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Journal of Applied Psychology Copyright 1998 by the American Psychological Association, Inc.

1998, Vol. 83, No. 2, 234-246 0021-9010/98/S3.00

Functional Relations Among Constructs in the Same Content Domain at

Different Levels of Analysis: A Typology of Composition Models

David Chan
Michigan State University and National University of Singapore

Composition models specify the functional relationships among phenomena or constructs

at different levels of analysis (e.g., individual level, team level, organizational level) that
reference essentially the same content but that are qualitatively different at different levels
(M. T. Hannan, 1971; K. H. Roberts, C. L. Hulin, & D. M. Rousseau, 1978; D. M.
Rousseau, 1985). Specifying adequate composition models is a critical component of
good multilevel research. A typology of composition models is proposed to provide a
framework for organizing, evaluating, and developing constructs and theories in multilevel
research. Five basic forms of composition are described and illustrated. Implications of
the typology are discussed.

Organizational phenomena have the properties of dy- frameworks and methodological advances, the fundamen-
namic systems, with critical antecedents, processes, and tal substantive issue of construct validation in multilevel
outcomes conceptualized and measured at multiple levels research has not been addressed adequately. Accompa-
of organizational analysis (e.g., individual, group, organi- nying the increased interest in multilevel research is an
zation). Because more researchers are beginning to real- increased proliferation of new constructs at multiple lev-
ize that the organizational phenomenon under investiga- els. Unless we have explicit composition models to guide
tion often is inherently multilevel as opposed to occurring the development and validation of newly proposed con-
at a single level or in a level vacuum, organizational stud- structs in multilevel research, there is a danger of violating
ies increasingly are adopting a multilevel approach. Sev- the scientific principle of parsimony. Organizational re-
eral influential theoretical frameworks for multilevel re- searchers could easily end up with a multitude of labels,
search have been proposed (e.g., House, Rousseau, & all of which purportedly refer to scientific constructs but
Thomas-Hunt, 1995; Klein, Dansereau, & Hall, 1994; in reality have no incremental explanatory value. Compo-
Rousseau, 1985). Excellent discussions on important sition models specify the functional relationships among
mathematical issues related to the analysis of multilevel phenomena or constructs at different levels of analysis
data (e.g., Bliese & Halverson, in press; Ostroff, 1993a) (e.g., individual level, team level, organizational level)
and analytical models for structuring multilevel data (e.g., that reference essentially the same content but that are
Bryk & Raudenbush, 1987; McArdle & Epstein, 1987; qualitatively different at different levels (Hannan, 1971;
Meredith & Tisak, 1990; Muthen, 1994; Willett & Sayer, Roberts, Hulin, & Rousseau, 1978; Rousseau, 1985).
1994) also are available. Specifying functional relationships between constructs at
However, despite the existence of broad theoretical different levels provides a systematic framework for map-
ping the transformation across levels. The explicit trans-
formation relationships provide conceptual precision in
David Chan, Department of Psychology, Michigan State Uni-
versity, and Department of Social Work and Psychology, Na- the target construct, which in turn aids in the derivation
tional University of Singapore. of test implications for hypothesis testing. Unfortunately,
I thank Neal Schmitt, Daniel Ilgen, and Richard DeShon for the specification of functional relationships between con-
their helpful comments on the article, and i am grateful to Steve structs has not always been adequate or even explicit in
Kozlowski for introducing me to multilevel research. multilevel research. This is partly because no systematic
An earlier version of this article was presented at the 1997 frameworks for specifying functional relationships exist.
Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management in Boston,
An adequate typology of composition models addresses
Massachusetts, August 1997.
the above problems and contributes to multilevel research
Correspondence concerning this article should be addressed
to David Chan, Department of Psychology, 129 Psychology Re- in at least two important ways. First, it provides an or-
search Building, Michigan State University, East Lansing, Mich- ganizing framework for existing focal constructs facilitat-
igan 48824-1117. Electronic mail may be sent to dchan@ ing scientific communication in multilevel research. Re-
pilot.msu.edu. searchers can be more confident that they are referring to


the same construct when it is explicated according to the level (individuals) to represent the higher level variable.
same form of composition. Meaningful replications and Because the focus is on elemental composition, this article
extensions of current findings then are possible. Apparent does not address the traditional issues of disaggregation
contradictory findings may be reconciled, and debates and ecological fallacies (Cronbach, 1976; Hannan, 1971;
may be clarified. For example, many so-called inconsis- Langbein & Lichtman, 1978).
tent findings simply could be a result of confusion of Table 1 presents the typology of composition models.
terminology (i.e., comparing apples and oranges), and The typology describes the basic forms composition mod-
the confusion may become apparent when each study lo- els can take. The forms described are ideal types. The
cates its construct in the typology corresponding to the five basic forms of composition models are: (a) additive,
composition model. Organizing existing constructs also (b) direct consensus, (c) referent-shift consensus, (d)
aids cumulation of research findings by providing a frame- dispersion, and (e) process composition. A theory of the
work for performing meaningful meta-analytic studies in focal construct in a multilevel study may contain one or
multilevel research. more of the five composition forms. The five forms of
Second, a typology provides a conceptual framework composition models in Table 1 are not presented in any
for developing and validating new focal constructs and specific order. The reader is cautioned against ordering
multilevel theories. As described later in this article, the the five forms in terms of the similarity of functional
typology of models could help compose new explanatory relationships between constructs. The simplistic notion of
constructs from established ones. In addition, being cogni- similarity of functional relationships is not an adequate
zant of different models allows the researcher to consider way of representing the complexity in or guiding the de-
alternative designs, measurements, and data analyses for velopment of composition forms because there is an infi-
testing competing hypotheses, modifying existing theories nite number of answers (i.e., dimensions) to the question,
or developing new ones, or performing a more rigorous "Similar with respect to what?"
test of the original hypothesis. The purpose of this article As shown in Table 1, each composition model is defined
is to propose a typology of composition models. by a particular form of functional relationship specified
between constructs at different levels. Corresponding to
each form of functional relationship is a typical opera-
A Typology of Composition Models
tional process by which the lower level construct is com-
The proposed typology is concerned with elemental bined to form a higher level construct. Note that the opera-
composition; that is, situations in which data from a lower tional combination process is the typical form as opposed
level are used to establish the higher level construct. In to a necessary consequence of the functional relationship
other words, the higher level construct is of a collective specified. The column in Table 1 labeled empirical sup-
or aggregate nature and is construed as some form of port suggests what constitutes the forms of evidence
combination of the lower level units. All lower level units needed to support the relevant functional relationships
play some substantive role in composing the lower level and to establish that appropriate combination rules are
construct to the higher level construct, and the value of applied. To illustrate the forms of composition, examples
the higher level construct is not solely determined by any from climate research are consistently used throughout
single lower level unit (i.e., each unit is used in some
way or another, such as for computing the mean level). 1
In describing the typology and throughout this article, the
Note that the use of data from the lower level to establish terms group and team are used interchangeably to refer to the
the higher level construct does not imply that it is neces- level of the collection of individuals immediately higher than
sary to begin conceptualization at a level lower than the the individual level. Several researchers have distinguished
level of the target or composed construct. The starting groups and teams as the polar ends on a continuum of task
level of conceptualization is dependent on the research interdependence (e.g., Salas, Dickinson, Converse, & Tannen-
question. For example, a researcher may start at the group bauem, 1992). In addition, groups are often characterized by
level' with the established construct of group norms and low role differentiation and low task differentiation, whereas
then move down to the individual level to collect percep- teams are characterized by high role differentiation, high task
tual data for subsequent aggregation to the group level differentiation, distributed expertise, and high levels of task in-
terdependence (Sundstrom et al., 1990). The present typology
to establish the construct of group norms. The focus on
is concerned with work groups or work teams in organizations.
elemental composition is consistent with the actual con-
The terms groups and teams are used to refer to multiple individ-
straints and practice in empirical multilevel research. As uals formed to perform some organizationally relevant task-
noted by several researchers (e.g., Ostroff, 1993a; Roberts functions. These individuals interact, exhibit task interdepen-
et al., 1978), we often do not have global indices of the dence, possess one or more shared goals, and are embedded in
higher level (organizational or group) variables of interest a larger organizational setting (Kozlowski et al., 1994, 1996;
and hence have to rely on aggregated data from the lower Salas etal., 1992).
236 CHAN

Table 1
A Typology of Composition Models

Typical operational Example from climate

Functional relationships combination Empirical support research

Additive model

Higher level unit is a summation Summing or averaging lower Validity of additive index (e.g., From psychological climate to
of the lower level units level scores mean of lower level units) organizational climate
regardless of the variance (Click's T1985]
among these units conceptualization)

Direct consensus model

Meaning of higher level Within-group agreement to Value of within-group From psychological climate to
construct is in the consensus index consensus and justify agreement index (e.g., >•„,); organizational climate
among lower level units aggregation validity of aggregated scores (Jarnes et al.'s [1984]

Referent-shift consensus model

Lower level units being Within-group agreement of new Value of within-group From psychological climate to
composed by consensus are referent lower level units to agreement index (e.g., r^); organizational collective
conceptually distinct though index consensus and justify validity of aggregated scores climate
derived from the original aggregation
individual-level units

Dispersion model

Meaning of higher level Within-group variance (or its Absence of multimodality in From psychological climate to
construct is in the dispersion derivative) as within-group distributions of climate strength
or variance among lower level operationalization of the lower level scores; validity
units higher level construct of dispersion index

Process model

Process parameters at higher No simple algorithm; ensure Nomological validity for source From psychological climate
level are analogues of process analogues exist for all critical and target constructs at their development to
parameters at lower level parameters respective levels to organizational climate
distinguish shared core emergence
content from level-specific

the typology. I assume that a researcher collects climate els. In such models, the meaning of the higher level con-
data (i.e., individual perceptual responses on climate struct is a summation of the lower level units regardless
questionnaires) from hundreds of individuals across many of the variance among these units. In additive composition
organizations (or groups). For each composition model, models, the variance of the lower level units is of no
I present examples of hypotheses and explanations of how theoretical or operational concern for composing the lower
the model can be applied to the data. Where appropriate, level construct to the higher level construct. The typical
examples other than climate also are presented to clarify operational combination process is a simple sum or aver-
the composition form. The first two forms of composition age of the lower level scores on the lower level variable
are familiar to most researchers, and I will only describe to represent the value on the higher level variable. The
them briefly. The remaining three forms are less familiar validity of the additive index (e.g., the mean) constitutes
even though they characterize many focal constructs ex- empirical support for the composition.
amined in multilevel studies. As mentioned earlier, com- In the climate example, the researcher may be interested
position models are seldom made explicit in existing mul- in relating organizational climate to organizational perfor-
tilevel research. The following sections describe each of mance. The researcher has an established measure of orga-
the five composition models in the typology. nizational performance but he or she has to develop some
conceptualization and measure of the construct of organi-
zational climate. Adopting Click's (1985) conceptualiza-
Additive Models
tion, the researcher stipulates that all organizations have
Additive composition models specify a straightforward an organizational climate that can be described as high
functional relationship between constructs at different lev- or low on various dimensions regardless of the level of

within-organization individual-level agreement. Within- higher level measurement. For example, within-group
organization agreement, according to this view, is an issue agreement indexes such as the rwg index (James et al.,
of measurement accuracy reflecting individual-level ran- 1984) may be calculated and some cutoff level of agree-
dom error and sources of bias (see Glick, 1985, pp. 604— ment is used to justify aggregation of individual re-
605). Hence, using an additive composition model, the sponses. In this example, the aggregation procedure and
researcher averages the climate perceptions of individuals preconditions, together with the conceptual definition of
within each organization, regardless of the within-organi- the higher level construct, determine the meaningfulness
zation variance, to represent the organizational climate and validity of the operationalization of the higher level
variable. The organizational mean climate scores and the construct.
organizational performance variable then are correlated, In the climate example, the researcher may follow
and the validity coefficient (i.e., validity of the additive James (1982) to construe psychological climate as an
index; in this case, the mean) provides empirical support individual's perception or cognitive representation of the
for the additive composition model. work environment in terms of the psychological meaning
Clearly, whether the relationship between organiza- and significance to the individual. Organizational climate
tional climate and psychological climate (i.e., individual- simply refers to the shared assignment of meanings among
level climate perceptions) is additive or some other com- individuals within the organization. In this conceptualiza-
position form depends on how the construct of organiza- tion, within-group agreement among individual climate
tional climate is conceptualized. For example, if the level perceptions indicates shared assignment of psychological
of individual perceptual agreement within an organization meaning. It is this sharedness that constitutes functional
is central in the substantive definition of organizational equivalence between the climate constructs at the two
climate, then an additive composition model would be levels. Hence, the definition of organizational climate is
inappropriate because within-group (i.e., organization) essentially the same as psychological climate, except that
variance among lower level units (i.e., individual percep- the former refers to the shared perceptions among the
tions) becomes relevant in composing the lower level con- individuals. The conceptual relationship between the two
struct (i.e., psychological climate) to the higher level con- forms of the construct at different levels then drives the
struct (i.e., organizational climate). In this case, a direct manner in which the lower level construct composes to the
consensus composition model, described in the next sec- higher level construct. So the researcher would proceed to
tion, is appropriate. check within-group agreement (group here refers to the
organization) of individual climate responses using some
agreement index (e.g., rn,s). High within-group agreement
Direct Consensus Models
indicates consensus and justifies aggregation of individual
Direct consensus composition is probably the most fa- climate responses to represent scores on the organiza-
miliar and popular form of composition among multilevel tional climate variable.
researchers. This model uses within-group consensus of In direct consensus composition, the lower level attri-
the lower level units as the functional relationship to spec- butes need not be restricted to individual perceptions.
ify how the construct conceptualized and operationalized Consensus, as indexed by within-group agreement, can
at the lower level is functionally isomorphic to another apply to individual-level attributes such as cognitive abil-
form of the construct at the higher level. The typical opera- ity and styles, personality, mental representation, and be-
tional combination process is using within-group agree- havioral variables. The critical issue is the specification
ment of scores to index consensus at the lower level and of an adequate direct consensus composition theory to
to justify aggregation of lower level scores to represent present a substantive meaning for the mean or some other
scores at the higher level (e.g., James, Demaree, & Wolf, central tendency index of the within-group consensual
1984; Kozlowski & Hattrup, 1992; Ostroff, 1993b; Os- attributes.
troff & Rothausen, 1997). This operational combination Finally, George and James (1993) argued that the use
process has two components. The first component in- of within-group agreement as a valid justification for ag-
cludes an operationalization (i.e., a measure) of the con- gregation is independent of variability between the higher
ceptual definition for each of the two constructs (i.e., one level units. The authors are correct that within-group
at each level). For example, individual-level perceptual agreement is the appropriate criterion for aggregation in
responses on a climate measure are used to operationalize a direct consensus composition because the model speci-
psychological climate, whereas the mean of those individ- fies that the meaning of the higher level construct is in the
ual responses within an organization is used to operation- consensus among the lower level units. However, between-
alize organizational climate. The second component spec- group variability may be more important in construct vali-
ifies the manner of and precondition(s) for combining dation of the aggregated data than George and James
the individual lower level measurements to represent the appear willing to grant. Assuming adequate sampling, the
238 CHAN

absence of between-group variability indicates that hy- fined as the individual's description of other organiza-
pothesized differences at the group level do not exist. But tional members' perceptions of the climate. Note that the
more important, it calls into question the validity of the basic content of climate perception in the original con-
hypothesized group-level construct. This is especially rel- struct (psychological climate) remains unchanged in the
evant in exploratory situations in which the researcher has new variable but the referent of the content has changed
little clue as to which level is the appropriate level to (from self to others). Psychological collective climate is
aggregate the data to for composing a higher level con- still at the original individual level of conceptualization.
struct. In the climate example, assuming adequate sam- Within-group consensus (as indexed by within-group
pling, the absence of between-department (within an orga- agreement of individual description scores) then is used
nization ) variability in aggregated scores (from individual to justify the aggregation of individuals' psychological
to department level) and the presence of between-organi- collective climate perceptions to represent the value of the
zation variability in aggregated scores (from individual higher level (i.e., organizational level) construct, which is
to organizational level) suggest that it is more appropriate the second new variable, called organizational collective
to aggregate the individual-level data to the organizational climate.
than departmental level, and it provides construct validity Examples of referent-shift consensus exist in multilevel
evidence for organizational climate but not departmental research, but unfortunately the composition often is not
climate. The role of between-group variability in the inter- made explicit. In research on work teams, self-efficacy at
pretation of aggregated scores remains a debatable point the team level is often a case of referent-shift consensus
in the multilevel literature (see George, 1990; George & composition (e.g., Guzzo, ^bst, Campbell, & Shea, 1993;
James, 1993: Yammarino & Markham, 1992). Kozlowski et al., 1994). The composition starts with the
individual-level construct of self-efficacy. Self-efficacy is
defined as an individual's belief and confidence in mobi-
Referent-Shift Consensus Models
lizing his or her resources for successful task performance
Referent-shift consensus composition is similar to di- (Bandura, 1977). An example item is "I am confident
rect consensus composition in that within-group consen- that I can perform this task." A new form of the construct
sus, as indexed by agreement of lower level attributes, is at the same level (i.e., individual level) then is derived by
used to compose the lower level construct to the higher shifting the referent in the efficacy perception from the
level construct. The critical difference between the two self to the team as a whole. An example item for the new
forms of composition is that in referent-shift consensus form of the construct is "I am confident that my team
composition, the lower level attributes being assessed for can perform this task." That is, there is a new form of
consensus are conceptually distinct though derived from the construct, namely, collective efficacy, defined as the
the original individual-level construct. That is, there is a individual team member's belief and confidence that the
shift in the referent prior to consensus assessment, and it team can mobilize its resources for successful task perfor-
is the new referent that is actually being combined to mance. The basic content of efficacy perception in the
represent the higher level construct. original construct (self-efficacy) remains unchanged in
In the case of referent-shift consensus, the composition the new form (collective efficacy), but the referent of
proceeds as follows: First, the researcher begins with a the content has changed (from self to team). Collective
conceptual definition and operationalization of the focal efficacy is still at the original individual level of conceptu-
construct at the lower level. While maintaining the basic alization (Guzzo et al., 1993). Within-group consensus
content of the construct, the researcher then derives a new (as indexed by within-group agreement of individuals'
form of the construct at the same level by shifting the perceptual scores) then is used to justify the aggregation
referent of the basic content. That is, the referent for the of individuals' collective efficacy perceptions to represent
conceptual definition and operationalization is now the value of the higher level (i.e., group-level) construct
changed. The new form of the construct then is aggregated called team efficacy.2
to the higher level construct based on within-group
consensus. Team-efficacy or group-efficacy should be distinguished
from Guzzo et al.'s (1993) concept of group potency. Efficacy
Consider our climate example. Rather than an individu-
beliefs (self, collective, or team) are task-specific in that they
al's own climate perceptions (i.e., psychological climate)
refer to expectations about performance on particular tasks,
or the aggregation of individuals' perceptions (i.e., orga-
whereas potency refers to a more generalized belief about gen-
nizational climate), the researcher now is interested in
eral effectiveness across multiple tasks. The distinction does not
how an individual believes others in the organization per- affect the logic of referent-shift consensus composition. One
ceive the climate and whether there is within-organization can always specify a referent-shift consensus composition
consensus in such beliefs. So now there are two new model from the construct of self-potency to group potency by
variables: One, psychological collective climate, is de- means of collective potency.

Referent-shift consensus composition is important be- Given an adequate composition theory, the degree of
cause the change in referent results in a new form of the within-group agreement of scores from the lower level
original focal construct that is conceptually distinct from units or attributes potentially could be conceptualized as
the original form. In the climate example, an individual a focal construct as opposed to merely a statistical prereq-
with a favorable psychological climate perception can uisite for aggregation. That is, instead of treating within-
have either favorable or unfavorable psychological collec- group variance as error variance (which is what consensus
tive climate. Similarly, a team member with high self- models do), within-group variance (i.e., the within-group
efficacy can have either low or high collective efficacy. dispersion of scores) could serve as an operationalization
The distinction between referent-shift consensus composi- of a focal construct. The idea of treating within-group
tion and direct consensus composition also clarifies some consensus or dispersion of scores as a theoretically sig-
of the confusion in terminology in multilevel research. nificant phenomenon in its own right can be traced back
For example, according to the composition model just to the works by James et al. (1984) more than a decade
described, collective efficacy and team efficacy are iso- ago but, with two recent exceptions, the idea has not been
morphic forms of the same construct at different levels, followed up by multilevel researchers. Lindell and Brandt
the latter being directly constituted by the former, pro- (1997) mentioned the possibility of using within-group
vided within-group consensus exists. Yet, both collective agreement as a focal variable when discussing the rwg
efficacy and team efficacy are, in different ways, derived index. Brown, Kozlowski, and Hattrup (1996) developed
from the original focal construct of self-efficacy. Hence, the same idea and argued for a reconceptualization of
one can speak of composing self-efficacy to team efficacy, within-group agreement as a focal construct and presented
bearing in mind that the form of composition is referent- several initial guidelines for construct development as
shift consensus as opposed to direct consensus. Applying such.
the direct consensus model for the composition of self- Based on this notion of within-group consensus or dis-
efficacy to team efficacy probably would be misleading. persion of scores as a construct, I propose dispersion
As noted by Guzzo et al. (1993), computing the mean of composition models as constituting another ideal type in
team members' self-efficacy scores as an indicator of the the typology. Brown et al. (1996) focused on borrowing
team-level construct of team efficacy often is wrong. The dispersion theories from various streams of psychological
mean scores still would be an indicator of individual mem- research as the basis for conceptualizing agreement. The
bers' perceptions about themselves as individuals, not present discussion focuses on the use of within-group
about the team as a whole. Bandura (1982) was probably dispersion (i.e., variance or agreement) to specify the
the first researcher who suggested the concept of collective functional relationship in composition of a dispersion con-
efficacy, although he did not elaborate on the concept. To struct and on the conceptual and methodological consider-
date, there has been little consensus on the nature of the ations in the development of an adequate dispersion com-
group-level notion of efficacy or its measurement. Gist position model. In addition, the term dispersion is used
(1987) suggested different way s of measuring group-level here to refer to variance (or homogeneity) of scores on
efficacy, but few researchers appreciated the differences any lower level units or attributes (e.g., individual cogni-
in these measurements. A primary reason for the relatively tive ability, individual climate perceptions); hence, it is
slow progress in understanding group-level efficacy is the more general than Brown et al.'s focus on individual
lack of explicit composition models that specify the nature perceptions.
of the focal construct and provide the conceptual basis Dispersion is by definition a group-level characteristic
for operationalization and measurement development. (but not necessarily a group-level construct) because it
refers to the variability within a group and a variance
statistic is indexing an attribute of a group as opposed to
Dispersion Models
an attribute of any individual-level response (Roberts et
In both direct consensus composition and referent-shift al., 1978). In dispersion composition, within-group vari-
consensus composition, within-group agreement of scores ance (or some derivative) is used as the operationalization
from the lower-level units or attributes is used to index of the purported group-level construct. However, an ade-
consensus. The researcher hopes to achieve a high agree- quate dispersion model always must give primacy to the
ment at the lower level in order to justify aggregation to construct as opposed to the variance index. Statistically,
represent variables at the higher level. In these models, within-group dispersion is simply a result of individual
consensus is a necessary condition for construct validity differences within the group. Interindividual variability is
at the higher level, and high within-group agreement con- ubiquitous for the kinds of individual-level data collected
stitutes an empirical or statistical precondition to be ful- by organizational researchers. This variability could result
filled for the operational combination process to be from true differences on some construct, random error, or
legitimate. both. Without a conceptual definition of the group-level
240 CHAN

construct (purportedly indexed by within-group disper- of departmental climate strength could be validated by
sion) and a theory of its substantive meaning (e.g., how correlating it with external criterion variables.
it relates to other related established constructs in a nomo- The failure to consider the modality of within-group
logical network), the researcher may not be measuring distributions is probably the primary source of the mis-
what he or she intends to measure. By proceeding in a taken assumption that at the group level, low agreement
totally empirical fashion (i.e., atheoretical), one is not of individual responses is the same as high disagreement.
likely to replicate results. In short, the essence of disper- Low agreement indicates lack of consensus. High dis-
sion composition is in specifying the nature of the higher agreement indicates existence of subgroups (within which
level construct represented by dispersion along some there is high consensus) rather than lack of consensus.
lower-level variable. Low within-group agreement is indicated by a unimodal
In our climate example, the researcher may propose the platykurtic distribution (as opposed to a unimodal lepto-
construct of climate strength conceptualized as the degree kurtic distribution, which indicates high agreement),
of within-group consensus of climate perceptions and in- whereas high within-group disagreement is indicated by
dex the construct using within-group variance or some a multimodal distribution. Kurtosis and modality are con-
dispersion measure of individual climate responses. The ceptually (and mathematically) distinct properties of a
dispersion measure then is correlated with the measure of distribution of scores. This mathematical fact is the under-
organizational performance to test the researcher's hy- lying logic implicit in Brown et al.'s (1996) discussion
pothesis that organizational climate strength is associated on theories of subcultures and coalitions within groups.
positively with organizational performance. The absence of multimodality and the presence of validity
In consensus composition, high within-group agree- evidence of the dispersion index provide empirical sup-
ment is an empirical prerequisite for aggregating the lower port for the dispersion model.
level construct to the higher level construct. In dispersion Some important conceptual and methodological issues
composition, there exists a very different empirical pre- in change analysis are especially relevant to dispersion
requisite for composition. This prerequisite forms a criti- composition. When groups differ in variances, the hetero-
cal component of the manner in which units are combined skedasticity of variances does not necessarily reflect direct
in dispersion composition. The prerequisite is the absence absolute differences on the dispersion construct purport-
of multimodality in the within-group distributions of edly measured by the grouping variable. Beta or gamma
lower level scores. Multimodality in the distribution of changes in individual responses across groups (Golem-
scores within a group indicates that substantively mean- biewski, Billingsley, & Yeager, 1976) also could result in
ingful subgroups may exist within the group, with low differences in within-group variances. A beta change oc-
individual differences within each subgroup (i.e., high curs when there is a change in the subjective metric, re-
within-subgroup agreement) and high individual differ- sulting in a recalibration of the measuring instrument
ences across subgroups (i.e., low intersubgroup agree- given a constant conceptual domain. For example, given
ment). When there is multimodality, it is possible that the the same climate item, individuals from two different cul-
variance or dispersion along the original grouping variable tures may differ in the psychological metric that the rating
does not represent a meaningful dispersion construct. One scale represents to them. The difference in the subjective
may have to move downward from the group level to metric will result in variance differences. That is, when
the subgroup level to identify any potentially meaningful there is beta change, some or all of the variance difference
subgrouping variable corresponding to the multimodal re- across the two cultures no longer reflects true differences
sponses. In exploratory situations, simply graphing the in climate strength but rather differences in calibration of
group distribution could help identify the appropriate sub- the measuring instrument. A gamma change occurs when
grouping level by matching distributional modality to po- there is a shift in the meaning or conceptualization of the
tential grouping boundaries. Of course, matching modality construct being measured. For example, the same climate
to grouping boundaries is not sufficient evidence for a item may in fact be measuring the climate for safety in
dispersion construct. A theory of the dispersion construct one group but measuring the respect for authority in an-
should be formulated, and further construct validity evi- other. When there is gamma change, comparisons of vari-
dence, including establishing the validity of the dispersion ances across groups are no longer meaningful. Thus, be-
variable, is required. For example, when exploring the fore using within-group variances as values on the disper-
possibility of a dispersion construct of climate strength, sion construct, the researcher should, whenever possible,
multimodality at the division level suggests that the con- test for scalar and factorial invariance of individual re-
struct of climate strength is probably inappropriate at that sponses across groups. Methods for testing invariance are
level. The modality may correspond to a subgroup level, provided in Schmitt (1982); Schmitt, Pulakos, and
such as the level of the department. The individual-level Lieblein (1984); Drasgow (1984); Reise, Widaman, and
data then could be regrouped and a dispersion measure Pugh (1993); and Chan and Schmitt (1997).

Process Models states in which these separate beliefs become increasingly

interrelated to the eventual state in which they become
The preceding four composition models are concerned integrated into a single global belief. This integration pro-
with static core attributes of focal constructs (e.g., climate cess then is composed to the higher level to specify the
perceptions, efficacy perceptions), which describe some process of organizational safety climate emergence. Ac-
stable units or state of affairs at the individual or higher cordingly, the researcher could specify organizational
level. These focal constructs are certainly applicable to safety climate emergence as an integration process, mov-
much of multilevel research, and, in some cases, substan- ing from an initial state in which there is little agreement
tial empirical evidence for construct validity has been among individuals' psychological safety climate percep-
accumulated (e.g., organizational climate). However, re- tions, through progressive states in which the level of
searchers are often interested in episodes of or changes agreement gradually increases, to the eventual state in
in behaviors exhibited by an individual or by a team rather which high agreement is achieved. Note that within-group
than the specific behavioral acts or perceptions. That is, agreement is a higher level analogue of intraindividual
there is interest in the process as opposed to some stable correlation of safety beliefs. Similarly, the notion of in-
attributes, outcomes, or state of affairs. creasing levels of within-group agreement as an organiza-
Process composition models are concerned with com- tion progresses over time is analogous to the notion of
posing some process or mechanism from the lower level increasing intercorrelations among safety beliefs as an
of conceptualization to the higher level. In these models, individual progresses over time. The initial and final states
a process or mechanism is first specified at the lower level of the organization also are analogous to those of the
explicating the essential or critical parameters and their individual. In short, critical parameters of the integration
interrelationships. The process then is composed to the process at the individual level have higher level analogues
higher level by identifying critical higher level parameters, that constitute the critical process parameters at the orga-
which are higher level analogues of the lower level param- nizational level.
eters, and describing interrelationships among higher level In this climate emergence example, the within-group
parameters, which are homologous to the lower level pa- agreement index is the higher level operational analogue
rameter relationships. of the correlation coefficient. Note that the within-group
In process composition, functional relationships for pa- agreement index is used here as a dispersion measure
rameters at different levels are analogous relationships, (assessing climate strength at multiple points in time)
and functional relationships for parameter interrelation- as opposed to a statistical criterion for aggregation. The
ships at different levels are homologous relationships. integration process in organizational climate emergence
Thus, there is no simple algorithm (e.g., within-group can be construed as changes in organizational climate
agreement) to compose the lower level process to the strength. Hence, when moving from the source construct
higher level. The operational combination is best de- of psychological climate to the higher level process of
scribed as ensuring that all critical parameters and param- organizational climate emergence, a dispersion composi-
eter interrelationships are adequately operationalized at tion (from psychological climate to climate strength) pre-
both the lower and higher levels and that each parameter cedes the process composition. As mentioned earlier, a
and parameter interrelationship at the lower level has a theory of the focal construct in a multilevel study may
counterpart at the higher level. contain one or more composition forms.
In the climate example, assume that the researcher is Because of the complexity of process composition, I
examining the climate for safety (e.g., Dedobbeleer & provide two additional examples. First, consider the ex-
BeLand, 1991; Zohar, 1980), and is interested in describ- ample when a team researcher proposes that a process
ing the process in which the organization moves from the of self-regulation functionally similar to individual self-
state of lack of within-group agreement of individual- regulation also exists at the team level (e.g., Kozlowski,
level climate perceptions to the state of high within-group Gully, Salas, & Cannon-Bowers, 1996). At the individual
agreement. That is, the researcher wants to compose an level, self-regulation refers to the activities carried out by
organizational-level process of organizational safety cli- the individual to monitor and evaluate his or her own
mate emergence. To do so, the researcher first specifies performance with respect to progress toward a goal (Ho-
an individual-level process describing how an individual garth, Gibbs, McKenzie, & Marquis, 1991; Kanfer & Ack-
develops psychological safety climate perceptions. For erman, 1989). The critical parameters of self-regulation
simplicity, assume the researcher has a rudimentary theory include understanding of the coordination of one's ac-
that development of psychological climate for safety is an tions, error detection, balancing multiple tasks or work-
integration process, moving from an initial state in which loads to stay on track toward goal achievement, and a
distinct beliefs about various safety practices are unre- knowledge of one's task environment (Hogarth et al.,
lated or, at best, loosely interrelated through progressive 1991; Kanfer & Ackerman, 1989; Karoly, 1993). On the
242 CHAN

basis of these critical parameters, Kozlowski et al. (1996) multilevel researchers is to develop an adequate process
composed the process of self-regulation from the individ- composition model and derive explicit hypotheses to be
ual level to the team level. The authors stated that tested as part of the validation of the model. To complicate
the matter further, processes are interrelated in a dynamic
Teams increase their self-regulation capabilities as mem-
manner and do not occur in a temporal vacuum, as evident
bers develop a shared perception of the team and its envi-
ronment and as they acquire teamwork skills critical to in the example of organizational climate emergence.
team effectiveness. . . . Team self-regulation involves an Finally, any researcher who has attempted to specify a
understanding of how to coordinate member actions, en- process composition would have quickly realized that the
gage in error detection, and monitor each other's perfor-
processes of interest are often multifaceted or multidimen-
mance, so the team can balance workloads and stay on
sional with embedded subprocesses. For the first four
track toward stated objectives, (p. 276)
composition forms in the proposed typology, the corre-
Note that the authors provided the conceptual definition sponding functional relationships and operational combi-
of team self-regulation by explicating the team-level ana- nation processes, as well as the conditions under which
logues for the critical parameters of self-regulation pro- each model applies, are clear and consistent. However,
cess at the individual level. Several researchers on team because of its inherently dynamic and multidimensional
decision making also have proposed the concept of team nature, the process composition form is in need of further
self-regulation or similar notions, but many have not made conceptual development. For example, is it possible to
explicit composition linkages between the individual and develop guidelines regarding how to distinguish shared
team levels (e.g., Hackman, 1992; Manz & Sims, 1987; core content from unshared aspects that are level-specific?
Sundstrom, De Meuse, & Futrell, 1990). For these guidelines to be useful, they would have to be
Another example of process composition is composing sufficiently specific to aid the researcher in making actual
team proceduralization from the individual-level process decisions of what specific aspects to include or exclude
of proceduralization in skill acquisition. At the individual and yet sufficiently general to cover a reasonably broad
level, proceduralization occurs when new versions of old range of processes. The present description of process
productions (condition-action rules) are built without composition serves as the building block for the more
one or more conditional elements (Anderson, 1982). Pro- comprehensive composition framework necessary for
ceduralization occurs with increased experience or re- composing a complex and multidimensional process. As
peated practice on a task. Given the same task, procedur- suggested by an anonymous reviewer of the present arti-
alization decreases response time by shortening the routes cle, nomological nets (Roberts et al., 1978) could be spec-
to arrive at goal states, which increases the efficiency of ified and tested at each level, and then the hypothesized
problem solving. This is because relative to old produc- shared core content could be tested for the composition
tions, new productions allow quicker testing of produc- model. Note also that because multiple constructs may be
tions because there is less conditional information to be specified and interrelated in the description of a process,
matched to contents of working memory. The process of it may be the case that an adequate process composition
proceduralization can be composed to the team level by model in multilevel research has to be preceded by speci-
identifying team-level analogues of the critical parame- fying one or more composition forms in the present typol-
ters. With increased experience or repeated practice on a ogy for composing the relevant higher level constructs.
team task, members acquire some shared awareness of
the team situation (Kozlowski et al., 1994) and develop
Multilevel Construct Validation
an understanding of the basic team strategies for dealing
with established, routine, or recurrent situations (Bo- Before evaluating the typology, some remarks concern-
guslaw & Porter, 1962, as cited in Kozlowski et al., 1994). ing multilevel construct validation are relevant. In some
The routinization of tasks and strategies allows each team types of multilevel research, both the lower level and the
member to understand and predict other members' task higher level constructs provide the components necessary
behaviors or actions and hence skip the testing of certain for the conceptualization and operationalization of the
conditional elements (i.e., information to be matched with target construct. The researcher begins with two con-
other members' actions) as he or she performs the produc- structs: one at the lower level (e.g., individual) and one
tion-linked sequence of task behaviors. That is, team at the higher level (e.g., organization). Both constructs
members have built new productions that make team prob- may or may not be commensurate constructs. That is, the
lem solving and team task performance quicker and more two constructs may or may not share the same core con-
efficient. Team proceduralization has occurred. tent dimensions. However, each construct must be explic-
As mentioned earlier, process composition has no con- itly defined. The definition of the target construct is then
crete empirical algorithm to compose the lower level pro- derived from the definitions of these two constructs. The
cess(es) to the higher level process(es). A challenge for substantive meaning (i.e., the conceptual definition) of

the target construct is some form of combination of the theoretical and empirical effort to specify and validate
core elements from both the lower and higher level con- multilevel constructs in their studies.
structs. A theory of the target construct specifies the nature
and form of the combination. This theory would provide Evaluating the Composition Typology
the conceptual basis for the process that specifies how
values on the lower and higher level constructs should It will be some time before the proposed composition
be empirically combined to form values on the target typology has been evaluated thoroughly as a conceptual
construct. framework for multilevel research in general and for de-
The focal constructs in person—organization fit (P-O velopment of useful composition models in particular. The
fit) research are prototypical examples of target constructs criteria for evaluation should correspond to the two poten-
that are derived from a combination of constructs at differ- tial contributions or functions intended in proposing the
ent levels. In P-O fit studies, the fit construct is a target typology. As discussed earlier, these are (a) providing an
construct consisting of some person-level construct and organizing framework for existing focal constructs and
some organizational-level construct. For example, in (b) providing a systematic conceptual framework for de-
Chan's (1996) P-O fit study on problem-solving styles at veloping new focal constructs and multilevel theories.
work, Chan began by explicating the construct of adap- Some tentative evaluative remarks now can be made using
tion—innovation problem-solving style, which is an indi- these criteria.
vidual-level construct based on Kirton's adaption-inno-
vation theory (Kirton, 1976). Using Kirton's theory, Chan Organizing Framework for Existing Focal
specified the higher level construct of style demands con-
ceptualized at the work-context level. Based on the lower
level construct of problem-solving style and the higher By distinguishing the various possible ideal types of
level construct of style demands, Chan then derived a composition, the typology provides a framework for or-
target construct he called cognitive misfit. Cognitive misfit ganizing existing focal constructs in multilevel research.
refers to the degree of mismatch between an individual's Instead of taking construct labels at face value, research-
cognitive style of problem solving and the style demands ers now can gain substantial common understanding by
of the work context. Cognitive misfit was operationalized locating constructs in the typology according to the form
and tested in terms of a statistical interaction between of composition model in the study. In instances in which
problem-solving style and style demands. Chan demon- no explicit composition models are specified, we still may
strated that whereas neither the individual-level construct be able to reconstruct the nature of the functional relation-
nor the work context-level construct was associated with ships between constructs and the operational combination
turnover probability, the cross-levels construct of cogni- process from the researcher's definitions and measure-
tive misfit provided significant and substantial incremental ment of constructs and discussion on the research problem
validity in predicting actual turnover over the predictabil- and interpretations of the findings. Consider the construct
ity provided by performance. A similar example is found label collective efficacy. We now can reference the direct
in O'Reilly, Chatman, and CaldwelTs (1991) study on consensus composition form and the referent-shift consen-
the target (P-O fit) construct of value congruence, defined sus composition form and ask systematic composition
as the match between individuals' values and the organiza- questions to clarify the nature of the construct. Is the term
tion's culture. The authors used the Q-sort methodology used to refer to the group-level construct of team efficacy
to develop and validate the Organizational Culture Profile or the individual-level construct of collective efficacy as
(OCP), which was a measure of 54 values. The OCP was described in referent-shift consensus composition? Or is
used to derive individuals' value profiles and the organiza- the term applied to a mere aggregation of individual self-
tion's culture. Value congruence was operationalized in efficacy perceptions such that the direct consensus com-
terms of the Q-sort based profile correlations. O'Reilly et position rather than the referent-shift consensus composi-
al. demonstrated that value congruence was a valid pre- tion was assumed?
dictor of satisfaction, commitment, and actual turnover The typology also helps to refine extant focal constructs
for a 2-year period and that person or organization vari- in multilevel research. For example, the various dimen-
ables alone were not predictive of these outcomes. There sions in the multidimensional construct of group learning
has been a surge of interest in the study of P-O fit in can now be teased out, with different dimensions corre-
recent selection and organizational research (for review, sponding to different forms of composition. Learning di-
see Edwards, 1991; Judge & Ferris, 1992; Kristof, 1996). mensions that are process oriented (e.g., proceduraliza-
P-O fit studies are inherently multilevel studies, and the tion) probably would require a process composition
focal constructs in P-O fit research are inherently multi- model, whereas learning dimensions that are outcome ori-
level in nature. P-O fit researchers should devote more ented (e.g., team efficacy, team metacognitive structures)
244 CHAN

probably would require the more static composition, such pending on the proportion of groups exhibiting low
as the direct consensus or referent-shift consensus within-group agreement, it is likely that the researcher
compositions. either will abandon considerations of higher level con-
structs and focus on the original lower level units or will
Systematic Conceptual Framework for Developing settle for equivocal results. However, as indicated by the
proposed typology, direct consensus composition is one
New Focal Constructs and Multilevel Theories
of several forms of composition. It may be possible to
Specific forms of composition models in the typology specify an appropriate dispersion model that reconceptu-
have the potential for composing new explanatory con- alizes within-group agreement as the focal higher-level
structs from established ones. For example, one could construct as opposed to a statistical criterion for aggrega-
compose the construct of climate strength based on a tion. The original grouping variable still may be related to
dispersion composition model and assess the incremental the focal dispersion construct. For example, in the climate
explanatory value of this dispersion construct in research example, the researcher could develop a dispersion com-
on organizational climate. For example, in explaining or- position model that specifies climate strength as the focal
ganizational performance, researchers can assess whether dispersion construct and could proceed to examine possi-
climate strength accounts for incremental variance over ble reasons for the observed variation in climate strength
climate level. Another example of construct development . (indexed by within-group agreement) across organiza-
is the notion of team adaptability. Several researchers tions (i.e., using the dispersion construct as a dependent
have used this term when discussing learning and transfer variable) or relate climate strength to organizational per-
in team environments (e.g., Kozlowski et al., 1994), but formance (i.e., using the dispersion construct as an inde-
there has been no explicit definition of the notion in the pendent variable). Alternatively, different composition
research on teams. On the basis of present typology, we models could be applied to the same data in a study. As
could perhaps distinguish between a static form and a noted by an anonymous reviewer, instead of replacing
dynamic form of team adaptability corresponding to an direct consensus with dispersion composition, the re-
individual difference perspective and a learning perspec- searcher also could consider combining the two models
tive, respectively (Chan, 1997). In the static form, we to provide a more rigorous test of the original hypothesis.
begin with the individual-level construct of adaptability For example, the dispersion form (i.e., organizational cli-
defined in terms of a stable individual difference charac- mate strength) of the original construct (i.e., organiza-
teristic. We then specify a direct consensus composition tional climate) could be controlled when examining the
for composing the individual-level construct to the team association between organizational climate level and orga-
level. We now could develop hypotheses concerning the nizational performance (i.e., using the dispersion con-
new construct. For example, we could hypothesize that struct as covariate). In this way, the researcher could
static team adaptability is positively associated with team examine whether climate strength is an issue while testing
morale. In the dynamic form, we begin with the individ- the original relationship of interest. Finally, besides being
ual-level construct of adaptability defined in terms of a used as a dependent variable, independent variable, or
process in which the individual suppressed proceduralized covariate, the different composition form of the original
actions and developed new productions when confronted construct could be used as a moderator. For example, with
with novel task demands. We then specify a process com- some adequate theory, the researcher may hypothesize that
position for composing the individual-level construct to the effect of organizational climate level (i.e., the original
the team level. We now could develop hypotheses con- construct) on organizational performance is moderated by
cerning the new construct. For example, we could hypoth- organizational climate strength (i.e., the dispersion form).
esize that team mastery orientation is positively associated Being cognizant of alternative forms of composition mod-
with dynamic team adaptability. els is especially helpful in the exploratory stages of con-
The proposed typology offers the researcher a system- ceptualization, and it reduces the probability of a prema-
atic way to broaden his or her conceptualization of focal ture abandonment of data or a mischaracterization of un-
constructs in a multilevel study, explore alternative inter- explained variance as error.
pretations of initial results, provide more rigorous tests
of hypotheses, or modify theories or develop new ones. Concluding Remarks
Consider the example of the researcher who is attempting
to aggregate lower level units to represent a construct at a Without adequate composition models, researchers
higher level (i.e., adopting a direct consensus composition have no clear statements of and linkages between concep-
model). The researcher finds high within-group agree- tual definitions of constructs and operationalizations. In
ment in some groups but not in others. Without alternative addition, we have no conceptual basis for using data col-
composition models, what should the researcher do? De- lected at one level (e.g., individual) to operationalize a

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