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 Purpose of health education to patient .

      Patient education can be defined as the process of influencing patient behavior and producing the
changes in knowledge, attitudes and skills necessary to maintain or improve health. health education is
very important as it improves the health conditions of a patient. It does so by teaching them ways on
how to remain healthy and prevent diseases. It is very important as it improves the health standards of
the country. It further helps in preventing diseases and making people more aware of their health
conditions. Most importantly, it not only focuses on physical health but also mental health and others.

Through education it maked them informed choices and decisions regarding their own personal health
for the better. This allows the individual to become autonomous, giving a patient freedom to make their
own choices by giving back control regarding their own health and well-being.  To enhance prevention,
patients at risk therefore need to be educated in an efficient manner. Patient   education   is   relevant  
in   nursing   because   it   can   contribute   to   patient’s knowledge and perception about their health
problems which will guide their actions in ensuring that their health condition is not at risk. Being aware
of what is happening and what should be done can assist the patient to have a good picture and gain the
right idea of the health   challenge   their   undergoing.   In   this   way,   clients   will   have   better  
confidence   to   the healthcare system and will have the willingness to cooperate for better result.

 Goal of health education to nurses/student nurses  

The current trends in health care are making it essential that clients be prepared to assume
responsibility for self-care management. Also, these trends make it imperative that nurses in the
workplace be accountable for the delivery of high-quality care. The focus is on outcomes that
demonstrate the extent to which patients and their significant others have learned essential knowledge
and skills for independent care, or that staff nurses and nursing students have acquired the up-to-date
knowledge and skills needed to competently and confidently render care to the consumer in a variety of
settings. The responsibility and accountability of nurses for the delivery of care to the consumer can be
accomplished, in part, through education based on solid principles of teaching and learning. The key to
effective education of our audiences of learners is the nurse’s understanding of and ongoing
commitment to the role of educator. Nurses are considered information brokers educators who can
make a significant difference in how patients and families cope with their illnesses, how the public
benefits from education directed at prevention of disease and promotion of health, and how staff and
student nurses gain competency and confidence in practice through education activities that are
directed at continuous, lifelong learning.

 Benefits of health education to patient, student nurses, and nurses 

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