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Q1: To me Project-based learning means the inclusion of task or like activities

that teachers uhmm disseminate to students tfor us to learn or understand our

ulessons better through the activities that we do.
So unlike traditional classroom learning uhmm as I have said earlier this has the
inclusion of task and with traditional classroom learning its just disscussion of
lessons so i dont think that the students have an easy time digesting or learning
the topics that they've been given.

Q2: So in my experience I think that there are alot of skills that we can larn from
project based learning especially when it comes to uhmm critical thinking and uhmm
understadnign the activities or like the lessons that have been given to you Uhmm
especially with like uhmm group based projects where you can also learn skills like
cooperation and uhm cooperation with the your group mates or like with everyday
uhmm you know co conversation and interactions with them.
Yeah as iv'e said earlier the skills including cooperation like critivval thinkimg
I believe that this skills are necessary in everyday life and that even in the
future this skills ahh I will continue to bring on these skills and for example if
I will go and work ahh If I go in a workplace I still need to interact with others
and to work with them in order to do my tasks so really these skills are important

Q3: When I am handeed a project-based learning assignment the first thing that i do
is analyze the tasks that is given or see what I really have to do or as well as
understand the connection if fit to our topic in order to uhmm have a greater
understanding on what I need to do.
uhmm i cant really say thst im a person who manages my time or like organizes my
taskk properly but i can say that whe i do this task i ha ha when i do this task i
make sure taat i have ahh set goal ahh as ive said earlier first analyzing what i
hneed to do abbd then from thst from tat on i can see uhmm i can have a timeyable
of or like i can hsve a basic idea on when i can do this or what assignment
especially if theres a liot assignments of what assignmentss i should do furst
based on how difficult the task given to me is is.

Q4: uhmm.... so the first thing that i can think of right now is the basic cal
project where we had to work as agroup in order to makeamodel out of a function and
to and in like calculating the volume and such.
uhmm in achieving our goals of this project the first thing thst we did is
disseminste the task

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