TOUCH Software User Manual Update

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TOUCH software user manual update


1) Follow Me (Optional pulling device)
2) New ASIA datasheet and 4P function
3) Free alignment 3 and 4 points
4) Setting extension
5) NEW MODEL with 16 points
6) Create symmetrical external point and new “TYPED” button
7) Cancel last point
8) OFF function (without the use of the arm)
9) Automatic set up of the date
10) Automatic set up of the Touch screen
11) Self recognition of the points during the alignment
12) Point to repair function in the alignment result screen
13) Sounds on sound board
14) HELP button

1) Follow Me (Optional pulling device)

The Follow Me is a magnetic device mounted at the very end of the Touch arm in any probe. It
allows to fix the Touch arm on the vehicle to check in real time on the screen the reparation of the

- Align the vehicle;
- Measure a point;
- The screen with the differences between theoretical points and measured points pops up;
- Put the Follow me device on the probe;
- Fix the Follow me device to a metal part on the vehicle;
- Click on “Follow the pull” in the differences screen;
- During the repair of the vehicle it will be shown a three-dimensional screen with the
deformation of the point;
- When the point is within tolerance press “EXIT”.
2) New ASIA datasheet and 4P function
In the screen where you choose the vehicle the following new marks have been added:

In all these new marks are available the original data of the Japanese car manufacturer. These data
are available only with demounted mechanic and are converted to create the Touch datasheets.
Selecting one of these models and when you select “MEASURE” in “FILE” screen, the following
box will be shown:

This screen means that when you use an Asian model for the first time only the original data of the
car manufacturer with demounted mechanic are available.
When you select the option you will see the original car manufacturer Touch data for the Asian

With front or rear damage alignment there will be 4 yellow dots indicating on the drawing the 4
alignment points.
To determine the position of the 4 alignment points on the vehicle it’s possible to draw with a line
between the two yellow dots with the mouse and calculate the spatial distance. This distance will be
then used to determine the point’s position on the vehicle.
The Touch software will always show to measure all the points on the datasheet in 3P. This because
with the demounted mechanic all the theoretical points are holes and if you measure a vehicle with
mounted mechanic the 4P function is to calculate the thickness.
To enable the 4P function during the alignment, press the “TYPE” button next to the box and type
in 4. In the following screen is shown how to measure the points:

If the alignment is free then you have to type in the “POINT” box in the upper right side of the
screen which point you want to measure. Remember to add always the sign “-“ for those points in
the left side of the vehicle.
The list of the points available for the Asian datasheet is under “FUNCTIONS” and “VIEW POINT
With the Asian datasheets is possible to memorize points measured by the customer so that they can
be used for future measurements. These points could be memorized with mounted or demounted
If you want to memorize data for demounted mechanic follow the procedure:
- Align the vehicle measuring holes or using the 4P function;
- When the alignment is within tolerance type in the point N. you want to measure;
- Press “TYPE”;
- Type in 1 in the “TYPE” box to enable the function 1P;
- Measure the centre of the bolt of the point you want to memorize.

It will be shown the screen of the differences with the demounted mechanic theoretical points and if
the values on the screen are correct, press “MEMORIZE POINT”:

It’s also possible to indicate if the point to memorize needs to be saved as customer point with
demounted or mounted mechanic, with or without bending (of the engine) and point type:

When you create a new order and you select an Asian vehicle with customer’s points memorized
there will be the possibility to choose among “SPANESI DEMOUNTED MECHANIC”,

The Asian datasheet have also original car manufacturers Underbody and Upper body drawings
where the user can compare with his measurements. In the “MEASURE” screen select
Each drawing could be zoomed with the following buttons:

Anytime is possible to print out the screen:

It’s possible to scroll down all the drawings correlated to the Asian model chose:

In this screen it’s also possible to measure and calculate at the same time the distance between 2
points to compare with the theoretical value gave from the car manufacturer:

It’s possible to change probe type and position:

It’s possible to set the extension:

And it’s possible to change for each measured point the TYPE (1P, 2P, e 3P):

3) Free alignment 3 and 4 points

Selecting any datasheet NOT ASIAN and making a free alignment 3 or 4 points it will be possible
to indicate the order of the points to measure.
4) Setting extension
To use the straight extension:
- select the button “FUNCTIONS”;
- select the button “SETTING EXTENSION”;
- indicate type and position of the probe you need to use;
- press “EXIT”;
- measure any point on the vehicle (a bolt or draw a cross on a piece of tape);
- select the straight extension;
- press “EXIT”;
- Measure the same setting point in three different positions of the Delta axle, rotating more
than 45°.

To use the “C” extension:

- select the button “FUNCTIONS”;
- select the button “SETTING EXTENSION”;
- indicate type and position of the probe you need to use;
- press “EXIT”;
- measure any point on the vehicle (a bolt or draw a cross on a piece of tape);
- select the “C” extension;
- press “EXIT”;
- Measure the same setting point.

5) NEW MODEL with 16 points

The NEW MODEL data has now 16 available points:

It will be possible to put in all the theoretical values of the alignment points or of all the 16 points.
Remember that the points on the left side of the vehicle have negative sign for the “Y” axle.
6) Create symmetrical external point and new “TYPED” button
In the screen “Create new points”, if you memorized on the left side of the vehicle the theoretical
point 51, it will automatically create the symmetrical point 52 going to “CREATE EXTERNAL

Same thing will happen if we will first create point 52 – the software will create the symmetrical
point 51.

The button “TYPED” allows to manually type in the theoretical data of an external point and to
memorize it into the Touch datasheet:

7) Cancel last point

When you want to re-do the measurement of a point during the alignment guided or free, press
“FUNCTION” and “CANCEL LAST POINT” to repeat the measurement of the point.

8) OFF function (without the use of the arm)

If you want to use the software TOUCH without the arm plugged in (for example as a demo) you
have to follow the procedure:
- on the desktop right click on the icon “SPANESI SpA Touch 1.1”;
- select “PROPERTIES”;
- select “BROWSE” and then when you see “….Touch.exe” add a space at the end and then
- Press “OK”.

IMPORTANT NOTE: When this function is enabled the software Touch will not communicate
with the arm and to restore the communication it’s important to cancel “OFF”.

9) Automatic set up of the date

The TOUCH software automatically set up the date format depending on Windows language set up.

10) Automatic set up of the Touch screen

All the Touch software screens will set up automatically depending on the user video settings.

11) Self recognition of the points during the alignment

During the guided or free alignment and after measuring the first point, the software self-recognizes
with a sound the following alignment points.

IMPORTANT NOTE: if you would like to change the point type of an alignment point you have
first to press “Type” next to “Point type”.

12) Point to repair function in the alignment result screen

This function is used when the vehicle is so damaged to not be able to have an alignment within
tolerance and so you want to go ahead with the reparation of the alignment points.
In the “Alignment result” screen 4 buttons will be shown to represent the 4 alignment points, if the
guided or free alignment with 4 points is not within tolerance:

Depending on the differences and on the damage of the vehicle, position the Touch arm with the
follow me device next to the alignment point to repair.
Then select the point to repair.

During the repair, a three dimensional screen will be showing the deformation on the screen.

When the differences on the screen are shown within tolerance, press “EXIT”. You will have to re-
do the alignment because the vehicle during the pulling process could move.

13) Sounds on sound board

In the “SETTINGS” screen the set up of the sound board has been changed. The new buttons are:
- 0 sounds disable;
- 1 sounds enabled for operation systems different from Windows XP;
- 2 sounds enabled.

14) HELP button

In the first screen of the Touch software when it asks for the unblocking code and under “Settings”
a new HELP button has been added for the different PDF files such as:
- Software manual;
- User manual;
- Procedures.

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