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Barrie Men’s League Rules – 2023/2024 Season

President – Rick Woodard

Vice President – Dave Pitoscia

Secretary/Treasurer – Chris Lynn

1. The League Officers shall consist of a President, Vice President, and a Secretary/Treasurer. The
“Board of Directors” shall consist of the League Officers and all the team captains.

2. Bowling fees will be $30.00 per bowler per week. If a bowler is absent, prize money ($14.00)
will be paid to the league upon their return.

3. The league is sanctioned with the Canadian Tenpin Federation (CTF). All league members and
spares must hold a current CTF membership to compete in the league. All CTF rules are in
effect. The league is open to all bowlers over 18 years of age as of September 1 st, 2023.

4. The handicap shall be based on 90% of the difference between a bowler’s average and 220. A
vacancy average will be a score of 180 with 36 pins handicap.
a. The maximum individual handicap will be 63 pins per game (based on 150 average).
b. Any bowler averaging over 220 will bowl scratch.

5. If a bowler is absent a score of their average minus 10% will be used as the posted score.
Handicap will remain the same.
a. If a bowler is absent for 3 consecutive weeks without contacting their captain or League
Officers, the bowler will be assumed to have quit the league and will be replaced. Any
prize money earned will be forfeited.

6. The team on the left lane will set their line-up first, and lineups cannot be changed once practice
completes. Any pre-bowled scores will not to be revealed until after the line-ups are set. When
bowling against an absent/pre-bowled score the bowler must beat the score posted. Pre-
bowled/absent bowlers must not be matched against each other unless unavoidable (no pre-
determined matches). When bowling against a vacant team the bowler must beat their current
average to win points, and the team must beat their team average. An absent/vacant bowler
can win points.
a. A legal lineup must have at least one bowler present, and at least one pre-bowl. Spares
count towards a legal lineup. If a team has an illegal lineup they cannot win any points,
however the opposing team must still beat any posted scores to win the points. Pre-
bowled scores in an illegal lineup would count towards the bowler’s average only.
7. Bowlers will start the season using their final average from the previous Majors season. This
average will be used for the first 9 games, and then their established average will be used.
a. Any new bowler to the league will use their highest book average from the previous
season for their first 9 games.
b. Any new bowler without a sanctioned league average from the past 3 years will start
with a 180 average for the first 9 games.

8. Pre-bowling must be done on a pair of lanes. You must inform the Bowlerama counter staff that
you are pre-bowling before you start bowling any practice/games. If a bowler wishes to bowl
games prior to pre-bowling it must be done on a different pair of lanes.
a. Bowlers will be allowed to “bank” one pre-bowl per half, which must be used before
the half ends, and prior to any dated prebowls. Any dated prebowls will be used on
the date listed even if the bowler is able to attend.
b. Pre-bowled scores do not count toward any individual awards, except high average and
bowler of the year points.
c. No pre-bowls are accepted for playoff rounds

9. The league secretary fees will be $875 per season.

10. Team registration fees will be $100 per team.

11. Each team is responsible for all prize money for the year (4 bowlers X 35 weeks prize money
$14/wk). Any exceptions to be approved by the Board of Directors.

12. A bowler may only win one individual award per season, excluding bowler of the year. If a
bowler wins multiple awards a special award will be given.
a. Bowlers must bowl 2/3 of a season to be eligible for an award
b. Bowler of the Year is based on individual match points

13. At the end of the season any remaining prize money will be equally divided between all teams.

14. Points are awarded weekly as 2 points for each individual win (head-to-head), and 3 points for
each team game win. 2 points are awards for the team series win. 35 points are awarded each
15. Late bowlers cannot enter a game once the 1st ball of the opposing team’s fourth frame has
been delivered.

16. If a bowler leaves the bowling center for any reason and does not return before their turn to
bowl the opposing team captain may enforce a penalty of a zero score for that frame.

17. A spare bowler cannot compete for more than one team per week.

18. Once a bowler is designated as a “Team Bowler” they are not eligible to bowl for another team
in any capacity for the remainder of the season, unless approved by the Board of Directors.
a. Any bowler being added to a roster must speak with a League Officer with the team
captain present to confirm their intention to become a team member.

19. Any league disputes or rule infractions will be settled by a vote by the Board of Directors.

20. A CTF schedule will be used with a few modifications to better balance the schedule.

21. For all playoff rounds the team with the higher point total will be on the right lane.

22. If a team wins both halves of the season, they automatically win both the first and second place
League Championship prizes ($1250). That team will not be eligible to compete in the Jim
Strang Memorial Tournament on the final night.

23. For playoff rounds, a spare must have a minimum of 9 games bowled for the first half, and 18
games for the second half, in a sanctioned CTF or USBC league, and be able to be verified.

24. All teams must designate a captain.

25. The league will compete in 2 conferences, each consisting of 2 divisions. Based on a 12-team
league, each division will have 3 teams.

26. League rules are set at the annual general meeting (AGM) and are in effect for that bowling
season. The AGM will be held at the completion of competition on the 2 nd last week of the

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