Three) Version Two : As the Bastet Pumonca Gift: Thunderbolt.
(Source: W20 Changing Breeds, p.148→p.89)
(Note: This Gift is the same as the Zhong Lung Gift known as The Dragon’s Tongue.)
• Call the Tides (Level Three) : This Gift makes the Mokolé able to bend the tides to his will. The Gift is taught
by Tidekeeper.
System: The Mokolé must be in sight of a tidal body of water (ocean, sea, river estuary). The player then makes
a Gnosis roll, difficulty of 8. The number of successes determines the result:
1 The tides come in or go out twice as fast as usual.
2 Tides can be reversed, and will come in instead of go out or vice versa.
3 High tide or low tide can be brought in one scene.
4 Unusual tides (spring tide or neap tide) can be brought in one scene
5 + Freakish tides (i.e. 30’ tides in Florida) can occur in one scene.
(Source: Mokolé, p.83)
• Combat Healing (Level Three) : As the Level Three Ahroun Gift.
(Source: Mokolé, p.83 & PGttCB, Revised, p.118→Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.171)
• Hot Ichor (Level Three) : This Gift makes the Mokolé able to gain a pool of heat energy, increasing his
prowess in hunting or battle. A raptor-spirit teaches this Gift.
System: By spending Rage, the character gains a temporary “heat pool” of one point per Rage point spent.
Beginning the next turn, the Mokolé can then spend the points in the heat pool to add to Physical Attributes; the bonuses
last for one turn. The pool maximum is the Mokolé’s Homid-form Stamina + 5.
(Source: Mokolé, p.84)
• Hot Ichor (Level Three) : The Mokolé may use her Rage to heat her blood, enhancing her prowess in battle or
on the hunt. A raptor-spirit teaches this Gift.
System: The player may spend Rage to increase her physical Attributes at a rate of one point of Rage per
Attribute dot gained. This enhancement lasts for a number of turns equal to the Mokolé’s lowest permanent Renown
(Source: W20 Changing Breeds, p.148-149)
• Lash of Ages (Level Three) : As the Red Talon Gift: Render Down.
(Source: W20 Changing Breeds, p.149→Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.186-187)
• Might of the Kings (Level Three) : As the Get of Fenris Gift: Might of Thor.
(Source: Mokolé, p.84 & PGttCB, Revised, p.118→Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.181)
• Anger of the Wani (Level Four) : As the Level Five Wendigo Gift: Invoke the Spirits of the Storm. Upon
using this Gift, the Mokolé falls into a trance until Sun rises once more. He offers his dreams to the Dragon Kings as
thanks for this Gift.
(Source: Mokolé, p.84 & W20 Changing Breeds, p.149→Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.201)
• Scream of Gaia (Level One) : As the lupus Gift.
(Source: Mokolé, p.84 & PGttCB, Revised, p.118 & W20 Changing Breeds, p.149→Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition,
• Jointsnake’s Mojo (Level Five) : This Gift enables the Mokolé to rejoin severed body parts without even
touching them. A severed arm will twitch and quickly wriggle back to the stump, rejoining the ‘gator’s body as neatly as
you could ask. This Gift is taught by Jointsnake-spirits.
System (old version): To rejoin a body part, the player need only spend one Gnosis. The severed parts must be
reasonably whole (i.e., not eaten or crushed) and they must be nearby for the Gift to work. This doesn’t heal any Health
Levels of damage, but a Mokolé with this Gift can spend a Gnosis to avoid receiving any battle scars
(Source: Mokolé, p.84)
System (new version): The player need only spend one Gnosis to call back and reattach a severed body part, so
long as that body part is within (Glory x 2) yards.
• Wall of Granite (Level Five) : As the Philodox Gift.
(Source: Mokolé, p.84 & PGttCB, Revised, p.118 & W20 Changing Breeds, p.149→Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition,

Noonday Sun (Nam Hsia/Grisma)

• Fangs of Judgment (Level One) : As the Philodox Gift.
(Source: Mokolé, p.84 & PGttCB, Revised, p.118 & W20 Changing Breeds, p.149→Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition,
• Gold Claws (Level One) : As the Ahroun Gift: Silver Claws, save that the Mokolé’s claws become gold. This
Gift is mainly used against fallen or undutiful Mokolé.
(Source: Mokolé, p.84→Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.171-2)
• Persuasion (Level One) : As the homid Gift.
(Source: W20 Changing Breeds, p.149→Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.153)
• Sight of the True Form (Level One) : As the generic Gift.
(Source: Mokolé, p.80→p.84 & PGttCB, Revised, p.118→Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.166)
• Truth of Olodumare (Level One) : As the Garou Gift: Truth of Gaia. This Gift is taught by a Sun-spirit.
(Source: Mokolé, p.84 & PGttCB, Revised, p.118 & W20 Changing Breeds, p.149→Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition,
• Calm (Level Two) : As the Children of Gaia Gift. This Gift is taught by a tuatara-spirit.
(Source: Mokolé, p.84 & PGttCB, Revised, p.118 & W20 Changing Breeds, p.149→Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition,
• Strength of Purpose (Level Two) : As the Level Two Philodox Gift.
(Source: Mokolé, p.84 & PGttCB, Revised, p.118 & W20 Changing Breeds, p.149→Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition,
• Tame Sunbeam (Level Two) Version One : Sun, whom the Mokolé call The Face of God, is opposed to evil
and darkness. He teaches his children to call upon his aid when they need it. A Sun-spirit teaches this Gift.
System: The Mokolé must spend a Gnosis point, roll Intelligence + Occult, difficulty 6, and add any True Faith
in Sun to the result. The effects last for one scene, plus one more scene for each additional Gnosis point spent.
Successes Effect
1 Illuminate any dark area with ambient light
2. Sun can pierce clouds or trees with enough brightness point out targets or injure vampires
3 The sun’s rays are as strong through water, glass, clouds or cover as from a clear sky.
4 Sun’s rays can light fires or bring heat when it is cold, or appear inside windowless building during the
5+ Sun can shine at night.
(Source: Mokolé, p.84-85 & Werewolf Players Guide 1st Ed, p.170)
• Tame Sunbeam (Level Two) Version Two : The sun has long been the staunchest ally of the Mokolé, and
sends his light when they need it most. A servant of Helios teaches this Gift.
System: The player spends a Gnosis point and rolls Intelligence + Occult, difficulty 6. An aura of bright sunlight
surrounds the Mokolé for the rest of the scene, illuminating everything out to (successes x 2) yards.
(Source: W20 Changing Breeds, p.149)
• Clear Mind (Level Three) : This Gift encourages clarity of thought, no matter what the distractions; it is
taught by a crow-spirit.
System (old version): The player spends one or more Willpower points, then chooses a Mental dice pool (such
as Intelligence + Enigmas); each Willpower point spent adds one die to that dice pool for the remainder of the scene.
(Source: Mokolé, p.83 & Werewolf Players Guide 1st Ed, p.170 & PGttCB, Revised, p.118)
System (new version): The player spends one or more Willpower points, then chooses a Mental dice pool (such
as Intelligence + Enigmas); each Willpower point spent adds one die to that pool until the sun next rises.
(Source: W20 Changing Breeds, p.149)
• Dragon’s Tongue (Level Three) : As the Rising Sun Gift.
(Source: Mokolé, p.84→p.83 (old version)→W20 Changing Breeds, p.89 (new version))
(Note: This Gift is the same as the Zhong Lung Gift known as The Dragon’s Tongue.)
• Eye of the Cobra (Level Three) : As the Galliard Gift.
(Source: Mokolé, p.84→Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.169)
• Weak Arm (Level Three) : As the Philodox Gift.
(Source: W20 Changing Breeds, p.149→Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.167)
• Raptor‘s Gaze (Level Four) : As the Fianna Gift: Balor’s Gaze.
(Source: Mokolé, p.84 & PGttCB, Revised, p.118 & W20 Changing Breeds, p.149→Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition,
• Serenity (Level Four) : As the Children of Gaia Gift.
(Source: Mokolé, p.85 & PGttCB, Revised, p.118→Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.178)
• Strength of the Dominator (Level Four) : As the Shadow Lord Gift.
(Source: Mokolé, p.85 & W20 Changing Breeds, p.149→Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.191)
• Geas (Level Five) : As the Philodox Gift.
(Source: Mokolé, p.85 & PGttCB, Revised, p.118 & W20 Changing Breeds, p.149→Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition,
• Sleep of the Dragon (Level Five) : This Gift allows the Mokolé to enter a state of estivation. She sleeps for a
time limited by duration (for instance, “three moons”) or condition (“when the lake fills with water”). In either case, she
sets the waking condition herself. The Mokolé does not age as she sleeps, though she may dream. Usually the Mokolé
buries herself in mud as she sleeps. The sleeping Mokolé is awakened by being moved or touched, but not by ordinary
noises. A dragon-spirit teaches this Gift.
System: The Mokolé may enter the sleep as an act of will. If she sleeps for longer than the duration of one story,
then she regains all her spent Gnosis.
(Source: Mokolé, p.85)
• Wisdom of the Sun (Level Five) : As the Stargazer Gift: Wisdom of the Seer, save that the Mokolé must gaze
directly on Lord Sun’s face.
(Source: Mokolé, p.85 & W20 Changing Breeds, p.149)

Setting Sun (Tung Chun/Vasanta)

• Burrow (Level One) : As the metis Gift.
(Source: W20 Changing Breeds, p.149→Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.156)
• Mother's Touch (Level One) : As the Theurge Gift.
(Source: Hengeyokai: Shapeshifters of the East, p.168 & PGttCB, Revised, p.118 & W20 Changing Breeds,
p.149→Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.164)
• Resist Pain (Level One) : As the Philodox Gift.
(Source: Mokolé, p.85 & PGttCB, Revised, p.118 & W20 Changing Breeds, p.149→Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition,
• Clap of Thunder (Level Two) : As the Shadow Lord Gift. The Great Dragons are revered as bringers of rain
and thunder, and the Middle Dragons share in their power.
(Source: Mokolé, p.85 & PGttCB, Revised, p.118 & W20 Changing Breeds, p.149→Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition,
• Paint the Meadows (Level Two) : As the Rising Sun Gift.
(Source: Mokolé, p.85→p.83 & PGttCB, Revised, p.118 & W20 Changing Breeds, p.149→p.148)
• Rage of the Nest Mother (Level Two) : As the Boli Zousizhe Gift: Fu Xi’s Honor.
(Source: W20 Changing Breeds, p.149→Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.183)
• Spew (Level Two) : The Warding may guard the nest with a spew of slippery ooze. He can drink a few gallons
of water and spit it out as a slimy mess. This Gift is taught by frog- or snail-spirits.
System: The Mokolé must have drunk quite a bit of water within the last 24 hours before using this Gift,
although some drink oil as a precursor. The player rolls Stamina + Expression, difficulty 7, as the Mokolé spews out water
and slime onto any surface. The number of successes determines the radius, measured in paces, of the area covered with
slippery slobber. Any creature treading on the place must make a Dexterity roll (plus Acrobatics, if any) or slip and fall.
Mokolé may also slime pathways with their vomit, urine or other bodily fluids, resulting in offensive odors as well as
slippery surfaces.
(Source: Mokolé, p.85)
• Warding Dance (Level Two) : As the Fianna Gift: Flame Dance.
(Source: W20 Changing Breeds, p.149→Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.179)
• Armor of the Tortoise (Level Three) : This Gift enables the Mokolé to form a hard shell around his skin while
in Archid or Suchid form, protecting himself even further from harm. The Gift is taught by a turtle- or tortoise-spirit.
System: The player rolls Stamina + Primal Urge, difficulty 6; the Mokolé must spend a turn in deep
concentration. The number of successes is the number of dice added to the dice pool for soak rolls. These dice are in
addition to any armor already possessed, but the Gift can be activated only once per scene.
(Source: Mokolé, p.85 & W20 Changing Breeds, p.149)
• Clarity (Level Three) : As the Stargazers Gift.
(Source: W20 Changing Breeds, p.149→Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.196)
• Combat Healing (Level Three) : As the Level Three Ahroun Gift.
(Source: Mokolé, p.85 & W20 Changing Breeds, p.149→Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.171)
• Might of the Kings (Level Three) : As the Get of Fenris Gift: Might of Thor.
(Source: Mokolé, p.85 & PGttCB, Revised, p.118 & W20 Changing Breeds, p.149→Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition,
• Clenched Jaw (Level Four) : As the Ahroun Gift.
(Source: Mokolé, p.85 & PGttCB, Revised, p.118 & W20 Changing Breeds, p.149→Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition,
• Hot Ichor (Level Four) : As the Level Three Rising Sun Gift.
(Source: Mokolé, p.85→ Mokolé, p.84)
• Hand of the Earth Lords (Level Four) : As the Uktena Gift.
(Source: W20 Changing Breeds, p.149→Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.198-199)
• Halo of the Sun (Level Five) : As the Children of Gaia Gift.
(Source: Mokolé, p.85 & PGttCB, Revised, p.118 & W20 Changing Breeds, p.149→Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition,
• Fossilize (Level Five) : This Gift allows the Mokolé to consign an enemy to memory : by fossilizing him for
the edification of further generations. Paleontologists, needless to say, would probably be baffled by the results. A Death
spirit teaches this Gift.
System: The Mokolé points a bone at an enemy; the player rolls Gnosis, resisted by the enemy’s Willpower. For
each success, one Health Level of unsoakable aggravated damage cripples the target. If the target dies from the effects, he
becomes a petrified fossil instantly.
(Source: Mokolé, p.85)

Midnight Sun (Pei Tung/Hemanta)

• Darksight (Level One) :For the Mokolé using this talent, the ambient light of the Penumbra illuminates the
physical world, even when darkness surrounds her. A Lune or night-spirit of some sort teaches this Gift.
System: The player spends one Willpower; the effects last for one scene. In complete darkness, the user can see
only the outlines of his surroundings. In any other lighting conditions, she sees as though the sun was shining.
(Source: Mokolé, p.85 & PGttCB, Revised, p.118 & W20 Changing Breeds, p.149)
• Brother’s Scent (Level One) : As the Children of Gaia Gift.
(Source: W20 Changing Breeds, p.149→Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.177)
• Lambent Flame (Level Two) : As the Silver Fang Gift. This Gift is taught by a fire- or Sun-spirit.
(Source: Mokolé, p.85 & PGttCB, Revised, p.118→Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.171)
• Sense Sun (Level One) : As the common Gift: Sense Moon, save that it allows the user to discern the presence
of Sun creatures such as Mokolé or Corax. This Gift is taught by a Moon-spirit.
(Source: Mokolé, p.85→p.80)
• Spirits of Laughter (Level One) : This Gift allows the Midnight Sun to invoke laughter-spirits which make
everything seem funny. A mockingbird-spirit teaches this Gift.
System (old version): The Mokolé spends a Gnosis point and rolls Gnosis. The difficulty is 6 for friends, 7 for
strangers, 9 for enemies. For each success, one remark that someone makes will cause everyone to laugh merrily.
(Source: Mokolé, p.86)
System (new version): The player spends one Gnosis point. For the rest of the scene, all Rage rolls are made at
+2 difficulty, and everyone finds it very difficult to become upset or out-of-sorts about anything.
(Source: W20 Changing Breeds, p.149)
• Talk (Level One) : As the generic Gift.
(Source: Mokolé, p.86→p.80)
• Breaking the Tomorrow Wall (Level Two) : This is a foretelling Gift, taught by a crane-spirit. It enables the
Mokolé to remember the future, however inaccurately.
System: The Mokolé bums a bird feather; the player spends one Gnosis point and rolls Perception + Enigmas,
difficulty 6. The Mokolé can then peer beyond tomorrow and learn one vague insight of the Storyteller’s choice per
success rolled.
(Source: Mokolé, p.86 & W20 Changing Breeds, pp.149-150)
• Command Spirit (Level Two) : As the Theurge Gift.
(Note: Mokolé, p.87 refers to Command Spirit as a Midnight Sun Gift but the Midnight Suns section is missing Command
Spirit in its list. This is probably an editing error.)
(Source: Mokolé, p.87→p.86→Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.164)
• Dreamspeak (Level Two) : As the Galliard Gift.
(Source: Mokolé, p.86 & PGttCB, Revised, p.118 & W20 Changing Breeds, p.150→Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition,
• Glib Tongue (Level Two) : As the Fianna Gift. This Gift is taught by a parrot-spirit.
(Source: Mokolé, p.86 & PGttCB, Revised, p.118 & W20 Changing Breeds, p.150→Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition,
• Become Log (Level Three) : As the Ragabash Gift: Blissful Ignorance, save that the Mokolé must be on a
forest floor, in a stream or lake, or in another environment familiar to his varna. This Gift is taught by an alligator-spirit.
(Source: Mokolé, p.86 & W20 Changing Breeds, p.150→Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.161)
• Invisibility (Level Three) : As the Uktena Gift.
(Source: Mokolé, p.86 & PGttCB, Revised, p.119 & W20 Changing Breeds, p.150→Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition,
• Open Sun Bridge (Level Three) : As the Ragabash Gift: Open Moon Bridge.
(Source: Mokolé, p.86 & PGttCB, Revised, p.119 & W20 Changing Breeds, p.150→Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition,
(Note: W20 Changing Breeds, p.150 refers to this Gift as Open Moon Bridge.)
• Fool’s Luck (Level Four) : The Shining, being owed favors by many spirits of fortune, becomes largely
immune toil luck in all its forms. This Gift grants is taught by a rabbit- or trickster-spirit.
System (old version): The player spends one Gnosis, and rolls Gnosis (difficulty 8). Each success allows the
character to convert one botched roll into a simple failure; the player may choose when to invoke this special favor, but the
effects only last for one scene.
(Source: Mokolé, p.86 & PGttCB, Revised, p.119)
System (new version): The player spends one Gnosis point. The character cannot botch any rolls until the sun
next rises; treat any botches as normal failures.
(Source: W20 Changing Breeds, p.150)
• Shadows by the Fire Light (Level Four) : As the Galliard Gift, save that Mokolé often tell stories as sunshafts
bum dazzlingly through the trees into the wallow’s darkness. When this Gift is combined with Mnesis, the result is a
unique art called inwitting, in which the teller sends her audience into the memory-dreams of the Dragon Folk. This
enables a storyteller to set tales in the past as far back as the Mokolé who is telling the story can remember. A shadow-
spirit teaches this Gift.
(Source: Mokolé, p.86 & W20 Changing Breeds, p.150)
• Sleep of the Dragon (Level Five) :As the Noonday Sun Gift.
(Source: Mokolé, p.86→p.85)
• Steal Shape (Level Five) : This Gift is rare: only two lineages possessing it are known to have survived the
Wars of Rage. It enables a Mokolé to study the shape of another being for a span of time, and then to take that shape as her
new breed form. In this way, the Mokolé have survived millennia of evolution on Gaia’s Face. This Gift is taught by a
System: The Mokolé must study the new shape for at least a year. At the end of that time, she may spend a point of
permanent Gnosis and assume the new shape. The shape must be close enough to the old one that her soul will inhabit it.
The Storyteller is free to rule on what will and will not work. Normally the Mokolé will then pass this shape on to her
offspring, and they will replace one of her forms with the new. Only a few Mokolé have managed to make this work, but it
is how a new varna comes to be able to incarnate shapeshifter souls, and is allegedly responsible for the rise of both the
Corax and Nagah. Some loremasters say that all the Changing Breeds originated this way. However, this is unlikely.
(Source: Mokolé, p.86)
• Take the True Form (Level Five) : As the Level Four Philodox Gift.
(Source: Mokolé, p.86 & PGttCB, Revised, p.119 & W20 Changing Breeds, p.150→Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition,
• Thousand Forms (Level Five) : As the Ragabash Gift.
(Source: W20 Changing Breeds, p.150→Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.163)
• Thousand Secret Faces (Level Five) : This Gift is taught only to trusted friends. It allows the user to assume
the illusion of almost any shape that she has personally seen. This is not true shapeshifting but it is an almost perfect
simulation. This Gift is taught by a spirit of deception.
System: The user must spend some time studying the shape she wishes to take. At the Storyteller’s discretion, the
difficulty may increase if she does not study it long enough. She then spends one point each of Willpower and Gnosis and
rolls Manipulation + Subterfuge, difficulty 7. The effects last for one day per success; the user may dispel the illusion at
any time. When trying to penetrate this illusion, such as with Gifts or any other magickal power, the difficulty is at least 9.
(Source: Mokolé, p.86)

Shrouded Sun (Sai Chau/Zarad)

• Call the Rain (Level One) Version One : A power that has been responsible for more than one crocodile cult,
this Gift allows the Mokolé to summon rain from a clear sky. It is taught by Rainbird or rain-spirits.
System: The player rolls Expression + Rituals, difficulty 6. One success brings a spatter. Three bring a steady
drizzle. Five or more bring rain. If rain is already falling when the Mokolé uses this Gift, it becomes a downpour. If a
heavy rain is already falling, the result is a catastrophic flood.
(Note: Rainbird appears under the text of this Gift to be a Mokolé totem but not one I’ve ever seen published. Until White
Wolf publishes stats for the Rainbird totem, the Storyteller is encouraged to create whatever traits she feels are appropriate
for Rainbird.)
(Source: Mokolé, p.86)
• Call the Rain (Level One) Version Two : As the Ajaba Midnight Gift: Tears of the Heavens.
(Source: W20 Changing Breeds, p.150→p.53)
• Mother‘s Touch (Level One) : As the Theurge Gift.
(Source: Mokolé, p.86 & PGttCB, Revised, p.119 & W20 Changing Breeds, p.150→Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition,
• Sense Designer (Level One) : As the Theurge Gift: Sense Weaver.
(Source: Mokolé, p.86 & PGttCB, Revised, p.119 & W20 Changing Breeds, p.150→Werewolf: the Wild West, p.152 &
Umbra Revised, p.133)
• Sense Dissolver (Level One) : As the metis Gift: Sense Wyrm.
(Source: Mokolé, p.86 & PGttCB, Revised, p.119→Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.156)
• Sense Magic (Level One) : As the Uktena Gift.
(Source: Mokolé, p.86 & W20 Changing Breeds, p.150→Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.196-7)
• Spirit Speech (Level One) : As the Theurge Gift.
(Source: Mokolé, p.86 & PGttCB, Revised, p.119 & W20 Changing Breeds, p.150→Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition,
• Talk (Level One) : As the generic Gift.
(Source: Mokolé, p.86→p.80)
• Become Log (Level Two) : As the Midnight Sun Gift.
(Source: Mokolé, p.87→p.86→Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.161)
• Breaking the Tomorrow Wall (Level Two) : As the Midnight Sun Gift.
(Source: Mokolé, p.86→p.86 & W20 Changing Breeds, p.150→pp.149-150)
• Command Spirit (Level Two) : As the Midnight Sun Gift.
(Source: Mokolé, p.87→p.86 & W20 Changing Breeds, p.150→Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.164)
• Dream the Matre's Mind (Level Two) :This Gift taught by human ancestor-spirits or an animal spirit
especially renowned for a long memory, such as Elephant, allows the Mokolé to leave her body behind as her spirit slips
into the astral realm, or Deep Umbra.
System: The player must roll Gnosis, difficulty of the local Gauntlet rating. Successful use of the Gift renders
the Mokolé’s physical body unconscious while her spirit slips into the astral realm. Five successes indicates that the
Mokolé may even travel into the true High Umbra, though she is still attached by a silver cord to her body. Failure means
the character cannot leave her body and a botch casts the astral self to a random destination or breaks the silver cord. For
more information on Deep Umbral travel, see the Sunset chapter.
(Source: Mokolé, p.86-7)
• Send the Dream (Level Two) : As the Level Three metis Gift: Mental Speech.
(Source: Mokolé, p.87 & PGttCB, Revised, p.119 & W20 Changing Breeds, p.150→Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition,
• Walking Between Worlds (Level Two) : As the Level Three generic Gift. Shrouded, Decorated, and Eclipsed
Suns alone may buy this as a Level Two Gift.
(Source: Mokolé, p.87→p.81 & PGttCB, Revised, p.119 & W20 Changing Breeds, p.150→Werewolf 20th Anniversary
Edition, p.309-310)
• Call Water Spirit (Level Three) : As the Uktena Gift: Call Flame Spirit, save that a water-spirit is called. The
Mokolé must have a water source. The water spirit will move water, dampen a foe, or short out a power system at the
Mokolé’s command.
(Note: The Uktena Gift is known as Flame of the Sun Dance in Werewolf: the Wild West, p.164)
(Source: Mokolé, p.87→Werewolf: the Apocalypse, 2 nd Edition, p.135→Werewolf: the Wild West, p.164)
• Deeper Lungs (Level Three) Version One : The Mokolé may reserve air within himself, allowing him to live
for a period of time without breathing. This Gift is taught by turtle-spirits.
System: In the material world, this Gift allows the Mokolé to hold her breath for a number of hours equal to his
Stamina. In the Umbra, the duration is the same number of days. In any event, when the duration expires, the Mokolé must
be able to breathe air for a full five minutes before invoking this Gift again.
(Source: Mokolé, p.87)
• Deeper Lungs (Level Three) Version Two : The Mokolé may reserve air within herself, allowing her to live
for a period of time without breathing. This Gift is taught by a turtle-spirit.
System: The Mokolé may hold her breath for (Stamina) hours. This Gift’s effects are permanent.
(Source: W20 Changing Breeds, p.150)
• Exorcism (Level Three) : As the Theurge Gift.
(Source: Mokolé, p.87 & PGttCB, Revised, p.119 & W20 Changing Breeds, p.150→Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition,
• Open Sun Bridge (Level Three) : As the Midnight Sun Gift.
(Source: Mokolé, p.87→p.86→Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.162)
• Shadow Wings (Level Three) Version One :This Gift allows a Mokolé to fly through the “nothing” of the
Umbra, ignoring the various paths and tracks in favor of a more direct route from Realm to Realm. This Gift is taught by a
System: The Mokolé must have the Gift: Walking Between Worlds to enter the Umbra, and must move to a place
where “flying” between the Realms is possible. She may be using Dream the Matre’s Mind. Should she be able to reach an
Anchorhead, she may fly through the Deep Umbra as well. No roll is necessary: the Mokolé simply wills her wings to
(Source: Mokolé, p.87)
• Shadow Wings (Level Three) Version Two : As the Uktena Gift: Spirit of the Bird.
(Source: W20 Changing Breeds, p.150→Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.198)
• Grasp the Beyond (Level Four) : As the Theurge Gift.
(Source: Mokolé, p.87 & PGttCB, Revised, p.119→Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.165)
• Living Treasure (Level Four) : As the Hakken Gift.
(Source: W20 Changing Breeds, p.150→Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.189)
• Recapitulate (Level Four) : The Mokolé can attack enemies with their own evolutionary heritage, forcing
them to retreat back down the tree of life toward the primordial ooze of Gaia. The foe is transformed into a lower form of
life by force of will. A Designer-spirit named Haeckel teaches this Gift, and will demand a favor in return.
System (old version): The Mokolé shouts the enemy’s name and certain Words out of time. He then rolls Mnesis
+ Intimidation, difficulty 7. For each success, the enemy devolves through one stage of existence: one success makes him
a primitive ratlike mammal, two make him a reptile, and so on. The effects last one scene.
(Source: Mokolé, p.87)
System (new version): The Mokolé shouts the enemy’s name and certain Words out of time. The player spends
two Gnosis points, then rolls Mnesis + Intimidation, difficulty 7. The player splits her successes between the effects of
devolution and the duration. For each success spent on effect, the victim devolves through one stage of existence: for
humans or Garou, one success makes him a primitive ratlike mammal, two make him a synapsid, and so on. The effect
lasts for ten minutes per success spent on duration.
(Source: W20 Changing Breeds, p.150)
• Walk The Matre‘s Mind (Level Four) : Similar to the Gift Dream the Matre’s mind, this Gift lets the Mokolé
actually enter the astral realm, the Deep Umbra in physical form. Alternatively, is she is already astral, she can remove her
cord relatively safely. The use of this Gift is rare, as fewer Mokolé are versed in it, but it allows the Mokolé to enter the
embodiment of Gaia’s memory without leaving a helpless body behind and without a silver cord. Some Mokolé postulate
that the silver cord becomes invisible, but is still there. This Gift is taught only by various spirits familiar with the Deep
System: No roll is needed; the effects are automatic. A Mokolé who has used the Gift: Dream the Matre’s Mind
and passes into the High Umbra may use Walk the Matre’s Mind to remove her silver cord and continue. If she does this,
she must make sure to return before her body suffers too greatly: her Stamina is the number of scenes that she will be able
to voyage (at the Storyteller’s discretion).
(Source: Mokolé, p.87)
• Gorgon‘s Gaze (Level Five) : As the Black Fury Gift.
(Source: Mokolé, p.87 & W20 Changing Breeds, p.150→Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.174)
• Malleable Spirit (Level Five) : As the Theurge Gift.
(Source: Mokolé, p.87 & PGttCB, Revised, p.119 & W20 Changing Breeds, p.150→Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition,

Decorated Sun (Nam Hsia/Grisma)

• Cooking (Level One) : As the Bone Gnawer Gift.
(Source: Mokolé, p.87→Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.174)
• Mercy (Level One) : As the Children of Gaia Gift.
(Source: W20 Changing Breeds, p.150→Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.177)
• Mother’s Touch (Level One) : As the Theurge Gift.
(Source: Mokolé, p.87 & PGttCB, Revised, p.119→Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.164)
• Pack Tactics (Level One) : As the Ahroun Gift.
(Source: W20 Changing Breeds, p.150→Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.171)
• Persuasion (Level One) : As the homid Garou Gift. This Gift is taught by a snake-spirit.
(Source: Mokolé, p.86 & PGttCB, Revised, p.119 & W20 Changing Breeds, p.150→Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition,
• Pilot Snake (Level One) : This Gift allows Mokolé to summon the helpful pilot snake, a creature who knows
how to get places. He can help find safe havens, drinkable water, wallows, and so on. The Gift is taught by a snake-spirit.
System: The Mokolé calls on Pilot Snake and rolls Gnosis. The Mokolé must be in a place where there are pilot
snakes (such as the American Southeast). The difficulty is 6 in wilderness, 7 in sight of human works, 8 in a park or
suburb, and 9 in city areas. Near the Dissolver’s works, it is 10. The number of successes measures the Gift’s success;
usually three is sufficient. Pilot Snake does not speak, but will guide the group anywhere within reason. He cannot provide
guidance to things that he does not know about, such as Garou caerns. Once he is done, he departs.
(Source: Mokolé, p.87 & PGttCB, Revised, p.119)
• Talk (Level One) : As the generic Gift.
(Source: Mokolé, p.86→p.80)
• Wind Beneath My Wings (Level One) :This Gift, originated by a Pteranodon Mokolé, helps Mokolé travel
more easily by marching or flying in formations. The strength of the whole group can serve to help each member. This Gift
is taught by Goose.
System: The Mokolé assembles her fellow travelers in a line (for marching) or V formation (for flying) and rolls
Stamina + Gnosis, difficulty 7. The number of successes is the number of travelers who can share the Stamina of the
strongest member of the group (who will usually take the lead). If the formation is broken, the extra Stamina disappears. A
botch reduces a group member to 1 Stamina.
(Source: Mokolé, p.87)
• Call to Duty (Level Two) : As the Philodox Gift.
(Source: Mokolé, p.87 & PGttCB, Revised, p.119 & W20 Changing Breeds, p.150→Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition,
• Command the Gathering (Level Two) : As the Philodox Gift.
(Source: W20 Changing Breeds, p.150→Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.167)
• Dragon Drill (Level Two) : This Gift allows the Gathering to organize her clutch into a potent work force. She
can take an ability known to one clutch member and share it with all. The Gift can empower Kin as well as Mokolé and
can even empower anyone who shares a totem with the Mokolé. It is taught by ant-spirits.
System: The Mokolé speaks of the Skill or Knowledge to her clutchmates in a sort of “pep talk.” She then
spends a Gnosis point and rolls Manipulation + the appropriate Skill or Knowledge. The base difficulty is 7, but the
Storyteller can make it higher if the Ability is an unlikely one, such teaching lockpicking to suchids. The number of
successes is the number of clutchmates who gain the Knowledge or Skill at the donor’s Level for one scene. This Gift
cannot transfer spirit Gifts, rites, or other such advantages.
(Source: Mokolé, p.88 & W20 Changing Breeds, p.150)
• Walking Between Worlds (Level Two) : As the Level Three generic Gift. Shrouded, Decorated, and Eclipsed
Suns alone may buy this as a Level Two Gift.
(Source: Mokolé, p.88→p.81 & PGttCB, Revised, p.119 & W20 Changing Breeds, p.150→Werewolf 20th Anniversary
Edition, p.309-310)
• Long Running (Level Three) : This Gift allows the Mokolé to reduce the travel time of a journey, whether on
foot or in a vehicle. It is taught by a sea turtle- or air-spirit.
System: The player spends one Gnosis and rolls Dexterity + Athletics (or Drive) at the difficulty of the local
Gauntlet. Each success decreases the travel time by 5%.
(Source: Mokolé, p.88 & PGttCB, Revised, p.119 & W20 Changing Breeds, p.150)
• Reshape Object (Level Three) : As the homid Garou Gift.
(Source: Mokolé, p.88 & PGttCB, Revised, p.119 & W20 Changing Breeds, p.150→Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition,
• Infest (Level Four) : As the Bone Gnawer Gift.
(Source: Mokolé, p.88 & W20 Changing Breeds, p.150→Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.176)
• Shadows by the Firelight (Level Four) : As the Galliard Gift.
(Source: W20 Changing Breeds, p.151→Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.170)
• Strength of the Dominator (Level Four) : As the Shadow Lord Gift.
(Source: Mokolé, p.88 & PGttCB, Revised, p.119→Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.191)
• Calm The Flock (Level Five) : As the Glass Walker Gift.
(Source: Mokolé, p.88→Werewolf: the Wild West, p.157 & Werewolf: The Apocalypse 2 nd Ed., p.130)
• Chaos Mechanics (Level Five) : As the Glass Walker Gift.
(Source: W20 Changing Breeds, p.151→Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.185)
• Obedience (Level Five) : As the Shadow Lord Gift.
(Source: Mokolé, p.88 & PGttCB, Revised, p.119 & W20 Changing Breeds, p.151→Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition,

Eclipsed Sun (Sai Chau/Zarad)

• Aura of Confidence (Level One) : As the Shadow Lord Gift. This Gift is taught by a Dinosaur King or some
other royalty.
(Source: Mokolé, p.88 & PGttCB, Revised, p.119 & W20 Changing Breeds, p.151→Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition,
• Bellow (Level One) : As the generic Gift.
(Source: Mokolé, p.88→p.83)
• Heightened Senses (Level One) : As the lupus Gift.
(Source: W20 Changing Breeds, p.151→Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.158-159)
• Lambent Flame (Level One) : As the Silver Fang Gift.
(Source: Mokolé, p.88 & PGttCB, Revised, p.119 & W20 Changing Breeds, p.151→Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition,
• Razor Claws (Level One) : As the Ahroun Gift.
(Source: Mokolé, p.88→Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.171)
• Awe (Level Two) Version One : As the Silver Fang Gift.
(Source: Mokolé, p.88 & PGttCB, Revised, p.119→Werewolf: the Wild West, p.160 & Werewolf: the Apocalypse 2 nd Ed.,
• Awe (Level Two) Version Two : The Mokolé becomes an unmistakable avatar of primal glory and majesty,
crowned by the sun and cloaked in years. An avatar of Helios teaches this Gift.
System: The character permanently adds one die to all Charisma rolls.
(Source: W20 Changing Breeds, p.151)
• Dazzle (Level Two) : As the Level Three Children of Gaia Gift; it is taught by a spirit servant of Dragon.
(Source: Mokolé, p.88 & W20 Changing Breeds, p.151→Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.178)
• Walking Between Worlds (Level Two) : As the Level Three generic Gift. Shrouded, Decorated, and Eclipsed
Suns alone may buy this as a Level Two Gift.
(Source: Mokolé, p.88→p.81 & PGttCB, Revised, p.119 & W20 Changing Breeds, p.151→Werewolf 20th Anniversary
Edition, p.309-310)
• Dragon-King’s Majesty (Level Three) : As the Shadow Lord Gift: Icy Chill of Despair.
(Source: W20 Changing Breeds, p.151→Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.190)
• Eye of the Cobra (Level Three) : As the Galliard Gift.
(Source: Mokolé, p.88 & PGttCB, Revised, p.119 & W20 Changing Breeds, p.151→Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition,
• Hot Ichor (Level Three) : As the Rising Sun Gift.
(Source: Mokolé, p.88→ p.84)
• Wrath of Dragon (Level Three) : As the Silver Fang Gift: Wrath of Gaia.
(Source: Mokolé, p.88 & PGttCB, Revised, p.119 & W20 Changing Breeds, p.151→Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition,
• Mastery (Level Four) : As the Silver Fang Gift.
(Source: Mokolé, p.88 & PGttCB, Revised, p.119 & W20 Changing Breeds, p.151→Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition,
• Sun Enfleshed (Level Four) : This powerful Gift allows a Mokolé to embody Sun’s holy fire. As the Mokolé
prays to Sun, she appears to burst into silent, solar flames, lighting up the area as brightly as noon and burning her
opponents with a touch. This Gift is taught by a Sun-spirit.
System (old version): The player spends three Gnosis to call on Sun’s radiance. Any vampires within line of
sight must roll to resist frenzy as if they were looking on the sun at full noon, and the Mokolé’s claws, teeth and tail inflict
one extra Health Level of damage. Finally, the Mokolé’s touch inflicts damage as if it were gold.
(Source: Mokolé, p.88-89)
System (new version): The player spends three Gnosis points to activate this Gift. Any vampires looking upon
the Mokolé must roll to resist fear frenzy as though they beheld the sun at full noon, and the Mokolé’s natural weapons
inflict two additional dice of aggravated damage, as well as being treated as weapons made of gold.
(Source: W20 Changing Breeds, p.151)
• Army of the Ancestors (Level Five) : This rare Gift allows a Mokolé to materialize her Archid-form
characteristics in an entirely different way. The Mokolé can call on the ancestors who gave him the shape he wears,
bringing them out of the mists of the Memory to challenge his opponents. This Gift is taught by an ancestor-spirit.
System: The Mokolé calls on his ancestor while indicating his bodily “Gifts” that came from them. He then
makes a Gnosis roll, difficulty 8. For each success, one ancestor appears. For example, a Mokolé with wings could call
Pteranodon, while one with Huge Size could summon Apatosaurus. The ancestors are as intelligent as the one who
summons them, and usually cooperate (unless the summoner wants them to do something stupid or ridiculous). The
ancestors stay for one scene, then depart back to the depths of Mnesis. Depending on the scene into which they were
summoned, they may not wish ever to return.
(Source: Mokolé, p.89)
• Dream Semblance (Level Five) :This Gift may be exercised once in a Mokolé’s lifetime. It allows the Mokolé
to become a True Dragon for the duration of one scene. Once the confrontation is over, the dream will depart. This Gift is
taught by Dragon.
System: The Mokolé prays to Dragon and makes a Wits + Mnesis roll with a difficulty of 7. The statistics of a
True Dragon are up to the storyteller, but such a creature is extremely powerful. Its power is usually focused on the routing
of Dragon’s foes. The Gift cannot be invoked a second time, and often Mokolé who invoke it even once die after Dragon’s
foes are routed.
(Source: Mokolé, p.89)
• Halo of the Sun (Level Five) : As the Children of Gaia Gift.
(Source: W20 Changing Breeds, p.151→Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.178)
• Stop Continental Drift (Level Five) : This Gift invokes the spirits of the continents as they float across Gaia’s
Face and through the millennia. The Crowning can act as though continental drift did not exist, traveling as the Kings did.
This Gift is taught by a spirit of the land (such as Mountain or Stone).
System: The Crowning sets out on a journey and rolls Stamina + Rituals, difficulty 7. The Crowning and her
clutchmates speak and sing in the Dragon’s Tongue as they travel. The number of successes needed depends on how far
they want to go. However, the journey will be conducted as if the continents were still joined; a trip from South America to
Africa could be a short walk of a few days.
(Source: Mokolé, p.89 & PGttCB, Revised, p.119 & W20 Changing Breeds, p.151)

The Nagah don’t learn their Gifts as other shapechangers do. As Nagah are outside the Pact that enables
shapeshifters to learn Gifts from friendly spirits in exchange for chiminage, virtually no spirit not directly in service to the
Wani can teach a Gift to the Nagah even if they wanted to. (Incarnae and Celestines are of course above such petty
restrictions, but only the most foolish wereserpent would risk angering the Wani by scorning their pact to begging to an
outsider.) A Nagah learns her Gifts during her regular “review” sessions with the Sesha; even if the Nagah has not yet
earned an advance in rank, she may be taken to Xi Wang Chi to learn more Gifts that might assist her. (In game terms, this
entails spending experience to purchase Gifts as usual; the Nagah are simply more limited in terms of when they can do
To learn any “outside” Gifts, the Nagah must successfully petition or coerce a spirit or other shapeshifter to teach
her : in itself almost impossible. Spirits not directly under the Wani’s orders see no reason to help Nagah, and given the
inflexible nature of a spirit’s mentality, this makes finding a spirit teacher difficult indeed. And, of course, learning a Gift
from another shapeshifter violates the code of secrecy. Should the Nagah overcome these obstacles, she must still pay the
Gift’s level x 7 experience points to learn the Gift, and most Level Four or Five Gifts are completely off-limits.
(Storytellers may allow a Balaram Nagah to learn a Level Four homid Gift, for instance, but most Gifts of this level are
exclusive to their “proper” owners.
General Gifts
• Eyes of the Dragon Kings (Level One) : With this Gift, the Nagah can see through almost any obstacle short
of a solid wall. The Nagah can see through fog, smoke, and murky water without difficulty. This Gift also grants the ability
to see in even total darkness. The Nagah’s eyes glow with a faint golden sheen when this Gift is employed.
System: The player makes a Gnosis roll, difficulty 6, to activate the Gift; this Gift doesn’t negate the need for
other Perception rolls, although conditional modifiers for poor visibility may not apply. Gifts or powers such as Blur of the
Milky Eye can still foil the Eyes of the Dragon Kings, though the Nagah’s penalties to see the hidden character are
reduced by 1 while this Gift is active. The Gift’s effects last for a scene.
(Source: Nagah, p.72 & Hengeyokai: Shapeshifters of the East, p.80-81 & W20 Changing Breeds, p.160)
• Lizard’s Favor (Level One) : Nagah value their secrecy highly. This Gift grants the wereserpent the ability to
masquerade as a Mokolé by evincing certain lizard-like characteristics.
System: The player rolls Stamina + Primal-Urge (difficulty 6) and spends a Willpower point. For every success,
the Nagah may develop some trait like legs, royal crest, frilled neck, fins or a back sail. This Gift does not grant physical
characteristics that have any actual game effect; the most useful traits that can be developed are legs, which allow full
bipedal or quadrupedal mobility. Characteristics such as wings, horns or armor are just shy of vestigial, useful for
appearance alone. The changes last for one scene, or until the Nagah shifts into Balaram or Vasuki form.
(Source: Nagah, p.72 & W20 Changing Breeds, p.160)
• Scent of Running Water (Level One) : As the Ragabash Gift.
(Source: Nagah, p.73 & Hengeyokai: Shapeshifters of the East, p.81 & PGttCB, Revised, p.126 & W20 Changing Breeds,
p.160→Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.161)
• Sense Wyrm (Level One) : As the Theurge Gift.
(Source: PGttCB, Revised, p.126 & W20 Changing Breeds, p.160→Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.156)
• Slayer’s Eye (Level One) : As the Shadow Lord Gift: Fatal Flaw.
(Source: Nagah, p.73 & Hengeyokai: Shapeshifters of the East, p.81 & PGttCB, Revised, p.126 & W20 Changing Breeds,
p.160→Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.188)
• Snake’s Skin (Level One) Version One : This Gift allows the Nagah to shed a layer of skin, allowing her to
slip out of handcuffs and similarly tight bonds. The shed skin is instantly regenerated. This Gift may help a Nagah avoid
being grappled, held or thrown by an opponent. If performed quickly, this Gift may also allow the Nagah to avoid taking
damage from dangerous substances splashed on her skin (e.g., acid and poison).
System: The player spends one Gnosis and rolls Dexterity + Athletics (difficulty 6); if successful, the Nagah
slips free from the outer layer of her skin, allowing her to slip free of most bonds. Five or more successes may be required
to slip free of extremely complicated bonds at the Storyteller’s discretion.
(Note: This Gift is not to be confused with the Nuwisha Gift of the same name.)
(Source: Nagah, p.73)
• Snake’s Skin (Level One) Version Two : As the metis Gift: Shed.
(Source: W20 Changing Breeds, p.160→Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.156)
• Sting of Sleep (Level One) : There are times when it suit’s the Nagah’s purpose better to induce sleep than
death in a victim. This Gift alters the Nagah’s venom so that it does just that.
System: The player expends one Gnosis point; the Nagah may choose to change up to three of his venom doses.
The altered venom causes sleep instead of death. Such venom is treated as lethal rather than aggravated for the purposes of
soaking and healing, although it doesn’t endanger the victim’s life. The sleep-inducing venom still induces wound
penalties, although these are the result of overwhelming drowsiness rather than pain. If the target reaches Incapacitated, he
falls into a deep, restful sleep for an hour (plus an extra hour for every wound level below Incapacitated given by the
(Source: Nagah, p.73)
• Burrow (Level Two) : Snakes are at home both on and under the ground. Through the use of this Gift, the
Nagah is able to tunnel through earth to follow prey, create an ambuscade or make a nest. While the specifics are largely
different (snakes don’t dig, per se, they just sort of insinuate themselves into the earth), and the Nagah must be in Kali
Dahaka or Vasuki form to use this Gift, this Gift is otherwise like the metis Gift of the same name.
(Source: Nagah, p.73 & W20 Changing Breeds, p.160→Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.156)
• Gift of Breath (Level Two) : While Nagah have no problem breathing underwater in any Kali Dahaka form,
Gift of Breath allows a wereserpent to grant the ability to breathe underwater to others as well. This Gift saw the most use
during the War of Rage, when the Nagah used it to transport certain of their beloved Kinfolk to their underwater dens.
System: The player rolls Stamina + Enigmas (difficulty 6) to extend the Nagah’s ability to breathe underwater to
another. One success allows a target enough air to survive as long as he remains relatively still. Two successes allow for
normal movement including swimming or walking, and three successes provide the target with enough oxygen to support
strenuous activity, like combat. The Gift’s effects last for five minutes; if the Nagah is willing to expend a Gnosis point,
the effects last for an hour instead.
(Source: Nagah, p.73)
• Night Whispers (Level Two) Version One : With this Gift, the Nagah is able to communicate silently, through
mind-speech, with any member of his nest (or anyone else he chooses). Unless the Nagah takes special pains, no one else
can hear the conversation; the Gift’s user must effectively “whisper” to one person at a time. Vasuki Nagah often take this
Gift to facilitate communications with their non-vasuki nestmates.
System: The player must spend one Gnosis point. For the cost of an additional Gnosis point, the character may
choose to speak to all within “earshot” at once. This Gift lasts for one scene. To speak with an unwilling target, the Nagah
must roll Charisma + Empathy, difficulty of the target’s Willpower.
(Source: Nagah, p.73)
• Night Whispers (Level Two) Version Two : As the Galliard Gift: Mindspeak.
(Source: W20 Changing Breeds, p.160→Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.169)
• Pulse of the Prey (Level Two) : As the Ragabash Gift.
(Source: Nagah, p.73 & Hengeyokai: Shapeshifters of the East, p.81 & PGttCB, Revised, p.126 & W20 Changing Breeds,
p.160→Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.161)
• Veil of the Wani (Level Two) : This Gift allows the Nagah to erase the memory of her existence from the
minds of others. While those who have seen (or fought) the wereserpent remember that an encounter of some sort took
place, they misremember the exact nature of the event, and their minds jump to any conclusion necessary in order not to
remember the Nagah for what she truly is. A Garou might remember encountering a snake-like Wyrm-beast or a serpentine
spirit, even a vampire with the ability to change into a serpent instead of a bat, but it would never cross his mind that his
encounter was actually with a wereserpent.
System: The player spends two Gnosis points and rolls Manipulation + Subterfuge against a difficulty equal to
the target’s Perception + 2. While only one success is needed, with three of more successes the target forgets the encounter
entirely. The memory isn’t blurred or faded : it’s completely removed from the target’s mind.
(Source: Nagah, p.73 & Hengeyokai: Shapeshifters of the East, p.81 & W20 Changing Breeds, p.160)
• Blessings of Kali (Level Three) : This Gift causes the wereserpent to develop natural armor and weaponry.
Ridges and sharp barbs of bone extend from the Nagah’s bony surfaces (skull, knuckles, elbows, knees, spine), as well as
her shoulders, making her blows in hand-to-hand combat all the more lethal. Furthermore, a series of heavy, bonelike
plates forms over the wereserpent’s scaly hide, enhancing her natural defenses against most attacks.
System (old version): The player spends one point of Gnosis and one point of rage, then rolls Stamina + Primal-
Urge to create the armor. The bony plates form over the wereserpent’s torso, arms and underbelly, adding two dice to her
soak pools. If the Nagah is in Azhi Dahaka, Kali Dahaka or Vasuki form, the plates of bone cover the entirety of the
Nagah’s hood as well. The hooks and barbs extending from the bony surfaces are extremely sharp, increasing the damage
rating of claw attacks to Strength +2. As with Garou claws, this damage is aggravated. This armor doesn’t affect the
Nagah’s mobility. Nagah hoods run from the crown of the head down to the middle of the back, so when armored in this
manner, wereserpents’ vital organs are granted protection from the front and back, but not from the sides. The Gift’s effects
last for a scene.
(Source: Nagah, p.73-74 & Hengeyokai: Shapeshifters of the East, p.81)
System (new version): The player spends one point of Willpower and Rage. The armor adds two to all soak
rolls, and increases the damage done by the Nagah’s claw attacks by one die. This armor lasts for one scene.
(Source: W20 Changing Breeds, p.160)
• Combat Healing (Level Three) : As the Ahroun Gift.
(Source: Nagah, p.74 & PGttCB, Revised, p.126 & W20 Changing Breeds, p.160→Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition,
• Pure Venom (Level Three) : In some cases, the Nagah find themselves up against foes that are particularly
resistant to their venom. To ensure their ability to adequately dispense justice to such foes, some Nagah use this Gift,
which adds an extra level of supernatural potency to their venom.
System (old version): The player simply spends a point of Gnosis before making the attack roll to bite or spit
venom. If the next bite or spit attack hits, the Nagah’s venom bypasses ordinary resistances, among them the Gift: Resist
Toxin. (if the victim has no other defenses against the poison, the difficulty to soak the venom’s damage is increased by 1.)
Vampires take full damage from Pure Venom, and even other walking dead take half damage from the venom’s
supernaturally corrosive effects.
(Source: Nagah, p.74)
System (new version): The player spends a Gnosis point. Her next venomous attack (bite or spit) bypasses all
resistances, including Resist Toxin, and increases the roll to soak the poison’s damage by 2.
(Source: W20 Changing Breeds, p.160)
• River Mother's Blessing (Level Three) : By calling on the favor of the River, the Nagah can replenish his
spiritual strength by drinking of her bounty. This Gift is used with the greatest reverence, and often fills the wereserpent
with joy as he contemplates the love of the Mothers he serves.
System: The Nagah must spend an hour in meditation before a bowl of river water, opening himself to receive its
purity. When the meditation is complete, the player makes a Willpower roll (difficulty 5) and drinks from the bowl; he
regains one Gnosis point per success. This Gift may be used as frequently as necessary, but the Nagah consider it taboo to
cling to the River's skirts, and will not use it more than once in a day unless very sorely pressed.
(Source: Hengeyokai: Shapeshifters of the East, p.81)
• Shield of the Dragon (Level Three) : This Gift protects the Nagah from harsh environments. The
wereserpent’s body adjusts to heat, cold, radiation, disease and pressure. Electricity and fire still cause damage if they are
intense enough, but affecting the Nagah with even these weapons is much harder.
System: The player expends one Gnosis point and rolls Stamina + Survival, difficulty 7. With even one success,
all but the most inhospitable environments inflict no damage on the Nagah (though they’re still unpleasant), and fire and
lightning only do bashing damage. The effects last for the duration of the scene.
(Source: Nagah, p.74)
• Breath of Sweet Amrita (Level Four) : One of the few healing Gifts available to the Nagah, this allows the
wereserpent to breathe out a cloud of healing vapor on herself or a companion. Although the Nagah were tricked out of the
secret of immortality long ago, they have never forgotten the trick entirely.
System: The player spends a Gnosis point and rolls Intelligence + Medicine (difficulty of the target's Rage, or 6
for those without Rage). Each success heals one Health Level of damage, even aggravated.
(Source: Hengeyokai: Shapeshifters of the East, p.82)
• Darting Fangs (Level Four) Version One : Upon invoking this Gift, the Nagah grows long, sharp barbs on her
arms. These barbs bear the same venom as the Nagah’s fangs and can be launched from her body. Only two of these barbs
grow, and the wereserpent may throw them at opponents separately or simultaneously. This Gift is normally reserved for
any member of the Changing Breeds that the wereserpents feel has earned the right to a quick, painful death.
System: The character spends two Gnosis points to generate the deadly barbs. Each poisoned dart has a vicious
hook at the end, making it almost impossible to remove without causing additional damage (it takes a full action to remove
the dart without inflicting an additional unsoakable level of aggravated damage). Each dart causes the Nagah’s Strength in
aggravated damage upon impact and, if the attack wounds the Nagah’s opponent, the barb injects enough venom to cause 7
dice of aggravated damage. The venom of the barbs does not count against the Nagah’s usual reservoir.
(Source: Nagah, p.75)
• Darting Fangs (Level Four) Version Two : The Nagah grows venomous barbs on her forearms, which she
may fire at her opponents.
System: As per the Black Furies Gift: Wasp Talons, save that the barbs carry the Nagah’s standard venom.
• Gaze of the Serpent (Level Four) : The Nagah can lock gazes with an opponent, petrifying her with the
intensity of her glare. An enemy under the influence of this Gift is unable to take any actions save to regenerate.
System: The player rolls Manipulation + Intimidation against the target’s Willpower. Even one success freezes
the target with fear. The target could spend hours or days frozen in this way, experiencing the equivalent of a petit mal
epileptic seizure. However, the effects of this Gift last only until the target is distracted (by, say, an attack). Once the target
is disturbed physically, he is freed from Gaze of the Serpent. This Gift works against only one opponent at a time. Once a
target is struck by the Gift’s power, he can’t be affected by it again until the next scene. Nagah often use this Gift to aid in
escaping from powerful foes; few use it as a means of gaining advantage in combat.
(Source: Nagah, p.75 & Hengeyokai: Shapeshifters of the East, p.82)
• Swimming the Spirit River (Level Four) : This Gift allows the Nagah to enter the spirit world freely,
regardless of the presence of his Ananta.
System: Upon learning this Gift, the Nagah may step sideways as easily as Garou do. The effects of the Gift are
permanent. See Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, pp.309-310 for further details.
(Source: Nagah, p.75 & PGttCB, Revised, p.126 & W20 Changing Breeds, p.160)
• Breath of the Dragon Lords (Level Five) : The wereserpent exhales huge gouts of scalding gases when
making use of this Gift. This deadly exhalation resembles flames and causes aggravated damage to opponents, but can’t
actually cause materials to combust.
System (old version): The player must make a successful Dexterity + Firearms roll for the Nagah to strike an
opponent. The number of damage dice rolled is equal to the wereserpent’s Gnosis + 2. This damage is aggravated and has
an effective range of 20 feet (7 meters). The Nagah can breathe these mystical “flames” without restriction.
(Source: Nagah, p.75 & Hengeyokai: Shapeshifters of the East, p.82 & PGttCB, Revised, p.126)
System (new version): The player rolls Dexterity + Firearms to aim this attack, which has a range of 20 feet and
a base (aggravated) damage of the wereserpent’s Gnosis rating.
(Source: W20 Changing Breeds, p.160)
• Call the Flood (Level Five) : The wereserpent may call on the River itself to rise up and take action against
those who abuse it. This Gift is used infrequently in modern times, but legends tell of entire villages that were erased after
offending the Nagah.
System: The player spends three Gnosis points and rolls Gnosis. The Nagah causes the waters to rise rapidly for
miles around (one mile radius per success), causing all manner of havoc.
(Source: Hengeyokai: Shapeshifters of the East, p.82)
• Destroyer‘s Blessing (Level Five) : When using this Gift, the Nagah sacrifices the use of her arms to combat
multiple opponents. The arms of the wereserpent each split into three, each section becoming the body and head of a king
cobra. Each head is autonomous and can attack of its own accord, though all are under the will of the Nagah at all times.
System: The Nagah expends three Gnosis points to make the shift. Each head comes complete with enough
venom to inject one target, and each cobra must make a separate attack roll in combat. Cutting away even one of these
serpents leaves a very serious wound on the Nagah when the Gift wears off. This Gift lasts for two turns plus one turn per
additional point of Gnosis the Nagah spends to trigger the Gift.
(Source: Nagah, p.75)
• Evading the Watchers (Level Five) : It does not serve an assassin well to be announced. This Gift cancels out
the wereserpent’s scent and allows him to evade detection spells, danger sense and similar Gifts, Disciplines and abilities.
Nagah using this Gift can neither be tracked nor anticipated. Time itself becomes cloudy where they’re concerned,
preventing any sort of precognitive detection.
System: The player rolls Charisma + Stealth (difficulty 6). Even one success allows the Nagah to evade
detection for the remainder of the scene. Note that those checking the Nagah will not get any kind of strong reading of any
sort and will default to whatever passes for “not dangerous.”
Opponents have no chance of detecting the wereserpent unless they have a higher Gnosis (or Auspex or Arete,
etc.), in which case the Nagah rolls his Gnosis (difficulty 10 - successes on the initial roll) and the opponent rolls Gnosis
(or its equivalent) against a target number of (10 - the difference in Gnosis [or equivalent] scores). For example, if the
Nagah has a Gnosis of 7 and his opponent has a Gnosis of 9, the opponent’s target number is 8 (10 - 2). If the Nagah takes
any hostile action against an opponent, then the Gift’s effects are canceled as far as the threatened person is concerned.
The Gift’s effects last for a scene.
(Source: Nagah, p.75)
• Dance of Shiva (Level Six) : Lord Shiva, the Destroyer, is frequently called Shiva Nataraja: Shiva, Lord of the
Dance. When the time comes for the world to end, Shiva will dance and flame will consume everything, preparing the
world for the next cycle. This Gift grants the world a small taste of that destruction.
System: This Gift is usable only in Balaram form. As the Nagah begins the dance of destruction, the player rolls
Dexterity + Performance (difficulty 6); the number of successes determines the destructive power and duration of the
flames called forth by the dance. On the first turn, the flames spread out ten yards from the character in all directions (save
up or down) and inflict four dice of aggravated damage on anything they touch. For each successive turn that the Nagah
continues to dance (provided that he earned enough successes), the radius of the circle of flame doubles and the fire
damage increases by a die. For example, if a player obtains six successes and his Nagah character is able to dance
uninterrupted for six consecutive turns, on the sixth and final turn the flames would inflict 11 dice of fire damage an
anything within 320 yards. If the Nagah stops the dance for any reason, the fires are immediately doused.
The flames called forth by the Dance of Shiva are, oddly enough, unable to harm anyone or anything that is
“truly pure of heart.” However, supernatural denizens of the World of darkness who fit that description are rarer than hen’s
teeth; not even the gentlest Gurahl is likely to count as truly pure, much less the most virtuous of vampires.
(Source: Nagah, p.75-76)

Breed Gifts
The Gifts used by balaram Nagah tend to reflect the self-discipline and cooperative abilities required to work
together as a nest. Many of them are spiritual outgrowths of the meditative and body control disciplines practiced in India
and Southeast Asia.
• Cold Blood (Level One) : Nagah use this odd Gift to make their Balaram form cold-blooded. This has several
effects: the Nagah doesn’t show up on infrared scanners, he more readily passes for a vampire, and he’s capable of
functioning in unusually hot environments without suffering from heat stroke.
System (old version): The player spends one Gnosis point and rolls Stamina + Primal-Urge (difficulty 6). Even
one success allow the wereserpent to make the change. The effect lasts for a scene or until the Nagah shifts form.
(Source: Nagah, p.76)
System (new version): The player rolls Stamina + Primal-Urge. The change lasts for one hour per success.
• Persuasion (Level One) : As the homid Gift.
(Source: Nagah, p.76 & PGttCB, Revised, p.126 & W20 Changing Breeds, p.160→Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition,
• Prehensile Body (Level One) : In forms other than Balaram, the Nagah can grasp and manipulate objects with
her tail (or coils) as easily as she can with her hands in human form.
System: Once the Nagah learns this Gift, its effects are permanent. Simple acts, like turning a doorknob or
holding a small object, shouldn’t require a die roll. At the Storyteller’s discretion, more complex acts, like reloading a gun,
should require a Dexterity + Athletics roll (difficulty 7). If a complex physical action requires a different die roll, like
fixing a car with Dexterity + Repair, the Storyteller may elect to simply increase the difficulty of the roll (instead of calling
for an additional Dexterity + Athletics roll).
(Source: Nagah, p.76 & PGttCB, Revised, p.126 & W20 Changing Breeds, p.160)
• Self-Mastery (Level One) : As all effective assassins must, the Nagah cultivate a profound degree of self-
discipline. This Gift lets them use that discipline to defend against mental attacks.
System: The player spends a Gnosis point and rolls Perception + Leadership, difficulty 8. For the rest of the
scene, the Nagah’s Willpower : for the purposes of defending against mental attacks or mind-influencing powers only :
increases by the number of successes (to a maximum of 10). If the mental challenge requires a resisted roll, the
wereserpent adds a number of dice to his pool equal to the number of his successes. The Gift’s effects last for a scene.
(Source: Nagah, p.76-77)
• Master the Body (Level Two) : Before the yogi can master the world outside of himself, he must first master
his own body. This Gift allows the Nagah to regulate bodily functions that are typically involuntary: heartbeat, metabolic
rate, urine formation and others. In addition to allowing the Nagah to ignore wounds, this Gift also grants him the ability
to enter a form of suspended animation. By taking control of his metabolic rate, for example, the were serpent can survive
without air several times longer than would otherwise be possible. By consciously controlling the rate of sweat and urine
production, the Nagah can prevent himself dehydrating if he doesn’t have access to water.
System: The player spends one Willpower point for the Nagah to take control of his body’s involuntary systems
for a scene. By spending a Gnosis point in addition to the Willpower point, the Nagah has control for twenty-four hours.
(Source: Nagah, p.77)
• Subtle Serpent (Level Two) : This Gift makes the Balaram’s voice beautiful, easy to listen to and strangely
compelling, allowing her to be extremely convincing.
System: The player spends a Gnosis point and rolls Manipulation + Expression, difficulty of the target’s
Willpower. Even one success means the wereserpent’s voice has taken on a soothing, hypnotic quality. For the rest of the
scene, the Balaram may ask “favors” of her target. These requests must be reasonable things that the target can do in one
turn or one minute (Storyteller’s discretion as to which is more appropriate) without endangering his health or security.
“Cover your eyes,” “Try a bite of this apple,” and “May I see your gun?” are all permissible requests, but “Help me
rebuild this engine,” and “Come to Pakistan with me,” are not. Extreme requests (“Slash your wrists.”) will jar the target
out of the trance, as will the threat of real and present danger. The target may spend Willpower to cancel out successes on a
one-for-one basis.
(Source: Nagah, p.77 & W20 Changing Breeds, p.160)
• Unexpected Venom (Level Two) Version One : Nagah generally don’t have fangs or access to their venom in
Balaram form, but this Gift allows the wereserpent both. Not only do the fangs give him a secret advantage, they also
allow the Nagah to masquerade somewhat effectively as a vampire.
System: The player spends one Rage point and rolls Stamina + Primal-Urge (difficulty 8). The first success gives
the character one dose of venom, up to the maximum of 3. At the Storyteller’s discretion, use of this Gift may only allow
the Nagah one dose of venom in Balaram form, simply because there’s not a lot of room in the human head for venom sacs
and associated structures. The Gift lasts until the Nagah shapeshifts again.
(Source: Nagah, p.77 & PGttCB, Revised, p.126)
• Unexpected Venom (Level Two) Version Two : The Nagah can easily use fangs in his human form.
System: The character may reflexively grow fangs without need of a partial transformation shapeshifting action
or a dice roll, at any time she wishes.
(Note: This version doesn’t mention rules for venom, but I suspect that since the name of the Gift includes the word
“venom” then this Gift must allow for the use of venom in Balaram form in the same way as Version One. Thus, use
Version One rules for applying venom. –Su-tehp)
(Source: W20 Changing Breeds, p.160)
• Fluid Grace (Level Three) : As the lupus Gift: Catfeet.
(Source: Nagah, p.77 & PGttCB, Revised, p.127 & W20 Changing Breeds, p.161→Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition,
• Pierce Illusion (Level Three) : The first step in seeing through the Veil of Maya : the illusion of the world in
which all creatures are trapped - is learning to discern the simpler illusions woven by mere mortals (or mere vampires, as
the case may be). This Gift allows the Nagah to determine what is real and what is illusory, as well as what the illusion is
hiding, if anything.
System (old version): The player spends a Gnosis point. For the rest of the scene, any time the Nagah comes
into the presence of an illusion (mental or visual) the Storyteller rolls his Perception + Alertness against a difficulty of 6.
Even one success reveals that an illusion is present. Three successes indicate the rough location of an illusion, although the
Nagah is still unable to see precisely what it is that the illusion conceals. Five or more successes give the Nagah some
insight into the illusion (whether it’s a Gift, a mage’s sorcery, a vampiric power, etc.) and the illusion’s creator. Only one
roll per illusion is permitted; the Storyteller doesn’t roll every turn that the Nagah is in the presence of a mind trick.
Once the Nagah is aware of the illusion and its general location, the player may spend a second Gnosis point and
make a Gnosis roll against a difficulty of the creator’s manipulation + Expression. If the Nagah gets a success, he may see
through the illusion; three or more successes allow the Nagah to extend the ability to pierce the falsehood to his nestmates.
(Source: Nagah, p.77)
System (new version): The player spends a Gnosis point. For the rest of the scene, the character automatically
sees through all illusions, such as the Gift: Phantasm, or the vampire Discipline Chimerstry.
(Source: W20 Changing Breeds, p.161)
• Sang Froid (Level Three) : Nagah aren’t the most emotional individuals to begin with, but this Gift grants
them an extra measure of discipline. While this Gift is in effect, the Nagah is practically immune to powers of emotional
control or any form of mind control that works through the emotions.
System: The player spends one Gnosis point, and for the rest of the scene the Nagah’s enemies lose five dice
from any dice pools used for the purposes of using emotion-affecting Gifts, Disciplines or other powers on the Nagah.
Those powers that work through direct control still function normally. For the duration of this Gift, the Nagah cannot
regain Rage.
(Source: Nagah, p.77-78)
• Being One (Level Four) : Members of a nest have extremely close ties to one another; they share their lives
together. This Gift allows them to share everything, including thoughts, perceptions and physical abilities. It also allows
two or three Nagah to share perceptions, thereby effectively functioning in multiple places at once. Balaram often use this
Gift to establish perfect communication during a hunt.
System: The player spends one Gnosis point and rolls Stamina + Enigmas (difficulty 6). A telepathic connection
is immediately made to the Nagah’s chosen nestmate regardless of the distance between them, and each can sense what the
other senses. Each success allows the wereserpent to lend one dot of a Mental or Physical Attribute, one dot of a
Knowledge or one Health Level. (The lender loses access to any lent traits while the Gift is in effect.) Two nestmates may
aid a third if both know this Gift, or if one of them opts to channel points from himself and a willing lender to the receiver.
If one Nagah is doing all the work, his player must spend 3 Gnosis points before making the roll.
The Gift’s effects last for one scene, or until the Gift user decides to terminate the connection. Nagah cannot use
this Gift to contact or assist anyone but an actual nestmate, not even other Nagah.
(Source: Nagah, p.78)
System: The player spends one Gnosis point to establish telepathic rapport with one of her nestmates within one
mile. The two may reflexively share their thoughts and perceptions with one another, and may also lend, at will, up to one
dot of any Mental or Physical Attribute or Knowledge. This Gift’s effects last for one scene.
(Source: W20 Changing Breeds, p.161)
• Spirit Ward (Level Four) : As the homid Gift. Balaram learn this Gift from the Wani in order to help deter
unwanted attention from outside spirits.
(Source: Nagah, p.78 & PGttCB, Revised, p.127 & W20 Changing Breeds, p.161→Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition,
• Kundalini (Level Five) : The Tantric mystics of India allude to a serpent of energy called the Kundalini that
reside at the base of the spine. By raising the body’s energy, the Kundalini rises through seven places of power in the body
chakras. By raising the Kundalini to a particular chakra, the Nagah may channel his body’s energy in a variety of powerful
System: The player spends one Gnosis point and rolls Intelligence + Enigmas (difficulty 6). The Nagah spends
one turn per chakra performing breathing exercises to raise the Kundalini to the chosen chakra. Raising the Kundalini to
the Muladhara requires only 1 turn of controlled breathing while raising it to the Sahasrara requires 7 turns of meditation
and breath control.
The Muladhara or root chakra controls the will to survive. Raising energy to the Muladhara grants the Nagah a
number of additional Bruised health levels equal to his successes.
The Swadhishthana controls vitality. By raising energy to the Swadhishthana, the wereserpent purges his body of
all disease, all unwelcome spirits and all foreign poisons and simultaneously heals a number of health levels (including
aggravated one) equal to the number of successes received on the Kundalini roll.
The Manipura or solar plexus chakra controls raw emotional energy. Raising energy to the Manipura grants the
Nagah a number of Rage points equal to his successes received on the Kundalini roll.
The Anahata or heart chakra controls love and compassion for humanity. Energy raised to the Anahata chakra
causes the Nagah to radiate a strong sense of love and tranquility. Those within line-of-sight of the Nagah must roll their
Willpower against a target of 8 and get more successes than the Nagah got on his Kundalini roll to think or act in any
hostile manner towards him.
The Vishuddha or throat chakra controls creativity and clairaudience. Raising energy to the Vishuddha allows the
wereserpent to hear and understand all thoughts and words within a ten-foot radius. Others do not know they are being
heard and the Nagah may probe minds for more deeply held information if he so desires.
The Anja or brow chakra controls intuition and clairvoyance. Bringing the Kundalini up to the Anja allows the
Nagah to know everything that pertains to him (and by extension his nest) within his line of sight. Secrets are revealed,
illusions fall away and clarity triumphs. Sweet-talking enemies are exposed for what they are, and the true forms and
natures of all around are made manifest to the wereserpent.
The Sahasrara or crown chakra controls transcendence, superconsciousness and the spiritual will to be. Raising
the Kundalini to this chakra allows the Nagah to briefly attain a state of cosmic consciousness during which he can get the
answer to any one question he may have (subject to Storyteller’s discretion).
This Gift’s effects last for one scene. Regardless of the level of chakra reached, the Nagah may perform this Gift
no more than once a week.
(Source: Nagah, p.78)
• There Is No Body (Level Five) : By seeing through the illusion of causality, the Balaram is able to free himself
from its concomitant limitations. Specifically, this Gift renders the Nagah incorporeal. For the duration of this Gift, the
body of the Balaam (and any dedicated items) is not affected by the physical world in any way he does not choose to be
affected. Bullets, claws, and fire pass right through him; likewise, his body passes through walls and other physical items
as though they weren’t there.
System: The player spends three Gnosis points and rolls Perception + Enigma's, difficulty 7.The Nagah may
remain immaterial for two turns per success. This Gift does not protect against powers that can affect the immaterial, such
as Spirit magick.
(Source: Nagah, p.78-79 & PGttCB, Revised, p.127 & W20 Changing Breeds, p.161)

Ahi, the offspring of two Nagah, do not suffer either discrimination or from physical deformities as Garou metis
do. They do tend to have a pronounced spiritual nature, however, that links them more strongly than the other breeds to
water and the chaos of storms. They also have seemed to have insights into the larger picture, especially as it concerns the
• Bones as Coils (Level One) : As the Black Spiral Dancer Gift: Rat Head. This Gift effectively makes the
Nagah a master escape artist.
(Source: Nagah, p.79 & W20 Changing Breeds, p.161→Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.156)
• Weaver Sense (Level One) Version One : Through careful examination of a person or place, the ahi may
detect the ordering hand of the Weaver at work. The character mystically discerns whether there are patterns where there
should be randomness, order where there should be chaos and if the degree of order suggests some form of actionable
imbalance. In particular, this Gift allows the ahi to see Weaver-spirits on the other side of the Gauntlet.
System: The player rolls Perception + Enigmas, difficulty of (12 – the local Gauntlet). Success indicates that the
ahi is able to detect emanations of the Weaver and their relative strength; she may also “peek” into the Umbra at will,
although the only things she can see clearly on the other side are the constructs and spirits of the Weaver. Truly
overwhelming Weaver-energies may disorient the Nagah, at the Storyteller’s discretion. The Gift’s effects last as long as
the ahi is willing to concentrate on her perceptions.
(Source: Nagah, p.79 & PGttCB, Revised, p.127)
• Wyld Sense (Level One) Version One : By carefully focusing on a scene or a person, the wereserpent may
detect the presence of the Wyld and things or places that are unbalances towards chaos, creation or primordial energies,
including magic and spiritual forces such as raw Gnosis. It also reveals powerful passions like love, anger and hatred in
System: The player rolls Perception + Enigmas (difficulty of the local Gauntlet). Success indicates that the ahi
can detect the presence and strength of Wyld emanations; enough successes may, at the Storyteller’s discretion, permit the
ahi to “see” high amounts of Wyld-related energies in other beings (such as mental instability, high levels of Gnosis, and
so on). The ahi may also “peek” into the Umbra for the purpose of seeing Wyld-spirits and energies. As with Weaver
Sense, this Gift can be highly distracting, even overwhelming, in areas of powerful Wyld energy such as Wyldings. The
perceptions last for as long as the ahi concentrates.
(Source: Nagah, p.79 & PGttCB, Revised, p.127)
• Wyrm Sense (Level One) Version One : This Gift attunes the ahi to the presence of the Wyrm in all its forms,
corrupt and otherwise. Banes, fomori, vampires and other creatures of the supernatural Wyrm-taint become glaringly
obvious to the ahi.
System: The player rolls Perception + Enigmas (difficulty of the local Gauntlet). The Gift reveals the presence of
obvious Wyrm energies, although enough successes can reveal much more subtle traces of corruption and decay, such as
structural weaknesses in a building or a tumor in a person. The character may choose to observe the other side of the
Gauntlet, where Wyrmish spirits and constructs become painfully obvious. The Gift lasts as long as the ahi is willing to
(Source: Nagah, p.79 & PGttCB, Revised, p.127)
• Weaver Sense (Level One) Version Two : The ahi is sensitive to the works and emanations of the Weaver and
her minions. He may also be able to notice patterns when there should be randomness, order where there should be chaos,
and times and places where these forces are out of balance. From the physical world, he can behold Weaver-spirits and the
Pattern Web in the Penumbra.
System: The player rolls Perception + Enigmas (difficulty of the local Gauntlet). In addition to sensing Weaver
influence, the character an also “peek” into the Penumbra, but may only see Weaver-spirits and constructs. This Gift lasts
for one scene.
(Source: W20 Changing Breeds, p.161)
• Wyld Sense (Level One) Version Two : As Naga Ahi Gift: Weaver Sense, but detecting Wyld-spirits and
energies, as well as chaos, creation, and primordial forces (raw Gnosis, etc.) It also reveals powerful passions like love,
anger and hatred in mortals.
(Source: W20 Changing Breeds, p.161)
• Wyrm Sense (Level One) Version Two : As Naga Ahi Gift: Weaver Sense, but detecting Wyrm-spirits and
energies, as well as mortal forces of corruption, destruction, death and decay.
(Source: W20 Changing Breeds, p.161)
• Face of Surya (Level Two) : Surya, the face of the sun, is revered among the Nagah for the warmth he brings
to their cold blood. The ahi may call upon Surya to show his face, bringing his light where it is needed most. The Nagah
are said to have originally learned this Gift from the Mokolé, although their lack of connection to Helios makes it less
effective in Nagah hands.
System: The player spends a Gnosis point and rolls intelligence + Occult against difficulty 6. The effects last for
one turn plus one additional turn for each additional Gnosis point spent.
Successes Effects
1 Illuminate dark area with ambient light
2 Sun pierces clouds or trees with enough brightness to illuminate targets and injure vampires
3 Sun’s rays are as strong through water, glass, clouds or tree cover as through perfectly clear sky
4 Sun’s rays can light fires or bring heat when it is cold or appear inside windowless building or
underground during the daytime
5+ Sun shines even at night
(Source: Nagah, p.79)
• Indra’s Cloak (Level Two) : As the Black Furies Gift: Curse of Aeolus.
(Source: Nagah, p.78 & PGttCB, Revised, p.127 & W20 Changing Breeds, p.161→Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition,
• Venom Blood (Level Two) : As the Get of Fenris Gift.
(Source: Nagah, p.78 & PGttCB, Revised, p.127 & W20 Changing Breeds, p.161→Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition,
• Call the Tides (Level Three) : In Indian myth, the snake-shifters were credited with the ability to cause floods
or droughts. This Gift grants the wereserpent control over the rise and fall of the tides.
System: The Nagah must be in sight of a tidal body of water (ocean, sea, river estuary). The player then makes a
Gnosis roll, difficulty 8. The number of successes determines the result:
Successes Effects
1 Tides come in or go out twice as fast as usual
2 Tides can be reversed, coming in when they should be going out and vice versa
3 High or low tide can be brought in one scene
4 Unusual tides (spring tide or neap tide) can be brought in one scene
5+ Freakish tides (heavy waves, for example) can occur in one scene
(Source: Nagah, p.79-80)
• Command Water Spirit (Level Three) : As the Uktena Gift: Call Elemental, save that only water-spirits may
be called. The Nagah must have a natural water source such as a river or a lake. The water-spirit (invariably a servant of
the Wani) will move water, dampen a foe or short out a power system at the wereserpent’s command.
(Source: Nagah, p.80 & PGttCB, Revised, p.127 & W20 Changing Breeds, p.161→Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition,
• Rapture of the Deep (Level Three) : This Gift combines the Nagah’s connection to water with their skills at
illusion. With but a stare, a Nagah can instill a strong desire in a target to enter any large body of water nearby and swim as
far out and down as possible.
System: The player spends a Gnosis point and makes a contested Willpower roll (difficulty 6) with the target. If
the player wins, the target runs to the nearest large body of water (at least the size of a small pond) and tries to swim to the
bottom. If the body of water is less than twenty feet deep, the target will, in all likelihood, make it to the bottom at which
point he will come to his senses. If this Gift is used near very deep water, it can very easily result in the target drowning,
but if others can stop him (or if he possesses some means to breathe water) he may survive. The effect lasts for 10 turns
plus one turn for every net success on the contested Willpower roll.
(Source: Nagah, p.80 & W20 Changing Breeds, p.161)
• Throat Snake (Level Four) : Through the use of this Gift, the Nagah may transform his tongue into a delicate
foot-long pink-scaled snake that resides in his throat. The Nagah senses everything the smaller snake senses, so the throat
snake can perform reconnaissance work for the Nagah by crawling through tight spaces where the wereserpent cannot go.
Alternatively, the throat snake can be the bearer of the wereserpent’s venom, biting an enemy who was much too
concerned with larger threats.
So long as the throat snake is extant, the Nagah is incapable of speech. When the throat snake has done its work,
it crawls back into the Nagah’s mouth and becomes his tongue once more.
System: The player spends 2 Rage points and rolls Dexterity + Primal-Urge (difficulty 6). If the roll is
successful, the throat snake detaches, possessing one health level for each success. For purposes of combat, the throat
snake has Strength 1, Stamina 2, Dexterity 5, Brawl 2, Dodge/Athletics 5 and Stealth 5. The throat snake possess one dose
of the Nagah’s venom, which is taken from the Nagah’s own reserves; if the Nagah has used all his venom before invoking
this Gift, the throat snake has no venom of its own. If the throat snake is killed, the Nagah immediately takes two levels of
aggravated damage and cannot speak until that damage is healed.
(Source: Nagah, p.80-81)
• Whirlpool (Level Four) Version One : This Gift allows the Nagah to cause a whirlpool in any body of water
larger than a small swimming pool. Depending on the size of the whirlpool, it can suck down anything from people to
System: The player spends a Gnosis point and then rolls her permanent Gnosis (difficulty 7).
Successes Effects
1 5’ diameter, large enough to suck down a human
3 10’ diameter, large enough to suck down a Garou in Crinos form
5 20’ diameter, large enough to suck down dinghies and similar craft
6+ 50’ diameter, large enough to suck down medium boats
(Source: Nagah, p.81 & PGttCB, Revised, p.127)
• Whirlpool (Level Four) Version Two : The Nagah can create a whirlpool in any body of water larger than a
swimming pool.
System: The player spends one Gnosis point and rolls Gnosis (difficulty 7) to create a whirlpool at some point
within (Survival x 100) yards. The whirlpool persists for one scene; the successes determine what it is strong enough to
pull down. A single success would be sufficient to drag a human under, three successes would manage a Garou in Crinos,
five a small fishing boat, and six or more would be necessary to pull down larger ships.
(Source: W20 Changing Breeds, p.161)
• Child of Storms (Level Five) Version One : Through this powerful Gift, the Nagah reclaims his place as the
spiritual child of the Wani. The wereserpents surrenders his physical form and becomes the storm itself, directing the wind
and waters where he chooses.
System: The player spends three points each of Gnosis, Rage and Willpower to effect the transformation. In this
form, the Nagah has no physical body; he effectively becomes a force of wind and rain. While in his weather-form, the ahi
can direct winds of up to 50 mph, rain, hail or snow. The Nagah may also lash out with lightning once every three turns; he
requires a Gnosis roll to hit a target, who takes 10 dice of aggravated damage. Only weather-controlling powers can avert
the Nagah-turned-storm, and they may in fact damage him depending on their strength. The Gift’s effects last for five turns
per point of the ahi’s permanent Rage, Gnosis or Willpower, whichever is lower.
(Source: Nagah, p.81-82)
• Child of Storms (Level Five) Version Two : Through this mighty Gift, the Nagah surrenders his physical form
and becomes the storm itself, directing the wind and waters where he chooses.
System: As the Hakken Gift: Divine Wind, save that the Nagah is the storm. For the duration, he has no physical body,
and can only be affected by weather-controlling powers (which may, at the Storyteller’s discretion, do him harm.)
(Source: W20 Changing Breeds, p.161→Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.189)
• Force Balance (Level Five) : Use of this powerful Gift brings the members of the Triat into harmonious
balance in a place. This Gift summons powerful spirits representing the healthiest aspects of the Triat who then work in
unison to place the site back into balance. Note that balance does not indicate state of affairs that people, shapeshifters or
even the user of the Gift will necessarily prefer - it simply means that the Triat is in healthy balance in a place. Usually,
this means that whoever had control of the place prior to this Gift being used will be very angry as years (if not decades)
of proprietary work are undone.
System: The player spends three Gnosis points and rolls Intelligence + Enigmas against a difficulty of the
Gauntlet or (12 - Gauntlet), whichever is higher. Wyrm, Weaver and Wyld spirits converge to put the site into balance. The
number of successes determines the speed of the transformation as well as how strong the “gyroscope” effect is in
preventing the place from becoming unbalanced again. This Gift can be used no more than once a week.
Successes Effect
1 The process begins and is somewhat weak. Complete balance of the site will take nearly six months,
and mundane forces that try to stop the balance could do so. Returning the site to an
unbalanced condition will not require much effort.
2 The effects of the Gift proceed far faster than they would otherwise. Balance returns to the site within
three months. Gafflings don’t have the power to stop or reverse the process, although
Jagglings or greater spirits could do so.
3 The site effectively has a new spirit. The place is imbued with a sense of balance that would require the
attention of several strong Jagglings, shapeshifters or similarly powerful creatures to undo.
Under mundane conditions, the place will remain balanced for at least ten years.
4 Change wreaks havoc on the place for a week, at the end of which the place is balanced. Powerful
outside influence (an Incarna avatar, a horde of Jagglings, the efforts of shapeshifter elders)
can still prevent the process, but otherwise, the place attains balance and will remain in balance for at
least fifty years.
5 Everything old is new again, and it takes less than twenty-four hours. Any creature (including random
spirits not part of the balancing effort) caught in the unfolding storm of order takes one health
level of aggravated damage every hour as the primordial forces at work try to use her as raw materials
for the new harmonious state. Only creatures of Incarna or similar level can actually stop the process
of restoring the balance, and without actual interference, the site remains balanced for at least
one hundred years.
6 It’s like watching time-lapse photography. In the space of ten minutes, the site transforms from a
nightmare into a balanced and sustainable system. Any creature caught in the transformation
storm takes five levels of aggravated damage every turn as the balancing process incorporates him
into the new system. Only the direct intervention of an Incarna or the like can stop the Gift’s effects
before completion. Under mundane condition, the site would require a thousand years for it to slip
again so far out of balance.
(Source: Nagah, p.81)

The serpent-breed Nagah have powers that derive from their heritage, replicating or enhancing the natural powers of
serpents - or the powers attributed to snakes by legend.
• Death Rattle (Level One) : The sound of a rattlesnake’s rattle is disturbing on a subconscious level, and
wereserpents can capitalize on that fact. The Nagah using this Gift grows a rattle (if she doesn’t already have one), and
may mystically charge the sound it makes to unnerve and distract opponents who cannot see her.
System: The player spends a Gnosis point and rolls Manipulation + Intimidation. For every success on that roll,
the Nagah can assign a -1 modifier to one of her target’s actions sometime before the end of the scene. The wereserpent
shakes her rattle prior to the action she wants to disrupt and the player informs the Storyteller how many of the successes
she wants to assign to disrupting her target’s next action. The Nagah need not use up all her successes at once; she can
parcel out -1 modifiers as she chooses.
For example, a Nagah who gets four successes on the Manipulation + Intimidation roll can rattle four times over
the course of the scene to assign 4 separate -1 modifiers. She could also rattle twice to assign 2 -2 modifiers, rattle once
vigorously to give her chosen target a -4 modifier on one action, or any other combination. Unused successes are lost at
the end of the scene. This Gift ceases to work once the target knows where the wereserpent is; however, the vasuki could
choose to affect a different opponent who still didn’t know her whereabouts.
(Source: Nagah, p.82)
• River’s Gift (Level One) Version One : This Gift allows a Nagah in Balaram, Silkaram, Azhi Dahaka or
Vasuki form to breathe water and air interchangeably.
System: The player spends one Rage point and rolls Stamina + Primal-Urge. In Silkaram, Azhi Dahaka and
Vasuki form, the change requires only 1 success; in Balaram it requires 2. The Gift lasts for a scene.
(Source: Nagah, p.82 & PGttCB, Revised, p.127)
• River’s Gift (Level One) Version Two : Normally, a Nagah is amphibious only in Kali Dahaka form, breathing
water as easily as air. With this Gift, the Nagah may perform the same feat in any form.
System: This Gift’s effects are permanent.
(Source: W20 Changing Breeds, p.161)
• Sense Vibration (Level One) Version One : Snakes do not have ears, but they do have a very keen vibration
sense that allows them to sense the approach of potential prey (or predators). This Gift enhances that sense, allowing the
vasuki to detect even tiny changes in air pressure.
System: The player spends one Gnosis point and rolls Perception + Alertness; the effects last for a scene. The
serpent can discern ground vibration and miniscule changes in air pressure at a distance of one hundred feet per success,
both horizontally and vertically (so a Nagah using this Gift and getting two successes could sense digging two hundred
feet beneath her). This Gift lets the Nagah know such things as the size of an object, how many there are, which way it’s
going and how fast it’s traveling. This Gift is not affected by any manner of invisibility or inaudibility; an invisible,
inaudible three hundred pound Garou still makes the earth shake a bit with every step, and that is what this Gift allows the
Nagah to sense.
This Gift is usable only in relatively quiet areas. Cities and most modern buildings contain too much random
noise and vibration. While the wereserpent can still use this Gift in such locales, doing so quarters the Gift’s effective
range. Any sort of concussion (gun shots, fireworks, concussion grenades) will cause intense pain to a wereserpent using
this Gift, effectively “deafening” her to vibration for the rest of the scene and inflicting one level of bashing damage to the
snake’s pressure sensitive membranes.
(Source: Nagah, p.82)
• Sense Vibration (Level One) Version Two : As the lupus Gift: Scent of Sight.
(Source: W20 Changing Breeds, p.161→Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.159)
• Treesnake’s Blessing (Level One) : Many species of snakes are excellent climbers. This Gift allows the Nagah
to take advantage of that heritage to climb trees, cliffs and even walls.
System (old version): The player spends one Gnosis point and rolls Dexterity + Athletics (difficulty 6). For the
rest of the scene, the wereserpent’s climbing speed is equal to his crawling speed multiplied by the number of successes on
the roll.
(Source: Nagah, p.82 & PGttCB, Revised, p.127)
System (new version): The character permanently adds three dice to climbing rolls, and may climb at her full
ground movement speed.
(Source: W20 Changing Breeds, p.161)
• Command Snakes (Level Two) : Vasuki use this Gift to summon the aid of their serpent cousins. The type of
snakes that answer the call varies from region to region. Most are not venomous, although there are certain places -
notably India, Australia, the tropical oceans and the American West and South-west - where a large number of venomous
snakes will respond. Obviously, this Gift does not work in places where there are no active snakes, including Ireland.
The vasuki cannot communicate with the summoned serpents, although they will react aggressively to any target
that the Nagah is threatening. Most snakes cover ground relatively slowly, so unless the wereserpent knows that he’s near a
nest of snakes, he’d do well to do his summoning a little ahead of when he needs assistance.
System: The player spends a point of Gnosis and rolls Charisma + Animal Ken. One success indicates that only a
few animals show up. With three successes the Nagah has summoned around thirty snakes of different varieties. With five
successes, the Nagah has summoned a slithering swarm of snakes, many of which are probably venomous. The snakes
remain for the scene, or until the vasuki wills the Gift to end, at which point they return to their own territories.
(Source: Nagah, p.82-3)
• Form Mastery (Level Two) : As the metis Gift.
(Source: W20 Changing Breeds, p.161→Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.156)
• Herpetophobia (Level Two) : Nagah using this Gift afflict victims with a powerful irrational fear of snakes.
The victim reacts with extreme fear and revulsion toward the snake, and will attack or flee from any snake he encounters
while under the Gift’s influence. Naturally, the size and behavior of the snake will have some influence on his reaction.
System: The player spends one Rage point and rolls Manipulation + Intimidation, difficulty 7; the target resists
with Willpower, difficulty 7. The duration of the fear is one day per success for mortals, one hour per success for “mostly
human” supernaturals such as mages, or one turn per success in the case of shapeshifters, vampires or other inhuman
creatures. Victims may spend Willpower to fight the fear, but only for a turn at a time. Affected characters flee the
presence of snakes if they can, and lose two dice on any actions involving the snakes themselves. Targets who are already
herpetophobic may go catatonic with fear.
(Source: Nagah, p.83)
• Lightning Strike (Level Two) : As the Ahroun Gift: Spirit of the Fray.
(Source: Nagah, p.83 & PGttCB, Revised, p.127 & W20 Changing Breeds, p.162→Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition,
• Eye of the Cobra (Level Three) : As the Galliard Gift.
(Source: W20 Changing Breeds, p.162→Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.169)
• Kitesnake (Level Three) : With this Gift, the snake may shift around his body mass such that he is mostly
hood, with only a very thing bit of tail hanging below. Any strong breeze is enough to sweep the Nagah into the air,
allowing, if not exactly flight, then at least the ability to become airborne. This Gift has its obvious dangers, but it may be
the only means of maintaining tabs on a target.
System: The player rolls Dexterity + Primal-Urge to manipulate the Nagah’s body mass. One success will make
this Gift effective in the presence of a strong wind while two or more let the snake take to the air in the presence of even a
minimal breeze.
Under calm weather conditions, the wereserpent may exercise some small degree of control over which direction
she goes by angling her body this way or that, but in the face of a strong wind, control is out of the question. Should the
wind give out altogether, the snake may fold forward into something like a living parachute to minimize landing damage.
This Gift lasts for one scene.
(Source: Nagah, p.83)
• Long Strike (Level Three) : Venomous snakes can typically strike from a distance half their body length away;
thus, a six-foot rattlesnake can effectively strike a target three feet away. This Gift greatly increases that distance, allowing
the vasuki to launch his entire body to strike an enemy who believes himself to be out of harm’s way.
System (old version): The player spends a Rage point and rolls Dexterity + Brawl. Each success doubles the
distance from which the Nagah can strike. So, a six-foot Vasuki with a single success could strike a target six feet away.
Two successes would allow him to strike an enemy twelve feet away, and five successes would allow the Nagah to come
seemingly out of nowhere to strike an opponent forty-eight feet away.
(Source: Nagah, p.83-4)
System (new version): The player may spend a Rage point to attack from up to (Rank x 10) feet away in any
form other than Balaram.
(Source: W20 Changing Breeds, p.162)
• Sidewind (Level Three) : The sidewinder rattlesnake can move at amazing speed and with great stealth. With
this Gift, vasuki gain the ability to move with a similar quiet rapidity.
System (old version): The player spends one Gnosis point and rolls Stamina + Athletics (difficulty 7) to activate
this Gift. While Sidewinding, the Nagah moves at ten times her normal land speed. The effects last for up to eight hours,
during which the wereserpent can do nothing else. This Gift can only be used in Azhi Dahaka, Kali Dahaka or Vasuki
(Source: Nagah, p.84 & PGttCB, Revised, p.127)
System (new version): The player spends one Gnosis point, then rolls Stamina + Athletics (difficulty 7). For up
to eight hours, the Nagah moves at (successes + 1) times its normal land speed. If the character stops moving, the Gift’s
effects end.
(Source: W20 Changing Breeds, p.162)
• Belly Ride (Level Four) : This bizarre Gift allows a Nagah in Vasuki form to wriggle down the throat of an
unconscious human-sized or larger creature and hide in its stomach. Even a twenty-foot cobra can fit into a child’s
stomach by use of this Gift. While coiled in the gut of her host, the Nagah perceives what the “host” perceives.
Having a snake coiled in one’s stomach completely rids the host of any appetite and may nauseate her slightly.
The host will be in complete denial about the situation and will grasp at any excuse to explain away the discomfort (“It
must be a touch of the flu,” or “Maybe I’m pregnant.”).
System: The player spends one Gnosis, then rolls Dexterity + Stealth (difficulty 6). The target must be
unconscious; even a willing target will gag if the Nagah starts crawling down his throat, preventing the Gift from taking
Once the wereserpent is in the host’s stomach, he may stay there for as many days as he received successes on
the roll, after which the stomach becomes too irritated to hold the Nagah any longer, causing the host to vomit him up. The
Nagah may also choose to activate the vomit reflex at any time to escape, or leave while the host is asleep or unconscious
without waking her. Nagah using this Gift are unaffected by acid or any other unpleasant elements of being in the host’s
(Source: Nagah, p.84 & PGttCB, Revised, p.128 & W20 Changing Breeds, p.162)
• Storm Surge (Level Four) : This Gift allows the Nagah to summon a powerful storm surge to batter a small
patch of coastline. The target area must abut a large body of water like an ocean, a sea or a very large lake. Once the
wereserpent summons the storm surge, he has only minimal control over it, although he can specify a particular building to
be the focal point for the water’s wrath.
System: The player spends two Gnosis points and rolls Manipulation + Occult. The size of the resulting storm
surge is six feet times successes. A six foot storm surge will drag away the unwary, break windows in beach houses, pound
boats to splinters and strand vehicles while a thirty foot storm surge will flood streets, knock out electricity and
communications lines, batter even sturdy buildings to rubble and wash vehicles out to sea.
Once the wereserpent summons the surge, it takes about twenty minutes for the full fury of the water to build,
after that it lasts about an hour, after which the water subsides. Injudicious (i.e., gratuitously destructive) use of this Gift is
punished by the Sesha.
(Source: Nagah, p.84)
• Assassin’s Well (Level Five) : Nagah are typically able to inject only three doses of venom before their venom
glands run dry. This Gift allows the vasuki to transcend that limitation, giving the wereserpent unlimited venom for the
duration of a scene.
System: No roll is necessary. The player need only expend two Gnosis points; for the remainder of the scene, the
Nagah gains an unlimited supply of venom.
(Source: Nagah, p.84 & PGttCB, Revised, p.128)
System (new version): The player spends one Gnosis point. For the rest of the scene, the vasuki has effectively
unlimited doses of venom.
(Source: W20 Changing Breeds, p.162)
• Song of Takshaka (Level Five) : Takshaka was the greatest shape changer of the Nagah, and his skills
extended beyond his own body. This Gift functions as the Red Talons Gift: Curse of Lycaon, but transforms humans into
serpents. The Gift can also force any Khurah into their animal form, not just Garou or Nagah : Ananasi must take on
Crawlerling, Nuwisha are forced into Latrani, and so on.
(Source: Nagah, p.84→Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.187)

Auspice Gifts
The auspice of a Nagah does not determine their social role, merely their spiritual affinities. Thus, the Gifts
peculiar to each auspice have less to do with specific tasks and more to do simply with the season’s influence.
Kamakshi (Spring)
The Kamakshi are in tune with spring’s energies of renewal and rebirth, and thus gain powers of peace and healing - and
reversing the path of healing.
• Ganga’s Caress (Level One) : As the Theurge Gift: Mother’s Touch.
(Source: Nagah, p.84 & PGttCB, Revised, p.128 & W20 Changing Breeds, p.162→Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition,
• Kind Death (Level One) : Nagah are assassins, but they rarely harbor ill will toward those they kill. This Gift
allows a Nagah to ease the shock of dying and send the spirit or soul of a dying or very recently dead foe on to the best of
whatever fates might await it. In the case of a human, it prevents the target from becoming a wraith or a vampire. In the
case of Khurah, it may negate any curses preventing the deceased from rejoining Gaia. This Gift also prevents dying
curses and bad karma from affecting the Nagah.
System: The Nagah must be within a stone’s throw of the victim and in line of sight. The player rolls Charisma +
Empathy, difficulty of the dying or deceased’s Willpower. One success quells the pain of dying and allows the target’s soul
to untangle itself from its body. Three successes prevent the Embrace from taking effect. The difficulty to lay any dying
curses, hexes or similar unpleasantness is increased by one for every success gained by the Kamakshi.
(Source: Nagah, p.84-5)
• Resist Pain (Level One) : As the Philodox Gift.
(Source: Nagah, p.85 & PGttCB, Revised, p.128 & W20 Changing Breeds, p.162→Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition,
• Welcome Assassin (Level One) : As the Children of Gaia Gift: Brother’s Scent.
(Source: W20 Changing Breeds, p.162→Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.177)
• Bask (Level Two) : The heat and warmth of the sun are deeply soothing to the Nagah, and this Gift allows the
were serpent to transform that warmth into confidence and a powerful sense of purpose.
System: The player spends a Gnosis point. For the rest of the day, the Nagah regains one point of Willpower for
every uninterrupted hour he spends relaxing quietly in the sun (preferably on a warm rock or on a beach). This Gift works
only on warm days and in direct sunlight.
(Source: Nagah, p.85 & W20 Changing Breeds, p.162)
• Calm (Level Two) : As the Children of Gaia Gift.
(Source: Nagah, p.85 & PGttCB, Revised, p.128 & W20 Changing Breeds, p.162→Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition,
• Serpent’s Sting (Level Two) : There is no better teacher than pain, and this Gift allows the wereserpent to
teach some very harsh lessons. By raising one target’s sensitivity to pain a thousand-fold, the Kamakshi is able to
debilitate an opponent without resorting to more lethal means. It also does quite a number on fleeing prey. This Gift is
considered potentially corrupting, and those who use it casually are watched very closely for Wyrmish sympathies.
System: The Nagah must touch her target; the player spends one Rage point and rolls Perception + Medicine,
difficulty 7. Success indicates that for the rest of the scene, the target suffers double wound penalties: The target loses two
dice from his dice pools at Hurt and Injured, four at Wounded and Mauled and ten at Crippled.
(Source: Nagah, p.85)
• Assassin’s Insistence (Level Three) : As natural assassins who study the healing arts, the Kamakshi are doubly
dangerous, not only for the harm they can inflict, but for their knowledge of - and ability to undermine - healing magics.
This Gift prevents healing magic from working, and may even cause the healer to inadvertently harm her recipient. This
Gift only affects magic that heals wounds; it does not prevent regeneration or magics that cure disease or counteract
poison. Kamakshi typically use this Gift to counter the effects of Mother’s Touch, Resist Pain, mages’ sorcery and, most
recently, the healing magics of wayward Imbued hunters. Kamakshi use this Gift only in their role as Gaia’s assassins or in
direst self-defense; in other circumstances it is considered to have great potential to corrupt.
System: The player spends one Gnosis point and rolls Intelligence + Medicine; the Nagah must touch the target.
Every success cancels out one success on the next roll used to try healing the target. If the Nagah gets more successes than
the healer, then the healer’s target suffers the difference in health levels of bashing damage. The Gift’s effects last for the
scene, or until invoked by a healing attempt. After the first attempt at healing the target, the Gift’s effects are spent.
(Source: Nagah, p.85 & PGttCB, Revised, p.128 & W20 Changing Breeds, p.162-163)
• Dazzle (Level Three) : As the Children of Gaia Gift.
(Source: Nagah, p.85 & PGttCB, Revised, p.128 & W20 Changing Breeds, p.163→Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition,
• Prevent Adharma (Level Three) : Adharma means “wrong action” or “misstep.” By use of this Gift, the
Nagah prevents a being from going against its nature or role in the universe. A Corax, therefore, could not withhold
information; a vampire could not refrain from acting in accordance with its Beast, and a fellow Nagah could not spare the
life of a legitimate target.
System: The player spends a Gnosis point and makes a contested Manipulation + Enigmas roll against the
target’s Willpower. If the wereserpent succeeds, the target is incapable of going against his dharma. A being that is clearly
acting against its nature immediately “comes to its senses” and stops doing whatever it was doing. Likewise, beings that
actively refrain from following their dharma (e.g., a Garou who refuses to shift from its breed form or an artist trying to be
an accountant), once more begin acting in accordance with their place in the world.
There was a time when all beings had relatively obvious dharmic paths and strove to follow them. That is no
longer the case. Most individuals in the modern age have no idea what their role is in the grand scheme of things, and they
may not actually have one, in which case this Gift has no effect. On the other hand, this Gift is extremely effective with
creatures that have a clear path to follow (e.g., Kuei-jin, Risen, mummies).
Ideally, the Nagah should at least have a vague idea of the target’s dharma, otherwise it’s impossible to know
what the effects of this Gift might be : and the Wani and Sesha both look askance at such irresponsible use of Gifts.
If the target of this Gift is a Storyteller character, the Storyteller should decide just what the target’s dharma is. If
the target is another character, the Storyteller and the character should discuss what the player thinks his character’s
dharma really is (though the Storyteller retains final say).
(Source: Nagah, p.85)
• Denial of Wellbeing (Level Four) Version One : Greater understanding of the way bodies mend using magic
grants insight into how an assassin might stop them from doing so. Following up on the insights taught by Assassin’s
Insistence, Nagah may learn to prevent even inherent healing. With a touch, this Gift prevents another creature from
regenerating or resisting poison or disease.
System: The Nagah must first touch the intended target. The player spends two Gnosis points and makes a
resisted Intelligence + Medicine roll against the target’s Gnosis (or Willpower -2 for creatures with no Gnosis). Success
halts the target’s healing process completely, and the victim also suffers a two-die difficulty to resist diseases or poison
(including Nagah venom). Each success stops regeneration and other healing (including Gifts) for one hour or until the
Gift is somehow nullified.
The Nagah must learn Assassin’s Insistence before she can learn Denial of Wellbeing.
(Source: Nagah, p.85-6 & PGttCB, Revised, p.128)
• Denial of Wellbeing (Level Four) Version Two : As the Black Fury Gift: Kali’s Tongue, but lasting for one
(Source: W20 Changing Breeds, p.163→Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.173)
• Suspend (Level Four) : A Nagah in Azhi Dahaka and Kali Dahaka form can use this Gift to unhinge his jaw
and swallow creatures up to the size of a Crinos werewolf. Only quiescent creatures may be so swallowed. As the creature
is swallowed, it is covered with a thick anaesthetic slime that paralyzes the creature. Once swallowed, the creature enters a
form of suspended animation. Fire, physical force and even the ravages of time are kept out so long as the creature remains
encased in the preservative slime within the Nagah.
When the wereserpent chooses, it reverses peristalsis and disgorges the creature. The preservative slime dries out
and sloughs away in a few minutes and the creature returns to consciousness.
System: The character expends one Gnosis point and rolls Stamina + Enigmas. The character needs at least two
successes: one to successfully swallow the creature and one to suspend the creature’s life properly.
Storing a man-sized creature in one’s digestive tract is extremely uncomfortable and precludes fighting;
consequently, Nagah are unlikely to use this Gift except in extreme circumstances (saving a badly wounded nest-mate until
she can be healed, for example). While suspending a target, the Nagah is down three dice on all Physical and Social rolls.
(Source: Nagah, p.86)
• Shed the Years (Level Five) : Snakes were often considered to be manifestations of time. The Nagah with this
Gift is rather more like an incarnation of the reversal of time. Once a year, when the Nagah (or a nestmate) is undergoing
the Samskara of Shedding the Past, this Gift may be performed upon her, and along with her old skin, the were serpent
sheds a number of years of physical aging as well. A determined Nagah could return from senescence to the prime of life
in the space of a decade.
System: The player sacrifices one permanent Gnosis point and rolls Stamina + Enigmas against a target number
of 7 (Stamina bonuses for form do not add to this roll). Each success counteracts one month of aging. The Nagah’s
knowledge and memory are unaffected, but the body loses any wrinkles, scars, long-term illnesses and the like gained
during that period of time.
This Gift is usable only once a year when the target is molting.
(Source: Nagah, p.86)
• Surya’s Radiance (Level Five) : As the Children of Gaia Gift: Halo of the Sun.
(Source: Nagah, p.86 & PGttCB, Revised, p.127 & W20 Changing Breeds, p.163→Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition,

Kartikeya (Summer)
The summer auspice grants an affinity with fire, warmth, vigor, inspiration and even some trickery.
• Brief Sensation (Level One) : This Gift allows the Kartikeya to project an illusory sensation into the mind of
her target. The illusion lasts only for a moment, can affect only one sense at a time, and cannot be very complicated. Still,
the ability to invoke any small sensation from the smell of baking bread to a hot flash to a brief shimmer of blue light is no
small trick. Creative Nagah have used this Gift to evoke everything from the sound of a lover’s voice to the smell of the
System: The player spends a Gnosis point and rolls Wits + Subterfuge (difficulty 6). The number of successes
indicates how many different brief hallucinations the Nagah can cause over the course of the next scene. Certain
sensations, like the feeling of the hairs standing up on the back of one’s neck, the shine of gold or the smell of rotting meat
can very effectively lead people to or from a location.
(Source: Nagah, p.86 & PGttCB, Revised, p.128 & W20 Changing Breeds, p.163)
• Eyes of the War God (Level One) : The Kartikeya draw their name from the god of war and the son of Shiva,
who had six faces and could never be surprised. This Gift grants the Nagah an emulation on the war god’s legendary
System (old version): The player must spend one Gnosis point and roll Wits + Alertness. If successful, the
wereserpent gains full vision extending 360 degrees for the scene’s duration. Furthermore, each success adds one die to
any dice pool the Nagah uses to perceive enemies for the remainder of the scene.
(Source: Nagah, p.86 & PGttCB, Revised, p.128)
System (new version): The player rolls Wits + Alertness (difficulty 6). For the rest of the scene, the Nagah gains
full 360-degree vision, and adds one die per success to all rolls to notice enemies and attacks.
(Source: W20 Changing Breeds, p.163)
• Scent of the True Form (Level One) : As the Philodox Gift.
(Source: Nagah, p.86 & PGttCB, Revised, p.128 & W20 Changing Breeds, p.163→Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition,
• Forked Tongue (Level Two) Version One : As the Ragabash Gift: Obscure the Truth.
(Source: Nagah, p.86 & PGttCB, Revised, p.128 →Werewolf Players Guide, 2nd Ed., p.36)
• Forked Tongue (Level Two) Version Two : As the Ragabash Gift: Liar’s Craft.
(Source: W20 Changing Breeds, p.163→ Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.162)
• Secret Serpent (Level Two) : As the Ragabash Gift: Blissful Ignorance.
(Source: Nagah, p.86 & PGttCB, Revised, p.128 & W20 Changing Breeds, p.163→Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition,
• The Serpent’s Voice (Level Two) : The Kartikeya, more than any other Nagah, have a great love for song and
euphonious sound. This Gift allows the Kartikeya to imitate any sound he has heard with perfect accuracy : sirens,
gunshots, musical instruments, even conversations.
System: Once the Kartikeya has learned this Gift, he may reproduce any sound he hears. This is not the same
thing as voice imitation; the Nagah cannot improvise in another’s voice, only repeat the things he’s heard the imitated
person say. If the Nagah is clever, he can create new combinations to form new sentences, but this tends to be choppy. The
player must roll Charisma + Performance if the intended audience knows the voice very well or suspects a ruse.
(Source: Nagah, p.86-7)
• Serpent’s Voice (Level Two) Version Two : As the Corax Gift: Voice of the Mimic.
(Source: W20 Changing Breeds, p.163→ W20 Changing Breeds, p.100)
• Lance of the Summer Sun (Level Three) : This Gift allows the Nagah to project a brilliant and searing bolt of
concentrated sunlight from his palm. This bolt is extremely bright and hot enough to burn through fabric, sheetrock and
System (old version): The player spends one Gnosis and rolls Charisma + Leadership, difficulty 7. The bolt of
light flashes out from the Nagah’s extended hand. Creatures that take damage from fire will take a number of aggravated
health levels of damage equal to the wereserpent’s successes. Vampires take twice that amount.
(Source: Nagah, p.87)
System (new version): The player spends one Gnosis point and rolls Charisma + Leadership, difficulty 7,
inflicting (successes) levels of lethal (or aggravated, to vampires) damage to a target within 100 feet.
(Source: W20 Changing Breeds, p.163)
• Might of the Mountain (Level Three) : As the Get of Fenris Gift: Might of Thor.
(Source: Nagah, p.87 & W20 Changing Breeds, p.163→Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.181)
• Blood Running Hot (Level Four) : As the Ahroun Gift: Stoking Fury’s Furnace.
(Note: PGttCB, Revised, p.128 erroneously refers to this Gift as Level Three.)
(Source: Nagah, p.87 & PGttCB, Revised, p.128 & W20 Changing Breeds, p.163→Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition,
• Veil of Maya (Level Four) : As the Fianna Gift: Phantasm.
(Source: Nagah, p.87 & PGttCB, Revised, p.128 & W20 Changing Breeds, p.163→Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition,
• Hydra Warrior (Level Five) : This terrible Gift allows the members of a nest to fuse into one enormous and
devastating snake monster. The resulting hydra has one tail and as many arms as the members had separately, but beyond
that, the shape of the hydra is determined by the wills of those comprising it. Some may have three separate trunks joined
by a massive prehensile tail, other hydras have taken the form of an enormous Azhi Dahaka with six arms and three faces
on one head. Lethality is the only common denominator.
System: The player spends one point of Gnosis and one point of Rage for each nestmate. When the Nagah touch,
they fuse together into an enormous multi-armed destroyer with health levels equal to the sum of the health levels of the
nestmates plus one additional health level for each success. The nestmate’s Rage, Strength, Dexterity and Stamina are all
pooled while individual members retain their separate Gnosis pools.
While in hydra form, members automatically benefit from shared thoughts. Each Nagah may still act as usual,
although the form must move together. The nest members must all be in Azhi Dahaka form and all members must be
willing to join the Hydra Warrior or the Gift will not work.
(Source: Nagah, p.87)
• Jungle Snake’s Hoodoo (Level Five) : This Gift sends the target’s mind into a waking dream controlled by the
Nagah. The wereserpent can use this Gift for purposes that are kind (letting a man see his dead lover one last time), cruel
(making a woman believe she’s covered with bugs that are burrowing into her skin) or utilitarian (getting the target to
reenact important conversations while talking aloud). While the Nagah sets the tone and nudges the hallucination he
chooses, the setting and the “players” of the psychodrama are pulled from the target’s unconscious. Bad hallucinations
make use of the target’s worst fears, while pleasant hallucinations draw on the target’s desires and pleasant memories. The
Nagah may even be able to watch the visions unfold.
System: The player spends two Gnosis points and rolls Manipulation + Occult against a target number equal to
the victim’s Willpower. Even a single success sucks the target into delirium, but the wereserpent can’t see what’s going on
in the target’s head. Two successes allow the Nagah to see about a quarter of what’s happening. With three successes, the
Kartikeya perceives about half of the hallucination, while five successes show the Nagah everything the target sees. Six or
more successes pull the wereserpent into the hallucination with the target, allowing full participation, unless the player
spends a Willpower point to avoid doing so. Wise old snakes generally recommend against entering the hallucination
directly because the target’s “psychic immune system” can do ugly things to a Nagah who trespasses where he’s not
wanted. This Gift lasts for one scene.
(Source: Nagah, p.87-8)
• Madness (Level Five) : As the Garou metis Gift.
(Source: PGttCB, Revised, p.128 & W20 Changing Breeds, p.163→Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.157)
(Note: W20 Changing Breeds, p.163 refers to this Gift as Jungle Snake Visions.)

Kamsa (Autumn)
The autumn-born Kamsa’s Gifts focus on psychological warfare and insight into a target’s weaknesses.
• Executioner’s Edge (Level One) : As the Shadow Lord Gift: Seizing the Edge.
(Source: Nagah, p.88 & PGttCB, Revised, p.128 & W20 Changing Breeds, p.163→Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition,
• Lightning Reflexes (Level One) : As the Get of Fenris Gift.
(Source: W20 Changing Breeds, p.163→Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.180)
• Predator’s Patience (Level One) : Good assassins must be able to wait for hours for their prey, and sometimes
in uncomfortable positions. This Gift allows the Kamsa to remain absolutely still for extended periods without cramping or
growing tired. The Nagah does not even appear to breathe, and may easily be overlooked (or mistaken for a mannequin)
due to the total lack of motion.
System (old version): The player spends a Willpower point and rolls Stamina + Stealth. For each success the
Nagah is able to remain absolutely motionless for one hour. Until he moves, attempts to see him in any but the best
lighting conditions are at +1 difficulty.
(Source: Nagah, p.88)
System (new version): The Nagah permanently adds one automatic success to Stealth rolls that rely on absolute
(Source: W20 Changing Breeds, p.163)
• Slayer’s Eye (Level One) : As the Shadow Lord Gift: Fatal Flaw.
(Source: Nagah, p.88 & PGttCB, Revised, p.128→Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.188)
• Forked Tongue (Level Two) Version One : As the Ragabash Gift: Obscure the Truth.
(Source: Nagah, p.88 & PGttCB, Revised, p.128→Werewolf Players Guide, 2 nd Ed., p.36)
• Forked Tongue (Level Two) Version Two : As the Ragabash Gift: Liar’s Craft.
(Source: W20 Changing Breeds, p.163→ Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.162)
• Inattention to Detail (Level Two) : Targets of this Gift lose focus, become preoccupied with day-dreams and
are largely oblivious to just about everything. The target still notices glaringly obvious goings-on, but even token stealth is
enough to allow a small army to slip past unnoticed.
System: The player spends a Gnosis point and rolls Manipulation + Subterfuge against the target’s Willpower.
Each success allows the Nagah to drop the target’s Perception or Alertness by one dot for the duration of the scene; the
target cannot fall below Perception 1 or Alertness 0.
(Source: Nagah, p.88)
• Staredown (Level Two) : As the homid Gift.
(Source: Nagah, p.88 & W20 Changing Breeds, p.163→Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.154)
• Eye of the Cobra (Level Three) : As the Galliard Gift.
(Source: Nagah, p.88 & PGttCB, Revised, p.128 & W20 Changing Breeds, p.163→Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition,
• Smothering Question (Level Three) : There are times when the Nagah need information and don’t have the
time to acquire it subtly. This Gift allows the Kamsa to pose one very carefully phrased questions to a target and have the
target answer the question with the utmost honesty and thoroughness.
System: The player spends a Willpower point, and rolls Manipulation + Intimidation in a contested roll against
the target’s Willpower (difficulty 6 for both). The Nagah locks eyes with his target and asks the question. If the
wereserpent succeeds, the target can do nothing but answer the question, starting with the most salient points and gradually
telling everything he knows that’s connected to the topic at hand.
Being the recipient of this Gift is not a pleasant experience. The target feels as though he’s drowning in the
question and the only way to save himself is to answer as completely and in as much detail as possible. For the duration of
the Nagah’s concentration, nothing exists for the target of this Gift but the question, and his complete and honest answer. If
the target knows nothing, he’ll babble and cry and lapse into a debilitating anxiety attack for the duration of the
interrogation. The question must be asked in a language the target understands.
(Source: Nagah, p.88 & W20 Changing Breeds, p.163)
• Summon the Accused (Level Three) : To the Kamsa, it’s a bad hunter who stalks her prey. A good hunter
simply waits for the prey to come to her. This Gift summons the Nagah’s prey to her. By hissing quietly and swaying
hypnotically, the Kamsa sets up a sort of beacon that calls her prey to her. As long as the wereserpent maintains the hissing
and alluring movement, the target will wander, somewhat dazed, right into the presence of his summoner. Once the Nagah
stops moving and hissing, however, the spell is broken, the target comes to his senses and probably flees. The Nagah must
know the target’s name for this Gift to work.
System: The player rolls Manipulation + Primal-Urge (difficulty 7) to command her target to approach. The
target defends by rolling Willpower (difficulty 8). Unless he gains more successes, the target enters a fugue-like state and
begins seeking out the Nagah, though all he’s consciously aware of is some deep-seated urge to follow a faint hissing
sound (that others cannot hear) to its source. This Gift will not work if the target is aware of the wereserpent’s presence,
nor does it work in combat. The Gift’s effects last only for a scene.
(Source: Nagah, p.88)
• Doppelganger (Level Four) : As the Glass Walker Gift.
(Source: Nagah, p.89 & PGttCB, Revised, p.128 & W20 Changing Breeds, p.163→Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition,
• Open Wounds (Level Four) : As the Shadow Lord Gift.
(Source: Nagah, p.89 & PGttCB, Revised, p.128 & W20 Changing Breeds, p.163→Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition,
• Heartstrings (Level One) : As the Galliard Gift: Head Games.
(Source: Nagah, p.89 & PGttCB, Revised, p.128 & W20 Changing Breeds, p.163→Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition,
• Undying Serpent (Level Five) : Nagah master assassins can not only negate their foe’s attacks but undermine
them by appearing to take the blow, only to become stronger than before. A were serpent using this Gift is not wounded by
his enemies’ blows, but rather strengthened.
System: The player spends a Gnosis point and rolls Dexterity + Enigmas. All damage delivered to the Nagah for
the rest of the turn, up to the number of successes, is added to his health levels instead of subtracted from it. Bashing
damage heals bashing damage; lethal damage heals lethal and bashing damage; aggravated damage heals all damage types.
Any health levels above the Nagah’s normal maximum fade at the end of the combat.
(Source: Nagah, p.89)

Kali (Winter)
Nagah born to the winter auspice are particularly driven to the tasks at hand, and their Gifts reflect their determination.
• Guided Strike (Level One) : Some enemies are more difficult to hit than others. This Gift increases the
wereserpent’s accuracy for one strike.
System (old version): The player spends a Willpower point and rolls the Nagah’s Gnosis, difficulty 8. For each
success, the Nagah gains one additional die on his next roll to hit his target.
(Source: Nagah, p.89 & PGttCB, Revised, p.128)
System (new version): The player rolls Rage (difficulty 5) and spends one Willpower point. Each success adds
one die to the next roll to hit a target.
(Source: W20 Changing Breeds, p.163)
• Iron Coils (Level One) : As the Silver Fang Gift: Falcon’s Grasp, except this Gift affects the Nagah’s ability to
catch an opponent in her coils rather than her jaws. This Gift inflicts no extra damage, but escaping the Nagah’s
constriction is all the more difficult.
(Source: Nagah, p.89 & PGttCB, Revised, p.128 & W20 Changing Breeds, p.163→Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition,
• Wyrm Sense (Level One) : As the ahi Gift.
(Source: Nagah, p.89→p.79 (Version One) & W20 Changing Breeds, p.163→p.161(Version Two))
• Discern Weakness (Level Two) : As the Philodox Gift: Weak Arm.
(Source: W20 Changing Breeds, p.163→Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.167)
• Executioner’s Privilege (Level Two) : As the Get of Fenris Gift: Halt the Coward’s Flight.
(Note: PGttCB, Revised, p.128 refers to this Gift as Executioner’s Gift.)
(Source: Nagah, p.89 & PGttCB, Revised, p.128 & W20 Changing Breeds, p.163→Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition,
• Solidify Water (Level Two) : By touching a body of water, the Nagah can make large portions of it solidify.
The water doesn’t freeze or change temperature - it simply becomes solid, allowing the Nagah to walk across it or take
cover beneath it to escape pursuers. Fish or other animals trapped in the solidified water do not die, but rather enter a brief
hibernation until the Gift wears off.
System: The player spends a Gnosis point and rolls Intelligence + Occult; she may affect an area up to 10 feet in
radius for every success. Solidified water possesses the hardness of glass and bullets will ricochet from a large volume of
the newly rigid material.
(Source: Nagah, p.89)
• Assassin’s Strike (Level Three) : This Gift allows the Nagah to disappear into the Umbra and instantly
reappear behind her opponent. The wereserpent then attacks her victim from behind, coolly exploiting the advantage of
System: No roll is necessary, but the character must spend one Gnosis and one Rage. This Umbral “leap” can be
up to 50 feet as long as the victim is within line of sight. If the Nagah chooses to attack immediately, the strike is rolled at
-2 difficulty; the difficulty cannot be reduced below 4. This attack cannot be dodged unless the victim is using a
supernatural ability to heighten his perceptions.
(Note: This Gift is identical to the Ratkin Gift: Backbite, see W20 Changing Breeds, p.186)
(Source: Nagah, p.89 & W20 Changing Breeds, p.163→p.186)
• Destroying Blow (Level Three) : As the Black Furies Gift: Coup de Grace.
(Source: Nagah, p.89 & PGttCB, Revised, p.128 & W20 Changing Breeds, p.163→Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition,
• Discern Weakness (Level Three) : As the Philodox Gift: Weak Arm.
(Note: Nagah, p.89 erroneously refers to Discern Weakness as Level Two.)
(Source: Nagah, p.89 & PGttCB, Revised, p.128→Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.167)
• Indirect Strike (Level Three) : By means of this Gift, the Nagah concentrates and converts his venom into an
odorless, colorless and nearly undetectable poison with which he can coat blades, needles, shards of glass or other sharp
objects or insinuate into food or drink. If a victim is damaged by the coated object or consumes the poisoned food, she
suffers the full effects of the Nagah’s venom.
System: The wereserpent milks his venom glands and spends one Gnosis to distill the deadly essence of his
venom and one Gnosis for every day (beyond the first) that he wants the venom to remain potent. If the venom is
introduced into the victim’s bloodstream or eaten by the victim, the venom takes effect just as if the Nagah had just bitten
the victim.
The Nagah are hesitant to use this Gift because the time delay increases the chances of the venom affecting
someone other than the target. Needless to say, killing an innocent victim is considered the work of an incompetent
assassin, and the Sesha frowns on such mishaps.
(Source: Nagah, p.89)
• Mindblock (Level Four) : As the Silver Fangs Gift.
(Source: Nagah, p.89 & PGttCB, Revised, p.128 & W20 Changing Breeds, p.163→Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition,
• Song of Winter (Level Four) : As the Wendigo Gift: Chill of Early Frost.
(Source: Nagah, p.89 & W20 Changing Breeds, p.164→Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.201)
• Magistrate’s Icy Judgment (Level Five) : As the Wendigo Gift: Heart of Ice.
(Source: Nagah, p.89 & PGttCB, Revised, p.128 & W20 Changing Breeds, p.164→Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition,
• Mahanaga (Level Five) : While the Nagah prefer to carry out their duties as stealthily and as indirectly as
possible, direct conflict is sometimes unavoidable. It occasionally comes to pass that the Nagah must judge and punish
offenders who are more powerful than they can deal with even in Azhi Dahaka form. The Wani teach wise and responsible
Kali to take a form that is again as powerful relative to the Azhi Dahaka form as that form is to the Nagah’s breed form.
When Mahanaga takes effect, the Nagah’s battle form becomes even more enormous and lethal; her hood
becomes wider, her natural armor becomes harder and her scales take on the appearance of highly burnished copper, gold
and obsidian.
System: The Nagah must be in battle form. The player spends one Gnosis and one Rage and rolls Stamina +
Primal Urge against a difficulty of 7. With a successful roll, the player may increase Physical Attributes above those of the
Azhi Dahaka form by spending Rage to increase Strength, Willpower to increase Stamina and Gnosis to increase
Dexterity. The player may increase each Physical Attribute by up to four points. The Attribute gains last for one scene.
(Source: Nagah, p.89-90 & W20 Changing Breeds, p.164)

Homid Nuwisha can learn homid Garou Gifts, and latrani Nuwisha can learn lupus Gifts. Any Nuwisha can learn
Ragabash Gifts. Players choose three Gifts when making Nuwisha: one breed Gift, and two general Nuwisha Gifts from
the list below. Gifts listed as Umbral Danse are only available to Umbral Dansers and will not be taught to those outside
of that group.

General Gifts
• Camouflage (Level One) : As the Wendigo Gift.
(Source: W20 Changing Breeds, p.171→Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.199)
• Coyote’s Intuition (Level One) : By taking time to look over an individual, the Nuwisha receives a powerful
gut intuition of what subject the target least wants to talk about at that moment. A coyote-spirit teaches this Gift.
System: After a few moments of scrutiny, the player rolls Perception + Subterfuge (difficulty of the target’s
(Source: W20 Changing Breeds, p.171)
• Earworm (Level One) : Catchy tunes often run through people’s minds and disappear as soon as they hear the
next song. A Nuwisha using this Gift can make a simple tune drive the victim to despair. Some Nuwisha use this Gift
constructively, singing a code-phrase or a sequence of numbers to guarantee that the listener will be able to remember
them for days to come : though the coyote’s victim remains distracted all the same. A mosquito-spirit teaches this Gift.
System: The Nuwisha hums, sings a tune or jingle while looking at his target, and rolls Wits + Expression
(difficulty equal to the target’s Willpower). Success makes the sound play endlessly in the victim’s mind for one day per
success. The victim can still sleep, but increases the difficulty all rolls requiring concentration and any extended action by
(Source: W20 Changing Breeds, p.171)
• Emperor’s Clothes (Level One) : Even the noblest individuals can be brought low by public embarrassment. A
Nuwisha with this Gift can whisk an item of clothing off a person with a simple grab : no matter how difficult it should
normally be to remove. A magpie-spirit teaches this Gift.
System: The Nuwisha rolls Dexterity + Larceny (difficulty of the target’s Dexterity + Athletics) and pulls at the
item of clothing. On a success, she grabs the garment from the target. The Gift offers no protection from an enraged,
pantsless Ahroun, so the trickster had better start running. Coyote doesn’t appreciate the same joke told over and over
again, so this Gift can only be used on an individual once per night.
(Source: W20 Changing Breeds, p.171)
• Finders Keepers (Level One) : The Nuwisha whispers her victim’s name, and claims Coyote’s favor to teach
him a lesson. She leaves a spiritual mark on the victim that other Nuwisha and spirits can see. Nuwisha may choose to
ignore the mark and interact with the victim, but risk a loss of Renown if other Nuwisha find out. The mark compels spirits
to avoid the victim until the next new moon or werecoyote has taught him the error of his ways. A cat-spirit teaches this
System: The Nuwisha spends a Gnosis point and touches the victim. Nuwisha and spirits automatically see the
spirit mark, but do not know who has placed it. A spirit must roll Gnosis (difficulty equal to the Nuwisha’s Willpower) to
be able to approach or communicate with the victim.
(Source: W20 Changing Breeds, p.171-172)
• Laugh of the Vagabond (Level One) : As the Bone Gnawer Gift: Laugh of the Hyena.
(Source: W20 Changing Breeds, p.172→Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.175)
• Rabbit Run (Level One) : As the Silent Strider Gift: Speed of Thought.
(Source: Frontier Secrets, p.24 & W20 Changing Breeds, p.172→Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.191)
• Salaryman (Level One) : The Nuwisha is at home in any crowd, just another forgettable face : even if she’s
bleeding from the gut and wearing a clown mask. As long as
she’s in a group of humans, almost nobody can recognize her or pick her out. This Gift is taught by a City Father or
System: The difficulties to spot the Nuwisha in any group of three or more humans (or human-like supernatural
creatures such as shapeshifters or vampires) increase by three, to a maximum of difficulty 9. This Gift is always active.
(Source: W20 Changing Breeds, p.172)
• Scent of Sweet Honey (Level One) : As the Bone Gnawer Gift.
(Source: W20 Changing Breeds, p.172→Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.174-175)
• Secret Question (Level One) : Asked a question intended to verify someone’s identity, this Gift provides the
correct answer. The Nuwisha may say anything in response and the targets hear the correct answer, be that the password to
a secret society meeting or a telephone-banking password. The werecoyote does not know what the victim heard. A fly-
spirit teaches this Gift.
System: The player spends a point of Gnosis and rolls Manipulation + Subterfuge, difficulty 7. A single success
is all that is required, but each question requires another use of the Gift : even if someone new asks a question that the
Nuwisha has already answered. This Gift may also be used on websites by pranking the pattern-spider within a computer.
Each field that the Nuwisha doesn’t know is a separate use of the Gift.
(Source: W20 Changing Breeds, p.172)
• Shed (Level One) : As the metis Gift.
(Note: This has been replaced by the W20 version of the Gift: Snake’s Skin, see below.)
(Source: Frontier Secrets, p.24→Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.156)
• Sleep of the Ages (Level One) : Sometimes the best tricks need the target to sleep through anything. This Gift
ensures that nothing short of physical contact will wake the sleeper. A sloth-spirit teaches this Gift.
System: The Nuwisha must touch an already-sleeping target, and roll Gnosis (difficulty of the target’s
Willpower). Each success gives one hour during which nothing except direct physical contact will wake the victim.
(Source: W20 Changing Breeds, p.172)
• Snake’s Skin (Level One) Version One : The Nuwisha sheds a layer of skin and flesh (and instantly
regenerates it), allowing her to slip free of bonds or even grappling opponents. A snake-spirit teaches this Gift.
System: The player spends one Gnosis point and rolls Dexterity + Athletics (difficulty 6). Success allows the
character to slip free of most bonds, and any successes on the roll are added to any roll made to escape a hold (see page
209 of Werewolf). Additional rolls might be required to escape more complex traps.
(Source: Nuwisha, p.49 & PGttCB, Revised, p.135)
• Snake’s Skin (Level One) Version Two : As the metis Gift: Shed.
(Source: W20 Changing Breeds, p.172→Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.156)
• Song of Kokopelli (Level One) : This Gift allows the Nuwisha to ensure that everyone within hearing range of
the Some remains calm and sedate. This Gift may cancel the frenzy of an opponent, but only for as long as the Nuwisha
continues to sing. This Gift is taught by a Gaffling in service to Coyote.
System: The player rolls Manipulation + Performance, with a varying of difficulty depending on the situation.
Each individual may attempt to resist this effect with a Willpower roll, difficulty 6. The difficulty to resist the song's
effects is increased by one for every success that player has in his initial roll. The Nuwisha's "singing" may be vocal, or
any musical instrument from popes to drums. The Gift lasts as long as the Nuwisha's song.
(Source: Nuwisha, p.49)
• Spirit Speech (Level One) : As the Theurge Gift.
(Source: Frontier Secrets, p.24 & W20 Changing Breeds, p.172→Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.164)
• Swollen Tongue (Level One) : With a touch, the Nuwisha can stop a target from speaking. The target’s tongue
swells, preventing her from making any sounds beyond frantic grunts and moans. A spider-spirit teaches this Gift.
System: The character must touch the target. The player rolls Gnosis (difficulty of the victim’s Willpower).
Normally, the target is prevented only from speaking, but if the player rolls three or more successes, the target’s hand
shakes uncontrollably and she cannot sign or write. Swollen Tongue lasts for one scene.
(Source: Nuwisha, p.49 & PGttCB, Revised, p.135 & W20 Changing Breeds, p.172)
• Twin-Faced Trickster (Level One) : As the Black Fury Gift: Man’s Skin.
(Source: W20 Changing Breeds, p.172→Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.173)
• Two Tongues (Level One) : As the Fianna Gift.
(Source: W20 Changing Breeds, p.172→Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.179)
• Xochipilli's Touch (Level One) : The Nuwisha using Xochipilli’s Touch brings luck to herself or to a target.
Usually the luck is short-term, but whether that luck is good or bad is entirely in the hands of the Nuwisha. If the luck is
good, a person might discover that her cancer was misdiagnosed and is actually only a thumbprint on the x-ray, or she
might win the lottery. If the luck is bad, a tire might explode during a high-speed chase, or the person might get audited by
the IRS. The Nuwisha has no control over how the luck will manifest, only whether the luck will be good or bad. This Gift
is normally instantaneous, but can take several hours to manifest, at the Nuwisha’s discretion. This Gift is taught by an
Epiphling of Luck or a Gaffling in service to Xochipilli.
System: The player rolls Wits + Enigmas, difficulty 7. The Storyteller has complete control over how
Xochipilli’s Luck manifests itself, but the player may increase the luck to Levels that seem almost miraculous by spending
a Gnosis point.
(Source: Nuwisha, p.50)
• Beneath the Electron Bridge (Level Two) : After spending a few minutes in conversation with her mark, the
Nuwisha may intuitively grasp the exact, precise thing to say to send the target into a frothing rage. This Gift makes
humans furious and provokes frenzy checks in creatures capable of them (such as Garou and vampires). Once obscure
(due to the hazards of deploying it face-to-face), this Gift has experienced a recent resurgence in popularity after the
discovery that it works just fine through text messages or across the internet. A flea-spirit teaches it.
System: The player spends one Gnosis point and rolls Wits + Empathy (difficulty 8) to come up with the perfect
(Source: W20 Changing Breeds, p.172)
• Command Spirit (Level Two, Umbral Danse) : As the Theurge Gift.
(Source: W20 Changing Breeds, p.172→Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.164)
• Curse of Tiresias (Level Two) : The Nuwisha may force an individual to see how the other side lives, rapping
them smartly over the head and transforming them into a member of the opposite sex. A seahorse-spirit teaches this Gift.
System: The player spends a Gnosis point (and must roll Dexterity + Brawl or Melee, difficulty 6, to strike an
unwilling target; this inflicts no damage). The transformed individual bears a close resemblance to their original
appearance : they appear to be an opposite-sex sibling, rather than a wholly different person. This Gift’s effects last for
(Nuwisha’s Humor) days.
(Source: W20 Changing Breeds, p.172)
• Dance of Dionysus (Level Two) : The target of this Gift becomes uncoordinated and extremely dizzy. His
vision blurs, his ears ring, and bystanders may think he is drunk. Speech is unaffected and reasoning is possible, but all
physical difficulties are increased by three. This Gift is taught by a coyote-spirit.
System: The Nuwisha must touch her target, while the player spends one Gnosis and one Willpower point. This
Gift lasts for one turn.
(Source: Nuwisha, p.50)
• Distractions (Level Two) : As the Galliard Gift.
(Source: W20 Changing Breeds, p.172→Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.169)
• Gift of the Porcupine (Level Two) : As the Level Four metis Gift.
(Source: Frontier Secrets, p.24→Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.157)
• Gift of the Termite (Level Two) : As the Bone Gnawer Gift.
(Source: W20 Changing Breeds, p.172→Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.175)
• New Face (Level Two) Version One : The Nuwisha can completely change her identity. She may be male or
female, any race or any breed. However, this Gift only changes the Homid and Latrani form of the character, and does not
hide her true nature; she will still be recognizably Nuwisha if she changes shape. This Gift is taught by a spirit of
System: The player rolls Manipulation + Expression, difficulty 6, and must expend one Gnosis point. This effect
lasts for one scene.
(Source: Nuwisha, p.50)
• New Face (Level Two) Version Two : The Nuwisha may completely change her appearance, seeming to be of
any race, gender, and canid species she desires. However, this transformation only affects her Homid and Latrani forms. A
spirit servant of Kishijoten teaches this Gift.
System: The player rolls Manipulation + Expression, difficulty 6, and spends a Gnosis point. This Gift lasts for
(Cunning) days.
(Source: W20 Changing Breeds, p.172)
• Odious Aroma (Level Two) : As the Bone Gnawer Gift.
(Source: Frontier Secrets, p.24 & W20 Changing Breeds, p.172→Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.175)
• Otter’s Breath (Level Two) : As the Uktena Gift: Flick of the Fish’s Tail/Spirit of the Fish.
(Source: Frontier Secrets, p.24→Frontier Secrets, p.10 & W20 Changing Breeds, p.172→Werewolf 20th Anniversary
Edition, p.175)
• Sheep’s Clothing (Level Two) Version One : The Nuwisha can take the form and scent of another
shapeshifter. While this Gift is in effect, the Nuwisha may take the appearance of any form common to the type of
shapeshifter she is impersonating. Even Gifts designed to identify shapeshifters cannot pierce Sheep’s Clothing (unless
Coyote feels it appropriate). A cuckoo-spirit teaches this Gift.
System: The player spends one Gnosis and rolls Wits + Primal-Urge (difficulty 6 for mammalian Changer, 7
otherwise). The character thereafter looks and smells like whatever kind of shapeshifter she chooses. She does not,
however, gain any of the special powers of the Breed - a Nuwisha impersonating a Rokea could assume Gladius form, but
would gain neither the enhanced strength nor the Sending that the form usually confers. This Gift lasts for one full day,
though the player can extend that duration by spending additional Gnosis (one day per point spent). If the Nuwisha wishes
to fly in raven form, he must have another Gift that allows this (such as Sky Running). Sheep’s Clothing affects all senses
and powers, including Scent of the True Form.
(Note: Obsolete rules for this Gift list it as a Level Three Gift and are found in Werewolf Players Guide 1 st Ed., p.142 &
Frontier Secrets, p.24)
(Source: PGttCB, Revised, p.135)
• Sheep’s Clothing (Level Two) Version Two : The Nuwisha may perfectly mimic the forms, scent, and outer
markings of another breed of shapeshifter (though not of a specific individual). A cuckoo-spirit teaches this Gift.
System: The player spends one Gnosis point and selects a shapeshifter to impersonate. The Nuwisha gains no
mechanical benefits or special powers from her disguise : for example, she could appear to be a Corax in Corvid form, but
could not fly, nor spin webs as an Ananasi, nor enjoy the incredible Strength of a Gurahl in Crinos. The disguise lasts for
(Humor) days.
(Source: W20 Changing Breeds, p.172-173)
• Suspicious Glance (Level Two) : The Nuwisha using this Gift spreads the seeds of doubt between trusted
allies. After all, close friends and lovers know just where to stick a dagger to make sure it really hurts. A snake-spirit
teaches this Gift.
System: The player names a victim and rolls Manipulation + Subterfuge (difficulty 6). At some point in the next
24 hours the victim will suddenly suspect betrayal by one of his closest allies. While the Gift provides no rational reason,
most people don’t have to look far to find a reason to fear their allies. The Nuwisha may spend a point of Gnosis when
making the roll, and name two victims. Over the next 24 hours one of them will suspect betrayal by the other. The
Nuwisha has no control over which will become suspicious, but he may use this Gift twice and name the two victims in
reverse order to ensure they will each start to distrust the other.
(Source: W20 Changing Breeds, p.173)
• Tiny Coyote (Level Two) : Sometimes a prank goes awry and a Nuwisha just needs to get the hell out of
Dodge, but the only way out is a tiny hole. With this Gift the Nuwisha can crawl through the smallest spaces. This Gift is
taught by a mouse-spirit.
System: The Nuwisha spends one Gnosis and instantly shrinks to whatever size is appropriate to fit into an
available space, down to the size of a mouse. She cannot change forms while shrunk; in doing so she reverts to her normal
size with painful consequences.
If the Nuwisha enters a larger space, she automatically expands to match the space as she encounters it. She returns to
normal when she first enters a space large enough to fit her usual size. She cannot shrink again without reactivating the
(Source: W20 Changing Breeds, p.173)
• Twisting Tongues (Level Two) : The Nuwisha may understand any written or spoken language while using this
Gift. Even sign language and facial expressions offer no trouble. While under the influence of this Gift, the Nuwisha can
speak with spirits, Banes and even computers (which hardly makes for interesting conversation, but can prove
worthwhile). This Gift is taught by a trickster-spirit.
System: The player rolls Wits + Expression, difficulty 7. For every success, the character can fully comprehend
the language - complete with all slang terms - for one full day. The character must employ this Gift separately for each
language she wishes to comprehend.
(Source: Nuwisha, p.50)
• Umbral Map (Level Two) : The Nuwisha using this Gift can locate any part of the Umbra, and in some cases
can even locate an individual entity in the Umbra. This Gift is taught by an ancestor-spirit.
System: The player makes a Gnosis roll, with a varying difficulty. If the character has never before been to the
target part of the Umbra, the difficulty is 7. If the character has traveled the area before, the difficulty is 6. If the character
frequents the area, the difficulty is only 5. With one success, the character can pinpoint where in the Umbra he is. With
two, he can determine how best to approach any area or Realm in the Umbra. With three successes, the character can get a
feel for where a target is within the Umbra. With five or more successes, the character can pinpoint a target’s exact
location within the Umbra.
(Source: Nuwisha, p.50)
• Voice Bank (Level Two) : This Gift allows the Nuwisha to imitate people’s voices perfectly, building up a
‘bank’ of voices that he can impersonate. A parrot-spirit teaches this Gift.
System: The Nuwisha must listen intently while a person speaks, then rolls Perception + Expression. The
difficulty depends on how much of the speaker’s voice he can sample: a few words is difficulty 8, a full minute is
difficulty 7 and over half an hour is difficulty 6. Success adds that voice to the werecoyote’s collection of voices. He can
perfectly imitate a voice for a scene by spending a point of Gnosis. A Nuwisha may keep as many voices as he has dots of
Expression. He chooses which voice is discarded when he adds another beyond his limit.
(Source: W20 Changing Breeds, p.173)
• Blisters (Level Three) : By merely touching a target, the werecoyote can cause revolting blisters to erupt from
the unfortunate’s hide. Although the effects are basically harmless, the blisters do cause fur to fall out and make the target
as ugly as sin for a while. The Nuwisha tend to use this trick exclusively on the overly vain. This Gift is taught by a toad-
System: The player rolls Manipulation + Medicine against a difficulty equal to the target’s Rage (or 4 for
creatures without Rage); the difficulty cannot be lower than 3. If the werecoyote is successful, the resulting boils subtract
one dot of the target’s Appearance per every two successes on the roll, but do no actual harm. The blisters last for two
weeks, less the target’s Gnosis (if any) in days. The inflicted party suffers a loss of two dice from any Social Dice Pools
during the time he is Blistered.
(Source: Frontier Secrets, p.24)
System: The Nuwisha touches her target and her player rolls Manipulation + Primal-Urge. The blisters last for
(successes gained x Humor) days, causing the target to lose three dice from all social dice pools.
(Source: W20 Changing Breeds, p.173)
• Dance of Abandon (Level Three) : The Nuwisha can compel an opponent to forget everything but the need to
celebrate. Where anger and hatred dwelled a moment earlier, suddenly the target of this power is filled with joy and a need
to express that joy. This is used for defensive purposes primarily, as the Gift is too powerful to allow anything but
celebration. There are some cases, however, where this Gift can backfire on the Nuwisha. Certain Garou, such as the Get
of Fenris, tend to celebrate very violently. This Gift is taught by a Gaffling in service to Loki.
System: The player makes a Willpower roll against a difficulty equal to the opponent’s Willpower. Two or more
successes are necessary to activate this Gift. Dance of Abandon may only be used against one opponent at a time.
(Source: Nuwisha, p.50)
• False Spoor (Level Three) : The Nuwisha may change her scent to exactly match someone else’s for a scene.
A dog-spirit teaches this Gift.
System: The Nuwisha spends one Gnosis point and rolls Perception + Primal Urge (difficulty 6, or difficulty 8 if
the Nuwisha has not sampled the target’s scent while in Latrani, Sendeh or Manabozho form). The deception lasts
(Humor) days, unless she ends it earlier. A Garou or other character using Scent of the True Form (or similar ability) adds
the Nuwisha’s successes to the difficulty of his roll to smell through the deception.
(Source: W20 Changing Breeds, p.173)
• Fool’s Fortune (Level Three) : With this Gift the Nuwisha plays games with fate itself. With the cackling of
laughter she can swap good fortune for bad, twisting the strings of probability and fate between her fingers : though she
has no control over the outcome. An avatar of Chung Kuel teaches this Gift.
System: When the target makes a roll, the werecoyote’s player can spend a Gnosis point and roll Wits + Enigmas
(difficulty 7). If the Nuwisha rolls at least as many successes as her victim, his action fails as if he had rolled no successes.
Set the victim’s dice aside, or make a note of the victim’s roll. The next time in the scene that the victim is called upon to
make a roll, use the results of the dice roll (the numbers on the dice) that the Nuwisha interrupted. If the victim’s next
action would have used a smaller dice pool or had a lower difficulty, he has a chance of great success : but if he must now
use three dice showing “1, 2, 2” in place of his normal eight-dice pool, his future is very unlucky. A Nuwisha may not use
this Gift on himself.
(Source: W20 Changing Breeds, p.173)
• Forbidden Words (Level Three) : The Nuwisha may forbid another from speaking of a certain topic. The
werecoyote need only stand in one of the target’s footprints and pronounce her ban; the target need not hear her
pronouncement. Should the unlucky target of this Gift attempt to speak of the forbidden topic, he will find himself unable
to speak, vomiting up vermin (flies, worms, toads, etc.) instead. A cat-spirit teaches this Gift.
System: The player spends a Gnosis point and rolls the Nuwisha’s permanent Humor as a dice pool (difficulty
6). The Gift’s effects last for one day per success.
(Source: W20 Changing Breeds, p.173)
• Gift of Laughter (Level Three) : The Nuwisha may end a frenzy with this Gift, or may simply use it to lighten
the mood in tense situations. This Gift may also be used to end the pain of someone who is mortally injured, allowing him
to use the last few moments of life in full control of his faculties. This Gift is taught by a spirit of Kishijoten.
System: The player rolls Charisma + Expression against a difficulty matching the target’s Willpower. At least
one success is required to use this Gift, and at least three successes are needed to end a frenzy.
(Source: Nuwisha, p.50)
• Gift of Rage (Level Three) Version One : While the Nuwisha do not, for the most part, envy their Garou
cousins’ ability to Rage, they admit that is comes in handy. With this Gift, the werecoyote gains Rage for a short time, with
all the benefits and drawbacks it carries. A spirit servant of Loki teaches this Gift.
System: The player rolls Willpower (difficulty 7). If successful, the character gains a Rage rating of 5 for the
scene (though she may cancel it at any time).While this Gift is in effect, the character can take extra actions and shapeshift
instantly, as Garou can - but is also subject to frenzy and vulnerable to silver.
(Note: This Gift is not to be confused with the Level Three Bastet Gift of the same name.)
(Source: Nuwisha, p.50 & PGttCB, Revised, p.136)
• Gift of Rage (Level Three) Version Two : With this Gift, the werecoyote gains Rage for a short time, with all
its benefits and drawbacks. A servant of Loki teaches this Gift.
System: The player spends one Willpower point to gain 5 temporary Rage points, which may be used as Garou
do. This Gift may be used once per scene, and the Nuwisha may never have more than 5 Rage. While the Nuwisha has
Rage, he is vulnerable to silver as Garou are, and susceptible to frenzy.
(Source: W20 Changing Breeds, p.173-174)
• Happy Thoughts (Level Three) : Shapeshifters with Rage are dangerous to be around. More than one
Nuwisha has lost her life when an unappreciative werewolf has lost control after a prank. This Gift allows the Nuwisha to
remove the threat of frenzy for a short time (hopefully long enough to get away). An avatar of Coyote teaches this Gift.
System: The player spends one Gnosis point. The character must touch the target. For the duration of the scene,
the target loses access to his Rage. He cannot frenzy, take extra actions, or use Rage in any way. He can still change shape,
however : the Rage is still present, the target just can’t make use of it.
(Source: PGttCB, Revised, p.136 & W20 Changing Breeds, p.174)
• Now You Don’t (Level Three) : The Nuwisha may veil one fairly distinct category of objects from another’s
sight, such as cars, doors, trees, fences, food, or baggies of drugs. A bat-spirit teaches this Gift.
System: The player spends one Gnosis point and rolls Wits + Larceny (difficulty of the target’s Willpower). The
objects don’t necessarily become invisible : the target sees what most logically would be there if the named object wasn’t.
For example, a door would be replaced by a section of blank wall rather than a rectangular hole, while cars and fences
would be replaced by nothing at all. The obscured objects remain apparent to all senses other than sight. This Gift lasts for
(Humor) hours.
(Source: W20 Changing Breeds, p.174)
• Pain Remains (Level Three) : Pain usually means little to the Changing Breeds, as their regenerative powers
soon heal most injuries. With this Gift the Nuwisha ensures that the discomfort endures long after the injury is gone. A
pain-spirit teaches this Gift.
System: The player selects an injured target, spends one Gnosis point and rolls Perception + Medicine (difficulty
of the target’s Stamina + Survival). The victim suffers an injury penalty equal to the number of successes (up to his current
injury penalty) until the next sunset.
(Source: W20 Changing Breeds, p.174)
• Push (Level Three, Umbral Danse) : The Nuwisha can force another being into the Umbra with this Gift. This
is taught by a coyote-spirit.
System: The player must make a Gnosis roll (difficulty of the target’s Willpower) and expend one Gnosis point.
The target of this Gift appears in the Penumbra.
(Source: Nuwisha, p.50)
• Raven’s Feather (Level Three) : As the Uktena Gift: Spirit of the Bird.
(Source: W20 Changing Breeds, p.174→Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.198)
• Scent of Vengeance (Level Three) : Nuwisha using this Gift can make another shapechanger recognize the
scent of an old foe. Usually this scent emanates from somewhere in the distance, but the Nuwisha can also place the scent
on another target, creating all sorts of havoc between innocent strangers or even close friends. When used in the latter
fashion, this Gift completely masks the natural odor of the target. This Gift is taught by a skunk-spirit.
System: The player rolls Wits + Subterfuge, difficulty 5, when producing the scent of an old foe. If the character
decides to use this Gift on a target, he must successfully touch the person and spend one Gnosis point in addition to
making a Wits + Subterfuge roll at a difficulty of 7.
(Source: Nuwisha, p.51)
• Shadow Walk (Level Three) : The Nuwisha employing this Gift may visit any aspect of the Umbra, even those
normally forbidden to the Changing Breeds. This includes the Dark Umbra of the dead (which most Nuwisha avoid as
both too depressing and too dangerous) and many Horizon Realms of the magi. This Gift is taught by a Gaffling of the
System (old version): The player must make a successful Gnosis roll, difficulty 7. Of course, the Nuwisha must
still know where to go.
(Source: Nuwisha, p.51)
System (new version): The Gift’s effects are permanent.
(Source: W20 Changing Breeds, p.174)
• Hidey Hole (Level Three) : This Gift allows the Nuwisha to make a perfectly concealed and very useful
Umbral safe haven, much like the home of a trapdoor spider. These small forts can be placed anywhere : in the sides of
buildings, even in a busy intersection : though, as the average Nuwisha isn't overly fond of cities, they're normally placed
in the wilderness. This Gift is taught by an avatar of Ti Malice, one of Coyote's many forms.
System: Once the werecoyote has decided where the Hidey Hole's going to be, he must spend one permanent
Gnosis to create the spot and must also make a Wits + Subterfuge roll, difficulty 7, to properly camouflage the fort. These
havens are often used as a shelter or to hide prized items. Some Nuwisha use them as a hiding place between practical
jokes on particularly persistent enemies.
(Note: Yes, the Nuwisha stole this Ananasi Gift known to the werespiders as Trap Door…and the Ananasi still
(Source: Ananasi, p.88 &Werewolf Player’s Guide, 2nd Edition, p.173)
• Umbral Camouflage (Level Three, Umbral Danse) : As the Theurge Gift.
(Source: W20 Changing Breeds, p.174→Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.165)
• Umbral Sight (Level Three, Umbral Danse) : As the Theurge Gift: Pulse of the Invisible.
(Source: W20 Changing Breeds, p.174→Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.165)
• Bridge Walker (Level Four) : As the Galliard Gift.
(Source: PGttCB, Revised, p.136 & W20 Changing Breeds, p.174→Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.170)
• Cartoon Physics (Level Four) : The Nuwisha may briefly trick the laws of gravity into forgetting that they
apply to her, allowing her to run and even jump across the air : as long as she doesn’t acknowledge that she’s doing the
impossible. Some tricky werecoyotes use this Gift in conjunction with Phantasm to trick a victim into stepping out onto an
illusory floor that the werecoyote is comfortably ‘standing’ on. Any spirit of the air may teach this Gift.
System: The player spends one Gnosis point and rolls Wits + Science (difficulty 5). The Nuwisha can “stand” on
nothing for one turn per success, as long as she remains broadly level with where she left solid ground : she can keep
running, and even jump along where the “floor” should be. This Gift’s effects end immediately if she looks straight down.
(Source: W20 Changing Breeds, p.174)
• Disappearing Act (Level Four) : The Nuwisha using this Gift seemingly disappears from sight. Enemies
looking for the werecoyote can touch the Nuwisha or even run into him, and never notice that he is there. All senses are
affected, and even other Gifts or supernatural powers used for detection (Auspex and so on) cannot locate the Nuwisha as
long as he remembers not to move. This Gift is normally used to avoid being killed by large mobs of enemies who
desperately want the Nuwisha dead. This Gift is taught by a cat-spirit.
System: The player expends one Willpower and one Gnosis point. The Gift lasts for as long as the character does
not willingly move. The Gift stays in effect even if the character is knocked over, but the character cannot get back up
without dispelling the Gift’s effects.
(Source: Nuwisha, p.51 & W20 Changing Breeds, p.174)
• Grasp the Beyond (Level Four, Umbral Danse) : As the Theurge Gift.
(Source: W20 Changing Breeds, p.174→Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.165)
• Heave-Ho (Level Four) : The Nuwisha using this Gift can throw an opponent incredible distances. The
Nuwisha must still be able to lift her target, either by sheer strength or in combination with a combat maneuver. Some
werecoyotes claim they have thrown opponents for several city blocks. They were not exaggerating. This Gift is taught by
an ancestor-spirit.
System: The player must roll Dexterity + Athletics and expend one Gnosis point. For each success, the character
triples the normal distance he is able to throw a target (10 feet per dot of Strength is the rule of thumb). This Gift is
cumulative based on the number of successes. For example, a Nuwisha with a Strength 5 could normally throw a target 50
feet. But with one success, the Nuwisha could throw the target 150 feet, and with two successes could throw the target 450
feet. With three successes the same character could throw a target 1350 feet, and so on.
(Source: Nuwisha, p.51-52)
• Locked Door (Level Four, Umbral Danse) Version One : The Nuwisha can bar others from entering the
Umbra with this Gift. This powerful Gift is used only to prevent the Wyrm from escaping, or to avoid capture. On rare
occasions Locked Door is employed to force Technocracy mages out of the Umbra. This Gift is taught by a Weaver-spirit.
System: The player rolls Willpower against a difficulty of 7 and spends three Gnosis points. This Gift lasts for
one scene per success rolled.
(Source: Nuwisha, p.52)
• Locked Door (Level Four, Umbral Danse) Version Two : As the Theurge Gift: Blurring the Mirror.
(Source: W20 Changing Breeds, p.174→Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.165)
• Phantasm (Level Four) : As the Fianna Gift.
(Source: W20 Changing Breeds, p.174→Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.180)
• Trickster’s Skin (Level Four) : Similar to Sheep’s Clothing, the Gift allows the Nuwisha to "trade skins" with
a target. The Nuwisha takes on the appearance, voice, and scent of the target, while the victim becomes identical to the
Nuwisha. Superb for making an escape from an angry werewolf pack, this Gift is also useful in combination with Swollen
Tongue; the hapless target knows the truth, but cannot communicate to his friends that he is anything but a stranger. This
Gift is taught by a coyote-spirit.
System: The player spends one point of Gnosis and rolls Wits + Subterfuge (difficulty of the target’s Primal-
Urge + 3, or 7 if the target cannot possess the Primal-Urge trait). The Nuwisha may use this Gift on any target within line
of sight, and the effects last for a scene.
(Note: This Gift, with different rules, is also found in Frontier Secrets, p.24)
(Source: PGttCB, Revised, p.136 & W20 Changing Breeds, p.174)
• Assimilation (Level Five) : As the homid Gift.
(Source: PGttCB, Revised, p.136 & W20 Changing Breeds, p.174→Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.155)
• Coyote's Mask (Level Five) : In one Kwakiutl Indian legend, Coyote dons masks of different animals and then
allows the animal to die for him, thus saving his life. The most powerful Nuwisha may accomplish a similar feat, using
their Gift as a shield against death. Only Coyote Teaches this Gift.
System: In order to learn this Gift, the Nuwisha must first learn a Gift that changes his shape, including Sheep’s
Clothing, Trickster’s Skin, or the Ragabash Gift: Thousand Forms. If the character wishes to invoke this Gift, he must
spend a full turn in concentration after first using the chosen shape-changing Gift. The player then spends one Gnosis point
and rolls Willpower (difficulty 8). If successful, the Nuwisha may “die” once while wearing something or someone else’s
form. If the Nuwisha drops below Incapacitated from lethal or aggravated damage while wearing Coyote’s Mask, the
Nuwisha immediately appears in breed form not more than 10 feet away, and all that is left of the “corpse” is a small scrap
of coyote fur. Nuwisha is considered to be at full health.
(Source: PGttCB, Revised, p.136)
• Fetish Doll (Level Five) : As the Uktena Gift.
(Source: W20 Changing Breeds, p.174→Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.199)
• Ghost Danse (Level Five, Storm Danse) Version One : This stage of the Storm Danse permits the Nuwisha to
fight in the material world and the Penumbra simultaneously. The Nuwisha can attack and then completely avoid damage.
This Gift is taught by an avatar of the Trickster.
System: The Ghost Danse requires the continued expenditure of one Gnosis point per turn while engaged in
combat, during which the Nuwisha cannot be harmed by any attacks short of this Gift or the Gift: Sideways attack.
(Source: Frontier Secrets, p.24-25)
• Ghost Danse (Level Five, Umbral Danse) Version Two : This Gift allows the Nuwisha to exist in both the
Gaia Realm and in the Umbra simultaneously. She may perceive and attack beings on either side of the Gauntlet, and may
selectively avoid their attacks. An avatar of Coyote teaches this Gift.
System: The player spends two Willpower points to activate this Gift for the rest of the scene. While Ghost
Dansing, the Nuwisha may perfectly avoid any attack that does not strike beings in both the Umbra and the Gaia Realm
simultaneously by spending one Gnosis point per attack so dodged.
(Source: W20 Changing Breeds, p.174)
• Friend and Foe (Level Five) : The Nuwisha’s talent for infiltration is remarkable, but this Gift truly makes the
trickster one with any crowd. One use of this Gift will ensure that a group will trust the werecoyote, and no member of a
group would ever consider the Nuwisha to be anything other than on the level. He could walk in carrying a bloody hatchet
while the police were questioning the group over a series of hatchet-killings, and everyone would leap to the Nuwisha’s
defense. Any one of the Trickster aspects of Coyote may teach this Gift.
System: The Nuwisha first identifies a group that he wants to be a part of : anything from a pack of Garou to the
United States Senate. His player spends one Willpower and one Gnosis point and rolls Manipulation + Subterfuge
(difficulty of the highest Willpower in the group). Each success affects up to five individuals who will claim the Nuwisha
is a legitimate member of their group and will deny any evidence to the contrary : even responding with violence if
provoked. The effect lasts for (Humor) days. If the player spends one dot each of
Willpower and Gnosis, the effect becomes permanent.
The Nuwisha has to make a token effort to fit in with the group, to avoid being kicked out. Even if she does find
herself expelled the Gift does not end. The group’s members will still insist she was a legitimate member and may give her
the opportunity to regain their favor.
(Source: W20 Changing Breeds, p.174)
• Stop Hitting Yourself (Level Five) : Often, a Nuwisha’s educational tricks and pranks will have the
unfortunate side effect of enraging her victims, making the werecoyote the targets of extreme and bloody violence. With
this Gift, she can turn the situation on its head : attackers who try to hurt the Nuwisha just end up hurting themselves. A
porcupine-spirit teaches this Gift.
System: When the Nuwisha would be wounded by an attack that she failed to soak, she may instead activate this
Gift by spending one Willpower point and rolling Gnosis (difficulty equal to the attacker’s Rage, or 4 for attackers who do
not have Rage). On a success, the attacker takes the damage that she would have suffered. As the Nuwisha has already
soaked the damage, these transferred wounds ignore armor and soak.
(Source: W20 Changing Breeds, p.174)
• Teasing Mate (Level Five) : The target affected by this Gift starts smelling pretty fine; all creatures of the
target’s race and gender who catch this scent start craving immediate copulation with the target. The Nuwisha absolutely
love the humor value of this trick, especially in small, conservative towns. This Gift is taught by a coyote-spirit.
System: The Nuwisha must successfully touch her target (requiring an attack roll in if combat) and the player
must roll Wits + Empathy, difficulty 6. The effects are instantaneous, and cause all creatures of the same race and gender
to respond immediately, unless they succeed on a Willpower (difficulty 9). The effects last for the remainder of the scene.
(Source: Frontier Secrets, p.24)
• Ultimate Argument of Logic (Level Five) : As the Theurge Gift.
(Source: W20 Changing Breeds, p.174→Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.166)
• Umbral Gateway (Level Five, Umbral Danse) : The Nuwisha can open a portal into the Umbra. The Umbral
Gateway is a direct opening in the Gauntlet between the worlds, and is open to anyone or anything the Nuwisha chooses to
take with him. This Gift is connected to the Nuwisha, and no other creatures may use the opening without the Nuwisha’s
consent. Any entity attempting to pass through the portal must effectively have the Nuwisha’s permission to do so. This
Gift is taught by a spirit of the Trickster.
System (old version): The player rolls Wits + Occult, difficulty 8, and expends four Gnosis points. The Umbral
Gateway remains open for as long as the Nuwisha desires, but no longer than one scene.
(Source: Nuwisha, p.52)
System (new version): The player spends three Gnosis points and rolls Wits + Occult (difficulty 8). The portal
stays open as long as the werecoyote desires, to a maximum of one scene.
(Source: W20 Changing Breeds, p.174)
• Umbral Target (Level Five, Umbral Danse) : The Nuwisha using this Gift literally throws a target into the
Umbra and into any location in the Umbra that she desires. A Garou suffering from a strong Wyrm-taint could be thrown
into the Atrocity Realm, or into the silver waters of Erebus. A Technocracy mage could end up in a Wyld Realm, or even
tossed through the gates of Malfeas. This Gift is commonly used as a severe form of punishment, or to assist someone or
something in need of special help. Several Kithain have been dropped at the Arcadia Gateway to prevent them from falling
completely away from their Dreaming aspects. This Gift is taught by Coyote himself.
System: If the target of this Gift is already in the Umbra, the player need only make a Gnosis roll, difficulty 5. If
the target is in the Gaia Realm, the Nuwisha must first grab the target, and the player expends one Gnosis to force the
opponent into the Umbra. The effects of this Gift are instantaneous.
(Source: Nuwisha, p.52)
• Coyote's Howl (Level Six) : Just as Coyote is the Creator, he is also the Destroyer. In time, he will erase all
that exists, for that is his duty. Coyote’s Howl allows the Nuwisha to summon a small portion of Coyote’s destructive
power and unleash that energy on a person or area. When used, Coyote’s Howl shakes all of nature and bends it into an
engine of annihilation. This power might come as a tornado or as a tidal wave. It might be an earthquake or lightning
storm. Whatever the case, there is little that can stand against the power of Coyote’s Howl. This Gift is one of the most
powerful known to the Nuwisha, and is taught by Coyote to those he finds worthy.
System: The player rolls Intelligence + Occult, difficulty 5, and spends five Gnosis points. The resulting energies
released will destroy anything in their path, with rare exceptions at the Storyteller’s discretion. This Gift is only usable by
the most powerful Nuwisha, and will not work if the enemy faced is not a true threat to all that the Nuwisha stand for.
(Source: Nuwisha, p.52)
Bitter Grin Gift
• Playing the Heart-Strings (Level Four) : True love comes in many forms. Sometimes it runs smoothly, from a
first meeting to first kiss to a lifetime together. Such simple relationships aren’t for this Gift. It is the first step in a chain of
unlikely events that bring two people together. Often wildly improbable, this Gift results in relationships that work, having
come through weird coincidences and bizarre misunderstandings. A Nuwisha who possesses this Gift will never know its
benefits : she becomes unable to use it as soon as she enters an ongoing relationship. A bird-spirit teaches this Gift.
System: The Nuwisha touches her target. Her player spends a point of Gnosis and a point of Willpower, then
rolls Wits + Subterfuge (difficulty of the target’s Willpower). The target will meet someone suitable in the next scene :
who he meets is outside of the Nuwisha’s control : and keep meeting them in strange circumstances over the course of the
next (12 – successes) months. Each meeting is a bizarre co-incidence in an otherwise improbable situation : the star-
crossed lovers don’t meet in a bar, but end up in hospital beds next to one another after a car crashes into a shopping mall,
or meet when they both beat the same casino for millions of dollars. They have plentiful chances to talk and get to know
one another, and at the end of the chance meetings they are able to start a surprisingly stable relationship.
This Gift doesn’t directly affect either of the lovers. Instead, it warps and twists chance, fate, and destiny to
ensure the star-crossed lovers meet. While the target may feel like his life has turned into a romantic comedy, everyone
around them gets caught up in events that could ruin their lives. One use of this Gift can skew the laws of chance
throughout Vegas, bringing two people together but utterly ruining thousands more.
(Note: Yes, this Gift is not explicitly mentioned as a Bitter Grin Gift, but this Gift doesn’t seem to serve any purpose that
would further the werecoyotes’ goals. Ruining thousands of lives just to get two people to fall in love doesn’t balance
anything, doesn’t serve to educate anyone to improve their ways nor does it serve Gaia in any way, shape or form. And
that’s not even getting into why a player would even have any use for a Gift like this. Only a Bitter Grin would be amused
by the pointlessness of this Gift, and so, I have labeled it as a Bitter Grin Gift, even if such a designation is non-canon.
(Source: W20 Changing Breeds, p.174)

Ratkin begin play one breed Gift, one aspect Gift, and one general Gift. Various rat- or rodent-spirits teach almost all
Ratkin Gifts.

General Gifts
• City Running (Level One) : As the homid Gift.
(Source: W20 Changing Breeds, p.186→Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.152)
• Cloak of Shadows (Level One) : The Ratkin can hide himself and anyone he's touching in shadows. A night-
spirit teaches this Gift.
System (old version): The player spends one Gnosis and rolls Manipulation + Stealth (difficulty 6); if there's a
witness, the difficulty equals its Perception + Awareness dice pool. (If there are multiple witnesses, use the highest value.)
The area cloaked depends on the number of successes.
Successes Area Cloaked
One the Ratkin
Two …and one other human-sized person or object
Three …and three other human-sized people, or an object as big as a car
Four …and eight or more human-sized creatures, or an object as big as a van or SUV
Five …and 12 or more human-sized creatures, or an object as big as a tractor-trailer truck
(Source: Ratkin, p.107 & PGttCB, Revised, p.144)
System (new version): The player spends a Gnosis point and rolls Manipulation + Stealth (difficulty 6). The
Ratkin and a number of others equal to his successes gain one automatic success on all Stealth rolls for the rest of the
(Source: W20 Changing Breeds, p.186)
• Darksight (Level One) Version One : All wererats possess a low-Level "night vision" that allows them to peer
into the shadowy corners of the world. This Gift magnifies that ability. Highly perceptive Ratkin may pick up heat
signatures, see sound waves, or possibly see through various methods of supernatural obfuscation. This Gift is taught by a
System: Roll Perception + Occult (difficulty 7); each success adds one die to all Perception rolls for the rest of
the scene, up to a maximum of three extra dice. With five successes, he can perform amazing feats like seeing sound or
sensing heat signatures. As described in Chapter Two, any Ratkin can spend a point of Gnosis to gain Night Vision for one
scene; Ratkin with this Gift can use Night Vision at any time without spending Gnosis.
It's also possible for a highly perceptive wererat to see through supernatural illusions, like the Uktena Gift:
Shroud or the vampire Disciplines Obtenebration, Obfuscate or Chimerstry, but the Ratkin's Rank must be equal to or
greater than the Rank of the supernatural creature. (Treat vampires as being Rank Two in general, modified for age and
puissance; mages have a Rank roughly equivalent to their Arete -2, minimum of Rank One.) If the Ratkin's Rank is
greater, success is automatic. If the wererat is the same equivalent Rank, he must make a resisted Perception + Occult roll
against the subject's Stealth + Occult. If the wererat scores more successes, he sees through the supernatural obfuscation.
(Note: The Mokolé have a similar but different Midnight Sun Gift called Darksight on Mokolé, p.85.)
(Source: Ratkin, p.107-8 & PGttCB, Revised, p.144)
• Darksight (Level One) Version Two : All Ratkin have a degree of night vision; this Gift magnifies that ability.
A night-spirit teaches it.
System: When the Ratkin activates its night vision (see Traits, p. 181), the enhancement lasts for eight hours and
grants perfect vision in the dark. The player rolls Perception + Occult (difficulty 7); each success adds one die to all
Perception rolls for the rest of the scene (maximum of three extra dice). With five successes, the Ratkin might even see
sound or sense heat signatures.
(Source: W20 Changing Breeds, p.186)
• Resist Toxin (Level One) : As the Bone Gnawer Gift.
(Source: Ratkin, p.108→Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.174)
• Shadow Throw (Level One) : While vocally expressing his anger, the Ratkin can form a shadowy field of
power around a dagger or other sharp object balanced for throwing. Knife Skulkers, for instance, may choose to call out a
victim's crime ("Murderer!") while forming this instrument of revenge. When the Ratkin hurls his dagger at a foe, the
blade is propelled by the darkness around it and strikes with supernatural force. This Gift is taught by a night-spirit, which
will usually demand a tale of an unpunished criminal's dark secrets.
System: The Ratkin spends a Rage point and targets a single victim within line-of-sight; the player rolls
Perception + Athletics to attack (difficulty 6, with the usual Firearms modifiers). The blade strikes with more force than
the wererat can muster, inflicting Strength + 3 aggravated damage. If the blade is already magical, it inflicts only +2
(Source: Ratkin, p.108)
• Smell Poison (Level One) : As a survival skill, Ratkin have learned to sniff out poisons. When a Ratkin
discovers that someone is trying to poison a member of his deceit, he may decide to return the "blessing" upon the would-
be poisoner. This Gift is taught by a rat-spirit.
System: By spending a point of Gnosis, the wererat can sense any poisonous or toxic material nearby. A
successful Perception + Medicine roll may give an insight into the nature of the poison involved; with five successes, it
even reveals the identity of the would-be murderer. As another application, the Ratkin can seek out chemicals nearby that
can be used as poisons.
(Source: Ratkin, p.108)
• Stash Cache (Level One) : Ratkin aren't usually big on personal possessions. Many prefer to keep everything
they need a knapsack, a briefcase, or their pockets. When they need to hide these meager items, some prefer to step
sideways for just an instant, finding a little hidey-hole where they can stash their stuff. The hiding place might be a little
Umbral tunnel, a hiding place guarded by a rat-spirit, or just some space between the spirit world and physical world. Rat-
spirits teach this Gift, but only if they can score a portion of the Ratkin's stash from time to time; they may well exact a
slight "payment" from your first stash cache.
System: Roll permanent Gnosis; the difficulty is the local Gauntlet. If you succeed, you've found a clever little
place to stash an object smaller than a backpack or knapsack. The number of successes suggests the number of days you
can probably keep it there safely. Wait too long, and your valuables will likely either be snagged by a Wyld-spirit, calcified
by a Weaver-spirit, or spoiled by a Bane.
(Source: Ratkin, p.108-109)
• Crawling Chaos (Level Two) Version One : As the Ragabash Gift: Fly Feet. Rats are remarkable climbers;
they can dexterously grasp tiny surfaces using their curled paws and claws. With this Gift, their ability takes on
supernatural proportions. Performing this in rat form is unnerving, doing this in human form is similarly nasty, and the
sight of a Crinos Ratkin crawling along a sheer vertical surface can be terrifying.
System: Roll Dexterity + Athletics. The user can cling to vertical surfaces or even catch on to them while falling;
the difficulty of the roll depends on the surface (5 for wood or stone; 9 for glass or ice). Defying gravity increases the
difficulty by 1. Ratkin have been known to scurry up the sides of stone buildings in moonlight just for the sheer joy of it.
(Source: Ratkin, p.109 & PGttCB, Revised, p.144)
• Crawling Chaos (Level Two) Version Two : As the Uktena Gift: Spirit of the Lizard.
(Source: W20 Changing Breeds, p.186→Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.197)
• Deep Pockets (Level Two) : Can't carry enough stuff? This Gift allows you store lots of little goodies in your
pockets, far more than normal. This Gift is taught by a packrat-spirit.
System: Roll Wits + Enigmas and spend one Gnosis. Each success lets you hide an extra small item (no larger
than your hand) inside a convenient pocket. If you're ever searched, none of these extra items will turn up, but if you lose
the pocket (or your clothes), you can't retrieve the items inside. Each time you remove an item, you need to use the Gift to
put it back again. If you need to recall an item instantly from your Deep Pockets, spend a point of Rage, and it's there.
(Source: Ratkin, p.109 & W20 Changing Breeds, p.186)
• Fly Feet (Level Two) : As the Level Three Ragabash Gift.
(Source: Werewolf Players Guide, 2nd Ed., p.179→Werewolf Players Guide, 2nd Ed., p.36)
• Snitch (Level Two) : You've got a talent for gathering secrets. As long as you can see someone's face, you can
read his lips. As long as someone is within line-of-sight, you can hear her whispers. This Gift is taught by a Stormcrow, a
Gaffling of Grandfather Thunder.
System: Just roll Perception + Alertness (difficulty 4), whenever one of these situations presents itself. The
amount of information gathered depends on the number of successes; with five successes, you can even gather empathic
information or unspoken subtexts. If the roll fails, you can still spend a point of Gnosis to have a rat-spirit snatch up a
small fragment of the conversation for you.
(Source: Ratkin, p.109)
• Backbite (Level Three) : The Ratkin can disappear into the Umbra and instantly reappear behind his opponent.
The wererat then attacks his victim from behind, gleefully exploiting the benefit of surprise. Knife-Skulkers have no
qualms against using this Gift to fulfill an assassination contract.
System: No roll is necessary, but the character must spend one Gnosis and one Rage. This Umbral "leap" can be
up to 50 feet, as long as the victim is within line-of-sight. If the Ratkin chooses to immediately attack, the strike is rolled at
a -2 difficulty; the difficulty cannot be reduced below 4. This attack cannot be dodged unless the victim is using Danger
Sense, Evasion, Persecution Complex or a similar supernatural ability.
(Source: Ratkin, p.109 & PGttCB, Revised, p.145 & W20 Changing Breeds, p.186)
• Bolt! (Level Three) : A Ratkin with this Gift can bolt out of any fight. Even if the wererat is totally surrounded,
he will find a way to escape from his foes. This works roughly the same way as the Backbite Gift: the wererat "leaps" a
short distance through the Umbra to a safe place. A wererat who returns to battle after bolting will lose two points of
Cunning Renown; a wererat who chooses the better part of valor will no doubt escape.
System: Spend one Gnosis; the Ratkin can appear up to 50 feet away, as long as his destination is within line of
sight. Then spend a point of Rage; this allows the rat to use an extra turn of movement to run away from his enemies. Halt
the Coward's Flight will not prevent the Ratkin from leaping through the Umbra, but will still slow running speed
afterward by half.
(Source: Ratkin, p.109-110 & W20 Changing Breeds, p.188)
• Squeeze (Level Three) Version One : A rat can collapse part of his skeleton to fit through narrow openings. A
typical Rattus norvegicus can fit through an opening as small as a quarter. A Ratkin with this Gift is far more impressive,
especially when he uses his spiritual talents to pass through seemingly solid objects. By briefly passing through the
Umbra, the Ratkin can squeeze through solid walls, doors or other obstacles. This Gift is taught by a rat-spirit, who often
leads his protégé on a chase through an infested building while teaching it.
System: The player spends one Willpower and rolls Dexterity + Enigmas (difficulty 6); "squeezing" through a
solid object increases the difficulty to 8. Three or more successes allow the wererat to pull another person through with
(Source: Ratkin, p.110)
• Squeeze (Level Three) Version Two : So long as there is any sort of a crack or opening (no matter how small),
a Ratkin can slip through an otherwise solid object to the other side. This Gift only works to pass through objects that are a
yard or less in depth: a locked door, a wall, or a bank vault, but not a mountain. Air-spirits teach this gift.
System: The player spends one Willpower and rolls Dexterity + Enigmas (difficulty 6). With a success, the
Ratkin is able to squeeze through the opening and emerge on the other side. Three or more successes allow the wererat to
pull another person through with him.
(Source: W20 Changing Breeds, p.186)
• Attunement (Level Four) : As the Bone Gnawer Gift.
(Source: Ratkin, p.110 & PGttCB, Revised, p.145 & W20 Changing Breeds, p.186→Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition,
• Gnaw (Level Four) Version One : Similar to the Lupus Gift of the same name.
System: Spend one Willpower and roll Stamina + Survival. If you succeed, your Ratkin can chew through just
about anything. The difficulty depends upon the material you're chewing (3 for wood; 6 for steel cables; 9 for titanium).
Chewing through a live human torso is difficulty 5 and inflicts damage equal to the number of successes on the initial roll.
(Source: Ratkin, p.110)
• Gnaw (Level Four) Version Two : As the lupus Gift.
(Source: W20 Changing Breeds, p.186→Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.160)
• Mind of the Tunnels (Level Four) : Blood calls to blood. Using this Gift, a Ratkin can establish a mental link
with any other wererat she knows. The mindsharing is complete: emotional, intellectual and spiritual understanding can be
exchanged. The Ratkin has to have actually met her subject in the flesh at least once; "remembering" him through Blood
Memory isn't good enough.
System: Spend one Willpower and roll Intelligence + Empathy (difficulty 7). One success allows you to
commune completely with the chosen Ratkin. For each additional success, you can bring one more wererat into this
"psychic friends network." You remain the nexus of all information flowing through the network, and you can limit what
sensations each Ratkin receives from the others. Wererats in the "tunnel mind" mode cannot obtain information from the
other Ratkin by force.
(Source: Ratkin, p.110)
• Perfect Poison (Level Five) : The wererat's spittle can be converted into an odorless, colorless, fast-acting and
nearly undetectable poison. She may even decide to lick her blade to coat it with the foul compound. When exposed to air,
the toxin can last for up to three hours. This Gift can be taught by a snake-spirit, although it's easier to learn from a spider-
spirit. Snake-spirits may try to betray, exploit or eat the Ratkin who study under them.
System: The wererat must spend one Gnosis to poison her saliva. If she can introduce the poison to the victim's
bloodstream or make him ingest it, the toxin instantly takes effect. A victim takes two Levels of aggravated damage each
turn once infected; she may soak only with Stamina, soaking a Health Level with each success. Although Resist Toxin
works against the saliva, Mother's Touch does not. If the victim can continue to resist damage for 10 turns and live, the
poison is exuded from the body (choose the orifice or sweat gland of your choice). Any shapechanger with Rage can spend
Rage to resist : gaining an automatic success for each point burned : but the 'changer must immediately check for frenzy as
a result.
(Source: Ratkin, p.110)
• Plague Bite (Level Five) : Long before the Plague Lords returned to Earth, Ratkin elders developed one of the
most virulent diseases the world has ever seen. With one joyous bite, a wererat blessed with this disease can infect a
victim's central nervous system. The symptoms of the disease are hideous. The victim cannot stop shaking, his mucous
membranes ooze, and he drools continuously.
Unless the victim is immediately taken to a hospital, he will undoubtedly perish. Even with treatment, his
chances of survival are slim. As part of Rat's blessing, if other wererats eat the flesh of a plague victim, they too become
carriers of the disease, ready to spread it again with a successful bite attack! As one would expect, Ratkin and their Kinfolk
are immune to the Plague Bite, and don't invoke it unless the punishment fits the crime.
System: Spend one Gnosis, and your high-ranking Ratkin can transmit contagion through his incisors. A
successful bite spreads the disease. Once bitten, the victim will take a Health Level of aggravated damage each hour. Since
he will not stop shaking, all difficulties for his rolls are at a +3 penalty. The plague can be cured by the Gift: Resist Toxin
and similar Gifts; otherwise, the victim takes aggravated damage each hour until he is Incapacitated.
When this happens, he's allowed a final Stamina roll : difficulty 8 (the +3 modifier does not apply to this roll). If
he fails, he dies. If he succeeds, he remains ill for another day or so, but the plague will not be fatal. If the victim is a
shapechanger, supernatural healing will eventually break down the disease, but in the meantime, the "shakes" will still be a
pain in the ass... and everywhere else.
Of course, some Garou harbor a grudge over this sort of thing. Using this sacred knowledge too frequently will
remind them of how much they hate your kind, and they'll resume killing every Ratkin on sight. This leads to the use of
other insidious Gifts.
(Source: Ratkin, p.110)
• Riot (Level Five) : As the Bone Gnawer Gift of the same name.
(Source: Ratkin, p.110 & PGttCB, Revised, p.145 & W20 Changing Breeds, p.186→Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition,
• Survivor (Level Five) Version One : Similar to the Bone Gnawer Gift of the same name.
System: The Ratkin spends one point of Gnosis; the effects last for one day. The wererat also gains three points of
Stamina (although this cannot be used to soak damage from direct physical attacks), ignores all wound penalties, and gains
one Willpower point if she is ever about to die.
(Source: Ratkin, p.110)
• Survivor (Level Five) Version Two : As the Bone Gnawer Gift.
(Source: W20 Changing Breeds, p.186→Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.176-177)

Breed Gifts
Homid Gifts
Unlike many other Ratkin Gifts, homid Gifts are usually taught by ancestor-spirits.

• Cooking (Level One) : As the Bone Gnawer Gift.

(Source: Ratkin, p.110 & W20 Changing Breeds, p.186→Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.174)
• Eau de Rat (Level One) Version One : The intoxicating scent of rat is not fully appreciated by all mammals.
In fact, most humans find it downright foul, as do the Jagglings and Gafflings of the Weaver.
System: Spend one Rage point and roll Charisma + Primal-Urge, difficulty 7. Humans and Weaver-spirits who
are downwind from Eau de Rat lose one die from their dice pools when within 20 feet; lesser Weaver Gafflings are likely
to flee. The effects last for a scene.
(Source: Ratkin, p.111 & PGttCB, Revised, p.145)
• Eau de Rat (Level One) Version Two : As the Bone Gnawer Gift: Odious Aroma.
(Source: W20 Changing Breeds, p.186→Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.175)
• Persuasion (Level One) Version One : The other breeds have a low opinion of humanity, but that's just
because they don't know how to deal with people. You've got a talent for any social situation involving human beings. Of
course, Ratkin also have a reputation for deception, since they have little regard for the human race. Remember: Betray
other humans before you betray other wererats!
System: This works a little differently than the Garou version of this Gift. Spend one Gnosis and roll Charisma +
Subterfuge; each success lowers the difficulty of Social rolls by one (to a maximum modifier of-3 or a minimum difficulty
of 4). The effects of this Gift last for one scene. Brooklyn accents are optional.
(Source: Ratkin, p.111)
• Persuasion (Level One) Version Two : As the homid Gift.
(Source: PGttCB, Revised, p.145 & W20 Changing Breeds, p.186→Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.153)
• Filch (Level Two) : The wererat becomes an expert at using misdirection to take what he wants, whenever he
wants. Chipmunk-spirits teach this gift.
System: The character permanently adds three dice to all Larceny actions to steal something in plain sight (such
as by pickpocketing).
(Source: W20 Changing Breeds, p.186)
• Instinct (Level Two) : Some little rodent beasties are known for their "impulse control problems." Homid
Ratkin learn to contain these instincts as best they can. With a little spiritual acumen, they can even intensify these feelings
in creatures around them. A victim overwhelmed by instinct will follow his basest impulse for a brief moment. (If this is a
character, the player should name the first thing that comes to mind; if it isn't, the Storyteller should immediately
improvise something foul). Reactions can be petty or brutal, depending on the victim's initial frame of mind. Mouse-spirits
teach this Gift.
System: Spend one Rage and roll permanent Rage; the difficulty is the victim's Willpower. Alongside this,
you've got to do something highly annoying to spark your target's display of anger. At the Storyteller's discretion, using
this ability on another player's character might increase the difficulty by 2. The effects last for one turn.
(Source: Ratkin, p.111 & PGttCB, Revised, p.145 & W20 Changing Breeds, p.186)
• Sticky Fingers (Level Two) : Humans have too much damn stuff for their own good; you only take what you
need, but you don't care who it comes from. This Gift uses misdirection and distraction to boost stuff from humans with
just the most casual contact. Bump in to them or talk to them, and you can take what you need. Just remember to use
everything you take.
System: Any Ratkin with this Gift finds it easier to snatch little objects (items smaller than a human's hand) from
the unaware. Roll Dexterity + Subterfuge and spend one Willpower to snag what you need. The difficulty depends on how
well-guarded the object is. This doesn't apply to weapons wielded in combat, by the way.
Difficulty Object's Accessibility
6 sitting in plain sight
7 clutched in someone's hand
8 in a pocket or on a wrist
9 around someone's neck or prominently worn
10 encased in something else (like a briefcase or wallet)
If the scam involves talking to someone face-to-face, the difficulty is increased by 1 (to a max of 10). Just
bumping into someone or "accidentally" knocking someone over is much easier.
(Source: Ratkin, p.111)
• Of Rat and Man (Level Three) : With a bit of practice, homid breed Ratkin can learn to assume a form
between Homid and Crinos, rather like a Garou's Glabro form. Though the critter still appears very human, his "ratlike"
features become exaggerated enough that anyone can notice them. Beady eyes, a sharp nose, gnarled hands and a stoop are
the most commonly displayed traits. Humans find this unnerving; rats find it charming. While in this form, many of the
aspects of misleading and betraying humans become much easier. A City Mother or City Father teaches this Gift.
System: Spend one Rage and spend one turn shifting. The following Attribute modifiers apply while in "near
man" form: Dexterity +2, Charisma +1 (to rats), Charisma -1 (to humans), and Perception +2. Best of all, while in this
cunning form, your Subterfuge and Stealth rolls' difficulties are reduced by 2.
(Note: This Gift is known as the Level Three Gift: Ratman on W20 Changing Breeds, p.186 and adds the caveats that the
Ratkin assumes this form in the same manner that Garou assume Glabro form and can also make claw attacks that inflict
lethal damage in this form.)
(Source: Ratkin, p.112)
• Reshape Object (Level Three) : As the homid Garou Gift, save that it's taught by a Wyld-spirit (interestingly
(Source: Ratkin, p.111 & PGttCB, Revised, p.145 & W20 Changing Breeds, p.186→Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition,
• Attunement (Level Four) : As the Bone Gnawer Gift.
(Source: Ratkin, p.112→Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.176)
• Blink (Level Four) : As the Bone Gnawer Gift.
(Source: W20 Changing Breeds, p.186→Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.176)
• Body Wrack (Level Four) : As the Black Fury Gift.
(Source: Ratkin, p.112 & PGttCB, Revised, p.145 & W20 Changing Breeds, p.186→Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition,
• Ugly Truth (Level Five) : Like the homid Garou Gift: Part the Veil. The Ratkin must bite or claw a human
victim to transmit this Gift. Moreover, his experience is "embellished" by visions similar to those granted by the Birthing
Plague:usually torturous reminders of the dangers of human overpopulation. If the wererat wants to finish off the
experience by punishing the guilty human, he can make the disease extremely toxic. At the end of the scene, the victim
will then be ravaged by the last lingering effects of the infection.
System: The roll to bite or claw is made normally; the player then rolls Charisma + Empathy (difficulty 6) and
spends one Gnosis. The wererat has the option of inflicting damage with this Gift; he does not need to declare this until the
end of the scene. If the human is worthy of punishment, he takes aggravated damage; the number of Health Levels he loses
is equal to the number of successes on the initial Charisma + Empathy roll.
(Source: Ratkin, p.112 & W20 Changing Breeds, p.187)

Metis Gifts
• Cloak of Shadows (Level One) – As the Level One Ratkin Gift.
(Source: Ratkin, p.107)
• Form Mastery (Level One) : As the metis Gift.
(Source: W20 Changing Breeds, p.187→Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.156)
• Rat Mother's Touch (Level One) Version One : Metis spend a great deal of their formative years in nests
where Rat Mothers breed. Almost every day they're growing up, metis have to patch the wounds their brothers and sisters
inflict on each other.
System: Spend one Gnosis and roll Intelligence + Medicine (difficulty 6). If the Gift is used to heal Garou, the
difficulty is 7. Each success heals one Health Level. There is no limit to the number of times you can use this Gift, but
each use requires a point of Gnosis. This talent works on both aggravated and non-aggravated wounds.
(Source: Ratkin, p.112 & PGttCB, Revised, p.145)
• Rat Mother’s Touch (Level One) Version Two : As the Theurge Gift: Mother’s Touch.
(Source: W20 Changing Breeds, p.187→Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.164)
• Sense Wyrm (Level One) Version One : The Ratkin can detect the foul stench of the Wyrm through any of his
senses; he can also whisper to nearby rat-spirits to find out what they know. Sense Wyrm always requires active
System: This works a little differently from the Garou version. Roll Perception + Occult (difficulty 6). The
number of successes required is based on the concentration and strength of the Wyrm's influence. (A fomor in an empty
room, for instance, would only require one success.) Vampires can be sensed with this ability, but only if their Humanity is
below 7.
(Source: Ratkin, p.112 & PGttCB, Revised, p.145)
• Sense Wyrm (Level One) Version Two : As the metis Gift.
(Source: W20 Changing Breeds, p.187→Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.156)
• Spirit of the Spiny Rat (Level Two) Version One : The South American spiny rat surrounds itself with sharp
quills to protect itself against predators. This talent is similar to the Gift of the Porcupine, though not as deadly.
System: Sprouting spines requires a point of Rage; the Ratkin must be in Crinos or Rat Thing form. Anyone who
grapples, body slams or immobilizes the metis (or is on the receiving end of these moves) takes aggravated damage equal
to the wererat's Strength + 1. The spines last for one turn for every point of the rat's permanent Rage.
(Source: Ratkin, p.112)
• Spirit of the Spiny Rat (Level Two) Version Two : As the metis Gift: Gift of the Porcupine, but only usable in
Rodens form.
(Source: W20 Changing Breeds, p.187→Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.157)
• Stink (Level Two) Version One : The Ratkin can emit a horrific odor dense enough to saturate a ten-by-ten-
foot area. (Exactly how he does this is entirely up to you : players are not required to simulate this smell with bodily
functions in any way during the game.)
System: Spend one Gnosis and roll Intelligence + Occult. Anyone wanting to remain in the area must make a
contested Willpower roll (difficulty 7) and exceed the metis' successes.
(Source: Ratkin, p.112 & PGttCB, Revised, p.145)
• Stink (Level Two) Version Two : As the Bone Gnawer Gift: Gift of the Skunk.
(Source: W20 Changing Breeds, p.187→Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.175)
• Rat Thing (Level Three) : With a bit of practice, metis Ratkin can learn to take on a form between Crinos and
Rodens, rather like the well-known Garou Hispo form. The result is a giant, lumbering Rat Thing: a long, furry
quadrupedal rodent about the size of a large dog.
System: Roll Stamina + Primal-Urge, difficulty 7. Shifting from Rodens or Crinos requires one success; shifting
from Homid form requires three successes. As usual, spending a point of Rage will automatically shift the character into
this form. The Rat Thing's Physical Attributes are Strength +4, Dexterity + 1, Stamina +1; the brute is far stronger than it is
agile, but it can lumber along at three times normal running speed. If the rest of the pack is in Rodens form, they can easily
ride on the back of this beast of burden. With absolute obedience, it will carry them through hell and high-water on its
furry back. Unfortunately, size is traded off for intelligence. A wererat in Rat Thing form has an effective Intelligence of 1,
and can only follow the simplest orders. It cannot speak, save for vague grumbling noises. Its Manipulation score is also
effectively 0. Though it is too dense to be affected by any kind of supernatural mind control, it has the attention span of a
two-year-old human child. Pity the stupid, stupid Rat Thing.
(Source: Ratkin, p.112 & W20 Changing Breeds, p.187)
• Sliver Tooth (Level Three) Version One : The Ratkin's incisors splinter into nasty shards as they pierce flesh,
imbedding deep and preventing healing. Beaver-spirits teach this Gift.
System: After a successful, damaging bite attack, the Ratkin can spend a point of Rage to activate the Gift. Any
damage that the target doesn't soak cannot be healed until all the splinters of tooth are removed; as usual, the bite counts as
aggravated damage as well. Removing the splinters is very tricky work, as they can get pretty small. The metis receives
one automatic, lethal (not aggravated) Health Level of damage; she cannot soak it, but can regenerate as usual. Until she
does, she cannot make bite attacks.
(Source: Ratkin, p.112 & PGttCB, Revised, p.145)
• Sliver Tooth (Level Three) Version Two : The Ratkin’s incisors leave behind nasty splinters in the wound
when used to bite her enemies. Beaver-spirits teach this Gift.
System: After a successful bite attack, the player spends one Rage point. Any damage inflicted cannot be healed
until all the splinters are removed (requiring five successes on an extended Dexterity + Medicine roll, difficulty 6).
(Source: W20 Changing Breeds, p.187)
• Ratkin Lullaby (Level Four) : Few Wyrm creatures can be as foul or disobedient as Ratkin rugrats.
Sometimes hyperactive ratlings would much rather climb the walls than submit to sleep. After years of helping little ones
get ready for beddy-bye, metis learn skills useful for later in life. Through a combination of spiritual calmness, a raspy
singing voice, and weird-ass Ratkin lyrics, a metis can make his enemies drowsy, or even force them into
System: Spend a point of Gnosis and roll Manipulation + Expression; the difficulty is either the victim's Rage +
3 (if he's a shapechanger) or a 6 (if not). Success brings a shapechanger or vampire out of a frenzy, or calms down a
human who's reacting violently to the Delirium. The victim makes a simple Willpower roll; the difficulty is 3 plus the
number of successes you scored (maximum of 9). If the roll succeeds, he feels sleepy, gaining a +1 difficulty to all die
rolls for the rest of the scene. If it fails, the victim's difficulties are at +3 (to a maximum of 9). On a botch, the victim falls
(Source: Ratkin, p.112-113)
• Rattler’s Bite (Level Four) : As the metis Gift.
(Source: W20 Changing Breeds, p.187→Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.157)
• Whelp Body (Level Four) :As the Garou Ragabash Gift.
(Source: Ratkin, p.113 & PGttCB, Revised, p.145 & W20 Changing Breeds, p.187→Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition,
• War of Vengeance (Level Five) : Garou stalking through the deep wilderness use the Gift: Song of the Great
Beast to call up the spirits of legendary creatures that stalked the Earth millennia ago. A rodens Ratkin with the Gift: War
of Vengeance can do the same thing... but he can also call up the shades of ancient creatures slain long ago by werewolves
and magi.
System: Spend one Gnosis and roll Perception + Primal-Urge (difficulty 7). The number of successes determines
the spirit's anger. It will remain summoned for one scene, during which it can betray long-forgotten secrets or even attack
if a werewolf or mage is present. If stats are required, take a number of points equal to the wererat's successes times ten,
and divide it among the spirit's four Traits (Rage, Gnosis, Willpower and Essence); no Trait save Essence can be raised
above 10. The spirit does not have Charms, cannot reform, and will not go into Slumber if destroyed.
(Source: Ratkin, p.113)
• War of Vengeance (Level Five) : As the lupus Gift: Song of the Great Beast.
(Source: W20 Changing Breeds, p.187→Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.160)

Rodens Gifts
• Absolute Balance (Level One) Version One : Rats have an amazing sense of balance: they can walk along
clotheslines, the moorings of ships, and narrow rooftops with amazing agility. A rodens using Absolute Balance can
maintain her footing on any solid surface, including ice, the slick bottom of a riverbank, a greased surface, or a snowdrift.
The best part: the rat doesn’t leave tracks.
System: Roll Dexterity +Athletics, difficulty 6; extremely treacherous surfaces may raise the difficulty to 7 or 8.
If climbing proves necessary, the rate still depends on the Dexterity + Athletics roll, but the Ratkin cannot fall for the
duration of the scene. If the feat is something an ordinary rat can normally perform, no roll is necessary; this applies even
if the Ratkin is in Homid or Crinos form. The Storyteller, of course, can still proclaim some feats of balance impossible.
(Source: Ratkin, p.113 & PGttCB, Revised, p.145)
• Absolute Balance (Level One) Version Two : As the Stargazer Gift: Balance.
(Source: W20 Changing Breeds, p.187→Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.195)
• Leap of the Kangaroo Rat (Level One) Version One : A kangaroo rat can propels itself with leaps of six to
eight feet at top speed. When surprised, it can leap up to 24 feet, a rather astounding feat for a beastie about 15 inches
long. With the use of its tail, it can even change its direction in mid-air. Now picture a nine-foot Crinos wererat taking
advantage of the same skills. Although kangaroo rats aren't members of the family rodentia (they're marsupials), this
supernatural Gift is still bestowed by kangaroo rat-spirits.
System: There are two applications of this Gift. The Ratkin can leap once up to three times its normal jumping
distance. Alternatively, she can "long-run" with a series of smaller jumps (up to twice its jumping distance). Using the Gift
for one massive leap has no deleterious effects; just roll Stamina + Athletics (difficulty 7) and gain at least one success.
Longrunning, however, requires a point of Rage for each hour of travel. Each hour, the Ratkin should roll her Stamina; a
failed roll inflicts a Health Level of non-aggravated damage that can't be regenerated until the wererat rests. Long-running
allows an average of ten miles an hour.
(Source: Ratkin, p.113 & PGttCB, Revised, p.145)
• Leap of the Kangaroo Rat (Level One) Version Two : As the lupus Gift: Hare’s Leap.
(Source: W20 Changing Breeds, p.187→Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.158)
• Survival (Level One) : The rat does not need food or water for a full day. Just as the kangaroo rat can sustain
himself with seeds he finds in the desert, the Ratkin can improvise a method of forestalling starvation. This Gift is taught
by a kangaroo rat-spirit.
System (old version): This requires the use of one Gnosis and a successful Wits + Survival roll. The difficulty
depends on the mere proximity of food, even inaccessible food (3 for the basement of a supermarket; 6 for an urban area
or forest Wilderness; 9 for a vast desert).
(Source: Ratkin, p.113)
System (new version): The player spends one Gnosis point and rolls Wits + Survival, difficulty 6. The character
need not eat or drink for one day.
(Source: W20 Changing Breeds, p.187)
• Devour the Dead (Level Two) : The user can call up a swarm of rat-spirits to devour a dead body and remove
all physical evidence in the immediate vicinity. Rodens Knife-Skulkers often use this Gift to dispose of the bodies of their
victims. An avatar of Rat teaches this Gift.
System: Spend one Gnosis; a swarm of rat-spirits appears from nowhere and consumes the dead body, bones and
all, within three turns. Unfortunately, all items currently on the body will be carried off into the Umbra, where they’ll be
carefully hidden. Remember to loot the body first.
(Source: Ratkin, p.113 & PGttCB, Revised, p.145 & W20 Changing Breeds, p.187)
• Scamper (Level Two) : This ability can make a fleeing rodens Ratkin much harder to hit. A rat-spirit teaches
this Gift.
System (old version): On the turn you decide to start Scampering, spend one Rage. To use the Gift, the rat must
be using an “all-out dodge” during combat: that is, setting aside her entire dice pool for dodging. If she does, the difficulty
for dodging starts out at a 4, regardless of whatever cover is available. The Gift will last as long as you keep dodging, up
to the entire length of the combat. Spending extra Rage allows extra actions in a turn, but these must also be dodges. As
usual, each additional attacker trying to hit the Ratkin in a turn raises the difficulty for dodging by 1 (unless you spend a
point of Rage for each additional dodge). This cannot be used in conjunction with the Gift: Evasion.
(Source: Ratkin, p.113)
System (new version): Once the character decides to flee from the battle, the player may spend one Gnosis point
to add four dice to all dodge attempts. If the Ratkin changes her mind
and stays in place, turns to fight, or returns to the fray in the same scene, the Gift ends and she immediately loses all
remaining Rage and Gnosis.
(Source: W20 Changing Breeds, p.187-188)
• Itchy (Level Three) : Years ago, a small pack of rat-spirits accessed the Television Zone in the Umbra. When
they came back, the results weren’t pretty. Local cartoon mice had taught them things Rats Were Not Meant to know. The
Itchy Gift allows a Ratkin in the Umbra to shapechange into a form that can employ many of the cat-and-mouse tactics
used in classic cartoons.
System: “Taking Itchy form” is not subtle; all of the colors in the Ratkin’s fur become much brighter than reality
can normally manage. The wererat even begins to move like a cartoon mouse, and any creature he decides to stalk will
hear a macabre parody of cartoon music. Spend one Gnosis and roll Intelligence + Enigmas, difficulty 6.
Itchy-form Ratkin have the statistics of Rodens form, but can take ridiculous amounts of damage and live; the
number of extra successes on the initial roll become temporary Health Levels for the duration of one scene. These extra
Levels only apply to non-aggravated damage; the claws and teeth of supernatural creatures remain just as deadly. By
spending one Rage, you can also form a cartoon weapon for one scene; the non-aggravated damage it inflicts is equal to
your permanent Rage. You can only devise one cartoon weapon or trap at a time, which fizzles out at the end of the scene.
For some reason, cartoon rats have unusually elastic bodies, which can distort into all the shapes you’d expect in
animation. An Itchy form-rodens’ eyes can literally bug out, a heart pounding in your chest may swell several inches
outside of your body, and so on. The Storyteller has control over this; toon out at your own risk. Since this Gift can only be
used in the Umbra, no one needs to worry about shredding the Veil.
(Source: Ratkin, p.113-114)
• Sliver Tooth (Level Three) : As the Ratkin metis Gift.
(Source: Ratkin, p.112 & PGttCB, Revised, p.145 & W20 Changing Breeds, p.188→p.187)
• Command Metis (Level Four) : Ratkin metis act as lackeys to the rodens who dominate colony politics.
Should one become disobedient, a high-ranking Ratkin can force him to obey his will.
System: Spend one Gnosis and roll Charisma + Leadership . (the difficulty is the metis’ Willpower); the number
of words in your command must equal the number of successes. Your command must be a complete sentence (including
imperatives); one success means your command is one verb. By the way, this ability cannot be used on a Ratkin metis who
is of a higher rank than you are, or on a metis in frenzy! The effects last for one scene; if the action strongly goes against
the metis’ character, the Storyteller may allow a Willpower roll (difficulty9) to modify the command. This cannot,
however, override the metis’ survival instincts.
(Source: Ratkin, p.114)
• Mind of the Swarm (Level Four) : The wererat with this Gift is able to command a horde of ordinary,
mundane rats through sheer will. An avatar of Rat teaches this Gift.
System (old version): The player spends one Gnosis and rolls Manipulation + Animal Ken; the effects last a
number of hours equal to the Ratkin’s Willpower. Each success allows the Ratkin to command up to ten ordinary, mundane
rats. (For detailed rules about swarms, consult a copy of the Ratkin book.)
(Source: Ratkin, p.114 & PGttCB, Revised, p.145)
System (new version): The player spends one Gnosis point and rolls Manipulation + Animal Ken; the effects
last for the Ratkin’s Obligation in hours. Each success allows the Ratkin to command up to ten rats.
(Source: W20 Changing Breeds, p.188)
• Rat Emperor’s Wisdom (Level Four) : As the lupus Gift: Beast Life.
(Source: W20 Changing Breeds, p.188→Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.160)
• Feral Lobotomy (Level Five) : As the Theurge Gift.
(Source: W20 Changing Breeds, p.188→Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.165)
• Furtive Gathering (Level Five) : In Ratkin infestations, high-ranking wererats become masters of conspiracies
and politics. Through this Gift, a Ratkin calls upon the spirits to surround a secretive meeting of rats and wererats. This
must be done in privacy, but once undertaken, no one can communicate with the conspirators...or even know they are
there. Oddly enough, this Gift is taught by a Stormcrow-spirit, since Grandfather Thunder sympathizes with the Ratkin
race’s need for revenge.
System: Spend one Gnosis and roll Intelligence + Occult; the difficulty is the Level of the local Gauntlet. The
Ratkin are sealed off from all interruptions; anyone who wanders into the area cannot sense any aspect of the furtive
gathering. The wererats, one and all, are invisible to all senses.
(Source: Ratkin, p.114)

Aspect Gifts
Tunnel Runner Gifts
• Danger Sense (Level One) : No one lives with more danger than a Ratkin Tunnel Runner. When a wererat is
prepared for the worst, her senses become hyperattenuated, developing a sixth sense for unseen perils. As the old wives'
tales suggest, if a ship is sinking, the rats know of it first. This Gift is generously bestowed by a rat-spirit.
If a Rat's Danger Sense is working, he receives an overwhelming sensory impulse mere moments before the
disaster occurs. This impulse doesn't have to be an image; it could be the smell of a sulfurous explosion-to-be, the sound of
a wall creaking before it gives way, or simply an uneasy sensation surging through twitching whiskers. The player
representing the Ratkin can then declare a panicky action in anticipation of the disaster about to happen.
System (old version): Whenever a Tunnel Runner with this Gift is near imminent danger, the Storyteller should
roll the character's Wits + Alertness. (The difficulty is normally a 6, but unseen supernatural dangers may increase the
difficulty of the roll to 7 or 8.) If the roll gains at least three successes, the Runner receives the sensory flash warning of
the danger. The warning can be quite cryptic; it need not be crystal-clear.
(Source: Ratkin, p.114 & PGttCB, Revised, p.146)
System (new version): The Storyteller warns the character when danger is imminent (though not the nature of
the threat) one turn before it appears. This Gift’s effects are permanent.
(Source: W20 Changing Breeds, p.188)
• Scent of the True Form (Level One) : Similar to the Philodox Gift of the same name.
System: A Ratkin with this Gift can sense other wererats instantly. Detecting the true form of any other
supernatural critter requires a Perception + Primal-Urge roll, difficulty 6. The number of successes required depends on the
type of supernatural creature he's sniffing.
Successes Critter
Zero Ratkin
One Garou or Changing Breed
Two any kind of Kinfolk
Three vampire or changeling
Four mage, sorcerer or hedge-wizard
Five+ any other freakishly obscure beastie (mummy, etc.)
(Source: Ratkin, p.114)
• Silent Running (Level One) : Five thousand years of practice has taught the wererats a lot about hiding from
unwanted attention. This Gift obscures a Ratkin’s path of travel to all methods of detection, supernatural or otherwise. Rat-
spirits falsify evidence of where the Runner has been, laying false trails and obscuring existing ones. This not only makes
use of the Tracking Ability difficult, but also counteracts supernatural methods like the Rite of the Questing Stone. Wind-
spirits teach this Gift.
System (old version): Spend one Gnosis, call out to your character’s totem for aid, and roll Intelligence +
Subterfuge. Each success raises the difficulty of a tracking roll by 1, to a maximum of 10; each additional successes
beyond that subtracts a success from any tracking roll used to find the character.
(Source: Ratkin, p.114-115 & PGttCB, Revised, p.146)
System (new version): The player spends one Gnosis point and rolls Intelligence + Subterfuge. The Ratkin
leaves behind no physical traces of his passage for the rest of the scene, and any magical tracking attempt raises its
difficulty by 1 per success to a maximum of 9.
(Source: W20 Changing Breeds, p.188)
• Hotwire (Level Two) : You can circumvent the electrical system of any vehicle and jump-start the engine. With
a little more work, you can even bind an electricity-spirit to a spare key, creating a “spirit key” for the car that other Ratkin
can use. Some Tunnel Runners like to travel in style, using and discarding cars along the way.
System: Spend one Gnosis and roll Intelligence + Repair; Tunnel Runners have a difficulty of 8 on this roll,
while Engineers have a difficulty of 6. One success starts the engine. You may then craft a spirit key by holding up a spare
key to the car’s electrical system and coaxing an electricity elemental inside. Make a temporary Gnosis roll against the
difficulty of the local Gauntlet; the number of successes reveals how long the key will work. Each success guarantees the
key will function for one day before the spirit escapes. Only Ratkin may use this spirit key.
(Source: Ratkin, p.115)
• Sigil (Level Two) Version One : With this Gift, a Ratkin can encode a message in a bit of graffiti; only other
Tunnel Runners can decipher it. These marks are often found in train yards, outside bus stations, under freeways, and
anywhere else that wanderers frequent. Most include warnings about hazards to be found ahead. This Gift is taught by a
wanderlust-spirit, one of Rat’s many Gafflings.
System: Inscribing the Sigil requires one Gnosis and a successful Intelligence + Primal-Urge roll. The player
writes down a message up to ten words in length; the Storyteller distills this into an image other wererats will receive if
they study the glyph. Any Tunnel Runner can notice and decipher one of these glyphs with a successful Perception +
Survival roll; if the wererat isn’t specifically looking for it, the difficulty is an 8 (and the Storyteller rolls secretly), but if a
Tunnel Runner is specifically looking for Sigils, the difficulty is a 6.
(Source: Ratkin, p.115)
• Sigil (Level Two) Version Two : As the Corax Gift: Word Beyond, but also functions outside the Umbra.
(Source: W20 Changing Breeds, p.188)
• Urban Camouflage (Level Two) : Experienced Tunnel Runners don’t look like they’re wandering beggars;
instead, they blend in wherever they go. A highly talented traveler can wander almost anywhere looking like he’s a native.
Why be invisible when you can be ignored? Runners carry this to an extreme: even whenever they’re barefoot and broke,
no one will question their presence if the Ratkin is using this Gift. Other supernatural creatures rely on being invisible or
obfuscated; wererats with this talent just remain nondescript. Unlike other abilities, you can activate this Gift as soon as
someone approaches you. Disappearing from plain view tears the Veil apart; being inconspicuous doesn’t. a fog-spirit
teaches this Gift.
System: Roll Intelligence + Stealth (difficulty 6) and spend one Gnosis. If the number of successes exceeds a
viewer’s Perception, you’re not invisible, but you will be ignored. For large groups of people, just use the highest
Perception rating in the crowd. This Gift cannot be used during the stress of combat, however.
(Source: Ratkin, p.115 & PGttCB, Revised, p.146)
System: The player spends one Gnosis point and rolls Intelligence + Stealth (difficulty 8). Success makes the
Ratkin unnoticeable so long as he stays in a crowd and takes no violent actions. This Gift doesn’t work during combat.
(Source: W20 Changing Breeds, p.188)
• Bolt! (Level Three) : As the Level Three Ratkin Gift.
(Source: Ratkin, p.109-110 & PGttCB, Revised, p.146 & W20 Changing Breeds, p.188)
• Evasion (Level Three) Version One : Trapping a rat is difficult. Hitting one can be nigh-impossible. Anyone
who’s chased a feral rat through an apartment late at night has experienced this first-hand. Tunnel Runners heighten this
instinct to supernatural Levels, especially when they travel through realms frequented by supernatural creatures.
System: During combat, spend one Rage and roll Dexterity + Dodge (difficulty 8). Add up the number of
successes and remember it; each success can be spent for an automatic success on a Dexterity + Dodge roll that turn.
These points can be spent before or after the roll is made; if you miss a Dodge roll by one or two successes, it may save
your tail. The Tunnel Runner cannot attack while using Evasion, but he may take other actions. This Gift can’t be used at
the same time as the rodens Gift: Scamper.
(Source: Ratkin, p.115)
• Evasion (Level Three) Version Two : As the Fianna Gift: Flame Dance.
(Source: W20 Changing Breeds, p.188→Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.179)
• Second Sight (Level Three) : High-ranking Tunnel Runners tend to settle down to a few select colonies, or
decide to spend a lifetime acting as the Scout for one tribe. Staying in one place for too long can be intolerable - unless, of
course, the maverick learns to use this Gift. By staring into the eyes of a younger Runner, the wererat can learn to use this
second rat as his eyes and ears outside the Nest. This second Ratkin must voluntarily agree to this communion. This
explains a commonly used tactic: aTunne1 Runner may agree to be captured by a nest’s enemies to help his colony find
out more information.
System: Spend one Gnosis and roll Perception + Empathy; the difficulty is equal to (5 + the second Ratkin’s
Rank). If you succeed, you can close your eyes and see through the eyes of this temporary ally. This effect lasts one day
for each success. Once you advance beyond Rank Three, you can do this with more than one Tunnel Runner; for each
Level of Rank you have above 3, you can commune with an additional scout.
(Source: Ratkin, p.115)
• Speak in Tongues (Level Four) Version One : The Ratkin can understand any one human language for the
duration of one scene. Communication is fluent; no Linguistics roll is required.
System: Spend one Willpower, and your mind will be flooded with knowledge of the new language. As for any
misunderstandings or Social rolls that result, well, that's up to you.
(Source: Ratkin, p.115 & PGttCB, Revised, p.146)
• Speak in Tongues (Level Four) Version Two : As the homid Gift: Speech of the World.
(Source: W20 Changing Breeds, p.188→Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.154)
• Tunnel Echoes (Level Four) : There are some tunnels that even Runners fear to tread. In these places, scouts
often communicate across long distances by scraping on walls, rattling bones, chittering to set up echoes, and so on. High-
ranking rats don’t just spread messages this way; they also listen closely to get a rough idea of the tunnels ahead, just in
case they need to bolt through them. Whisper in a ventilation shaft of a big corporate building, or rattle some bones at an
open sewer lid, and there’s a chance you may sense a passageway you never realized was there.
System: Spend one Gnosis and roll Perception + Performance. While performing this Gift, your senses will be
hyperattenuated for the duration of the scene, especially to the sounds of echoes and rustling down the system of tunnels
you’re using. If anyone makes a loud noise while you’re in this state, you’ll take one Health Level of non-aggravated
Once you take this risk, however, you can communicate to anyone in that tunnel system. Each point of
Willpower you spend allows you to relay one sentence (up to ten words in length). Any Ratkin in the tunnel might receive
this message. Unfortunately, the harmonics get distorted over distance; another Tunnel Runner using this Gift won’t
receive the words you sent, but instead, detect a sensory image that relays the same information. This image can be
intercepted by other Tunnel Runners who spend a point of Gnosis and make a successful Blood Memory roll (difficulty 8);
other shapechangers, humans, or supernatural creatures just hear unearthly subterranean noises.
Even if you don’t spend Willpower, you can also roll temporary Gnosis to get a sense of a section of the tunnel
system. With three successes, you might also get a vision of someone stalking down there. With five successes, you may
uncover a secret tunnel, an entrance to a room you need to access, or an object that has been lost or abandoned. When
other shapechangers go crawling in the sewers, they learn to fear the strange echoes ricocheting around them; they foretell
the approach of a skilled Tunnel Runner!
(Source: Ratkin, p.115-116)
• Cheese It! (Level Five) Version One : With this Gift, the Tunnel Runner can help his entire pack bolt from
danger, although using it tends to be risky.
System: First, the Tunnel Runner calls out a brief phrase to signify the use of this Gift (e.g., "Everyone out!")
Every wererat who wants to take advantage of this opportunity spends one point of Rage; the Tunnel Runner spends three.
(The Tunnel Runner can only help a number of wererats equal to the total of her permanent Rage and permanent Gnosis.)
All of the players representing the fleeing rats then play a quick hand of Rock, Paper, Scissors. (On the count of three,
everyone throws down the hand signal for rock, paper or scissors.) The Storyteller plays, too.
Everyone who made the same choice as the Storyteller is lucky; their Ratkin bolt to a place of hiding within line
of sight, even nearby rooftops. Any Ratkin who chose the most popular choice can bolt to the nearest hiding place, even if
they didn't make the same choice as the Storyteller. Every other rat stays right where they are; the Gift does not work for
them. If the Tunnel Runner doesn't make the same choice as the Storyteller, he can try this Gift again next round.
(Source: Ratkin, p.116)
• Cheese It! (Level Five) Version Two : This Gift allows the Tunnel Runner’s entire pack to escape from danger.
This Gift is taught by a kangaroo-rat spirit.
System: The player spends three points of Gnosis and Rage. Every member of the wererat’s pack, including
herself, benefits from the effects of Bolt! They need not all teleport toward the same exit.
(Source: W20 Changing Breeds, p.188)

Shadow Seer Gifts

• Rat Mother's Touch (Level One) Version One : As the Ratkin metis Gift.
(Source: Ratkin, p.112 & PGttCB, Revised, p.146)
• Rat Mother’s Touch (Level One) Version Two : As the Theurge Gift: Mother’s Touch.
(Source: W20 Changing Breeds, p.188→Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.164)
• Sense Weaver (Level One) : Any good Ratkin knows how to hide in the midst of human civilization. This Gift
aids a wererat in finding Weaver-spirits of all varieties. The spirit must be within sensory range, and each has its own
distinctive sound or smell. This perception can vary from rat to rat, so a Shadow Seer may develop her own personal range
of descriptors for spirits. Shadow Seers who sense that an area is overrun (or "calcified") by the Weaver may call on their
rat pack to snap a few webs.
System: This Gift requires only a Perception + Occult roll. The difficulty varies depending on the strength and
Power of the spirit. Sensing a Weaver Gaffling, for instance, is difficulty 6; a Jaggling is difficulty 7. More successes on
the roll bestow more information on the spirit, possibly including a measure of its Power and what Charms it might
possess. Ratkin Engineers show up to this Gift with a slight degree of calcification.
(Source: Ratkin, p.116 & PGttCB, Revised, p.146 & W20 Changing Breeds, p.188→Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition,
• Sense Wyrm (Level One) : As the Ratkin metis Gift.
(Source: Ratkin, p.112 & W20 Changing Breeds, p.188→Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.156)
• Name the Spirit (Level Two) : As the lupus Gift of the same name.
(Source: Ratkin, p.116 & PGttCB, Revised, p.146 & W20 Changing Breeds, p.188→Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition,
• Summon Engling (Level Two) : Usually, when shapechangers need to replenish their Gnosis, they summon an
Engling and stalk it. In urban areas, this hunt takes on a few unique twists; a Shadow Seer with this Gift knows them
intimately. The Engling is always disguised as something mundane. Only the members of the Rat Pack can recognize that
it’s really a spirit. Humans react to this in unpredictable ways -watching mad street people pursue a fleeing ice cream
truck, a boy with a balloon, or a cloud of butterflies - each has different results.
System: Spend one Gnosis and roll permanent Gnosis against the difficulty of the local Gauntlet. With three
successes, an Engling appears, but in a disguise that only the Shadow Seer can see through. (The spirit’s stats are:
Willpower 5, Rage 1, Gnosis 10, Essence 25; Cham: Airt Sense, Materialize.) The Ratkin must chase it down and “kill” it;
if they do, they gain 10 Gnosis to divide equally between the members of the Rat Pack.
(Source: Ratkin, p.116)
• Touch the Spirits (Level Two) : In animist philosophies, all objects hold some spiritual essence. Through this
Gift, a Shadow Seer can speak directly to these inanimate spirits, learning where physical objects have been and what
they’ve been used for. Psychics call this “psychometry.” Knife- Skulkers don’t care what it’s called ... they just call for the
Shadow Seers to do it on command.
System: Spend one Gnosis and roll Perception + Empathy. Each success allows you to see back one day, sensing
the gist of where the object has been and who was using it.
(Source: Ratkin, p.116)
• Protect the Swarm (Level Two) : All sorts of supernatural creatures like to call up rats as allies. Ratkin from
rival packs, vampires with the Animalism Discipline, mages with the Ratstorm rote and Beast-Speaking Garou are just a
few examples. If a Shadow Seer runs into a rat who’s been victimized by any of these Gifts, she can determine who is
controlling the poor defenseless beastie. If she’s powerful enough, she may even attempt to convince the rodent to disobey
its master.
System: Once you’ve learned this Gift, you can sense whether a rat you encounter is possibly being controlled
by another supernatural creature. Roll Gnosis; you must score more successes than your rival’s initial roll for his
supernatural “power,” whether that’s a Discipline, Sphere, Gift, or what-have- you. You will even gain a brief glimpse of
the rival who’s been manipulating the poor critter. If you succeed, you can also overpower his ability, but only if your
Rank is the same Level or higher than the power that’s used. Make a second roll of Manipulation + Primal-Urge (difficulty
7); you must have more successes than your rival’s initial roll.
(Source: Ratkin, p.116)
• Spirit Snare (Level Two) : As the Theurge Gift.
(Source: W20 Changing Breeds, p.188→Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.156)
• Command Spirit (Level Three) :As the Theurge Gift of the same name.
(Source: Ratkin, p.116 & PGttCB, Revised, p.146 & W20 Changing Breeds, p.188→Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition,
• Exorcism (Level Three) : As the Theurge Gift.
(Source: Ratkin, p.116 & W20 Changing Breeds, p.188→Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.165)
• Pulse of the Invisible (Level Three) : As the Theurge Gift. The Ratkin can voluntarily enter a state of
disconnection, remaining constantly aware of all the spirits around her while she wanders about in the physical world.
(Source: Ratkin, p.116 & PGttCB, Revised, p.146 & W20 Changing Breeds, p.188→Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition,
• Discarded Dreams (Level Four) : Humans throw their dreams away and never realize what they’ve lost. This
Gift allows a Ratkin to salvage these dreams from any trash pile. By chanting an incantation and offering the refuse to
someone as a Gift, the recipient will be caught up in an elaborate dream; this is based on a memory someone has lost. The
dreamer may even think she has the skills to carry out this aspiration. A stem old woman with a broken doll might think
she’s a ballerina; a lonely man with a moth-eaten coat might think he’s the height of fashion, and so on. This Gift is taught
by a Trash Gaffling or any servant of the Great Trash Heap, a powerful Bone Gnawer Totem.
System: Spend one Gnosis and roll Perception + Enigmas; the difficulty depends on the relative obscurity of the
item you’re looking for. You may find an item that’s only vaguely what you want; if you get at least three successes,
you’ve found exactly what you needed.
Now find a creature who’s in need of a lost dream. Roll Manipulation + Expression (difficulty of the recipient’s
temporary Willpower) to explain what the lost object signifies. If the recipient really wants to live the dream, you only
need one success; if he resists, you need at least three. For the duration of one scene, your target will live out the fantasy
you give him; if you score at least five successes, he will even gain some of the skills or talents he needs to carry out this
delusion. A great singing voice, mastery of the arts of dance, the stealth of a secret agent - all these treasures can be found
in the trash, if only you look hard enough. As one would expect, you cannot perform this Gift during the stress of combat.
(Source: Ratkin, p.116-117)
• Feast of the Dead (Level Four) Version One : It’s said that some primitive tribes devour parts of their enemies
to gain their strength. By devouring the heart or brain of a victim, the Ratkin temporarily gains three of its Gifts randomly.
This Gift is taught by a rat-spirit.
System: Kill it. Hack it open. Eat it. Randomly roll for three of the victim’s Gifts, and they’re yours for the rest
of the day (although they must be Level Three or less). This Gift offers no protection against redundancy; you can gain a
Gift you already know. In addition, this can’t be used in conjunction with the Elegy Gift or the Rodens Gift: Devour the
Dead; nor can the Gift be used more than once on a given corpse, even if you do eat the brain and save the heart for your
(Source: Ratkin, p.117)
• Feast of the Dead (Level Five) Version Two : By devouring the heart or brain of another, the Ratkin
temporarily gains some of that individual’s power. This Gift is taught by a rat-spirit.
System: After eating the heart or brain of another supernatural being, the Ratkin gains three of its powers
(chosen at random by the Storyteller) for the next 24 hours. This Gift can only be used once on a single corpse.
(Note: Version One is listed in Breedbook: Ratkin as a Level Four Gift, while CB20 lists it as Level Five.)
(Source: W20 Changing Breeds, p.188)
• Elegy (Level Five) : By speaking the last rites over a dying Ratkin, you can guarantee his spirit will survive to
serve Rat’s cause. At the moment of death, he will be reborn as a rat-spirit. Over his dying body, you must recite the
greatest accomplishments of his life. All of his Gifts will be gone, but his memories and spirit will remain. Of course, he
can be bound or manipulated like any other ephemera, but some wererats are willing to make this ultimate sacrifice in
service to the Rat Goddess.
System: If a wererat’s Health Levels go below lncapacitated, and any of his wounds are aggravated, you may
immediately perform this Gift. He gets his shot at Final Rage first - rolling Stamina at difficulty 8 and healing one Health
Level per success - so you can only proceed if he fails that roll.
Decide how much Gnosis you want to invest into the Elegy. The dying Ratkin you’re trying to help then rolls
Gnosis; the difficulty is equal to 10 - his Rank. Each point of Gnosis you spend before the roll adds one success; if the
dying rat gets at least five successes, his flesh withers away. He’s reborn as a Rat Jaggling and scampers off into the
(Source: Ratkin, p.117)

Knife Skulker Gifts

• Death Mark (Level One) : This Gift is not invoked lightly. The Skulker invests a touch of Gnosis in a small
piece of black cloth; when this is brushed across the forehead of a criminal, the victim is marked with an invisible spiritual
sigil Any Knife-Skulker can see this with some effort; various “spirit sight” disciplines can also detect it. Depending on the
severity of the crime, the Skulker may give the criminal a head start offering him a chance to atone for his crime before the
other Knife-Skulkers catch up with him. If he doesn’t, the Death Mark makes the guilty bastard easier to track down.. and
cripple or kill, if necessary.
System: The Skulker spends one Gnosis and rolls Intelligence + Enigmas to create the death mark and store it in
black cloth. A Skulker can only maintain one Death Mark at a time. If he prefers, he can hand off the ensorcelled shroud to
an emissary (usually a Tunnel Runner) who will carry it to the criminal. Anyone can brush the cloth over the victim’s
forehead, who is usually restrained. Once this is done, the Skulker can tell the direction and distance of the guilty party
(rather like the Rite of the Questing Stone). The victim may attempt to remove the mark with another Gift, Discipline,
Arcanos, or the like. However, his number of successes must exceed the Skulker’s initial roll, and such “cures” never last
for more than a day.
(Source: Ratkin, p.117-118)
• Rat’s Judgment (Level One) : As the Philodox Gift: Fangs of Justice, but also works against all humans with
any trace of Wyrm-taint, no matter its origin.
(Source: W20 Changing Breeds, p.188→Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.166)
• Sticky Paws (Level One) : The Skulker can grab a weapon out of his enemy's hands (or claws, or paws) and
use it against its wielder the same turn. An avatar of Rat teaches this Gift.
System: Spend one Rage and roll Dexterity + Melee to grab the weapon; the difficulty is the equal to the victim's
Dexterity + 3. The victim cannot resist; such is the nature of the Gift.
(Source: Ratkin, p.118 & PGttCB, Revised, p.146 & W20 Changing Breeds, p.188)
• Truth of Gaia (Level One) : As the Level One Philodox Gift.
(Source: Ratkin, p.118 & PGttCB, Revised, p.146 & W20 Changing Breeds, p.188→Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition,
• Chitter (Level Two) :As the Get of Fenris Gift: Snarl of the Predator. By chittering at an almost subsonic
Level, the Ratkin can unnerve his foes.
(Source: Ratkin, p.118 & W20 Changing Breeds, p.188→Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.180-181)
• Mother's Truth (Level Two) : The Gift: Truth of Gaia just isn’t good enough for some people. A Knife-
Skulker can tell who’s lying with that Gift, but who’s to say he isn’t lying about the results? When someone’s guilt needs
to be proven to everyone present, Mother’s Truth forces the victim to rat on his accomplices and co-conspirators. For one
scene, the victim of Mother’s Truth cannot tell a lie. The victim may even be coerced into telling everything that he’s
trying to hide. This relies on an elaborate use of interrogation and threats, mixed in with a little supernatural prowess.
Never swear on your Mother’s grave, especially when she’s really an Incarna with goddess-granted powers. The Rat
Incarna bestows this Gift through one of her chosen rat-spirits.
System: If the victim does not resist this Gift, the Knife- Skulker needs only to spend one Gnosis and roll
Intelligence + Intimidation (difficulty 6). In this case, the victim will literally bite his tongue if he tries to tell a lie. If he
resists, everyone present will know it.
Getting the witness to betray his darkest secrets requires an extended contested test of Willpower, along with a
thrilling drama worthy of a courtroom. The inquisitor and his victim trade off questions and answers, alternating
Willpower rolls as they go. The victim rolls first at difficulty 6. The inquisitor’s difficulty is lower: Take the number of
successes the Knife-Skulker got on his initial Manipulation + Interrogation roll and subtract it from 6. The Storyteller calls
for regular Willpower rolls periodically throughout the interrogation; if the Skulker gets ten successes before his victim, he
has browbeaten him into submission, and the victim spills all the details of his crime. If the victim gets ten successes first,
the interrogation does not work and cannot be attempted again for a full day.
(Source: Ratkin, p.118)
• Stalk (Level Two) : As the Ragabash Gift: Pulse of the Prey. Knife Skulkers know lots of tracking secrets.
(Source: Ratkin, p.118 & PGttCB, Revised, p.146 & W20 Changing Breeds, p.188→Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition,
• Doppelganger (Level Three) :As the Level Four Glass Walker Gift.
(Source: Ratkin, p.118 & PGttCB, Revised, p.146 & W20 Changing Breeds, p.188→Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition,
• Paralyzing Stare (Level Three) :As the Shadow Lord Gift.
(Source: Ratkin, p.118 & W20 Changing Breeds, p.189→Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.190)
• Open Wounds (Level Four) : As the Shadow Lord Gift.
(Source: Ratkin, p.118 & PGttCB, Revised, p.146 & W20 Changing Breeds, p.189→Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition,
• Wither Limb (Level Four) : As the Garou metis Gift.
(Source: Ratkin, p.118→Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.157)
• Geas (Level Five) Version One : Similar to the Philodox Gift of the same name. The Knife-Skulker can punish
a victim or group of criminals by forcing him to undertake a quest. The victim or victims may even be forced to act against
their basic instincts. In addition, rat-spirits will harry and harass every victim who strays from the purpose of the Geas.
System: Spend one Gnosis and roll Charisma + Leadership (difficulty of the victim's Willpower). With a group
of criminals, the difficulty is based on the victim with the highest Willpower. Each victim then makes a final Willpower
roll (difficulty 9) to determine if their guilt is powerful enough to force a personality change until the Geas is fulfilled. The
Geas must be a specific task the victims can perform and survive; they have up to one month to complete it.
(Source: Ratkin, p.118 & PGttCB, Revised, p.146)
• Geas (Level Five) Version Two : As the Philodox Gift.
(Source: W20 Changing Breeds, p.189→Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.168)

Blade Slave/Warrior Gifts

• Fatal Flaw (Level One) : As the Shadow Lord Gift.
(Source: W20 Changing Breeds, p.189→Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.188)
• Resist Pain (Level One) : As the Philodox Gift.
(Source: Ratkin, p.118 & PGttCB, Revised, p.146 & W20 Changing Breeds, p.189→Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition,
• Slicing Teeth (Level One) : As the Ahroun Gift: Razor Claws, but used with the Ratkin's bite attack.
(Source: Ratkin, p.118 & PGttCB, Revised, p.146 & W20 Changing Breeds, p.189→Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition,
p.171 *but modified as above with the Ratkin's bite attack*)
• Sticky Paws (Level One) : As the Knife Skulker Gift.
(Source: Ratkin, p.118)
• Curse of Hatred (Level Two) : As the Garou metis Gift.
(Source: Ratkin, p.118 & PGttCB, Revised, p.146 & W20 Changing Breeds, p.189→Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition,
• Rat's Teeth (Level Two) : Tiny sharp projectiles hurled at high velocity can inflict grievous damage. With this
Gift, the wererat produces a seemingly endless supply of sharp objects from hidden places scattered over her body. She
then assaults a chosen victim with a continuous fusillade. Japanese Nezumi use shuriken and throwing knives; ingenious
Ratkin in other parts of the world have been known to use items like needles, kitchen knives and bits of broken glass. This
Gift is taught by a gopher-spirit.
System: As long as you carry a miscellaneous assortment of sharp objects, you've got a never-ending supply of
thrown projectiles. To invoke this Gift, spend a turn doing an elaborate martial arts pose and spend one Rage; you can do
nothing else during this first turn. For the rest of the scene, you can let off one barrage of thrown objects each turn. Roll
your permanent Rage as your attack roll; any successes left over after your victim dodges are added to your damage roll
(just like Firearms rolls). Your damage pool is equal to your temporary Rage; don't forget to add your extra damage dice.
All duplicate weapons somehow get lost, carried off by spirit rats, etc., and vanish into the Umbra within half an hour.
(Source: Ratkin, p.118 & W20 Changing Breeds, p.189)
• Spirit of the Fray (Level Two) : As the Ahroun Gift. If your Storyteller is using the optional Instinct rules (see
Breedbook: Ratkin Chapter Two), this is a sure way to guarantee your Ratkin is a psychotic little monster afterwards.
(Source: Ratkin, p.118→Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.171)
• Bolt! (Level Three) : As the Level Three Ratkin Gift.
(Source: Ratkin, p.109-110 & PGttCB, Revised, p.146 & W20 Changing Breeds, p.189→p.188)
• Improvisation (Level Three) : In your hands, anything can become a lethal weapon. All Ratkin are servitors of
chaos; in combat, a warrior with this Gift is a deadly, unpredictable madman. Any of Rat’s brood can teach this Gift.
System (old version): Spend a point of Gnosis and name a type of object that would be near your character in
combat. You may then wield one of these objects as a weapon for the duration of one scene. Each time you use this Gift,
however, you must name a different type of object. As always, your Storyteller can veto your choice if it’s too implausible.
For instance, the first time you fight in a cafe, for instance, you may decide to fight with "plates," while the next time, you
may choose "kitchen knives," "hot coffee" or "trash cans." In addition, you must graphically describe each attack you
make, and describe a different attack each time. Wielding it requires a roll of Dexterity + Melee; the difficulty starts at a 6
at the beginning of combat. Each attack you make must be different than all the attacks before it. If you chose "plates," for
instance, you could break a plate over someone's head the first round, roll a plate across the floor and trip someone into a
plate glass window the second round, and break a plate into jagged pieces before stabbing someone on the third round.
Each attack must be different.
The Storyteller responds to each attack with a thumbs-up or a thumbs-down. Depending on how ingenious your
attack is, the difficulty of your next attack is either -1 or +1. The damage roll starts out equal to your permanent Rage; this
also goes up or down by 1 depending on your ingenuity. If the Storyteller is impressed and gives a thumbs-up to your
attack, the damage roll of the same subsequent attack gets an extra die and the difficulty goes down by 1. If the Storyteller
is not amused and gives a thumbs down, the damage roll of your next attack loses one die and the difficulty goes up by l.
Optionally, the Storyteller may ask everyone at the table (or watching the game) to give a thumbs up or down and
use the crowd's judgment. Believe me, if the player and Storyteller are ingenious, they will draw a crowd.
(Source: Ratkin, p.118-119)
System (new version): The player spends one Rage point. Whatever improvised weapon the Ratkin seizes may
be used to make difficulty 6, Strength + 2 attacks, with damage type determined by the prop in question.
(Source: W20 Changing Breeds, p.189)
• Persecution Complex (Level Four) : As the Stargazer Gift: Preternatural Awareness.
(Source: (Source: Ratkin, p.119 & PGttCB, Revised, p.146 & W20 Changing Breeds, p.189→Werewolf 20th Anniversary
Edition, p.196)
• Treppelgänger (Level Four) : There's safety in numbers, or so you've been told. The Doppelganger Gift helps
a Ratkin imitate another person. The Treppelgänger Gift splits you into a gang of little Ratkin. They must all stay within
the same immediate area, but they can also coordinate their actions based upon your thoughts.
System: Roll Intelligence + Performance; for each success you obtain, this Gift remains active for one turn. Each
turn, you can split one little nine-inch Crinos off the side of your body. You may form up to three little "gangsters," and
you must spend a point of Gnosis for each one. This continues until they are all complete or you stop forming them. When
the last little one is formed, you shrink down to the same size. All members of the gang act on the same initiative. A
gangster may only make one attack each turn. They cannot use any of your Gifts, and they cannot join in the Gift: Pack
Attack; they're all extensions of you.
These tiny ratlings can scurry through a number of yards equal to their Dexterity each turn. They can make
amazing vertical leaps, jumping onto tables, chairs, shelves and drawers when necessary. At the end of the combat, all of
the little critters reform into one big Crinos rat again. Although they look like little Crinos wererats, they're actually
weaker. In Treppelgänger form, each one has Strength +1, Dexterity +2 and Stamina -1. These little rugrats are cute,
though: they get Charisma +2 and Appearance +2. When you shrink down, you have the same traits.
(Source: Ratkin, p.119)
• Blessed Frenzy (Level Five) : As the Stargazer Gift: Circular Attack.
(Source: W20 Changing Breeds, p.189→Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.196)
• Pack Attack (Level Five) : High-ranking Warriors are the master tacticians of the Ratkin race. They don't just
lead swarms of rats into battle; they can coordinate entire Rat Packs in ingenious assaults. By drawing upon the "hive
mind" deep within a Ratkin's psyche, a Warlord can make it easier for his pack to overwhelm enemies with ruthless
System: First, the Warrior lets out a keening cry and rolls Manipulation + Leadership. For each success, a
random member of her pack must automatically join in the Pack Attack on the next turn; they cannot abort this action and
cannot split their Dice Pools. Additional Ratkin in the pack may join in voluntarily. Then, during the next declaration
phase, the Warrior declares first, stating the target of the Pack Attack. The Warrior also acts first, as if he had the Gift:
Spirit of the Fray. For every two Ratkin in the Pack Attack, decrease the difficulty of all attacks against the target by 1 (to a
minimum of 4). The Warrior can continue the Pack Attack by spending one Rage at the beginning of each subsequent turn.
(Source: Ratkin, p.119)

Freak Aspect Gifts

Ratkin Engineer
• Control Simple Machine (Level One) : As the Glass Walker Gift. Using this Gift while in the Umbra increases
the difficulty by 1.
(Source: Ratkin, p.120 & W20 Changing Breeds, p.189→Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.182)
• Open Seal (Level One) : Similar to the Ragabash Gift of the same name.
System: Spend one Gnosis and roll Gnosis against the difficulty of the local Gauntlet. In any laboratory,
Engineers are at -2 to their difficulty. This Gift may also open and close doors while an Engineer is in the Umbra.
(Source: Ratkin, p.120 & W20 Changing Breeds, p.189)
• Scrounge (Level One) : Ratkin Engineers have a talent for finding all sorts of usable junk. Spend a few
minutes searching around, and there's no telling what you might find. This Gift can either help find some mundane item
that's hidden nearby, or scrounge up something bizarre that no one would have thought to look for. This Gift is taught by a
Trash Gaffling.
System: Spend one Gnosis and roll Perception + Alertness. You can either name a specific item that would
normally be in your current location, or name a general type of item that's rather hard to find. The difficulty of the roll
depends on how well the item is hidden or how rare the item is. For instance, finding where the forks are kept in a
restaurant after hours is difficulty 4; finding a fork in a subway station could be difficulty 6; finding a magnetized fork
with silver plating by the side of the freeway might be a difficulty 9.
The Storyteller, of course, has the right to rule out any specific item as "impossible to find." If the restaurant in
question really doesn't have any radioactive plutonium forks stashed in the kitchen, the Scrounge Gift won't help you find
(Source: Ratkin, p.120)
• Trash is Treasure (Level One) : As the Bone Gnawer Gift.
(Source: W20 Changing Breeds, p.189→Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.175)
• Hotwire (Level Two) : As the Tunnel Runner Gift.
(Source: Ratkin, p.115)
• Mousetrap (Level Two) Version One : When cornered and outnumbered, rats have unusual bursts of cunning
and ingenuity. This trait is very common among the Engineers, their mechanically inclined supernatural cousins. With this
Gift: the Ratkin can figure out a way to set a trap using almost anything at hand. First, he scrounges for something that can
inflict damage. He then McGuyvers it into a deathtrap of amazing ingenuity.
System: The dice roll is easy; it's the creative part of this roll that takes some work. The Engineer must spend a
point of Gnosis and roll Intelligence + Repair. You must explain how the device works; the difficulty depends on the
plausibility of your explanation. Many gamers claim to have knowledge of "kitchen chemistry" and homemade traps, but
this Gift depends on your ability to pitch ideas based on what's at hand.
Only materials that are present near the Ratkin can be incorporated into the Mousetrap; this Gift cannot be used
in conjunction with the Scrounge Gift. The difficulty starts at 5, but it can go as high as 10 if it's obvious you're talking out
of your ass. For instance, if you can come up with a decent explanation of why a light bulb should explode under certain
conditions in a living room, that's a 6. If you're stuck in a bookstore and start blathering about killing someone with paper
cuts, an electric fan, and lemon juice, that's pathetic enough to merit a 9 or 10. An Engineer can build a Mousetrap during
the stress of combat. This takes two turns, but the starting difficulty is then set at 8.
When completed, the trap does damage equal to the Ratkin's Wits plus an additional die for every success. The
damage is non-aggravated unless you use something that obviously causes aggravated damage (fire, acid or the like). It's a
one-shot item:poof! And the deed is done. The victim should either get a Perception + Alertness roll to avoid the trap, or a
Dexterity + Dodge roll to dive for cover whichever is higher.
(Source: Ratkin, p.120)
• Mousetrap (Level Two) Version Two : The Engineer is at his best when at his worst. Able to call up an
uncanny burst of ingenuity when up against the wall, this Gift allows him to build a trap out of anything at hand. This Gift
is taught by a packrat-spirit.
System: The player spends a point of Gnosis and rolls Wits + Craft : the difficulty depends on how much spare
material is laying around to work with. Success allows the Ratkin to McGyver together some manner of insane death trap
in (15 – Cunning) minutes.
(Source: W20 Changing Breeds, p.189)
• Power Surge (Level Two) : As the Glass Walker Gift.
(Source: W20 Changing Breeds, p.189→Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.184)
• Control Complex Machine (Level Three) : As the Glass Walker Gift. This Gift allows control of complicated
objects like computers, cars and ATMs.
(Source: Ratkin, p.120 & W20 Changing Breeds, p.189→Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.184)
• Electroshock (Level Three) : As the Glass Walker Gift.
(Source: W20 Changing Breeds, p.189→Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.184)
• Summon Electricity (Level Three) : Far more effective than a general Rite of Binding, this Gift summons an
electricity elemental and binds it to an electrical devices for a short period of time. Even broken devices will be able to
operate with a little judicious jury-rigging.
System: Roll Gnosis versus the difficulty of the local Gauntlet. You must be near a source of electricity, which
isn't very hard in any human city. With four successes, you've summoned the spirit. Binding it into a battery or an
electrical device requires a Gnosis roll against the spirit's Gnosis; if you succeed, it is bound, and will continue to supply
power for one week per success. Five successes binds it for a year; after that, the spiritual warranty will expire.
(Source: Ratkin, p.120)
• Battery (Level Four) : A Ratkin Engineer can use this Gift to energize himself or other wererats. This can
temporarily increase physical abilities, though often at the risk of inflicting temporary damage as well. Some dangerous
wererats use direct electricity to affect this, while more sedate ones simply mix up noxious concoctions of battery acid and
other foul fluids. Convenience stores now sell many odd "energy beverages" that are commonly adapted for this purpose.
This Gift is taught by a squirrel-spirit.
System (old version): Spend one or more points of Gnosis and roll Wits + Repair. Every two successes on the
roll can increase a Physical Attribute by one for the duration of a scene, as long as the Engineer has spent an equal number
of points of Gnosis. No Trait can be raised higher than 6 in this way (not counting non-Homid Attribute bonuses).
(Source: Ratkin, p.120)
System (new version): The player rolls Wits + Craft and spends one point of Gnosis to create the “pick-me-up,”
which then may be administered at any point within the next (Cunning) days; after that, it loses its potency. The Gift’s
beneficiary may increase a physical Attribute by one per two successes rolled, for the duration of a scene.
(Source: W20 Changing Breeds, p.189)
• Death Ray (Level Five) : You can discharge energy through your fingertips. Granted, you'll need to hook
yourself up to a car battery or wall outlet for a few hours a day, but if you've ever had a Garou trying to choke you to
death, you know it's worth it. An electricity elemental teaches this Gift.
System (old version): You must spend at least an hour "meditating" while attached to a supply of electricity.
Spend one Gnosis and roll Intelligence + Enigmas (difficulty 6); for each success, you gain a temporary dot in a new trait
called "Electricity." If you spend another point of Gnosis, you can charge this Trait up further; the maximum rating is 10.
For the rest of the day, your body will have a constant static electric charge until you discharge it.
To attack with the Death Ray Gift, roll the dice in your Electricity pool. Attacking with a touch is difficulty 6;
attacking at range (up to fifty feet) is difficulty 8. If you hit, you inflict one Health Level of aggravated damage per
success; this damage is soaked at difficulty 8. The Electricity trait goes down one dot each time you use the Death Ray.
Optionally, you can burn off points of Electricity instead of Gnosis to power Gifts like Battery and Summon Electricity.
(Source: Ratkin, p.120-121)
System (new version): The character must spend at least an hour “meditating” while attached to a supply of
electricity. Afterwards, the player spends one Gnosis point and rolls Infamy (difficulty 6) to aim the Death Ray. It has a
range of 50 feet, and inflicts (Rage + Gnosis) dice of aggravated damage. The Death Ray can be shot once per hour spent
“juicing up.”
(Source: W20 Changing Breeds, p.189)

Plague Lord
• Poison Food (Level One) : Health Department officials would cringe at the very thought of this Gift. Common
black rats and brown rats are capable of spreading food poisoning under the right circumstances. Add the ordinary rat's
capacity for breeding, and that means several hundred rats can drive a restaurant out of business if unchecked. Now
picture a Plague Lord calling up his own assortment of disease-spirits after learning this Gift from his ephemeral ally. Fly-
spirits teach this Gift.
System (old version): Spend one Gnosis and roll Intelligence + Enigmas. Anyone who eats the poisoned food
takes a number of Health Levels of non-aggravated damage equal to the number of successes. This damage can be soaked
with a Stamina roll, but the poison remains in the food for one scene. (Incidentally, taking multiple bites in the same scene
does not inflict damage multiple times.)
(Source: Ratkin, p.121)
System (new version): The player spends one Gnosis point and rolls Intelligence + Enigmas. All food within
(Infamy x 5) feet of the character becomes temporarily poisonous, inflicting (successes) lethal damage to anyone that eats
it during that scene.
(Source: W20 Changing Breeds, p.189)
• Sniffle (Level One) : Having trouble seeing an invisible enemy? To use this Gift, the Plague Lord places a
pinch of dust on his palm and blows. He may direct the germ-laden cloud around the room, seeking the invisible. The first
person it makes contact with must make a nasty Willpower roll to avoid sneezing, coughing, and wheezing from a
temporary bout with a nasty cold. This Gift is taught by a disease-spirit.
System (old version): Sacrifice a point of Gnosis to your disease-spirit and procure a handful of powder. Roll
Intelligence + Medicine (difficulty 6). You have a number of turns to find your opponent equal to your number of
successes on this roll. Each turn, the cloud of germs travels up to five yards. If your opponent is in the area of the cloud, he
must make a Willpower roll (difficulty 9) to avoid giving away his position with a loud outburst.
(Source: Ratkin, p.121)
System (new version): The player spends one Gnosis point when she suspects there are others lurking nearby.
Any concealed character within (Infamy x 3) yards sneezes, coughs, or otherwise gives away their position.
(Source: W20 Changing Breeds, p.189)
• Toxic Hate (Level One) : As the metis Gift: Primal Anger.
(Source: W20 Changing Breeds, p.189→Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.156)
• Virulent Curse of Hatred (Level One) : As the Level Two Warrior Gift: Curse of Hatred, but with a few
distinct differences. The victim's Traits are reduced by a simulation of the Plague Lord's favorite disease. Players are
encouraged to research their favorite afflictions; the game mechanics, however, always remain the same.
System: Spend one Rage and roll Manipulation + Expression; the difficulty is the victim's Willpower. With at
least one success, the victim loses two Willpower points and two Rage points. This can only be attempted once per scene.
This is an Epidemic Gift, and can be spread to more than one victim with the Plague Lord Gift: Epidemic Contagion.
(Source: Ratkin, p.121)
• Blur of the Weeping Eyes (Level Two) Version One : Got something in your eye? The Ratkin can inflict
someone looking at him with a nasty infection affecting his eyesight. All he's got to do is spit on his victim to transmit this
nasty disease. This only lasts for one scene, but the poor fool will visibly suffer. He might weep pus from his eyes, suffer
from a vision defect, have his eyeballs well up with blood, or watch as his eyelids are covered in scales. The Plague Lord
gets to graphically describe the illness; the game mechanics remain the same.
System: You must successfully spit at someone to transmit this Gift; this requires a successful Dexterity + Melee
roll and one point of Rage. Your victim has the difficulty of all Perception rolls increased by two (and all attack difficulties
increased by one) for one scene. This counts as an Epidemic, and can be spread to more than one victim with the Level
Five Gift: Epidemic Contagion.
(Source: Ratkin, p.121)
• Blur of the Weeping Eyes (Level Two) Version Two : As the Hakken Gift: Dark of Night, save that the
character spits at her victim rather than spilling ink. The Gift causes the victim’s eyes to swell and become so rheumy that
he cannot see. Sewage-spirits teach this Gift. As in Version One, this counts as an Epidemic, and can be spread to more
than one victim with the Level Five Gift: Epidemic Contagion.
(Source: W20 Changing Breeds, p.190→Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.189)
• Dredge the Spirit World (Level Two) : The Plague Lord can summon a few select spirits of misery: those of
Pain, Disease and Night. If the Gift involves an appropriate sacrifice, it may also call up a wraith... or a Spectre.
System: Roll Gnosis against the difficulty of the local Gauntlet; the difficulty depends on the power of the dark spirit
Spirit Difficulty
Pain-spirit 6
Disease-spirit 7
Night-spirit 8
Wraith/ghost 9
On a botch, the Plague Lord has either called up a Spectre (if you've got a copy of Wraith: The Oblivion) or a minor Bane
of the Storyteller's choosing.
Successes The spirit...
One ...comes eventually and is initially hostile.
Two ...manifests quickly, but is still initially hostile.
Three ...comes immediately and is neutral.
Four ...comes immediately and remains passive, yet benign.
Five+ ...the spirit comes immediately and is friendly.
(Source: Ratkin, p.121)
• Stink (Level Two) Version Two : As the Bone Gnawer Gift: Gift of the Skunk.
(Source: W20 Changing Breeds, p.190→p.187→Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.175)
• Catgut (Level Three) :This is one of the fouler secrets possessed by Plague Lords. By carefully curing the skin
or internal organs of other Changing Breeds, the Lord can weave a highly durable skein. With a bit of work, this can be
crafted into form-fitting armor. Catgut armor, unfortunately, really pisses off other shapechangers. Bastet have been known
to frenzy at the very sight of a Plague Lord wearing a leopard-skin coat or cat ears. (And yet, other wererats have been
known to fall to the ground laughing.)
System: Preparing catgut armor requires a dead shapechanger, an hour of work, and the expenditure of a point
of Gnosis. Roll Intelligence + Repair; if the roll succeeds, the pelt that's skinned bestows three extra dice for soaking
Shapechangers of the same Changing Breed as the victim of this Gift must make frenzy checks the first time they see it, or
whenever they enter battle against a Ratkin wearing it. This Gift cannot be used on Ratkin.
(Source: Ratkin, p.121-122)
• Lesions (Level Three) : Like the Garou Gift: Halt the Coward's Flight. If you can bite or claw your victim,
lesions and sores will break out on his legs and feet, making rapid movement impossible. His running speed is effectively
halved. Flea-spirits teach this Gift.
System: Spend one turn focusing your diseases within you, and then bite or claw your victim. You must unleash
this illness before the end of the scene. If you succeed, roll Charisma + Intimidation; the difficulty is the victim's
Willpower. If this roll succeeds, the victim moves at half normal speed for the remainder of the scene. This is an Epidemic,
and can be spread to more than one victim with the Gift: Epidemic Contagion.
(Source: Ratkin, p.122 & W20 Changing Breeds, p.190)
• Venom Blood (Level Three) : As the Get of Fenris Gift.
(Source: W20 Changing Breeds, p.190→Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.181)
• Inflict Pain (Level Four) : Your ability to transmit disease has become so impressive that you can adjust the
pain your victims feel. This Gift is taught by a pain-spirit.
System: You must successfully bite or claw your victim to transmit this Gift. Spend a point of Rage and roll
Intelligence + Medicine; the difficulty is your victim's permanent Gnosis (or four, for those without Gnosis). The number
of successes determines the dice pool penalties your victim receives for the duration of the scene; these work just like the
penalties for wound Levels. One or two successes inflict a -1; three or four successes inflict a -2; five or more successes
grant a -3. The effects can be completely nullified with the Gift: Resist Pain or similar powers. This is an Epidemic Gift,
and can be spread to more than one victim with the Gift: Epidemic Contagion.
(Source: Ratkin, p.122 & W20 Changing Breeds, p.190)
• Epidemic Contagion (Level Five) : The Plague Lords' forte, Epidemic Gifts, are even nastier when in the
hands of the highest-ranking Lords. By use of this Gift, a wererat can make any Epidemic Gift highly contagious. This
Gift is taught by rat-spirits.
System (old version): If the victim of an Epidemic Gift (Blur of the Weeping Eyes, Lesions, or Inflict Pain)
comes within touching distance of another person (one yard or so), there's a chance that the ailment will spread to that
poor soul as well. The victim needs to make a Willpower roll, difficulty 7. If the victim fails, he is also afflicted with the
illness... and can in turn pass it on to someone else.
Here's the best part: The Plague Lord can decide whether Ratkin can succumb to this epidemic as well. Do you
want wererats to be infected by this plague? If the answer is "yes," the difficulty of a wererat's Willpower roll to resist
infection is 5. If the answer is "no," Plague Lords can unleash infectious Gifts into a herd of shapechangers with impunity.
Either way, the Plague Lord is always unaffected by his own plagues.
(Source: Ratkin, p.122)
System (new version): If the victim of Blur of the Weeping Eyes, Lesions, or Inflict Pain comes within a yard or
so of another person while under the effects of those Gifts, that person must make a Stamina roll (difficulty 7) or also
contract the Gift’s ailment. He, in turn, also becomes contagious as if Epidemic Contagion had been successfully activated
on him. Ratkin are immune to the spread of these ailments.
(Source: W20 Changing Breeds, p.190)

• Persuasion (Level One) Version One : As the homid Ratkin Gift.
(Source: Ratkin, p.111)
• Persuasion (Level One) Version Two : As the homid Gift.
(Source: W20 Changing Breeds, p.190→Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.153)
• Spirit Speech (Level One) : As the Theurge Gift.
(Source: Ratkin, p.122 & W20 Changing Breeds, p.190→Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.164)
• Tale Spinning (Level One) Version One : Using this amazing ability, the Ratkin can tell an elaborate story
defying all reason and logic, and tell it so convincingly that the listener believes it is true. Telling the story absorbs an
entire scene.
System: Burn one Gnosis and roll the Munchmausen's Manipulation + Expression. The most educated or skeptical listener
makes an Intelligence roll to resist; for each success, he can stop the Ratkin at any point and ask him one question that
should derail the story entirely. ("But sir, there is no air on the moon!" quoth, he. To which I replied, "Ah, but you are
mistaken! The cheese has holes, does it not?") Regardless, if the "tale-teller" has more successes than the listener, the Gift
succeeds and the Moon Mouse makes it to the end of his story. Optionally, the listener may write down his number of
successes on a piece of paper and pass it to the Storyteller; the Munchmausen doesn't find out the results until his story is
(Source: Ratkin, p.122)
• Tale Spinning (Level One) Version Two : As the Ragabash Gift: Liar’s Craft.
(Source: W20 Changing Breeds, p.190→Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.162)
• Name the Spirit (Level Two) :As the lupus Gift.
(Source: Ratkin, p.122→p.116 & W20 Changing Breeds, p.190→Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.159)
• Rapier Wit (Level Two) : Through a combination of fast-talk and quick reflexes, the Ratkin can parry and
riposte against attacks more effectively. This does not always require a weapon, but it does require quick wits (both on the
part of the player and the character). The Munchmausen must compose a song or poem while using Rapier Wit, adding a
stanza at least every time he attempts to parry or riposte. If the Ratkin is unarmed, the player must also describe what
items nearby he is using in combat instead. A chair, chandelier or mug of ale can be deadly if wielded by a witty
System: When the Ratkin begins using Rapier Wit, the player improvises the first two lines of an original poem
or song. Mark off one Gnosis. Any time the Munchmausen is assaulted with a Brawl or Melee attack, she may attempt to
automatically parry and counterattack. This lasts for the rest of the scene, and works in addition to the Munchmausen's
other actions. Each time the Ratkin is attacked, the player must add another two lines to the poem or song. The
composition need not necessarily make sense, but it must at least rhyme.
For a successful parry and counterattack, the Munchmausen rolls Dexterity + Expression. The difficulty of the
first roll starts out at a 6. Each time the Munchmausen parries and adds another two lines to her composition, the
Storyteller determines whether the difficulty of the next parry should go up by 1 or down by 1, depending on the ingenuity
of the poem or song. (Optionally, players can vote using the "thumbs up/thumbs down" method like the one used in the
Warrior Gift: Improvisation.) The difficulty of the parry/counterattack can never go lower than 4 or higher than 10.
To parry, she must score more successes than the attacker did on his attack roll. The damage for the counterattack
is equal to Strength, although the Storyteller may add a die or two if the weapon is particularly vicious. If the weapon does
aggravated damage, so does the counterattack. Her opponent can attempt to soak damage, but cannot Dodge or Parry the
counterattack. The Gift lasts for the rest of the scene; hopefully by then, the Munchmausen's masterpiece will be complete.
(Source: Ratkin, p.122)
• Umbral Camouflage (Level Two) : As the Theurge Gift.
(Note: This Level Three Gift is apparently Level Two for Munchmausen.)
(Source: W20 Changing Breeds, p.190→Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.165)
• Adversity (Level Three) : A Munchmausen can survive extreme temperatures for a full day with this Gift.
Arcadian Ratkin often tell ridiculous stories about having lived on the moon, the bottom of the ocean, or the caldera of an
active volcano. Some of these stories are true.
System: Tava (Rank Three Ratkin) are immune to extreme heat (up to boiling lava) or extreme cold (up to
Antarctic conditions). At Rank Four, they gain the ability to live underwater or in a vacuum. A Rrrrr't (Rank Five) Ratkin
can reproduce the Ratkin Gift: Survivor; Moon Mice find this ability essential. No roll is necessary; the Rat just spends
Gnosis for each day he wants to survive. Extreme heat or cold requires one Gnosis. Underwater conditions or compete
vacuums require two Gnosis; the Survivor Gift requires three. As a side note, this Gift will never grant immunity to silver,
though it will reduce the damage from fire from aggravated to non-aggravated.
(Source: Ratkin, p.122-123)
• Improvisation (Level Three) : As the Ratkin Blade Slave Gift.
(Source: Ratkin, p.118-119 [old version] & W20 Changing Breeds, p.190→p.189 [new version])
• Taste of Madness (Level Three) : Share my delusion! The Munchmausen can construct a brief variant of
reality for his victim to experience. This must be summarized in one sentence of no more than ten words (“a world where
apes evolved from men,” “dinosaurs are on the loose in this mall,” etc). Fungal-spirits teach this Gift.
System: Spend a point of Gnosis and roll Manipulation + Subterfuge (the difficulty is equal to the subject's
Willpower). If the roll succeeds, the victim believes the delusion as truth. The effects last one hour per success.
(Source: Ratkin, p.123 & W20 Changing Breeds, p.190)
• Whispered Dreams (Level Four) Version One : You can speak an illusion into existence. This apparition can
affect all of your victim's senses, can move anywhere within your line-of-sight, and can exist as long as you concentrate on
it. The Gift begins when you whisper a few words about the dweomer you are trying to create. The illusion lasts for one
System: Spend two Willpower points and roll Manipulation + Expression (difficulty 8). Anyone witnessing the
illusion can attempt to "see through it" by rolling Perception + Alertness; the difficulty is equal to (5 + the number of
successes you obtained, up to a maximum of difficulty 9). Once one person points out this flaw, the illusion is ruined for
everyone, and it vanishes.
(Source: Ratkin, p.123)
• Whispered Dreams (Level Four) Version Two : As the Fianna Gift: Phantasm.
(Source: W20 Changing Breeds, p.190→Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.180)
• Hyperattenuation (Level Five) :The Arcadian Ratkin can exaggerate any one sense to ridiculous proportions.
The effects last for one scene, and only work if accompanied by outrageous bragging. For instance, the Moon Mouse
might hear footsteps through the ground seven leagues away; smell a single peppermint leaf resting on a cup of treacle on
the lowest Level of a sewer system; see well enough from the top of a building to shoot the apple off a tree outside the
city; or feel a man's deepest psychological problems through the bumps on his forehead.
Inconceivable! This Gift is chaotic, often throwing in sensory data you never anticipated. It's taught by a Wyldling spirit.
System: Roll Manipulation + Expression (difficulty 9), without spending any Willpower. For each success, you
can increase your Perception by one point for as long as you spend an equal amount of Gnosis; this lasts for one scene.
The Storyteller takes any Perception roll you make and "hyperattenuates" it to Herculean proportions. Again, your
heightened senses are chaotic: You might try to identify the scent of a Glass Walker's cigars, but you may also catch a
whiff of the store across town that he bought it from....
(Source: Ratkin, p.123 & W20 Changing Breeds, p.190)

• Firebug (Level One) : By focusing anger and destructive emotions, the Twitcher can ignite flammable
materials within ten feet. You can't hurl balls of abysmal flame, but you can torch things without carrying an incriminating
lighter or book of matches. This inferno can only engulf wood, paper or cloth; you'll need the Pyrotechnics Gift for
anything less flammable. In addition, the Gift does not work on items that are being worn or carried. This Gift is taught by
a Wyldling spirit.
System (old version): Spend one Rage and roll temporary Rage to ignite a fire. You just need one success. This
may seem trivial, but no human investigator will be able to deduce the cause of your act of arson. The Gift is also
instantaneous; imagine the efficacy of setting a building on fire right in the middle of an epic fight scene.
(Source: Ratkin, p.123)
System (new version): The player spends one Rage and rolls Infamy to ignite the flame; only one success is
(Source: W20 Changing Breeds, p.190)
• Sense Angst (Level One) : You know anger and bitterness so well that you can smell it in others. Humans
become fascinating: you can sense their current greatest pet peeve or annoyance. When you're near shapechangers, you
can sense the extent of their Rage; if lucky, you can determine the last event that really pissed them off. You know how
close a vampire is to going berserk (and what might set him off), or the pain of a wraith hovering nearby. If you use this on
someone tainted by the Wyrm, you can sense part of what drove him to his madness. In all, if anyone is pissed off, you can
figure out why... and use it to your advantage.
System: Roll Perception + Occult, difficulty 6. If a human is actually calm, you can tell what would most upset
him at that moment; gaining more than one success gives you more insights into what would cheese him off. Three
successes on a Perception + Occult roll lets you tell the relative Rage of a werewolf (or other shapechanger), the Humanity
of a vampire (or a brief impression of his Path's morality and how "far along" he is on it), the Angst Level of a wraith, the
Banality of a changeling, or the last thing that really pissed off a human or mage; although this description is never
couched in actual game terms, it allows a Ratkin to make a rough guess whether a given target is a werebeast, undead, fae
thing, human or "something else." This Gift can only be used once per subject per scene.
(Source: Ratkin, p.123)
• Sense Weaver (Level One) : As the Shadow Seer Gift.
(Source: Ratkin, p.116 & W20 Changing Breeds, p.190→Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.156)
• Toxic Hate (Level One) : As the metis Gift: Primal Anger.
(Source: W20 Changing Breeds, p.190→Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.156)
• Cornered Rat’s Ferocity (Level Two) : As the Bone Gnawer Gift.
(Source: W20 Changing Breeds, p.190→Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.175)
• Holdout (Level Two) : By creating a "pocket" in your flesh, you can smuggle a weapon or a small package.
Don't be surprised if a corned Twitcher pulls something amazing out of his... well, you know....
System: Spend one Gnosis, and the spirits will aid you in secreting the device. Roll Wits + Subterfuge to make
sure it's well hidden. If your holdout item is bigger than a rat, you cannot shift into rat form without immediately dropping
it on the ground. The package can't be larger than your chest cavity. Inserting it can be rather embarrassing unless it's done
in private. Excreting it from your newly created orifice requires a point of Rage. You may point to the spot where you'd
like the new orifice when you activate this Gift, but be specific; rat-spirits don't give a rat's ass where they shove it in.
(Source: Ratkin, p.123)
• Jam Technology (Level Two) : As the homid Gift.
(Source: W20 Changing Breeds, p.190→Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.153-4)
• Self-Destruct (Level Two) : Students of the Weaver can learn to control simple machines, forcing them to stop
functioning. Devotees of the Wyld can make them self-destruct in a spectacular fashion, throwing off sparks and lovely
jagged pieces.
System: Spend one Rage and roll your remaining temporary Rage. Anyone hit by the fallout loses a number of
nonaggravated Health Levels of damage equal to the number of successes; this can be soaked. This only works on
mundane technology, not fetishes, talens, talismans, Devices and the like.
(Source: Ratkin, p.123-124)
• Gremlins (Level Three) : As the Ragabash Gift.
(Source: W20 Changing Breeds, p.190→Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.162)
• Pyrotechnics (Level Three) Version One : Fire walks with you. While cowards cloak objects in darkness,
you're a soldier of the Apocalypse; you'll cloak them in flames. The size of the object in question depends on your anger
and your ability. Anyone using this Gift must have some sort of prop to cover up the supernatural activity. Use gasoline,
mix chemicals, or just wire something to blow. Even if it shouldn't physically work, your race's undying hatred will give it
the kick it needs to jump-start the Apocalypse.
System: Start off by focusing your anger. You can spend as 1 much Rage as you like; each point gives you an
automatic success on the Intelligence + Occult roll that follows. The size of the object and its composition both affect the
number of successes you need to set it ablaze. Every success allows you to torch a 10- by-10 foot area. Yes, this can be
used on living things.
Optionally, mechanically-inclined Storytellers may choose to split the number of successes on the initial roll
between these two tables to further define the conflagration. For more details, check out the Fire! section of the main
Successes Severity of the Fire difficulty to soak damage
One heat of a candle (first-degree bums) 3
Two heat of a torch (second-degree burns) 5
Three heat of a Bunsen burner (third-degree) 7
Four heat of a chemical fire 9
Five molten metal 10
Successes Size of the Fire wounds inflicted each turn
One size of a torch one
Three bonfire; half of body burned two
Five raging inferno; total immersion in flames three
(Source: Ratkin, p.124)
• Pyrotechnics (Level Three) Version Two : The Ratkin may improvise explosive devices out of just about any
junk she can find to hand; her Rage serves as the fuse and the fuel. This Gift is taught by weasel-spirits.
System: The player rolls Intelligence + Craft to improvise the bomb, and spends as much Rage as desired. When
the bomb is triggered (either by being tossed, or through a remote detonation system : the type is chosen at the time it is
created), it inflicts (Rage spent x 3) dice of lethal damage to everything within (Infamy x 3) yards.
(Source: W20 Changing Breeds, p.190)
• Sanctify (Level Three) :This Gift is used in conjunction with the Rite of the Pain-Dagger; if you know this
Gift, you may also learn that rite from a Warrior (without spending the experience for it). Normally, you can bind a spirit
to a blade of religious significance to form a Pain-Dagger, the Ratkin's equivalent of a Garou klaive. The Sanctify Gift
allows you to temporarily bind one of the spirits used in the rite to anything with a jagged or pointed edge: butcher knives,
chain saws, broken bottles, meat hooks and bone saws are all obvious examples. This Gift is blissfully bestowed by a pain-
spirit, but only if you can give it what it wants first. This often involves sacrificing another creature's pain.
System: Find a weapon to dedicate as your new Pain Dagger. Spend one Rage and whisper the greatest crime
you intend to commit with it into the blade. You can then perform the Rite of the Pain Dagger upon it to summon a pain-
spirit and bind it inside. If the weapon normally inflicts non-aggravated damage (like a broken bottle or a meat hook), the
new weapon can mete out Strength + 2 aggravated damage. If the weapon normally inflicts aggravated damage (like a
chainsaw), the new weapon metes out Strength + 4 damage.
In addition, the Twitcher can spend a point of Gnosis to force the spirit to use the Charm: Agony (see p. 48).
When the blade is dedicated, roll Gnosis; for each success, the spirit remains bound for one week. As usual, a Twitcher
cannot create more than one Pain Dagger at a time; however, they don't worry about losing Obligation Renown for
performing irreverent or obscene acts with them.
Unfortunately, the spirit inside a Sanctified Pain Daggers may whisper to the Twitcher who carries it; only the
owner can hear these disturbing messages. Once a day, if the owner fails a Willpower roll (difficulty 9), a drawn spirit
blade will force its owner to attack a victim of its choice. Some Ratkin believe it's a small price to pay.
(Source: Ratkin, p.124-125)
• Infest (Level Four) : As the Bone Gnawer Gift.
(Source: W20 Changing Breeds, p.190→Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.176)
• Keening of Swarm Panic (Level Four) : This Gift is essentially the same as the Level Three Nezumi Gift
from Hengeyokai: Shapeshifters of the East. However, non-Nezumi Ratkin learn this Gift at Level Four. It is only possible
in the midst of a crowd of at least fifty or sixty humans. The Twitcher keens a high, wailing sound just beyond the fringe
of human hearing. After a few minutes, the humans become uneasy and soon begin to push and shove each other. The
human swarm can become extremely dangerous if it senses the need to bolt.
System: Expend one point of Gnosis and roll Charisma + Rituals (difficulty 7). If the Ratkin obtains at least
three successes, the crowd will begin to force its way towards a chosen exit. With four successes, the crowd will panic,
surging so violently that any non-humans in their way are swept into the crowd. Each of these victims suffers one Level of
damage (difficulty 8 to soak).
With five success, the crowd bolts. Anyone caught in the way of the crowd should roll Dexterity + Athletics or
Dexterity + Dodge; otherwise, that victim is trampled under a wave of human flesh. The victim takes one Level of damage
each turn until he gets to his feet (until then, he can attempt to soak the damage at difficulty 9). The most insidious part of
this Gift is its duration: ten minutes for each success on the initial roll.
(Source: Ratkin, p.125)
• All Hell (Level Five) Version One : By summoning a swarm of Wyldling spirits and rat-spirits, you can invoke
sheer pandemonium. They'll crawl the walls, manipulating mundane objects randomly, and causing sheer chaos. Any non-
Ratkin in the room is hit with the Delirium. Wyld-spirits teach this Gift.
System: Spend one Gnosis; everyone present rolls Willpower (difficulty 8). Anyone who fails this roll gets hit by
the Delirium, just as if they were human. Humans are automatically affected, but move one step up the Delirium chart for
each two successes they get.
(Source: Ratkin, p.125)
• All Hell (Level Five) Version Two : The Twitcher conjures a swarm of rat-spirits and Wyldlings, and
pandemonium ensues: mundane objects fly about, the walls breathe, people smell colors and see sounds, and chaos rules.
Wyld-spirits teach this Gift.
System: The player spends two Gnosis points; all non-Ratkin present with a Willpower score lower than the
Twitcher’s Infamy are subjected to the Delirium. Beings normally immune to the Delirium treat their Willpower as two
higher than normal when determining how they react (but not whether they succumb).
(Source: W20 Changing Breeds, p.190)

Faction Gifts
Nezumi employ nearly all of the Ratkin Gifts detailed in the Werewolf Players Guide. The Gifts listed below are more
commonly used in the East, but Western Ratkin can still learn them from a generous sensei or well-traveled Rat Jaggling.
• Hunter in Crowds (Level One) : A thousand years of hiding and skulking, secretly carrying out activities
formally shunned by the Courts, have taught Nezumi how to sense the presence of their brethren. When surrounded by a
large group of people, a Ratkin can sense if another shapeshifter is lurking somewhere in the crowd. The Ratkin may use
the opportunity to either flee or begin hunting his stalker. This Gift is taught by a dog-spirit.
System (old version): This talent requires the expenditure of one point of Gnosis and a of Perception + Stealth
roll, difficulty of the other creature's Stealth Ability + 4.
(Source: Hengeyokai: Shapeshifters of the East, p.87)
System (new version): The player rolls Perception + Awareness (difficulty 6 if the shapeshifter is of a Breed the
Nezumi is familiar with, 7 if the Nezumi has never encountered it before). The more successes gained, the better the
Nezumi can estimate the shapeshifter’s location (or locations). The Storyteller should keep the difficulty of this roll secret,
so as not to give away what sort of shifter might be nearby, and might not even tell the player why they’re rolling.
(Source: W20 Changing Breeds, p.276)
• Raiding the Umbral Hoard (Level One) :Raiding supplies of grain and rice is essential to a nest's survival.
Through this Gift, a Nezumi can summon a small group of rat-spirits to steal a small amount of food and transport it
through the Umbra to another locale up to a mile away (although they can be tracked in the process). Food in plain sight
cannot be stolen : it must be hidden or unobserved. A variant of this Gift allows the spirits to corrupt and despoil caches of
food. This Gift is, naturally, taught by a rat-spirit.
System (old version): This Gift requires one point of Gnosis and a Wits + Survival roll. A rodens can seize and
transport a few handfuls of food; a homid can transport a few pounds; a metis can transport up to ten pounds. If the user
spends a point of Rage instead, he can spoil an equivalent amount of rice or grain with feces and urine.
(Source: Hengeyokai: Shapeshifters of the East, p.87)
System (new version): The Ratkin’s player spends one point of either Gnosis or Rage. Spending Gnosis steals
the food; Rage instead spoils it. The player rolls Wits + Larceny (difficulty 5). The Ratkin can steal or spoil ten pounds of
food per success. At Rank Four, the Ratkin’s player may spend an additional Willpower point to affect one ton of food per
(Source: W20 Changing Breeds, p.276)
• Resist Toxin (Level One) : As the Fianna Gift.
(Source: Hengeyokai: Shapeshifters of the East, p.87→Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.174)
• Cloak of Darkest Night (Level Two) : Darkness is the greatest ally of an assassin. A Nezumi can call upon his
totem's strength to aid a swarm of rodens or pack of homids. Along the path of the invasion route, light sources are
extinguished by small gusts of wind and electrical systems may short out. This makes the use of certain other Gifts (such
as Cloak of Shadows) somewhat easier.
System: Underground or indoors, this Gift requires an Intelligence + Stealth roll and the use of three points of
Gnosis. The effect lowers the difficulty of any Stealth rolls for Stealth-based and Subterfuge-based Gifts by 1. For five
points of Gnosis, the Rat Totem can draw clouds across a clear blue sky to achieve the same effect outdoors. The results
last one minute for each success.
(Source: Hengeyokai: Shapeshifters of the East, p.87)
(Note: W20 Changing Breeds, p.276-277 lists this Gift as Level Three, see below.)
• Secrets of the Tunnels (Level Two) : As the Level Four Bone Gnawer Gift: Attunement.
(Source: Hengeyokai: Shapeshifters of the East, p.87→Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.176)
• Cloak of Darkest Night (Level Three) : The Nezumi pulls a cloak of shadows around her sentai’s activities,
extinguishing all lights that might give them away. A shadow-spirit teaches this Gift.
System: The player spends two Gnosis points. For the rest of the scene, all artificial lights extinguish when her
sentai approaches, granting a +3 bonus to Stealth based actions. For an additional Willpower point, the sky darkens as
well, allowing this Gift to function even in direct sunlight.
(Source: W20 Changing Breeds, p.276-277)
(Note: Hengeyokai: Shapeshifters of the East, p.87 lists this Gift as Level Two, see above.)
• Keening of Swarm Panic (Level Three) : If humans really were civilized, they wouldn't allow their cities to
become so crowded. Nezumi are able to exploit this primitive failing through the enactment of this Gift. The practice is
only possible in the midst of a crowd of at least fifty or sixty humans. The Nezumi keens a high, wailing sound just
beyond the fringe of human hearing. After a few minutes, the humans become uneasy and soon begin to push and shove
each other. The human swarm can become extremely dangerous if it senses the need to bolt. Although Awakened beings
are immune to the effects, they can still be in trouble if they're caught in the mob. This Gift is taught by a fear-spirit.
System: The player spends a Gnosis point and rolls Charisma + Rituals (difficulty 7). If she obtains at least three
successes, the crowd begins to force its way towards a chosen exit. With four successes, the crowd panics, surging so
violently that anyone in their way and not part of the surge is swept into the crowd. Each of these victims suffers one
Health Level of damage (difficulty 8 to soak).
With five successes, the crowd bolts. Anyone caught in the way of the crowd should roll Dexterity + Athletics
(difficulty 8); failure indicates that the unfortunate is trampled under a wave of human flesh. The victim takes one Health
Level of damage each turn until he gets to his feet (until then, he can attempt to soak the damage at difficulty 9). The most
insidious part of this Gift is its duration: ten minutes for each success on the initial roll.
(Note: Non-Nezumi Ratkin learn their version of this Gift at Level Four [see above].)
(Source: Hengeyokai: Shapeshifters of the East, p.87)
• Gnaw (Level Four) : As the lupus Gift.
(Source: Hengeyokai: Shapeshifters of the East, p.87→Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.160)
• Rat’s Shadow (Level Four) : The Nezumi chitters a plague-curse upon one who has earned her wrath.
Henceforth, rats will creep out of the shadows whenever the target is alone (even in a sealed room), stealing his food,
disrupting his sleep with their nips and scrabbling, chewing through cables, and generally making his life a living hell. A
rat-spirit teaches this Gift.
System: The player spends one Gnosis point and rolls Intelligence + Occult (difficulty 7). The curse lasts for one
day per success; at the end, the target must make a Willpower roll with a difficulty of (4 + successes gained, maximum 9).
Failure inflicts a derangement, probably related to rats.
(Source: W20 Changing Breeds, p.277)
• Snake Bites Itself (Level Five) Version One : This Gift is a perfect example of what the Nezumi call poetic
justice. By merely touching a victim and chittering a low, quick curse, the Nezumi can turn a foe's poisons against itself.
Bakemono choke on their own bile, Kumo suffer the effects of their own venom, and Kuei-jin are ravaged by their Yin
toxins. This Gift is taught by a mushroom-, snake- or spider-spirit.
System: The Nezumi must touch her victim, and the player must spend a Gnosis point and succeed in a Wits +
Medicine roll (difficulty of opponent's Willpower). The target immediately suffers the full effects of any and all poisonous,
toxic, radioactive, corrosive or acidic powers he possesses, regardless of any immunities he might have. A Nagah would
immediately have to resist the effects of its own venom, while a Kuei-jin might have to resist his more toxic Shintai
Disciplines. Even human poisoners might be suddenly afflicted with cyanide poisoning or worse, depending on how
regularly they practice their art. Although this Gift doesn't affect spirits, it can be lethal to shen who use an arsenal of toxic
(Source: Hengeyokai: Shapeshifters of the East, p.88)
• Snake Bites Itself (Level Five) Version Two : The Nezumi may turn an enemy’s own toxins upon him : Kuei-
jin are struck down by their own Yin poisons, Kumo by their venom, and so on. A mushroom-, snake- or spider-spirit
teaches this Gift.
System: The Nezumi must touch his target, and the player spends one Gnosis point. The target is immediately
stricken with any poison she routinely employs upon others (if any) : even if she is normally immune to her own poison, or
indeed even to all poisons.
(Source: W20 Changing Breeds, p.277)

Rokea begin play with two Gifts, one chosen from the general Rokea Gift list and one auspice starting Gift. While many of
their Gifts are similar to those known by the Garou, they are almost without exception taught by spirits that can be found
without leaving Sea, regardless of which spirits the Garou might learn them from.

General Gifts
• Breach (Level One) : Some breeds of shark are better at leaping from the water than others, but this Gift helps.
The Rokea propels herself towards the surface and leaps a fantastic distance out. Weresharks use this Gift to see for miles
across the sea, and sometimes to board ships. A shark- or marlin-spirit teaches this Gift.
System: As the lupus Gift: Hare's Leap. This Gift does work on land, but Sea-born Rokea don't always think to
try it, as it feels strange to leap in a bipedal form.
(Source: Rokea, p.65 & PGttCB, Revised, p.153 & W20 Changing Breeds, p.201)
• Fast (Level One) : Sharks can survive for long periods of time by living off their internal store of oil. Rokea
can use this ability on land, as well, to survive without food or water, by consuming their own Gnosis. This Gift is taught
by a shark-spirit.
System: The player spends one Gnosis point. The character need not eat or drink for one week after activating
the Gift. If the character wishes to fast for longer than a week, she must reactivate the Gift (which of course costs another
point of Gnosis) before the first use of the Gift ends. If she does not, the Gift will not function again until she has eaten.
(Source: Rokea, p.65 & W20 Changing Breeds, p.201)
• Killing Bite (Level One) : Fighting Jaws is the preferred form for combat beneath the waves, but sometimes
the need to attack swiftly or fighting in a confined area (a Grotto, perhaps), disallows this form. This Gift, taught by a
shark-spirit, allows the Rokea to use a powerful bite in any form.
System: The player spends one Rage point to activate the Gift. The character's next bite attack, if successful,
inflicts 2 additional Health Levels (not dice) of damage.
(Source: Rokea, p.65 & PGttCB, Revised, p.153 & W20 Changing Breeds, p.201)
• Sense Threat (Level One) : A race charged only with survival needs to know how to recognize danger,
preferably early in life. The Rokea with this Gift can discern whether she is swimming into a dangerous situation, or to
know if a being is a threat to her. This Gift, taught by an avatar of Sea, does not reveal a being's intentions, only whether or
not said being is dangerous. (For example, a raging Brightwater might have no real desire to hurt the user, but is dangerous
System: The Rokea focuses for a turn; the player rolls Perception + Primal-Urge. The difficulty varies : lower (6)
for immediate and palpable threats and higher (8) for subtle, more roundabout threats.
(Note: W20 Changing Breeds, p.201 lists this Gift as Sense Danger.)
(Source: Rokea, p.65 & W20 Changing Breeds, p.201)
• Teeth of the Skin (Level One) : As the Level Four metis Gift: Gift of the Porcupine. This Gift comes easily to
Rokea, as their skin normally inflicts damage similar to the Garou Gift. The Gift may be used in any form except Homid
or Glabrus.
(Source: Rokea, p.65 & W20 Changing Breeds, p.201)
• Gulp (Level Two) : The Rokea can swallow any object she can fit through her jaws, and regurgitate it later,
completely unharmed. Many Rokea use this Gift to transport clothing (so they don't have to steal clothing every time they
go ashore). Living beings are not protected by this Gift. This Gift is taught by a tiger shark-spirit.
System: The player spends one Gnosis to activate the Gift. Items can be stored in the Rokea's gullet indefinitely;
the item is considered part of the Rokea's body like a dedicated item. A fully loaded container such as a backpack does
count as “one item,” however. When the Rokea swallows her "cargo," she must, of course, be in a form large enough to do
so, and she must assume the same form to reclaim the items.
(Source: Rokea, p.65 & PGttCB, Revised, p.153 & W20 Changing Breeds, p.201)
• Poisoned Flesh (Level Two) :As the Level Three Get of Fenris Gift: Venom Blood. This Gift affects anyone
making a successful bite attack against the Rokea.
(Source: Rokea, p.65 & W20 Changing Breeds, p.201→Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.181)
• Restless Waters (Level Two) : As the lupus Gift: Scent of Sight.
(Source: Rokea, p.65 & PGttCB, Revised, p.153 & W20 Changing Breeds, p.201→Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition,
• Shagreen Shield (Level Two) Version One : The hide of some sharks is strong enough to repel a harpoon.
Rokea with this Gift can strengthen their skin to the point of repelling nearly any attack.
System: The player spends one Gnosis point and rolls Stamina + Primal-Urge (difficulty 7). The Gift lasts for
one turn per success. During this time, attacks that score less than three successes on the damage roll do not penetrate the
Rokea's skin at all. The player's difficulty to soak all other attacks is 5; although she receives all damage rolled; for
example, if an attack inflicts five Health Levels of damage, the player rolls to soak all five, not just two. Bashing damage
is halved before soak is rolled, rounding up (which means that an attacker must score more than six Levels of bashing
damage to have any chance of damaging the Rokea).
(Source: Rokea, p.65-6)
• Shagreen Skin (Level Two) Version Two : As the Get of Fenris Gift: Troll Skin.
(Source: W20 Changing Breeds, p.201→Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.180)
• Strange Waters (Level Two) : As the Level Three Red Talon Gift: Trackless Waste, but Strange Waters affects
the target's sense of direction at sea or under water.
(Source: Rokea, p.66)
• Unsea's Blessing (Level Two) Version One : Unsea considers the Rokea to be her nieces and nephews, created
as they were by her sister, Sea. As such, she does them the favor of healing their wounds if they but ask. The spirit of a
stingray or other fish that burrows into the earth teaches this Gift.
System: The Rokea must touch Unsea directly, be it the sea bottom or dry land. The player rolls Charisma +
Rituals (difficulty 5). For every success, the Rokea heals one Health Level, regardless of the type of damage. The Rokea
can take no other actions in the turn he uses this Gift.
(Source: Rokea, p.66)
• Unsea’s Blessing (Level Two) Version Two : As the Black Fury Gift: Wyld Resurgence.
(Source: W20 Changing Breeds, p.201→Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.173)
• Consume Taint (Level Three) Version One : Marine garbage dumps often attract sharks looking for easy
meals, but they also attract angry Rokea. With this Gift, the wereshark can eat refuse, be it waste oil, garbage, or even
barrels full of chemicals, thus rendering them harmless to Sea. This Gift is taught by a tiger shark-spirit.
System: The player rolls Stamina + Survival (difficulty 7). Each success allows the wereshark to eat one pound
of waste without harm. It is possible to consume nuclear waste or even Wyrm toxins with this Gift, but the difficulty is
increased by two. A botch on this roll inflicts three Levels of unsoakable aggravated damage.
(Source: Rokea, p.66)
• Consume Taint (Level Three) Version Two : As the Bone Gnawer Gift: Resist Toxin, save that the wereshark
may also consume toxic waste, spilled oil, and other poisonous, inedible garbage safely.
(Source: W20 Changing Breeds, p.201→Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.174)

• Fathom Sight (Level Three) : The vast expanse of the ocean taxes even the sensory powers of the Rokea. With
this Gift, a Rokea can project all of her senses, not just sight, for great distances. This Gift works in any direction,
including straight up (meaning that it is possible to see and hear events above the surface). Fathom Sight does not translate
speech for the Rokea, however, so eavesdropping on a conversation on board a boat deck does no good unless the Rokea
understands whatever language the humans are using. The spirit of any swift-moving fish teaches this Gift.
System: The player spends one Gnosis point and rolls Perception + Alertness (difficulty 7). The Rokea can send
her senses out for 1 mile per success in water, and 100' per success on land (this difference is due to the far greater
concentration of distractions on land).The Gift lasts for one scene.
(Source: Rokea, p.66-7 & W20 Changing Breeds, p.201)
• Gift of the Ray (Level Three) : Stingrays belong to the same family as sharks : elasmobranchs, fish whose
skeletons are made of cartilage. This distinction means nothing to the Rokea, but they can and do learn Gifts from any
fish-spirit, rays included. This Gift allows the Rokea to deliver a venomous sting with its tail or fingertip, often a good
defense against an opponent too tough to simply be beaten down. Stingray-spirits teach this Gift.
System (old version): The player spends one Gnosis point for the character to manifest the stinger, either at the
end of the tail or at the tip of the index finger. The character can then sting an opponent (this requires a Dexterity + Brawl
roll, difficulty 7). The victim must roll Stamina (difficulty 7). Failure indicates the target takes lethal damage equal to the
Rokea’s Rage. One or two successes means the target takes no damage but does take a -2 penalty to all rolls for the
remainder of the scene due to the extreme pain the wound causes. Three successes negate the effect, as does the Gift:
Resist Toxin.
(Source: PGttCB, Revised, p.153)
System (new version): The player spends one Gnosis point to manifest the stinger. Stinging is a Dexterity +
Brawl attack (difficulty 7). The victim must roll Stamina (difficulty 9) or take lethal damage equal to the Rokea’s
Innovation, as well as suffer a –2 wound penalty for the remainder of the scene.
(Source: W20 Changing Breeds, p.201)
• Kun's Warning (Level Three) : Some islander legends speak of a person born with a shark's mouth between
his shoulder blades, who later became a shark and killed and ate other islanders. Likely as not, these tales are garbled
stories of the Kun's Warning Gift. Used in modern times mainly by betweeners and their hunters, this Gift causes a shark's
maw to appear on the Rokea's back. This allows some early warning for the Rokea, as well as an extra line of defense
against multiple opponents. A shark-spirit teaches this Gift.
System: The player spends one Rage point and rolls Stamina + Primal-Urge (difficulty 7). This Gift is active for
one day per success, unless the Rokea decides to cancel it earlier. The mouth appears between the Rokea's shoulder blades
and protrudes only slightly; not enough to give the Rokea a "humped" look. While this Gift is active, the teeth will begin
to gnash should anyone try to creep up behind the wereshark. If the stalker is using a supernatural power to remain hidden
(such as the Gift: Blur of the Milky Eye), the Storyteller should roll the Rokea's Gnosis (difficulty 8). If the roll succeeds,
the mouth "notices" the stalker and reacts accordingly. The jaws can be used to inflict normal bite damage, provided the
Rokea can position herself in such a way as to allow this.
(Source: Rokea, p.67)
• Shark's Bones (Level Three) Version One : Sharks' bones are made of cartilage, and as such sharks are
extremely flexible. This Gift allows a Rokea in human form to change her bones into the same substance, allowing her to
resist damage from blunt objects and squeeze through openings as small as eight inches square. This Gift is taught by a
System: The player spends one Gnosis point. The Gift's effects last for one scene. While the Gift is active, halve
the damage of any bashing attack made on the wereshark before soak is rolled. This Gift is usable in Homid or Glabrus
form only.
(Source: Rokea, p.67 & PGttCB, Revised, p.153-154)
• Shark Bones (Level Three) Version Two : As the metis Gift: Rat Head.
(Source: W20 Changing Breeds, p.201→Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.156)
• Form of Sea (Level Four) : The Rokea may change her body into liquid and flow through pipes, under doors,
or into any other space that will admit her. She may retain cohesion in this form and “walk” as a humanoid shape, or even
drown an opponent by forcing herself down his throat. A freshwater-spirit teaches this Gift.
System: The player spends two Gnosis points. The character can stay in liquid form for (Innovation) hours. The
character cannot bite or claw, but can drown air-breathing opponents with a successful grapple attack and holding the
opponent until he runs out of breath. If the liquid body is immersed in salt water, the Gift is immediately canceled.
(Source: W20 Changing Breeds, p.201)
• Inundate (Level Four) : As the Level Four Red Talon Gift: Avalanche, but Inundate concentrates moisture
from the air to surround a target. This Gift is taught by an air-spirit and is usable only on land.
System: As Avalanche. The difficulty is determined by the amount of moisture in the air; i.e., this Gift is much
easier to use near the ocean (difficulty 4) than in a parking lot on a sunny day (difficulty 9).
(Source: Rokea, p.67 & Werewolf Players Guide 2nd Ed., p.186)
• Kun's Maw (Level Four) : As the Level Five Get of Fenris Gift: Fenris' Bite.
(Source: Rokea, p.67 & Werewolf Players Guide 2 nd Ed., p.186 & PGttCB, Revised, p.154 & W20 Changing Breeds,
p.201→Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.182)
• Patient Hunter (Level Four) :The Rokea can sink into any solid matter, be it wall, floor or open ground, and
watch what happens around her. At any time, she may spring forward and attack. This Gift is taught by an angel shark-
System (old version): The player rolls Stamina + Stealth (difficulty 8). Success indicates the Rokea merges with
a wall or floor, which must be thick enough to cover her (i.e., she can't merge with a normal wooden door). She may
remain inside the structure as long as she wishes, subject to normal natural requirements (food, for example). While thus
concealed, she cannot be detected by casual searches and most supernatural powers (Storyteller's discretion). If she
chooses to use this Gift as an ambush, any opponents she attacks receive a -3 to their initiative ratings for the first turn.
(Source: Rokea, p.67)
System (new version): The player rolls Stamina + Stealth (difficulty 5). The Rokea is undetectable while
merged in this fashion.
(Source: W20 Changing Breeds, p.201-202)
• Relentless Hunt (Level Four) : Once a Rokea chooses a course of action, few forces beneath Oversea can
change her mind. With this Gift, the Rokea may apply her determination to her chosen course of action, adding sheer
persistence to her strength and skill. A shark-spirit teaches this Gift.
System: When the Rokea learns this Gift, she chooses a goal or action. This goal must be easily stated (“Protect
the Chill Water Bites Grotto” or “Destroy Hallahan Fishing”). No form of mental or emotion control can force the Rokea
to abandon or act in a manner counter to her goal. The player receives one automatic success on any roll that furthers the
character’s goal. If the goal is ever accomplished, the player may choose another. If the character wishes to change the
goal before accomplishing the original one, the player must spend a permanent point of Gnosis. The goal must be specific :
“Survive” or “Fight enemies” is not acceptable.
(Note: A similar Gift with different rules is on Rokea, p.67)
(Source: PGttCB, Revised, p.154)
• Salmon's Return (Level Four) : The Rokea blessed with this Gift is never lost. She can always trace her route,
in the ocean or on land, and darkness, weather, or deliberate tampering with her trail are insufficient to throw her off
course. This Gift is taught by a salmon-spirit.
System: Once learned, this Gift is always active. The Rokea can always retrace her steps on land, and can always
find her way back to a familiar place in water. Gifts such as Trackless Waste must score more successes than the Rokea's
Willpower to be effective, and even then they only work for a matter of minutes. The Rokea will always recognize a place
she has seen before, even if it has changed dramatically. Needless to say, the Rokea's sense of direction is also perfect (i.e.,
she can always find true north).
(Source: Rokea, p.67)
• Set the Mind Adrift (Level Four) : Occasionally, a Rokea chooses to incapacitate an enemy (or a frenzied
ally) without harming him. This Gift allows the Rokea to force a target into a vivid hallucination, in which he is drifting in
the ocean with nothing around for miles. The Rokea may also use this Gift as a terror or interrogation technique by making
subtle changes in the vision. This Gift is taught by a spirit-servant of Oversea.
System: The player spends a Willpower point and rolls Manipulation + Intimidation (difficulty of the target's
Willpower). Success places the target into the hallucination. The target simply sits down or swims in circles, all the while
believing that he is lost in the ocean. If the player makes a successful Manipulation + Expression roll (difficulty 6), the
Rokea can add other details to the vision : threatening storm clouds, shark's fins in the water, etc. The target can hear the
Rokea's voice, and so can answer any questions directed at him. If the target has reason to believe the hallucination false,
he may roll Willpower (difficulty 7) to resist. He must accumulate at least as many successes on this roll as the Rokea's
player did on the Manipulation + Intimidation roll to break free. This Gift lasts for one scene otherwise.
(Source: Rokea, p.67-8)
• Great Summons (Level Five) : As the lupus Gift: Song of the Great Beast. Obviously, the Rokean version of
the Gift calls up aquatic Beasts. Favorites include prehistoric sharks and marine dinosaurs.
(Source: Rokea, p.68 & PGttCB, Revised, p.154 & W20 Changing Breeds, p.202→Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition,
• Mindless Fight (Level Five) : A brutal frenzy is often an asset in a fight, but the eldest of the Rokea have
honed their frenzies until they reap all of the benefits and few of the drawbacks. The Rokea can channel her Rage into not
only speed, but endurance and power as well. This Gift is taught by a shark-spirit.
System: Once the Rokea learns this Gift, her use of Rage becomes diversified. First of all, the limits on how
much Rage may be spent in a turn are lifted. The player may spend as much of the character's Rage for extra actions as she
wishes. Second, in any turn in which Rage is spent, the character ignores wound penalties. Finally, the player receives two
extra dice to soak in any turn in which she spends Rage.
(Source: Rokea, p.68)
• Ocean's Peace (Level Five) : The Rokea's place is the Sea. They are at home there, and if not at peace, then at
least secure in the knowledge that they belong there. An elder Rokea carries this self-assurance with her wherever she
swims, Sea or Unsea. This Gift is taught by a spirit-servant of Sea.
System: The Rokea with this Gift always adds 30 to her initiative rolls. In addition, if the player succeeds on a
Willpower roll (difficulty 7), the Rokea may exert her confidence more forcefully for the remainder of the scene. In game
terms, the player may spend a Willpower point to add a success to any roll, but as long as one other success is scored, she
does not lose the point. The Willpower point is actually lost only if none of the dice show successes after any ones have
subtracted other successes).
(Source: Rokea, p.68 & PGttCB, Revised, p.154)
• Primal Assurance (Level Five) : An elder Rokea is certain of his place in the world as few other beings are,
and draws strength from this surety. This Gift is taught by an avatar of Sea.
System: The Rokea permanently adds 30 to her initiative total. Additionally, when the player spends a Willpower
point for an automatic success on a roll which produces at least one rolled success, the Willpower point is immediately
(Source: W20 Changing Breeds, p.202)
• Whirlpool's Maw (Level Five) : The Rokea opens her mouth, and anything not firmly fixed to the ground is
swept into it. She does not actually consume the materials (or beings) thus captured, but they are never seen again. It is
believed that Sea takes them, and they are forever lost in the pelagic depths. A spirit-servant of Sea teaches this Gift.
System: This Gift only works in Gladius or Chasmus forms. The player spends a Rage point and rolls Rage
(difficulty 7). The Gift functions for one turn per success. During that time, anything that the Rokea could lift is sucked
toward and into her gullet. For example, if the Rokea has a Strength rating of 6 in Gladius form, anything (or anyone)
weighing up to 800 pounds that isn't securely fastened down flies toward her mouth and is swallowed. Even objects too
large to fit into the Rokea's maw disappear into the gaping pit. A living being attempting to resist this suction must grab
something sturdy and roll Strength (difficulty 8). This Gift functions only in the water.
(Source: Rokea, p.68 & W20 Changing Breeds, p.202)

Auspice Gifts
• Eyes of the Wound (Level One) : As the metis Gift: Eyes of the Cat, except that the Gift also immediately
compensates for sudden flare-ups of light. This Gift is taught by a shark-spirit.
(Source: Rokea, p.68 & PGttCB, Revised, p.154 & W20 Changing Breeds, p.202)
• Restraint (Level One) : A common problem among the Rokea (and especially the fierce Brightwaters) is
attacking one's allies in frenzy, particularly when in Kunmind. This Gift allows the Rokea to be selective, even when lost
in Rage. A spirit-servant of Sea teaches this Gift.
System (old version): The Rokea must activate this Gift before entering frenzy. To do so, the player spends one
Gnosis point and rolls Willpower (difficulty 6). For each success, the player chooses one character present. If the Rokea
frenzies during the scene, she will ignore the characters so named, not attacking or even acknowledging them (which
means that slew tactics cannot be used, either). Keep in mind, however, that Rokea cannot use Rage and Gnosis in the
same turn. That, plus the fact that the Gift must be activated before the Rokea enters frenzy, means that a wereshark
wishing to reap the benefits of this Gift must think ahead.
(Source: Rokea, p.68-9 & PGttCB, Revised, p.154)
System (new version): The player spends one Willpower point upon entering Frenzy and rolls Willpower
(difficulty 6). For each success, she may ignore one character during the frenzy.
(Source: W20 Changing Breeds, p.202)
• Shatterbite (Level One) : As the Ahroun Gift: Spur Claws, save that it enhances bite attacks.
(Source: W20 Changing Breeds, p.202→Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.171)
• Unseen Attack (Level One) : If the Brightwater can approach her target without being seen, she may attack
without fear of retaliation. All her victim will feel is a stirring in the waters behind him...and then teeth. This Gift is taught
by a shark-spirit.
System (old version): The Rokea must approach her prey undetected : this requires the player to succeed in a
Wits + Stealth roll (difficulty varies by how perceptive the target is; Storyteller's discretion). She then attacks first, no
matter how high her opponent's initiative. The opponent cannot attempt to dodge this attack. Once the Rokea has attacked
with this Gift, she may not normally do so again in the same scene (unless she can somehow get out of sight and sneak up
on the target again).
(Source: Rokea, p.69)
System (new version): The Rokea’s surprise attacks add four dice to their damage. This Gift’s effects are
(Source: W20 Changing Breeds, p.202)
• First Feeling (Level Two) :The ocean may be majestic and beautiful when humans see it from the shore, but
when they actually set foot in the water, most humans know fear. The Brightwaters can turn that primeval dread of
drowning (or being swept away, or being eaten, etc.) to their advantage, causing an air-breather to run in fear from any
body of water, even a puddle. A servant of Sea teaches this Gift.
System: The player spends one Rage point and rolls Charisma + Intimidation. The difficulty varies based on how
large a body of water the target can see (difficulty 4 for the ocean, 5 for a large lake, 7 for a pond, 8 for a swimming pool,
10 for a puddle). If the target cannot see a body of water, this Gift has no effect. If the roll is successful, the target is
overcome with fear and runs in terror for the highest ground he can find. This terror lasts for one turn per success. First
Feeling has no effect on Rokea or any other creature that can naturally breathe water (including shapeshifters who know
Gifts that allow them to do so).
(Source: Rokea, p.69)
• Narke's Gift (Level Two) : The electric ray : called narke by the Greeks : is capable of producing a powerful
electric shock that can stun a human being. The Brightwaters long ago learned this secret, though their jolt can do much
more than stun a target. This Gift is, obviously, taught by an electric ray-spirit.
System (old version): The player spends one Rage point and rolls Rage (difficulty 6). Each success inflicts one
Level of lethal damage to anyone within 20' (in the water) or to one target (on land). Using this Gift on land requires that
the target be grounded somehow, unless the Rokea touches the target directly. Damage from this Gift may be soaked as per
lethal damage. After using this Gift, the Rokea must wait three turns to use it again, as she builds up enough energy for
another charge.
(Source: Rokea, p.69 & PGttCB, Revised, p.154)
System (new version): The player spends one Rage point and rolls Rage (difficulty 6). Each success inflicts one
level of lethal damage to all non-slewmates within 20 yards (in the water). On land, this Gift can only be used against a
grounded target or one the Rokea touches directly. Narke’s Gift can only be used once per scene.
(Source: W20 Changing Breeds, p.202)
• Shield of Rage (Level Two) : As the Ahroun Gift.
(Source: W20 Changing Breeds, p.202→Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.171)
• Terror of the Depths (Level Two) : As the Red Talon Gift: Wolf at the Door, but instilling a terror of the sea.
Rather than howling, Rokea use this Gift to target groups that see the wereshark’s fin cutting through the water’s surface.
(Source: W20 Changing Breeds, p.202→Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.185)
• Undertow (Level Two) : The Brightwater calls up a vicious current that sweeps a target in a direction of the
Rokea's choice. This Gift can be used to drag a human out to sea, to force a (small) ship to run aground, or even to sweep a
foe : or meal : towards the Brightwater's waiting maw. This Gift is taught by a spirit-servant of Sea.
System: The player spends one Gnosis point and rolls Strength + Primal-Urge (difficulty 7). The number of
successes determines the strength of the undertow; anyone caught in the current must roll Strength + Athletics (difficulty
8) and exceed the Rokea's successes to escape it.
(Source: Rokea, p.69 & PGttCB, Revised, p.154)
• Bends (Level Three) : Air-breathing creatures have, in recent years, been able to reach great depths. Some
Rokea have noticed that if they surface too quickly, Sea becomes angry and causes them great pain and possibly death
(humans know this phenomenon as "decompression sickness" or "the bends"). This Gift allows the Brightwater to inflict
such agony on a target, whether or not she normally breathes air, or whether she is currently in the water. A servant of Sea
teaches this Gift.
System: The player spends one Gnosis point and rolls Strength + Medicine (difficulty 7). Each success inflicts
one Level of lethal damage. On land, any target may attempt to soak this damage. Underwater, however, only water-
breathers may do so. The wounds caused by this Gift are extremely painful; as such, all wound penalties are increased by
one (for example, a character dropped to the Hurt Level by this Gift subtracts 2 dice from all actions, not one).
(Source: Rokea, p.69 & PGttCB, Revised, p.154)
• School's Fear (Level Three) : The Brightwater can cause a group of beings : be it a school of fish, a crowd of
people, or even a pack of Garou:to be seized with the fear that something is coming to eat them. Those gripped with the
fear will panic and run (or swim) for their lives. This Gift is taught by the spirit of any small, schooling fish.
System: The targets need not actually see the Rokea for the Gift to work. The player simply rolls Charisma +
Intimidation. The difficulty depends on the targets. Used against a school of normal fish or a group of humans, the
difficulty is 6. Against active predators :a school of sharks or a pack of wolves, or even a group of soldiers or policemen :
the difficulty rises to 8. Used against any group that includes supernatural beings, the difficulty is 9. If the roll succeeds,
the group panics and runs for one turn per success (humans and fish usually keep fleeing until they reach safety).
(Source: Rokea, p.69)
• Strength of the Crashing Waves (Level Three) : As the Level Three Get of Fenris Gift: Might of Thor.
(Source: PGttCB, Revised, p.154 & W20 Changing Breeds, p.202→Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.181)
• Wriggling Teeth (Level Three) Version One : Sharks have many rows of teeth, and commonly lose several in
a single bite. A Brightwater blessed with this Gift, however, can cause his teeth to burrow into his victim's flesh even after
he releases the bite. The teeth continue to drive themselves deeper until removed, at which point they become inert. A
shark-spirit teaches this Gift.
System: The Rokea must first successfully bite a target. Then, the player spends a Willpower point and rolls
Strength (difficulty 8). One tooth detaches for each success and continues driving itself into the victim's body. This has
several effects. First, the victim adds a die to wound penalties for every two teeth (a Wounded victim with two teeth stuck
in him would lose 3 dice from his dice pools, not two). Second, the wounds from the bite cannot be healed, naturally or
magically, until the teeth are removed (a bloody process which will likely inflict further wounds). Finally, the teeth
continue to injure the target. One tooth will inflict an unsoakable aggravated Health Level of damage every five turns. Two
teeth inflict the same damage once every four turns, and so on, to a maximum of one Health Level per turn (with five or
more teeth).
(Source: Rokea, p.69-70)
• Wriggling Teeth (Level Three) Version Two : As the Black Fury Gift: Heart Claw, save that Wriggling Teeth
activates after a successful bite.
(Source: W20 Changing Breeds, p.202→Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.173)
• Best Policy (Level Four) : "Honesty is the best policy," or so the human proverb goes. Rokea are not known
for duplicity, but even Brightwater betweeners, who lead double lives of sorts, are not well suited to lies of any kind. With
this Gift, an honest comment, no matter how inflammatory, is taken in stride and accepted. This Gift is taught by a remora-
System (old version): The player rolls Charisma + Expression (difficulty 6). The Gift lasts for one scene.
Listeners take anything the Rokea says at face value, as long as it is true. Also, if the truth requires the Rokea to reveal
herself to a human being, the Veil covers her words later. For example, the Brightwater might explain to a security guard at
a Pentex facility that she and her slew need to get by the gate to stop a load of toxic chemicals from being dumped into the
Sea, because they live there and don't wish to be poisoned. The security guard agrees (he wouldn't want his living space
poisoned, either) and lets them pass. Later, he might remember that someone came through the gates, and even what they
looked like, but he'll be certain they had the proper clearance.
(Source: Rokea, p.70)
System (new version): The Rokea’s player may spend one Willpower point to add her Harmony in dice to any
Persuasion attempt in which she uses nothing but the blunt, absolute, unvarnished truth. The Veil clouds the memories of
those she speaks to if telling the truth causes her to reveal her nature.
(Source: W20 Changing Breeds, p.202)
• No Walls (Level Four) : In Sea, nothing is confined. There are no walls or doors, and for the ever-moving
Rokea, this is perfect. On land, however, things are different. With this Gift, the Brightwater can batter his way through
any wall or door, no matter what the material. This Gift does not prevent alarms or traps from being triggered, however.
This Gift is taught by a spirit-servant of Kun.
System: The player rolls Strength + Athletics (difficulty 7). The Rokea can smash through any man-made barrier
in a number of turns equal to (8 - the number of successes on the roll). This Gift does not function on barriers that do not
impede the Rokea. For example, the Rokea could not use No Walls to batter his way through a ship's hull, as he could
simply swim around the ship.
(Source: Rokea, p.70 & PGttCB, Revised, p.154 & W20 Changing Breeds, p.202)
• Oversea's Cycle (Level Four) :The Brightwaters are born in the time of Oversea's greatest pain. As such, they
enjoy a strange connection to him, and can use this connection in several ways. When the moon is full or the sun is
shining, die may draw upon his anger. When the Wound is covered : die sun is clouded over or the new moon rises : die
Brightwater may heal his own pain. This Gift is taught by a spirit-servant of Oversea.
System: When the sun or the full or gibbous moon shines, the player may roll Willpower (difficulty 6). The
Rokea regains a point of Rage for each success, with no danger of frenzy. If the Wound is not visible, the Rokea may
regain lost Health Levels or Willpower points in the same way.
(Source: Rokea, p.70)
• Blood of Darkness (Level Five) : As the Children of Gaia Gift: Halo of the Sun. (To Rokea, the
blood of darkness is light.)
(Source: Rokea, p.70 & PGttCB, Revised, p.155 & W20 Changing Breeds, p.202→Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition,
• Pain of the Wound (Level Five) : The Brightwater can inflict the blood of Oversea in its most damaging form :
fire : on her foes. With but a wave of the hand (or tail) the wereshark conjures up a mystical flame that burns even in the
sunless depths, and doesn't end until its target is consumed. A spirit servant of Helios teaches this Gift.
System: The player spends two Rage points and rolls Strength + Rituals (difficulty of the opponent's Stamina).
Success means that the wereshark's target bursts into flames, and receives three Health Levels of aggravated damage per
turn until dead, until the fire is somehow mystically negated or until the Rokea chooses to terminate the Gift. This flame
burns underwater, or in the absence of oxygen. The target may choose to spend a permanent Willpower point to avoid the
damage for one turn.
(Source: Rokea, p.70 & PGttCB, Revised, p.155)
• Scuttle (Level Five) : The mightiest of the Brightwaters can sink any vessel afloat, simply by biting a chunk
from the hull. The few Rokea who do know this Gift use it sparingly, as it exhausts the user. Even so, not all of the ships
sunk in the world's naval battles were sunk by enemy fire. This Gift is taught by a spirit-servant of Kun herself.
System: The player spends one permanent Rage point and rolls Strength + Brawl. The difficulty varies on the
size and durability of the craft. A wooden sailboat would be difficulty 5, while a cruise liner or battleship would be
difficulty 9. A single success is enough to cause the ship to begin taking on water, an d the vessel will sink unless she can
reach port in a few scant hours. After using this Gift, the Brightwater automatically shifts to breed form and is too weak to
do anything but swim very slowly for one hour.
(Source: Rokea, p.70-71)
• Sea's Winds (Level Five) : The Rokea surrounds herself with a blazing nimbus of light and battering winds (or
violent waters, if used in the ocean). No one may approach her unbidden, and any that do risk being tossed aside or : in the
case of Qyrl's minions : burnt by the light.
System (old version): The player spends one Willpower point and rolls Willpower (difficulty 7) . For the
remainder of the scene, anyone wishing to approach the Rokea unbidden must accumulate 15 successes on an extended
Strength + Athletics roll (difficulty 8). Anyone attempting this must also attempt to soak 3 Levels of bashing damage per
turn; against Qyrl-tainted intruders, this damage becomes aggravated as the light burns their flesh. If the intruder manages
to reach the Rokea, they have only one action to attack or reason with the Rokea before they are swept away again.
(Source: Rokea, p.71)
System (new version): The player spends two Willpower points. For the remainder of the scene, anyone wishing
to approach the Rokea unbidden must accumulate 15 successes on an extended Strength + Athletics roll (difficulty 8).
Each turn they attempt this, they must soak three levels of bashing damage; Qyrl-minions suffer aggravated damage
instead. If the intruder manages to reach the Rokea, they have only one action before they are swept away and must start
(Source: W20 Changing Breeds, p.202-203)

• King Fish (Level One) Version One : Almost all coastal and island cultures have developed myths about
sharks, referring to them as gods of some kind. Sharks are indeed at the top of their food chain, and this Gift : taught by a
shark-spirit : allows them to command respect.
System: The player rolls Charisma + Primal-Urge (difficulty 7). Success subtracts one from the difficulties of
any rolls the player must make in that scene involving Leadership or Intimidation. This Gift does not inspire fear or loyalty
so much as respect for a powerful being.
(Source: Rokea, p.71 & PGttCB, Revised, p.155)
• King Fish (Level One) Version Two : This Gift allows the Dimwater to command the respect of others. A
shark-spirit teaches it.
System: The Rokea permanently adds one die to Leadership and Intimidation rolls.
(Source: W20 Changing Breeds, p.203)
• Resist Pain (Level One) : As the Philodox Gift.
(Source: W20 Changing Breeds, p.203→Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.166)
• Sea's Voice (Level One) : As the Level One Galliard Gift: Beast Speech.
(Source: Rokea, p.71 & PGttCB, Revised, p.155 & W20 Changing Breeds, p.203→Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition,
• Strange Blood (Level One) Version One : The Rokea can smell the blood of a target and identify them as a
supernatural being. Rokea often use this Gift to identify other Rokea at a distance, which helps to prevent embarrassing
mishaps (like eating a fellow wereshark). A shark-spirit teaches this Gift.
System: The player rolls Perception + Primal-Urge (difficulty 7). Success identifies the target as either a Rokea,
a mundane being (be it fish, human, or whatever) or a supernatural being. The Rokea doesn't automatically know what the
being is : that is, the Storyteller should not say "He's a vampire," rather, she should describe what the Rokea smells ("His
blood smells thick and clotted, as though all clumped together instead of flowing"). The Rokea can learn to recognize
different beings by their scents.
(Source: Rokea, p.71)
• Strange Blood (Level One) Version Two : As the Lupus Gift: Sense the Unnatural.
(Source: W20 Changing Breeds, p.203→Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.159-160)
• True Intentions (Level One) : Similar to the Philodox Gift: Truth of Gaia, this Gift allows the Dimwater to
determine a target's goal during any given action. For example, if used on a human wading after young sharks in the
shallows, the Gift shows the Rokea what the human plans to do with them. True Intentions does not work on spoken
words, only on actions, and is taught by a spirit-servant of Sea.
System: The player rolls Intelligence + Empathy (difficulty of the target's Manipulation + Subterfuge). Multiple
successes grant slightly greater understanding of the target's motivations behind his actions (e.g., whether he is being
(Source: Rokea, p.71-72)
• Crushing Depths (Level Two) : This Gift allows the Rokea to inflict the pressure of the deeps on a target. The
wereshark must lock eyes with this target, after which the target cannot move and can only stand still and fight to breathe.
The wereshark, meanwhile, usually slowly closes the distance between herself and the target. This Gift is taught by a deep-
sea fish spirit.
System: The Rokea must make eye contact with her victim. The player spends one Willpower point and rolls
Charisma + Intimidation (difficulty of the target's Willpower). The player must make this roll each turn, and can take no
other action except moving slowly (usually towards her victim). The target, on the other hand, can do nothing at all. The
only way to escape the effects of this Gift is to frenzy, if the target is capable of doing so, or suffers injury or if the
wereshark breaks eye contact.
(Source: Rokea, p.72 & PGttCB, Revised, p.155 & W20 Changing Breeds, p.203)
• Know Oversea's Mind (Level Two) : By surfacing and conversing with air-spirits, the Rokea may predict the
weather for the region with near perfect accuracy. This Gift is taught by an air-spirit.
System: The player rolls Intelligence + Primal-Urge (difficulty 7). The Rokea knows the weather of the area for
a number of days equal to the successes rolled. For example, if the player rolls three successes, the Rokea knows what to
expect for the next three days.
(Source: Rokea, p.72)
• Lord of the Seas (Level Two) : As the Philodox Gift: King of the Beasts, save that it commands only aquatic
(Source: W20 Changing Breeds, p.203→Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.167)
• Spit Teeth (Level Two) : The Rokea can, as the Gift's name suggests, spit teeth at an opponent from a distance.
This Gift is typically used on land, as it can be used in any form (Homid included) but can also be used in the water. A
shark-spirit teaches this Gift.
System (old version): The player rolls Stamina + Primal-Urge (difficulty 6) to loosen the teeth (one tooth per
success), and Dexterity + Athletics (difficulty 6) to strike with them collectively. The Rokea may fire the teeth up to 25
feet away. Each tooth inflicts one Health Level of damage, provided that the roll to hit is successful. This damage is
aggravated, and may be soaked, provided that the target is normally capable of soaking aggravated damage.
(Source: Rokea, p.72 & PGttCB, Revised, p.155)
System (new version): The player rolls Dexterity + Athletics (difficulty 6) to aim the blast of razor-sharp teeth,
with a maximum range of 25 feet. The attack has a base aggravated damage of the wereshark’s Valor. It takes one turn to
regenerate the fired teeth.
(Source: W20 Changing Breeds, p.203)
• Drown (Level Three) : The Rokea can cause an air-breather to grow gills to breathe, so that she must take
oxygen from the water like a fish. While this Gift can be used to allow air-breathers to more comfortably visit Sea, the
Dimwaters rarely use it for this purpose. Rather, they use it : as the name implies : to drown enemies, or, worse yet, force
them to seal their own fates by leaping into the waters with the waiting Rokea. Rokea may learn this Gift from any fish-
System: The player spends a Willpower point and rolls Willpower (difficulty of the opponent's Stamina + 4,
maximum 9). Success forces the target to breathe water (salt and fresh are both viable) to survive, but in no other way
protects him from the ocean (temperature and pressure still have their normal effects). The effects last for one hour.
(Source: Rokea, p.72 & PGttCB, Revised, p.155 & W20 Changing Breeds, p.203)
• Lure (Level Three) : The Dimwater creates an illusory replica of herself, which can act somewhat
autonomously. It can perform simple, repetitive actions (swimming or walking, commonly). The illusion looks, sounds,
and smells exactly like the Rokea. It has no tactile component, but by the time an attacker realizes this, she has already
revealed herself to the lurking wereshark. Angler fish-spirits teach this Gift.
System: The player spends one Gnosis point. The duplicate can appear anywhere within the Rokea's line of sight
and lasts until the Rokea breaks concentration or wills the duplicate to vanish. The duplicate may take any action the
Rokea wishes, but as it has no physical form, it cannot pick up objects or attack.
(Source: Rokea, p.72)
• Sea's Wisdom (Level Three) : The Dimwater swims in frenzied circles, creating a small whirlpool. In the
swiftly moving water, she can hear the voice of her spiritual mother, Sea, and ask her advice. This Gift is taught by a spirit-
servant of Sea.
System: The player rolls Intelligence + Rituals (difficulty 7). The more successes the player achieves, the more
useful and direct the advice Sea grants will be. Sea has not, as of yet, given an opinion on betweeners to any Dimwater
using this Gift.
(Source: Rokea, p.72 & PGttCB, Revised, p.155 & W20 Changing Breeds, p.203)
• Living Sea (Level Four) : The Rokea causes the sea (or any body of water) to come to life around a target. The
water becomes semi-solid, and can hold a target in place, propel the Rokea along at great speeds, or even strangle a victim.
If the Rokea is on land, she may cause a nearby body of water (a fountain, for example) to extend a tendril of living water
to accomplish the same effects. A spirit-servant of Sea teaches this Gift.
System (old version): The player spends one Willpower point and rolls Manipulation + Occult (difficulty 6).
The Rokea may command a body of water equal to 5 cubic feet per success. If the Rokea wishes the water to inflict
damage on a living target (by strangling a water breather or drowning an air-breather), the water inflicts the Rokea's
Gnosis in lethal damage dice each turn.
(Source: Rokea, p.72 & PGttCB, Revised, p.155)
System (new version): The player spends one Gnosis point and rolls Manipulation + Occult (difficulty 6). The
Rokea may command a body of water equal to 5 cubic feet per success. If used to inflict damage, the water inflicts the
Rokea’s Harmony in lethal damage each turn. The effect lasts as for a scene.
(Source: W20 Changing Breeds, p.203)
• Oversea's Wrath (Level Four) : The Dimwater can call down violent storms upon his foes, capsizing small
vessels and churning the waters. This Gift is taught by a spirit-servant of Oversea.
System: The player spends one Gnosis point and rolls Charisma + Rituals. This difficulty varies based on
existing weather conditions; summoning a storm on clear, still day obviously carries a much higher difficulty than doing so
when the skies are already dark. Using the Gift: Know Oversea's Mind ahead of time obviously allows the Rokea to plan
for the best time to call a storm. Successful use of this Gift summons a thunderstorm and chums the waters into huge
waves. One success will topple small crafts, three successes will capsize mid-sized fishing vessels, and five or more
successes are needed to sink ocean liners or oil rigs (Rokea don't usually target oil rigs, anyway : the oil has to go
somewhere, after all).
(Source: Rokea, p.72-73)
• Quick Currents (Level Four) : As the Level Four Children of Gaia Gift: Strike the Air.
(Source: PGttCB, Revised, p.155 & W20 Changing Breeds, p.203→Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.178)
• Swim Undersea's Bloodstream (Level Four) : The Rokea can enter Undersea's bloodstream : the series of
mystical tunnels that connects Grottoes : at any Grotto and emerge at another nearly anywhere else in the world. The
Rokea must obtain permission from the spirits of both Grottoes, or else she will be shunted off to a totally random and
possibly dangerous place somewhere in between the two Grottoes. This Gift is taught by any Grotto-spirit.
System: The player spends one Willpower point and rolls Charisma + Rituals (difficulty 4 + the Grotto's Level).
The player must make this roll twice; once when the Rokea enters Undersea's bloodstream and once when she reaches her
destination. The Rokea can normally only travel to Grottoes she has visited before, but the Grottoes can be anywhere in
the world.
(Source: Rokea, p.73)
• Common Foe (Level Five) : When battle lines are drawn, Dimwaters see two sides: theirs and the enemy. The
eldest Dimwaters remember when the most common enemies were the servants and children of Qyrl, and can call other
beings into service against such creatures, no matter their usual allegiance. This Gift is taught by a spirit-servant of Kun.
System: The player spends one Willpower point and rolls Charisma + Leadership (difficulty 6). The character
emits either a Sending or a low growl. For the remainder of the scene, any non-corrupted supernatural beings (Changing
Breeds, most mages, even changelings) cannot attack one another so long as a common threat is present (usually a
monstrous Wyrm-beast of some kind). Anyone who tries such an attack immediately suffers wound and movement
penalties as though Crippled. The Gift: Resist Pain provides no relief against this agony. Common Foe lasts until the end
of the scene or until the threat is vanquished. It only works to rally non-Wyrmish beings against minions of the Wyrm. It
does not work to force a betweener's non- Rokea allies (should any exist) to attack him.
(Source: Rokea, p.73 & PGttCB, Revised, p.155-6)
• Leviathan (Level Five) : Any elder wereshark can learn the Gift: Great Summons and call forth aid from the
deep. Dimwaters, however, are often wary of summoning up something that can't be put down later. Instead of calling
forth these massive beasts, a Dimwater may choose to become one. This Gift is taught by a spirit-servant of Kun.
System: The player spends two Willpower and two Rage points. The Rokea changes into a monstrous shark
nearly 80' long (+5 to all physical Attributes after the Fighting Jaws modifiers). Also, the Rokea regains at least one Rage
point each turn. The transformation lasts for one scene.
(Source: Rokea, p.73 & PGttCB, Revised, p.156 & W20 Changing Breeds, p.203)
• Wound Undersea (Level Five) : This very dangerous Gift is used only in times of truly dire need. The
Dimwaters boast that theirs is the only auspice responsible enough to hold the knowledge. With this Gift, the wereshark
can open a vent in the sea floor, calling lava from it. This boils the water in the immediate area, as well as causing small
earthquakes throughout the region. This Gift is taught, albeit very rarely, by an avatar of Unsea herself.
System: The Rokea slashes herself with her own claws and bleeds near the sea floor (in the process enduring at
least one Health Level of aggravated damage). The player spends one Rage point and one Willpower point, and then rolls
Charisma + Rituals (difficulty 8). Success opens a crack in the sea floor. The lava will boil up in three turns, which is how
long the Rokea has to get to a safe distance. The lava boils the water in the area, inflicting at least three Health Levels of
damage (aggravated) each turn. Any additional effects : earthquakes, whirlpools at the surface, and so forth : are up to the
(Source: Rokea, p.73)

• Blood of the Deeps (Level One) : Darkwater Rokea are known for braving the crushing pressures and frigid
waters of the deep ocean in the search for mystic knowledge. Thus, many of them learn this Gift early on. This Gift is
taught by any deep-sea fish spirit.
System (old version): The player spends one Willpower point and rolls Stamina + Survival (difficulty 6). The
Rokea takes no damage from pressure or cold for 3 hours per success. Note that this includes travel time, i.e., the Rokea
must reach a safe depth before the Gift wears off to avoid taking damage. This Gift protects the Rokea from environmental
harm only; direct attacks using pressure (like bear hugs) or cold (like the Wendigo Gift: Chill of the Early Frost) still have
their normal effect.
(Source: Rokea, p.73 & PGttCB, Revised, p.156)
System (new version): The wereshark becomes permanently capable of surviving deep-ocean environments.
(Source: W20 Changing Breeds, p.203)
• Chill (Level One) : The Darkwater may summon up a brief moment of the numbing depths and saturate his
immediate area with it. This has the effect of not only chilling the water (or air) around him but also of unnerving anyone
not of his slew in the area. A servant of Sea teaches this Gift.
System (old version): The player rolls Charisma + Occult (difficulty 6). The temperature in her immediate area
drops significantly (as though under heavy air-conditioning on land, or just past the sunlit zone in water) for one turn per
success. Also, if the player scores more successes than a character's Willpower rating, that character suffers a +1 to all non-
physical difficulties for the next scene as the mystical chill distracts him.
(Source: Rokea, p.73-74)
System (new version): The player spends one Rage point. The temperature in her immediate area drops
significantly for the rest of the scene. All characters not of the wereshark’s slew suffer a +1 difficulty to all non-physical
(Source: W20 Changing Breeds, p.203-204)
• Qyrl's Blood (Level One) : As the Level One Uktena Gift: Shroud. Like Breach, while this Gift works on land,
many Rokea don't think to try. Squid-spirits may teach this Gift.
(Source: Rokea, p.74 & W20 Changing Breeds, p.204→Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.197)
• Silent Sending (Level One) : Secrecy is not a priority for most Rokea, but the Darkwaters dabble in things that
make the Dimwaters nervous. This Gift allows the Darkwater to use the Sending selectively, communicating her messages
only to those she wishes to hear them. Remora-spirits teach this Gift.
System: The player rolls Intelligence + Primal-Urge (difficulty 6) to activate the Gift. If the player succeeds, the
Rokea may choose who hears her Sendings for the duration of the scene.
(Source: Rokea, p.74 & PGttCB, Revised, p.156)
• Sudden Surge (Level One) : As the Get of Fenris Gift: Lightning Reflexes.
(Source: W20 Changing Breeds, p.204→Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.180)
• Enter Sea's Soul (Level Two) : Normally, Rokea only enter the Umbra with the permission and assistance of
Sea. However, trust the Darkwaters to find their own methods of ingress. This Gift allows the Rokea to enter the Umbra in
the same manner as the Garou do. Rokea may learn this Gift from any spirit servant of Sea.
System: Upon learning this Gift, the Rokea may step sideways if the player succeeds in a Gnosis roll. This Gift
does not provide protection from the increased pressures of the oceanic Umbra, so most Darkwaters use the Gift: Blood of
the Deeps before entering Sea's Soul.
(Source: Rokea, p.74 & PGttCB, Revised, p.156 & W20 Changing Breeds, p.204)
• Piercing Shriek (Level Two) : The Darkwater emits a horrible wail that paralyzes all that can hear it.
The Gift affects the character's allies as well as enemies, but the Rokea can use the Sending to cushion the effects, should
she choose to do so. This Gift is taught by a dolphin-spirit.
System: The player spends one Rage point and rolls Wits + Primal-Urge (difficulty 6). Anyone within 15 feet (on
land) or 30 feet (in the water) of the Rokea must roll Willpower (difficulty 8), opposing the player's roll. Anyone not
matching or exceeding the player's successes collapses in agony for a number of turns equal to the difference in successes
(for example, if the Rokea's player scores four successes and a victim scores two, the victim will be immobilized for two
turns). Characters with enhanced hearing (such as Garou using the Gift: Heightened Senses) do not get the benefit of the
Willpower roll: they are automatically incapacitated for a number of turns equal to the Rokea's successes. Even the
Rokea’s slewmates can be affected by this Gift. The Rokea may choose to Send to allies in the area to help them resist; this
requires use of the Silent Sending Gift and reduces their difficulty on the Willpower roll to 6.
(Source: Rokea, p.74 & PGttCB, Revised, p.156 & W20 Changing Breeds, p.204)
• Sight From Beyond (Level Two) : As the Theurge Gift.
(Source: W20 Changing Breeds, p.204→Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.164)
• Voice of the Depths (Level Two) : In the deep oceans, there are spirits who have lain quietly since before the
dawn of man. For the Rokea brave enough to find them, the knowledge to be gained is great. Using this Gift, the
Darkwaters can converse with their eyes and ears : the sea anemones and polyps that line the ocean floor : and gain
insight. Their advice is always cryptic and usually incomplete, but the Darkwaters love a challenge. Anemone-spirits can
teach this Gift, but usually the Darkwater must travel to the lightless deeps to learn it directly from a primordial spirit.
System: The player rolls Manipulation + Rituals (difficulty 6) to make the proper overtures to the primordial
spirits. The Rokea is then rewarded with advice and visions concerning the topic in question. Over the years, the
Darkwaters have found that these beings know more about human affairs than might be expected, which only makes them
more interested in these beings' knowledge. The Storyteller decides what the Rokea learns, how mysterious the words are,
and the roll (if any) that the player can make to interpret the information.
(Source: Rokea, p.74)
• No Blood (Level Three) : Most sharks use vibrations and electrical pulses as well as smell to track food. The
Darkwater using this Gift renders herself completely invisible to these senses. Even if she bleeds, she still emits no smell
at all. Also, her coloration changes so that any attempts to see her coming are stifled as well. In short, as long as the
wereshark remains silent, she likely remains undetected. A stingray spirit teaches this Gift.
System: The player spends one Gnosis point and rolls Wits + Stealth (difficulty 6). Success indicates that the
Rokea is completely undetectable by scent, vibration, or electric pulse, and any attempts to detect by sight are at +3
difficulty. While this Gift is most useful underwater, it does thwart Gifts like Scent of Sight as well. The Gift's effects last
for one hour per success, though attacking or otherwise drawing attention to oneself cancels them.
(Source: Rokea, p.74)
• Scent of Blood (Level Three) : As the Level Three Shadow Lord Gift: Direct the Storm.
(Source: PGttCB, Revised, p.156 & W20 Changing Breeds, p.204→Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.190)
• Summon Scuttlers (Level Three) : Darkwaters are intrigued by different kinds of foes, and find it useful to
study their enemies for information and new ideas. This is hard to do, however, when one's enemy has been consumed.
This Gift allows the Rokea to summon scores of tiny Scuttlers : spirit minions of C'et : who swarm over the Rokea's foe,
paralyzing him. In the Realm, there is no visible effect, although the victim feels the tiny legs on him. In the Umbra, the
crab-like spirits are visible to any observer. This Gift can be used on land, but Darkwaters have found this risky : on land,
it summons tiny spiderlike spirits who don't always release the target when asked. This Gift is taught by a Scuttler.
System: The player spends one Gnosis point and rolls Charisma + Enigmas (difficulty 8, 6 on land). The target is
held immobile for one turn per success. The pattern spiders who answer the call on land may or may not choose to release
the target (Storyteller's discretion).
(Source: Rokea, p.74-75)
• Swim Through the School (Level Three) : In the ocean, Darkwaters keep to themselves, swimming the
lightless depths, rarely encountering others. On land, however, this is often impossible, as so many humans occupy such
small spaces. This Gift allows the Darkwater to move through crowds with ease, as well as to avoid the worst effects of the
Curse. This Gift is taught by an eel-spirit.
System: The player spends one Gnosis point to activate the Gift. For the remainder of the scene, the Rokea may
move through a crowd as fast as she can normally walk or run; people simply move out of her way without noticing it.
Also, her Rage is considered to be half its actual rating for purposes of the Curse.
(Source: Rokea, p.75 & PGttCB, Revised, p.156 & W20 Changing Breeds, p.204)
• Sea's Breath (Level Four) : In water, Rokea can glide smoothly around opponents, using their internal oil
reserves to float, weighing only a small fraction of what they would on land. By using this Gift, the Darkwater can float,
hover, or glide through air just as she would in the water. She cannot gain a great deal of altitude with this Gift, but can
float over tripwires or other traps, lie in wait for enemies, or execute graceful combat maneuvers normally impossible
when gravity is a concern. A flying fish-spirit teaches this Gift.
System: The player rolls Gnosis (difficulty of the local Gauntlet). The Gift stays in effect for one scene. The
character can float, hover, and "swim" through the air, but cannot get more than 10 to 15 feet off of the ground. Another
curious effect of this Gift is that the character may assume any form while the Gift's effects last, even those forms
normally limited to breathing water.
(Source: Rokea, p.75 & W20 Changing Breeds, p.204)
• Shock Wave (Level Four) : Shock, like sound, carries much farther underwater. Darkwaters studying
underwater explosions were fascinated by their power, and tried to understand the principle behind them. At length,
through communication with the odd spirits called Breakers (see page 95), they learned to create a small explosion to stun
or kill their enemies.
System: The player spends one Willpower point and rolls Rage (difficulty 6 in water, 7 on land). Success creates
a concussion wave that travels out in a cone from the Rokea. Any living being caught in the wave suffers a number of
Health Levels of lethal damage equal to the successes on the Rage roll. On land, targets must also roll Dexterity +
Athletics (difficulty 8) or be knocked to the ground. The Gift affects everyone within (the Rokea's Stamina in yards) on
land, and (the Rokea's Stamina x 2 in yards) in the water.
(Source: Rokea, p.75 & PGttCB, Revised, p.156 & W20 Changing Breeds, p.204)
• Waves' Passage (Level Four) : The Darkwater can focus her attention on an object and cause it to age in the
way it would if it sat underwater for several years. Wood becomes brittle and easily broken, silver tarnishes, metal rusts,
and chemicals dilute. This Gift is taught by a spirit-servant of Sea.
System: This Gift takes a full turn to invoke. The player rolls Wits + Enigmas (difficulty 7). Every success
indicates a year spent underwater. One success is usually enough to erode wood to the point that it crumbles, while metal
requires three or more, depending on the strength of the material. This Gift can be used as an extended action, however,
allowing the Rokea to slowly eat away at very durable material.
(Source: Rokea, p.75 & PGttCB, Revised, p.156-7)
• C'et's Shell (Level Five) : Some particularly daring Darkwaters have made deals with C'et's minions. What
they give up is unknown, but what they receive is immunity from one type of technology. Perhaps no net can hold the
Rokea, or no gun can wound her. A powerful spirit servant of C'et teaches this Gift.
System: When the character learns this Gift, the player spends one permanent point of Gnosis and chooses the
form of technology to which the character becomes immune. The Storyteller should determine exactly what falls under the
province of this Gift and what doesn't. However, two limitations apply. First of all, even if the technology chosen produces
a natural form of damage, the character is immune only to the damage that weapon produces. For example, if the player
chooses flame-throwers, natural fire still harms the Rokea. Second, though they have tried, Darkwaters have not been able
to use this Gift to survive Small Wounds.
(Note: This Gift used to be known as the Rokea Level Five Gift: Qyrl's Shell in Werewolf Players Guide 2 nd Ed, p.186
and essentially functions as the Level Six Red Talon Gift: Shield of Gaia.)
(Source: Rokea, p.76 & W20 Changing Breeds, p.204)
• Hunger of the Trench (Level Five) : In the black depths, the Sea's presence is far from the nurturing soul that
teems with life, the way it seems closer to the surface. The deep ocean hungers, and the Darkwaters have learned to feed it
with the soul and will of others. This Gift is taught by a spirit-servant of Sea.
System: The player spends a Gnosis point and rolls Intelligence + Intimidation (difficulty 6). This roll is opposed
by the victim's Willpower (difficulty 9). If the victim scores more successes, there is no effect. If the Rokea wins, however,
the victim loses one temporary Willpower point for each success in excess of the victim's roll. If the player scores more
successes than the victim's permanent Willpower, the victim loses a permanent point of Willpower. If the player botches,
however, the victim is unharmed and a permanent point of the Rokea's Willpower is lost to feed the Trench.
(Source: Rokea, p.75)
• Madness (Level Five) : As the Garou metis Gift.
(Source: PGttCB, Revised, p.157 & W20 Changing Breeds, p.204→Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.157)
• Oversea's Gift (Level Five) : If the Rokea are jealous of anything, it is the ability some creatures have to swim
through Oversea. For some years, land-dwelling Rokea have tried to learn the secret of flight, never suspecting that the
Darkwaters discovered the trick years ago. By using this Gift, the Rokea's body becomes lighter, and a thin membrane
connects her extremities, giving her a silhouette like a butterfly. She can then fly both through Sea and Oversea, for as
long as she wishes. A spirit-servant of Oversea teaches this Gift.
System: This Gift can only be used in Gladius form. To activate it, the player spends two Gnosis points. The
Rokea can fly, slowly (maximum speed of 30 mph), but can swim much faster (maximum speed of 70 mph for short
bursts). The Rokea's Attributes do not change, nor does her natural weaponry, so she may execute dive-bomb attacks with
ease. This Gift remains active until the Rokea wills it to end. While the Gift is active, a Delirium-like effect masks the
Darkwater: normal humans ignore her entirely, and supernatural beings must roll Willpower (difficulty 8) to see her unless
they use some special power (such as the Gift: Scent of True Form).This Gift lasts until the Rokea wishes it to end.
(Source: Rokea, p.75-76 & PGttCB, Revised, p.157)
• Pall (Level Five) : The Rokea calls forth a mass of inky blackness that traps anyone caught within it. The
Rokea knows all that occurs within the shroud, in the Realm or the Umbra, and can choose to be anywhere she wishes
within the pall. While Qyrlings are rumored to teach this Gift (and can indeed do so), most Darkwaters learn it from the
spirits of deep-sea fish.
System: The player spends two Gnosis points and rolls Gnosis (difficulty of the local Gauntlet). The blackness
seeps from the Rokea's eyes and mouth and fills a spherical area 25' in diameter. Anyone caught within the sphere must
make a Willpower roll (difficulty of the Rokea's Gnosis) and achieve more successes than the player did on the Gnosis roll
in order to escape. While the sphere is up, the Rokea can transport herself to any point within it instantly, on either side of
the Gauntlet. She can hear and see everything within the sphere, even if silent communication methods like the Gifts:
Silent Sending or Mental Speech are used. Likewise, she understands anything said in the sphere, regardless of language.
The sphere lasts for one turn per success on the Gnosis roll, although the player may choose to spend additional Gnosis
points to keep the sphere active longer (1 turn/Gnosis spent).
(Source: Rokea, p.76)

Faction Gifts
Betweener Gifts
After a Rokea has lived on land for some time, she may, if innovative enough, begin to converse with terrestrial
spirits and learn Gifts that ocean-dwelling Rokea cannot. She may also learn them from another betweener, should she be
fortunate enough to stumble across one.
• Find Sea (Level One) :The Rokea with this Gift can always find the fastest route to the ocean, regardless of
how far inland she is. The fastest route might not be the most direct, of course, especially if the Rokea is in a vehicle of
some kind. Any bird-spirit can teach this Gift.
System: The player rolls Perception + Primal-Urge (difficulty 6). Success means the character knows how far
and in which direction the sea lies.
(Source: Rokea, p.77)
• Spirit Speech (Level One) : As the Level One Theurge Gift. While all Rokea can speak with pelagic spirits
naturally, terrestrial spirits present a bit of a challenge, and this Gift is often one of the first a betweener learns.
(Source: Rokea, p.77→Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.164)
• Enter Unsea's Soul (Level Two) : As the Level Two Darkwater Gift: Enter Sea's Soul. Betweeners find that
Unsea's Soul isn't always quite as dangerous as Sea's Soul, and since few ocean-dwellers can follow them into the Umbra,
this Gift makes a superb escape method.
(Source: Rokea, p.77)
• C'et's Mysteries (Level Three) : The betweener can call on land-dwelling Scuttlers to aid her in using human
technology. The Rokea can make good use of such oddities as cars, guns, computers, and so forth, even if she has had no
prior contact with them. This Gift is taught by a Pattern Spider.
System: The player spends one Gnosis point and rolls Intelligence + Science (difficulty 6). One success gives the
Rokea passing familiarity with a form of technology (she'll know how to turn a computer on, for instance). Two successes
grants one dot of an appropriate Ability. Extra successes bestow one dot of the ability for every two successes, rounding up
(so five successes on the roll would grant 3 dots in an Ability). These effects last for only one scene.
(Source: Rokea, p.77)
• Form of Sea (Level Four) : The betweener can change her body into liquid, and flow through pipes, under
doors, or into any other space that will admit water. She may retain cohesion in this form, and "walk" as a humanoid shape
made of water. She can even drown an opponent by forcing herself down his throat. A freshwater-spirit teaches this Gift.
System: The player spends two Gnosis points. The character can stay in liquid form for one hour for each dot of
permanent Gnosis she possesses. The Rokea's liquid body will not evaporate, nor will it freeze unless the temperature
drops to Arctic Levels. If the character's body is split into two or more parts, she cannot assume solid form until the parts
are combined. The character cannot bite or claw, but can drown air-breathing opponents by making a successful grapple
attack and holding the opponent until he runs out of breath. If the liquid body is immersed in salt water, the Gift is
immediately cancelled.
(Source: Rokea, p.77)
• Wall of Granite (Level Five) : As the Level Five Philodox Gift. Rokea are used to their surroundings flowing
and rising up suddenly, so this Gift comes fairly easily, provided they can find an elemental willing to teach it.
(Source: Rokea, p.77→Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.168)

Same-Bito Gifts
The Same-Bito begin with three Gifts, chosen among those appropriate for their auspice (Ragabash, Galliard or
Ahroun), breed (homid for the rongo or lupus for the tangaroa) and tribe. Those in service to the Courts learn a common
Gift in place of auspice. Storytellers might also want to use certain other Gifts as options, particularly those that deal with
water. The weresharks are careful about publicly using Gifts from Teanoi, lest the Zhong Lung or others suspect their
loyalty to another besides Tiandi. The Same-Bito can often find teachers willing to instruct them in the common Gifts of
the Courts; considering how terrifying their own Gifts are, this is hardly surprising.
• Blood Scent (Level One) : The Same-Bito using this Gift gains the ability to sense shen; something about the
blood of hengeyokai and other creatures alerts their senses. A shark-spirit teaches this Gift.
System (old version): The player spends a Gnosis point, then makes a Perception + Primal Urge roll, difficulty
7. If she gets at least two successes, the Same-Bito knows whether or not a fellow being is shen. Note that she doesn't
know any specifics, such as whether they are hengeyokai or Kuei-jin, for example.
(Source: Hengeyokai: Shapeshifters of the East, p.92)
System (new version): The player rolls Perception + Primal-Urge. The difficulty to sense shapeshifters is 7,
while other shen are 9.
(Source: W20 Changing Breeds, p.278)
• Shou of Zhong Lung (Level One) Version One : Shou is the wisdom of ancestors; invoking this Gift provides
tidbits of advice and information to the Same-Bito from their Zhong Lung allies. A frog-spirit teaches the Gift.
System: This Gift doesn't call on Zhong Lung ancestors; rather, it conveys a message to the nearest Zhong Lung
in the Umbra. Storytellers should note that it may take quite a long time for a Zhong Lung to reply, though they always
eventually do so. The player makes a Manipulation + Expression roll, difficulty 6. At least two successes are required; a
reply should usually come within the timeframe of the session.
(Source: Hengeyokai: Shapeshifters of the East, p.92)
• Shou of Zhong Lung (Level One) Version Two : This Gift allows the Rokea to spit out a tiny spirit-shark,
which swims away to her Mentor, if she has one, to seek whatever wisdom the Rokea desires. It returns bearing the
mentor’s answer once the he provides it : usually within the same session. A frog-spirit teaches this Gift.
System: The player spends one point of Gnosis to create the spirit-shark; the Rokea can ask any question she
likes, but the Storyteller decides how long an answer will take.
(Source: W20 Changing Breeds, p.278)
• Sight Without Sight (Level Two) Version One : Sharks are sensitive to changes in the electromagnetic field
around them, allowing them to sense targets even when blinded. This Gift is usable on land and is particularly
advantageous in dark, murky waters. It is taught by a squid-spirit.
System: Expending a Gnosis point and making a successful Perception + Alertness roll allows the Same-Bito to
sense objects or creatures within a fifteen-foot radius. Note that only the presence and general shape are sensed not the
minute details.
(Source: Hengeyokai: Shapeshifters of the East, p.92-3)
• Sight Without Sight (Level Two) Version Two : As the Lupus Gift: Scent of Sight, save that it uses the
wereshark’s ability to sense electric fields rather than scent to locate objects and creatures.
(Source: W20 Changing Breeds, p.278→Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.159)
• Iron Jaws (Level Three) : As the Level Four Ahroun Gift: Clenched Jaw.
(Source: Hengeyokai: Shapeshifters of the East, p.93 & W20 Changing Breeds, p.278→Werewolf 20th Anniversary
Edition, p.172)
• Voracious Hunger (Level Three) : The Same-Bito are skilled at biting off and swallowing whatever they can
get their mouths around, whether oar, tire or limb. This Gift allows the wereshark to enlarge his maw and sink his teeth
into almost anything. It is taught by a manta-spirit and is not usable on land.
System: The Same-Bito spends a Rage point to invoke the Gift. The difficulty to bite is reduced by 2, and the
wereshark can now sink his teeth into objects normally too big or oddly shaped to swallow. The effects last for a scene.
(Source: Hengeyokai: Shapeshifters of the East, p.93)
• Bite of the Destroyer (Level Four) : As the Level Five Get of Fenris Gift: Fenris' Bite.
(Source: Hengeyokai: Shapeshifters of the East, p.93→Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.182)
• Perfect Predator (Level Four) : The wereshark’s jaws and teeth transform into glistening and unbreakable
jade, able to bite through anything. A shark-spirit teaches this Gift.
System: The player spends one Rage point when making a Bite attack; that attack is made at difficulty 2.
(Source: W20 Changing Breeds, p.278)
• Tsunami Form (Level Four) : For short periods of time, the Same-Bito can effectively double her size while in
Karvu or Watasami form. She's bigger, stronger and if possible, even more terrifying than before. This Gift is taught by a
servitor of Teanoi.
System: If the player spends a Willpower point and achieves at least three successes on a Stamina + Primal-Urge
roll, the Same-Bito may grow large for an hour. Each success over three adds an hour to the time. While enlarged, the
Same-Bito gains two dots of Strength (maximum of 10) and two extra Bruised Health Levels.
(Source: Hengeyokai: Shapeshifters of the East, p.93)
• Teanoi's Rage (Level Five) Version One : This fearsome Gift is kept highly secret among the Same-Bito.
Taught by one of Teanoi's servants, this Gift sends the wereshark into an unstoppable blood-fury.
System: After the Same-Bito makes a plea to Teanoi, the player rolls her Willpower (difficulty 7). If she has at
least three successes, the wereshark gains three extra points of Rage, recovers at least two Rage points per turn of combat,
and gains two dice to all her damage pools. The danger in this Gift is that a Same-Bito full of Rage is a terrifying thing
indeed. The Gift lasts for the duration of the scene.
(Source: Hengeyokai: Shapeshifters of the East, p.93)
• Teanoi’s Rage (Level Five) Version Two : The wereshark enters an unstoppable blood rage. One of Teanoi’s
servants teaches this Gift.
System: The player rolls Rage (difficulty 7). If she gets at least three successes, the wereshark voluntarily enters
frenzy. The character immediately gains three points of Rage, and gains another two points at the beginning of each turn
that can take him above his maximum : and above ten points. The Rokea’s damage rolls also increase by two dice. This
Gift lasts for the rest of the scene.
(Source: W20 Changing Breeds, p.278)

Gifts of the Ahadi

The Ahadi are young, with only a small number of spirit-patrons. Nonetheless, the pact’s handful of elders has been busy,
and several kganmadi have dedicated themselves full-time to scouring the Umbra in search of more allies for the group.
They’ve had a startling amount of success, acquiring a small body of Gifts that all members of the Ahadi can learn. These
lack the smooth polish of the Gifts of the Beast Courts : they’re messy, hybrid things; attempts to bind the strength or
talents of different Breeds together.
All Ahadi Gifts are granted through simultaneous communion with two spirits. In all of the Mokolé’s Mnesis,
this process is unique to the Ahadi. This requirement does deepen the Ahadi’s dependence on caerns. It’s very unlikely to
find a friendly spider-spirit and a crocodile-spirit
lingering together in the Umbra, so the kganmadi summon the appropriate spirits to a caern, appease them, and learn the
In all instances where Ahadi Gifts cost Rage, shapeshifters who do not possess Rage pay this cost with a point of
Willpower; Ananasi must spend a Blood Point. Additionally, where Ahadi Gifts make reference to members of a
character’s kganmadi, they also apply to traditional packmates if the character is a member of the Ahadi but not part of a
kganmadi (as is the case with a significant number of Ajaba, Simba, Kucha Ekundu, and Silent Striders).
For games set during the war against Black Tooth, the Storyteller might allow characters to purchase Level One
and Two Ahadi Gifts : the mightier Gifts listed here aren’t developed until well after the tyrant Simba’s demise. Any
character that has undergone the Dawning Ritual is able to learn these Gifts for an experience point cost of (Level x 5).
• Blood Webs (Level One) : The shapeshifter may enchant her blood so that it becomes a sticky coagulated mass
when spilled, the better to entangle her foes. A spider-spirit and a crocodile-spirit teach this Gift.
System: The player spends one point of Willpower. For the rest of the scene, any opponent who inflicts lethal or
aggravated damage on the character with a hand-to-hand attack must make an immediate reflexive Dexterity + Brawl roll
(difficulty 9). Failure indicates that the attacker has been splashed with sticky, crimson webbing, inflicting a cumulative –1
penalty to all Dexterity-based rolls. Removing one –1 penalty worth of webbing requires a Strength + Athletics action at
difficulty 7.
(Source: W20 Changing Breeds, p.267)
• Dragon Musk (Level One) : The shapeshifter emits a sulfurous, eye-searing stench, actually visible as a
yellowish cloud rolling off of his body. This reek not only discomfits the character’s enemies, it also helps members of his
kganmadi to find him. A crocodile-spirit
and a hyena-spirit teach this Gift.
System: The player spends one point of Willpower. For the rest of the scene, all individuals save for members of
the character’s kganmadi who are within (Character’s Rank x 5) yards add +2 to the difficulty of all Perception and
Stamina-based rolls, including soak rolls, due to the searing stench. While this Gift is active, reduce the difficulty for all
members of the character’s kganmadi to locate her by any means by 2.
(Source: W20 Changing Breeds, p.267)
• Ogun’s Blessing (Level One) : The Ahadi is an organization of motivated youth, fusing ancient spirit-power
with every tool the modern world has to offer. As such, they have been blessed with this Gift, which bestows power over
the products of metalworking. A war-spirit and a metal elemental teach this Gift.
System: The player spends one point of Willpower. For the rest of the scene, the character adds one die and
lowers the difficulty by one on any roll to use a metal or mostly-metal object for the purpose of war. This ranges from
using a gun to shoot her enemies, to driving a car in pursuit of an opponent, to using a lockpick to break into an ammo
(Source: W20 Changing Breeds, p.268)
• Sense Wyrm (Level One) : As the metis Gift.
(Source: W20 Changing Breeds, p.268→Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.156)
• Spirit Speech (Level One) : As the Theurge Gift.
(Source: W20 Changing Breeds, p.268→Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.164)
• Three Thousand Tongues (Level One) : Africa is home to literally thousands of native languages, producing
formidable barriers to understanding. This Gift tears those barriers down, allowing the character to speak and understand
(but not read or write) every native African language still spoken today. Two ancestor-spirits of diverse origins teach this
System: The player rolls Intelligence + Academics, difficulty 8. The effects last for the rest of the scene. The
more successes rolled, the more fluent her facility with Africa’s many languages.
(Source: W20 Changing Breeds, p.268)
• Anansi’s Guile (Level Two) : As the Galliard Gift: Beast Speech.
(Source: W20 Changing Breeds, p.268→Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.169)
• Fury Jaws (Level Two) : The character’s bite inflicts an infuriating itch and a burning obsession, making it
nigh-impossible to think of anything other than retribution. A raven-spirit and a hyena-spirit teach this Gift.
System: The player spends a point of Rage before the character makes a bite attack. If the attack is successful,
the target takes a –3 penalty on any action other than attempts to attack the one who bit her for the next (character’s Rank
+ 1) rounds.
(Source: W20 Changing Breeds, p.268)
• Impenetrable Veil (Level Two) : A kganmadi has even more secrets to keep than the average pack. This Gift
deepens the effects of the Delirium, helping to keep the work of the Ahadi hidden. A serpent-spirit (or servant of the Wani)
and a shark-spirit teach this Gift.
System: The player rolls Appearance + Primal-Urge, difficulty 7. All purely human observers who fall prey to
the Delirium while in her presence for the rest of the scene react as though their Willpower rating were lower than it really
is by one point per success.
(Source: W20 Changing Breeds, p.268)
• River’s Bosom (Level Two) : When fully submerged in liquid of any sort, the character becomes invisible. A
serpent-spirit (or servant of the Wani) and a crocodile-spirit teach this Gift.
System: The player spends one point of Gnosis and rolls Wits + Survival (difficulty 6). The character may
remain invisible for the rest of the scene so long as she remains perfectly still and either floats in place or lets the current
carry her; she may move deliberately, under her own power, for only one round per success before the Gift’s power wears
off. Launching an attack immediately ends this Gift.
(Source: W20 Changing Breeds, p.268)
• Spirit of the Fish (Level Two) : As the Uktena Gift.
(Source: W20 Changing Breeds, p.268→Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.198)
• Brother’s Skin (Level Three) : Having mixed blood and spiritual bonds with another Fera, the shapeshifter
may take on the animal form of another member of his kganmadi. Thus, a Simba in a kganmadi with a Kucha Ekundu, an
Ajaba, a Corax, and a Swara might take on the forms of a wild dog, hyena, raven, or cheetah. A predator-spirit and a prey-
spirit teach this Gift.
System: When the character wishes to transform into the animal-form of one of his kganmadi brethren, the
player must spend a point of Willpower and make a standard shapeshifting roll against difficulty 8. Only the animal form
may be assumed : lupus, rodens, etc. Crawlerling form is too alien for non-Ananasi to master through this Gift unless they
are Rank Four or above.
(Source: W20 Changing Breeds, p.268)
• Exorcism (Level Three) : As the Theurge Gift.
(Source: W20 Changing Breeds, p.XX →Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.165)
• Ghost-Eating Technique (Level Three) : The shapeshifter may consume the spiritual power of a defeated
spirit, destroying it forever. Additionally, she may strike ghosts possessing an individual without harming that being’s
flesh. To date, only the Bubasti and Ajaba have openly embraced this Gift, given its dark nature. Some combination of
cat-, owl-, and hyena-spirits teach this Gift.
System: The player spends a point of Rage when attacking a ghost-possessed individual. All damage is applied
exclusively to the ghost’s Essence (or the wraith’s Corpus, if using Wraith: The Oblivion). The player may also spend a
point of Willpower after landing a blow that destroys a spirit or ghost. The character gains 1–3 points of Gnosis, depending
on how powerful the spirit was : one point per 10 Essence that the spirit started with. The spirit or ghost is consumed
utterly, destroying it forever. Eating a ghost in this fashion may be cause for loss of Renown for some Changing Breeds.
(Source: W20 Changing Breeds, p.268)
• Shadows Conceal Fangs (Level Three) : The shapeshifter may sink into the shadows, emerging moments later
from another patch of shadow in order to launch a surprise attack. A serpent-spirit (or servant of the Wani) and a hyena-
spirit teach this Gift.
System: The character must already be concealed in shadows when this Gift is activated. The player spends one
point of Rage and rolls Strength + Stealth (difficulty 7). The character may emerge from any shadow up to (successes
rolled x 5) yards away to make a surprise attack. The difficulty to soak any damage from this sneak attack is raised by 2.
(Source: W20 Changing Breeds, p.268-269)
• Venom Blood (Level Three) : As the Get of Fenris Gift.
(Source: W20 Changing Breeds, p.269→Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.181)
• Armory of the Sun (Level Four) : The shapeshifter may banish any dedicated fetish to the distant and well-
guarded personal armory of Helios, later calling it back to hand when she needs it. A cat-spirit and a servant of Helios
teach this Gift.
System: The player rolls Wits + Occult against difficulty 6 to banish a fetish or talen by tossing it up into the sky,
where it vanishes. When she wishes to retrieve it, she makes the same roll again to cause it to fall down into her waiting
(Source: W20 Changing Breeds, p.269)
• Boundless Heart (Level Four) : As the Red Talon Gift: Gorge.
(Source: W20 Changing Breeds, p.269 →Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.187)
• Call Elemental (Level Four) : As the Uktena Gift.
(Source: W20 Changing Breeds, p.269→Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.198-199)
• Dam the Heartflood (Level Four) : As the Silent Strider Gift.
(Source: W20 Changing Breeds, p.269→Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.193)
• The Marriage of Sun and Moon (Level Five) : This mighty Gift allows a shapeshifter to very briefly pass his
soul from the care of the Moon into that of the Sun, or vice-versa. A Lune and a servant of Helios teach this Gift.
System: The player spends two points of Gnosis. For the rest of the scene, a shapeshifter who is normally
vulnerable to silver becomes vulnerable to gold instead, and vice-versa. Characters who are vulnerable to both silver and
gold (such as Mokolé), or those who take similar damage from a substance other than silver or gold cannot benefit from
this Gift.
(Source: W20 Changing Breeds, p.269)
• Thousand Forms (Level Five) : As the Ragabash Gift.
(Source: W20 Changing Breeds, p.269→Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.163)
• Unity of All Beasts (Level Five) : The shapeshifter gains the ability to commune with his kganmadi’s totem,
temporarily lending it a small portion of his spirit, which it may then lend to the rest of the pack as a form of additional
strength. A lion-spirit and a raven-spirit teach this Gift.
System: The player may elect one of her Gifts to become a ‘bonus Gift’ offered by the kganmadi’s totem. Only
one member of the kganmadi may use this bonus Gift at a time, not including the character to whom the Gift truly
belongs : she can use it at any time. In order to change which Gift is offered to the totem, the player must spend one point
of Gnosis.
(Source: W20 Changing Breeds, p.269)

The Lost Breeds

Apis characters begin play with one Level One Gift from the appropriate auspice list, and two Level One Gifts
from the general Apis Gift list. Twilight Apis could learn Theurge Garou auspice Gifts. Solar Apis could learn Philodox
Garou auspice Gifts. Lunar Apis could learn Ahroun Garou auspice Gifts.

General Gifts
• Beast Speech (Level One) : As the Galliard Gift.
(Source: W20 Changing Breeds, p.233→Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.169)
• Brother’s Scent (Level One) : As the Children of Gaia Gift.
(Source: W20 Changing Breeds, p.233→Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.177)
• Gift of Flesh (Level One) : This Gift allows the Apis to refresh his own strength by dining upon an enemy’s
System: If the character spends ten minutes in Minotaur form devouring the body of a foe (not prey animal) slain
in combat, he immediately regains his choice of two points of Rage, one point of Willpower, or one point of Gnosis. This
Gift’s effects are permanent.
(Source: W20 Changing Breeds, p.233-234)
• Mother’s Touch (Level One) : As the Theurge Gift.
(Source: W20 Changing Breeds, p.234→Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.164)
• Resist Pain (Level One) : As the Philodox Gift.
(Source: W20 Changing Breeds, p.234→Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.166)
• Scent of Changing Blood (Level One) : The Apis may breathe in the scent of a human or animal and tell
whether or not that individual carries any Changing blood : and if so, what sort.
System: The character is automatically aware when he was in the presence of Changing Breed Kinfolk. To
determine more details, a Perception + Primal-Urge roll (difficulty 7) is needed. One success reveals what sort of blood the
individual carries (Garou, Gurahl, Bastet, etc), while more successes reveal tribal lineage and other bloodline details.
(Source: W20 Changing Breeds, p.234)
• Sense Wyrm (Level One) : As the metis Gift.
(Source: W20 Changing Breeds, p.234→Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.156)
• Strength of the Ox (Level One) : As the Bone Gnawer Gift: Desperate Strength.
(Source: W20 Changing Breeds, p.234→Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.174)
• Scent of the True Form (Level Two) : As the Philodox Gift.
(Source: W20 Changing Breeds, p.234→Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.166)
• Sense the Terrible Treasures (Level Two) : As the metis Gift: Sense Silver, save that it could sense both silver
and gold.
(Source: W20 Changing Breeds, p.234→Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.156)
• Speech of the World (Level Two) : As the homid Gift.
(Source: W20 Changing Breeds, p.234→Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.154)
• Sun and Moon Signs (Level Two) : This Gift taps into the wisdom of the sun and moon, allowing the
wereaurochs to read omens in such things as eclipses, the color of the rising moon, rings around either, and so on.
System: The character meditates under an open sky where the sun or moon is visible. The player spends one
Gnosis point and rolls Intelligence + Enigmas, difficulty 8. Success grants the character tidbits of information about some
upcoming event relevant to him or his loved ones : the more successes rolled, the clearer the omens.
(Source: W20 Changing Breeds, p.234)
• Ties of Destiny (Level Two) : By concentrating, the Apis may perceive the threads that tie a person to his
destined mate : as well as darker strands of fate.
System: The player spends one Gnosis point and rolls Perception + Enigmas, difficulty 7. If successful, the
character perceives the ties of destiny as shimmering red threads that stretch out from the observed subject’s heart, liver, or
hands in the direction of the person or persons fated to share a common destiny with the subject. The threads may appear
slack or taut; the more taut the thread, the closer the tie or the nearer the shared fate is to coming to pass. The Gift does not
reveal whether a destined tie is for good or ill, however.
(Source: W20 Changing Breeds, p.234)
• Hathor’s Blessing (Level Three) : The Apis can promote fertility in others, even to the point of increasing the
chance of a shapeshifter breeding true. Had this Gift not been lost to the ages, perhaps the Garou Nation would not be so
desperately outnumbered by its foes.
System: The Apis touches the recipient of her blessing at the brow, sternum, and just below the navel, and
spends three Gnosis points. The next child conceived by the blessed individual has an additional 25% chance to breed true
(thus, a 35% chance of breeding true if the character mates with a Kin of no particular Pure Breed). If neither the Gift’s
target nor her mate are a shapeshifter or Kinfolk, there is still a 25% chance that their child will breed true, becoming a
shapeshifter of the same type as the Gift’s user.
(Source: W20 Changing Breeds, p.234-235)
• Persuasion (Level Three) : As the homid Gift.
(Source: W20 Changing Breeds, p.235→Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.153)
• Strength of Purpose (Level Three) : As the Philodox Gift.
(Source: W20 Changing Breeds, p.235→Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.167)
• Strength of the Brazen Bull (Level Three) : The Apis may turn his hide to brass, his hooves and horns to iron,
and his breath to flame.
System: The player spends one Rage point and rolls Stamina + Survival, difficulty 6. The character gains two
extra soak dice and two extra damage dice to bite, gore, and kick attacks. This Gift lasts for one turn per success.
(Source: W20 Changing Breeds, p.235)
• Attunement (Level Four) : As the Silent Strider Gift.
(Source: W20 Changing Breeds, p.235→Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.176)
• Finding the Blood (Level Four) : The Apis may turn her nose to the wind and follow the thin scent of
Changing blood to the nearest Kinfolk, wherever and whoever that might be.
System: The player may roll Perception + Primal-Urge (difficulty 8) to learn the direction and rough distance of
the nearest Changing Kinfolk of any sort. Spending a Gnosis point allows the character to narrow her search down to Kin
of a particular Breed.
(Source: W20 Changing Breeds, p.235)
• Form of the Land Titan (Level Four) : The wereaurochs may assume the form of the primal bull, massive and
unstoppable, a juggernaut almost the size of an elephant.
System: The player spends one point of Rage and Gnosis while in Aurochs form and rolls Stamina + Primal-
Urge (difficulty 8). Success adds two Strength and Stamina for the rest of the scene, and causes Aurochs form to induce
reduced Delirium.
(Source: W20 Changing Breeds, p.23)
• Heart of the Mountain (Level Four) : As the Get of Fenris Gift.
(Source: W20 Changing Breeds, p.235→Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.181)
• Mindblock (Level Four) : As the Silver Fang Gift.
(Source: W20 Changing Breeds, p.235→Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.194)
• Assimilation (Level Five) : As the homid Gift.
(Source: W20 Changing Breeds, p.235→Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.155)
• Kiss of Helios (Level Five) : As the Ahroun Gift.
(Source: W20 Changing Breeds, p.235→Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.172)
• Mercy for the Misbegotten (Level Five) : This Gift, among the mightiest known to the Apis, grants fertility to
those normally incapable of bearing offspring : including even infertile metis.
System: The Apis touches the subject of her blessing and the player spends three Gnosis points. The subject is
cured of any infertility, impotence, or even outright mutilation of the generative organs for the next 24 hours. In the case of
women who conceive under the auspices of this Gift, any necessary blessings continue to linger until the child is delivered.
(Source: W20 Changing Breeds, p.23)

Camazotz begin play with three Level One Gifts from the general Camazotz Gift list.

General Gifts
• Echolocation (Level One) : As the lupus Gift: Scent of Sight, but using sound to navigate rather than scent.
This Gift is normally only useful in Homid form, as all other shapes are already capable of sonar navigation.
(Source: W20 Changing Breeds, p.240)
• Heightened Senses (Level One) : As the lupus Gift.
(Source: W20 Changing Breeds, p.240→Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.158-9)
• Perfect Recall (Level One) : As the Galliard Gift.
(Source: W20 Changing Breeds, p.240→Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.169)
• Private Whispers (Level One) : By covering his mouth and whispering, the werebat may speak to anyone he
can see, without being overheard.
System: The player rolls Manipulation + Subterfuge, difficulty 7. The character may whisper for one turn per
(Source: W20 Changing Breeds, p.240)
• Scent of the True Form (Level One) : As the Philodox Gift.
(Source: W20 Changing Breeds, p.240→Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.166)
• Shadow Skin (Level One) : The Camazotz wraps himself in semi-solid shadow, making him more difficult to
see, muffling the noise of his movements, and even gaining some protection against attacks.
System: The player spends one Willpower point. For the rest of the scene, the character gains one soak die and
three extra dice to any Stealth roll. This Gift ends immediately if the character enters bright light.
(Source: W20 Changing Breeds, p.240)
• Silence (Level One) : As the Silent Strider Gift.
(Source: W20 Changing Breeds, p.240→Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.191)
• Speech of the World (Level One) : As the homid Gift.
(Source: W20 Changing Breeds, p.240→Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.154)
• Spirit Speech (Level One) : As the Theurge Gift.
(Source: W20 Changing Breeds, p.240→Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.164)
• Whisper Catching (Level One) : As the Shadow Lord Gift.
(Source: W20 Changing Breeds, p.240→Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.188)
• Bloodletting Bite (Level Two) : The werebat’s saliva becomes a supernatural anticoagulant, causing her
victims to bleed dramatically.
System: The player may spend one Gnosis after a successful bite. The victim suffers one additional level of
unsoakable lethal damage at the end of each subsequent turn, for (Gnosis) turns. Vampires lose one blood point per turn
rather than suffering damage.
(Source: W20 Changing Breeds, p.240)
• Into the Sun (Level Two) : The werebat may step sideways even in direct light, though she treats the Gauntlet
as one point higher than it truly is when doing so.
System: This Gift’s effects are permanent.
(Source: W20 Changing Breeds, p.240)
• Luna’s Favor (Level Two) : The werebat draws on Luna’s mercurial favor, becoming uncannily lucky.
System: The player may spend a Willpower point to nominate a roll as “lucky.” She gains one automatic success
on this roll, and may re-roll all dice which fail to come up as successes. This Gift may only be used once per scene.
• Messenger’s Fortitude (Level Two) : As the Silent Strider Gift, but enabling flight rather than running.
(Source: W20 Changing Breeds, p.240→Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.192)
• Razor Wings (Level Two) : As the general Corax Gift: Razor Feathers.
(Source: W20 Changing Breeds, p.240→p.100)
• Sense Wyrm (Level Two) : As the metis Gift.
(Source: W20 Changing Breeds, p.240→Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.156)
• Bat’s Shriek (Level Three) : The werebat emits an ultrasonic cry that stuns, disorients, and bruises those
System: The player spends one Rage point and rolls Stamina + Primal-Urge. All within 30 yards take one
unsoakable level of bashing damage per success.
(Source: W20 Changing Breeds, p.240)
• Blinding Spittle (Level Three) : The Messenger of Luna may strike a foe blind by spitting on him.
System: The character spits on her opponent; the player spends one Gnosis point and rolls Dexterity + Primal-
Urge, difficulty of the opponent’s Stamina. The target is blinded for one turn per success; even after the blindness wears
off, the victim suffers a +2 penalty to all vision-based rolls (including most combat maneuvers) for the rest of the scene.
(Source: W20 Changing Breeds, p.240)
• Pathfinder (Level Three) : As the Ragabash Gift.
(Source: W20 Changing Breeds, p.240→Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.162)
• Sense Magic (Level Three) : As the Uktena Gift.
(Source: W20 Changing Breeds, p.240→Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.196-7)
• Thousand Wings Form (Level Three) : Through refined mastery of her shapeshifting capabilities, the
Camazotz gains the ability to break her body down into a swarm of countless tiny bats.
System: Assuming Thousand Wings form requires a standard shapeshifting roll at difficulty 8. It functions in all
regards as the Ananasi Crawlerling form (see p. 65), save that it is capable of flight and made of bats.
(Source: W20 Changing Breeds, p.240)
• Bloody Feast (Level Four) : As the Wendigo Gift.
(Source: W20 Changing Breeds, p.240→Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.201)
• Invisibility (Level Four) : As the Uktena Gift.
(Source: W20 Changing Breeds, p.240→Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.198)
• Night-Carried Messages (Level Four) : Opening her mouth wide, the Camazotz’s voice emerges as a swarm
of bats, which wing their way to a distant subject, intent on delivering a message.
System: The player spends one Gnosis point and rolls Wits + Expression, with a difficulty determined by the
distance of the message’s intended recipient. Within a mile would be difficulty 5, while a target over 100 miles away
would be difficulty 9. The messenger-bats move at normal speed for bats, and rest during the day. They deliver the
message by swarming around the recipient, squeaking out the message in the Camazotz’s voice.
(Source: W20 Changing Breeds, p.240-1)
• Preternatural Awareness (Level Four) : As the Stargazer Gift.
(Source: W20 Changing Breeds, p.241→Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.196)
• Cloud on the Wing (Level Five) : As the Fianna Gift: Fog on the Moor.
(Source: W20 Changing Breeds, p.241→Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.180)
• Reading the Dark Heart (Level Five) : Listening to the pulse of an individual’s heart and the rush of their
blood, the Camazotz can discern her darkest secret.
System: The Camazotz spends a turn in concentration. The player spends one Gnosis point and rolls Perception
+ Subterfuge (difficulty of the target’s Willpower). Success allows the werebat to learn the one fact the subject most
fervently keeps hidden from the world at large.
(Source: W20 Changing Breeds, p.241)
• Shadows of Mictlán (Level Five) : Stepping sideways into the dark of night, the Camazotz may enter the Dark
Umbra as easily as the realm of Gaian spirits.
System: So long as she is not in direct light, the werebat may step sideways into the underworld if she chooses.
Into the Sun (see p. 240) has no effect on this Gift.
(Source: W20 Changing Breeds, p.241)

Grondr begin play with three Level One Gifts from the general Grondr Gift list.

General Gifts
• Brother’s Scent (Level One) : As the Children of Gaia Gift.
(Source: W20 Changing Breeds, p.246→Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.177)
• Falling Touch (Level One) : As the Ahroun Gift.
(Source: W20 Changing Breeds, p.246→Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.170-1)
• Master of Fire (Level One) : As the homid Gift.
(Source: W20 Changing Breeds, p.246→Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.153)
• Resist Pain (Level One) : As the Philodox Gift.
(Source: W20 Changing Breeds, p.246→Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.166)
• Root (Level One) : The Grondr may scent out buried objects tainted with the Wyrm’s corruption, such as
corrupted burial grounds, the roots of Wyrm-tainted plants, barrels of toxic waste, or even Black Spiral Hives.
System: The player rolls Perception + Primal-Urge, difficulty 7. She may detect sources of corruption up to (100
x Rank) yards down. The more successes rolled, the more detailed the description of the source of corruption.
(Source: W20 Changing Breeds, p.246)
• Scent of Sight (Level One) : As the lupus Gift.
(Source: W20 Changing Breeds, p.246→Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.159)
• Sense Wyrm (Level One) : As the metis Gift.
(Source: W20 Changing Breeds, p.246→Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.156)
• Spirit Speech (Level One) : As the Theurge Gift.
(Source: W20 Changing Breeds, p.246→Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.164)
• Taint Eating (Level One) : By devouring the bodies of Wyrm beasts, fomori, and other sources of taint, the
Grondr removes them from Gaia’s face, safely digesting their toxins and corruption.
System: The player rolls Stamina + Empathy, difficulty 5. With even one success, the character is immune to any
ingested poisons or drugs, and will not pick up Wyrm taint from tainted food.
(Source: W20 Changing Breeds, p.246)
• Breath of the Wyld (Level Two) : As the Black Fury Gift.
(Source: W20 Changing Breeds, p.246→Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.173)
• Furrow (Level Two) : By digging one tusk into the ground, the Grondr can open a long furrow or ditch as
easily as uprooting a weed.
System: The player rolls Strength + Primal-Urge, difficulty 6 for soft earth or sand, 8 for hard rock and concrete.
The furrow created may be up to one foot deep, one foot wide, and ten feet long, per success.
(Source: W20 Changing Breeds, p.246)
• Sense Balance (Level Two) : As the Philodox Gift.
(Source: W20 Changing Breeds, p.246→Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.167)
• Staredown (Level Two) : As the homid Gift.
(Source: W20 Changing Breeds, p.246→Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.154)
• Thunderous Charge (Level Two) : This Gift adds supernatural striking force to a charge, allowing the Grondr
to knock even a giant to the ground.
System: When using a Body Tackle maneuver, the player may spend a Rage point, adding three dice to both the
attack roll and the roll to remain on his feet. In addition, the damage caused by the body tackle is considered lethal, not
(Source: W20 Changing Breeds, p.246)
• Tusks of Judgment (Level Two) : As the Philodox Gift: Fangs of Judgment.
(Source: W20 Changing Breeds, p.246→Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.166)
• Cleansing Tusks (Level Three) : When this Gift is in effect, the teeth of the Grondr become purest white, so
bright they almost shine with inner light. Wyrm-taint boils away at the touch of the Cleansing Tusks.
System: The player spends one Rage point. For the rest of the scene, if the Gift user gores a target who suffers
from light Wyrm-taint and inflicts at least one level of damage, the target is freed from the taint as if targeted by a Rite of
Cleansing. Creatures with heavy or fundamental Wyrm-taint (such as Banes, fomori, or Black Spiral Dancers) aren’t freed
of their taint; instead, they suffer one additional die of damage. Wounds bestowed on Wyrm-creatures by this Gift always
scar visibly.
(Source: W20 Changing Breeds, p.246)
• Desperate Strength (Level Three) : As the Bone Gnawer Gift.
(Source: W20 Changing Breeds, p.246→Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.174)
• Odious Aroma (Level Three) : As the Bone Gnawer Gift.
(Source: W20 Changing Breeds, p.246→Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.175)
• Sense the Unnatural (Level Three) : As the lupus Gift.
(Source: W20 Changing Breeds, p.246→Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.159-160)
• Uproot (Level Three) : The Grondr may easily uproot diseased trees (or human dwellings…) by striking at
their foundations.
System: The character strikes at the base of a tree, cornerstone of a building, support beam, or other foundation.
The player spends one point of Rage and Gnosis and rolls Wits + Primal-Urge, difficulty 7. For each success, the character
adds five dice to her damage against the foundation. If the tree or building falls as a result of this Gift, the player may
choose the direction.
(Source: W20 Changing Breeds, p.247)
• Beast Life (Level Four) : As the lupus Gift.
(Source: W20 Changing Breeds, p.247→Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.160)
• Stoking Fury’s Furnace (Level Four) : As the Ahroun Gift.
(Source: W20 Changing Breeds, p.247→Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.172)
• Taint Evaporation (Level Four) : Pointing to a Bane or other Wyrm-tainted spirit, the Grondr speaks an
ancient word of cleansing. The Wyrm-spirit’s Essence loses coherence, easily dissipating into the air afterwards.
System: The player spends a Gnosis point and rolls Charisma + Survival (difficulty of 5 or the target spirit’s
Gnosis, whichever is higher). For the rest of the scene, anything which causes the spirit to lose Essence (be it the claws of
a pack of angry Garou or the activation cost of a Charm) makes the spirit lose an additional point of Essence above and
beyond what would otherwise have been lost or spent. Should the spirit be destroyed while this Gift is in effect, the Grondr
regains the Gnosis point spent to activate it.
(Source: W20 Changing Breeds, p.247)
• Touch of Restoration (Level Four) : Focusing her Gnosis into a plant or seed, the Grondr brings it to full
growth with astonishing speed.
System: The character touches an immature plant or the ground where one or more seeds have fallen, and the
player rolls Gnosis (difficulty 7). The plant or plants affected grow to maturity over the course of the next month (or year,
in the case of truly enormous plants such as redwoods).
(Source: W20 Changing Breeds, p.247)
• Manifesting the Land’s Wounds (Level Five) : Marking the surrounding area with her tusks, the Grondr roots
out the land’s corruption, causing it to manifest as a Bane. Before the War of Rage, this Gift was used in the presence of
waiting Garou packs, who tore the manifested spirit to shreds. During the War it was held up as evidence of Grondr
System: The character traverses the area to be cleansed, marking it over the course of anywhere from several
minutes to several hours. At the end of this period, the player spends two Gnosis points and rolls Stamina + Occult
(difficulty 8). Success causes the land to be cleansed of all Wyrm-taint and to begin to rapidly recover from all marks of
ecological devastation over the next year. The expurged Wyrm-taint becomes a Bane (distribute 5 points among the Bane’s
Rage, Willpower, Gnosis, and Essence for each half-mile in diameter of land cleansed).
(Source: W20 Changing Breeds, p.247)
• The Living Wood (Level Five) : As the Children of Gaia Gift.
(Source: W20 Changing Breeds, p.247→Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.178)
• Wyld Warp (Level Five) : As the Black Fury Gift.
(Source: W20 Changing Breeds, p.247→Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.174)

Ratkin Bard Gifts

• The Right Joke (Level One) : As the Ragabash Gift: Infectious Laughter
(Source: W20 Changing Breeds, p.251→Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.185)
• Persuasion (Level One) : As the homid Gift.
(Source: W20 Changing Breeds, p.251→Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.153)
• Mindspeak (Level One) : As the Galliard Gift.
(Source: W20 Changing Breeds, p.251→Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.169)
• Shaddup! (Level Two) : As the Philodox Gift: Command the Gathering
(Source: W20 Changing Breeds, p.251→Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.167)
• Speech of the World (Level Two) : As the homid Gift
(Source: W20 Changing Breeds, p.251→Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.154)
• Lucky Bastard (Level Three) : As the Fianna Gift: Fair Fortune
(Source: W20 Changing Breeds, p.251→Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.179)
• Whispered Dreams (Level Four) : As the Fianna Gift: Phantasm.
(Source: W20 Changing Breeds, p.251→Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.180)
• Legendary Form (Level Five) : The Bard tells a story about one of the strange legendary creatures said to
inhabit his area: the albino alligators of New York’s sewers or the Chupacabra of Mexican folklore. Wisps of fog envelop
the Bard, transforming him into that legendary creature. Mythic spirits and City Fathers teach this Gift.
System: The player spends one Rage point and rolls Manipulation + Performance (difficulty 8). The urban
legend’s traits are based on the Bard’s Crinos form. The player can ‘spend’ a success to add 1 to a physical attribute, or to
gain a strange physical modification (per the Archid Traits available to Mokolé, see CB20, p.147). Some Ratkin may come
to prefer a single urban legend form, but others invent a new shape every time they use this Gift.
(Source: W20 Changing Breeds, p.251)

Post-Script Update : July 11, 2013: Added the Pumonca Gifts: Great Peace and Bringer of Winds from Frontier Secrets.

Post-Script Update : July 26, 2013: Assorted editing errors fixed.

Post-Script Update : August 2, 2013: Fixed a few more editing errors, thanks to Erinys. What would I do without her?

Post-Script Update : August 29, 2013: Made the capitalization and lower-case of all “-spirit” entries uniform. Any animal
spirit is lower-case (e.g. “wolf-spirit”) while Triat spirits and certain concept spirits are capitalized (e.g. “Wyrm-spirit” and

Post-Script Update : May 7, 2015: Added the Ahadi Gifts from W20 Changing Breeds, p.267-269.

Post-Script Update : May 27, 2015: Fera Gift list complete!

As of this writing (May 27, 2015), all the Gifts from W20 Changing Breeds have been added into this
Encyclopedia. This was a project more than 2 years in the making. May all of you using this Fera Gifts list find it useful.
Special Thanks
My appreciation and thanks to Erinys for her work in editing my Werewolf: The Apocalypse Garou Gifts
Encyclopedia. She saved me weeks of work and got it done in only a few days. Like me, she received nothing tangible for
her work, but also like me, she gave her time and effort just because she loves this game as much as I do. I salute her for
her hard work. And if she graces me again by volunteering to edit this Fera Gift Encyclopedia as well as she did the Garou
Gift Encyclopedia, I shall be forever indebted to her.
My most heartfelt thanks to you, Erinys. May your pack always stand by you, may your claws never dull and
may your fangs always be at the Wyrm’s throat. AAAAUURROOOOO!!!!!

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