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“Ms. Brady, WHAT should I study for the Intro to Biology (Unit 1) Test?

You should be able to... Corresponding Corresponding Activities to Study Textbook
Reference Pages
Notes to Study
1. Identify and describe the steps of the scientific The Scientific Process - Lego Lab pgs. 6-9
method. - Termite Lab

2. Identify qualitative and quantitative data. The Scientific Process - Termite Lab pg. 6

3. Identify independent and dependent variables. The Scientific Process - Identifying Variables Practice (in notes pg. 7
and warmups)
- Identifying Variables Incredibles Practice
- Termite Lab

4. Identify lab control vs. experimental groups. The Scientific Process - Identifying Variables Practice (in notes pg. 7
and warmups)
- Identifying Variables Incredibles Practice
- Termite Lab

5. Compare and contrast a hypothesis and a scientific The Scientific Process - pg. 6-9

6. Explain the 7 properties of all life. Characteristics of Life - Living, Nonliving, or Dead Game pg. 2

7. Describe biological organization from atom to Levels of Organization - Levels or Organization Graphic pgs. 4-5
biosphere (note there are 13 levels) Organizer

You can also access the youtube playlist for this unit from this link :)
“Ms. Brady, what key vocabulary should I know for the test?”
Below is a list of key vocabulary you should be familiar with.
● Biology ● Evolution ● Organ
● Biosphere ● Experimental group ● Organ System
● Cell ● Homeostasis ● Organelle
● Control group ● Hypothesis ● Organism
● Community ● Independent variable ● Population
● Dependent variable ● Molecule ● Qualitative data
● Ecosystem ● Multicellular ● Quantitative data
● Scientific Method ● Tissue
● Theory ● Unicellular

“Ms. Brady, HOW should I study?”

Here are some suggestions. Highlighted items designate application-based study strategies, focus your efforts on these! They have been
scientifically proven to be more effective than the “stare at your notes and hope you remember stuff” study method!
● Looking over your notes is a great place to start but should NOT be the only thing you do.
● Look over your Unit 1 Learning Targets and Vocab sheet (in Google Classroom) to review each learning objective for the unit.
○ Treat it like an informal written (free response) test question and write out the answer to each “explain” and “describe” the
objective as completely as possible.Try without your notes first! This will give you a good idea of areas you need to review!).
● Watch videos from Youtube playlist to help with content you are struggling to understand.
● Make flashcards if you are struggling with key vocabulary. ACTUALLY MAKE THEM!!! DON’T JUST GO ON QUIZLET AND FIND
ONE. Making the cards is part of studying and will benefit you!!
○ Extension: Speak the terms and definitions OUT LOUD while you study!
○ Additional ways to use flashcards:
■ Organize the “Biological Organization” cards in order from largest to smallest and speak the definitions out loud.
■ Use flashcards to play “Heads Up” with a study buddy.
■ Pull two flashcards out at random, explain how the relate to one another
■ Pull a flashcard out, describe an example of it
● Review previous labs and activities.
● There are sample quiz questions on page 18 (multiple-choice, and short answer questions). The following question #s are great for
practice: 2, 3, 4, 6, 8 and 16. You’ll find a link to the answers in Appendix 4, page A-4 at the end of the text.
○ Doing the Chapter Review practice questions only will NOT be sufficient to prepare yourself for the quiz. You need to review
ALL content covered in this unit. Some, NOT ALL, of the content is covered in the chapter review.

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