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People are very very friendly. Australians love to talk to strangers.

People just
start talking to each other or they make jokes. Australians call everyone mate.
Australians are super friendly and super laid back.
Of course in relation to that australians are also very very formal. They love
working barefoot even around the city. Of course informality is also reflected in
the australian slang. The dress code is also very informal everyone wears flip-
Australians are also very respectful. They're always saying thank you, sorry,
pardon, no worries, nice to meet you, please. This is a society that really values
respect and politeness.
They make appointments for absolutely everything whether it is to go to the
doctor or to see a friend. Here usually you call your friends and you organize a
time to see them during the week but you don't pop up unannounced.
Australians really value punctuality and being on time.
Australians really love their privacy and their personal space. When you
meet someone for the first time, you don't kiss them on the cheek or you don't
hug them. You usually say hey, how you going or you shake their hands, if you
know them and they're your friends, you can give them a hug and that's usually
the case, especially with women, guys usually just shake hands, even if they
know each other also.
If you're invited to someone's house or social gathering and they say bring your
own b-y-o this means that they are expecting you to bring your own drinks. It
is very common in australia to have a barbecue at the park to celebrate a
birthday or an occasion with your friends and you'll see that there are many
public barbecues all along different parks. Australians call barbecues barbies.
Housewarming party is that when you move into a new house you host a party
with your friends and you show them your new house, you show them the
bedrooms, the living room, you have some drinks, some finger food.
Australians really love vegemite, tim tam,s smashed avocado, indian food, fish
and chips, thai food and any asian food.
Australians love their drinks, especially beer and wine, and they have a pretty
strong drinking culture and it seems that that's one of the main reasons, as well
why alcohol is so expensive here, because it's heavily taxed to discourage its
Australians love environmental conservation, they really look after their parks
and nature and wildlife, they're very environmentally conscious. Here recycling
is very common. Australians are very conscious, when it comes to saving water,
because there are many droughts around the country.
Australia is a very multicultural nation and this means that they celebrate a lot
of cultural festivities such as chinese new year, diwali and many others. Boxing
day is the day, when most retail stores have huge sales on different products.
Australians also celebrate new year's eve on the 31st of december. Australia day
this is a public holiday that takes place on the 26th of january, which marks the
day when british colonies arrived for the first time in the australian continent.
Australians don't usually debate about politics or religion. It may make some
people feel uncomfortable.
Australian friends are crazy about foodie, they go to the foodie every weekend,
they love it.

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