ECT3601 Minor Test 2

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Electronics 3

Minor test 2

Total: 34 

 For any formula required in the assignments, search in the prescribed book for it.
 If in a certain question, to your opinion, information is left out, write down realistic
values and motivate your decision.
 Give resistor- and capacitor values as calculated, no need to change to nearest
available values.
 Plagiarism is the act of taking words, ideas and thoughts of others and presenting
it as your own. It is a form of theft which involves a number of dishonest academic
 Answer all questions.
 Write clearly using black ink.
 Space your work out adequately
 Read the questions carefully
 Pay careful attention to the allocated marks


Question 1 [16]

1.1 In figure 1, the values of the components are:

R1 = 1kΩ, R2 = 2k7, determine the frequency and the period of the output
rectangular signal. (6)

1.2 Calculate a new value for CEXT to obtain an output frequency of 35kHz. (4)
1.3 In a 555 astable, similar to the one in figure 1, the value of R1 is 1k2. Calculate
a value for R2 to get a duty cycle of 70%. (6)

Figure 1

Question 2 [8]

2.1 For the regulating system in figure 2, what is the maximum and the minimum
output voltage when R2 is turned from 10kΩ to zero? IADJ = 50µA. (8)

Figure 2
Question 3 [10]

3.1 The system shown in figure 3 is a basic switching regulator. If the frequency
at which the transistor is “switching”, is 100Hz with an OFF time of 6 milli
seconds, what output voltage is delivered? Also calculate the duty cycle of
the transistor. (10)

Figure 3

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