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Greek Creation Story

In the beginning, there was nothing but an empty space. The Greeks called
it Chaos.

The First Order

Chaos gave birth to Erebus (darkness) and Nyx (night).
Erebus and Nyx gave birth to Hemera (day) and
Aether (light). Chaos created two more entities: Gaia
and Tartarus. Gaia was earth and Tartarus was the
place beneath the earth. From Gaia appeared Pontus
(sea) and Ouranos (sky).

The Second Order

Gaia married her son Ouranos. Back then, it was normal
for members of the same family to marry each other as
there was no one else to marry. Gaia and Ouranos had three sets of children: three
Cyclopes, three Hecatonchires and twelve Titans.

The Cyclopes were giants with one eye on their forehead. The Hecatonchires were
terrible creatures with a hundred arms and fifty heads. Their incredible strength
and ferocity surpassed that of all the Titans. It’s said that when the Cyclopes and
the Hecatonchires were born, Ouranos, shocked by their hideous appearance, buried
them deep in the earth.

The Titans were six males and six females who didn’t share the monstrous appearance
of their siblings.

The Defeat of Ouranos

Ouranos was a cruel father. Gaia could never
forget what he had done to their children: the
Cyclopes and the Hecatonchires. So, she came
up with a plan. Together with her Titan son,
Kronos, who hated and envied his father, they
set a trap.

Kronos wounded Ouranos, punishing him for

his cruel behaviour. Ouranos cursed Kronos
with the words: “May your children destroy
you as you destroyed me.” Kronos buried his
father deep in the earth and became the ruler
of the world.

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Greek Creation Story
He then married his sister Rhea and they The Return of Zeus
had six children. Kronos, remembering Zeus grew up and learnt to hate his
his father’s curse, was afraid of his father for all the bad things he had
children. So, every time Rhea gave birth done. One day, he went to the place
to a child, he swallowed it. where Kronos and Rhea lived, dressed
First, Hestia was born. Kronos swallowed like a servant. He poured a magic potion
her. Then Hades, Demeter, Poseidon into Kronos’ drink that made him spit
and Hera. They all had the same fate. out his five children when he drank it.
However, Rhea didn’t want to lose her Hestia, Hades, Demeter, Poseidon and
sixth child too. So, she walked all the way Hera recognised Zeus as their leader.
to Crete and gave birth to Zeus. As she Together, they would overthrow Kronos
didn’t want Kronos to suspect anything, and the Titans.
she let Zeus be raised by the nymphs of
the island and the she-goat Amalthea.
Did You Know...?
She then returned to Kronos, wrapped
a stone in clothes and gave it to him in
Hades doesn’t belong to the
place of their child. Kronos swallowed
Dodekatheon because he is the ruler
the stone, sure that it was their
of the Underworld.
sixth child. Kronos’ children didn’t call themselves

The Titanomachy The Olympians

A terrible ten-year war came next A new era began with Zeus
where the six gods fought against the as the ruler. Zeus, Hera,
Titans. The Titans were very strong Hestia, Hades, Poseidon and
but the gods had the Cyclopes and Demeter were the first gods,
the Hecatonchires on their side. The but soon more followed.
war was so ferocious that it caused Aphrodite, Ares, Hephaestus,
the ground to crack, islands to form Apollo, Artemis, Hermes and
and continents to move and reshape. Athena followed. They called
When everyone believed that the themselves the Olympians
Titans would win, the Hecatonchires because they lived on Mount
threw boulders over them, forcing Olympus.
them to retreat and run away. Zeus
exiled them.

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Greek Creation Story

The Creation of Humans

Zeus was happy living among his fellow gods and
ruling the world but he felt that something was
missing. He wanted to have someone to protect, teach
and to live happily in the world the gods had created.
So, he had an idea.

With the help of his beloved friend Prometheus, he

created the first humans out of clay. Zeus conceived
the plan, Prometheus created their bodies and Athena
brought them to life, giving them her wisdom and
sense. Zeus named them ‘Anthropos’, a word that is
still used in Greece today meaning ‘human’.

Hecatonchires: the name of the forests, lakes or the sea
mythical creatures with a hundred
arms and fifty heads. ‘Hecatonchires’ exiled: when a person is banned
means ‘a hundred arms’ in Greek. from his native country

hideous: extremely ugly Dodekatheon: the Twelve Gods

of Olympus were called the
nymphs: young female mythical Dodekatheon because they were
creatures that lived near mountains, twelve. ‘Dodekatheon’ means ‘twelve
gods’ in Greek.

conceive: form a plan or idea in the


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