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Academic Year 2023-2024 (Odd Semester)

Department of Information Technology

Question Bank Format

Subject Code & Subject Name : CCS366

Year & Sem : III & V
Name of Faculty : Mr.Mohideen AbdulKader M
Designation & Department : AP & IT

Part A

S.No Question BL CO PI MM/YY

Unit 1
1 How black box testing is differing from white L2 CO1 1.4.1 APR/MAY17,
box testing? 21
2 Outline the need for software testing L2 CO1 1.4.1 NOV/DEC19
3 Differentiate between verification and validation? L2 CO1 1.4.1 NOV/DEC09
4 List the members of the critical groups in a testing L1 CO1 1.4.1 NOV/DEC08
5 Distinguish between fault and failure. L2 CO1 1.4.1 MAY/JUN09
6 List the sources of Defects, Origins of defects and the L1 CO1 1.4.1 MAY/JUN09
classification of defect
7 Differentiate errors, faults and failures. L2 CO1 1.4.1 APR/MAY17
8 What are the origins of defects? L1 CO1 1.4.1 APR/MAY17
9 Define software testing. L1 CO1 1.4.1 NOV/DEC16
10 Define feature defects L1 CO1 1.4.1 NOV/DEC16
11 Give some example methods for black box testing. L1 CO1 1.4.1 APR/MAY 17
12 What are the difference levels of testing? L1 CO1 1.4.1 NOV/ DEC18
OR Phases of testing?
Unit 2
1 List out the various steps in planning process. L1 CO2 1.4.1 APR/MAY21
2 What Is Test Case L1 CO2 1.4.1 APR/MAY21
3 Explain Bug Reporting L1 CO2 1.4.1 -
4 Explain Test Schedule L1 CO2 1.4.1 -
5 What is The Goal of Test Planning L1 CO2 1.4.1 -
6 List out Test Phases L1 CO2 1.4.1 -
7 Explain about Tester Assignments L1 CO2 1.4.1 -
8 What are Resource Requirements in Test Planning L1 CO2 1.4.1 -
9 Differentiate Metrics and Statistics. L2 CO2 1.4.1 -
10 Explain Test Strategy L1 CO2 1.4.1 -
Unit 3
1 What is Bug Life Cycle L1 CO3 1.4.1 -
2 Explain Boundary Value Testing L1 CO3 1.4.1 -
3 Distinguish between Path Testing and Data Flow L2 CO3 1.4.1 -
4 Define Bug Reporting L1 CO3 1.4.1 -
5 Explain Test Objective Identification L1 CO3 1.4.1 -
6 Define Model-Driven Test Design L1 CO3 1.4.1 -
7 List out Test Design Factors L1 CO3 1.4.1 -
8 Define Test Design Preparedness Metrics, L1 CO3 1.4.1 -
9 Explain Test Case Design Effectiveness L1 CO3 1.4.1 -
10 Explain Test Case Organization and Tracking L1 CO3 1.4.1 -
Unit 4
1 Distinguish between load and stress testing. L2 CO4 1.4.1 Apr/May 19
2 Outline the need for system testing and what are L2 CO4 1.4.1 Nov/Dec 18
its types.
3 What is meant by stress testing L1 CO4 1.4.1 Apr/May 19
4 What is security testing, give some examples. L1 CO4 1.4.1 Apr/May18
5 Define recovery testing and recovery plan. L1 CO4 1.4.1 -
6 What is meant by volume testing. L1 CO4 1.4.1 -
7 Define failover testing. L1 CO4 1.4.1 -
8 Write about configuration and compatibility L1 CO4 1.4.1 -
9 Define about testing documentation. L1 CO4 1.4.1 -
10 Define agile testing methodology. L1 CO4 1.4.1 -
11 State the difference between web and mobile L2 CO4 1.4.1 -
application testing.
12 Write a note on RIS. L1 CO4 1.4.1 Nov/Dec18
13 Define test log and the need for a test plan. L1 CO4 1.4.1 Apr/May 19
14 Outline the need for test metrics L2 CO5 1.4.1 Apr/May19
Unit 5
1 Mention any 3 software testing tools L1 CO5 1.4.1 Apr/May 19
2 Outline the need for test metrics L2 CO5 1.4.1 Apr/May19
3 Mention the challenges in automation. L1 CO5 1.4.1 Apr/May 17
4 What is the need for automated testing. L2 CO5 1.4.1 Nov/Dec18
5 What is selenium? L1 CO5 1.4.1 -
6 Usage of findElement() and findElements() L2 CO5 1.4.1 -
7 List out the commonly used webdrivers on L1 CO5 1.4.1 -
8 What is TestNG.xml and How to use it? L1 CO5 1.4.1
9 Define the role of test summary report L1 CO5 1.4.1 Nov/Dec 18
10 Define progress metrics and process metrics L1 CO5 1.4.1 Nov/Dec 19

Part B

S.No Question BL CO PI MM/YY

Unit 1
1 Outine the reasons for software failure and Elaborate L2 CO1 1.4.1 APR /MAY18
about Software Testing Life cycle.
2 Explain various black box testing techniques with L1 CO1 1.4.1 NOV/DEC 19
suitable test cases APR/MAY17,19
3 Explain various white box testing with suitable test L1 CO1 1.4.1 NOV/DEC 16
4 What are the typical origins of defects? Explain the L1 CO1 1.4.1 APR/MAY17
major classes of defects in the software artifacts. NOV/DEC18
5 Elaborate on the principles of software testing and L1 CO1 1.4.1 NOV/DEC16
summarize the tester role in software development APR/MAY17
organization. NOV/DEC18
6 Explain levels of testing with diagram. Explain each L1 CO1 1.4.1 APR/MAY18, 19
level in brief. Explain levels of testing and NOV/DEC 18, 19
corresponding test plans with a neat diagram.
Unit 2
1 How do you document the test cases? List down Test L2 CO2 1.4.1 APR/MAY 18
Documentation Standards NOV/DEC 18
2 Explain the concepts of test planning in detail. Also L2 CO2 1.4.1 NOV/DEC 18
mention the way of defining test plan
3 Explain the steps involved in Project Planning L1 CO2 1.4.1 NOV/DEC 18

4 Mention the way by which test case may be L2 CO2 1.4.1 APR/MAY 17
generated. Generate test case for the scenario
5 Explain brief about Test phases and Test Strategy L1 CO2 1.4.1 -
6 Differentiate Test assignments and Test Schedule L2 CO2 1.4.1 -
Unit 3
1 Explain Experience-based Test Case Design L1 CO3 1.4.1 APR/MAY 18
2 Explain about boundary value testing in detail L1 CO3 1.4.1 -
3 Explain Bug Reporting and Bug Life cycle L1 CO3 1.4.1 -
4 Demonstrate Test Design Process L1 CO3 1.4.1 -
5 Explain about the following Testing L1 CO3 1.4.1 -
 Equivalence Class Testing
 Path Testing
 Data Flow Testing

6 Elaborate Test case Organization and Tracking L1 CO3 1.4.1 -

7 List out the Test Case Design Effectiveness L1 CO3 1.4.1 -
Unit 4
1 Define in detail about the following performance L1 CO4 1.4.1 -
a. Load Test
b. Stress Test
c. Volume Test
2 Elaborate about performance testing process of fail- L1 CO4 1.4.1 -
over and recovery testing.
3 Justify the requirement of usability, configuration and L1 CO4 1.4.1 -
compatibility testing in detail.
4 Elaborate about test case specification and test L1 CO4 1.4.1 -
incident report.
5 Describe about the necessity of documentation L1 CO4 1.4.1 -
6 Elaborate about Agile environment testing. L1 CO4 1.4.1 -
7 Outline the process of testing mobile and web L1 CO4 1.4.1 -
Unit 5
1 Explain various generation of automation and the L1 CO5 1.4.1 -
required skills for each.
2 Elaborate about Selenium and its important features. L1 CO5 1.4.1 -
3 Explain different types of test defect metrics under L1 CO5 1.4.1 -
progress metrics based on what they measure and
what area they focus on.
4 List out in detail about different web drivers and web L1 CO5 1.4.1 -
driver events.
5 How to locate web elements and perform actions on L1 CO5 1.4.1 -
web elements
6 Elaborate about testing.xml in detail. L1 CO5 1.4.1 -
Part C

S.No Question BL CO PI MM/YY

Unit 1
1 Compare V-model & Software Testing Life Cycle L1 CO1 2.2.4 APR/MAY19
and Justify why testing is needed from early stage
of development
2 Demonstrate black box test cases using L3 CO1 2.2.4 APR/ MAY18
equivalence class partitioning and boundary value NOV/DEC 16
analysis to test a module for payroll system
Unit 2
1 Develop test plan for testing an e-commerce web L3 CO2 2.2.4 -
and mobile application
Unit 3
1 Model a Test Design Process with any one of the L3 CO3 2.2.4 -
use-case given below
a. ATM System
b. Railway Reservation System
Unit 4
1 Outline the execution of test cases against client- L3 CO3 2.2.4 -
server or desktop application to identify the
Unit 5
1 Discuss the use of selenium to automate the testing L3 CO3 2.2.4 -
of e-commerce application.

Prepared By Verified By
(Name & Sign) (Name & Sign)

Format No : TLP 50 Rev.No : 1.0 Date : 19-07-2023

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