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Frances Eales « Steve Oakes - Louis Harrison Elementary Workbook with key. 2ND EDITION 1) GLOBAL | 1B 1 BIC} sf English PATE TT) PEARSON CONTENTS WELCOME GRAMMAR | present simple: be VOCABULARY | countries and nationalities READING | national dishes and drinks WRITING | capital letters GRAMMAR | this/that, these/those; possessives VOCABULARY | objects LISTENING | interviews at an airport FUNCTION | making requests VOCABULARY | tourist places LEARN TO | listen for key words ae) GRAMMAR | there is/are VOCABULARY | rooms and furniture; prepositions READING | top tips for small rooms WRITING | commas GRAMMAR | can for possibility VOCABULARY | places in towns; prepositions LISTENING | 2 tour of London FUNCTION | shopping. VOCABULARY | things to buy LEARN TO | say no politely ina shop ed GRAMMAR | present simple: /you/we/they VOCABULARY | activities LUSTENING | doing a course WRITING | and, but. oF GRAMMAR | present simple: he/she/it VOCABULARY | daly routines; jobs READING | 2 hot dog seller FUNCTION | asking for information VOCABULARY | the time LEARN TO | show you don't understand GRAMMAR | countable and uncountable nouns; nouns with a/an, some, any VOCABULARY | food and drink READING | too busy to eat? GRAMMAR | how muct/meny;quantifiss VOCABULARY | containers LISTENING | the junk food lover's diet WRITING | paragraphs FUNCTION | ordering in a restaurant VOCABULARY | restaurant words LEARN TO | understand fast speech eeaes GRAMMAR | have/has got VOCABULARY | family LUSTENING | families, GRAMMAR | adverbs of frequency VOCABULARY | personality READING | HELP! forum WRITING | descriptions: apostrophe 's FUNCTION | making arrangements VOCABULARY | time expressions LEARN TO | show interest ate GRAMMAR | was/were VOCABULARY | dates and time phrases READING | celebrities who are friends GRAMMAR | past simple VOCABULARY | life story collocations LISTENING | adopted twins WRITING | because and so FUNCTION | asking follov-up questions VOCABULARY | activities LEARN TO | extend conversations Review 1 Page 20 Review 2 Page 38 eee GRAMMAR | comparatives VOCABULARY | travel adjectives READING | travel partners GRAMMAR | superiatives VOCABULARY | places LSTENING | an audio diary WRITING | checking and correcting FUNCTION | giving directions VOCABULARY | laces LEARN TO | check and correct directions 10 PLANS GRAMMAR | be going to; would like to VOCABULARY | plans READING | 2 lottery winner GRAMMAR | wil, might (not), won't VOCABULARY | phrases with get LISTENING | survival WRITING | t00, cso, as well FUNCTION | making suggestions VOCABULARY | art and culture LEARN TO | respond to suggestions GRAMMAR | present continuous VOCABULARY | verbs + prepositions LISTENING | phone conversations WRITING | pronouns GRAMMAR | present simple and continuous VOCABULARY | appearance READING | the changing T-shirt FUNCTION | recommending VOCABULARY | types of film LEARN TO | link wards to speak faster GRAMMAR | should/shauldn't VOCABULARY | the body; health READING | walking - the perfect sport? GRAMMAR | adverbs of manner VOCABULARY | communication LISTENING | time management WRITING | adverbs in stories FUNCTION | offering to help VOCABULARY | verbs of movernent LEARN TO | thank someone ai GRAMMAR | car/cant, have to/don't have to VOCABULARY | adjectives READING | no more wheels! LISTENING | the balancing scooter GRAMMAR |a/an, the, no article VOCABULARY | transport collocations READING | commuting, FUNCTION | apologising VOCABULARY | excuses LEARN TO | tela long story aad ait GRAMMAR | present perfect VOCABULARY | experiences READING | a travel blog WRITING | linkers review GRAMMAR | present perfect and past simple VOCABULARY | prepositions LISTENING | fear or fun? FUNCTION | telephoning VOCABULARY | telephoning expressions LEARN TO | say telephone numbers Review 3 Page 56 Review 4 Page 74 AUDIO SCRIPTS ae Bee cd ery CoV INES PRESENT SIMPLE: BE ‘1 Put the words in the correct order to make sentences, 1A: Yasmin / your /is / name {5 your name Yasmin 2 B: no, /isn't/it./ Anna / name /'s/ my 2 A: Sofia /are/ you Bs David /1/am./ yes, / this / and /is 3A: are/a/student/ you B: Im/no,/ not./ teacher /Im/a is / teacher, /a/ too / David 4 A: you, /Sofia and David / to / nice / meet B: nice / you, / meet /to / too 3 Write questions and answers using the prompts. 1A: you/ American? Are you American? - B: no/1/Canadian No, fm not. m Canadian, 2 A: he/a student? B: no/he/a teacher 3A: we/ late? 8: no/ you /early smi 4h: they /from India? = B; no/ they / China VOCABULARY COUNTRIES AND NATIONALITIES 4A Find twelve countries in the puzzle. U = fu ry (a) \e) < m 2 Complete the conversations with the correct form of be. Conversation 1 Ben: Hello. How are you? Ed: Er...hello, Ben: Sorry, are __you Mr and Mrs Rutter? Ed: No, we? They. Mrand Mrs Rutter Ben: Oh, somy. Conversation 2 Ben: Excuse me.‘ you Jerry Rutter? Jerry: Yes. 8 Ben Pastor. Oh, hello, Nice to meet you, Ben. This, «_mywife, Sally Hi Sorry.’__your name Sandy? No it = Sally Nice to meet you, Sally. 'B Write the nationalities for the countries in the puzzle. Greek C Write the nation correct column, ies from Exercise 4B in the Aan /-ion 2aish ] Polish German {sparen oeienes ts 3-ese ‘4other ‘Portuguese Greek 1D (B) 1.1 Listen and underline the stressed syllables in the nationalities in Exercise 4C. E Listen again and repeat. Read the text and match food 1-6 with countries a)-f). Where are these fabulous dishes and drinks from? I Bubble tea, or pear! milk tea is from Taiwan. I Jacket potatoes are from the UK. I Indonesians eat a rice dish called Nasi I Pideis a food from Turkey. I’s Turkish pizza Goreng. ~ yum! Ml FulMedames is from Egypt. They make itwith Ml Curry is Indian. It’s food cooked in sauce, beans and lemon, and it’s delicious! 1 Pide a) Indonesia 2 Bubble tea b) Turkey 3 Ful Medames ©) India 4 Jacket potatoes d) UK 5 Cury ©) Eeypt 6 Nasi Goreng f Talwan \] WRITING i CAPITAL LETTERS > Complete the words with the letters in brackets Use capital letters where necessary. 1 Thisisa_hoto of eat the_olosseum in_ome,_taly. (epmeri) 2 _hisisme and my_ustralian_riend, aul. ere in_enice. (tafpwy) 3 _hisis_enjiata_arin_adrid._enjiisa_tudent from _apan. (tkbmks}) 4 _ereis_aul again. e's at_axim’s in aris. _axim’sis. a _rench_estaurant. (thphmpmfn, VOCABULARY OBJECTS a A Look at the pictures and complete the crossword. LISTENING 3 2 A (B)13 Listen to interviews with three passengers at an airport and complete the table, Passenger 1 [Nationality | Germon {Tourist (1) or 1B ()12 Usten and write the words from Exercise 1Ain the correct column for each stress pattern. [10 | 200 keys passport player and earphones passport camera ticket 3.000 “4000 sunglasses ‘mobile phone newspaper magazine ‘mobile phone © Listen again and repeat. CoV ENS THIS/THAT, THESE/THOSE; POSSESSIVES 3 Look at the picture and complete the conversation with this, that, these or those. John: \_These_ are great sunglasses, How much are they? Shop assistant: © 2 They're 200 euros. John: 200 euros! Shop assistant: But?___sunglasses are only twenty euros, John: (OK. And how much is‘ magazine? Shop assistant: * 's two euros. John: ‘Two? OK, here you are. Shop assistant: Thanks, | 4 A Rewrite the sentences in the plural. | 1 That CD's great! ‘Those CDs are great! - i 2 This red pen is Anne's. i 3: This sit my key. 4 Where's that ticket? B Rewrite the sentences in the singular, 1 These books are very good. 2 Those aren't my files. 3. Who are those men over there? 4 Are these your photos? 5 Add one apostrophe (’) to each conversation. A; Is this your mobile phone? B: No, It isn't. | think it's Jane s. 2 A Are these DVDs yours? B: No, they're Suzannas, 3 A: Is your friends name Greg? B:Yes, Greg Hutchens, 4 A: Are these Nathans sunglasses? Bs | don't know. Ask him, 5 A: Are your teachers photos in the book? B: Yes, they're on pages 17 and 18. 6 A: Where are irenas tickets? B: They're on the table, 7 A Is this chocolate cake yours? B: No, it isnt It's Lucys. 8 A: Are these keys Mr Allisons? B: Yes, they are. G A Rewrite the sentences, Dor't repeat the nouns. 1 These glasses are my glasses. These glasses are mine 2 These keys are your keys 3 That bag is Jack’s bag. 4 Those pencils are my pencils. 5 This mobile phone is Anita’s mobile phone. 6 That magazine is your magazine. 1B (P)14 Listen and check. © Underline the letter -s in your answers in Exercise 6A. 1 These glasses are mine. © What is the pronunciation of -s in your answers? Listen again and write /s/ or /2/. 1 These glasses are mine, Al belted Listen again and repeat. VOCABULARY TOURIST PLACES ‘LA Complete the words. Add the vowels in brackets. 1 GackBANe fees. ndwich (add a or 0) 2 Luristsh _pp_stc_rdb_tterys_uvenir (add @ or 0) 3 rt rntick tapplic_(edd v ore) 4 tr_nst tons nglet cketpl {form (edd o or ) 8 Gircle the places and things in Exercise 14. FUNCTION MAKING REQUESTS 2 Put the words in the correct order to make requests. 1 have /1/a/ coffee, / can / please Can have acoffee, please z 2 Birmingham, / have /1/a/could / return / please /to ? 3 1/please / batteries, / of / can / those / one/ have 2 4 have / could / sandwich, /1/ please /a / cheese 5 1/can// apple juice /have / an / coffee, / and / please /a ? 3 Complete the conversations with the words in the box. [ eure please ] Conversation 1 Tourist: Excuse me.'__Do__ you speak English? ‘Shop assistant: Yes. Can? you? Tourist: » Ihave these four postcards, please? ‘Shop assistant: OK.‘ ‘two euros, please, Conversation 2 Tourist: Cant® acoffee,* ? Waiter: That's one? fifty. Tourist: Thank’ 4 D15 Listen and tick the speaker (A or B) that sounds more polit. 1A za 3A 4a 5A LISTEN FOR KEY WORDS 5 A Read the conversations. Underline the two key words in each sentence. 1A: How much is a coffee cake, please? B: It's two euros. 2 A: Could | have a return to Sydney, please? B: That's ten fifty 3A Is that a cheese sandwich? B: No, ita chicken sandwich. 4 hs That’ eight euros, please. B: Ah, Lonly have six euros. 1B (5)16 Listen and check. Then listen and repeat. G A()17 Lookat the menu and listen, What do the people order? Write the food and drink for 1-6. .atomato sal ae_2 be of de ee Ne isten again and write the prices for a)-. *MENU* ae ' DRINKS HOT CHOCOLATE | MINERAL WATER COFFEE | JUICE | TEA = SANDWICHES EGG | CHICKEN | CHEESE SALADS GREEN | TOMATO 9 ICE CREAM VOCABULARY ACTIVITIES ‘1 complete the profile wit fe er py eee hee] ALLTOGETHER - Personal Profile: Teresa Alvarez About Me Feame fom Mexico, I'm twenty-three a> years old and I'm , a student. | study politics at UNAM (the National Autonomous University of Mexico). I'm single. Activities Ido alot ofspor—12 running every day and |® ‘tennis most weeks. Interests Going out: | love meeting people and | 4 alot of fun going out with friends. Food: | ike going out to restaurants with friends. We Mexican food —tacos are my favourite! Favourite Music Ie to diferent kinds of music, but | really like World Music. Favourite TV shows 17__alat of TV. American programmes like Breaking Bad and The Big Bang Theory are my favourite. Favourite Movies Anything with Johnny Depp! Favourite Books and Magazines Vogue! | it every month! 2 A (P)2.1 Listen and write the words in the box in ‘the correct column for each stress pattern. game newspaper sport magazine coffee ‘cinema exercise MP3 player DVD TV nothing film tennis pasta fun 4000 ‘newspaper 5 Listen again and repeat. GRAMMAR PRESENT SIMPLE: I/YOU/WE/THEY 3 Look at the information about Francesco and his flatmates, Ben and Tom. Complete Francesco's sentences. [Francesco | Ben and Tom watch TValot_|v x listen tothe |x 7 radio | eatin fastfood |x x restaurants —_| drinka lotof |V coffee | ‘ead computer [x v magazines | gotothe [x v Sinema | _ dospot |v x play computer | 7 7 games I 11 __watch__TValot,but|_dont listen_to the radio. 2 Ben and Tom TVa lot, but they to the radio, 3 We in fast-food restaurants, 4 We alot of coffee 5 Ben and Tom computer magazines. 61_____ tothe cinema 7 Ben and Tom sport. 8 We computer games. 4 Write questions and short answers using the prompts. 1A: you / eat /junk food, Juan? B: no/1 ‘Do you eat junk food, juan? No.1 dont. 2 A: you/do/alot of sport, Kiko? Byes /I 3A the students in your lass / B: n0/ they live /near you? 4 A youand Clara /like / pasta? Bs yes/we you/listen to/Radio 5, Dan? B_yes/I 6 As Ursula and Hans / study / B: n0/ they English with you? 7 A; 1/have / classes on Sunday? B: n0/ you 8 As youand your family / eat / B: yes/we together? 9A: Aliand Marco/ play / tennis? B: yes/they 10 A: you and Ana / drink / coffee? B: n0/we LISTENING ‘5 A Read the course list. Then match the courses with ‘the pictures. Write your answers on the first line. ADULT EDUCATION COURSE LIST B [)2.2 Listen to the conversation, Number the courses in Exercise 5A in the order the people talk about them. Write your answers on the second line. © Listen again and complete the table, “Which day? | Where? cleaned Monday and | Thursday | evenings | | stetching oa |g |entls TNT AND, BUT, OR G Join the sentences. Use one of the words in brackets. 1. On Monday, | leave for work at 9.1 get home at 6. {and/or} On Monday, leave for work at 9 and I get home at 6. 2 On Tuesday, | phone my mother. | chat with her for hours. (but/and) 3 On Wednesday, | get up early. I don't go to work — its my free day. (or/but) 4 On Thursday, | work (but/or) the office. | work at home, 5 On Friday, | go out late with my friends. | go to bed arty. (and/or) 6 On Saturday, | play tennis with Pete at 9.1 have lunch with him. (and/but) 7 On Sunday morning, | read @ newspaper It isn't in Englisht (but/or) 8 On Sunday afternoon, | listen to music. | watch TV. (buv/on) VOCABULARY DAILY ROUTINES LA Putthe letters in the correct order to make phrases. 1 eahy fskarbeta vhae hluen og ot dbe tegemho avhe nndire tge pu a astrt kowr vale meho nishfirowk have breakfast worownun B Complete the text with the times in the box. ipm. ipm am. apm Spm, Tam. 6pm. I get up very early, usually at ‘6am, _. Then | have breakfast at? I leave home at * and go to work. | have Lunch at * and work in the afternoon. | leave work at® and get home at ° : At? it’s time for dinner. | go to bedat® . CVI PRESENT SIMPLE: HE/SHE/IT 2 A Write the he/she/it form of the verbs. —sleeos_ 1 sleep play drink drive relax eat study know wash 10 leave 11 get 12 practise 2 3 4 5 6 7 a 9 B Write the verbs from Exercise 2A in the correct, column, Lisl 2iah 3 hal sleeps plays reloxes © [23 Listen and check. Then listen and repeat. 3 A Complete the text with the present simple form of the verbs in brackets. ‘Alisa hot dog seller in New York. Every day he ‘gets up_(get up) at Spm. and® (make) dinner for his two boys ~they get home from school at about 4.30. He ? (take) the bus into the city and * (tart) work at 7pm. Atabout lam. he§ (have) two or three hot dogs for lunch, He ¢ (work) all night. Atwork, he” (see) a lot of interesting things and * (meet) a lot of interesting people. He” (finish) work at 3 or 4a.m, (On the bus he (read) the morning newspaper. He" (get) home at about 6am. He" (have) breakfast with his family and (go) to bed at about 8.30a.m. — and that's the end of his day ... oF night. B Correct the sentences about Al. 1 Al gets up early in the morning. He doesn't get uo early in the morning. He gets up in the afternoon, 2 Al goes to work by taxi ae to work by bus. 3. Alhas a salad for lunch, = ‘two or three hot dogs 4 Alreads a magazine on the bus. the morning newspaper. 5 He gets home late at night. home early in the morning. 6 Alhas lunch with his family. __ breakfast with them. 4 Put the words in the correct order to make questions. [A eYePN-TUWAVA : 1 ive /Eva / does / where Joes Where does Eva live 7 2 Juanes / does / coffee / drink G Look at the pictures and complete the jobs crossword. - 2 Then look at the grey boxes. What's the hidden job? 3 what / junk / does / mean 4 lunch / he / when /have / does a2 eo 2 5 like / she / does / popcorn 2 6 read / does / which / Kay / newspaper } 7 does / how / work / Faisal / come / to tie 3 2 8 friend /live / does / where / your 5 A Read the article and answer the questions. 1 Does Al lke his job? 2 Does he work at the weekend? : A MIGHT IN 78 Fa OF F A WOT DOG SEllgR k “In my ob I meet a lot of interesting people, People ike talking to me. They don‘ ust want a hot dog, they want a F ‘conversation. Its great working at night. I's never hot, people ate relaxed and they're very hungry. Some nights | sell over 300 hot dogs.| have one customer, Hector he's a tax diver; hhe eats ten hot dogs every night. People ask me, "Al, do you like hot dogs?” Yes, of course Ilike them, love them! Hot ‘dogs are not junk food: they're good food. My boys love them, too and we have hot dogs for dinner every Saturday night. ‘don't work at the weekend. 'm with the boys all day and 5 then sleep at night. They play football inthe park and Iwatch them or play with them. Or 1 go and get @ hot dog’ | B Read the article again. Are the sentences true (T) or false (F)? 1 Aldoesn't lke people 2 People don't talk to Al. 3 People aren't hungry at night. 4 Hector doesn't sell hot dogs. 5 6 Al doesn't like hot dogs. Al and his boys have hot dogs for Saturday dinner, 7 Alsleeps at night at the weekend, 8 Aldoesn't go to the park with his boys. LT © Correct the false sentences in Exercise 5B. I Allikes people. WelA NTO THE TIME Write the times in two different ways. 730 its half p oi. 11.10 245 520 835 1055 __ 1.40 FUNCTION ‘ ASKING FOR INFORMATION ed ourene 2 A Read the leaflets quickly and look at the gaps. ‘Think about the missing information in each gap. TRAIN TIMETABLE Start time: * Finish tim Tour start point: © Adult: & __ baht / 14 euros NATIONAL BANK MUAUULALDAADEAAA Ei Opening hours Monday-Friday: 7 to 4pm. Saturday:® ‘Sunday: closed LEARN TO © Look at the gaps in the leaflets again. Use the prompts to write questions about the missing information. 1 what time / leave? 2 when / arrive? 3 what time / start? 4 when / finish? 5 where / start from? 6 7 What time does the tr how much / cost? what time / open? 8 when / close? © [F]2.4 Listen and check. Then listen and repeat. 1 [B)255 Listen and complete the leaflets in Exercise 2A, SHOW YOU DON’T UNDERSTAND 3 A Listen to the conversations in Exercise 2D again. In which conversations do the people show they don't understand? B Put the words in the correct order to make questions. 1. speak / you / could / slowly, / sorry, / please / more 2 Wat .../the/ me, / excuse 3 you/ that / could / spell 4 you/ could / that / sorry, / repeat © Complete the conversations with the questions in Exercise 3B. 1A: My last name is Weitts. \: Yes, that’s W- The tour starts at the Wat Mahatat Mahatat. The Wat Mahatat. :: How much does the tour cost? B: Six hundred and fifty baht, hundred... and... ity... baht. B: Oh, sory: sx 4 How longs the tour? 3: The tour takes two hours. VOCABULARY i FAMILY Look at the family tree and complete the conversations. fae ames; Mariska Te] bd Ricky Anya Olivia Conversation 1 Jane: Chris, this is my'_mother Julia. Chris: Nice to meet you, Mrs Garnet. Jane: And this is my2_ George, and his? » Elle Chris: Hello Jane: And these are my . Nick and Dan. Nick: Hi Conversation 2 Chris: Are these your children, Mariska? Mariska: Oh, let me introduce you. These are ry 5 , Anya and Olivia, and this is mye 1 Ricky. Ricky: Hil Mariska: And thisis James, my? Chris: Hello, everyone. Conversation 3 Chris: pronunciation the same (S) or different (0)? eyaunene Look at sister mother cousin uncle wife niece aunt father ier son husband grandfather parents, aia daughter brother nephew friend 513.1. Listen and check. Then listen and repeat. Complete the sentences with family words. My mother's _father _is my grandfather. My father’ is my sister. My sister's are my mother and father. My children’s_____is my sister. My childrens is my brother. My mothers is my cousin, Matt My fathers is my cousin, Nina My father’s is my mother. My mother's is my father. Myson’s are my mother and father. ‘And that’s my ®__ my? Yes, | know. 'm a friend of Jane's. ‘And those are my'®_, Nick and Dan. . George, and Elle, whats that little gir’s name? Horget. That's my , Anya Andher® are Mariska and ...? James. We're a big family. A lot of names to remember! the underlined letters. ls the TN HAVE/HAS GOT 3 A Look at the table and complete the sentences with the correct form of have got 1 a new laptop my sister an MP3 player my brother an old computer my parents, a black car my family 2 four-room flat at ____ a new laptop. 21 _an MP3 player. 3 My sister @ computer. 4 My parents __acar 5 Mybrother____———_a computer, but it's old 6 We a house. 7 We __a flat. ait — four rooms. Look at the table in Exercise 3A and complete the ‘questions and short answers. 1 A: Have _you__got__anew laptop? B: _Yes thave. 2 & ____yourbrother anew computer? B: a 3A you__ahhouser B: ak yoursister __an MP3 player? B 5h yourfist____ four rooms? B 6k your parents ___a black car? B Find and correct five mistakes with have got and be in each conversation Conversation 1 A: | haven't got a pen. Ate-you one? Have you got B: No, 'm not, but I've got a pencil A: Has it got black? B: No, it got red 'R: Has it got a rubber? B: Yes, itis, [A: Can | borrow it? Thanks. Conversation 2 ‘A: Have you got your camera with you? B: No, but Fatima’s an MPS player. A: Has it got a camera, Fatima? : No, it isn't. But my mobile phone's got a camera A Has it got good? G: Not realy. t's very small and the pictures haven't got very good ‘A: That's OK. Can you take a photo of me? : OK, smilet Look. You're a nice smile Complete the text with the correct form of have got. An only child Ie’s not unusual to be an only child in the UK. Many families ‘he only one child. 'm Lucy, rm an only child and ket. a brother ora sister but that’s OK. Bm my cousins, my aunts, uncles, grandfathers and grandmothers ~ and |* é the noise ofa Large family; our house is always quiet! io ‘my own room, too ~ R's small, but Lovet! My best friend*__ abig family —he __three brothers and two sisters! But they 4 abig house, so he shares a room with his ‘two brothers . H lot of time with my mum and dad? Yes, ‘And that time is really special for me. PST 3.2 Listen to two people talking about their families and match the speakers with the phrases. You can use the phrases more than once. There is one extra phrase. RIPE bed tent es 8 4 has got five brothers, eed » Listen again, Are the sentences true (T) or false (F)? 1 Tom is Meg's brother. I 2 Megis close to her sister. 3. Nick is David's brother 4 Nickis quite active. 5 Jenny is David's mother. 6 7 8 David and Jenny are close Jenny's husband doesn't like his job Jenny's got three sons. VOCABUL, PERSONALITY ‘1 A Add the vowels and write the personality words. Ki kod ntlignt fany fndly kv nnknd sts ntistng, stpd Bwoartaununn B Write the words from Exercise 1A in the correct column for each stress pattern. 10” © ()33 Listen and check. Then listen and repeat. 1 Complete the conversations with adjectives from Exercise 14. 1A: I think Mark’ very friendly. B: Really? He never talks to mel I think he's, very unfriendly. 2 A; Andrea's realy talkative at breakfast time. B: Yeah, I don't lke it like to be inthe ‘mornings! 3 A: Lena’sa serious student. Yes, usually, but she's sometimes very _ The teachers are kind to Greg. Yes, but some of the children are 5 A: This cat's very stupid! B: Don't be horrible! | think she's very _ ! 6 Ai The ftst class today is art ~ thats really interesting B: Yes, but the teacher's everyone go to sleep! he makes GRAMMAR ADVERBS OF FREQUENCY © Underline the correct alternative, 1 Mixing yellow and red always/often/sometimes makes orange. 2. The colour red often/sometimes/hardly ever means ‘danger’ or ‘stop. 3 Apples are sometimes/hardly ever/never purple. 4 In football, the ball is usually/hardly ever/never white 5 Achef ina restaurant never/sometimes/always has a white hat. 6 Food is often/hardly ever/never blue 7 Colas always/sometimes/never brown, 8 People always/often/never drink their coffee white ~ with milk, 9 Taxis in New York are hardly ever/always/sometimes yellow. 10 Eggs are usually/never/hardly ever white or brown, 3 A Read the emails. Are Sandy and Cristina good flatmates? HiMara, How are you? mtn, but ve got anew fatto, Cistna, and she's areal probiom, Shakes to meGeveD Won she comes home inthe evening, Lasker usualy about hor day. She says, ‘Fine! always and then she watches ‘usually TV or she goes to her room to sometimes sleep! ‘She wants hardly ever to chat, What can | do? Sandy Hi Zsuzsa, How are you? rn fe, but my new fatmate, Sandy, is a real problem. She stops taking never. In the evering after ‘classes I'm ted often. | want to usualy relax infront of the TV for haf an hour or | have sometimes a shor res. ‘She wants always to talk about her day. Ihave hardly ‘ever the energy to stn, ‘That's my news. Email me soon! rstina © Read the emails again. Circe the adverbs of frequency and draw a line to show their correct Position. \ Read the forum post and tick the ideas you agree with. HELP! forum cers rt rns na ea eee cole eth Talk to him about it Tell him how you feet writes: you say he's your (end and real fnends Isten to-each other. But remember money and friends dont mic Good luck! Kerl | don't think he's areal friend ts time to writes: end the fiendship - tll him to give you the money and then say goocbyel Steve Forget the money. Friends are everything wiltes: Moneys nat mportant = Dut don’ give him ‘more money! like her, fo Cfeeced pee a aia co aren ees enone Eran Sued Sree Levente maybe It's a good idea to meet her just whites: once at the weekend. You say yOu like het well gve her a chance, Good luck! Miki Tho'sa problem. Tel Joanne the tuth - wnites: you're a rendy person, but you ater't her frien Qynthia That's realy cificult change your ‘writes: telephone number... oF dont answer the phone she needs to understand that you ‘don't want to be friends. Read the forum post again. Underline two names for each sentence. 1 They'e friends. Sam Joanne Jon Patsy 2 They arent friends. Sam Joanne Jon Patsy 3. They say: Don't be friends with him/her. Beth Karl Levente Miki 4 They say-Tel the truth. Beth Steve Miki Cynthia 5 They say: Be friends with him/her. Karl Steve Levente_—_ Cynthia WS 5 I DESCRIPTIONS; APOSTROPHE 5 A Complete the text with 5 or s. fend Yean's__got an interesting famiy, Her brother ‘superinteligent and he ___got a good job somputer company in Sydney. ‘He marred “ands wfe___ names Graco. ‘Jean___sster Zhe funny one inte family. She ove ~ teling funny stories and she work as an actress "with the Melboume Theatre Company. Jean "ive “herein Bisbane in my end "Keira anerment - Aleen, the ‘baby! ofthe family. SShe. gota “big heart. People abways say that ‘she _very kind, 8 Match 1-14 in Exercise 5A with meanings a)-d). ‘What does ‘s/s mean? ajis byhas 1, ©) possessive d) he/she/it form of verb © Read the texts. Put in nine missing apostrophes (’). My teacher{s called Pilar. Shes a language teacher ~ she teaches Spanish, Pilars classes are always very interesting. She works very hard to make her students speak to each other. We do lots of fun activities like quizzes and working in pairs. Pilars really interested in Us and because of this we are interested in her. Our teachers got an award for her work: best Spanish teacher of the year! | know Mark from playing games online. He loves, games and he plays all the time —hes a really good player. Hes very quick. Marks family is quite small ~ hes got one sister and she also plays online games all the time, Sometimes | think they see each other online more than at home! 1D Write about a person you know well, Write 45-65 words. Use the texts in Exercise 5C to help you. ge VOCABULARY FUNCTION E TIME EXPRESSIONS MAKING ARRANGEMENTS LA Look at the table and complete the sentences 2a A Complete the conversation with the words inthe box, about Tara. ames good for you would you lke [iy week sounds good don't like A Hi, Stefanie. ‘Are you free _ tomorrow? [sleep late B: Yes, lam. What = todo? do sport As Im not sure really.” __going to a club? have lunch at Bi Mmm ... 4 oud music. home mE films? [clean the flat_the fist and third Friday of every moni B: Yes, Ido. go shopping [7 Iv a OK, let's go and see the new James Bond film. mmeetfriends | | — v Where is it showing? Lfordinn | ‘A: At the ABC in town. Its on twice a day Teotethe | one ort tines even yer | hat time ® 1 Afternoon or evening? iiriiseae | Bee | : Evening, | think, [phone Mum | W/ |W |W |W lw |v [wv | K,?______. See you there! 1 Tara_sleeps late once a week 2 She sport _ 3 She lunch at home 4 She. the flat 5 She shopping 6 She friends for dinner 7 She to the cinema 8 She her mother © Find and correct six mistakes with time expressions in the text. in Los Angeles and I like going to the beach and surfing. I go to Malibu beach once; week, usually on Saturday. Atthe weekend | meet friends and we oo the cinema or a café, or go toa club. We go to the cinema three or four times the year and go toa club once time a month. We meet in cafés two times week and call each other on every day. Because I'm usually very busy,! only clean my flaton first Sunday of every month. r| a 5 Complete the conversations. Write one word in each gap. 1 A: What would __ you like to do tonight? B: How ‘going to the cinema? 2 A: Areyou____on Saturday? B: Yes, am, Would you to go shopping? 3 A: So,what____'s good for you? B: Well, I finish work at six, so meeting at seven? 4 A; Do you want to see Hotel Budapest tonight? B: Yes, is it showing? ‘A: At the Odeon. it on at seven, B: Hmm... that’s a | finish work at seven, LEARN TO E SHOW INTEREST about 3 Complete the words. 1A: We've got anew baby! A litle grt B: That's fantastic! Whats her name? 2 A: Lalways go swimming before | go to work. B; That's gr_. It very good for you. 3. A: Mysister isn’t here, She isn’t very well B: Oh, Thats ash_. |hope she's OK soon. ‘4 -&: We never go on holiday. We haver't got any money. B: That's aw___! Everyone needs a holiday 5 A: Ohnol the airports closed and I've got a flight this afternoon, Thats te__"! Why ist closed? 6 A: I've got a new girlfriend, She's beautiful and intelligent. B: That's wo__! Where's she from? a REVIEW I: UNITS 1-3 RITA ONA REVIEW ‘L.A Add the vowels in each group. i |finish v sw tr oO emt Pind CREIMIEETS PRESENT SIMPLE 2 A Complete the text with the present simple form of the verbs in brackets. HE HOLIDAY! Roy's ____(be] Canadian and {oor ina youth hostel in Corf, Greece He andthe other hostel workers» (be) ! volunteers ~ they* {not gt) money for ther work. Every day Foy? (getup) atsixand® (have) breakfast in the hostel He” {not cook) the meals. Cynthia® _{be) the chef and she* {do} all the shopping and cooking. Every morning, Roy®. [clean] the rooms and (help) on the B In each group find: a job )), two objects (0), a country (C) a nationality (N) and a verb or verb phrase (V). © Match stress patterns a)—d) with groups 1-4 in Exercise 1A, 2) 000 4 b) 00 - ©) 000 d) 000 D HARLA Listen and repeat, vganic frm atthe hostel, growing food forthe guests. Inthe afternoons, he® {not work} and he usually {go} tothe beach _Mter dinner he andthe hostel guests often * (chat) together. Ke (be) a great jb Roy says. "Everyone's very friendly. 1 [not want] the summer to end” B Write questions using the prompts. 1 how old / be / Roy? How old is Roy? 2 where /be / he / from? =e 3 where / be / the hostel? - 4 how much / money / the volunteers / get? when / Roy /get up? who / be / Cynthia? she / clean / the rooms? what / Roy / usually / do / inthe aftemoons? 9 what / he and the guests / do//in the evenings? 10 he / tke / his job? exo © Answer the questions in Exercise 2B. 1 Hes twenty-seven, ae eee 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 DISTEEENA PeRsonaury 3 A Put the letters in order and write the words to complete the riddles. 1 Inever talk, but 'mnot very _quiet _(tqeiu). LISTENING G A DAR13 Listen toa conversation ata hotel reception. Circle the correct picture for the lost item. 2 tm not {eellnintgit, but | always know the time. 3 Imusually quite Gisoreu), but not very (wikd) or_~(leitnyf. 4 Vmreally ____(lavttikea) and | never listen. 5 Hmquite____(pidsut), but l write in many languages. B Match objects a)-e) with riddles 1-5 in Exercise 3A, a) aradio ) awatch oO adog d)apen @) the TV news EEG Have/Has cor 4 Complete the sentences with the correct form of be or have got. What's the answer to question 8? 1 Myname__¢ Amari 21 ‘one brother and one sister. 3. My mother one sister. 4 She (not) any brothers, 5 My mother’ sister Jen, 6 Jen Henrys wife, 7 Jen and Henry two nephews and one niece. 8 a boy or a gin? EUAN REVISION 5 A Complete the poems. Poem 1 Vdontt like my mobile ‘ph Pot want to be alone, But then my ‘m. phone, it ings. I really do not these ‘th, 1 Poem 2 “What does the train ie__ ‘Av>h____ past four. Here, take “th “Two single 7Are they for me? "Yes, for five eu ~ they're not for free!” Poem 3 *o_ | have a sandwich, pL r ‘Ofc0, what kind? Meat or ‘ch ry ‘Oh, "m not sure, soca | please have one of those and one of th ie Poem 4 ‘are you free at half p fiver No, so that’s when my friends arrive! “Then “ho. ab, meeting at three?” “Sorry tm Sbu. When are you ? _ please?” B [F)R12 Listen and check. Then listen and repeat. B Listen again and complete the report. AIRPORT HOTEL ‘LOST AND FOUND PROPERTY REPORT Receptionist: Angela West Guest: * Room number: * Mobile phone number tem lost: hee ce eres a lee ere aE had ade Item checked and returned: () Signature: v Moret lec a xi Pia AERO. LER Circle the correct option to complete the sentences. 2 3 10 a 2 Are your keys on that table? B: No, I think they're Franco's a) those b) these _¢) this When____work? a) you finish b) you do finish AA: Are you from Canada? B:No, 'm . a) Mexicish b) Mexican ¢) Mexico My parents on Fridays, a) gooften out b) often go out) go out often A: What's the time? Its a) a quarter eleven fifteen Davids @ a) serious b) funny AR:Is your name Chung? Yes, _ a)lam b)itis ¢) my names Can you help us? B: Sorry | time. 1a) haven't got _b) don't have got What do you do in the evenings? B: I go to the cinema a)or b)and ¢) but ‘A: What's that? B: It a birthday card for my He's four today. a) niece b) uncle) nephew a at the health centre? a) Jason does work _b) Does Jason work 1) Works jason As Is Carlos martied? ) do you finish byhalftofive c)eight child, He never smiles. ©) unfriendly hasn't got | do nothing, B a) No,henot. b) No, heiisn’t. ¢) He's no married in the office, b)diery ¢) diary a sandwich, please? a)Canthave b) Could! ¢) Do! have 15 16 uv 18 9 a 22 Youre very 25 26 27 28 29 30 E20) eva her MP3 player everywhere. a)listens to b)listento —¢) listens Ak: Susan, is Julio. B: Hi, Susan. Nice to meet you a) this byhe «here Paolo dogs. a) nolikes 6) dor'tlike —¢) doesn't lke How about to the cinema? a) gob) going owe go They___alot of sport. a)do b) make ¢) take Ricardo twenty-five. byhas got) have ‘A: Where are Kris and Marta? B:____inthe café. a) There b) Their ¢) They're _ today. Are you Ok? happy a)quite b) quiet Als this your pen? B:No,Ithinkits a)Elena b) Elena's ¢) mine A: How often do you go to a concert? 8: a) One a month. ©) Once a month, 1b) One in 2 month, A: Do you like films? 8: 2) Yes, 1like, b) No,I don't like, ) Yes, Ido. tim not Sylvie’ father, 'm her brother! She's my 1 a) daughter b) aunt Michelle, free tonight? a)areyou b)doyou ¢) youre |_____go tothe cinema - maybe once ayear 2) never sister by hardly ever ‘acomputer? a) Has lan got _b) lan has got That isn’t your book. It’s a)my b)Ana mine ©) sometimes ©) Has got lan | BO B: Well * about five or six shops near the station and ® alarge shopping ROOMS AND FURNITURE. centre about ten minutes away. ‘A: OK, thanks. It sounds great! 4. A Find ten rooms and furniture words in the puzzle. B Say the sentences. Then underline the stressed ‘word in each sentence. 1 Is there a living room? 2 There's a big kitchen 3 Is there a television? 4 How many people are there? 5 There are two of us. 6 There's a large shopping centre. i> zlz|e © (B)4.1 Listen and check. Then listen and repeat. VOCABULARY PREPOSITIONS zlolel=le[m[=|a|-lel Tale 4 a om b @) ll 7) B Write the words from the puzzle in the correct column. ae 3 Underline the correct alternative. scar ahoure Furniture] «Ss At Where's Antonia? 1 B: She's on/in/behind her bedroom. 2. A: |want to take a photo of everyone. | B: OK. Samad, could you stand on/under/ | in front of Tomas? 3 A: Where's your flat? B: It’ on/betweenfabove that shop. GRAMMAR 4 Ac Isthere a café near here? B livingroom : Yes, there's one between/on/in the cinema THERE IS/ARE and the post office. S&H. ot today's a 2A meadthesdvertandconpltethecomersation > R Hiveyougntnda/snewpape? | with the correct form of there is/are. ‘ 6 A: OK, let's go. B: No, wait. Always look behind/above/next to ON OCI 1 Ws thane fece/nyour aint (ne betraen fir rent in large ft with other tadonts otek ee ee ee os alee ea B: That's my brother, Stefano. oon OI pee 8 A; Where's the cat? Phone: Eduardo on 0427 892 26409 B: Look under/above/between the sofa. ‘A: Hi, Eduardo, my name's Ken. Im interested in the flat. Can | ask you some questions? B: Sure A:'_Is there __ a living room? A: And a television? B: We've got a small TV in the kitchen and 2 _anlintemet connection in each room, ‘A: Oh, that’s good. So at the moment, how many people the flat? Br ‘wo of us - me and Karol. Karol’s Polish and Imm from Argentina. * anything else you want to know? ‘A: Er ... of yes, are you near the shops? i A Match the words in the box with 1-5 in the photo. lamp mirror curtain sofa picture What do you think? Underline the alternative that you think is correct. Ina small room 1 have/don't have lots of small furniture. 2 use/don't use one or two pieces of large furniture. 3 have/don't have a lot of pictures. 4 put/don't put a mirror on the wall 5 open/don't open curtains in the day. 6 paint/don't paint your walls a dark colour Read the text and check your answers, ? Look at the photo in Exercise 4A. Complete the sentence with There's/There are. There are _na armchairs. a big sofa next to the window. “two pictures behind the shelf. a curtain big mirror on the wall a lamp in the room, a rug on the floor. no cups on the table. ___no cupboards. ___8 shelf between the sofe and the wall 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 SU ea ee Ina smal homeit's important to choose the right furtuce. With the ‘rong Furniture, our raom canlook crawded butwiththe right furniture itean lok spacious® and large. People withsmallraoms usually make a big mistake:the furaitue inthe room, They aten have tworthree small armchairs and tables ora table and a desk —and they put ts of small pictures fanthe wal. Asmallroam looks good with one or two big pieces of furniture, for ‘example sofa ora table, forrelaxing eating and working. Have one fr twa pictures ~ namare and put upamiror.Amirarinthe right place gives more light and makes the room look big. Windows are very important because they make a raom ook ight and spacious. Use curtain but dont close them inthe day, Putwalpaperan one wall and paint the atherwallsa ight colour, farexemple white or yellow; canituse brown orblackor ther dark colours, WRITING COMMAS Read the text and put in six commas. ‘A man lives on the twelfth floor of a tal building. Every ‘morning he leaves home, locks the door takes the if down to the lobby opens the front door and leaves the building In the evening he gets into the it presses a button goes to the tenth floor opens the lit doors and walks up the stairs to is lat, Sometimes there's someone else in the lie and he goes up to the twelfth feer What do you think? Why does the man only go to the tenth floor in the evening, when he lives on the ‘twelfth floor? 42 Listen to a tour guide and number the street names in the order you hear them, Which four does he not talk about? 1) Wood Street by King William Street Q) StMartins LeGrand 1 d) Cheapside @) Fore Street fy Honey Lane ) London Wall hy Princes Street 1) Bread Street 1) Moorgate Ky Milk Street 1) Threadneedle Street 3 Listen again and match the places with the things you can do there, 1 Museum ofLondon _e 2 the Barbican 3 Moorgate 4 the Monument : a) send a postcard b) see all of London ©) seea film ora play | d) get something to eat @) see very old jewellery GRAMMAR CAN FOR POSSIBILITY VOCABULARY ES. PLACES IN TOWNS 2 Where do you go when ...? Complete the crossword. fstulP[e ATR TK[e[t Across 1 You need some food for the weekend, 5 You want to watch a play. 6 You want to borrow a book 7 You want to watch a film, 9 You like doing exercise. 10 You want to buy a stamp and send a letter Down 2 You want to see some beautiful paintings. 3 You need some aspirin. 4 You want to speak to a police officer. 8 You like looking at very old objects. 3 Complete the conversations with the correct form of can and the words in brackets. 1) A: Excuse me, !_can buy _(1/ buy) stamps here? B:Yes,?______ (you). But” (you not / send) your postcard, sorry. You need to go to the post office (imy son / play) tennis here? No (he). But there's a sports centre in West Street ___the/ play) there. \: Where" friends? 8 (you / go) to that shop over there. = (we / get tickets here? Yes, you). And (we / pay) by credit card? 3: No, sorry, (you). bya: {we / ind) presents for our 4a Complete the quiz questions. Use where, can and the verbs in the box. [eat watch travel speak see WHERE IN THE WORLD ...? Where can you eat mooncake? {four languages in 5 famous statue of David? ichelangelo's TIE Soa actoss eleven ‘time zones In one country? sixteen different 5 Tootball teams in one city? Madrid _b) c Do the quiz. Read the sentences and check your answers to the quiz. i 2 Mooncake is a very sweet cake. You eat it in China, at the Mid-Autumn Festival In Canada you hear two languages: French and English; but in Switzerland there are four offical languages: Italian, French, German and Romansch. The statue of David isin Italy. You visit it in Florence. India has got one time zone, the USA has got four and in Russia you go through eleven time zones. Rio and Madrid have got a lot of football teams, but in London you choose between sixteen different football clubs, arsenal, Chelsea and West Ham United are some of them, ‘Add can to the sentences in Exercise 4C, 1 Mooncake isa very sweet cake. You con eat itn China, at the Mid-Autumn Festival WoT | PREPOSITIONS S A Read the sentences and look at the picture. Write the names of the basketball players. 1. Eduardo is in front of Dirk. | 2 Andtel is opposite Eduardo. 3. Steve is on the right of Dirk 4 Theo is behind Steve. 5 Tony is next to Andrei 6 Nené is on the left of Tony. 7 Jorge is opposite Nené. Dirk ranmone> © Look at the picture again. Underline the correct alternative. 1 Andrei is onthe left of/on the right of Tony. 2 Steve is in front offopposite Theo. 3. Nen@ is opposite/behind Jorge. ‘4 Tony is behind/next to Nené, 5 Eduardo is next tofon the left of Jorge. 6 Andrei, Nené and Tony are opposite/near each other, VOCABULARY FUNCTION THINGS TO BUY SHOPPING 4 A Write the shop names under pictures 1-10. 2 Add the words in the box to the conversations. you ‘ll can in too got problem them enough ‘fe it expensive they y Conversation 1 you A: Can Khelp me? Yes? 1 __sports shop 2 Bre lave you got these jeans black? lack? | think so. Yes. ‘A: Oh, they aren't big, Have you got in size 16? let me look Ah, yes reat, | take them, How much are? ' hey £39.99. 3 4 ee SS Conversation 2 A: |help you? B: Yes, we need a Scotland football shirt for Duncan, ‘A: OK. Try this one. B: No, its big, Have you it in small? A: Here you are. B: Thanks. That's great, How much is? Bs £60. Bs What? £601 That's too. Mum! B: No. No, thank you, Sorry, Duncan. ‘A: Fine. No, LEARN TO : SAY NO POLITELY IN A SHOP ‘3 Put the words in the correct order to complete the conversation. Assistant: help /I/can/you an | help you 2 Customer: thanks /looking, / just /m B Complete the things you can buy from the shops in you /have /small/in/ this /-shirt / got Exercise 1A, : ? 1 Goto shop 1 to buy trainers _ or a swi Assistants_no,7medium /only/ sorry 7in cos, 2 In shop 3 you can buy new and mag. . Customer: 3 Youcanbuyjea___andajac_in shop 4 . 4 Doyou want to buy a music___or a film Assistant: D___7Go to shop 5. ee eee een fs \Voucanbujshillt “nd med wrshop oxtpmar tne in / inka 7 6 You go to shop 7 when you need a SIM c = Ceeinden hea____oramem__sti — VOCABULARY FOOD AND DRINK 1 & Complete the words. © Write the numbered letters from Exercise 1A to find the message. 30 10 1112 13: 14 © A Look at the underlined letters. Is the pronunciation the same (5) or different (D)? 1 milk chicken s 2 fish garlic 3 salad apple 4 pepper cheese | 5 onions noodles j 6 banana grapes 7 lettuce butter 8 juice fruit j 5 (P)5.1 Listen and check. Then listen and repeat. CLT ENS E COUNTABLE AND UNCOUNTABLE NOUNS Underline the correct alternative. | drink mitk/mitks every day. My parents eat a lot of fruit/fiuts We often have egg/eges for breakfast. | don't like pea/peas. | don't eat meat/meats. I really hate ricefrices. We hardly ever have bean/beans. 8 There's a lot of pasta/pastas in my cupboard. B Make the sentences in Exercise 3A true for you. 1 eyausun 4 Write sentences using the prompts. Make the nouns plural where necessary. 1 apple / good / for you Apples are good for you. 2 coffee / good / for you? 3 there /a lot of / sugar /the cupboard 4 there /a lot of / tomato / the fridge 5 he/like/ grape? a 6 1/notlike / butter 7 you/ eat /a lot of / biscuit? 8 we /not eat /a lot of /ice cream ii 5 (A Read the article and match recipes 1-3 with shopping lists A-C. TOO BUSY TO EAT? Do you have a busy lifestyle? When you ‘come home from wotk. ale you too tied to | cookin the evenings? Here are three easy- to-make dishes from TV chef James Conway. 1 Eggs d la Provencale ‘Acdish with a sophisticated name but in fact, it’s very simple. Mix together three ‘eggs, some tomato sauce, a small onion ‘and some salt and pepper. Put some oilin a frying pan and when it’s hot, add the egg mixture, Stirit around. There you g 2 Pasta salad Thisis c flexible dish, so you can eat it every day. Mix together some cooked pasta ~| lke three-colour pasta - and two types of cooked vegetables (e.g. broccol tomatoes, com on the cob, green peppers). ‘Add some oil and chill sauce, stirit around ‘and enjoy! S nRaINEEEEERIEEEEEEEEe eee “ 3. Cola chicken — Cola chicken is simple to make. You need a om chicken, some cola, an onion and a green Pepper. Cut up the chicken, the onion and the green pepper and put them together In apan. Add some cola, some herbs and spices and cover with aluminium fol. Bake at 850 degrees for one hour, Paes tage _ tomatoes tomato sauce | teereeea ‘ne oaian — chills rasce al a if _ ebicken cola = green verve hrerlos and spices 5 Which two shopping lists are not complete? Read tthe recipes again and add the missing ingredients to the lists. GRAMMAR NOUNS WITH A/AN, SOME, ANY 5 complete the sentences with a/an, some or any. 1 Pasta salad hasn't got _any___ meat init, but it’s got vegetables. 2 A: Are there vegetables in Cola chicken? B: Yes, It's got onion and a green pepper 3 Thereisnt___chill sauce in Eggs la Provencale, but there's ‘tomato sauce. 4 oil in them and one 5 A: Isthere salt and pepper in the pasta salad? B: No there isn't, but there's hot sauce. 6 Cola chicken is very simple dish. © Write sentences with there's/there are and some/any. 1 ¥ fruit x vegetables There's some fruit, but there aren't any vegetabl 2 V bread x butter 3 Xfruit juice ¥ water 4K bananas / apples 5 ¥ grapes x cheese 6 ¥ pasta x rice 7 Konions ¥ carrots 8 ¥ salt X pepper VOCABULARY CONTAINERS A Vic and Bob are going on a camping trip. Complete their conversation with the words in the box. Make them plural if necessary. There are two extra words. cen bottle bag cup packet jar bowl carton_mug Bob: OK, Vic. Is everything here? Vie: Yes, | think so. Bob: OK. Three *__cons Vie: Yes. Bob: And have we got ®_ off Vie: Ex yes. Bob: Five? Vie: Right. Bob: Please tell me we've got some * of orange juice - you know you forget things. Vie: Yes, we've got two of them. Bob: A* of cigarettes? Vie: 80b, this sa no smoking holiday! Bob: OK, OK.A® of jam? Vie: Yes. Bob: Ten? of sweets? Vie: Bob, you're on a diet! Bob: But they're sugar-free sweets. Vies Huh! Bob: Two rolls of toilet paper? i Vie: Er toilet paper? Oh no! of baked beans? to eat the beans out of water? GRAMMAR E HOW MUCH/MANY; QUANTIFIERS: 2 A Write questions using how much/many and a word/ phrase from each column. Make the nouns in column: A plural if necessary. a 5 Lehi [is there ina hamburger? Zietter | are there in English? Bbeef _|is there ina 25-metre swimming pool? 4 vowel | are therein the English alphabet? Scent _|isthere none can of cola? Gwater | eretherenrthe average American family? Tivice | are therein a euro? Ssugar__| isthere in ten kilos of oranges? 1. How many children are family? Nownun 8 B Match answers a)-h) with questions 1-8 in Exercise 2A. a) 100 5 b) 375,000 litres wo d) 40 grams ) twenty-six ff) five g) about 35 litres hy 114 grams - one kilo makes eight burgers 3 Make sentence b) the opposite of sentence a). Use the quantifiers in the box. quitestotef alot of much 1a) Idon't drink very much coffee, ) I drink quite. lot of coffee. 2 a) Ive got a lot of friends. ») I haven't got friends. 3. a) There’sa lot of pasta in the jar. b) There isn't pasta in the jar. 4 a) | haven't got much time to relax b) vegot______ time to relax. 5 a) There are some tomatoes in the fridge. b) There are tomatoes in the fridge. 6 a) Stamps? Ves, there are some here. b) Stamps? No, there are here. & Find and correct ten mistakes with quantifiers in the conversations. 4. A: How many milk do we need? much B: Two cartons. 2 A: Is there any orange juice in the fridge? B: No, not many — just one carton, 3A How much biscuits do you eat in a week? B: Quite a many. I love biscuits! 4 A; There's none water in this bottle. it's empty. B: That's OK. There's another bottle in my bag, 5 A: Are there any tomatoes in the fridge? 8: Not much ~ two or three. 6 A: How many money have you got? B: Quite ot! 7 A: How many bananas are there in that bowl? B: No one ~ its empty. 8 A: Have we got much ice cream? B: Yes, we've got a quite lot. SN 5 A (D)5.2 Listen toa radio programme and choose the correct answer. ‘On the Junk Food Lover's Diet a) you can eat alot of junk food. ) you can eat little junk food ) you can't eat any junk food, 5 Complete the questions with how much/many. 1 _How many hamburgers can you eat in a week? 2 chocolate milk can you drink in a week? 3 Pieces of pizza can you eat in a week? 4 packets of biscuits can you eat in a week? ee ice cream can you eat ina week? 6 cola can you drink in a week? © Listen again and answer the questions in Exercise 58. half WRITING PARAGRAPHS Read the blog and number the topics in the order the writer writes about them. Which two topics does the writer not give information about? a) drinks b) snacks ©) fast food 4) breakfast €) foreign food f) dinner g)lunch Peer AE [im from Izmir in Turkey and my family loves food. From breakfast to dinner, we always eat fresh food. Breakfast is simple: eggs, cheese, bread and tomatoes. We sometimes eat cooked eges with Turkish sausage — that's really good. We don't usually have cereal with milk for breakfast like they do in the UK — there are lots of other delicious things to eat! have lunch with my husband when he can come home from work; the children have lunch at school. We usually have a light lunch — soup and bread, or tice and chicken. Something easy to gets pide ~ Turkish pizza; we eat itwith salad. | And we often have a yoghurt drink called Ayran with our pide or same milk, My favourite pide is cheese with egg on top. Our main mealis dinner. Allthe family comes to eat and sometimes we have other family members too ~ cousins, aunts, uncles, We eat around eight o'clock, We start with cold food — different small dishes made from vegetables, Our ain meal is usually meat or fish with rice and salad. Then we have fruit or something sweet, With all that food, eating dinner can take a long time! But we love chatting and telling each other about our day. ? Write four or five paragraphs about how your family eats. Write 80-100 words. VOCABULARY RESTAURANT WORDS | Complete the article with the words in the box. Use each word twice. lu_chef dishes bill order tip _ waiter The American diner The American diner isa great place fo eo, but ifs strange for foreigners. When you sit dawn, someone brings you a lass of ice woler. You don't__orcier the wale ~it ust comes, The? is ot a simple lst af food. I's long list wih hundredsof@ A in adiner can cook ‘anything ond everything! Luckily there ar olen pictures of some ofthe inthe ® foelp you choose. When you’_____a simple sondwich. the * asks you lots of questions ~ what sort of bread, if you want cheese oni, et. He writes al the information down and gives it fo the ®_ ‘Alte end of he meal, you ask or he "= _ Usually you leave the maney onthe toble with the" nd you leave o of 15-20 percent. ifs important fo leove 0 1 inthe USA, a FUNCTION ORDERING INA RESTAURANT doesn gel much money Complete the conversation with sentences a)-f). 1) No, thanks. b) Eat in, please. ‘© Can | have two chicken sandwiches, please? d) Can | have a cola and a water? €@) No, medium fries, please. £) Alarge cola, please. Server: Afternoon, What can | get you? Customer: § Server: Certainly - two chicken sandwiches. Large fries with those? Customer: Server: What drink would you like with your meal? Customer: > Server: Sure. Small, medium or large cola? Customer: * Server: Anything else? Customer: * Is that eat in or take away? ‘Thanks, Have a nice meal. LEARN TO UNDERSTAND FAST SPEECH \ (5) 5.3 Listen and tick what the customers order. “Caster 1 Customer 2| Customer roscoe chicken sandwich fies lettuce tomato ‘corn on the cob 2 A Put the words in the correct order to make a aon conversation. A Read at the phrases from Exercise 3A. Waiter: ready /you/ order /to/are eter acy Crogagee/2 Draw lines to show the linking. ve you ready to order 2 Customer: soup, / ike /1d/ onion / please / some das berbouse wih onion and, femato 2 2 could | have a chicken sandwich Waiter: like /@/ you / would / course / main 3 com on the cob > 7 & onions on the sandwich Customer: some / could /lamb /1/ roast /have 5 lettuce and onion 4 — ——___? 6 and a salad too, please Waiter: you /would / tke / what / vegetables : ? Customer: |/and /have / please / potatoes / peas, / can Waiter: drink/ something /to_ _ eee ? Customer: 17 some/ mineral /have / could / water GRAMMAR WAS/WERE ‘A. Complete the sentences with the correct form of was/were. 1 Jan and! _were _ in Paris at the weekend, It__was — expensive, but interesting, 2 Simon and his wife (not) at the theatre yesterday. They at the cinema, 3 |___late, but the teacher (not) angry. 4 Louise___sorry that you (not) at her party, 5 We ____ in New York last summer and the people ry friendly 6 The film (not) funny, but the popcorn really good! 2 Write questions and short answers using the prompts. 1 Paul Newman / actor? ¥ Canadian? x a) Was Paul Newman an actor? b) Was he Canadian? 2 Beatrix Potter / writer? ¥ English? ¥ a) ») 3. Beethoven and Wagner / dancers? x German? ¥ a) aa ») 4 Confucius / doctor? x Chinese? 7 a) b) 5 Che Guevara and Eva Perén / singers? x Argenti a) b) 3 Complete the sentences with the correct present simple or past simple form of be. 1 Jan’ quite talkative now, but he _wasn't (not) very talkative when he was a child, 2 There alot of people in the office yesterday afternoon, but there only one person here now. 3 The weather (not) very nice last weekend, but it beautiful now. 4 Mymother___retited now, but for most of her life she a teacher. 5 We (not) at home yesterday, but we _here today 6 The food here fine last week, but this meal —___ (not very good. 71 _ (not) very well yesterday and | (not) well today 8 Svetlana at school with me when we were children and now she 2 famous politician 9 There ‘alot of people at the concert last night, but there ~ (not) many here tonight. 30 Ican see you____ (not) very happy today. What's the matter? You OK yesterday. VOCABULARY DATES AND TIME PHRASES 4a 1 Write the dates. 19/3/1959 March the nineteenth sineteen fifty nine / the nineteenth of March, ni fifte-nine 5/2010 7 31/3/2002 30/10/1995 26/1/2005 13/10/1957 _ 21/5/1910 6/1/1805 B [P).6.1 Cover your answers in Exercise 4A. Listen and tick the dates you hear. Which one do you not hear? 5 Add on, in, ogo, yesterday or last to-each sentence. Sometimes two answers are possible. onvlast Iwas very cold Friday. 2 Iwas at university 1995. He wasn't at home a week, We were at the party weekend, Were you at work Wednesday? My parents were both eighty years old year. The children were tired morning and today, too. twas cold july We were in the café afternoon, ‘Simon was here ten minutes, but he isn’t here now. G A Read the article and tick the best title. 1 WORK ANDFRIENDSHIPDON'TMIX, 2 FILMSTAR'ROMANCES, Britney and Justin, Kate and Leonardo celebrities who have something in common: a close friendship. Some film stars were fiends when they were children. Americans Leonardo DiCaprio and Tobey Maguire (Spider-man) were good friends, starting when they were child actors looking for work on the same films and TV shows, Work often brings femious people together. Justin Timberlake and Britney Spears were on the Mickey Mouse Club Show, a children’s TV programme, together when they were eleven years old. George Clooney and Brad Pit were co-stars in Ocean's Eleven and are very close now. How do the stars know each other? Are they friends from childhood (C), friends from work (W), or does the article not say (2)? Tick the correct boxes. Sometimes two answers are possible. © Read the article again. Are the sentences true (T) or false (F)?| 1 Leonardo and Tobey were on the same TV show together ee 2 George and Brad are good friends. 3 Kate and Leonardo had a romantic relationship in real life 4 Kate doesn't think it was easy to be in a romantic film with Leonardo. 5 Hugh Grant has gota lot of actor friends. 6 Hes unfriendly when he works with other actors Sometimes friends in real life play lovers on sereen and that can be difficult. Kate Winstet and Leonardo DiCaprio are good friends, but they don'thave a romantic relationship. In the film Titanic, for both of them, the kissing scenes were strange. It was like | was kissing my brother’ says Kate. (Of course, there are stars who don't want to be friends with other stars, Hugh Grant says he doesn't, like spending time with other actors. ‘Idon’t have any actor friends,” Grant says.‘'m friends on the film and then | walk away. oS D Complete the sentences with the words in the box. Then read the article again and check. away with together 1 The celebrities in the article all have something __in__common. 2 Leonardo and Tobey were child actors looking work on the same films. 3 Work brings famous people _ 4 George Clooney and Brad Pitt were co-stars Ocean's Eleven. 5 Sometimes friends real life play lovers on screen, 6 Thekissing scenes _the film Titanic were strange both Kate and Leonardo. 7 Hugh Grant doesn't want to be friends other stars. 8 He says he's friends _ the film and then he walks PAST SIMPLE 1A Complete the life story of Anita Roddick. Use the past simple form of the verbs in the box. ‘growup leave open(x2) die meet travel sell] come have go work study get ‘Anita Roddick started The Body Shop, the first 3’ cosmetics* company. She was born Anita Perelllin the UK in 1942 and*_grewup in Littlehampton in the south of England, Her parents = from Italy and she > three brothers and sisters. After she * ‘school, Anit 5 0 Bath College and * to becomea teacher. After college, she all around the world. Then she Gordon Roddick and they s married in 1970. Anita and Gordon ® ‘a restaurant and then a hotel. ‘Atthe same time Anita forthe United Nations. She the frst Body Shop in Brighton, England, in 1976, The shop 0 only fifteen items with only natural ingredients. It now sells over 300 items to TF million customers and in 2004 was the twenty- eighth top name in the world of business. Anita Roddick in 2007, She left behind @ husband and two daughters, ‘umecs- mewn treo shy B Correct the sentences about Anita Roddick. 1 Anita tived in Italy. : ‘She didn’ ve in It 2 She went to Bath University, 3 She became a teacher. he 4 After college she stayed at home. 5 She and her husband started a café 6 Shehada son, 2 A How do you pronounce -ed in past simple verbs? ‘Write the past simple form of the verbs in the box in the correct column. work change love play finish start stop want help try enjoy travel hate [evar B (B62 Listen and check. Then listen and repeat. C Write the past simple form of the verbs. 1 think thought. 7 know 2 meet 8 draw 3 speak 9 write 4 grow = 20 sleep 5 wake Mleve 6 teach 12 buy 1D [2)6.3 Listen to the vowel sounds in the verbs in Exercise 2C. Write them in the correct column. 1/a/ Bel. thought 3 Write questions about Anita Roddick. 1 Where did her parents come from _ Her parents came from Italy. 2 Where She grew up in Littlehampton, 3. How many She had three brothers and sisters. 4 What After school, she went to Bath College. 5 When She got married in 1970. 6 Where She opened the first Body Shop in Brighton, 7 When __ She died in 2007, PST 4 A Read the texts. Then look at the table below, ‘Are the sentences true (T) or do the texts not say (2)? Tick the correct boxes. ae m Zsilan. 1 was bor in My name is Lin. My bi Teveg My birdy sh MO Ries aa Because my real parents died, | was bom in Being, but ‘an Australian man and wome? "don't remember my eal ‘adopted* me, so now they . Parents. Because I have ‘my mummy and daddy. Now Australian parents now, Ive tive in Sydney. in Melbourne. WRITING BECAUSE AND SO 'G Join each pair of sentences with because or so. Write the story 1 Kasia did't study lastnight, She felt too tired. 4 They know each the. B (©)64 Listen and check. Are the sentences you 2 She needed some fresh air. She went out for a walk. marked In Exercise 4A true? 3 twas a warm evening, There were a lot of people in the street. © Listen again and underline the correct answer. 4 She met an old friend and they wanted to talk about 1 Philip and Denise brought 2silan home when she old times. They went to a café was about one/two. 5 They stayed there for hours. They had a lotto talk 2 At first, Zsilan was very happy/unhoppy. about. 3 Philip and Denise put Zslan’sletter/Zsllan's photo on 6 Then they went toa restaurant. They were both very the website. hungry. 4 Zsllan and Lin looked the same/aifferent. 7 Kasia’ friend had a car. He drove her home at the 5 The girls lived/didn't ve together. end of the evening. | 6 Philip and Denise had the tests one year/two years 8 They wanted to meet again. He gave her his phone 280. number. | 9 Kasia tried the number but it didn't work. Kasia isn't very happy now! VOCABULARY Kasia didn't study last night because she felt too tired. LIFE STORY COLLOCATIONS, ‘She needed some fresh air... __ i} 5 Complete the story with the verbs in the box. went met worked got became started ‘Adams parents moved from Romania to New Zealand ‘when he was very young. Adam went to school in, ‘Auckland, He was very happy there and studied medicine at University: He? ‘doctor and? _ in a hospital At the hospital, he Irina, another ca oo doctor, also from Romania. They = married and stayed in New Zealand, Last year they © a website for Romanians living in New Zealand, VOCABULARY | ACTIVITIES ‘1 Complete the sentences with the verbs in the box. [uwote —dd_went (a) sw read stayed 62) dq 1 Yesterday was really cold, sol _ stayed _at home.|___my homework, watched TV and ___— an email to my cousin in Bertin, 2 We shopping on Saturday ~ I spent all my moneyt 3 |____ fora walk in the morning and then, in the affemoon, | my friends, ve Emma wes tired, so she in bed and _____ her book. ASKING FOLLOW-UP QUESTIONS 2 A Put the words in the correct order to make questions. 1 weekend / how / your / was Howwas yourweekend ? 2 did /do/ what /you 4 good /it/ was 5 with / go/you/ who / did 6 on/ you / did / what / do / Sunday T you/ did / go/ where 8 music /was/how/ the 9 did /get /you/time / what / back | | | | . 10 now/ tired /you /are 5B Match answers a)-j) with questions 1-10 in Exercise 2. a) With my cousin, lan. 5 ) Great! The bands were fantastic! ©) Well, on Saturday we went to the cinema. 4) Perfect! ©) The new Batman film. f) To Hyde Park, in London. 8) On Sunday | went toa rock festival with Fran, hi) Yes, very good ) No, feel fine, 3) After midnight. Ee LEARN TO E EXTEND CONVERSATIONS 3 A Circle the best answer to show interest. 1 A: What did you do on Saturday? I had lunch with my grandparents. a) twas nice, (@) nets 2. A; Did you have a good day yesterday? B: No, we went for a walk and it rained! AA: a). Really? That sounds interesting. b) So what did you do? 3. A: Did you have a good weekend? B: | wasr't very well, so | stayed in bed A: a) That sounds awful! b) Itwas terrible! 4k: How was your weekend? B: Fantastic, thanks! ‘A: a) Why, what did you do? by Really? It was fantastic! Did you do anything special at the weekend? No, we just stayed at home and relaxed. ‘A: a) That sounds terrible. b) That sounds lovely. 5 (B)6.5 Listen and check. Then listen and read aloud at the same time. 4 Complete the conversation with phrases a)-i). ‘A: Hi Jamala, How was your weekend? B: OK, thanks ‘A: Did you go to Gerhardt’ jazz concert? Yes, did. *_h Really??? Well, no, there weren't. ‘That sounds bad! + _ BB: Gerhardt’s mother and father, but * ‘A; That's good. * B:No,I didn't.” As That's quite early.* Bs He was happy."_ a) they enjoyed it. by Did you get home late? ©) Who were the other people? 4) How did Gerhart feel about it? «) only me and two other people. f) The concert ended at about ten oclock. ) Were there many people there? hy fewvas-very good. ’) He loves playing, so it wasn't a problem for him. R2 aT ee) Tee oy CIETY Past simpte 1 A Complete the forum posts with the past simple form of the verbs in the box. [be ts) bring buy (2) do eat gov) | [esi _play_ see J lee ta) ale DORISK Well, we wore _a typical family We? (cot) poor. We! ‘the same kind of furniture as now In ‘theliving room there + armchairs, a sofaanda black and white television We cour first colour Win 1968. TERRYG Wee rmorninga man’ toourhouse. (not) food atthe supermarket — every fresh milk bread and eggs JOHNM Afterschool, my friends and I* tothebig, supermarket next to the post office. Forten pence we got five bigbars of chocolate and itall! ELOISEB There was somuch new technology — there © ‘new machinesiin the kitchen and the garden, and new styles of cars, Ofcourse, we [not) mobile phones, laptops or tablets! Life™ was nice and slow. When I think ofthe 1960s I think of family, We always ® things together. Ne were a big family with ‘three of us boys and five girls. tthe weekend we Be football or other games and we often # for walks, Sometimes we went tothe theatre town and * 2 play, The important thing was that we were together WINSTON T Write questions using the prompts. 1 Doris and her family / poor? Were Doris and her family poor? ——— 2 when /her family / buy / their first colour TV? RTE Review 2 A Look at the forum posts in Exercise aand find: 1 two rooms ina house livingroom, 2. two pieces of furniture 5 three places in town B Put the letters in the correct order to ‘make words and phrases. Start with the underlined letters. a) iigdnn mroo dining room ») pobacurd ©) epcoiltisotan - 4) remmoy ckits @) deeshaphon ) yatsnideb «) bedrawor fh) og nshioppe }) ummsue 3) trebomoh © Add the words in Exercise 2B to the groups in Exercise 2A. 3 Find twelve food words in the puzzle. _ ctetotctott fait 2} 3 Terry family / go shopping for food / at the supermarket? mile aioe e ‘4 where / they / buy / milk / bread / eggs? rfilefelr{alelelu rat ———__ cls wlulr|t 5 how much / chocolate /John and his friends / get / for ten pence? beret Hae — x{c[m{xfe]eisialr 6 Winston / go out / with friends / at the weekend? fell [vol lelele . an aan Infrfefviz{efefale © Answer the questions in Exercise 18. } {R] 1 No. they weren't _ jolt} kK] Bi A[N{aIn] a} aa wlol|wlely[mljo[n]n 4 5 6 [ERENVIMEGM COUNTABLE AND UNCOUNTABLE NOUNS 4A Add -s where necessary in the food on the list. __Lkilos of oranges 1 tin of bean lo of apple 2 packets of pasta | UDkilo of cheese 3 cartons of milk F “Lbag of rice Lilo of carrot B Underline the correct alternatives. ‘Aci Jo. Where are you? B: Hi. m at the supermarket. eft the shopping list at work. Can | check some things? ‘How much/ How many fruit have we got? ‘A: Let me look. ‘No/None, Bs OK.*How much/How many vegetables “is/are there? ‘A: Lots, but we haven't got ’some/any potatoes. And we need fa/some spaghetti. Maybe two packets? Bs Right. is/Are there ‘a/any water? ‘Yes, we've got 7a/some bottle in the fridge, but Wwe haven't got "some/any milk. Can you buy three cartons? Pia Ale) bee oe) RUSTSUWNNA Lure story COLLOCATIONS 6 Write the verbs to complete the the sentences. All the verbs are in the past simple. 1 My grandfather worked as a taxi driver when he was ‘younger. 2 Kevin and Lisa g. t married in 2013. 3 Vicki w t to school in London. 4 Diego Alvaro b_ ean actor when he was twenty-two. 5. When lan was in his fourth year at university, he m this future wife, Anna, 6 Iw d for Samsung for three years - it was a good job. 7 After leaving university, Georgia g_ a5 8 personal assistant. 8 Nick was only twenty-eight when he s dhis own company. __tajob GUNTSHIENY SHOPPING; ORDERING INA RESTAURANT ? A Put the words in the correct order. 1 Ataclothes shop a) only / got / it / sorry, / we've / medium / in ‘Sorry, we've only got it in medium B: Sure. That's all, thanks. See you soon! b) help /can/you/1 oo eect nepuesandgeatiall RTARTA PREPOSITIONS 9 small to0 /no, it's 5 A Look at the picture and tick four true sentences. 4) large /in / got / this / you / have Correct the false sentences. alah tase Tabeeee andes 2 Ata restaurant a) yes, / like / with / potatoes / rice / I'd / chicken / and/ the 'b) would / something / like / drink / and / you / to ? ©) order / to / ready / you / are 1. The oranges are next to the bread. 2 The cheese is between the beans and the carrots. ? 3 The pasta is behind the rice. 4 The apples are on the left of the oranges. 5 The grapes are in front of the carrots, 6 The bread is above the grapes and carrots. The apples are between the rice and the oranges. 8 The beans are on the right of the carrots. © (R21 Listen and check. SU 4) I/can/ glass / of / water, have / please /a/ mineral B Put the conversations in Exercise 7A in the correct order. 1 Ata clothes shop: 2 Ata restaurant: R2 REVIEW 2: UNITS 4-6 (oer e Circle the correct option to complete the sentences. 1 ____abalcony? a)Hasit b)Isthere Are there 2 Yesterday we a)went b)was were 3 Youcan watch playsatthe ____. a) theatre b) sports centre) cinema ‘4 Weve got___butterin the fridge. a)some bla any 51 _at home on Saturday. a) staid b)staied ¢) stayed 6 Jessie and Karl got married a) twoweeks ago b) in two weeks ¢) last two weeks 7 Cant help you? Bs Thanks, | a) just look b) must looking ¢) just looking 8 Wesawjames a) thelast week b) a year ago ¢) ago two months 9 buy batteries here? a)Canweto b)Wecan ¢) Canwe 10 These jeans are for me. a)too big b) notenough big ¢) too much big, a of beans have we got? ‘) How much tin) How much tins How many tins 32 Don’t stand the television - | can't see! a) behind b) in front of | ¢) next to 13 We met 2014 a)on b)in. cat 14 Where __ at the weekend? a) youdid gob) did you go ¢) did you went 15 Greg,_ bread? a) are there any b) is therea _¢)is there any inthe Czech Republic. 16 W 18 20 a1 22 23 24 25 26 a 28 30 How much ___have we got? 4a) biscuits b) toothpaste) bananas The letter Dis. Bin the alphabet, a)near b) above _¢) next to _ at the party last night? 1a) Was Victor b) Were Victor ¢) Victor was : Are you ready to order? B:Yes. some chicken soup, please. a)Could | b)Ilike ¢) fd like We had a great holiday. | tocome home. a)nowanted b) didn't wanted —¢) didn’t want you lke any vegetables with your steak? a) Would b)Do Are ‘A: Did you like the film? Br Yes, a) |did like b)Idid¢) liked visit the museum in the evenings? a)Can you b) Youcan ¢) Do you can Two____ of coffee, please a) mugs b) rolls) tubes There cheese on the table, a)'sa_ baresome c)'ssome loved languages when I was at school, T became an English teacher. )50b) because ¢) then How. do we need? a) many fruit b) many eggs _¢) much apples Kieron, can you stand Stefan, please? a)onthe right of b) on left of ¢) on the left Do you like ? a)grape b) grapes ¢) agrape A That jacket looks good on you. BeThanks, a)Ihaveit. b)Tiltakeit. ¢) fmnot sure about. 130 Nera CoN TRAVEL ADJECTIVES COMPARATIVES LA Rewrite the sentences using the ‘words in the box. There are two extra words. ‘empty noisy cheap boring uncomfortable slow expensive quiet fast comfortable | crowded int 1 There were no visitors in the museum. The museum was _ empty _ 2 This bed’s very hard - | car't relax ont. Thisbeds 3 The train travels at 165 kilometres an hout The train is very 4 ‘There were a lot of people on the beach, The beach was , 5 The book's good and has a lot of useful information. The books 6 The hotel is perfect - no cars ‘outside, no children around, so | «an sleep all day. Thehotelis__ 7 The car was $35,000, so he didn’t buyit The car was too ____for him. 8 didn't like the film. slept for most of it The film was 2 9 These jeans didn't costa lot. | These jeans were quite -f 20 I can't sleep because of the partyin | the fet below. The party is very 5 (9) 7.1 Usten and repeat the adjectives from Exercise 1A. | © Listen again and write the adjectives in the correct column for ‘each stress pattern. | e 2 Find and correct the mistakes in the sentences. 1. Hondas are popular than Suzukis, Hondas are more popular than Suzukis. 2 South Africa's hoter than Italy. 3m more old than my brother 4 Indian food is spicyer than English food. 5 Lena's intelligenter than me 6 Cola is sweetter than lemonade. 7 Chinese is more difficult that English, viel ule) soe 8 Crisps are badder for you than chips. 3 Complete the article with the comparative form of the adjectives in brackets, EITHER ... OR ...? We ask singer and actress Sonia Haig to choose. Which is better? Q: Singing or acting? AC Singing Singing is'__easier_(easy} for me tran acting. Q: Healthy food or junk food? ‘A: Junkfood. naw healthy food is (good forme, but ‘aftera concert lll want fs apieza ora hamburger and chocolate! Q: Relaxing on a beach or visiting an art gallery? A Ohvvisking an art galery becauseits?____(interestng), Siting on a beach is boring, Dinner at a restaurant or dinner at home? That’ a cificult question. like cooking, tut | ie having dinner atarestaurantbecauseis*______(remantc| than cating ac home, 2° Q: Family or friends? A Femi ® friends and phos (cose) to my sister than to my ‘my parents every day. Summer or winter? Will, love lacking ax snow, but winters [cold and prefer being hot OK =o Q: New York or Paris? A: Hove Paris, but Ilove New York mare becau: 7 (big) than Pars ad ke a shops. have an apartment near Cental ats or dogs? Dogs. they =o Read the emails. Are Tim and Mike good travel partners? HiDan, ‘Mike and | arrived in Barcelona on Saturday. The first right we were ina self-catering apartment near the ‘beach. | didn’t sleep well because it was too noisy, so yesterday | moved to a hotel in the ity centre, Mike stayed at the apartment because it's quite cheap. My | hote’s very comfortable and quiet and i's got Spanish TV, s0 I can practise my Spanish in the evenings. Yesterday Mike came with me to the Picasso Museum. | thought it was fantastic, but he wanted to leave after ‘an hour. He said it was boring, so we went to the beach {and met some local people and he talked to them {or almost three hours - that was boring! Of course, he spoke in English because he doesn't know much Spanish, Last right | wanted to go to a restaurant to try the local food, but Mike said it was too expensive. We went toa ‘cheap snack bar and the food was avul Hope you're well. Tim Who says these things? Tim (T), Mike (M) or both am? 1 haven't got much money. 2 A.good night’ sleep is important for me. 3 When I visit another country, | try to learn sore of the language. 4 We don't enjoy the same things. Hove going to art galleries and museums. 6 talked to some Spanish people on the beach yesterday, 7 Idor't lke eating expensive food 8 The food in the snack bar wasn't good. Read the emails again and answer the questions. 1 Which is more expensive: the apartment or the hotel? ’ thehotel 2 Which is further from the city centre: the apartment or the hotel? 3 Which is noisier in the evenings: the apartment or the hotel? ‘4 Which is more comfortable: the apartment or the hotel? 5 Who is more talkative: Tim or Mike? 6 Who is more serious: Tim or Mike? 7 Who is better at speaking Spanish: Tim or Mike? 8 Who Is more laid back: Tim or Mike? Hi Lucy, Tim and | are here in beautiful Barcelona. I'm ina soif-catering apartment near the beach, i's not very ‘comfortable, but | only go thereto sleep. The frst night there was a party next door and I danced until a.m, Tim said it was too noisy and he moved into a hotel ia the city centre. He stays in his room in the evenings ‘and watches TV! Can you believe it~ watching TV on holiday? Yesterday we went o the Picasso Museum, Well it was (0K for about an hour but Tim wanted to stay there all into Lincoln Place and then right again into Nassau Street. A: OK. B: Then go* on and go* kildare ‘Street and Dawson Street. ‘A: Of, so I stay on Nassau Street BrYes.* _ past Grafton Street, into a small street... forget the name ... and the Tourist Information Office is on the” You can't : it ‘A: Great. Thank you! 5 Read the information and look at the map in Exercise 2 Circle the correct alternatives, Walking tours of Dubli 1 To Dublin Castle From the Toure formation Ofc, go to Callere Green and turnle Go straight onto Dare Sret. and urn ft that's Cane Set fone ander eon young. 2 From Dublin Castle to Trinity College Go back to Dame Street and stig onto College Green and ‘hen tun lef at Colege Steet Tun rh, go sraght ont Pearse Sree and then sr ight agan Is naber 2a/26/2c con yourmap 1 From Trinity College to St Stephen's Green {Go back to Pearse Street and tur fy then leita College Stret and hen Graton Siren nally Nasu Steet Torn rah Dawson Sree, a go sagt on unt he end. You Gan ste in font of you e's number 3/38/c on your map. 4 From Se Stephen's Green tothe National Gallery Come out ofS Stephen's Gren and look for Kare Steet. Go sah on and athe end of Klar Sect, turn re, and 0 sraig on - that’s Clare Street. The National Galery i on Your fg. number 46/4b/4 on your ap. LEARN TO CHECK AND CORRECT DIRECTIONS A Look at the map and correct A's directions. Gara) V2) Ele} (Se a 1 A: So, the park’s between the cinema and the pharmacy. Bi No,its___bebi the cinema and the pharmacy. 2 A: So the supermarket’s between the cinema and the pharmacy. B: No, its between it 3A: So, the cinema is the fourth building on the left. Bi No, its 4 A: So, the café is the fourth building on the left. B; No. its 5 A: So, the post office is opposite the bank. B:No,itsopposite : So, the town hall is opposite the bank B: No, it’s the bank. 18 Girle the stressed words in B's answers in Exercise 4A 1B: No, it's (behind)the cinema and the pharmacy. © (9)7.3 Listen and check. Ther sten and repeat. GRAMMAR © Write questions using the prompts. PRESENT CONTINUOUS 41 what / instrument / Jake / play? What instrument is Joke ploying? ‘1 Write the -ing form of the verbs. 12 who {Zoe talk tot, 1 do _doing —————_— a 3 where /Zoe and Paolo / sit? 3 run —— istay — 4 how many bags /Jo and Dave / carry? 5 swim - wn Sica : 5 who / Wesley / take /a photo of? 7 write 5a 6 who / talk /on the phone? 9 begin —__ ree 7 what / Megan / read? 2 A Complete the sentences with the present 8 who / buy /bag? continuous form of the verbs in brackets. 1 Jake _ 4 Jake singing (ing) D Look at the picture and answer the questions in 2 Wesley (Cake) a photo. ° 3 Joand Dave (stand) near jake, Peer They iter) to him, 1 He playing the guitar 4 Roger (walk) near Jake, but he e | (not listen) to him. a 5 Megan (sit) at the café. She 4 eee 5 {6 Paolo and Zoe (chat) with each 6 other. They (fot watch) Jake. 1 7 Lisa (Cook) at some bags. 8 (sell) a bag to Kalila. B Look at the picture and read the sentences in sex Exercise 2A again, Label the people in the picture. o fe c_ ee ( eS ene eve - ean | 3 putthe words in the correct order to make questions, ‘Then write short answers about you 1 you /are/ shoes / wearing freyouweoring shoes ___? Yes, Jam/No, mot 2 your /is/ singing / phone ? 3 are/pen/a/with / exercise / this / doing / you i? _ 4 room / other / the / sitting / are / people /in / any ? 5 music/is/ room /the /in/ playing ? 6 exercise / enjoying / are / this / you ? 7 teacher/is/ your / writing /the / board / on VOCABULARY VERBS + PREPOSITIONS 4 Complete the sentences with prepositions. 1 Dave's over there. He's chatting _with Joan. 2 tm waiting the train 3 Diana, canyou take a photo ___the class? 4 What are you listening 7 5 We read the wedding yesterday in the newspaper, 6 I can't come at the moment. 'm talking the phone. 7 Ask your teacher the pronunciation of this word. | can't help you, sorry. 8 When I'm on holiday, | never think ___ work, LISTENING 5 &0)8.1 Listen and match conversations 1-5 with places a)-e). Conversation 1 a) tennis match Conversion 2 Lu 0) fasion show Conversation 3 ©) artgallery Conversation 4 4d) concert Conversation 5 ©) ticket office 5 Listen again and underline the correct alternative for each conversation, 1 The man really kes/doesn‘ lke the paintings. 2 Nellie wants/ doesnt want to go to the concert. 3 The woman is in/going into a concert. 4 Felicity says she wants/doesn't want to meet fora coffee 5 All/Some of the people are wearing black. WRITING PRONOUNS G A Read the story. Who took Julia's phone? ‘On Friday night, David, Julia and | went tothe | Rock Club. ‘Julia and David are fun and | like | ‘Julia and David a lot. The club was busy, but David, Julia and | found a table. Julia put her mobile phone on the table, but after an hour ‘Julia saw that ‘Julia's phone wasn't there, and she was very angry. Then I had a good idea. | phoned ‘Julia's number, and “Julia, David and | heard ‘Julia's phone ringing. | David started laughing, and then *David took Julia's phone out of "David's pocket and gave ‘Julia's phone back to "Julia. David thought this ‘was funny, but Julia was very angry with "David, '80 she took ‘David's phone and threw "*David's, phone out of the window! Now "*David and Julia aren't speaking to each other. © Replace the underlined nouns in the story with pronouns. V they 2 woroune VOCABULARY B APPEARANCE Look at the photos and read the sentences. Label the men in the photos, 1. Rob’s got curly hair He’ tall and very slim. 2. Sam's got short, straight hair, a moustache and a beard. He isnt wearing glasses, 3. Tom hasn't got a beard. He's got dark hair and he’s medium build 4 Bruce is very slim, He hasn't got short hair, but he's got a beard, 5 Mike isn't very slim. He's got very short, dark hair and he's wearing lasses. 6 Wills got dark, curly hair. He's got a beard and a moustache, and he's a little overweight. 1 Meg's got long, onde hair cand she's mi 2 lay 3 Keira | 4 Belinda 2 Look at the photos and complete the crossword. ® Describe the women in the photos. PRESENT SIMPLE AND CONTINUOUS 3 underline the correct alternatives, Hi, Bruno, It's me, Gerald. What "do you do/ ‘ore you doing? Bruno: | have/'m having a coffee with Carla, What about you? Gerald: | sit/'m sitting at my desk as usual. So you ‘don't work/aren' working today. Jam, but | don’t usually start/'m not usually starting work before ten o'clock. How's Carla? Bruno: OK, but she ‘doesn’t like/isn't liking her job at the hospital. Oh, why not? ‘Well, she 'works/'s working from 11a.m. till midnight every day. Gerald: That sounds hard. ‘Does she look/Is she Joking for a new job? Yes, | think so. She *looks/is looking in the newspaper and on the internet every day. Really? Because "I phone/! phoning about a job opening here. Office work, not very interesting, but the money isn’t bad. Perfect for Carla. Bruno: Hey, Carla - good news, it's Gerald ... Geral Brunk 4. Complete the conversations with the present simple ‘or present continuous form of the verbs in brackets, Conversation 1 ‘A: So who does the housework in your family? B:Weall’ __do___ (do) itn fact my wife es — (098 dinner right now, and my daughter® (help) her, Ac And what + you (do) to help at the moment? Ble (watch) TV! There are too many people in the kitchen. Conversation 2 AcWhy* —____ (wear) black today? You _—(ustally/not wear) black. : What do you mean? | always * __ (wear) it Conversation 3 ‘Ac Hi, Geoff. Its me. Where are you? Bl? stand) on the train A: Why? You ®_ _(usually/not stand). B: No, | usually ®_ __ (get) 2 seat, but this isa leter train. Where are you? AL? (wait) atthe station. 8: Oh, sorry | forgot to tell you I'm late! Read the article, Are the sentences true (7) or false (F? 1 Teshirts are 200 years old, 5 2 American soldiers were the first to wear Tshirts, 3. The most expensive T-shirts cost hundreds of pounds. 4 There are four different types of T-shirt. ‘Tshirts are popular because they are cheap. 6 You can change the message on an electronic T-shirt, CHANG! T-SHI item of clothing many of us wear every day and t's ‘often the only thing we wear onthe tp half of ourbody, After ‘ts introduction over 100 years ago as underwear for American soldiers, the Tshirts now one of the most comman items of clothing. You can find T-shirts in any clothes shop and they cost between a few pounds toa few hundred pounds, There are even ‘specif Tshirts that sellforthousands and thousands oF pounds, nd there are ots of different kinds of shins: ‘enecks, Usnecks, short-sleeved, long-sleeved, cropped shins — you name tl ‘shirts are popular because they are mare than just lathes: people can express themselves wearing Tshirts, Aslogan “onthe front of your Tshirt can shaw people what you believe ina Tshirtwith your favourite and logo can shaw people ‘what kind of music you tke; you can even wear your favourite photos by printing them on T-shir, And the latest step in the development ofthe most popular item of clothinginthe world? Electronic Tshirts, They ight 'p when you wear them and they can even carry electronic ‘messages that change when you propramme ther, Whats next? Texting friends thraugh Tshirts? itmight be common, very soon! 3 Match words from the article 1-6 with definitions af) 1 underwear —) a) show your feelings, ideas or 2 common personality 3 express b) give instructions to a 4& slogan computer, machine, etc. 5 logo ©) a short clever phrase that is apogee easy to remember 4) clothes that you wear under your other clothes @) a symbol fora group, ‘organisation, etc. f) happening often; that you see, hear, ete. very often

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