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Topic 4: Luxury goods and services are not necessary

For Against
- Decrease in Efficiency: - Income to Government:
 The consumption of luxuries  Certain luxuries are a major source
sometimes causes a decline in the of income to the Government. The
efficiency and ability to work. The government collects money by
use of opium and liquor decreases imposing taxes on luxuries like
the efficiency to work of a person. liquor, cigarettes, cars, etc.
- Wastage of Resources: - Increase in Production and National
 Our resources are limited. These Income:
scarce resources are wasted in the  The total production as well as
production of luxury goods. It national income of the country
creates a further shortage of the increases with the increase in the
resources to produce necessities. production of luxuries.
From the social point of view, the - Increase in Employment:
resources used in the production of  Production of luxuries creates
luxuries are simply a waste. employment for a large number of
- Sacrifice of Necessaries: people who are unemployed. If the
 One of the evils of luxuries is that production of luxuries is stopped
people are attracted towards them. many persons will become jobless
They make use of luxuries at the - Useful in Crisis:
cost of necessaries which result in  Luxuries are of great help in times
certain disadvantages. of need and economic crisis. For
- Harmful to Health: example, a businessman can make
 The consumption of certain use of luxuries in case of financial
luxuries is harmful for health. For emergency. He may sell jewelry,
example, one of the causes of costly furniture, valuable items, etc.
cancer is smoking. and by getting money from their
- Spread of Dissatisfaction: sale, he may overcome his
 Only a very small group in society economic crisis.
uses luxuries and the majority of - Reduction in Inequality:
people restrict their consumption  Production of luxuries helps in
to bare necessaries of life. As a reducing the inequalities of wealth
result, the feelings of dissatisfaction distribution in the society. Artists
and jealousy arise in the mind of are generally from the poor class
the poor which lead to social who prepare articles of art. Rich
unrest. persons are accustomed to
- No-maximum Social Advantage purchase these luxurious goods. In
 No maximum social advantage can this way, wealth is transferred from
be acquired by the production of the rich to the poor workers which
luxury goods, because only a reduce the income and wealth
handful number of people will be inequalities in the country.
benefitted by its production. - Incentives for Hard Work:
- Unequal Distribution of Wealth  Everybody desires to make use of
 There is great unequal distribution luxuries. To satisfy these desires or
of wealth because luxury goods are wants one has to work hard to
not made in cottage industries and increase his income.
there is bad effect on such - Sign of High Standard of Living:
industries.  The consumption of more and more
- No Increase in Employment items of luxuries is a symbol of high
Opportunities standard of living. The higher the
 Luxury goods are demanded by standard of living is, the more
small number of people and its luxuries they consume.
production takes place in factory - Development of Art and Craft:
where one cannot increase number  The consumption of luxuries helps
of workers without demand and in the development of art and craft.
work is done mostly by machine. When rich people purchase costly
- No Encouragement to Art and Crafts items of art and paintings, it gives
 At present there is reduction in the incentives to the workers. The poor
production of artistic goods worker always tries to make an
because luxury goods are being improvement in his art or craft
produced in factory by machine because of the high prices available
which reduces art and crafts for new designs.
workers. - It Increases Social Prestige
- Poor Class May Face Misery  Those who use luxury goods their
 By the production of luxury goods, social status goes high. Such people
producers are getting more profit will not like the restrictions on the
therefore production of essential use of luxury goods when they can
articles for poor class is going afford to use it.
down. Thus, the price of these - Beneficial to Society and End of
articles is static or sometimes goes Monotony:
up. No reduction in price as less  The use of luxuries is beneficial to
production takes place. society which makes people
 refined, cultured and up-to-date.
 Arguments written in favour and Use of different types of luxury
against the luxury can be studied ends the monotony of life.
carefully and we can come to this
conclusion that both sides have got
some weight and we cannot ignore
the importance completely. But to
conclude it can be said that the use
of luxuries articles are harmful and
waste. Therefore, nothing can be
considered as a luxury or as a
necessary for ever and for every
person. It all depends upon
situation, circumstances and
environment. So there should be
“Necessaries for all before luxuries
for any.”
Topic 3: I should start my own business, not work for someone else
For Against
1. Pros of owning your own business 1. Pros of working for someone else
- Free at work - You can change jobs when you want
 You call the shots, you decide when  When doing business, it's like being
you work, how long you work for, stuck in one place in all your career
what work you take on and what life
work you decline. - Guaranteed Income
- Control Over Your Finances  Employee is paid by the employer
 Although finances may be a for their services towards their
struggle at first for most small organization. This pay often
businesses, if you are successful includes a range of allowances and
then you need to remember that benefits which may include, taxes,
you will be in control of that money. insurance, health insurance,
If you worked for someone else’s provident funds and company
company, although you may gain shares.
bonuses and commission, you - Less Responsibility
won’t be the one deciding where  n employment, you are often
the money goes. assigned a particular role and are
 Entrepreneurship is not the only only responsible for performing the
way to build real wealth for a tasks that are directly related to
lifetime. Even the best corporate that role whilst you are working.
jobs have a limit on your annual  => You don’t need to interfere or
income, salary, and bonuses. worry with how other people are
Owning your own business performing across the company, as
removes your salary cap. Plus, you will still receive your payment
many small businesses become as long as you complete all the
valuable assets themselves that can tasks that are expected and
be sold as investments. outlined for your individual role.
- You Can Follow Your Passion And Do 2. Cons of working for your own
Something Which You Love Every Day - Entrepreneurship is not for everyone,
 Even if you land the job role of your especially graduate students with no
dreams, if it’s for someone else’s experience, little expertise, narrow
company then there will be a set network and little savings.
job description in place which may  Start a new business requires a
not be filled with everything that massive understanding about the
you’re passionate about. For market or the sector that
example, if you love writing and participate in, and you possibly do
take on a new writing role, it may not possess that kind of expertise
also involve administrative or sales because most of thing you have
jobs. If you own your own business, learned is coming from the
then you have the option to hire textbooks, from other sources that
people to do the jobs which you you find on the Internet or from
don’t want to do. what the teachers have said, so you
2. Cons of working for someone else clearly do not have the real
- Little Control Over Your Job Role experiences in the business world.
 You have little control over the - Risk: Failure could cost a fortune. You
finances. For example, if you land a could lose all your savings and also lose
huge deal for someone else’s your control over your life.
company, you may not reap as  As you becoming older and older,
many benefits as you would if you your parents certainly reaching
ran your own business. closer to the retirement age, which
 if you work for someone else’s means that they start to depend on
company then you would rely on you on financial support. And when
the overhead to give you something bad happens to you or
promotions and pay rises, whereas, your family, for example you have
when you work for yourself, you to deal with medical bills for your
are the boss and decide what you parents, you could lose your
should be taking home money wise. business and all your money
 You never know whether you’ll be - Required a massive amount of luck
promoted or whether you may be  Even when you have done
handed a pink slip — these life- everything so perfectly, something
altering decisions are in someone bad could happen. For example, you
else’s hands and beyond your start a business and suddenly a
control. pandemic like covid happens, your
- Bad Commute business will be struggling so hard.
 For many people, some of the best - Stress
work opportunities are in the city  With no guaranteed income, no
centre which can often mean boss for guidance, no colleagues for
enduring a long and exhausting support… Entrepreneurship can
commute to and from work. prove a stressful and lonely place.
- Working With Clients Or People You For all the advantages that it offers,
Don’t Want To Work With it has its pitfalls. The stress of being
 If you run your own company, then your own boss, marketing
it’s your choice who you work for department, legal department,
and who you employ. If you work networker, and accountant can
for someone else’s company, then prove too much for some people.
you more than likely won’t be - Long Working Hours:
calling the shots on everyone who’s  Some businesses need to work a lot
employed or all the clients which of hours in order to get off the
you take on. However, if you gain a ground and be successful. If you are
higher position in a company then starting a business that has many
it’s more likely that you will have competitors, sometimes man hours
more of a say over what clients you are the only way of building a solid
work with and what staff you hire, reputation and customer base.
plus, there may be opportunities to  => Working long hours can have a
work from home even when negative impact on your family and
working for someone else’s social life and also your health.
company. - Financial Instability
- You can’t procrastinate  When starting a business and for
 Even if as an employee you must do the first few years, there may not be
your job not to get fired, there are much disposable income available.
times in your work day where you This can affect your individual
can take a break to have coffee, or finance rating and lead to trouble
talk to your colleagues, and still get securing mortgages, cars, mobile
paid. Being your own boss means telephones and other lifetime
that no one will threaten you if you essentials
choose to watch TV over work. You - Time commitment
really have to find motivation to get  People often start businesses so
the work done and reach for your that they’ll have more time to
goals. If you can’t discipline spend with their families.
yourself, being an entrepreneur Unfortunately, running a business
may be very difficult for you. is extremely time-consuming. In
- Unfixed schedule theory, you have the freedom to
 If your employer needs you to work take time off, but in reality, you may
second shift instead of first shift for not be able to get away. In fact,
3 weeks, you’re kind of stuck and you’ll probably have less free time
have to make lifestyle adjustments. than you’d have working for
If a co-worker calls off and no one is someone else. For many
available to fill that open shift, you entrepreneurs and small business
might be forced to do so. owners, a forty-hour workweek is a
myth; see Figure 5.6 “The
Entrepreneur’s Workweek”.
Vacations will be difficult to take
and will often be interrupted. In
recent years, the difficulty of
getting away from the job has been
compounded by cell phones,
iPhones, Internet-connected
laptops and iPads, and many small
business owners have come to
regret that they’re always
- Undesirable duties
 When you start up, you’ll
undoubtedly be responsible for
either doing or overseeing just
about everything that needs to be
done. You can get bogged down in
detail work that you don’t enjoy. As
a business owner, you’ll probably
have to perform some unpleasant
tasks, like firing people.
Topic 8: We should invest in life insurance rather than non-life insurance
For Against
1. Pros of life insuarance 1. Reasons not to buy insurance
- It helps you plan for retirement - No dependents
 Not every kind of insurance can  Life insurance is designed to
help you plan for retirement. provide for people who would be at
Thankfully, several insurance financial risk in the event of your
providers have tailor-made death. So, one reason that you
retirement plans that you can might not need life insurance is if
invest in. The earlier you purchase no one depends on you financially
one of these plans, the more money or you do not need to ensure
you will have to enjoy once you someone's financial health in the
decide to retire. event of your death. For example,
- It will help your family pay off debts you may have no children, or you
 We never know what life has in may have children who are in good
store for us. If anything were to financial health.
happen to you, your family may - Tight budget
have to deal with a car loan, or a  Another reason you may not want
credit card bill, or other types of to buy life insurance is if you don't
loans. The payout from a life have enough cash flow to pay for
insurance policy can help your the premiums. If your budget is
loved ones repay these debts. tight, you will likely want to
- It isn't too expensive prioritize paying for necessities like
 The earlier you start your housing, clothing, utilities, and food,
insurance policy, the more it will before you pay for life insurance.
benefit you. As a young individual - Other Financial Plans for Beneficiaries
who is in great health, your  you may not need life insurance if
premiums are likely to be lower, you are planning to provide for
while the insurance cover will be your beneficiaries in other ways.
higher. For example, you may have an
- It can help take care of your business investment account that you
 If you run your own company, then believe can meet their financial
you should definitely invest in a needs in the event of your death.
term plan. This short-term cover 2. Cons of life insurance
option has incredibly low - Life Insurance Can be expensive for
premiums but offers a generous old-aged people
pay out in case anything were to  Buying a life insurance policy
happen to you. The sum will help would seem to be the most logical
your business partner settle all thing to do when you are young and
your accounts. why not? The premium for young
- It can help you fulfil long-term plans buyers is quite affordable. The
 Depending on the insurance plan premium amount for a life
you choose, you can invest small insurance policy is determined by
amounts that will accumulate over your personal medical condition,
time to help you purchase your family’s medical condition and your
dream home or start up that age.
business you've always dreamed  But if you are over 40 or if you are
about. nursing an illness or if you have a
- It provides a financial safety net history of bad medical condition in
 As an earning member of your the family, the insurance company
family, your loss will not only hurt will consider you as a risky buyer
your family emotionally, but also and so to mitigate the risk they
financially. If you have a good life charge a higher premium. So, if you
cover, your family will have a are old or carrying a chronic
financial safety net to help them ailment, a life insurance policy can
through their grief. be helpful for your loved one, but it
- It serves as a saving tool would an added burden on your
 You should look at your insurance expenses.
policy as your very own piggy bank. - The returns on life insurance are not
Apart from keeping a part of your significant
salary safe, many policies will also  Certain life insurance policies like a
allow you to borrow money against whole life insurance policy provide
your insurance – which can help at the dual benefit of investment-cum-
times when you need to liquidate protection. The cash-value
assets. component of the whole life policy
- It offers mental peace is a great way to save money for
 More than anything, insurance your future needs like retirement
offers you complete peace of mind. and providing coverage for the
When you have insurance on your family in the event of your demise.
side, you know that you've done  However, you must know that the
whatever you can to secure the returns offered on the investment
financial future of your family. are much lower than other
investment tools. You can invest
your hard-earned money in a term
insurance plan and invest the
additional cash in other investment
tools and increase your chances of
earning higher returns.
- Insurers may not pay the benefit
 There have been many instances
wherein the insurance companies
have denied paying the sum
assured or the death benefit to the
policyholder or the nominee. A lot
of times, the insurance company
uses various tricks to evade paying
the benefits even after the maturity
of the policy. They would cite many
hidden charges or clauses to reduce
the pay-out. It is, therefore,
important to carefully understand
the finer details of the policy and
choose a company that has a
positive pay-out rate. Further, it
would be best advised to consult
your financial advisor about the
pros and cons of the policy before
entering a contract.
- Complex Insurance policies
 Many insurance policy providers
offer a wide range of life insurance
policies to suit the different needs
of the customers. While the vast
choices give you the liberty to
choose the best, it can also create
confusion in the minds of the policy
buyers, especially the ones who
have no prior experience of buying
an insurance policy.
- Exclusions in life insurance policy
 All the life insurance policies do not
provide comprehensive coverage;
there are bound to be certain
exclusions. For example, your
insurance policy may not cover loss
of life due to drug overdose or
involvement in criminal/illegal
activities. In such cases, depending
on the type of insurance policy you
have purchased and your needs,
you may have to buy an additional
rider to increase the coverage. The
riders will automatically increase
the premium amount.
Topic 10: We should not invest in cryptocurrencies
For Against
1. Cons 2. Pros of owning cryptocurrencies
- Scalability - Easy Transactions
 While the number of digital coins  Crypto transactions can be made
and adoption is increasing rapidly, easily, generally at a low cost, and
it is still dwarfed by the number of in a relatively private manner.
transactions that payment giant, Using a smartphone app, hardware
VISA, processes each day. wallet, or exchange wallet, almost
Additionally, the speed of a anyone can send and receive a
transaction is another important variety of cryptocurrencies.
metric that cryptocurrencies - Relatively Secure
cannot compete with on the same  Because cryptocurrencies are
level as players like VISA and rooted in cryptography and
Mastercard until the infrastructure blockchain security, decentralized
delivering these technologies is cryptocurrencies tend to make for
massively scaled. Such an evolution secure forms of payment. As such,
is complex and difficult to do the relative security of cryptos may
seamlessly. However, some have be one of the biggest benefits for
already proposed several solutions, users.
including lightning networks,  Crypto security, in large part, is
sharding, and staking as options to determined by hash rate. The
overcome the scalability issue. higher the hash rate, the more
- Cybersecurity issues computing power is required to
 As a digital technology, compromise the network. Bitcoin is
cryptocurrencies will be subject to considered to be the most secure
cybersecurity breaches, and may cryptocurrency, as it tends to have
fall into the hands of hackers. We a higher hash rate than other
have already seen evidence of this, networks.
with multiple ICOs getting breached - Short Settlement Times and Low Fees
and costing investors hundreds of  While some people may only want
millions of dollars this summer to invest in cryptocurrency to take
alone (one of these attacks by itself advantage of (prospective) price
resulted in the loss of $473 million). appreciation, others might find
Mitigating this will require benefit in the ability to use crypto
continuous upkeep of security as a medium of exchange.
infrastructure, but we are already - Exponential Industry Growth
seeing many players dealing with  The cryptocurrency industry has
this directly, and using enhanced been one of the fastest-growing
cybersecurity measures that go markets that most of us have seen
beyond those used in the in our lifetimes, especially since the
traditional banking industries. industry got its start with the debut
- Price volatility and lack of inherent of Bitcoin back in 2009. The total
value market cap of the cryptocurrency
 Price volatility, tied to a lack in market in 2013 was about $1.6
inherent value, is a major problem, billion. By September 2022, it’s
and one of the specifics that Buffet worth more than $930 billion. That,
referred to specifically a few weeks too, is including the so-called
ago when he characterized the “crypto winter” that the crypto
cryptocurrency ecosystem as a markets experienced for much of
bubble. It is an important concern, 2022.
but one which can be overcome by  So, while the industry as a whole
linking the cryptocurrency value has seen incredible growth over the
directly to tangible and intangible past decade, it’s important to keep
assets (as we have seen some new in mind that markets ebb and flow.
players do with diamonds or - The Possibility of Outsized Returns
energy derivatives). Increased  Bitcoin has been one of the best-
adoption should also increase performing assets of the last 13
consumer confidence and decrease years. When it debuted in 2009,
this volatility. Bitcoin essentially had no value, but
- Regulations in the following years, it would rise
 Even if we perfect the technology to a fraction of a penny, and then
and get rid of all the problems eventually to tens of thousands of
listed above, until the technology is dollars. This represents millions of
adopted by federal governments percentage points’ worth of gains.
and regulated, there will be By comparison, the S&P 500 index
increased risk in investing in this of stocks returns an average of
technology. about 8% per year.
 Other concerns with the technology  Some altcoins have outperformed
are mostly logistical in nature. For Bitcoin by wide margins at times,
example, changing protocols, which although many of those later saw
becomes necessary when the tech their prices collapse. Gains like
is being improved, can take quite a these might be among the most
long time and interrupt the normal well-known cryptocurrency
flow of operations. benefits. The losses, on the other
hand, may be among the most well-
known drawbacks. And that’s
important to note, as crypto prices
have fallen quite a bit, as of late. For
example, during 2022, Bitcoin’s
price has fallen by more than 60%
as of September.
 That type of volatility has
characterized prices in the crypto
space, which has been one of the
key benefits of cryptocurrency for
day traders and speculators, too.
Taking advantage of the
fluctuations in price can help
traders earn returns, even if prices
- More Private Transactions
 Privacy can be a big benefit of
cryptocurrency, but crypto isn’t
always as private as some people
might think. Blockchains create a
public ledger that records all
transactions forever. While this
ledger only shows wallet addresses,
if an observer can connect a user’s
identity to a specific wallet, then
tracking transactions becomes
 While it’s worth noting that most
crypto transactions are
pseudonymous, there are ways to
make more anonymous
transactions. Coin mixing services
group transactions together in a
way that makes it hard to pick them
apart from one another, which can
make it difficult to track for outside
observers. Individuals who run a
full node also make their
transactions more opaque because
observers can’t always tell if the
transactions running through the
node were sent by the person
running the node or by someone
 Methods like these are for more
advanced users and could prove
difficult for those new to crypto. So
while absolute privacy is really not
one of the main positives of
cryptocurrency, transactions are
still generally more private than
using fiat currency with third-party
payment processors.
- Portfolio Diversification
 Cryptocurrency has become known
as a non-correlated asset class.
Theoretically, crypto markets
largely function independently of
other markets, and their price
action tends to be determined by
factors other than those affecting
stocks, bonds, and commodities.
Though that theory has been tested
this year, as assets of all types of
slipped, including cryptocurrencies.
It’s worth noting, though, that
during the last few years, cryptos
have begun to sometimes trade in
tandem with stocks for short
periods of time.
- Potential Inflation Hedge
 Mineable cryptocurrencies with a
limited supply cap, like Bitcoin,
Litecoin, and Monero, to name a
few, were traditionally thought to
be good hedges against inflation.
Because monetary inflation can
occur when central banks and
governments print more money
(increasing the supply), things that
are more scarce tend to appreciate
in value.
 With more and more new dollars
chasing fewer and fewer coins, the
price of these fixed-supply coins as
measured in dollars has a higher
chance of going up. Additionally,
the Bitcoin protocol, for example, is
also designed to keep those coins
scarce regardless of what happens
with monetary policy.
- Cross-Border Payments
 Cryptocurrencies have no regard
for national borders. An individual
in one country can send coins to
someone in a different country
without any added difficulty. With
traditional financial services,
getting funds across international
borders can take a long time and
come with hefty fees. In some cases,
doing so might not even be possible
due to regulations, sanctions, or
tensions between specific
- A More Inclusive Financial System
 People don’t need permission from
any financial authority or
government to use the crypto
ecosystem. (Though it’s worth
noting that Bitcoin mining is
banned in China, and that there
may be other local rules and
regulations to take not of.)
Participants also don’t necessarily
need to have a bank account. There
are billions of people today who are
“unbanked,” meaning they have no
access to the financial system,
including bank accounts. With
crypto, however, the only thing
those people need is a smartphone,
and they can essentially become
their own bank.
- Transactional Freedom
 it can be used to exchange value
between two parties. This can be
done independently of any third-
party, making the transaction about
as free as it can get. It’s similar to
handing a dollar bill to a friend on
the street.
 Banks, or other payment
processors, can choose to cut off
services to anyone for any reason.
This can make things difficult for
some journalists, political
dissidents, or other individuals
working in nations with oppressive
government regimes. Because there
is no central authority governing
Bitcoin or most other
cryptocurrencies, it’s very difficult
to stop anyone from using them.
- Adaptability
 Some cryptocurrency projects take
measures to become more efficient
or resource-intensive. That’s a big
difference between, say, the
traditional banking system, which
is often stuck utilizing outdated
technologies and protocols.
- Specialization
 Some cryptos can be designed
specifically for certain projects or
uses. Some cryptos, for instance,
are designed to work with
metaverse projects or games, and
can be used to help create in-game
assets or tokens.

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