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37: Risk Factors

#1 RF = number one risk factor
MCC = most common cause
MCCOD = most common cause of death

1. #1 RF for suicide is prior suicide attempt

2. #1 RF for AFib → Mitral stenosis.
3. Most common arrhythmia in hyperthyroidism → A fib.
4. #1 RF for Mitral stenosis → Rheumatic fever
5 #1 RF for AAA development→ smoking
6. Screen AAA → men + 65-75yo + smoker. If >5.5 cm → surgery. Or >0.5cm/6 mos or
cm/yr growth
7. Greatest predisposing risk factor to rupture of AAA → diameter of aneurysm
8. Most important modifiable RF for CAD → smoking
9. #1 RF for stroke and aortic dissection → HTN
10. Biggest RF in iron deficiency anemia pt with h/o H.Pylori→ PUD
11. #1 RF for esophageal adenoCa → barrett’s esophagus which is caused by GERD
12. MCC CAP → Strep. Pneumo
13. MCC UTI→ E.coli
14. Common RF for osteoporosis → Low BMI.
15. Controlling blood glucose only decreases microvascular risks associated with
retinopathy, neuro, and nephropathy, not macrovascular like CAD and stroke.
16. #1 RF for SCC → cumulative sun exposure
17. #1 RF for ovarian cancer → FHx of OCa.
18. #1 RF for prostate,breast Ca → Age
19. MCCOD in pt with kidney transplant → CV disease
20. MCCOD in acromegaly → heart failure
21. MCCOD (most common cause of death) in CKD → CVDisease./ arrhythmia followed
by infection
22. #1 RF for OSA → obesity
23. #1 modifiable RF for knee OA → obesity
24. MCCOD in ADPKD → CVDisease (not SAH!).
25. MCCOD in SLE → ischemic heart disease
26. #1 RF for pancreatic Ca → smoking
27. MCC cancer a/w asbestos exposure → Bronchogenic carcinoma
27.5) Mesothelioma has no relation to smoking
28. Which pneumoconiosis increases risk of TB → Silicosis
29. MCC of acute pancreatitis in America → Gallstones
30. MCC Chronic pancreatitis → alcoholism
31. #1 RF for papillary thyroid cancer → prior chest/neck radiation
32. Breast CA Screening → every year from 40 yo. USPSTF →every 2 years start at 50
until age 75,
33. Cervical CA screen → every 3 years 21-30 regardless of sexual activity. >30 → HPV +
pap every 5 years.
34. Hyperlipidemia screen →
men: every 5 year >35yo men
women: every 5y > 45 yo
35. Colon CA Screening Guidelines → Colonoscopy is gold standard
Normally: Colonoscopy q 10 years from 50-75 yo.
UC pt’s: staring 8 years after diagnosis then every 1-2 years after.
If FHx colon cancer: 10 year prior to family member’s age at diagnosis.
FAP pt’s: q 1 year starting at 10-15 yo
36. All pregnant women 1st prenatal visit → screen syphilis, asymptomatic bacteriuria,
37. Rh immunoglobulin screen → 28-32 wks + within 72 hours of delivery. Determine
dose → kleihauer-betke test
38. Melanoma most likely determination of spread→ breslow depth
39. #1 prevention of Hepato cellular carcinoma → Hep B vaccination
40. #1 RF for ED → CVD
41. MCCOD in cervical cancer → Renal failure esp ureters
42. Most important prognostic factor in cancer→ stage of tumor (TNM staging)
43. Lung CA → low dose CT, men and women, 55-80 who have >30pp smoking hx, who
currently smoke + less than 15 yr since quitting.
44. #1 RF for endometritis → C-section
45. #1 RF for preeclampsia → prev hx of Preeclampsia/ nulliparity
46. #1 RF for uterine inversion → Prior inversion
47. #1 RF for chorioamnionitis → prolonged rupture of membranes
48. #1 RF for placenta previa → prior C-section
49. HY RF to preterm labor → bacterial vaginosis
50. #1 RF for endometrial cancer → unopposed estrogen> endometrial hyperplasia
51. #1 RF for ectopic pregnancy → hx of ectopic pregnancy and smoking (affects cilia)
52. #1 RF for Cervical incompetence → cervical conization procedure or LEEP
53. #1 RF for cervical cancer → HPV
54. #1 RF for fetal macrosomia → gestational diabetes or preexisting diabetes
55. #1 RF for shoulder dystocia → fetal macrosomia
56. MCC of placental abruption → trauma/cocaine
57. RF of urinary incontinence→ age and multiple vaginal deliveries (stress
incontinence), Diabetes→ overflow incontinence, MS→ urge incontinence
58. RF for Asherman’s syndrome→ history of uterine curettage
59. #1 RF for bladder cancer → smoking

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