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PULp HEROES MEETS D20 rely Northport: City of Shadows A Complete Setting for Pulp Heroes | | Iron Lords of Jupiter Creating Alien Worlds Leto) tute] cera oam Perec Previews, notes & news on the world of d20 gaming Convention Report: We're Your Eyes, Ears, and Dice-Rolling Hand Polyhedron Hits Origins ‘The Origins Games Expo, held in Columbus, Ohio, kicks off the annual summer RPG convention season. If this year’s show is any indication, we're in for quite. ride. The show's managed by GAMA (Game Manufacturer's Association), and still maintains strong ties to its wargaming, uh, origins. Although the RPGA staff didn’t attend the show, long- time RPGA hero Mark Middleton and a host of volunteers including Greg Peevers, Marjorie Copeland, and August Hahn were on hand to ensure a spectacularly successful show. Although light on the special events (with the ‘exception of the once-again massive 120-player Livin ‘Azcants Battle Interactive), the RPGA portion of the show boasted nearly goo tables of gaming fun, with tables run for just about every RPGA Livine campaign (LIVING Grey- HAW, LIVING FoRcE, LIVING Crr¥, LIVING ROKUGAN, LIVING ARCANIS, LIVING DRAGONSTAR, LIVING SPYCRAFT, Livine Deatk, Livia Jonaue, Virtual Seattle, etc) ‘The show boasted the largest dealer room in recent ‘memory, but was notable for a dearth of major dzo system. releases, Most companies seemed to be waiting for the new D&D 35 rules or Gen Con, the traditional site of major RPG releases. One notable exception was the hardcover Drag- onlance Campaign Setting, published under license by Sov- ereign Press and written by Dragonlance co-creator Mar- garet Weis and her husband, game designer/novelist Don Perrin. Green Ronin also unleashed a major new release in the form of Testament, a 240- page softcover sourcebook on, ‘gaming in the Biblical era. But the show wasn't just about new products. Origins hosts the annual Origins Awards, in which game products nominated by industry professionals go head-to-head in «a popularity contest voted on by the fans. WizKids reaped an impressive number of awards for their HeroCiix and ‘Mechwarrior: Dark Age miniatures games, and cartoonist John Kovalic of Dorle Tower fame won so many awards (including Best Game Periodical, Best Graphic Fiction, and induction into the Origins Awards Hall of Fame) that he ‘ight as well have stayed on stage all night long Notable dzo system standouts included Celtic Age, by ‘Avalanche Press (Best Roleplaying Supplement), and Best Roleplaying Adventure City ofthe Spider Queen, by DUN- ron/Potrreprow contributor and rising Wizards of the Coast superstar lames Wyatt (Knights of the Lich-Queen, “The Storm Lord's Keep"). Gamemastering Secrets, a corn- ppendium of advice from Grey Ghost Press and writer Aaron Rosenberg, won the Best Game Aid or Accessory award. Even Paizo Publishing the litle outfit that brings you this quality publication, got into the fun with the Gladiator Challenge, special tournament that pitted gamer against gamer in.a beautiful resin arena designed by Dwarven Forge sculptor/MasterMaze creator Stefan Pokomy. After besting two rounds of fierce competition, D&D fan (and Origins Live Action Roleplay Coordinator) Galen Cisell took home the prize,a replica Rorvan gladius. We'll have the arena at Gen Con, too, where the fresh blood of dozens of gladiators (or at least their miniatures) will stain the pitch. to honor Emperor Erik. —ERix MONA ur Gladiator Challenge champlon Galen Cell ettow ser: ladators cow the arena _eetow micht:RPGArs love purses September 03 Dungeon/Polyhedron 3 Speaking of Awards... The ENnie Nominations are In! yambe Aran Aventures 85am) 98057-1723 WWW.GREENRONIN.COM Mindshadows Psionie: Campaign Setting Skull & Bones Swashbuckling ‘Testament ror inthe Roleplaying in the Biblical Era GRR1402 +128 pages. Golden Age of Piracy GRRI1019 + 240 pages pease omplois is jape MSRP Sas Mymmcvisrasis Ge BEYOND THE GREEN RONIN’S TRADITIONAL NEWEST LINE CAMPAIGN FOR. THE D210 SETTING-AND SYSTEM. BREATHE EW LIFE INTO YOUR. GAME! It's the end of surnmer, and that means piles and piles of major game releases from a variety of d2o System publishers. Without further ado, let's take a look at the most promising Bad Axe Games Publishers are finally supporting dzo ‘Mopsew, and among the most inter. esting recent offerings is Grim Tales, aaga-page hardcover sourcebook of, high-adventure/low-magic pulp cam- paigning. Author Benjamin Durbin takes us from the dawn of Atlantis to the apocalyptic future of a dying planet. Packed with rules, optional rules, and “grit,” Bad Axe promises a “campaign tool kit” for $34.95, Green Ronin Former Deacon Magazine Editor Jesse Decker teams up with his replacement Chris Thomasson (who ‘used to do something ‘round these parts) to bring us Bow & Blade, a guide to creating interesting wood elf characters, The 12-page softcover book includes the usual array of new prestige lasses, feats, spells, and monsters, as well as new elven sub: races, fighting styles, and dual-grip exotic weapons, We in the office have seen Chris and Jesse's “dual grip,” and it’s truly a sight to behold. ($19.95) dzo MopeRN players will want to Se aca 'Poltyenron pee ea Cre De ea eae pen ter mera Cees are! the or 7 5. mac? par eet rote elgg Murad Rt nent err Seis Sone erge, consider the d2o Mopran GM's Sereen,a four-panel cardboard shield covered in cool art and useful charts. Designed by the folks from the Game ‘Mechanics (Wizards alums Stan! JD ‘Wiker, Rich Redman, and Mare Schmalz), the $14.95 screen comes with a 32-page adventure called Come the Reaping. Mystic Eye Games [Mystic Bye takes to the seas, delving deep to provide Song of the Deep: Under the Sea of shamark, a hard- cover campaign guide and source- book by Susannah Redelfs, Becky Glenn, Stefon Mears, and Robin Wise. Under the Deep promises compre- hensive rules for underwater adven- turing, adventure locales, NPCs, and adventure hooks. Explore the won- ders of the Syrenae Reef, a vast tropi- cal city shaped from an extensive coral reef or seek the Soul-Tempering Baths of Nethelat, hydrothermal vents where living items of unsur- passed power are created. All that for uunder 35 bucks. Necromancer Games Love em or hate em, random encounter tables can really help out a GM in a pinch, whether dealing with “surprise” overland journey or simply dashing to prepare a night's ee 6 Dungeon/Polyhedron September 03 er PTI adventure before the gamers arive. Until now, encounter charts have been belated invitees to the d2o party, but Necromancer Games and new publishing partners Troll Lord Games unite to present The Mother of All Encounter Tables, a128-page book (yes, book) of random encounter tables and tips on how to use them in ‘your campaign. Inside you'll find tables for every thing from overland travel to city streets to dungeon corridors. Each table hasa different version for day and night, and the book also includes tables to help you generate weather effects, unusual occurranees, and encounters with odd NPCs. AP meren CG Global Positioning Cartography by Christopher West _ Typical Office Floor “Ey Pr] ore leelig Office Building Peers i 8 Dungeon/Polyhedron September 03 Global Positioning Cartography by Christopher West 10 Dungeon/Polyhedron September 03 Starships of the Galaxy Vanguard-class Heavy Assault Gunship Cartography and Text by Christopher West, ilustration by Jeff Carlse Packed with a disturbingly heavy payload, the Vanguard- class heavy assault gunship was designed by the Corellian Engineering Corporation to serve alternately as a capital- ship-busting fighter/bomiber or a long-range tactical assault craft. The vessel, which was built with redundant backup systems to help keep it ina fight after taking heavy damage, is equipped with a modest but-effective hyperdrive to enable hit-and-run strikes against remote targets across the galaxy. Although the design itself is quite solid the model failed to catch any lasting popularity in the intergalactic marketplace due to a key logistical problem—the inclusion of several redundant systems and an overabundance of heavy weapons mandated a crew complement of at least six personnel for peak efficiency. An additional six crewmemibers are required to man all of the backup sta- tions simultaneously. The need for such a large crew became a huge liability fora vessel built to undertake the ost dangerous (and often suicidal) assignments. Military buyers questioned the logic of risking twelve lives aboard one ship when those same individuals could be used to launch a squadron of several smaller fighters and bombers. As a secondary problem, the ship's low maneu- -verability leaves it vulnerable to enemy fightercraft. To counter this, the gunship typically requires a fighter escort of its own...something that limits its effectiveness on the same long-range missions for which it was intended. ‘While the Vanguard design may not have gotten the attention it deserved when it entered the market during Compartment Key “psp tbe martres ae operated om Te ‘ge The plotand mason cancer oy he Snape nese burg mp eens ‘rematch inte ero stow eases ‘Mm enone: Sone he unspent ‘nt mcd ithic ong ncig the owe gener ndings erti drat rn ough ing, ted fonts po Fe anon heer iandect a araged ori, ‘Grew ounce Ths sallunge cnanss made {en ret pene veges eed ringspce eis ceo etin chien ‘hereom coir se acts panning eno fer tec eat eee) ‘isa many coweembes Ftd spe te nest cin oranl cg rte wiles cot omc nals the age Tobe {scompvier an bused top the sip inthe fuer ofonemegeny loses nee ates he {orcas meer ofthe cna Pate ort the ‘pen teaser sggete tthe ce frst the ce wuld que phate space to repre mertalhfr th anger shea natu Ft, these rae se arse om $esp.cenmemtor ural sees 28 he com ‘id doug totes forte On| sone when th hip redeem alaget -STAR. WARS ‘the decline the Old Republic, it later developed quite a loyal following, Throughout the height of the Empire and in the years that follow, the aging ships can often be found in the planetary defense fleets of Outer Rim territo- ries and in the service of several high-profile crime syndi cates that use Vanguards to attack rival interests. © Corellian Engineering Corporation Vanguard-class Heavy Assault Gunship cuass: Fighter rae: Small (¢7 meters) Hyperorive: x2 (backup x14) PASSENGERS: 6 arco CaPactry: 220 kg CONSUMABLES: 2 weeks Cost: 15,700 (new), 69,500 (used) ‘Maximum SPEED In Space: Attack (6 squares/action) “ArmospHeRic SPEED: 1,000 km/h (17 squares/action) ‘Weapon: Turbolasers(2fire-linked); Fire Arc: Front; Attack Bonus: +8 (+1 size, +2 crew, 45 fire control) Damage: 4d10x5; Range Modifiers: PB +0,5 -2,M-4, n/a, Wearon: Blaster Canons (2irelinked); Fire Arc: Turrets Attack Bonus: +8 (#1 size, +2 crew, 45 fire control) Damage: sdiox2; Range Modifiers: PB +0, -2, M-4,L n/a ‘Weapon: Proton torpedo launchers (4, 8 missiles each); Fire ‘Ate: Front; Damage: gd0»2; Missile Quality: Ordinary (Ho) crew: 6 (Skilled +4) Inmmiative: +3 (+1 size, +4 crew) Mansuven: +0 DeFEnse: 21 (+1 size, +10 armor) ‘SHIELD POINTS: 60 (DR 10) Huu Points: 160 (0810) 2 Porro Weare Cac The unhinged oon opedes at ane derted otha’ ot Ihe win ares yal res avo fom one theether tt ster epee bete srterng combat along Se uso ou ‘clcral toto ind nse 7 antares Send cua camps tt ab eto pede tter ana esmsurt tbls tsb fed Toy one resin reps ave boon ‘tet re cancun ler ted the ‘anand payed oftrpaces toe or beth of there chimes Sch vest anceps are nd pom a ommedioaing pte bt cat ide mnespected pach thre onthe prtsie es 8). "Scourterpat on the pert se es 5) cesar ian§engineeringscorporation ee Wanguard=Clas=—HeavyBAssaultecunship eA tad aa a) ee ee pene iu) Rangeela aa Port-side Weapon Chamber Sc ee RU areas Seem al See ee Ea a est Nee Flashback: Revisiting Past Mini-Games Pulp Heroes Goes d20 Modern oP, by David Noonan and illustrated by Michael Kaluaa, Richard Pace, and Leanne Buckley E,D. MONA, 250. Editor J.L. WILSON, Publisher ‘The Pulp Heres d20 Mini-Game(Duscrow #90) is an ancestor of thedae Madern Rolipleying Gome, bringing the d20 rules to bear on such twentieth-century situations as vehicle chases, inventions, and the complexities of modern finances. But 420 Modern pushed the envelope further, adding basicand advanced classes, occups- ‘ions, and action points—all of which Si the pulp era perfectly. Now you can have your cake and cat it too; here's al the rules ‘you need to update your Pup Heres game to use the d20 Mader rules as ts engine. You'll find updated classes, few new occupa tions and feats, and new guns chases even more exciting Enjoy, and ifyouire the GM, remember the immortal words of| Raymond Chandler: “When in doubs, have a an come through the door witha gun im his hand” Classes ‘The following class descriptions convert the base classes of the Palp Heroes Mini-Game inta advanced classes for d20 Madern Beginning characters in a Pulp Herses game should start with one Df the sx base lasses described in Chapter 1: Characters inthe 420 Moores: rulebook, then multiclass into an advanced class when they meet the requirements to doso. Several ofthe other advanced classes in the d20 Madern rule- book are appropriate for a Pulp Heres game especially the slinger, Daredevil, lnfitearor, Personality, Mage, Acolyte, and (eeultst. Characcers in a Pulp Heroes garae tend to make many mioresaving throws than in many other dao Madera campaigns, however, Accordingly, the advanced classes presented below pro- vide above-average saving throw bonuses, Explorer BNF bse any bere irom che higher moun to Pe ree, etyogonwnpulced bevy and cape Becca concen tha phorus eek 1d vehicles ro malce your fights and TABLE 1-01: THE EXPLORER ing oue new adventures. Explorer characters might go to he fabled Valley of the Dinosaurs, delve deep into an ancient Mayan, ‘iggurat,or tangle with Nazi scientists over antiquities infused with ancient power. Select this advanced class if you want to put your ingenuity to the test. Youll havea wide array of skills and the guts to get you through atough spot. ‘The fastest path into this advanced class is from the Dedicated hero basic class, though other paths are possible Requirements To qualify to becomean Explorer, haracter must Fulfil the fo- lowing evtera Base Attack Bonus: +2 ‘Skills: Spot 4 ranks, Survival 6 ranks Feat: Guide, Class Information ‘The following information pertains o the Explorer advanced class. Hit Die: <8 ‘Action Points: 6+ one-half character level. Clase Skills The Explorers class sills areas follows: Balance (Dex), Climb (Ser), Craft Int), Decipher Script (Int), Disable Device (Int), Drive (Dex) Gather Information (Cha), Handle Animal (Cha), Hide (Dex), Jump (Str), Knowledge (all) Int), Listen (Wis), Move Silently (Dex) Navigate (at), Pilot (Dex), Profession (Wis), Read/Write Language (none), Ride (Dex), Search (Ine), Speak Language (none), Spot (Wis) Survival (Wis) S (Ser), Treat Lajury (Wis). ‘Skill Points at Each Level: 4 Int modifier Class Features All ofthe following are class features of de Explorer advanced cass ‘Track: The Explores pains Track ae a boous feat Class Bose Fon Ref Will Defense Reputation Level _Atteck Bonus Save__Save__ Save _ Specie! Bonus Bonus . is 40 42.°~«42~«*OSCTraek 4 42 : 2nd " 43°43 +0 Trallblazing, sweep 2 42 3rd 2 +3431 Endurance, bonvs language 2 42 ah +3 +4 44H Bonus feat +3 ee Sth +3. +4 $4 +1 Uncanny dodge 1 +4 +3 oh +4 45° 45 +2 Bonus language +4 43 7h +5, 45-45-42 Skill mastery +5 +4 a 46 46 +6 +2 Bois feat 46 4 3th 46 $6 #6 #9 Benue language 48 +4 Tom 7 47-4743 Sidokick 7 +5 September 03 Dangeen/Polybedron 15 ‘ralblazings The plore en dsc the best route through ee rc. vic ercog ln poor wether ibe ict erain te Eaplorercan mate Saree check ceri vine “With check ele of of sor bette the Eaplorer ede the ‘total travel time by 25%, With a 25 or better, the time is reduced by Fs ore aster oc serie ah ny ‘hibit applievonyo longcerm navel not uta moves ‘evel time ede fr everyone reeling in he medic Paley ofthe Explorer: Ao entice cpcdtion caeran cf spplicn fanbenefe roman Explores ltlasiog. Teele ellowing the Explores, however, don't benefit and must pass through the ein oral S {© Sweep An Explorer knows howto size up an aca and getthe lay Irelands singe cep of herpes thr ofen in percept Fe ier gordon rear bona oa orc ein St ere Fora he Elon {(esinot behind her), The Explorer cen use this bonus thestart of ee Bute ecu objec of irl or antelope meres Anything not concealed can be spotted ina sweep with asuc- ‘cessful check (DC 10). The DC for concealed of less obvious ‘areas is equal to their Hide check result Reginald cursed the one-eyed gypsy wwhold sald bim the bload-stained treasure map. “When I get back 1 land,” be gasped betcoeen gulps of salty ice-ctd sea at, tbere cell be Fell topayl"™ Bonuis Language: At jrd level and every third level ‘heceafter, the Explorer learns new language from her travels, ‘The Explorer can bota speak the new language and read it fit has writen form. Bonus Feats: At ch and Sth level, an Explorer gets abomus feat. The bonus feat must be selected from the following list, and the Explorer must meet all the prerequisies of the fet to select it Aircraft Operation, Alertness, Animal Affinity, cated, Fxoife Melee Weapon Proficiency, Renown, Sradions, ‘Vehicle Expert, Force Sop, Vehicle Dodge, Windéal Uncanny Dodge 1: The Fxplorer retains her Dexterity bonus to Defense regardless of being caught fla-foored ar seruck by a hidden ateacker. (She sil loses her Dexterity bonus to Defense tious, Educ she's immobilized). The Explorer need not have the evasion class festureto have uncanny dodge. Ifthe character already has uncanny dodge «from another source (suck a the Fast hero8 defensive alent tree), she guns uncanny dodge 2 instead. ‘Skill Mastery: Av 7 level,an Explorer selects a numberof skis from her class list equal 0 3 + her Intelligence modifier ‘When making 2 skill check using one of these skills, the Explorer may take 10 even if tress and distractions would normally prevent hher from doing so. She becomes so accomplished inthe use of these skillsthat she ean use them reliably even under adverse conditions. Sidekick: Ac ro:h level, an Explorer gsins the Sidekick feat (described in the Pulp Heres cules) for fre. 1-02; THE GANGSTER Bose Fon Ref Will Defense Reputation Anack Bonus Seve Save Save _ Special Bonus Bonus 40 +1 #2 -#0. Sneak attack +106, infamy 41 at +1 42-43 40—_Underworld contact +1 41 22 4243-41 Opportunst +2 4 +3 42 +4 41 Seok emeck +246, underworld contact +2 +2 +3 43 4441 Bom feat +3 2 +4 4345-42 Underworld contact +3 2 +5 +4 $542 Sneak attack #346 +4 +3 +6 +4 46 +2 Underworld contact +4 +3 +6 +4 $643 Crippling strike +5. +3 10% 7 45-47 43. Sneak entock r4d6, underworld contact +5: +4 Gangster Fic yo sd co work forthe mole Wesker Be eta gross lasers place, decd nan a ates or pot ie tncmics ofthe “on rong de oth bor ong cine Pe gong cc mabe youre ineayng one easy cmfic le eas 1g law and justice are rarely bh easesof righe and wrong. Many organized crim were born in teeming tenements of immigrants, where they pra- vided a rough sore of justice in the places official society ignored. Gangsters might adhere to their own code of honor better than the corrupt cops and wealthy industrialists determined to stamp them out, Select this class if you want to be a wisecracking rough guy who thumbs his nose ar authority. You'll be good in af ore reputable characte "possess, advanced class rom the Touigh hero basic clas, though other paths are possible, “Thace coming with me, dame” te bam-fited hoed granted, poking the cold ee revooer into ber shapely mek September 03 wie, Dugeon{Pelybedron 17 Requirements “To qualify to becomes Gangster, a character must fell the following eitere Base Attack Bonus: +2 ‘Sills Intmidate 6 ranks Feat: Personal Firearms Proficiency Class Information ‘The following information pertains tothe Gangster advanced class, Hit Die: 1d, ‘Action Points: 6 -on¢-balf character lev (Class Skills: The Gangsters class skills areas follows, Bluff (Cha); Craf (Ine), Diplomacy (Cha), Disable Device (Int), Disguise Cha), Drive (Des), Eseape Artise (Dex), Forgery (Jet), Gamble {Wis}, Gather Information (Cha, Hide (Dex), Intimidate (Cha), Knowledge (streetwise (Int), Mave Silently (Dex), Sense “Motive (Wis) Sleight of Hand (Dex). ‘Skill Points at Each Level: 7 + Int modifier. Class Features Allof the following ae clas features of the Gangster advance lass ‘Sneak Attack: Starting at 19t level, if Gangster ean catch anopponent whois unable to defend himself effectively, he ean strikea vital spot for extra damage. Any time the gangster’ target would he denied his Dexterity bonus to Defense, the gangster can make a sneak attack (whether the target actually bas a Desterity bomuis oF not) The Gangster also can sneak ateack any opponent he flanks. Sneak attacks deal extra damage as noted onthe table sbove. Ranged attacks count a3 nesk attacks only ifthe targets ‘within 30 feet. The gangster cant strike a vital area accurately beyond that range. Only targets with discernable enatomies are ‘vulnerable to sneak attacks. In the Pulp Fra, this s neatly every- ‘ite but some strange ooze crestures and other horrid monsters may beimmune to Gangsters’ sneak attacks. Infamy: Gangsters earn reputation as other characters do but their reputations are infamous, inspiving fear rather than respec, Inmany cases the game effect isthe same, but any reputation for positive, law-abiding activities during the course of play actually reduces the gangsters reputation (rather than increasing it) until 2 reputation of scare of ois reached. A that point the character carne and uses reputation normal ‘TABLE 1-03: THE MARTIAL ARTIST (PULP HEROES) ARTEL NT aE TEE ENE ES RES Gangster characters also can increase ther infamous reputation Hoegple odontal ge stautancouly wat theif of gangscr and legitimate Seopa seer nine tee ken a. (deseited nthe Palp Heres aes) Dadeteras Con taceerseervihe rel the macy a pds erong conorcion th dh ealcrvorld gee oF tome tarak= ee oop ecg Huet NH Pepsee le i pearee on cetta vette ete ial cat pat eked Tyetecer wend cee MoE EIS atitude toward the character(s described inthe Diplomacy geil cepa hin any ret Satta ce erence eee (ee Fg oe geen cee ee in Cay ive escent ep enc tere det tues inelude blak ratheteer, booeleigers, captain of orgatied Ge cette ae eee ag foe peering teres opauleeaen year RR REPRE: coe appetite ec eee peti eee Tee ae Gage AMEE Poppers or ce Eie gee irri Cabot ines cen ube focane ars een onus Feat At sth evel a Gangster ges « bonus et The Ins Ft ua bo shee ea fellow fi td Gee Rime ncsisaes ae eee ee Alec nee Te eorelBanel ates ne nee acct Puy Sree eg lpravel Fish Coden, TDecrtre Dviry And, Peal re ome dick Draw, Renown, Sealey, Wind Cltppling Stra: A Gungete withthe clas fearurecan sneak ac once oa onal ee we Tonthaplerir alanis are ee Ant ape eee tare ne ot kes polo of Seco damaey- AE pokislstto Bbreeaits ae ce censt eee apace Ae faeces Martial Artist “Thc Pp Here Macha Aris fincionncealy ec Mara Tica See saree € Arama Clases ad pinta alec lentes tater eee ch Cless Bose Fort Ref = will Defense Reputation level Attack Bonus __Save__ Seve __ Save _ Special Bonus Bonus tat 4 40 #2 +1 Living weapon 146 4 +0 2nd +2 40 #342 Flying kick 42 +0 3rd +3 +1 #3 #2 Bonus feat +2 +0 ath +4 Hl $442 ving weopon 148 +3 +0 5th 45 +1 $4 $3 tron fat (one attack) +4 +1 bh +6 +2. $5 43 Bonus feat +4 +1 7H 47 42. +54 Flury of Blows 45 +1 Bh +8 42. +6 #4 Living weapon 1410 +6 +1 th +9 43-8 +4 Bonus feat +6 +2 10m +10 4347-5 Iron fat (all tac) 7 +2 September 03 Dungeon/Poiybedron 18 wit Defense Reputation Save _ Special Bonus Bonus +2 Palonic skis, psionic powers +40 4 +3 Trigger power, psionic powers “ 4 +3 Bonus feat, psionic powers 4 ” : +4 Power crystal, palo powers " +2 +4 Trigger power, psionic powers +2 +2 +5 Bons feot, psionic powers 42 2 +5. Combet morifestation, psionic powers +2 Be +8 Trigger power, psionic powers +3 +3 +5 Bonus fect, pslonie powers +3 ey 10m +5 +3 +5 $7 Maximize power, pslonic powers +3 +4 Mystic The Bil Horas Mystics identical tothe Telepat advanced class dleserbedin Chaprer 9: Campaign Model ofthe dae Modern rule- book; except hit issving throws are beter. Private Eye EERE PI orig deste! Chap: 6 Advanced Cave Fa eer rlcbook athe cqulvictio he Pl flees France last except athe Prive Bag ssc fren boous fens Be Ai sind eh level ch Peis yee a PI rs mus ated fen tc living HAE fs Cyeme: metal de preven of he feat eer Peed Fira Princ, Bray, Delete Marsal Pe ange, Devil, cated, Fd Clu, Keockout Ghats ele Perce fears Proficiency, Pine Blan Sho, Scientist Bs eof eens! Ber your renee has Feat Peg percetnacadenicjouratayusnge Fe hey ete, or bareading yours Bi hig Yourseich opcaby building fn Feeling hea he eld Sots te bee wy to ee ceeds oni theo Nein noe cl y wena boon ecg ge ea rpotc tanto iaves scorers ate wchas better TABLE 1-05: THE PRIVATE EYE ‘bility cloak, oF force-field projector the scientists thendvanced class for you. "The fastescpath into this advanced class is from the Smare hero basic class, though other paths are possible. Requirements To qualify to become a Scientist, a character must Ful6ll che following criteria: ‘Sills Craf (chemical) or Craft (electronic) 6 ranks, Know - ge (technology) 6 ranks, Research 6 ranks Class Information ‘The following information pertains tothe Scientist advanced clas. Hit Dies 1d6. | Action Points: 6 +onc-hall character level ‘Class Skills: The Scientist’ class skills areas follows. | Craft (chemical electronic, mechanical, pharmaceutical) (Int), Decipher Seript(Int), Demolitions (Int), Disable Device (Int), Drive (Dex), Investigate (Int), Knowledge (behavioral sciences, «arth and life sclences, physical sciences, technology) (Int), Nevi- gate (Int, Poe (Dex), Profession (Wis), Read/Write Language (none), Research (Int), Search (Int), Speak Language (none). ‘Skill Points at Each Level: + Int modifier Class Features Allo the following are class features ofthe Seicotst advanced class: Discoveries Made: The table above lists how many discover- jess Scientist has made st each level, ike FX abilities, discoveries come in levels 0-5, 80° 1st-level Scientist has made fiveo-level toss oso Fort Ref Will Defense Reputation level AMtock Borus__Save__Sove Save _ Special Bonus Bonvs 1 +0 +1 4042 Profle 4 H Ind 4 4240 +3. Contact, low-level " 4 2rd 42 424143 toms feat 2 4 “ah 8 424144 Nenethl free 2 +2 5h 8 43 4144 Comear, mid-level 4 42 ah +4 434245 Bonus foot 8 2 «| 7h +5 44.4245. Dison ie +4 8 z ah +6 444246 Conte, hibevel +4 48 & oth +6 +4 $348 Bonus foot +5 8 é 10h 7 +543 47 Sinthsense +5 4 : é September ox Dangeon/Polvhedron 19 = ‘TABLE 1-06: THE SCIENTIST less Bore Defense Reputation Discoveries Level Attack Borus__Fort__Ref_Will_ Special i Bonus Bonus Made ts +0 +1 #0 #2. Sclontifc improvisation +0 +0 5/2 2nd + 42 400 #3 +) +0 5/3 are 4 +2 Ae ee 4 + 6a 4h +2 42H #4 Clot feanre 4 +1 6/a/2 Sh +2 oH ot Er} 4 7/4/2/0 oh +3. 49042 tO +2 +2 7/5/3/2 7 43 +4 $245 Clos featro #2 +2 8/5/3/2/1 Bh +4 +4042 te +3 2 8/5/4/3/2 oh +4 4443 +3 4 9/5/4/3/2/1 oth +s +5 4347 Clos feonce +3 +3 9/5/5/4/3/2 discoveries and two 1st-level discoveries, Each discavery dup cates amage or acolyte spell (described in Chapter to: FX Abili- tiesin thed20 Modery rulebook), Atcach successive evel, the si- centist makes further discoveries, hth among levels he already knows and eventually higher-level discoveries, But discoveries ae ust theories that work on paper. To puta discovery into action, the Scientist must build an invention that incorporates the discovery. Ta do so, the Scientist expends (discov- tery level x Scientist class level x 3) XP and devores (discovery level x scientist level x 5 days) to the task, Richer characters cam complete their imventions faster beeause they have better laborato- ries and equipment. A DC 20 Wealth check gets thejob done in (discovery level «scientist level x 4 days), DC 25 Wealth check igetsie dane in (discovery level x scientist level x3 days), and a DC go Wealth check gets it done in (discovery level x scientist level x 2 days) Scientists can f lowering their Scientist level for purposes of invention construc ton, but doing so locks the lower Scientist level into the invention x reduce the cost oftheir inventions by eu E Lae (Once the Scientist spends the time and XP (and possibly ‘Wealth), the invention is fully operational, I'l function for so uses hefore something goes wrong-it short-cireuits is power core needs replacing, ots crystal targeters shatter: Iecant be repaited, but the Extend Invention eat lets characters create inventions that don't wear out or break down In general, only the Scientist ean operate his inventions, because the high-tech equipment of the Pulp Era requires delicate adjust= ‘ments and complicated controls to function properly Scientists with the Simplify Invention feat ean construct inventions that other characters can use Inventions tend to be somewhat bulky, weighing 10 pounds per level of the discovery: Held, carried, or worn inventions typically take up ea body slots, chosen from the list in Chapter 10: FX. Abilities ofthe 420 Mader rulebook. The GM isthe arbiter of which hody slots ae reasonable for each invention, ‘Scientific Improvisation: At 1 evel, Scientist grins che ability to improvise solutions using common objects and his scien ‘Montengro was pleased. Within bours the imps would swarm the entire city, bringing chaos and fear to its wncitting citizens. September 03 Duageon/Puirbairon 20 wledge.‘This ability lets him create objects ina dramatic quickly and cheaply, bor tha have limited duration spending t action point and combining common objects with 4 Crafecheck that corwsponds tothe function desired, the Scientist Ean build atoolor device to deal with any sicuation The DC for the Craft check is equal to 5 the purciase DC of the object chat most tlosely matches the desired Function. So,to improvise single-use “weapon that deals the ame damage athe same range asa Brown ing BAR machine gun, che DC of the Craft {mechanical check is 2 (+20). ‘Only objects that can normally be used more than once can be improvised. Rorexample, x Sciemist can use scientific improvisa- fion to build en explosive, because that's normally an abjest thee’ usable only once, Special tools, weapons, mechanical devices, and more can bebuilt ‘vith sciemficimprovisation Ie takes full-round action tomake an ‘object with scientific improvisation. The obj lasts fora numberof rounds equal othe Scientist’ class level, or ‘until sheend of the current encounter, before it bresles down. It cave sy when put nto se, ath, 7th, and toth level, « Scientist may chooseoneclass feaure from the following lis. ‘Major Breakthrough: The Scicaise eceives credit Fors ‘ndjoe scientific breakthrough that earns him the recognition of his [peets The Scientist chooses one of the following Knowledge skills behavior sciences, earth and life sciences, physical Sciences, or technology. When dealing with athers with a least 1 sunlein the same Knowledge skill, the Scientist grins a +4 bonus on Reputation checks. When dealing with someone with atleast 1 rank inany of the Knowledge categories above, the Scientist gins 4 #2 bonus on Reputation checks ‘This major breakthrough also provides the Scientist with a+ “Wealth bonus increase Extreme Machines Ifa machine has mechanical or clectsonie ‘eomiponsents, the Scientist ean soup ie up ta gee maxiraum perform ance, By spending + action point and making a Craft (mechanical) heck, the Scientist can temporarily improve a machiae’s perform= nce at the risk of causing the machine co need repairs late. The DE for the Craft check depends on the type of improvement being ‘made, as showin on the table below. Repair Agent G5, enly bad moment left Improvement Graft DC Chance (4%) before Hauptmann Heinrichs fonged weapons ruceonic atominer would blac, #1 on damage 15 01-25 decrying not ony Hombre, but +2 on domage 20 01-50 G-sh girlfriend, Rachelle, as vel $4 on damage 25 01-75 45 fifo range Increment 15 01-25 #0 ft te range increment 25 o1-s0 Vehicle +1 om initiative checks 20 01-25 $1 te moneuver 25 or-s0 +2 10 monewver 30 01-75 #10 ft. 10 top speed 20 01-25 420 fi. to top speed 25 01-50 £30 fi. to top speed 30 o1-75 Seprembero3 Dangesn/Poivbedron 21 pase ic 10 oF take 20 on this check. If the check succeeds the he improvement lasts fora numberof mints equal to Fe Fist lcs level vepisahap-wien tie objec s fra pur Inco se The cients selets thesingle improvement he went to make prorto making the cheek. After the duration ofthe effect ends the machine reverts tos previo state and ep chancepes- cen rolls made, The reul ofthis roll indicates whether the tnashine requires repairs beforeit can be used agin, “Smart Defense: Using his bras as well s his dexterity a Sciensst applies is Ielligence modifer and his Dexterity madi ferto his Defense. Any situation thar would deny the Scientist is Dexterity bons to Defense nso dries he Intelligence bonus ‘Smart Survival: A Scientist has an uneasy knack for sar~ vival that combines resourcefulness ineligence, and a degree of Wc By spending 1 ation point, the Scientist plays ie smart and reduces the damage dealt by a single tack or eect by 5 points ‘Smart Weapon: The world outside the laboratory i danger cous place, an a Sciemst ears the protesting hist fas important as research and study. The Scents select one weapon thai proficient in and can use withone hand, With the selected weapon the Scientia an use his Intelligence modifier insteed of is Strength or Dexterity modifier on aac toll. ‘Bonus Invention Feat: The scents guins fee fr fres, whieh must be chosen from the following lis Durable Tnventon, Extend vention, Improvised Iaventon, Mass-Produce ven tion, Miniacure Invention, or Simplified Invention. Invention feats are described inthe Pulp Heree rules Soldier ‘The Pulp Heroes version of the Soldier is exactly like the Soldier lass described in Chaprer 6: Advanced Classes of the 420 _Madern rulebook, except that his attack bonus and saving throws are better, Starting Occupations Sie GSS tithe Fp Ylrsc rules arcealy covered io oa a = Hea ile cat cocupsas i dee Maden, eee cigs tet player Se et hacraeeetance Ee dees ss a rs elias coed fel ES pete vlan och es ‘TABLE 1-07: THE SOLDIER (PULP HEROES) Cass Bose “level __Attock Bonus ___Fort__Ref 18 +1 4204 2nd +2 4342 3rd +3 +3042 ath +4 44 42 th +5 +443 oh +6 4543 7th 7 45 44 8th +8 +8 +9. +6 and other“Mom-and-apple-pie™eppes ‘who find themselves thrusted into the danger and weirdness thatisa Pulp Ena adventure. They tend to adapt quickly to new situations. The accupa- tion name is All-American, but a “True Frenchman occupation would look exactly the same—the aceupation cavers patriotic, middle- class citizens of any country. Prerequisit Skills: Choose any three skills as permaneot clas skills. you ‘choose a skill that you already have as xclas kill, you receive s ge 18s. +1 comperence bonus on that skill nates, ‘Wealth Bonus Increase: +2. Aristocrat "The aristocrat occupation isan amped-up version of d20 Medora’ diletante start- ing occupation, It Features an expanded. skill istiand a better repueation ‘bonus inerease, Wealth is rare enough inthe Pulp Era that it comes with a mensute of celebrity, ualike the modern world which generally requires ‘lent or bizarre behavior to achieve celebrity Prerequisite: Age 184, ‘Skills: Choose one of the following skills as permanent class skills. the skill you selecis already a class skillsyou reesive s “+1 competence honusion checks using tha sill Diplomacy; Gamble, Intimidace, Knowledge (eurrent events or popular culcure}, Perform (any), Ride, or add a new Speak Lan- oage. Reputation Bonus Increase: ‘Wealth Bonus Increase: 16, Cloistered ‘The cloistered oceupationis designed for characters who grew up in Himalayan mountain fortresses, Special ‘Weapon Focus Weapon specialization Bonus Feat Tactical ele Improved ertical Bonus fect Improved recction Greater weapon specialization Bonus feat Critical seiko Dungeon| Polyhedron 22 Alden Yaican Opel, and other places separated from society at large Often the wards of a secret society, cloistered characters Deneft rom igorous training, but often know litle shout the onside work Prerequisite: Age 2 Stalls: Chooseroo of te following skills as permanentlass skills [asl you selects senda class sil, you receive a competence bors on checks using that skill Concentration, Decipher Script, K wre Tichavioral sciences, history, oF theology and philosophy’, Research, Sense Motive Boniis Feat: Selec one ofthe following: Acrobatic, Archi ‘Wespons Proficiency, Achleti, Blind-Fighe, Combat Martial Ans, Creative, Defensive Martial Ars, Educated, Fxotie Melee Weapon Proficiency, Focused, Nimble, Stealthy, Seudious, ‘Wealth Bonus Increase: itan ‘Thecosmopolitan occupation represents world cravelers—y eople who've been ‘here, done that, and never did get used Cothespiciness ofthe eurey. Many are wealthy, but others saw the world because ther parents werediplomats ‘or ere accomplished stoeaways, Prerequisite: Age as, ‘Skills: ing skills as permanent class skills. If 2 skill you selec is already a class skill you rescive a +1 competen lon checks using that skill Bluff, Drive, Gamble, Gather Information, Knowle ‘eurtent events, or history), Navigate, Survival Bonus Feat: Select one of the following: Attentive, Confident, Educated, Guide, Renown, Trustworthy hoose rw of the fallow: Other: You speak, read, and wrice swo other languages Fuentl, Inaddiion ro your native tongue Wealth Bonus Increase: +s On the Run You're a fugitive being chased by law enforcement, a shadowy government agency, ora sinister but well connected secret society. Perhaps youre wanted foracrime you didure commit—or one you did, Whatew the reason for your fugitive status, veloped skills that, ough quarry to catch, Prerequisite: Age ‘Skills: Choose three of the following skills s permanent class skills. IF skill you select is alr competence bonus on checks using that skill Bluff, Disguise, Escape Artist, Fo Hide, Knowledge (streetwise), Move Silently, Sense Motive Bonus Feat; Select one ofthe following: Brawl, Dodge, Low Profile, Personal Firearms Proficiency or Stelthy Wealth Bonus Increase: ke youa dy clase sill, you receive x 42 ery, Gather Information, September 93 You hal from a far-off exorie place such as the Australian Outback, the Amazon, or ‘the dark continent of Africa, Modern conveniences such as telephones, automobiles, nd radios are somewhae puzzling toyou. You tay bea nstiveofa primitive culture who somehow wound up in the big city. Or you might be European or American who owas raised by a hunter-gatherer culture (or asiotls Tike wolves or apes), then returned 10 civil Prerequisite: Age is Skills: Choose three ofthe flowing skills as permanent class skis, Ifa skill you select i already a class skill, you receivea-+1 competence bonus oa checks using hat skill Balance, Climb, Handle Animal, Jamp, Survival, Swim: Bonus Feats: Archaic Weapons Proficiency and ‘Wealth Bonus Increase: 1, Feats ‘The following fears supplement those in the Pulp Heres game and Find Clues You lave a knack for noticing things at crime scene ar other loca ton of my Prerequisite: Search 5 inks Benelit ‘other mystery, you ae entitled roa Seareh check to notice ie as if ‘you merely pass within feetofa due toa rime or you were atively looking for clues Normal: You must speci ally search for clues (spending « fall-round action to do so} ta discover anything oF inerest Obscure Knowledge You know and remember unusual bits of knowle igeon a wide variety of topics, Your command of civ sometimes comes in handy when other sourees of information ful Prerequisite: Benefit: You can make a special obscure knowledge check with 1 bonus equal to your character evel + your Intelligence modifier tosee whether you know anything relevant about people items, or her Information 6 ranks places, This check won't reveal the identity ofa killer, bute mnight give a hint to hisidentiey: You aut take to or take 20 0n this check, andthe check can be made only once per subject. Dungeon{Poisbedron 23 ype ot Knowledge (Examples) A Commer, known by at leat @ substantial minority of cles weapons havent changed much over the years sou cam the locals. (The mayor's reputation for drinking; folk _ use the melee weapons described in d20 Modern in your Pulp Heros lore about « local haunted house) game without modification. The archsie weaponsalso function = Uncommon but available; known to only @ few locals. described inthe dso Mader rulebook. {A lecel priest’ shady pest; rumors abour © powerfl But the irearms and vehicles desribed in d20 Mader ae too corporation) ‘modem fora Pulp Fra game. Below ate weapons appropriate to Obscure; known to only « few people enywhere. (An the time perind. Given the bewildering arcy of weapons available industrials family history; rumors about an ordinary during the first half of the ewentieth century, es easiest rojust use ‘ereanization) categories of weapon, because the differences heeween two similar Extremely obscure; known to very few or forgotten _ medium pistols don't matter a the gaming table. In each cas, the completely. (The history of an ordinary building; why weapon listng includes one or rva specific weapons that are repre the industries’ lost word was *Rosebud.”) sentative ofthe category. @ Damage Range Rete Purchase Domage Critical Type Increment of Fire Megazine Size Weight DC 2d8 20 Baliaic 904, 24620 talinte 20%. 216 20 alte 20 Revolver (38 Speci) 246-20 alsle 20, tae : Ne (Springfield or Mewser) 2410 20 Ballistic 90. ft. s Sint Large 8 tb, 16 Ue (+1) cto 288 -20—Ballnie. «20, «S$ Shox Large Ol, © 1S.) -Ught Submachine Gun (3 “oreate gun") 2d6 «20 Ballstic «== 30. SA 30 box Med B Ib, 18 Res (+2) Heavy Submachine Gun 7box Small 3 15 Bbox Small 3117 box Small 1 Ib, Sey Small 21,14 s 5) 8 3s 246-20 Ballstic © «SOF. «SA 30 box Large 101. 17 Ros (+2) BE Browning “BAR") 208 20 Ballistic 100 ft. A 20 box Huge 22 Ib. 21 Mil (+3) _Madlion Nocne Gun (Gemon MG34)«210—«20'—«Ballnic. «100. © Anke Huge 30 Top. Hi Grew Poss Cargo _Init__Menewver_ Speed Defense Hardness Points Ste DC 1 100. 4 4 40040) 6 20 36 1 50 4 4 425(42) 6 40 G 39 a 18 100001 ~4 4 540(54) 60 4“ Ground Veh 2 1-1 10118) % 25 3 +1 3960 (96) 2 2 4 +0280 (28) 34 7 Lowry Seden 5 40° 920(2) 34 a4 sine 7 4 260 (26) 38 36 1 360 (36) 22 18 1 (235 (23) 1 30,000 Ib. 4 235 (23) NORTHPORT The Seedy Streets of Northport Giving Pulp Heroes a Home David Noonan Aurnor or “Dears Wears Hicn Hezts Museated by Tom Focler, Leo ‘Srx Butters, Seven Mapmen;’ tc. rey, and Christopher Trevas JL. WILSON, Publisher E.D. MONA, #0. Editor isis the city Ie could be any city, really—or maybe its all of them. It has the skyscrapers of New York City the | ‘mansion-studded hills of Los Angeles, and a mob that sould male Chicago proud. Northport's bright lights shine on wealthy industrialists, glamorous movie stars and smiling politi- cians. In the shadows youl find cold-hearted smugglers, Nazi spies, sophisticated jewel thieves, and vicious thugs whol club their mothers senseless for abotdle of rye. Th countless university labs, stientiss ery co build the future itself, and the exhibic halls are full ofthe finds of 2 dozen archeo- logical expeditions. The Norehport police are so overwhelmed and. Gorrupt that masked vigilantes prow! the sre moonlight. And as always, when someone gaes missing oF a body iets Found, there’ « guy ina erenchooat who'll rll you why for $50 slay, plus expenses Building Norehport epee lotion hr Zeb Herc amps, ing justice by y real-world city you August 29, Dugeon{Palybedron like, Tivo advantages to using areal city are familinsty and ease of research, Your players won’ require much explanation when you tell them they've been summoned to a movie studio in Hollywood, or that Al Capone's men were probably behind the resent jewel Licst. Ie probably a simple matter to find good maps for any major city (although be sure to erase those brand new sports stadiums, bridges, and superhighways) Tf you chooses rea city, don te yourself too tightly o what twas really lie during the Pulp Era, Pulp writers :hemselves often waote to quickly co have much time for esearch, The frst Tarzan stor for example, has tigers int, and tigers are‘ native to Aftica And in any safe to assume tht the Pulp Heroes NPCs who live in your town have used their amazing abilities to make some changes Bury chooses fictional city, you can make sure thas all he lements swby we're building Northport as an example setting. No real-life city has Philip Marlowe’ winding canyon roads and Indi classroaim and the Thin Mans pash nightcl here the Shadow and Batman prowl want for your campaign a ones anne i the mean streets ae Beyond Northport (One of che most exciting aspects of pulp adventures is the sense of travel. The roaguzines and dime novels of the 19208 and 1g3os “offered readers peshays their only glimpseat the sands of Egypte jungles ofthe Amazon, or such exotie locales as Nepal, Antarctica, and Marrakesh If youre planning an ongoing Pulp Here campaign, take your characters beyond their home city periodically. Play up the differ- ‘ence between 3 grimy. workaday place like Northport and the won dets ofthe hidden mountain kingdom of Shambhala, for example. Doing s0 will make the gold-and-alabastr palaces, underground ‘avern-cites, and treasue-flled Mayan ruias seem all the more fan- fastc. And when the charscersrerutn to Northport, theyll get a strong sense of what a grits, oie place itis Northport: An Overview Bae ad of ca ee, Nortopore texans wi neighbor ee eel lpeeee seesthe poor ine otic, Ble treet can Warehouses dot ee bea ter pea demrttrn ed be nivcoiy aio ee licen the oct’ Old Town The original downtown core, Old Town isthe historic part of the «ity, with crombling brick buildings and narvow streets. I sill an important center of commerce, although many of the largest com- pies have moved across the river ro Newton, WHO LIVES THERE: Large apartment buildings are mostly mid dle-clase or working-class, but Old Town is primarily a place where ‘you work, not live Ifyou stop peopleon the stece and ask them their addres, you'l find most live in Mercury City or Curtiscown, ATTRACTIONS: Krisof Cemetery isthe city’ lagest, and while its riverfront landscaping is worth a trip daring the day, high crime ‘makes ita dangerous place at night. In addition co roving street gangs, more sinister shadows violate the ombs themselves toad in ‘mystic rituals orte-animation science ‘Pioneer Park i the site ofthe original fort that protected the har bor back in colonial days. The wooden stockades and log cabins have been restored, and costumed guides describe frontier life inthe 18th century. Some of the city fathers ate pushing co tuen Pioneer ‘Park into a more modern amusement park. (City Hall kes up four ety blocks, and ie squat gothic build fng with mazelike corridors snd nearly endless rooms of file cabi- iets and storage crates. Full of sallow, slouching bureaucrats and ‘grasping politician, irs a frequent place to mees a patron or do research, Finally, police headquarters and the courthouse are here, sothose whorunafoul ofthe law disappear into the warrens of City “Hallsjustice wing Newton This is the citys bustling banking and business center, fll of lenin syscrapers that compete for aview of Bailey Harbor and fhe ocean beyond, WHO LIVES THERE. Apartments ate stsilable, but expensive Por ch execotives who dont wast the bother ofan entire Highvale atatesa Newton penthouse the neat best thing, ATTRACTIONS. The Pionacle Bank building i the city tallest skyscraper, an clegun,art-deco sire tat stretches into the clouds ib the geographic centr of Newton and was the catalyst fr the fcigiborhood's redevelopment» decade ago. Now i actually one Of the alder buildings in the neighborhood, s0 its lowerleve} August og Dungeon/Polybedron offices have reasonable rents. The upper floors, however, are the most expensive office space in the city. [Resko Field isthe city's multipurpose stadium, and its fall on most nights during football season (when the city’s pro team and. ‘both college seams play) and the summer baseball season (if the Monarchs baseball texm is in oxen) Bars and restaurants dominate the cityscape for blocks in every direction, ‘The federal government has its offices at McCulloch Place, a nearly featureless black skyseraper just a block away from ehe Pinoaclebuilding. Most of the upper loorsarcheavily guarded and off-limits to the public. The FBI and ether agencies with law ‘enforcement roles have extensive offices here. Though the Pinnacle Building i taller, any city resident can confirm thatthe MeCalloch Building cases longershadow. Curtistown “This collection of renements is one ofthe poorest neighborhoods in the city (only Aleburg is more destiute). Many immigrans find Lei frst homes here, and theyrequickly disillusioned by theerime and coeruption they find hee. {WHO LIVES THERE. Poor and working-class immigrants, who segregate themselves by naonalicy on « Dlodk-by-block basis. If you walk a dozen blocks in Custstown, youl beara dozen la guages And if ou runadozen blocks in Cutistown a night, youl hea seams ina dozen languages [ATTRACTIONS Below Darcy Stet, a nerwork of sewer snaels leads improbaly roa richly appointed throne room of sores=the home of Cassius, the self-styled "Beggar Prince” Cassius has ane work of winos, habos, and panhandlers who assign territory and ‘beat up “freelancers” who don tithe 1 Cassius. The Beggar Prince hnaseyes and ears everywhere Chinarown aa world uot itself Police dost gotherewlesscalledy and even then ts only to perform eperfunctry erime-seee inves ston, caraway aod and mark the case “unsolved” before theyre back 10 the prcint sition, But Chinato isthe most igi con- trolled part of the ity, with gangs of expert martin actin ruthless enforing the discipline of chestadomy Mr Lo Uhimatly everyone in Chinatown answers to Mr. Lo. Ol3-tmers an seal their grand- parents kowtowing to Me Loa hundred years ago The Black Rose is surprisingly nice restaurant on Allegrint Avenue right onthe border between Curistown and Oldtown. The food s excellent, andthe conversation is unfilingly subdued and polite. Lot of well-dressed local businessmen fequent the Black Ros, chatting with each other in che restauran’s main floor ot using ove of the upstairs conference rooms. The owner, Umberto ‘Torgueo, replaces the font window glass and patches the ound holes in the wall every few day after “misanderstandings” aid di agreement" among the local businessmen. Tay Shores Ror ere ft Unesco is haya ere Se Gait cutrnd ein nr tae ree omer eer pace a WHO LIVES THERE Coleg profsors and white-ollar work ein Oldtown maketheirhomesin vp Shores Theres esmal bu Gra ay cements er ofr arly ee "ATTRACTIONS: Northport States Behavioral Science Center Bal ot Rij Rlceen cre al ey clogreed ere eagle ordi eke ccd ae vel parecer ected ener cea 28 AMAL Pharmaceutical, and more esateric tech- piques are used to rum hardened killers and ‘timinal masterminds into productive mem= Dees of society ‘The Northport Seate Museum» of Natural History has onc ofthe finest collections of antiq- Lites inche world. roving “acquisition coordi ators” sour the globe for wonders in used of preservation, and its collection includes « num ber of pre-Columbian artifacts that mystic shamans used in various tibal rinuals The Grove Apartments are among the most ondesctipe dwelling sround catnpus, All the students who live there share secret, hawever— theyre par ofthe Nazi underground inthe city ‘ordered to continue ther oficial studies by day hile they undergo Nazi combse training and ingloctrination in deserted lecrute balls by sight ‘Nazi collaborators within the college’ sec hat no one stumbles upon their biden rallies Bailey Hook Shes spit proves mearareofprotetion for the cys deep- Basan popula ction for cy reside tee shies cuad busi ofthe cy WHO LIVES THIEME Other than the Coast Guard contingents Bile Cast Gard Bese, Bley Hook hs no permanent eden SS eee er deaeatswansens who ley on x benches Gia tavern: AMIRACTONS: The Coast Guar hes ewo rin Functions tae people our tre mer, mad eicy shipping Isgalationt: Beryeen the rise in organized cme and the mace, Torso the Nain Exrope smigglingis ata aime high nd eis ba geome cack even Same of in nig sas $518 ercc, and weed npcredenee a Dockside May of te city’s factories squat on the riverbanks in this district, Sending a pall of smoke across Curtistown and Mercury City. WHO LIVES THERE: Residential space is almost nonexistent here, although squarters have taken up residence in some aban: doned faccories ATTRACTIONS Alliance Motors ondinsrily makes automobiles intheie vast warehouse nthe Dockside district. But with war loom: ing in Europe, the government has converted some of Alliance's [production fcilities co manutaceure “experimental vehicles forthe nation’s defense.” Theyre very tightly guarded 10 keep Navi spies and Alliance's corporate rivals away. fomoco Chemicals is the new workplace of Dr. Bvan Synestro, 2 Duilant researcher who was fired ly the University of Nocthport after repested indiscretions with students. Now Dr. Synestro is ‘working in the private sector, and entre assembly lines pump out ‘chemicslsacthe Doctor's whim, Fomoco’ bard of directors is {ain that De Synestra is working on a new plastic that will revola- tion the packsging industry. Mercury City (Cher bt dew hand on tb rubber moutbguan,srgalng agains he This working-clss neighborhood is home to many of Dockside's patver of sx thousand volts He'd seen be eveatnres, damon ih and na Gctocy workers and ose bluecollar and clea employeesof Old therapy sould force bi oarget “Town business. August oj Dungeon/Polybedron 29 WHO LIVES THERE: This mix of small homes and tenement buildings is one of the mose densely populated areas of che city. {Phe loud trains and planes from Kaufman Station and Orchard Airfield plus the smoke from Dockside factories, ensure tbat few live in Mercury City once they have the means to Teave, however, Sal, crime is lower in Mercury City than in Curtistown or the pent District ATTRACTIONS Mercury Hospital was the city largest hospital, tung ie was destroyed in a bomb blast and melee six months ago orchestrated bya secret society known as the Army of the Eclipse. The society’ motives for attacking the hospital were never made clesr, nor were their larger goals. Those who stood trial after the attack deseribed a network of cells, none of which knew the identi- ses or aetivities ofthe other groups, Federal authorities anneitnced that they'd smashed the leadership ring ofthe Army of the Belipse, but subsequent investigative reporting by the city’s newspapers revealed evidence of other Eclipse cells ehat extended into the halls ff government and industry. Today Mercury Hospital sits as an ugly reminder of « mysterious attack—aad perhaps a harbinger of | moreto come, A seemingly abandoned hangar at Orchard Airfield isthe primary test sie for Dr. George Dasdalon’ “Nightwing 3000" flying wing, Daedslon is entirely self financed he built his Nightwing proto- types entirely out of spare sicraft parts. Paranoid about someone stealing his invention, he tests it only ac night. Despite this precau- tions, both the government, several major conglomerates, and the ‘Nasi apy network have heard persistent eumors of “strange bar ‘wings in che night sky" and are trying to discover che truch Greenvine ‘Vasc mansions sprawl actoss the foothills in one of the city’s mose expensive neighborhoods, Most of the cizy’s fathers and ttans of ‘industry have their escates in Greenvine WHO LIVES THERE: Anyone who isn't wealthy has no place in Grecnvine, and a vigilant police presence takes glee in rousting those who dont belong. The University of Northport has some on= sampus dormitories, but many of the upperclassmen live in the Garment District snd commute 10 class. ATTRACTIONS: The University of Northport has one of the country's finest hand-science faculties, with Nobel Prize-svinners in several disciplines all working inthe chemistry, applied physics, and ‘more exotic departments. Perched on a steep hill, the Universicy doesa't have more room for office and Iaboratory space, 80 they keep digging basement after sub-basementin ther science failities Some researchers havent seen natural sunlight for months or years, stlents say ‘Vineyard Street i appropriately named ie «serpentine rad that conneets most ofthe hills chat make up the Greenvine neighborhood, les sharp turns and step inlines and descents make it perfect for the city illegal tret-racing clubs, who wager vast sums on whol win ‘races along thelength of Vineyard Stret. The police quel put astop osuich races—unless they're among the bettors. Halsey House isthe mayor's residence, an intentional replica of Washington D.C: White House, les heavily guarded, and the mayor’ funkies and troubleshooters (and, some say, his patrons) ‘come and go at all hours of the day and night. est-growing neighborhood, Gloverton is planned suburban community or middle-class families tired of the squalor and ctime ofthe cy. August oj Diagron/Poiybedron 30 WHO LIVES THERE: This distict is almost entirely middle clas; those poorer cant afford the morigages, and those wealthier ‘wouldnt be eaugh dead among these cookie-cutter tract houses. But unlike most places in the cty, 2 middle-class paycheck in Gloverton buys you a gras yard of your own, friendly neighbors, {good schools, and low crime ATTRACTIONS: Everyone knows what a suburb looks like, $0 at first glance Gloverton seems devoid of attractions. But in che world ‘of Pulp Heres, even a suburban cul-de-sac is probably ome to (Fight to let) a fimily with a psychic bond to the ‘who rescued them, the beautiful danghter of the Repello-Rey inventor, a mob safchouse hiding "Ice" Mallory and « stil killer who collet eyes in pickle jars, ike all bridges in Northport, the Vietory Bridge is drawbridge that opens to let particularly large ships through. And because it accommodates rains, he opening and closing ofthe bridge must be carefully timed to avoid a mishap, laskan wolves Garment District ‘This neighborhood is «mix of light-industrial businesses (ielad- ing the clothiers who gave the district its ame) and working- and rmidale-cass housing [WHO LIVES THERE: Thisis one ofthe siry' most diverse asigh- borhoods; everyone from college students 9 ilega imenigeans co upper-class artists can find Toft, partment oF room for rent here. [esa poor neighborhood on average, but thereare pockets of wealth and exreme desiution her swell [ATTBACTIONS: The Essex Hotel looks like any other eabag joint fom theoutside. But the guy atthe desk, Phinney, can get any hing for you: forged papers a gut with the serial numbers fled of, and cash for those jewels you “inherited.” Phinney docs this effort less and wih an attention o detail that would make the concierge se Newton fancies hotels jealous. What is castomers don’t ee i Phinney’ network of contacts that reaches almost everywhers, and bis bility t0 use money to open ary door Tidepoins en ee ae otbaa ae e sclcigis aa {WHO LIVES THIN Alost andy Someot te ewer oes huge gern Ove ibe olan as Neos died fe ulkig soit belchg scoot’ au Maar sec oie leer oe aa rover ee “ATTRACTIONS Jon Sump and Die is lage machine shop. on cee peeiers eto ae epee ola ee tall terol mal acl area e! e rece? Hg er oils ap Se gn Gb nfo lg es ae Lec ee ee see ere rae erate yoo consay need Ha re Reno nee (eee ee eratgejaloeg wane fee ses Sec Gout OsSerie of creo Higher oa ona hook ga Roce Oe TE ie gE ape peer ee NE ic sdunehl onde esog Bea Nowe Fa aa oi oe heyy ecg wee as wat eo ceaechecg eu WO easter Olly encficert Mpiopaisian obs ctr boniscela gc We ian at ae mae tds webbed THe avalon pores tle: “Drop the seep Aleburg ee cre ftcirod, Alcborgis x messof purecd-our BP riiiearcn seers, 2nd polities! anarchy Police Peg the neighborhood's bo ee re cared caning other acighborhosc), but is rc fo see squid car drive inc Alebucg—muth less drive out again WHO LIVES THERE: Ony the desperate; pooe folks don ive i ee help fe Bur thon baaling drug or aleahel es cacnccnsinals who want tp trade fre of serutiny DASTBACETIONS Flt years ago, here were boat races along tbe eta dy cx tr once thecanl aed ua Bt te ton, protecting te Seedio Dic and Toran fromthe rsidens of Aleburg (Geet Aleta tect gangs the Fe Beate ler perslitary linea under the leadership cfun each ed Han necine warfare is continuesin Aleburg; bus the Fretks seem to be gaining the upper hand, absorb: fg the remsants of the gangs they defeat. Studio District ‘The citys burgeoning motion-picture industry has is studios here stop what used to be apple orchards. Known a8 "proptowen,’ this Dusting neighborhood draws everyone from wealthy financiers and famous movie stars to an army of working-class extras and behind the-camera crew WHO LIVES THERE: Apartments ate springing up around the edges of the district for the studios’ technical workers (editors, lighting coordinators, andl camera crew), but the backelors and alleyways of the stucio district fall silent shortly after dus ATTRACTIONS: Duke Studios is one of the bigger movie-pro- duction companies is the district, and their bucklot is currently filming the ep devoted to replicas of the pyrami leopatra vs. Caesar” Actes of backlot are s, the Sphinx, and various August a3 Dangean| Peiybedron Simba! Its the caps! obelisks. The dicector, Will Orsonne, is fanatic about accuracy s0 the sets are just like the real thing--And the few security guards port chat they're always chasing. weirdos playing on the pyramids Bennett Stunts, lnc. is st {to guard the vast backlot: nan old ware man group based howse near the major studios, Under the leed of famous retired Ian Bennett, thecompany’ staff rigorously trainsin an ever-changing obstacle course inside the facility: Passersby have 1d become inured to people ying through the slelights ofthe b ing cannonball-style, staggering out into the street engulfed: ames, or ducling with antique sabers while driving matoreyeles around che block. Bouchard The working-class 1 District, Fitagerald Army Base, and the under-construction sky= bothood supplies wocers to the Stadio scrapers of "Tomorrow Town, WHO LIVES ‘THERE: Fort Fitz” is home to thousands of sol= fantageof the movie howses and night= clubs of the neighborhood. The district's civilian residents are almost ATTRACTIONS, The high-security base-within-r-base, Special Project ‘including Project: Cracible,« rigorous physical and psychological fitness regimen, and Project: Thanderbolt, an effore ro develop tank that hovers above anp terrain and blasts its foes with energy rays. Work on Thunderbolt is promising, but the massive muchin= ‘xy required means thet there may not he room fora conventional atirely working-class, Phillip Carrington is one of the citys and his modernist sl “Tomorrow Town’ ‘of Bouchard. Phillip’s and the Northport Tribune identi Jasmine Ruiz-Carrington, as & member of the shadowy Aemp of brightese young architests, raper designs are the centerpiece of aming high-finance districe planned north andficher Aloysius is a noted occultist,