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The well-known paper of Lawes, Gilbert and Pugh (1861),

Glaisher's ascents.

was their addressee, which is confirmed by St Simon and Duclos,

Discovery into the Interior of Africa (1838); Passages in

Nicholas, who seemed of a fairly robust constitution. Even

is poetry locked in its own land. This presence of the pure,

sand mosaics on deserts, and perpetuated in the only sculptures

Persia and his administration of Brusa were his only thorough

simpler substances, constructive metabolism. (See PHYSIOLOGY.)

the president to accredit ambassadors to the great powers.

cases. Only on this hypothesis can be explained forms like

fur-trader. Fort Chipewyan was long known in Hudson's Bay

gradual disappearance of tenants in villeinage--the villeins

length with the length of the neck and thoracic regions in

lectures on zoology, by invitation from J. A. Lowell, at the

people wear silk robes presented by the emperor as a mark of

difficult to deal with. Every effort should be made to

are abundant in the United States National Museum in

great questions raised in R. v. Keyn (the ``Franconia,''

nell' Antichita 1891); W. Brockedon, Illustrations of the

Byzantium and a native of neighbouring Hierapolis (q.v.),

Suffolk Horse Society, the Clydesdale Horse Society, the

Frederick I. Barbarossa, was instrumental in procuring his

any previous consultation ``acclaimed'' one of their number as

in each are indicated by abbreviations, namely:--

the municipality is evident (see Modern Gity above).

folio. When Accursius was employed in this work, it is

East3. In its inception the settlement at the Cape was not

acid oxidize it to quinone. The three classes of diamines

resort of ``every one that was in distress,'' or ``in debt,''

also diminishes the oxidation which is the main source of the

albinism occurs also in Europeans (Scotsmen). He has examined

alcohols are decomposed, while heating to the boiling point of

with many notes in the author's hand is now in the British

niece of Edward VII. of England. As the king and queen were

the tree flowers in January, and this hastening of the period

peace of Sitvatorok, signed in 1606, whereby the annual

books in the British Museum, ``Academies,'' 5 parts and


(McDowell, May 8). The victor quickly turned upon Banks,

five years and completed his studies. He then returned to

reproduction. These constants are determined by the data

Song'' (1886); ``The Visitors'' (1890), and ``The Jongleur''

with his famous horses in the painting of the Argonautic

proof of the impossibility of solving the quintic equation by

savings banks and matters touching prize-money and bounties.

Spiraculum tubarum . . . . (1633), a mystical interpretation

value, it is interesting partly as the first philosophical

lm, left metapleur; n, notochord; pp, praeoral pit;

effectually deprived Shoa of her independence (March 1878).

and has therefore been made fundamental in the theory

tree of the Bible, which supplied shittim-wood. Acacia

conditions of their cultivation accordingly. In the British

pastures. But it failed of its object because it did not

alizarin by condensing hemipinic acid [(CH3O)2C6H2(COOH)2]

naturelles, Bot.(vols. iii.-vii., Paris, 1887-1888); M.

Neuf, leads to Gabbari, the most westerly part of the city

Sulphuric acid

revive about 1890, and dairy farming is prosperous; but the

doses much larger than that named. There is one condition

of the Red Cross flag are but too common in modern warfare.

Age, and, though still in the Bronze Age at the Achaean

connected with the Osiris worship (Caulfield, Temple of the

layers of cells, epiblast and hypoblast, surrounding a cavity,

of September 1450, and was beatified by Pope Clement VII. in 1527.

the Eastern Alps, the Swiss Alps, and the Western Alps.

(he adds) sown with clover, turnips, &c., will feed as many

turning some of Aesop's fables ``which he knew'' into verse

having studied law in the meantime, was admitted to the bar in

council. Uncle and nephew soon differed, and in March 1402

the other associates; now the maximum is four, of whom not

Peithon and Antipater in succession. After the death of

to him, and being retouched and extended to five acts, it was

protection of commerce, and naval campaigns on a great

numbers. Of marine mammals, whales are hunted far to the N.

Arabs accomplished the general solution of numerical equations.

of Africa is largely a record of the doings of its Asiatic

order. Anastasius died on the 3rd of December 1154, and

capable of resisting the assaults of an enemy, within which

Meineke, Analecta Alexandrina (1853); Bergk, Poetae

University, and in 1887 became professor of political economy

(Paris, 1874); G. Tckell, S.J., The Life ofblessed

the plates, which means that (a) there is more acid within

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