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How The UAE

Found Oil

The Survey
During the 1950's, UAE built up rather a suspicion
to the geology’s region. Thus, the government
conducted a Survey, to remark upon if any
citizen has seen any absurd black marks on rocks
and fossils. Soon, they formed an analysis,
stating that the rock formations likely has some
oil deposits Drilling Dinamic
Based on the survey conducted nor the
geological data observed, the race for oil
had begun. Thus, probe companies began
drilling throughout the beaming heat of the
UAE deserts for hopes of discovery of Oil

The Oil Strike

As hope began to vanquish. In 1958, The
first Oil strike had been discovered in Adu
Dhabi, specifically The ‘Murban Bab’ desert.
This officially marked the first significance
of oil discovered in the UAE.
The Peek of
After the official discovery of oil,
fellowships in the UAE began to endure
effort for its production. This managed to
vastly develop the country’s wealth and
exceed standard nor usual Living

The Economic
Due to immense rise of the economy, revenue
from oil deposits profited to a new world of
innovation, creation, nor a wide range of
congregation in the UAE. Thus, infrastructures
and higher economic growth colossally
expanded overtime.
In conclusion, The UAE had overtime reach over
suspicion over oil, techniques such as drilling and
mining were conducted throughout the search. As
the Oil Strike was officially confirmed. UAE obligated
to using the power and privilege they built-upon to
exceed the county’s sustainable growth to what it
has become today.

Made By Mustafa Alkhateeb 9/4

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