Population Dynamics

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Andrea Deanne Ocampo

BSN 3-Y1-19

1. Top 10 Cause/s of Death (Mortality) in the Philippines ( Year 2022, if no data

Year 2021) (5 points)
2. Top 10 Diseases/Illnesses (Morbidity) in the Philippines (Year 2022, if no
data Year 2021) (5points)

3. Top 10 Cause of death in your Municipality/City (5 points)

4. Top 10 Diseases in your Municipality/City (5 points)

5. Correlate the data between the National Level and Municipal Level
(ANALYSIS). (20 points)

It is clear by comparing mortality rates across the national and

municipal levels that the majority of the problems that Filipinos face are
non-communicable illnesses including heart disease, hypertension, and other
respiratory conditions. In our country, pneumonia is also common, and the
pneumococcal disease may be made worse by a lack of safe water and sanitary
facilities, poor diet, prevalent air pollution, and insufficient access to
healthcare. When comparing the causes of morbidity at the national and local
levels, it is clear that the most common disorders affecting Filipinos' health
are hypertension, urinary tract infections/diseases, and skin conditions. With
the appropriate diet, hygiene practices, and medication, these diseases could
be easily avoided and managed.
6. Based from your analysis in question #5, what is your recommendation? (10

It is clear from the information above that non-communicable diseases

account for the majority of the illnesses that impact our country's population. I
therefore suggest that we make investments in the prevention and control of
non-communicable diseases. It might seem like these disease aren’t related to
each other because they affect different parts of the body but they do share the
same origin and that is unhealthy diet, physical inactivity, tobacco use, lack of
safe water and sanitation, poor nutrition, and harmful use of alcohol and many
other factors, but the good news is these are avoidable that is why it is
important for us to educate people, because it is important for people to be
knowledgeable about their health and safety in order for them to be aware of
their lifestyle habits and choices to avoid the risk of developing problems.

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