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Learning from Mistakes

There was a student named James, who had always been shy, and at his first
Italian class at the new school, he was a bit nervous about it. The teacher, Mrs.
Johnson, was kind and encouraging. She started the class with a fun ice breaking
Each student had to stand up and share something about themselves in
Italian. James had been feeling his legs trembling for a while before his turn came.
He managed to introduce himself, and even when making a few mistakes, he felt the
warmth of his classmates' support while he was talking.
The class continued with vocabulary games and simple dialogue practice.
Mrs. Johnson always encouraged the students to take risks and learn from their
mistakes. Because of that, James realized he used to be afraid of making mistakes
while learning a new language, but it was no longer necessary now.
At the end of the class, Mrs. Johnson gave each student a star sticker as a
reward for their efforts. James left the class with a smile on his face, excited to keep
learning and improving his Italian. He learned that the Italian class wasn't just about
getting things right, but about communicating and having fun while learning.

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