Coils Embolization Use For Coronary Procedures - Cathet Cardio Intervent - 2023 - Loh

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Received: 13 July 2023 | Revised: 4 August 2023 | Accepted: 14 August 2023

DOI: 10.1002/ccd.30821


Coils embolization use for coronary procedures: Basics,

indications, and techniques

Shu Xian Loh MD1 | Emmanuelle Brilakis MD, PhD2 | Gabriele Gasparini MD3 |
Pierfrancesco Agostoni MD4 | Roberto Garbo MD5 | Kambis Mashayekhi MD6 |
7 8
Khaldoon Alaswad MD | Omer Goktiken MD | Alexandre Avran MD9 |
Paul Knaapen MD, PhD10 | Alex Nap MD10 | Ahmed Elguindi MD11 |
Khalid Tammam MD12 | Masahisa Yamane MD13 | Gregg W. Stone MD14 |
Mohaned Egred BSc (Hons), MB, ChB, MD, FRCP, FESC1,15,16
Cardiothoracic Department, Freeman Hospital, Newcastle upon Tyne, UK
Minneapolis Heart Institute and Minneapolis Heart Institute Foundation, Minneapolis, Minnesota, USA
Department of Invasive Cardiology, Humanitas Clinical and Research Center, Rozzano, Milan, Italy
HartCentrum, Ziekenhuis Netwerk Antwerpen (ZNA) Middelheim, Antwerp, Belgium
Interventional Cardiology Department, Maria Pia Hospital, GVM Care & Research, Turin, Italy
Internal Medicine and Cardiology, MediClin Heartcenter, Herzzentrum Lahr, Hohbergweg, Germany
Edith and Benson Ford Heart and Vascular Institute, Henry Ford Hospital, Henry Ford Health System, Wayne State University, Detroit, Michigan, USA
Memorial Hospital, Istanbul, Turkey
Valenciennes Hospital, Valenciennes, France
Department of Cardiology, Amsterdam UMC, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, Amsterdam, The Netherlands
Department of Cardiology, Aswan Heart Centre, Magdi Yacoub Foundation, Aswan, Egypt
Cardiac Center of Excellence, International Medical Center, Jeddah, Saudi Arabia
Saitima St. Luke's International Hospital, Tokyo, Japan
The Zena and Michael A. Wiener Cardiovascular Institute, Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai, New York, New York, USA
Newcastle University Translational and Clinical Research Institute, Newcastle upon Tyne, UK
School of Medicine, University of Sunderland, Sunderland, UK

Mohaned Egred, BSc (Hons), MB, ChB, MD, Abstract
FRCP, FESC, Cardiothoracic Department,
The use of coils is fundamental in interventional cardiology and can be lifesaving in
Freeman Hospital, Newcastle‐Upon‐Tyne NE7
7DN, UK. selected settings. Coils are classified by their materials into bare metal, fiber coated,
and hydrogel coated, or by the deliverability method into, pushable or detachable
coils. Coils are delivered through microcatheters and the choice of coil size is
important to ensure compatibility with the inner diameter of the delivery catheter,
firstly to be able to deliver and secondly to prevent the coil from being stuck and
damaged. Clinically, coils are used in either acute or in elective setting. The most
important acute indication is typically the sealing coronary perforation. In the

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medium, provided the original work is properly cited, the use is non‐commercial and no modifications or adaptations are made.
© 2023 The Authors. Catheterization and Cardiovascular Interventions published by Wiley Periodicals LLC.

Catheter Cardiovasc Interv. 2023;1–12. | 1

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2 | LOH ET AL.

elective settings, coils can be used for the treatment of certain congenital cardiac
abnormalities, aneurysms, fistulas or in the treatment of arterial side branch steal
syndrome after CABG. Coils must always be delivered under fluoroscopy guidance.
There are some associated complications with coils that can be acute or chronic, that
nictitates regular followed‐up. There is a need for education, training and regular
workshops with hands‐on to build the experience to use coils in situations that are
infrequently encountered.

CAD‐coronary artery disease, coil/device/transcatheter, COMI‐complications, complex PCI,
CTO‐percutaneous coronary intervention, EMBC‐embolization, IDI–interventional devices/
innovation, PCIC‐percutaneous coronary intervention


Coils are put in place permanently and as such, biocompatibility is a
Although the use of coils can be a life‐saving procedure for treating key property to ensure sustainability in the human body.7
coronary perforations, cardiologists who receive limited training in Most evidence for the use of coils has come from neurosurgery and
this field as coils are used infrequently. intracranial use due to the vast volume of use in this area. This has been
A recent worldwide survey reported that 64% of interven- extrapolated to the use in other different vascular beds. For example,
tional cardiologists have never used coils in their practice.1 Most depending on aneurysm size, a cerebral aneurysm typically uses a much
publications on coils utilization during percutaneous coronary smaller and softer coil with wire diameter of 0.010−0.012 in. On the
intervention (PCI) have been either case reports or single center contrary, embolization of pulmonary vasculature, larger coils with wire
retrospective studies. In a large single center series, coils were diameters of 0.035−0.038 in. are typically used.
used in 0.03% (41 out of 121,196 PCI procedures).2 With Coils can be classified by material and coating (three categories,
increasing age and complexity of coronary artery disease,3–5 bare metal (typically Platinum or Nitinol based) coils, hydrogel coated
the incidence of coronary perforation is likely to increase coils, and fibered coils) and by method of delivery (Figure 1).
highlighting the importance of interventional cardiology educa-
tion on the basics of coils, including design, materials, indications,
and mode of delivery. 3 | M A T E R I A L S AN D C O A T I N G OF CO I L S
The use of coils for percutaneous vessel embolization was first
reported by Gianturco6 who designed a mechanical occlusive device The main material of a coil typically consists of inert metals such as
consisting of 3 mm gauge steel segments attached to several strands platinum, nitinol (composite of nickel and titanium) or iconel (an
of cotton threads, which was then delivered via the femoral artery austenitic nickel‐chromium‐based superalloy). Using an inert material
into several different branches of arteries of 10 anaesthetized dogs, helps to prevent graft versus host reaction.7 In addition, the use of
successfully occluding the coronary, renal, coeliac and superior different metals provides different levels of rigidity with nitinol being
mesenteric arteries.6 the least rigid.
Multiple different types of coils have been developed by The metal then undergoes a series of configuration which
different companies and are widely used in different medical, includes primary, secondary and tertiary configuration.
surgical and interventional specialties nowadays. The most well‐ The primary configuration is creating a wire ranging between
known uses of coils are in the treatment of both ruptured and 0.00175 and 0.003 in.7 and determines the stiffness of the coil used.
unruptured cerebral aneurysms in Neurosurgery, in preventing The secondary configuration involves winding the wire around a
catastrophic events of intracranial bleeds such as subarachnoid mandrel of different sizes which gives a second diameter ranging
hemorrhages, which can lead to death. However, the use of coils between 0.010 and 0.038 in.7 This diameter is the diameter used to
has also widely expanded and has now been increasingly used as measure against the delivery catheter internal diameter, to ensure
less invasive methods in embolizing pulmonary, gastrointestinal that the coil can be passed through and delivered.
and uterine vessels for many different indications. The goal of the This is especially important for treating perforation during PCI
present review is to explore the utilization of coils in adult and where microcatheters are being used. Having coronary
congenital cardiology patients in both the acute and the elective microcatheter‐compatible coils allows delivery through the micro-
setting. catheter already in use and will save time.
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LOH ET AL. | 3

FIGURE 1 Classification of coils by materials and coating and by delivery method. [Color figure can be viewed at]

F I G U R E 2 Relationship between microcatheters and coils by inner and outer diameter. [Color figure can be viewed at]

The currently available microcatheters have a wide range of encourage thrombogenicity. Hence, multiple coil types may be
internal diameter, with the smallest having an internal diameter of needed to occlude a vessel.
0.015 in. at the tip. The narrowest internal diameter of the The Guglielmi detachable coils (GDC) that was invented by
microcatheter determines the smallest diameter of guide wire, coils Guglielmi in 1990, has revolutionized the endovascular treatment of
or any other equipment that can be delivered through it. As a result, cerebral aneurysms in the world of neurosurgery.8,9 However,
<0.014 in. is the largest coil diameter that can be delivered through multiple studies had demonstrated a flaw in the invention whereby
coronary microcatheters such as the Axium coil (Medtronic) that has long‐term recanalization was a proven complication of the GDC
an outer diameter of 0.0108−0.0125 in. (Figure 2). system, which was mainly just a bare metal framework without any
Finally, and in the tertiary configuration, the wire is then additional coating.8–10 Hence, any additional substrate that promotes
constructed into a three dimensional model taking the shape of thrombogenicity using less coils as well as reducing long‐term
either, straight tip, helical coil, vortex coil, multiloop, framing coil, and complications of recanalization was welcomed. This led to the
many others. invention of fibered and hydrogel coated coils.
The different shapes allow for different coils to be used in Hydrogel coated coils are platinum based coils coated with a
different ways. For instance, framing coils are used to frame the lining cross‐link material which is able to absorb water but is non‐
of an aneurysm walls while multiloop coils are used for packing to dissolvable or degradable when it happens, creating a gel‐like
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4 | LOH ET AL.

material.11,12 The use of this bioactive material allows for the coil to flushing saline to deploy the coil to a specific area. It is a faster and
swell up to three to four times its initial diameter when it comes to cheaper way of coil delivery but can be unpredictable, lacks precision,
contact with blood as the activating solvent. This typically takes and dislodgement of the coil from its targeted area of interest can
about 3 min for the coil to expand to 80% and about 20 min for its occur.
maximal expansion11,13 and allows for an increase in packing Detachable coils are typically attached to a wire that allows the coil
density.14 to be delivered to the target area but not released. If the achieved
A meta‐analysis of randomized controlled trials which compared bare position in not satisfactory, then the coil can be retracted and
metal coils to hydrogel bioactive ones demonstrated a higher rate of repositioned. Once the position and coiling density is satisfactory in the
aneurysm occlusion in patients who received hydrogel‐coated coils as specific vascular structure, the detachable coil can be released using one
compared to bare metal ones.15 In addition, another single center study of three mechanisms, electric, mechanical, or hydraulic detachment.
demonstrated a reduction in the number of coils needed to be used with
the use of hydrogel‐coated coils as compared to bare platinum coils.16
However, a randomized controlled trial performed in 24 centers 5 | MRI COMPA TIBILITY AND ARTEFACT
comparing hydrogel versus bare platinum coils demonstrated no
difference in terms of patients' long‐term outcomes, but did concur to Most coils are considered magnetic resonance imaging (MRI)
a reduction in major recurrence of cerebral aneurysms.14 conditional, meaning that patients can be safely scanned if placed
Fibered coils ordinarily use several materials such as nylon, under specific MRI conditions. Most coils can be scanned with a static
polyglycolic‐lactic acid (PGLA) and polyethylene terephthalate multi- magnetic field between 1.5 and 3.0 Tesla with a maximum spatial
filament fibers to achieve a high level of thrombogenicity. However, gradient field of 5000 Gauss/cm. There is also a certain amount of
in comparison to hydrogel‐coated coils, the evidence available for MRI‐related heating of the coils, however this is minimal, ranging
fibered coils is limited. One study which looked at patients in a single from a minimum of 0.6°C increase to a maximum of 3.1°C.
center across 9 years demonstrated an improvement in the occlusion Like any metal, coils can cause a certain degree of artefact and
rate with fibered coils in comparison to bare coils. However in a compromise to the image taken. This is particularly true for areas of
swine model study, fibered coils demonstrated a reduction in interest that are nearer to the coil, therefore optimization of MR
quantity of coils required to achieve complete occlusion, in imaging parameters to compensate for the presence of the coil may
comparison to bare metal coils, but recanalization rate were similar be necessary. Image artifacts can extend between a diameter of
on both arms. 5.7−41.3 mm from the coil depending on individual products.
To date, only two studies in humans19,20 and one in sheep21 have For precise MRI specification and artefact radius affected by
compared the use of hydrogel‐coated coils versus fibered coils. each coil, the product specification would tell their MRI conditional-
Although significantly underpowered, only 43 patients randomized ity. Alternatively, the website “MRI” gives a comprehen-
into three separate groups, and being a single center, the study sive list of MRI conditionality to each product of coil currently
demonstrated that both fibered and hydrogel coils had achieved present in the market.
embolization of target vessel. However, more fibered coils are used
compared to number of hydrogel coils to achieve complete
occlusion.19 Another more recent Japanese multicentre, single‐ 6 | I N D I C A T I O N S FO R U S E OF CO I L S
blinded, prospective study looked at 77 patients who were coiled
for a variety of peripheral vascular lesions. Despite multiple The use of coronary coils during PCI has received limited study due to
limitations and not directly comparing hydrogel with fibered coils, their limited use.
this study demonstrated a reduction in the number of coils needed in Coronary coils are used during PCI for acute or for elective
the hydrogel arm compared to the nonhydrogel arm.20 indications. Acute indications are typically due to coronary artery
perforation (CAP). Elective indications include, occlusion of aneur-
ysms or pseudoaneurysms, occlusion of coronary artery fistula (CAF),
4 | DELIVE RY ME THOD branch occlusion to prevent coronary artery steal, occlusion of
saphenous vein grafts following native artery PCI, and certain
The other method of classifying coils is by delivery mechanism as congenital abnormalities (Figure 3).
pushable or detachable.
Pushable coils, like detachable one, can be bare metal, fibered or
coated in hydrogel envelope. 7 | ACUTE INDICATIONS FOR COIL
There are two main methods of delivering a pushable coil. The EMBOLIZA TION
first is by using a guide wire or designated pusher wire to advance
and deploy the coil past the catheter tip, “push technique.” The CAP is a rare but potentially life threatening complication of PCI with
second method, called the “flush technique” which forces the coil out an incidence rate of 0.2‐0.5%.5,22–24 Coronary perforations are
from the delivery catheter using a Luer Lock syringe and forcefully classified by location (large proximal vessel, distal vessel, and
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FIGURE 3 Indications for coils, acute, and chronic. [Color figure can be viewed at]

collaterals perforation) and by size (Ellis classification).3,5,25,26 Risk to 5% of patients who have undergone coronary angiography.38 They
factors for coronary perforation include PCI of complex lesions, type are more likely to be found incidentally now with the increasing use
B and C lesions, which include calcific lesions, tortuous anatomy, of coronary computer tomography angiography (coronary CTA)
female, and elderly.5,25,26 although coronary angiography remains the gold standard for
CAP can be divided by means of anatomical region; main vessel CAA.39 More recent papers have suggested < 1% of true CAA
perforation, distal wire perforation or collateral vessel (either septal incidence amongst the population.
or epicardial collaterals) perforation. The majority of CAA in adults are predominantly a result of
Distal perforations typically occur due to wire migration and is atherosclerosis with a quoted data ranging between 52% and 90%.39,40
commonly associated with the use of hydrophilic, polymer‐jacketed wires, Other reasons include congenital abnormalities due to genetic
(88.9% of CAP reported as due to hydrophilic wires).5,27–29 Unlike main susceptibility,41 vasculitic or connective tissue predisposition,42 as
vessel CAP which can be treated with covered stents, distal perforations well as iatrogenic cause from trauma of percutaneous coronary
are often too small to utilize covered stent and are usually treated by procedure.43,44
embolization using coils or other methods such as fat embolization. Although some patients may be asymptomatic, there is signifi-
There has been a significant increase in CTO PCI and complex cant importance of the treatment of CAA as these patients can often
procedures that led to an increase in the risk of complications, be surgical turn downs, with significant effort angina or acute
particularly perforations, and in turn to an increase in the need for coronary syndromes (due to turbulence in aneurysms that predis-
coronary coils. The risk of perforation increases further in retrograde poses to development of thrombus).40,45 If left untreated, CAA have a
CTO PCI as compared to antegrade approach, making it an risk of forming fistula or in other rare circumstances, a weakened wall
independent predictor of risk for perforation in CTO procedures.31,32 tension of the aneurysm itself predisposes the aneurysm to
Special care must be paid to CTO perforations as unlike non‐CTO rupture46,47 with resulting cardiac tamponade and possibly death.48
procedures, septal or epicardial collaterals have a dual source of Therefore, a complete packing of the aneurysm is important and
blood supply and occluding one source may not suffice and both requires multiple and different types of coils to ensure complete
retrograde and anterograde collaterals may both have to be coverage and obliteration,49 (if coils are chosen instead of covered
embolized to stop any further bleeds. stent).
The invention of microcoils of the Axium range (in bare metal as Another elective indication for coiling is for the occlusion of CAF.
well as fiber‐coated versions) by Medtronic, has allowed for easier CAF is an abnormal connection between a coronary artery and a
deliverability of microcoils via the smallest diameter microcatheter cardiac chamber or vessel, which is typically congenital but can also
used such as Asahi Corsair or Caravel that are commonly used in CTO be acquired. The prevalence of CAF in the general population is
PCI procedures. estimated at 0.002%,50 with an incidence of 0.09‐0.2% of those who
have undergone coronary angiography.51 Patients with CAF are
typically asymptomatic.52 However, in those who are symptomatic, it
8 | ELECTIVE INDICATIONS FOR COIL is typically associated with the mechanism of “coronary steal
EMBOLIZATION syndrome” which may manifest as effort angina or dyspnoea.50
As stated in the 2020 European Society of Cardiology guidelines,53
Coronary artery aneurysms (CAA) are one of the elective indications small fistulas typically have good prognosis when left without treatment.
for coil embolization.35,36 In addition, coils can be considered in an Nonetheless, medium or large fistulas are often associated with
acute setting for a ruptured pseudoaneurysm.37 CAA can be found up symptoms as well as long‐term complications including angina, myocardial
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infarction, heart failure and infective endocarditis.53 As such a per- is when a coaxial delivery catheter is placed within a guiding catheter
cutaneous or surgical modality of closure is crucial in these patients, and to provide stability and support, whilst the coaxial delivery catheter is
their clinical indications for closure relates to symptoms, complications, or used to maneuver the coil into its appropriate position. This method
presence of shunting. The use of percutaneous approach as compared allows for prevention of coil elongation and ensures long‐term
with surgical repair is associated with shorter hospitalization and faster occlusion by delivering sufficient packing of coils.
recovery. An adequate number of coronary coils need to be used to avoid The anchor technique is typically used when there are concerns
future recanalization of fistula which can cause a recurrence of symptoms with regard to the stability of coils and coil migration. This technique
and the need for repeat intervention. deploys a proportion of coils into a vascular side branch, therefore
Other rarer congenital cardiac abnormalities have also been managed anchoring it inside and consequently sacrificing the side branch in
by coil embolization technique as a successful form of treatment that can question. Then, the rest of the coil is deployed and tightly packed to
be used in both pediatric and adult population of patients. A review the proximal end of the side branch with additional coils used to pack
article54 described the use of coil embolization in the treatment of patent the area. This method is more relevant to peripheral embolization
ductus arteriosus (PDA), different types of aortopulmonary arterial rather than coronaries.
collaterals as well as other forms of systemic to pulmonary collaterals. The last technique is the scaffold technique that is typically used
Although a more commonly used device for PDA closure is an Amplatzer in high flow vessels. This technique is particularly used when softer
ductal occlude. Occasionally, stainless steel or platinum coils can be used coils are needed but the risk of coil propagation and migration is
too for PDA which are <2−3 mm in size or in the presence of residual significant. Therefore, initially, a high radial force coil can be placed
leak. Aortopulmonary collaterals can be a congenital anomaly, or a proximal to the area of intended occlusion. Then several other softer
deliberate iatrogenic treatment for certain congenital heart disease coils are used to pack the area to ensure thrombogenicity and
patients such as in Fontan's procedure or Blalock‐Taussig or modified adequate embolization of the area distal to the occlusion.
Blalock‐Taussig shunts.56 The embolization of these collaterals is Although the technique of coil delivery is crucial, the equipment
indicated to avoid the development of pulmonary arterial hypertension used to aid delivery is equally as important. The size of catheters used
which can occur if too many of these collaterals overload the pulmonary during intervention influences what coils can be used.
low pressured system. A common microcatheter is the Progreat (Terumo, Somerset,
Since the establishment of the left internal mammary artery use New Jersey) that has an internal diameter ranging between 0.019 and
as a conduit for coronary bypass, there has been several case reports 0.027 in. The larger internal diameter of the Progreat can accommo-
which have documented large left internal mammary artery (LIMA) date most coils available in the market, be it bare metal, fibered or
side branches causing coronary steal effect causing angina‐type hydrogel laced coils.
symptoms, despite the rest of the grafts being patent.57 This case Currently, there are multiple 0.014 in. coils in the market that are
series of seven patients demonstrated that the five patients who had compatible with the microcatheters that are used in PCI and
complete occlusion of their side branch after coil embolization, had particularly in CTO PCI (Table 1).
complete symptom resolution. The Axium range of microcoils, manufactured by Medtronic, and
A recent review of all LIMA side branch coiling case reports from one of the smallest range of microcoils in the market, with an outer
1990 to 2018 demonstrated 44 patients whodescribed such diameter ranging from 0.0108 to 0.0135 in. that is compatible with
symptoms with LIMA grafts.58 the size of the inner diameter of a small microcatheter. These
Out of the 31 publications, 15 publications57,59–72 had utilized coil microcoils are used in neurosurgery and come in bare metal form as
embolization as the modality of percutaneous closure either as a stand‐ well as fibered version (overlapped with nylon or PGLA microfila-
alone method or in combination with other additional techniques. ments). The larger the diameter of the coil, the more stable they are
Most of these case report/series demonstrated success in coil during release. However, in the event of a CAP, a coil with a diameter
embolization in the treatment of LIMA side branch steal syndrome, of 0.010 would suffice to tamponade the bleed.74
that is, complete symptoms relief. Although one paper demonstrated The method of deployment of coils also depends on the type of
a rare complication of coil with uncoiling with symptoms recurrence coil used. Moreover, as previously highlighted, there are different
despite being initially ameliorated with the initial successful coiling.73 delivery methods of coils that include the pushable or detachable
Overall, most papers have revealed good outcomes from the use coils. Detachable coils typically utilize one of three system of
of coronary coil embolization techniques to manage coronary steal deployment, electrical, mechanical, or hydraulic.
syndrome. The electrically detachable coils use a high frequency electrical
current that generates heat allowing for the disruption of the junction
between the platinum coil and its delivery system.75
9 | METHOD OF DEL I VERY The mechanically detachable coils such as the Interlock IDC
Detachable Embolization Coils (Boston Scientific) detaches the coil
Coil delivery must be done under a careful fluoroscopy guidance to once its position is confirmed. The mechanical release system
achieve long‐term occlusion of the intended structure, and a uncouples the interlocking proximal end of the coil from the distal
combination of several techniques can be used. A Coaxial technique end of the pusher wire which means that the interlocking system can
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TABLE 1 Neurovascular coils and 0.014‐in guide wire compatible microcatheters.

Manufacturer Coil name Description Detachment system Descrition

Microvention Hydrocoil (HES) HES: bare platinum coil combined with as expanding hydrogel V‐Grip Thermo
polymer. MCS: Bare platinum coil with various shapes and mechanical
MicroPlex (MCS)
softness profiles

Codman Orbit Cerecyte Orbit: bare platinum coil with various shapes and softness profiles. EnPower Thermo
Cerecyte: bare platinum coil with PGA member with coil core mechanical

Stryker Target Bare platinum coil with various shapes and softness profiles InZone Electrolytic

Medtronic Axium Bare platinum coil with or without PGLA or Nylon microfilaments Axium I.D. Mechanical
enlaced through the coil

Max Shaft Usable

Manufacturer Catheter name Guide wire OD Size OD Length

Microvention Headway Duo 0.014″ Proximal 2.1 F 156 cm

Distal 1.6 F

Codman Prowler 14 0.014″ Proximal 2.8 F 150 or 170 cm

Distal 1.9 F

Stryker Excelsior SL‐10 0.014″ Proximal 2.4 F 150 cm

Distal 1.7 F

Medtronic Echelon‐10 0.014″ Proximal 2.1 F 150 cm

Distal 1.7 F

Abbreviation: PGLA, polyglycolic‐lactic acid.

only be retracted if it remains inside the delivery catheter as once it required and this allows for faster deployment of coils.79 Despite
has come out, it detaches, therefore limiting its precision of the fact that pushable coils do not allow for precision positioning,
deployment.76 The hydraulic method of deployment utilizes the they allow for faster delivery and can be used for packing of
hydraulic pressure from the detachable coil syringe to transfer its aneurysms or fistulas if needed and are cheaper than the
pressure to the distal tip to activate the elastomeric gripper. The detachable option.
pressure causes the gripper to gently release the coil and deployment
into position.77
The detachable method of deployment allows a higher precision 10 | CO MPLICATIONS
and accurate positioning of coils, and a lower number of coils needed,
however each coil can be much more expensive than its pushable Coil deployment even in the hands of experienced operators can be
counterpart. associated with significant complications. These complications can be
Pushable coils on the other hand can be delivered by two classified into acute and chronic (Figure 4).
different methods that include the “saline flush technique” or the
“push technique.”78 The “saline flush technique” utilizes a 1−3 mL
syringe filled with heparinised saline solution. The solution is 11 | ACUTE COMPLICATIONS
forcefully injected to deploy the coil to the intended area. In the
instance of a bleeding structure, due to the hydrostatic pressure from Two of the more common acute complications are coil migration and
the flush solution, it may cause a dislodgement of the thrombus and premature coil detachment.
instigate recurrent bleed, which provides an advantage of the “push Coil migration is more common with pushable coils.52,80,81 Due
technique” over the “saline flush technique” in such situation. to the forceful injection of flushed saline, the coil may migrate
With the “push technique,” a coil pusher is used to push the from the area of interest. Inappropriately sized coils which can be
coil out in a controlled fashion. The coil pusher should closely meet too long and not appropriately compacted, or undersized can also
the size of the internal diameter of the microcatheter or catheter migrate.76,82
used to avoid the pusher from being wedged between the coil and Due to the nature of the fibered and hydrogel coils, as they
the catheter used, which can cause damage to the device.78 The encourage thrombogenicity, they can cause myocardial infarction.52,83
“saline flush technique” perceived strengths over the “push In situations such as these, there are two main options: retrieval or
technique” are that a specific, precisely sized coil pusher is not anchoring the migrated coil.
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8 | LOH ET AL.

the coil together. Another option is to completely push and deploy

the affected coil into the area of interest.
Coil stretching is another rare complication which can occur
during its use. It occurs when the primary wind has been unwound
which causes a reduced “one to one” motion. This complication is
typically seen when significant amount of manipulation has been
carried out to shape the coil to its appropriate shape, causing
stretching and therefore unwinding the coil. The coil can be either
retrieved using a snare in such occasions, or anchored to the parent
artery.82 Finally, there is the risk of aneurysmal rupture, although
there has been no report of such event in the PCI field, it is a real risk
and has been documented in neuroradiology case report87 with
intracranial aneurysm ruptures, and therefore care must be taken
when deploying these devices.

F I G U R E 4 Complications of coils, acute, and chronic. [Color

12 | C H R O N I C CO M P L I C A T I O N S
figure can be viewed at]

Recanalization of vascular structures has been demonstrated in a

Retrieval can be done using snares,84 but anchoring by case report whereby patient who had a complete occlusion of their
implanting a stent over it is often preferred. Very distally migrated fistula between the left anterior descending artery and left pulmo-
coils are often left in place and prolonged dual antiplatelet therapy nary artery, had redeveloped symptoms. A repeat angiogram which
may be considered for such cases. demonstrated recanalization of the coiled artery.89 Another observa-
Another common concern is the premature detachment of coils. tional retrospective paper demonstrated similar complications.52,83
This phenomenon can occur with any modality of deployment of However, it has also been demonstrated that the outcomes of
coils, both pushable or detachable,85 and typically occurs when the percutaneous closure of fistulas was comparable to the outcomes
coil has been extensively manipulated to achieve an appropriate from surgery90 and should be considered an option for patients,
positioning. This can occur within the delivery microcatheter, or in provided they are done in experienced centers. Hence, recanalization
the vessel or structure that is being coiled. can either be treated by means of further coiling or surgical tie off.83
In the event where a detachable coil is used and the coil has been The main risk factor was thought to be the presence of residual flow
roughly positioned in the appropriate area, but has been prematurely immediately after procedure. This tends to predispose the patient to
realesed inside the microcatheter, the affected coil can still be development of increased flow and consequently recanalization in
deployed using the disconnected pusher wire to push the coil out of the future.
the microcatheter, and completely deploy it. However, if the coil As such, despite most patients being asymptomatic, it has been
needs to be removed, one technique that can be used is with the help suggested that close follow up of these patients with follow‐up
of a syringe. A syringe is attached to the end of the microcatheter to imaging should be considered.
provide negative suction pressure, both the coil and the micro-
catheter can be removed simultaneously together.82 This method can
only be used provided the coil has been partially deployed inside the 13 | CO NCL US I ON
microcatheter. If the coil has already been fully deployed out of the
catheter or if the syringe technique has been unsuccessful, stenting Coils are rarely used in PCI but on occasion can have a life‐
of the end of the coil or using snaring devices such as microsnares to saving role.
retrieve the coil may need to be considered. There are multiple kinds and shapes of coils based on their
There are other rare acute complications that can occur during materials (bare metal, hydrogel coated, and fibered coils) or delivery
the use of coils. There are case reports of coil knotting,86 method (pushable and detachable). Similarly, the diameter of the coil
stretching87 as well as aneurysm rupture,88 that can occur, varies and for coronary use, a small diameter (0.014 in.) that is
however these events are rare. Coil knotting had been described compatible with the microcatheters that are in clinical use, is
by a team from Korea after significant manipulation of coil had important to have available in the catheterization suit for immediate
been carried out which had caused the coil to loop against itself use when required. In comparison, a larger diameter coils require a
and alter its configuration and hence forming a knot. Occasionally, special and a larger diameter delivery catheter that can prove difficult
the knotted coil can be retracted into the microcatheter and to deliver during an emergency situation.
removed successfully, however in the event of this situation, the Familiarity and experience with coils and their use are important
team had decided to use the microcatheter to guide the removal of skill and knowledge to acquire for any interventional cardiologist
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LOH ET AL. | 9

despite the infrequent use. Workshops and hands‐on training courses Miracor, Neovasc, V‐wave, Shockwave, Valfix, TherOx, Reva, Vascu-
could help interventional cardiologists learn and improve with coiling lar Dynamics, Robocath, HeartFlow, Gore, Ablative Solutions and
techniques that is rarely used in clinical practice. Ancora; receiving speaker honoraria from Amaranth and Terumo;
holding equity in Ancora, Cagent, Qool Therapeutics, Aria, Caliber,
MedFocus family of funds, Biostar family of funds, Applied
14 | SUMMARY Therapeutics and SpectraWAVE; serving as a director in Spectra-
WAVE; and that his employer, Columbia University, receives royalties
1. The use of coils is fundamental in the world of interventional for sale of the MitraClip from Abbott. Mohaned Egred: Proctorship,
cardiology as it can be a life‐saving procedure in selected Speaker's fee, honoraria from Abbott Vascular, Boston Scientific,
settings. Philips, Spectranetics, Volcano, Vascular Perspective, Merrill, Sveltte,
2. Types of coils can be classified by material or deliverability Terumo, EPS Medical, Astra Zeneca. The remaining authors declare
method. no conflict of interest.
3. Coils can be further classified into bare metal, fibered coated or
hydrogel coated forms. DATA AVAILABILITY STATEMENT
4. Classified by means of deliverability, coils are typically divided The data that support the findings of this study are openly available
into pushable or detachable coils. in PUBMED at
5. All coils are MRI conditional and this can be clarified from the
manufacturer The coil size choice is important to ensure ORC I D
compatibility with the inner diameter of the delivery catheter Emmanuelle Brilakis
to prevent product being stuck and damaged. Pierfrancesco Agostoni
6. Clinical indications for coils is divided into acute and elective Mohaned Egred
where acute settings are typically used for perforations while
elective settings can be used in treatment of certain congenital RE F ER EN CES
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