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Horrible history

Scene 1: Jesus is born.
Maria / Kaassie: My precious child, he will change this community. Bring out the good in everyone.
He’s only been here for a minute and I’m already so proud of him!

*The three kings walk on scene*

King 1 / Apple: Aaa, he is beautiful! But of course, not as beautiful as the amazing gift! * Hands gift *

Maria / Kaassie: Oh, you didn’t have to! *Open the gift and shows the gold to the camera*

King 1 / Apple: I have brought gold to symbolise his power.

King 2 / Lenka: Pfff, gold is so untrendy and overused. I promise maria, you will LOVE my gift. *Hands

Maria / Kaassie: *opens gift*

King 2 / Lenka: I brought frankincense, cause as I said it’s so in right now, and is a symbol from God.

King 3 / Demi: Your gifts are AMAZING but of course, I had to outdo myself! *Hands maria gift*

Maria / Kaassie: *opens gift*

King 3 / Demi: I have brought myrrh, as a symbol of death.

King 2 / Lenka: We thank you for letting us come and see Jesus, we wish you luck.

Maria / Kaassie: Of course! Arrive home safely.

Scene 2: The Dinner

Jesus / Vico: thank you for attending this dinner, apostles.
Judas / Apple: no Jesus, thank you for inviting us. * Judas does something like a fake
Peter / Kaassie: This food looks delicious!!
Jesus / Vico: It’s the best I could do! :)
Judas / Apple: *whispers to himself* it could be way better…
John / Lenka: What’s that in your pocket judas? * Looking at the money falling out of judas
his pocket. *
Judas / Apple: * hides the money quickly in his pocket * uh. nothing??
*They eat nomnomnomnom *
John / Lenka: this food was so good!
Peter / Kaassie: I know!! I love the way this fish was cooked!!
Judas / Apple: I liked it to, but I have eaten way better before.
Jesus / Vico: That’s great judas!
*The angel appears*
Angel / Demi: One of the apostles, attending this dinner, has betrayed Jesus.
*Everyone including Jesus gasps*
Peter: was not me!!
John: I would never commit such a sin!
Judas: in your dreams!
Jesus: there must be some mistake, these apostles are dear and truthful to me! They would
never do this. Unless….
*The how bad can I be lorax song begins*
Everyone (without Jesus): How bad could we possibly be? Let’s see!
Peter: how ba-a-a-a-ad can we be?
Judas: We’re just doing what comes naturally!
John: how ba-a-a-ad can we be?
Jesus: they’re just following their destiny.
Judas: how ba-a-a-a-a-d can we be?
Peter: we’re just spreading Christianity.
Scene 3: the crucifixion
Demi/ one of those guys that puts Jesus on the cross: good job boys, we finally found him.
We just need to question his friends.
Peter/ Kaassie: I swear!! I don’t know this Jesus guy!!! I have never seen him in my whole
John/ Lenka: (to the commander) I promise, Jesus is a good guy!! All he does is to help the
Demi/ one of those guys that puts Jesus on the cross: stop with this nonsense! I won’t let
this town buy into this false propaganda.
Judas / Apple: See, I told you commander. This Jesus guy brainwashes people!
Demi/ one of those guys that puts Jesus on the cross: yeah yeah, judas you don’t have to
keep repeating yourself.
Judas / Apple: Well, you could be a lot nicer! Don’t you remember that I’m the one that
helped you find him?
John / lenka: So, it was you judas? How dare you!
Judas / Apple: Nonsense John, if you got offered this much money *shows money* you
would have told on him as well!
*They gasp (without Dam) *
Jesus / Vico: Judas, after all I have done for you! I treated you as a son, and you repay me
like this?
Judas / Apple: Come on, you expect me to believe you can come back from the dead?
Jesus / Vico: YES! You will see judas! And you will be punished.
Demi/ one of those guys that puts Jesus on the cross: *puts something around his mouth*
enough of that, we all know you just want our money.
John / lenka: But it’s all true! Its not fake * Damy drags Lenka out of scene*
Demi/ one of those guys that puts Jesus on the cross: *Comes back and stands in front of
the audience * everyone, take your places! The crucifixion is about to begin!
Maria / Kaassie (she will play two roles cause peter only has one line): *screams*

(We won’t be filming how he gets put on the cross cause it could be hurtful, plus it’s hard to
*Hallelujah starts playing*
Jesus: I am Jesus.
Everyone: he is Jesus
Jesus: I am JesuUuUuUus.
*Intense rapping begins *
Jesus: My name is Jesus, the leader’s son. Mess with me and you get bummed. I got
betrayed, while I should be obeyed.
*Hallelujah starts playing again *
Judas: I am judas.
Everyone: He is judas
Judas: I am judaAaAaaAaAs.
*Intense rapping begins again *
Judas: my names judas, and I was clueless. I betrayed Jesus for the money, it ain’t funny.
Now I’m in hell, it’s not so well.
*Hallelujah again *
Maria: I am maria.
Everyone: she is maria
Maria: I am mariAaAaaAaAaAaAAaAaa.
*Intense rapping again *
Maria: I am Jesus his mother, he ain’t got no brother. He died, man... what a bummer.
*Hallelujah *
Damy and Lenka / the Christians: We love Jesusssss.
Everyone: they love Jesus
Damy and Lenka/ the Christians: we love Jesusssssssssssss.

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