Extra Credit

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I think that this painting resembles some of the work that we did.

The red in the dress

represents a vocal point. The person in the painting is placed in the middle as the main point in
the painting. You can clearly see the different repeating motif and the color represents
transparency. Also, we can see the contrast of color of the dark background and the light dress
and person. The background has some space that showcases the person. The frame is a simple
classic frame like the old days. The details like the curtain and the carpet are clear and detailed.
One of the interesting points is the table, the gray shade could be a shadow and the outline could
be the abstract shape of the table. I chose this painting because I think it’s a classic old painting
with a clear plan. The color, pattern, and technique represent the work that we did in class. I am
interested in the history and purpose of this painting. Every artwork has a purpose and a reason
behind it, it could relate to the artist. To me this feels like a picture of a beautiful lady that people
take when they have just bought a new dress. The painting could be someone famous or someone
with a high hierarchy, from the art point of view. The meaning behind the painting could be
different from the artist’s point of view. The artis could be thinking of something or in this case
someone special to the artist. It could also be a painting from the memory of the artist. There are
lots of possibilities on the meaning behind this painting, I may not know much about it or the
artist, I would like to know more about it. When I was in the museum this painting was heavily
guarded with a line barrier that makes it look important, that indicates to me that I could be done
by someone famous, that’s one of the things that drew me to this painting.
I like this painting because of the color and the detail. The red cloak with the gold detail
stans out as a focal point. The gold flower pattern on the cloak brings out the red cloak. The
design on the podium is clear and the detailing you can kind of see the rough texture on it. The
detail on his hair beard and mustache is clear. The background is dark but the light white that
comes from the sky redirected my gaze to that point. The cloud is shady it has the transparency
between the dark background and the white light. The way his hands and his face are facing are
controversial, his face is facing up to the light, but his hand is facing the front. The book looks
like it’s moving as the wind is flipping the pages. The writing on the pages is like an old
handwritten book. You can kind of see the reflection of the light on his sleeves and the light
around his head looks great. To me this painting looks like a priest reading the bible and a light
comes from the haven, like the story in the bible where a light shown down, and angels and
doves flew down from the sky. You can see a portion of the shoes, the way that they are facing
tells me how he is standing. The expression on the priest face looks like he is in the moment is
like when a priest is preaching. The frame has a cool and complicated motif which I like. I chose
this painting because it looks nice, the details are clear and the point that this painting is
presenting is clear. This reminds me of the past when I was young and I was in church I saw and
heard the priest/pastor preach for the first time, that painting took me back to that time, it
reminded me of the past.

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