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Evidencia GA2-240202501-AA2-EV02.

Video presentación

Jhonatan Rodríguez Fajardo

Agosto 31 del 2023

Instructora: Martha Liliana Gil

Sena Servicio Nacional de Aprendizaje.

Centro de comercio y servicios de la regional Risaralda.
Tecnólogo en desarrollo de medios gráficos visuales
Ficha. 2758187
Tourist places in the center

b i a , hol t
lom os
l o f Co ation's m ry The Colpatria Tower, the city's third
pita en . Eve tallest building at 50 meters in height,
, t h e ca e of th a t ions to
otá s o n e sti n r r ive exudes strength and elegance. Its
B o g le a st d a s,
d u al ro er touri v i s itors traction nightly light display captivates both
a ft f at ten
ht-a s o nt , of locals and visitors, serving as a
soug hundred promine n area r the mesmerizing spectacle that unites the
day, e its tow a o the
d own ndelari people of Bogotá.
exp l o r e a ong
d i n g th s La C otá. Am
inclu ed to a of Bog
rr r
refe ic cente s are:
o r s i te
hist c onic
t i


The Jorge Eliecer Gaitán Theater
stands as one of the city's oldest
theaters, nestled along the Seventh
Avenue. A tribute to Jorge Eliecer
Gaitán, this venue has hosted
countless performances and shows of
all kinds, resonating with artistic

Within the historical Candelaria district, you'll
discover significant sites that hold pieces of our
country's memory. On the southern side of Bolívar
Square lies the National Capitol, the heart of the
country's congress and an emblem of legislative
power. Its imposing presence speaks to its
historical and legal significance.

The BD-Bacatá building claims the
title of the nation's tallest, yet it
evokes feelings of neglect,
symbolizing the current state of the
country and highlighting issues of

Seventh Avenue, one of Bogotá's main
thoroughfares, features a pedestrian
section stretching from street 26 to street
8. It bustles with tourists and locals from
surrounding sectors, creating a genuine
cultural melting pot and an obligatory
destination for all visitors.

At the heart of the city, Bolívar Square takes its
place as the primary plaza not only of the city but
of the entire country. Nestled within the historic
center, it has been a witness to countless events in
our nation's history, from declarations of
independence to celebrations, concerts, and even
challenges. The plaza, brimming with pigeons and
visitors, evokes a sense of history and national

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