Electrostatic Force

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Static Electricity

Electrostatics Force-F
Electrostatics Force-F
1. Electric Field Model

❏ Electrical charge, Q, produce
electric field.
Q ❏ If we place a test charge q (+) at
distance r from this charge, the
test charge will experience
Electric Field is a field electrostatic Force, F.
produced by an electrostatic ❏ The direction of force is to the
charge ( Positive or negative ) right ( Positive-positive, repel
each other)
❏ If another charge, q, is placed in this electric field, the
field exerts a force, F, on it.

❏ An electric field is a region where an electric charge

experiences a force.
Electric Field Strength, E
❏ Electrostatic Force on charge q :

❏ The relationship between

electrostatic force F and electric
Field E:
❏ Q, Electrical charge produces
electric field.
❏ q, test charge placed at distance ❏ Electric Field E can be stated as:
r from electrical charge, Q.
❏ E, Electric Field
❏ F, Electrostatic Force
2. Electrostatic Force
Q1 Q2



The force between two charges:

● acted along a line joining the centre of the two charges
● is proportional to the product of the two charges
● is inversely proportional to the square of the distance between the
Q1 Q2



The force between two charges:

● acted along a line joining the centre of the two charges
● is proportional to the product of the two charges
● is inversely proportional to the square of the distance between the
1) A negative charge of - 4 x10¯⁶ C and a
positive charge of 6 x10¯⁶ C are separated by
0,06 m. What is the force between the two
2) Two positive charges of 8µC
are separated by 3 cm. What
force exists between the charges?
3) Two charges, qA and qB, are
separated by a distance r, and
exert a force, F, on each other.
What new force will exist if qA is
4) Two charges, qA and qB, are
separated by a distance r, and exert
a force, F, on each other. What new
force will exist if qA and qB are cut
in half?
5) Two charges, qA and qB, are
separated by a distance r, and
exert a force, F, on each other.
What new force will exist if r is
6) Two charges, qA and qB, are
separated by a distance r, and
exert a force, F, on each other.
What new force will exist if r is
cut in half?
7) Two charges, qA and qB, are
separated by a distance r, and exert a
force, F, on each other. What new force
will exist if qA is tripled and r is
8) Two negatively charged
bodies each with charge -24
µC are 8 cm from each other.
What force acts on each
9. A negative charge of 2.0x10¯⁸ C
experience a force of 0.060 N to the
right in a electric field. What are the
field magnitude and direction?
10. A positive test charge of 5.0 x10ˉ⁴
C is in electric field that exerts a
force of 2.5 x10ˉ⁵ N on it. What is the
magnitude of the electric field at the
location of the test charge?

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