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3. Mlustrated Historical Overview ates of dist survival mast ave istigted waracion ad Inguege sinatansh Indood nazaton tse isaenlton of ated Bite, vont ness The need ornate mst ave flo lo pn ‘aration By th tine We reach ecrde istry andextaiteare. te risers incade he hislory efron, and des so with aceasing spleen ieiional nations ear hori tion studs sy Seem oversiadowed, However, very hry has sender who orga ‘aes ansborstobrng scour up tthe perceived standards of hi rva 1No Wester heory can overiok the impact of pened ike he Resi sane orf xs ike the Cristian Bible the Canmnst Monet. We ‘wight 2d that tis fel and probably ue to separate the history oF traslton from the history of tnsiation sues, a6 we are using the xpeston. sour dacusion wilcon make cle, concepal Sue arise ‘ltt automaticly. Translation ar needed tnslations are erezed: tanlaos re avin fal rrsatons charge ives. ‘Whee iterary eric seancemed. the istry of anslson stud iesiseszemtillyareordofrecstve guides pleasing ear ase. Ast rier af fact. tension thoy, fer example, should usually be puncte bed wih qucation marks, transition "hor", singe the theory in translation tutes, even ao, fen ot tortal by tention Senta Ii fequeily eto eesorumendations for adberingto ssp ta scrise practices a he rocommender understands them, “Accepted Fhctrcal practices shouldbe putin quteion marks al, for they ae tlnay a funeton ofthe ste ofthe rhetoric issuing the prenounce- ‘en and they ar infivenged mtr the norms OF thee Literature must have hee atl for enhancing ene group's cu ‘unt heritage the expense of anaes. Perhaps a kind of imperialism ‘vere tet sported or sled a ertoril rine com. Or pe haps benigaletig o bln what ws felt bean infor mane ptrimany Or lest benign, ertre coud have been translated as Tieasue commit with pice: ie in the ease of Seheheraade, ba Tninels,seryselles rs hve bec hum wophis all long The Fypotitel and mali origin st ave mony mates, and ye hose Ives were mtr sini fr shine of Hear ana: asin Koved langue ar il eresson wo say seme eombin tion persis hi wie rade the dsr shrew VOOVVOVOVUOVOVULLOULOULULLULULUUUOUE tiers, whee ot te ers wre expend to sexpert Teall ht ifr, Like any firm of eltve merry tn, Wefary ‘sao sa modi en IF we merely Follow the fate of single major Hera work through is English metamerphosss, we hives mirmensm of English tea hi ‘ory and literary language. (And we must remember thatthe work in ‘question reins is major elasiction in he canon lagely base of trasation) Neal a al contr ago Amica Clasiit Reuben Br ver in “Seven Agamerrons” (1959) — an esay tht fas il become ventably canonical and isropriied in is Mrmr on Mrer( 1924) used Seve versions oF Aesthyus'gamemnon ith century BC) o show ow Tigray warlaions encapsulate the prefered scious literary ses of nea. Agamernnen sicresvelyspests Elizabethan, Tudor, Augustan Victorian and Modemist with stone input fom Senest’s Latin tans ‘ia, and each generation of edeated rear, fom Shakespeare's to out tn, hve found the py has drastic poetry fing their ovm notion wha poetry is “The impacts of terry snes ina langue english ave ben va but either slow ror merc To oversimplify, afer Cha Tray language, ro major mami ene of English has know an upeaval aerator rupee i hel snge (We could s3ytht the French Revolution ofthe (180 and he Russian Reolutiog is (917 aTerd French and Russian lngunges: cer tainly the Rusia Revoluon reduod the geographic tea of French, The beep ofthe Soviet Uni in 1992 also broke up the overarching transion policy eat as to have uated the coun ina common la singe seule fom 1917 onwards) onever we need ao 20 back ve centres of an ereoureo dead language. tad Brower 1 hte bath Row a domiant ale aft fanshtion and How: 38a uasltionrecies eri, steals forth ‘ransation, by ten de or changesanyway because ofthe ensuingcbanges inusage, Sch changes inlet expected shifisin gaara lexicon ina dye Lnguge. They inclu also ends in ray eto. the th osiltions degre of erry volvement with sil story peostigst eansnoninche agli, Brnmngr U9 taled The Sunger: bth were pan by Kopitar Ho fiat the United Stats and are tl avilable. These sons ar beth iin ther own way, satin monly Meisner ‘modernist taste but adionaly the pola lleraon between fee op litera, trgetorinted (domesticated) and souce-riented (Tocige ined), meanng-based (eterretve) and language based (sites) Te suratons ofthese overlapping binsry cys inthe alien ie ‘2y work hae often taken over dscusionIntasiation ties, Bt ey ae insvube alterations within te lager overall acon ales: ‘isa history, Giben’s The Stranger as reashed a naouable numberof Eaglish- language rears, chiefly suents inthe st yea of seomry Sh! or the frst year of postsecondary edaton. In Now York Stat the nove Figured onthe Reading List forthe Regents examination, aequicement for allege bound students For esl alfa cenry these tant raen ral lerarure an ther insuctors ave heard each sucesive shot #3 ‘another ffl rap onthe dor of (Meursault undoing (1985 76) and bave expected ‘a ge cond ef spectators” to ‘ret hr “with howls oF exertion’ (173). When ther compan reading Lirangersontd out that he endings of Part CEL cat comme quate coups bef qu je Fagpais srl pote du mathew", 80) and Part iy at bencoup de spectaturs le jour de mon exezution et qu'il maceellen avec desert hain’ 38) id not ave quite the sme referential ground Clb reson, the Eagsh language readers tuned a dea eat Te ta ofthe imagination can has o readjust 10 the lowered tone and deliberate ‘epeon in Ward's rexaniation: it as like Fnoking fr quik tes onthe door of unbappiness (59) had nly to wish ht ter be lge crowd of specatos the day of my execution an th they greet me with ries of hat (129, Camus, Killed in an automobile acide inhi te fries. wre {Banger in is mid-wemis. Bat bi ranalatns were old wi if. emt kinds of ifexperie Both translators conceived thee ask by he literary norms of hit ‘own generation, Stuart Giber (1888-1969) who found ination fer retiring rm he British Ci First came to scholarly neice with be James Joyees User (193 econdcarr lation a LRerary Criictern sre anoxpistr of lovee and sesone anlar hoes Vitra “shcaton fad boon tempor ty Mori He ha translated Male “Mari du Gard, SuintExopry and Simenon and he fe published the St olame of lovee s correspondence Like mort ranslates wh they wan fo produce ext tht sounds naive to the literature of thei own Times. Gibr appears have ancevedaargel exon th si of ie svaeading ae ude histatlaton consort his interpretation, While his wanton woul be ened thf interns ofthe convass men Sioned above tse. targeted domedicated) snd neaning-based Aisepreive. ‘athe Ward 1981-1990) wasbor early decade afer ‘Eranger was pblsted, He would have had 8 Modernist education tempered by tte Beat Generation and Postmodernism. An AIDS Yim, he receives A PEN Book-ofthe Month Civb award forthe tasinien, Ward fst ncounees LErranger though Gilte’s translation, which mended for "consseney”,"eamesness and san effortomake he text ineligible” (1986. War’ goal, a he ptt "was to venture ure ino te eter of Camas nove to capture what he sid and how he sg ior what he meant theory heater should ake care of te”) His warsaion sintctiosly Ser, source-orients Freignznd) and language-basodocaliea. Camus present a tex that canbe read like ane of Gi’. The nara tive surfice is smooth, somewhat elliptical, at times lyrical. Reader callborton is msde to inert the Significance of the naative, bat "ot, however, to complete i. We seem to hae the entre native, and the ma can be et here. Gilberts text reproduces that Kind of eet, fe kindof wala called scales, He epraduces this eet by choos ing slightly pote, educated leceon and sing the monologue yah fof coherent ses His mcraive person is fon hanes, ut hes ‘OF couse, when, Camus was wring he narrative didnot unfold “smochly nd meldaly at the mans pes witout dial ver bal eboces nd ewe rewing fhe ad wanted w erat 8 penona of ares char he cra ve ured French iat would more clots coe spond Gilberts ches. Wid, by leaking forthe neil enering some oth poetry and lets ut soe the roughness othe evra This une, enn Fil on Hat are ota lis 2 Gills eves us the impression of ssi usin dat 3 the sae tne the nish ex, In we compare rv rie passages where the tats nih noe Iybe rested by the amount of coneree dein then we dcr tat Gibersransation, sine trgeorcne, manages east the ‘sumed audience. And publishing Pst indctes tht ths aceon mdation vas both prefiableand secur However hirano 8 Shall see, does net have the same effet onthe target aiense 2 did Cara's ext onthe sure audience and sch sneer uly cred dynamic or fneional equivalence, hat long been sured the gua of meaning-baed tansations. Ward's ransaton makes no such seco ‘moditon ad yet probaly does achieve an eet separable o what ‘appensia French, His backers at Knopf must hve assumed that ene can eaders were ready for Camus writen with Elsa wor ‘The fis passage we shall owsideri te descriian ofa narsinghome for French colonists of modest means, 84 kilometres fom Algiers The second passge occurs a Meursault he els arto and center sete adapt hs imprisonment Meutanlt noes when his mother’ ends ener th wake afer her ext Je ovsvsi encore jamais rmargué 4 gel point les viites Femanespouvatent ave dy ven. Les hones sient pres tous ts aires et tenueat des cannen C= gui me Mappa dans less visnges, c'est gu je ne vovvis ps leis yeu mais Seulement une ueur sane ect ay milieu un mide res Lorsguils se sont asi, Tu plant on pau hoch sos det, srs qe Je pute savoir rit me slat ou ages d'un te (194228) ben makes the recolstion as kindly spose have. Most ofthe men however, were ay thin as rake, snd they all cared sticks. Whit srck me emost abut thle, teu ha one couldnt see th yen ny ail low sot ‘ning PI MIHOANRAAAAAAOVINAMARAARANHRADAOOS an en On On Un OL En On eee. PUOBVOWVOROROULGOULLELEE LLG LELULUUUGLE srhvarly tt lip ek in between thr tothe gun. lus di they ee gresing md tying to sy me hing of mad tose ny age CSI) id itr elie thee “elderly might ong tis wn generation bu fa acked his omfonale ifs? Wa trying tly senders fear of geny? In any event, Ward (andoubesy already living under the death ‘entone of AIDS) ds tigate Moura’ eollaston Pd novereaiod what huge stomachs of! won can have. A rt ll th men were skinny an eared eases, Wht stack me "ot abou ir faces wan tha I eoul' ee ter eye, jas fn glimmer na ef wrnses When thy" sat Gow os of thm looks te a nee sky tet pe sacked by ther twins mouth ro ht could tl fey wore ee ing te or fit wae jas nero te. (10) 4 Pat ater Meursault has ben in pian long enought adjust othe routine, ne summaries he experience of imprison ‘pr ces cai sk of parton posession, cigars, fers Compan]. j aes pas top malheureun. Toate Ta question, Encore une fos, est de ter Le tomps a in pate pls fermayer du wut parte de instant ob apes fe on Senin (He dels hs vegies of remembrance and conlages) ‘Val compris alors qu'un homme qu suit vece qu'un seu jour our na pine vivre ont ns dane une pion out {Sst desouveais pour ne pas sennayer Dans mses, cit fn avanage (194239 ibe’ s Meus mere explicit Except fr thet privations Iwan’ to uoippy Yet ain be ‘hl problem war haw kl me Aer awhile, bawever Oe Fe eamed te tek of reerberng tings aver had amo ‘ea "Seamed that even afr 2 single day's experience of the utile work tan soul esly lve 4 fae eas in prise, He'd have aid up ebough meroriee never 0 be bor Ob sated ers Ovion "wold bed pss ny grt tna fren in Wan Mesa At ram hese anna, | wasn't unk One sin in ln an igi shay oe aed recapping so ths mora isnot foreground} reid en tat aman who had Tied only oe day coud easy lve fort bhi fom being bored, in a way, i was a cvantig (1988-79), The diferences between the 1945 Bish ranslation an he 1988 Amer can rarsation are slight when isla, but the ecreton of diferences esd ta diference in impact That the fable or storyline hs ane int, ut he rata tutte sre person, Gilbert's Meursault bas fever unappesingcractestes: thus He ore likely 0 be seen a an appealing viet, The aspect ofthe elder ina wan oe Hake bemuses im. He explains he coud ot decide whether thy wer tet im 0 iying 10 sme xls added) He dismisses som disturbing Sounds aud gestres as duet some hit of ae, certainly a vaguer and bene Kinder sonsept than we, In conta Ward's Meursault ike Carus’, fads the elds eeoling. They look |S for the ter piso route, ho fil tin Gilberts Mest leas, rater contracivel a ik &o exercise his memory. tf he nna 90. single day it te outide (words adel) would sufi fora lie in prison a Ror red yeas: Wards Mourssl suns nore conpelsive and propel remember, the exercze ook fs ‘onlin tine than Camus. a fst remembering ave fa didn} ‘ate long). We do nat doubt tht he has develope sah a stmeyy to of men sletspiae cally by ope with ncaceraion, bt ay hel ti is dissipated ~an thas nboth Cans and Wards eowed Meursault confessing opal sepingin the fllowing prsrap The ifrences i psoas and shoe pie come from Gilbert and ‘Wied eosingdifernt Wontsaad sigh ret nea ondetsin ps sophing iter smre stone, inc exenplrof ear wh ‘ranelation as Literary Cte scissile paradocs nore prose Medes nomad the ext His tasltion fli the longstanding nor ha translation Should sund as rier nde get tanguage His Meursault snnaverent eel ans gebry- minded on sites. above Siemon of ou eoeidrarion, von samp Pecans of his tho Satanic lhe’ The Sroger san English novel about ols ‘jes in he nt rear period wen oes of wc an vietimizd were tepining bar. edo not reed it, however. asa document of ate ol sialmentaly. In rence Camus’ L'Eongris already achive uch ocament and Wide bough tht equiveaT meaty it English by ning wat as subsequent been sled ncalitra ayproae Paradox {aly in updating the anslasonsyiee mayave date noel making itr les relevant o th 15-20 year-olds who formed is American aud nce Hs Meursu while barely member ofthe mid cls, isoF French “escent and is ths colo, a member of the dominant French colons! caste in Aer who press on the aw'sdsegard ofthe uneraass without assuming the responsibilities or at Teast thee figade) ofthe ove ‘hssThe aw, th, aguas autonomousset of texts andaceretions precedent) cannot esregard fellow colon who, ike Meursal shoo nife-bearing Arab four Gines afer inflicting deat. A man wiho femors, sho neither moursedhie mother's death nor served the prop ‘ties ofmcuring would ne have shar inmeresedefense in shor, hea ansation alters the fst person maar, we rade cers seeive diferent ues fr esoblshing what we belive we think the WEvongermesrs. ___ Intenso the rssiorship Between arslaon and ier rica, these to Strangers over a 50-year period sogestthat th primary inte rig of etext i istlanguage textual The ensuing soiopoiial scene (Gis eqatntetulig) an he elton with ether ear works nd vale tions itsintrexuay) ontivaly subjecictoapparentchanges.Indeod, Inne, the ehanges may bacome juss eal asthe originary ‘meaning’, sthich my rogue exept real “Tse lst SOear, a mere moment in Wester iterary history, sill iasuate th “heart of Hear stor, nisl eflesing, ecorting ato socio-cultural istry | sy ear-beat beeause Wester istry Since the Rensissance is the sgt oF he human hear. he overalt Cultural history af Western Eons ad Noo Ameria hs lard He ustrated Historical Overviow swevnmes ofexpaning snd conan neladingand exchatng Mo msm ik Neo- ls ended othe contrasting mad Desi is {Esvelopment of mss poms, sme het ike th oj an Prose Tian novel bing expansive in themselves ts arbiters were qu enpaic taut what he nor were and how nortan aso dere to them, Ete Pound even used elliptical (mistansation to support lenag- ism which in tum supported the aprecicon of Malian? and Valley's ‘lial Symbotism,Suralism i par of tat deceptively ope locking resciveness T.S Etats Nobel Prize in 198 reospecively seems fave buen the eroningcuimistion an efetive contusion of Moder {am This was tive yeas afer Gilbert Sango, whieh aebepen aie of its ova. But the transain's English expression w2s highly appropsate, because Camis wrote'Evangerby the noms of paredown sie ofthe morals tation of Gide and Marae. Gilbert retrial norms wha- ‘ver wethinkoisintepreatio, wer Eaglish courterpars ofthis French TL Bvranger was one ofthe fist accesible ilatatons of wht the sted mean! inthe fame of Essential nd this heme sony after “Faploded into Absurd Teste and th New Novel (Nawveax aman) The later ushered in Postmoderism, although the critical Establishment foundered for «few years a it developed countepart methodology ‘What became clea as tat clr had moved into expanding sn in {Eoding American teary mperaism became apparent asany pla nove bythe United Sates, not asa domination but sco apin. (English ths alway been an agen language, tolerant of ‘misuse and forever bor rowing ot own) LatinAmercanIteraure pushed wie the Ieren Peninsula. Francophone erature his ceived mae atton than con tinea French erature Nery for years afer the death of Yess and the corresponding en of Clie Renassnce (andthe end of Duin 3 yaa language cane), the bilingual Samuel Beckett won the Nobel Priv in 1969 Was that aver the apotbsosis of the Absurd Teste and the New Novel? Or an intanee of alavsm unreogniae at he ime? In the popular press Beckett has ben called the “Aadjoyee ofthe modemis tospe” (Gales 1996), Did Clade Sian’ Nob! in 1985 mark the end tfihe New Novel Inany event, expansion conics We ares v= ‘ng inthecimatim which Ward asia. Translaon bs, asalvays nd oe pin, refeted both the mr mand oem of Herry try HO OOHOHOE HOE OEKEOEREAA ’ .

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