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New Century Mathematics (Second Edition)

S1 Question Bank
1B Chapter 8 Introduction to Coordinates

Level 1


Write down the x-coordinates of points A, B, C and D in the figure.

(4 marks)
The x-coordinate of A is –2. 1A
The x-coordinate of B is 0. 1A
The x-coordinate of C is 1. 1A
The x-coordinate of D is 3. 1A

Write down the y-coordinate of each of the following points.
(a) E(1 , 5)
(b) F(–3 , –7)
(c) G(– 4 , 2)
(3 marks)
(a) The y-coordinate of E is 5. 1A

(b) The y-coordinate of F is –7. 1A

(c) The y-coordinate of G is 2. 1A

© OXFORD UNIVERSITY PRESS 2015 1B Chapter 8 Level 1 P.1


Write down the coordinates of points H, I, J and K in the figure.

(4 marks)
The coordinates of H are (–6 , 4). 1A
The coordinates of I are (– 4 , –3). 1A
The coordinates of J are (3 , –1). 1A
The coordinates of K are (5 , 0). 1A


Write down the coordinates of points L, M and N in the figure.

(3 marks)
The coordinates of L are (–2 , –1.5). 1A
The coordinates of M are (1 , 1.5). 1A
The coordinates of N are (1.5 , –0.5). 1A

© OXFORD UNIVERSITY PRESS 2015 1B Chapter 8 Level 1 P.2

Write down the coordinates of points P, Q and R in the figure, and the quadrants where they lie in.

(6 marks)
The coordinates of P are (–30 , 10), and P lies in quadrant II. 1A+1A
The coordinates of Q are (5 , –24), and Q lies in quadrant IV. 1A+1A
The coordinates of R are (–17 , –16), and R lies in quadrant III. 1A+1A


In the rectangular coordinate plane above, which points are

(a) with y-coordinates equal to 1?
(b) with the same x-coordinate?
(3 marks)
(a) A and B are points with y-coordinates equal to 1. 1A+1A

(b) Both the x-coordinates of B and D are –2.

∴ B and D are points with the same x-coordinate. 1A
© OXFORD UNIVERSITY PRESS 2015 1B Chapter 8 Level 1 P.3

The figure shows the map of an island. The positions of five places are marked on it.
(a) Write down the coordinates of the five places.
(b) Which place lies on
(i) the x-axis?
(ii) the y-axis?
(7 marks)
(a) The coordinates of the MTR station are (0 , 1.5). 1A
The coordinates of the shopping centre are (–1 , 1). 1A
The coordinates of the library are (–0.5 , 0). 1A
The coordinates of the estate are (0.5 , –0.5). 1A
The coordinates of the cinema are (–1.5 , –1.5). 1A

(b) (i) The library lies on the x-axis. 1A

(ii) The MTR station lies on the y-axis. 1A


The figure shows a map of a town.

© OXFORD UNIVERSITY PRESS 2015 1B Chapter 8 Level 1 P.4

(a) Write down the coordinates of the places P, Q, R, S, T and U.
(b) Which place has the least x-coordinate?
(c) Which place has the largest y-coordinate?
(8 marks)
(a) The coordinates of P, Q, R, S, T and U are (5 , 10), (0 , –5), (–10 , –10), (–5 , 0), (15 , –10)
(–20 , 5) respectively. 1A+1A+1A+1A+1A+1A

(b) Place U has the least x-coordinate. 1A

(c) Place P has the largest y-coordinate. 1A


Consider the given points in the figure. How many of them

(a) lie(s) on the x-axis?
(b) lie(s) on the y-axis?
(c) lie(s) in quadrant II?
(d) lie(s) in quadrant III?
(4 marks)
(a) There is 1 point (J) lying on the x-axis. 1A

(b) There are 2 points (I and G) lying on the y-axis. 1A

(c) There are 2 points (F and H) lying in quadrant II. 1A

(d) There are 3 points (A, C and D) lying in quadrant III. 1A

© OXFORD UNIVERSITY PRESS 2015 1B Chapter 8 Level 1 P.5

Plot the following points in the given rectangular coordinate plane:
A(1 , 4), B(–3 , 3), C(3 , –2) and D(–6 , – 4).

(4 marks)


(a) Plot the following points in a rectangular coordinate plane:
R(–3 , –2), S(1 , 1), T(3 , 2) and U(6 , 4).
(b) Which three points in (a) lie on the same straight line? Draw that line in the same rectangular
coordinate plane.
(4 marks)
(a), (b)

1A+1A for plotting the points in (a)

1A for drawing the line in (b)

© OXFORD UNIVERSITY PRESS 2015 1B Chapter 8 Level 1 P.6

R, T and U lie on the same straight line. 1A

© OXFORD UNIVERSITY PRESS 2015 1B Chapter 8 Level 1 P.7

(a) Plot the following points in a rectangular coordinate plane:
A(–5 , 3), B(–5 , –1), C(3 , –1), D(–1 , 3) and E(–1 , – 4).
(b) Draw lines AB, BC and DE. Which number is formed?
(4 marks)
(a), (b)

1A+1A for plotting the points in (a)

1A for drawing the lines in (b)

A number ‘4’ is formed. 1A

(a) Plot the following points in a rectangular coordinate plane:
V(–2 , 4), X(4 , 4), Y(4 , –1) and Z(–2 , –1).
(b) Join VX, XY, YZ and ZV. Which kind of quadrilateral is obtained?
(4 marks)
(a), (b)

1A+1A for plotting the points in (a)

1A for drawing the lines in (b)

The quadrilateral obtained is a rectangle. 1A

© OXFORD UNIVERSITY PRESS 2015 1B Chapter 8 Level 1 P.8

(a) Plot the following points in a rectangular coordinate plane:
P(1 , 3), Q(–2 , 3), R(1 , –2) and S(3 , –1).
(b) For each pair of points in (a), draw a line to join them up. Which line is parallel to
(i) the x-axis?
(ii) the y-axis?
(5 marks)
(a), (b)

1A+1A for plotting the points in (a)

1A for drawing the lines in (b)

(i) PQ is parallel to the x-axis. 1A

(ii) PR is parallel to the y-axis. 1A

In each of the following, write down the coordinates of the point of intersection of the straight
lines and .
(a) (b)

(2 marks)
(a) The coordinates of the point of intersection are (–2 , 2). 1A

(b) The coordinates of the point of intersection are (–3.5 , –1). 1A

© OXFORD UNIVERSITY PRESS 2015 1B Chapter 8 Level 1 P.9

In each of the following, write down the coordinates of the point of intersection of the straight line
(i) the x-axis,
(ii) the y-axis.
(a) (b)

(4 marks)
(a) (i) The coordinates of the point of intersection are (1 , 0). 1A

(ii) The coordinates of the point of intersection are (0 , 2). 1A

(b) (i) The coordinates of the point of intersection are (–3 , 0). 1A

(ii) The coordinates of the point of intersection are (0 , 1). 1A


The figure shows a map of an island. The positions of a temple, a statue, a garden and a pier are
represented by points P(–20 , –15), Q(5 , 10), R(–10 , –20) and S(10 , –5) respectively.
© OXFORD UNIVERSITY PRESS 2015 1B Chapter 8 Level 1 P.10
(a) Plot the points P, Q, R and S in the figure.

© OXFORD UNIVERSITY PRESS 2015 1B Chapter 8 Level 1 P.11

(b) It is known that a treasure chest is hidden at the point of intersection of the straight lines PS
and QR. What are the coordinates of the position of the treasure chest?
(4 marks)
(a), (b)


From the graph, the coordinates of the position of the treasure chest are (–5 , –10). 1A

Find the length of each line segment in the figure.

(3 marks)
AB = (6 – 2) units
© OXFORD UNIVERSITY PRESS 2015 1B Chapter 8 Level 1 P.12
= 4 units 1A
CD = [0 – (–2)] units
= 2 units 1A
EF = [4 – (–1)] units
= 5 units 1A

© OXFORD UNIVERSITY PRESS 2015 1B Chapter 8 Level 1 P.13

In the figure, ST and UV are horizontal lines while PQ is a vertical line. Find the lengths of PQ, ST
and UV.

(5 marks)
PQ = [–6 – (–14)] units 1M
= 8 units 1A
ST = [18 – (–9)] units 1M
= 27 units 1A
UV = (29 – 13) units
= 16 units 1A

In the figure, MN is a horizontal line while PQ is a vertical line.

(a) Find the lengths of MN and PQ.

(b) Hence, determine which line segment is shorter, MN or PQ.
(5 marks)
(a) MN = [2 – (–7)] units 1M
= 9 units 1A
PQ = (8 – 0) units 1M
= 8 units 1A

© OXFORD UNIVERSITY PRESS 2015 1B Chapter 8 Level 1 P.14

(b) ∵ 8 units < 9 units
∴ PQ is shorter. 1A

In the figure, MN is a horizontal line and PM  MN.

(a) Find the lengths of MN and PM.

(b) U and V are two points in the same coordinate plane. If UV = 2PM, is UV longer than MN?
Explain your answer.
(7 marks)
(a) MN = [4 – (–15)] units 1M
= 19 units 1A
PM = [3 – (–7)] units 1M
= 10 units 1A

(b) UV = 2  PM
= 2  10 units
= 20 units 1A
∵ 20 units > 19 units 1M
∴ UV is longer than MN. 1A

In the figure, PQ is a horizontal line. R is a point lying on PQ.

(a) Find the length of PQ.

(b) If RQ = 15 units, determine which line segment is shorter, PR or RQ.
(5 marks)
© OXFORD UNIVERSITY PRESS 2015 1B Chapter 8 Level 1 P.15
(a) PQ = [–13 – (– 45)] units 1M
= 32 units 1A

(b) PR = PQ – RQ
= (32 – 15) units 1M
= 17 units 1A
∵ 15 units < 17 units
∴ RQ is shorter. 1A

For each of the following pairs of points,
(i) determine whether the line passing through them is horizontal or vertical,
(ii) calculate the distance between them.
(a) M(9 , –6), N(9 , 8)
(b) R(6 , – 4), S(13 , – 4)
(6 marks)
(a) (i) ∵ M and N have the same x-coordinate.
∴ MN is a vertical line. 1A

(ii) Distance between M and N

= [8 – (–6)] units 1M
= 14 units 1A

(b) (i) ∵ R and S have the same y-coordinate.

∴ RS is a horizontal line. 1A

(ii) Distance between R and S

= (13 – 6) units 1M
= 7 units 1A

(a) In each of the following, find the distance between the two given points.
(i) E(14 , 1), F(–9 , 1)
(ii) G(–7 , –21), H(–7 , 0)
(b) Hence, determine which line segment is longer, EF or GH.
(5 marks)
© OXFORD UNIVERSITY PRESS 2015 1B Chapter 8 Level 1 P.16
(a) (i) EF = [14 – (–9)] units 1M
= 23 units 1A

(ii) GH = [0 – (–21)] units 1M

= 21 units 1A

(b) ∵ 23 units > 21 units

∴ EF is longer. 1A

P(–10 , –8), Q(–2 , –8) and R(–10 , –1) are three points in a rectangular coordinate plane. Is PQ
longer than PR? Explain your answer.
(4 marks)
PQ = [(–2) – (–10)] units 1M
= 8 units
PR = [(–1) – (–8)] units 1M
= 7 units
∵ 8 units > 7 units 1M
∴ PQ is longer than PR. 1A

Consider the points A(–9 , 8), B(3 , 8) and C(3 , 15). Which point, A or C, is farther away from B?
Explain your answer.
(4 marks)
Distance between A and B
= [3 – (–9)] units 1M
= 12 units
Distance between B and C
= (15 – 8) units 1M
= 7 units
∵ 12 units > 7 units 1M
∴ The distance between A and B is greater than the distance between B and C.
i.e. A is farther away from B. 1A

© OXFORD UNIVERSITY PRESS 2015 1B Chapter 8 Level 1 P.17


The figure shows △MNP, where MN is horizontal and NP is vertical.

(a) Find the coordinates of N.
(b) Find MN and NP.
(c) Is △MNP an isosceles triangle? Explain your answer.
(7 marks)
(a) ∵ NP is a vertical line.
∴ x-coordinate of N = x-coordinate of P
= 22
∵ MN is a horizontal line.
∴ y-coordinate of N = y-coordinate of M
= 14
∴ The coordinates of N are (22 , 14). 1A

(b) MN = (22 – 9) units 1M

= 13 units 1A
NP = (14 – 1) units 1M
= 13 units 1A

(c) ∵ From (b), MN = NP. 1M

∴ △MNP is an isosceles triangle. 1A

© OXFORD UNIVERSITY PRESS 2015 1B Chapter 8 Level 1 P.18


The figure shows a path PQRSTU, where all the line segments are either horizontal or vertical.
Find the total length of the path.
(6 marks)
PQ = [5 – (–7)] units = 12 units
QR = [12 – (–8)] units = 20 units
RS = [5 – (–3)] units = 8 units
ST = (12 – 4) units = 8 units
TU = [2 – (–3)] units = 5 units

Total length of the path PQRSTU

= PQ + QR + RS + ST + TU
= (12 + 20 + 8 + 8 + 5) units 1M
= 53 units 1A


The figure shows a square ABCD, where BC is a vertical line. Find the perimeter of square ABCD.
(4 marks)
BC = [1 – (– 4)] units 1M
= 5 units 1A
∴ Perimeter of square ABCD = BC  4
= 5  4 units 1M
= 20 units 1A
© OXFORD UNIVERSITY PRESS 2015 1B Chapter 8 Level 1 P.19
© OXFORD UNIVERSITY PRESS 2015 1B Chapter 8 Level 1 P.20

The figure shows a rectangle STUV. Find its perimeter.

(6 marks)
ST = [2 – (– 4)] units 1M
= 6 units 1A
TU = [3 – (–2)] units 1M
= 5 units 1A
∴ Perimeter of rectangle STUV = (ST + TU)  2
= (6 + 5)  2 units 1M
= 22 units 1A


The figure shows △PQR, where PQ is horizontal and QR is vertical.

(a) Find the coordinates of Q.
(b) If PR = 26 units, find the perimeter of △PQR.
(7 marks)
(a) ∵ QR is a vertical line.
∴ x-coordinate of Q = x-coordinate of R
= 33
∵ PQ is a horizontal line.
∴ y-coordinate of Q = y-coordinate of P
= –7
∴ The coordinates of Q are (33 , –7). 1A
© OXFORD UNIVERSITY PRESS 2015 1B Chapter 8 Level 1 P.21
(b) PQ = (33 – 9) units 1M
= 24 units 1A
QR = [–7 – (–17)] units 1M
= 10 units 1A
∴ Perimeter of △PQR = PQ + QR + PR
= (24 + 10 + 26) units 1M
= 60 units 1A


The figure shows a rectangle DEFG, whose sides are either horizontal or vertical.
(a) Find the coordinates of E.
(b) Is DEFG a square? Explain your answer.
(c) Find the perimeter of rectangle DEFG.
(9 marks)
(a) ∵ EF is a vertical line.
∴ x-coordinate of E = x-coordinate of F
∵ DE is a horizontal line.
∴ y-coordinate of E = y-coordinate of D
∴ The coordinates of E are (5 , 3). 1A

(b) DE = [5 – (–8)] units 1M

= 13 units 1A
EF = [3 – (– 4)] units 1M
= 7 units 1A
∵ DE  EF 1M
∴ DEFG is not a square. 1A

© OXFORD UNIVERSITY PRESS 2015 1B Chapter 8 Level 1 P.22

(c) Perimeter of rectangle DEFG
= (DE + EF)  2
= (13 + 7)  2 units 1M
= 40 units 1A

ABCD is a square in a rectangular coordinate plane. BC and AD are horizontal while BA and CD
are vertical. It is given that the coordinates of point A are (–1 , –2) and the coordinates of C are
(4 , 3).
(a) Find the coordinates of B.
(b) Find the perimeter of the square ABCD.
(5 marks)
(a) ∵ BA is a vertical line.
∴ x-coordinate of B = x-coordinate of A
= –1
∵ BC is a horizontal line.
∴ y-coordinate of B = y-coordinate of C
∴ The coordinates of B are (–1 , 3). 1A

(b) AB = [3  (2)] units 1M

= 5 units 1A
∴ Perimeter of square ABCD
= AB  4
= 5  4 units 1M
= 20 units 1A


Given that the distance between points M and N in the figure is 25 units, find the value of s.
(2 marks)

© OXFORD UNIVERSITY PRESS 2015 1B Chapter 8 Level 1 P.23

∵ MN = 25 units
∴ s − 7 = 25 1M
s = 32 1A


The figure shows a horizontal line segment MN. P(u , –19) is a point lying on MN such that
MP = 18 units.
(a) Find the value of u.
(b) Which quadrant does P lie in? Explain your answer.
(4 marks)
(a) ∵ MP = 18 units
∴ u – (–15) = 18 1M
u=3 1A

(b) From (a), the coordinates of P are (3 , –19). 1M

∴ P lies in quadrant IV. 1A


In the figure, PQ is a vertical line. It is known that the length of PQ is 11 units. Find the
coordinates of Q.
(3 marks)

© OXFORD UNIVERSITY PRESS 2015 1B Chapter 8 Level 1 P.24

∵ PQ is a vertical line.
∴ x-coordinate of Q = x-coordinate of P
= –8
Let v be the y-coordinate of Q.
∵ PQ = 11 units
∴ 6 – v = 11 1M
v = –5 1A
∴ The coordinates of Q are (–8 , –5). 1A


If the distance between E and F in the figure is 14 units, find the value of a.
(2 marks)
∵ E and F have the same x-coordinate.
∴ EF is a vertical line.
∵ EF = 14 units
∴ (4a + 3) – (1 – 2a) = 14 1M
6a + 2 = 14
6a = 12
a=2 1A


The figure shows a right-angled isosceles triangle GOH and GO = OH. Find the value of a.

© OXFORD UNIVERSITY PRESS 2015 1B Chapter 8 Level 1 P.25

(4 marks)

© OXFORD UNIVERSITY PRESS 2015 1B Chapter 8 Level 1 P.26

GO = [(4a – 11) – 0] units 1M
= (4a – 11) units
HO = [(31 – 3a) – 0] units 1M
= (31 – 3a) units
∵ GO = OH
∴ 4a – 11 = 31 – 3a 1M
7a = 42
a=6 1A


The figure shows a parallelogram ABCD. Find the coordinates of C.

(4 marks)
∵ A and B have the same y-coordinate.
∴ AB is a horizontal line.
∵ ABCD is a parallelogram.
∴ CD is also a horizontal line and CD = AB. 1M
∴ y-coordinate of C = y-coordinate of D
Let u be the x-coordinate of C.
∵ CD = AB
∴ u – 0 = 3 – (–5) 1M
u=8 1A
∴ The coordinates of C are (8 , 6). 1A

© OXFORD UNIVERSITY PRESS 2015 1B Chapter 8 Level 1 P.27


The figure shows a rectangle DEFG whose sides are either horizontal or vertical. Given that the
perimeter of rectangle DEFG is 42 units, find
(a) the length of DE,
(b) the length of EF,
(c) the coordinates of F.
(7 marks)
(a) DE = [4 – (–5)] units 1M
= 9 units 1A

(b) Let k units be the length of EF.

∵ Perimeter of rectangle DEFG = 42 units
(DE + EF)  2 = 42 units
(9 + k)  2 = 42 1M
9 + k = 21
k = 12
∴ The length of EF is 12 units. 1A

(c) ∵ EF is a vertical line.

∴ x-coordinate of F = x-coordinate of E
Let v be the y-coordinate of F.
∵ EF = 12 units
∴ 9 – v = 12 1M
v = –3 1A
∴ The coordinates of F are (4 , –3). 1A

© OXFORD UNIVERSITY PRESS 2015 1B Chapter 8 Level 1 P.28

The figure shows a rectangle PQRS.

(a) Find the lengths of PQ and QR.

(b) Find the area of rectangle PQRS.
(4 marks)
(a) PQ = [2 – (–7)] units = 9 units 1A
QR = (4 – 1) units = 3 units 1A

(b) Area of rectangle PQRS = PQ  QR

= 9  3 sq. units 1M
= 27 sq. units 1A


In the figure, P(1 , 5), Q(6 , 5), R(5 , 1) and S(0 , 1) are the vertices of parallelogram PQRS.
(a) Find the length of SR.
(b) Find the height of parallelogram PQRS with respect to the base SR.
(c) Hence, calculate the area of parallelogram PQRS.
(5 marks)
(a) SR = (5 – 0) units
= 5 units 1A

© OXFORD UNIVERSITY PRESS 2015 1B Chapter 8 Level 1 P.29


With the notations in the figure, the coordinates of N are (1 , 1). 1A

Height of parallelogram PQRS with base SR
= PN
= (5 – 1) units
= 4 units 1A

(c) Area of parallelogram PQRS

= SR  PN
= 5  4 sq. units 1M
= 20 sq. units 1A


The figure shows △ABC.

(a) Find the length of CB.
(b) Find the height of △ABC with respect to the base CB.
(c) Hence, calculate the area of △ABC.
(5 marks)
(a) CB = (4 – 1) units
= 3 units 1A

© OXFORD UNIVERSITY PRESS 2015 1B Chapter 8 Level 1 P.30


With the notations in the figure, the coordinates of N are (–3 , –3). 1A
Height of △ABC with base CB
= AN
= [5 – (–3)] units
= 8 units 1A

(c) Area of △ABC

= sq. units 1M

= 12 sq. units 1A


Find the area of △PQR in the figure.

(4 marks)

© OXFORD UNIVERSITY PRESS 2015 1B Chapter 8 Level 1 P.31


With the notations in the figure, the coordinates of H are (–8 , – 4). 1A
PR = [4 – (–7)] units = 11 units 1M
QH = [5 – (– 4)] units = 9 units
Area of △PQR
=  PR  QH

=  11  9 sq. units 1M
= 49.5 sq. units 1A


Find the area of trapezium VXYZ in the figure.

(4 marks)

With the notations in the figure, the coordinates of U are (– 4 , 4). 1A

© OXFORD UNIVERSITY PRESS 2015 1B Chapter 8 Level 1 P.32

VX = (4 – 1) units = 3 units 1M
ZY = [6 – (–2)] units = 8 units
VU = [4 – (– 4)] units = 8 units
Area of trapezium VXYZ =

=  (3 + 8)  8 sq. units 1M
= 44 sq. units 1A

Find the area of each of the following figures.
(a) (b)

(7 marks)
(a) AB = [(– 4) – (–14)] units = 10 units 1M
Area of square ABCD = AB2
= 102 sq. units 1M
= 100 sq. units 1A


With the notations in the figure, the coordinates of N are (0 , –6). 1A

PO = (5 – 0) units = 5 units 1M
RN = (10 – 0) units = 10 units

© OXFORD UNIVERSITY PRESS 2015 1B Chapter 8 Level 1 P.33

Area of parallelogram PQRO = PO  RN
= 5  10 sq. units 1M
= 50 sq. units 1A

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In the figure, B is a point lying on the x-axis. Find the area of △OAB.
(4 marks)
The coordinates of B are (5 , 0). 1A
OB = (5 – 0) units = 5 units 1M
AB = (4 – 0) units = 4 units

Area of △OAB =  OB  AB

=  5  4 sq. units 1M

= 10 sq. units 1A


The figure shows a rectangle ABCD, where AB is horizontal and AD is vertical.

(a) Write down the coordinates of A.
(b) Find the area of rectangle ABCD.
(4 marks)
(a) The coordinates of A are (–11 , 1). 1A

(b) AB = [1 – (–11)] units = 12 units 1M

AD = [1 – (–6)] units = 7 units
Area of rectangle ABCD = AB  AD
= 12  7 sq. units 1M
= 84 sq. units 1A

© OXFORD UNIVERSITY PRESS 2015 1B Chapter 8 Level 1 P.35

(a) Draw the quadrilateral ABCD with vertices A(1 , 5), B(6 , 5), C(6 , 2) and D(1 , 2) in a
rectangular coordinate plane.
(b) Find the area of quadrilateral ABCD.
(5 marks)



(b) AB = (6  1) units = 5 units 1M

AD = (5  2) units = 3 units
Area of quadrilateral ABCD = AB  AD
= 5  3 sq. units 1M
= 15 sq. units 1A

Find the area of pentagon ABCDE in the figure.

(8 marks)

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© OXFORD UNIVERSITY PRESS 2015 1B Chapter 8 Level 1 P.37
With the notations in the figure, the coordinates of P are (0 , –2). 1A
CD = [2 – (–2)] units = 4 units 1M
BP = [5 – (–2)] units = 7 units
DP = [0 – (–6)] units = 6 units
Area of trapezium BCDP =

= sq. units 1M
= 33 sq. units 1A
PE = (2 – 0) units = 2 units
Area of rectangle ABPE = BP  PE
= 7  2 sq. units 1M
= 14 sq. units 1A
∴ Area of pentagon ABCDE
= area of trapezium BCDP + area of rectangle ABPE
= (33 + 14) sq. units 1M
= 47 sq. units 1A

Find the area of polygon DEFGHI in the figure.

(6 marks)
DE = [(–1) – (–7)] units = 6 units
DF = [5 – (–3)] units = 8 units 1M
Area of △DEF =

= sq. units 1M
= 24 sq. units 1A
IG = [3 – (–1)] units = 4 units
IH = [(– 4) – (–7)] units = 3 units

© OXFORD UNIVERSITY PRESS 2015 1B Chapter 8 Level 1 P.38

Area of △GHI =

= sq. units
= 6 sq. units 1A
∴ Area of polygon DEFGHI
= area of △DEF – area of △GHI
= (24 – 6) sq. units 1M
= 18 sq. units 1A

The figure shows a rectangle DEFG, whose sides are either horizontal or vertical.

It is given that the perimeter of rectangle DEFG is 34 units.

(a) Find the lengths of DE and EF.
(b) Find the area of rectangle DEFG.
(5 marks)
(a) DE = [5 – (–8)] units
= 13 units 1A
Let k units be the length of EF.
∵ Perimeter of rectangle DEFG = 34 units
∴ (DE + EF)  2 = 34 units
(13 + k)  2 = 34 1M
13 + k = 17
∴ The length of EF is 4 units. 1A

(b) Area of rectangle DEFG = DE  EF

= 13  4 sq. units 1M
= 52 sq. units 1A

© OXFORD UNIVERSITY PRESS 2015 1B Chapter 8 Level 1 P.39

Given that the area of trapezium ABCD in the figure is 49 sq. units, find the value of p.

(3 marks)
AD = (6 – p) units 1M
BC = [6 – (– 4)] units = 10 units
AB = [(–2) – (–9)] units = 7 units
∵ Area of trapezium ABCD = 49 sq. units

∴ = 49 sq. units

= 49

16 – p = 14
p=2 1A

Given that the area of △PQR in the figure is 216 sq. units, find the coordinates of Q.

(4 marks)

© OXFORD UNIVERSITY PRESS 2015 1B Chapter 8 Level 1 P.40


With the notations in the figure, the coordinates of N are (6 , 0). 1A

Let (t , 0) be the coordinates of Q.
QN = (6 – t) units 1M
PR = [15 – (–9)] units = 24 units
∵ Area of △PQR = 216 sq. units
∴ = 216 sq. units

= 216 1M
6 – t = 18
t = –12
∴ The coordinates of Q are (–12 , 0). 1A


In the figure, AC is a vertical line and AB is a horizontal line. It is given that D is a point on AC
such that the area of △DAB is 12 sq. units. Which quadrant does D lie in? Explain your answer.
(5 marks)
∵ D lies on the vertical line AC.
∴ x-coordinate of D = x-coordinate of C
Let u be the y-coordinate of D.
DA = [u – (–2)] units = (u + 2) units 1M
© OXFORD UNIVERSITY PRESS 2015 1B Chapter 8 Level 1 P.41
AB = (10 – 2) units = 8 units
∵ Area of △DAB = 12 sq. units
∴ = 12 sq. units

= 12 1M
u=1 1A
∴ The coordinates of D are (2 , 1). 1A
∴ D lies in quadrant I. 1A


The figure shows a trapezium ABCD, where AB and CD are horizontal. If the area of the trapezium
is 56 sq. units, find the coordinates of A.
(7 marks)

With the notations in the figure, the coordinates of E are (1 , 5). 1A

EC = [5 – (–2)] units = 7 units 1M
DC = [1 – (– 4)] units = 5 units
Let k units be the length of AB.
∵ Area of trapezium ABCD = 56 sq. units
∴ = 56 sq. units

 (5 + k)  7 = 56 1M
5 + k = 16
k = 11 1A
∴ The length of AB is 11 units.

© OXFORD UNIVERSITY PRESS 2015 1B Chapter 8 Level 1 P.42

∵ AB is a horizontal line.
∴ y-coordinate of A = y-coordinate of B
Let p be the x-coordinate of A.
∵ AB = 11 units
∴ 3 – p = 11 1M
p = –8 1A
∴ The coordinates of A are (–8 , 5). 1A


Write down the polar coordinates of A, B, C, D and E in the polar coordinate plane above.
(5 marks)
The polar coordinates of A, B, C, D and E are (5 , 120), (4 , 60), (6 , 350), (3 , 290) and
(2 , 220) respectively. 1A+1A+1A+1A+1A

The figure shows a polar coordinate plane.

Find the lengths of OP, OQ and OR.

(3 marks)

© OXFORD UNIVERSITY PRESS 2015 1B Chapter 8 Level 1 P.43

OP = 4 units 1A
OQ = 3 units 1A
OR = 5 units 1A

The figure shows five points P, Q, R, S and T in a polar coordinate plane.

(a) Write down all the polar coordinates of P, Q, R, S and T.

(b) (i) Which point is closest to the pole O?
(ii) Which point is farthest from the pole O?
(7 marks)
(a) The polar coordinates of P, Q, R, S and T are (2 , 40), (5 , 100), (4 , 160), (3 , 250) and
(4 , 310) respectively. 1A+1A+1A+1A+1A

(b) (i) P is closest to the pole O. 1A

(ii) Q is farthest away from the pole O. 1A

© OXFORD UNIVERSITY PRESS 2015 1B Chapter 8 Level 1 P.44

The figure shows a polar coordinate plane.

(a) Plot the points D(5 , 60), E(5 , 140), F(3 , 280) and G(6 , 100) in the figure.
(b) Draw the line segments DE and FG in the figure. Which line segment does O lie on, DE or
(4 marks)
(a), (b)

1A+1A for plotting the points in (a)

1A for drawing the lines in (b)

From the figure, O lies on FG. 1A

The figure shows a polar coordinate plane.

© OXFORD UNIVERSITY PRESS 2015 1B Chapter 8 Level 1 P.45

© OXFORD UNIVERSITY PRESS 2015 1B Chapter 8 Level 1 P.46
(a) Plot the points A(4 , 100), B(4 , 170), C(4 , 280) and D(4 , 350) in the figure.
(b) By observation, which kind of quadrilateral is ABCD?
(4 marks)
(a), (b)

1A+1A for plotting the points in (a)

1M for drawing the quadrilateral in (b)

By observation, ABCD is a rectangle. 1A


(a) Plot the two points A(5 , 70) and B(5 , 140) in the polar coordinate plane as shown.
(b) Join OA, OB and AB. Which type of triangle is obtained? Explain your answer.
(5 marks)

© OXFORD UNIVERSITY PRESS 2015 1B Chapter 8 Level 1 P.47

(a), (b)

1A+1A for plotting the points in (a)

1A for drawing the lines in (b)

© OXFORD UNIVERSITY PRESS 2015 1B Chapter 8 Level 1 P.48

∵ OA = OB = 5 units 1M
∴ △OAB is an isosceles triangle.
i.e. An isosceles triangle is obtained. 1A

Tom wants to withdraw some money from an automated teller machine. The figure below shows a
polar coordinate plane taking Tom’s position as the pole O. There are two automated teller
machines Q and R near Tom and their polar coordinates are (3 , 210) and (4 , 330) respectively.

(a) Mark the positions of Q and R in the figure.

(b) Which automated teller machine is closer to Tom? How much closer to Tom is this machine
than the other one?
(5 marks)

© OXFORD UNIVERSITY PRESS 2015 1B Chapter 8 Level 1 P.49



(b) Machine Q is closer to Tom. 1A

The required distance = OR – OQ
= (4 – 3) unit 1M
= 1 unit 1A

© OXFORD UNIVERSITY PRESS 2015 1B Chapter 8 Level 1 P.50


(a) Plot the four points P(2 , 150), Q(3 , 30), R(5 , 290) and S(4 , 250) in the polar coordinate
plane as shown.
(b) Which point is farthest away from the pole O? Explain your answer.
(4 marks)


(b) ∵ 5 units > 4 units > 3 units > 2 units 1M

∴ OR > OS > OQ > OP
i.e. R is farthest away from the pole O. 1A

© OXFORD UNIVERSITY PRESS 2015 1B Chapter 8 Level 1 P.51

The figure shows a polar coordinate plane.

(a) Plot the points P(6 , 210), Q(5 , 330) and R(2 , 80) in the figure.
(b) Find POQ and ROQ.
(6 marks)


(b) POQ = reflex XOQ – reflex XOP

= 330 – 210 1M
= 120 1A
ROQ = XOR + XOQ
© OXFORD UNIVERSITY PRESS 2015 1B Chapter 8 Level 1 P.52
= 80 + (360 – 330) 1M
= 110 1A

© OXFORD UNIVERSITY PRESS 2015 1B Chapter 8 Level 1 P.53

The figure shows a polar coordinate plane.

(a) Plot the points D(4 , 250), E(2 , 110) and F(5 , 340) in the figure.
(b) Among the line segments OD, OE and OF, which two of them are perpendicular to each
(5 marks)


(b) DOF = reflex XOF – reflex XOD

= 340 – 250 1M
= 90 1A
© OXFORD UNIVERSITY PRESS 2015 1B Chapter 8 Level 1 P.54
∴ OD and OF are perpendicular to each other. 1M

Write down the x-coordinate of each of the following points.
(a) A(–3 , 2) (b) B(3 , –2)
(c) C(2 , 3) (d) D(–2 , –3)
(4 marks)

© OXFORD UNIVERSITY PRESS 2015 1B Chapter 8 Level 1 P.55

(a) The x-coordinate of A is –3. 1A

(b) The x-coordinate of B is 3. 1A

(c) The x-coordinate of C is 2. 1A

(d) The x-coordinate of D is –2. 1A

Write down the y-coordinates of points P and Q in the following figure.

(2 marks)
The y-coordinate of P is 2. 1A
The y-coordinate of Q is 2. 1A

Write down the coordinates of points A, B, C, D and E in the following figure.

(5 marks)
The coordinates of A, B, C, D and E are (3 , 3), (1 , –3), (–2 , 2), (– 4 , 0) and (–3 , –2) respectively.

© OXFORD UNIVERSITY PRESS 2015 1B Chapter 8 Level 1 P.56


Plot the following points in the rectangular coordinate plane above:

P(– 4 , 3), Q(1 , 6), R(3 , 3) and S(1 , 0).
(b) Join PQ, QR, RS and SP. Determine whether the quadrilateral PQRS is a parallelogram by
(4 marks)
(a), (b)

1A+1A for plotting the points in (a)

1A for drawing the lines in (b)

By observation, the quadrilateral obtained is not a parallelogram. 1A

In each of the following, write down the coordinates of the point of intersection of the straight
lines and .
(a) (b)

(2 marks)

© OXFORD UNIVERSITY PRESS 2015 1B Chapter 8 Level 1 P.57

(a) The coordinates of the point of intersection are (3 , 3). 1A

(b) The coordinates of the point of intersection are (0 , 2). 1A

For each of the following pairs of points, calculate the distance between them.
(a) A(0 , 10), B(0 , –11)
(b) M(–5 , 9), N(–5 , –7)
(4 marks)
(a) AB = [10 – (–11)] units 1M
= 21 units 1A

(b) MN = [9 – (–7)] units 1M

= 16 units 1A

For each of the following pairs of points, calculate the distance between them.
(a) P(8 , 4), Q(–14 , 4)
(b) S(–18 , –9), T(–7 , –9)
(4 marks)
(a) PQ = [8 – (–14)] units 1M
= 22 units 1A

(b) ST = [(–7) – (–18)] units 1M

= 11 units 1A

© OXFORD UNIVERSITY PRESS 2015 1B Chapter 8 Level 1 P.58

In the figure, a tortoise moves from A to E via B, C and D in order. Find the total length of the
tortoise’s path.

(6 marks)
AB = [6 – (–10)] units = 16 units
BC = [10 – (–3)] units = 13 units
CD = [6 – (–6)] units = 12 units 1M+1M+2A
DE = [3 – (–3)] units = 6 units

Total length of the tortoise’s path

= AB + BC + CD + DE
= (16 + 13 + 12 + 6) units 1M
= 47 units 1A

Find the perimeter of the shaded region in the figure.

(6 marks)

© OXFORD UNIVERSITY PRESS 2015 1B Chapter 8 Level 1 P.59

AB = LK = [–1 – (–3)] units = 2 units
EF = HG = (6 – 4) units = 2 units
BC = ED = (5 – 2) units = 3 units
CD = JI = [4 – (–1)] units = 5 units 1M+1M+2A
JK = IH = [–1 – (–6)] units = 5 units
AL = FG = [5 – (–6)] units = 11 units

Perimeter of the shaded region

= AB  2 + EF  2 + BC  2 + CD  2 + JK  2 + AL  2
= (2  2 + 2  2 + 3  2 + 5  2 + 5  2 + 11  2) units 1M
= 56 units 1A

The figure shows a square ABCD, where AB is horizontal and BC is vertical.

(a) Find the coordinates of B.

(b) Find the perimeter of square ABCD.
(5 marks)
(a) ∵ BC is a vertical line.
∴ x-coordinate of B = x-coordinate of C
∵ AB is a horizontal line.
∴ y-coordinate of B = y-coordinate of A
∴ The coordinates of B are (9 , 6). 1A

(b) AB = (9 – 1) units 1M
= 8 units 1A
Perimeter of square ABCD = AB  4
= 8  4 units 1M

© OXFORD UNIVERSITY PRESS 2015 1B Chapter 8 Level 1 P.60

= 32 units 1A

© OXFORD UNIVERSITY PRESS 2015 1B Chapter 8 Level 1 P.61

Given that the distance between two points M(–m + 2 , 3) and N(3m + 5 , 3) in the figure is
23 units, find the value of m.

(2 marks)
∵ MN = 23 units
∴ (3m + 5) – (–m + 2) = 23 1M
4m + 3 = 23
4m = 20
m=5 1A

Find the area of trapezium ABCD in the figure.

(4 marks)

With the notations in the figure, the coordinates of E are (–6 , –2). 1A
AB = [(–1) – (–6)] units = 5 units 1M
DC = [3 – (–8)] units = 11 units
AE = [5 – (–2)] units = 7 units

© OXFORD UNIVERSITY PRESS 2015 1B Chapter 8 Level 1 P.62

Area of trapezium ABCD =

= sq. units 1M
= 56 sq. units 1A

Find the area of polygon IJKLMN in the figure.

(7 marks)

With the notations in the figure, the coordinates of H are (1 , – 4). 1A

LM = [5 – (– 4)] units = 9 units 1M
LK = [1 – (–5)] units = 6 units
Area of rectangle LKHM = LM  LK
= 9  6 sq. units 1M
= 54 sq. units 1A
IN = [1 – (– 4)] units = 5 units
JI = (4 – 1) units = 3 units
Area of rectangle JINH = IN  JI
= 5  3 sq. units
= 15 sq. units 1A
Area of polygon IJKLMN = area of rectangle LKHM + area of rectangle JINH
= (54 + 15) sq. units 1M
= 69 sq. units 1A

© OXFORD UNIVERSITY PRESS 2015 1B Chapter 8 Level 1 P.63

(a) Draw the parallelogram ABCD with vertices A(–6 , 7), B(4 , 7), C(6 , –1) and D(– 4 , –1) in a
rectangular coordinate plane.
(b) Find the area of parallelogram ABCD.
(6 marks)
(a), (b)


With the notations in the figure, the coordinates of H are (4 , –1). 1A

DC = [6 – (– 4)] units = 10 units 1M
BH = [7 – (–1)] units = 8 units
Area of parallelogram ABCD = DC  BH
= 10  8 sq. units 1M
= 80 sq. units 1A

Draw △PQR with vertices P(6 , – 4), Q(6 , 7) and R(–2 , 5) in a rectangular coordinate plane.
Hence, find the area of △PQR.
(6 marks)

© OXFORD UNIVERSITY PRESS 2015 1B Chapter 8 Level 1 P.64

With the notations in the figure, the coordinates of H are (6 , 5). 1A
PQ = [7 – (– 4)] units = 11 units 1M
RH = [6 – (–2)] units = 8 units
Area of △PQR =

= sq. units 1M
= 44 sq. units 1A

© OXFORD UNIVERSITY PRESS 2015 1B Chapter 8 Level 1 P.65


It is given that the area of rectangle STUV in the figure is 216 sq. units.
(a) Find the length of TU.
(b) Find the coordinates of U and V.
(7 marks)
(a) Since S and T have the same y-coordinate, ST is a horizontal line.
∴ ST = [8 – (–10)] units = 18 units 1M
Let k units be the length of TU.
∵ Area of rectangle STUV = 216 sq. units
∴ ST  TU = 216 sq. units
18  k = 216 1M
k = 12
∴ The length of TU is 12 units. 1A

(b) Since STUV is a rectangle, TU  ST.

∴ TU is a vertical line. 1M
∴ x-coordinate of U = x-coordinate of T
Let v be the y-coordinate of U.
∵ TU = 12 units
∴ 8 – v = 12 1M
v = –4
∴ The coordinates of U are (8 , – 4). 1A
∵ SV is a vertical line and VU is a horizontal line.
∴ x-coordinate of V = x-coordinate of S
= –10
y-coordinate of V = y-coordinate of U
= –4
∴ The coordinates of V are (–10 , – 4). 1A

© OXFORD UNIVERSITY PRESS 2015 1B Chapter 8 Level 1 P.66

The figure shows a polar coordinate plane.

(a) Write down the polar coordinates of points P, Q and R in the figure.
(b) Find ∠POQ and ∠POR.
(7 marks)
(a) The polar coordinates of P, Q and R are (4 , 90), (4 , 200) and (3 , 340) respectively.

(b) ∠POQ = reflex ∠XOQ – ∠XOP

= 200 – 90 1M
= 110 1A
∠POR = ∠XOP + ∠XOR
= 90 + (360 – 340) 1M
= 110 1A

© OXFORD UNIVERSITY PRESS 2015 1B Chapter 8 Level 1 P.67


(a) Plot the following points in the given polar coordinate plane:
A(5 , 0), B(3 , 60) and C(2 , 180).
(b) Which point is closest to the pole O? Explain your answer.
(4 marks)


(b) ∵ 2 units < 3 units < 5 units 1A

i.e. OC < OB < OA
∴ C is closest to O. 1A

© OXFORD UNIVERSITY PRESS 2015 1B Chapter 8 Level 1 P.68


(a) Plot the following points in the given polar coordinate plane:
A(5 , 60), B(3 , 170), C(2 , 230) and D(6 , 310).
(b) Which angle is larger, ∠AOB or ∠COD? Explain your answer.
(7 marks)


(b) ∠AOB = ∠XOB – ∠XOA

= 170 – 60 1M
= 110 1A
© OXFORD UNIVERSITY PRESS 2015 1B Chapter 8 Level 1 P.69
∠COD = reflex ∠XOD – reflex ∠XOC
= 310 – 230
= 80 1A
∵ 110 > 80 1M
∴ ∠AOB is larger. 1A

© OXFORD UNIVERSITY PRESS 2015 1B Chapter 8 Level 1 P.70


(a) Plot the points S(5 , 110), T(3 , 290) and U(3 , 70) in the polar coordinate plane as shown.
(b) Which two points and the pole O lie on the same straight line? Explain your answer.
(5 marks)



(b) ∠SOT = reflex ∠XOT – ∠XOS

= 290 – 110 1M
= 180 1A
© OXFORD UNIVERSITY PRESS 2015 1B Chapter 8 Level 1 P.71
∴ S, T and O lie on the same straight line. 1A

© OXFORD UNIVERSITY PRESS 2015 1B Chapter 8 Level 1 P.72

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