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Remembered questions by Ales.

Exam day 1. May 3, 2023

1. Bacteria in necrotic periodontitis,

2. Identify probe #15.
3. A patient a year ago was scheduled for SRP and a year later shows up for SRP and has a periapical lesion at #19
that wasn't there a year ago. What is it?
a) Periapical alone
b) Endodontic alone
c) Endodontic with secondary periodontal
d) Periapical with secondary endodontic

Sorry not periapical said Periodontal* with secondary endodontic

4. A lot of questions on reaction types 1,2,3,4, what cells are involved?

5. What type of hypersensitivity would a blood transfusion create?
6. Vitamins, what does each one do?
7. If B1 deficiency what happens?
8. Anticoagulants and measurements
9. Patient 8 yr old, hemophilia infection in J what is the first step?
a) INR,
b) informed consent,
c) referral to physician.
10. Cephalometric landmark localization
11. Types of flaps in surgery, lots of PERIO, classification, staging,
12. What is a crater?
13. Identify several other bony wall defects
14. ACE mechanism of action,
15. Gardner's syndrome
16. Gorlin's Syndrome,
17. (a lot of pathology with except questions)
18. Endo mostly necrosis diagnosis
19. Pemphigus, what causes it?
20. All the following have Nikolsy's sign, except?
21. A lot of abuse EXCEPT questions
22. HIPPA, except question?
23. CDC regulations
24. Except question on spore test? –
a) 1 week
b) 1 month
25. What microorganisms are identified in a spore test?
26. which are pathogenic or non-pathogenic?
27. Red complex microorganisms
28. Trismus, which muscle is affected?
29. Spaces, where do infections go?
30. What causes tissue ischemia during anesthesia?
a) Vasoconstrictor
b) hepatotoxicity,
c) allergy
d) ph
e) Can't remember!
31. All of the following muscles are inserted in the mandibular ramus except?
a) Masseter,
b) lateral pterygoid
c) etc.
32. Pat has infection in floor of mouth, tongue with poor mobility, and uvula shifted to left. Where will the
infection go if untreated?
a) Sublingual,
b) submandibular,
c) pterygopalatine,
d) etc.
33. Mechanism of action aspirin,
34. MoA Humira,
35. % of HIV infection exposure?
36. Patient wants teeth out, due to multiple infections and concerned about $$? Conflict –
a) autonomy with veracity
b) justice and autonomy
c) beneficence and autonomy,
d) justice and veracity.
37. Abuse boyfriend beats girlfriend, report or not?
38. Abused children. Report or not?
39. Woman arrives with 7 yo girl. Does not speak English girl says woman is in pain, story changes a lot. What to
a) Have girl translate
b) call translator and ask more questions,
c) call social services.
40. Patient special needs, 5 years without dental care, comes in with caregiver has pain- has high plaque, pictures
RL at the apex of multiple teeth, what do you do? The caregiver reports he hasn't eaten in days.
a) You call and report suspected neglect,
b) just do cleaning,
41. An autistic child arrives with mom (9 years old) and has RL between canine and apex where premolar should
be. There are no borders, it is just a black image and the 6 is absent. All are differential dx except? It was
something like fibrous (which is why it was the only one that had a RL image).
42. External resorption in pt with ortho?
43. Cells that are in charge of giving space to permanent teeth?
44. What materials are in crown porcelain?
45. What type of material is not RO?
a) calcium Hydroxide,
b) PFM,
c) amalgam,
d) modified composite
46. Pallor after anesthesia
a) Call emergency,
b) tellendorbur,
c) call emergency

47. Spaces to which infection will go

48. A patient, 24 years old has RPD sup, swelling in floor of mouth, tongue forward and uvula is deviated to the
right or left, which space will the infection spread to.
49. Pain on 14, how do you do the vitality test, 24 then 3, 10 then 14, 3 then 14
50. Child hit daddy in the head, which is most likely to fracture?
a) condylar
b) body
c) coronoid

51. Cancer where it spreads to,

a) bone

b) liver
52. Tests related to platelets, what does it indicate if there are less than 50K platelets?
53. Mechanism of action of Aspirin
54. Frank's classification of 1- to 4-year-old
55. 7 year old boy, cooperative, when having an rx he has nausea what Frank’s reflex ratin?
56. What does a high alkaline phosphatase test indicate?
 Myeloma and Piaget
57. Multiple myeloma, where?
 In plasma
58. Sickle cell anemia, oral manifestations, except question
59. Open bite caused by, except,
a) pacifier
b) thumb sucker
c) mouth breather
60. Definition of Non-working
61. Definition of working occlusion
62. The patient goes into retrusion, what kind of movement does a patient with total prosthesis make, which teeth
63. Sensitivity and incidence
64. A lot on scientific studies hierarchy
65. Patient, you are going to give anesthesia, calculate dose of anesthesia?
66. Characteristic of a person having a stroke
67. Locate the mean and mode, they gave you 5 numbers and you had to calculate
68. A patient who smokes and a group of patients who don't smoke, p-value,
69. What does the study want to know?
 ask why the patient who smokes developed cancer
70. Lots on biostatistics, the study pyramid ranking, KNOW this!
71. Expert opinion definition,
72. systematic review concept

Pathology questions, all of them were EXCEPT

73. Pemphigus all have signs of Nikiski’s, except
74. Lesion on mandible on a black female, no age info, vital teeth

75. 8 year old boy hemophilia A, infection in j, what is the next best step?

a) Get INR,

b) informed consent,

c) have him come and go in 2 weeks,

76. Same case, what value is abnormal for pt, ptt,
77. Patient left and came back radiolucent image in 30. Laceration with contusion, patient shows a streak and rash.
78. What happens if vitamin C deficiency
79. B1 deficiency
80. Vitamin D deficiency
81. Ulcerative periodontitis what should be done first

a) antiviral

b) antibiotic

c) antifungal ?
82. Opioids, maximum/minimum dose?
83. Patient with a lot of pain, except

a) acetaminophen with ibuprofen,

b) if in a lot of pain to use marijuana

84. Patient receives a fixed prosthesis, the patient leaves the clinic happy, comes back and does not like it at home.

a) Shade match

b) Metamerism

c) Opacity
85. Best option to prevent metamerism?

choose color under different lights

Not a lot prostho

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