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African American Girl

 Sheivon Cameron is a 15-year-old girl, she lives
with her 3 sisters, mum and dad
 Her dad is a real estate agent and is also a part
of the rolling stones. Her mum is a doctor
specialised in nutrition.
 Her house is a decent size and his decent
neighbours. She is the middle child between all
her sisters.
 She goes to church her church is called Fame
youth church.
 She says she must try twice as hard as whites do.
 There are a lot of gangs round about where she
 She Gets judged a lot on the way she dresses
 All her friends on Sunday nights cruise around
in their cars to get female/male attention
 Her Mum’s business burnt down during a riot
 She says her American dream is to live and
work with other races
 She says that more black men are in prison than
in college
 She tells us about how Honnie Washington was
shoot multiple times and is now in a wheelchair
 She Is proud to be an African American

 Megan Van Dusan is a 15-year-old girl who lives
with her mum, dad and brother
 Her dad is an actor, and her mum is retired
 She lives in A big house which has an orchard
and a wine cellar she also has very rich
 She is Scandinavian and is a part of the melting
 She says there is a lot of pressure on her at
school to succeed
 She spends over $100 on a dress. In her spare
time, she likes to read and write about poetry
 She says a lot of people’s rights are being
 All her friends hang out at sunset boulevard
 Her view on the melting pot is that its good and
you should try and succeed and keep to your self
 Her American dream is to be an actor and if
that doesn’t work then her back up is to become
a lawyer

 Miguel Duran is a 16 year old boy who lives

with his mum, uncle and 2 sisters
 He lives in a really rough area with a not so
good house his bedroom is all tagged
 He goes to probation school.
 Miguel is a (Chicano) – born in the USA but
with Mexican parents
 He has been living in Compton for 8 years, His
dad left him when he was 14
 He and his friends find him quite a joker
 A lot of the time gangs are waiting out side his
school for him
 He says police are involved a lot around his area
because of all the drugs and riots going on
 He was apart of looting and was disgraced how
him and his friends were treated by the cops
 He says he looks up to Rodney king because in
1991 Rodney king was beaten up by police
officers for doing nothing
 He get called a wet back because he is trying to
cross the RIO GRANDE
 His mother is 2 weeks behind rent also with that
he is months behind on his work.
 He wants to be a rich white kid so that none can
bully him
 His American dream is not capable to get

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