RAS Mains 1

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RAS. (Main) Exam~2021 wv .—_ MIDI ‘CANDIDATE PLEASE READ CAREFULLY uadierelf aren ears Sud Do not write any mark of identity inside the Answer Script (including Paper for rough work) ie. Name, Address, Roll Number, Mobile Number etc. Not to be written even in the letter writing (XYZ, ABC ete. may be written) Name of God, any religious sign, any irrelevant sentence, words, number other than the answer of question must not be written. Such act will be treated as unfair means and entire examination of the Candidate shall be eancelled and he may be debarred by the RPSC from all the future examinations, for which the candidate will be linble. | etter gfe (eo orf & ge ite) & sige all we Af Gees Mer Set ots, Te, eine share see FEAR Et ee | et es Re sae ater Hy TEE Pee ( XYZ, ABC, 319 W Ome Fre oT Ten 8) BA ener few, ava a | serfs art, metre & orcas ara, wer we ole, anf Aha rah Sear ae we are aT AY ghee ST SPY wT aE saat wader era sreaelf weigh ae ee AT Grape ae A orehoer a GT aTeh Gans Saker area Marke | web ote cach Reng oreelf seer he | | IMPORTANT INSTRUCTIONS (Hecayet Pr&) (A) It should be ensured that the Question-Answer Booklet is provided in a sealed envelope to the candidate. sah ae GPa we a fs ore wy reste year ons fern Hh wert a ae 1 || G8) atthe Question-Answer Booklet is torn or not printed properly or some pages are missing (Please count the numberof pages) then bring it to notice of Invigilator and change the Question-Answer booklet, otherwise the candidate will be Tiable for that. Be meee yee wet A wd aT oye & ar gS oH E (ME ye Ret a) at afore @ ear A arf oe | BA aeerat S sree Geer aif steel ar eT (©) Please fill up all desired details properly on Cover Sheet of Question-Answer Booklet with Blue Ball Point Pen before answering, The Commission may also deduct 5 marks from the marks obtained if Roll Number isnot filled correctly on | the Cover Sheet aria year ne eat at ag eae gs ew aliba Rawr ae ater igs OS raengte a wa yO awe ier eR a Bley slart wel ae TET ane TC As okey ae A OT ey BI | () This Cover Sheet consists of two pars, in which some information is pre-printed, remaining details have tobe filled by the candidate. Please ensure that this Cover Sheet is not torn or damaged. aR Ge hora A der 8, Foren wider quan aight & aw ah gR Snell ah eh yas we PH aR PS AE Bet —o2 aE er feo aprender eT ET) (©) The question paper is divided into different units and parts. The number of questions to be attempted and their marks are indicated in each unit and parts. wera RATT are wl at A Ree Ba wet BPE WE ver H wer RHA PY ae wel aA stem afte Sah sles oH afte Ue are A ita PA ay BI (F)_Irthere is any sort of ambiguity/mistake either of printing o factual nature then out of Hindi and English version ofthe question, the English version will be treated as standard. | Be fave rea A Feet were oY aE ga aT MTETG STORE a BR ah, el ver AA ar ato wa A a oft SRR sa er} (G) Attempt answers ether in Hindi or English, notin both. For Language Papers, answer in concerned language and scrip, unless directed otherwise to write in Hindi ox English specifically. ‘sere SOA Ae THT SPD Oe Ste A ae en Re wet be aT ae aT a FET A fexq coe, wre rm fap we fees fe overt SET ar ob A were 4 a Arg 7 Rr ara ey (A) Candidates are directed to write answers only in the prescribed space of booklet. They should not write answer outside the border line. Answer written gutside the borderline will nt be checked. ‘at Prefer fren re & Fa Fave at rea at ore sehr yRerenr 9 Pree wat oe ee) ahee oe a cares Bregere eh Fee | ade ands ree red aa wee a alfa set TT] |] @® The candidates should not write the answers beyond the prescribed limit of words, failing this, marks may'be deducted. ater er were Ptr ret er Stas CRreral HRY Ge SeaiTT He Wy oes HE aT eR El ] GD) Ithere is @ choice to attempt one question out of many and the candidate attempts more than one question then only first answer will be assessed. “aie md we A TE Ce we aA er Ree fer er othe wR grat Ge Scales we ea PA ore Boat fete A ser eee safer eT | Raw ste: reef grr af Oh eet ee A oe Sar etree yb wy Re wore Hae erg ohh & serene oe Reh sro or Gea Pe aioe Fran star, at sinter are sera ei wk Pree Bt on aH ote wea ere eet eee eT Special Note: {there is any wrong information filled by the candidate or any attempt is made to damage the answer script or any marking as. ification is done, then his entite examination shall be cancelled by the Coramission, for which candidate will be liable Paper-I DE SPACE FOR ROUGH WORK EA Paper-I PAPER -1 GENERAL STUDIES & GENERAL KNOWLEDGE . (Total 200 Marks) 4 (Total 48 Question) : Unit -1 (75 Marks) (fre — 1) (75 size) Part-A ‘Marks : 10 WT — & ae : 10 Note: Attempt alll questions. Answer the following questions in 15 words each. Each question carries 2 marks. We: wit wei S oer S) Fra well or OER 15-15 wel FS) we wea H 2 sip Pui 1 1. Name any four.out of six orthodox schools of Indian Vedic Philosophy. anda ae aia a aera (wierd) v: arene 4 9 frst aR or apie see * |2. Whatis Ravanhatha? reer weer aT BP = 0 3 Describe the Suharwardi Sufi Silsilah. geaadl — yet Rreftrer or ais APSE) Highlight the role of Aruna Asaf Ali in the Quit India Movement. aR TiS) aria Foro sane ate BY Par WE aT STATI Where did Leonardo-de Vinci paint his famous painting “The Last Supper"? fertarel = feet 3 orm afte fra = cree wor wei oe fafa fear en? Paper-I 7 WM ll lil | | l Part-B Marks : 25 ama sige + 25 Note: Attempt alll questions. Answer the following questions in 50 words each. Each question carries 5 marks. Ae: wih wei S cae &1 fr wed wr Tee 50-50 gal A 2) welw wes 5 sip Puffa B) 6. Examine the salient features of Raj Singh style of temple architecture. aPex ager 9 waits stat a Retsaeih wr sear CT 7. Throw light on the activities of Kanwar Singh in Bihar during the Revolt of 1857. 1957 & Rete S waa Men A wats of wafatat we were SHAT! = OI 8. Write a short note on the integration of Sirohi in “United Rajasthan’ ‘Whipe tora’ 4 Rte & Peer ae viltict Se feral 9. Critically examine the Begun Peasant Movement of Rajasthan. ronan & arf Roar sarcters ar aarahererey FATT TE Paper-I 9 ~—MMMIOOO 10. Discuss the ideological background of American War of Independence. saRat wala tars $ dai yey Sy fede wey — OMT Part—C Marks : 40 a a sip : 40 Note: Attempt all questions. Answer the following questions in 100 words each. Each question carries 10 marks. He: wit well S wae 1 Pa weit wr Tee 100-100 wedi HE) wee wT 10 si Pei ~ é 11. Examine the significance of Charan Literature in Classical Literature of Rajasthan. rons ores writer are war Bh Awe aT TAT wT Paper-I Bay MM 12. Discuss in brief the growth of the ideology of Theosophists in the Theosophical society in India. ane 4 Riviere dred a Parent } faora 4 Priehfec } ffaRi a dae F Ade BRE | _ MINION 13. Discuss the development of ‘Indigenous’ industries in India during the Second World War. feda fexagg 3 dh ana 4 eer veil S fora a fata wey = » IM 14. “Industrial Revolution was not only a technological revolution, but a socio-economic revolution also, that changed the way people lived afterwards.” Discuss. “stehtre aif 7 Sac ve stehrata wife eft, afee yer wrmisie—anlen sila ah oft, Prey ont $ vas ae wer S Sr wr At cafe we fear" fee we vt TTR Unit — 11 @fre - 0) Part-A at — Note: 2 marks, (65 Marks) (65 sie) Marks : 10 ae : 10 Attempt all questions. Answer the following questions in 15 words each. Each question carries ste: wit ged & cee @) fea ued or oer 15-15 wel 9S) wee wer S 2 sip Pata B1 | 1. ‘What are the eight core industries that support infrastructure in India? caer % ae oe apr well omer Weer BY Weer we # 2, What are the main sources of biomass energy in Rajasthan? rorent 9 da get (ardtara) wa } ger che we 8? Paper-I 15 3. Write major items of revenue expenditure in Indian Budget. 2 anda gare § tora wa oh yea act wt fee 4, ‘Write the objective and name of funding agency of Rajasthan Agricultural Competitiveness Project. Sroners git wRreTat vRetorn wr wker site gaat fat citer 5. Define sustainable development. wag Rrors or Rafter Bree | ve MMO Part—B. Marks : 25 art — sie : 25 Note: Attempt all questions. Answer the following questions in 50 words each. Each question carries 5 marks, Ae: wi wei d vax 21 Pr wedi or oer 50-50 wet 4 S1 ea oer D5 sin Pfft 31 6. Define micro, small and medium enterprises on the basis of investment and annual turover in India. ana 4 Pde sik aifie fiat & orm we eH, we el HET Sea ar oferta aI) 7. ‘What are the objectives of ‘SAMARTH? scheme of Rajasthan? TRE wr WL Thorn B war ster BP ret IMT ‘What incentives are provided under Pradhan Mantei Rojgar Protsahan Yojana (PMRPY) for employers to create new employment in the country? ee 4 ade tore @ fay gers at Yom themes shor Ges aag) & sie Prdtacsit wy eer sitcarest fy ary BP Explain the main features of Rajasthan Investment Promotion Scheme 2019. wees Fae dicsrest era 2019 Fr yea farrensi wh wrensey re » [MII 10. Write any five aims of World Bank Group Climate Change Action Plan 2021-2025. faxa dee aye oretary aRads ox orf chert 2021-25 8 fergie cet wr fefag) Part-C Marks : 30 at - sie : 30 Note: Attempt alll questions. Answer the following questions in 100 words each. Each question carries 10 marks. i“ ate: wih veal & wae 2) fa vedi or eae 100-100 wel 4S) rte we SF 10 sip Pei ai | 11. What are the key measures pertaining to industry and infrastructure under Atmanirbhar Bharat | Abhiyan in India? area 9 oner fPee ane oiftara & orerie wether ste omaey eae 8 wae ge Tare Tat & ITI Paper-I | 12. Describe Chief Minister's 7 Point Programme for Empowerment of Women in Rajasthan. orem § ater waft 3 fae ger baa eat orhes er aia aAsT) = » OMIA |] 13. Write vision and key objectives of Rajasthan Solar Energy Policy 2019. Toren UR sul Ae 2019 at gfe fags) ws wae vee st fey) WA mv MINIM (Unit — IM) (Section — A) (20 Marks) (ae — 11) (@aer — A) (20 siz) Part-A Marks : 10 am — si: 10 Note: Attempt all questions. Answer the following questions in 15 words each, Bach question carries marks. We: wh ue & cor ¢) fret wet or oar 15-15 weal HS) cee oes 2 cia Prafta 1 1. What is ‘Sharda Act’? "SRST Uae’ we BP 2. Why is caste system an example of inequality? ht SM SAAT BT SATE THT SP 3. What is Global Village? ‘afae tia ae 8? re » __Iill ma 4. Define political corruption. tories wera er ania eT 5. Whatis the eligibility of ‘old age pension’ in Rajasthan? wwe F geen Very Sy Tara FT 8? Part—B. Marks : 10 art — & aig : 10 Note: Attempt alll questions. Answer the following questions in 50 words each. Each question carries 5 marks. are: wit ued & cay 21 Ret wet ar sux 50-50 wall FSi ute eT SS sin Prifa B1 6. Which attributes have’been given for dominant caste by MN. Srinivas? TAes. APTS aT HyETAT Bh STE wer Fg GS ae aay Ty 8? = ee ‘Write five major problems of tribal community of Rajasthan. = Ware By crane ayers BT wae ver weeny SReay (Unit — Il) (Section —- B) (20 Marks) (qe — 1) @aer — B) (20 siz) Part-A amt — sf Note: Attempt all questions. Answer the following questions in 15 words each. Each question carries 2 marks, ate: wh oe d vee &1 fa vedi oF uew 15-15 wal FG) gee wed S 2 sin Praia 81 1. Define Supply Chain Management. ange fare wars (GAA) Bt ona AE = ION 2. Whats the objective of Startup India Scheme? ereéory gisar dhorir wr ates ae 8? 3. Write any four characteristics of charismatic leader. oReng Tar at erg are fasrerart faery) 4. Highlight any four characteristics of services. Sarit at arg aK faerecnsit wr Rreifere wAfsre 1 5. Name two prominent stock exchanges of India. | ara $ ot age ein eres 3 a aagT) me UL Part-B Marks : 10 arta sie : 10 Note: Attempt all questions. Answer the following questions in 50 words each. Each question carries Ss ks ste: Sar net ee S1 Pier wet a ae 50-50 Tat HE wets eT BS cies PRs 1 [6 Explain Need — Hierarchy Theory as per AH. Maslow. Ue, ae & age saa Tea ARraier wt are RTE A e 7. Explain Product Life Cycle (PLC) with characteristics of any two stages. } ford St eRe at frei S ser ware viet aw Ghee) or ale aAfere) * re _ MID ll (Unit — 11D) (Section - C) (20 Marks) (@fie — 0) @asrt — C) (20 a) Part-A Marks : 10 RT — of aig : 10 Not : Attempt all questions. Answer the following questions in 15 words each. Each question carries 2 marks. wre: wit geil d one @) Pra wedi or gay 15-15 wal FS) rete oe S 2 sip Puffer BI T. What are compound journal entries? fart ore wfaftcat war 8? 2. Name any two methods of Trend analysis. srafer Rrechoor a Prd eh Fat < arr FRR 3. Mention four types of responsibility centres with reference to Responsibility Accounting. wmeRgiad daient & wet Ya varaicr Sat ST aaTET! = » MOTE 4, What is the designation of person having highest authority in Government Audit? want sider 4 wale ge oy oneita efter a gears ae 8? 5. Why Zero Base Budgeting was adopted by Government of India? ARS TOR ERT YT SEI Toes a STATE AT a? Part-B Marks : 10 ant — a si 10, Note: Attempt all questions. Answer the following questions in $0 words each. Each question carries 5 marks. ae: wh wei & vox 2) Pet get or vee 50-50 wel FS) ew WETS 5 sin Preitr B1 6. Explain Dual-aspect concept in context of Double Entry System of Accounting with suitable] examples, ‘Ufa Vareer So Ey cei ST Alek wiafte wonch a} werf ¥ f—cer creer wr WaSTET | _ » MMI 1. “Performance Budgeting is useful for Government and Public sector undertakings.” Why? “Rene dats we a arhihe Supa & fore sot Br" ai? Paper-I » MINOT SPACE FOR ROUGH WORK

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