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Dynamics Study of Shock Wave Intersection under High-Frequency Sine

Oscillation Incoming Flow

Article  in  Physics of Fluids · October 2022

DOI: 10.1063/5.0110802

4 43

7 authors, including:

Liangjun Su Fengbo Wen

Harbin Institute of Technology Harbin Institute of Technology


Zuobiao Li
Harbin Institute of Technology


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Accepted to Phys. Fluids 10.1063/5.0110802

Dynamics Study of Shock Wave Intersection under High-Frequency SOIF

Dynamics Study of Shock Wave Intersection under High-Frequency Sine

Oscillation Incoming Flow
Liangjun Su(苏良俊),1, a) Fengbo Wen(温风波),1 Zuobiao Li(李左飙),a) Chenxin Wan(万晨昕),a)
Jiajun Han(韩佳骏),a) Songtao Wang(王松涛),a) and Zhongqi Wang(王仲奇)a)
(1,a)School of Energy Science and Engineering, Harbin Institute of Technology, Harbin, 150000,
(*Electronic mail:
(Dated: 1 October 2022)
This paper numerically studies the dynamics of symmetrical wedge shock intersection under sinusoidal supersonic
oscillation conditions. The 15◦ symmetrical wedges are used as the shock generator, and the sinusoidal oscillation
is used as the inflow condition. Two forms are considered: (I) The fluctuation amplitude is kept constant (A=1.4),
and the influence of the fluctuation frequency from 4kHz with a step of 2kHz to 10kHz in the shock wave system is
considered. (II) Keeping the frequency constant (f =10kHz), the effect of three amplitudes(A=1.0, 1.4, 1.8) on shock
waves is considered. A detailed analysis of unsteady flow features, including the Mach stem growth, the swing of
slip lines, pressure evolution, and peculiar pressure wave phenomenon are presented with a focus on the bi-directional
regular intersection (RI↔MI) Mach intersection transition process. The study found that: RI↔MI always occurs near
the von Neumann solution, and there are premature transformation and hysteresis. The higher the frequency, the more
noticeable the hysteresis and premature transformation are, the more obvious the swing of slip lines is. The lower

the frequency, the longer the bi-directional transition time of the RI↔MI, the greater the maximum height of the
Mach stem, the more frequent the triple points’ pressure fluctuation. In addition, the oscillating flow will cause the
propagation of pressure waves in the slip line channel and the transition from transverse waves to longitudinal waves.
Under the condition of different amplitudes, the greater the amplitude is, the greater the height of the Mach stem is.
When the amplitude is maximum, the Mach number of partial incoming flow is less than the minimum Mach number
of the attached oblique shock wave. The evolution of the detached shock wave will lead to the complexity of the
system. As the amplitude increases, the greater the pressure difference of the triple points, the greater the curvature of
the incident shocks. The research of the unsteady shock wave intersection under the oscillating flow is useful to the
study of supersonic flow, loss control, and heat and mass transfer of detonation engines and intake ducts.
Keywords: Shock waves, high-frequency, Dynamics, RI, MI, Sine Oscillation

NOMENCLATURE υ Airflow Angle

ϑ Geometric Angle of the Shock Polar
α Mach Angle
A Incoming Flow Amplitude
V Velocity Vector
B Geometric Coefficient
∆θ Mach Stem Swing Angle
DSD Dual-Solution Domain
∆M Mach Difference
δ Geometric Angle of Wedge E Sum of the Energy

γ Specific Heat f Incoming Frequency

∇ Divergence FL Local Pressure Recovery Factor

ω Angular Frequency g Geometric Height

Φ Shock Angle h Mach Stem Height

ψ Phase hcell Grid Height

ρ Density LW Longitudinal Wave

τ Shear Stress m Mach Stem

M0 Average Mach Number

a) (1,a)School
Mx Incoming Mach Number
of Energy Science and Engineering, Harbin Institute of Tech-
nology, Harbin, 150000, China MI Mach Intersection
This is the author’s peer reviewed, accepted manuscript. However, the online version of record will be different from this version once it has been copyedited and typeset.
Accepted to Phys. Fluids 10.1063/5.0110802

Dynamics Study of Shock Wave Intersection under High-Frequency SOIF 2

P Static Pressure
PME Prandtl-Meyer Wave
RI Regular Intersection
S Slip Line
t Time
TW Transition Wave
FIG. 1. The regular intersection(RI)
w Spanwise Width of the Geometric Domain
x X Coordinates
y Y Coordinates
z Z Coordinates


Reflection and intersection of shock waves in high-

frequency oscillating flow are common phenomena of high-
speed flow in the aerospace industry. For example, the re- FIG. 2. The Mach intersection(MI)
flection and intersection of the shock waves in the down-
stream channel of the rotating detonation combustor and the
pulse detonation combustor, and the reflection and intersec- in which the quasi-normal shock segment, commonly known
tion of the shock waves in the supersonic intake port1 and as Mach stem, is labeled as m. Its existence requires two slip
scramjet2–5 . The discussion of the unsteady shock waves un- lines S1 and S2 , which surround the non-uniform region 5 of
der the high-frequency oscillating flow in the channel is help- subsonic flow.
ful to control the shock wave loss, deepen the understanding The research on the intersecting of shock waves in wedges
of the oscillating shock wave system, and improve the perfor- model begins with studying the intersecting mode of steady
mance of the new aspirated power plant. shock waves in the symmetric wedge. Hornung and Taylor16
Generally, according to whether the flow field is steady or conducted a series of experiments with different incoming
unsteady, the phenomenon of shock wave intersection can be Mach numbers (M=2.84, 3.49, 3.98, and 4.96) and established
divided into two categories: steady-state intersection and un- different shock wave patterns by changing the incident angle
steady intersection. Most of the research work6–11 discussed of the symmetrical wedge. Although no hysteresis was ob-
the reflection and intersection of symmetric shock waves in served, the RI↔MI transition was repeatedly observed regard-
the steady-state shock wave intersection12,13 . The progress of less of the direction of incidence at the von Neumann condi-
these studies is as follows: It has been found that there are tion. Therefore, the results show that the disturbance of the
two wave types: regular intersection (RI) and Mach intersec- flow is sufficient to cause the RI↔MI transition at the von
tion (MI). There are two extreme criteria for the conversion Neumann condition. Later, Hornung6 suggested that if the
between these two intersecting modes: the detachment crite- wedge rotates fast enough to the DSD, the RI↔MI transition
rion and the von Neumann criterion. A dual-solution domain may not be affected by the free flow disturbance in the exper-
(DSD) is formed between the von Neumann solution14 and iment. He means setting up a stable RI before rapidly rotating
the detachment solution, in which regular intersection (RI) or the wedge into the DSD, terminating the wedge motion below
Mach intersection (MI) can be both realized. The regular in- the wedge incidence corresponding to detachment. To prevent
tersection (RI), as shown in Fig.1, involves five discontinu- information on the length scale of the wedge from reaching
ities: two incident shock waves I 1 and I 2 , two reflected shock the reflection point until the wedge ultimately enters the DSD.
waves R1 and R2 , and a slip line S. According to the work This article is the earliest known published study of rapid
of Edney15 , RI is classified as Type I interference. The com- wedge rotation, although its roots lie in analyzing steady-state
patibility condition for this intersection pattern involves equal problems. Ivanov17 conducted a numerical study on the in-
static pressure and flow direction in region 3 and 4, whilst tersection of shock waves of an asymmetric wedge under the
other flow properties differ(symmetric shock waves are the condition of steady flow and found that in addition to weak
exception). In the event of MI, the incident shock waves I 1 regular reflection and Mach reflection configurations, strong
and I 2 no longer intersect because of the quasi-normal shock regular reflection and inverse Mach reflection configurations
wave(m) in the flow. This wave pattern is classified as Type were also recorded. The hysteresis phenomenon assumed in
II interference15 . Fig.2 contains a schematic diagram of MI, the theoretical study is also observed in the numerical simula-
This is the author’s peer reviewed, accepted manuscript. However, the online version of record will be different from this version once it has been copyedited and typeset.
Accepted to Phys. Fluids 10.1063/5.0110802

Dynamics Study of Shock Wave Intersection under High-Frequency SOIF 3

tion and verified in the experimental research. Naidoo18,19 et wave28 . The published literature has not found the study of
al. used experimental and numerical methods to study the 2D shock wave intersections under high frequency oscillating in-
conversion criteria between RI and MI of a rapidly rotating coming flow. So this study is devoted to exploring and dis-
wedge. The experimental evidence (hysteresis phenomenon) cussing the intersection of shock waves by high frequency os-
of RI↔MI transition beyond the steady-state detachment con- cillating incoming flows.
ditions in the range of weak and strong reflections in steady The study on shock intersection under high frequency si-
flow is presented first. The simulation results of the dynamic nusoidal supersonic oscillations is inspired by the action of
RI↔MI are also given, which shows the differences among the outlet of the rotating detonation combustor on the down-
the sonic criterion, the length scale criterion, and the detach- stream supersonic turbine. In recent years, rotating detona-
ment criterion. tion combustion has attracted wide attention because of its
The main focus of early research was the RI↔MI transition self-pressurization. It can effectively increase the tempera-
under steady flow conditions. For unsteady double wedges ture and pressure at the combustion chamber outlet of aero-
shock waves intersecting flows, Naidoo20 added further de- engine and gas turbine because rotating detonation combus-
tails about the flow mechanism causing the difference between tion is self-pressurized29–31 . So it has a great potential to
steady and unsteady transition conditions of RI↔MI. Under improve the thermal efficiency of the cycle. Moreover, this
unsteady conditions, RI↔MI transition may be found in the self-supercharging feature can effectively reduce the number
weak reflection region. And according to the different ro- of compressors and turbine stages and increase the thrust-to-
tation speed, the information of the wedge trailing edge can weight ratio of the engine32,33 . Therefore, the rotating deto-
change before reaching the reflection point. That is, there is nation turbine engine is one of the potential power devices for

no length-scale criterion. In some cases, the length-scale in- high-speed and high-efficiency aircraft in the future. Rotat-
formation reaches the reflection point in the strong reflection ing detonation combustion is a complex and continuous com-
region, but the conversion occurs later. Hence, the steady- bustion process with the intersection of multiple wave sys-
state length-scale criterion is not applicable but is related to tems. The turbine blades working downstream will be swept
the instantaneous propagation of wedge-shaped surface infor- by several kHz of high-frequency shock waves and oscillating
mation. Laguarda et al.21 numerically studied the response of flows32,34 . A condition similar to sinusoidal oscillation occurs
asymmetric 2D shock wave intersection to the continuous ex- at the outlet of the rotating detonation combustion chamber.
citation of the incident shock wave. The incident shock wave In the present paper we therefore conduct a set of computa-
and PME are generated by asymmetrical deflection of the two tions with the purpose of providing insight on the dynamics of
wedges at a Mach number of 3. Three excitation actions are unsteady asymmetric shock intersections affected by a contin-
considered: (I) the lower wedge pitch through the steady-state uous excitation with different frequencies and amplitudes. A
DSD of the regular intersection (RI) and Mach intersection shock polar analysis method(phase shock polar method) un-
(MI), (II) the periodic (sinusoidal) oscillation of the lower der continuous oscillating incoming flow conditions is pro-
wedge deflection, whose average value is in and out of the posed. This paper focuses on the bidirectional dynamic tran-
DSD, and (III) the periodic (sinusoidal) flow. The character- sition process of RI→MI→RI at different frequencies and dif-
istics of unsteady flow are analyzed in detail, including the ferent amplitudes, and uses the phase shock pole method to
growth of Mach stem, the pressure evolution of shock wave analyze it. A closer look at critical transition points and hys-
system, the corresponding flow deflection, and entropy rise, teresis during bidirectional transitions. And flow phenomena
with emphasis on the bi-directional RI↔MI transition pro- during the bi-directional transition of RI↔MI are mainly ana-
cess. In addition, the intersection between shock wave22 and lyzed, including the growth of the Mach stem, the swing of the
boundary layer23 is also a research hotspot.24,25 slip line, the propagation of the pressure wave. The paper is
The research on the intersection of wedges shock waves in organized as follows: In §II, we describe our calculation set-
steady flow or unsteady shock waves mainly focuses on one or tings, calculation domain settings, geometric model, boundary
more fixed incoming Mach numbers. Or changing the wedge conditions. In §III, a shock wave polar analysis method with
incident angle and studying the influence of disturbance on the continuous change of incoming flow conditions is proposed.
shock wave system by rotating the wedge with a fixed Mach In §IV, we explain the numerical method and numerical vali-
number and a certain angular velocity26 . But the actual situ- dation. In §V, we give the numerical simulation results under
ation is the wedge angle is set generally, and the flow is very different frequency and amplitude conditions. Finally, the pa-
complex and changeable. There are few published pieces of per makes a summary and further explanation in §VI.
literature on shock wave intersections under different incom-
ing flow conditions. Among them, Kudryavtsev27 studied the
influence of free flow disturbance on the intersecting pattern II. PROBLEM DESCRIPTION
of shock waves and considered different types of local distur-
bances. In the dual solution domain(DSD), the Mach reflec- A. Geometrical Model
tion configuration was more stable than the regular reflection
configuration. Experiments on a spherical shock wave propa-
The symmetrical wedge acts as a shock wave generator and
gating across an unheated- or a heated-cylinder wake are per-
avoids the influence of the back step. The size of the geomet-
formed in a wind tunnel to investigate the effects of veloc-
ric model has been strictly demonstrated17 . One is to ensure
ity and temperature fluctuations of turbulence on the shock
that the expansion wave system does not affect the incoming
This is the author’s peer reviewed, accepted manuscript. However, the online version of record will be different from this version once it has been copyedited and typeset.
Accepted to Phys. Fluids 10.1063/5.0110802

Dynamics Study of Shock Wave Intersection under High-Frequency SOIF 4

FIG. 4. Schematic diagram of high-frequency sinusoidal oscillation.

Where A represents the amplitude, M 0 represents the average Mach
number, t0 represents the initial moment, T represents the one period,
the blue line represents the inlet of the oscillating inflow.

Firstly, consider the impact of 4 different frequencies on the


shock wave system. The frequencies are 4kHz, 6kHz, 8kHz,

and 10kHz. At this time, the amplitude A=1.4 and M 0 =2.5
are maintained. All solid surfaces(Upper and lower walls and
front and rear walls) were modeled as ’slip’ walls to avoid the
influence of the boundary layer on shock wave reflection.
FIG. 3. A schematic diagram of the cross-section in the computa- Secondly, considering three different inlet flow conditions
tional domain model of the shock wave system, with a width of w in with different amplitudes, the oscillation frequency is main-
the 3D direction. tained at 10kHz, and the inlet Mach number amplitudes are
1.0, 1.4, and 1.8, respectively. Therefore, the Mach number of
its incoming flow satisfies the following function:
shock wave and that the shock wave does not reflect on the
wedge. The second is to ensure that the shock wave is not  π 
affected by the three-dimensional effect in the z-direction35 . Mx1 = 2.5 + 0.7 sin ωt + y (2)
The schematic diagram of the geometric model is shown in
Fig.3: the angle of the upper and lower wedge δ is 15◦ , the
length of the symmetrical wedge is w, and the height of the
Mx2 = 2.5 + 0.5 sin ωt + y (3)
3D model is 2g, in which 2g/w=3 is set to avoid the influence 6w
of PME on the intersection of shock waves. The front end of
the geometry is 2w, the back end is 4w, and the width in the  π 
z-direction (longitudinal width) is w. Mx3 = 2.5 + 0.9 sin ωt + y (4)

B. Boundary Conditions

The inlet Mach number satisfies the function (1) under the
A. Dynamic Sinusoidal Oscillation Incoming Flow
condition of sinusoidal oscillation:
A Theoretical analysis is made for the shock wave intersection
Mx = M0 + sin(ωt + By) (1)
2 under the condition of high frequency sinusoidal oscillation36 .
Throughout this paper the medium is assumed to be a perfect
Where ω is the angular frequency, A is the amplitude, and
gas. Incoming Mach Mx is a function of incoming frequency
B is the geometric coefficient. The period and frequency
f , y-coordinate y, average Mach M0 , and amplitude A. Note
of the oscillating incoming flow conditions are T = 2ωπ and
that regardless of which way the shock is inclined the shock
f = T1 = 2ωπ . The sinusoidal oscillation propagates in the y- angle is always taken to be positive. Specifically, the Mx is
direction. At the initial moment, the inlet Mach numbers at
the bottom and top of the inlet channel are respectively the A  π 
average value M0 and the maximum value M0 + A/2, that is, Mx ( f , y, A, M0 ) = M0 + sin 2π f t + y (5)
2 6w
the channel occupies 1/4 period of the incoming flow oscilla-
tion at the initial moment (Fig.9). Therefore, the magnitude The wedge angle δ is fixed at 15◦ . The post-shock Mach num-
of the geometric coefficient B is 6w . ber M can be expressed as follows under sinusoidal oscillation
This is the author’s peer reviewed, accepted manuscript. However, the online version of record will be different from this version once it has been copyedited and typeset.
Accepted to Phys. Fluids 10.1063/5.0110802

Dynamics Study of Shock Wave Intersection under High-Frequency SOIF 5

u (γ + 1)2 Mx4 sin2 Φ−
u 4 Mx2 sin2 Φ − 1 γMx2 sin2 Φ + 1
M(Mx , Φ) = u (6)
2γMx2 sin2 Φ − (γ − 1)
(γ − 1) Mx2 sin2 Φ + 2

where γ is a constant, Mx is a function of oscillation frequency

f and amplitude A, and M0 is also a constant, Φ is the shock
angle. And only consider where the Mach angle varies within
the range of the attached oblique shock wave, and its variation
range is as follows:
FIG. 5. Variation range and variation relationship of Mach angle of
1 1 upper and lower wedge-shaped shock waves at different frequencies.
α (Mx ) = arcsin = arcsin π
Mx M0 + A2 sin 2π f t + 6w y

For the leading edges of the upper and lower wedges, the y
values are 3w and 0, respectively, so the range of incoming
Mach numbers is as follows:

Mx−upper ( f , A, M0 ) = M0 + cos (2π f t) (8)

Mx−lower ( f , A, M0 ) = M0 + sin (2π f t) (9)
Since the incoming flow conditions are constantly changing
with time, the Mach number excitation on the leading edge of FIG. 6. Variation range and variation relationship of Mach angle of
the wedge also changes with time. Therefore, the function of upper and lower wedge-shaped shock waves with different ampli-
the Mach angle of the upper and lower shock waves with time tudes.
is as follows, and its range can be solved. As shown in Fig.5
and Fig.6.
and the pressure ratio varies continuously with the Mach num-
! ber, which makes the analysis of the process clearer. Since the
αupper = arcsin (10) inlet is an oscillating flow condition, and the inlet Mach num-
M0 + A2 cos (2π f t) ber perceived by the leading edge of the upper wedge and the
lower wedge is sinusoidal, the Mach number difference be-
! tween the leading edge of the upper and lower wedge satisfies
1 the function (12):
αlower = arcsin (11)
M0 + A2 sin (2π f t) A√  π
∆M = 2 cos ωt + (12)
The subsequent shock is therefore predicted to be flexurally 2 4
variable. And because the position of the intersection of the Fig.7 shows the variation curve of the Mach number dif-
upper and lower shock waves is different at each moment, it ference between the upper and lower wedges over time, and
will cause the intersection point (whether it is the RI mode or one of the periods is marked. The first half period repre-
the MI mode) to move up, down, left and right. This was also sents that the Mach number of the leading edge of the up-
shown in follow-up studies. per wedge is less than that of the leading edge of the lower
wedge, corresponding to shock polar 1 (Fig.8). In contrast
the second half period corresponds to shock polar 2 (Fig.9).
B. Analysis of Shock Polar Therefore, when the Mach number difference is located
in the first half period in Fig.7, the corresponding shock po-
The polar shock theory is usually used to establish the lar is shown in Fig.8. The dotted line of the same color
steady-state stability boundary between RI and MI in the pa- in the shock polar represents the shock polar line after the
rameter space11 . The existing shock polars are all fixed Mach shock wave is reflected simultaneously. When the shock po-
numbers, and the pressure ratio varies with the turning angle. lar line of region 3 and 4 is after the intersection of the pur-
In most practical situations, the turning angle is fixed, and the ple line until the red line is tangent. That is, after the von
Mach number changes. Therefore, the shock polar under the Neumann solution(between the steady-state dual solution do-
continuous oscillating incoming flow condition is established, mains(DSD)), it may begin to change from regular intersec-
This is the author’s peer reviewed, accepted manuscript. However, the online version of record will be different from this version once it has been copyedited and typeset.
Accepted to Phys. Fluids 10.1063/5.0110802

Dynamics Study of Shock Wave Intersection under High-Frequency SOIF 6

FIG. 7. The difference between the Mach number of the upper wedge
and the lower wedge and the corresponding phase point diagram. The
first half of the period corresponds to Fig.8–shock polar 1. The posi-
tive half period indicates that the Mach number of the upper wedge is
larger than that of the lower wedge, and the shock polar correspond-
ing to the dotted line is shown in Fig.9–shock polar 2 FIG. 10. The variation curve of the dimensionless height of Mach
stem with the incident shock angle in different experiments and nu-
merical studies. The inlet Mach number in the upper graph is 1.93.

FIG. 8. Schematic diagram of the shock polar corresponding to the

first half period of the Mach number difference in Fig.7.

tion (RI) to Mach intersection (MI). When the shock polar is

detached after the tangent, it is completely in the Mach inter-
secting(MI). When the Mach number difference is located in
the latter half period, the corresponding shock polar is shown FIG. 11. The variation curve of the dimensionless height of Mach
stem with the incident shock angle in different experiments and nu-
in Fig.9. The shock polar gradually changes from the de-
merical studies. The inlet Mach number in the upper graph is 2.98.
tached state to the tangent state (red dotted line) and then
from the tangent state to the intersection state (orange dot-
ted line). In this state, it is possible to change from MI to
RI. The above is a continuous transformation process along the direction of RI→MI→RI. It can be found that under the
condition of oscillatory incoming flow, the range of dual so-
lution domain(DSD) is relatively narrow, and the dual solu-
tion domain(DSD) is expressed by phase interval, which are
(31π/48 + kπ, 2π/3 + kπ) and (11π/6 + kπ, 89π/48 + kπ),
respectively, where k is an integer.


A. Numerical Method

Based on the compressible and viscous Navier–Stokes

equations, the flow field of the shock wave system is solved.
FIG. 9. Schematic diagram of the shock polar corresponding to the The solver is fluent, and its reliability has been verified.
second half period of the Mach number difference in Fig.7. The continuity equation, momentum equation, and the energy
This is the author’s peer reviewed, accepted manuscript. However, the online version of record will be different from this version once it has been copyedited and typeset.
Accepted to Phys. Fluids 10.1063/5.0110802

Dynamics Study of Shock Wave Intersection under High-Frequency SOIF 7

M δw1 δw2 Φ1CFD Φ1T heory Φ1Experiment Φ2CFD Φ2T heory Φ2Experiment Mode
4.96 28 24 39.931 39.715 39.206 34.492 34.620 35.037 RI
4.96 28 18 39.833 39.715 40.185 27.447 27.631 28.451 RI

TABLE I. Comparison between experimental and numerical methods for shock angle of asymmetric shock wave system under the inlet Mach
number of 4.96.

M δw Φ1CFD Φ1T heory Φ1Experiment Mode

1.93 9.6 40.24 40.35 40.60 RI
1.93 12.4 42.66 43.66 42.60 RI
1.93 15 45.96 47.14 45.80 MI
1.93 18.1 49.55 52.18 49.70 MI
2.98 18.6 35.57 36.30 35.30 RI
2.98 24.3 41.92 43.35 41.80 MI
2.98 28.7 48.73 49.94 48.90 MI
2.98 31.1 51.93 54.44 51.50 MI

TABLE II. Numerical and experimental comparison of different

Mach numbers and different angles of symmetrical shock wave sys-
tem and theoretical shock wave angle under the inlet Mach number
of 1.93 and 2.98.

equation are as follows:

∂ t + ∇ · (ρV) = 0
∂ (ρ V)
∂ t + ∇ · (ρVV) = −∇p + ∇ · τ
∂ (ρ E)
∂ t + ∇ · (ρEV) = −p∇ · V + ∇ · (τ · V)

Where ρ is the density, V is the velocity vector composed of

components (u, v, w), and τ is the shear stress. E is the sum of FIG. 12. Schematic diagram of grid distribution and local grid en-
the internal energy and kinetic energy per unit mass of fluid, largement. A uniform grid is used.
∇ is the divergence symbol, p is the pressure. Represented in
tensor form. The Reynolds numbers for our cases are in the
range of 250000 to 500000. Since the boundary layer is not the shock wave system. Secondly, the symmetric shock wave
concerned, the sliding wall is adopted, so a uniform mesh is system is verified, and the corresponding shock angle(Φ) and
used. The formation and evolution of shock waves focus on the dimensionless height of Mach stem under MI mode are
attention, so the AUSM+ scheme is adopted to capture shock taken as the verification parameters. The critical transition
waves more clearly. The second-order implicit time marching point is verified at the same time. The results are shown in
scheme is used for time discretization. And the third-order Table II and Fig.10 and Fig.11: The calculated value is in
AUSM+ scheme is used for spatial discretization. A com- good agreement with the experimental value. The existing 2D
pressible density-based Navier-Stokes equation solver is used, CFD calculation is compared with the experiment. The study
and the flow field gradient is adaptively refined. The working in this paper is a 3D unsteady CFD calculation. It is in good
fluid adopts an ideal gas with a density of 0.074kg/m337 . After agreement with the experimental data of unsteady state, which
related verification38 , it is found that the working fluid density further verifies the reliability of the numerical method.
only determines the compressibility of the gas and has little ef-
fect on the shock wave position and flow characteristics.
Based on the experiments of Ben-Dor8,39 and K.Naido B. Grid Validation
and B. W. Skews18,19 , the numerical results of the symmet-
ric wedge and asymmetric wedge at different Mach numbers A schematic diagram of the grid is shown in Fig.12. Grid
are compared with the experimental and theoretical values. sensitivity analysis was carried out to evaluate the influ-
Firstly, the asymmetric shock wave system was verified. As ence of grid size on shock wave dynamics and the cor-
shown in Table I, when the incoming Mach number was 4.96, responding disturbance response process. After reaching
the theoretical values of the incident shock wave Φ1 and Φ2 the steady-state, the shock mode transition is recorded un-
were very close to the experimental values and the numerical der three different grid numbers (mesh= 15million(w/hcell =
values, indicating the accuracy of the numerical simulation of 90), 20million(w/hcell = 100), and 30million(w/hcell = 110)).
This is the author’s peer reviewed, accepted manuscript. However, the online version of record will be different from this version once it has been copyedited and typeset.
Accepted to Phys. Fluids 10.1063/5.0110802

Dynamics Study of Shock Wave Intersection under High-Frequency SOIF 8


FIG. 13. The change curve of the dimensionless height of Mach stem with time under different scale grid conditions.

The specific distribution rules of grid nodes are as follows: RI. Therefore, if the flow after the reflected shock wave is su-
w/hcell = 90, 100, 110, Where w is the length of the hy- personic, the upstream flow will be isolated and cannot catch
potenuse of the wedge, and hcell is the width of the grid. The up with the downstream flow. If it is subsonic, detachment
number and proportion of grids can refer to the work of Bo will occur, so it is only necessary to judge whether the airflow
Wang40 . The mesh refinement of the same proportion is per- after the intersection point exceeds the local sonic speed to
formed on the part of the wedge-shaped body. The growth judge whether it is RI and MI. Therefore, the sonic criterion is
of the Mach stem is recorded in detail in Fig.13. As observed, adopted to determine the critical point of the interconversion
under the three grid sizes, the shock wave section and Prandtl- between MI and RI.
Meyer expansion fan (PME) displayed by the density gradient The bi-directional RI→MI→RI transition process in one
figure are clear, and the curves of the Mach stem dimension- period is analyzed. Under the condition of oscillating incom-
less height change with time are all within the error range. ing flow, when the amplitude A=1.4, according to the shock
Therefore, the convergence and accuracy of the calculation polar analysis, the Mach numbers of the upper and lower
are guaranteed. The grid size used in the final calculation is: wedges corresponding to the first half periodic von Neumann
w/hcell = 100. solution are 2.19 and 3.128, respectively, and the correspond-
ing phase point is 31π/48. The Mach numbers of the up-
per and lower wedges corresponding to the detachment so-
V. RESULTS lution are 2.15 and 3.106, respectively. The corresponding
phase point is 2π/3. The upper and lower wedges’ Mach
A. Different Sinusoidal Oscillation Frequencies numbers and phase points corresponding to the RI↔MI crit-
ical points of the second half-period DSD are 3.128 and 2.19
(von Neumann solution), 3.106 and 2.15 (detachment solu-
1. The Process of RI↔MI under Different Frequencies
tion), and the phase points are 11π/6 and 89π/48, respectively.
Fig.14(Multimedia view) is a contour diagram of the cross-
According to the analysis of the shock polar in section III, sectional density gradient at the initial moment of RI→MI and
RI↔MI bi-directional conversion will occur under the condi- the end of MI→RI within a period under different frequency
tion of high-frequency oscillation and incoming flow. There conditions. The yellow line is the sonic line, and the blue lines
will be two mutual conversions between RI and MI in one are the shock waves. Affected by the incoming sine wave, the
period, and the conversion sequence is RI→MI→RI. RI→MI shock wave has a particular curvature. The curvature of the in-
occurs in the first steady-state dual-solution domain (DSD) cident shock wave of RI→MI is significantly greater than that
phase interval, and MI→RI occurs in the second DSD phase of the incident shock wave of MI→RI. In addition, the higher
interval. According to the sonic criterion, RI→MI conver- the frequency, the shorter the transition time of RI→MI and
sion depends on whether the signal generated from the cor- the shorter the MI mode retention time. When the frequency
ner of the wedge can catch up with the intersection point of
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Dynamics Study of Shock Wave Intersection under High-Frequency SOIF 9

f Mxu Mxl ∆M Ψ Φ1 Φ2 Φ3 Φ4 M3 M4 D ϑ3 ϑ4 δ1,2 t(us)

4 1.59 2.32 -0.724 0.51π 46.33 39.07 59.41 48.67 1.51 1.54 RI→MI 14.13 16.83 15 132
4 2.73 1.79 0.935 1.86π 35.19 42.49 50.12 61.15 1.73 1.71 MI→RI 16.37 12.63 15 220
6 1.60 2.24 -0.638 0.47π 46.51 39.74 57.91 46.98 1.52 1.50 RI→MI 14.41 16.44 15 90
6 2.82 1.89 0.925 1.87π 31.92 44.41 52.48 62.64 1.78 1.77 MI→RI 17.54 16.88 15 153
8 1.66 2.01 -0.353 0.37π 48.91 42.00 58.26 50.46 1.40 1.39 RI→MI 14.30 15.65 15 76
8 2.86 1.94 0.920 1.87π 33.64 40.51 58.18 61.98 1.82 1.79 MI→RI 14.51 17.56 15 118
10 1.69 1.97 -0.284 0.34π 48.21 42.49 55.84 49.38 1.41 1.40 RI→MI 14.88 15.78 15 63
10 2.91 2.00 0.913 1.88π 31.09 42.04 58.55 60.55 1.90 2.42 MI→RI 18.15 16.86 15 98

TABLE III. Relevant parameters of shock wave system at critical transition point under different frequency. The unit of frequency f is kHz,
and the unit of all angles is ◦ .

f Mxu Mxl ∆M Ψ D Ψvon Ψdetach ∆Ψvon ∆Ψdetach

4 1.59 2.32 -0.724 0.51π RI→MI 31π /48 2π /3 0.136π 0.157π
4 2.73 1.79 0.935 1.86π MI→RI 89π /48 11π /6 0.006π 0.027π
6 1.60 2.24 -0.638 0.47π RI→MI 31π /48 2π /3 0.176π 0.197π
6 2.82 1.89 0.925 1.87π MI→RI 89π /48 11π /6 0.01π 0.037π

8 1.66 2.01 -0.353 0.37π RI→MI 31π /48 2π /3 0.276π 0.297π

8 2.86 1.94 0.920 1.87π MI→RI 89π /48 11π /6 0.01π 0.037π
10 1.69 1.97 -0.284 0.34π RI→MI 31π /48 2π /3 0.306π 0.327π
10 2.91 2.00 0.913 1.88π MI→RI 89π /48 11π /6 0.02π 0.047π

TABLE IV. The phase difference between CFD calculated value and theoretical value when RI↔MI occurs. The unit of frequency f is kHz.

is 4kHz, the time of occurrence of RI→MI is about 132us, and bance caused by the previous moment. On the other hand, it
the duration of MI retention is 88us. When the frequency is is not difficult to find that the leading phase difference during
10kHz, the time of occurrence of RI→MI is about 63us, and RI→MI transition is much larger than the lag phase difference
the duration of MI retention is about 35us. during MI→RI transition, indicating that the robustness of MI
Table (III) records in detail the leading edge Mach num- is better than that of RI, and MI’s anti-interference ability is
ber, phase point, shock angle, Mach number after the shock stronger.
wave, turning angle, and mode transition time at the criti-
cal transition mode(RI↔MI). The phase difference is used to
quantify the hysteresis phenomenon and premature transition,
2. Evolution of the Mach Stem
and the phase interval corresponding to the theoretical DSD is
(31π/48 + kπ, 2π/3 + kπ) and (11π/6 + kπ, 89π/48 + kπ).
When RI↔MI, the corresponding phase point and phase dif- The growth of Mach stem height with time and with the
ference are shown in Table (IV). RI→MI is closer to the von Mach number difference at the leading edge of the upper and
Neumann solution, and when RI→MI occurs, its phase is lower wedge is considered. The Mach stem height is defined
smaller than the theoretical phase value, and the higher the as the vertical height in the y-direction, normalized by chan-
frequency, the greater the phase difference. When the fre- nel width (2g). The difference between the upper and lower
quency is 4kHz, the leading phase value is 0.136π, and when wedges and the time t were taken as the independent vari-
the frequency is 10kHz, the leading phase difference reaches ables in the dynamic process. The dimensionless Mach stem
0.306π. It shows that high-frequency oscillation will cause height was taken as the dependent variable. Fig.15 represents
the premature transformation of RI→MI, and the higher the the whole process of the formation and collapse of the Mach
frequency, the more obvious the premature transformation is. stem. The Mach stem dimensionless height changes with time
When MI→RI occurs, it’s also closer to the von Neumann as shown in Fig.16.
solution. There is a certain phase difference between the There are apparent differences in the process of Mach stem
phase points and the theoretical value. When the frequency growth and collapse under different frequency conditions. It
is 4kHz, and when MI→RI occurs, it’s lagging phase differ- can be found that the lower the frequency is, the higher the
ence is 0.006π, and when the frequency is 10kHz, its lagging maximum Mach stem height is, and the longer the MI pat-
phase difference from the von Neumann solution is 0.02π. It tern retention time is, whether the Mach stem height changes
shows that the higher the frequency, the greater the phase dif- with time or with the Mach number difference. Specifically,
ference and the more obvious the hysteresis is. It may be that when the frequency is 4kHz, the maximum Mach stem nor-
the higher the frequency, the faster the sweep speed, the distur- malized height can reach 0.25, and when the frequency is
10kHz, the maximum Mach stem normalized height is 0.15
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Accepted to Phys. Fluids 10.1063/5.0110802

Dynamics Study of Shock Wave Intersection under High-Frequency SOIF 10


FIG. 14. The density gradient contour diagram of shock wave system under the condition of incoming flow at different frequencies, in which
the yellow curve is the sonic line, the left side is the critical point of RI→MI transition, and the right side is the critical point of MI→RI
transition (Multimedia view).

(Fig.16). And the lower the frequency, the larger the span lution. As shown in Fig.17, the instantaneous pressure wave
of ∆M in MI mode, and the closer ∆M corresponding to the when MI→RI is shown in the pressure diagram as the result
maximum Mach height is to zero. Specifically, when the fre- of a pressure jump after the upper and lower triple points co-
quency is 4kHz, the Mach number difference is -0.759. While incide. Fig.17 is a schematic diagram of the triple pressure
the frequency is 10kHz, it is -0.284. During RI→MI, the distribution over time under different frequencies. After the
higher the frequency, the closer M from -1 is to 0, while dur- formation of the Mach stem (That is, after the upper triple
ing MI→RI conversion. point is separated from the lower triple point), the pressure
On the other hand, we are discussing the triple pressure evo- of the upper triple point is slightly more significant than the
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Accepted to Phys. Fluids 10.1063/5.0110802

Dynamics Study of Shock Wave Intersection under High-Frequency SOIF 11

f (kHz) ∆t(us) D ∆x(x/2g) ∆y(y/2g) ∆θ (◦ )

4 44 RI→MI -0.257 -0.057 10.959
4 44 MI→RI +0.086 +0.130 10.959
6 36 RI→MI -0.127 -0.025 9.180
6 27 MI→RI +0.149 +0.121 9.180
8 22 RI→MI -0.086 -0.016 7.230
8 20 MI→RI +0.178 +0.130 7.228
10 20 RI→MI -0.063 0 7.006
10 15 MI→RI +0.180 +0.121 7.006
FIG. 15. The curve diagram of the variation of Mach stem height
with the difference of Mach number under the condition of different TABLE V. Position parameters related to Mach stem swing.
frequency flow represents the whole process of Mach stem formation
and collapse.

pressure of the lower triple point. This is because, after the served more intuitively in the animation provided by us.
formation of the Mach stem, the Mach stem always bends at As showing in Fig.19(Multimedia view). The figure is a
the lower triple point. The lower triple point is close to the density gradient contour with a Mach stem height of 0.0762
oblique shock wave, while the upper triple point Mach stem during the RI→MI process. Because, at this time, the chan-
always maintains the vertical form, close to the normal shock nel formed by the slip line can penetrate the following flow

wave. The pressure fluctuation also reflects the hysteresis phe- field. When MI→RI, select the moment when the dimension-
nomenon. It can be found that after the triple points coincide less Mach stem height is 0.1238 because the slip line channel
(that is, the blue curve coincides with the red curve), the pres- features are evident at this time. When RI→MI, the higher
sure is still more significant than that before the triple points the oscillation frequency is, the more obvious the oscillation
coincide. However, under the steady condition, the pressure characteristics of the slip line channel are. Specifically, when
after the Mach stem is greater than the pressure behind the the frequency is 4kHz, the slip-line channel is almost straight,
oblique shock wave under the same condition. Under the con- and when the frequency is 10kHz, the slip-line has apparent
dition of oscillating incoming flow, the pressure after the triple swing characteristics, showing a small s-shaped channel. The
points coincide will jump suddenly. The pressure wave causes higher the frequency, the greater the curvature of the s-shape,
the sudden jump after Mach stem collapse. The subsequent the greater the curvature of the incident shock wave. When
pressure decreases with time, and the pressure will be greater MI→RI, there is no noticeable difference in the slip line swing
than before the triple point separation, which is also the em- characteristics between different frequencies, which confirms
bodiment of the hysteresis phenomenon. from the side that the MI pattern has a more vital ability to
In the shock wave system, the Mach stem is a kind of nor- resist incoming flow disturbance. However, the lower the fre-
mal shock wave, so the total pressure loss caused by it is quency is, the more obvious the K-H instability of the slip line
considerable. Considering the change of the total pressure at is. When the frequency is 4kHz, the slip line has evident K-
the inlet and outlet with time under different frequency con- H instability due to the shear action of the upper and lower
ditions, as shown in the Fig.18. It can be found that under fluid layers. In contrast, when the frequency is 10kHz, the
the conditions of the same amplitude and different frequen- K-H instability is not particularly obvious. The reason is that
cies, the amplitude of the total pressure oscillation is basically the higher the frequency, the faster the sweep velocity of the
the same, but the oscillation period is different. The greater incoming flow with different Mach numbers, the smaller the
the frequency, the smaller the oscillation period of the total difference between the incoming flow velocity of the region
pressure, then the variation of the Mach stem height with fre- 3, 4 and the region 5, the weaker the shear action, and the less
quency is mainly caused by the pressure hysteresis effect in noticeable the K-H instability phenomenon.
one oscillation period. The system cycle average total pres- Another oscillation characteristic is the translation and ro-
sure recovery coefficient also remains basically unchanged. tation of Mach stem in the plane, represented by the change
of Mach stem attitude. The transformation point of RI→MI
is taken as the initial moment, and the transformation point
of MI→RI is taken as the end moment. The moving coordi-
3. Oscillation of Slip Line and Mach Stem nates in the x and y directions and the deflection angle formed
with the y axis are taken as the quantization parameters. As
The oscillation characteristics of the incoming flow of high- shown in Table (V), the initial position of RI→MI transition
frequency oscillation will make the convergence channel have is taken as the origin of coordinates, the Mach stem trans-
a certain degree of swing, which is also the embodiment of lation is observed with the maximum coordinate change at
the unsteady characteristic. The swing characteristics of the the bottom of the Mach stem, and its rotational characteris-
slip line are different under different frequency conditions. In tics are quantified by the evolution of the included angle with
the process of RI↔MI, the density gradient contour with the the y-direction. The translational of Mach stem relation to
same Mach stem height is selected to analyze the swing and frequency is as follows: the smaller the frequency, the greater
oscillation characteristics of the slip line, which can be ob- the distance the Mach stem moves in the negative direction of
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Dynamics Study of Shock Wave Intersection under High-Frequency SOIF 12


FIG. 16. The Mach stem dimensionless height curve with time at different frequencies.

FIG. 17. Schematic diagram of the variation curve of triple-points pressure with time at different frequencies.

x, and the smaller the distance it moves in the positive direc- when the frequency is 10kHz, the maximum offset angle can
tion of x. The smaller the frequency is, the greater the travel be reduced to 7.006◦ , and the angle difference can reach about
distance of the Mach stem in the negative direction of the y 4◦ . The attitude change of the Mach stem is partly due to the
axis is, while the travel distance in the positive direction of frequency of the flow disturbance. The lower the frequency,
the y axis is unchanged. Similarly, the smaller the frequency, the more unstable the Mach stem.
the greater the Mach stem deviation. When the frequency is
4kHz, the maximum offset angle can reach 10.9587◦ , while
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Dynamics Study of Shock Wave Intersection under High-Frequency SOIF 13

FIG. 18. The curve of the average total pressure at the inlet and outlet with time under different frequency conditions.

4. Propagation of Pressure Waves (i.e., the incident-shock system) and expansion waves. Os-
cillating incoming flow conditions will cause the curl of the
entire flow field to be non-zero. Since the flow field only oc-
Under the condition of oscillating incoming flow, the con- cupies a quarter of the period, we can regard it as the devel-
version and propagation of the transverse wave and the lon- opment of various supersonic swirling currents. After passing
gitudinal wave of the pressure wave will occur in the MI through the Mach stem and the incident shock waves, the curl
mode. Fig.20 shows the propagation and conversion process signal will become larger, so a series of small compression
of pressure waves. TW represents the transverse wave, LW waves will be generated in the slip line channel and propagate
represents the longitudinal wave, white dashed line represents downstream. And under the influence of the swing character-
each pressure wave, and the solid white line represents the istics of the slip line channel, the transverse wave will change
sonic line. Taking 10kHz as an example, in the MI mode, to the longitudinal wave.
the slip line channel will generate transverse waves that prop-
agate parallel to the slip line under the condition of oscillat-
ing incoming flow(the first row in Fig.20), T=79us, PW01- B. Different Sinusoidal Oscillation Amplitudes
PW03). When the transverse wave develops downstream in
the slip line channel, it gradually changes from being paral- Another perturbation mechanism is that the oscillation fre-
lel to the slip line channel to a longitudinal wave intersecting quency is 10kHz, and the influence of different amplitude
the slip line. (T=85us and T=88us are the transition process (A=1.0, 1.4, 1.8) on the evolution mechanism and dynamic
from transverse wave to longitudinal wave). In the process of response of the shock wave system is taken into account. The
transverse wave propagation, the pressure wave will cause the effect of amplitude on the shock wave system is discussed
sonic line to appear jagged when passing through the sonic in detail, including shock wave structure, RI↔MI conversion
line. And when the pressure wave passes by, the line of sound process, the Mach stem growth and collapse.
velocity will bulge downstream. It shows that when the pres-
sure wave passes, it will delay the time for the fluid to reach
the local sonic, and the pressure wave is a weak compression 1. The Process of RI↔MI under Different Amplitudes
wave. The propagation process of pressure waves at different
frequencies is shown in rows 2 to 4 in Fig.20. The propagation When the amplitude A=1.0, the Mach numbers of the up-
process and the transition process are consistent with 10kHz. per and lower wedges of the von Neumann solution are 2.222
The difference is that the time point of occurrence and pres- and 2.916, and the detachment solutions are 2.113 and 2.817.
sure wave holding time is different. Secondly, the frequency The corresponding phase intervals are: (11π/16, 0.78π) and
of the generated pressure wave propagation and transition is (1.72π, 29π/16). When the amplitude A=1.8, the lower crit-
much larger than the incoming flow frequency. Due to the os- icality has theoretically exceeded the attached shock wave
cillation characteristics of the slip line channel, the pressure limit, so the analysis of shock polar when the amplitude A=1.8
wave frequency is not easy to monitor, but it can be seen di- is not discussed. Fig.21(Multimedia view) shows density gra-
rectly in the provided video(Multimedia view). dient figures with amplitudes of 1.0 and 1.8. When the ampli-
The generation, propagation and transformation of pressure tude is 1.8, MI→RI has a greater degree of a curved reflected
waves are attributed to the penetration of shock waves in a shock wave, which is caused by the development of the pre-
rotational layer41 . Penetration of the incident shock into the vious detached shock wave. The relevant parameters of the
rotational layer results in a succession of transmitted shocks shock wave system in the mode conversion process are shown
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Accepted to Phys. Fluids 10.1063/5.0110802

Dynamics Study of Shock Wave Intersection under High-Frequency SOIF 14


FIG. 19. Density gradient contour of slip line swing characteristics of the shock wave system under different frequency conditions. (Multimedia

A Mu Ml ∆M Ψ Φ1 Φ2 Φ3 Φ4 M3 M4 D ϑ3 ϑ4 ϑ1,2 t(us)
1.0 1.86 2.08 -0.22 0.35π 44.38 40.97 54.47 51.86 1.52 1.50 RI→MI 13.95 17.99 15 64
1.0 2.68 2.07 0.61 1.92π 36.04 41.39 52.18 63.97 1.73 1.73 MI→RI 15.06 14.45 15 94
1.4 1.69 1.97 -0.28 0.34π 48.21 42.49 55.84 49.38 1.41 1.40 RI→MI 14.88 15.78 15 63
1.4 2.91 2.00 0.91 1.88π 31.92 44.41 52.48 62.64 1.78 1.77 MI→RI 17.54 16.88 15 98
1.8 1.45 2.03 -0.57 0.40π 50.50 42.01 57.66 45.28 1.43 1.38 RI→MI 14.89 15.93 15 60
1.8 3.11 2.03 1.08 1.93π 30.94 42.31 51.82 52.82 2.07 1.96 MI→RI 20.25 11.00 15 100

TABLE VI. Parameter table of shock wave system under different amplitude conditions.
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Accepted to Phys. Fluids 10.1063/5.0110802

Dynamics Study of Shock Wave Intersection under High-Frequency SOIF 15


FIG. 20. Schematic diagram of pressure wave transition and propagation in slip line channels at different frequencies. TW represents the
transverse wave, LW represents the longitudinal wave, white dashed line represents each pressure wave, and the solid white line represents the
sonic line. From top to bottom, the first row to the fourth row is 10kHz, 8kHz, 6kHz, 4kHz.

A Mxu Mxl ∆M Ψ D Ψvon Ψdetach ∆Ψvon ∆Ψdetach

1.0 1.86 2.08 -0.22 0.35π RI→MI 11π /16 0.78π 0.338π 0.430π
1.0 2.68 2.07 0.61 1.92π MI→RI 29π /16 1.72π 0.108π 0.200π
1.4 1.69 1.97 -0.28 0.34π RI→MI 31π /48 2π /3 0.306π 0.327π
1.4 2.91 2.00 0.91 1.88π MI→RI 89π /48 11π /6 0.026π 0.047π
1.8 1.45 2.03 -0.57 0.40π RI→MI — — — —
1.8 3.11 2.03 1.08 1.93π MI→RI — — — —

TABLE VII. The phase difference between CFD calculated value and theoretical value when RI↔MI occurs.
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Dynamics Study of Shock Wave Intersection under High-Frequency SOIF 16


FIG. 21. Contour of density gradient distribution of shock wave system at critical transition point under different amplitude conditions.
(Multimedia view)

2. Evolution of the Mach Stem

Fig.22 shows the curve of the dimensionless height of Mach

stem with time under the condition of different amplitude. It
can be found that the greater the amplitude, the greater the
dimensionless maximum height of the Mach stem. Specifi-
cally, when the amplitude is 1.0, the maximum dimensionless
height of the Mach stem is 0.0426. When the amplitude is 1.8,
FIG. 22. Variation curve of the dimensionless height of Mach stem the dimensionless height of the Mach stem is 0.2921. On the
with time under different amplitude conditions
other hand, the greater the amplitude, the earlier the formation
of the Mach stem and the longer the MI retention time. But
on the whole, the time point of RI→MI transition is not much
different. The advance of the transition time may be caused
in Table (VI) by the more significant the amplitude and the stronger the dis-
Under the condition of different amplitude, the transforma- turbance. The more violent the premature transformation of
tion law between different patterns of the shock wave system RI→MI is, the more pronounced the hysteresis of MI→RI
is consistent with the transformation law between different transformation is.
frequencies. The phase difference between the theoretical and Fig.23 is the curve of the triple-point pressure with ampli-
CFD calculated value is shown in Table (VII). MI↔RI always tude 1.0 and 1.8 overtime. The triple-point pressure distri-
occurs near the corresponding Von Neumann solution, and bution with an amplitude of 1.4 has been shown in Fig.17
there are also premature transformation and hysteresis. When and will not be repeated here. The greater the amplitude,
the amplitude is 1.0, the leading transition phase difference is the greater the pressure oscillation amplitude after the triple-
0.338π, and the hysteresis phase difference is 0.108π. When point. When the amplitude is 1.8, the pressure peak can reach
the amplitude is 1.4, the leading transition phase difference is 1800 kPa, and when the amplitude is 1.0, the pressure peak is
0.306π, and the hysteresis phase difference is 0.026π. When 1300 kPa. Secondly, the greater the amplitude, the more sig-
the amplitude is 1.8, the transition process is relatively com- nificant the pressure difference between the MI mode’s upper
plicated. Still, the amplitude certainly has a significant degree and lower triple points (red and blue lines in the figure). When
of influence on the hysteresis phenomenon and the leading the amplitude is 1.0, the pressure difference of the triple points
transition phenomenon. in the MI pattern is minimal and almost coincidental. How-
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Accepted to Phys. Fluids 10.1063/5.0110802

Dynamics Study of Shock Wave Intersection under High-Frequency SOIF 17

FIG. 23. The variation curve of triple-points pressure with time under the condition of different amplitude.

ever, when the amplitude is 1.8, the pressure gap between the reach 16.0664◦ . As shown by the green dashed line in Fig.25,
triple points is significant in the MI pattern, indicating that the the greater the amplitude, the more pronounced the oscilla-
smaller the amplitude, the better the orthogonality between tion characteristics of the slip line. Furthermore, the smaller
the Mach stem and the x-axis is maintained, and the smaller the amplitude is, the more apparent the K-H instability of the
the swing characteristics of the Mach stem are. The differ- slip line is. This may be because the smaller the amplitude

ence between the pressure peak and the pressure is that the is, the smaller the incoming flow disturbance is, and the more
more extensive the amplitude, the stronger the disturbance. minor the flow disturbance after the shock wave intersection,
resulting in the more apparent K-H instability of the slip line.
The curve of the average total pressure at the inlet and outlet What is notable is that when A=1.8, part of the region behind
of the same frequency with different amplitudes over time is the lower wedge incident shock wave is subsonic, indicating
shown in Fig.24, it can be found that the larger the amplitude, that the lower wedge incident shock wave is close to the de-
the greater the average total pressure loss, this is because, un- tached shock wave. Because the amplitude is too large, the
der the same frequency, the larger the amplitude, the greater Mach number of the incoming flow at the lower wedge is less
the Mach stem height. When the amplitude is 1.8, there is than the Mach number of the minimum attached shock wave,
a bow shock with a larger total pressure loss. Therefore, the causing part of the incident shock wave to form a detached
influence of amplitude on the total pressure loss of the shock shock wave.
system is directly related to the structure of the shock system, The influence of amplitude on the curvature of the inci-
while the influence of frequency on the total pressure loss of dent shock wave is as follows(Fig.26) (Multimedia view): the
the shock system is related to the time lag effect. larger the amplitude, the greater the curvature of the shock
wave, which conforms to the general law. This is because the
more significant the amplitude at different moments, the more
3. Shock Wave Structure and Slip Line Swing Characteristics uneven the Mach number of the incoming flow is, and the
larger the shock wave curvature is. And the direction change
law of the shock wave curvature is as follows: when the shock
The shock wave structure of the MI pattern with differ- wave is in the RI mode, the upper incident shock wave is con-
ent amplitude is emphasized. The density gradient graph vex in the lower-left direction, and the lower incident shock
(Fig.25)(Multimedia view) of the maximum Mach stem wave has a slight curvature. In the MI mode, the upper in-
height under different amplitudes in the MI pattern was se- cident shock wave is convex in the upper-right direction, and
lected to analyze the wave structure of the shock wave system. the lower incident shock wave is convex in the upper-left di-
The green dashed line is used to describe the swing character- rection.
istics of the slip line. The yellow line is the sonic line. It can
also be found that a series of pressure waves propagate in the
slip line channel. Because of the above description, it will not
be analyzed here. VI. CONCLUSIONS
Select the maximum time of Mach stem height under dif-
ferent amplitude conditions to describe the structure of the The characteristics of the shock wave system under the con-
shock wave intersection system. The greater the amplitude, ditions of high-frequency oscillation are systematically stud-
the shorter the incident shock wave and the greater the cor- ied from different frequency disturbances and different ampli-
responding Mach stem height. And the greater the curvature tude disturbances (RI↔MI). The following basic conclusions
of the incident shock wave (detailed analysis later). Secondly, are obtained.
the greater the amplitude, the greater the amplitude of Mach A continuous variation of the shock wave polar analysis
stem swing. When the amplitude is 1.0, the Mach stem is al- method is proposed, and the bi-directional transition process
most perpendicular to the x-direction, and when the amplitude of RI→MI is analyzed by this method. RI→MI and MI→RI
is 1.8, the maximum inclination angle of the Mach stem can both occur near the von Neumann solution, and the large-
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Accepted to Phys. Fluids 10.1063/5.0110802

Dynamics Study of Shock Wave Intersection under High-Frequency SOIF 18

FIG. 24. The curve of the average total pressure at the inlet and outlet with time under different amplitude conditions.

FIG. 25. Shock structure diagram of maximum Mach stem height under different amplitude conditions. (Multimedia view)

scale high-frequency oscillation flow will cause the prema- ability of the MI mode is more robust than that of the RI mode.
ture transformation of RI→MI and the hysteresis phenomenon High-frequency oscillating incoming flow conditions will
of MI→RI. And the higher the frequency, the more signif- cause changes in parameters related to the unsteady shock
icant the phase difference between the premature transfor- wave intersecting system. The Mach stem is one of the main
mation and the hysteresis. Doubling the frequency approx- sources of total pressure loss. The height of the Mach stem de-
imately doubles the phase difference of the premature tran- creases with the increase of frequency and increases with the
sition, in a linear relationship (10kHz-0.306π, 4kHz-0.136π). amplitude. Under different frequency conditions, the average
The pressure recovery factor is responsible for premature tran- total pressure loss is about 0.7MPa, and the difference in the
sitions and hysteresis. On the other hand, the phase differ- Mach stem height is mainly due to the time lag effect. When
ence corresponding to RI→MI(10kHz-0.306π, 4kHz-0.136π) the amplitude is 1.8, the average total pressure loss reaches
is much more than the phase difference of MI→RI(10kHz- 1.6MPa, and when the amplitude is 1.0, the average total pres-
0.02π, 4kHz-0.006π), indicating that the anti-interference sure loss is 0.5MPa. The difference in the Mach stem height is
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Dynamics Study of Shock Wave Intersection under High-Frequency SOIF 19

FIG. 26. Density gradient contour of the curvature of the incident shock wave with amplitude of 1.0 and 1.8. (Multimedia view)

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