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by the co-ordinates (x, e).

Of this point O in an object

the Shutargardan Pass under Sir Frederick Roberts, who defeated

brass. The wadding between powder and shot has been thickened

the sea, while in others it cannot be placed much below 9500

the second he shall loose his meale, for the third offence he

e la dinastia dei Balshi (Spalato, 1899); S. Lambros, `E

else. Mr Hogarth explored part of an immense brick structure

In 1895 the British Aluminium Company was founded to mine

Cuba. From Cuba it was that Hernan Cortes (q.v.) sailed

Nutation of the axis would determine a similar apparent

bestowed on astronomy and trigonometry (q.v..) Fahri des

time. So late as 1782, James Price, an English physician,

plates: in Vaucheria minute elliptical bodies occurring in

nor of the new nationality in any sense; there was nothing

para-amphibolites, which are altered sediments. The former are

yielded Shakespeare suggestions for The Tempest. Colonel

reputation. The rearing of cattle and sheep was at one time

middle of the 6th century and practised medicine with success at

Addison's life was written in 1843 by Lucy Aikin. This

October, touched on the coast of Cuba and Hispaniola,

from the writers of the New Comedy, especially Menander.

in Mineral Resources of the U. S. (1904). U. or Sicilian

of the university and its principal members. An old Oxford

avail themselves of the English parcel post, which carries

La Geographie, Paris, vol. viii. pp. 213-220; G. W.

(at Yale), ``Saul and the Witch of Endor,'' ``Miriam,''

AUTHORITIES. - O. Hamann, O. Jen. Zeitschr. xxv., 1891,

York, and that city took the first place as the centre of the
the Latin alphabet is undoubtedly the value of attaching to

of the Fort of the Twenty-four Hours, then under construction.

of geometrical constructions to the solution of algebraical

none might learn their secret. He was succeeded in the

not the usual Greek goddess of that name, but an Asiatic

prominent Liberal politician, who was lord-lieutenant of

to his home in the valley from the hut (a small building on

heroes, was the son of Atreus (king of Mycenae) and Aerope,

any one having such an interest; or for any one to cause

ancient towns in Acarnania are marked by well preserved

and his own sword king of Naples, he fought and triumphed amid

estimates. His written concurrence was required before the

a westerly direction after their junction, the AIatia, the

contract usually provides that Sundays and holidays shall

with the case of Bryophyta, where the sporogonium arising

as to the possibility of Europeans becoming acclimatized in

the Great, and after his death in 1035 she struggled hard to

his theory is now recognized as taking us only a little way

Deinomache, who belonged to the family of the Alcmaeonidae.

of Admiralty and every admiralty or vice-admiralty court, or

repealed by the Offences against the Person Act 1861, which

range while any heat is being received and at the bottom while

French ambassador in Sweden, had been written by the minister,

religion as Sor (Sister) Maria de Jesus (1602-1665), was the

it accumulates in its course. In flood-time it is said to

crusaders, Michael Comnenus, a member of the imperial family,

century. Alencon has a large circular corn-market and a cloth-

exploration of the Amazon, in order to take scientific

ALA (from Lat. ala, a wing), a word used technically

around Sokoto. During Miocene times Passarge considers that

Tatler, Addison was in Dublin, and knew nothing of the

des Beaux Arts (Paris), the American Water-Colour Society,

Africa during 1853-1856 from Benguella to the mouth of the

patronage, unless it can be shown that such transfer was not

Castello de Vide (5192), Mertola (3873), Portalegre, Vimieiro

occupations. It is interesting to note that 977,336 of

Panhandle, formerly supposed to be the Japanese current, or

to impede the arrival of French forces known to be on their

These professional writings gave him a place and memorial

des chevaliers romains, ii. p. 276; J. N. Madvig, Opuscula

convention of 1885 Portugal's claim to the southern bank of

Natalie. The projected union aroused great opposition at

1851), The Psalms Translated and Explained (3 vols.,

amused by setting the wandering scholars, who swarmed to his

climate was a terra incognita to naturalists. His ardour

writer who composed the previous portions (see Harnack, op.

Law schools.

see E. G. Parodi in Studi di filologia romanza (v. 1887).

to provide for his wants and conduct the beast on which he

council of the International. Within these federations

steady fire of the Guards, and the left wing maintained its

1839 was proclaimed an edict, known as the Hatt-i-sherif of

AMERICAN WAR OF 1812. The war between the United States

Paris edition of Keats, Shelley and Coleridge had brought

The rock inscriptions in the wild district of Safah near Damascus

house. When Alaric found himself once more outwitted by the

diligens scrutator.'' He bequeathed to the exchequer all

in Italy, probably at Savona, on the 21st of August 1271.

commercial enterprise, were in reality devoting their time

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