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by Walter Warner in 1631.

Its great merit consists in the

abuses under this system caused the legislature in 1901 to

expressed the new and original America, the unknown democracy,

ant-hills. The strong claws make a hole in the side of the

Bononiensis Epitome, which formed the model for many subsequent

of more than a quarter of a million sterling, besides precious

the Sondmore language (1843) . His remarkable abilities now

of great volcanic activity. According to C. L. Griesbach,


Palmerston to succeed him, and while the earl of Clarendon

the Kaffir war in South Africa as aide-de-camp to Sir Benjamin

quarries. Medicinal springs exist at Aljustrel (3790),

his generation. Practical works, such as almanacs, were

42 m. westward of Balkh on the road to Andkhui. It is protected

decree. By the Matrimonial Causes Act 1907, the court may,

iii. 115; Tim. Lex. Plat., s.v. 'Amfiktuones), and

title sometimes given him--the ``Ape of Aristotle.'' They

north. Amarapura was laid out on much the same plan as Ava.

have been built by Eustace Fitzjohn about 1140. Tradition

of its foundation by the Lombard League has been disproved

of the Holy Spirits, and contrasted either with the Holy Spirit

In Egypt, the first home of monasticism, the jurisdiction

consists in pivoting in the strong field of a permanent magnet a

combines extracts from the ordinary sources, forming the whole

action. For a dyad gram equivalent (= 2 grams of hydrogen,

the complete acclimatization of Spaniards in some of the hottest

aesthetic faculty than with its functions in the higher stages.

ACHIACHARUS, a name occurring in the book of Tobit (i.

the Anales de la Corona de Aragon, by Geronimo Zurita

power. The Pennsylvania railway, co-operating with the

the Sind-Peshin terminal station of New Chaman, west of

were Phanocles, Hermesianax, Alexander of Aetolla and Lycophron.

Aden. Between the 1st of May 1884 and the 15th of March 1886

poor people--there are not thirty of them altogether--managed

to confirm the observations of Glaisher; for an account see

(1904), and the authorities cited there; also Dom Gasquet's

habits are the natural outcome of the barren country they

of the romances of commerce. Undoubtedly the Indians of Peru

1859); the Oxford MS. of the Epitome was edited by G. Cilli

with the acting of Royall Tyler's comedy The Contrast; but

Plants.---Plants differ greatly from animals in the closeness

electrodynometer principle for use with large currents has

the practical applications of the science. To mineralogy

sauce-alone, a common hedge-bank plant belonging to the natural order

Turks, and half Jews, Greeks, Bulgars, Armenians, &c. Adrianople

placed after the symbols common to all Greek alphabets, a

employed somewhat contemptuously, signifying inefficiency,

30 of the act of 1875 was to be systematically analysed by

the English had but little shelter from the heavy rain which

being, however, more restraified than was usual at the time.

was determined to shift the field from Boston to New York

fish, particularly Selachiis, a set of processes of the

definite number of terms. These were compared with any given

which followed has been rightly called ``Alfred's year of

by the Greek geometers on the discovery of irrational numbers,

to all freemen, though no doubt the Aetolian chieftains

as might be alive on the death of the survivor of those lives

consisted of essays written by the members in rotation. To

prevent extortion on the part of the taxgatherers, and in

watershed, gold mines of great richness are worked. Coal

efficiently supervised and controlled by scientifically trained

the revolucions of kynges and princes, and of the eclipses

amount. A foliated or schistose structure, though often

are revoked when their services are no longer needed.

the complete acclimatization of Spaniards in some of the hottest

agates, especially in the gravels of the Orange and Vaal rivers.

delighted in showing that words, fables, customs, &c., which

Kals Matreierthorl (Kals to Windisch Matrei), bridle path . . . . . . .7,238

Alexander Archipelago and on Prince William Sound it grows

The type survives in some small domestic motors, an example of

defeat of the insurgents at Frankenhausen (May 15, 1525),

detail. Father and grandfather have both perished miserably;

Saturday, and two new fairs on the feasts of SS Philip and

to the sea through the encircling hills. To the south this

very slight in the others. In many birds, specially those

took up his residence at the court of Antigonus Gonatas,

and in June 1896 Captain J. Marchand left France with

considerable detail. The limits thus determined resulted partly

of religion counts for little. The Mirdites are exclusively

van het Algemeen), founded in 1785, has for its ob)ect the

over a period not exceeding fifty years. But if the local

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