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Nation; Ea and the Et Editedlby, | Sandra Bermann | | and) Michael) Wood| ‘A Touch of Translation: On Walter Benjamin's “Task of the Translator” SAMUEL WEBER “Teansurin “Thasstanion” mas Aa oF ronan Ione were to ech ay for a my ofrefesing on he deny of anguge and leas ina age diated ineremal by elacronie media, chee sro ‘yo utc place to tartan perape een to enl—than withthe estion ‘candi. This nigh nant omerbat napringwseron m9 mais, een ‘he widespread tendency to anole there of eleevorc relia wih what i ‘only cle th wna tines om the Ung, camive, ere tun Such an aciason of couse, by no ea ply arr. In 199, the (blir vale peodaced by the les of eo pre considered on lla sale, ieee fin tine supa that of competen-and to be ue ss of ped titer were no eve le o ede Oven sch develope bow os "oc tha th question of tandation can rv aul nex ofthe ‘hanging sgnextin of language and Ine nan age of econ mada? “The answer oh pga pada canot be spe, of eae. Tanaion ss ich cover 8 wile varie of atv, mst of which se aimed 3 aking teste resale o people who do ot know the angung in which the ex i (rien, Thay raat asation setter nh ese what deci se {olf rendering text ten none language undenandse in anatbe [ne Meaning hue the Ivoming gol, a meaning genealy held ro car ‘Sond inva langage the way unvealey exnscends grt Thee ‘Se however, other kinds of tandaton pore, ey, plesophical—ia ‘hich the tanemision of meaning enact be sparse fen the way at Teal saad csp And ato th sro ranean may Be ‘ors and ecco fa ew ener than the Kind may ln tuanywoybe mere revenge the land teoween the ngite medias tnd oer man "Ar any mt, acon concemed with hi aver pe of wan tion nhc dhe "wba canoe be parsed Fm the “how” The wha tat ‘Smet ay be cosine wexing ap fom is spec ngs eal “som py able Ed eT oy ed. Naw Crp any I tana Aenpn Clan daw Usrae Caea pace 018 et tO n,n Gs a 66 saves weare lewion the how ts trainin, arpa enon hu ety ‘er he qpaionofhom oe moves ne realy etd linge tem to another Lally he ling spree hereon which rants ce ‘se decgnate “nat! o “anal” anganges Hover hese tr a thing bt rece orsnictny“Porpuee fer instance, atbough named fo ‘peaicmation,no more a “nator” ngage than “Engh” "French i oF "Spach" Yet, wo eal ase anges “atu erage even roe nstisicry chan to deigate chem as “aon” The inpecion of ‘eh ems ism er proportion othe Linguist they seek ole “Toba, ch divert does nor exe he fc than ange = tems eat td re dines fom one another But ich dines an the tage tan they diferent, se by omen a homoge athe aN fight und wo soot The diealy of Sing a penne oom tat would ce fay degatethe clan o which nial languages belong icine fhe tage peciem of determing the princes dar ie dove rgge te ele tive o coherence suming a 5 hat ach pcp aly ex “he ce th the nares ofl language sens re not pnealy con sidered to be problema indeaive not ofthe aeence of sch probes Dut father ofan erablad br ley uncer decton noo acknowledge ‘hem in eveyday pectin: The cise derailed, potently eae, ‘whenever anything ie "anion ir atempted. Such dealin ha 0 Sowith the fs, sbedy mensned chat warition sways invent mere ‘he movement fom one ngage another, at fom ane Manet ready exzing none language another inane, that doesnot peo ‘i, bc that ie bush no being the other langage. The tel bree {he eral ofthe ange ster rl he singly of he na ee isrfeted, bt al come, by che mbgy ofthe very word alain” sal which digas book ener roc, iwoving hang of place and ‘Sgr esl ofthat proces sang in gener an) warlasion a parc Toe The tens beeen the general proces and ae tal produc tends te ober by an tude that pads ansation ay an inset i the ser vic ofthe ‘conmunieatn” of meaning ce of ames. Thisactrade pups ‘he gee ofthe proces ede expense of singly ‘Sth tendeny us ered today by the ead of wha is non ba inom” The figure of the pide sees an llencompating tnmanence Ih bic singular difrcce sre sorbed tena genwalied whole Neverele, reel caso is homencing ender" ybalitin” an acetates the need oe difeensation a feltating culation, ransmisoe and conte, fbelaacon rng the mot emote and dive ren sed langage inca teh ace aother Such contac wl cle nein the eed otal, Aes it's way chase les anblcen than ltliton Ise, The flowing rem sock nel cern spt ofthe able conac of anges ‘har never ey fom these when they ae ced yt “The hor of tnlaton i marked by a eon bene se inept ae et incomputible mois fidelity and ketal Both resale om the pli relcio Tae crank oF re rramszaron” o ‘ho alton wots cm hin wich "gin Tato, ol, der nt ery sey parse, emer one ‘Prom aoe ren, hg aon ex oe ante nd oepray fet otha wh apr ain ea Te Sool thi ob qu sh ongn, as een dey ered by the ‘odo sre ely pia he Soe ae ESE of frexmnion and saamison, The toy son of "wat ‘ange by tr tein of dealin. Areal, aes deel 2 ‘alm en adapt eal ha alow veal emia TS pes! The mad na a sone an emedery Ben > vice Nevemer uch fe meds wart oat pops ch ll Sel tu th tli ence a coer wh ef fhe flashes ewes “uc ceil of ht nn he a a rn’ The ciel rangle ced by Arad the peace (EivcTen me tet beng ve nia ofthe ston of he er ‘une ween sich ow ig opus oo ‘The dca fe melee» toca, fo the vey Bains ‘Wom hsp, wi senesced With thee of Siem paar Tn consng pot of nocaton feted even ‘eye wie! wea ihe to demte pcs Scitech vo. Te peg he ual a > ‘ate inthe crested) eae led ih -dora” ‘Wi te devopen of etn techno ve te es al etary. he ceannl ony lhe mass ntl uth perigee ng ‘Stesteoan eben he insecure eesgl roble ‘ect Carel the ton of nga and of gal a in en fated. Thermo ofthe change Howes cone cme ee ‘Seltyenun wih ber whch i kenge woot nton of tan Bc the mabe ton of hs son fr he ea l= fone "Wes" ip ete foe ene shee ng ‘Encode op there of pages rs ewer dices Crm eth wl cone ol eyo eve ‘Eamon whee call nln Teg acre wih the egiing ne Kinane Vso: Ihe ening, ceed oven en he eth nd he vee ml vn 0 des os ch ‘Fede Ad Spit of Ga meved pe ee ce se E Creation nthe bibl nessun, apes above ll rough 2 wis of hottie begining withthe dsinson between unbounded ace ("esr") ‘limited place auth). Acting the atom of pe, spury a Sct eablshing the nial Scorn aces fora dsincton bu one that otherwte nhl vderermiae, "who for and void? and nee to- fll oteure, Only in a seond phe, aK were, the absrac dchoty of heaven ad eth defined cough asx of cppaison tht preiely &i feet the pla called eatin dion ots geeralenency tee the reason ofthe workl hugh ase hormis,there warmth ee that does ot xc fin bt ha wl eam toe ut signe Thee ond sentence of Orns recounts how aes the ill een of heaves ‘dearth “the pt (ach bea) of Go move pon the fc of he was ‘This kindof movements very eee fon tat implied bythe opps ‘hac otherwise redonate sage aque amet which Cheat ad Creton no lenge ae clearly dared or cpr fom one ote, Rates, cere Is cern convergence and cont besecn the tno one any sof merging or fsontakg place. This unl even quick ac rege, wt wer, by the ineolucton of tempo suceion a the ma through which the cteaon moves toma ir completo Ths tempol fs srsion clmiates onthe Sah Dy ith the ceo fate (Ged i Let rms ma incase othe. So (Gd eaten nisowr igen ge of Gl ca be ite len fae etd em (22677) “The ible account of che ceaon ofan” inteduces to condone willbe of aul sigifcanc forthe poem of tanelation. Taken sare «och saint enough by eel tenet ae ea not ber af denl consiered Pe, n contest wall ter ving beng anode "he ge of Goda elationhlp thats erred the King ones Version ces kena In more comersorary ees one cl yt ing role of tan inthe Creation consequence of his "analog selon to hs Avie cei. “This however, sony half ofthe sin Fr there ia second wai that dl spies human beings fom other numa bing nthe lal acon ees "Male so fale raed he ther” To be se, he Ginetion of gender canbe jaded ala implied inthe eatin foc ving tingle they ‘ae anos by the Crecr to be “ut and iy The fact ean, [however that scaly ich pect oan the pede metone egy “That the eenered creation of human beings anything ba evden suggested i the bibl text by the somewhat svtvard adden of» scone ‘moe elaborate ves ofthe ration of tan in chap f Book Ince ned account, man cated not det by the word f Gd, bt nd fered ut ofthe ds ofthe pound” The accion of man th eh ad "dt anccpates the Fall he explion fem Eden, and the vent of una ssoraliy. At the sme tne, howeve, this cn ven of he ceton Lk ‘oan einy co his erg, now undentood otto puede tt ld «aha hence bound up wh alc, To beerthnad above alle ede termined by one iat, “This orogaphia aspect of he econ sor ofthe cretion of man ine fore bythe pegupical deal and pce nares thot now poate tthe suing scout: Man sp int "pan that "plned ewan len” Though he an owe se tht obey vie “in ot ‘ois ach of ie ure ecto opt ae ink wo ame ‘ouonyor gn In ie cond scone ft stn, mone eed ‘Smite ema hr tee ly enn. "Ai ofthis compl the aly wage att of mam he imaged ene of he ce lnc so wpe Rao td fee dacs wih cela cman © Gol pid ye on Uimgee"lkenn” Man and woman avenge cedex din the coer f Gene tte oof el exiting mate ttn {Berth lb Cn, tend ey re pte of con tn. lange tps os sbluetnging 2 pe peromans bot ‘ier slncat ceo aa gi torte din toe lend venues at, became ths il na pce waite at Sle tn of nr ec) ‘Bible Dept te gonng sere of parton af dw cael Fo tov ony pe ined man lhe Ge of Elen ered ned “olay ues il aly ne phe there oly on n= fag coun che Ci teens om “Tiss chanes eof cons wth ch epuon Gor ihe Ot den of Edn, ths Sannin en Inet ae opin co lone oF Se ons e pent or ou don. Bt, when Eve argo Sead bythe spe rap she ens the mah othe Cen pro iiing her nd Adan fo etig the He of Kove Ba when Cire dine prohibition which sors bel wana el fede Se dec ine she a ometing noe und Inthe “agin 3 Gott won ‘Ad he woman id othe spent, Wea to eit a the vet theres: atthe tf he ee chs he tne ofthe ann, Golds Ye tal ot eto nate Batgecati eye ce (133, emg) Here the orginal account Tce the ae lth nine fy nd thou oe eae fein hay at than eee hel hr Se an Whar Ee here he pode of bly afarmation, ai in he cnnae ‘lation of he wor of God the apparently anode da of enc "sal ote of ether shall e auch le ede" Cold his be the een the Woner unditon a est of he ous formal, wudae-padte! Ys ‘dno, Noy nf as Eve uation ct rope” rata, nr the tepetion takes plac ina sl language ahr beac deen oes. Yes nsf hee ering ofthe wads of God nls a change of pce en ftharplace sl the Garden of Eden? Tn shor the din pobitn, a rected by Eve at east volves not us we sauvee ween seting om he eof noes, aching it a well A sco isan of ‘ouching which ke the te lave sad, bt oe ory ng Shortly theese, when God has discovered that Ad an Eve hve eaten fromthe ee of mow, he repr sy flows, ‘Ad he Lad Cos Behe man ahecime scot ‘now gant ev nd ow let er forh had, ence aloe eet i andl ar eee Tee she rd Get hin eho rf Een 2-2) ‘Adam and Eve ar band fom the Garden of Eden not just a phen fer wha they have done, bata = woy of eventing them fo doing what Eve ‘recy had led arknowdged he responce othe serpent gad ‘oe ainpy ea. Honeve iss very flee ind of rushing om tht encountered t {he bean of he cretion, when the “pst of God towed upon the ceo ‘he motes Fr the "touching” ofthe Tee of Life a mena of ling poses, tnd heey of becoming "sane of" Touching Hee then bec fo taking ting tees no saeneIeealio wenn wh cee ft oF ‘nolo: the dchotorous herria knolee that dsingues beeen ‘Good and Evi Tht of knowing ame ohn nto taking, hs clay lngaaloy ito equa, ikeness ito smenesdfeence nm ently an let that ues God ieee once gunn the poses etn at Invalved in watig ‘And he Ld Co tthe ret Bc hast doe ‘he dou cada all aad hove eee he Sel oo hy bly hw ga hal cal he dase We (L334) “Te serpent wl thus “erm on it belly ane cst” (Ne Jerse Bible), tong teenth Dut nc ng Silay an ll no lng tach che eat lord to pases bathe tue se yak oth en fom ofa! che ef yf salto et else ‘heron frou we thow efor eho ao ‘Seedlthwsen 19) Cont and sts ths sem to be progad by the ible story ofthe ‘eatin, On the one han, man td be eet nthe ag of Godt leat his inst. On the other, however ke the Creat he mayb an sil ptf he ceaton and hence treveably fee fr te Author The fas chaps of Genes lhe sry af man fr to reduce che difeences ‘hat seperate the hua Goethe dvi, ad the ening enfreen fia ‘xparation In the proces, the Se of to nec colons ali feterge tcartain dance. Yer a eco condcon sl requ, and this tein so the secnel ble even commonly sociated wth wana: the rae *TAse oF twe raaustaras® n ‘Tove f Babel Inthe perpectve jut sabre, however, me wil dover hatin cen sensei reply of te Fale ‘Ad he wl cart oceans an fe ph ‘And ees os the rape am ear hey and Tan Sia od de dol er, ‘Ade al Gon ksi wai ons ore bono may ec Teavenendler uae wasn, el won he ef be tesa ‘And the Ln came owe seth cyan one whch chen en Teed ‘Ad the Lo el the elise dey hae language he "hyn o and nw stig be ere! am hem ich ey ave Inoyed odo Gomer woo ab ofc ht ngs ht ey ticker one marie, ‘Sothe Loree hm ten em hence gon ha fifa hc a hy Ieee he “Tre therm of calle Ea bcm he Lol dhe cen Tague of l cased fo nei che Lr ate em head erieofall he anh. (Ge ILL) cheer al tefl nt” and “woman” sch, repetition now af fects flr men and won se ero of «coast gos The pet ‘ow soc touch ar eat fom dhe Tree of Kecae bu aes oe both {ei and 2 owes, whose tp ay rach unto bean” This lt here 9 feces place tht wl ea petty selfs sat om wh they Fave ben tanned, Once spi then, hey sek tobe ke God wh se, ny ‘hscine ara "people” Tobe united, hawevet 4 people” mis poses rope! place, acy, but alos "ang, ewe be eared ond” Oe peopl ney, {mename, andone overreaching tothe Heavens. Andakowe alone langage Tes disabin that provokes te econd intervention of Oo er he exp son for the Caden o de, bt with ina ra, There emote ex pulsin,"satertg” the people abou all ver the ce of the earth” How fer sich earring the tele aoe of Kut ce, ab wee bat of the “Canoming” of wht apt hen waste snl ngage of an The ine ‘on fla, fm he pul chard othe dapeton of the cma. [No longer do hy vel im one place bin min None do they bet oe tine, bat many: no lang do the speak one langage, bt deen nage. Tes thispliverng of aman ney, wich scone enaea dpe of oles ui dat marl the rg noo langage” nthe single of nga the pur Tesonl fom thi pote on that elon wl acme a neil bat ao inosiletha never pec achevale—condition of hum exstence. ‘Thi however in tur meen tht humas™ exitence no longer sy human’ because char ste pope tae, “Man” now ne mame anon n sauues venee ‘san, ambevuly desiasing due, pariclarysnglss—of peoples {ad communities ard pos mach vl “This sgicance of Babel and of cotequnce canbe aug in ems ‘he transformation i impoes pon the “name” The let mst com Sruting «cy and = tower tht mold rsehcomaich top skies chi resect i calls the uangeien commie in she Gade oF Eden, that of touching ofthe Tee of Kooledge To toch it ese the de tance and diference between himan and divin, eed and crests othe ‘erst minimum. Soh touching tha the fling ofthe mss dective and ert ofallimits—hat beeen moral id oral othe later ee ‘ogni “Tey have ll one langaze and hs they eg tno nd ow athe ingwill be retina om them whch they have aide dT och the ‘is mea suroanedverty and aot then eserved tothe One Go unica means o have the pome to make ae ha popes. The Avie respon, href toeanfand all names nl ngage hte ‘stating medium & which wecing wl ever spl ee mea of kn ‘exon. This randomaton tein ith the acne of Babel nell which ena bax consi, imped by God upon lngige cd "gt ofthe pln thi name, meanings touch ne anther domino ty Rath hey seed ‘version to one nether. The goth pod inhi aed bythe onfson res a language ei ttt dos not lend bck to he se langage Ble, bu ther tht apes ot he inpeble and hencforr elo tsk of taalaton n view ofthis tory, he tok of eaten can be de ‘Sabo that of ucing witht ing “The pu, “tak of tarlton niches cn the lt tex be duel in thispaper ncn ese deny sled fred uch ofthe pe ‘ois cusion, without beg nated que cet, "The Ta ofthe ee ‘ncn couse hele ofan esa writen by Wale Benjani in 921, tae company his wansition of Baudelaret Tate prsens Were the space ough an cine {would hav liked oitodue ths esay vie nate soe. ‘wh ane teat of Benjamin’ In which he eabrses rion of ie ‘ery hel in undetnding the my he conus the felon of esas 0 the "orginal Insead howeves wl aly guste» shor psge tat hope. ful lle the rahe ual ws in whch Benjamin construct nono ‘fxigin, This page und in the epemo-cieal Pcs” oi ed ‘study of German Baroque Theater writen in 1974 ths page, etn ss thatthe nation fog mast be undemnod Netal, Wha he meas “histo” however ums out be ute diferent foe the wy that word com only undead (fei thogh naka cngary dosh nd hgh hs eee oting ‘ncominn wth coe Ene Inara what! oh cng snehing Ut an Sts Wad de srg, bebe he ‘spf deme cing dpansg aay Lm Wed Veron Enopmgesl Orin sands ow sein strom Bal re si as hs eres eo eh eae minim ‘heen te eral cee aurea etn cae ca leap ee eapl one ne anderson wisn on he (she; ec ren cola se ‘Te stn ht ein sc nh png cnt oy wii nner tne cic ein sit mina ‘is cal x of Ore yc age gel he fev eign bees nl the ein cod oo “ine tpeing mr he omg fo ine os Sivofunling ti eevee opie eee Secon eo (oun) ots dal ene pg tay ‘ete Srombing ht "cme bo pen hh ein detgnte eth pail an npg he sgn nam ‘Stengel tay uo ean Ter ae conn never ‘het sey jin one sic wha ets eben en el ed “etn? dunce ah epee ner ce Ts

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