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Weekly Progress Report

Name of the Student: Eshita Agarwal

Programme: MA Clinical Psychology, Section-E
Semester and Batch: 3rd Semester, Batch 2022-2024
Topic of Term Paper: Summer Internship
Name of the Guide: Dr Pankaj Singh [305697]
S.no Date (Week) Work Undertaken during the Week Remarks Sign of the
1. WEEK 1 Learnt about interviewing skills required for
05/06/2023- diagnosis, management, and intervention. Learnt
11/06/2023 about the purpose, logistics, and phases of a clinical
interview. Also learnt about rapport formation in the
first phase and how to transition between questions
or topics. Discussed about all the elements of history
taking- demographic details, chief complaints, MSE,
HOPI, Negative History, Past history, family history,
personal, sexual, menstrual, marital, substance abuse
history, Pre-Morbid Personality, etc.

Then we learnt deeply about counselling skills- the

elements/skills required during counseling, the
process and the steps of counseling which includes-
relationship building, problem assessment, goal
setting, intervention, evaluation/ termination, etc.
WEEK 2 In this week, we focused on observing clients and
12/06/2023- taking case histories, as well as conducted the Sacks
18/06/2023 Sentence Completion Test and created reports from
2. it. Later, we started in-depth training of Cognitive
Behavioral Therapy like its steps and techniques.

WEEK 3 Took case history of a person with Alcohol Use
19/06/2023- Disorder, also took his MSE and then created a
25/06/2023 psychodiagnostics report for forwarding it to the
psychiatrist. Later we did roleplays with each other
and our supervisor to practice how to conduct first
session. We also started learning other therapy
techniques like DBT and Psychodynamic Therapy.

WEEK 4 This week, the client undertook MISIC tests and later
26/06/2023- diagnosed with Specific Learning Disorder. His IQ
02/07/2023 was 97 but he could not read or write properly. He
was advised to take special education to get back on
track. His mother was also given training and was
asked to visit once a week to learn various tasks.
One more patient came who showed symptoms of
OCD and Bipolar disorder.
WEEK 5 This week we learned about various tools of Clinical
03/07/2023- Assessment and then I conducted the HTP Test and
09/07/2023 asked the child to draw House, Tree, Person and then
interpreted the results.
Later, we learned about Rorschach Inkblot tests and
tried to code the determinants and contents of what
the client said about the cards.
We continued to learn about other various therapy
techniques like Acceptance Commitment Therapy,
and Trauma Grief Therapy

WEEK 6 This week we observed a child with Autism
10/07/2023- Spectrum Disorder. We also undertook calls with
16/07/2023 clients who reported complaints similar to Mood
Disorder, we took case history of a patient having
body image issues and eating disorders such as
anorexia nervosa, bulimia nervosa etc.
Later we learned about Psychological First Aid as
well, and Marital Therapy. We also took case of a
patient with Depressive symptoms and then we
created a tentative management plan for her using
CBT and Existential therapy and planned to call her
parents for 1-2 sessions and Mindfulness therapy.

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