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Initial Understanding

Project Overview

App development for Asset Management - Admin and Vendor

Better asset tracking for better business performance – client wish to keep their equipment in working order
and know where it is, which leads to prevent losses from damage or theft.

Easier than cluttered spreadsheets to track client items. With asset tracking app, client will be able to see
full action histories, warranty information, user manuals, and photos all in one consolidated place.

Manually tracking enterprise-wide assets means losing out on valuable time and resources. So client wants
to implement easy-to-use asset management platform, that’ll improve efficiency across organization,
leading to time and cost savings.


Client needs a mobile app which will work on both Android and iOS.
Client will add Assets acquired from Vendor, Compliance document if any, any other documents, images
and set its Expiry/ Return date. Same will be available for view from Vendor side. Before expiry, Asset
manager will start getting notification and he will have the option to renew/ return the asset. If the Asset
manager don't take any action on the notification, the same will be escalated to his/ her manager.

Check in and Check out assets

With Asset Manager, you can check out computers and equipment to employees and always know who to
call when you need an item returned. Set a due date during the check out process, and then run reports to
find the overdue assets.

Track the fixed assets in your business

Whether you need help keeping track of where your assets are, or if you simply need a better accounting of
what you have and how much it's worth, Asset Manager can track it all. Attach owner's manuals, pictures,
notes and more to your service records, then look them up again in one place whenever you need.

Track service, vendors, and contacts

When servicing an item, track the service instructions, tips and tricks, vendors, and contacts in your
database. If the item needs to be serviced again, you'll have all the information you need right at your
fingertips. Find the items quickly using a quick search.

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