1st Sem Operating Systems Operating Systems - 6

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list of attempted questions and answers

select the blank

question ________ file access can be layered on top of block-device drivers.
correct answer memory-mapped
your answer interrupt

select the blank

question the linux ________ file system, known as the proc file system, is an
example of a file system whose contents are not actually stored anywhere, but are
rather computed on demand according to user file i/o requests.
correct answer process
your answer process

select the blank

question a ________ in nt is an object that provides a uniform interface for
files, whether they are local or remote.
correct answer redirector
your answer domain

question when application issues a blocking i/o system call, the request is
placed on the queue for that device.
correct answer true
your answer false

match the following

question correct answer your answer

trap in which program tries to use unmapped page page fault page trap

memory management unit mmu mmu

smaller units in which virtual address space is divided pages segments

units in physical memory corresponding to pages in virtual memory page frame page

question cache-coherency is usually a software problem and handled above the
operating system level.
correct answer false
your answer true

question encryption is one common method of protecting information that is
transmitted over unreliable links.
correct answer true
your answer true

multiple choice multiple answer

question user thread libraries include :-
correct answer posix pthreads , mach c-threads , solaris threads
your answer mach c-threads , solaris threads , simple threads

question tape is a synchronous and dedicated device
correct answer true
your answer true

question in global page replacement algorithm, number of page frames assigned
to each process varies from time to time.
correct answer true
your answer true

select the blank

question an operating system is ________ if it can be moved from one hardware
architecture to another with relatively few changes.
correct answer portable
your answer portable

question an interface design prototype provides the chance to test the look
and feel of your product with potential users.
correct answer true
your answer true

multiple choice single answer

question the insulation of data from direct access by the program is known as
correct answer data hiding
your answer abstraction

select the blank

question during execution, ________ register holds the sector for the code
correct answer cs
your answer cs

question cache is a faster storage system which stores data temporarily.
correct answer true
your answer true

multiple choice multiple answer

question find out the basic i/o hardware elements from the following :-
correct answer ports , buses , device controllers
your answer ports , buses , hardware

multiple choice multiple answer

question an object type in windows nt is a system defined data type that has
two things associated with it, which are they?
correct answer set of attributes , set of methods
your answer object-type , object-processing

multiple choice multiple answer

question most computers have hardware clocks and timers that provide three
basic functions, such as :-
correct answer give the current time , give the elapsed time , set a timer to
trigger operation at certain time
your answer give the current time , set a timer to trigger operation at
certain time , confirm the time

question device speeds range from a few bytes per second to a few gigabytes
per second.
correct answer true
your answer false

multiple choice multiple answer

question the role of the operating system in computer i/o is to :-
correct answer manage i/o operation and devices , control i/o operation and
your answer manage i/o operation and devices , control i/o operation and
devices , i/o processing

select the blank

question the unix system uses ________ to avoid the necessity of keeping its
password list secret.
correct answer encryption
your answer algorithm

multiple choice single answer

question every change in policy requires a change in the underlying :-
correct answer mechanism
your answer mechanism

question pcb's can be removed from the system even though the process is in
correct answer false
your answer false

multiple choice single answer

question c++ is also named as
correct answer c with classes
your answer c with classes

match the following

question correct answer your answer

volatile memory primary memory ram

cpu registers volatile storage primary memory

magnetic disks non volatile storage secondary storage

floppy disk secondary storage non volatile storage

multiple choice single answer

question thread at user level is known as :-
correct answer user thread
your answer user thread

multiple choice single answer

question the system call checks the arguments given by the application, builds
a data structure to convey the arguments to the kernel and then executes a special
instruction called as :-
correct answer software interrupt
your answer software interrupt
multiple choice multiple answer
question in unix, a device is distinguished by two things, which are :-
correct answer device-class , device number
your answer device-class , device number

select the blank

question the most common authentication of user's identity is via a user
________ .
correct answer password
your answer id

select the blank

question on an ip network, ________ is the process of converting a computer
name to an ip address.
correct answer name resolution
your answer name resolution

multiple choice single answer

question polymorphism means ability to take
correct answer more than one form
your answer more than one form

multiple choice multiple answer

question the moriss internet worm was made up of which of the two programs?
correct answer grappling hook program , main program
your answer target worm program , crash attack worm program

multiple choice multiple answer

question thread library provides support for :-
correct answer thread management , thread creation , thread scheduling
your answer thread management , thread creation , thread scheduling

multiple choice multiple answer

question one-to-one model is supported by following systems :-
correct answer windows nt , os/2
your answer windows nt , os/2 , ms-dos

multiple choice single answer

question a process which produces process is known as :-
correct answer producer
your answer producer

question volatile storage loses its contents when the power to the device is
correct answer true
your answer true

multiple choice single answer

question in general , the access matrix will be :-
correct answer sparse
your answer global

select the blank

question associations are generally ________.
correct answer bidirectional
your answer bidirectional
select the blank
question the designer of a program or system might leave a hole, or ________ ,
in the software that only he is capable of using.
correct answer trap door
your answer bug

multiple choice single answer

question software may trigger an interrupt by executing a special operation
called :-
correct answer system call
your answer interrupt call

multiple choice single answer

question the process by which objects of one class acquire properties of
objects of other class is called
correct answer inheritance
your answer inheritance

multiple choice single answer

question if the process is waiting for some event to occur then it is said to
be in :-
correct answer waiting state
your answer ready state

multiple choice single answer

question in unix operating system, each process is identified by its :-
correct answer process identifier
your answer process identifier

select the blank

question the primary distinction between long term scheduler and short term
scheduler is the frequency of their ________.
correct answer execution
your answer execution

multiple choice multiple answer

question various storage systems available possesses which two
correct answer volatile , non-volatile
your answer volatile , non-volatile

multiple choice multiple answer

question different multithreading models available are :-
correct answer many-to-one model , one-to-one model , many-to-many model
your answer one-to-one model , one-to-many model

multiple choice multiple answer

question the messages exchanged by communicating processes reside in a
temporary queue. there are three ways that such a queue can be implemented :-
correct answer zero capacity , bounded capacity , unbounded capacity
your answer bounded capacity , unbounded capacity , null capacity

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