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How plants

The leaves of the sundews, Drosera subsp., trap insects to supplement

their diet.

A s gardeners we love
plants, collecting and
arranging them to make
stems and leaves, the latter
making up most of the
surface area of the plant.
This series of articles
a beautiful garden, but As most gardeners will
is intended to open
with a deeper knowledge know, it is chlorophyll which
up that world and to
about how plants grow and accounts for the green
start looking at plants
function we can push the colour, and the plant uses
from their point of
boundaries much further. it to capture light-energy
view, rather than ours.
For many of us the mere needed for the complex
It will look at the form
mention of the word synthesis of sugars known
of leaves, stems, roots
‘science’ is enough to send us as photosynthesis. Thus the
and flowers, and relate
scuttling back to our comfort greater the surface area of
this to their function. An
zone where we pull the the leaves, the greater the
understanding of how
shutters down and declare plant’s potential to produce
the plant works will give
that this is not for us. the energy compounds
us much more chance of
However, in my experience, which will support growth
solving our gardening
if we can peep into the and reproduction. So it is
problems. The biological
world of botany we will find in the plant’s interest to
world is a complex
excitement and wonder. have the biggest leaves it
system of interacting
Knowing more about the can, within the confines
factors, so that solving
plants we grow, and why of its environment. Thus
a problem needs us to
and how they take the an alpine will have small
examine, evaluate, and
form they do, is like doing a leaves to cope with a windy
then rule in or out any
jigsaw when one piece can and cold situation even
one of these factors
transform the whole scene. though this reduces its
in order to ascertain
If you ask any child what capacity to photosynthesize,
the most sensible and
colour plants are, they will but often this will be
practical action to take.
tell you ‘green’, and this is counteracted by being
probably where we should evergreen, so maximizing
start. The majority of our the time available for sugar
garden plants have green production.

©D G Mackean
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Fig. 1 Diagram of a transverse section of a leaf.

Neither can we expect for example, although the On both the upper and
to have vigorous growth winter stems of Cornus lower surfaces there is a
from a plant whose leaves and Salix look similar, it layer of brick-like cells, the
are predominated by is easy to tell them apart epidermis, which basically
areas where chlorophyll is by their phyllotaxy – the acts like a box to contain
sparse. In fact variegation Cornus has leaves in the internal cells of the
is man made, and no plant opposite pairs whilst the leaf. Overlying the upper
in its right mind would Salix leaves are arranged epidermis in particular is the
relinquish the opportunity alternately up the stem. If cuticle, an inert substance
to maximize light-energy no leaves are present, then similar to the one that makes
capture. the arrangement of the up our hair and nails. Its
The shape and form of buds will be the same, since function is the protection
leaves is so diverse that buds occur in the axils of of the cells in the leaf from
we are able to use it as a the leaves. Similarly the excessive rain, heat and cold.
means of identification. dimensions of a leaf may Many of the evergreens we
As botanists love to invent help identify a plant, but grow have waxy or shiny
names for any and every beware, the leaf size may leaves making them resistant
bit of the plant there are a vary depending on the time to freezing temperatures,
huge range of unmemorable of year – winter pansies while in plants such as
terms for leaf shape, leaf have much smaller leaves Camellia, which thrives
tips and leaf bases. The in the winter and the leaves in areas of high rainfall,
glossary in The Hillier expand dramatically in the the cuticle protects the
Manual of Trees and Shrubs early weeks of spring as cells from waterlogging.
may be helpful. The way days get longer. Deciduous plants have
leaves are arranged on If we look a little closer, no need for this level of
the stem, phyllotaxy, can Fig. 1 shows a transverse protection as they simply
also help identification; section of a typical leaf. discard their leaves in winter.

increases the humidity of
©Gail Summerfieldt

the atmosphere outside the

leaf and slows down the loss
of water vapour through the
stomata. Watering plants
in the evening allows them
to replenish the water
lost during the day while
the stomata are closed at
night, hence a plant such
as Ligularia przewalskii
which can wilt during
sunny days will regain its
turgidity by the morning.
The evaporation of water
from the leaf produces
a cooling effect when
temperatures are high and
protects the cells within the
leaf. In one group of plants,
members of families which
Fig. 2 Upper and lower sides of a primula leaf.
live in areas of high daytime
temperatures such as Agave
Chlorophyll needed the exchange of oxygen and americana (fig. 3), the
to capture light-energy is carbon dioxide into and stomata close in the day and
present within the palisade out of the leaf. Access to open at night to conserve
cells in structures called the atmosphere is provided water.
chloroplasts. It makes sense by specialist cells situated In order for the leaves
for these cells to be near in the lower epidermis to carry out their functions,
the upper surface of the leaf called stomata, which can it is important that water
where there is maximum open and close to allow can reach all the cells of
exposure to light and this the free exchange of gases. the leaf and in turn the
proves to be the case. The mesophyll cells which cells can export sugars to
The number of layers of surround the air spaces in the rest of the plant. This
these brick-like cells varies the lower part of the leaf is the function of the veins.
depending on the amount have a film of water around Confronted with a leaf
of light the plant has access them. Water vapour escapes from a grass and one from a
to in its native environment into these spaces and primula (fig. 2) most people
– plants which grow well in evaporates from the leaf would be able to identify
shade often have more than through the open stomata. two distinct forms of
one row of palisade cells. In most cases the stomata venation, which is reflected
Photosynthesis combines remain open during the in the construction of the
water (H2O) and carbon day and close at night. So vascular bundles which
dioxide (CO2) to make on a windy or warm day make up the veins of the
glucose (C6H12O6) and the speed at which water leaf, those of the grass being
produces oxygen (O2) as a vapour leaves the leaf much simpler. Vascular
waste product. The layer of increases. Growing plants bundles in plants with a
cells known as the spongy close together will reduce network of veins like the
mesophyll is responsible for water loss as the shelter primrose have a more

complex construction than

©Gail Summerfieldt
those in the grasses where
the veins are parallel. The
venation of the leaf is
one of the key identifying
features. In addition there
are some plants which
have adapted the internal
structure of the vascular
bundles to reflect a
different pathway for the
synthesis of sugars. The
grass family, the Poaceae,
is a good example of this,
with genera being referred
to as warm or cold season.
The production of sugars
in the warm-season grasses
is much more efficient,
resulting in large plants
with a large photosynthetic
capacity. Most sub-tropical
grasses are warm season
whilst the temperate ones Fig. 3 The stomata in the leaves of Agave americana ‘Variegata’ close in
are cold season. Propagation the day to conserve water.
of the warm-season grasses
should be carried out in the swollen stems to carry soils, the leaves have been
May and June while cool- our the photosynthetic adapted to enable the plant
season grasses can be split work. Aquatic plants need to supplement its nutrient
at any time. less physical support but requirements with the
The story doesn’t some form of buoyancy insects caught in leaf traps.
stop there because plants aid, which comes from And so the story goes
have adjusted to their very large air spaces in the on – when, or if, we sit
environment, resulting tissues. In the pea family, down with a cup of coffee
in some interesting competition for light has in our garden, we will
adaptations. Water loss in resulted in the replacement be surrounded by plants
plants from arid regions of some of the leaflets from around the world, all
can be controlled by a with tendrils, making with their secrets, and it
dense mat of hairs which it possible to climb. In is our task as gardeners to
traps the water vapour insectivorous plants such interpret the clues that their
within them, or in extreme as the sundew, Drosera form and structure give us.
cases the leaves have been subsp. (title image), which Good luck and happy
reduced to spines leaving live in nutrient-deficient botanising!

Gail Summerfield is a botanist and former lecturer in horticulture. In 1985 she started
Westshores Nurseries, which has specialised in ornamental grasses for the past 21 years.


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