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_-- ‘Tors TRANSLATION sexe ton Sa at Una fit) SSRN Stow ofr lc aor Anaotied Tent for Tt: eve At ney Beinn taro Tanai oe Come Eve, eee aa ne SL) pot se fr ri: Prech— ng ng tev a coun wc ‘ar enaanon ‘tal On a elo Sony niyo conse Santa Onacan thr Bkaaf test og Tin sn lf ROL ot) ‘TOPICS IN TRANSLATION 8 Series Fltors: Susan Bassnett (University of Warwick) and “André Lefevere (University of Texas, Austin) Translation, Power, Subversion Edited by Romén Alvarez and M. Carmen-Afriea Vidal 623. re BEE src nares ip * Sunn 4 Culture-specific Items in Translation JAVIER FRANCO ADELA On the Cultural Aspects of Translation “Translating shove llacomplox rewriting proces whichis appeared inmany conflicting theoretical nd practi stuaions thoughout Noy. ‘there sanything tobe tated widkout any doubtabout aston itisits Istorty, which goes hand i and wi the notion of language and of the oer ach input consent has had thoughout extence- The fac tht for any ese a for any encment,trasltion mine two oe more {tures (ve shouldnt orgetthe phenomenon whic far fom wus, ‘timediated or second-hand tanelaton, i. transistors of translators) SEplies an unstable balance of power, «Balance which will depend to 3 trectexenton the relative weight ofthe exporting sti fatin he REcvingealtre theoneln whoselangunge the tagettext seas lays ‘aborsteds and thvefore, the one tat generally takes the decisions onceming the way tranaation i done Gein with he decision 3 to wheter texts uanslated a al). Taprincipe a translation offered othe render as such ies by defition to satoty fo base premgulsies that Gideon Toury defines in the folowing way: ‘ierary translation is = product af complex procodue inevitably Jvelving two language and two Kray trading, that, to we Gt nomaystems, Ts, the. "value behind the noms of Beary translation may be desabed as consisting of two myjor elements (hich may nay be farther subdivided (0) being # worthwhile Beary work tex) in TL. [ange languagel (that's, ooupying the approprinte poston, oF filling in the _sppropslte‘lot nthe target Beary polysystem) ae (CULTURE-SPECIFIC ITEMS IN TRANSLATION a 2) being translation thats, constituting a representation nT. of nother preexisting text in some other language, SL [ures language, blonging 10 another trary poysystem, thao the soure, and occupying certain poston ith “Ts hl value’ ontains requirements deriving rom to eset Allert sources often Incompatble, if not dlamaecally oppose ts ‘one another. (In this connection, ane might reall he seatpopslat formulation ofthis opposition sbeing between eadlagasaaodginal ana ‘eading athe erga This demand of double loyally i expressed in four basic Fels: Linguistic diversity Linguistic coos in themaaves ae acbitary systems in which the ‘unton and meaning ofeach sign depend mainly on he sigs oppontion toothersigns, and not on supposed bjctive rlaton equivalence with {he conti we cll al. The note of ebivadness does no allow {he possibility of tw linguistic codes placing each and every sign on the ‘me pont of thar respective scales This type of anisomnorpia has ‘Seeady been tetod exhaustively by authors like Moun” Interpretive diversity Desived from the ct of reding which any translation iavelves and ‘which eppersto be one ofthe mostpolemical factors intansation theory.) to extent that in some cases, within the equation ‘wansation = rit fas solidified ino 2 defensive positon for these who question the pouty of scenic approach to uaneation. Pragmatic or intertestal diversity Based on the expressive conventions foreach typeof spect, which disor in each society" Cultural diversity his is variant, Nsorial distance. 1 will ocur on thie Spe of snisomoephlom in thse. ach linguistic or national ingustic comamarity as ats disposal 2 series of habits, value adgment, clasifcation systems, ec. which ‘Sometimes ae clon diferent and semetines overap. This way, cultures ‘rate a vriablity factor the tanaatr will ave to take ito account _Avprsent, thee ia clan recognition ofthe fundamental cole cultural trenserence playin wantin afc thar basomes cari wetinkof Ue ofthe term cltraar derivatives inasinicn proportion [tthe moder ieratar on translation. Calta agymetry bewnen 0 linguist comamuniis i reflected inthe dixoarer oftheir ‘members, withthe potential opcity end unaceplabiity ts may ivelve forthe target cata ystems Tas, fced withthe dleence ian by the ole, with a whole seer ofcutiral igs capable of denying and/or ‘questioning our own wa a ie, ansntion provides the receiving coe ith a wide range of angi rom conservation (acceptance of the difference by moans of the reproduction ofthe cll sgn inthe source tex) to ratyalizaton (eanaformation ofthe othe nto elt ‘eplica). The choice betveen these strategies will show, among. ater Tatton he degre tolerance ofthe ecetving sot ands owns. ‘Research nthe eld seems to ndicat that inthe Wester Word there fa cleurtrend wih the important exeption of tecnial pene towards ‘maximum acceptability Le towards what Toury above defines a0 'eading asm original. The choice fr ram being innosent even inthe (equent) ‘ase of ranaators who decdcon what odoinn automate Way east tothe implicit orexplstnorme ofthe good tanlator’ ha wl ‘the acceptance of ther ransation by, a east, tenia and the powers at be trary cits, ec), wh have the power to sanction ‘whatever text type tanslators may be working on- Aire. (of hs strategy might what Vera tema‘alaborofaccultratin Which ‘omstcates the oeiga ext making title and even familiar the target language ender, providing hin or er withthe nares exper nce of ecogruzing his orher own cultural ob’ However atthe same time we are immersed in an cbvious process of ‘cultural inteatcoaliation focused om tne Anglo Saxon pole, The con ‘Sant importation of consumer ens (cultural and’ other) from ‘gish-speaking Americ docs not jst imply growing familanty of ‘many sotetes with the Anglo Saxon worl view, but aaa clea proves ‘of gradual acceptability ofits values and specif cultural elt apart ror ‘lishing a series of translation strategie which ae later mimeticaly pple to tots rom eer cltral rae ‘The first two Taws of trnslatblliy’ propounded by tama Even- Zola and ner revised by Gideon Tour” ste hat Teel gh when the exual traditions involved are parle and when therehasbeen Contact Between the two Waders’ ndentanding the term high as he ee TRANSLATION, POWER, SUBVERSION | CULTURE-SPECIFIC ITEMS IN TRANSLATION os istace Inthe reving pole of 2 repertite of slitne previnly SSepnd und enpeced yt trp trices Tue dnt that these conions have ben comp With a he scaton else teen the Unie Sess Waters Bape pet {be lat decade, nts connection shuld be eqough to er ‘Sun tne soe cman Tn, Gr Yo wae tan 03 {fn of al pesos in Spin wee wansatons an ai of ere Srkeltom tnglch soe te’ Vona spa of sy ia cent eee ay wi resin ain ate ete ores (tony wns ela acsountfrbetvern sands abi footy pending onthe poser ngs are er tree inthe ‘ose tiectoh Vor again snes at teers et a 10, ‘thalatlone acount for 35% othe nano pis work nthe USA inion eu ‘Sach acne nen” and ach aching spray in the mst par mtia Snes upto 60% of he Sp nem mat EeEitng to mepuper tin Api nd hy Yoo whch Sn suming ie ero Noch Asean fine open Uso Fouebsv nny wis Ang Snel Teast avctcone ioc by dus prom, which meng oer hing nen the amber ‘frou ets whose tanference eesti manip {ito to maka them accep the opr clr sepa the ‘Snyarsn btvcen ane ro these a Serine Strnesvry revel Thor Bch cnet he st at a {erp te eesti te word ao inseveral ern Sune Wook inh crore war pice by fanonaly equate {Se with were eae othe Gorman fteig poke inacutra ere, ‘heresy th at ve alts as een eer means fs ‘enogy of mplon or nortan thas sancorng sa etance tteretrng Lata! river Inthesame way, mongers af ‘he Walon ftom have amine he B09 son fen 9 ports ome ie pl inns unrinng set and roe Salah Cull ec hres he 8? and 992 vere rept he eon Sitbost by sat ypogephiel warning agaling dow bout ss Teun pec Tsou loi think th he enping sen sand na oston heparan Ser te importrgens thant he ive porting ‘clara anata conuitonvey snare tonebaningin erga {Sting ahough wih some export il commenton tr and wich rc Pa ‘TRANSLATION, POWER, SUBVERSION | ace mainly reat to the nature ofthe chur item the gee ad the Svernge reser the tala is dren 1, ‘What Ihave said so fa belngs us up agpinat the paradox already Aepite by James. Hotes: i “Amongcontemporarytresltors for instance there wouldseem tobe_| ‘masked tendency lowarls modernization and ratralization of the lungustic context pled with simiar but es clear tendency i the “| ‘ste direction in regard Wo the lira itertet bt an opposing | tendency fowardsexticzing and historczing in he seco Holmes ane other authors als stat thatthe tretment of caltral tems wae lmont the opposite In previous centuries This ange is wualy ‘plained a a development ofthe cllctive netin of language tres the iden of is essential non-universaliy.” Nevertheless, it must be acknowledged that ths leaves us with no explanation for the apparent ‘Sontadicion of sacha ference of telinent between the Unga [Pragmatic planes onthe ane hand a he ella plane on te other {he contradiction by which cuent transitions tend to be read like an ‘orginal onthe sty level and a te erginal on the socio-cultural ane. Culturespecifcitems are usualy expressed in atexthy meansof objets nd of ystems of elsoifcation and ineasurement whowe use rested tothe soure culture, or by means of the transcription of pinion and the lesrption of habs equally ain tothe receiving culture. neither ofthese eases, they aze usually manifestations of a surface nate, outside te Structre often. Thelinguiticandpragamiilevels on te tesa, ‘lven that they ae dhe muteraliation ofthe way of telling, scent crt one of te base supports ofthe stricture of the ext apart am, resenting cha dferentcoiicar at for tone members the target pole who ae not bling (efor the average render of» talon Ih Fontechaial txt types) t would be alin! inposibe fo perceive the Seathet, informative, emotional or oer as ost talons try fo chev ih Ue eesuling finances forthe lalate «histo pevod charsteriedby clear democratiantion of isomers cose ‘ent of culture Fecha isis the fel were we shou ook fra st partoftheeeplanation ofthe depart of criteria commonly cbservable in {he way the thre types of mariesatons ae taste, Culture-specific Items The fst problem we face in the etady of the cultural spect of translation i how to devise «stable ool for our anal, «notion of LL (CULTURE SPECIFIC ITEMS IN TRANSLATION ~ elturespeciiciten (CSD tha willenable sto define the sry cultural Component as opposed ts, the Lnguistic or pragmatic anes. The man ‘dealt with the definition is ofcourse, in the fac tat engage ner is culturally produced, beprang with language el ‘There it common tendency to identity CS with how em pecially linked to the moat arity area of each linguistic system as lca Intitsiong, trent, istorial gure, pace names, personal mazes, works ofa, ta which wil normaly present a tanelation Problem in othe languages." But the constant appearance of testa ete Jntch donot sem more arbirary than the average and whose nature at {Tearsaton problem can only be explain by appli to an iter {algap. fore thestdent of tanaation to widen his ouiock. In general, when speaking about ‘uta releences,soio-curat teens ad the ike, authors avoid any defo, atbuting the meaning tte notion srt of collective inten. Thi option sees tohave two {bain pte its excesive arbitrariness and, moe portly, esate ‘larcter,paralel with the ie ha thee are permanent CS matter ‘which pir of cultare is involved and no matter wat he textual ancion (Gone text or the other) ofthe tea under study 1 i the present state of translation sts, we have lett anything shout aratation and intercultural relationship ite thir namic ase, [Noto claments retin the same reatonship over suffient period of Aine. Thus, If we seek a seul definon of « wansaion prblem for teanlaton studies and we maintain that ony ral ansatons can be todd, el translations will have o provide he criterion fo he solation of the problem. At Mt Snel Homby sats the problems do nat depend on the source txt itl, but on the Significance ofthe wansatd textforitsreadersasmenbers of aceta ‘str or ofa subgroup within that culture, withthe contllai of rowiedge, jement and perception tey have developed from In other words in tranlation a CS doss not exit of itself but asthe sesultofa cont ang from any linguistically represented reference a source text which when tered f..faret language, poss & ‘tanelation problem due fo the nonexistence orto the ciferert aloe (whether delerminedby ideology usage, fequency, tof the given item the target language culture. ‘Lets give few examples fn Bible tanlation theres the now lle gual oves hot rua the iage ofthe ai nt languages in whose cultures this animal i unknown of if known, does not have ‘ontotaons of innocence helplessness andso on. Thus the tranlaton of 8 usetirest rome srarasscel ff a cecarecne mem cameo 5 “at fom eben te language of knoe wile npn, | the sats of «CS and willbe a uealaton problem On the ote, ‘ond wil ot ont s ealtirespecic enn aio no Span or Engl pve inert compa lol av pur ad iS animal nthe the ngage ' it slonkat anther empl provide by Frank dec the fit towel The Wa Cand (Ape stcret onthe Engh tei, we ae fold, Ap erupt sit of Hal mh and Seo with fewer and speng In Germany (ad FSpi) ti pace # eccupied by May. The izreral gap wold be bigger ne ave | Sirti) he aaa os ae no guage hone Scttextal raion bal Ape for camp arte nth of he most ‘voting haces. “Thi how a cla problem in tnt ais inked to aio langage we CSI 8 which tore wl have to oct eho. ‘They wiley conecousyerueuocnsly, king er ang pout | (ote upheld or terogevel the tewrlason notte eects, Sretewtuaiy crt, tetrence, ee) xpd oy tha nua, cris and/or readers Ino eample ere anther se wich nt be cast Bath (Sis reso neonate text station, Coming back to Apa nesta ‘efor nance theta carte nhs nth woud oe pincpe bea Stan beteen gs and push ut woue, ‘rea Eng ana angnge wich ogaised ane nadir way) ‘We mighty, tres, to develop our atmo define utes: st in fem fhe above mensone double enon any tania Sbjct Te exe alin es whe ition ad ovations ‘netwure tet ese stration prion ei eer age tt, ‘tons th pan uproot f he fre ter fis ‘Sooners tect en fhe ade ft ae a deen he cr pry gsi en 2S. lepenng pot ston oy but lo ns anton the ex es persed inthe routing cl earn pera prcblem of ‘eologil eet! ope, scope forthe sverage ero {orany agent wih powerin eter Th fact any inp ‘lbw tot unavaraebut des we wih bap the notion of CST open to Inet ero among Ings 4 communis Thus ath componentin thn of St he | afte andthe obvious possibilty that bjt, habs Valocs once | eset one cumunitycome tobe shared by others. rd (Oe the othe hand, i 18 ue tat CSL only such in its textual rmatslzation and always from the poit of view ofthe group fat onives the menage iis alo a fact Ulett es at apes {be CSls ina concrete text ee 3 nea always, simply becnase their ‘taal diferent tends to be synchronialy sable between two given peoples, whatover thei textual postion. I is this repulse tht has students of transhation establish ror caegoies of CSIs an {pak sense and that wil also allow us wo ertablich and dass the moat ‘Sohiypel ition in ehh these ems spp. “Thus, we may distinguish two basic categories fom the point of view of thetrarslator: proper nouns and commen expressions (or want of {tor term to cover the Word of eject, ntatons, habits end opinions etrted teach cultare and that cannot be nc inthe ile of proper ‘ames From the point of view ofcuent alain, most popes oun amo present de bsictruitofadaptingtemssves ia ery elt Way te preestablished translation sore - which dose not naan each one of ‘tem is lays subjected to Uw same transition strategy, whatever the ‘text and/oraverage reader. This sino way an shit fact becease Atleast in Spain in the begining af this cntary there went eed Sguments about, for instance, how English Christan aes should be fesated" This type of proper name contiued tobe ins clea tate of pdefnedness unl after the fies, ae becomes clea i we scythe Iesation Ua slat secondary genes lke cides erature We _may find more proof ofthis development of tanslain ates for Instance, the esablched Spanish version of many of Shakespeare's ist same, many of which are stl eal Spanish names Gu to their ely ‘strane iio our textual tadition (wheres, of couse, culent norms ‘vise tartare and interpreters to keep those same proper noun in thse English form when they come from a madera source uncle © ‘Stnkespens). Following . Hermans,” prope nouns canbe divided intwo categories: eovenional and loaded. Conventional propes nouns ae these sens anmotivated” and ths as having no meaning of themesve’ te those that fall unde the collective perception we lve of proper ‘nouns apart rem the possible textual or intetextual analogies authors = Unfortunately for the anlar tnd to activate, Lowded! proper names sre‘thse terry names tat aresomahow seen as"tlivetes they range ‘fom faintly “suggestive” to overly “expressive” names sad nickname, fed Include these fetonal as wel as naw-etonal names aru which ‘rain historical or cltral associations have acer inthe content of articular clare’ In he case of conventional names theres novradayst i: erty pet mctreaslteteminpinay gees | Scapa hats pesca econ eee on nn | Taitopeta atc era nro enone Cer eerie gene naga een, Whey octa dpy eonty fn gue ms wer cnon wets ctcoapennt nek whee | Sib opal. ' Corvsh ore menaiatnget me comin, | septs ool batcal anenberoch enemas Eee Sis and Their Possible Manipulation For reasons of methodological efcay, have thought it convenient to ‘ny 4 group all posible strategies applied to CSs in translation, This ‘Sete: Paradoxically, this respectful stategy involves ia many ces an Jnarssein the exotic archaic charactor ofthe CS, which lt tbe more alien by the target language reader beouse of is nguisie form and ‘ultra itance" Thi eminds ws of one ofthe paradone of tacltion dene the great pitfalls of he tational notion of equivalent fact that something absolutely sdendcal, even in graphic component ight ‘beabelutly ferent inte collective rexption, ntngraphic pation “Tie strategy includes procedures lie tanecrption td tealterton, ‘which are mainly used when the orginal reference is expressed in 3 liierent alphabet fom the ne target reader se Inthe eee of English {nto Spanish tanslation i was a selatively frequent srtegy ol Bout {he fills, whereas at present there ea lar endency toward mash sespuct for English forms when tere i no wish © translate them t0 preenisting Spanish reference. Nowadays, this procedure i reserved inl for the negation of referenozs frm thd cultures (Rusia names Snglish works ete )and forthe tanserence of Spent words nspel rEg tent ‘Thus, in the translation of The Maltese Falcon by Casas Ganced (1839), ‘Russian called in Enghsh Kemidov becomes Kenidot, whereas Calle (0965) transcribe ose the name ofthe Issipon (em Josephine’ ‘end of Hamnet, as Too, probably confusing it with this Spanish ‘masculine name and, in any eit, attempting coectnes ne of She most pervading translation norms.” ‘With the supporto pre-established translations within th intertextl ‘corpus ofthe target language, or making seo the inguiic ransparency ofthe C51" the translator chooses inmany cases a denctatively very cose | | ra ‘TRANSLATION, POWER, SUBVERSION reference the ocgal but ncese is compreenlly by flag {Ripa lnguage vtion wicca llc ncugnaed abeoging tee Cultura syns fhe sore et i mr ec ey gat ae of sir [dlls => dlr inch“ ld, which ic» ott oe in Spank isthe anne ny, ciate lane whch se ent he eciingcltrebutndetndable becouse analogs andeven hel {ous tothe native ones rly coment the ste cxtegoy ford iy om da hig iy pve which eye snus Spenh i coed i Sai ts paca sovereen ay peed faeyinSpain strates gl we oe wet one of the abovementioned procedure, conten # aceemey tr oer some eatin of fv mean ot mpc o the CL At the sme ine doe ot som legato ‘Saverio mi ths explanation nh he fen Toe deco, he 210 ‘Singh the los by tari it esac (nt eo gis, “commentary translation in bracket, in italics, etc:) This proce ised all th tine in the satment of quotations in third Teiguege snd, today n Spa ‘to offer data about famous. prope and texan pure which re sully tered ‘untantatale’ Ee tran 1 have sed or Os paper thre irony ne crates losin witht [Amol Rotate -¥* Center ‘an 208d) > arcu anger yas 1920 rontr Nass Inter sose ‘Tht sue the previ cae ut htt fee hey cn ot stone tir leo an dnt prt te tet oly So at to ditt the reader’ atenton. [five fet lg > sin pt cm oho lads ive et wig ince Se Mark» Hot Se Mak This produ ofers a variation sully dt th nee for sling mbit, which rs one of te mow rivera tito ranean Sm spake of what could be debts the ate of expe, ‘which consis of ling oxpisteomething tht irony pac reveaied Inthe ong text (add for nstance, the roman chars en tention by thelr Chistian nate} or sppestssubsitted by 8 pronoun (CULTURE-SPECIFIC ITEMS IN TRANSLATION. Sebstitation Sonny ‘This atesy & wsully based on the tlic grounds linked with recurrence [discus in the net section, Tho rtlator resorts oomene hag ‘of synonym or pralel reference to avai repeating the CSI Thos ttn ofthe trnslations of The Mase Fas we wil sadly (Cans Cans 1959), Spadeappearsin most cases peated, income ortedes ney ‘bymeans of to main references: Samu! (he Christan mane eae ‘is sumame) and EI mftolco rub’ ‘Te nepistphelon Henao ‘salto to replace the second reference (Held dak his hed pass of Boca) for ‘Aca de tomar stoves Hin a stn apucte so et (He had jst had hi third baton af the delcioor lige of gee ae} andthe third, some distance away font oer becomes asin ‘rm (oa). 0 Linied extern Jn principle, the translators fel that the CSL too obscute for their seadersorthatthereisanoter, more usual possiblity and deci toring it Uouslly forthe sake of exit, they seek another reference iss ‘edogingto the source language cult closet thi renters anaiee {Si but less speci 20 to speak. [ve grand cna mi dress foe Shousand dll; an American football» wn bc gy > abel ot rghyh 9 Abe untesattin ‘he basic situation sential othe previous one, but the teats donot ind ater nown CSlor prefer to delete any fonigtconeitis nu choose a neutral erence fr tei ead coved bet lon de men» sie of hm; a Chesterfield» or sft > st The translator decides to bring the CSI nt the intertextul corps lt 1 specie by the tanget language cature. Currently tis siege Intequently used in literature (withthe clear exception of deers lheratre, where talbo sbeginnng to deci) [Dllar-» dur acurency ‘denomination sil in us in Spain) Bright» Beg Lmightbe interesting tocommentherethtwilconsierthathistoiat ‘penons with preestblished warlations ino Spanch fog, Queen Elca, sth la wind Sat) are not eases of naturiaton bl of inguic (ooncultra) translation, at 90 Spas reader would fo tet dee om ‘TRANSLATION, POWER, SUBVERSION ‘versions involv any sot of cltural ubstiton because the name stil ‘Sire pt ofthe source guage clr he person il prot Engl cule, even i i is ansbed ta Spent terme to pho treo. Deion “The ralatrs consider the C3 unscopabe on olga styiie grounds or they think tht I aot relevant enough for the effort of ‘Sepreirsion regi of thet reder cr hatte obscure an they leo allowed or do not want o use procedures such a the pos, ‘They therefore decide to omititin the target text (dark Cadilac sedan > Gates atk CaciliCasper Gan Eire Casper Gua), “This procedures wed mach more than many prescriptive waslation setter would ke o acknowledge ao willbe own nthe ast soto ths paper Autonomous craton “his sa very itleed strategy in which the tsar or usually their ators) ei ht it could be interestig for her ears oUt {nsome nonexistent clr reerence the soure txt The translation of ‘mele in Spin sears obs one of he fils where mat ineances of | {his typeof tana are tobe ound Among he texts ste for his paper, the best example suring | a double example we have alo te jutifestion of tei ofthe book fn Spanish (lan dere de Espana he Falcon of te King of Spain {tell we stander and sted teas and al ach oer names? Or shall ‘we he paused ands sne was cheru's—'goo Constantinople? > Owe nar aremosapderaand grins como Magdalenes usages {Cotta ons ler le de rey de spas Stl we ‘tay here bedding tare or call we go to Constantinople Insearchof the re falcon ofthe Lingo Spi?) “There are other potential strategies lke compen sutonomous creation at anther pont ofthe lt with sins efec Aistcation (isplacementin the text of he sme referees) crater | Geplacement on ideologia grounds of omathing too strong or ny | way unaceptabl, by something “safer, more adequate fo target pole (dasetion + | (CULTURE-SPECIFIC TEMS IN TRANSLATION os tates in the scale wil have tobe determined by further study of real ‘ea splanatory Variables ‘The reaons tht npn: in prices o choot ny of Ateabove easton satis canbe very complex Ts sen ty ‘Pest «sere of spots, tal Rost! end en ‘iat combinant waka eto cei she ae {eansanre Tre npesin sce ofthe ty wins “Zacpawhach wil put orvard naga order fom longer shore Gotan to euch paula CSL The venous faning pose act ‘fenepednt a th bbl to my ech ther ne up and-down ‘ven ought he methodological whacky estes ie ‘ime o pen ppc In te atmpt to expan the posable sons hat be bind te i he talon when giving petal SoRoar for he Sus wtp should be ted hw tat {eulnor we trolly the peopl who cary fll eponaiaity foe ‘roto bot by no mano te nly ones in ft Coal the result. Tere te pecple in auboriy Uke pulser, eon, proseade tein, poole eee soe of ator wo ay change {nything ually to contr wih wa ey fed tobe socal expectation ‘Mlabyie way oat ich es een mre suppotto ee at Be inurpecie cor boned by the tase ot ravely ondary natu (t eatin a satel sey Dae tere re thet ‘ens whe will hoary ced oro wilt necmalallow ‘Srpuesumet weds which te to prone tbr nt ony tandaton ‘cbt ti ngusicandpagmasccorests ofthe aget nye Tare pecilyincoutikrSpan or Rance wihasrang aon {Site of cena inthe wien nein. “Te allowing te highly tative, ices what seem to be ser pec forte unending oan way of Unaaing Never ‘Ec tisunopen atin which ks npr plo may etopped tnd where any npn aspect canbe ded Th ages wllel Supatetual parameter Dag of ing prescription Tether any imgotant group orinstittion devoted othe preservation oflinguisticer episticcoventons eg Royal Acadenesof Language) | fa ‘TRANSLATION, POWER, SUBVERSION, te tngt language? The ane thi guton wil ie ws ew cies ‘Bout Be afc towards teen r twa conventions Hs the Stralic tnecpin of Sloper Spin i atonal avery preciplve county. This explain ey ssl ately osm there hasbeen seat endeny twa ot ‘gaphe adapadon ox Ung earcaton oS conventional proper Sots echied focal gts whencrer tere were any Hino oun, ‘Sul of an ciymologea ats, for the anplaton Th sae onto en the pat of he Royal Academy of Language ove the eis ‘Sediumelpe to expan hy tanltion Gren hese onde {Sneto be och cover el nguge than neater wen xe Natura ection of eta es Tei porto define a group of ade forthe tage tn? he ‘version Planned for any pea gop Ht Gt eed oe) we eu “nesta te posible ferent of teament of ne ure tex so aso ‘Bet te epetaton, lor ean, of eter tcnagers or rte Scent Tssame mets anangcther, could sobelp = tocrpan {he rasan fr the spec taston nore (ery soureerieed) in Engl Spanish of ome tcl x ypn ren expetons ond jargon ofthe perlite ae being ree. Nate ond a of he ire “Athearn cont with hoe le teasator oc wth howe which se sockaly'acopted? In shifting questions, sch athe toatment cf ‘ommetric messie ty, ot nua fore blast aose ‘Spence tanaato sore” wth tanacend teers o 8 ‘Season who will works dint way en cgi tne ‘And there aillanaher poi ink oe ands the ato. theres publisher’ poy that lye down spl coins for Ue ee ‘wollen’? Fr same, commenting one taslatn ofa Sine fon or See Nate in franc between 195 an 197, lek Robyn decibs collin witha pe-etbihe lengthy wich ord the tana o apply nen conto or abide a cia tex, apt mn fe elon of opaque sn, ioiogially lone ferences T's tbe are pola tat A Renae?” ake ht speaking sb he tration oe conan novel in anand inthe Sloe +> Working cmon, tii and sacl sat of th reor “Themoreanavcurble they ar the moe hayes that we will have to cuir the lao of winenioel behaviour or of nga) ad (CULTURE SPECIFIC ITEMS IN TRANSLATION o cult finjompetence These are besides, rather dangerous notions or {he translation stint a they fer! to come ins bio handy whee emething is cfc to explain. Inmazy county, erry transistors complain (we etn do sos ot in pain) about working condison tha for thm to tana yer fst sand with neal no tine for revision. These conten, together with be inc of specialized taining in a county tha, ike Spin has not had tniveslty degree in uarsaion unt rcenly, explain & nner of Inamgruties and obvious misunderstanding, For amply ne that sppentsina translation of Dashiell Hammes Fast where's pasos ‘amd HF become “ur tl Fil” (eomeone named Hi), bese of 8 onfioa belo "past nd Peron and nos the tel of ny sort f conscious decision onthe part the anlar ‘Testu parameter Material etal estat ‘The existence of some sort of inage accompanying & text an have & dds infuence onthe leeway allowed to a analatr as becomes est {fone compares dubbing with teat translate.” Inthe sme way, the treatment of CSlsin photograph ceptions has cferent sors of costs. Prev translations Previous translations ofthe same gence, autor, or source txt place ‘ustrins onthe target textincaar they haveecome a reognine pst ‘tthe target language clare Ao have alzeady mentioned, te enslence ‘of previous wandlaions of dasscal works ike Shakespeare imple hat fy reference tohischaracesis usualy subjedted to proces of ingistic “emltion thatthe same conventional proper noun Would pt undergo in roma conditions. Canetti Complementing the previous pont, whet exten das the considers: ion of a work as = asic or simply as good Ierature increase the ‘constrains the tandator is subject to? ‘Thenoacamonized satus of text may aus, expecially in very popu Ihomture, a tendency to condensation (deletion of large portions o the source tect) duct constants of the target language sytem, which also iplains the publishers’ resticions commented on by Tcbyn td Kemppinen in ther papers. On the contrary, the herary promotion’ of ‘hesame text willautomatically require a much snore ‘espectil wousce- ‘ented retansatin "as inte eas of Dashiell Hammett’ The Males @ TRANSLATION, POWER, SUBVERSION | CULTURE-SPECIFIC ITEMS IN TRANSLATION, ° Falco nto Spanish, which underwent limited codensition in its Conversely, the extreme opty ofthe Stes range of pois ‘Spun vemon (son, 193) and whichsow ecsvena very cowervatie sot ges fm delat, de to ak of derstanding by tants testment a evidenced in to other tandation of Ue novel. {hemslves, tovepottion, with the subsequent ‘ecticiato ogc states ‘The nature of the CS! "ACSIanay be shared by both cultura systems asto its eistence, but not {have chosen the term “ulure-specifc tem to seas Ue fact that a | st tois use or socal vale. This canbe an important factor when trying to potential tansation problem elwayscxsinaconeretesuationbetween | explain tsa deletions in which the translators change thelr chosen ‘rong andtwotens When ispntffenasreltheca-anean | stn 9 avd inconveniences or eunancs wih hey lhe the type and breadth of the inecutural gap, before the concrete radar wilnot sll accep cenfeculization ofthe CS aks place, gven boaters tons | eco tid arte Sd posible ingulst concen, “Te eeferences to CSls belonging 1 third cultures ar speci cas in Prostubised rasta tomclves and should be tested ag such. Trennatonal CSIs ike In the same way a thore ae names of fiona ad nonfictonal | intutions share by several counts ar parculrly intresting and racers and pero that have coneinoteinteretaltaiton ofthe | ally have very stoglyprestablised wanlatos a inthe case of target language culture and whose teat in warlation wil wually | some abbreviations wehavealrendy mentioned break the orm applied othooe which have appeared more reer, he_ | In this paragraph we can alo include references in the source txt previous ecsenc faecal accepted tration of ay Clos fen | catalan inguntictems belonging the eget ngage cate happens inte cae of nsportntinittins and toponym in Ue tarpet ff sme cases hee are source text explanations about them which ae ngage cult) will usually force a concrete translation (eg. UNO > | tral (aed fequen canals for deletion in the target text bere for (OM, but UNICEF — LINICE, and NATO NATO wile Spain was not instance, that Sevie isin the south of Spa cold be fel as parte t whereas nwt ha cone OTA), insulting tothe average Spanish ender 4 this connection, the pertinent phenomenon ili fact be the deviation fom train forte skeofsome new tandation norm whowe f_ attetwal parameter Increasing strength foes thechangeofacllective habit Ths nowadays Within the tod, the treatment of « C5 also depends on the textual thenulelst cron ses tofvouratenptstortuntothe orginal’ | fancion pay ithe sous et swell of tosantion wnt The ter for toponymns ostiy when tey are net to suongly embedded in| futon othe eansatd ie nthe gest eed not obvi, De the the erent ofthe eget anguage and more curenty thesetura ty | same asin te engin inning with he possi deletion) but there Jocal language denominations the nly ffi one inthe wolenation | ateedency that way ane he merge rcdom enjoyed the anlator same toponym in near-federated Spin) We can ind more prea } yl no deubt be inlumnced by fy mos due to reason involving the this inthe shit undergone by phases ike ‘Caste of 5 Angelo’ nthe | Gatty and intemal coherence of the tuslaton tearatin we shal study wiereitbecume ‘ail de Son Ang! Galea Patan * tae teen cana facie ‘Ssint Ange i the fst fo tensatins (559 and 196) bat ‘ut de Se tes ae ted of unabity of rane ree eo ‘Sant Angelina even more alan version tan the orginal nein te | Godewations Hs those ated of i red last ansation (1952). {Saesult of omicions thst al names, incidents and points of Une aly. Teemparecy of te CSE [Raceme obvious that Ue imples section of whats deleted, taking 35 ‘Thisisa factor whichean expan many ssppocodiyincoborentinwtances | themain erteronitsrelevanceand/orrecurrenceln the source txt fenly oftransation. Translators whohavechosen greatly tomociytheCSiemay | toachiove the maxis effect forthe minimum effort always with he Shunge their mind when a Hnguite tardaton wil be styiicall, | exception of unacceptable ems inthe recving text fadiion 6 ‘ccspablcandesny indestandablefordeerendentntagetlnguages | shown by te fac atts ete arwsption of ical varios ~ TRANSLATION, POWER, SUBVERSION ‘end to dsappearin Spanish tanslatons, whatever hl anportanc athe lar cosderton within the source teat In some ewes, CS are slo specific in the sousce ext a8 happens with ‘many techni inal or tansnational references ts theefere notion ‘unsual o find inatetual loses nthe source text. This iteutaance {ually implies an important diferenc in tale, andi fact at ‘Sandie for ay, deletion might be pt for thi essen Retour ‘A factor that tent nfuence the treatment of «CSUs its importance forthe understanding an creibity ofthe txt or of one of its passages. ‘The tnual cena ef CSL wil urually be a force that pushes the teal vet the biggest pombe degee of conwervaton (Use hay ‘beother factors against suchas pre establihed tanalatons or esogy ‘aleoniderations) 1 siren | “This toxtua factors inked withcelevance. The mor frequent CSL the | geste ts chances of appearing with height degre of conser ton in | | the tage tet wth hese ecrvatione a inthe evo asad or ‘Hat mutter as always when one speaks sbout wandaton) {In adaiton the recurtence factor ofers an interesting variant linked with the ssc requirements of the sesving pole Contrary fo the nglshropeaking countries, whose grammar demands constant fxd repetitions, begin ith the ned to make theses exp mall Sentenes, in Spin = and in other counties" ~ one ofthe tational frames fond a nd something at ater an lip of Vat readers demand of «text to make tse an orginal to avoid ‘epellins of loaded oe unnecessary items too close tower CS are ‘ott all fe fro ths style non, whose ef manifest themselves i [twobase ways: deletion and synonyy | Coherence of the tage text ‘When the translator has cid to aplya particular strategy toa CSL, ‘ts next sppeorance will rally rece an soaks eatnet Thay ‘wl fe have to eck cur explanation oti the preset case bt in the previous ones) and even when the strategy is lent, the previous “pearance mightenly bean iniportant arto te explanation es fact Iappens, for instance, inte case of exratextul loser, 1 which ‘ransators usually cay reset the fist ie the CSL appears in he tx. (CULTURE SPECIFIC ITEMS IN TRANSLATION. n [Analysis of Three Translations of The Maltese Falcon In hs section wil ty to cary ot bri nasi he cultural stip undergone By one novel nes tarts spas by etndnolabou 9 years The ohmeot data have cae sar ‘hai to allow gee concaors onthe Rotor ad genes eel, ‘foe ham of ts soto dow that cultural ania cel ‘Bs pce tan principle # more marke in he fd of omc Sprebias (s opened prope our) and ha alos tet rway we might Jb sytem ater han nena ‘The versions of The Mate Flan (152) {have stated ar those trated by Fe Cas Caner (195) [hae del yd spat The {Seam the ing of Spin) Mac: Dada 839) by Reman Calls (1509 [el ian tes (The Nal Flot) Made Anan Era, {9e9 a arson: Mundo Actual de Bicone, SE; and by Frances Fer de i Caden (992) {eink mali Maced Debt, 182) encsorwar {el retro thom ar Cats 153, Cale 198 and ee {Don eparvely- As have dane wah hc range ft seater atc be applied oC wor awort Sword eens io ‘Enplan whenever uote exampes where the tas is ot ere peiion rom a spatial pint of view, thre a very ear dierence tetrun de tlaton 9 Car 100d oer bres Cate 903 war Pbshecin a cheap paperbackeiton of the type tht typ soldi ‘Esk instead of boas i Sp) pt of allt ned ‘Stn plc (Oteve section. Apr fem mentoring We nae ith nator an th stor, Can 99 prover ont Bay fhe {Stoning the dedton and any commen one autor ois wok ‘Bs brng the workin ie whl ther detective ore, whch ve {radon had» very low itarany anus reste of he Wort a ‘rinse of popu tne Daly shown in wo fess fhe tras (0) the great number of deeions of generaly shot and descriptive ‘tec, epecly hore in aloges ae thse rete 10 the SDundancee spate das wiih are characteristic the peat detective ton rested by Hamme an (0) ta ery cars tony fo warm the acne th sone sot of ‘tual ouchin hen heels asompie he shew sentence Se st ‘race ford and ted deep ino his eer becomes ‘Ara act 4 minal cox edn, pend crt mo cn tos ft ‘ovis descr. (page 85) She advanced awards hi, © n TRANSLATION, POWER, SUBVERSION kn wih ari, ng fr cb ave wih al bo et a ie ithe mace ote Bowe Tappintanenpe ela abscess Setar io kas ee ere es ane Epis tarp Mia ae ome ‘oreo tanensaindiedngrptiny oedine sn apy oan ae eae Fo ERGY ace ata minum tae machete core Brees, ere eco meth Gish oeatientatmporanonhpoceatncetone eee sir eee atte nla ae eka ea Cites Siprenerne raetneteg ae eens san Came ae Ema" elprosmnimen tk psy a Neng idLes Sara Demme a aa Sia sthctekan aie aa ares ens Sireahe dates ute ase a Sorc Tha ieee plang pth see get at ede vote ns epee ened we itaty Saray ipmeortennnaa tsa Seiad eet ae ate Uwistugntanr scar sures mae eases Sreckadedhd a Scarce ne SUSAR ete ea sae ae ECS cay oorenreeae os cement Caetano te cel pach nee cae ‘ues tal ignsesh fresh ete Satta sya Se dpacn cect Tore dns ef crite stared omen, sem a wane graote as con [eid inno estas Pomerat ate cn Elite a Sc pcupe scp po Soe ee eee eg ee Sue pitanja ome iteteintsy of eto Con 195 srt thse ete Oy Roby or ca Sih a ae es a (CULTURE-SPECIFC ITEMS IN TRANSLATION s ad the Netorcl perpectve. For many years nove, Spi as ben 2 “zunty strongly charcerizd bya very dlesive shade wards He ‘guage, with tho (nl ect) power Royal Academy’ of Language Tenling the movement ina manne ht recalls the sina attude of ee French Arsen foci ellos on atralzng al oeig ances imu pombe Tt, even hough ths been incr Gane rer the bat fv yous, encourages deletion in the press of cual dometation nally its necessary to say hath ctrl hegemony of he USA was just begining the te and hat there es ot Speclly intone Tihiactorpesiclevlatisnbetweenthetrocutres Thro there wae SSviggortant for ef umacepabty or ops =the Ho are neatly Hlenfilnthe ce feat onanoicl werk ina group of Sl that wre hen move ethan no This iseeely shown Casas 193 Ip sata txms ke go cr his Cbihey'in he original, tho tanafonned in the other fo tothe mach moe transparent snd recoaabe whisky but in romaa Pe). “The fac tht hs sty etic el to severa ansations of ingle soure tet ental tne advantage tat mo factors elated he rate al and, to lanes deg to the nature o he CS ‘deal forthe verses: Te consequence of is at he diferent treatments are much more del Hake withthe talon noms fr Schperiod and wih beste toarsthe soars tas amor ores ‘Showa xe To decrit the ati of he CS have ensidered each dierent ston wth a speci cultural pera inthe suse text and Fave ‘gnmiid each CS with diferent ete in the target tox cing {Reve dlted and urononcusty ested by the trast Inthe couse of {har pendulum’ pros botwcan the suice and tpt testy, have {Escala epettone ofthe sane wet of Cs inh fare tet on {he ground Gat hee options wuld only erste th fia rer a8 the frcntages weetbe stay infvncedby the member fines ey {tee te the nes ten character rept. Furthermore, he sun of potenti diferente Cs that appear in the sour ot G28 for proper noun and 5 for common express) fs ‘Tangeot posites that givesrepresentativecoveragetallthe avery ‘Gf uct strategie hich i pile can be aed fo save the teansation problem. “This method fers an additonal vantage that tao allows us fo sib cl the verb factor the beaten of C36 tthe ” TRANSLATION, POWER, SUBVERSION | CULTURESSPECIFIC TEMS IN TRANSLATION 1 percentage of tines the taslato has resorted to diferent stags to Spanish counterpart a translation noem that viel only survives East hat out of context the same potential Cl nthe sure ext, inseundary genres like hlrers erature in Spain In tht Meare “his percentage coherent wit he comments have already made about fhe snegy Of naturalist of proper names can cover all proper the thre versions; with regard to the proper names @a6in the source ex) ‘ames, whether they have a comuhon Tot or nek showing once spn swehave It (diferente tertmen) vay in Casa 193505 ‘hat ti the receiving pole hat dctates the noms and resco ts {ppoved to 26% (52) and 13% G29) in Cala 1909 and Per 1592 prepared to accept om te suse ex while or eommon expressions 67intherourcetex wefind |) the synonymy, exciv this aelton the oer wo resrt—and 14 6 dierent wentmens) Casn 1983 and 3% G9 erent then only seldom = to deletion fo avoid redundancy), which alo (Si) inthe other two versione Conte the hegemony of he sys vies dominant st pol We may etiate percentages ofeach translation strategy compared of history inthe target pole opposed to dose whch spear inthe ‘withthe tot of diferentsod CS inca gettext aed swe het source extant ser tis ota i very snr in the st to trnshatne whch contama | (@) fhe slegy of sstnomouscestion (instances found or proper Sormcwst smaller sus of diferent CSls tan that found in Case 1588, hhamesandtwoforcommon expresso), alipexchsveto Wis verso ‘where he iniportant dference between potential Cis nthe sue text “Common expresions (as opposed 1 proper nouns) ae much more god weed CSlsnthe gel txt cnims taints tarlation cara | gale w abstain sep Le altel demescton ty tes ‘hegemony is granted fo the receiving pote, oppored tothe muck more | connection, tseeme seul © poy tention fo what could be describe et conservative version of Cale 903d Pen me. $Siding of wanton strategies towards the cull manipulation poe, ‘The condusionbased onthe conservation /subtutionofpropernames | most partcunly i he two ae tention, where we can perce & and ter breakclown ito the diferent tansation states the great | ser ht the dominant stoegy which was repetition in he ese of snl inthe trentmen of proper ames inthe vo ler teanaations-1t_ | proper nouns and tems ino gui teansan common expressions. Seems that tanslation ners for aul iterate a vremay sen ond Casts 1989 chooses domestication and constantly resorts deletion and coherent in this ld, with a chit towards radial conservation hats | to sbocte univerealation (more than Gos between both sag) fo ‘enlly placed around the 1550s in Spain ‘ete the problems fcuturaasymanety between the wo ypesotaverage ‘Cases 1959 i totally diferent mater. His 185% deletions of proper | teers and thse problems of aymunetry, we shoul free st ames (mainly the most opaque ones or those in secndery fatal | have benmuch more acute inthe 1s than now given tects situation Le those withascondacy importance fortheuniestandingat | contact between the two communis The rol i tat he intodes tne tet or the development ofthe plot) i of great importance forthe | characters who ea, die and geet or have s typeof retionstip with {hlnce of conervation/substiutlon. To tis we must add the fac that | suories perfectly asinable by the readers of hs tine, who didnot ‘roper ames witha functional load tht transcend mere tna Kr tomalvery name nso fo eg tesignton tr fo ‘ven they are opaque orto change into ‘frat mater, ve vigil they wee accustomed ‘ommoneapcin fnapocelsbccanteseinto) SE {Seonmame, A the sme tne, he oa eelour and, withthe necesry ometo denote ther meaning istend of cenaotang tg. dla thok (hse commercial) dove of exit aie by mea of Ink in Joe Becomes sire dele [he ae ence mere ota tmuch more cncervaive lablstrategy inthe ease of proper names. In jail] Cats 1995128) This procedure is iso used in the lhe 0 Shor wetavea novelin which the reader~ who in piace hs sce ‘anslation, especially in Call 96, but to muchsmaller degree fhe source tnt prasad tough notre pls remain snd people, where ects move ough thse Bglsh- es fo rel reel ee ‘imTouect an lk widen thr tigre wich ot tend sors ere natant, eee! (0) he tesa of Cian nan of tonal des wh ave | (O88 Bap towing pe of shu wih ol ‘lb una cong nce a et owoteatn fe wien ngeane nen % TRANSLATION, FOWER, SUBVERSION ‘The two most reset aslo eit» high degree of mutual, coherence, sce thy lexp gba ule witda S38 mrp of Ree alg ll tee Series cree Rane erm rettras SS caer eromiaaegas ga Stet ces a 2 ere mare ean ieee eee are coun oan nie 5 The Exotic Space of Cultural Translation VIDIO CARBONELL, Dest its being so recurrent in contemporary cultural and theoretical though the eueof trnslatien asa paradigm of culture contactisnot such {har rena atmightscemataist glance. Any survey fect writings “reall crtcem wil show that whereas ansation se fundamental ommaplae in fields so separate ~ and yet so redated ~ a ings theoree of exuivaience, comparative ftecature, istry of ideas and {ulturlentvopology, the scope and sigrieance of such a notion may ‘evertheless eppen stznewhl barred dependent context in which {Eepplied ttmay wellbethe cise hat westllneedasjstomatized theory ‘tela analaton aes implied in any instance of contact betwee ulus, Bese although there rea good umber of seminal tadies eating with the subjon, yet pears hat some renessment i requred what ls understood by tnslation inthe framevrerk feature contet tr the interpretation of eats, belore we atlmpt to approach such a problematic tue. Tn the last thsty year the Geld covered by tarlatin theory has expanded from noematvete descriptive ste, om alinguistcperspe~ {ve towards a macro level of stay that encompasses the cultura context a whole. Sine the fertermove, wanshtion theory as Aliversfied subetanaly according decent approaches. Theres trend in trnclation sues that analyses ransation a product anther trend theonzs translation as social fantion yet anther ~ translation ‘dunetcs sands asa necesary normative development in aration theory Batcomstimeswefind at th tm traneleton {used namuch ‘wider, philosophic! sone. When the most recent theories on athropol gy of culture confit raze the broad question of taneation between CUares they ar clesing to semiotic or ue, bermencuticisues aber than fo the purely Unguiste problems of Bidliy fo the source lex. »

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