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Name: ............................................

Nguyn Thanh Hi Date: 26/ 08/2023 ............................ - Session 15

Exercise 1: Complete the text below with these words
grade strict hour period rules discipline uniform test
School was very different when I was young. We all had to wear a school (1) ___________.
uniform There
were lots of (2) _____________
rules and the teachers were very (3) ____________.
strict We had to stand up
whenever a teacher came into the room. Once a week we had a (4) ___________ and anybody who
got a (5) ___________
grade hour
D or E had to do extra work during the lunch (6) ___________. My favorite
subject was art, but we only had that for one (7) ____________
period a week. Schools are more relaxed
nowadays, but when you look at the problems in society, I think perhaps we should bring back some
of the (8) ____________.

Exercise 2: You will hear part of a radio interview with a woman called Christine Whitelaw.
For questions 1 – 10, complete the sentences
Christine’s occupation is that of (1) _____________to a chef. Christine is skilled at (2)
_____________ very quickly.
Christine followed a (3) _____________________ when she first left school.
Christine’s first job was at a hotel called the (4) ____________________
In order to get her present job, Christine had to attend (5) ___________________
After lunch, Christine spends her time doing correspondence and making (6) ___________________
If Christine has a working lunch with Patrick, they eat it in the (7) _________________________
Christine’s previous hotel experience taught her how to cope with the (8) ____________________
Christine finds it difficult to resist all the (9) ____________________________where she works
Christine says that she wouldn’t want to change her job and work as a (10) ____________________

Exercise 3: Choose the correct word to complete the text

Dear Tomo,
You asked me about education in my country. I’m still at (1) school/the school because it’s (2)
essential/ compulsory here up to the (3) age/ year of 16. We go to a kindergarten or nursery school
first and then we (4) start/ join primary school, where we spend seven years, when we’re four or five
years of (5) old/ age. Now I (6) go/ attend a state secondary school which has about 1000 (7) pupils/
undergraduates. We have six lessons a day and each subject is (8) taught/ learnt by a different
teacher. We have a lot of homework and projects and, if we (9) lose/ miss an important deadline, we
have to stay (10) following/ after school to finish the work and hand it (11) in/ on. We have to wear
a uniform until we’re 15 but after that we’re (12) let/ allowed to wear own clothes. When we’re 16,
we (13) take/ pass some exams. Then we can either (14) leave/ depart school or stay on for two
more years. During those two years we (15) learn/ study just three or four subjects. There are also

English with Ms. Minh - 0968677958

Name: ............................................ Date: 26/ 08/2023 ............................ - Session 15
(16) opportunities/ occasions to do vocational courses like hairdressing or mechanics at a college of
further education. I haven’t decided what to do yet.
Write back soon - Ian

Exercise 4: Read and circle the correct answer

A year in China
How a year in China’ “romantic city” helped Hannes Ortner learn Chinese?
In China, Dalian is known as the “romantic city”, and during my year studying Chinese at Dalian
Foreign Language University, I certainly fell in love: the language is the key to a fascinating way of
life, while the city itself is surrounded by green hills and the ocean, and overlooked by a marvelous
castle that I always meant to visit while I was there.
Dalian is generally quite a new city, without the long cultural history of Beijing, and the skyscrapers
that have appeared in recent years are evidence of China’s position as the world’s fastest – growing
economy. The boom has seen the number of foreigners coming to the country to learn Chinese
increase enormously, and I was thankful that relatively few Westerners have discovered Dalian. I
rarely had the opportunity to use Chinese in everyday situation in China’s bigger cities, where
European tourists are everywhere and young people are keen to practice their English.
I was the only Westerner in my class. After a four – hour oral exam and a written test, I was placed in
a post – intermediate group with 12 people – all Asians. I was already three years into a four – year
degree in Chinese culture and language, but it was still difficult to keep up with the Japanese and
Korean students, who were much more familiar with Chinese characters (the symbols used in the
written language). One of the big advantages at the University of Vienna had been the large classes,
with 30 – 40 people trying to learn Chinese in just four hours a week. In Dalian we were taught five
days a week for three hours plus another four hours one afternoon a week. Some of the older teachers
still used traditional teaching methods, concentrating on reading texts, listening to tapes, and learning
by oral repetition, and although it initially took me a while to become accustomed to this, it really
helped us improve our skills.
We had three teachers, but Mrs Lin soon became our favorite. I was fortunate enough to have six
weeks of additional classes with this wonderful lady after I was chosen to take part in the Dalian
Chinese speech competition. In preparation for the event, we met for two hours a day to work on
my pronunciation using a text she had written called “I love Dalian” I found the whole experience
quite demanding – from the intense training to speaking in front of a large audience (including
Chinese teachers) – but it was the best language training I have ever received and I thank my patient
teachers for the fact that I eventually won the competition. It was this experience that made me
determined to perfect my command of the language.
Chinese is sometimes said to be one of the most difficult languages to learn, mainly because of its
complex grammar, writing system (which uses a vast number of characters) and system of tones

English with Ms. Minh - 0968677958

Name: ............................................ Date: 26/ 08/2023 ............................ - Session 15
(every syllable in standard Chinese can be pronounced in four different ways depending on the
meaning). But Mrs. Lin knew how to explain things in a simple way and, with her as my teacher, I
realized that Chinese does not deserve its reputation for difficulty.
The second term had already started when I decided to move out of my Western – style flat and into a
more traditional Chinese one, and I had to fill out a number of official documents. For Westerners in
China, moving house involves re – registering at the police station and a certain amount of form –
filling. On several occasions I had to bite my lip and remember that young Asian people coming to
the West to study would probably have to go through a similar procedure, but in the end, I was able to
move into my new place.
During that second term I got my head down and concentrated on improving my language skills
before returning to Austria to finish my degree. I adore China - its magnificent landscapes, its people
with their unique history and, above all, its language, which introduced me to a new way of thinking
and a rich cultural history, and ultimately helped me broaden my horizons.
1. Apart from the natural beauty of Dalian, why did the writer enjoy staying there?
A. It has always been an important center of Chinese culture.
B. Near the city there is an old building that he often visited.
C. While he was there, he was in love with another student.
D. His studies enables him to understand Chinese society.
2. Why did he prefer Dalian to other Chinese cities?
A. He didn’t have to speak in Chinese all the time C. He could help local people learn to speak English
B. There were not so many people from the West D. He had always liked seeing modern buildings
3. What does the writer say about his lessons at Dalian University?
A. The number of students in the class was far too high.
B. He should have been placed in a much lower – level class.
C. Some of his classmates made faster progress than him.
D. Students did not spend enough time in the classroom.
4. How did he feel about the way he was taught Chinese in Dalian?
A. It was impossible for him to get used to it C. It was different but it was highly effective
B. It was a pity he only did reading and listening D. It was not as good as the teaching in Vienna
5. What change occurred as a result of his involvement in the speech competition?
A. He felt he did not need to continue improving his Chinese.
B. He had extra lessons with the teacher he admired most.
C. He began to write his own texts in Chinese about Dalian.
D. He no longer found it difficult to make speeches in Chinese.
6. What did he discover about the Chinese language?
A. Some aspects of the grammar are very simple C. The pronunciation of short words is easy to learn
B. It is easier to learn than some people claim D. It is impossible for Westerners to learn it outside China

English with Ms. Minh - 0968677958

Name: ............................................ Date: 26/ 08/2023 ............................ - Session 15
7. What is meant by “bite my lip” in bold?
A. stop myself saying something. C. say something that wasn’t true.
B. smile at what somebody said. D. get very angry with somebody.
8. What conclusion does the writer draw about his stay in China?
A. It was enjoyable being there, but he was glad to return to Europe.
B. The thing he loved most was seeing the beautiful scenery there.
C. Learning Chinese made him interested in a wider range of things.
D. He would never really understand the way people there think.

Exercise 5: Writing practice (from 140-160 words)

Last month, I go on a holiday with my friends and family at Da Nang beach. Before the day we
go there I have to prepare a lot of personal items to go on a 4 day 3 night trip in Da Nang such as

lotion, face towel, brush, clothes, etc. The next day we went to NHA GA HA NOI to took a trip to D Nang
by train, there were many people at there. Finally, we were I got on the train and sat in our room. It took
us took us 15 hours to travel from HA NOI to DA NANG. Its was a very long time so we decided to sleep
and eating in the train. The next day, we were reading to got off the train, when we got down the train we
caught the taxi and go to the hottel where we were already book. We relaxed a little bit and after that we
go to the wharf to visit CAU RONG. And then we watch Italy and France shoot fireworks, this was the
finnal round so it's very beautifully and it cost my family 4.000.000 vnd. And the next day we go to DA
Nang beach, we can't play at there long because we need to prepare our luggage to go home. Those
were the best picnic days of my life

English with Ms. Minh - 0968677958

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