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保险凭证 Policy Certification

投保人信息 Policy Holder: 宇通客车股份有限公司

保单号 Policy No.: P3100202207000700000001 投保人证件号码 Holder ID: 91410000170001401D

保单生成日 Issuance Date: 2022-02-15 13:23:59(北京时间 Beijing Time) 投保人联系方式 Phone No.:

保单生效日 Effective Date: 2022-02-11 00:00:00(北京时间 Beijing Time) 被保险人数 Num of Insured: 以实际承保人员清单为准

保单到期日 Expiry Date: 2023-02-10 23:59:59(北京时间 Beijing Time)

目的地 Destination: 墨西哥,Mexico Includes other countries

保障利益 Benefits

宇通客车商务旅行统收计划二 Yutong Bus BTA Collection Plan2

保障利益 Benefits 保险金额 SI (RMB)

意外身故及伤残 Accidental death and disability 1,000,000.00

公共交通意外身故及伤残 Common carrier accidental death and disability 1,000,000.00

疾病身故 Sickness death 250,000.00

事故限额5,000元) Medical reimbursement (Outpatient and Inpatient)(for domestic travel: sickness
medical reimbursement limited to RMB1,000;The cost of auxiliary equipment/emergency dental
treatment for each accident is limited to RMB 5,000)

紧急医疗运送和送返 Emergency medical evacuation and repatriation 实际费用

身故遗体运返(丧葬费用以20000元为限) Repatriation of remains (funeral expenses limited to


家属慰问探访费用 Compassionate visit 30,000.00

雇主慰问探访费用 Employer compassionate visit 20,000.00

旅行变更 Change of travel schedule 20,000.00

旅行证件损失 Loss of travel documents 5,000.00

元)Loss of personal belongings (RMB10,000 per laptop or projector, RMB3,000 per cellphone)

个人钱财损失 Loss of personal money 30,000.00

银行卡盗刷(不适用于未成年人) Bank card misuse (except minors) 10,000.00

旅行个人第三者责任 Travel Personal Third Party Liability 500,000.00


销售渠道 Sales Channel: 安世联合保险经纪有限公司 收费日期 Date of Premium Receipt: 京东安联财产保险有限公司上海分公司

Allianz Jingdong General Insurance Company Ltd.

Shanghai Branch
总部地址: 广州市天河区珠江新城珠江西路5号广州国际金融中心主塔写字楼34层3410单元 分公司地址: 上海市浦东新区银城中路501号上海中心大厦14层1408单元
HQAddr: Unit10, 34/F Main Tower, Guangzhou International Finance Center No. 5 Zhujia Branch Addr: Unit 1408, 14/F Shanghai Tower No.501, Middle Yincheng Road, Pu
ng Xi Road, Zhujiang New Town 510623 Guangzhou, P.R.China dong New District 200120 Shanghai, P.R.China
特别约定 Notes
1、所有的保险责任及条款均以京东安联财产保险有限公司签发的正式保险合同之相应条款为准。 All insurance benefits and terms and conditions shall be subject to
the corresponding terms and conditions stated in a formal insurance policy issued ALLIANZ JINGDONG GENERAL INSURANCE COMPANY LTD.
2、被保险人的投保年龄为18-70周岁。 The age of insured is 18-70 years old.
3、本报价所称的旅行,是指被保险人经其投保人委派,从事以商务为目的的旅行。该旅行并不包括被保险往来其日常居住地与日常工作地或被保险人的个人旅行; The
travel referred to in this quotation refers to the travel of the insured by its insured person for business purposes. The trip does not include personal travel to
and from the day-to-day place of work or the insured person;
4、理赔时被保险人需提供投保人加盖公章的差旅证明。 The insured person is required to provide proof of travel with official seal.
5、承保职业类别为1-2类的被保险人。详见京东安联职业分类表。 Insured persons whose occupational occupation category is 1-2. See the AllianzJD
occupational classification table for details.
6、每一意外事故总赔偿额为人民币10,000,000元。 Aggregate Limit per Accident is RMB 10,000,000.
Excludes Iraq, Yemen, Syrian, Libya, Crimea, Donetsk, Lugansk, Sudan, Somalia and any countries or regions at war, military operations, riots or during the
armed rebellion.
8、本保单的“医疗费用”保障可涵盖2019新型冠状病毒疾病的治疗费用,本保单的“疾病身故”保障可涵盖2019新型冠状病毒疾病身故保障。 The medical
reimbursement of this policy includes the medical expenses of COVID-19.The disease death of this policy includes death from COVID-19.
9、扩展承保由于战争、军事活动、暴动、武装叛乱、恐怖活动造成的被保险人意外死亡及伤残。 Covers accidental death and disability of the insured caused by war,
military activities, riots, armed rebellions, and terrorist activities.
10、所有的保险责任及条款均以京东安联财产保险有限公司签发的正式保险合同之相应条款为准。 All insurance benefits and terms and conditions shall be subject to
the corresponding terms and conditions stated in a formal insurance policy issued ALLIANZ JINGDONG GENERAL INSURANCE COMPANY LTD.
11、被保险人的投保年龄为18-70周岁。 The age of insured is 18-70 years old.
12、本报价所称的旅行,是指被保险人经其投保人委派,从事以商务为目的的旅行。该旅行并不包括被保险往来其日常居住地与日常工作地或被保险人的个人旅行; The
travel referred to in this quotation refers to the travel of the insured by its insured person for business purposes. The trip does not include personal travel to
and from the day-to-day place of work or the insured person;
13、理赔时被保险人需提供投保人加盖公章的差旅证明。 The insured person is required to provide proof of travel with official seal.
14、承保职业类别为1-2类的被保险人。详见京东安联职业分类表。 Insured persons whose occupational occupation category is 1-2. See the AllianzJD
occupational classification table for details.
15、每一意外事故总赔偿额为人民币10,000,000元。 Aggregate Limit per Accident is RMB 10,000,000.
Excludes Iraq, Yemen, Syrian, Libya, Crimea, Donetsk, Lugansk, Sudan, Somalia and any countries or regions at war, military operations, riots or during the
armed rebellion.
17、本保单的“医疗费用”保障可涵盖2019新型冠状病毒疾病的治疗费用,本保单的“疾病身故”保障可涵盖2019新型冠状病毒疾病身故保障。 The medical
reimbursement of this policy includes the medical expenses of COVID-19.The disease death of this policy includes death from COVID-19.
18、扩展承保由于战争、军事活动、暴动、武装叛乱、恐怖活动造成的被保险人意外死亡及伤残。 Covers accidental death and disability of the insured caused by
war, military activities, riots, armed rebellions, and terrorist activities.

被保险人列表 Insured List

序号 姓名 证件号 出生日期 计划名称 生效日期 终止日期

Serial Insured Name ID/Passport Birth Date Plan Name Effective Expiry Date

曹万勇 宇通客车商务旅行统收计划二
1 EH6515307 1989/01/06 Yutong Bus BTA Collection Plan2 2022-06-24 2022-12-30


销售渠道 Sales Channel: 安世联合保险经纪有限公司 收费日期 Date of Premium Receipt: 京东安联财产保险有限公司上海分公司

Allianz Jingdong General Insurance Company Ltd.

Shanghai Branch
总部地址: 广州市天河区珠江新城珠江西路5号广州国际金融中心主塔写字楼34层3410单元 分公司地址: 上海市浦东新区银城中路501号上海中心大厦14层1408单元
HQAddr: Unit10, 34/F Main Tower, Guangzhou International Finance Center No. 5 Zhujia Branch Addr: Unit 1408, 14/F Shanghai Tower No.501, Middle Yincheng Road, Pu
ng Xi Road, Zhujiang New Town 510623 Guangzhou, P.R.China dong New District 200120 Shanghai, P.R.China

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