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Expert Review of Clinical Pharmacology

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Rifampin vs. Rifapentine: What is the preferred

rifamycin for tuberculosis?

Omamah Alfarisi, Wael A. Alghamdi , Mohammad H. Al-Shaer , Kelly E.

Dooley & Charles A. Peloquin

To cite this article: Omamah Alfarisi, Wael A. Alghamdi , Mohammad H. Al-Shaer , Kelly E.
Dooley & Charles A. Peloquin (2017): Rifampin vs. Rifapentine: What is the preferred rifamycin for
tuberculosis?, Expert Review of Clinical Pharmacology, DOI: 10.1080/17512433.2017.1366311

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Publisher: Taylor & Francis

Journal: Expert Review of Clinical Pharmacology

DOI: 10.1080/17512433.2017.1366311


Rifampin vs. Rifapentine: What is the preferred rifamycin for tuberculosis?
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Omamah Alfarisi1, Wael A. Alghamdi2,3, Mohammad H. Al-Shaer2,3, Kelly E. Dooley1*, and

Charles A. Peloquin2,3
Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine, Baltimore, MD, USA; 2University of Florida,

College of Pharmacy, Department of Pharmacotherapy and Translational Research, Gainesville,


FL, USA, 3Infectious Disease Pharmacokinetics Laboratory, University of Florida, Gainesville,


*Correspondence, Proofs, and Reprint Requests: Kelly E. Dooley, Johns Hopkins University

School of Medicine, 600 N. Wolfe Street, Osler 527, Baltimore, MD 21287, USA. Email:, telephone: (443) 287-0517, fax: (410) 614-9978.

Introduction: One-third of the world’s population is infected with Mycobacterium tuberculosis

(M.tb.). Latent tuberculosis infection (LTBI) can progress to tuberculosis disease, the leading

cause of death by infection. Rifamycin antibiotics, like rifampin and rifapentine, have unique

sterilizing activity against M.tb. What are the advantages of each for LTBI or tuberculosis

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Areas covered: We review studies assessing the pharmacokinetics (PK), pharmacodynamics

(PD), drug interaction risk, safety, and efficacy of rifampin and rifapentine and provide basis for

comparing them.

Expert commentary: Rifampin has shorter half-life, higher MIC against M.tb, lower protein
binding, and better distribution into cavitary contents than rifapentine. Drug interactions for the

two drugs maybe similar in magnitude. For LTBI, rifapentine is effective as convenient, once-

weekly, 12-week course of treatment. Rifampin is also effective for LTBI, but must be given

daily for four months, therefore, drug interactions are more problematic. For drug-sensitive

tuberculosis disease, rifampin remains the standard of care. Safety profile of rifampin is better-

described; adverse events differ somewhat for the two drugs. The registered once-weekly

rifapentine regimen is inadequate, but higher doses of either drugs may shorten the treatment

duration required for effective management of TB. Results of clinical trials evaluating high-dose

rifamycin regimens are eagerly awaited.


Keywords: tuberculosis, rifapentine, rifampin, rifamycin, pharmacokinetics, pharmacodynamics


Rifamycins are macrocyclic antibiotics that are derived from Amycolatopsis mediterranei

and are most commonly known for their activity against Mycobacterium tuberculosis (M.tb) [1].

They demonstrate bactericidal activity by binding to the DNA-dependent RNA polymerase,

which results in inhibition of bacterial RNA synthesis. The current rifamycins used in the

treatment of tuberculosis include rifampin, rifapentine, and rifabutin. Although rifabutin is
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frequently used in the treatment of tuberculosis when patients are co-infected with HIV and

receiving combination antiretroviral therapy [2], its therapeutic margin is narrow (limiting

further optimization efforts), so the focus of this article is on rifampin and rifapentine for the

treatment of latent tuberculosis infection (LTBI) or active pulmonary tuberculosis and new
studies investigating both drugs [2-4].

Rifampin was the first rifamycin approved by the Food and Drug Administration for the

treatment of tuberculosis, in 1971 [5]. It is considered to be the most important drug for drug-

susceptible tuberculosis. Rifampin is widely available and has been used for over 45 years, and

thus, it has the richest data among the rifamycins. Its pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamic

profiles are well characterized [6]. The potent induction of hepatic cytochrome P450 (CYP)

enzymes by rifampin can make its use quite challenging [2, 7], especially when the drug

interaction affects the plasma concentrations of antiretroviral drugs used to treat HIV infection.

In this situation, rifabutin, a less potent CYP inducer, is often used instead of rifampin.

Rifapentine differs structurally from rifampin, having a cyclopentyl ring as a side chain

instead of a methyl group [8, 9]. This structural change affects the pharmacokinetics of

rifapentine significantly. It has higher protein binding (around 99%), and because of that protein

binding, a longer elimination half-life compared to rifampin [10]. Rifapentine was approved by

the FDA in 1998 [11]. Because of its long elimination half-life, it can be dosed once weekly
(along with isoniazid) in the treatment of latent tuberculosis [12]. An ultra-short course regimen

of four weeks of daily rifapentine plus isoniazid is now being evaluated for treatment of LTBI

[13]. With regards to tuberculosis disease, current trials are assessing daily high-dose rifapentine

as a treatment shortening strategy [14]. Higher-dose rifampin is being explored in similar fashion

[15, 16]. The central questions are whether rifapentine can and should be used instead of

rifampin in the treatment of active TB disease [3, 7, 17]. In this review, we will discuss some of
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the main studies that were conducted to evaluate the pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics

(PK/PD), efficacy, and tolerability of rifampin and rifapentine for the treatment of LTBI and

pulmonary TB, providing an overview and comparison of the two drugs based on the findings in

these studies.

2.1 Preclinical studies

Rifampin is bactericidal against M.tb. In vitro studies demonstrated that its activity is

concentration dependent [4, 18]. Rifampin’s minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC) is 0.125-

0.25 µg/ml against drug-susceptible M.tb in 7H12 broth [19]. It has excellent sterilizing activity,

which means it prevents post-treatment relapses by eliminating slowly- or non-replicating,


persisting bacilli. Those compounds remained present in the necrotic lesions even after rifampin

plasma concentrations fell below the lower limit of detection. Rifampin also delayed recovery of

log-phase growth in vitro due to its long post-antibiotic effect (PAE), which is defined as the

continuation of the bacterial suppression after a short exposure of an antibiotic even after the

cessation of the drug [20-22]. Gumbo et al. showed that PAE is associated with the ratio of peak

concentration divided by minimal inhibitory concentration (Cmax/MIC). In their experiments,

rifampin prevented regrowth for 5.2 to 19.3 days, depending on the rifampin concentration.
Rifampin’s sterilizing activity also is dependent on the concentration. Rosenthal et al.

demonstrated this relationship in a dose-ranging study in two murine models [4]. In this model of

in-bred animals, the authors established that there was a consistent relationship between

concentration and dose. As the rifampin dose was increased, a significant increase in bactericidal

activity was shown. A stable cure was achieved in 12 weeks when the rifampin dose increased to

40 mg/kg. However, these findings of dose-sterilizing activity relationship have not yet been
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utilized to optimize the dosing in routine clinical settings.

2.2 Basic clinical PK/PD

2.2.1 PK and exposure-response

Rifampin exhibits non-linear kinetics, especially at high doses [23-25]. A typical rifampin
dose of 600 mg produces a maximum concentration (Cmax) of 8-24 mg/L, and this is observed

about two hours after the dose [26]. The Cmax/MIC ratio is positively correlated with resistance

suppression, while the parameter most closely associated with bactericidal activity is the ratio of

the area under the curve (AUC) above MIC [20]. As growing evidence from in vitro studies

suggested that higher doses produced faster sterilizing effects [4, 20], recent and current ongoing

studies are investigating the PK and safety of higher rifampin doses to shorten the treatment

duration of TB [6, 15, 25, 27]. A recent study compared doses of 10, 15 and 20 mg/kg dosing

regimens during the intensive phase of TB treatment [27]. These dosing regimens produced

slightly more than proportional increases in Cmax (median 6.20, 10.18, and 13.33 mg/L,

respectively). The high rifampin doses were well tolerated across all groups. The PanACEA

African-European consortium reported similar supra-proportional PK with increasing doses up to

35 mg/kg daily given for 14 days [15]. They found that rifampin was tolerable and safe at the

highest studied dose (35 mg/kg). While a Cmax of 8 mcg/mL is generally considered to be
‘subtherapeutic’ for rifampin, this number is largely based on population means, and target

concentrations that maximize rifampin’s sterilizing effects have yet to be elucidated.

2.2.2 Absorption, distribution, metabolism, excretion (ADME)

Rifampin is absorbed relatively quickly compared to the other rifamycins and has a

bioavailability of 68% [2]. Cmax is achieved after ~2 hours (Tmax) [2, 28]. Food can

significantly prolong rifampin absorption (Tmax ~4 hours) and reduce Cmax by 36%. Although
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the extent of absorption is not significantly affected by food (AUC reduction of 6%), the Cmax

reduction might compromise the drug’s efficacy by decreasing this drug’s suppression of

resistance. Therefore, rifampin should be administered on an empty stomach, where possible.

Another consideration is rifampin-containing combination products [2]. The purpose of these

formulations is to reduce the risk of drug resistance by preventing selective drug intake.

However, the absorption of rifampin is reduced modestly when combined with isoniazid and

pyrazinamide; thus, the rifampin dose in the Rifatur® combination product is 720 mg to account

for the differences in absorption. In addition, some patients with diabetes mellitus, cystic fibrosis

and HIV infection experience prolonged or reduced rifampin absorption [2, 26, 29-32].

Therefore, in such patients, therapeutic drug monitoring may be helpful to ensure the adequacy

of drug absorption and to judge whether or not a dose increase is needed. Blood samples

collected two and six hours after the dose provide the minimum data for a clinical assessment of

drug absorption [26]. These samples capture the usual peak concentration, even when absorption

is delayed. Two samples allow one to distinguish delayed absorption from malabsorption.

Rifampin is widely distributed to most tissues in the body [28, 33]. It has a fairly large

volume of distribution (0.7 L/kg), with protein binding of ~80%. In humans undergoing

scheduled lung resection for TB who were dosed with rifampin prior to surgery, rifampin and its
main metabolite 25-desacetyl-rifampin appeared to accumulate a in the caseum of TB

granulomas after multiple doses [34]. Rifampin has an elimination half-life of two to five hours

initially, the shortest half-life amongst rifamycins [2]. It also undergoes autoinduction (separate

from effects on cytochrome P450), and at steady state, the half-life can be as short as 1-2 hours

in some patients. Less than 25% of rifampin is renally excreted as unchanged drug. The main

pathway of elimination is through intestinal and hepatic esterases. It is metabolized to 25-O-
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desacetylrifampin, which is a partially active metabolite. Both rifampin and its metabolites are

excreted through the biliary system, a process that can be saturated and result in a relatively

longer half-life and non-linear kinetics with high doses [23, 35]. With multiple dosing, most

autoinduction happens within 7 days, but true steady state may take up to 40 days [2, 36] (Table
2.3 Drug interactions (enzyme induction)

Rifampin is a potent inducer of metabolizing enzymes, and it is well-known to cause

different clinically significant drug interactions. It induces both hepatic and intestinal

cytochrome P450 (CYP) enzymes and P-glycoprotein (P-gp) transporters [37]. Among CYP

enzymes, 3A4 and 2C8/9 are most affected by rifampin induction, and such effects approach a

maximum within 7 days of starting rifampin, and this effect persists for 7-14 days after stopping

the medication [2, 38]. Some of the drug classes that have clinically-significant reductions in

drug concentrations (and drug effects) include cardiovascular agents, lipid lowering agents,

antidiabetic agents, analgesics, azole antifungals, macrolides antibiotics (e.g. clarithromycin),

antiretrovirals, antiplatelet/antithrombotic agents, anticoagulants, and anticonvulsants [37, 39,

40]. It is, thus, imperative to select companion drugs cautiously in patients taking rifampin for

TB treatment, selecting those with lesser drug interaction liability, easy monitoring for toxicity,

or available TDM.
2.4 Trials of rifampin for TB disease

• 2.4.1 Efficacy

The last 50 years have brought large advances in TB treatment. Regimen duration went down

from 18 to 6 months, with improved adherence, reduced relapse, and less risk of treatment

failure. Rifampin proved its sterilizing capacity and reduced the relapse rate significantly [41-
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47]. When first introduced, the rifampin dose was 600 mg because this dose produced a total

concentration above the mycobacterial MIC, there was concern that higher doses might cause

more adverse reactions, and, most importantly, it was an expensive drug to manufacture and the

need for it was great [48]. However, these arguments do not hold in the modern era now that
rifampin is inexpensive and globally available

In one systematic review, the authors included 14 randomized clinical trials, most of them

conducted before 1980, in which rifampin doses used were >10 mg/kg (i.e. >600 mg) as part of

combination treatment for pulmonary tuberculosis. The authors concluded that historical trials

would suggest that a higher dose of rifampin results in better culture conversion rates [6]. In the

trial cited above comparing rifampin at doses of 10, 15, or 20 mg//kg over eight weeks, the

proportion of patients with sputum culture conversion by two months of treatment was similar

across arms (77%, 73%, and 75%, respectively), suggesting that an increase from 10 to 20 mg/kg

may be insufficient to shorten TB substantially. Doses even higher than 20 mg/kg daily have also

been recently tested. An open-label, phase II, multiple dose-ranging study evaluated the safety,

tolerability, pharmacokinetics, and EBA of rifampin. Sixty-eight patients received different

doses of rifampin (10, 20, 25, 30, and 35 mg/kg) for 14 days. Isoniazid, pyrazinamide, and

ethambutol were added in the second 7 days of treatment, then all patients continued the standard
treatment. In the groups with 30 and 35 mg/kg doses, EBA was the highest, and there was

nonlinear increase in exposure to rifampin. None of the patients discontinued or withdrew from

the study, and no adverse events warranted stopping the treatment [15]. In South Africa and

Tanzania, a subsequent randomized controlled trial was conducted among 365 patients who

were assigned to either 35 mg/kg/day rifampin plus 15–20 mg/kg ethambutol, 20 mg/kg/day

rifampin plus 400 mg moxifloxacin, 20 mg/kg/day rifampin plus 300 mg SQ109, 10 mg/kg/day
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rifampin plus 300 mg SQ109, or a daily standard regimen (10 mg/kg rifampin, 5 mg/kg

isoniazid, 25 mg/kg pyrazinamide, and 15–20 mg/kg ethambutol) in a ratio of 1:1:1:1:2.

Experimental treatments were given with 5 mg/kg isoniazid and 25 mg/kg pyrazinamide daily

for 12 weeks, followed by 14 weeks of 5 mg/kg isoniazid and 10 mg/kg rifampin daily.
Recruitment was stopped in the arms containing SQ109 since the prespecified efficacy

thresholds were not met at the planned interim analysis. The 35-mg/kg rifampin group showed

faster culture conversion in liquid media than the control group (median 48 vs. 62 days,

p=0.003), but not in the other experimental groups. However, no differences were observed

between groups in the solid media. No recurrences were reported in 35 mg/kg rifampin and

moxifloxacin groups [16]. Other trials are still investigating the higher doses of rifampin, and

their results should be expected soon.


• 2.4.2 Safety

Regarding the safety, flu-like syndrome and hepatotoxicity are the main concerns. The flu-

like syndrome is experienced most commonly with high, intermittent doses of rifampin (once or

twice weekly), and less than 5% of patients have increases in aminotransferases, phosphatases,

and bilirubin, most of which are modest and diminish spontaneously despite continuing the

regimen [49, 50].

2.5 Relapse and Resistance

Some of the common reasons to develop drug-resistant TB are large bacillary population

such as in cavitary lung disease, an inadequate regimen (inappropriate drug or insufficient dose),

or failure to take the regimen [51]. For mycobacteria, the primary mechanism for resistance to

rifampin is mutation in the rpoB gene which encodes the beta subunit of the DNA-dependent
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RNA polymerase [52]; altered permeability or efflux/influx mechanism are other mechanisms

for resistance [53]. In order to prevent resistance, patients should be treated with multiple-drug

regimens, since monotherapy is the highway to drug resistant TB. Gumbo et al. conducted an in

vitro experiment to test rifampin’s suppression of resistance, and found that it prevented
resistance at Cmax/MIC ratio of 175 or more. Additionally, the activity was similar among once

daily, twice per week, and once a week dosing. Rifampin was associated with lower resistant

strains with higher Cmax/MIC ratio [20].


2.6 Treatment of LTBI

In a Cochrane review, ten trials and 10,717 patients (2% HIV-positive) were included and

concluded that shortened prophylactic regimens using rifampin alone have not demonstrated

higher rates of active TB when compared to longer regimens with INH, and rifampin regimen

had higher completion rates and fewer adverse events [54]. In HIV patients, however, rifampin

may strongly induce the metabolism of antiretroviral therapy (ART) and there might be a risk of

treatment failure. As a result, regimens should be chosen wisely in such population.


3.1 Preclinical studies

Rifapentine is a semisynthetic cyclopentyl rifampin derivative with a similar spectrum of

activity to rifampin. However, its MIC against M.tb. is 2-4 fold lower than rifampin’s, ranging

from 0.01 to 0.06 µg/ml [55]. Like rifampin, rifapentine works by selective binding to M.tb.’s

DNA-dependent RNA polymerase, but not to the polymerase in mammalian cells. Rifapentine

binds even with low enzyme activity, which is the case in dormant mycobacteria, making

rifampin attractive for LTBI treatment [56, 57].
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Rifapentine is bactericidal against extracellular organisms, and also has important intracellular

activity, accumulating in human granulomas with intracellular/extracellular ratios of 24:1 (and

7:1 for its 25-desacetyl metabolite). This ratio of intracellular/extracellular penetration of

rifapentine is about four to five-fold higher than that of rifampin, and may enhance its suitability
for LTBI, depending on the location of the relatively few “latent” infecting bacilli. The MIC and

MBC of rifapentine in human monocyte-derived macrophages were two to four folds lower than

that of rifampin [58].


3.2 Basic clinical PK/PD

3.2.1 PK and exposure-response


In 1999, Keung estimated the PK of rifapentine given at doses of 150, 300, and 600 mg of

rifapentine as a single dose, after multiple doses, or with intermittent dosing. The Cmax was

found to be dose-proportional over the range tested, whereas the increase in the AUC was found

to be less than dose-proportional (different from rifampin which displays greater than dose-

proportional PK), which was subsequently confirmed in other trials employing even higher doses

[59, 60]. The time to Cmax was observed in 4-5 hours and the half-life of the drug was found to

be about 13-14 hours. The rifapentine Cmax at a dose of 600mg sufficiently exceeded the MIC

against M.tb. and the half-life was long, supporting testing of rifapentine in intermittent fashion
in treatment trials [60]. In addition to displaying decreased bioavailability with increasing dose,

rifapentine was also shown to have reduced half-life and increased clearance with repeated

dosing, consistent with autoinduction [59]. Drug exposures could be increased with splitting the

dose or giving the drug with a high fat meal, but high doses given in this fashion were associated

with poor tolerability [61]. With regards to PK-PD relationships, a combined analysis from two

clinical trials assessing rifapentine doses ranging from 10 to 20 mg/kg showed that microbiologic
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activity increased with higher AUC, with maximal efficacy likely achieved at a dose of 1200 mg

daily. Lower concentrations were seen in men, persons of black race, or individuals with HIV

infection [62].

3.2.2 ADME
The absolute bioavailability of rifapentine is not known, but the relative bioavailability of 600

mg in patients with tuberculosis compared to healthy adults was found to be ~70%. The effect of

food, however, significantly affects rifapentine’s bioavailability, as demonstrated in several

studies. Keung reported that fat increased rifapentine bioavailability by 51% when given as

single doses in patients who were infected with HIV [63]. Zvada et al. showed that meal type

impacted absorption; high fat meals increased the oral bioavailability of rifapentine by 86%, bulk

low-fat meal by 33%, bulk high-fat meal by 46%, and high fluid low-fat meal by 49% [64]. The

effect of high fat food, increasing the bioavailability of rifapentine, was confirmed in subsequent

studies [59, 62]. This is of course quite different from rifampin, whose bioavailability is highest

in a fasting state [28].

Rifapentine is 97-99% protein-bound, mainly to albumin [10, 65]. The volume of distribution if

rifapentine in adults ranges from 70.2 +/- 9.1 L [66] and 1.4 +/- 0.81 L/kg in children

[67].Rifapentine is metabolized by arylacetamine deacetylase [68].

Clearance of rifapentine increases with increasing duration of drug exposure [69]. Savic et al.

performed population pharmacokinetic modeling of rifapentine and its main metabolite in

healthy volunteers after single versus multiple doses, over a range of doses from 450 to 1800 mg.

Clearance was demonstrated to be time-dependent, but independent of the dose given [70], in

agreement with previous work [59] (Table 1).

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3.3 Drug interactions:

Important considerations when evaluating this literature are the rifapentine dose, the frequency

of the rifapentine dosing, and the clearance pathway of the “victim” drug. It might be expected

that once weekly rifapentine may produce less induction of cytochrome P450 and other enzyme
systems than would daily dosing.

In a phase I study, rifapentine was found to be a potent inducer of CYP3A activity [71]. A

subsequent study showed that rifapentine at doses of 10-20mg/kg increased the clearance of

MDZ (a CYP450 3A probe drug) 8 folds, more than a 10 mg/kg dose of rifampin [59].

While daily rifapentine reduces the concentrations of moxifloxacin, a drug metabolized by phase

2 enzymes, significantly, thrice-weekly rifapentine reduces moxifloxacin exposures only


modestly [72, 73], and once-weekly rifapentine has a negligible effect on moxifloxacin

exposures [74]. Rifapentine reduces the trough concentrations of raltegravir, a drug metabolized

by UGT1A1, by about 41% with daily dosing, but this reduction is not thought to be clinically

significant [75]. Interestingly, a study that evaluated the effect of rifapentine and rifampin on the

concentration of bedaquline, showed that rifapentine 600 mg daily resulted in 3.96 folds increase

in the clearance of bedaquiline, while rifampin 600 mg daily produced a 4.78 folds increase in

the clearance of bedaquiline [76]. While rifapentine given once-weekly does not affect
concentrations of efavirenz, an HIV drug that is a CYP2B6 substrate, the effects of daily

rifapentine on efavirenz are still under study [77].

3.4 Trials of rifapentine for TB disease

• 3.4.1 Efficacy

Following studies in the mouse model of TB disease that showed that replacing rifampin with
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rifapentine and giving rifapentine daily allowed for substantial shortening of TB treatment [78,

79], clinical evaluations of rifapentine were revived (Table 2).

Disappointingly, an initial study comparing rifampin and rifapentine (each at a dose of 10 mg/kg,

given five days per week on an empty stomach, together with isoniazid, pyrazinamide, and
ethambutol) showed no improvement in microbiologic activity of rifapentine compared to

rifampin over eight weeks [3]. A subsequent dose-ranging study including 334 patients with

sputum smear-positive pulmonary TB compared the efficacy and safety of rifapentine 10, 15, or

20 mg/kg versus rifampin 10 mg/kg daily for 8 weeks. All patients also were treated with INH,

PZA, and ethambutol. The authors found that there was lower culture conversion to negative in

the rifampin group as compared to the rifapentine group (81.3% in rifampin group versus 92.5%

(89.4%, and 94.7% in 10, 15, and 20 mg/kg rifapentine groups, respectively). Better activity was

associated with higher rifapentine exposures [3, 80]. These results also showed the potential of

higher rifapentine doses to shorten treatment duration [80]. Consistent with that, one study

showed that moxifloxacin plus low-dose rifapentine (7.5 mg/kg) had similar but not better

activity to INH and rifampin (in the context of multidrug treatment) [73].

• 3.4.2 Safety
Similar to rifampin, rifapentine may have higher risk of adverse events when given intermittently

or at high doses. [81, 82]. Unlike rifabutin which has a unique side effect (uveitis), the adverse

effects of concern for rifampin and rifapentine appear to be similar in nature and include

hepatotoxicity and rifamycin hypersensitivity syndrome. In trials of daily treatment with

rifampin versus rifapentine for TB disease, safety and tolerability seemed similar across the

doses tested [3, 80].
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3.5 Relapse and resistance:

However, even though there is evidence that rifapentine could be as safe and effective as

rifampin in the treatment of active TB disease, the potential problem of higher relapse rates if the

drug is insufficiently dosed is important. In an early study involving HIV-seropositive patients

taking 600 mg rifapentine plus 900 mg INH once weekly versus 600 mg rifampin plus 900 mg

INH twice weekly during the continuation phase of TB treatment, relapse in the rifapentine

group was associated with monoresistance to rifamycins (perhaps because of PK mismatch or

low isoniazid levels on those patients) [83]. In the same trial, an analysis combining patients with

and without HIV infection showed that the rate of failure or relapse was 9.2% in the participants

who were given 600 mg rifapentine plus 900 mg INH once weekly compared to 5.6% in

participants who were given 600 mg rifampin plus 900 mg INH twice weekly (p=0.04) [84]. In

the systematic review by Gao, once weekly of rifapentine was associated with a higher risk of

relapse compared with twice or thrice weekly of rifampin [85]. In a trial done in South Africa,

Zimbabwe, Botswana, and Zambia, enrolling 827 HIV-positives patients with newly diagnosed

tuberculosis, patients were assigned to the three arms: a) control: 2 months of, INH, rifampin,

pyrazinamide, and ethambutol followed by 4 months of daily INH and rifampin, b) 4 months of

treatment in which INH was replaced by moxifloxacin daily for 2 months followed by

moxifloxacin and 900 mg rifapentine twice weekly for 2 months, and c) 6 months treatment in
which INH was replaced by daily moxifloxacin for the first two months and 1200 mg rifapentine

and moxifloxacin are given once-weekly for the last 4 months. The six-month experimental arm

was non-inferior to the control group, suggesting that rifapentine can be given once-weekly in

the continuation phase provided the dose is high enough and the companion drug has a

sufficiently long half-life to protect against emergency of rifamycin resistance [86].

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The emergence of resistance with rifapentine is associated with a single nucleotide mutation in

the beta subunit of the RNA polymerase gene (rpoB) [87, 88]. The degree of the mycobacterial

resistance to rifapentine is influenced by the type and site of the amino-acid substitution that are

involved in the composition of the B-subunit. Cross-resistance between rifampin and rifapentine
is nearly complete [89].

3.6 Treatment of LTBI

In animal models of LTBI, 3 months’ treatment with rifapentine given with either INH or

moxifloxacin once weekly had similar activity to daily INH given for 6 to 9 months [90].

Following on these promising animal results, large clinical trials involving intermittently-dosed

rifapentine were conducted. In a large clinical trial in Brazil, the efficacy of weekly rifapentine

plus INH for 12 weeks versus daily rifampin plus pyrazinamide for 8 weeks was compared in

399 household contacts of patients diagnosed pulmonary TB [91]. The authors found that both

regimens afford good protection against development of TB disease. However, the study was

stopped early due to unacceptable hepatotoxicity that was observed in the rifampin plus PZA

group (10%) compared to 1% in the rifapentine group. Another trial conducted in South Africa in

2011 evaluated the efficacy, safety and adherence of different treatment strategy for the

prevention of TB in HIV positive patients. The study enrolled 1148 patients, who were randomly
allocated to four arms: rifapentine 900 mg and INH 900 mg once weekly for 12 weeks, rifampin

600 mg and 900 mg INH twice weekly for 12 weeks, 300 mg INH daily for up to 6 years, or 300

mg INH daily for 6 months. The study found that both rifapentine and rifampin groups were

comparable in their completion rate and in the rate of TB but the INH alone group had

significantly more study discontinuation due to adverse events [92]. In the PREVENT trial, a

large trial conducted in US, Brazil, Spain, and Canada, 7731 participants who were at high risk
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of TB were enrolled [93]. Participants were randomized to receive once weekly 900 mg

rifapentine plus 900 mg of INH given at the clinic for 3 months, versus 9 months of self-

administered daily INH dosed at 300 mg. In the modified-intention-to-treat analysis, they found

that the cumulative rate of TB in the rifapentine group was 0.19% as compared to 0.43% in the
INH-only group. They also found that the rate of treatment completion was significantly higher

in the rifapentine group as compared to the INH-only group (82.1% vs 69.0% respectively,

p<0.001) with significantly lower hepatotoxicity associated with the rifapentine group (0.4% vs

2.7% p<0.00). The study concluded that short-treatment combination of rifapentine and INH was

as effective as the 9 months INH only strategy with higher completion rate and lower

hepatotoxicity [93]. However, the rifapentine group was associated with more common flu-like,

and some other systemic drug reactions, such as urticaria, flushing, chills, shortness of breath,

vomiting, nausea, hypotension, angioedema, bronchospasm, conjunctivitis, weakness, fatigue,

headache, fever, aches, sweats, and dizziness as well as grade 3 and 4 adverse events [94].

Similar results were found in children population nested from the larger trial but no

hepatotoxicity was reported [95]. A systematic review to compare the efficacy and the

completion rate of rifapentine and INH given on different durations: INH + rifapentine once

weekly for 12 weeks, 6 and 9 months of daily INH, 3-4 months of daily INH and Rifampin, and
4 months of rifampin alone. It was found that there was no significant difference between the

different groups in the efficacy, however there was overall significance in the completion rate for

the shorter-term treatment duration [96].


The decision to favor rifampin or rifapentine involves many factors. At this time, rifampin
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remains the core drug for the treatment of tuberculosis. Both drugs appear to be under-dosed at

600 mg. Higher doses of rifapentine are superior to rifampin at 600 mg, but so are higher doses

of rifampin. Rifapentine does have a long elimination half-life, but time>MIC is not the

pharmacodynamically linked variable. Rifampin has lower protein binding, and that seems to
allow for greater penetration into cavitary lesions, as far as it has been studied. Rifapentine is a

reasonably safe drug, but so is rifampin. The latter is more widely approved by governments, and

more widely available, including as inexpensive generic dosage forms. Thus, for now, rifampin

appears to remain the gold standard for the treatment of active TB disease, pending further

studies. Much needed is a head-to head comparison of higher doses of both rifamycins.

Regarding LTBI, rifapentine seems to be an appealing alternative, with just 12 once-weekly


doses (along with INH). Rifampin-based regimens for LTBI include 3 months of daily INH plus

rifampin, or 4 months of daily rifampin. Whether shorter or less frequent rifampin-based

regimens might work is not known.



The key for the successful therapy of tuberculosis are regimens that are active against the

majority of mycobacterial strains encountered in clinical practice. The current strategy uses

combination therapy, with a 2-month intensive phase followed by a less intensive combination 4-
months phase. That said, patients very often take much longer than 6 months to complete their

“short course” regimen. In the US, only 88% of TB patients complete their scheduled doses by

12 months, and it takes nearly 18 months for that to reach the often quoted 95% (annual TB slide

set, The regimen remains long and fairly complex, and this leads to a lack of

adherence and the emergence of resistance. Further, the doses of rifampin and rifapentine have

not been optimized, and low intermittent doses of rifapentine are associated with the emergence
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of resistance. Rifapentine has longer half-life than rifampin, it has a lower MIC for M.tb, and it

has a higher intracellular/extracellular ratio. These could favor rifapentine as more effective

drug. However, rifapentine has higher protein binding than rifampin, lowering of concentrations

of the free, active form of the drug. Additionally, rifapentine’s higher intracellular penetration
may be an advantage for the LTBI. Rifapentine, however, showed lower cavitary penetration

than rifampin, and that may be a relative disadvantage in patients with cavitary pulmonary TB.

Both drugs are potent hepatic enzyme inducers, and both are prone to serious drug-drug

interactions. Both drugs appear to display autoinduction.


The safety of rifapentine and rifampin, particularly at high doses, needs further comparison.

Current trials that compared the safety and tolerability between rifampin and rifapentine

indicated that rifapentine was less hepatotoxic than rifampin, but perhaps rifapentine more

commonly causes flu-like syndromes. Neither at current doses is particularly hepatotoxic or


producing serious hypersensitivity reactions.


Being the leading infectious killer, TB should be better treated and controlled in order to be

eliminated. Because developing new drugs will cost a lot and needs long time, current regimens
should be optimized. Rifamycins have unique and proven sterilizing activity against TB and their

optimization may be the key to TB treatment shortening.

Rifampin is an old, inexpensive, globally available, and less protein-bound drug that

penetrates well into cavitary lung lesions. Rifapentine has a longer half-life, can be taken more

intermittently, and has a lower MIC against M.tb. In order for rifapentine to replace rifampin in

TB programs worldwide, it has to outdo rifampin, not just tie it.
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Future clinical trials should assess the efficacy and safety of both drugs at high doses for

shortened durations, head-to-head, for treatment of drug-sensitive TB disease. These trials should

compare the outcomes we care most about (relapse, not early sputum culture conversion) and

explicitly evaluate PK-PD relationships. Ultimately, one may be the winner.


• Tuberculosis is a main infectious disease killer world-wide, but its treatment is complex

and long, and under-dosing is associated with relapse or drug resistance


• Rifapentine is a drug with a long half-life, higher potency against Mycobacterium

tuberculosis, and is a good option for treatment latent TB infection because it can be

given for a short time in intermittent fashion


• Rifampin has better penetration into cavitary lung lesions, increasing the dose gives

supraproportional increases in drug exposures, it has a long track record of safety, it is


inexpensive and globally-available so it is currently first-line for treatment of TB disease

• At high doses, rifapentine and rifampin both outperform standard dose rifampin, but until

a head-to-head trial is done, it is unclear which will be most effective at reducing TB

treatment duration in all patient populations


The authors acknowledge academic support from King Khalid University for Wael Alghamdi

and Kuwait University for Omamah Alfarisi.

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This paper was not funded.

Declaration of Interest

The authors have no relevant affiliations or financial involvement with any organization or entity
with a financial interest in or financial conflict with the subject matter or materials discussed in
the manuscript. This includes employment, consultancies, honoraria, stock ownership or options,
expert testimony, grants or patents received or pending, or royalties.TABLES
Table 1: Comparing features of rifampin versus rifapentine.

Rifampin Rifapentine
MIC 0.125-0.25 µg/ml 0.01-0.06 µg/ml
Half-life 2h 15 h
Protein binding 80-85% 97-99%

Food requirement No Yes

Kinetic Nonlinear (Michaelis-Menten) Nonlinear (Saturable absorption)
Hepatic enzyme induction 3 fold 4.5 fold
Flat vs mg/kg dosing Mg/kg Flat

Cavitary penetration Good Poor

Access Global Limited

Efficacy Comparative efficacy at high doses is to be determined

Table2: Studies evaluating the pharmacokinetics, microbiologic activity, efficacy or safety of rifapentine.

Study Population n Intervention Comparator Duration Outcome measure

Benator 2002 PTB 1004 600 mg RPT + 900 mg INH 600 mg RMP+ 900 mg 4 months Failure/relapse
[84] (502/group) once weekly INH twice weekly
Downloaded by [Mount Sinai Health System Libraries] at 21:06 14 August 2017

Weiner 2003 PTB 133 (failure=4, RPT + INH once weekly RMP + INH twice 16 Weeks Association

[97, 98] Relapse=35, weekly between PK and

Cure=94) failure or relapse
Weiner 2004 PTB 35 RPT 900, 1200 mg once RPT 600 mg + INH 15 16 Weeks NCA PK

[98] weekly fasting mg/kg once weekly

Langdon PTB 45 RPT 600, 750, 900 mg on Healthy volunteers: ----- NCA PK
2004 [99] day 1 & 5 900 mg RPT

Schechter PTB 399 household RPT/INH (900/900 mg) RMP/INH (450-600 12 weeks Tolerance/safety
2006 [91] once weekly mg/750-1500 mg) daily
Dooley 2008 Healthy 13 900 mg RPT+ 400 mg MFX MFX 400 mg once 12 days (7 Effect of RPT on

[72] participants (thrice weekly) daily for 4 days. doses of RPT MFX PK
& 19 dose of

Zvada 2010 Healthy 35 900 mg RPT with: A. high 900 mg RPT on fasting Single dose Effect of Food on
[64] males fat meal, B. bulk and low- state RPT RPT PK
fat meal C. bulk and high fat
meal, D. low fat meal
Martinson PTB/HIV co- 1148 RPT/INH (900/900 mg) Up to 6 years TB incidence
2011 [92] infection once weekly (based on the rate, AE

Sterling 2011 Patients with 7731 RPT/INH (900/900 mg) 300 mg INH daily for 6 Efficacy/safety

[93] High risk of once weekly months

developing 3 months
RMP/INH (600/900 mg)
twice weekly for 12 weeks
300 mg INH daily for 6 yrs
Dooley 2012 Healthy 33 RPT 5, 10, 15 & 20 mg/kg 10 mg/kg RMP 14 days Safety/PK
[59] participants daily
Dorman Patients with 531 10 mg/kg/dose RPT 10 mg/kg/dose RMP 5 days/week Efficacy/Safety
2012 [3] PTB For 8 weeks
Downloaded by [Mount Sinai Health System Libraries] at 21:06 14 August 2017

Dorman Patients with 334 10,15, or 20 mg/kg RPT 10 mg/kg RMP daily 8 weeks Efficacy/Safety

2015 [80] PTB daily
Winter 2015 Healthy 32 600 mg RPT 600 mg RMP 21 days Effect of RPT or

[100] participants RMP on
bedaquiline PK
Svensson Healthy 32 Multiple-dose RMP or RPT 400 mg bedaquiline 23 days of Effect of RPT or

2015 [76] participants with bedaquiline alone single dose RPT and RMP on the PK
RMP of bedaquiline

Villarino PTB children 905 RPT+INH once weekly for INH daily for 9 months 3 versus 9 Efficacy/Safety
2015 [95] and 3 months months

Dooley 2015 Healthy 44 Arm1: 10 mg/kg twice daily Arm1: 20 mg/kg RPT 14 days for PK/Safety
[61] participants once daily each period.
Arm2: 15 mg/kg RPT once

daily with high fat meal Arm2: 15 mg/kg RPT
once daily with low-fat

Jindani 2014 PTB 827

4 months:INH replaced by
2 months of 18 months of Safety/efficacy
[86] MFX and RPT 900 mg ethambutol, INH, follow-up
twice weekly for 2 months RMP, PZA followed by
OR 4 months of daily INH

6 months: INH replaced by and RMP


daily MFX and 1200 mg for

4 months
Conde 2016 PTB 121 7.5 mg/kg RPT + 10 mg/kg 10 mg/kg RMP + 8 weeks Safety/efficacy
[73] MFX daily ethambutol daily
Abbreviations: PTB (pulmonary tuberculosis); RMP (rifampin), RPT (rifapentine), INH (isoniazid), MFX (moxifloxacin)
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c ep
* = of interest, ** = of considerable interest

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