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Quarter 3 – Week 1-4
Learning Activity Sheets (LAS)



Understanding Culture Society and Politics 11

Second Quarter – Learning Activity Sheets
Week 1-4
First Edition, 2020

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Published by Schools Division of Dinagat Islands

Development Team of the Learning Activity Sheets

Writer: Jaycon P. Caspe

Editor: Carl Vincent B. Linaga, Leizel C. Virtudazo, Rosebert A. Cabañez
Reviewers: Edeliza F. Seguiz, Dr. Rene G. Ebol & Dr. Michael C. Paso
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Starting points in understanding Culture, Society

Week 1-2 and Politics



Discuss the nature, goals and perspectives in/of anthropology, sociology and
political science


Directions: Read the questions carefully and select the letter that corresponds to
the correct answer.

1. What do you call the differences and similarities by which people live, act,
and interact as manifest by human existence?
A. Anthropology B. Culture C. Political science D. Sociology
2. It is the systematic study of human society?
A. Anthropology B. Culture C. Political science D. Sociology

3. Modern Anthropologist refers as ‘knowledge about humans’ and it is called

A. Anthropology B. Culture C. Political science D. Sociology

4. What is the study of politics and power from domestic, international, and
comparative perspectives?
A. Anthropology B. Culture C. Political science D. Sociology

5. “Acquired cognitive and symbolic aspects of human existence” means?

A. Anthropology B. Culture C. Political science D. Sociology

6. It basically came from the Greek word- Anthropos’ and ‘logos’, what is this?
A. Anthropology B. Culture C. Political science D. Sociology
7. The activity through which people make, preserve and amend the general
rules under which they live.
A. Anthropology B. Culture C. Politics D. Society
8. The aggregate of people living together in a more or less ordered community.
What does it refer to?
A. Anthropology B. Culture C. Politics D. Society
9. Who declared that by nature human is considered as the “political animal”.
A. Aristotle B. Karl Marx C. Plato D. Socrates
10. A special point of view of sociology that sees general patterns of society in
the lives of particular people.
A. Anthropological perspective C. Political view
B. Cultural view D. Sociological perspective


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Key Concepts:
For anthropologists, culture is the reference point by which people organize
themselves and make sense of themselves as members of their own society. For that
matter, anthropology regards culture as the “acquired cognitive and symbolic
aspects of human existence, whereas society refers to the social organization of
human life, patterns of interaction and power relationships” (Eriksen 2001: 4).

The etymology or origin of the term anthropology can be traced back to two Greek
words, ‘Anthropos’ and ‘logos’. When translated into English, ‘Anthropos’ means
‘human’ while ‘logos’ refers to ‘knowledge’ (Eriksen 2001: 2). In this sense,
anthropology can be understood as the ‘knowledge about humans’ (Ibid.)

If you think about all of the knowledge and experiences that we gain over the course
of our lives, the amount that helped shape our worldview are probably too numerous
to count. For example, when we are young, our parents' perspectives directly inform
our own opinions on things like politics or religion, while later experiences, like
romantic relationships, shape our perception of love and the levels of emotional risk
that we find acceptable. In sociology, such knowledge and experiences are referred
to as social phenomena, which are the individual, external, social constructions
that influence our lives and development, and are constantly evolving as we age. One
of the most important aspects of social phenomena is that it involves one person's
observable behavior influencing another person. For example, racism is a social
phenomenon because it is an ideology that people have constructed that directly
affects another group, forcing them to change their behaviors.

Sociology is the systematic study of human society (Macionis 2012: 2), focusing
particularly on the dynamic interplay between individual and society. At the heart of
sociology is the sociological perspective, a special point of view of sociology that sees
general patterns of society in the lives of particular people (Ibid.).
If you think about all of the knowledge and experiences that we gain over the course
of our lives, the amount that helped shape our worldview are probably too numerous
to count.
Political science is the study of politics and power from domestic, international, and
comparative perspectives. It entails understanding political ideas, ideologies,
institutions, policies, processes, and behavior, as well as groups, classes,
government, diplomacy, law, strategy, and war. Politics, in its broadest sense, is the
activity through which people make, preserve and amend the general rules under
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which they live. Politics is thus inextricably linked to the phenomena of conflict and

Activity 1: Individual Cultural Traits!

Directions: Draw the figure below in your activity notebook and write your name in
the circle. Write the following personal information of yourself in each spaces and
compare your output to your classmates.
a. Gender
b. Socio-economic status
c. Ethnicity
d. Religion

Answer the following questions:

1. Do you have the same cultural traits with your classmates?

2. What do you think is the reason why everyone of us differ in terms of
3. Do these differences hinder you to mingle and socialize with other people?
Explain your answer.
Activity 2: Constant Change!

Since change is constant as the time passes, let us realize how cultural aspects
changes over time.

Directions: Tell the changes on some aspects culture by completing the table below.

Before Now

Filipino Culture

Filipino Society

Filipino Politics
Answer the following questions:


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1. What do you think influenced the changes of these cultural aspects?

2. What are the things that contributes the most of these changes?

3. Do you think these changes created a positive effect to the people living in the
current society?

4. How would you contribute as an individual in fostering positive changes?

Activity 3: Define me!

Directions: After reading the reader above (information sheet 1.1) Explain
the following words based on your own understanding.

1. Culture

2. Society

3. Politics

Understanding Culture, Society, and Politics is as much as important as studying

mathematics and physical sciences. By studying society, culture and politics, we are
able to dig deeper on the other dimensions of human being. We discover the origin
of human society and how it changes over time. This was made possible through
decades of research made by social scientist. These studies paved the way to the
different fields of social science particularly anthropology, Sociology and Political
science. But what made these social sciences distinct to each other? Let’s find out!


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Activity 4: Compare and Contrast!

Directions: Fill in the table below what distinct characteristics are unique in the
field of social sciences.

Definition Example



Political science

Answer the following questions

1. How are these social sciences helps you understand deeply the way human
being lived?

2. Is it possible to study culture, society and politics without these social sciences?

3. Given a chance to become a scientist and opportunity to study human society,

what particular aspect you want to study? Explain.

Post test

Directions: Read the questions carefully and select the letter that corresponds to
the correct answer.

1. It is the systematic study of human society?

A. Anthropology B. Culture C. Political science D. Sociology

2. What is the study of politics and power from domestic, international, and
comparative perspectives.
A. Anthropology B. Culture C. Political science D. Sociology

3. Who declared that by nature human is considered as the “political animal”.

A. Aristotle B. Karl Marx C. Plato D. Socrates

4. It basically came from the Greek word- Anthropos’ and ‘logos’, what is it?
A. Anthropology B. Culture C. Political science D. Sociology


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5. What do you call the activity through which people make, preserve and
amend the general rules under which they live.
A. Anthropology B. Culture C. Politics D. Society

6. Modern Anthropologist refers as ‘knowledge about humans’ and it is called

A. Anthropology B. Culture C. Political science D. Sociology

7. “Acquired cognitive and symbolic aspects of human existence” means?

A. Anthropology B. Culture C. Political science D. Sociology

8. The aggregate of people living together in a more or less ordered community.

What does this statement refer to?
A. Anthropology B. Culture C. Politics D. Society

9. What do you call the special point of view of sociology that sees general
patterns of society in the lives of particular people.
A. Anthropological perspective C. Political view
B. Cultural view D. Sociological perspective

10. What is the differences and similarities by which people live, act, and
interact as manifest by human existence?
A. Anthropology B. Culture C. Political science D. Sociology

Reflective question:

After studying about culture society and politics, given your knowledge about the
topic, what is your realization about how the world operates today? Discuss your
thoughts briefly.

I realized that……………
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CONTENT Clear topic. Main Main idea is clear Main idea is
idea stands out but the supporting somewhat clear
and is supported idea is general but there is a need
by detailed for supporting
information information
GRAMMAR & Answers have no Answers have Answers have a lot
SPELLING errors in grammar several errors in of errors in
and spelling grammar and grammar and
spelling spelling.


Saloma C.,(2020). “Understanding culture, society and politics – Reader”, -

Published by Department of Education.
Lanuza G. (2020)., Understanding Culture, Society and Politics, -Published by
Rex Bookstore
Understanding Culture Society and Politics Teachers guide

Answers Key

10. C 10. B
9. A 9. D
8. C 8. C
7. C 7. B
6. A 6. A
5. B 5. C
4. C 4. A
3. A 3. A
2. D 2. C
1. B 1. D
Pre-Test Post-Test


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Human Cultural Variation, Social Differences, Social

Week 3 Change, and Political Identities



Analyze the concept, aspects and change in/of culture and society


Directions: Read the questions carefully and select the letter that corresponds to
the correct answer
1. Which of the following is NOT an example of culture?
A. fiesta B. courtship C. machines D. emotions
2. Which statement is NOT true about the concept of culture?
A. Culture is a way of life transmitted through social interaction.
B. Culture refers to group’s ways of behaving and thinking.
C. Every society has its own distinctive culture.
D. Culture can evolve into anything.
3. All of the following items are parts of complexity in a society. Which one does
NOT belong to the group?
A. Norms B. Food C. Beliefs D. Symbols
4. Identify which one of the following statement is the best description of the
complexity of culture and society.
A. Society can exist without culture.
B. Culture can exist without society.
C. Society can operate without culture command.
D. People carry and transmit culture as members of society.
5. In western countries, If the person reaches the age of 18 they can live freely
outside the guidance of parents, while here in the Philippines, we are family-
oriented, meaning some are free to live with parents until they grow old. This
statement simply means that culture is __________.
A. Culture is continuous. B. Culture is social.
C. Culture is varied. D. Culture is transmitted.


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Key Concepts:

Edward Tylor, one of the founders of modern anthropology, characterize

culture as a “complex whole” which encompasses beliefs, practices, traits, values,
attitudes, laws, norms, artifacts, symbols, knowledge and everything that a person
learns and shares as a member of the society.1

The “complex whole” above suggests that culture cannot be simply broken down into
a set of characteristics. It means that an understanding of a part can only be achieved
in relation to other parts of the system. This requires an approach where all at once,
one can get an appreciation of what culture is all about without being bothered by
its complexity or by any definition that attempts to capture such complexity.

A society cannot exist apart from culture. A society may refer to group of people that
follows or shares same cultures. People, as members of the society, possess, produce
and also transmit culture but they cannot consider themselves as culture. No
culture can exist without social interaction in society; meanwhile, society cannot
exist in the absence of people who have learned to live and work together.

1. Culture is social because it is the product of behavior.
Culture does not exist in isolation. It is a product of society. It develops
through social interaction. No man can acquire culture without association
with others.

2. Culture varies from society to society.

Every society has a culture of its own that differs from other societies. The
culture of every society is unique by itself. Cultures are not uniform.
Cultural elements like customs, traditions, morals, values, and beliefs are
not constant

3. Culture is shared.
Culture is not something that an individual alone can possess. Culture, in
sociological sense, is shared. For example, people of a society share all
customs, traditions, beliefs, ideas, values, morals, etc.

4. Culture is learned.
Culture is not inborn. It is learned. Unlearned behavior then, is not
culture. Shaking hands, saying thanks, etc. are cultural behaviors.

5. Culture is transmitted among members of society.

Cultural ways are learned by people from others. Many of these ways are
handed down from elders, parents, teachers, and others (most likely
individuals of older generation), while other cultural behaviors are handed
up to elders. Transmission of culture is made possible by language.
Language is the main vehicle of culture. Transmission of culture may take
place also through imitation as well as through instruction.


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Activity 1: Aspect of Complex whole!

Directions: Identify each events according to its classification based on the aspect
of culture as a complex whole. Choose your answer from the words given inside the
box and put it in space given.

Laws mores values

Superstitious belief religious belief folkways
Symbols norms

Cultural Practices Aspect of Culture

1. Cebuanos celebrate fiest of Sto. Nino every

2. Filipinos are known to be hospitable
persons in the world
3. Jumping during New Year’s eve will make
you tall
4. A sunrise means hope and a new beginning

5. The proper way to eat dessert is after you

take your meal
6. You will get imprisoned if you commit a
7. It is inappropriate to wear bikini in the
8. We assume that Red is a color that signifies
blood and war.
9. Wearing a bright colored dress that is so
revealing is inappropriate in attending
10. Do not talk about gross things when
someone is eating


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Activity 2: Creative illustration!

Direction: Create a poster or a photo collage that depicts the concept of the culture
and society as a complex whole.

Theme: Culture and Society as a Complex Whole

Complete the following statement.

Culture and society as a complex whole means it encompasses the

___________________, ___________________, _________________, _______________,
___________________, ___________________, _________________, _______________,
___________________, and ___________________.

Activity 3: Deeper Understanding!

Directions: Analyze the following questions and write your answers in the space

1. How do you define the terms “culture” and “society”?



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2. Can a society function without culture, or can a culture exist without society?

3. What are the characteristics or aspects of culture? Please enumerate them on

the space provided.
Answer _______________ ________________
_______________ ________________
_______________ ________________
_______________ ________________

4. How can these characteristics of culture help us in appreciating our culture &

5. What are the characteristics of culture?

Answer _______________, ________________, ________________, ________________,


Post test

Directions: Read the questions carefully and select the letter that corresponds to
the correct answer
1. Which statement is NOT true about the concept of culture?
A. Culture is a way of life transmitted through social interaction.
B. Culture refers to group’s ways of behaving and thinking.
C. Every society has its own distinctive culture.
D. Culture can evolve into anything.
2. All of the following items are parts of complexity in a society. Which one does
not belong to the group?
A. norms B. food C. beliefs D. symbols

3. Which of the following is NOT an example of culture?

A. fiesta B. courtship C. machines D. emotions


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4. In western countries, If the person reaches the age of 18 they can live freely
outside the guidance of parents, while here in the Philippines, we are family-
oriented, meaning some are free to live with parents until they grow old. This
statement simply means that culture is __________.
A. Culture is continuous. B. Culture is social.
C. Culture is varied. D. Culture is transmitted.

5. Identify which one of the following statement is the best description of the
complexity of culture and society.
A. Society can exist without culture.
B. Culture can exist without society.
C. Society can operate without culture command.
D. People carry and transmit culture as members of society

Reflective question:

In this lesson you are able to dig deeper on the concept of culture and society as a
“complex whole”. Express your ideas and realization about the topic on the space
provided below.

I realized that……………
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CONTENT Clear topic. Main Main idea is clear Main idea is
idea stands out but the supporting somewhat clear
and is supported idea is general but there is a need
by detailed for supporting
information information
GRAMMAR & Answers have no Answers have Answers have a lot
SPELLING errors in grammar several errors in of errors in
and spelling grammar and grammar and
spelling spelling.


Saloma C.,(2020). “Understanding culture, society and politics – Reader”, -

Published by Department of Education.
Lanuza G. (2020)., Understanding Culture, Society and Politics, -Published by
Rex Bookstore
Understanding Culture Society and Politics Teachers guide

Answers Key

10. Norms C 5. D 5.
9. Mores D 4. C 4.
8. Symbols B 3. D 3.
7. Mores D 2. B 2.
6. Laws D 1. D 1.
5. Folkways
4. Symbols Pre-Test Post-Test
3. Superstitious
2. Values
1. Religious Beliefs



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Week 4 Cultural Relativism and Ethnocentrism

Name: ___________________________________________ Section: _____________________


Explain the importance of cultural relativism in attaining cultural



Direction: Read the questions carefully and select the letter that corresponds to the
correct answer.

1. What do you call the belief that all cultures as equally complex? There is no
such thing as superior and inferior culture.
A. Cultural differences B. Cultural Relativism
C. Ethnocentrism D. Chauvinism

2. William Graham Sumner defines this belief as the “technical name for this view
of things in which one’s own group is the center of everything”. What does he
refer to?
A. Cultural differences B. Cultural Relativism
C. Ethnocentrism D. Chauvinism

3. It the most important lesson we could get from studying cultural relativism?
A. It is difficult or impossible to force your own religious beliefs onto another
B. People tend to be more tolerant of another culture’s customs when they
understand and learn the meaning behind them.
C. Something that is not good or prohibited in your own society might be good
and perfectly acceptable in another society.
D. When studying another culture, you must first convert to its religious
beliefs for better understanding.

4. Having more than one wife is not bad from a Muslim point of view. In relation,
people must see this custom within the context of Muslims’ beliefs and
traditions. What kind of view is illustrated here?
A. Ethnocentrism C. Cultural relativism
B. Barbarism D. Egocentrism

5. Which of the following statement is NOT a true about cultural relativism?

A. It pushes us to neglect the values of our own culture.
B. It makes it possible for us to explain how culture makes its people behave.
C. It makes people identify and consider factors before they draw conclusions


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on other people’s cultural practices.

D. It unites us as one and make us even more proud of our own culture.

Key Concepts:
Cultural Relativism
The postmodern view of culture challenges the notion that there is a single definition
of culture. Postmodern analysis of culture shows that culture is like a narrative or
story. It can have multiple meanings and it can exist independently of the people who
created them. Culture like a story can have a life of its own. They, therefore, challenge
the idea that culture is the same for everyone. They espouse cultural relativism and
reject any search for cultural universals. Cultural Relativism is simply the belief that
all cultures as equally complex. There is no such thing as superior and inferior
culture. They also challenge the idea that there is such thing as “master narrative”
that underlines all cultural forms as structuralists believed. Rather, cultures are
equally complex and they should be interpreted based on their own logic and form.
There is no all-encompassing form to interpret cultures.
The concept of cultural relativism underscores the idea that the culture in every
society should be understood and regarded on its own terms. Societies are
qualitatively different from one another, such that each one has its own “unique
inner logic” (Eriksen 2001: 14). Cultural traits can only be known and valued in the
context of the society by which they emerge and are practiced
Cultural relativism promotes the idea that a society has to be viewed from the inside
so that inner logic can be better explained. A society’s idea of a good life will not likely
be shared by another society that interprets the notion of “good” from a sharply
different social perspective. In other words, each society has a different yardstick in
appreciating the value of its own cultural trait. Cultural relativism, however, cannot
be regarded as the flip side of ethnocentrism. The concept of cultural relativism is
more analytical and methodological rather than being a moral principle.
Anthropologists apply the concept of cultural relativity in investigating and
comparing societies without declaring one being better or more preferable to the
The dominant approach, the postcolonial theorists argue, simply reflected the
mainstream view of western scholars. That is, the Eurocentric idea that Europian
culture or way of life is the model for all cultures to emulate. Ethnocentrism is as old
as culture but it is a modern word, invented at the opening of 20th century by William
Graham Sumner (1906), an eminent professor of political and social science at Yale.
Having studied the “folk ways” of different cultures, Sumner arrived at the conclusion
that people tend to believe their way of doing things is superior to others. He,
therefore defines ethnocentrism as the “technical name for this view of things in
which one’s own group is the center of everything” (quoted in Kinder and Kam 2010,
When people find cultural practices and values not their own as disturbing and
threatening, that can be regarded as ethnocentrism. A literal meaning of
ethnocentrism is the regard that one’s own culture and society is the center of
everything and therefore far more superior than others (Kottak 2012: 39; Eriksen


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2001:7). It is understandable that people laud and hold importance to the cultural
values that were taught them by their parents, elders, and other institutions of their
society. The problem is when a person or groups of people regard their own society’s
set of cultural values as the only agreeable, acceptable, and highly respectable set of

Activity 1: My culture is different!

Directions: The activity table shows how your culture differ in so many ways
regarding different phenomena. Write your action with respect to your own culture
on the following situation.

“Them” and their culture “Me” and my Culture

Marriage Marriage
A man can have multiple wives. He can
share his wife to his brothers and
visitors as a sign of hospitality.
Hand Gestures Hand Gestures
The V- hand gesture is an offensive sign
in United Kingdom, Australia, and
South Africa. In Japan, China, and
South Korea, using this symbol with the
palm facing the person means he/she is
looking cute in picture.
Religion Religion
Individuals practicing Hinduism believe
in many of gods and goddesses. All are
responsible for governing their lives,
destiny, and fate.
Reading text Reading Text
Hebrew and Arabic books are read from
right to left.
Table Manners Table Manners
Europeans and Americans use spoon
and fork in eating, while Chinese and
Koreans use chopsticks.

Answer the following questions:

1. What is your thoughts about the culture of other people?



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2. Is your culture similar to them? In what way they are similar or different?

3. Do you think their culture is bad and yours is ideal? Explain your answer.

Activity 2: Reflecting to other culture!

Its undeniable that Filipinos love street foods. Some of these foods are the
iconic Balut that is made from a boiled fertilized embryo of a duck egg, kwek2x, isaw,
tempura, and many more. Other countries also loved street foods like we do. The
picture above is an example of a street food vendor in Thailand. But what makes
some foreigners excited and afraid about Thai street foods is that there is a food stall
that offers exotic food. As you can see in the picture below it is made of fried insects
such as scorpions, crickets, bugs, worms and many other bizarre foods.

Answer the following questions:

1. Applying your understanding of cultural relativism, as a Filipino, how would

you react to the picture provided?
2. If you happen to visit another country, what would be the best thing to do if you
encounter cultural practices that is not familiar to you?


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Activity 3: Unity in Diversity!

Directions: Create a poster or a photo collage that exhibit unity in diversity:
Pagkakaisa sa kabila ng pagkakaiba.


Directions: Create at least two slogans that promotes unity and respect despite
cultural differences.


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Post test

Directions: Read the questions carefully and select the letter that corresponds to
the correct answer.

1. William Graham Sumner defines this belief as the “technical name for this view
of things in which one’s own group is the center of everything”. What does he
refer to?
A. Cultural differences B. Cultural Relativism
C. Ethnocentrism D. Chauvinism

2. Which of the following statement is NOT a true about cultural relativism?

A. It pushes us to neglect the values of our own culture.
B. It makes it possible for us to explain how culture makes its people behave.
C. It makes people identify and consider factors before they draw conclusions
on other people’s cultural practices.
C. It unites us as one and make us even more proud of our own culture.

3. It is the most important lesson we could get from studying cultural relativism?
A. It is difficult or impossible to force your own religious beliefs onto another
B. People tend to be more tolerant of another culture’s customs when they
understand and learn the meaning behind them.
C. Something that is not good or prohibited in your own society might be good
and perfectly acceptable in another society.
D. When studying another culture, you must first convert to its religious
beliefs for better understanding.

4. What do you call the belief that all cultures as equally complex? There is no
such thing as superior and inferior culture.
A. Cultural differences B. Cultural Relativism
C. Ethnocentrism D. Chauvinism

5. Having more than one wife is not bad from a Muslim point of view. In relation,
people must see this custom within the context of Muslims’ beliefs and
traditions. What kind of view is illustrated here?
A. Ethnocentrism C. Cultural relativism
B. Barbarism D. Egocentrism


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Reflective question:

Now that you have studied about cultural relativism and ethnocentrism, what are
the things you can reflect as member of a society.

I realized that……………
CONTENT Clear topic. Main Main idea is clear Main idea is
idea stands out but the supporting somewhat clear
and is supported idea is general but there is a need
by detailed for supporting
information information
GRAMMAR & Answers have no Answers have Answers have a lot
SPELLING errors in grammar several errors in of errors in
and spelling grammar and grammar and
spelling spelling.

Saloma C.,(2020). “Understanding culture, society and politics – Reader”, -

Published by Department of Education.
Lanuza G. (2020)., Understanding Culture, Society and Politics, -Published by
Rex Bookstore
Understanding Culture Society and Politics Teachers guide


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Division: Dinagat Islands
Email Address:

Answers Key

A 5. C 5.
C 4. B 4.
B 3. B 3.
C 2. A 2.
B 1. C 1.

Pre-Test Post-Test


School/Station: DREESMNHS
Division: Dinagat Islands
Email Address:

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