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NORSOK Standard NORSOK M-501:2022 Published: 2022-11-02 Language: English Surface preparation and protective coating Snorsok | Beane © NORSOK 2022 NORSOK M-501:2022 Contents Page Foreword vi Introduction. vil 1 Scope. 1 2 Normative references sicsn-wennneinnnntnnnnnnnnnn 3) Termsand definitions enmnnnnnnnnnnnnennnnnnnnnnnae 8 4 Abbreviations sna 8 5S Goneral requirements. ° 55 Coating materials and coating systems menennenennnnnennenenn 55.1 Supports and pipe penetrations. 5.6 Steel materials 5.7 The shop prime? nv nnnnmnennnnnnnnnntnnennennnnnnn 5.8 Uncoated surfaces.. 5.9 Handling and shipping of coated items. 5.10 Pre-qualification of materials, personnel, and procedures 5.11 Hot-dip galvanising. 5.12 Records and reports. 5.13 Additional requirements to equipment 5.13.1 Isolation joints —. 6.1 HSE during coating work processes: 7 Surface preparation. 7.1 Pre-blasting preparations .. 72 73 vnnnnnnnnnninne 4 TRANS Wt NORSOK M-501:2022 92 Metallic coating materials. 93 Application of thermally sprayed coating 94 Repair, field coating of pipes and coating of in-fl steel, 10 Passive fire protection coatings. 10.1 General. 10.2 The PEP coating systems [+50 °C [see Annex C) 11.6 [Artificial aging and thermal [According to NS-EN 180 19277, (Multiphase CUI|CSDSno 1D lcycling testsarcordingto —_ fcycliccorrasion test isnt mandatory.) land CSDSno, INS-EN'1S0 19277 category [104 (both tests) (only thermal ‘clic testing lor systems; Icsbsno. 6c. land CSDS no, [107 117 |Corrosionunder insulation _ [According to NS-EN ISO 19277, with the IcsvSna 1D lest according to temperature of the hotplate to be set to ensure lNs-EN1S0 19277 (Vertical minimum temperature of 200 "Cat least 100 mm| [Pipe Test) category CUI-3 above the hotplate during the test 716 |fligh temperature static heat [As per NS-EN 1S0 19277 regarding blistering [CSDSna 10, ost lcracking, aking and pre- and post-test Icspsno.6G ladhosion [cso 104 Heat test panclsin an oven land CSDS no, with an initial ramp rate of how H0°C/min up to a temperature| lof 204°C and hold for 28 days. Remove from oven and allow lo cool toambient TL9 Water immersion testing |i) Adhesion faire (ses NS-ENIS0.4624)°__[esDS no 3A laceording to IMaximum 30% reduction from original value, ete? INS-EN 1S0 2812-2 but never below 10 MPa ™t*2 2) Visual evaluation as per NS-EN1S0 4628-2, INS-EN ISO 4628-3, NS-EN ISO 4628-4 and INS-EN 1S0 4628-5. Ni (09%) regardingblistering, rusting, cracking end flaking, 71.10 [Seawater ballast tank test [According to IMO PSPCMSC.21S(82) using [CSDS no. laccorcing to lacceptance criteria forepoxy-based systems [385 JIMO PSPC.Msc.215(82), applied according to table 1 of the resolution. [Appendix 1 JPre-qualification at MDFT 320m is acceptable. 1.11 |cargo oiltanktestaccordingto| According to IMO PSPC MSC.288(07).Pre- _|CSDSma JIMo PSPC Msc288(87), [qualification at MDET'320um isaccaptable. [ache [Appendix 1 and 2 TA2_ [Thermal cycling test [According to NACE TMD404 saction © \cs0Sno. 3A, leccording to NACETMN404 icsSm0.30, [section 9 visual evaluation as per NS-EN 1S0 4628-4.and [CSDSno. JE INS-EN 150 4628-5, Nil (06) regarding cracking land CSDS no, land flaking he Bs D Wa — NOOR NORSOK M-501:2022 ‘Table 1 — Pre-qualification tests for coating materials (continued) 1] Adhesion shall be evaluated as per INS-EN 1S0 16276-2 or NS-EN 1SO 2409 meeting iclassification: 0-2, 2) Visual evaluation as per NS-EN 1S0 4628-2, INS-EN ISO 4626-3, NS-EN ISO 4628-4 and INS-EN ISO 4628-5. Nil (0%) regarding blistering rusting, cracking and flaking, Pre-qualification test ‘Acceptance criteria Set ‘Applicable for coating systems [11.13 immersion testing according [According to NSENISO 2012-4 with the [cspSne. Ito NS-EN ISO 2812-1 lotlowring supplementary requirements: lacates 114 [Flevated temperature and [pressure testing according to INACE TM0185 [According to NACE. TMO185 with the following [supplementary requirements: 1) Adhesion failure (see NS-EN 150 4628) ‘Maximum 80 % reduction from original value, [but never below SMPa for vinyl esters, and never| Ibelow 10 MPa for the other generic types"? 2) Visual evaluation as per NS-EN ISO 4628-2, INS-EN.1S0.4620-3,.NS-EN 150 4628-4 and ‘4628.5, Nil (026) regardingblistering| cracking and flaking. usth [21498 anal less no, [apnoesa, his |Gathodie disbonding according toASTM G4a2+11, 80°C [According to ASTM G42:11 with the following ‘supplementary requirements: 11) Equivalent circuit diameter <20mm, 1.16 [Corrosion testing for limmersion category Im3 durability High according to (According to NS-EN ISO 1294-6 with the itollowing supplementary requirements: 1) Average 1.5 mm corrosion at scribe aftar salt spray 2) Average 6.0 mm corrosionat seribeasatersea| Iwater immersion 3) Pull off testing (see NS-EN 1S 4624) lAdhesion failure: Minimum 5MPa and maximum {50 9% reduction from original value, iper optional tetsing for CUF3- leryo in Ni 11.17 |Impacttest aceordingto [According to ASTM G14:04(2018) with the [(SDSno. 1 [ASTM G14:04(2018) using {following supplementary requirements: [ESDs no. ‘minimum 3 specimens and 20 \za%*e impact readings 11) Minimum 5.6 Joules F118 [Test for eryoganie service ae [According to NS-EN ISO 19277, |ESDSn0. 9 NOTE — Acceptance criteria are onsideral as un performance requremien INoTE2 —Pullofiesting shall be pevformid by using eauipaient with an autoratcally centre pulling force, For systems Us0s| oA and (SDS no. adhesion tscng pre an post exspasare shall he conducted on test papel casted with 200- ‘Sha aggregates. in adston, adbesion can be tasted weno aggregates Further cetae are gen in Anes WOT — NORTOR NORSOK M-S01:2022 ‘Table 1— Pre-qualification tests for coating materials (continued) NOTES Forystems SDS no and ESOS na. $C testing shale completes without shap primer Nove 4 TRethicknese of syrtemeCSDSne Sand (SUS no, ell bo 6 mam NOTES Corrosion tstsanel pil tots on systems CSDS no. 5A and CSDS.n0.6S shall th certified scheme ‘with respect so mesh vequitement, Pretest verification isto be cancucted oa the certified scheme wit respect 0 inesh requirements. Farsystens where ite mesh or mesh (ypelsoptcnal base upon tickness/ irr aking, Sees rod tne este! than i ho meh, Juark6 Teste on system [STS na SA and CSS mo SS shall ho cation on yer vith te sat /topcaat INOTE7 — Qualication system 7 shall be domecn carbon see. The system is then aso quali for slsinles stl NOTES Post kostpall-of testing ae por NS. EN ISO 4624 shall be cariod out in cach of the liquid aod gas phase area Che testpanel NOTES Where spevife cargoes reto be usein immersion testing these shall be detailed in the notes setion ote anproprtaueSDS 11.2 Qualification of applicator contractors and personnel 1a 1 Applicator contractors Companies performing work in accordance with this document ie. the applicator contractor shall document experience in organizing, planning and execution of work with similar size and complexity accordingto NS-EN IS0 1294-7, Subcontracted workin differentshopsand/or locations shall alsocomply to these requirements, The documentation ofexperience shall be in accordance with PROSIO GuiD-CP [1], NIICAP [2], SSPC QP-3 13] bur 3rd party qualification of the spplicator contractor is not required, or as agreed with end user. ‘The applicator contractors performing work in accordance with this document shall have a quality management and performance assurance system meeting the requirements in Clause L4, 11.2.2 Qual ication of coating operators Operators shal be qualified as blast-ceeaner, coating applicatoretc. according to one of the followings — the Norwegian tradesman echteation for surface preparation and protective coating application; — operator training programs approved by end user Alternatively, these operators ean be qualified according to Annex J ofthis document. All personne! shall Ihave relevant knowledge of health and safety hazard, use of personal protective equipment. the coating ‘materials, mixingand thinning of coatings, coating pot life, surface preparation requirements andthe tools, and equipment used for coating application, 11.2.3 Qualification of metal spray operators Prior to commencement of work, thermal spray operators shall be qualified in accordance with NS-EN ISO 14918 Annex A2. The thermal spraying pracess shall he demonstrated on a test specimen including similar geometrical snapes as on the actusl object, or as described in Annex ‘The accept erteria shall be according to Table 2 and include 3 measurement series. ‘The period of-validity of the qualification shall be according to NS-EN JS0 14918. Thermal sprayer qualification records shall be according to Ni Alternatively, these operators can be qualified according to Annex | of this document, % © BN — NORSOR NORSOK M-501:2022 11.2.4 Qualification of passive fire protection operators Operators, including the pump machine operator, shall be qualified, trained and certified according to the PEP manufacturer's procedures for the material being used for the Project. Qualification validity is maximum 2 years. Thereafter refreshinent training is required. Before any stud welding, the welders, and the welding procedures shall be qualified in accordance with the PEP manufacturer's procedures For operators and stud welders without relevant working experience for the last 2 years, the applicator contractor shall document that necessary supplementary training have been given before the start of any work 11.2.5 Quali ication of supervisors, foremen and Quality Control personnel Personnel carrying out inspection or verification shall be qualified i accordanos with FROSIO Surface Treatment Inspector level |ll, NACE coating inspector level Ill or Corr inspector level It. Inspectors according to FROSIO Surface ‘Treatment, NACE or ICorr to Inspector level I], may carry out the inspection ‘work under the supervision of an inspector level II ‘Supervisors and foremen shall he qualified according to 11.2.2 and shall also be qualified in accordance with FROSIO Surface Treatment, NACE or [Corr to Inspector level II. Supervisors, oremen or Quality Control (QC) personnel involved in application of PFP shall in addition, be trained and certified according to the procedures of tha PEP manufacturer 11.3 Qualification of procedures 14.3.4 Coating procedure specification (CPS) ‘Adetailed CPSbased on the requirements ofthis dacument shall be prepared by the applicator contractor to perform the work This company is responsible for ensuring that the operators understand the relevant parts ofthe CPS, The CPS shall contain the following: — stop by stop information of the process (control of received objects (substrate, materials etc), deaning, blasting, coating, and QC); — identification of equipment for surface preparation and application; = avopy of the relevant CADSSs — the technical data sheets foreach coating material — aproject specific rrP based on able 2; — a copy of coating report/daily log template, = adeseription of repatr procedure(s); — provedures for overlapping zones (when relevant) ‘When using coating materials thatwill come in contact with potable water or jet fuel,a copy oftheapproval test certificate for such exposure shall be enclosed in the CPS. For system CSDS no. 54, CSDS no. 5Cand CSDS no.55 (the PFP systems), the CPS shall, inaddition, contain information regarding maximum allovrable time between application of the different layers, method and frequency of measuring thicknessas, location ofthe reinforcement related tothe different thicknesces and restrictions foruse of solvents, Dw NORTOR a NORSOK M-501-2022 The CPS shall be qualified in accordance with 1 accordance with the CPS. All coating related work shall be carried out in Any ofthe following changes ofthe caating application parameters will require the CPSto he re-qualified — change of coating material; — change of method for surface preparation; — change of equipment for surface proparation; — change of method for coating application: —_ change of equipment for coatingapplication, The CPS shall be written in the language(s] specified by the end user. lf ne language requirements have been advised the default Tanguage Is English 11.3.2 Coating procedure test (CPT) and pre-production trial (PPT) ‘The objective ofthe CPT and PPT is to document that the CPS will mect the defined aceeptance criteria, A separateC PTs required for each applicator contractor executing coating work accardingtothis document, except for system CSDS no. 8 A CPT shall be prepared for each relevant CADS. The CPT can be earvied outas follows: — onatest panel being minimum 1 mé, typically 0.8 m.x 1.2 m.or 1 m.x 1 m. and containing at least 1 pipe-end, 2 pipes, 1angle and I dat bar. Note 1 Vis alternative is suitable when the coating work shal be carried out on structures, objects and items with smukiple geometries Test panel examples aro enclosed in Annex} — ona component similarto the structure to he coated, Nole2 This alternative is suitable when the coating work sulle carried out on items with 2 unilorm geometry, for example pipes. IfCPT isto bene on aa obj this shal be agreed ith end user Alternatively, amoceap cat be prepared fora PPT, When a CPS is prepared for various substrates the CPT can reflect additional cubstrates by including test panels foradhesiontestinginthese material graces, Thesetest panels shall he surface prepared and coated according to the CPS that apply for the relevant substrates. The test panel minimum size is 10 mx 50 cm, The CPT shall be documented in a report containing: — a reference to relevant CPS; — allinspection and test results according to the ITP, and the corresponding acceptance criteria — photo or drawing of test panel or test object and test panels (ifrelevant) = photo documentation ofall production steps; — name ofthe operator(s); — supervising inspector name, certification level and number The test panols ean be roused once the CPT results induding photo documentation have been approved. B BD 22 — NORSOR NORSOK M-501:2022 The coating procedures shall be qualified under realistic conditions likely to be present during coating application, Thismeans theCPT shallbe carried ourunderthe same environmental conditions.astheactual pection and testing requitements for the CPT, indudingaeceptanice criteria, are given in Clause 12. ‘The adhesion test shall be carried out once the curing has been completed as per the rele cans. CPTS are valid for maximum 3 years after approval for a specific CPS, The CPT may be utilised on later projects provided the relevant coating procedure has been used within the last yearand provided that all tostand inspection requirementsin the new projectare met, This dees, hawover, notapply for CPTs related to the PP systems, For the PEP systems, the CPT shall be performed on an area accepted by the parties involved. The area shall be clearly marked and shall serve as a reference area throughout the project. The application of the fire protection shall comply with the applicable pracedures and the type of PRP finish (roller or spray) shall be agreed by end user. The surface finish appearance on the CPT atea, and quality of the work, shall bbe used asa reference with respectto the acceptable quality of work to be done during production, Various configurations with respect to the number of PFP layers and the number of mesh layers/ overlaps shall be qualified as a part of the CPT prior to the start of the project. For spray and hand applied PP. materials. minimum adhesion, and cohesion value shall be SMPa regardless of mesh inclusion. A new CPT shall be performed if the ambient conditions are outside the parameters stated in the CPS. The CPT shall bbe qualifiod with the mesh requirements as certified and include representative hand and spray applied areas reflecting the CPS, PTS for system (SDS no. 5A, CSDSno. 5G and CSDS no. 55 shall he prepared for cach projectand each site, Hence, no time specific validity period exists for systoms CSDS no. 8, CSDS no. SCand C: Ss For tank and vessel linings a CP'T can be performed on a defined area inside the tank/vessel ifaccepted by the end user or on a mockatp. The surface finish appearance on the CPT area and the quality of work shall be used as a reference identifying the acceptable quality of work ducing production, Any damage to the intogrity ofthe lining eaused by inspection tosts shall be fully repaired prior to entering service. 12, Inspection and testing ‘Testing and inspection shall be carried out in accordance with Table 2. Surfaces shall be accessible until final inspection is carried out. Dw NORTOR B ‘Table 2 — Inspection and testing NORSOK M-501:2022 substrate Ipraparations lwelds, edges, and other surface imperfections Activity __ Activity Method [Frequency S*2] Acceptance | Consequence of description criteria failure Activities prior to surface cleaning 2.1 fsubstrateobject [NS-EN ISO 850. fLoov [Maximum — ubstrate reception control rust grade B rejected visual Ns-lNv 1S0 #50: fLo0 ofall fAsspecified [Defectsto be lexamination of [Preparation grades of surfaces lin the css repaired quality leost Activities during surface prepation 2.3 [Recording of [NS-EN1S0 850: [Before start of [As speciiied [No blasting or lenvironmental leach shitt+ fin 5.3 kcoating lconditions. minimum twice per shift za [visual [ASTM F22 Water break [Spot checks |Nowater —_|Re-clean as loxamination of test lpeacis, ref. specified in 7.1 surface cleaning lpiaure until criterion is ['clean’ in met lastme22 125 Compressed Air [ASTM D4205 Blotter [Before cach shift|No oil or |Rectify alr supply |water drops jzrit comparator only, INS-EN ISO 8503-4 land/or 850: Ibiast Media |ASIMD7393 Check of [Spot checks [No oil [Replace blast control fany oll content media [ASTM D4940.15(2020) [Spot checks [15D uS/em [Replace blast [check the presence of media any salt 12.7 [Surface INS-EN ISO 8501-1 [100% visual of [As epecitied [Ro-blasting cleanliness after jlisurfaces fin tho css jabrasive blast INS-EN Spot checks [Maximum — fte-cleaning and cleaning jquantity and fretesting until size rating 2_facceptable za [surface 100 % visual of [as specified [Re-blastingand cleantiness after atisurfaces fin the CDS fre-testing until sweep blasting laeceptable Met [NS-EN1S0 8502-3 _[Spotchecks [Maximum |Re-cleaning and jouantity and fretesting until [size rating 2_fxeceptable 125 [Surface salt NS-ENISOAGOZ-6and [Spot checks [Asspecified |Re-clean with lcontaminations |NS-EN ISO 850: lin the CSDS_ potable water func the Jreceptance lritorion is met Jatiowed by re- tasting fiaa0 [Roughness |NS-ENISO-8503-1, Each component |As specified JRoblasting lexamination JNS-ENISO-8503-2 with for once per 10 fin the CSDS D D 20IE— NOOR NORSOK M-501:2022 ‘Table 2 — Inspection and testing {continued} ‘Activity | Activity Method [Frequency **1] Acceptance [Consequence of] description criteria failure Activities during coating application 1211 [Curing test (forznJASTM D4752:20 [Each component Rating #to5 JAllow to care silicate) lor once per 100 2.12 Visuat Detect surface defects {100 %of surface|No defects [Repair of defects lexamination of ag. poor curing, latter each coat [the coating —_fcontaminations. lapplication _|pinholes, popping, sagging, zIne salts [white rust] “Activities after curing of the coating 1213 [Pilmthickness [NS-IS0 19 9840 JNS-150 RRepair,additionall Imeasurements _|calfbration ona lig840, and feoats and/or [smooth surface lesns Irecoating i214 |Atoliday INS-EN ISO 29601" [See Note 13 |Noholidays |Repairand detection Sit Iretesting 215A [AdhesionS? or [NS-ENISO 162761 [Spot checks"©2|Seenotes 4.5, |Coating tobe ls, 7and8 rejected Ht2sB {cohesion [NS-ENISO16276:2 or [Spotchecks [ce note 9 [Coating tobe ltrenath test |$-bN 150.2409 lejectoa ia.t6 _ \iswal Detect surface defects [100% of wiface fo defects [Repair of defects lexamination of Jo.g.lumps,looscly after each coat Ithermal sprayed |acheront spattered coating Imctal, bubbles, ash formation, uncoated spots i217 Wiswal 0X magnification [Spot checks and [No open |Add sealerto lexamination after 100% of surface [pores Imeet the erieria sealer nse io Jpresent at pplication the surtace 2.18 [Overall TSA [Before each shin TSA: Minor Coating tobe lapplication [NACE No. 12/AWS leracks rejected (quality by Bend [C2 23M/SsPC-cs 23.00 faceepted but st 13 mm mandrel (for hno Hiking or thicknesses advised spalling ot herein) le coating INOTEL Spot chedksahallbedchinedand agicedon boore start ofeach projectand indadedinthel?.The definition oFspet| cheek frequency shall be stated in the CPS, INoTE2 —Secadditional requireraensin Annes lNovEs A representative adhesion value equals the average value from 3 doliesand equals one measurement. INOTEA — Forsystoms SDS no_2A.and CSS 2 adhesion duningCPTshallheminimum 9 MPa. Adhesion maasnred during preccton shall bernininum 7 MP3 tor any measurement. Testing tobe perormed without eel. INOTES Foreystoms SDS np 34, 3G CSDSno, 3D, CSDS no, 3E and CSU na. 3, maximum 30 9 reduction from tho (PTs acceptable Adhesion weasured during production shal be minimum 5 MPa for any measurement. INOTES —Forsprayedonand hand applied PFP ducing application, minimum adhesion, ane cohesion value acconing to [NS-ENIS0 15276-L and NS-ENISD 16275-2 ‘all be MPa regardlexs of mesh lacusion, The ead user shal decide ‘whofe rot pane ar actual etrucrare sald ho sod forthe palo ste. Om NORSO 31 NORSOK M-501:2022 ‘Table 2 — Inspection and testing (continued) JNOTE7 Nomorothan 50 raducten ofthe avorage adhesion valuefrom the CPT is acceptable during production lor ytoms| {, LA, CSDS.n0,19, CSS no 1D, ¢SDS:ne.F, CSDS no 2B,, 3, CSDS no, +4, CSDS no, 48, CSUS na A CSDSn0. 6B, CSDSno. Ge CSDSno.6D, CSDSa0, 7A, CSDSno, 7B, CSD no, 7C, (SDS, 7D, ‘and 6505| ‘np ZE provided that no measurements are below MPa JSOTEA Faraadhesion test during CPT, fractures wehibiting 99% or mare in glue aure wth values below 15 Mais nok aecepted, NOTES ForsystemsCSDS no, 36 CSDS no 6 SDS no 6, CSDS no, 9 ne CSDS no, 108 and CSDS no. 10E, adhesion ducing [ET ieto be decor by eros cul tet Accoplanee ertera i dave fication -2 apply fer DPT upto 250um.For DFTs exceeding 250jan X-cu tet shall be selected. Acceptance criteria for Xt is ax level 2. Nore 10 FursyatemsCsD$ n0,2A,C8DS:nu. 20 wl C808 n9,2C, visual examination with 1OX magnification of CPT est panel alter applieaon of sealer. Spot checks during production Nore 11 Keepsurfaceroughness within the specified imit Nore 12 — Holiday testing is required for systems CSDS no 1 po s.¢508 no. no. 40, (SDS no, BE (SDSno_ 4 CSDS no, 66 CSDSeu. 28, SDS a. MH CSDSia, 2, (SDS na. 7D, CSDS no. 78 andCSDS 96. 7P. High ‘voltage eparc et chal be weed when ti average DET is SDDyen or higher JNOTE 13. 100% tes frequency is required for systems CSDS.n9.1D, CSDS.n0.1E, 3A, CSDS no. 38, CSDS no. 36 CSDs| ‘na 3D, GSDSn9.SE, C3D3i0.31, CSS ua. 66 C30S no, TA. CSDS no, 7D, 100% for weldsaresulicient for systems ( 78, CDS no. 7 CSDS na. 7E and CSDS 0. NOTE 14 _Itshoute beroted that conductive costing materials can cause Incorrect holiday alarms. 13. Repair of coating 13.1. General Coating damage and defects shall be repaired prior to delivery in accordance with the repair systems advised in the CSDS. The surface preparation, the specified system or the required coats of the specified system shall be re-applied in accordance with the qualified CPS and the inspections shall comply with Glause 12, Repair of HDG damaged during fabrication, transportation, erection, or installation shall be carried out according to NS-EN ISO 1461. Repair of thermally sprayed motallic systems shall comply with 9.4. Repair of PEP systems shall comply with 10.4. 13.2 Repair of low or high DFT Ifthe required DPTisnotachievedand the maximum overcoating time has exceeded the followalternatives, apply: 1) re-blastto bare metal and coat with the originally specified system, or; 2) _abrade the surface prior to application of the same coat according to the CADS. Except where a stripe coat is applied, areas exceeding the maximum DFT specified in the CADS shall be re-blasted to bare metal and re-coatedL with the specified system, 13.3 Removal of coating damage ‘The repair procedures shall cover both coating damage not reaching the substrate and damage reaching substrate surface and shall be described in the CPS, @ © TORT — WORTOR NORSOK M-501:2022 Abrasive blast cleaning shall be used where the coating naedsto be removed completely. Damaged coating shall be completoly removed. The edges of the remaining, intact coating shall be feathered down overa length of atleast 50 mm inall directions. Thereafter surface preparationandcoating ‘application shall be carricd out in accordance with Clause 7 and Clause 8. Ifthe coating damage does not reach the steel surface the intact coats can be kept provided this docs not impair tho adhesion to the now coats, 14 Quality management and performance assurance Goating manufacturers and applicator contractors shall have a quality management system eertificd to NS-EN ISO 9001, ISO/TS 29001 or API Spec Thermal spray contractors shall have a quality management system meeting the requirements in is Coating work shall be supervised hy personnel qualified accordingto 11.25 All instruments and gauges shall be calibrated in accordance with equipment manufacturer requirements and the calibration certificate shall be readily available, A quality plan shall be prepared with a unique reference to the project/work order. The objective is to Identify the work ta he carried aut, the methods to be used and schedule the activities. This includes: — work plan with schedule; — scope af the work: identify items and/or surface areas and the relevant coating systems; — ist of gonerie responsibilities and reporting lines for the varlous activities; = detalling any sub-contractor and subcontracted activities; — control of equipment calibration; — list of candidate operators and thelr qualifications, ref. 11.2. ‘Tho quality plan shall also cross reference the ITP. The ITP shall orderly manner list all activities to be performed (ic. before, during and after coating application) and shall include the testing frequencies, ‘acceptance critoria and mitigating actions in case of failure. 15. Selection ofa NORSOK system ‘The coating system to be selected depends upon: — substrate material; — item tobe coated; — external exposure conditions; — operating conditions; — project requirements, ‘The systems covered by this document are presented by the CSDSs in Annex A Table 3, Table 4 and Table Sigive a generic overview of where and when these are applicable, Om NORSOK B Table 3 — Coating sol NORSOK M-501-2022 jection table for structural items [Substrate] Item to be coated Taposare conditions Default material System carbon — [Structures and structural offshore and coastal areas tee!” components inciuding frames bese plates, enclosures; permanent Spfagh zone and tdal Jone, and uptoand iting beams anc iugs including underside of cellar deck or other deckn0, 7A directly expased above sea Submerged, max +50°C Submerged above #50°C Buried srucures lBrdges, crane boom, Atrames, — [Offshore and coastal areas liebowt stations and rescue areas shaust tack, fare seek lofishove and coastal areas [Escape routes, wallwvays, dock Olishore and coastal areas lareas lay down Structures [HVAC Saintoss Structures and structural Offshore and coastal areas steel {components and outfitting |Splash zone/tidal zone and submerged [tifcboat stations and reseue areas [Offshore and coastal areas structures VAC JHOG [Handrails end ladders lotshore and coastal areas artes Foundations, frames and Offshore and coastal areas peel jstructures: [andra ladders, foundations, [AAC frames and structures latamin Structures and structural lrishore and coastal areas fim leemponents VAC Jany Any loshore and coastal areas and PRP Splash vone and tidal zone, and up to and lncuding underside of ellar deck or her deck no. 58 Idirectly exposed above sea and PFP_ Stantess [any lftshore and coastal areas and PRP isos |steel Ino. SC Jove 1 —Wanwtcareraard cain ye my eed Tara by Pe lori coat requtemenes depends on states steal mater rade an Project equrerents When oat requedsemDS te Sate deta Nore. costing eqirements depends on stiles sel materiel grade nd ret requirments When clings reaured gptem GDS ne TDs tides ¥ © FOE RORSOR NORSOK M-501:2022 Nove Nove 6 Nove? Nove ‘Table 3 — Coating selection table for structural items (continued) colour coding wil he rqulted, When coatings required far carrasion protectin coating system CSDS nae tel fetaule Coating requiraments dopendscon Project requirements: Whon coatings requite syst 0 the default Coating requirements depends on aluminium grade and Projectrequirenients Applicable aluminium grades are ‘defined in NORSOKM-121 When coatings required system (SDS no. As te deaul- | change Irom system [S05 nv 4 w SDS no. 48 can be agreed case by case er Hight an normal duty deck areas ‘The defait systems listed ropresinc the guniznua reulrement 19 meet the high dr SHEN ISO 44-1, ty range ae dened THANK B NORSOK M-S01:2022 ‘Table 4 — Coating selection table for pressure vessels, equipment, piping and valves Substrate | Item tobe coated Exposure conditions: Default ‘material System [carbon steel [Pressure vessels Offshore and coastal areas, non-insulated, Tz+B0°C [CSS equipment, piping and valves, pumps: Offshore and coastal areas, non-insulated, +80 pce<595 °C Offshore and coastalareas, non-insulated, T>+ 400°C Offshore and coastal areas, insulated, Ts +200°C Offshore and coastal areas, insulated, +200°C +50°C [Above splash zone and up to and including underside lof cellar deck or ather deck directly exposed above sca| ‘Actuator, gear box Offshore and coastal areas lOWishore and coastal areas, Insulated (Generators, Motors, Engines, Turbines, ‘Transformers, Offshore and coastal areas (Compressors Offshore and coastal areas, low voltage motors (General vac ‘Stainless [Pressure vessols, Offshore and coastal arvas, non-insulated, additional steel lequipment pipingand [protection by coating required due to operating valves, pumps: temperature. [Splash zone and submerged. T= +50°C [Sibmerged, T> +50" % B WA — NOOR

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