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A very good morning to _____________________________________________________.

I am Farisya Alya from 6 Sahsiah would like to share everyone about my school Ecolife project.
The aim of this eco-school project is to raise awareness among pupils on the environmental
issue and world perspectively. Creating an eco-friendly school offers benefits to school
children, fostering holistic and sustainable learning environment. Locally right now SK Taman
Cahaya Masai is one of the schools involved in the eco-school project and as a respond to the
Iskandar Malaysia Ecolife Challenge. (IMELC)
Currently our school has been organizing many activities which benefit both teachers and
pupils. One of them is by encouraging pupils to always Reduce, Reuse and Recycle. Around the
school, there are recycling bins provided. We also have a Recycle and Kuru-Kuru Room where
pupils can send their plastic bottles, glass bottles and paper boxes. Besides that, teachers and
parents are also invited to donate their used but good items at home or school for Kuru-Kuru.
Apart from that, our school itself has its own Taman Herba (Herbs Garden). We believe that
having gardens and green spaces in an eco-friendly school allows pupils to connect with
nature. So, as you can see on my right, we used many recycled items into plant pots, vases,
and planters. Besides that, rainwater is collected into tanks and re-used to water the plants.
Much more, instead of buying vegetables in the market, we planted our greens and everyone
is welcome to take them home.
We also try to conserve water at school by lowering down the water level in toilet tanks. So,
less water is being used to flush. By doing this, we may save up to 10 gallons of water per day.
Other than that, our school also encourages pupils to ride bicycle to school through Safe Cycle
program instead of using motorcycle, car, or van. This does not only promote healthy lifestyle
among pupils at a young age, but at the same time less carbon dioxide is being released into
the atmosphere. Hence, it helps to save our air from being polluted every day.
Therefore, when children see how their school is working to be eco-friendly, they become
more aware of their own actions at home and in their communities. They start making eco-
friendly choices in their daily lives, like using less plastic and walking more.
In conclusion, creating an eco-friendly school teaches children to be responsible human being
of the environment. It helps them learn important lessons about taking care of the Earth and
inspires them to make positive changes in their lives. By working together to create an eco-
friendly school, we're giving a gift to both our children and the planet.

Thank you.

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