19) Shock Train Glancing Shock Boundary Layer Interaction in A Curved Isolator

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Shock train/glancing shock/boundary layer interaction in a

curved isolator with sidewall contraction 
Gang Liang (梁钢) ; He-Xia Huang (黄河峡)  ; Hui-Jun Tan (谭慧俊)  ; Zhong-Qi Luo (罗中岐) ;
Xue-Bin Tang (唐学斌); Can-Min Li (李灿民); Jia Cai (蔡佳)

Physics of Fluids 34, 116106 (2022)



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30 August 2023 06:46:06

Physics of Fluids ARTICLE scitation.org/journal/phf

Shock train/glancing shock/boundary layer

interaction in a curved isolator with sidewall
Cite as: Phys. Fluids 34, 116106 (2022); doi: 10.1063/5.0120400
Submitted: 12 August 2022 . Accepted: 3 October 2022 .
Published Online: 2 November 2022

Gang Liang (梁钢),1 He-Xia Huang (黄河峡),1,a) Hui-Jun Tan (谭慧俊),1,a) Zhong-Qi Luo (罗中岐),1
Xue-Bin Tang (唐学斌), Can-Min Li (李灿民), and Jia Cai (蔡佳)1,2
1 1

College of Energy and Power Engineering, Jiangsu Province Key Laboratory of Aerospace Power System,
Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Nanjing 210016, China
College of Aviation Engineering, Nanjing Vocational University of Industry Technology, Nanjing 210023, China

Authors to whom correspondence should be addressed: huanghexia@nuaa.edu.cn and thj@263.net


30 August 2023 06:46:06

Herein, a curved isolator with sidewall contraction of a hypersonic scramjet is extracted and simplified. The flow characteristics in the
isolator with an entrance Mach number of 3.46 are studied. The results show that the lateral contraction of the sidewall generates a strong
shock and its subsequent reflected shock, which induce glancing shock wave/boundary layer interaction (GSWBLI), rolling up large-scale
vortices adjacent to the symmetry plane. As the downstream backpressure increases, the shock train propagates upstream and interacts with
the glancing shock and vortices inevitably, forming a typical shock train/glancing shock/boundary layer interaction (STGSBLI) phenomenon.
Different from the shock train in a straight isolator, it can be divided into two distinct parts, i.e., the center part and the side part. For the
center part, it behaves in a quasi-two-dimensional manner, which is primarily associated with STGSBLI, forcing the low-momentum subsonic
flow to principally accumulate near the symmetry plane and weakening the spanwise pressure gradient in the center part. For the side part, it
locates behind the glancing and reflected shocks and is much shorter than the center part, resulting in a streamwise extension of the super-
sonic flow region near the sidewall. As the shock train moves upstream, the quasi-two-dimensional region enlarges and extends to the side-
wall. It is demonstrated that the aforementioned two parts of the shock train can also be discovered in curved sidewall-contraction isolators
with different centerlines. Therefore, the STGSBLI is the dominant and universal physical phenomenon in isolators with sidewall contraction.
Published under an exclusive license by AIP Publishing. https://doi.org/10.1063/5.0120400

I. INTRODUCTION In general, the isolator is a straight duct with a rectangular or

In recent years, the scramjet technology has developed rapidly. annular constant cross section.2 In the straight isolator, the coupling of
As an important component of the scramjet, the isolator isolates the the complex fluctuations in the multiple subsonic separation regions
aerodynamic and thermal perturbations from a downstream combus- and the supersonic core flow regions will lead to the flow unsteadiness
tor, enabling the hypersonic inlet to work stably in a wide range. mechanism of the shock train.8 Wang8 reported that the energy in the
Moreover, the isolator serves as a compressor, which decelerates and pressure fluctuation in the region downstream of the shock train lead-
pressurizes the incoming supersonic flow by a shock train.1 The shock ing edge increases significantly, and the low-frequency part increase
train is a series of multiple shocks2 caused by the interaction between a gradually with the increase in backpressure. However, compared with
shock wave and the boundary layer in a duct,3 which can be classified the straight isolator, the curved isolator has outstanding advantages in
into different possible configurations by the freestream Mach number improving the overall structural configuration of the aircraft, making
upstream of the shock.4 As the main flow characteristic in the isolator, its structure more compact with a larger volume ratio. For example,
the compression efficiency of the shock train directly affects the oper- the curved isolator is utilized in the hypersonic dual combustor
ating characteristics of a scramjet engine.5,6 More specifically, the spe- engine,9 NASA P-series inlet/isolator,10 supersonic cascade,11 etc. The
cific impulse of the propulsion system can be increased by 3%5% for effects of the duct curvature on the shock train have been investigated.
every 1% increase in compression efficiency.7 Tan12 experimentally found that the length of the shock train in the

Phys. Fluids 34, 116106 (2022); doi: 10.1063/5.0120400 34, 116106-1

Published under an exclusive license by AIP Publishing
Physics of Fluids ARTICLE scitation.org/journal/phf

curved isolator increases by 32% compared with the length predicted This paper is sequentially organized in the following ways. First,
using the Waltrup-Billig empirical formula,13 and a radial pressure the primary flow structure upstream of the shock train, i.e., the glanc-
gradient is found in the shock train region, which induces a secondary ing shock wave/boundary layer interaction (GSWBLI) is explored ade-
flow. On this basis, Huang14 studied the curved isolator with complex quately. Then, as the backpressure increases, the impact of the shock
background waves and found that the streamwise pressure gradient of train/glancing shock/boundary layer interaction (STGSBLI) on the
the shock train decreases, whereas the radial pressure gradient flow structure and migration of high- and low-momentum flows are
increases with the decrease in the duct curvature. Moreover, the stable investigated and revealed in detail. Subsequently, the effect of the cen-
operation range of the isolator decreases by about 20%, but appropri- terline curvature on the STGSBLI is analyzed. Ultimately, the quasi-
ate duct curvature can weaken the rapid forward motion phenomenon two-dimensional feature of the center part of the shock train in the
of the shock train because of the interaction of background waves. STGSBLI is discussed thoroughly.
He14 reported that the interaction between incident compression II. DESIGN METHOD OF THE CURVED ISOLATOR
waves and separation can establish a positive feedback mechanism, WITH SIDEWALL CONTRACTION
making it difficult for the shock train to stand still in simplified curved
isolators. First, the design method of such curved isolator with sidewall
In addition, the majority of research on high-speed isolators focus contraction is introduced. The key design principle is based on the
on cylindrical and rectangular ducts.15–17 Kawatsu et al.18 reported idea proposed in Ref. 36, wherein the arbitrary cross-sectional shape is
that the onset of boundary layer separation caused by the leading shock transformed to curvature distribution k(s) as the Cartesian coordinates
of the shock train occurs in diverging rectangular ducts differs from are correlated with the curvature uniqueness, as shown in Fig. 1(a).
that in the constant area duct. Billig et al.19 suggested that the shock Once the entrance and exit of the isolator are prescribed by calculating
train characteristics in the cylindrical and rectangular cross sections the curvature of each point in Fig. 1(b), the corresponding curvature
are similar, but the circular duct is more capable of resisting the com- distributions are also determined. Therefore, this method converts the
problem of shape transition between two sections into the problem of
bustion backpressure.20,21 As the isolator locates between the inlet and
curvature transition between two arbitrary functions with the same
combustor, the shape of the inlet exit is fairly complex, particularly for
defined domain.
inward-turning inlet19 and three-dimensional-compression inlet,22
In particular, the design process is illustrated in Fig. 2. The shape
whereas the shape of the combustor is relatively simple usually with a
of the entrance and exit of the isolator designed herein is shown in Fig.
circular or rectangular shape.23,24 Therefore, the isolator must fulfill a
2(a) (the offset of the isolator is not considered here to emphasize the

30 August 2023 06:46:06

smooth transition from an unconventional entrance to a circular or
comparison of shape). First, based on the given entrance and exit
rectangular exit. Wang25 numerically found that the length of the
shape of the isolator as well as the length and offset of the isolator, k(s)
shock train in the rectangular to circular isolator is shortened by 21%
at the entrance and exit of the isolator can be extracted. Afterward, the
compared with the rectangular isolator, but the shock train becomes
curvature distribution function of the entrance and exit is interpolated
wider in the spanwise direction. In addition, Tian et al.26 found that
along the shape distribution function to obtain the curvature distribu-
the separation area in the variable cross section isolator is shorter and
tion function of each cross section in the isolator. Figure 2(c) shows
wider. Wang27 reported that the shock train leading edge exhibits a “k”
the schematic diagram of the shape distribution function. Next, the
shape in the concave channel and the Mach stem of the leading shock
shape of each cross section in the isolator is inversely obtained in
becomes shorter as the radius of the concave channel increases.
accordance with the curvature distribution function calculated in the
For three-dimensional-compression inlet designed based on the
previous step. The final step is to determine the area distribution func-
axisymmetric flow field,22,28,29 its entrance is a ring-sector like section, tion and centerline function, using which each cross section is scaled,
of which the aspect ratio is more than 30,22 while that of a rectangular translated, and rotated to the corresponding position on the centerline
combustor is generally less than 4. As a result, this type of isolator con- and is smoothly connected to each other. Then, the geometric design
necting the inlet and combustor exhibits strong sidewall contraction, of the isolator based on curvature transition is achieved.
leading to the formation of the Glancing Shock Wave/Boundary Layer In this paper, the quintic polynomial is used as the centerline
Interaction (GSWBLI). The main structure of the GSWBLI is that the function of the isolator shown in Eq. (1), where x varies from 0 to Liso
surfaces of the shock and the developed boundary layer plane are per- (the length of the isolator):
pendicular to each other.30 Kubota et al.31 reported that the GSWBLI
can be divided into two types, i.e., the weak and strong interactions
according to the transverse flow structure. Alvi32 found that the most
important parameter determining the GSWBLI phenomenon is the
shock intensity Man ¼ Ma0sinb and divided the GSWBLIs into five
types based on the shock intensity, which are also confirmed by
experiments of others and LES simulation results.33–35
However, the mechanism of the interaction between the glancing
shock/boundary layer flow and the shock train in the sidewall-
contraction isolator remains unclear, which requires further investiga-
tion. Therefore, in this paper, the flow characteristics of a curved
isolator with sidewall contraction are studied via numerical simula-
tions, and the dominant mechanism of the glancing shock/boundary FIG. 1. Schematic diagram of transformation between shape and curvature: (a)
layer interaction (GSWBLI) on the shock train is uncovered. curvature distribution and (b) curvature calculation.

Phys. Fluids 34, 116106 (2022); doi: 10.1063/5.0120400 34, 116106-2

Published under an exclusive license by AIP Publishing
Physics of Fluids ARTICLE scitation.org/journal/phf

30 August 2023 06:46:06

FIG. 2. Specific design process. (a) Shape of the entrance and exit. (b) k(s) of the entrance and exit. (c) Curvature distribution of each point (take s ¼ 0.56, for example). (d) k
(s) of each cross section (x/Liso ¼ 0.5). (e) Shape of each cross section (f) 3D view of the isolator.

 2  3    2  3  4
y x x x x x x x
¼  0:323 þ3  18:450 C ¼6 8 þ3 ; (2)
Hiso Liso Liso Liso Liso Liso Liso Liso
 4  5    2  3
x x x x x
þ 24:191  9:418 : (1) A ¼3 2 : (3)
Liso Liso Liso Liso Liso
In addition, the shape and area distribution functions of the isolator In this paper, the entrance shape is a ring-sector originated from a hyper-
are cubic polynomial shown in Eq. (2) and quartic polynomial shown sonic inlet in Ref. 22, of which the aspect ratio is 31.5 and that of the exit
in Eq. (3), respectively, is 3.6. The three-dimensional view of the curved isolator with sidewall

Phys. Fluids 34, 116106 (2022); doi: 10.1063/5.0120400 34, 116106-3

Published under an exclusive license by AIP Publishing
Physics of Fluids ARTICLE scitation.org/journal/phf

FIG. 3. Curved isolator with sidewall


contraction from different perspectives are displayed in Fig. 3. The other cells are filled in the whole domain. The grids are refined near the wall,
specific design parameters of the isolator are shown in Table I. and the height of the first-layer near-wall grid is set to 0.01 mm to meet
the requirements of yþ  1 and zþ  1. As shown in Fig. 4(b), the
III. NUMERICAL SETUPS pressure far-field boundary is adopted at the entrance of the isolator,
A. Numerical methods and the pressure-outlet boundary is adopted at the exit of the isolator.
In the current study, the commercial computational fluid All solid surfaces are set as no-slip adiabatic walls, and symmetry
dynamic software ANSYS FLUENT, based on the finite volume boundary is adopted for the symmetry plane of the isolator. Since the
method, is used to solve the three-dimensional compressible curved isolator with sidewall contraction studied in this paper is
Reynolds-averaged Navier–Stokes equations. The j–x SST turbulence extracted from a hypersonic inlet/isolator, which is designed to cruse at
model37 is selected, and the molecular viscosity coefficient is modeled the Mach number of 7.0.22 The incoming airflow goes through a series
using the Sutherland formula. The implicit scheme is used for time- of shock and compression waves to the entrance of the isolator, the
marching to accelerate convergence. Roe’s scheme is used to calculate average Mach number at that cross section reduces to 3.46. Therefore,

30 August 2023 06:46:06

inviscid convective fluxes, and the second-order upwind scheme is the Mach number distribution at the entrance used in computation is
applied for spatial discretization of the governing equations. During given by a profile with an average Mach number of 3.46 to simulate the
the calculation, the average static pressure and Mach number of the actual boundary layer at the entrance, in which the thickness of the
exit plane are monitored. When the two monitored parameters no boundary layer constitutes 30% of the height of the isolator entrance.
longer change and the residuals decrease by four orders of magnitude,
the calculation is considered to be convergent and stable. B. Validation of the numerical method
Considering the symmetry of the isolator model, only half of the and grid sensitivity analysis
model is selected for simulation. As shown in Fig. 4(a), hexahedral The experimental results of a curved isolator with a radius of
0.16 m in Ref. 14 are selected to validate the accuracy of the aforemen-
TABLE I. Parameters of the isolator. tioned numerical method, in which the actual Mach number is 4.92
and the backpressure is 30 times of the incoming static pressure.
Parameter (mm) Value Figure 5 presents the experimental and numerical schlieren images,
and the corresponding surface pressure distributions are illustrated in
Liso 460.77 Fig. 6. The internal flows, especially the reflected shock and shock train
Hiso 62.33 structures, obtained using the numerical method are basically consis-
Went 269.26 tent with the experimental results, so as to the surface pressure distri-
Hent 8.55 butions. Therefore, the numerical method utilized in this paper can
Wexi 115.96 accurately capture the main flow structures in the curved isolator.
Hexi 32.00 Furthermore, grid sensitivity is performed in detail. Three grid
sets of the isolator designed herein are generated with a total grid

FIG. 4. Mesh and boundary conditions:

(a) mesh diagram and (b) computational
domain and boundary conditions.

Phys. Fluids 34, 116106 (2022); doi: 10.1063/5.0120400 34, 116106-4

Published under an exclusive license by AIP Publishing
Physics of Fluids ARTICLE scitation.org/journal/phf

FIG. 7. Comparison of surface pressure distributions on the symmetry plane with

FIG. 5. Comparison of internal flow structures: experimental schlieren image (bottom)
different grid sets.
and numerical schlieren image (top).

primary flow structure upstream the shock train, need to be discussed

adequately first. The near-wall streamlines and surface pressure contours
in-state without backpressure are shown in Fig. 8. Due to the contraction
of the sidewall, a three-dimensional glancing shock forms with a local

30 August 2023 06:46:06

high-pressure region (p/pent > 1.5), which can be noticed near the side-
wall. The glancing shock interacts with the bottom and upper boundary
layers, which forces the boundary layer to separate, yielding a classic
GSWBLI. Consequently, a separation line, which is the manifestation of
the flow separation induced by the glancing shock,38 appears on both the
upper and bottom surfaces, driving the low-momentum flow near the
sidewall to migrate to the symmetry plane. The GSWBLI will also roll up
vortices at the feet of the glancing shock on the upper and bottom surfa-
ces, which migrate along the glancing shock39 as shown in Fig. 9 (the
vortices are identified by the Q criterion introduced in Ref. 40 with the
FIG. 6. Comparison of experimental and numerical surface pressure distributions. value of Q ¼ 105 in green and the high-speed regions are exhibited by
iso-surface with Ma ¼ 3.5 in red). When the vortices developed from
number of 2, 7, and 15  106 namely, coarse, fine, and dense, respec- both sides meet on the symmetry plane, they further develop into a pair
tively. The related surface pressure distributions on the symmetry of streamwise vortices. Thus, an evident low-momentum flow accumula-
plane of the three grids are compared and shown in Fig. 7. Comparing tion phenomenon can be observed near the symmetry plane of the isola-
the numerical results of the three grids, no apparent difference in the tor in-state without backpressure.
overall trend of pressure distributions is found. In addition, the pres- Then, the glancing shock reflects on the symmetry plane further.
sure distributions with fine and dense grids are almost identical, Likewise, the reflected shock interacts with the upper and bottom
whereas a tiny discrepancy in pressure distributions is found between boundary layer, inducing GSWBLI again in the rear part of the isola-
the coarse and fine grids. Considering the elaborate flow structures in tor, which forms another two conical vortices. Compared with the first
the isolator and acceptable calculating time, in subsequent analysis, the separation line, the deflection angle across the new separation line is
smaller, that is, the reflected shock is weaker than the glancing shock.
fine grid is selected for the simulation of the curved isolator with side-
In order to illustrate the flow structure more intuitively, the GSWBLI
wall contraction.
in-state without backpressure is exhibited in Fig. 8(c).
IV. RESULTS In conclusion, in-state without backpressure, the complicated
flow structures in the curved isolator with sidewall contraction, differ-
A. Glancing shock wave/boundary layer interaction ent from those in the straight isolator, are dominated by the internal
in the sidewall-contraction isolator successive GSWBLI, and four pairs of vortices are induced by the
In order to analyze the impact of glancing shock wave/boundary shocks, as illustrated in Fig. 10. Moreover, the total pressure loss in the
layer interaction (GSWBLI) on the downstream shock train, the flow isolator increases evidently because of the existence of successive
characteristics of GSWBLI in-state without backpressure, which is the GSWBLI and such vortices.

Phys. Fluids 34, 116106 (2022); doi: 10.1063/5.0120400 34, 116106-5

Published under an exclusive license by AIP Publishing
Physics of Fluids ARTICLE scitation.org/journal/phf

FIG. 8. Flow structures in-state without

backpressure. (a) Near-wall streamlines
on the upper surface. (b) Near-wall
streamlines on the bottom surface. (c)
Schematic of wave system.

To observe the migration characteristics of high- and low-

momentum flow in the isolator under the impact of GSWBLI, sev-
eral spatial pathlines originated from the points at the entrance are
traced. The pathlines are tracked from the entrance of the isolator,
and they are divided into two types according to their origins in the
entrance, i.e., the main flow pathlines and low-momentum flow

30 August 2023 06:46:06

pathlines, as shown in Fig. 11. As shown in Fig. 12, the trajectories of
the main flow pathlines (red color) are almost parallel and smooth,
indicating that the lateral motion is not evident. The intersection
points of these red pathlines on the exit plane are calculated and
shown in black. In addition, the black line lies in the high-speed
region, i.e., the glancing shock and its reflected shock have tiny
effects on the core flow. The pathlines near the sidewall, marked
with blue, severely deviate from the sidewall to the symmetry plane
FIG. 9. Three-dimensional vortex tubes and high-speed region (Ma > 3.5) in-state because of the glancing shock. Then, these fluids, which are forced
without backpressure.
by the reflected shock of glancing shock, deflected back, and kept
almost parallel to the symmetry plane. The intersection points
between these blue pathlines and the exit plane are shown in white.
The white line is located in the low-speed region, indicating that the
increase in the aforementioned boundary layer is primarily associ-
ated with the motion of the fluids near the sidewall driven by the
glancing shock.
Due to the GSWBLI and the aforementioned flow-migration
pattern, the high- and low-speed fluids are redistributed, which
behaves differently with that in straight isolator.41,42 As shown in
Fig. 13, the thickness of the boundary layer slightly increases on the
fore part of the isolator with the increasing core flow Mach number
because of the area expansion of the cross sections. However, caused
by the GSWBLI, the streamwise vortices always locates near the
symmetry plane, which widens the local low-speed region.
Moreover, the glancing shock weakens when the supersonic flow
moves to the aft part of the isolator, where the contraction of the
sidewall becomes moderate. However, as the supersonic flow trans-
fers further to the downstream, the surface of the sidewall gradually
expands in the spanwise direction, which generates a series of expan-
sion waves downstream of GSWBLI, accelerating the airflow to form
FIG. 10. Schematic of flow structures in-state without backpressure. a high-speed region near the sidewall in Fig. 13.

Phys. Fluids 34, 116106 (2022); doi: 10.1063/5.0120400 34, 116106-6

Published under an exclusive license by AIP Publishing
Physics of Fluids ARTICLE scitation.org/journal/phf

FIG. 11. The origins of two types of pathlines.

B. Flow patterns of shock train/glancing

shock/boundary layer interaction in the isolator
With the increase in the backpressure, the shock train begins to
form from the exit and exhibits evident transverse asymmetry, as FIG. 13. Mach number contours on different cross sections and the symmetry
shown in Figs. 14–16. When the backpressure is 3pent (pent and pexi are plane in-state without backpressure.
the static pressures at the entrance and exit, respectively), the shock
train locates at about x ¼ 0.41Liso. Due to the upstream centerline cur- occurs inevitably, leading to a large streamwise position discrepancy
vature of the isolator, the separation bubble induced by the leading along spanwise direction in Fig. 17. Specially, the shock train can be
shock of the shock train near the bottom surface is slightly larger than divided into two parts, i.e., the center part adjacent to the symmetry
that near the upper surface. Consequently, the high-speed region of plane and the side part near the sidewall. For the center part of the
the shock train initially deflects toward the upper surface. After the shock train, it interacts with the glancing shock. As the pressure rise
leading shock, the high-speed region of shock train then deflects back

30 August 2023 06:46:06

(1.74) of the leading shock of the center part is higher than that of
to the middle of the isolator because of the reverse of centerline curva- the glancing shock (1.48), a reflected shock, originated from the
ture, which leads the flow downstream of the shock train to be more point N marked in Fig. 17, is formed to balance the pressure. The
symmetry along transverse direction. When the backpressure ranges occurrence of the glancing shock and its reflected shock pre-
from 5pent to 10pent, the shock train moves upstream from compresses the airflow, yielding a shorter and hysteretic side part of
x ¼ 0.282Liso to about x ¼ 0.035Liso with the main flow generally the shock train. As the backpressure increases to 7pent, the shock train
deflecting to the upper surface. The surface pressure distributions are is closer to the entrance, resulting in a wider center part of the shock
presented in Fig. 16. As can be seen, the upper surface pressure distri- train, as shown in Fig. 17(b). Consequently, the intersection point N of
bution, which is affected by the shock and expansion waves in the the glancing shock and its reflected shock moves closer to the sidewall
shock train, oscillates along the flow but basically exhibiting an ascend- with the multi-shock system confined to a narrower region.
ing trend. Moreover, on the bottom surface, owing to the accumula- Interestingly, though the shock train is quite three-
tion of low-momentum flows, the pressure distribution exhibits a dimensional, the center part behaves in a quasi-two-dimensional
monotonously increase, as can be observed in Fig. 16(b). manner. As can be seen from Fig. 17, the lateral pressure gradient is
However, the three-dimensional structure of the shock train is relatively tiny in the center part region (on the right of point N). To
fairly complicated. When the shock train moves to the upstream of the further demonstrate such feature, three slices with z/Wexi ¼ 0, 0.3,
reflection point of glancing shock (for example, pexi ¼ 5pent), a typical and 0.6 under the backpressure of 7pent, are cut from the domain.
shock train/glancing shock/boundary layer interaction (STGSBLI) The corresponding Mach number contours and surface pressure

FIG. 12. Pathlines originated from entrance in-state without backpressure: (a) upper surface and (b) bottom surface.

Phys. Fluids 34, 116106 (2022); doi: 10.1063/5.0120400 34, 116106-7

Published under an exclusive license by AIP Publishing
Physics of Fluids ARTICLE scitation.org/journal/phf

FIG. 14. Mach number contours on the

symmetry plane and exit under different

30 August 2023 06:46:06

FIG. 15. Density gradient contours on the
symmetry plane under different

distributions are compared in Figs. 18 and 19. As can be seen, the shock-expansion waves within the shock train, a tiny discrepancy
center part of the shock train maintains an identical wave configu- of pressure can be noticed in the upper surface of the center part
ration and streamwise position in different spanwise slices. Since in Fig. 19(a), whereas the bottom flow in the center part is prelimi-
the surface pressure on the upper surface is dominated by the narily low-momentum flow, of which the pressure increases

FIG. 16. Pressure distributions on the

symmetry plane along the upper and bot-
tom surfaces under different backpres-
sures: (a) upper surface and (b) bottom

Phys. Fluids 34, 116106 (2022); doi: 10.1063/5.0120400 34, 116106-8

Published under an exclusive license by AIP Publishing
Physics of Fluids ARTICLE scitation.org/journal/phf

FIG. 17. Surface pressure contours under different backpressures: (a) pexi/pent ¼ 5 and (b) pexi/pent ¼ 7.

monotonously, and there is almost no difference between these sli- different backpressures, which further indicates the quasi-two-dimen-
ces, as exhibited in Fig. 19(b). sional characteristics of the center part of the shock train. Affected by
the STGSBLI, the lateral pressure gradient caused by the glancing
shock is terminated at the intersection point N in Fig. 20(a), which is
C. Flow migration in the shock train/glancing the boundary of the center part of the shock train. Consequently,
shock/boundary layer interaction region when the backpressure is 5pent, the lateral migration of low-
Due to the aforementioned two parts of the shock train in the momentum flow from the sidewall (blue color) does not reach the
STGSBLI region, the migration characteristics of high- and low- symmetry plane, and it is terminated at the boundary of the center
momentum flows in the isolator show different tendencies and are part of the shock train, as shown in Figs. 20(a) and 20(b). In addition,
exhibited in Fig. 20 (the meanings of all colors and lines in Fig. 20 are when the backpressure increases to 7pent, the side part of the shock
consistent with those in Fig. 12). As shown in Fig. 20, the trajectories train is confined in a narrower region, leading to the shortening of the
of the main flow pathlines (red color) have no lateral migration under distance of the lateral migration of low-momentum flow from the

30 August 2023 06:46:06

FIG. 18. Mach number contours on differ-
ent spanwise cross section with the back-
pressure of 7pent: (a) different spanwise
cross sections and (b) Mach number

Phys. Fluids 34, 116106 (2022); doi: 10.1063/5.0120400 34, 116106-9

Published under an exclusive license by AIP Publishing
Physics of Fluids ARTICLE scitation.org/journal/phf

FIG. 19. Pressure distributions on differ-

ent spanwise cross section when the
backpressure is 7pent: (a) upper surface
and (b) bottom surface.

sidewall, as shown in Figs. 20(c) and 20(d). Therefore, the STGSBLI sidewall, the low-momentum flow principally accumulates in the cen-
contributes to the difference of flow structures in two regions. Near ter region, exhibiting quasi-two-dimensional feature. However, the
the symmetry plane, the flow structure is dominated by the center part supersonic high-speed flow shaded with red color lies near the side-
of the shock train with quasi-two-dimensional feature, in which the wall, which represents the aforementioned glancing shock, reflected
airflow is relatively uniform with no lateral migration. However, near shock and the side part of the shock train region. Since the side part of
the sidewall, the airflow is dominated by the multi-shock system and the shock train exhibits a hysteretic effect, compared with the center
the side part of the shock train with evident lateral migration. part of the shock train, the supersonic region extends longer along
Distinct flow-migration patterns in the two parts of the shock streamwise direction than that in the center part, terminating at the
train result in different distributions of high- and low-momentum exit of the isolator. When the backpressure increases to 7pent, the influ-

30 August 2023 06:46:06

flows in the STGSBLI region. To evidently observe this phenomenon, ence range of STGSBLI evidently shrinks, and the streamwise hyster-
two iso-surfaces, with the Mach number values of 0.2 and 1.0, which etic effect of the side part of the shock train is generally weakened,
stands for the low- and high-momentum flows, respectively, are drawn causing the forward movement of the supersonic region in the side
in Fig. 21. In Fig. 21, due to the evident lateral migration from the part of the shock train. In consequence, the deceleration caused by the

FIG. 20. Pathlines originated from entrance under different backpressures: (a) pexi/pent ¼ 5, upper surface; (b) pexi/pent ¼ 5, bottom surface; (c) pexi/pent ¼ 7, upper surface;
and (d) pexi/pent ¼ 7, bottom surface.

Phys. Fluids 34, 116106 (2022); doi: 10.1063/5.0120400 34, 116106-10

Published under an exclusive license by AIP Publishing
Physics of Fluids ARTICLE scitation.org/journal/phf

FIG. 21. Mach number contours, low-

momentum region (Ma < 0.2) and super-
sonic region (Ma > 1) under different
backpressures: (a) pexi/pent ¼ 5 and (b)
pexi/pent ¼ 7.

side part of the shock train is enhanced, contributing to the reduction dimensional characteristics of the center part. As the backpressure
in the velocity gradient between the high- and low-momentum flows, ascends from 5pent to 10pent, the total pressure recovery coefficient on
which ultimately results in a weaker mixing effect between them. the symmetry plane of the exit progressively increases approximately
Therefore, the high- and low-momentum flow distribution on by 37.5%, as shown in Fig. 23. Actually, this is principally due to the
the exit of isolator differs from that in the straight isolator. Figure 22 fact that the Mach number ahead of the shock train decrease from
compares the exit flow Mach number contours with different back- 3.62 to 3.46, which reduces the pressure loss of the shocks and the skin
pressures. As can be seen, the high-speed flows principally distribute friction behind of the shock train. Meanwhile, as the shock train
near the both sidewalls, especially when the backpressure is 5pent in moves upstream, the glancing shock as well as its reflected shock is
Fig. 22(a). Nevertheless, the low-speed flows with less spanwise gra- confined into a narrower region; thus, the related pressure loss

30 August 2023 06:46:06

dients in velocity predominantly accumulate near the symmetry plane, decreases. Dissimilarly, at a certain backpressure, the total pressure
the range of which progressively extends with the rise of the backpres- recovery coefficient on the symmetry plane of the exit exhibits evident
sure in Figs. 22(b)–22(d), existing as a manifestation of the quasi-two- uniformity in the transverse direction with merely little discrepancies
in Fig. 23.

D. Centerline curvature on the STGSBLI phenomenon

in curved sidewall-contraction isolators
The aforementioned analysis reveals that both the glancing shock
generated by the sidewall contraction and the shock train induced by

FIG. 22. Mach number contours on the exit (mirrored by the symmetry plane)
under different backpressures: (a) pexi/pent ¼ 5, (b) pexi/pent ¼ 7, (c) pexi/pent ¼ 9,
And (d) pexi/pent ¼ 10. FIG. 23. Total pressure distributions on the symmetry plane of the exit.

Phys. Fluids 34, 116106 (2022); doi: 10.1063/5.0120400 34, 116106-11

Published under an exclusive license by AIP Publishing
Physics of Fluids ARTICLE scitation.org/journal/phf

FIG. 24. Curved sidewall-contraction isolators with different centerline functions.

the rising backpressure contribute to the formation of the STGSBLI, side view of the curved sidewall-contraction isolators with different
which indicates that this phenomenon is the dominated flow in the centerline shapes
 2  3
sidewall-contraction isolator. To demonstrate its universality, several y x x x
isolators with different centerline shapes are designed by the methods ¼ 0:323 þB þ ð4B  6:45Þ
Hiso Liso Liso Liso
introduced in Sec. II. The centerline shapes are mainly determined by  4  5
the parameter B as presented in Eq. (4). If B ¼ 3, Eq. (4) equals to x x
þ ð5B þ 9:19Þ þ ð2B  3:42Þ : (4)
Eq. (1), which corresponds to the baseline isolator analyzed above. If Liso Liso
B ¼ 3, the centerline shape is almost a straight line. As the value of B The flow structures in these isolators with different centerlines
decreases, the isolator bends more severely. Figure 24 compares the are exhibited in Fig. 25. It can be discovered that the flow structures of

30 August 2023 06:46:06

FIG. 25. Wall pressure distributions and Mach number contours of isolators with different centerlines when the backpressure is 5pent.

Phys. Fluids 34, 116106 (2022); doi: 10.1063/5.0120400 34, 116106-12

Published under an exclusive license by AIP Publishing
Physics of Fluids ARTICLE scitation.org/journal/phf

FIG. 26. Bottom pressure distributions on

different spanwise cross sections with dif-
ferent centerlines when the backpressure
is 5pent: (a) B ¼ 3, (b) B ¼ 0, (c) B ¼ 3,
and (d) B ¼ 5.

30 August 2023 06:46:06

STGSBLI in sidewall-contraction isolators with different centerlines the redistribution of low-momentum flow. Thus, the low-momentum
are similar, with a center part of the shock train near the symmetry flow accumulates near the symmetry plane, of which the ability to
plane and a multi-shock system including a glancing shock, reflected resist the adverse pressure gradient is much weaker than high-
shock, and the side part of the shock train near the sidewall. Despite momentum flow. Consequently, when the backpressure ascends and
the centerline shapes, the high- and low-momentum fluids are located the center part of the shock train moves upstream, the low-
at the side and center part of the isolator respectively, which resembles momentum flow generally decelerates to low subsonic after the inter-
to that introduced in the baseline isolator. Moreover, the trends of the action with the center part of the shock train in Fig. 21. As shown in
pressure distributions on different spanwise cross sections, as shown the figure, the low-momentum flow begins to form after the leading
in Fig. 26, are consistent with each other in sidewall-contraction isola- shock of the center part of the shock train and gradually accumulates
tors with different centerlines, which further validates the universality along the streamwise direction. Furthermore, in the region dominated
of the quasi-two-dimensional characteristics of the center part of the by the subsonic flow, the pressure disturbance will rapidly propagate
shock train in STGSBLI. to the adjacent domains. Consequently, the spanwise pressure gradient
gradually weakens in these subsonic regions, as shown in Fig. 27,
which directly contributes to the quasi-two-dimensional flow struc-
E. Discussion on the quasi-two-dimensional flow
tures in the STGSBLI.
structure in the STGSBLI
Based on the preceding discussions, the center part of the shock V. CONCLUSIONS
train exhibits evident quasi-two-dimensional characteristics under dif- In this paper, a curved isolator with sidewall contraction of a
ferent backpressures, although the flow structures near the sidewall are hypersonic scramjet is extracted and simplified. Numerical simulations
fairly complex, including the multi-shock system with distinct lateral are conducted with an entrance Mach number of 3.46 to capture the
migration. The dominant mechanism for the quasi-two-dimensional primary flow structures, and the dominant mechanism of the glancing
flow structures in the STGSBLI needs further discussion. shock/boundary layer interaction (GSWBLI) on the shock train in the
Under the swept effect of glancing shock in the STGSBLI, the isolator is analyzed in depth.
low-momentum flow (boundary layer and vortices) is induced to The lateral contraction of the sidewall generates a strong glancing
migrate laterally from the sidewall to the symmetry plane, leading to shock, which forms a glancing shock wave/boundary layer interaction

Phys. Fluids 34, 116106 (2022); doi: 10.1063/5.0120400 34, 116106-13

Published under an exclusive license by AIP Publishing
Physics of Fluids ARTICLE scitation.org/journal/phf

FIG. 27. Spanwise pressure gradient con-

tours under different backpressures: (a)
pexi/pent ¼ 5 and (b) pexi/pent ¼ 7.

(GSWBLI), resulting in the separation of the local boundary layer. The ACKNOWLEDGMENTS
GSWBLI rolls up vortices adjacent to the symmetry plane on upper
This work was funded by the National Natural Science Foundation
and bottom surfaces and drives them to migrate along the glancing
of China (Grant Nos. 51906104, 12272177, and U20A2070), the
shock. Once these vortices meet on the symmetry plane, they further
National Science and Technology Major Project (No. J2019-II-0014-
develop into two pairs of streamwise vortices, contributing to an evi-
0035), 1912 Project (Nos. 2019-JCJQ-DA-001-067 and 2019-JCJQ-DA-
dent accumulation of low-momentum flow near the symmetry plane.
001-164), the Foundation of National Key Laboratory of Transient
Then, the glancing shocks from both sides reflect on the symmetry
Physics (No. 6142604200212), and the priority academic program
plane, which induces GSWBLI again in the aft part of the isolator, roll-
development of Jiangsu higher education institutions.

30 August 2023 06:46:06

ing up another two vortices on upper and bottom surfaces along the
reflected shock. Therefore, in-state without backpressure, the flows in
this curved isolator with sidewall contraction are dominated by the AUTHOR DECLARATIONS
internal successive GSWBLI with four pairs of vortices, which evi- Conflict of Interest
dently increases the total pressure loss in the isolator. The authors have no conflicts to disclose.
When the backpressure increases, the shock train begins to form
from the exit and exhibits evident transverse asymmetry with the Author Contributions
increase in the backpressure, which is affected by the centerline curva-
Gang Liang: Formal analysis (lead); Investigation (lead); Methodology
ture of the isolator. As the shock train propagates upstream, it interacts
(lead); Validation (lead); Writing – original draft (lead). He-xia Huang:
with the glancing shock and the vortices inevitably, forming a typical
Conceptualization (equal); Funding acquisition (equal); Resources
shock train/glancing shock/boundary layer interaction (STGSBLI)
(equal); Supervision (equal); Writing – review & editing (equal). Hui-jun
phenomenon. In the STGSBLI region, the shock train can be divided Tan: Funding acquisition (equal); Project administration (equal);
into distinctive two parts, i.e., a center part near the symmetry plane Resources (equal). Zhong-qi Luo: Visualization (supporting); Writing –
and a side part near the sidewall. As for the center part of the shock review & editing (supporting). Xue-bin Tang: Resources (equal).
train, it behaves in a quasi-two-dimensional manner, in which the Can-min Li: Software (equal); Visualization (equal). Jia Cai: Formal
main flow is relatively uniform without apparent lateral migration. analysis (equal); Methodology (equal); Resources (equal).
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